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    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Mar 2007

    Default Bleach Reborn OOC 3: Discussion

    There was discussion of a reboot for the BleachITP-verse. A new beginning, more structured and with an overall lower power level. Similar deal to Ultimate Marvel.

    This thread is for discussing that, to keep it out of the main thread.

    Important stuff so far:

    First Discussion Thread
    Disccusion Thread 2

    Character Registry

    Originally Posted by Zarah
    We need a clearly directed plot in order to keep things trucking along without getting stalled, and I had a thought of a way to help accomplish that. Basically, we come up with some central themes for this game. This isn't a revolutionary idea, and some people were already doing just that in the previous game, but I'm saying we all come up with and agree on two or three major themes for this story. Ones that will continue to appear again and again across many of the plotlines throughout the entire game. It'll help direct the plot and could potentially give some good ideas for other characters. Not to mention, it'll give much more of a satisfying payoff in the end once the themes are fully realized.

    Whatever they are, they should be fairly general, so they can be adapted to as many of the plots that we have going. Of course, we can expand to include as many motifs and themes as we want in our own stories, but if we have a set of continuous themes to draw from, then it'll really help make things much more connected. Even more coherent.

    Obviously, the one I'm gunning for with Kujo is "Law vs. Chaos," and Bleach in of itself has tons of themes we can pick from. "Inner Conflict" is a big one, for example. But hey, I'm open to other suggestions. Any thoughts?
    Originally Posted by KnightDisciple
    I think "Law vs. Chaos" is good.

    I'd like to play off of strawberryman's suggested faction, as well as off of what we've seen in our current game, and suggest something dealing with the question: How far do you go to accomplish something? Do you do evil in the name of a greater good? (Sorry. I couldn't help myself.) Or do you make sure to never compromise your principles, large and small, no matter the cost?

    Not sure how to compress that into a pithy phrase, but there we go.
    Originally Posted by KnightDisciple
    The following came about in a discussion about the nature of various Shinigami and Arrancar hybrids and such.

    The Hougyoku is a substance used to perfect the hybridization of hollow and shinigami. It might have been created, or not. If it has, the creators were most likely vanquished by the powers of the Seireitei and Las Noches, who then sealed the thing off into some forsaken spot of some forsaken demiplane, with only the Ghost King and the Commander General being aware of its location. Both factions had problems with mad or power-hungry Artificial Arrancar and Stable Vizards, deciding that it better to forget the thing.

    Shinigami Hybrids:

    Unstable Vizard
    An unstable vizard is a shinigami who, through some sort of accident or other means, has gained minor hollow powers.
    An unstable vizard has access to a personal hollow mask, but does not have any unique powers and his hollowfication never progresses sufficiently to make a resurreccion or segunda etapa possible, and the unstable vizard gains access only to cero and garganta.
    Becoming an Unstable Vizard is dangerous and hardly ever intentional, as the name implies, most accidents that would result in an unstable vizard result in a dead shinigami or a hollow, instead. Unstable Vizards must fight off their inner hollow and hollowifcation fully, to prevent the being from overcoming them utterly, but this is a fight that never truly ends.

    Stable Vizard
    A stable vizard has been created through use of the hougyoku. They do not have to fight off the hollowfication or an inner hollow, which is melded into their person completely.
    A stable vizard has access to all hollow powers (cero, bala, sonido, garganta and hierro), and their masks might grant them a unique power, they also have the power to achieve resurreccion and even segunda etapa.


    Hollow Hybrids

    Natural Arrancar
    Natural arrancar are hollows who arrancarised themselves, or with the help of other hollows who know how to speed up the process. The arrancar gains an arrancar zanpakutou, which has no spirit, and is merely most of the arrancar's unique powers sealed into sword shape.
    Natural arrancar have access to resurreccion and may develop segunda etapa. But do not have access to shinigami abilities.

    Artificial Arrancar
    Artificial arrancar are created through the Hougyoku. They have the potential to sunder off one of the souls that forms their colective and form it into a second zanpakutou capable of granting shikai and even bankai. Artificial arrancar have the potential to learn shinigami techniques such as Hoho, Kido and Hakuda.


    Mortal/Hollow Hybrids

    Living Vizard
    A Living Vizard is a mortal with a hollow mask, the mask comes with an innate, unique power, and when on, it gives the normal boosts and hollow abilities. Living Vizards can, eventualy, achieve resurreccion. A vizard mask cannot ever be lost, and if broken it can be resummoned almost instantly.

    Living Arrancar
    A living arrancar gains an arrancar zanpakuto (no spirit), hollow abilities (sonido, cero, hierro, bala) and the power of resurreccion. Resurreccion relies on the zanpakuto, which, unlike the vizard mask, can be broken (in which case it needs awhile to regrow).

    A hollowing is a mortal who gains the power to turn some body part into a hollow-like version with greater strenght, speed and resilience. The powers in this hollowlike limb can be bolstered through training, but only up to a limit. As this limit is reached the hollowing must, in order to increase her powers, absorb hollow reishi, either form the atmosphere of hueco mundo or through the cannibalization of hollows, which allows even more of the Hollowing's body to turn into hollow-like parts.
    The powers of the hollowing come at a risk, for, when enough of the hollowing's body becomes hollowlike, he risks becoming trapped into the monstrous shape.

    Shinigami/ Mortal Hybrids:

    Substitute Shinigami
    This should be pretty basic and obvious.

    Living Shinigami
    Living shinigami are mortals with access to a shinigami zanpakutou while still in their mortal bodies.


    Originally Posted by Zarah
    Also, I'm reposting my Central 46 idea, since it got lost two OOC threads ago, and it's far more relevant here. So once again:
    Anyway, we've been going on about all of this and that in the Bleach universe, but I came to the realization that we completely forgot about a little group of people hiding away in Soul Society: The Central 46. Probably because in both canon and our game, they've done next to nothing other than... Well, die. However, I felt that if we were going to go with a new setting, why not actually make them practical?

    Here's what I suggest: We nominate three or four trusted players to act as the Central 46. Any of these people can post as the entire body, and essentially act as an administrative organization both in and out of character. You might think that doesn't make sense, but in actuality, the duties would cross-over a lot more than you might imagine. For example, say a player wants his character to be promoted to a captain at some point in the RPG. The Central 46 would be the ones who analyze the situation and make a decision, but they'd have to look closely at both the character and the player to see if they're ready for the responsibilities. As another example, imagine that a group of rogue Shinigami appear in the mortal world and start causing trouble. The 46 would decide whether or not Soul Society goes to war with them, and thus whether or not any of the more powerful characters get involved in the plot. Think of them like a set of unofficial moderators for the RPG, who keep things in check both ICly and OOCly.

    I think it could also add a whole new layer of role-playing opportunities. Let's say a group of low-powered academy students are training in the mortal world when one classmate decides to do something reckless and ends up getting them into dire straits. They make it back to Soul Society alive and in one piece, but now they have to answer to the Central 46 and explain their actions. Having actual players behind the council instead of just mindless NPCs (or corpses) makes it a bit of a nagging threat in the back of people's minds, and could even indirectly prevent players from going overboard. Since I know that if I were sitting on the council, I would not be a gracious host.

    EDIT: I forgot to mention. I wanted to do something with the central 46 that wasn't "kill them all," and this seems like a pretty practical application of them.
    Originally Posted by Shades of Gray + Frozen_Feet
    Gotei divisions and their tasks:
    1) Administrative.
    2) Ninjas.
    3) Execution?
    4) Healing+Hospitality.
    5) Messengers.
    6) Reinforcements.
    7) Logistics.
    8) Tactical planning
    9) Recon.
    10) Internal Police.
    11) Fight.
    12) Science.
    13) Patrol.

    Hollow, Arrancar and Las Noches

    Originally Posted by Draken
    Now, on to other matters, we need to decide how a few things work. For instance, the menos fusion. When first someone asked what happened to the souls that form a menos, we decided, back then, to have it so that they remain separate (which means when the menos is destroyed all souls are released). But I think it is best if (save exceptions) we have it so that they all permanently fuse.

    This has two benefits:

    1. It adds a depth of moral doubt to the destruction of an arrancar. They aren't mindless monsters like hollows, they can be argued with, and destroying them won't fre thousands of innocent souls. Just erase their memories.

    2. It creates a good "soul number check". We assume that, along with the reincarnations, new souls are, indeed, created. But then... There are only means to increase the number of souls in place. None to reduce them (save awful, vile acts and stuff). The menos "singularity of souls" would be a decent means of keeping the soul population under control.
    Originally Posted by Draken
    On Las Noches, I was thinking of this organization:

    The King of Hollows: The King of Hollows, duh.
    The Espada: Captain/Nobility Equivalents.
    Fraccion: The liutenants, officers and close persons to the Espada.
    Numeros: The soldiers of Las Noches.
    Rest: The rest.

    I perceive Las Noches as a city in Hueco Mundo, a city governed by arrancar and open to shinigami, mortal and hollow alike. A city where all beneath the artificial sun is under scrutiny of the law enforcement of the city, but where the shady alleys are hive to scum of the worst sort, criminals, traitors, traficants. A place where the Commander General and the Big Bad can look face to face and not be expected to try to kill each other on the risk of losing free access to this (mostly) safe haven.

    The idea here isn't that arrancar and hollows are friendly.

    The idea is that one vasto lorde decided to open his domain to other spiritual beings. Mainly because rational menos actually have very little reason to fight shinigami except spite, this is because your average menos won't ever leave Hueco Mundo unless goaded out by some other force. Menos have no interest in plus or living souls, they eat other hollows.
    Originally Posted by Draken View Post
    1. I will be assigning the Espada, most likely.

    2. I will also, probably, not keep the numbers strongly tied to the power of each character.

    3. The Ghost King will not be the primera.

    4. My main arrancar character (King's gonna stay in the background) will be the Queen of Hollows, and she will not be an espada either. I will keep those positions for other players.
    Originally Posted by Frozen_Feet View Post
    About Aspects of Death: it's established that once a Hollow has destroyed things that were dear to it, they wander into Hueco Muendo and seek out other Hollows to ease their pain / to forget about their lives. I propose they instinctively seek out others who died in the same way, and thus their suffering condenses into their Aspect. Arrancars gain power when the ascended personality realizes this and works around / with it.


    Okay, I think I now have enough to bring this for discussion.

    The Fae
    The State of the Afterlife of the British Isles
    Britain’s afterlife is stable – just. Long periods of internal strife between the psychopomps of Britain, known to themselves as the mac Lir or fab Llŷr, and to others as the Fae, left ample time for Hollows to develop and grow. Now, Britain faces a deep-rooted infestation of well-hidden Menos, but the Houses of the British Isles are united in their desire to rid the islands of these threats.

    Annwn – the Afterlife
    The British afterlife is called Annwn, a place that reflects the most untouched corners of the British Isles in its geography. The four courts of monarchs are located in a roughly central location within a few hours journey of each other by normal walking speed. Passage between Annwn and the mortal world is achieved by passing through thick banks of mist that function as the Fae equivalent of Senkaimon. The mac Lir make use of ravens, rather than butterflies, to guide them through the misty realm between Annwn and the mortal world.

    The Organisation of the Fae
    The British Isles are ruled by four monarchs – one each for Ireland, Scotland, England and Wales. Each of these monarchs governs passage of souls into Annwn in the country they are tied to. They each possess three Houses under their command, each ruled by a Tiarna or Pennaeth, individuals equal to the captains of Soul Society. A Tiarna or Pennaeth is directly supported by their Dara or Ail, equivalents to the Japanese Vice-Captains. The rest of the House is made up of thirteen mionn cheangal or lw rhwymo, equivalents to seated officers, plus any other Fae who are members of the House but deemed unworthy of the distinction of the upper ranks. The specialisations of each House vary depending on the current Tiarna or Pennaeth, but it is very rare for their not to be at least one House dedicated to combat in each country at any given time. The ranks of the Houses are held for life, unless the bearer of a rank forfeits it. A House member is usually given a title and land in Annwn upon forfeiting a rank. These titles are hereditary, and their bearers and their family often become the British equivalent of the Noble Houses of Soul Society.

    Every year, a randomly selected twenty members of each House are chosen to leave Annwn and go out into the mortal world and deal with Hollows as they see fit. Fae on such leave from their House are known as Fianna, and are exempt from all laws of their lords until the end of their sojourn and return to Annwn.

    Each monarch also rules a small Royal House. Tiarna or Pennaeth who truly distinguish themselves are promoted to this rank to serve as the monarch’s guardians and personal champions.

    Alongside the House structure exists the Aois-dŕna, a loose affiliation of bards and druids that serve as advisors to the lords of the Houses, historians, genealogists, legal specialists, and experts in Ealaín, the British form of kido.

    Capabilities of the Fae
    All abilities the Fae possess are mirrors of the abilities of shinigami. They can walk on air like their Japanese counterparts, and focus their training on Scileanna Laochra (Zanjutsu), Ystwythder (Hoho), Gan a Arm (Hakudo) and Ealaín (Kido).

    A Note on Language
    Whilst most of the terminology for the Fae is based on Celtic languages, some, particularly the specifics and names of Ealaín, were brought to Britain from elsewhere. These use Ancient Sumerian.

    In addition, every Fae possesses a Treoir Anam, their equivalent of a zanpakutou. These possess the potential for a Rhyddhau (shikai) and a Nerthol Rhyddhau (bankai) as a zanpakutou does. The only notable difference between a Treoir Anam and a zanpakutou is that the former are quite likely to take a shape other than a sword even when sealed, spears and axes in particular being quite common, and no small number of Aois-dŕna druids possessing sickles.

    The mystic arts of Britain function identically to kido, the spells of a given path and number function the same as their foreign counterpart.

    Silakus: “Way of Destruction”
    1, Taka (Push)
    4, Sagir (Pale Lightning Flash): Balor! Unlid the third eye that graces your brow, and let forth the spite of clouds!
    11, Nuhuš Gír (Tamed Lightning)
    31, Urinti (Blood Arrow): Balor! Unlid the third eye that graces your brow, and let forth the tide of chaos!
    33, Nissati (Blue Arrow): Balor! Unlid the third eye that graces your brow, and let the west crash forth!
    54, Su-luh Izi (Cleansing Flames): Balor! Unlid the third eye that graces your brow, and empower me to remove impurity from your sight!
    58, Imiuru (Windstorm)
    63, Anurimiriu (Threefold Storm Roar)
    73, Erim Nissati (Host of Blue Arrows): Balor! Unlid the third eye that graces your brow, drown out the sun, and call forth the sundering west winds!
    88, Aralimiriutil (Apocalyptic Threefold Netherworld Storm)
    90, Gitil (Black Ending)
    96, Ašgir Mŕnu (Single Sword Immolation)

    Girserusu: “Path of Shielding Arts”
    1, Šaga (Captive)
    4, Sigulul (Golden Chain)
    8, Tamšen (Reflecting Mirror)
    9, Eda (Paralysis): Balor! Lid your third eye, call up the hounds of Annwn, and grace us with the living death!
    21, Urinimi (Blood Cloud)
    26, Zah Bu (Hiding Light): Balor! Lid your third eye, turn your gaze away, and put the sun in their eyes!
    30, Ešhu Ulul (Three-Bird Restraint)
    37, Ulgu (Star Net)
    39, Senbu (Shielding Light): Balor! Lid your third eye, turn your gaze to me, and guard me with thine wrath!
    58, Igisar Lasar (Seeing the World, Knowing All): Balor! Lid your third eye, extend your sight forth, whisper in my ear, and let me see thine sight! The sun and moon are my eyes, the trembling ground my ear!
    61, Asni E-kurbu (Six-Body Prison of Light): Balor! Lid your third eye, gift the sun unto to me, and let its halo trap them!
    62, Űšukur (Hundred Spear Fence)
    63, Gisigulul (Locking Golden Chain)
    73, Išibalsig (Rotated Mountain Wall)
    75, Aš Barzilba-an (Five Adamant Pillars)
    77, Kadigir (Mouth of the Gods): Balor! Lid your third eye, and gift me with your voice! The clouds are as my mouth, and the skies are as my lungs!
    81, Barů-la (Splitting Nothingness)

    Unlike shinigami, the Fae bear an additional restraint upon their power: geasa (sing. geis). These are taboos for the Fae in question that they must not commit, or lose access to spiritual power or suffer some other misfortune. Anyone can bring a geasa on a Fae, though the Fae in question must willingly accept it. Treoir Anam spirits often require their wielder to agree to a geis before granting Rhyddhau or Nerthol Rhyddhau. They also pay a part in Fae society, geasa often being included in oaths to one’s lord or in marriage vows.


    Originally Posted by Innis Cabal View Post
    As far as the plot is concerned. Here is my contribution, or at least, hopefully. The Samsara plot, and reasoning for their dark activity.

    As much as I personally loathe the name of our new city, I figured it could be incorporated into the plot. With a little brain storming with Callos, and a look at the set up of the new game, I’ve noticed there are –a lot- of spiritually aware children. This led to me thinking –why- that might be the case. Its not a normal occurrence. So, here me out.

    Phoenix Town () is a center of reincarnation, both out going and inbound to the spiritual world. This inundates the area with spirit particles, thus leading to the relatively high number of the spiritually aware. The Samsara’s main plot in the first game, and the carry over here, is to rebalance the passage of souls, destroying the Valley of Screams, and removing the Blanks from the Cycle of Reincarnation. Thus fixing the balance of the spiritual world. To do this, their plot is to flood the city with Blanks, and over time detonate them once a certain number of highly aware mortal souls are collected. This puts them in direct conflict with the mortal characters for several reasons.

    1. The humans –are- those souls, thus making them prime targets for the Samsara to go after.
    2. This will blow up the city, killing off the whole area. That’s bad for those living inside the city, with family and friends. Making this a plot that –all- mortal characters can get involved in early on.

    Well, that’s my idea for the Samsara plot. Innis tested, Callos Approved. Now, to the playground, think it’ll work?
    Originally Posted by Innis Cabal View Post
    The Samsara

    Leadership: “The Boss”
    Second in Command: Go Nagi
    Mortal World Relations:

    Primary Grunt Force: Blanks (Augmented Blanks)
    Physical Location: The Valley of Screams

    Overview: The Cycle of Reincarnation is not a simple or perfect thing. Souls traveling between the worlds sometimes fragment, their memories fading into some unknown location, the soul falling into a realm that should never exist. These are the blanks, souls without memories, lost forever from the Cycle of Reincarnation, unable to return for they cannot remember how. It is unknown how, but when a number of these memory less shells accumulate, a separate realm, the Valley of Screams, is created to house them. This real, lies between Soul Society and the Mortal World. But the memories of these creatures are not destroyed or lost forever. The swirling mass of memories and experience’s coalesces into an object known as the Memory Rosary, the accumulation of all memories lost between Reincarnation and the journey there in.

    The Samsara

    The Samsara are akin to Arrancar in that they are an artificial creation, Blanks granted the copies of memories from the Rosary itself. The likeness between themselves, Shimigami, and Arrancar end at this small analogy, not truly meant to exist the Samsara are the thinking force behind the Valley of Screams, the heralds of those cast out by an imperfect system.

    Standard Powers of the Samsara
    Blank Manipulation: Every member of the Samsara is capable of utilizing Blanks for various purposes. They may duplicate Kido (if their memories contain such information), create weapons or simple items, duplicate flashstep or sonido (again based purely on their memories), or fly. Samsara may also heal with the power of the Blanks, capable of restoring even lost limbs if given proper time and concentration.

    Individual Powers

    The powers of a Samsara depends entirely on his or her memories, granting each a highly individualized level of capabilities and powers.

    What this is, is a simple dolling up of what seems to be the first Villian team of the Reborn game. We're looking for member's currently. So, if anyone's interested, roll a character up and lets see where it goes


    Originally Posted by strawberryman View Post
    ...Okay, well, I assume because there was little reaction it would help if I actually explained what the faction I was planning is.

    It's more or less like the Men In Black... It's a multi-national secret organization that deploys agents to clean up after the various mishaps that Soul Reapers can't. As such, the various Soul Reaper organizations usually leave them well enough alone.

    ...That's their cover op, though. What they are really trying to do is make Mortals able to fend for themselves, and be self-sufficient on the matters of the spiritual. Which meshed pretty well with Ran's goal during the last cycle... but, that's an aside. They track and recruit various spiritual humans: Quincies (in fact that may possibly be a large base of their agents), Living Vizards, various anomalies, just plain spiritually aware humans, or maybe even Bount.

    ...As for why they may be considered villainous or antagonistic to the Enclave is their willingness to do literally anything to achieve their ends; assassinations, theft... etc. And it's likely that the various runes they possess will be like their Holy Grail. For reasons I don't feel like fully explaining, I would like to keep some secrets.
    Originally Posted by Zarah View Post
    Well, I was under the assumption that Phoenix Town was going to be another spiritual hot spot, which explains why so many mortals are developing their own powers. Of course, the introduction of outside forces will help as a catalyst, but it's mostly just the fact of where the people live more than anything. The same abundance of spiritual power in the city would also explain why there might be various factions vying for power in the region even from the beginning.

    Also, about the idea of the cold war turning hot, I like that plan. I like it a lot. It fits perfectly with Kujo's intentions, and is more or less what I was planning to work toward anyway, so I'm giving it a hearty thumbs up.
    Originally Posted by Innis Cabal View Post
    Well, here is what I was thinking for the over all "History". Its diluted yes, and I'll extraploate more on it when I can sit down and really pound it out.

    The Quincy Bloodlines, as they were, are connected to the ancient Ninja Clans of the Sengoku Jidai, now far removed and interbred with the general populace of Japan, the Quincy themselves would retain lasting familial alliances, hatreds and pacts with other blood lines

    Translators: Word Reference is a pretty good one for English to Spanish. Just don't translate phrases with it.
    Last edited by Innis Cabal; 2010-04-21 at 12:23 AM.
    My Current Works

    Quote Originally Posted by Serpentine View Post
    Also I'm pretty sure you're GLaDoS now.

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    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Bleach Reborn OOC 3: Discussion

    Probably ought to add link to the 2nd Thread up there.
    BitPRR Characters: Entries Masaru, Chuck, Thomas, Turiel, and Masamune

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    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Bleach Reborn OOC 3: Discussion

    Don't forget to add my vote tally on page 49, for the Central 46.



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    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Bleach Reborn OOC 3: Discussion

    Quote Originally Posted by Draken View Post
    I am now calling the closure of our Votation for the illustrious governing body of the Seireitei. The Central 46.

    {table]Name|Number of Votes
    Callos deTerran|19
    Frozen Feet|10
    Knight Disciple|3[/table]

    This is the final tally. The three bolded names will be our councilors, if we go with only 3 members. The two italic names will also be added if we go with 5 members. And Knight is there for us to point and laugh that he was so far behind in the voting.

    Then again he did mention he would decline once or twice.

    Well. I will point and laugh anyway.

    *points and laughs*

    My Current Works

    Quote Originally Posted by Serpentine View Post
    Also I'm pretty sure you're GLaDoS now.

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    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Bleach Reborn OOC 3: Discussion

    Still in the creation proccess. Working out some personality issues. :D

    Would the following abilities be okay for a self-aligned Arrancar, preferably starting in the world of the living (maybe connected to one of the evil groups):


    Zanpakto: Algo se vacia (Something Empty)

    Paseo una milla, Algo se vacia! (Walk a Mile, Something Empty!)

    Algo’s Resurreccion is different from most in that he decides what he looks like when he uses it. In fact, this is the power of the ability. Once chosen, the form cannot be changed unless he repeats the release. Algo can remain in this state almost indefinitely, but at the moment sealing his blade is very difficult and Algo cannot change his chosen form without moving to a different state. Although perhaps the true point of the ability is a spiritual disguise. If Algo restricts** himself he can disguise his spiritual presence and abilities as those of another kind of entity. For example, his balas could take the form of wind and his presence could be that of a spiritually aware human (with weird wind powers). As long as he stays within the power limit his true nature cannot be discerned. The most powerful detection techniques will only reveal something is off, not what that something is. Abilities that are specific to hollows ignore Algo while his power is hidden.

    **Roughly cuts all of his abilities in half except for his reitsu (which is cut by 2/3s). If he fired a full powered Cero, for instance, it would unmistakably be a Cero. At 2/3ds power it could look like a wind spear or a kido blast.

    Segunda Etapa:

    Vista Hace, Algo se vacia! (Seeing is doing, Something Empty!)
    In this form Algo appears to… well, imagine a doppelganger from D&D. Add two eyes that are grey-yellow in color. Add a pac-man style lipless, toothy mouth that can only be seen while open – one that is far too long for his head. Make him about 6.5ft tall, thin and ghastly. His blades look more like long swords and his clothing is whatever he chooses it to be.

    When Algo enters this form he chooses one ability he has seen in action but never used before as a “base ability”. Whenever an ability is used in his presence (while in this form) he can choose to replace his current base ability with the new one. Base abilities do not carry over from previous uses, and Algo cannot choose to regain an ability he has replaced unless that ability is used again in his presence.

    Also, whenever Algo gains a base ability he can rearrange his current skills. If he leaves this form his skills return to normal. For example, he could swap his speed with his strength. This ability is rather nonsensical, but it somehow works. Algo is currently trying to find a way to use this ability without entering this form.

    Comments: Algo’s ultimate ability depends on his opponents, and in fact he tries to push people to reach higher limits so that he might someday use their power as his own. I do intend to have this at start, as there is unlikely to be any reason for him to gain it down the line and I don't like pulling the power-up-via-plot technique. I much prefer a dramatically apporpriate revelation, as would Algo himself. Gaining this skill is what convinced Algo to enter the world of the living for the first time, and is what prompted him to take a bigger risk. Algo would be more interested in learning new skills he can use while disguised and prefers variaty to raw power.

    Basic Stats

    Where does everyone get those chart things from?

    Strength: 30 (15 hidden)
    Algo is not very strong.

    Defense: 40 (20 Hidden)
    Algo likes learning defensive moves, but has little combat experience.

    Speed: 60 (30 Hidden)
    Algo is fairly fast.

    Reiatsu: 90 (30 Hidden)
    Algo didn’t achieve Segunda Etapa without effort, and has spent most
    Of his life mastering the use of his spiritual energy.

    Intelligence: ??
    Algo is fairly smart and quite cunning.
    This ‘ability’ is one that Algo would never switch.

    General Abilities:

    Bala: Algo is loves to use Balas. His Balas are not unusually strong, nor can he fire and unusually large number of them. However, he can fire them from any part of his body capable of making a thrusting motion. His balas are also capable of slightly curving and even being different shape (rings, solid spheres, needles etc).

    Cero: Algo’s Cero is very slow and thin but above average in strength. He fires it from his foot although he can fire a weaker one from his hand (but not both at once). He can perform purely physical actions while charging a Cero without losing it.

    Hierro: Algo’s Hierro is weaker than average, but this is not because he has not focused on it. Algo’s Hierro spins, making him very hard to grab and helps him dodge attacks. It can even slightly bend a Cero, but only if it was going to singe him. It doesn’t do much at all for physical strikes.

    Sonido: Algo is quite good at using sonido but is not yet capable of leaving images. He would very much like to gain such things!

    Garganta: He is capable of garganta. His Garganta are unusually small, take a long time to create, and are hard to notice from a distance. Algo himself basically has to crawl through them.

    Pesquisa: Algo’s pesquisa is one of his favorite techniques. It initially starts out with a short radius of about 30ft, but it increases with meditation. Algo maxes out at about two hours, which is about 5 miles and gives basic data on what kind of creatures are in the distance and if their energy is “weak”, “medium”, “strong”, or “holy crap”. He close-range (30ft) detection is much more accurate.

    Regeneration: Very poor during battle. Algo can use meditation to greatly increase his regeneration, but this takes minutes.
    Last edited by Magikeeper; 2010-04-21 at 12:32 AM.

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    Default Re: Bleach Reborn OOC 3: Discussion

    Quote Originally Posted by horngeek View Post
    Exactly- that's the reason I didn't take that course with, say, Haruka's Bijuu- because I live in Australia. You guys are in, mostly, a completely different timezone from me.
    I'd actually like to point out that the reason you stated for not taking that course was that you didn't like being in full control of your character's actions.
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    Default Re: Bleach Reborn OOC 3: Discussion

    Two things.

    One, if you plan to start in the world of the living, then it is best to not have that segunda etapa at start. Also, his reiatsu is way high.

    Another, I strongly recommend aligning arrancar characters with Las Noches unless you have specific, plotty plans to follow that require being a "Wild" as I like to refer. Because being a Wild Hollow means you have no structure to fall back on, alone in the world with only violence to be met from most any other character that finds out who he is.

    Specialy arrancar from Las Noches, I would presume.



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    Default Re: Bleach Reborn OOC 3: Discussion

    About the votes: Maybe the first decision of Central 3 should be whether they infact are Central 5?

    About Vizards: I actually considered two-player arrangement for both Sato Hachirou (not a Vizard, but still) and Hannibal, but abandoned it because of logistical issues. If someone really wants to play Jin or Orcus, give me a poke.

    However, it should be considered that every Shinigami has a second personality already: their zanpakuto spirit. If we demand every potential character who wants a mask to have a second player control their Hollow, shouldn't we also demand similar arrangement from everyone who wants to develop shikai / bankai, if only for the time of the acquisition process?

    @Magikeeper: if you really want your Arrancar to be wild, what about teaming him up with Soshi Koan? Otherwise, he'll be alone and risks
    • Being eaten by Elder
    • Having his memory flayed by Wasureru
    • Being slashed to ribbons by Shinigami
    • Being turned to a pin cushion by Quincy
    • Being trapped, mind-raped, obliterated or otherwise pestered by Las Noches

    Really, it'd be a sad existence. You could also team him up with Kujo, our resident Big Bad.
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    Default Re: Bleach Reborn OOC 3: Discussion

    Quote Originally Posted by Frozen_Feet View Post
    About the votes: Maybe the first decision of Central 3 should be whether they infact are Central 5?

    About Vizards: I actually considered two-player arrangement for both Sato Hachirou (not a Vizard, but still) and Hannibal, but abandoned it because of logistical issues. If someone really wants to play Jin or Orcus, give me a poke.

    However, it should be considered that every Shinigami has a second personality already: their zanpakuto spirit. If we demand every potential character who wants a mask to have a second player control their Hollow, shouldn't we also demand similar arrangement from everyone who wants to develop shikai / bankai, if only for the time of the acquisition process?

    @Magikeeper: if you really want your Arrancar to be wild, what about teaming him up with Soshi Koan? Otherwise, he'll be alone and risks
    • Being eaten by Elder
    • Having his memory flayed by Wasureru
    • Being slashed to ribbons by Shinigami
    • Being turned to a pin cushion by Quincy
    • Being trapped, mind-raped, obliterated or otherwise pestered by Las Noches

    Really, it'd be a sad existence. You could also team him up with Kujo, our resident Big Bad.
    Except the Zanpaktou spirit actually WANTS to help you, even if your not on the best of terms, and their motives are often pretty in line with your own.

    A Inner Hollow wants to kill your Z Pak spirit, and take over your body, your Z Pak is the only thing between you, and complete possession unless your like Ichigo, and even then it still happens.
    Last edited by Fan; 2010-04-21 at 06:31 AM.

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    Default Re: Bleach Reborn OOC 3: Discussion

    Quote Originally Posted by Fan View Post
    Except the Zanpaktou spirit actually WANTS to help you, even if your not on the best of terms, and their motives are often pretty in line with your on.
    Not always the case. Zangetsu, for example, is/was quite a ****. He flat out said to Ichigo that if he'd fall back, Zangetsu wouldn't have his back. Achieving Shikai is contingent on having the acceptance of the sword spirit; achieving Bankai, as far as I can remember, requires beating the manifestation of your sword spirit in single combat, much like subjugating an Inner Hollow does.

    And if we take the fillers into consideration, then there's always Muramasa.

    Besides, we aren't limited to canon in this matter anyway. Both the old RP and this one have examples of Zanpakutou spirits who disrespect their owners or are otherwise troublesome.
    Last edited by Frozen_Feet; 2010-04-21 at 06:34 AM.
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    Default Re: Bleach Reborn OOC 3: Discussion

    Quote Originally Posted by Frozen_Feet View Post
    Not always the case. Zangetsu, for example, is/was quite a ****. He flat out said to Ichigo that if he'd fall back, Zangetsu wouldn't have his back. Achieving Shikai is contingent on having the acceptance of the sword spirit; achieving Bankai, as far as I can remember, requires beating the manifestation of your sword spirit in single combat, much like subjugating an Inner Hollow does.

    And if we take the fillers into consideration, then there's always Muramasa.

    Besides, we aren't limited to canon in this matter anyway. Both the old RP and this one have examples of Zanpakutou spirits who disrespect their owners or are otherwise troublesome.
    That's funny considering what he does in... every fight leading up to the Byakuya fight.. which is help Ichigo, and in the Zanpaktou arc.

    Also, Muramasa WAS trying to help his master...

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    Arguments about canon aside, my point is: If we say one kind of power up requires special justification and rules, why not all of them?

    The idea of double players for Vizards is based on the idea that such arrangement will prevent Hollowfication from being a cheap power-up, essentially forcing greater character interaction and depth. But same reasoning can be applied to every Shinigami, because achieving Shikai and Bankai are also contingent on another spirit within accepting the main soul's sovereignty.
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    I was thinking about Kujo. Which is one of the reasons Algo is unusually strong. Koan might also work, but they are both shapeshifters so I thought running into each other during the story might be more interesting. Although two shape shifters might be better than one.

    Quote Originally Posted by Draken View Post
    Two things.

    One, if you plan to start in the world of the living, then it is best to not have that segunda etapa at start. Also, his reiatsu is way high.

    Another, I strongly recommend aligning arrancar characters with Las Noches unless you have specific, plotty plans to follow that require being a "Wild" as I like to refer. Because being a Wild Hollow means you have no structure to fall back on, alone in the world with only violence to be met from most any other character that finds out who he is.

    Specialy arrancar from Las Noches, I would presume.

    Algo intends to be masquerading as a spiritually aware human by using his Resurrección at all times. I only gave him the second release because I didn’t see any way from him to gain one over the course of the story – he would be repressing his power pretty much at all times. He is well aware of how dangerous it is to be running around the world of the living (although he has no specific connection to the other hollows – he’s just been a hermit). I guess the constant suppression and Resurrección use could explain him acquiring the ability later on, but I dislike it when characters suddenly know how to use new abilities without training and I just don’t see how he could train an ability that totally blows his cover. Might as well put a beacon on him. That's the only issue, I don't actually need or desire to have the ability at start if I can come up with a good idea as to how I could gain it later.

    The high reiatsu is their for a number of reasons:
    > A reason for him to ever blow his disguise, or at least feel conflicted about maintaining it in a dangerous situation.
    Last edited by Magikeeper; 2010-04-21 at 07:52 AM.

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    The difference here is that a zanpakutou spirit can be somewhat antagonical. But an inner hollow is a bastard who wants to devour your mind and take over your body.

    A zanpakutou is a mostly different character who may or may not have matching goals. An inner hollow has a very specific goal of being nasty to you so it can be nasty to the rest of the world after you go down.

    This, obviously, applies as the general rule.

    That said, I agree with strawberryman that while this should be recommended, it should by no means be enforced.


    Edit: Magi, and this applies to all newcomers.

    Don't - I repeat. DON'T - balance your characters against the following characters:

    - Kujo.
    - Tsukada Ryouichi.
    - Erscheinung Von Geister.

    And on that matter, don't balance them against Captains or Espada either. These characters will not be seeing action any time soon. This game will focus at first on the lower echelons of the power scale, such as the mortals. But those three, in particular, are slightly above the standards.
    Last edited by Draken; 2010-04-21 at 08:01 AM.



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    Default Re: Bleach Reborn OOC 3: Discussion

    Then I repeat my suggestion that it's also recommended people find other players for their sword spirit when / if achieving Bankai on-screen.

    @Magikeeper: One thing: your character can change his shape and reiatsu, but I don't think that would make him visible to non-aware mortals. To do that, I say he should either be possessing people or using a gigai, which would also double as a power limiter of his own. I'd say you can drop those from the explicit powers of your character, and make his Segunda Etapa powers part of his initial resurreccion.
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    Magikeeper, what does the guy look like? I had a similar concept whose Hollow mask took the shape of the person he turned into.

    Algo is loves to use Balas. His Balas are not unusually strong, nor can he fire and unusually large number of them. However, he can fire them from any part of his body capable of making a thrusting motion.

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    Default Re: Bleach Reborn OOC 3: Discussion

    Quote Originally Posted by Prime32 View Post
    Heh, this guy reminds of Zettai Karen Children's Masuo Ōkama.

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    Default Re: Bleach Reborn OOC 3: Discussion

    Quote Originally Posted by CMOTDibbler View Post
    *:a coatl is a type of winged, feathered serpent in DnD. The best picture I can find is this.
    They're based on Quetzlcoautl, who appeared in various forms in Native American cultures.
    Last edited by Prime32; 2010-04-21 at 09:06 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Prime32 View Post
    They're based on Quetzlcoautl, who appeared in various forms in Native American cultures.
    Oh, I know, but the pictures of Coatl's I've seen is what I picture as Untaidake, and the closest I could find to that was the magic card I provided. But yes, Higure's zanpakuto spirit is based on a Native American God.
    Last edited by CMOTDibbler; 2010-04-21 at 09:23 AM.
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    Default Re: Bleach Reborn OOC 3: Discussion

    Quote Originally Posted by CMOTDibbler View Post
    Oh, I know, but the pictures of Coatl's I've seen is what I picture as Untaidake, and the closest I could find to that was the magic card I provided. But yes, Higure's zanpakuto spirit is based on a Native American God.
    Well, given that Hollows are Mexican and Native American gods often demand sacrifices...

    I think in the last RP ol' Quetzl was explicitly a Vasto Lorde.
    Last edited by Prime32; 2010-04-21 at 09:26 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Frozen_Feet View Post
    @Magikeeper: One thing: your character can change his shape and reiatsu, but I don't think that would make him visible to non-aware mortals. To do that, I say he should either be possessing people or using a gigai, which would also double as a power limiter of his own. I'd say you can drop those from the explicit powers of your character, and make his Segunda Etapa powers part of his initial resurreccion.
    Gigai: *facepalm* - I totally forgot about that. That was the initial reason why he was less powerful while changed…

    I think the suggestion quoted was to replace the resurreccion with the Segunda Etapa?

    I should note that Algo’s power disguises what rather than who. Perhaps I should have his release simply look kinda like himself with slight changes, which was really what I was going for. He can look like two different-ish humans, but I didn’t intened for him to be impersonating specific people.

    I probably should have waited until I finished typing out the rest of Algo before asking about the abilities... as the resurreccion in particular is a big part of who he is. Heck, his name isn't even Algo. He named himself after his blade as he actually had to remember that one. He is 'something', after all.

    As soon as I have two hours to string together I'll type out his personality, motives, and such. I think that would help determing things.

    On power level, I guess his abilities could simply start out really weak and get stronger when he gets SE... kinda makes sure he can't go solo without certain death by like, everyone. But thats okay. Gives him more incentive to align himself with people.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Frozen_Feet View Post
    Then I repeat my suggestion that it's also recommended people find other players for their sword spirit when / if achieving Bankai on-screen.
    I also agree with this, for the same reasons that I suggested that Vizard characters should find someone else to play their Inner Hollow. In the subjugation phase of power, the opponent actively wants to prevent you from subjugating it. I think that it's much easier to write that sort of story with two people than one. Conflict between you and yourself is sorta boring to write, and it's sorta boring to read.
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    Default Re: Bleach Reborn OOC 3: Discussion

    Quote Originally Posted by Magikeeper View Post
    On power level, I guess his abilities could simply start out really weak and get stronger when he gets SE... kinda makes sure he can't go solo without certain death by like, everyone. But thats okay. Gives him more incentive to align himself with people.
    The vast majority of his opponents will be fairly weak as well, remember. Unseated Shinigami, inexperienced Quincies, and Spiritually aware humans.

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    Default Re: Bleach Reborn OOC 3: Discussion

    Quote Originally Posted by Prime32 View Post
    Well, given that Hollows are Mexican and Native American gods often demand sacrifices...

    I think in the last RP ol' Quetzl was explicitly a Vasto Lorde.
    That's true... Well, the character isn't evil, just has a coatl as a zanpakuto spirit.
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    Default Re: Bleach Reborn OOC 3: Discussion

    Quote Originally Posted by Prime32 View Post
    ...Uhh, whats with the stormtrooper man? I want to know. No, I Need To Know. NO! I MUST KNOOOOWWWW!!!

    Nevermind, I just found out.
    Last edited by The Librarian; 2010-04-21 at 11:32 AM.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Prime32 View Post
    To take that one step further:
    Last edited by nothingclever; 2010-04-21 at 11:37 AM.

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    Default Re: Bleach Reborn OOC 3: Discussion

    Quote Originally Posted by Frozen_Feet View Post
    @Magikeeper: One thing: your character can change his shape and reiatsu, but I don't think that would make him visible to non-aware mortals. To do that, I say he should either be possessing people or using a gigai, which would also double as a power limiter of his own. I'd say you can drop those from the explicit powers of your character, and make his Segunda Etapa powers part of his initial resurreccion.
    This seems to be a major difference between Soshi Koan and Magi's character. Soshi Koan can in fact, somehow, appear to non-aware mortals.

    @Magi-The offer Frozen made for your character to join Soshi isn't a bad one, and I extend it personally. I think it'd make for quite the interesting side for the Arrancar's appart from Las Noches.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Serpentine View Post
    Also I'm pretty sure you're GLaDoS now.

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    *sigh* And here I thought I'd promised myself I wouldn't make any more characters. Granted, I'm not really making a new one aside from the power set...

    ((Before people get too worried, yeah, I'm getting rid of her teleportation abilities. I'm also going with a more positive approach to her backstory.))

    Viatrix Klossner, Owner of Furousha Shop
    Type: Bount

    Age: 122

    Height: 4'11"

    Weight: 108

    Reiatsu/Speaking Color: Navy

    Viatrix, in many respects, looks like a typical teenage girl; thanks to her existence as a Bount, her physical aging has more or less ceased. Her hair is long and black, usually covering a fair part of her fair-skinned face. Her eyes border somewhere between brown and red at times.
    While Vi isn't amazingly strong, her body is kept in perpetual good shape from the girl's activity. She's fairly thin, her assets somewhere on the scale of average.
    On Vi's migration to Phoenix Town, she's taken to wearing the local high-school uniform, despite not going there herself.

    Viatrix is a fairly complex machine when it comes to emotions. At times, she may come across as initially abrasive to people who aren't customers in her store. However, she always treats people she can milk for money or services with respect.
    Of course, Vi also has a fairly severe temper, so crossing her usually carries the risk of gaining her ire, which is a terrifying situation to be in for most people.

    Viatrix has been traveling for as long as she's been able to walk. During her travels, she's taken backseat to many Mortal and Spiritual events. In this time, she's found a knack in collecting and creating new wares for her business. Little is known about the time she had growing up, as she prefers to tend to business before conversing with people.

    Doll: Schwerkraftfuchs (Gravity Fox)
    Schwerkraftfuchs takes the form of an umbrella outside of release.

    When released, Schwerkraftfuchs takes the form of a metallic gray fox. As most Bount dolls, it has supernatural strength and swiftness as compared to normal beings. However, its true purpose is the ability to finely manipulate the "personal gravity", or more appropriately the mass of any person or object it's touching. While the objects or people themselves are never directly hurt by the manipulation of weight, they are under the mercy of the surroundings. Increasing weight gradually slows people down, and may make them prone to crushing through terrain if they're too heavy. Decreasing weight gradually makes the person quicker of foot, however, strung gusts of wind hold the risk of blowing them away. The changes last for as long as Schwerkraftfuchs is touching the foe, and for around 30 seconds after the fact.

    Viatrix has developed a unique style of fighting with her dolls' abilities. Given that Schwerkraftfuchs can manipulate her weight by staying on her back, the girl has focused her martial skill on hand-to-hand prowess. Instead of focusing on physical strength, she instead has Schwerkraftfuchs increase her weight at the moment of impact of one of her punches or kicks, to increase the damage it deals; and decrease her weight to increase the efficiency of her dodges.

    Battle Stats:
    Physical Strength: 30 (While definitely above the human threshold, Viatrix isn't particularly strong for a spiritual being.)
    Offense: 60 (In addition to selling wares over nearly a century, Viatrix has honed her offensive skill through many types of martial arts.)
    Defense: 30 (Viatrix is mostly offensive-minded, but she does keep up a decent defense through her skill.)
    Mobility: 50 (Particularly while using her dolls' abilities, Vi is fairly mobile, always moving unless she's rearing up for a strike.)
    Intelligence: 60 (When conventional methods don't work, Vi can usually come up with an alternative method to fight a foe.)
    Kido/Reiatsu: 0 (Viatrix has no kido to speak of, and as a Bount her reiatsu is naturally undetectable by normal means. (?))

    Furousha Shop:
    Viatrix has several types of spiritual wares in her store, not just useful for Shinigami, but anyone who's spiritually aware.

    • Gigai: Viatrix has a wide selection of gigai types for her shinigami customers.
    • Soul Candy: As above.
    • Modsouls: As above, however their illegal (?) nature makes Vi less likely to do up-front dealings with them.
    • Hollow Trackers: Vi always keeps these in stock, as they tend to be useful even to non-shinigami.
    • Reiatsu Concealment Cloaks: A valuable type of item, Viatrix occasionally brings these cloaks out for show.
    • Kido Scrolls: (Non-Canon) Obtained from shinigami contacts, these scrolls duplicate the effects of kido for those spiritually aware who can't use kido themselves.
    • Garganta Service: Mostly to keep the shinigami off of her back for consuming souls, Viatrix has at some point bargained for the secret of creating artificial Garganta. The reishi from the garganta realm gives Vi enough sustenance so she doesn't need to subside on Souls. However, she's willing to bargain for travel through the Garganta to most places, so it's a viable "ware".
    • More pending...

    We should probably figure out now whether Bount reiatsu is detectable or not. In the last game it was assumed as much, even if they were undetectable in the source canon.
    Last edited by strawberryman; 2010-04-21 at 11:17 PM.
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    I say bount get the ability to conceal their reiatsu completely when they wish, except from specialized detectors.

    Like a compromise.



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    Default Re: Bleach Reborn OOC 3: Discussion

    Quote Originally Posted by strawberryman View Post
    Where's the pic from?

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