Snips, Snails, and Dragon Tales: Now available in PDF format from Gumroad
Snips, Snails, and Dragon Tales is now on sale in PDF format from Gumroad - with 6 never-before-collected bonus comics!
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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default [3.5] A few new Vestige

    Here are a few vestige I've made some time ago but never post, I'm posting them mostly so my player have acces to them if they play a binder.
    But I would love to hear any comment you may have on them.

    Denam, the pleading companion
    Level: 2nd
    Binding DC:18
    Legend: Denam was a mediocre druid. He was also very unlucky even though he possessed a very strong connection with nature and the animal kingdom in particular. When his education as a druid was finished he was charged by his order to protect a small grove and the plain surrounding it. Like all druid an animal arrived to become his companion. In Denam's case, that animal was a badger. Denam like him a lot but sadly the badger had an accident where he was killed by a fallen log. Denam determinedly continued his work and shortly after another animal joined him. This time the companion was a small viper. But once again the animal died, this time by being eaten by a great owl. It was only the start of a very sad pattern where each time a new animal would come and each time they would die in some way. Denam did all he could but the animal would always die and a new one would come; this was slowly driving him insane. Finally, deseperate to end this vicious cycle Denam took his own life. He found himself in front of his god, Obad-Hai. The god decreed that Denam was not worthy a entering his domain and so would be reincarnated as an animal in order to give him another chance. Denam in his deranged mind was seeing that as a recompense for which he wasn’t worthy and tried to escape. This desesperate act perturbe the reincarnation and sent his soul careening into the ether where he became a Vestige.
    Special requirement: Must have at least 3 rank in handle animal.
    Manifestation: At first, nothing seem to happen but then suddenly a random animal appears in the seal and immediately begin changing into another random animal once finished the process begin again and continues to do so all through the binding process. Denam speak through the mouth of the animal with a pleading but clear voice despite the change, he always repeat the same phrase “Please don’t let them die, Please don’t let them die”. At the end of the binding the animal change shape one last time into the form you choose and steps out of the seal.
    Sign: A transparent and immaterial cord made of hair extend form your head and rely you to the head of your animal companion. The cord can’t in anyway be interact with.
    Influences: While under Denam influence you must try to do your utmost to heal any injured animal you encounter.

    Granted abilities:

    Animal companion: You gain an animal companion as the druid ability of the same name, except that your effective druid level is equal to your effective binder level. The animal is taken from the following list badger, camel, dire rat, dog, riding dog, eagle, hawk, horse (ligh or heavy), owl, pony, snake (small or medium viper), wolf, crocodile, porpoise, medium shark or squid. You must pick your animal companion form each time you bind Denam. The animal immediately appear by your side once the binding is complete. The animal can travel up too 100ft away from you if go past this limit he immediately reappear by your side. The animal is normal for his kind (appart from the bonus gain from your effective druid level), but he appear slightly transparent. If you wish the animal appear with a saddle. If the animal is killed he disappear and won’t reappear until you once again bind this vestige. When for any reason the binding with this vestige end the animal disappear, the most common reason being because it has been more than 24 hour since you bind it or because you use the expel vestige feat.

    Grant vestige: As a standard action, you can temporarely grant the benefit of any one vestige you are currently bound to except Denam to your animal companion. You lose all the benefit from the vestige including sign and influence and the animal companion gain them, though he might no be able to use them if they necessite hand, the ability to talk, etc... This last for a number of round equal to your effective binder level. Once you have use this ability, you cannot do so again for 5 round.

    Animal empathy: You gain a +8 competence bonus to handle animal and ride check.

    Animal tongue: You can speak with animal as if you had cast speak with animal as the spell (caster level equal your effective binder level). Once you have use this ability, you cannot do so again for 5 round.


    Salgen, The Dimension lord
    Level: 7th
    Binding DC: 34
    Legend: Nothing is know about the being called Salgen, we only use that name because it’s a possible interpretation of the symbol use in his seal.
    Special requirement: You mustn’t draw the seal only trace it with your finger on the ground or even in the air.
    Manifestation: The inexistante seal sudendly flash into existence before fading once again, you cannot see anything but you can sense a presence before you. The being never react to anything you say but eventually the presence fade and you are filled with power.
    Sign: Your neck, your arms from the shoulder to the wrist and your legs from the waist to the ankles become invisible any clothing use too cover these part also disappear. You suffer no penality from this all magical item linked to these body part still functionne normaly.
    Influences: None, Salgen is the only know vestige that never seem to influence the binder.

    Granted abilities:

    Dimension step: At will as a standard action you can activate Dimension step for a number of round equal to your effective binder level. Dimension step prodive two benefit
    First as long as Dimension step is activate when you want to change position, be it a charge, move action, 5ft step or other mundane mean, you are immediately target by a dimension-door effect as the spell expect that you can take action normaly afterward.
    This mean that you don’t provoque attack of opportunity for moving out of threatened square and that you can ignore the effect of difficult terrain.
    If use to charge ( or similar action) you still gain the benefit and penality as normal.
    Second as a move action you can use a dimension door effect to move a maximum distance equal to your speed in any direction including in the air or underwater.
    Once the duration of Dimension step has end you must wait 5 round to use it again. You cannot us this ability if you do not show Salgen sign.

    Dimension bending: You can use greater invisibility as the spell (caster level equal your effective binder level). Once you have use this ability, you cannot do so again for 5 round. You cannot us this ability if you do not show Salgen sign.

    Dimension rewriting: You can use Dismissal as the spell (caster level equal your effective binder level). Once you have use this ability, you cannot do so again for 5 round. You cannot us this ability if you do not show Salgen sign.

    Dimension call: As a swift action you can teleport into your hand, any object that you could handle with only one hand, on your person (including extradimensional space like bag of holding or portable hole) or no more than 5 feet away. Alternatively you can also as a swift action send one object in your hand in a pocket, bag or other container on your person. You cannot us this ability if you do not show Salgen sign.


    Zord, The first emissary
    Level: 4th
    Binding DC: 22
    Legend: Zord was the first warforged ever create is origine is shroud in mystery but his end is what interest us. During his life and in particular before his death he create a lot of body like is own but they stubbornly remain unmoving when he died his god primus offer him to sacrifice his soul to give life to all the other. Zord accepted and the warforged species was borned. Primus, not wanting to completely destroy is first emissary, send what was left of his mind in the ether and here Zord become a Vestige. Ironically shortly after that Primus himself would become one too. Note: This story only work in setting where warforged are not manmade
    Special requirement: None
    Manifestation: A perfect looking warforged appear in the middle of seal lying on the floor unmowing.
    A voice from nowhere ask. “Do you wish to become perfection too ?”
    Sign: Your skin gain a metalic reflect.
    Influences: Anytime you have a moment to yourself you want to craft random object from anything you can find around you.

    Granted abilities:

    Forged trait:
    You gain the living construct subtype even if your not a construct with all associate trait and quality as follow:
    -Immunity to poison, sleep effect, paralysis, disease, nausea, fatigue, exhaustion, effects that cause the sickened condition and energy drain.
    -You cannot heal damage naturally
    -You are affect by spell that target construct in addition of those targeting living creature. Spell from the healing subscholl have only half their effect on you.
    -You do not need to eat, breath or sleep.

    Forged attack: You gain a natural weapon in the form of a slam attack dealing damage depending on your size.
    Fine 1, Diminutive 1, Tiny 1d2, Small 1d3, Medium 1d4, Large 1d6, Huge 1d8, Gargantuan 2d6, Colossal 3d6
    If you already have a natural slam attack you are considered one size category larger for the purpose of determining damage.

    Forged art: You gain a + 6 insigth bonus for Craft(Scuplting) and Craft(Metalworking) check. In addition when using Craft(Scuplting) or Craft(Metalworking) you take only half the time normaly need to finnish the product. This only applie to nonmagical object, although they can be enchanted normally afterward.

    Forged summoning: You can use summon monster I as the spell but only to summon humanoid shape medium or smaller animated object. Your caster level is equal to your effective binder level for this purpose. Once you have use this ability you must wait 5 round to use it again.


    Quarte, The Elemental fusion
    Level: 8th
    Binding DC: 35
    Legend: Quarte was create long ago by a powerfull wizard by fusing four different elementale that he summoned and bind to his services. The wizard, wich named was lost to time, died during the process. Quarte was insane from the start his mind a jumble of different opinion and perspective, he began destroying everything in his path. He was destroyed by a group of heros but being from four different plane he couldn’t return to them and was sent into the ether.
    Special requirement: After drawing the seal you must add a smale candle on the left, a bowl of water on the right, a small pile of soil on the botom and if you are in an environement devoid of air a flask with air inside at the top.
    Manifestation: A pilar of each element apear from the four element provide and fuse into one in the middle of the circle. A vaguely human head seem to form in the middle and wait for you to speak.
    Sign: Depending on your choice of element four different sign can manifest:
    -Air: You are always surrounded by a small breeze that make your hair and clothes move slightly.
    -Earth: When not moving your feet appeared as if being a part of the ground.
    -Fire: The palm of your hand become fiery red and slightly hot to the touch.
    -Water: Your image apear to distord slightly as if you where underwater.
    Influences: Under Quarte influence you are always afflicted by conflicting though, second guessing yourself and changing opinion frequently. In addition you are forbiden from attacking expect in self-defense any creature with the Air, Earth, Fire or Water subtype if you have choosen one of those element when binding Quarte.

    Granted abilities:

    Air or Earth: When bindind Quarte choose either Air or Earth. You gain the following ability depending on your choice:

    Air Mastery (Ex): Airborne creatures take a –1 penalty on attack and damage roll against you.

    Whirlwind (Su): You can transform into a whirlwind once every 10 minutes and remain in that form for up to 1 round for a number of round equal to half your effective binder level round down. In this form, you can move through the air or along a surface at your fly speed.
    The whirlwind is 5 feet wide at the base, up to 30 feet wide at the top, and up to 60 feet tall, depending on your binder level (see below for details). You controls the exact height, but it must be at least 10 feet.
    Your movement while in whirlwind form does not provoke attacks of opportunity, even if you enter the space another creature occupies. Another creature might be caught in the whirlwind if it touches or enters the whirlwind, or if you move into or through the creature’s space.
    Creatures of a size category depending on your effective binder level might take damage when caught in the whirlwind (see below for details) and may be lifted into the air. An affected creature must succeed on a Reflex save when it comes into contact with the whirlwind or take the indicated damage. It must also succeed on a second Reflex save or be picked up bodily and held suspended in the powerful winds, automatically taking the indicated damage each round. A creature that can fly is allowed a Reflex save each round to escape the whirwind. The creature still takes damage but can leave if the save is successful. The DC for the saves against the whirlwind’s effects is equal to 10+1/2 your effective binder level+ Cha modifier
    Creatures trapped in the whirlwind cannot move except to go where you carrie them or to escape the whirlwind.
    Creatures caught in the whirlwind can otherwise act normally, but must succeed on a Concentration check (DC 15 + spell level) to cast a spell. Creatures caught in the whirlwind take a –4 penalty to Dexterity and a –2 penalty on attacks roll. You can have only as many creatures trapped inside the whirlwind at one time as will fit inside the whirlwind’s volume.
    You can eject any carried creatures whenever you wishes, depositing them wherever the whirlwind happens to be.
    If the whirlwind’s base touches the ground, it creates a swirling cloud of debris. This cloud is centered on you and has a diameter equal to half the whirlwind’s height. The cloud obscures all vision, including darkvision, beyond 5 feet. Creatures 5 feet away have concealement, while those farther away have total concealement.
    Those caught in the cloud must succeed on a Concentration check (DC 15 + spell level) to cast a spell.
    In whirlwind form you cannot attacks and does not threaten the area around you.

    {table=head]EBL|Damage|Size category|Height

    Earth Mastery (Ex): You gains a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls if both you and your foe are touching the ground. If an opponent is airborne or waterborne, you takes a –1 penalty on attack and damages roll.

    Push (Ex): You can start a bull rush maneuver without provoking an attack of opportunity. The combat modifiers given in Earth Mastery, above, also apply to your opposed Strenght checks.

    Earth Glide (Ex): You can glide through stone, dirt, or almost any other sort of earth except metal as easily as a fish swims through water. Your burrowing leaves behind no tunnel or hole, nor does it create any ripple or other signs of your presence. A move earth spell cast on an area containing you while your burrowing flings you back 30 feet, stunning you for 1 round unless it succeeds on a DC 15 Fortitude save.

    Fire or Water: When bindind Quarte choose either Fire or Water. You gain the following ability depending on your choice:

    Burn (Ex): Your melee attack deals normal damage plus fire damage(see below for details). Those hit by your melee attack also must succeed on a Reflex or catch on fire. The flame burns for 1d4 rounds. The save DC os equal to 10+1/2 your effective binder level+ Cha modifier. A burning creature can take a move action to put out the flame.

    Fiery Aura (Ex): As a standard action you can activate your Fiery aura for a number of round equal to your binder level. Anyone within 20 feet of you must succeed on a Fortitude save (DC equal to 10+1/2 your effective binder level+ Cha modifier) or take 1d6 points of fire damage per round from the intense heat. Once you have use this ability, you cannot do so again for 5 round

    Water Mastery (Ex): You gains a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls if both you and your foe are touching Water. If an opponent is airborne or touching the ground, you takes a –1 penalty on attack and damages roll.

    Drench (Ex): Your touch puts out torches, campfires, exposed lanterns, and other open flames of nonmagical origin if these are of Large size or smaller. You can dispel magical fire you touches as dispel magic (caster level equals your effective binder level).

    Vortex (Su): You can transform into a whirlpool once every 10 minutes, provided you are underwaterand, and remain in that form for up to 1 round for a number of round equal to half your effective binder level round down. In this form, you can move through the water or along the bottom at your swim speed.
    The vortex is 5 feet wide at the base, up to 30 feet wide at the top, and up to 60 feet tall, depending on your binder level (see below for details). You controls the exact height, but it must be at least 10 feet.
    Your movement while in whirlpool form does not provoke attacks of opportunity, even if you enter the space another creature occupies. Another creature might be caught in the whirlwind if it touches or enters the vortex, or if you move into or through the creature’s space.
    Creatures of a size categorie depending on your effective binder level might take damage when caught in the vortex (see below for details) and may be swept up by it. An affected creature must succeed on a Reflex save when it comes into contact with the vortex or take the indicated damage. It must also succeed on a second Reflex save or be picked up bodily and held suspended held suspended in the powerful currents, automatically taking the indicated damage each round. An affected creature is allowed a Reflex save each round to escape the vortex. The creature still takes damage, but can leave if the save is successful. The DC for saves against the vortex effects is equal to 10+1/2 your effective binder level+ Cha modifier
    Creatures trapped in the vortex cannot move except to go where you carrie them or to escape the vortex.
    Creatures caught in the vortex can otherwise act normally, but must succeed on a Concentration check (DC 15 + spell level) to cast a spell. Creatures caught in the vortex take a –4 penalty to Dexterity and a –2 penalty on attacks roll. You can have only as many creatures trapped inside the vortex at one time as will fit inside the whirlwind’s volume.
    You can eject any carried creatures whenever you wishes, depositing them wherever the vortex happens to be.
    If the vortex’s base touches the ground, it creates a swirling cloud of debris. This cloud is centered on you and has a diameter equal to half the vortex’s height. The cloud obscures all vision, including darkvision, beyond 5 feet. Creatures 5 feet away have concealement, while those farther away have total concealement.
    Those caught in the cloud must succeed on a Concentration check (DC 15 + spell level) to cast a spell.
    In vortex form you cannot attacks and does not threaten the area around you.

    {table=head]EBL|Damage|Size category|Height

    Elemental movement: Depending on your element choice you gain either:
    Air: A fly speed equal to your base land speed with Good maneuvrability.
    Earth: A climb speed equal to your base land speed.
    Fire: Your base land speed increase by 30ft this stack with any other speed bonus.
    Water: A swim speed equal to your base land speed and you can breathe water as easily as air.

    Special: You can bind Quatre twice in that case you gain all four element ability and movement speed, but it’s automaticaly a poor pact. If you do so you also gain the following ability:

    Elemental mastery (Ex): You gain a +1 to attacks and damage roll if you and your foe are in contact with the same element (your both on the ground, airborne or underwater) This replace the other type of mastery given by the other element.

    Elemental immunity (Ex): You take no damage from any source with the Air, Earth, Fire or Water descriptor.


    Ladut, The small giant
    Level: 3th
    Binding DC: 20
    Legend: Ladut was the result of the collaboration between Rakshasa and Doppleganger. They want to create the ultimate shapeshifter. Ladut was the result, looking like a pure white hairless humanoid tiger. How he was create is a mystery, simple crossbreeding or more sinister mean ? In any case it was rapidly discovered that Ladut only shapechanging ability was changing size. While it can be really useful, it wasn't at all what the two group want and the experiement end here.
    Ladut was simply abandonned by his uncarring creator. Unsure on what do to with himself and feeling reject he chose to try to augment his shapechanging power in the hope of regaining favor with his creator.
    The story following that is confusing, mentionning deal with Devil or Demon, Lycanthropy, arcane and divine study of all kind and travel to all corner of the world.
    No matter it end in a faillure, Ladut never manage to gain a more complete shapechanging ability. He died a little while later. How he come to be vestige is unclear but it matter little he his one now, granting his sizechanging ability to all who ask.
    Special requirement: None
    Manifestation: Once the seal is complete a weird creature appear inside a hairless pure white humanoid tiger. While you negociate he began changing size randomly suddently as tall as a giant or smaller than a halfling all the while he is talking with you as if nothing happening. At the end of your talk he is once again normal size, bow to you and disapear.
    Sign: You appear smaller to people who don’t like you or are indifferent and taller to people who like you.
    Influence: You have a great respect for any creature proving his ability to change shape and are compeled to ask them how they've done it.

    Granted ability:

    Adaptable size: You can cast Enlarge person or Reduce person as spell-like ability with the following difference, the target become you, range personal and it work even if you’re not an humanoid. Once you have use this ability, you cannot do so again for 5 round

    Adaptable body: Your body become adaptable, changing depending the situation, you can function in many way as if you where one size category smaller or larger. Whenever you are subject to a size modifier or special size modifier for an opposed check (such as Hide, during a grapple or trip attempt), you are treated as one size smaller or larger if doing so is advantageous to you. You are also considered to be one size smaller when "squeezing" through a restrictive space and one size larger when determining whether a creature’s special attack (such as improve grab or smallow whole) can affect you. You can use weapons designed for a creature one size smaller or larger without penalty. However, your space and reach remain those of a creature of your actual size. The benefits of this ability stack with the effects of powers, abilities, and spells that change your size category.

    Adaptable weapon: Any weapon you wield (including natural weapon and unarmed strike)gain the sizing special property. You can as a swift action change its size category to any other that you desire. Even if doing so would prevent you from using them.

    Adaptable technique: When you are subject to enlarge person (from any source) you gain a bonus to damage roll equal to half your effective binder level against creature one or more size category smaller than you.
    When you are subject to reduce person (from any source) you gain a bonus to attack roll equal to half your effective binder level against creature one or more size category larger than you.
    In both case you can use your adaptable body ability to determine if creature are affect by this bonus.


    Cles, The Pactmaker
    Level: 3
    Binding DC: 20
    Legend: Cles was a Halfling from a marchant clan, he discovered when he was young some strange power that the elder of the clan quickly identified as coming from a number of fey ancestor. He was encouraged to develop his power to help protect the clan. During the year that follow he had multiple occasion to use is power to protect his clan. Toward the end of his life he discover the art of binding vestige and had the idea of becoming one in order for other member of his clan to call for his help when need. Afterward the legend become less clear, but the most common theory is that he manage to find a powerfull Fey, perhaps even is own ancestor, and manage to convince him for an unknow price to transform him into the vestige he is today.
    Special requirement: Must have made peacefull contact with a fey like creature at least once.
    Manifestation: Cles appear in the seal looking like any other Halfling but immedialtly afterward you can see his eyes glow and his hand also glow with power as if preparing an eldritch blast. Finnaly he address you. “Do you swear to protect those weaker than you ?” After that he refuse to talk anymore and listen to your argument. At the end he talk once again “Very well, I will lend you my power”. And suddendly he fire his Eldritch blast at you and you are filled with power.
    Sign: Your hand are always glowing red or purple (your choice).
    Influence: You are compelled to protect your allies at all cost and refuse to let anyone get killed.

    Granted Ability:

    Eldrith blast: You gain an Eldritch blast as the warlock ability of the same name for this purpose you effective warlock level is equal to half your effective Binder level.

    Eldritch invocations: You gain any two invocation that you qualify for with an effective warlock level equal to half your effective Binder level. You must make this choice when binding Cles.

    Fey heritage: You gain a +3 bonus on Will saving throws against enchantment effects. And you gain a +4 circumstance bonus to all Charisma based check (except UMD) when dealling with Fey.

    Halfling throwing art: You gain +1 insigth bonus on range attacks roll.


    Theliram, The Imperfect form.
    Level: 5th
    Binding DC: 25
    Legend: Theliram was a Skarn woman, she was obsesse with achieving the supposed “perfect form” she spent a lot time travelling all over the world in her quest to perfect her body and mind. During her quest she find information leading to believe that a powerfull ritual could be use to transformed her body into pure incarnum, already convince that her mind was perfect it was for her a way to achieve the perfect form. In all hast she return to her native city and present her finding to the council. While they were all very enthusiaste with that idea they advice caution and ask her to perform the ritual herself before trying with anyone else. Theliram immediately accept and after the preparation were achieved she begin the ritual. Sadly while she was rigth in that the ritual would give her a body made of pure incarnum, this incarnum wouldn’t appear spontanously. All life in a twenty miles radius was annihilate but even then it wasn’t enough and her form wasn’t stable and barely a minute after realising the consequence of her act her body unravell and she disappear.
    Special requirement: You must be lawfull.
    Manifestation: A naked skarn woman seemingly made of pure blue incarnum appear standing proudly in the middle of the seal immedialty after that crack began to appear in her form and she frown but doesn’t react more than that. She listen to your plea, nodding when appropriate but otherwise remain silent. At the end of the binding she give you a sad smile and explose into a shower of blue light.
    Sign: You gain brillant blue arm spines like a Skarn.
    Influence: You must always adress people using their full name and complete title.

    Granted ability:

    Essentia capacity: You gain 1 point of essentia + 1 for every four effective binder level.

    Shape soulmeld: When Binding Theliram you can shape a single soulmeld chosen from any class’s soulmeld list using the normal melshapping rule. Your melshapper level for this purpose is equal to your effective Binder level. In addition you can bind this soulmeld to a chakra depending on your effective binder level as show on the table:

    {table=head]EBL|Chakra Binds
    6|Crow, Feet, Hand
    12|Arms, Brows, Shoulder
    18|Throat, Waist

    Azure Thoughness: You gain Azure Thougness as the feat of the same name, granting you one more point of essentia and you can invest essentia in it as normal to gain 3 hp per point of essentia invest.

    Skarn Spine: You gain Arm spines like a skarn, you can make one attack with your arm spines each round, either with your primary hand or with your off-hand (taking the normal penalties for fighting with an off-hand weapon). This attack deals 1d6 points of piercing damage; if it is used as an off-hand weapon, you may add only one-half your Strength bonus to the damage roll. You can’t attack with your spines and a weapon wielded by the same arm in the same round. If you makes a spine attack with an arm carrying a shield, you loses the shield’s bonus to AC until the start of your next turn. If you had a soulmeld bound to your arms chakra, your spine attacks are treated as if they were aligned with your alignement for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. In addition you can invest essentia into your arm spine as if they were a soulmeld, for every point of essentia invest into your arm spine they gain a +1 enchantment bonus to attack and damage roll. You can only use this ability if you show Theliram sign.


    Lurnem, the Broken soul
    Level: 5rd
    Binding DC: 25
    Legend: Lurnem legend is long and involved with a number of contradiction depending on the retelling but a number of fact are agreed upon. He was a powerfull arcane caster, probably human but some report said half-elf, that in an effort to expend his life without resorting to undeath manage to divide his mind between nine young body. The most common theory being that he impregante nine woman of different species and shortly before the child birth use a powerfull spell to posses them all simultanously. In any case he found himself with nine young body sadly something was wrong he counld’t use his magic anymore. He tried everything he could think off to no aviable in an effort to regain power he research other way, he spent year with his different body trying a little of everything from psionic to truenaming, incarnum and even pactmaking. None of them fit for one reason or another, again the legend is confusing on that point. Finally at some point one of his body encounter a warrior using the sublime ways in that case a master of the desert wind discipline. Having never heard of the art he questionned the warrior extensively and while figthing with a weapon as never really appealled to him before. The fact that nine discipline exist, one for each of his body, was a powerfull motivator for him. Each of his body managed to find a master of each discipline and learn from them for years. Finally with some mesure of power back Lurnem was satisfied that he could at the very least defend himself against any enemy he could make. After that he seemingly disappear for a while and for century report of nine martial adept ressurface regulary, how he manage to extend the life of all his body his a mystery.
    How he become a vestige however is better know, at some point one of his body did die and the part of his soul possesing it rejoin with the other but this destabilise the whole and all the body began to die one by one. When the last one perish his soul was too fragment to go to its final rest and he become a vestige.
    Special requirement: You must have at least 4 rank in Martial lore
    Manifestation: Nine shadowy humanoid of various race appear in the circle each wielding a different weapon. They all talk at the same time with a strict and controle voice.
    Sign: Nine symbol appear as tatoo on various part of your body each representing one martial discipline
    Influence: You always want to prove your talent with weapon and you draw your weapon at sligthest provocation.

    Granted ability:

    Chosen discipline: When you bind Lurnem choose one martial discipline from the following list:
    Desert wind, Devoted spirit, Diamond mind, Iron heart, Setting sun, Shadow, Stone dragon, Tiger claw or White raven.
    You learn three maneuver from the chosen discipline (Strike, Boost or Counter) and one stance. You can ready all three maneuvers. Your initiator level for this purpose is equal to your effective binder level plus half your level in all other class. You can recover either one maneuvre as a standard action or recover all three as a full-round action.

    Martial body: You can as a swift action gain a + 4 perfection bonus to either Strenght, Dexterity or Constitution. This bonus last for a number of round equal to half your effective binder level. Once you have use this ability you cannot do so again for 5 round.

    Skill synergy: You gain + 6 insight bonus in the key skill of the discipline choosen.

    Iconic weaponery: You can as a standard action transform any weapon your are wielding into any weapon associate with the disciple you have choosen (except unarmed strike and natural weapon of course.) You are proficient with this weapon and can wield it normaly. While transformed the weapon gain the martial discipline special property with the discipline you have choosen in addition to any enchantment it may already have.
    Last edited by zagan; 2010-05-28 at 09:51 AM.
    Latest homebrew: The Avatars of Magic, powerful monster each dedicated to ne school of magic.

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    Mirar, Bizarre human Focused Conjurer/Master specialist (summoning specialist)
    Xilef, shifter Druid 8//Barbarian 5/Weretouched master 3
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    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Default Re: [3.5] A few new Vestige

    Ah! Wall of text charges with full power attack!

    Buut seriously, you should probably spoiler each individual vestige for ease of reading.

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    Default Re: [3.5] A few new Vestige

    Quote Originally Posted by FlamingKobold View Post
    Ah! Wall of text charges with full power attack!

    Buut seriously, you should probably spoiler each individual vestige for ease of reading.
    You're right, I will do that.
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    Default Re: [3.5] A few new Vestige

    I like it. The binder is a jack of trades. (like a bard, chock full of *imperium voice* HERESY!!!) It can takeon the mannerisms of a low level druid for it's vestige. Its well balanced with level and DC.

    It's good, just underpowered. The binder could definitelly used a controller type vestige, but waiting till level 8 vestiges is a bit much. DC 40 is also a bit high. I'd lower it to about DC 36.

    This is a very good vestige. It's specific, it's defensive, (granting a whole lot of immunities, but not much chance for abuse) and has a fair DC/level based on what it's capable of doing.

    A bit too high of a level. I'd say this is more of a level 5 vestige. But otherwise it's good, and gives the binder options in offense.

    Very interesting. A highly situational vestige with enough synergy in abilities that in the right hands could be abusable. I'd say to bring it down to level 1 or 2. But otherwise it's another good vestige...

    Here's an example of being too good. Now, it isn't too good because of it's level/DC vs powers gained. But because it essentially replaces an entire class. Unlike Denam, who merely gives some weaker aspects of druids and rangers, Cles essentially turns you into a warlock. Now I know the warlock isn't the most powerful class... but this goes the extra mile and makes him worthless because you're essentially a warlock with more options once you can increase vestiges known.

    An offender of the same crime as Cles, just not nearly as badly. It takes a large role away from the incarnum classes. (Again, not particularly strong classes...) The only reason it's not as bad as Cles is it doesn't directly mock them because more like a real incarnum class would still be using more chakras, and this vestige is a longer wait. But it's still stepping on toes... This and Cles should only be allowed under the likelyhood noones going to play a warlock or incarnum class...

    Despite my disdain for the previous two vestiges, as a big fan of tome of battle, I can tell you this isn't so bad at stealing their thunder. Then again, tome of battle was actually good... Which was probably why wotc never thought about it again because they like making crap... But this gives the binder more options, it gives him the oppurtunity to be a bit of a martial role and stick to "the jack" feel, and it's an appropiate level/DC.

    All in all, most of these are balanced. Perhaps a sliding scale of idealism vs cyniscm, but all in all good additions. My only worry is as I said, making complete jokes out of incarnum/warlock classes...

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    Default Re: [3.5] A few new Vestige

    Quote Originally Posted by Corporate M View Post
    I like it. The binder is a jack of trades. (like a bard, chock full of *imperium voice* HERESY!!!) It can takeon the mannerisms of a low level druid for it's vestige. Its well balanced with level and DC.

    It's good, just underpowered. The binder could definitelly used a controller type vestige, but waiting till level 8 vestiges is a bit much. DC 40 is also a bit high. I'd lower it to about DC 36.
    You're sure ? The dimension step ability seem powerful to me.

    This is a very good vestige. It's specific, it's defensive, (granting a whole lot of immunities, but not much chance for abuse) and has a fair DC/level based on what it's capable of doing.
    Thanks again.

    A bit too high of a level. I'd say this is more of a level 5 vestige. But otherwise it's good, and gives the binder options in offense.
    Only 5 ?

    Very interesting. A highly situational vestige with enough synergy in abilities that in the right hands could be abusable. I'd say to bring it down to level 1 or 2. But otherwise it's another good vestige...
    yeah level 2 should work.

    Here's an example of being too good. Now, it isn't too good because of it's level/DC vs powers gained. But because it essentially replaces an entire class. Unlike Denam, who merely gives some weaker aspects of druids and rangers, Cles essentially turns you into a warlock. Now I know the warlock isn't the most powerful class... but this goes the extra mile and makes him worthless because you're essentially a warlock with more options once you can increase vestiges known.
    I'll probably halves the eldritch blast progression.

    An offender of the same crime as Cles, just not nearly as badly. It takes a large role away from the incarnum classes. (Again, not particularly strong classes...) The only reason it's not as bad as Cles is it doesn't directly mock them because more like a real incarnum class would still be using more chakras, and this vestige is a longer wait. But it's still stepping on toes... This and Cles should only be allowed under the likelyhood noones going to play a warlock or incarnum class...
    Only one soulmeld you can do the same with one or two feat. But i will compare the essentia pool with other class to better judge.

    Despite my disdain for the previous two vestiges, as a big fan of tome of battle, I can tell you this isn't so bad at stealing their thunder. Then again, tome of battle was actually good... Which was probably why wotc never thought about it again because they like making crap... But this gives the binder more options, it gives him the oppurtunity to be a bit of a martial role and stick to "the jack" feel, and it's an appropiate level/DC.
    Thanks, it's my favorite too.

    All in all, most of these are balanced. Perhaps a sliding scale of idealism vs cyniscm, but all in all good additions. My only worry is as I said, making complete jokes out of incarnum/warlock classes...
    I'll will probably edit a few thing, thanks for your comment.
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    Default Re: [3.5] A few new Vestige

    Grammar needs work.

    Finally desesperate to end this vicious cycle Denam end is own life and he find himself in front of his god, Obad-Hai.
    Is one example of many. The ideas seem good but it is very hard to read.
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    Default Re: [3.5] A few new Vestige

    Quote Originally Posted by JoshuaZ View Post
    Grammar needs work.

    Is one example of many. The ideas seem good but it is very hard to read.
    I assumed English isn't his first language (possibly French?).

    I like these (though any homebrew love for ToM classes are cool with me). I especially like Denam and Cles. These will be saved for future use.
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    Default Re: [3.5] A few new Vestige

    Quote Originally Posted by JoshuaZ View Post
    Grammar needs work.
    Is one example of many. The ideas seem good but it is very hard to read.
    My appology, as Kobold Bard guessed English isn't my first language. I'm doing the best I can but what seem fine to me is riddle wth error to native.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kobold-Bard View Post
    I assumed English isn't his first language (possibly French?).

    I like these (though any homebrew love for ToM classes are cool with me). I especially like Denam and Cles. These will be saved for future use.
    Yes, french.

    I'm glad you like it, I've just change Cles so it less overshadow the warlock.
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    Default Re: [3.5] A few new Vestige

    Quote Originally Posted by zagan View Post

    Yes, french.

    I'm glad you like it, I've just change Cles so it less overshadow the warlock.
    Woo, yay me

    I only read the edited Cles so glad it still works.
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    Quote Originally Posted by OverlordJ View Post
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    Default Re: [3.5] A few new Vestige

    Yay, more vestiges! They all look fine now.
    Really really really awesome avatar thanks to neoseph7

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    Default Re: [3.5] A few new Vestige

    Quote Originally Posted by demidracolich View Post
    Yay, more vestiges! They all look fine now.
    Thanks, I might still change the level and DC of some of them but the ability are probably good now.
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    Default Re: [3.5] A few new Vestige

    Here, have a review.

    First, you are in dire need of an editor. I know this isn't your fault really, being a secondary language and whatnot, but, it does detract from meaning in many cases. Just letting you know.

    Denam: Ok, the flavor is fine. The Special Requirement is actually a pain in the ass, given that Handle Animal isn't on the Binder's skill list, meaning you can't get Denam until fairly late without multiclassing, which is bad. The Animal Companion is unclear, do you have to choose the first time you ever bind Denam and can never change again? If so, clarify as such. If not, clarify that too. Also, with the Grant Vestige ability, as written, this lets you grant your AC powers that you don't actually have access to! This means I could give my AC something like Otiax's Air Blast even if I don't have Otiax bound at the moment. Your intent is probably to take an ability you have bound and give it to the AC, meaning you need to clarify that.

    Salgen: Strong, actually. I like it, but gods you need an editor to check your writing. It took me two reads to figure out Dimension Step. As for mechanical issues, honestly, I don't see any. He might be well served by being 7th level not 8th though.

    Zord: The whole "if you are a living construct, you become a real one while this is bound" is confusing and frankly silly. I would cut it personally. Yes, it means that a Warforged Binder has few reasons to bind Zord, but, I think I have a solution. Give Zord another ability that lets him replicate Summon Monster 1/5 rounds, but only for Animated Objects. This removes the difficult construct stuff and gives him another good thematic ability. Either way, Zord should be moved up a level or two, probably to level 3 sans the Summons, level 4 with the Summons.

    Quarte: Excellent. I like it.

    Ladut: Seems fine. I don't like the legend either. Perhaps something involving the son of a rakshasa and a doppleganger (both races known for shapechanging)? Just a thought.

    Cles: This needs to be higher level or lose some abilities. I vote you make it level 4.

    Theliram: Seems fine as well. The level is acceptable for duplicating an entire subsystem.

    Lurnem: Needs to be higher level, to match with Cles and Theliram. I suggest Lurnem, since he's rather strong, be level 5 to match up with Theliram.

    Overall, there are a few real gems in here (Quarte and Salgen are my favorites, and ones I may nick personally actually), some ones that have promise but need to be altered (Cles, Theliram, and Lurnem), and the rest are functional, but don't light a fire under my boots, so to say. You really need a buddy who's a grammatical master though, since it is tough to read stuff sometimes (Dimensional Step was the worst, I think).

    All that I say applies only to myself. You author your own actions and choices. I cannot and will not be responsible for you, nor are you for me, regardless of situation or circumstance.

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    Default Re: [3.5] A few new Vestige

    Quote Originally Posted by arguskos View Post
    Here, have a review.

    First, you are in dire need of an editor. I know this isn't your fault really, being a secondary language and whatnot, but, it does detract from meaning in many cases. Just letting you know.
    You're voluntering ?

    Denam: Ok, the flavor is fine. The Special Requirement is actually a pain in the ass, given that Handle Animal isn't on the Binder's skill list, meaning you can't get Denam until fairly late without multiclassing, which is bad. The Animal Companion is unclear, do you have to choose the first time you ever bind Denam and can never change again? If so, clarify as such. If not, clarify that too. Also, with the Grant Vestige ability, as written, this lets you grant your AC powers that you don't actually have access to! This means I could give my AC something like Otiax's Air Blast even if I don't have Otiax bound at the moment. Your intent is probably to take an ability you have bound and give it to the AC, meaning you need to clarify that.
    I'l try to do clarify then.

    Salgen: Strong, actually. I like it, but gods you need an editor to check your writing. It took me two reads to figure out Dimension Step. As for mechanical issues, honestly, I don't see any. He might be well served by being 7th level not 8th though.
    Yeah, I need to rewrite it but for me it will always be clear so i have a hard judging the wording unless it's evident.

    Zord: The whole "if you are a living construct, you become a real one while this is bound" is confusing and frankly silly. I would cut it personally. Yes, it means that a Warforged Binder has few reasons to bind Zord, but, I think I have a solution. Give Zord another ability that lets him replicate Summon Monster 1/5 rounds, but only for Animated Objects. This removes the difficult construct stuff and gives him another good thematic ability. Either way, Zord should be moved up a level or two, probably to level 3 sans the Summons, level 4 with the Summons.
    When I originally create it, my binder player was supposed to learn about this vestige from a group of Warforged that's why I make two version of the ability.
    Summon animated object is a good idea I might do that.

    Quarte: Excellent. I like it.
    Great, the wording is probably a little better on this one because it's mostly lift from the various elemental stat block.

    Ladut: Seems fine. I don't like the legend either. Perhaps something involving the son of a rakshasa and a doppleganger (both races known for shapechanging)? Just a thought.
    A race/monster that's know to change size perhaps. I need to look if i can find something like that. rakshasa and doppleganger are perhaps a bit too broad for that.

    Cles: This needs to be higher level or lose some abilities. I vote you make it level 4.

    Theliram: Seems fine as well. The level is acceptable for duplicating an entire subsystem.

    Lurnem: Needs to be higher level, to match with Cles and Theliram. I suggest Lurnem, since he's rather strong, be level 5 to match up with Theliram.
    Yeah, i'll probably do that.

    Overall, there are a few real gems in here (Quarte and Salgen are my favorites, and ones I may nick personally actually), some ones that have promise but need to be altered (Cles, Theliram, and Lurnem), and the rest are functional, but don't light a fire under my boots, so to say. You really need a buddy who's a grammatical master though, since it is tough to read stuff sometimes (Dimensional Step was the worst, I think).
    Any idea on how I could recruit someone for that ?
    In any case thanks a lot for your critique.
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    Default Re: [3.5] A few new Vestige

    Quote Originally Posted by zagan View Post
    You're voluntering ?
    No. I've got my own projects, including my most recent one that I just cannot seem to freaking get around to finishing.

    I'l try to do clarify then.
    I assume my thoughts were correct then. Figured they were, but, always good to check.

    Yeah, I need to rewrite it but for me it will always be clear so i have a hard judging the wording unless it's evident.
    I understand. It's tough to judge one's own work.

    When I originally create it, my binder player was supposed to learn about this vestige from a group of Warforged that's why I make two version of the ability.
    Summon animated object is a good idea I might do that.
    While good and thematic, it's wise to create new works that are applicable to more than a very small subset of possible characters (in this case, Warforged Binders, not a common case). Wiser instead to create something thematic, but useful to the broader case.

    Great, the wording is probably a little better on this one because it's mostly lift from the various elemental stat block.
    Yeah, that seems to be the case.

    A race/monster that's know to change size perhaps. I need to look if i can find something like that. rakshasa and doppleganger are perhaps a bit too broad for that.
    Dopplegangers don't do anything BUT change shape. I'd think they'd be a good base to work from.

    Any idea on how I could recruit someone for that ?
    In any case thanks a lot for your critique.
    Do you live near a university or other large school? If yes, you may be able to reach out to English professors there, for grammatical aid. It's a thought, anyways.

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    Default Re: [3.5] A few new Vestige

    Quote Originally Posted by arguskos View Post
    Dopplegangers don't do anything BUT change shape. I'd think they'd be a good base to work from.
    yeah, but in this case it's changing size not shape.

    Do you live near a university or other large school? If yes, you may be able to reach out to English professors there, for grammatical aid. It's a thought, anyways.
    saddly no, i live in a small village, far from any big city in the backwood of France. But thinking about it I may have a player in my current game (pbp) that might be interest.
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    Default Re: [3.5] A few new Vestige

    Quote Originally Posted by zagan View Post
    yeah, but in this case it's changing size not shape.
    Size is a function of shape. Ladut could well have been a half-rakshasa half-doppleganger who was limited by his half heritages and could only change his size, to the shame of his parents. On a quest to try and gain his full shapeshifting abilities, he accidentally unlocked the ability to change his state of existence, and removed himself from the universe, becoming a vestige.

    This is just a thought, hopefully, it gets your mind rolling.

    saddly no, i live in a small village, far from any big city in the backwood of France. But thinking about it I may have a player in my current game (pbp) that might be interest.
    Well, yeah, that might make stuff a bit harder. I'm sure there are grammatical tools you can acquire online though, or well, I'd think so. No idea where to go looking for them though, sorry.

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    Default Re: [3.5] A few new Vestige

    Quote Originally Posted by zagan View Post
    My appology, as Kobold Bard guessed English isn't my first language. I'm doing the best I can but what seem fine to me is riddle wth error to native.

    Yes, french.
    Ok. In that case, I'm going to quickly go through and do minor rewrites. Feel free to use these or not as it suits you. (I can't guarantee that I'll have fixed everything but this should help).

    Legend: Denam was a mediocre druid. He was also very unlucky even though he possessed a very strong connection with nature and the animal kingdom in particular. When his education as a druid was finished he was charged by his order to protect a small grove and the plain surrounding it. Like all druid an animal arrived to become his companion. In Denam's case, that animal was a badger. Denam like him a lot but sadly the badger had an accident where he was killed by a fallen log. Denam determinedly continued his work and shortly after another animal joined him. This time the companion was a small viper. But once again the animal died, this time by being eaten by a great owl. It was only the start of a very sad pattern where each time a new animal would come and each time they would die in some way. Denam did all he could but the animal would always die and a new one would come; this was slowly driving him insane. Finally, deseperate to end this vicious cycle Denam took his own life. He found himself in front of his god, Obad-Hai. The god decreed that Denam was not worthy a entering his domain and so would be reincarnated as an animal in order to give him another chance. Denam in his deranged mind was seeing that as a recompense for which he wasn’t worthy and tried to escape. This desesperate act perturbe the reincarnation and sent his soul careening into the ether where he became a Vestige.

    Manifestation: At first, nothing seem to happen but then suddenly a random animal appears in the seal and immediately begin changing into another random animal once finished the process begin again and continues to do so all through the binding process. Denam speak through the mouth of the animal with a pleading but clear voice despite the change, he always repeat the same phrase “Please don’t let them die, Please don’t let them die”. At the end of the binding the animal change shape one last time into the form you choose and steps out of the seal.

    I'll try to do the others later. (There are other people on this forum who are much better at proofreading than I am, so maybe asking them to help wouldn't be a bad idea).
    Last edited by JoshuaZ; 2010-05-23 at 09:48 PM.
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    Default Re: [3.5] A few new Vestige

    Quote Originally Posted by JoshuaZ View Post
    Ok. In that case, I'm going to quickly go through and do minor rewrites. Feel free to use these or not as it suits you. (I can't guarantee that I'll have fixed everything but this should help).

    Legend: Denam was a mediocre druid. He was also very unlucky even though he possessed a very strong connection with nature and the animal kingdom in particular. When his education as a druid was finished he was charged by his order to protect a small grove and the plain surrounding it. Like all druid an animal arrived to become his companion. In Denam's case, that animal was a badger. Denam like him a lot but sadly the badger had an accident where he was killed by a fallen log. Denam determinedly continued his work and shortly after another animal joined him. This time the companion was a small viper. But once again the animal died, this time by being eaten by a great owl. It was only the start of a very sad pattern where each time a new animal would come and each time they would die in some way. Denam did all he could but the animal would always die and a new one would come; this was slowly driving him insane. Finally, deseperate to end this vicious cycle Denam took his own life. He found himself in front of his god, Obad-Hai. The god decreed that Denam was not worthy a entering his domain and so would be reincarnated as an animal in order to give him another chance. Denam in his deranged mind was seeing that as a recompense for which he wasn’t worthy and tried to escape. This desesperate act perturbe the reincarnation and sent his soul careening into the ether where he became a Vestige.

    Manifestation: At first, nothing seem to happen but then suddenly a random animal appears in the seal and immediately begin changing into another random animal once finished the process begin again and continues to do so all through the binding process. Denam speak through the mouth of the animal with a pleading but clear voice despite the change, he always repeat the same phrase “Please don’t let them die, Please don’t let them die”. At the end of the binding the animal change shape one last time into the form you choose and steps out of the seal.

    I'll try to do the others later. (There are other people on this forum who are much better at proofreading than I am, so maybe asking them to help wouldn't be a bad idea).
    Thank you very much for that. It's perfect.

    Edit: I've changed a few thing.
    - I've use your correction to replace the legend and manifestation for Denam.
    - I've change the wording for the animal companion so you can change each time you bind him.
    -I've change the wording of share vestige so it's clear that you lose acces to the ability of a vestige currently bound to grant them to the animal companion.
    -I've totally change the wording of dimension step, I hope it's better
    -Salgen is now level 7 and DC only 34
    -Zord is now level 4 with DC 22
    -You don't gain anything if your already a living construct
    -As suggested I've had a summoning ability.

    And that's all for now.

    Edit 2: changed a few more thing

    -Changed Ladut legend to the rackasha and doppleganger suggest by arguskos
    - Changed Cles to be level 3
    - Changed Lurnem to level 5
    Last edited by zagan; 2010-05-28 at 09:53 AM.
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