Snips, Snails, and Dragon Tales: Now available in PDF format from Gumroad
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    Default Warglory [3.6 Conversion, PEACH]

    Here's the Actual Rules Tab

    Here's my 3.6 Thread

    The reasoning:
    Initially I was going to use 3.5, but the rules for warglory differ enough that it warrants incorporating into the more 'mundane focused' 3.6.

    Note that 3.6 is quite similar to 3.5 and playing it is pretty much playing the same game, but with an assortment of house rules that can change up things like combat quite a bit.

    Things Scrapped from 3.6
    Agility Rules



    This is intended to include both the 'marines' and 'walkers' settings and rules.

    Anything not covered here has not been converted over. Use normal 3.X rules for what would normally occur in their place.

    Stats General

    Grit is replaced by Fortitude saving throw, Will saving throw and Constitution score. It has no semblance on attack modifiers without an appropriate feat.

    Reflex is replaced by Reflex saving throw, Dexterity score and initiative modifier. Replace the usual bonuses provided by reflex for feats.

    Skill points can be purchased at a cost of 500xp at ECL 1 through 5, + or - 50xp for an Intelligence penalty or bonus respectively (minimum 100xp cost).

    NOTE: Once I review the 'xp to level up' table I will adjust the XP cost for skills and Int modifier accordingly.

    You can go beyond the maximum ranks allowable for your ECL with skill points purchased with XP, however they always count as cross-class (stacks in the case that the skill is already cross class; in which case, 4 XP invested skill points equals 1 rank for such a skill). If you continue to put skill points into going beyond the maximum rank allowed for a certain skill at one level, then the value of those skill points towards that skill is halved for every rank.

    Ie. Jim is ECL 1 and has 4 ranks in swim. He spends 1000XP on 2 skill points, which he further spends in swim. He now has 5 ranks in swim. At ECL 2, his maximum allowable ranks in swim are now 6 instead of the normal 5 (if he spent no XP invested skill points on swim, the maximum rank would be 5 and not 6 at ECL 2). He then decides to invest 2 more XP invested skill points into swim at ECL 2, giving him 7 ranks in swim. He then spends a further 2 XP invested skill points in swim at ECL 2, giving him 7.5 ranks in swim. He must spend another 2 XP invested skill points in swim in order to get 8 ranks in swim at ECL 2, and then 8 XP invested skill points to get 9 ranks in swim at ECL 2, and so on.

    If he spent those 8 XP invested skill points on another skill he already had 5 ranks in, then he'd yield up to 2.5 additional ranks in such a skill, or 6.5 ranks in a skill that he previously had no ranks in (if it wasn't cross-class).

    Turn Sequence
    Turns represent 6 seconds of combat. There is no initiative roll.

    Quote Originally Posted by Warglory original rules
    Warglory uses simultaneous turns. You elect what you attempt to do in your turn, roll for it, and the GM resolves that against enemy action. This means some or all of your actions may ultimately be ignored if you get shot & incapacitated. There is no initiative roll; it’s smarter than that.
    Currently rolling with initiative right now. May address later on.

    NOTE: I'm unsure whether or not simultaneous turns requires lots of GM fiat or if there's an actual method to the madness. Will talk with the maker later.

    Quote Originally Posted by Warglory original rules
    Anyone not moving shoots first.
    1. If an enemy wanders into you, and not the other way around, then you receive +1 to your initiative roll against them.

    2. Ambush rules are the same as for 3.5 - listen checks to oppose ambush. Note that you can also bluff to pretend that you did not notice someone following you or sneaking up on you (this is opposed by sense motive).

    When you do this, you can get as much as +10 on your initiative check at the moment that the enemy makes their attack, denying their attack - this is a 'reactive' initiative check (uses wisdom modifier).

    Doing so requires a readied action from you - if you beat the enemy's initiative by 10 or more, then you earn a surprise round, effectively stealing it from the enemy. After the surprise round, initiative is re-rolled again to determine actual combat turn order.

    If you do not beat the enemy's initiative by 10 or more but beat it regardless, then this is what determines turn order for the combat encounter.

    If you fail to bluff an enemy into thinking that you didn't notice them, then the enemy will notice the bluff and may react accordingly - note that as soon as you notice the enemy, they are always denied their surprise round against you unless they do something else to counter act this (ie. through a feat, class feature, etc.).

    3. A person moving silently can act more cautiously - however everything they do takes twice as long as normal when moving silently. When you successfully bluff them into thinking that you unaware of them and react against their surprise attack roll - you only receive a +5 to initiative rather than +10, since the enemy is thinking two things at once.

    Quote Originally Posted by Warglory original rules
    Snap Shots are a Reflex check then one quick shot. They’re used against fleeting targets, against enemies in the last meters of a bayonet rush and when two moving troops stumble across each other – rounding the bend at the same time for example. Light, snappy guns are great for this.
    1. A snap shot is a dexterity check + BAB opposed by your target's dexterity check + BAB. It can be performed as a free action even when it isn't your turn, during a charge or move prior to attacking an enemy via the usual standard action, and against targets that are moving away from you (whether via withdraw or simple movement). Success indicates that you may make an additional free ranged attack against the enemy at any time before they attack you.

    Failing the dexterity check means that you waste a move action next turn, however; alternatively, you can opt to allow the enemy to make a free melee attack against you (this is not an attack of opportunity) instead of expending a move action, however this means that you do not get to make your snap shot at all. Failure by 5 or more means the enemy is able to make a snap shot against you, assuming they are holding a ranged weapon at the time.

    2. You can make additional snap shots, but take a -8 penalty to the dexterity check to oppose the opponent's dexterity for each shot.

    3. 'Light snappy weapons', AKA light sized firearms grant a +5 on dexterity checks to make a snap shot versus enemies. If you charge an opponent with the intention to use your ranged weapon as a melee weapon (bayonet fixed double weapons count for this) and perform a snap shot prior to a melee attack with the weapon, you receive a +1 on dexterity checks to snap shot the target of your melee attack unless they have already made a snap shot against you.

    4. A person with the quick draw feat can never snap shot with a weapon they aren't holding. You can snap shot with magical, technological and psionic devices, but this requires a use: X device check (in addition to the dexterity check) with a -5 penalty. If you already know how to use the device without the skill, then you must still make the skill check, but without the -5 penalty.

    Quote Originally Posted by Warglory original rules
    Normally, no reflex roll is made. After first turn of a firefight who shoots first is entirely situational, you will usually be shooting at the same time by volley – I’ll resolve everyone’s first shots, then their middle shots, then everyone’s last shots all in one big heap and write up how it went. Survivors then pick actions for next turn and roll accordingly, rinse and repeat.
    Quote Originally Posted by Warglory original rules
    So don’t assume you can fire off all your shots with impunity. You never will. Take cover and be careful about biting off more than you can chew; if you’re the only or easiest target the enemy can see (IE: You’re in the open), you’ll win a Darwin award by staying there. ALWAYS remember the rifleman’s drill: Take cover, observe, shoot!


    Nat 10s are always kills, gun permitting. Not necesarily instant.
    Nat 1s never hit. Sometimes it's a jam (1 turn to clear) or worse.

    You may shoot at up to 2 targets per turn. Spend all shots between them.

    Roll D10 + Accuracy for each shot
    Automatics also add Recoil for each burst (max bonus of +3, min to fire of -3)
    1. Natural 20s result in automatic hits while Natural 1s never hit, as standard for 3.5.

    2. You may shoot up to two targets per turn, +1 per BAB. Ie. An 11th level fighter with many shot can make six regular attacks per round. Thus, he may target up to thirteen targets per round. Note that a 'target' can also include an area if the weapon affects areas rather than individual creatures.

    3. Recoil applies to any particularly heavy weapon as well as automatics. Maximum penalty to attack provided by recoil is -3; attacking with any recoil penalty beyond that requires a fortitude save (DC 8 - recoil penalty) or you drop the weapon. Failure of the save by 5 or more means you take a -4 penalty to all other attacks involving use of any hands you used to fire the recoiling weapon due to sprained/broken limbs. This can be eliminated with a heal check, either immediately (higher DC) or with a regular check and 8 hours rest. Electing to immediately drop the weapon avoids this penalty regardless.

    If the recoil penalty is -10 or more, you must make a reflex save if you elect to drop the weapon immediately or still take the penalty on a fortitude save. The save DC is equal to the recoil penalty.

    Maximum bonus for reduced recoil is +3 (counts against negating recoil penalty, and nothing else).

    Quote Originally Posted by Warglory original rules
    Aiming is optional, but sure does help for tough shots.
    It takes a halfturn action and adds the Aim bonus to accuracy vs the aimed-at target.
    Calculated Aiming is for very long shots
    Each turn spent grants %100 of the Aim bonus (if a Detect roll is passed)
    Up to 2 turns of Calculated Aiming may be taken
    The bonus lasts until the target moves or you reload (deployed guns retain Aim bonus after reloading)
    1. Aiming requires a minimum of a move action. The maximum number of actions spent aiming is 2 rounds (effectively four move actions) although the greatest benefit is usually acheived in a full action (with small arms; turrets and such usually demand up to 2 rounds for maximum benefits). You cannot aim at targets that move before or during your turn without a readied action to shoot them following the action to aim as well - line of sight to target must never be cut off between the time that you ready the action and trigger it. If such occurs, you must aim once more and ready another action to receive the benefits of aiming.

    2. Aiming can only be performed against single targets. If you perform actions besides shooting or aiming between the periods that you aim and shoot at a single target, then the benefits of the aim are wasted.

    This is unless you take 'careful actions' with aid of a 'stabilizer' such as a bi-pod stand for your weapon (can be set against cover while kneeling, or while standing with improved cover or while prone on any surface).

    Careful actions consume twice as much time as normal. Even when performing careful actions, conditions such as the target moving, reloading your weapon (unless particularly stable; ie. a harness or secure tripod), re-aiming or having your weapon knocked out of alignment can eliminate the benefits of the previous aiming.

    2 Swift actions = 1 move action
    2 move actions = 1 full round action
    2 full round actions = 1 round and part of a second round, with a move action left over

    3. You can only aim against targets at least one range increment outside of your weapon's listed range. Aiming against targets within this range offers only half the usual bonus. Aiming at targets within point blank range (1/3 of the weapon's listed range) offers no bonus whatsoever. Targets outside of this increment count as making a volley. If you have a device that assists in aiming such as iron sights or a scope, you can aim beyond the first two increments.

    4. To aim, make a spot check - substituting intelligence or wisdom as the ability score modifier for the skill check (whatever is highest). This is usually the DC to spot the target in the first place. For every move action spent aiming, add half your BAB (rounding down) to your attack roll against the target as an intuition bonus. This is the bonus acquired via aiming. When aiming you can attack targets at greater then 10 range increments away (with a -2 penalty per range increment, as standard). The absolute maximum range increment while aiming is -20, as normal.

    Creatures with less then +1 BAB only receive a +1 intuition bonus for aiming.

    5. Base weapon damage is damage unmodified by ability scores, feats, class features, etc.; however weapons modified via technology, magic and/or psionics or otherwise for greater damage count as having greater base weapon damage.

    Quote Originally Posted by Warglory original rules
    Manual cyclers (bolt, pump, single & lever actions) can make a Cyclic roll to achieve +1 shots on a roll of 7+ at the cost of -1 Accuracy that turn & losing their aim bonus.
    Semi-autos can squeeze off +1 shots per turn at -2 accuracy to all shots that turn
    Automatics can hose extra bursts (up to twice as many per turn) at X2 Recoil (-1 or worse) AND each extra burst is worth 2 in ammo spent and more heat; this reflects full auto hosing with many wasted bullets.
    Automatics can squeeze off single shots with deft triggerwork, but will often fire 2 or 3 by mistake. They roll the same number of shots when doing this (see Select Fire in weaponlist for exceptions)
    1. Manual Cyclers can make a 'reload check' - dexterity modifier + BAB - 4 if non-proficient and +8 if you have the 'rapid reload feat' - to reload as a free action while shooting. This applies only to guns that require a maximum of a full action to reload - guns that take longer can reload in this amount of time with co-operative checks from a crew (multiple creatures operating the same gun).

    When you reload as a free action with a manual cyclic, the weapon counts as semi-automatic with a -1 penalty to attacks until you reload again.

    2. Semi-automatics can squeeze off +1 shots per attack action at the cost of a -2 penalty to all attacks made with the weapon on the turn. This penalty applies unless your additional attack is made against the same target as any one previous attack.

    3. Automatics have two modes of firing. Basic spread - Make an attack roll against an area of effect that forces a reflex save from those within the area - the DC is 3/4 of the attack roll (rounding down). You can hose with an automatic as a full action - meaning that you can make twice as many attacks but with double the recoil penalty (-2 minimum). However each affected area in the hosing must be adjacent or within another affected area. Automatics always list a recoil value and the number of bullets that they expend per attack - greater RPM and higher caliber + lower armor penetration with un-modified ammo (lower velocity) usually result in the most damage.

    Automatic weapons have a static +2 circumstance bonus to cover fire checks +1 based on their RPM per 300RPM above 600RPM (hence a 1800 RPM, metal stormin' monster would have a +6 base circumstance total on cover fire checks).

    You can also execute a 'squeeze off' - that is, make an attack roll with an automatic weapon in only one space. Recoil penalty is doubled (-2 minimum), but damage is also doubled. A -2 circumstance penalty applies to the attack per 5ft. space beyond the 10ft.x5ft. space that the automatic must target in a basic spread (hence -4 penalty for 10ft.x10ft. squares; or -2 penalty for 10ft. + 5ft. spaces and -8 penalty for 10ft.x15ft. rectangles). You cannot cover fire with a squeeze off.

    Snap shots with automatic weapons can be only either squeeze offs or bursts (see below).

    4. With a sleight of hand check - DC 15 or -5 DC with a very light trigger - DC increases for weapons with particularly high firing rates but some weapons are also easier since they have to 'warm up' (ie. a chain gun must begin spinning) - you can expend one bullet against a single creature. This deals half damage and is a regular attack roll. Failing the sleight of hand check means that the attack expends the regular amount of bullets and is at a -4 penalty against the targeted creature - targeted creature can also make a reflex save to avoid as if it were a regular attack with the weapon, but without the area effecting properties.

    With the 'burst fire' feat, you can deal additional damage on top of standard un-halved damage without the sleight of hand check and with only a -2 penalty to attacks against the creature. Weapons with particularly high RPM that usually require a higher sleight of hand DC will deal even more damage on a burst fire but at the cost of more bullets.

    Quote Originally Posted by Warglory original rules
    Double Guns
    Its possible to use two guns at once; just not possible to AIM two at once. Nonetheless it's a useful tactic with slow cycling or very low ammo count weapons.

    -2 Accuracy, -2 on Cyclic rolls
    Ranges drop to 30/50/noshot at best (each increment remains normal if lower)
    Aim only possible with one gun if the other is held aside, bonus lost if both are fired
    Shoot full number of attacks with each gun
    +1 to targets you can engage per turn
    Light & Sidearm weapons only
    Does not work well with bolt-actions and pumps (need spare hand to cycle one)
    1. You can aim more than one gun at once, but this imposes a -4 penalty to all attacks per additional gun you wish to use while aiming. Aiming against separate targets simultaneously (can be done up to a limit depending on how many weapons you are using) doubles the penalty per target above the first, unless there is a targeting system assisting you.

    2. For manual cyclic guns: Take a -2 penalty on reload checks if any or all your hands are occupied by anything other than the gun you are reloading. Big guns requiring more than one hand to shoot and take a -4 penalty on reload checks under these circumstances. The quick draw feat eliminates this penalty.

    With other guns, reloading requires double the amount of time under the above circumstances, but again such is eliminated by the quick draw feat.

    3. With the 'Two Weapon Fighting' or 'Multi-weapon Fighting' feats, you can aim at the same target without any penalty with two guns or multiple guns respectively. You cannot aim at separate targets without a -4 penalty on all attacks.

    Quote Originally Posted by Warglory original rules
    Is a bastard, but only a problem for automatics (generally)
    5 heat = heat plume, may jam or cookoff, dangerous with flamethrower
    10 heat = likely jam cookoff, red hot, -2 accuracy, barrel will warp when cools
    15-20 heat = barrel melts, weapon destroyed
    Barrels cool down slowly. Holding the bolt open (reloading) sheds heat faster.
    Heavier barrels are slower to heat up, but also slower to cool down.
    Heavy machine guns seldom overheat, thanks to large heat sinks or other cooling

    Are not the end of the world. Tap, rack & bang (1 turn) usually does the trick. Stubborn ones might waste up to 5 turns (rare).
    It's when it really breaks that you're in trouble; that takes spare parts. If you're in combat, forget it - find another gun!
    1. Heat has percentage and cool down for each gun, usually listed in X/Y for Heat/Cool respectively. Heat typically only applies to automatic and particularly heavy weapons - although most turrets and very heavy guns have heat sinks. Heat increments for every attack performed with the weapon, while cool down applies every round.

    2. Cool down can be doubled if you open up the weapon and do not fire with it. Modifications to a weapon, such as mini heat sinks, typically add to the cool down value or lower the heat value. Cool down can never lower a weapon below 0% heat.

    3. A weapon that reaches 100% heat takes a -8 penalty when determining jams; subtract from the attack roll - if 1 or less, then jam occurs. At 150%, the weapon takes a -2 penalty on attack rolls, -16 when determining jams - can be negated to -8, with a Use Technological Device check as swift action (DC 20) - and takes 1d6 fire damage each round that it remains above 100% heat + 1d6 each round it continues to remain above 150% heat. At 200% heat the weapon ceases functioning and requires repairs to operate once more.

    4. Jams typically occur on guns that aren't listed as 'reliable' in the properties listing of their stat block. This occurs on any attack roll of 1.

    A jammed weapon cannot function and requires a full action to return to normal. A severely jammed weapon requires a use: technological devise check - UTD can also swiften regular jamming or even prevent it.

    If attack modifiers would reduce the roll of 1 to an effective of roll of -5 or less, then the jam takes 1d6 turns to unjam. Use Technological Device (DC 20) can negate this to an ordinary jam. Weapons listed as 'unreliable' will jam and require 1d6 turns to unjam on an effective roll of 1 on a natural 1. A weapon that is unreliable will break without chance for repair - unless you make a craft check to repair the item at half cost to craft item ordinarily - on an effective roll of -15 on a natural 1, but regular weapons will only require simple repairs (usually techcraft or related craft check). Reliable weapons jam on an effective attack roll of -10 or more on a natural 1 and no more.


    Quote Originally Posted by Warglory original rules
    Half turn to ready, half turn to throw.

    D10 roll to toss one. If you fumble it (nat 1), Reflex check to get it away from you or dive clear of it.

    Can hold it a halfturn to cook it, but if you fumble that you're toast.

    Targets in cover or near it roll Reflex to avoid the grenade, anyone near it can roll the same to return it. Tossing it back is harder & risks mortal injury.

    Anything exposed in the blast radius is considered hit. Anything in cover might be, it's 50/50 if they fail their Reflex check.
    Will cover later.


    Most firearms can be used in melee, but at a -2 equipment penalty. Soldiers typically have some training in using them in melee but they aren't really adapted for melee. Like any weapon, a firearm can be sundered, disarmed, etc - but it will usually break before being destroyed completely - hence it is given less hp and hardness as standard; but can be repaired very swiftly with an appropriate craft: mechanical or craft: firearms check - techcraft also sometimes helps.

    Other weapons include:

    - Brass Knuckles (as gauntlets)

    - Bayonet (just a dagger or short sword, but can be set on a firearm - firearm becomes double weapon. Bayonet can be set against a charge to deal double damage on a readied action against a charging opponent (note that since snap shots are free actions, they can be made in between a readied action and its trigger) or even be set to do double damage on a successful charge that flanks, or on an attack made against a flatfooted opponent - an attack against a flatfooted opponent requires movement in a 10ft. line and can never be done on a surprise round (unless the character can move silently at full speed).

    - Combat knives are like daggers but often deal Piercing and Slashing damage instead of just Piercing. Some are counter balanced for throwing, allowing them to deal both damage types while throwing as well.

    - Trench knives are daggers that do 1d6 Piercing damage instead of 1d4. They can be concealed like regular daggers, but are hardly ever counter balanced to be thrown.


    Quote Originally Posted by Warglory original rules
    Body armour's a life saver! The GM will roll armour saves for any & all things as has them that are hit in combat, whether it's in melee or from gunfire. Most troops won't have any - it's heavy and expensive - but for a lucky few.

    Weapons have a Penetration rating (Example, P4 ballistic)

    Armour has a Save (example, D6 vs ballistic)

    When a target is hit, GM rolls it's armour save and it must beat the weapon's Penetration rating - that is the threshold. In the above examples, it must roll a 4+ to prevent death or injury.

    Damage of types the armour wasn't built for it can't help with! Even old fashioned Dvergr Battle Armour, tough though it is vs a gun, won't help at all against a flame thrower or the choking grasp of a garroting wire.
    1. Armor can save against a weapon's penetration value, listed as 'PX' where X is the numbered value. An armor save is the armor's hardness that applies to the wearer + special resistance versus weapons that deal certain types of damage (if at all). Rolling to save is a d6 roll versus the weapon's penetration value. If the weapon succeeds in penetrating the armor, then the armor does not apply its damage reduction (hardness + special resistance versus specific damage type or types when such a type or types applies). Weapons that have no penetration value ignore any possible damage reduction from armor entirely. Bludgeoning weapons do not penetrate armor, and merely ignore some hardness against the wearer at (the hardness has 100% vulnerability, hence double damage is dealt against it). Shock proof armors can deny bludgeoning weapons from ignoring their hardness.

    2. Firearms with penetration values always ignore half an armor's armor AC bonus (rounding down - minimum +0), unless it is 'bullet proof' - listed in the special qualities of the armor. Bullet proofing armor is usually about double the cost of the mundane, un-modified armor + costs for special materials (but not enhancements via magic, psionics or technology additions besides special material), added onto the existing cost.

    3. Armor bonus to AC, as it stands, is the tendency for armor to cause an attack to veer off - hence why a failed attack roll due to a hefty armor bonus deals no damage whatsoever.

    Vehicles don't generally receive any AC bonus besides that resulting from pure speed (speed bonus always applies to both touch and flat footed AC); instead, usually having a lot more hardness and special resistance against penetration.

    Piercing damage that makes it through a vehicle's hardness affects whoever is on the other side (hence the attack roll applies against their AC) while doing only quarter damage to the vehicle's actual structure hp. Slashing weapons do not affect anybody inside, instead only damaging the vehicle - unless they manage to destroy the vehicle. Bludgeoning weapons count as 'vehicle collision' and invoke a reflex DC equal to damage dealt to vehicle's structure if they get through the vehicle's hardness - failure means they suffer half the bludgeoning damage that made it through the vehicle's hardness (minimum 1; round down).


    War Rites

    Quote Originally Posted by Warglory original rules
    In the night before battle, Svada of the dvergr & their honoured chosen perform War Rites. These are ancient and powerful ceremonies, strange & potent with no set time for occurence. They are used to waken dvergr spirits and bring their powers forth; even used upon men they have effect.

    Demifae waken different powers in such a rite, and fae Seers are said to perform their rituals by night or day.
    War Rites require either a Svada or someone with 10+ Sorcery to lead the Rites
    Dice rolled is by-race. This determines how far you can get & which table you use
    All powers can be cancelled at any time. They may take a turn to do so.
    All powers have instant cast & a 1min cooldown from when they end unless stated otherwise.
    Illusion magic does not work in the day.
    Performing a war rite requires 10 rounds and must be lead by a character with at least a +10 modifier in Knowledge (Religion). War rites typically affect anyone participating in them, which requires concentration for the entire duration of 10 rounds.

    Note that any powers acquired through war rites can be used at-will once per turn as free actions. Illusory war rite magic will automatically fail when performed during daytime.

    War rites powers can be forsaken as a full action. Only one war rite power may be acquired at any time - if you already have a war rite power, then you cannot acquire a new one.

    Quote Originally Posted by Warglory original rules
    1 = Charmed; Auto Pass a saving throw (once per mission)
    2 = Rat; Auto pass a reflex roll (once per combat)
    3 = Fury; inflict +2 damage in melee, lasts 3 turns (once per combat)
    4 = Clarity; Reroll detect & shooting for 1 turn (once per combat)
    - fae & dvergr only -
    5 = Ire; reroll all melee & reflex, lasts 3 turns
    6 = Confound; Auto pass a Ruse check, reroll Stealth all night
    - Illusion -
    7 = Void; Spend 1 turn to disappear, can only take move actions, lasts 4+D6 turns
    8 = Harrow; Use Intimidate (Ruse) at +2 with reroll to break a foe's will to fight
    9 = Mimic; resemble someone you observed for 3+ turns via 3 sorcery checks, 5 turn duration
    10 = Wyrd; Use Sorcery as a melee modifier for 10 turns
    - Greater Illusion -
    11 = Displace; Instant move up to 10m, appear to be somewhere else <10m away for 1 turn
    12 = Lie; Warp perceptions of D3 creatures from <30m with sorcery roll, causing anything from attacking friendlies to terror to suicide and more, depending on what you describe


    - Mysticism -
    7 = Quicken; Naturally heal of all wounds in a matter of minutes between combats
    8 = Wyrd; Use Sorcery as a melee modifier for 10 turns, once per combat
    9 = Slide; become immaterial along with Bonded items, flying & unaffected by physical things. Able to float through walls. Fly at speed equal to Sorcery check @ -10, minimum 5mpt
    10 = Command; Lay a command to all beasts & spirits within d2hundred meters with a sorcery check.
    - Greater Mysticism -
    11 = Regrowth; Accelerated natural healing of yourself and others you lay hands on, mending anything in <5 turns (stuns others; Sorcery save to retain actions)
    12 = Precognition; for 5 turns Auto pass all skill checks while using sorcery as a melee & target difficulty modifier (makes you much harder to hit).
    Roll 1d6 and acquire one of the following affects below.

    Mind Augmenting

    1 = Charmed; Auto succeed on one saving throw (once per day)

    2 = Rat; Auto succeed on one dexterity, initiative or reflex saving throw (once per combat encounter)

    3 = Fury; inflict +2*Strength+BAB damage (minimum +2) in melee, lasts 3 turns (once per combat encounter).

    4 = Clarity; Reroll spot & shooting for 1 turn (once per combat encounter)

    - fae & dvergr only (re-roll otherwise) -

    5 = Ire; reroll all melee & reflex once at-will, lasts up to 3 turns per combat encounter.

    6 = Confound; Auto pass any bluff, sleight of hand, diplomacy, gather information, intimidate, or disguise check once per combat encounter or creature; re-roll hide and move silently at night, once per applied check after noting success or failure.

    - Illusory -

    1 = Void; Spend 1 turn to acquire 'greater invisibility' as the spell; can only take 1 move action per turn and lasts 1d6+4 rounds.

    2 = Harrow; Use Intimidate checks with a +2 intuition bonus. You may receive one re-roll of this check after noting success or failure. Success means that opponent suffers a -8 morale penalty to all saves, AC, attack rolls and combative skill checks. This is a swift action and affects only one creature per use. Note that two uses = a move action, three uses = standard, etc.

    3 = Mimic; resemble someone you observed for 3 rounds, via 3 successful bluff or spell craft checks (use highest modifier; DC is equivalent to disguise DC to resemble them in a simple manner), 5 round duration. Free action after observation.

    4 = Wyrd; Use knowledge (religion) as an additional attack modifier for 10 rounds, spread out at your option (you must declare each round that you will apply this modifier). After 10 rounds, the power fades from you completely.

    - Greater Illusion -

    5 = Displace; Instantly move up to 30ft. as an free action. Become invisible as the 'invisibility' spell. Create one mirror image of you as the spell 'mirror image' (but with only one duplicate), 30ft. away from your new location. Lasts for 1 round, after which you are once again visible and the mirror image fades. Creatures that have observed you doing this ignore invisibility and mirror image granted by additional uses of the ability for 1d4 hours afterwards.

    6 = Lie; Warp perceptions of 1d3 creatures within 100ft. with bluff or spellcraft roll (whatever is highest) opposed by sense motive. Duplicates the affects of the spells 'mirage arcana', 'seeming' and 'persistent image' up to any number - but only the 1d3 rolled creatures are affected.


    - Mysticism -
    1 = Quicken; Heal at a rate of 5 hp per minute.

    2 = Wyrd; Use knowledge (religion) as an additional attack modifier for 10 rounds, spread out at your option (you must declare each round that you will apply this modifier). After 10 rounds, the power fades from you completely.

    3 = Slide; Become incorporeal. Able to float through walls. Fly at speed equal to spellcraft or knowledge (religion) check -10, (good), minimum 15ft. base speed.

    4 = Command; Command all beasts and spirits (read: animals, magical beasts, fae, and immaterial undead) within d2 (1 = 330ft., 2 = 665ft.) with a knowledge (religion) or knowledge (nature) (whatever is highest) check instead of diplomacy. Diplomacy must modify their attitude to friendly, after which you can issue one command at a length equivalent to the 'missive' psionic power.

    - Greater Mysticism -
    5 = Regrowth; Acquire regeneration 5. You cast regeneration at-will with a touch attack. Alternatively, you can cast hold person with a touch attack against people you don't like. Instead of using regular save DC, you and the target must make opposed knowledge (religion) checks.

    6 = Precognition; for 5 rounds, you may Auto succeed on all skill checks while using your knowledge (religion) modifier as an intuition modifier to AC. This is once per day.


    Coming Soon.

    Esoteric Arts

    Coming Soon.

    Last edited by imp_fireball; 2010-09-17 at 06:07 PM.

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