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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Archpsion (Not the WotC version) [PEACH]


    - Theyn Armist: Archpsion as he sundered the minds of his enemy's army

    The Archpsion is the pinnacle of the Psionic craft; his mental powers are enough to shatter continents, rearrange solar systems and convert Demon Lords to the cause of righteousness. Mere mortal minds; even those of the most potent Mages shudder at the thought of his intense gaze turning their way.

    Manifesting: Ability to manifest a 7th-level power, knowledge of 4th-level or higher powers from at least 3 psionic disciplines.
    Skills: Knowledge (psionics) 15 ranks, Psicraft 15 ranks.
    Feats: Skill Focus (Psicraft), Psicrystal Affinity -or- Any Psionic Item Creation -or- Any Metapsionic

    Hit Dice: d4
    1|+0|+0|+0|+2|Mastery of the Mind|+1 existing Manifesting Class
    2|+1|+0|+0|+3|Crystal Summoner|+1 existing Manifesting Class
    3|+1|+1|+1|+3|Eternal Guard|+1 existing Manifesting Class
    4|+2|+1|+1|+4|Malleable Mind|+1 existing Manifesting Class
    5|+2|+1|+1|+4|Supreme Mind|+1 existing Manifesting Class[/table]
    Class Skills: (2+Int Mod/Level) Same as the class from which they can Manifest 7th Level Powers. If this is more than one class they must pick one, which cannot be changed once chosen.

    Class Features:

    At every level the character gains additional power points per day and access to new powers as if he had also gained a level in whatever manifesting class he belonged to before she added the prestige class. He does not however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained (bonus feats, metapsionic or item creation feats, psicrystal special abilities, and so on). This essentially means that he adds the level of Archpsion to the level of whatever manifesting class the character has, then determines power points per day, powers known, and manifester level accordingly.

    Mastery of the Mind (Ex):
    At first level the Archpsion defines themselves amongst their peers. They choose one of the following powers, based on their entry to this class/personal preference:
    Perfect Mind:
    A Psion Archpsion may select an extra discipline to choose powers from, both in the future and via methods such as Psychic Reformation.

    Order in Chaos:
    A Wilder Archpsion reduces their risk of Psychic Enervation by 15% permanently, and may use Wild Surge to increase their Manifester Level by an extra 1.

    Perfect Devotion:
    An Ardent Archpsion treats all of their Mantles as Primary Mantles, meaning they can pick powers from any of them both in he future and via methods such as Psychic Reformation.

    No Man is an Island:
    An Archpsion with the Psicrystal Affinity Feat gains the Improved Psicrystal and Psicrystal Containment Feats. If they already have Psicrystal Containment then their Psicrystal can maintain an additional focus.

    Knowledge Incarnate
    An Erudite Archpsion may 1/day change a unique power/day that they have already used.

    Crystal Summoner (Su):
    Since the discovery that crystal of varying types could affect and be affected by psionic energy, it has become an integral part of the lives of Manifesters. When they take their next step into the life of an Archpsion the Manifester learns to bend this useful material to their will.

    At-Will as a standard action they may summon a Shard that grants +X to any skill, where X is their Archpsion level. They may have 1 of these Shards in existence/Archpsion level at a time, and may give them to others if they wish. Unlike normal, these Shards may be used as a free action.

    Additionally by focussing ectoplasm together they may as a move equivalent action conjure a +1 enchanted weapon or five pieces of ammunition of any type they wish, made of Deep Crystal, which remain for 1 day/Archpsion level. These weapons seem to flicker, and as such can be easily identified for what they are and so can't be sold.

    Finally as a standard action they may spur the growth of mundane crystal out of nowhere. They may create crystal replicas of pretty much anything by concentrating for 1 round/4lb of the material (DM's best guess where no weight is listed). Many Archpsions use this ability to forge crystal palaces to make sure everyone knows about their power.

    Eternal Guard (Ps):
    Archpsions are never defenceless. From third level they may use the powers Telekinetic Force, Telekinetic Manoeuvre & Telekinetic Thrust at-will as a standard action. They may mix and match these effects as they please, and they are automatically assumed to be augmented by bonus PP equal to their Manifester Level-4.

    Malleable Mind (Ex):
    The Archpsion gains a Bonus Psionic Feat they qualify for. Each time it recovers it's PP after 8 hours of rest they may change this Feat for any other Psionic Feat they qualify for. If this Feat is an Item Creation Feat the XP & GP costs are reduced by 25%, and if it is a Metapsionic Feat the cost is reduced by 2PP, to a minimum of 1.

    Supreme Mind (Ex):
    At fifth level the Archpsion has perfected their craft, surpassing mere mortal existence.
    From now on, 1/day if they would be killed, as long as they have at least 1PP and their Primary Manifesting Stat is 3 or more, their mind immediately joins with the multiverse and the Archpsion becomes an Unbodied, ignoring any LA or RHD. They retain all their Manifesting abilities & can still use all their class Features. Their previous body and equipment vanishes into nothingness but as long as they haven't been destroyed/disjoined they are still considered to be using all their psionic/magical equipment. They recover their full Power Points and HP.

    After resting for 8 hours (during which they will likely also recover their Power Points) the Archpsion regenerates their previous physical form exactly as it was when they were killed (except they are at full HP), equipment and all.



    - Removed this from 3rd level -

    Instant Augmentation (Ex):
    The Archpsion is the master of their Psionic Powers, stretching them beyond their normal limits.

    Any power they use that can be augmented is automatically considered to be augmented once without paying any additional Power Points.
    eg. Energy Ray would now deal a base damage of 2d6 with 1PP spent, and Death Urge's DC is automatically 2 higher and it's duration increased by 1 round.

    *DM's are advised to take care with this ability. I haven't gone through every single Psionic Power looking for abusable options here. If something seems just too silly then bar it.*

    - Moved Crystal Summoner from Level 1 -Level 2

    - Moved Eternal Guard from Level 2 - Level 3
    Last edited by Kobold-Bard; 2011-08-22 at 05:22 AM.
    Piratebold-Bard by Elder Tsofu | Backer #121 of the Giantitp Kickstarter | My homebrew
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  2. - Top - End - #2
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Archpsion (Not the WotC version) [PEACH]

    Nice, but summoning a +5 shard at 20th level is kind of meh. Maybe 2x or 3x their Archpsion level, or alternatively, equal to their manifester level.
    Quote Originally Posted by The Doctor
    People assume that time is a strict progression of cause-to-effect, but actually from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint - it's more like a big ball of wibbly wobbly... time-y wimey... stuff.
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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Archpsion (Not the WotC version) [PEACH]

    It lists no type. Hence, assuming tha was intentional, you get to use all five of the +5 shards you are allowed to make a +25 bonus on one skill, if desired...

    Edit: missed the link. I think i like my reading better. Ioun stones over potions...
    Last edited by Mulletmanalive; 2010-11-15 at 02:10 PM.
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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Archpsion (Not the WotC version) [PEACH]

    Quote Originally Posted by Mulletmanalive View Post
    It lists no type. Hence, assuming tha was intentional, you get to use all five of the +5 shards you are allowed to make a +25 bonus on one skill, if desired...
    That was meant, but not allowing them to stack. Should I leave it as is, or put a "no stack" line in?
    Piratebold-Bard by Elder Tsofu | Backer #121 of the Giantitp Kickstarter | My homebrew
    Quote Originally Posted by OverlordJ View Post
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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Archpsion (Not the WotC version) [PEACH]

    RE: Instant Augmentation, you're only increasing the disparity between powers with expensive single augments (I'm thinking of Charm/Dominate in particular) and damage dealers that you pile tons of cheap augments on to. Maybe a set discount to PP cost for all augmented powers?

    Also, does this allow them to spend more PP on a power than normal? Because considering all the powers that pump their DCs with augmenting, you probably shouldn't.

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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Archpsion (Not the WotC version) [PEACH]

    If you actually intend them to be shards, it's a lame power. It could stand to be stackable ioun stones as you'd probably have +absurdity items no anything you need to cheese up by that point anyway...

    That and the activation times on shards was wha made them suck in the first place...
    Mine is not so much a Peter Pan Complex as a Peter Pan Doom Fortress and Underground LairTM!
    Fae-o-matic Want a fae from folklore stated? Give me the lore and I'll do it for you!
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    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Archpsion (Not the WotC version) [PEACH]

    Quote Originally Posted by Mulletmanalive View Post
    It lists no type. Hence, assuming tha was intentional, you get to use all five of the +5 shards you are allowed to make a +25 bonus on one skill, if desired...
    If they remember to stack them, it could be useful; but if not, it ends up kind of meh, like I said already. I'd probably go with "2x Archpsion level," personally. Yeah, some people would stack them, but many would probably just forget.
    Quote Originally Posted by The Doctor
    People assume that time is a strict progression of cause-to-effect, but actually from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint - it's more like a big ball of wibbly wobbly... time-y wimey... stuff.
    Awesomesauce Doctor WhOotS-atar by Ceika!

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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Archpsion (Not the WotC version) [PEACH]

    I never noticed they needed a standard action.

    Ok, they stack.
    Piratebold-Bard by Elder Tsofu | Backer #121 of the Giantitp Kickstarter | My homebrew
    Quote Originally Posted by OverlordJ View Post
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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Archpsion (Not the WotC version) [PEACH]

    Quote Originally Posted by dsmiles View Post
    If they remember to stack them, it could be useful; but if not, it ends up kind of meh, like I said already. I'd probably go with "2x Archpsion level," personally. Yeah, some people would stack them, but many would probably just forget.
    True,but you can simply leave them in a single useful combination, say +8 Psicraft, +8 Concentration and if needed, spend 4 turns assigning them all to escape artist so you can fit through a hole, then put them back while you're walking.

    Double Arch-Psion level to 5 skill checks might as well be +10 on all skill checks, though, which seems a little silly.
    Mine is not so much a Peter Pan Complex as a Peter Pan Doom Fortress and Underground LairTM!
    Fae-o-matic Want a fae from folklore stated? Give me the lore and I'll do it for you!
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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Archpsion (Not the WotC version) [PEACH]

    Got rid of Instant Augmentation. Moved Crystal Summoner & Eternal Guard up a Level and put a new ability at Level 1.

    Piratebold-Bard by Elder Tsofu | Backer #121 of the Giantitp Kickstarter | My homebrew
    Quote Originally Posted by OverlordJ View Post
    New law: Obey me or you'll be crushed by a MOUNTAIN.

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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Archpsion (Not the WotC version) [PEACH]

    Perfect Mind is the name of the psion ability and the fifth-level ability. Otherwise, looks good.

    Order In Chaos is as good as it can be without this class becoming the default for all Wilders.

    Perfect Devotion seems a bit weaker by comparison, but Ardents don't need any extra boosts and it's consistent with the others.

    No Man is an Island seems lacking to me, but I'm not familiar with stupidly powerful familiar/psicrystal tricks, and I'm sure they exist.

    Yeah, looks fine.

  12. - Top - End - #12
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Archpsion (Not the WotC version) [PEACH]

    Quote Originally Posted by gkathellar View Post
    Perfect Mind is the name of the psion ability and the fifth-level ability. Otherwise, looks good.
    Aww frak Consider the capstone name changed.


    No Man is an Island seems lacking to me, but I'm not familiar with stupidly powerful familiar/psicrystal tricks, and I'm sure they exist.

    Yeah, looks fine.
    Thought that, though it wasn't because of Psicrystal overpoweredness. That mainly comes from arguing they get Feats and giving it VoP etc.

    Anyone got any suggestions for a boost to that one, or any other MotM abilities?
    Piratebold-Bard by Elder Tsofu | Backer #121 of the Giantitp Kickstarter | My homebrew
    Quote Originally Posted by OverlordJ View Post
    New law: Obey me or you'll be crushed by a MOUNTAIN.

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