Snips, Snails, and Dragon Tales: Now available in PDF format from Gumroad
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    Troll in the Playground
    jiriku's Avatar

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    Aug 2009

    Default Summoner base class [3.5 PEACH]

    The Summoner

    This is an original base class for characters interested in playing an arcane spellcaster focused on summoning. The summoner excels at summoning outsiders and spirits to act as sages, servants, and bodyguards, and can easily influence others with his potent personality. The summoner is also proficient at banishing spirits and outsiders, including those summoned by him and others. Although a summoner has less raw magical power than other casters, he can augment his prowess by attuning himself to his planar companion, gaining potent abilities.

    Summoner by Jarrick
    Summoner by Arguskos
    Caller by Johanas
    Summoner by Kharmakazy
    Summoner by Admiral Squish
    The incantatrix, malconvoker, and thamauturgist prestige classes.

    Overall Design Notes:
    • This class is benchmarked against the dread necromancer. It is intended to create a deeper "bench" of interesting classes in the T3 range, not to compete with the summoning capabilities of T1-T2 casters like the cleric, psion, or wizard.
    • This is also my first experimentation with new power systems. The summoner attunes himself to his planar companion, acquiring augments that make him more like the companion. This is basically a simplified form of incarnum, comparable in style to the totemist.
    • The summoner borrows heavily from the malconvoker and thamauturgist prestige classes. I recommend that DMs should disallow summoners from taking either prestige class, no matter what shenanigans they might produce to meet the entry requirements. Some things just weren't meant to be.

    Change Log:
    1.0 Original version.
    1.1 Added Summoner's Gambit (spectral ward)
    1.11 Added text to the planar companion feature to eliminate an exploit allowing the summoner to "farm" planar companions for their gear. Also added text indicating that if you give extra gear to a planar companion, the gear remains behind if the companion is slain or released from service.
    2.0 Playtest found the summoner to be more powerful, much more complicated, and much slower to play than intended. The entire class has been overhauled. I removed the Advanced Learning, Contingent Conjuration, Deceitful Bargaining, Fortified Summons, Safe Summoning, Seize Summoning, Summoned Legion, and Summoner's Gambit features. I improved Persuasive and moved it up to 6th level, and slightly increased the rate at which additional planar companions are gained. Improved Calling has been moved down to 17th level and nerfed slightly. The description of Master Linguist has been simplified a bit. I have also added Spirited Summons, a scaling buff to replace Summoner's Gambit, and Planar Eidolon, a summoning perk to replace Summoned Legion. The summoner can now cast only one summoner spell per round. The updated summoner should get more power from fewer summoned creatures, require fewer dice rolls to summon and call minions, and have fewer overall features to keep track of. The summoner's planar companion should also begin to play a more central role in the class.
    2.1 Increased the summoner's spells per day but removed the ability to gain bonus spells for a high ability score.
    2.11 Added Ride as a class skill.
    2.12 Updated tables.

    Summoners have the following game statistics.

    Abilities: Intelligence is the most important ability for a summoner, as it determines how powerful a spell she can cast, how many spells she can cast per day, and how hard those spells are to resist. Charisma is useful when bargaining with called spirits and outsiders, and for many of the summoner's class skills. A summoner benefits from high Dexterity and Constitution scores much as a sorcerer or wizard would.

    Hit Die: d6

    Lvl BAB Fort Ref Will Special Augs -0- -1- -2- -3- -4- -5- -6- -7- -8- -9-
    1st +0 +0 +0 +2 Armored mage, master linguist, potent summons
    4 3 – – – – – – – –
    2nd +1 +0 +0 +3 Planar companion (1st companion)
    5 3 – – – – – – – –
    3rd +1 +1 +1 +3 Augmented being (least augments)
    5 4 – – – – – – – –
    4th +2 +1 +1 +4 Rapid summoning
    5 4 3 – – – – – – –
    5th +2 +1 +1 +4 Persuasive
    5 4 3 – – – – – – –
    6th +3 +2 +2 +5 Spirited summons +1
    5 5 4 3 – – – – – –
    7th +3 +2 +2 +5 Augmented being (lesser augments)
    5 5 4 3 – – – – – –
    8th +4 +2 +2 +6 Planar companion (2nd companion)
    5 5 4 4 3 – – – – –
    9th +4 +3 +3 +6 Planar eidolon
    5 5 5 4 3 – – – – –
    10th +5 +3 +3 +7
    5 5 5 4 4 3 – – – –
    11th +5 +3 +3 +7 Augmented being (greater augments)
    5 5 5 5 4 3 – – – –
    12th +6/+1 +4 +4 +8 Spirited summons +2
    5 5 5 5 4 4 3 – – –
    13th +6/+1 +4 +4 +8
    5 5 5 5 5 4 3 – – –
    14th +7/+2 +4 +4 +9 Planar companion (3rd companion)
    5 5 5 5 5 4 4 3 – –
    15th +7/+2 +5 +5 +9 Augmented being (dark augments)
    5 5 5 5 5 5 4 3 – –
    16th +8/+3 +5 +5 +10
    5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 3 –
    17th +8/+3 +5 +5 +10 Improved calling
    5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 3 –
    18th +9/+4 +6 +6 +11 Spirited summons +3
    5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 3
    19th +9/+4 +6 +6 +11 Augmented being (fearsome augments)
    5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 3
    20th +10/+5 +6 +6 +12 Planar companion (4th companion)
    5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4

    CLASS SKILLS (2 + Int mod per level, x4 at 1st level)
    A summoner's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Knowledge (nature) (Int), Knowledge (the planes) (Int), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Sense Motive (Wis), Speak Language (n/a), Spellcraft (Int).

    Your spells and class features make you well-suited to a variety of roles depending on the type of creature you summon, but you often find yourself using your summoned minions to protect your allies and intercept the attacks of your foes. You have little in the way of defensive magic, so be sure to summon some bodyguards when in dangerous situations and use your augments to shore up your defenses. Outside of combat, your forceful personality and social acumen often make you the leader or spokesman for your group, and you are a font of knowledge when it comes to matters involving other planes of existence. Your augments can be helpful here as well by boosting your mental stats and skill bonuses.

    Weapon and Armor Proficiency: The summoner gains proficiency with all simple weapons and with light armor, but not with shields.

    Spells: A summoner casts arcane spells, which are drawn from the summoner spell list (below). When you gain access to a new level of spells, you automatically gain access to all the spells for that level on the summoner’s spell list. You can cast any spell you know without preparing it ahead of time. Essentially, your spell list is the same as your spells known list.

    To cast a summoner spell, you must have an Intelligence score of 10 + the spell's level. The Difficulty Class for a saving throw against a summoner’s spell is 10 + the spell's level + the summoner’s Int mod. Like other spellcasters, a summoner can cast only a certain number of spells of each spell level per day. The daily spell allotment is given in the table above. If you attempt to cast spells while wearing any armor other than light armor, you suffer an arcane spell failure chance.

    A summoner need not prepare spells in advance. You can cast any spell you know at any time, assuming you have not yet used up your spells per day for that level. However, you may only cast one summoner spell per round, even if you would otherwise have enough actions available to cast more than one. Casting a spell with a casting time of one immediate action counts as your use of a spell for the following round. Unlike some other spellcasters, you do not gain bonus spells for a high ability score.

    Armored Mage (Ex): Normally, armor of any type interferes with an arcane spellcaster's gestures, causing an arcane spell failure chance. However, a summoner's limited focus and specialized training allow you to ignore the arcane spell failure chance for light armor. This training does not extend to shields, other forms of armor, or spells gained from other spellcasting classes.

    Master Linguist (Ex): A summoner's training begins with the study of the languages spoken by spirits and outsiders. In addition to your normal racial bonus languages (if any), you may select as a bonus language any language spoken by any creature that can be summoned by the the spells on your class list.

    Potent Summons (Ex): Each creature you conjure with any conjuration (summoning) or conjuration (calling) spell, or with your Planar Companion class feature, gains a +4 enhancement bonus to Strength and Constitution for the duration of the spell that summoned it. This feature counts as the Augment Summoning Feat when meeting prerequisites.

    Whenever you cast a conjuration (summoning) spell with a duration of 1 round/level, the duration of the spell is increased by 2 rounds. Whenever you cast a conjuration (summoning) spell with a duration of 'Concentration', its duration is changed to 'Concentration + 2 rounds'.

    Designer's notes:
    The +2 round bump makes summoning spells more viable in the 1st - 2nd level range, when their duration would normally be too short for a caster to rely on them as a primary tactic.

    Planar Companion: Upon reaching 2nd level, you may perform a special incantation to call and bind an outsider to serve as your companion. The ritual requires rare dusts and pigments costing 100gp, and requires 24 hours of uninterrupted meditation. You call any creature you could normally summon with a conjuration (summoning) spell on your summoner spell list.

    The planar companion progresses as a familiar, as described in the Player's Handbook (pp. 52-53), except that you do not lose experience if your companion is killed, and you may replace a slain planar companion, or one that has been released from service, simply by repeating the ritual. Additionally, the planar companion uses its normal hit points, base attack bonus, or Intelligence score if they are better than the values acquired by virtue of being a planar companion. If a planar companion’s statistics block indicates that it is wearing or carrying any equipment, it appears with that gear when it is first called. The companion will not part with its starting gear, although you can give it additional equipment if you wish. If you attempt to forcefully take some article of its starting gear, it is released from service and may attack you or depart. When it departs in this fashion, it takes all its gear with it.

    Once per day, as a full-round action, a summoner may magically call his companion from the extra-planar realm in which it resides. The companion immediately appears adjacent to you and remains for 2 hours per summoner level; it may be dismissed at any time as a free action. The companion is the same creature each time it is called, though you may release a particular companion from service (in order to call a different sort of companion, for instance). Each time the planar companion is called, it appears in full health, regardless of any damage it may have taken previously. The companion also appears wearing or carrying any gear it had when it was last dismissed. A planar companion that is slain vanishes and is released from service, although any gear that you have given it remains behind.

    For every six additional levels you gain above 2nd, you may call and bind an additional planar companion (two at 8th level, three at 14th level, etc.). You may call each companion once per day as described above, but once you call a companion, you must dismiss it before you can summon another (you can't have more than one companion with you at once).

    Calling a planar companion is a conjuration (calling) effect. Calling the planar companion is a spell-like ability with a level equivalent to one-third your class level.

    Designer's notes:
    The planar companion is essentially a persistent summon monster spell that gains familiar perks, called through the same mechanic used to call a paladin mount. The choice of planar companion has a big impact on how your summoner plays, since it determines the options available to you through augmented being.

    Augmented Being (Su): Upon reaching 3rd level, you can attune yourself to your planar companion to claim some of its attributes for yourself, gaining augments which make you more like the entity you have bound. The attunement process requires one hour of meditation upon your link to your companion, and it must be present during this time. Once you have selected the augments to be acquired from your companion and completed the attunement process, you manifest the augments whenever you call the companion, so long as it is within 1 mile of you. You immediately lose the benefit of your augments if the companion is dismissed, released from service, or slain, although if the companion is merely dismissed, your attunements remain and you will manifest your augments when next you call your companion.

    Augments come in five grades: least, lesser, greater, dark, and fearsome. When you first learn to attune yourself to your planar companion, you can attune only least augments. As you advance in level, you can attune more powerful augments, as shown on on Table: The Summoner.

    The number of augments you may attune at any one time is shown on Table: The Summoner, above. If you can bind more than one planar companion, you may attune up to your maximum number of augments separately for each one (e.g. a 10th-level summoner can bind two planar companions, and can attune four least or lesser augments with the first companion and four least or lesser augments with the second companion).

    You may suppress all visible signs of your augmentations by concentrating for a moment (a standard action), but they provide no benefit to you while suppressed. Resuming your augmentations is a free action.

    Designer's notes:
    See my second post in this thread for the list of augments available to the summoner. Essentially, the summoner gains the ability to enhance himself with the strengths of his planar companion, granting himself a variety of abilities based on which creature he chooses as a companion. By attuning his augments differently, he can change up his capabilities significantly, and at higher levels, he can access several different menus of abilities depending on which planar companion he calls.

    Rapid Summoning (Ex): A summoner of 4th level or higher casts summoning spells more quickly. When you can cast a Conjuration (summoning) spells with a casting time of one full round, the casting time is reduced to one standard action.

    Persuasive (Ex): Beginning at 5th level, you learn to use emotional appeals, shrewd bargaining, clever wordplay, or brazen intimidation to get what you want. You gain a competence bonus to Charisma-based checks equal to one-half your class level.

    If you fail a Bluff, Diplomacy, or Intimidate check in a social situation, you may try to use the skill a second time against the same target, even though it is normally not possible to try again after failing to use Bluff, Diplomacy, or Intimidate in a social situation.

    Persuasive grants you the right to make a second attempt, not a reroll of your original attempt, so you must spend the appropriate amount of time to make the second attempt, and modifiers that applied only to the first roll (e.g. a moment of prescience spell) do not apply to the second roll.

    Also, when you resort to aggressive negotiation tactics, your allies tend to accept your uncouth behavior as simply an overbearing personality, and your self-confidence earns you the grudging respect of would-be enemies. After your successful use of the Intimidate skill wears off, the target's attitude towards you becomes neutral instead of unfriendly (or reverts to its original attitude, if the original attitude was worse than neutral).

    Designer's notes:
    A houserule in my campaign setting is that convincing a creature called with planar binding or gate to serve requires a Diplomacy check, rather than an opposed Charisma check. We use a variant of Rich Burlew's alternative Diplomacy rules.

    Spirited Summons (Ex): A summoner of 6th level or higher has learned to exhort his summoned allies to greater effort. Your planar companions, along with any creatures you summon or call with your summoner spells, receives a +1 morale bonus on attack rolls, damage rolls, Armor Class, saving throws, skill checks and ability checks. This bonus improves to +2 at 12th level and +3 at 18th level.

    Planar Eidolon (Ex): Upon reaching 9th level, the summoner learns to reach through the planes with immense power. When summoning exactly one creature with a summon monster spell (or a similar spell such as summon nature's ally or summon undead), you may choose to either summon two of that creature, or select the creature summoned from the next-higher list of creatures available to you. For example, instead of summoning a celestial monkey with a summon monster I spell, you might choose to summon a single celestial riding dog (chosen from the summon monster II list).

    Improved Calling (Su): At 17th level, your understanding of summoning magic shows you how to call even more powerful beings into your service. The normal HD limit for your dragon ally and planar binding spells (including lesser and greater versions) increases by 2. However, if you exceed the normal HD limit for a planar binding spell, any creatures you call may check their spell resistance to escape your binding (as described in the spell), despite any precautions you may have taken while scribing the binding circle.

    The summoner spell list appears below. All spells are notated with the name and page number of the sourcebook in which they appear.

    0 Level: caltrops (SC 42), create water (PH 215), detect magic (PH 219), mending (PH 253), prestidigitation (PH 264), read magic (PH 269), unseen servant (PH 297).

    1st Level: alarm (PH 197), benign transposition (SC 27), burning rage (PH2 105), create trap (RotD 112), deep breath (SC 61), deflect, lesser (PH2 109), familiar pocket (SC 88), friendly face (RoD 106), hail of stone (SC 108), magic fang (PH 250), mount (PH 256), protection from outsiders, protection from spirits, sanctuary (PH 274), snake's swiftness (SC 193), summon monster I (PH 85).

    2nd Level: aiming at the target (SC 8), augment familiar (SC 17), baleful transposition (SC 23), blade brothers (PH2 103), cat's grace (PH 208), cloud of knives (PH2 107), deflect (Ph2 109), dimension hop (PH2 110), eagle's splendor (PH 225), fox's cunning (PH 233), heroics (SC 113), insidious insight (RoE 187), luminous assassin, lesser (PH2 117), resist energy (PH 272), share talents (PH2 124), shield other (PH 278), snake's swiftness, mass (SC 193), status (PH 284) summon monster II (PH 286), summon swarm (PH 289), tiger's tooth (SC 221).

    3rd Level: analyze portal 9SC 10), create food and water (PH 214), crown of might (PH2 108), crown of protection (PH2 108), dimension step (PH2 110), dispel magic (PH 223), enhance familiar (SC 82), ferocity of sanguine rage (DrM 67), fortify familiar (SC 98), haste (PH 239), heroism (PH 240), jagged tooth (SC 126), magic circle against outsiders, magic circle against spirits, magic fang, greater (PH 250), nauseating breath (SC 146), phantom steed (PH 260), protection from energy (PH 266), regal procession (SC 172), regroup (PH2 122), servant horde (SC 182), summon monster III (PH 286), sonorous hum (SC 196), tactical precision (SC 218), vipergout (SC 230).

    4th Level: battle hymn (SC 25), dimension door (PH 221), dimensional anchor (PH 221), dismissal (PH 222), evard's black tentacles (PH 228), leomund's secure shelter (PH 247), luminous assassin (PH2 117), magic fang, superior (SC 136), minor creation (PH 253), resist energy, mass (SC 174), ruin delver’s fortune (SC 78), stoneskin (PH 284), summon elementite swarm (SC 214), summon hound archon (SC 214), summon monster IV (PH 286), summon pest swarm (City 67), voice of the dragon (SC 232).

    5th Level: call zelekhut (SC 42), choking sands (SS 112), contact other plane (PH 212), dimension door, greater (SC 54), dimension shuffle (PH2 110), dragon ally, lesser (SC 82), hidden lodge (SC 114), indomitability (SC 121), insect plague (PH 244), major creation (PH 252), mordenkainen's faithful hound (PH 255), planar binding, lesser (PH 261), summon monster V (PH 286), teleport (PH 292).

    6th Level: banishment (PH 203), bones of the earth (PH2 104), cat's grace, mass (PH 208), chasing perfection (PH2 106), dispel magic, greater (PH 223), drown (SC 74), extract water elemental (SC 86), fire spiders (SC 92), heroism, greater (PH 240), imbue familiar with spell ability (SC 120), luminous assassin, greater (PH2 117), mephit mob (SS 118), planar binding (PH 261), seal portal (SC 181), summon greater elemental (SC 214), summon monster VI (PH 287).

    7th Level: call kolyarut (SC 42), dragon ally (SC 82), drawmij's instant summons (PH 225), ethereal jaunt (PH 227), planar bubble (SC 158), plane shift (PH 262), resistance, superior (SC 174), slime wave (SC 192), summon monster VII (PH 287), teleport, greater (PH 293), teleport object (PH 293).

    8th Level: binding (PH 204), drown, mass (SC 74), horde of slaadi, host of angels, maze (PH 252), mordenkainen’s capable caravel (SW 119), planar binding, greater (PH 261), plane shift, greater (SC 159), summon monster VIII (PH 287), trap the soul (PH 295), true creation (SC 224).

    9th Level: call marut (SC 42), doom of the seas (SW 115), dragon ally, greater (SC 82), elemental swarm (PH 226), gate (PH 234), planar navigation (SC 119), refuge (PH 269), summon devoted roc (RotW 175), summon elemental monolith (SC 214), summon golem (PH2 126), summon monster IX (PH 288), teleportation circle (PH 293).

    Designer's notes:
    My campaign setting includes alternate summon monster lists. Without getting into too much detail, there are more choices, the summons are slightly higher in CR but with fewer spellcasting choices, and the lists are themed according to the planar cosmology of the campaign setting (generally, demons, devils and angels are out, while fey and aberrations are in). YMMV.
    Last edited by jiriku; 2015-06-03 at 12:30 AM.
    Subclasses for 5E: magus of blades, shadowcraft assassin, spellthief, void disciple
    Guides for 5E: Practical fiend-binding

    D&D Remix for 3.x: balanced base classes and feats, all in the authentic flavor of the originals. Most popular: monk and fighter.

  2. - Top - End - #2
    Troll in the Playground
    jiriku's Avatar

    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Default Summoner Augments


    Least augments:
    attune natural weapon, least
    augment senses, least
    augment natural armor
    augment racial skill, least

    Lesser augments:
    attune extraordinary elemental attack
    attune extraordinary special attack, lesser
    attune extraordinary special quality
    attune feat
    attune natural weapon, lesser
    augment ability score
    augment senses, lesser
    augment racial skill, lesser

    Greater augments:
    attune extraordinary special attack, greater
    attune natural weapon, greater
    attune spell-like ability, greater
    augment senses, greater
    augment racial skill, greater

    Dark augments:
    attune natural weapon, dark
    attune spell-like ability, dark
    augment movement, dark
    augment senses, dark
    augment racial skill, dark

    Fearsome augments:
    attune natural weapon, fearsome
    attune spell-like ability, fearsome
    augment movement, fearsome
    augment senses, fearsome
    augment racial skill, fearsome

    Augment Descriptions:
    Attune Extraordinary Elemental Attack (Lesser)
    You gain one of the following extraordinary elemental attacks that your planar companion possesses: air mastery, burn, cold, combustion, drench, earth mastery, fiery aura, or heat. You may attune this augment more than once. Each time you do, it applies to a different extraordinary elemental attack that your planar companion possesses.

    Attune Extraordinary Special Attack, Lesser (Lesser)
    You gain one of the following extraordinary special attacks that your planar companion possesses, provided you have the proper size, natural weapons or other prerequisites needed to deliver the attack: attach, capsize, constrict, crush, engulf, impale, improved grab, leap, pounce, powerful charge, push, rake, rend, rend armor, rock throwing, snatch, swallow whole, tail sweep, trample, or trip. You may attune this augment more than once. Each time you do, it applies to a different extraordinary special attack that your planar companion possesses.

    Attune Extraordinary Special Attack, Greater (Greater)
    You gain one of the following extraordinary special attacks that your planar companion possesses, provided you have the proper size, natural weapons or other prerequisites needed to deliver the attack: acid, battle frenzy, berserk, blood drain, corrosive slime, cursed wound, disease, extract, ferocity, frightful presence, howl, light ray, mimicry, moan, paralysis, poison, quills, rage, sneak attack, spit acid, spittle, spores, stench, or web. You may attune this augment more than once. Each time you do, it applies to a different extraordinary special attack that your planar companion possesses.

    Attune Extraordinary Special Quality (Lesser)
    You gain one of the following extraordinary special qualities that your planar companion possesses: amphibious, immunity to a single type of energy, immunity to poison, fast healing, hold breath, resistance to a single type of energy, rock catching, or water breathing. You may attune this augment more than once. Each time you do, it applies to a different extraordinary special quality that your planar companion possesses.

    Attune Feat (Lesser)
    You gain a racial bonus feat that your planar companion possesses, ignoring prerequisites. You may attune this augment more than once. Each time you do, it applies to a different racial bonus feat that your planar companion possesses. You may only acquire racial bonus feats via this ability, not normal feats or feats gained from templates or class advancement.

    Attune Natural Weapon, Dark (Dark)
    You gain up to four of the natural weapons that your planar companion also possesses, growing additional limbs as necessary to support them (for example, if you attune a tail slap attack, you grow a tail). Your new limbs resemble those of your planar companion, but do not provide you with any additional abilities (e.g. if you gain wings, you do not gain the ability to fly). The natural weapons you gain function as a normal natural weapons for you; you can make primary or secondary natural attacks with them (but not iterative attacks), and they deal the same damage as your planar companion's natural weapons (adjusted for your size, if you are not the same size). Your natural weapons looks like the natural weapons of your planar companion (e.g. you grow a horn for a gore attack, you grow claws for a claw attack, etc.). You may attune this augment more than once. Each time you do, it applies to up to four different natural weapons that your planar companion possesses.

    Attune Natural Weapon, Fearsome (Fearsome)
    You gain up to five of the natural weapons that your planar companion also possesses, growing additional limbs as necessary to support them (for example, if you attune a tail slap attack, your grow a tail). Your new limbs resemble those of your planar companion, but do not provide you with any additional abilities (e.g. if you gain wings, you do not gain the ability to fly). The natural weapons you gain function as a normal natural weapons for you; you can make primary or secondary natural attacks with them (but not iterative attacks), and they deal the same damage as your planar companion's natural weapons (adjusted for your size, if you are not the same size). Your natural weapons looks like the natural weapons of your planar companion (e.g. you grow a horn for a gore attack, you grow claws for a claw attack, etc.). You may attune this augment more than once. Each time you do, it applies to up to five different natural weapons that your planar companion possesses.

    Attune Natural Weapon, Greater (Greater)
    You gain up to three of the natural weapons that your planar companion also possesses, growing additional limbs as necessary to support them (for example, if you attune a tail slap attack, your grow a tail). Your new limbs resemble those of your planar companion, but do not provide you with any additional abilities (e.g. if you gain wings, you do not gain the ability to fly). The natural weapons you gain function as a normal natural weapons for you; you can make primary or secondary natural attacks with them (but not iterative attacks), and they deal the same damage as your planar companion's natural weapons (adjusted for your size, if you are not the same size). Your natural weapons looks like the natural weapons of your planar companion (e.g. you grow a horn for a gore attack, you grow claws for a claw attack, etc.). You may attune this augment more than once. Each time you do, it applies to up to three different natural weapons that your planar companion possesses.

    Attune Natural Weapon, Least (Least)
    You gain one of the natural weapons that your planar companion also possesses, provided you possess the proper limb (for example, you cannot gain a tail slap attack if you do not have a tail). It functions as a normal natural weapon for you; you can make primary or secondary natural attacks with it (but not iterative attacks)., and it deals the same damage as your planar companion's natural weapon (adjusted for your size, if you are not the same size). Even if the weapon is one that normally comes in pairs (such as a claw), you gain only a single weapon; you must attune this augment again to gain the second paired natural weapon. Your natural weapon looks like the natural weapon of your planar companion (e.g. you grow a horn for a gore attack, you grow claws for a claw attack, etc.). You may attune this augment more than once. Each time you do, it applies to a different natural weapon that your planar companion possesses.

    Attune Natural Weapon, Lesser (Lesser)
    You gain up to two of the natural weapons that your planar companion also possesses, provided you possess the proper limb (for example, you cannot gain a wing buffet attack if you do not have wings). They function as a normal natural weapons for you; you can make primary or secondary natural attacks with them (but not iterative attacks), and they deal the same damage as your planar companion's natural weapons (adjusted for your size, if you are not the same size). Your natural weapons looks like the natural weapons of your planar companion (e.g. you grow a horn for a gore attack, you grow claws for a claw attack, etc.). You may attune this augment more than once. Each time you do, it applies to up to two different natural weapons that your planar companion possesses.

    Attune Spell-Like Ability, Dark (Dark)
    You gain the ability to use one of your planar companion's spell-like abilities three times per day, provided it meets the following three prerequisites: its effective spell level is no greater than half your summoner level, the companion's caster level for this ability is no greater than your summoner caster level, and the companion is able to use the ability at least three times per day. You activate the spell-like ability just as your planar companion normally would, and must observe the same restrictions that your companion observes (if any). Your caster level for this ability is equal to the your summoner caster level, and you use your Charisma score to determine its save DC (if any). If the spell-like ability has an expensive material component or XP cost, you must provide that component or pay that cost, even if your planar companion would not. You may attune this augment more than once. Each time you do, it applies to a different qualifying spell-like ability that your planar companion possesses.

    Attune Spell-Like Ability, Fearsome (Fearsome)
    You gain the ability to use one of your planar companion's spell-like abilities at will, provided it meets the following two prerequisites: the companion's caster level for this ability is no greater than your summoner caster level, and the companion is able to use the ability at will. You activate the spell-like ability just as your planar companion normally would, and must observe the same restrictions that your companion observes (if any). Your caster level for this ability is equal to the your summoner caster level, and you use your Charisma score to determine its save DC (if any). If the spell-like ability has an expensive material component or XP cost, you must provide that component or pay that cost, even if your planar companion would not. You may attune this augment more than once. Each time you do, it applies to a different qualifying spell-like ability that your planar companion possesses.

    Attune Spell-Like Ability, Greater (Greater)
    You gain the ability to use one of your planar companion's spell-like abilities once per day, provided it meets the following three prerequisites: its effective spell level is no greater than half your summoner level, the companion's caster level for this ability is no greater than your summoner caster level, and the companion is able to use the ability at least once per day. You activate the spell-like ability just as your planar companion normally would, and must observe the same restrictions that your companion observes (if any). Your caster level for this ability is equal to the your summoner caster level, and you use your Charisma score to determine its save DC (if any). If the spell-like ability has an expensive material component or XP cost, you must provide that component or pay that cost, even if your planar companion would not. You may attune this augment more than once. Each time you do, it applies to a different qualifying spell-like ability that your planar companion possesses.

    Augment Ability Score (Lesser)
    You gain a racial bonus to one ability score for which your planar companion also has a racial bonus. This bonus does not stack with any racial ability score bonuses you may already have. Your maximum bonus is limited to the lesser of your planar companion's racial ability score bonus or half your summoner level. Your mass, build, proportions, or other characteristics change to look more like those of your planar companion while this augment is in effect (the exact effect depends on the ability bonus copied and the appearance of the planar companion). You may attune this augment more than once. Each time you do, it applies to a different ability score for which your planar companion possesses a racial bonus.

    Augment Movement, Dark (Dark)
    You gain one of the movement modes your planar companion possesses, with a base speed equal to your companion's base speed in that mode. If you already have the movement mode, your base speed increases to your planar companion's base speed, if your companion is faster than you. To attune a climb speed or swim speed, you must first augment yourself with your companion's Climb or Swim racial skill bonuses. If you attune a fly speed, your maneuverability class is the same as that of your planar companion. If the movement mode requires additional limbs or physical adaptations, you manifest those limbs or adaptations, growing to resemble your planar companion. These modifications don't give you any of the other benefits they would normally provide, such as increased number of attacks or natural weapons. You may attune this augment more than once. Each time you do, it applies to a different movement mode your planar companion possesses.

    Augment Movement, Fearsome (Fearsome)
    You gain all of the movement modes your planar companion possesses, with base speeds equal to your companion's base speeds in those modes. If you already have any of your companion's movement modes, your base speed increases to your planar companion's base speed in that mode, if your companion is faster than you. To attune a climb speed or swim speed, you must first augment yourself with your companion's Climb or Swim racial skill bonuses. If you attune a fly speed, your maneuverability class is the same as that of your planar companion. If a movement mode requires additional limbs or physical adaptations, you manifest those limbs or adaptations, growing to resemble your planar companion. These modifications don't give you any of the other benefits they would normally provide, such as increased number of attacks or natural weapons.

    Augment Senses, Dark (Dark)
    You gain any and all of the following senses that your planar companion also possesses: blindsense, blindsight, keen senses, natural cunning, tremorsense. Your eyes or other appropriate sensory organ undergo a significant change to look more like those of your planar companion while this augment is in effect. You may attune this augment more than once. Each time you do, it applies to a different sense that your planar companion possesses.

    Augment Senses, Fearsome (Fearsome)
    You gain any and all of the following senses that your planar companion also possesses: blindsense, blindsight, darkvision, keen senses, low-light vision, natural cunning, scent, tremorsense. Your eyes or other appropriate sensory organ undergo a dramatic change to look more like those of your planar companion while this augment is in effect.

    Augment Senses, Greater (Greater)
    You gain any and all of the following senses that your planar companion also possesses: darkvision, low-light vision, scent. Your eyes or other appropriate sensory organ undergo a noticeable change to look more like those of your planar companion while this augment is in effect.

    Augment Senses, Least (Least)
    You gain one of the following senses that your planar companion also possesses: darkvision, low-light vision, scent. Your eyes or other appropriate sensory organ may change subtly to look more like those of your planar companion while this augment is in effect. You may attune this augment more than once. Each time you do, it applies to a different sense that your planar companion possesses.

    Augment Senses, Lesser (Lesser)
    You gain one of the following senses that your planar companion also possesses: blindsense, blindsight, keen senses, natural cunning, tremorsense. Your eyes or other appropriate sensory organ change to look more like those of your planar companion while this augment is in effect. You may attune this augment more than once. Each time you do, it applies to a different sense that your planar companion possesses.

    Augment Natural Armor (Least)
    You gain a natural armor bonus that your planar companion also possesses, replacing your own natural armor bonus (if any). Your maximum bonus is limited to the lesser of your planar companion's natural armor bonus or half your summoner level. Your skin changes subtly to look more like that of your planar companion while this augment is in effect.

    Augment Racial Skill, Dark (Dark)
    You gain up to four racial skill bonuses that your planar companion also possesses. Your maximum bonus is limited to the lesser of your planar companion's skill bonus or your summoner level. Your build, skin, and other salient characteristics change significantly to look more like those of your planar companion while this augment is in effect. You may attune this augment more than once. Each time you do, it applies to up to four different racial skill bonus that your planar companion possesses.

    Augment Racial Skill, Fearsome (Fearsome)
    You gain up to five racial skill bonuses that your planar companion also possesses. Your maximum bonus is limited to the lesser of your planar companion's skill bonus or your summoner level. Your build, skin, and other salient characteristics change dramatically to look more like those of your planar companion while this augment is in effect. You may attune this augment more than once. Each time you do, it applies to up to five different racial skill bonus that your planar companion possesses.

    Augment Racial Skill, Greater (Greater)
    You gain up to three racial skill bonuses that your planar companion also possesses. Your maximum bonus is limited to the lesser of your planar companion's skill bonus or your summoner level. Your build, skin, and other salient characteristics change to look more like those of your planar companion while this augment is in effect. You may attune this augment more than once. Each time you do, it applies to up to three different racial skill bonus that your planar companion possesses.

    Augment Racial Skill, Least (Least)
    You gain a racial skill bonus that your planar companion also possesses. Your maximum bonus is limited to the lesser of your planar companion's skill bonus or your summoner level. Your build, skin, or other salient characteristics may change subtly to look more like those of your planar companion while this augment is in effect. You may attune this augment more than once. Each time you do, it applies to a different racial skill bonus that your planar companion possesses.

    Augment Racial Skill, Lesser (Lesser)
    You gain up to two racial skill bonuses that your planar companion also possesses. Your maximum bonus is limited to the lesser of your planar companion's skill bonus or your summoner level. Your build, skin, or other salient characteristics change subtly to look more like those of your planar companion while this augment is in effect. You may attune this augment more than once. Each time you do, it applies to up to two different racial skill bonus that your planar companion possesses.
    Last edited by jiriku; 2015-06-03 at 12:34 AM.
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    Default New Feats for Summoners


    The summoner receives support from many new and changed feats, including Extra Attunement and Rapid Attunement for summoners who want to get more out of their attunements, Extra Planar Companion, Planar Companion Spellbond, and Swift Call for summoners who want to focus on their planar companions, and Summon From the Frost, Summon From the Grave, Summon From the Sands, and Summon From the Wilds for those who want to summon creatures from unusual summoning lists.

    You may call and bind an additional planar companion.
    Prerequisite: Planar companion class feature, spirited summons class feature
    Benefit: The maximum number of planar companions you can call and bind increases by one. You may still only call one companion at a time, and you must dismiss your currently called companion before calling another. You may take this feat more than once. Its effects stack.

    You may augment yourself with more of the characteristics of your planar companions.
    Prerequisite: Planar companion class feature, augmented being class feature
    Benefit: The maximum number of augments you can attune with each of your planar companions increases by one. You may take this feat more than once. Its effects stack.

    You form a special magical link with your planar companion, allowing you to share spells with it over a greater distance.
    Prerequisite: Planar companion class feature
    Benefit: You use your companion's share spells ability out to a range of 30 feet, rather than the standard 5 feet. You can cast touch spells to affect your companion at a greater range than normal. You can change a spell's range from touch to short if the spell targets only your planar companion.

    You can attune yourself to your planar companion more quickly than normal.
    Prerequisite: Augmented being class feature
    Benefit: You can attune yourself to your planar companion with five minutes of focus and meditation. Once per day as a full-round action, you may reselect any or all of your attunements to one of your planar companions within 30 feet.
    Normal: Attunement requires one hour of meditation.

    Your proficiency with summoning spells extends to spirits formed from ice and snow.
    Prerequisite: Summoner 1
    Benefit: Added conjure ice beast I – IX to your summoner spell list. Creatures conjured with your conjure ice beast spells gain a +4 enhancement bonus to Strength and +2 hit points per die.

    Your proficiency with summoning spells extends to undead creatures.
    Prerequisite: Summoner 1
    Benefit: Add summon undead I – IX to your summoner spell list. Incorporeal undead summoned by your summon undead spells gain +4 enhancement bonuses to Dexterity and Charisma.

    Your proficiency with summoning spells extends to the natural creatures of this realm.
    Prerequisite: Summoner 1
    Benefit: Add summon nature's ally I – IX to your summoner spell list. You gain Handle Animal as a summoner class skill.

    Your proficiency with summoning spells extends to spirits formed from the desert sands.
    Prerequisite: Summoner 1
    Benefit: Add summon desert ally I – IX to your summoner spell list. Creatures summoned with your summon desert ally spells gain +2 hit points per hit die.

    SWIFT CALL [General]
    You can call your special mount or planar companion in the blink of an eye.
    Prerequisite: Special mount or planar companion class feature.
    Benefit: You can call your special mount or planar companion as a swift action.
    Normal: Calling a special mount or planar companion is a full-round action.
    Last edited by jiriku; 2013-01-05 at 02:48 AM.
    Subclasses for 5E: magus of blades, shadowcraft assassin, spellthief, void disciple
    Guides for 5E: Practical fiend-binding

    D&D Remix for 3.x: balanced base classes and feats, all in the authentic flavor of the originals. Most popular: monk and fighter.

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    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: Summoner base class [3.5 PEACH]

    I think you may need to explain what you get from Planar Companion in better detail because I'm not seeing anything. Other than that, and the empty Summoner's Gambit at level 17, it looks pretty good.

  5. - Top - End - #5
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    Default Re: Summoner base class [3.5 PEACH]

    Any suggestions for level 17? I'll admit I'm fresh out of ideas.

    Regarding the planar companion, it works about like this:

    1. Spend 100gp and one day to get a pet. The pet can be any creature you could summon with one of your conjuration (summoning) spells.

    2. Once you have acquired the pet, you call and dismiss it using the paladin special mount mechanic. The pet gains perks as if it was a sorcerer or wizard familiar.

    3. The pet also gains buffs from your Potent Summons and Summoner's Gambit class features, and unlocks buffs for you via the Augmented Being class feature.
    Subclasses for 5E: magus of blades, shadowcraft assassin, spellthief, void disciple
    Guides for 5E: Practical fiend-binding

    D&D Remix for 3.x: balanced base classes and feats, all in the authentic flavor of the originals. Most popular: monk and fighter.

  6. - Top - End - #6
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Summoner base class [3.5 PEACH]

    I think 2+INT is too few skill points, if you have 18 INT thats 6 skills you can take Concentration, Spellcraft, Knowledge (arcana), as your a caster with Diplomacy, Bluff and Knowledge (the planes) because they fit the theme of the class. Maybe 4+INT would be better?

    edit: For the level 17 gambit what about Immunity to mind affecting?
    Last edited by Burnheart; 2011-01-19 at 01:03 PM.

  7. - Top - End - #7
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: Summoner base class [3.5 PEACH]

    The class is an INT based caster, do you really think it needs more skill points? I can't help but think that any class that is mostly based off of Int can get by with two skill points per level.

  8. - Top - End - #8
    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: Summoner base class [3.5 PEACH]

    jiriku, I played a previous incarnation of your fabulous class in a game, and had a blast with it. My memory of the initial build is imprecise, but this seems even more powerful than it was, and it was very powerful. In particular, the planar companion mechanic is going to permit this class to break the action economy on a regular basis, and in conjunction with bindings can allow a summoner to fill any gaps in their overall summoning versatility. I would consider this a high Tier 2 or low Tier 1 class.

    Since a number of the powers duplicate or significantly resemble similar powers from the Malconvoker prestige class, it may be useful to note whether you wish those powers to stack. For example, if a Summoner 10/Malconvoker 9 cast summon Monster I, would they get 2 creatures, or 3?

    Thanks for this!
    "We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be." Kurt Vonnegut

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    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Summoner base class [3.5 PEACH]

    I think that this is an amazing class, IMO. Just a few things.
    1. Clarify what you mean in Planar Companion. Do summon any monster from any spell list, and then that gets abilities as if it were a familiar of a wizard of your level? If so, change it. Perhaps make it so that it acts as a familiar of a wizard your level = 2x the level of the spell that summons it. So, rather than that Summon Monster IX creature getting the abilities of a level 11 wizard's familiar, it would get abilities as a 1st level wizard's familiar. That way, it's much less broken.
    2. For the 17th level ability, possibly grant them temporary HP when they arrive, and they gain double the benefits of the above effects while they have those hit points.
    3. Possibly make it so that the Attune class feature has limits; perhaps have a list known of the attunements you have, and you can't trade up later, or get the same thing multiple times. So, rather than at 20th level having 9 fearsome attumements, you have 2 least, 2 lesser, 2 greater, 2 dark, and 1 fearsome. But still, this is, IMO, too many, especially with 9th level spells. Frankly, this mechanic makes the class a little overpowered. It adds too much. Consider just taking them out, or having a total number of attunements equal to the amount on the chart, and then divide them evenly amongst the planar companions you have.

    Again, this is an awesome class, but a little over powered. I would definitely play one, though, if given the chance.
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    Halfling in the Playground
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    Default Re: Summoner base class [3.5 PEACH]

    Awsomeness your name is summoner!
    saved! I've been waiting for a class like this!
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    Default Re: Summoner base class [3.5 PEACH]

    The summoner has intentionally few skill points. He can improve his ability scores and skill bonuses through spells and augments or summon a creature to make a skill check for him, while mundane characters have only their skill points. So, I limited the summoner's skill points to force him to use up his other resources if he wants to have skill versatility.

    For level 17, I like temp hp and I like immunity to mind-affecting spells. I also like the idea of ablative defenses. I think I'll combine these ideas into a spectral ward that grants temp hp and immunity to mind-affecting, with the immunity being lost once the temp hp are depleted.

    I've added a note in the design notes on top that indicates a summoner should not be permitted to take levels in malconvoker or thaumaturgist.

    I am considering the idea of a limited list of augments known. I tentatively think this would be a good thing.
    Subclasses for 5E: magus of blades, shadowcraft assassin, spellthief, void disciple
    Guides for 5E: Practical fiend-binding

    D&D Remix for 3.x: balanced base classes and feats, all in the authentic flavor of the originals. Most popular: monk and fighter.

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    Default Re: Summoner base class [3.5 PEACH]

    Playtest found the summoner to be more powerful, much more complicated, and much slower to play than intended. The entire class has been overhauled. Augments turned out not to be an issue.

    I removed the Advanced Learning, Contingent Conjuration, Deceitful Bargaining, Fortified Summons, Safe Summoning, Seize Summoning, Summoned Legion, and Summoner's Gambit features. I improved Persuasive and moved it up to 6th level, and slightly increased the rate at which additional planar companions are gained. Improved Calling has been moved down to 17th level and nerfed slightly. The description of Master Linguist has been simplified a bit. I have also added Spirited Summons, a scaling buff to replace Summoner's Gambit, and Planar Eidolon, a summoning perk to replace Summoned Legion. The summoner can now cast only one summoner spell per round.

    The updated summoner should get more power from fewer summoned creatures, require fewer dice rolls to summon and call minions, and have fewer overall features to keep track of. The summoner's planar companion should also begin to play a more central role in the class.
    Subclasses for 5E: magus of blades, shadowcraft assassin, spellthief, void disciple
    Guides for 5E: Practical fiend-binding

    D&D Remix for 3.x: balanced base classes and feats, all in the authentic flavor of the originals. Most popular: monk and fighter.

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    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Summoner base class [3.5 PEACH]

    Daww, I actually thought all of it looked really cool. Anything in particular in the playtesting that made these issues apparent?
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    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Summoner base class [3.5 PEACH]

    Quote Originally Posted by Daverin View Post
    Daww, I actually thought all of it looked really cool. Anything in particular in the playtesting that made these issues apparent?
    He runs a world in which all classes have an alternate version created by him. Jiriku is the ultimate homebrewer. I presume this refers to a campaign a player used it in.
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    Quote Originally Posted by TravelLog View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by SamBurke View Post
    *snip* ...Hands down the funniest class critique ever... *snip*
    I cannot tell you the number of times I laughed while reading this.

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    Default Re: Summoner base class [3.5 PEACH]

    There were several things.
    • With so much to control, the summoner's turns took longer than the turns of all other players combined.
    • The player wasn't using half his spells or class features because he had to hold back to avoid overshadowing other characters.
    • The checks made for Summoner's Gambit were time-consuming, and generally uninteresting because the summoner passed them 95% of the time.
    • Some players told me they liked the summoner, but had passed on it because it looked complicated and they wanted something simpler.
    • I found that NPC summoners were too time-consuming to build and run.
    • The planar companion wasn't the star combatant I had wanted because it was just one of many summoned allies.
    • Augments weren't important at all.

    All things considered, the summoner could do too much and took too long to do it. With the changes made here,
    • It's much harder to start combat with a summoning nova.
    • There's incentive to summon single powerful creatures instead of doubles of less powerful creatures.
    • The planar companion is better.
    • The summoner's turn should be much faster.
    • Summoners should be easier to build and play.
    Subclasses for 5E: magus of blades, shadowcraft assassin, spellthief, void disciple
    Guides for 5E: Practical fiend-binding

    D&D Remix for 3.x: balanced base classes and feats, all in the authentic flavor of the originals. Most popular: monk and fighter.

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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Summoner base class [3.5 PEACH]

    could a variant be made for even simpler play? as in, rather than summoning it gets a variant of the astral construct power?

    it would fix a lot of book diving and simplify the class, I think...
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    my home brew. you should PEACH them...

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    Default Re: Summoner base class [3.5 PEACH]

    I don't have the time for a full review right now, but in the beginning of you post you call the Summoner a prestige class.

    I'll give it a closer look tomorrow, so far I've only looked at the first 4 levels, but this seems pretty well-made.
    Last edited by PersonMan; 2011-11-20 at 04:04 PM.
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    Default Re: Summoner base class [3.5 PEACH]

    I am thinking of how it might work with an astral construct. The trouble is the simplicity and versatility are not natural friends of one another.

    Ah. It says prestige class because I am a careless copy-paster. Embarrassing that it slipped by me for almost a year. Fixed now.
    Subclasses for 5E: magus of blades, shadowcraft assassin, spellthief, void disciple
    Guides for 5E: Practical fiend-binding

    D&D Remix for 3.x: balanced base classes and feats, all in the authentic flavor of the originals. Most popular: monk and fighter.

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    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: Summoner base class [3.5 PEACH]

    this looks like a truly awesome class!
    the only suggestions i do have are stuff that the fluff made it appear would happen and sounded like a unique application of summoning but then didnt
    this my be because they used to be in but were removed in which case i apologise, and its a minor thing anyway, but:

    what about having the ability to cast Augury say as a spell like ability, under the logic that you are summoning wise spirits and asking them for aid?
    maybe have this as an option second or 3rd level, then at the dead level at 10th level make it so that "Commune" is added as well, say as a 1/day or 1/week ability but without the xp cost, or maybe even at will without the cost, depending on how powerful an ability you think that would be.

    Similarly, maybe filling the level 16 slot with "discern location" as a 1/day ability might fill it out a bit since thats when you'd be able to do it were it on the spell list anyway

    maybe add a few "summoning-ish" spell if you like the idea, such as "speak with dead" (which could also replace/be added onto th above ideas at other levels) and maybe "continual flame", possibly heroes feast and secure shelter

    this may all be totally at odds with what you had intended for the class, and i apologise if so, but it seemed to me that with the bonus to charisma this class was gaining a bit of information gathering capability, and this, combined with summoning the more sneaky familiars, seemed like it might add a nice bit of non-combat capability to the class?

    thanks for yor time reading this, either way

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    Default Re: Summoner base class [3.5 PEACH]

    RL has forced a bit of a gaming hiatus for me, but with things clearing up, let's have another look at the summoner!

    @ zegram: The summoner is intended to be quite useful outside of combat. As you noticed, the right planar companion can turn the summoner into an effective scout or negotiator. I'm leaning away from adding divination spells: the summoner gains his knowledge by summoning a creature and having it make a Knowledge check to answer his questions, or commanding it to use a divination spell or spell-like ability it possesses.

    As part of a series of ongoing revisions to a number of my classes, I'm increasing the summoner's spells per day but eliminating its ability to gain bonus spells for a high ability score. This change makes power level less volatile when using different ability score generation methods, and eliminates a disparity by which casters received new options as their ability scores increased while noncasters received only numeric bonuses.
    Subclasses for 5E: magus of blades, shadowcraft assassin, spellthief, void disciple
    Guides for 5E: Practical fiend-binding

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    Orc in the Playground
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    Default Re: Summoner base class [3.5 PEACH]

    A few questions:

    First, this is a spontaneous caster similar to the Beguiler, Dread Necro and Warmage, all of which have more spells/day than this, yet you claim to have given them more spells/day in exchange for not using their int to gain additional spells. This seems odd...

    Second, a small editing error, you removed a class ability, and left it as a prereq for the feat Extra Planar Companion. As a result, this feat may as well not exist.

    Third, if anyone has played this in a game, where does it sit tier-wise? I'm expecting tier 3, but wouldn't be surprised with tier 2.

    Finally, the class skills could use the addition of ride and handle animal. Handle Animal could probably be added on to the effects of Summon from Nature.
    Last edited by chaos_redefined; 2012-12-31 at 05:10 PM.

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    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Summoner base class [3.5 PEACH]

    The class is undoubtedly tier 2. Look at all the abilities that you can get just from the Summon Monster line. Add in the Call Dragons and Planar Bindings, and you get a solid tier 2.
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    Apr 2008

    Default Re: Summoner base class [3.5 PEACH]

    That is an extremely handy link... Someone needed to tell me of this ages ago.

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    Troll in the Playground
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    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Default Re: Summoner base class [3.5 PEACH]

    Updated tables and made some minor formatting corrections.
    Subclasses for 5E: magus of blades, shadowcraft assassin, spellthief, void disciple
    Guides for 5E: Practical fiend-binding

    D&D Remix for 3.x: balanced base classes and feats, all in the authentic flavor of the originals. Most popular: monk and fighter.

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