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    Troll in the Playground
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    Default [3.5] Knight + Paladin Remix: Knight-Paladin


    And much more am I sorrier for my good knights' loss than for the loss of my fair queen;
    for queens I might have enough, but such a fellowship of good knights shall never be together in no company.

    -- Sir Thomas Malory

    The knight-paladin is a fierce mounted warrior, a stalwart protector of the weak and a powerful champion for his god or his principles. In battle he functions as the party tank, provoking monsters into attacking him directly or mystically drawing the injuries of his allies into himself. He also heals and protects his companions with his spells and his auras.

    The knight-paladin replaces both the knight and paladin classes, and is intended to provide an option for a melee-oriented defender that matches the power level of the crusader but stays more true to the flavor and crunch of the earlier defender classes.

    Designer's Notes:

    • This class owes a debt to many of the paladin fixes posted on this forum. I've borrowed from too many sources to credit them all here, but if you've posted a paladin revision or replacement, odds are that I've drawn inspiration from your work. Thank you.

    Significant changes:
    • Paladin and knight are both fun defense-oriented classes to play, but lack the mechanical crunch necessary to be effective in many games. Knight-paladin effectively gestalts the two and adds some synergistic abilities to produce a truly effective defender competitive with the crusader.
    • Many new auras, challenges, and abilities have been added that allow the knight-paladin to draw and hold aggro more consistently, synergize more effectively with other party members, and protect or rescue other party members.

    Change Log:
    1.0 Original version.
    1.01 Clarified and improved aura of retribution.
    1.1 Added seven new knight-paladin spells. Swapped the levels at which aura of protection and aura of warding are granted. Improved the Bonds of Loyalty knight's challenge.
    1.2 Reduced courtly knowledge bonuses to +1/2 class levels. Added freedom of movement to the knight-paladin spell list. Bond of loyalty is now usable against all [mind-affecting] effects, rather than only those that are spells or spell-like abilities.
    1.3 Updated tables to work with new forum code. Minor improvements to layout.
    1.31 added redirect spell to the knight-paladin's spell list.
    1.4 Significantly revamped the knight's challenge class feature to make it more dynamic and effective. The challenges now automatically stack, and the knight-paladin accumulates temporary hit points and bonus actions whenever he taking daring, aggressive actions in battle


    Knight-paladins have the following game statistics.

    Abilities: Charisma enhances a knight-paladin's challenge, self-protective capabilities, and undead turning ability. Strength is important for a knight-paladin because of its role in combat. Several knight-paladin skills are based on Wisdom, and a Wisdom score of 16 or higher is required to get access to the most powerful knight-paladin spells. A Wisdom score of 11 or higher is required to cast any Knight-paladin spells at all.

    Alignment: Knight-paladins are always lawful.

    Designer's Notes:
    By adjusting the knight-paladin's code, spell list, and certain class features, you can create a chaotic knight-paladin along the lines of the paladin of freedom variant described in Unearthed Arcana.

    HIT DIE: d12

    Lvl Base Attack Fort Save Ref Save Will Save Special -0- -1- -2- -3- -4- -5- -6-
    1st +1 +2 +0 +2 Code of honor, knight's challenge (test, valor), smite 1/day 2
    2nd +2 +3 +0 +3 Divine grace, turn undead 3 0
    3rd +3 +3 +1 +3 Aura of courage, bulwark of defense 3 1
    4th +4 +4 +1 +4 Armor mastery (medium), knight's challenge (momentum), smite 2/day 3 2 0
    5th +5 +4 +1 +4 Special mount, spontaneous conversion (shield other) 3 3 1
    6th +6/+1 +5 +2 +5 Detect hostile intent, vigilant defender 3 3 2
    7th +7/+2 +5 +2 +5 Aura of menace, divine health 3 3 2 0
    8th +8/+3 +6 +2 +6 Smite 3/day 3 3 3 1
    9th +9/+4 +6 +3 +6 Armor mastery (heavy) 3 3 3 2
    10th +10/+5 +7 +3 +7 Courtly knowledge 3 3 3 2 0
    11th +11/+6/+1 +7 +3 +7 Aura of protection 3 3 3 3 1
    12th +12/+7/+2 +8 +4 +8 Knight's challenge (dread), smite 4/day 3 3 3 3 2
    13th +13/+8/+3 +8 +4 +8 Armor mastery (tower shield) 3 3 3 3 2 0
    14th +14/+9/+4 +9 +4 +9 Spontaneous conversion (glory of the martyr) 4 3 3 3 3 1
    15th +15/+10/+5 +9 +5 +9 Aura of warding 4 4 3 3 3 2
    16th +16/+11/+6/+1 +10 +5 +10 Knight's challenge (inspiration), smite 5/day 4 4 4 3 3 2 0
    17th +17/+12/+7/+2 +10 +5 +10 Impetuous endurance 4 4 4 4 3 3 1
    18th +18/+13/+8/+3 +11 +6 +11 Mighty aura 4 4 4 4 4 3 2
    19th +19/+14/+9/+4 +11 +6 +11 Aura of retribution 4 4 4 4 4 4 3
    20th +20/+15/+10/+5 +12 +6 +12 Knight's challenge (loyal beyond death), smite 6/day 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

    CLASS SKILLS (4 + Int mod per level, x4 at 1st level)
    A knight-paladin's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Jump (Str), Knowledge (nobility and royalty) (Int), Knowledge (religion) (Int), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Sense Motive (Wis), Swim (Str).

    A word of advice... the path to knighthood is paved with strength and nobility, not LSD and sideburns.
    -- The Black Knight, Family Guy

    All of the following are class features of the knight-paladin.

    Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A knight-paladin is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, and with light, medium, and heavy armor and shields (except tower shields). As he advances in level, he gains proficiency with tower shields and is able to move more freely while wearing medium and heavy armor.

    Spells: A knight-paladin gains the ability to cast a small number of divine spells, which are drawn from the knight-paladin spell list (see below). A knight-paladin must choose and prepare his spells in advance.

    To prepare or cast a spell, a knight-paladin must have a Wisdom score of 10 + the spell's level. The Difficulty Class for a saving throw against a knight-paladin's spell is 10 + the spell's level + the knight-paladin's Wisdom modifier. Like other spellcasters, a knight-paladin can cast only a certain number of spells of each spell level per day. The base daily spell allotment is given in the table above. In addition, he receives bonus spells per day for a high Wisdom score. When the table above indicates that the knight-paladin gets 0 spells per day of a given spell level, he gains only the bonus spells he would be entitled to based on his Wisdom score for that spell level. A knight-paladin's caster level is equal to his knight-paladin level.

    The knight-paladin spell list appears below. All spells are notated with the name and page number of the sourcebook in which they appear.

    0 Level: create water (PH 215), cure minor wounds (PH 216), detect poison(PH 219), read magic (PH 269), resistance (PH 272), virtue (PH 298).

    1st Level: axiomatic water SC 22), bless (PH 205), bless water (PH 205), blessed aim (SC 31), cure light wounds (PH 216), detect undead (PH 220), divine favor (PH 224), endure elements (PH 226), faith healing (SC 87), magic weapon (PH 251), moment of clarity (SC 142), protection from outsiders, protection from spirits, remove fear (PH 271), resurgence (SC 174), rhino's rush (SC 176), second wind (SC 182), sense heretic (SC 182), strategic charge (SC 210), traveler's mount (SC 223), vision of glory (SC 231).

    2nd Level: angelskin (SC 11), bless weapon (PH 205), bless weapon, swift (SC 31), bull's strength (PH 207), clear mind (SC 47), cure moderate wounds (PH 216), deafening clang (SC 59), delay poison (PH 217), divine insight (SC 70), divine protection SC 70), divine sacrifice (SC 70), eagle's splendor (PH 225), energized shield, lesser (SC 79), estanna's stew (BoED 99), find temple (SC 91), freedom of breath (SS 116), golden barding (SC 106), hand of divinity (SC 109), holy spurs (SC 115), hydrate (SS 117), insignia of alarm (RoD 166)), know greatest enemy (SC129), lionheart (SC 132), one mind, lesser (SC 149), owl's wisdom (PH 259), quick march (SC 164), remove paralysis (PH 271), resist energy (PH 272, restoration, lesser (PH 272, shield other (PH 278), silverbeard (SC 190), soul of order (DM 73), stabilize (SC 204), sticky saddle (SC 206), zeal (SC 244), zone of truth (PH 303), warning shout (SC 236).

    3rd Level: antagonize, aura of glory (SC 18), awaken sin (SC 21), binding snow (FB 89), aura of cold, lesser (FB 88), call mount (BoED 93), checkmate's light (SC 46), cloak of bravery (SC 47), cure serious wounds (PH 216), daylight (PH 216), diamondsteel (SC 64), dispel magic (PH 223), enduring scrutiny (CM 103), energized shield (SC 79), fell the greatest foe (SC 90), flame of faith (SC 95), holy mount (SC 115), insignia of blessing (RoD 166), insignia of warding (RoD 166), invoke the cerulean sign (LoM 211), knight's move (SC 129), loyal vassal (SC 134), magic circle against x, prayer (PH 264), mantle of law (SC138), one mind (SC 149), provoke, redirect spell (SS 48), regal procession (SC 172), remove blindness/deafness (PH 270), remove curse (PH 270), remove disease (PH 271), resurgence, mass (SC 174), shield of warding (SC 188), soul of light (DM 73), spiritual chariot (SC 202), steed of the seas (SW 122), strength of stone (SC 211), visage of the deity, lesser (SC 231), weapon of the deity (SC 237).

    4th Level: blessing of bahamut (SC 31), blood of the martyr (BoED 92), castigate (SC 44), cure critical wounds (PH 215), death ward (PH 217), discern lies (PH 221), find the gap (SC 91), freedom of movement (PH 233), hand of the faithful (SC 109), heal mount (PH 239), magic weapon, greater (PH 51), mind bond (BoED 102), mystic aegis (PH2 120), neutralize poison (PH 257), one mind, greater (SC 149), restoration (PH 272), revenance (SC 175), righteous fury (SC 177), righteous surge, strength of a righteous cause, undead bane weapon (SC 226), word of binding (SC 242).

    5th Level: atonement (PH 210), break enchantment (PH 207), cure light wounds, mass (PH 216), dispel chaos (PH 222), draconic might (SC 72), favor of the martyr (SC 89), glory of the martyr (BoED 99), lawful sword (SC131), mark of justice (PH 252), meteoric strike (PH2 120), raise dead (PH 268), revivify (SC 176), righteous aura (SC 177), righteous might (PH 273), sacred haven (SC 178), spell resistance (PH 282), visage of the deity (SC 230), telepathic aura (SC 219), vigilant defender, winged mount (SC 240).

    6th Level: antagonize, mass, aura of cold, greater (FB 88), bull's strength, mass (PH 207), crown of brilliance (BoED 95), cure moderate wounds, mass (PH 216), dictum (PH 220), dispel magic, greater (PH 223), eagle's splendor, mass (PH 225), heal (PH 239), host of angels, owl's wisdom, mass (PH 259), restoration, greater (PH 272), restoration, mass (SC 174), spell resistance, mass (SC 199), strength of a righteous cause, greater, visage of the deity, greater (SC 231).

    Designer's Notes:
    Better caster level, more spells per day, and a slightly broader range of options at higher level serve to greatly improve the knight-paladin's flexibility over the paladin, and make it scale better at higher levels.

    Depending on the knight-paladin's code and alignment, it might be appropriate to swap certain alignment-specific spells on this list for their counterparts (e.g. replace bless weapon with curse weapon). At the DM's discretion, the knight-paladin may know other spells from the paladin spell list that are not reproduced here. The DM should use best judgment in deciding what level to assign to these spells, but as a rule of thumb, they should be learned and cast at one level higher than they appear on the paladin list.

    Code of Honor: The knight-paladin must have and adhere to a code of honor that defines his expected behavior both in and out of combat. The knight’s code does not restrict his behavior when fighting creatures that are immune to his knight’s challenge (e.g. animals, most magical beasts, vermin, mindless undead or constructs, etc.). The player and DM should work together to craft an appropriate code that fits the campaign setting, the party, and the expected playstyle of the group. Good starting points for developing such a code include the paladin’s code (PHB 44 or UA 53-55), the knight’s code (PH2 27), and the samurai’s code (OA 22 or CW 10), or the kensai’s oath (CW 50).

    Knight's Challenge (Ex): As a swift action, a knight-paladin can issue a knight's challenge, targeting himself and all creatures within 100 ft for which the knight-paladin has line of sight and line of effect (save negates, Will DC 10 + ½ character level + Cha modifier). Targets of this ability must have an Intelligence of 5 or higher and have a language of some sort. A knight-paladin begins play knowing how to issue a basic challenge. At 4th level, and each additional four levels thereafter, his challenge improves and produces additional effects.

    The effect of a knight's challenge lasts one minute. A knight-paladin can use his Knight’s Challenge once per encounter, or twice per encounter if he is 16th level or higher.

    As long as at least one eligible foe or ally remains within range, the knight-paladin gains a morale bonus on attack rolls and damage rolls of +1 per four class levels (minimum +1).

    Valor: The first time during his turn that the knight-paladin makes an attack roll against a challenged opponent or ends his movement adjacent to such an opponent, he gains one point of valor. At the end of any turn where he gained valor, he gains 1 temporary hit point per four class levels (minimum 1) for each point of valor that he has. These hit points stack with themselves but not with temporary hit points from other sources, and are lost when the challenge expires. At the end of any turn where he did not gain valor, he loses one point of valor.

    Test [mind-affecting, compulsion]: Foes targeted by the challenge must attack him with their ranged and melee attacks in preference to other opponents. If the foe attacks by casting a spell or using a spell-like or supernatural ability, he must target the knight-paladin or include him in the effect's area. An opponent compelled to act in this manner is not thrown into a mindless rage and may still fight tactically or retreat. If anyone other than the knight-paladin attacks the target, the compulsion ends for that target.

    Momentum: A knight-paladin of 4th level or higher gains inspiration from injuries he suffers in defense of his comrades. On any round of his knight’s challenge when his foes inflict 10+ hp of damage to him (including damage dealt to his temporary hit points and damage dealt through spells such as shield other and glory of the martyr), he gains an additional move action usable on his turn during the next round. If he is 12th level or higher and suffers at least 25 hp of damage, he instead gains an extra standard action. If he is 16th level or higher and suffers at least 100 hp of damage, he instead gains an extra full-round action.

    Dread [mind-affecting, fear]: A knight-paladin of 12th level or higher also renders his foes shaken for one minute (this does not stack with any other fear effects).

    Inspiration: Allies targeted by the challenge of a knight-paladin of 16th level or higher may choose to gain any one of the following benefits:

    · A dying character may automatically stabilize and become conscious.
    · Remove the [fatigued] condition, or reduce the [exhausted] condition to [fatigued].
    · An immediate second saving throw against any one ongoing [charm] or [compulsion] effect that allows a saving throw. The ally gains a bonus on this second save equal to the knight-paladin's Charisma bonus.
    · A morale bonus equal to the knight-paladin's Charisma bonus, applied to any one attack roll, ability check, skill check, or saving throw made before the beginning of the knight-paladin's next turn.

    Loyal Beyond Death: A knight-paladin of 20th level or higher can expend a point of valor as an out-of-turn free action to remain alive, conscious, and unhindered by any effect that would kill him, including hit point damage, Constitution damage or drain, [death] effects, and other spells. He simply ignores the effects of hit point damage he has taken (although he still takes the damage), and other effects that would kill him are deferred until the end of his next turn. When his next turn ends, the delayed effects are applied and he is once again subject to death from hit point and ability damage.
    However, when the effect would elapse, he may spend an additional point of valor as a free action to extend the duration until the end of his next turn. He may do this for as many rounds as he wishes, so long as his knight’s challenge lasts and he has points of valor remaining.

    Designer's Notes:
    Knight's Challenge has been revised and expanded to give the PC a reliable source of bonus damage (something every weapon-based class needs), draw aggro against a broader variety of opponents, and provide a means of buffing allies and removing negative status effects. This enlarges his role as a defender and improves his ability to serve as the party's linchpin when under heavy assault.

    Smite (Su): Once per day, a knight-paladin may attempt a smite with one normal melee attack. He adds his Charisma bonus to his attack roll and deals 1 extra point of damage per knight-paladin level. The paladin may smite anyone whom he regards as an opponent.

    At 4th level, and every 4 levels thereafter, the knight-paladin may smite one additional time per day.

    Removing the alignment requirement from Smite and providing slightly more uses per day makes it more universally useful, securing Smite's role as one of the signature abilities of the knight-paladin.

    Divine Grace (Su): At 2nd level, a knight-paladin gains a bonus equal to his Charisma bonus on all saving throws.

    Turn Undead (Su): When a knight-paladin reaches 2nd level, he gains the supernatural ability to turn undead. He may use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + his Charisma modifier. He turns undead as a cleric of his level.

    Designer's Note:
    The knight-paladin turns undead as well as a cleric -- there's no risk of overshadowing the cleric by giving another class more level-appropriate turning ability.

    Depending on the knight-paladin's code and alignment, the ability to rebuke undead may be more appropriate.

    Aura (Su): Starting at 3rd level, a knight-paladin is surrounded by an aura of divine power out to a range of 10 feet. When first acquired, this aura possesses the courage quality (described below). The knight-paladin gains the ability to infuse his aura with other attributes for every 4 additional levels he gains. Adding or removing an aura quality requires a swift action, and the aura can contain as many qualities as the knight-paladin is able to produce. The knight-paladin gains all the benefits of his own aura, except as noted below.
    Courage: The knight-paladin becomes immune to fear, and allies within the knight-paladin's aura gain a +4 bonus on saving throws against fear.

    Designer's Note:
    Depending on the knight-paladin's code and alignment, feel free to swap this with one of the alternate 2nd-level auras described under the variant paladin classes in UA pp.53-55.
    Menace: Beginning at 7th level, foes within the knight-paladin's aura take a -2 penalty to attacks, AC, and saves for 24 hours or until they successfully hit the knight-paladin (save negates, Will DC 10 + ½ class level + Charisma modifier). A creature that has resisted or broken this effect cannot be affected by the same knight-paladin's aura of menace again for 24 hours.

    Designer's Note:
    This ability matches the aura of menace possessed by archons, and provides a debuff that synergizes well with the offensive abilities of allied spellcasters.
    Protection: Beginning at 11th level, allies within the knight-paladin's aura gain the benefit of a magic circle against evil.
    Warding: Beginning at 15th level, allies within the knight-paladin's aura gain the benefit of a lesser globe of invulnerability.

    Designer's Notes:
    At higher levels, a defender needs to be able to protect his allies from spells too, not just melee attacks. The two auras above, borrowed from the angel's protective aura, allow the knight-paladin to protect nearby allies from many spell attacks.

    Replace magic circle against evil with magic circle against chaos/good/law if more appropriate to the particular knight-paladin's code and alignment.
    Retribution: Beginning at 19th level, foes within the knight-paladin's aura deal only half damage when attacking the knight-paladin's allies who are also within the aura, and the attacker takes the remainder. The attacker can negate this reflected damage with a Fortitude save (DC 10 + ½ class level + Charisma modifier), but the damage he inflicts is still halved. A creature that has resisted this effect need not save again versus this knight-paladin's aura of retribution for 24 hours.

    Bulwark of Defense (Ex): When he reaches 3rd level, an opponent that begins its turn in the the knight-paladin's threatened area treats all squares that he threatens as difficult terrain. His strict vigilance and active defensive maneuvers force his opponents to move with care. Creatures must pay double movement cost to move through squares of difficult terrain, and cannot run, charge, or make 5-foot steps through difficult terrain.

    Armor Mastery (Ex): Starting at 4th level, the knight-paladin is able to wear his armor as a second skin and ignore the standard speed reduction for wearing medium armor. Starting at 9th level, he ignores the speed reduction imposed by heavy armor as well. At 13th level, he gains proficiency with the tower shield if he did not already have it, and he may ignore the -2 penalty to attack rolls associated with using a tower shield.

    Special Mount (Su): Upon reaching 6th level, a knight-paladin gains the service of an unusually intelligent, strong, and loyal steed to serve him in his crusades (this animal gains bonuses according to the table shown in the Paladin's Mount sidebar on page 45 of the Player's Handbook). This mount is usually a heavy warhorse (for a Medium character) or a riding dog (for a Small character), although it can be another creature with a CR of no more than 1/3 the knight-paladin’s level if the player and DM agree that a different creature would be more appropriate.

    Once per day, as a full-round action, the knight-paladin may magically call his mount from the celestial realms where it resides. The mount immediately appears adjacent to the knight-paladin and remains for 2 hours per knight-paladin level; it may be dismissed at any time as a free action. The mount is the same creature each time it is summoned, though the knight-paladin may release a particular mount from service (if it has grown too old to join his crusade, for instance). Each time the mount is called, it appears in full health, regardless of any damage it may have taken previously. The mount always appears wearing or carrying any gear it had when it was last dismissed (including barding, saddle, saddlebags, and the like). Calling a mount is a conjuration (calling) effect.

    Should the knight-paladin's mount die, it immediately disappears, leaving behind any equipment it was carrying. The knight-paladin may not summon another mount for thirty days or until he gains a knight-paladin level, whichever comes first, even if the mount is somehow returned from the dead. During this thirty-day period, the knight-paladin takes a -1 penalty on attack and weapon damage rolls.

    Designer's Notes:
    Allowing any mount up to a CR limit opens the door for the knight-paladin to obtain a dire bat or hippogriff as a flying mount. At higher levels, the knight-paladin could gain even more powerful mounts, possibly including a giant eagle, giant owl, pegasus, or griffon. In that case, the DM might wish to require the PC to undergo a quest or take a special feat to obtain such a mount.

    Spontaneous Conversion (Su): The knight-paladin is first and foremost a defender of his allies, and relies upon shield other and glory of the martyr to defend his allies against harm from threats he cannot block with his skill at arms. A knight-paladin of 5th level or higher can spontaneously convert a prepared knight-paladin spell of 2nd level or higher to cast shield other instead. This works just like a cleric or druid's ability to spontaneously convert spells. At 14th level, the knight-paladin can spontaneously convert a prepared knight-paladin spell of 5th level or higher to cast glory of the martyr instead.

    The reality of D&D is that unlike in a MMORPG, a defender can't expect to reliably hold aggro. Your other party members are going to take damage. These spells enable the defender to absorb some of those hits that he fails to intercept.

    Detect Hostile Intent (Sp): A knight-paladin of 6th level or higher can use detect hostile intent at will, as the psionic power.

    This higher-level ability is a more flexible and useful replacement for the paladin's detect evil power.

    Vigilant Defender (Ex): Starting at 6th level, a knight-paladin stands his ground against all enemies, warding the spot where he makes his stand to prevent foes from slipping past and attacking those he protects. If an opponent attempts to use the Tumble skill to move through his threatened area or his space without provoking attacks of opportunity, the Tumble check DC to avoid his attacks of opportunity increases by an amount equal to his class level.

    Divine Health (Su): At 7th level, a knight-paladin gains immunity to all diseases (including supernatural and magical diseases).

    Courtly Knowledge (Ex): At 10th level, the knight-paladin has either become a mighty lord in his own right, or has devoted himself to the study of the politics and rulers to better serve his own lord. Either way, he develops a well-deserved reputation as an honorable mediator and keen adviser. He gains a competence bonus on all Diplomacy, Knowledge (nobility and royalty) and Sense Motive checks equal to half his class level.

    Designer's Notes:
    Full spellcasters have access to a variety of spells that boost their skill checks or give them extra options in social situations. Courtly knowledge and ready access to various telepathy and truth-telling skills give the knight-paladin some relevant options in that field.

    Jiriku strongly recommends that you use Rich Burlew's alternative Diplomacy rules in place of the standard PHB rules, as the standard rules will wreck your game in horrible ways.

    Impetuous Endurance (Ex): At 17th level, the knight-paladin's fighting spirit enables him to push his body beyond the normal limits of endurance. He no longer automatically fails saving throws on a roll of 1. He might still fail the save if his result fails to equal or beat the saving throw DC.

    Mighty Aura (Su): At 18th level, the radius of the knight-paladin's divine aura doubles to 20 feet, and the bonuses provided by his aura of courage and aura of protection double.
    Last edited by jiriku; 2015-08-17 at 08:42 PM.
    Subclasses for 5E: magus of blades, shadowcraft assassin, spellthief, void disciple
    Guides for 5E: Practical fiend-binding

    D&D Remix for 3.x: balanced base classes and feats, all in the authentic flavor of the originals. Most popular: monk and fighter.

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    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: [3.5] Knight-Paladin Options

    Feats for knight-paladins:

    Your faithful service to your patron deity involves training and methods that many knight-paladins consider questionable. By using the unconventional methods of rogues and assassins, you have learned to deliver devastating sneak attacks against your foes.
    Prerequisite: Smite, sneak attack +2d6.
    Benefit: When you successfully smite and sneak attack a foe in a single attack, you can potentially daze your foe. An opponent affected by both abilities must make a Will saving throw (DC 10 + ½ your character level + your Cha modifier) or be dazed for 1 round.

    Your knight-paladin and daring outlaw levels stack for determining your sneak attack progression and smite progression. If you replace either of these features via an alternate class feature, your knight-paladin and daring outlaw levels stack when determining the progression of that alternate feature.

    In addition, Bluff becomes a knight-paladin class skill for you and Knowledge (religion) becomes a daring outlaw class skill for you. This does not apply retroactively to any skill points you have already allocated.

    You have foregone the pursuit of frivolous talents, instead entering religious training in service of honor and justice.
    Prerequisites: Bardic music, smite
    Benefit: You may expend four uses of bardic music to make a smite attempt. When you make a successful smite attack, you may activate a bardic music effect as a swift action if you do so before the end of your turn.

    Your knight-paladin and bard levels stack when determining your smite progression and your number of bardic music uses per day.

    In addition, Perform becomes a knight-paladin class skill for you and Knowledge (religion) becomes a bard class skill for you. This does not apply retroactively to any skill points you have already allocated.

    You have found a balance between your woodland training and your devotion to religious training, blending these two aspects into one seamless whole.
    Prerequisite: Track, smite evil, Wild Empathy.
    Benefit: If you have both the special mount and animal companion class features, you can designate your special mount as your animal companion. If you do so, your swift hunter and knight-paladin levels stack when determining the progression of your special mount.

    Your knight-paladin and swift hunter levels stack when determining your smite progression and your wild empathy bonus.

    In addition, Survival becomes a knight-paladin class skill for you and Knowledge (religion) becomes a swift hunter class skill for you. This does not apply retroactively to any skill points you have already allocated.

    HANDS OF A HEALER [Divine]
    You can heal more damage than normal by laying on hands.
    Prerequisite: Cha 13, turn undead class ability, Lay on Hands
    Benefit: When determining how many hit points you cure, treat your Charisma score as if it were 2 points higher for every divine feat you have, including this one.

    LAY ON HANDS [Divine]
    You can heal wounds by touch.
    Prerequisites: Charisma 13+, knight-paladin level 2nd.
    Benefit: As a standard action, you may touch a creature and heal its wounds. This is a supernatural ability. Each day you can heal a total number of hit points of damage equal to your knight-paladin level x your Charisma bonus. You may choose to divide your healing among multiple recipients, and you don't have to use it all at once.

    Alternatively, you can use any or all of this healing power to deal damage to undead creatures. Using lay on hands in this way requires a successful melee touch attack and doesn't provoke an attack of opportunity. You decide how many of your daily allotment of points ot use as damage after successfully touching an undead creature.

    New spells for knight-paladins:

    Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting]
    Level: Knight-Paladin 3, Paladin 2
    Components: V
    Casting Time: 1 standard action
    Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
    Target: One creature
    Duration: One round/level
    Saving Throw: Will partial or Will negates; see below
    Spell Resistance: Yes

    You shout imprecations and battle challenges at a nearby opponent, making clear your hostile intent. Your foe responds in kind, swiftly moving to engage you.

    You provoke a nearby hostile creature into taking aggressive action against you. If you currently threaten the target when you cast the spell, he is affected for one round even on a successful save. Otherwise, a successful saving throw negates the effect.

    The victim must make you the target of its hostilities, to the exclusion of other activities such as attacking your allies or attempting to escape. Your opponent can take any aggressive action it deems appropriate, such as attacking you with ranged or melee weapons, targeting you with spells, or even including you in the area of effect of area spells. The victim remains cognizant of his surroundings and reacts appropriately, although he will take risks to harm you. For example, if you cast this in a non-combat situation such as a busy city street or a tense negotiation, the target will react in a manner appropriate to its environment, such attacking you with nonlethal attacks or perhaps merely haranguing you with angry speeches. The subject will not take suicidal actions in order to harm you, such as leaping off a cliff to certain death in order to reach you, but might attempt to leap a narrow chasm if he reasonably believed he could make the jump.

    In any round when you do not attack the target or at least spend a standard action heckling and provoking him, he receives an additional saving throw to break the spell. If he is currently being threatened or attacked by your allies, he receives a +5 bonus to this saving throw. If you use the withdraw action to move away from the target, or take some action to break line of sight with the target (such as teleporting away, becoming invisible, or hiding behind total cover), the spell is broken automatically.

    The spell has no effect when cast upon a creature who is not hostile to you, although the creature may react to your bad manners.

    Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting]
    Level: Knight-Paladin 6, Paladin 4
    Targets: One or more creatures, no two of which can be more than 30 ft apart

    This spell functions like antagonize, except that mass antagonize affects a number of creatures whose combined HD do not exceed twice your caster level, or at least one creature regardless of HD. If there are more potential targets than you can affect, you choose them one at a time until you choose a creature with too many HD.

    Just as with antagonize, each target receive a saving throw each round if you do not attack or harass the creature, and the spell is broken automatically for that target if you ever withdraw from or break line of sight with the target. You can heckle and provoke the entire group of targets with your standard action if you wish.

    Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting]
    Level: Knight-Paladin 3, Paladin 2
    Casting Time: 1 immediate action
    Duration: One round

    With a quickly hurled insult, you distract your foe from his intended target; he advances on you instead.

    This spell functions like antagonize, except as described above. You must cast provoke at the beginning of a creature's turn in order for it to be effective. The target acts as if antagonized until the beginning of your next turn.

    Conjuration (Healing)/Necromancy
    Level: Knight-Paladin 4, Paladin 3
    Components: V
    Casting Time: 1 swift action
    Range: Personal
    Target: You
    Duration: Three rounds or until discharged
    Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
    Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)

    You call upon the righteousness of your faith to inure you against blows and injuries, strengthening yourself to remain standing just a little while longer.

    While this spell is in effect, whenever you sustain lethal hit point damage, you gain an equal amount of temporary hit points. These temporary hit points last for one hour, and do not stack with temporary hit points gained from other sources. As a standard action before the spell's duration expires, you may discharge it and lose all temporary hit points you currently have to heal a number of points of damage equal to the number of temporary hit points erased in this manner. This spell grants you temporary hit points only for damage you actually take. Damage that you do not take because it is prevented, redirected, negated, delayed, or absorbed doesn't interact with this spell.

    Example: Sir Bors casts strength of a righteous cause on himself before ending his turn. An enemy then strikes him twice, first for 25 hp of damage, then for 20 hp of damage. The first time he is struck, Sir Bors takes 25 hp of damage and gains 25 temporary hit points. The second time, his temporary hp absorb the 20 damage, leaving him with 5 temporary hit points remaining. Since his temp hp absorbed the blow and he took no real damage, the second blow grants him no additional temporary hit points.

    On the following round, Sir Bors is struck with a heightened maximized empowered twinned lightning bolt for 157 damage. Bors has electricity resistance 30, so 30 points of damage are negated by his energy resistance, 5 are absorbed by his temp hp, and poor Bors sustains 122 hit points of damage. He gains 122 temporary hit points.

    On the third round, the badly wounded Sir Bors decides to discharge the spell. He loses his 122 temporary hit points and is healed of 122 points of damage.
    Conjuration (Healing)/Necromancy
    Level: Knight-Paladin 6, Paladin 4
    Duration: Five rounds or until discharged

    This spell functions like strength of a righteous cause, except as described above. Also, you gain immunity to fatigue and exhaustion for the duration of the spell, and any fatigue or exhaustion you are currently suffering from is temporarily suppressed for the spell's duration. Furthermore, you gain DR 2/-- and energy resistance 2 (all) for every 10 temporary hit points you possess.

    Conjuration (Healing)/Necromancy
    Level: Knight-Paladin 4, Paladin 3
    Components: V
    Casting Time: 1 immediate action
    Range: Personal
    Target: You
    Duration: Instantaneous
    Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
    Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)

    As your foe's attack strikes home you call upon the strength of your faith and discipline to fight on despite the blow.

    You cast this spell when you sustain lethal hit point damage from an attack or injury. You gain temporary hit points equal to the amount of damage you sustained. These temporary hit points last for one hour, and do not stack with temporary hit points gained from other sources. This spell grants you temporary hit points only for damage you actually take. Damage that you do not take because it is prevented, redirected, negated, delayed, or absorbed doesn't interact with this spell.

    Level: Knight-Paladin 5, Paladin 4
    Components: V
    Casting Time: 1 immediate action
    Range: Personal
    Target: You
    Duration: 1 round/level or until discharged
    Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
    Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)

    Calling upon the strength of your convictions, you feel the glory of your deity rain down upon you, infusing you with mighty divine energy.

    You are imbued with a divine spirit of vigilance that enables you to quickly strike down foes who would harm your allies. You gain a +4 enhancement bonus to Dexterity and a competence bonus on Spot and Listen checks equal to your caster level (maximum +20). Enemies that you threaten cannot cast defensively (although they are aware that they cannot do so), and provoke an attack of opportunity from you whenever they make a melee attack against any of your allies. You also gain the Combat Reflexes feat for the duration of the spell.

    Alternate Class Features for Knight-Paladins:

    You have trained your body and mind to resist magical incursions.
    Level Gained: 7th
    Benefit: You gain the Mettle feature.
    Lose: You do not gain the Divine Health feature.
    Last edited by jiriku; 2014-05-27 at 08:30 PM.
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    Default Re: [3.5] Knight-Paladin base class

    I haven't read the class thoroughly yet, and I'll have a shot at reviewing it completely once I have, but one thing stands out already: it's still very MAD.
    A knight-paladin still needs Str, Con, Wis and Cha, just like a standard issue paladin. That is one of its biggest weaknesses.
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    Default Re: [3.5] Knight-Paladin base class

    Well, you did it. I've been planning a knight-paladin class for a long time, but you did it first.

    At a quick glance, you seem to get a lot of nice stuff. Increasing the flexibilities to some features (like smite) turned out very nice.
    I agree that he could use Charisma to cast, like some fixes do, wouldn't take too long to fix. But I saw you gave him a 1st-6th level progression. It's hard to build a spell list that doesn't make him just a "mini-cleric" with full bab. The different aura effects seems good too, in place of the silly weekly remove disease.
    And Paladins always deserved good hit die, armor, fort, and will saves, in my opinion.

    I saw you removed the alignment limit from smite. It does make it better, but it's still a daily feature. I was going to work on a version that could be used by encounter, but giving only the Cha-to-attack against non-evil targers. We'll need to playtest yours to see if it works better.

    For alignment stuff, I'm still working on some ideas for paladins that people may find interesting.

    All in all, it looks like a nice option for a divine powered tank. Good defenses, ability to hold off enemies, minor buffs for allies, and an average ability to deal damage/weaken enemies.

    Four out of 5 smiles

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    Default Re: [3.5] Knight-Paladin base class

    My big comment is actually the spell list. The length is a little eeerrrrr [wobbles hand horizontally] as lists this long tend to look like they have filler or role plugs.

    My big comment is to say "please, please, please design some actual 5th and 6th level spells with an actual paladin flavour! Only Aspect of the Deity, Greater has a very holy warrior type feel as opposed to 'I haz utility'."

    I have this issue with every single spellcasting enhancement fix but you're probably dedicated enough to fix it.
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    Default Re: [3.5] Knight-Paladin base class

    Quote Originally Posted by Insanealien View Post
    I haven't read the class thoroughly yet, and I'll have a shot at reviewing it completely once I have, but one thing stands out already: it's still very MAD.
    A knight-paladin still needs Str, Con, Wis and Cha, just like a standard issue paladin. That is one of its biggest weaknesses.
    I vote against changing this. The best-designed classes are MAD and, even so, still manage to be powerful.

    On the other hand, I don't like that this class is still powered by per-day mechanics, including the bookkeeping hassle that is prepared Vancian casting.
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    Default Re: [3.5] Knight-Paladin base class

    Quote Originally Posted by jiriku View Post
    Retribution: Beginning at 19th level, foes within the knight-paladin's aura deal only half damage when attacking the knight-paladin's allies who are also within the aura, and the attacker takes the remainder (save negates, Fortitude DC 10 + ½ class level + Charisma modifier). A creature that has resisted or this effect cannot be affected by the same knight-paladin's aura of retribution again for 24 hours.
    Minor point of clarification - what part of this ability does the save negate? If the save is successful, does the ally take full damage, or does the enemy just not take half the damage?

    I'd also be a bit cautious about Courtly Knowledge. Consider what this will mean to a 20th-level character who maxes out diplomacy: +43 to all Diplomacy checks, without even taking Charisma bonuses into account. It's an easy +6 for synergy, so without even breaking a sweat you're looking at a +49. Auto-success on turning a Hostile into a Helpful.
    Last edited by Telonius; 2011-02-17 at 04:48 PM.

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    Default Re: [3.5] Knight-Paladin base class

    Quote Originally Posted by Draz74 View Post
    I vote against changing this. The best-designed classes are MAD and, even so, still manage to be powerful.

    On the other hand, I don't like that this class is still powered by per-day mechanics, including the bookkeeping hassle that is prepared Vancian casting.
    Yes, MAD isn't necessarily a bad thing. However, I think that requiring 4 high attributes to play as the class is intended to be played is too many. Maybe at 1st level, you could be allowed the choice of Charisma or Wisdom as your key attribute for spellcasting and class features.
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    Default Re: [3.5] Knight-Paladin base class

    Spells, right. I can do that.

    Perhaps some compulsion spells to force enemies to attack, and some spells that convert damage taken into temporary hit points. Maybe a couple of immediate-action or dischargeable defenses to spice up combat at higher levels. Stuff wot makes him better at gettin' roughed up, y'know?

    While the concern about the Diplomacy skill is well-founded, the root cause of the issue is the Diplomacy rules. I'll add a note encouraging the use of Burlew's alternate rules.

    I'd like to think that the knight-paladin rewards a balanced approach to stat distribution, especially under point-buy rules where you get more bang for your buck when most stats are 14 or lower. It doesn't really want to have a particularly high stat in any one place.
    Last edited by jiriku; 2011-02-18 at 01:34 AM.
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    Default Re: [3.5] Knight-Paladin base class

    I like it. The class accomplishes it's goals well. Good mix of passive, active, and spellcasting abilities. In particular, giving them the Aura of Menace and Protective Aura abilities of Archons and Angels is a great touch. While they don't protect from the biggest and baddest of spells, it's enough to stop all mind control and squash metamagic'd orbs, leaving only the top tier save or lose spells with even a chance of working. And then those have to get through your Divine Grace. One thing I would do is give the Magic Circle effect before the Lesser Globe effect, around 7th maybe. Don't know where you could move the Aura of Menace too, unfortunately. Currently you have it gaining the ability to reroll mind affecting saves as late as 12th level, but then he goes and gets immunity from his aura at 15th. Magic Circle's an all day buff, so it should really show up just a few levels after the spell does. This would mean you could make up a new challenge ability for 12th level as well.

    I agree that MAD could be a bit of the problem, but I also like the sentiment of it being a hallmark of awesome classes. A focused Knight-Paladin could work with his smiting, aura, and challenges on charisma, or his aura and spellcasting on wisdom. With good rolls, high point buy, or some extra gear, he could do both. I didn't take an in-depth look at the spell list so I can't comment on the selection, but I do like the idea of making some decent paladin only spells. Even the existing Pal4 spells are pretty lame, since they're "only 4th level spells."
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    Default Re: [3.5] Knight-Paladin base class

    Aura of retribution has been clarified. I was originally intending that a save would negate the entire effect, but as it's already quite limited in scope (both attacker and target must be within 20 ft of the knight-paladin, and it defends only against hit point damage) I decided the more powerful interpretation was a better fit for a 19th-level ability.

    Moved magic circle ahead of lesser globe. Modified the 12th-level challenge to be usable on allies at range.

    And spells! Seven new knight-paladin spells, added in the second post. I included spell level assignments for both knight-paladins and regular paladins, in case someone would like to borrow the spells but not the class.
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    Default Re: [3.5] Knight-Paladin base class

    Two things:

    1) So when a Level 8 Knight-Paladin uses Test of Mettle or Daunting Challenge he gets +3 to attack and damage vs all enemies within 100ft for the duration of the encounter?

    2) Why oh why must you use the 3.5 version of Smite when it's been proven time and time again to be so bad? Please use the Pathfinder version instead. I beg you.

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    Default Re: [3.5] Knight-Paladin base class

    Personally I'd say let then Smite 1/5 rounds at first level, reducing the wait time every 5HD, so they can do it 1/4 rounds at 5HD and every round at 20HD. So they don't have to decide whether to not smite this evil critter in case a worse critter comes along later.
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    Default Re: [3.5] Knight-Paladin base class

    Man, do I ever like this class. It actually seems fairly balanced and fun to play.
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    Default Re: [3.5] Knight-Paladin base class

    @ Ziegander: You're correct about knight's challenge.

    While a per-round smite mechanic would work fine, I'm thinking that anybody who's a fan of unlimited resources and per-round recovery mechanics is already playing a crusader. The knight-paladin strives to maintain the authentic look-and-feel of its predecessors, and that includes a reliance on prepared spellcasting and per-day mechanics. It's all about the authenticity!
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    Default Re: [3.5] Knight-Paladin base class

    Quote Originally Posted by jiriku View Post
    @ Ziegander: You're correct about knight's challenge.
    Not that this is overpowered, but with the number of uses the Knight-Paladin has per day and the number of enemies it's applying to it might as well just say, "a Knight-Paladin gets a +3 divine bonus to attack and damage rolls." And at that point it's more unnecessary than anything.

    While a per-round smite mechanic would work fine, I'm thinking that anybody who's a fan of unlimited resources and per-round recovery mechanics is already playing a crusader. The knight-paladin strives to maintain the authentic look-and-feel of its predecessors, and that includes a reliance on prepared spellcasting and per-day mechanics. It's all about the authenticity!
    But, as a per day ability, 3.5's version of Smite is among the worst class features in the game. In comparison with Rage, Smite's usefulness is laughable. Note, I don't like 85% of Pathfinder material, but the version of Smite they use for their Paladin is one of the few things I do like. That is actually worth being limited to a once per day use. Adding +5 to hit and +20 to damage for one attack is not.
    Last edited by Ziegander; 2011-02-19 at 04:23 PM.

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    Default Re: [3.5] Knight-Paladin base class

    The whole point is that by using the knights abilities to gain small buffs it improves every attack. Then you save your smites to attack the bosses, not to just hammer on some one every couple of turns...

    I believe thats the point the class designer is trying to make.
    Keepin it classy.

    And I like the class, got to find a way to play it. =)

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    Default Re: [3.5] Knight-Paladin base class

    Quote Originally Posted by Elfstone View Post
    The whole point is that by using the knights abilities to gain small buffs it improves every attack. Then you save your smites to attack the bosses, not to just hammer on some one every couple of turns...

    I believe thats the point the class designer is trying to make.
    Keepin it classy.
    And that would be all well and good if 3.5 Smite was actually worthwhile. But it does so very little it's pretty pitiful. At 20th level you could blow 5 Smites against a "boss" in a full attack, and presuming they all hit, you deal +100 damage. Congratulations, you just almost rivaled a Warblade's maneuver that he's been using since 17th level. And the bosses at this level have 500hp with lots and lots of DR and/or Fast Healing and/or Regeneration.

    Even if he doesn't like the Pathfinder Smite he should buff the Knight-Paladin's Smite in some way. If he wants to keep it applying only to a single attack at a time he should still make it bigger, badder, and more than just damage.

    If Smite dealt 1d6 additional divine damage per level (Will halves), automatically overcame DR, and carried a Knockback, knock prone effect, as well as scaling debuffs, that might be worth a mere 6/day by 20th level.

    Something like:

    Smite (Su): A Knight-Paladin is filled with a glorious, divine wrath, reserved only for those select few that have earned his perfect enmity. Anytime a Knight-Paladin attacks a foe he may declare that attack to be a Smite. If he does he gets a bonus to the attack roll equal to his Charisma modifier or 1/2 his class level, whichever is higher, and the attack deals additional damage equal to 1d6 per level. This additional damage is divine in nature and therefor not subject to DR or resistance of any kind.

    Enemies who do not oppose one or more of the Knight-Paladin's alignments are entitled to a Will save (DC 10+1/2Knight-Paladin level+Knight-Paladin's Cha modifier) to halve this additional damage.

    Further, the Knight-Paladin ignores all concealment his target may have less than total concealment and ignores any Damage Reduction his target may have.

    Finally, any creature struck by a Knight-Paladin's Smite attack must succeed at a Fort save (DC 10+1/2Knight-Paladin level+Knight-Paladin's Cha modifier) or be sickened for 1d4 rounds.

    A 1st level Knight-Paladin is entitled to one Smite attack per day, but he gains one additional use of this ability per day at 4th level and every four levels thereafter.

    Improved Smite (Su): At 6th level, when a Knight-Paladin Smites a foe, and that foe fails its Fort save, at the Knight-Paladin's option that foe may be Blown Away 5ft per class level +10 additional feet per point of the Knight-Paladin's Cha modifier and knocked prone.

    Greater Smite (Su): At 11th level, when a Knight-Paladin Smite a foe, and that foe fails its Fort save it is Nauseated for 1d4 rounds rather than sickened.

    Supreme Smite (Su): At 17th level, when a Knight-Paladin Smites a foe, and that foe fails its Fort save it is Stunned for 1 round, then Nauseated for 1d4 rounds, and subject to a Bestow Curse effect of the Knight-Paladin's choice for the rest of the encounter.

    So, NOW, if the KP full attacks with haste at 20th level, he's able to come at the Balor with up to 100d6 divine damage (average 350, enough to potentially 1 round the Balor if three or four of the attacks hit) and the Balor has to make multiple Fort saves against Stun/Nauseating/Bestow Curse and if the KP wants he can blow that Balor the hell away from him with divine power.

    THAT's worth limiting to 6/day.
    Last edited by Ziegander; 2011-02-19 at 06:43 PM.

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    Default Re: [3.5] Knight-Paladin base class

    True. But I only stated my interpritations of the creators intent.

    I like it, maybe he will use it.

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    Default Re: [3.5] Knight-Paladin base class

    Looked over the class it looks good 2 mistakes i saw:

    Your knight-paladin and daring outlaw levels stack for determining your sneak attack progression and smite progression.

    Your knight-paladin and swift hunter levels stack when determining your smite progression and your wild empathy bonus.

    I assume you mean Rogue and ranger?
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    Default Re: [3.5] Knight-Paladin base class

    Burnheart: A cookie for you, you're the first person to comment on that. The swift hunter is posted in my signature as the revised ranger. The daring outlaw is a rogue/swashbuckler fusion class that I have written, but not yet posted. It will make its way onto the board presently. For groups that elect not to use my daring outlaw and swift hunter classes, substitute rogue and ranger.

    Ziegander: Incorporating the bonus into the knight's challenge makes it conditional: the target must have Int 5 or greater, and the knight-paladin must have line of sight. This makes the knight-paladin more effective against intelligent, straightforward opponents, and less effective against opponents who are non-intelligent or able to evade detection. Which fits his ethos. I love it when crunch and fluff come together.

    Your smite proposal is pretty slick. I actually gave the knight-paladin fairly milk-toast offensive capabilities on purpose, to reinforce his role as a defender, rather than a striker. However, I'm currently working on an offensively focused analogue to the knight-paladin tentatively titled the holy warrior, which would rely much more heavily on smites. Don't be surprised if you see your smite mechanics pop up in my holy warrior.

    Elfstone: Yes, exactly.
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    Default Re: [3.5] Knight-Paladin base class

    Quote Originally Posted by jiriku View Post
    Ziegander: Incorporating the bonus into the knight's challenge makes it conditional: the target must have Int 5 or greater, and the knight-paladin must have line of sight. This makes the knight-paladin more effective against intelligent, straightforward opponents, and less effective against opponents who are non-intelligent or able to evade detection. Which fits his ethos. I love it when crunch and fluff come together.
    That's true. I did forget about that part.

    Your smite proposal is pretty slick. I actually gave the knight-paladin fairly milk-toast offensive capabilities on purpose, to reinforce his role as a defender, rather than a striker. However, I'm currently working on an offensively focused analogue to the knight-paladin tentatively titled the holy warrior, which would rely much more heavily on smites. Don't be surprised if you see your smite mechanics pop up in my holy warrior.
    Ah, well in that case I'd advise you just remove Smite from the Knight-Paladin table altogether, it's not really going to be missed between the improvements to Knight's Challenge and the 6th level spells.

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    Default Re: [3.5] Knight-Paladin base class

    No, because then it will be like "Your a pally... but you cant smite???"
    Keep it, and never use it. Just for tradition and fluff purposes.

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    Default Re: [3.5] Knight-Paladin base class

    Quote Originally Posted by Elfstone View Post
    No, because then it will be like "Your a pally... but you cant smite???"
    Keep it, and never use it. Just for tradition and fluff purposes.
    Of course. *rollseyes*

    I'd rather change the name to Knight-Protector and remove Smite than have a redundant, almost-useless class feature on the table, but that's just me.

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    Default Re: [3.5] Knight-Paladin base class

    Quote Originally Posted by Ziegander View Post
    Of course. *rollseyes*

    I'd rather change the name to Knight-Protector and remove Smite than have a redundant, almost-useless class feature on the table, but that's just me.
    xD but there is already a knigh protector PrC by wizards (it fails, except vs melee damage, but oh well)
    So the smite stays.

    Keeping it classy =)

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    Default Re: [3.5] Knight-Paladin base class

    Ok thats not a mistake, then i assume that the feats swift hunter and daring outlaw were inspirations for your classes?
    Quote Originally Posted by flabort View Post
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    Default Re: [3.5] Knight-Paladin base class

    Smite is like your appendix, or the command-line prompt in Windows 7. We keep these things around to remind us of the way things used to be in elder days.

    @ Burnheart: You assume correctly. I name my classes as directly as possible after their source of inspiration. Partly so that people will know what's in the box just by reading the label, and partly because I'm really not creating new classes, just remixing old ones.
    Last edited by jiriku; 2011-02-19 at 09:09 PM.
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    Default Re: [3.5] Knight-Paladin base class

    Quote Originally Posted by Elfstone View Post
    The whole point is that by using the knights abilities to gain small buffs it improves every attack. Then you save your smites to attack the bosses, not to just hammer on some one every couple of turns...

    I believe thats the point the class designer is trying to make.
    Keepin it classy.

    And I like the class, got to find a way to play it. =)
    Makes sense, but smite, as is, is still weak if it should be saved as a boss-battle kind of special attack, even with the alignment removed.

    So... I'm not a fan of PF's smite evil (feels just like a divine version of rage), but I guess it could give a player a choice between a per-encounter 3.5 smite evil, or a per-day PF smite evil. Being able to either deal a few harder smacks every few rounds, or the ability to lock on a targer a few times a day would be cool.

    For extra book keeping, you could do the 3.5 smite evil (say, call it Divine Strike) per encounter, and when needed do the PF smite evil (need a good name), reducing the number of smites usable for that day. Like, you have 2 emites. You can divine strike twice every encounter. In a particular fight, you use the "holy rage" smite once. For the rest of the day, you can only do 1 divine strike per day. If you use it for another "holy rage", you remain without smites until the next day.
    Just a thought exercise, but something to consider.

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    Default Re: [3.5] Knight + Paladin Remix: Knight-Paladin

    May I ask for an epic progression?

    Furthermore, I don't see Mettle. Aren't things like that supposed to stand in a defender's list?
    Last edited by silphael; 2011-09-05 at 09:07 PM.

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    Default Re: [3.5] Knight + Paladin Remix: Knight-Paladin

    I've never played epic, and don't feel qualified to attempt an epic progression. Perhaps someone from the community who has more experience can suggest an epic knight-paladin progression?

    Mettle isn't in there mostly because neither the knight nor the paladin has it, but it certainly fits the theme. I'll add an ACF for gaining Mettle in place of Divine Health.
    Last edited by jiriku; 2011-09-05 at 11:21 PM.
    Subclasses for 5E: magus of blades, shadowcraft assassin, spellthief, void disciple
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