Snips, Snails, and Dragon Tales: Now available in PDF format from Gumroad
Snips, Snails, and Dragon Tales is now on sale in PDF format from Gumroad - with 6 never-before-collected bonus comics!
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    Titan in the Playground
    Zaydos's Avatar

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    Aug 2009

    Default Scholar (3.X, NPC class, abilities needed)

    Okay, first things first I should explain what I intend for this class. I like Chinese kung-fu movies and one of the character archetypes is the scholar. They don't have magic, they aren't masters of combat, and in fact are rather useless in a fight, but they have great amounts of knowledge as well as social skills, are general skill monkeys at times, often can use magical items due to their studies on how they work (though they can't cast spells themselves, that's normally the bad guys or female characters), and can sometimes prove instrumental in combat by instructing on how to fight better/smarter.

    So originally it was supposed to be aimed at Tier 5 low/no magic games, but I decided to try and bring it up to tier 4, and incorporate more of the Judge Di style character who was supposed to be a very skilled combatant, not as good in combat as say a dedicated warrior but still an able warrior. So I've done a heavy overhaul of its class features adding more Applied Knowledges, increasing its HD, BAB and Skills per level, and adding Scholastic Aptitudes and Clever Combatant as Swift Knowledge.

    HD: d6

    Skills per Level: 8 + Int.

    Class Skills: Appraise, Autohypnosis, Bluff, Concentration, Craft, Decipher Script, Diplomacy, Disable Device, Disguise, Forgery, Gather Information, Handle Animal, Heal, Intimidate, Knowledge (each skill selected individually), Listen, Martial Lore, Open Lock, Perform, Profession, Psicraft, Search, Sense Motive, Speak Language, Spellcraft, Spot, Survival, Use Magic Device, and Use Rope.

    Level Base Attack<br>Bonus Fort Save Ref Save Will Save Special
    Alchemist, Applied Knowledge, Bonus Languages, Lore, Trap Finding
    Knowledgeable, Scholastic Aptitude
    Skill Focus
    Applied Knowledge
    Clever Combatant, Scholastic Aptitude
    Read Magic
    Applied Knowledge
    Skill Focus, Scholastic Aptitude
    Quick Insight
    Applied Knowledge
    Scholastic Aptitude
    Skill Focus
    Applied Knowledge
    Scholastic Aptitude
    Applied Knowledge
    Scholastic Aptitude
    Skill Focus
    Applied Knowledge
    Perfected Knowledge, Scholastic Aptitude

    All abilities Ex unless otherwise noted.

    Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: A scholar is proficient in simple weapons and light armor.

    Alchemist: A Scholar can make alchemical items despite not being able to cast spells... because that rule is stupid.

    Applied Knowledge: At 1st level, and every 3rd level thereafter, a scholar gains one of the abilities listed below. They may use applied knowledge 3 times per day +1/day per 2 class levels. Using Applied Knowledge is a standard action unless otherwise noted.
    Offensive: When you use this ability select one type (animal, magical beast, dragon, etc), if you select humanoid or outsider you must also select an appropriate subtype. Make a Knowledge check appropriate to that creature type. For 1 minute +1 round/scholar level, all allies within 30-ft of you when you used this ability gain an insight bonus to attack and damage against creatures of that type based upon your knowledge check result.

    Evasive: When you use this ability select one type (animal, magical beast, dragon, etc), if you select humanoid or outsider you must also select an appropriate subtype. Make a Knowledge check appropriate to that creature type. For 1 minute +1 round/scholar level, all allies within 30-ft of you when you used this ability gain an insight bonus to AC against creatures of that type based upon your knowledge check result.

    Defensive: When you use this ability select one type (animal, magical beast, dragon, etc), if you select humanoid or outsider you must also select an appropriate subtype. Make a Knowledge check appropriate to that creature type. For 1 minute +1 round/scholar level, all allies within 30-ft of you when you used this ability gain an insight bonus to saving throws against creatures of that type based upon your knowledge check result.

    Penetrating Blows: When you use this ability select one type (animal, magical beast, dragon, etc), if you select humanoid or outsider you must also select an appropriate subtype. For 1 minute +1 round/scholar level, all allies within 30-ft of you when you used this ability treat creatures of that type as having 3 times the bonus on the chart below (use Knowledge Arcana) less DR.

    Instruction: When you use this ability make a Knowledge check (type of knowledge for each skill to be added as a chart later) and select one skill and a number of creatures, other than yourself, within 30-ft who can hear you equal to your Intelligence bonus. For 1 minute +1 round/scholar level they gain an insight bonus to the selected skill and can use the skill untrained.

    • Appraise: Knowledge (Local)
    • Autohypnosis: Knowledge (Psionics)
    • Balance: Knowledge (Architecture and Engineering) or (Geography)
    • Bluff: Knowledge (Local) or (Nobility and Royalty)
    • Climb: Knowledge (Architecture and Engineering) or (Geography)
    • Concentration: Knowledge (Arcana)
    • Craft: Knowledge (Local)
    • Decipher Script: Knowledge (Local)
    • Diplomacy: Knowledge (Local) or (Nobility and Royalty)
    • Disable Device: Knowledge (Architecture and Engineering)
    • Disguise: Knowledge (Local)
    • Escape Artist: Knowledge (Local)
    • Forgery: Knowledge (Local)
    • Gather Information: Knowledge (Local) or (Nobility and Royalty)
    • Handle Animal: Knowledge (Nature)
    • Heal: Knowledge (Nature)
    • Hide: Knowledge (Local)
    • Intimidate: Knowledge (Local) or (Nobility and Royalty)
    • Jump: Knowledge (Geography) or (Architecture and Engineering)
    • Knowledge: Same Knowledge
    • Listen: Knowledge (Geography) or (Architecture and Engineering)
    • Martial Lore: Knowledge (History)
    • Move Silently: Knowledge (Geography) or (Architecture and Engineering)
    • Open Lock: Knowledge (Architecture and Engineering)
    • Perform: Knowledge (Local) or (Nobility and Royalty)
    • Profession: Knowledge (Local)
    • Ride: Knowledge (Nature) or (Nobility and Royalty)
    • Search: Knowledge (Architecture and Engineering)
    • Sense Motive: Knowledge (Local)
    • Sleight of Hand: Knowledge (Local)
    • Spellcraft: Knowledge (Arcana)
    • Spot: Knowledge (Architecture and Engineering) or (Geography)
    • Survival: Knowledge (Nature) or (Geography)
    • Swim: Knowledge (Geography) or (Nature)
    • Tumble: Knowledge (Architecture and Engineering) or (Geography)
    • Use Magic Device: Knowledge (Arcana)
    • Use Psionic Device: Knowledge (Psionics)
    • Use Rope: Knowledge (architecture and engineering) or (local)

    Magic: When you use this ability make a Knowledge (Arcana) check and select one creature within 30-ft which can hear you. They gain an insight bonus to their caster level on the next spell they cast before the start of your next turn. Worried that this one is rather strong.

    Tactics: When you use this ability make a Knowledge (History) check. All allies within 30-ft which can hear you gain an insight bonus to attack and damage when flanking equal to the result on the table below, and half that bonus (rounded down) to AC when adjacent to at least one other ally affected by this ability. This bonus lasts 1 minute +1 round/scholar level.

    Customs: When you use this ability make a Knowledge (Local) check about a society you have come in contact with. All allies within 30-ft which can hear you gain a bonus to Diplomacy, Gather Information, Sense Motive, and Knowledge (Local) checks made about that society for 10 minutes +1 minute/scholar level.

    Penetrating Spells When you use this ability select one type (animal, magical beast, dragon, etc), if you select humanoid or outsider you must also select an appropriate subtype. Make a Knowledge (Arcana) check, all allies within 30-ft of you gain an insight bonus to rolls made to overcome spell resistance of creatures of the selected type for 1 minute + 1 round/scholar level.

    Soldier: You must have both the Offensive and Evasive Applied Knowledge abilities to select this one. When you use this ability make a Knowledge (History) check. All allies within 30-ft who can hear you gain an insight bonus to attack, damage, and AC equal to half the normal bonus rounded up for 1 minute +1 round/scholar level; if you also have the Tactics Applied Knowledge ability the bonus is not halved.

    Witch Hunter: You must have the Defensive Applied Knowledge ability to select this one. When you use this ability make a Knowledge (Arcana) check. All allies within 30-ft who can hear you gain an insight bonus to AC against attacks made as part of spells (or spell-like abilities), or with channeled spells, and to all saving throws against spells and spell-like abilities. In addition any enemy threatened by at least one creature benefiting from this effect suffers a penalty to Concentration checks made to cast spells equal to the insight bonus granted to your allies. This effect lasts for 1 minute + 1 round/scholar level.

    Healer: You must have at least 4 ranks in Heal to select this ability. When you use this ability make a Heal check. All allies within 30-ft who can hear you gain an insight bonus to Heal checks, and to the amount of hit points they restore through the use of special abilities (such as spells, maneuvers, or even fast healing) equal to the bonus.

    Archer: You must have the Offensive Applied Knowledge ability to select this one. When you use this ability make a Knowledge (History) check. All allies within 30-ft who can hear you gain an insight bonus to ranged attack rolls and damage with ranged weapons (including thrown weapons). In addition they may apply precision damage, Point Blank Shot, and other abilities normally limited to within 30-ft out to an additional 5-ft per point of Insight bonus gained and ignore halve the penalty to their attack due to range increments out to a number of range increments equal to the granted insight bonus. This bonus lasts for 1 minute + 1 round/scholar level.

    Fencer: You must have the Offensive Applied Knowledge ability to select this one. When you use this ability make a Knowledge (History) check. All allies within 30-ft who can hear you gain an insight bonus to melee attack rolls and damage when wielding a 1 handed weapon and having their other hand free. In any round in which they made a melee attack this bonus also applies to their AC. This bonus lasts for 1 minute + 1 round/scholar level.

    Death's Foe This use of Applied Knowledge is a supernatural ability. You must have at least 5 ranks in Knowledge (Religion) and Knowledge (the Planes) to select this ability. When you use this ability make a Knowledge (Religion) check. This ability functions as turn undead used by a cleric of your scholar level except instead of making a Turning Check (as normal) you apply the bonus shown on the Knowledge check table below -3 to your level (as if that were the result of your Turning Check). You then use your Intelligence in place of your Charisma to determine the turning damage. You may not use this ability to fuel feats which can be fueled by expending Turn Undead checks as it is not Turn Undead.

    Knowledge result Bonus
    <18 +1
    18-24 +2
    25-30 +3
    31-36 +4
    37-45 +5
    46-55 +6
    56-65 +7
    66-75 +8
    76-90 +9
    91+ +10

    Bonus Language: At 1st level, and every odd numbered level thereafter, a scholar learns any one non-secret language automatically without needing to expend skill points to do so.

    Lore: As Loremaster ability of the same name. If you have 5 or more ranks in Knowledge (History) you gain a +2 synergy bonus to Lore checks.

    Trapfinding: As the rogue ability of the same name.

    Knowledgeable: Beginning at 2nd level a scholar adds half of their class level to Knowledge checks and may make Knowledge checks untrained.

    Scholastic Aptitude: At 2nd level and every 3rd level thereafter a scholar gains a scholastic aptitude from the list below; unless otherwise noted you may only select any Scholastic Aptitude once.

    Spoiler: Scholastic Aptitudes
    Able Learner: You gain Able Learner as a bonus feat even if you do not fulfill the prerequisites. Its effects apply retroactively.

    Acute Observation: You must have at least 5 ranks in 2 of Listen, Search, and Spot to select this scholastic aptitude. You may use Intelligence in place of Wisdom on Listen and Spot checks. In addition you gain a +2 bonus to all Listen, Search, and Spot checks, and gain a free Search check to find any secret door within 10-ft (rolled secretly by the DM). The bonus from this Scholastic Aptitude increases by +1 per 5 Scholar levels on Search checks when applied to finding traps.

    Apothecary: You must have at least 8 ranks in Craft (Alchemy) to select this scholastic aptitude. You gain the Brew Potion feat as a bonus feat and may create potions without the necessary spells, using your Scholar level as your caster level. These potions cost 25% less GP and XP to create. To create a potion with this ability you must make a DC 15 + 3 times spell level Craft (Alchemy) check, on a failure you fail to progress in creating the potion for that day although may try again the next day.

    Appraising Eye: You must have at least 5 ranks in Appraise to select this scholastic aptitude. You may apply your Knowledgeable bonus to Appraise. In addition you may appraise magic qualities of an item. To do so requires 1 hour of studying the item and requires a DC 15 + the item's Caster Level Appraise check and reveals its properties as if through an Identify spell; success by 5 or more will even reveal cursed items that can fool identify spells. On a failure you cannot retry the check until you gain at least 1 level. If you have the Master Craftsman aptitude you automatically succeed on the check.

    Beast Tongue: You may speak with animals as the Speak with Animals; this is a supernatural ability but becomes an extraordinary one when your scholar level reaches at least 11. Once your scholar level reaches at least 8 you may expend a use of Applied Knowledge to use Animal Messenger as a spell-like ability.

    Countermagic: You must have at least 8 ranks in Knowledge (Arcana) and Spellcraft to select this scholastic aptitude. A number of times per day equal to one-half your Intelligence modifier you may use Dispel Magic and/or Magic Circle against [Alignment] as a spell-like ability with a caster level of your Scholar level +1/4 scholar levels, which you may use to counterspell and upgrades to Greater Dispel Magic at Scholar level 11, or you may expend a use of this ability to create a ward; you may expend 2 uses of Applied Knowledge (as a free action) to regain a use of this ability. These wards can either be against divination spells or teleportation and cover up to 3 10-ft squares per Scholar level and last 1 day, but can be made more permanent by expending costly incenses and powders. A ward against divination protects everything in the area as if with a Non-detection spell. A ward against teleportation functions as a dimension lock, except that a creature can bypass it with a caster level check (DC 13 + your caster level for this effect). By incorporating incenses and powders costing 200 GP per 10-ft square you can increase the duration of this ward to 1 week, by incorporating powders and incenses costing 500 GP per 10-ft square you can increase the duration of this ward to 1 month, by incorporating powders and incenses costing 1000 GP per 10-ft square you can increase the duration to 1 year and 2000 GP per 10-ft square powders can increase the duration to permanent. Creating a ward takes 1 full round per 10-ft square to be affected, increasing to 3 rounds if you increase the duration to 1 week 1 minute if you increase the duration to 1 month, 10 minutes if you increase the duration to 1 year, and 1 hour if you increase the duration to permanent. These wards are considered 4th level spells and can be dispelled as if they were a spell effect on the area with a caster level of your scholar level +1/3 scholar levels; a permanent ward is only suppressed for 1 day when dispelled unless the caster level of the dispel effect was at least 3 higher than your caster level for this effect.

    Craftsman: You must have at least 5 ranks in a Craft skill to select this scholastic aptitude. You may apply your Knowledgeable bonus to Craft checks and make items at three times the normal speed with Craft checks. In addition you make three times the normal money when making Craft checks to make money.

    Dabbler in Magic: You gain the ability to use 3 Lv 0 spells as spell-like abilities a number of times per day total between the abilities equal to your Intelligence modifier +1/3 Scholar levels you possess.

    Enlightened Longevity: You must have a Scholar level of 11+ to select this Aptitude. You no longer age physically, no longer accruing physical ability score penalties due to aging, but still die of old age when your time comes. Once you have the Perfected Knowledge ability you become truly immortal no longer dying of old age when your time comes.

    First Aid: You must have the Surgeon aptitude to select this aptitude. You may take a -5 penalty to your heal check made as part of using the Surgeon aptitude to reduce the time required to 1 standard action; you still must be holding proper tools for the task.

    Hobbyist: Select one skill when you select this Aptitude. You can use Intelligence in place of whatever ability is normally associated with that class and either gain a +3 bonus to that skill or may apply your Knowledgeable bonus to that skill. If you can apply your Knowledgeable bonus to that skill for some other reason you do not get to apply it twice (although could then simply take the +3 bonus). You may take this aptitude multiple times selecting a new skill each time.

    Improved Countermagic: You must have the Countermagic aptitude and 11+ ranks in Knowledge (Arcana) and Spellcraft to select this aptitude. You may use your Dispel Magic (or Greater Dispel Magic) spell-like ability granted by Countermagic to counterspell a spell as an immediate action; you may use this ability to counterspell spell-like abilities.

    Judge: You must have 5+ ranks in Sense Motive to select this aptitude. You may use Intelligence instead of Wisdom for Sense Motive checks, and may apply your Knowledgeable bonus to Sense Motive checks. In addition you gain a +3 bonus to Sense Motive checks and creatures attempting to make Bluff checks lose any bonus provided by the Glibness spell on their roll opposed by you, or towards other creatures if you call them out on their bluff in the range of those creatures' hearing.

    Keen Ears: Must have Acute Observation, scholar level 8+. You gain Blindsense 30-ft and a +3 bonus to Listen checks.

    Keen Eyed: Must have Acute Observation. You can See Invisibility as the spell, this function of the ability is a supernatural ability. As an extraordinary ability you can see vaguely where invisible creatures are; while you cannot see any details beyond their vague shape they are treated as only having concealment instead of total concealment. You also gain a +3 bonus to Spot checks.

    Knowledge Devotion: You gain Knowledge Devotion as a bonus feat.

    Lecturer: You must have at least 5 ranks in Perform (Oratory) to select this scholastic aptitude. The range of all your Applied Knowledge abilities is doubled.

    Legendary Observations: Must have Keen Ears and Keen Eyed, scholar level 11+. You gain the ability to see through illusions and transformations as the True Seeing spell (this is an extraordinary ability). In addition you gain Blindsight 10-ft per 2 Scholar levels beyond 11th you have.

    Lore Master: You gain a +3 bonus on Lore checks, this bonus increases by 1 per 4 Scholar levels you possess.

    Observe Magic: You must have at least 5 ranks in Knowledge (Arcana) and Spellcraft to select this aptitude. You gain the ability to use Detect Magic and Read Magic as spell-like abilities at-will.

    Polyglot: You must have 5+ levels of Scholar to select this aptitude. You may speak any language that you have ever been exposed to, permanently learning a new spoken or signed language within 1 minute of conversation, and how to read and write a new language by studying one page of its writing.

    Martial Scholar: When you take this aptitude select one martial discipline. Add that discipline's associated skill to your Scholar class skills if it is not already. For that discipline your Scholar levels add fully to your initiator level, and you may take Martial Study any number of times as long as you take it to gain maneuvers from the selected discipline. In addition you learn 1 martial maneuver or stance from that discipline; maneuvers learned this way are automatically readied, but have no recovery method. You may take this Aptitude multiple times each time you do so you learn 1 more martial maneuver or stance from the discipline you selected when you took this aptitude for the first time.

    Master Craftsman: You must have the Craftman aptitude to select this aptitude and at least 8 ranks in a Craft skil. You may make magic items, substituting your Scholar level for your caster level for the purposes of qualifying for Item Creation feats and to create items. If you does not know the spells required to make an item you can substitute a Craft check relevant to the item being created or Calligraphy (DC 20 + spell level for arcane spells) in place of a required spell you don’t know or can’t cast. If the check succeeds, you can create the item as if you had cast the required spell. If it fails, you cannot complete the item. You does not expend the XP or gp costs for making the item; your progress is simply arrested. You cannot retry this Use Magic Device check for that spell until you gain a new level. In addition you gain a bonus Item Creation feat.

    Master of Disguise: You must have 5+ ranks in Disguise to select this aptitude. You may use your Intelligence modifier in place of Charisma when making Disguise checks and may apply your Knowledgeable bonus to Disguise checks. When making a Disguise check without magical aid you double the amount of difference in height or mass that is acceptable between you and your attempted disguise and gain a +5 bonus on such checks. You also never suffer a penalty to Disguise checks for disguising yourself as an older age category.

    Master Surgeon: You must have the Surgeon aptitude to select this one. When you use your Surgeon aptitude you learn how much ability damage compare the result of your Heal check to the Applied Knowledge table. You may choose how much of this ability damage healing is applied to each ability score of the target's which is damaged. You may trade 1 point of ability damage healing to remove fatigue or exhaustion, dazed, dazzled, or sickened; 2 points to remove stunning, or paralysis; 3 points to cure blindness, deafness, or removes a single negative level; 5 points can be used to undo Feeblemind and Insanity effects; 6 points can be used to cure 1 point of ability.

    Mundane Knowledge: Choose 1 Knowledge skill you possess. You may treat yourself as having ranks in Knowledge (Architecture and Engineering), Knowledge (Geography), and Knowledge (History) equal to the number of ranks you possess in that skill.

    Penetrate Disguise: You must have at least 5 ranks in Disguise and Spot to select this aptitude. You may use Intelligence in place of Wisdom on Spot checks to see through Disguises. In addition you gain a +5 bonus on checks to see through Disguises, this bonus doubling to a +10 if the disguise is a result of magical transformation.

    Poisoner: You must have at least 5 ranks in Craft (Poison Making). You gain the Poison Use ability and any poison you use gains a bonus to its Fort save DC equal to 1/2 your Intelligence modifier.

    Professional: You must have at least 5 ranks in a Profession skill to select this aptitude. You may make Profession skills untrained and apply your Knowledgeable bonus to Profession skills. In addition you may use Intelligence instead of Wisdom on Profession checks. Finally you multiply the amount of money you make with a Profession check by 1 plus your Scholar level divided by 4 (rounded down).

    Quick Locksmith: You must have at least 5 ranks in Disable Device and Open Lock checks to select this aptitude. You may use Intelligence in place of Dexterity on Open Lock checks and gain a +2 bonus on Disable Device and Open Lock checks. You may make an Open Lock check as a standard action and may make a Disable Device check as a full-round action regardless of the complexity of the device.

    Sage: You must have the Instruction Applied Knowledge ability to select this aptitude. 1/day +1/day per 4 Scholar levels you may make a Knowledge check in place of any skill check, it must be the Knowledge associated with that skill for the Instructor ability.

    Skilled: Select 2 skills. They are considered Scholar class skills for you.

    Soul Shaper: You must have at least 5 ranks in Knowledge (the Planes) to select this aptitude. You gain the ability to shape 1 soulmeld (as if from the Shape Soulmeld feat) and gain 1 essentia. You may take this aptitude multiple times, each additional time you take it you must have 3 more ranks in Knowledge (the Planes). The 2nd time you take it you gain 2 essentia, and it alternates between +1 essentia and +1 soulmeld and +2 essentia with each iteration.

    Surgeon: You must have at least 5 ranks in Heal to select this aptitude. You may use Intelligence in place of Wisdom on Heal checks and apply the bonus from your Knowledgeable ability to Heal checks. In addition by expending a use of your Applied Knowledge ability as an action taking 10 minutes you may perform (battlefield) surgery on a willing creature which remains adjacent to you throughout the whole action, healing them hit points equal to your Heal check times an amount based on your character level (1-6 x0.5; 7-12 x1; 13-18 x2; 19+ x3).

    Surgical Strikes: You must have at least 5 ranks in Heal to select this aptitude. You gain 1d6 sneak attack (as the rogue ability). You may takes this aptitude multiple times each time you do your sneak attack bonus increases by +1d6 and the prerequisite to take this aptitude increases by 3 ranks.

    Student of Magic: You must have Dabbler of Magic and Knowledge (Arcana) and Spellcraft 8+ ranks. Select 3 1st level spells from any base class's list you may cast these spells spontaneously by expending 1 use of Applied Knowledge; you cast these spells as a member of whichever class's spell list you drew the spell from, with a caster level equal to your Scholar level, but may cast arcane spells in light armor without suffering spell failure. You may take this aptitude more than once, each time you do so select 3 spells from up to 1 spell level higher and the Knowledge (Arcana) and Spellcraft prerequisites are increased by 3 skill ranks.

    Student of War: You must have 8+ ranks in Martial Lore to select this aptitude. At the beginning of each round of combat you may select a creature at the beginning of your initiative count. For each round of combat in which they are your selected target and they act in it (are not dazed, stunned, paralyzed, or otherwise do not take actions) you gain a +1 competence bonus to attack rolls, weapon damage, and AC against that target until the end of combat and for 1 minute thereafter. You may change your observed target each round and do not lose your bonuses against other targets for doing so; the bonus against each target is tracked separately. This ability grants no bonus for observing a creature outside of combat, or which is unaware or not engaged in the combat.

    Tactical Study: You must have 11+ ranks in Martial Lore to select this aptitude. You may select up to your Intelligence modifier in creatures as targets for your Student of War ability each round instead of a single creature.

    Tactician: You gain a +3 bonus to all Knowledge checks made as part of the Applied Knowledge class feature or Knowledge Devotion feat.

    Tongue of the Trees: You must have 11+ ranks in Knowledge (Nature) to select this aptitude. You may speak with plants, as the spell, continuously; this is a supernatural ability.

    Tracker: You gain Track as a bonus feat and may use Search in place of Survival to track creatures. You may also apply your Knowledgeable bonus on any check made to track a creature. When your Scholar level reaches 8 or higher you gain the ability to track at your normal speed with no penalty and at double speed with only a -10 penalty. At scholar level 16+ you suffer no penalty to track checks when moving at double your normal speed, and may track while running by taking a -10 penalty.

    Skill Focus: At 3rd level, 8th level, 12th level, and 18th level a scholar gains Skill Focus as a bonus feat. They must select a Scholar class skill to gain the feat for.

    Clever Combatant: Beginning at 5th level you may apply your Intelligence to melee and ranged attack rolls instead of your Strength or Dexterity, and to melee damage in place of your Strength. When using your Intelligence in place of Strength for damage you still suffer any Strength penalty you possess, and do not gain 1.5 times Intelligence with 2 handed weapons but use your full Intelligence modifier even for off-hand weapons.

    Swift Insight: Beginning at 9th level a scholar may use their applied knowledge as a swift action.

    Perfected Knowledge: Your type changes to Outsider with the appropriate alignment based subtypes. Unlike normal outsiders you may still be resurrected normally. You gain DR 10/opposed alignment (or adamantine if True Neutral). In addition you may treat your roll for Lore and Knowledge checks as a 20; this does not work on Applied Knowledge.
    Last edited by Zaydos; 2016-02-01 at 06:15 PM.
    Peanut Half-Dragon Necromancer by Kurien.

    Current Projects:

    Group: The Harrowing Halloween Harvest of Horror Part 2

    Personal Silliness: Vote what Soulknife "Fix"/Inspired Class Should I make??? Past Work Expansion Caricatures.

    Old: My homebrew (updated 9/9)

  2. - Top - End - #2
    Troll in the Playground
    Solaris's Avatar

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    Default Re: Scholar (3.X, NPC class, abilities needed)

    I did something similar, many moons ago.
    You might want something similar to the bardic knowledge. An effective caster level might not be a bad thing, too, perhaps as an ability to use wands and scrolls more effectively.
    My latest homebrew: Majokko base class and Spellcaster Dilettante feats for D&D 3.5 and Races as Classes for PTU.

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  3. - Top - End - #3
    Titan in the Playground
    Zaydos's Avatar

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    Default Re: Scholar (3.X, NPC class, abilities needed)

    Quote Originally Posted by Solaris View Post
    I did something similar, many moons ago.
    You might want something similar to the bardic knowledge. An effective caster level might not be a bad thing, too, perhaps as an ability to use wands and scrolls more effectively.
    And this is what happens when I don't search the forums first

    As for Bardic Knowledge, the Loremaster's Lore ability (which this has) functions identically to Bardic Knowledge. I used Lore because it was still Core/SRD and had a more appropriate name.

    As for the other I'm still contemplating giving it actual spells at some point, but I haven't decided yet.

    Having seen your class I do have two questions though:

    What does Lore Mastery do? I couldn't it in the text but only in the table.

    Have you seen the movie Onmyouji? It's a Japanese movie with the main character as Abe no Seimei, a legendary onmyouji (a type of priest/magician) said to be the son of a kitsune. He was a sort of scholar/courtier/magician who made servants out of paper dolls and the oragami familiar ability made me think of him.
    Peanut Half-Dragon Necromancer by Kurien.

    Current Projects:

    Group: The Harrowing Halloween Harvest of Horror Part 2

    Personal Silliness: Vote what Soulknife "Fix"/Inspired Class Should I make??? Past Work Expansion Caricatures.

    Old: My homebrew (updated 9/9)

  4. - Top - End - #4
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: Scholar (3.X, NPC class, abilities needed)

    'Sall good. If repetition were a crime on this board, we'd all have been banned by now between the zombie apocalypse threads, the alignment threads, and the monk/fighter rewrites. Pretty much the only part of that class I didn't crib from other classes was the origami familiar (and even that has some stuff from the psicrystal) - intent was something like a Bard crossed with a UMD Rogue, drawing heavily from the Archivist. I think it was my first homebrewed class, actually.

    Lore Mastery: Upon reaching 2nd level, a scholar gains a +2 bonus to all Decipher Script checks and to all checks of any one Knowledge skill of her choice. Once this choice is made, it cannot be changed. At 7th, 12th, and 17th level, the scholar can choose an additional Knowledge skill to gain the +2 bonus.

    Really weird that the text was missing it. Good thing my .rtf copy had it, 'cause otherwise I would have had no clue.

    I don't recall seeing that movie, but that doesn't mean I haven't seen it many many moons ago.
    My latest homebrew: Majokko base class and Spellcaster Dilettante feats for D&D 3.5 and Races as Classes for PTU.

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  5. - Top - End - #5
    Orc in the Playground

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    Thumbs up Re: Scholar (3.X, NPC class, abilities needed)

    O.k. first and formost I very much like this class and when it is done I will add this to the list of classes that people can play in my farmer in the dell game.(In fact I may do that now). :-)

    O.k. Now the helpful part:

    First I knowticed that you are missing several class entry sections from you O.P. here are the ones that you are missing:

    Put a quote by a member of your class here![/center]

    A general description of your class

    Abilities: The abilities important to your class

    Role: What does your class do in the party?

    Background: How do you become a member of your class? Why?

    Organization: Organizations that tend to hold members of your class belong here.

    Alignment: What alignment(s) your class may have and why.

    Races: What races most often have members of your class, as well as any races that cannot join, along with why.

    Religion: How a member of this class might approach religion; general stereotypes, what gods they revere, and even why.

    Other Classes: How does your class relate to other classes? How do they cooperate? Are there classes they just can't stand?

    Adaptation: How might a DM fit your class into his campaign or his own unique world setting? How might your class be changed?

    Hit Die: Duh

    Starting Gold: Also duh

    and finally

    Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: This one is especially important.

    O.k. now the stuff you asked for help with.

    Skills: I like Listen as a skill for them, I love when the old teacher is meditating but can still sence an enemy sneeking up from behind and then blockes their attack(maybe even add tremor sence ans an ability at 7th. level... or sent would do the same :-\)

    Search & Spot, these I like less, I think a classic part of this archetype is that they wear glasses and are old/nearsighted, which would hinder their spot. Search I don't like because it seems to me that they are always haveing trouble locating that one little bauble they know they have somewhere which would solve all the problems... they seem never to find it until just before it would be too late to matter anyway. If they had a good search score they would find these little mystic nick-nacks right away.

    Intimidate, Oh YES! There is nothing better than when the quiet master pulls out the, "just who the **** do you think you are kiddnaping? I am the great scholar Ching Chan, master of the 9 scrolls, keeper of the sacred books, and master of the four mental chacras!" speech.

    Open Lock, NEVER, if this dude could open locks he wouldn't need his students to come and save him!

    Disable Device, Maybeee....... but I think it should take them a HELL of a lot longer to do this than it would a Roug(thief[I don't spell well]). consider in stead giveing them an ability that allows them to study traps and then depending on how well they study the trap maybe allow them to do something about it... but maybe also learn to make the trap somewhere else later? something that will take a wile and be more analytical in theme then this skill is usually depicted.

    Disguise, I am honestly not sure, I could go either way on this.

    Now then, as to the question of spell casting I would say no. However, I would say DEFENATLY to a limited amount of shadowmagic use, or Encarnum use!(if you don't have access to the books containing these magic systems I would be more than willing to send you a link to a place where you can download them.)

    Again great work so far. I hope you finish up soon so I can add this to my campagnes class choices!

    Role playing is more important than roll playing.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Demented View Post
    "Get this floor mat off my head before I discorporate you."
    "Yes sir."

  6. - Top - End - #6
    Titan in the Playground
    MesiDoomstalker's Avatar

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    Default Re: Scholar (3.X, NPC class, abilities needed)

    A few things:

    Defensive should, in my opinion, grant AC as well. Bonus to saves is great and all for opponents that forces saves a lot, but AC is the other defense that is severly lacking.

    Penatrating's wording is somewhat confusing. If I understood it correctly, it is far more useful against enemies with DR/Z and Y than anything with DR/Z or Y. The "and" is supposed to be a balance thing for stronger creatures that make it really difficult to overcome. So it should stand to reason that creatures with "and" requires more uses of Penatrating to remove their DR than "or".

  7. - Top - End - #7
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Scholar (3.X, NPC class, abilities needed)

    Quote Originally Posted by Thugorp View Post
    O.k. first and formost I very much like this class and when it is done I will add this to the list of classes that people can play in my farmer in the dell game.(In fact I may do that now). :-)
    Thank you.

    O.k. Now the helpful part:

    First I knowticed that you are missing several class entry sections from you O.P. here are the ones that you are missing:

    Put a quote by a member of your class here![/center]

    A general description of your class

    Abilities: The abilities important to your class

    Role: What does your class do in the party?

    Background: How do you become a member of your class? Why?

    Organization: Organizations that tend to hold members of your class belong here.

    Alignment: What alignment(s) your class may have and why.

    Races: What races most often have members of your class, as well as any races that cannot join, along with why.

    Religion: How a member of this class might approach religion; general stereotypes, what gods they revere, and even why.

    Other Classes: How does your class relate to other classes? How do they cooperate? Are there classes they just can't stand?

    Adaptation: How might a DM fit your class into his campaign or his own unique world setting? How might your class be changed?

    Hit Die: Duh

    Starting Gold: Also duh

    and finally

    Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: This one is especially important.
    That's what I get for posting late at night when half asleep and rather hurried. What would be a good starting gold? Scholars in ancient China tended to be rather wealthy, but they'd also need little in the way of gear to function which is the standard metric for determining starting wealth.

    Would simple weapons and light armor be appropriate? Or should it be a more limited list?

    O.k. now the stuff you asked for help with.

    Skills: I like Listen as a skill for them, I love when the old teacher is meditating but can still sence an enemy sneeking up from behind and then blockes their attack(maybe even add tremor sence ans an ability at 7th. level... or sent would do the same :-\)

    Search & Spot, these I like less, I think a classic part of this archetype is that they wear glasses and are old/nearsighted, which would hinder their spot. Search I don't like because it seems to me that they are always haveing trouble locating that one little bauble they know they have somewhere which would solve all the problems... they seem never to find it until just before it would be too late to matter anyway. If they had a good search score they would find these little mystic nick-nacks right away.

    Intimidate, Oh YES! There is nothing better than when the quiet master pulls out the, "just who the **** do you think you are kiddnaping? I am the great scholar Ching Chan, master of the 9 scrolls, keeper of the sacred books, and master of the four mental chacras!" speech.

    Open Lock, NEVER, if this dude could open locks he wouldn't need his students to come and save him!

    Disable Device, Maybeee....... but I think it should take them a HELL of a lot longer to do this than it would a Roug(thief[I don't spell well]). consider in stead giveing them an ability that allows them to study traps and then depending on how well they study the trap maybe allow them to do something about it... but maybe also learn to make the trap somewhere else later? something that will take a wile and be more analytical in theme then this skill is usually depicted.

    Disguise, I am honestly not sure, I could go either way on this.

    Now then, as to the question of spell casting I would say no. However, I would say DEFENATLY to a limited amount of shadowmagic use, or Encarnum use!(if you don't have access to the books containing these magic systems I would be more than willing to send you a link to a place where you can download them.)

    Again great work so far. I hope you finish up soon so I can add this to my campagnes class choices!
    I'm fairly familiar with shadow magic and incarnum any particular powers you think they should have from either?

    For Spot, Search, and most of the other skills it has to do with the range in Chinese and Japanese works where they are the skill member of the group (if anyone can open the lock it's the scholar), and even Sherlock Holmes (Judge De), commonly expected to pick up even the smallest clue (the same old sage that hears you sneaking up behind him can also spot that dagger hidden in your sleeve).

    I'm still debating these skills, though, and getting any input on them is appreciated and helpful.

    Again thank you.

    Quote Originally Posted by MesiDoomstalker View Post
    A few things:

    Defensive should, in my opinion, grant AC as well. Bonus to saves is great and all for opponents that forces saves a lot, but AC is the other defense that is severly lacking.

    Penatrating's wording is somewhat confusing. If I understood it correctly, it is far more useful against enemies with DR/Z and Y than anything with DR/Z or Y. The "and" is supposed to be a balance thing for stronger creatures that make it really difficult to overcome. So it should stand to reason that creatures with "and" requires more uses of Penatrating to remove their DR than "or".
    Defensive lacks AC because Evasive grants it as its only effect. I could combine the two but that might be too powerful.

    As for Penetrating, the logic was that if you fought say a creature with DR 5/cold iron and a creature with DR 5/cold iron or good you would only need one use, but if you chose DR 5/cold iron and good you couldn't hurt the one with DR 5/cold iron. Even so you're probably right, and it should probably cost extra to DR x/- as well.

    Will wait for more comments before finalizing changes, though.
    Peanut Half-Dragon Necromancer by Kurien.

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  8. - Top - End - #8
    Orc in the Playground

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    Default Re: Scholar (3.X, NPC class, abilities needed)

    Actually with the weapon profissency I would give them proficiency with either the long or short sword, then also give them proficiency with any other 4 weapons, as long as one of them is some sort of defensive weapon.(yes this wold allow people to select exotic weapons)

    Here is my reason for this, Yes, these people are old, they are not the best fighters; that is a granted, BUT that was not always the case. These characters didn't collect all of there knowlage by locking them selves in dark towers all their lives, they couldn't possibly gain the kind of knowlage that they express with their, "applied knowlage," ability that way. Once upon a time, these scholars WERE the brave strong adventurers serving there own masters. Sure they are old now and they are not as fast or strong because of it... but your knowlage of which weapons to use doens't change, My grandpa still knows how to fire his machine gun, and would still be exelent with a grand-launcher... he would probably also load it alot slower than in times past and have more trouble dealing with the recoil... my point here is this, it is true they might not be the best at handling whatever weapons they use anymore, but which weapons they use should not change... therefor limiting them to only simple weapons seems in appropriate... which is why I suggest long/short sword plus 4or5 other weapons(five if one must be defencive four otherwise), and no proficiency with any others. This is to reflect that they still know how to use(at least mentally) the weapons they favord in youth but have become to rusty to use other, even, simple weapons.
    Last edited by Thugorp; 2011-05-06 at 05:38 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Demented View Post
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  9. - Top - End - #9
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Scholar (3.X, NPC class, abilities needed)

    Give them the ability to cast Healing Lorecall, Balancing Lorecall, and Listening Lorecall with high enough Lore checks. As Ex abilities.

    And then make more of the same.

    My two cps.
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  10. - Top - End - #10
    Orc in the Playground

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    Default Re: Scholar (3.X, NPC class, abilities needed)

    Bump for... DO MORE TO THIS COOL THING! :-D

    Role playing is more important than roll playing.

    Gnomes are supreme, Flumphs are second only to Gnomes. This is the way the universe works.

    78% of DM's started their first campaign in a tavern. If you're one of the 22% that didn't, copy and paste this into your signature

    Mine started at Doom Day Gras(Mardi Gras but with more Doom)

    Quote Originally Posted by Demented View Post
    "Get this floor mat off my head before I discorporate you."
    "Yes sir."

  11. - Top - End - #11
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Scholar (3.X, NPC class, abilities needed)

    So I decided to (heavily) rework this class to make it a PC class instead of an NPC one. So anybody care to comment on the class as it is now?

    The original version has been preserved in the spoiler below.

    Spoiler: Original version
    Okay, first things first I should explain what I intend for this class. I like Chinese kung-fu movies and one of the character archetypes is the scholar. They don't have magic, they aren't masters of combat, and in fact are rather useless in a fight, but they have great amounts of knowledge as well as social skills, are general skill monkeys at times, often can use magical items due to their studies on how they work (though they can't cast spells themselves, that's normally the bad guys or female characters), and can sometimes prove instrumental in combat by instructing on how to fight better/smarter.

    So I decided I'd try to make a Tier 5ish (though if it ends up 4 it wouldn't be too bad, though I'd be surprised) NPC class that would provide this role. They're the scholar, possibly the sage or the courtier, they aren't really adventurers, though sometimes by accident and misadventure they become them. I am thinking about giving high (11+) level ones an Arcane Dilletante-like ability but with less uses per day and limited to spell level = 1/2 that of a wizard or less (so at most 3rd level at 11th, and 5th at 20th). Ultimately they're intended for low magic campaigns.

    HD: d4

    Skills per Level: 6 + Int.

    Class Skills (those in Red are under consideration and I'd especially like advice on): Appraise, Autohypnosis, Bluff, Concentration, Craft, Decipher Script, Diplomacy, Disable Device, Disguise, Forgery, Gather Information, Heal, Intimidate, Knowledge (each skill selected individually), Listen, Open Lock, Perform, Profession, Psicraft, Search, Sense Motive, Speak Language, Spellcraft, Spot, Use Magic Device.

    Level Base Attack<br>Bonus Fort Save Ref Save Will Save Special
    Lore, Bonus Languages
    Skill Focus
    Applied Knowledge
    Read Magic
    Applied Knowledge
    Skill Focus
    Applied Knowledge
    Skill Focus
    Applied Knowledge
    Applied Knowledge
    Skill Focus
    Applied Knowledge
    Perfected Knowledge

    All abilities Ex unless otherwise noted.

    Lore: As Loremaster ability of the same name.

    Bonus Language: At 1st level, and every odd numbered level thereafter, a scholar learns any one non-secret language automatically without needing to expend skill points to do so.

    Knowledgeable: Beginning at 2nd level a scholar adds half of their class level to Knowledge checks.

    Skill Focus: At 3rd level, 8th level, 12th level, and 18th level a scholar gains Skill Focus as a bonus feat. They must select a Scholar class skill to gain the feat for.

    Applied Knowledge: At 4th level, and every 3rd level thereafter, a scholar gains one of the abilities listed below. They may use applied knowledge 3 times per day +1/day per 4 class levels. Using Applied Knowledge is a full-round action unless otherwise noted. Okay this is where I need help most thinking of good abilities for this. I will add more later.
    Offensive: When you use this ability select one type (animal, magical beast, dragon, etc), if you select humanoid or outsider you must also select an appropriate subtype. Make a Knowledge check appropriate to that creature type. For 1 minute +1 round/class level, all allies within 30-ft of you when you used this ability gain an insight bonus to attack and damage against creatures of that type based upon your knowledge check result.

    Evasive: When you use this ability select one type (animal, magical beast, dragon, etc), if you select humanoid or outsider you must also select an appropriate subtype. Make a Knowledge check appropriate to that creature type. For 1 minute +1 round/class level, all allies within 30-ft of you when you used this ability gain an insight bonus to AC against creatures of that type based upon your knowledge check result.

    Defensive: When you use this ability select one type (animal, magical beast, dragon, etc), if you select humanoid or outsider you must also select an appropriate subtype. Make a Knowledge check appropriate to that creature type. For 1 minute +1 round/class level, all allies within 30-ft of you when you used this ability gain an insight bonus to saving throws against creatures of that type based upon your knowledge check result.

    Penetrating: For 1 minute +1 round/class level, all allies within 30-ft of you when you used this ability treat creatures of that type as having 3 times the bonus on the chart below (use Knowledge Arcana) less DR with a certain penetration (including impenetrable) method chosen when you used this ability. If a creature has DR X/A or B and you choose either A or B this ability functions against it, you may also choose A and B but in that case this ability only functions against creatures with DR X/A and B (for example a babau has DR 10/cold iron or good, if you select cold iron this ability functions against it, but if you selected Cold Iron and Good it would not, on the other hand the latter would function against a balor).

    Instruction: When you use this ability make a Knowledge check (type of knowledge for each skill to be added as a chart later) and select one skill and one creature, other than yourself, within 30-ft who can hear you. For 1 round/character level they gain an insight bonus to the selected skill.

    Magic: When you use this ability make a Knowledge (Arcana) check and select one creature within 30-ft which can hear you. They gain an insight bonus to their caster level on the next spell they cast before the start of your next turn. Worried that this one is rather strong.

    Knowledge result Bonus
    <15 +0
    15-19 +1
    20-24 +2
    25-29 +3
    30-34 +4
    35-44 +5
    45-54 +6
    55-74 +7
    75+ +8

    Perfected Knowledge: Your type changes to Outsider with the appropriate alignment based subtypes. Unlike normal outsiders you may still be resurrected normally. You gain DR 10/opposed alignment (or adamantine if True Neutral). In addition you may treat your roll for Lore and Knowledge checks as a 20; this does not work on Applied Knowledge.
    Peanut Half-Dragon Necromancer by Kurien.

    Current Projects:

    Group: The Harrowing Halloween Harvest of Horror Part 2

    Personal Silliness: Vote what Soulknife "Fix"/Inspired Class Should I make??? Past Work Expansion Caricatures.

    Old: My homebrew (updated 9/9)

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