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    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default [Base]The Colossai


    "Stomp, stomp, stomp, and down goes the castle!"

    Quick overview in the form of a quote:
    "I am a Colossai, not another piece of cannon fodder. I take on the big guns, the hordes and the legions with nothing but my team behind me. Charging into battle in my golemwork." ~anonymous.

    Colossai adventurers are remnants, soldiers who's countries or kingdoms fell. Or perhaps they were discharged, none the less they are frequently ex-military seeking for a life they know: Violence. Adventures could include existing military Colossai sent as a team or part of a unit of diverse specialists for the desired effect for special missions.

    Colossai are bulky, tall, muscular men or sleek amazonian women all of which tower above normal humanoids nearing Large sizes. But thats not what makes the Colossai. The Colossai are fit, yes. but thats because it takes people like that for what they do: Control Golemworks. Large or bigger constructions animated similarly to the way normal Golems are made. The difference is these are built and constructed, and bound by conjuration magic woven into the Colossai's very being. There are two types of Colossai: The Natural, and the Artificial. Both are the same until you look at it deeper. The Naturals power wasn't grafted into them but born into them, chosen to house the essence of a felled golems leftover magics. The Artificial goes through painful operations of which many do not survive to carve runes, and weave magic into their being. Once complete or after they reach adulthood the Colossai is capable of conjuring the Golemwork, an armor like suit made from the magic of the golem. As they grow in power so too does they're golemwork.

    Colossai often worship any deity of war or golems.

    Colossai are trained their whole lives and are fed, and exposed to magic provoking growth. When they hit Adulthood they are usually deemed fit for Operation. Still, many do not survive. Naturals however can live lives away from militia, though they are usually found and drafted. Naturals are painful births, their mothers rarely survive. So they often grow up alone, bigger then normal, stronger, they tend to be delinquents. When they reach adult hood if they are still alone they could be stuck in their Golemwork for weeks before figuring out how to return to normal, assuming they aren't hunted and killed under the assumption a rogue golem is running around.

    Any. Humans, Half-orcs are most common.

    Other Classes:
    Colossai get along with anyone as well as the other.

    Tank. The Colossai gets the front row to the action.

    Colossai have the following game statistics.
    Constitution and Strength.
    Hit Die:
    Starting Age:
    As fighter
    Starting Gold:

    Class Skills
    The Colossai class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are...
    Autohypnosis (for effect, nonpsionic), Climb, Balance, Intimidate, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot, Tumble

    Skill Points at First Level:
    (4 + Int modifier) x 3
    Skill Points at Each Additional Level:
    4 + Int modifier

    The Colossai
    {table=head]Level|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special | Pool

    | Golemwork | 4

    | | 6

    | | 8

    | | 10

    | | 14

    | | 16

    | | 18

    | | 20

    | | 22

    | | 26

    | | 28

    | | 30

    | | 32

    | | 34

    | | 38

    | | 40

    | | 42

    | | 44

    | | 46

    | | 50[/table]

    Class Features
    All of the following are class features of the Colossai

    Weapon and Armor Proficiencies:
    Colossai are proficient with all armors, no shields, and simple weapons, martial, and one exotic weapon of choice.

    Golemwork (Ex):
    The Colossai is in effect, a half golem. They can conjure around themselves a protective formation like that of a golem. They are inside the golemwork, but they see through the new eyes and the body is through the gift of the arcane put into a suspended animation of sorts or even modify the body to work with features on the golem. At each new level, this golemwork takes on new traits besides first, in which they get the golemwork in the first place.

    It starts out as a suit that seems to be made merely of woods, providing +1 AC natural armor, DR 1/-, +1 Str, and provides the Construct type when active. It has 1/4th your hit points for purposes of breaking through an area to get to the Colossai
    Once in Golemwork form, Spellcasting unless granted by golemwork traits is nearly impossible if it consists of verbal, somatic, and has material components, which is to say dang near any spell. And the nature of the golemwork interferes with psionic manifestation. giving it a 50% chance of failure, and by failure: Manifestation happening inside the golemwork potentially destroying the golemwork and yourself.

    You can activate the Golemwork as a full round action, one standard to call, one standard for formation to complete. You can do this a number of times per day equal to your class levels +1, sending the golemwork away does not cost against you and takes only a standard action.

    Golemwork works fine into antimagic or null psionics, and cannot be dispelled. You cannot however, conjure the golemwork inside either such field.

    Once the golemwork is around you it can stay until you fall unconscious or simply sleep. However it can be destroyed. If an area takes listed HP damage in a single blow it is destroyed and the body limb under it is exposed. Otherwise all damage still travels through to the person inside due to Feedback (the golemwork and the body are deeply connected, the body still takes damage that gets through AC and DR)

    If a section is destroyed it can be repaired by anything that would heal a construct.

    You have a pool of points with which you purchase Golemwork improvements:
    below are the traits, must take previous versions before you can take the next unless otherwise specified.

    Your golemwork is made of different material then normal.
    Stone Requires level 3. 1 point
    your golemwork is made of stone, bonuses change as follows: +5AC DR 4/- +3 Str 2/4th hp
    ^Iron requires level 6 1 point
    your golemwork is made of iron, bonuses change as follows: +6AC DR 6/- +4 Str 3/4th hp
    ^Steel requires level 9 2 points
    your golemwork is made of steel, bonuses change as follows: +7AC DR 8/- +5 Str 1/1 hp
    ^Crystal requires level 12 2 points
    your golemwork is made of shining crystal, bonuses change as follows: +8 AC DR 10/- +6 Str x1.5 hp
    ^Mythril requires level 15 3 points
    your golemwork is made of gleaming mythril: +10 AC DR 12/- +7 Str x2 hp.
    ^Gem: requires level 18 3 points
    your golem work is made of priceless gems, bonuses change as follows: +12 AC DR 14/- +8 Str x2.5 hp.
    ^Adamantium requires level 20 4 points
    Your golemwork is made of the famed adamantium, bonuses change as follows: +15 AC DR 20/- +10 Str x4 hp.

    your golemwork is infused with a chosen energy.
    Stage 1 1 point
    resistance 5, +1d4 energy type to all melee damage.
    [U^]Stage 2 [/U]requires level 5 1 point
    resistance 10, +1d6, cast one level 1 arcane spell of chosen energy descriptor 3 +1/2 class levels times per day.
    ^Stage 3 requires level 8 2 points
    resistance 15, +1d8, cast level 2 arcane spell.
    ^Stage 4 requires level 11 2 points
    immunity to chosen energy, +1d10, cast level 3 arcane spell.
    ^Stage 5 requires level 14 3 points
    immunity to chosen energy, but golemwork repairs equal to half energy damage taken, +1d12, cast level 4 spell.


    Gliders 1 point
    You have sections of thin, lighter material that can span between limbs, or a pair of winglike constructions that while incapable of flight, allow you to glide and slows your falls to nearly nothing.
    ^Hover 1 point
    In addition, magic and runes built into your foundation allow you to hover, You never need touch the ground naturally while in your Golemwork. You always remain int modx5 inches of the ground. And the same mod times per day you can use Levitate as a wizard of equal level to your own.
    ^Wings requires level five 2 points
    Ah, a crowning moment. You either grow wings, or your previously glide-only wings become functional! you gain a fly speed equal to your land speed with clumsy maneuverability.
    ^Greatwings: requires level ten. 2 points
    Your wings become larger, or more neumerous. You gain a fly speed double your land speed and good maneuverability.
    Antigrav requires level fifteen. 3 points
    You either lose your wings or simply gain a tight bond with the magic of space. You gain the all purpose flight granted by Antigravity magics. You gain a fly speed quadrupedal that of your land speed with perfect maneuverability.


    your golem work sports some defining characteristics, need not have previously mentioned features unless otherwise stated.

    Spikes 1 point
    your golemwork is covered in spikes. +1 extra damage to unarmed strikes, and deal 1d4 damage per turn on grapples. +5 to climb checks.
    ^serrated spikes 1 point
    As Spikes, but +2 extra damage, and 1d6 on grapples. +7 on climb.
    ^hooked spikes 1 point
    as serrated spikes, but +3 extra damage, 1d8 on grapples, and +5 to the grapple roll. +10 on climb.

    Horns 1 point
    your golemwork has a set, or a single horn larger then a set horn. You can choose to attack with the horn to deal 1d6 damage and gore victim. On a successful attack victim makes a grapple check against your attack, if they fail, they are pinned but not helpless. they can make strength checks against your attack roll made originally to gore them in order to free themselves. you can also try to actively maintain the gore by making your own grapple check. if they win, they move onto the strength check to free themselves.
    ^serrated horns 1 point
    +1 damage on horn attack, gored victims take 1 con damage a round. -3 for victims to free themselves.
    ^hooked horns 1 point
    -6 for victims to free themselves.
    ^great horns 1 point
    damage dice increases to 1d12

    Claws: cannot stack pincers on claws. 1 point
    you have a, or a pair of claws with which you can use to make a standard claw attack for 1d6 damage. +2 climb.
    ^serrated claws 1 point
    +2 claw damage. +4 climb
    ^hooked claws 1 point
    hooked claws add +5 to grapple checks. +6 climb

    Pincers: cannot stack claws on pincers 1 point
    you have a, or a pair of pincers. you cannot hold items well in a pincer, and take -5 to attack rolls made with a weapon held in a pincer. Pincers have +2 to strength checks made to break items that they could hold, and to grapple checks. you can attack with a pincer dealing 1d8 bludgeoning damage.
    ^spiked pincers 1 point
    pincers have small spikes and studs on the inside, changing strength check bonus to +3, and +2 piercing damage to pincer attacks.
    ^scissors 1 point
    Pincers become bladed scissors, changing strength bonus to +5, and damage dice is 1d10+5.

    Blade: 1 point
    One of your hands is replaced with a Sword-arm that cannot manipulate anything effectively.
    Blade counts as a Shortsword for all effects from damage to crit.
    ^Serrated: 1 point
    Your blade is serrated, increasing damage dice by one.
    ^Hooked: 1 point
    Your blade has a hooked end, +2 damage and +5 to Disarm checks.
    ^*Longblade: requires blade, but not serrated or hooked. 2 points
    Your blade is instead a Longsword for all effects from damage to crit, if you previously got serrated and or hooked for the short sword, it still applies.
    ^Greatblade: requires longblade but not serrated or hooked. 2 points
    Your blade is instead a greatsword with which you are proficient for all effects from damage to crit. if you previously got serrated and or hooked for the short sword or longsword, it still applies.
    ^Fullblade: requires greatblade, but not serrated or hooked. 2 points
    Your blade is isntead a Fullblade with which you are proficient for all effects from damage to crit. if you previously got serrated and or hooked for the short sword, longblade, or greatblade, it still applies of course.

    Extra Limb:
    Arm/leg: 1 point
    you gain a single extra limb with a basic hand you can have replaced with appropriate trait to be a claw or pincer or foot that can be replaced with proper trait to be a claw.
    for every two arms you gain an additional attack.
    for every extra leg you gain +1 to balance or checks to resist being moved. for every two legs, +5ft speed.

    reverse jointed leg: 1 point
    you change an existing leg to be longer, and sharply angled, adapted and ideal for jumping. +5 jump checks per RJL.

    Extra Organ:
    Normal eye 1 point
    you gain another, normal eye that lets you see as normal from another direction preventing effects such as flanking. With four extra eyes, one in back, and two at the sides, one up top you cannot be surprised while awake.
    ^Eversight eye requires level five 1 point
    as normal eye, but with low-light and darkvision.
    ^Piercing eye requires level 10 2 point
    As greyscale eye, but sees invisibility.
    ^Transplanar eye requires level 15. 2 point
    As Piercing eye, but also sees ethereal.
    ^Godsight eye requires level 20. 3 point
    As Transplanar eye, but also sees the true form of all things, and sees echos of what happens next. gain +5 insight bonus to attack, AC, and reflex saves as you see what happens a moment prior.

    Sonic eye: requires level 5 2 points
    instead of an eye that grants sight, you modify an existing eye to fire a lance of sonic energy dealing 1d4/class levels damage to a max of 10d4 a number of times per day equal to 1+1/2 class levels. on a reflex save DC= 15+wis mod, they take half damage.
    ^searing eye requires level 10 2 points
    As sonic eye, but add half damage again as fire damage and +2 to the save.
    ^disintegrating eye requires level 15 3 point
    As Searing eye, but damage dice increases to 1d8, and if attack kills, body is destroyed.

    Breath weapon: 2 point
    You adapt your own lungs to fuel a useful breath weapon when using your golemwork. Breath weapon deals 1d6 damage/class levels in a 30ft cone, or a 60ft line.
    fire, lightning, cold, or acid damage at level 5. at level 10 you can choose sonic or force.
    you can only take this trait five levels apart, but each time you can add an energy type for use at the same time. Breath weapon has no uses per day, but recharges on a roll of 6 on 1d6 at the start of each round.

    Mouth: 1 point
    You add an extra mouth to your golem work. works well with breath weapon, if you had three extra for example you could have four 30ft cones on all four sides for example.

    A body part can only hold as follows:
    Head: Three mouths.
    Arms: Two mouths.
    Legs: Two mouths.
    Hands: one mouth.
    torso: Five mouths.
    Only half (rounded up) can face any one direction.

    Brain: requires level 15 2 points
    When in golemwork, an extra brain is available which thinks independently and can use mental actions, or perhaps use a second lung and mouth to use its own breathweapons and spell like abilities independent of your actions.

    Your Golemwork is larger then normal.
    Large: requires level five 1 point
    Your golemwork is large size for all benefits and penalties relating to size, or simply increases in size.
    increase natural weapons one die, such as unarmed damage, spikes, horns, claws, ect.
    ^Huge: requires level ten 2 points
    Your golemwork is huge size for all benefits and penalties relating to size, or simply increases in size.
    increase natural weapons one die again, such as unarmed damage, spikes, horns, claws, ect.
    ^Gargantuan: requires level fifteen 3 points
    Your golemwork is gargantuan size for all benefits and penalties relating to size , or simply increases in size.
    increase natural weapons one die again, such as unarmed damage, spikes, horns, claws, ect.
    Special" Gargantuan or larger Golemworks house the body in the torso only, So rolls to hit must be on the torso to have a chance at getting to the Body. Though through Feedback, the body still takes some damage as normal.
    ^Colossal: requires level twenty 4 points
    Your golemwork is colossal size for all benefits and penalties relating to size, or simply increases in size.
    increase natural weapons one die again, such as unarmed damage, spikes, horns, claws, ect.

    Arcane Channels. 1 point
    Your golemwork has channels for directing arcane energy. You can cast spells as normal, the channels allow you to use the golems mouth(s) to be used instead of your own, suspended mouth for verbal casting, hands for somatic casting, and the channels direct the energies from the materials it touches for use as material components in the spells.
    ^Superior Channels Requires level 10 2 point
    The arcane channels are more in tune to magical energies granting SR equal to your class levels +10 as they redirect arcane energies around themselves.
    ^Legendary Channels Requires level 20 3 point
    The Arcane Channels can totally channel magical energies through the Golemwork, granting Spell Immunity.
    Arcane Amplifier Requires level five, a spellcasting level and Arcane Channels. 2 point
    Your Arcane Channels amplify magical energies. You increase your effective caster level by one and add one to saves.
    ^Superior Amplifier: Requires level fifteen. 2 point
    Your arcane channels amplify magical energies much better. You increase your effective caster level by 1/4th your class levels, and add 1/4th your class levels to saves.
    ^Legendary Amplifier: Requires level twenty. 3 point
    Your arcane channels amplify magical energies with great capability. You increase your effective caster level by your class levels, and add 1/2 your class levels to saves.
    this effectively makes your Colossai levels stack with what ever your spellcasting class is to determine caster level.

    Psionic Channels. 1 point
    Your golemwork has channels for directing Psionic energy. You can manifest powers as normal, the channels allow psionic power to be manifested through the golemwork. There is now no chance for Psionic malfunction and psionics can be used normally.
    ^Superior Channels Requires level 10 2 point
    The psionic channels are more in tune to magical energies granting Power Resistance equal to your class levels +10 as they redirect psionic energies around themselves.
    ^Legendary Channels Requires level 20 3 point
    The Psionic Channels can totally channel psionic energies through the Golemwork, granting Power Immunity.
    Psionic Amplifier Requires level five, a Manifesting class level and Psionic Channels. 1 point
    Your Psionic Channels amplify magical energies. You increase your effective manifester level by one and add one to saves.
    ^Superior Amplifier: Requires level fifteen. 2 points
    Your psionic channels amplify psionic energies much better. You increase your effective manifester level by 1/4th your class levels, and add 1/4th your class levels to saves.
    ^Legendary Amplifier: Requires level twenty. 3 point
    Your psionic channels amplify psionic energies with great capability. You increase your effective manifester level by your class levels, and add 1/2 your class levels to saves.
    this effectively makes your Colossai levels stack with what ever your manifesting class is to determine caster level.

    Epic Colossai:
    The Colossai continues to gain Golemwork normally.
    Last edited by Cipher Stars; 2011-08-19 at 12:53 PM.

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  2. - Top - End - #2
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Default Re: [Base]The Colosai

    Give me one reason to not take this as a 1 level dip.

  3. - Top - End - #3
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Base]The Colosai

    Good point. Maybe the golem work should count as heavy plate for the sake of arcane spell failure? Additionally, maybe make the Golemwork a little like a berserker rage, in that, at early levels it can only be maintained so long and has terrible drawbacks that are lessened as you go up in class lvls?
    ...with a vengeance!

  4. - Top - End - #4
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Base]The Colosai

    Quote Originally Posted by Cipherthe3vil View Post
    It starts out as a suit that seems to be made of strong woods, providing +4AC, DR 2/-, +2 Str, and provides the Construct template when active. It has 1/4th your hit points for purposes of breaking through an area to get to the Colosai
    Haven't looked over traits yet but there are some things that bring up questions in this.

    1. What is the Construct template. Do you mean Construct type, or features of it?
    2. How long can you keep it active and how many times per day can you activate it? I'm assuming at will/continuously.
    3. If it loses its hp can you just reactivate it or do you have to wait a certain duration?
    4. How does it heal?
    5. What kind of AC bonus does it provide? Armor, natural armor, etc?
    6. How does damaging it work? Does it take the damage instead of you (in effect giving you 1/4th your maximum health in temp hp), do they have to particularly target it, or do you both take the damage from attacks?
    7. What action is it to activate and deactivate?

    I know it's not finished yet but these are all things you will need to think about and state before completing the finished version.

    Edit: Glanced at traits; I'd advice against allowing Stone substance at 1st level as DR 4/- is 100% to 50% immunity to most enemies at first level; notable exception being orcs.
    Last edited by Zaydos; 2011-06-13 at 03:43 PM.
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  5. - Top - End - #5
    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Base]The Colosai

    The elemental resistance is pretty low. Seeing as elemental resistance comes up pretty rarely, it's not going to break the class if you start it at 5 and increase by 5 every time (and change the final one to immunity). Immunity to one element is not game-breaking, especially if it is gradually built up.

    Otherwise, this looks like a good class. I agree that it should probably force arcane spell failure, (the golem's Elemental class feature provides spell-like abilities, not spells, so they are not affected by somatic arcane spell failure)

  6. - Top - End - #6
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Base]The Colosai

    Quote Originally Posted by Phosphate View Post
    Give me one reason to not take this as a 1 level dip.
    For one, someone to do that would be a stat hoarding evil monkey who should be squashed with a falling rock.
    Second the role requirements make such a thing impossible without the right background and stats (for mechanical evidence of the background) to apply for the operation, then be bound by what ever laws or contracts are applied to that operation as Colosai are military units for the very most part.
    Second, why? for some armor, maybe a weapon and the ability to cover yourself in wood with hefty yet to be added to the post penalties?

    Quote Originally Posted by Zaydos View Post
    Haven't looked over traits yet but there are some things that bring up questions in this.

    1. What is the Construct template. Do you mean Construct type, or features of it?
    1. Mix up, I often mix template/type.
    2. How long can you keep it active and how many times per day can you activate it? I'm assuming at will/continuously.
    Correct. Think it needs a change? Yea... I think I'll change that.
  7. If it loses its hp can you just reactivate it or do you have to wait a certain duration?
the HP value is just a marker for damage, if that amount is taken an area is unusable and leftover damage carries to the body inside. This is only really workable with a Hit Location system such as that found in the Superior Critical variant found on a d&d wiki.
  • How does it heal?
  • Any thing that would heal a construct would heal the Golemwork.
  • What kind of AC bonus does it provide? Armor, natural armor, etc?
  • Natural. Once in the Golemwork special armor crafted for the golemwork can be applied.
  • How does damaging it work? Does it take the damage instead of you (in effect giving you 1/4th your maximum health in temp hp), do they have to particularly target it, or do you both take the damage from attacks?
  • Damage goes to the golem first, as stated before: per location. Once the Golemwork is destroyed in an area all thats left is your arm or head or what not assuming it didn't get taken off as well xD Again, Superior critical or some hit location chart. They are almost a requirement if you ask me. I've always hated d&d's generic "You got Hit!" system. I mean, there isn't even use for spells to regenerate missing limbs...
  • What action is it to activate and deactivate?
  • Full round
    I know it's not finished yet but these are all things you will need to think about and state before completing the finished version.

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    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Base]The Colosai

    Casting inside the Golemwork is nearly impossible, edited.

    Spells that have verbal, Somatic, or material components are impossible to use. and the nature of the golem work gives a 50% chance that the power will not make it outside the golemwork, and detonate/manifest within.

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    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Base]The Colosai

    Added Size.
    Clarified that you don't gain a trait first level, as thats where you get the golemwork in the first place.

    adding Arcane Channeling and Psionic Channeling.

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    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Base]The Colosai

    Quote Originally Posted by Cipherthe3vil View Post
    For one, someone to do that would be a stat hoarding evil monkey who should be squashed with a falling rock.
    Second the role requirements make such a thing impossible without the right background and stats (for mechanical evidence of the background) to apply for the operation, then be bound by what ever laws or contracts are applied to that operation as Colosai are military units for the very most part.
    Second, why? for some armor, maybe a weapon and the ability to cover yourself in wood with hefty yet to be added to the post penalties?
    Because not everybody is concerned with roleplaying, character depth, and background. Also, not everybody is going to take your homebrew and play it exactly as you want them to.

    You're turning people into golems. I'm a roleplayer, and I'd still dip that.
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    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Base]The Colosai

    Quote Originally Posted by onthetown View Post
    Because not everybody is concerned with roleplaying, character depth, and background. Also, not everybody is going to take your homebrew and play it exactly as you want them to.

    You're turning people into golems. I'm a roleplayer, and I'd still dip that.
    If you want to play a wooden stick golem feel free to dip.

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    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Base]The Colosai

    extended Substances. extended Arcane/Psionic channels.

    Currently: weakening Wooden golemwork to further deter level dippers.


    Feel free to request/recommend features and Traits!
    Last edited by Cipher Stars; 2011-06-13 at 10:09 PM.

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    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Base]The Colosai

    I'd like to thank you for this class, the style fits well with the setting I'm trying to devise.
    Last edited by Ringwrym; 2011-06-13 at 10:15 PM.

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    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Base]The Colosai

    Just curious as to why it only has an average BAB progression if its supposed to be a frontliner. I'll admit, though, I didn't look all the way through, so there's a rather large chance I missed something to fix that.

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    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Base]The Colosai

    Quote Originally Posted by Ringwrym View Post
    I'd like to thank you for this class, the style fits well with the setting I'm trying to devise.
    And I thank you Random Citizen! (Watched Megamind a while go... sorreh)
    Quote Originally Posted by byaku rai View Post
    Just curious as to why it only has an average BAB progression if its supposed to be a frontliner. I'll admit, though, I didn't look all the way through, so there's a rather large chance I missed something to fix that.
    Well, Its more tank and meat shield then front line fighter, well... a bit. And check out some of the Traits and you can see why. In fact, I think it may be overpowered at high levels.

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    Orc in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Base]The Colosai

    True evil is when they've actually read Heroes of Horror, and know about the rule of DC 15 Reflex save negates all damage from falling objects. /off topic

    Problem with the size golemwork: What if you are already large/larger?
    Compared with what casters can do, this isn't THAT ovahopwahed.
    How do the Arcane/Psionic Amplifiers work? Is it you gain spellcasting/manifesting, or preexisting arcane/psionic talent is needed?

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  • - Top - End - #16
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Base]The Colosai

    Quote Originally Posted by Moose Man View Post
    True evil is when they've actually read Heroes of Horror, and know about the rule of DC 15 Reflex save negates all damage from falling objects. /off topic

    Problem with the size golemwork: What if you are already large/larger?
    Compared with what casters can do, this isn't THAT ovahopwahed.
    How do the Arcane/Psionic Amplifiers work? Is it you gain spellcasting/manifesting, or preexisting arcane/psionic talent is needed?
    Then you'd just increase the size by a step.. Though some DM's are sticks like that...
    I thought it was pretty clear that it just increases caster level and save DC...
    three people and no one has more ideas on Traits?

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    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: [Base]The Colosai

    Isn't is spelled 'Colossi'?

    Also, you forgot to list what level Adamantium becomes available as a substance.

    I'll hold off on any other calls until later. I do suggest looking up how dragon breath weapons work, though, just in case it seems better than what you currently have there.

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    Default Re: [Base]The Colosai

    How about a pair of wings that grant you flight speed and maneuverability based on your size? (Speed goes up, but maneuverability goes down as you grow larger)

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    Default Re: [Base]The Colosai

    Quote Originally Posted by NeoSeraphi View Post
    How about a pair of wings that grant you flight speed and maneuverability based on your size? (Speed goes up, but maneuverability goes down as you grow larger)

    Ah yes! I was going to add a flight progression but totally forgot.

    I think the dragon breath line is weaker, at least the half-dragon player character breath is. Its like what, once a day or something?

    .... yes... yes it is... I'll add the missing S.

    I'll add that level now thanx.

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    Default Re: [Base]The Colosai

    This looks very interesting. Some of the wording is a bit imprecise, but I will refer this to a friend of mine who is great at PEACHing.

    Quote Originally Posted by A Friend Of Mine
    Bloody Mess: The gift that keeps on gibbing.
    Fatigue makes me wax philosophic and/or babble. If I've posted something strange and tangential, that is probably the cause. This entry would be an example.

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    Default Re: [Base]The Colosai

    Quote Originally Posted by radmelon View Post
    This looks very interesting. Some of the wording is a bit imprecise, but I will refer this to a friend of mine who is great at PEACHing.
    Thanks. *braces for "Great Peaching" as it can refer to harsh critique as well*

    Fixed the missing S issue.

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    Default Re: [Base]The Colossai

    Maybe add on a built-in blade as a trait, and you could inhance if in various ways with more traits?

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    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Base]The Colossai

    Also Constructs (especially Large and Larger sized Constructs) usually have a slam attack as a natural attack. Perhaps you could add that option as well?

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    Default Re: [Base]The Colossai

    Quote Originally Posted by Eldest View Post
    Maybe add on a built-in blade as a trait, and you could inhance if in various ways with more traits?

    Hmm... a Sword-arm? hm... Brilliant! I thought about it sometime ago but passed it off as to much foolery but it works well as the next Claw/Pincer/Blade

    Claw: Some natural attack while maintaining ability of hands.
    Pincers: Better attack, usable for manipulation still, even better grappling. but then:
    Blade: Best attack, unable to manipulate object.

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    Default Re: [Base]The Colossai

    Cipher, you might get more PEACHing for this if you separate your paragraphs out.

    You know, kinda like this. Good formatting hurts the eyes a lot less.

    Quote Originally Posted by Chilingsworth View Post
    Wow! Not only was that awesome, I think I actually kinda understand Archeron now. If all the "intermediate" outer planes got that kind of treatment, I doubt there would be anywhere near as many critics of their utility.
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    Default Re: [Base]The Colosai

    Looking over most of the traits.

    Substance: Adamantium should probably be Lv 20 only, and note that even then you're taking something like 0-20% damage from attacks.

    Extra Arms: Potentially dangerous especially coupled with free EWP and Size increase (Spike Chain tripper with 60-ft reach, 4 spiked chains, +8 Str, and +16 from size).

    Eyes: Having eyes all around your body should in no way make you immune to surprise. Invisible attackers, creatures using the hide skill, etc could still sneak up on you. What it should be is a bonus to Spot and Search and immunity to flanking (see All-Around Vision ability held by beholders, and xorns among others). There are ways to be surprised by creatures you can see and ways to remain unseen by creatures with a dozen eyes (note I know beholders actually have fewer than 12).

    Also do you get 1 extra eye each time you take it or the full set (each side, back of head, top of head) with one ability? It should probably be the latter.

    Also Focused Eyes and Grayscale Eyes should be one ability.

    Godsight eye should be an insight bonus like Foresight.

    Lung: If you take this twice (once for fire and once for sonic) does it deal 2d6/class level? And eventually 4d6 per class level?

    Mouth: If you had three extra mouths could you breath 4 cones that overlapped with each other? 4d6/class level is a lot of damage. Combine this with the question about lung and you could possibly have 48d6/class level damage by 17th level.

    Size: Gives a Con bonus. As golemwork do you get Construct stuff or Living Construct struff? If the former you probably shouldn't get a Con buff (normally Constructs have Con -), if the latter that's a horse of a different color.

    Colossal + Sizing Spiked Chain is mean.

    Channels Is that a bonus to your saving throws or save DCs? Either is probably a bad idea (+10 to all saves or +10 to saving throw DCs), although the latter is almost useless outside of gestalt or high epic play; at least until a theurge PrC is made.
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    Default Re: [Base]The Colossai

    By the way, you haven't mentioned Fortification (immunity to sneak attacks and critical hits) yet. That is one of the defining "I HATE CONSTRUCTS" qualities that this golem-armor should have (unless that's part of the "The Golem gains the Construct type" thing)

  • - Top - End - #28
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Base]The Colossai

    added the flight...

    Quote Originally Posted by Zaydos View Post
    Looking over most of the traits.

    Substance: Adamantium should probably be Lv 20 only, and note that even then you're taking something like 0-20% damage from attacks.
    Yep, I was going to. If it wasn't already assumed since its the only logical level in which it could be set as.
    Extra Arms: Potentially dangerous especially coupled with free EWP and Size increase (Spike Chain tripper with 60-ft reach, 4 spiked chains, +8 Str, and +16 from size).
    well... they don't get any multiweapon bonuses or alleviations...
    Eyes: Having eyes all around your body should in no way make you immune to surprise. Invisible attackers, creatures using the hide skill, etc could still sneak up on you. What it should be is a bonus to Spot and Search and immunity to flanking (see All-Around Vision ability held by beholders, and xorns among others). There are ways to be surprised by creatures you can see and ways to remain unseen by creatures with a dozen eyes (note I know beholders actually have fewer than 12).
    I was just going off a psionic power that I thought I remembered also made you immune to surprise... but as ye wish.
    Also do you get 1 extra eye each time you take it or the full set (each side, back of head, top of head) with one ability? It should probably be the latter.
    Just one...
    Also Focused Eyes and Grayscale Eyes should be one ability.
    why's that? Unless you mean at once, then yes. The eyes stack with the last.
    Godsight eye should be an insight bonus like Foresight.
    Insight, thanks. I did put that at first but then I over thought it.
    Lung: If you take this twice (once for fire and once for sonic) does it deal 2d6/class level? And eventually 4d6 per class level?
    1d6 class level, Both fire and sonic at the same time. However if your looking for increased damage go with an extra mouth for more at once. (same recharge, but you can use all mouths at once for a single breath attack)
    Mouth: If you had three extra mouths could you breath 4 cones that overlapped with each other? 4d6/class level is a lot of damage. Combine this with the question about lung and you could possibly have 48d6/class level damage by 17th level.
    See above. and I really don't know what your talking about, its just 1d6...
    Size: Gives a Con bonus. As golemwork do you get Construct stuff or Living Construct struff? If the former you probably shouldn't get a Con buff (normally Constructs have Con -), if the latter that's a horse of a different color.
    While in the golemwork you still have your normal body under it which takes damage through the AC / DR of the golemwork, the con bonus is for the body under all the tough stuff.
    Colossal + Sizing Spiked Chain is mean.

    Channels Is that a bonus to your saving throws or save DCs? Either is probably a bad idea (+10 to all saves or +10 to saving throw DCs), although the latter is almost useless outside of gestalt or high epic play; at least until a theurge PrC is made.
    save DC's. Such as a reflex save against a fireball.
    Quote Originally Posted by NeoSeraphi View Post
    By the way, you haven't mentioned Fortification (immunity to sneak attacks and critical hits) yet. That is one of the defining "I HATE CONSTRUCTS" qualities that this golem-armor should have (unless that's part of the "The Golem gains the Construct type" thing)
    Doesn't that come with the Construct type? As the golemwork encompasses your body it isn't exactly viable to be sneak attacked, your just as fortified everywhere, with no slips or parts, or seams in the golemwork..

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  • - Top - End - #29
    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Base]The Colossai

    Yes it does. Okay then.

  • - Top - End - #30
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: [Base]The Colossai

    Half dragon, yes. Full dragons have a breath weapon recharge time of 1d4 rounds. They also have a set of feats that allows them to extend that time by a few rounds in order to apply metamagic-like effects to the breath weapon.

    Last edited by InfiniteNothing; 2011-06-13 at 11:57 PM.

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