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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Like a clockwork corpse, yet living [3.5 PEACH]

    Well, this isn't completed, and my lack of experience with crafting means I'll likely need advice on prices and DCs (along with amounts of required materials). Expect reworking of some parts if I decide there is a better way to accomplish something. Anyway, more designs will be forthcoming (also initially forgoing fluff in order to get down mechanics).


    Necroclock is a combination of clockwork and necromancy to produce results beyond the capability of either alone. There are two main categories of objects to concern oneself with when producing a necroclock device. The first is materials, which are needed to make the device. The second are designs, which are like the blueprints for the completed object. Designs are further categorized into components and works. Components consist of things like specific gears that are wound, and denote how powerful the completed piece is. Works are akin to the frame that ends up deciding what the finished piece does. More details can be found below in the appropriate sections. However, before getting into those details, a section on how necroclock devices work.

    Using Necroclock Devices

    Necroclock devices use the Craft (Necroclock) skill, though DM's may opt to use the Craft (trapmaking) instead. The craft (Necroclock) skill provides a synergy bonus to heal checks, while the Heal skill provides a synergy bonus to craft (Necroclock) checks for attaching necroclock grafts or making necroclock devices and components.

    Most necroclock devices are in the form of grafts, that are connected to an individual, though there are a other kinds. As such first, aspects common to both will be covered, then those found only in the graft variety, then those found in the non-graft variety.

    Necroclocks devices are, as the name suggests, based of clockwork technology (this shouldn't be a surprise, it was one of the first things mentioned). As such, they require winding. A necroclock device may only function so long as it is wound. That said, some devices allow for backup gear components to power them. Winding a necroclock device requires the use of a winding key made for the device (or at least one that fits it). This can be obtained in one of two ways, either it is build into the device, or you have one with you. In either case, a full round action spend winding a gear component provides it with an hours worth of winding time, provided normal use. Unless a gear component is being used as a backup power, it is always slowly unwinding (This does not apply to non-graft necroclock devices, which only unwind when in use.). Even everwound gears are constantly unwinding (though as their name suggests, they never fully unwind as they function by being able to self wind at the loss of responsiveness).

    Some gear components however have an ability called rapid unwind. This allows it to use an hours worth of winding in one round, granting it a undecided bonus to power and responsiveness.

    Because necroclock devices make use of undead and deathless parts, they interact somewhat differently with positive and negative energy than most things. If something containing a necroclock device is affected by positive or negative energy, some of it is absorbed by the device, reducing its total effect. The amount absorbed is equal to the total number of tendons and nerves in the devices powered by that energy type (up to the total amount of energy). If there isn't enough, the one being affected decides which parts get priority. Any tendon that absorbs a point of the energy gains a +1 bonus to power for the round (note, this can only occur once per round). Any nerve that absorbs a point of energy similarly improves the responsiveness of the connected tendon by +1 for the round. On the flip side however, all tendons and nerves powered by the opposing energy gain an equivalent penalty.

    Maintaining necroclock devices is a necessity, given their complex mechanical nature. Fortunately it generally only requires minor training and in most cases need not be done frequently. The average necroclock device (read all of them until I add things that modify it), require maintenance about once a month to ensure they don't become jammed. Baring outside interference, a necroclock device won't jam within 48 hours of being properly maintained. However, each day after that there is a cumulative 1% chance that the device will jam, and on top of that an extra 15% chance if it has not received maintenance within 30 days (this happens every 30 days). Note that if a device is not being used at all, for a period of time and is properly handled, days can be replaced with months and only roll when it is next used.
    If a device has more than one set of gears inside it, one set jamming will not affect the other's operation.
    If the device lacks a cover, there is a cumulative 25% chance it will jam every hour cloth, hair, or a similarly loose substance is in close proxcimity with it (make the first roll immediately).

    Maintaining a necroclock device requires a craft (necroclock) DC 10 and requires an amount of time based on the complexity of the device. It also requries proper tools, though not a craft table or similar workspace.
    No cover|+0 minutes
    Hinged cover|+2 minute
    Normal cover|+15 minute
    Locked hinged cover[br]and unable to find key|+25 minute
    Per gear component|+15 minute
    Performed maintenance within[br]the past week|-1 minute per gear component
    Performed maintenance within[br]48 hours (stacks with past week)|-2 minute per gear component[/table]
    5 minutes to look, and 5 to swear before taking it off like a normal cover.
    Unjamming a necroclock device requires a DC 15 check, and 1 minute (+ the cover modifiers noted above), or can be performed without spending any additional time as part of maintaining the device (it still requires a separate check).

    It is also possible to optimize necroclock devices to an extent. When maintaining a necroclock device, you may choose to tweak it. Doing so adds an additional 5 to the DC of maintaining the device and 15 minutes to the time is takes to perform maintenance. Optimizing a device increases the power and responsiveness by 1, and lasts for 48 hours. If you regularly optimize a device (it is still optimized when you next perform maintenance and tweak it), you gain a cumulative 1 minute reduction to the added tweaking time for maintenance (cannot reduce the tweaking time below 0). For every day that you go without the device being tweaked, you lose 1 minute of the time reduction.

    Controlling necroclock grafts is done much like controlling any other body part. As long as it is properly connected via nerve materials, it functions automatically as long as it is wound.

    It is also the case that necroclock grafts have been used to offset the affects of ageing. A necroclock limb does not suffer from ageing penalties to strength and dexterity in tasks it is performing, including things like using a weapon (however, if a normal limb is also being used, such as two handed weapons or possibly grappling, apply half the ageing penalties rounded up). Similarly vitals may be replaced with necroclock devices to offset con penalties to ageing and increase longevity.
    There are three main types of vital grafts when dealing with necroclock. They are heart, respiratory, and digestive. If one is used, ignore 1 point of any con penalties caused by age. If two are used, ignore 3 points. If all three are used, ignore all con penalties caused by ageing. Further, for each used, increase ones maximum age by the difference between middle aged and old age for a member of one's race. If all three types of vital grafts are being used, there is no maximum age, and one is functionally immortal so long as the devices are properly maintained and don't give out.
    Note: For the purposes of overcoming ageing effects, creatures that don't eat or drink may be treated as having a necroclock digestive device provided they have the other necroclock vitals. Creatures that don't breathe may be treated as having a necroclock respiratory device provided they have the other necroclock vitals. Creatures that are in both categories only need a necroclock heart to gain the full effects.

    Controlling a non-graft necroclock device is done in one of three ways.
    • There are standard controls, making it usable by anyone with the proper limbs (generally everyone with the know how).
    • There is a gear based interface. This requires a special type of necroclock graft or a non-graft necroclock device that converts it to standard controls, which hooks into an area of exposed gears allowing control almost as if the device is a part of the person.
    • There is a nerve based interface. This requires a special type of necroclock graft that has an exposed nerve section, allowing it to hook up to the device making the non-graft device like an extension of the necroclock graft used to connect to it.

    Scavenging and Modifying Necroclock Devices.
    As with much technology, it is not odd to find people who have similar devices that contain better parts than yours. In such cases it is not uncommon to wish yours had parts of that quality. Fortunately, in a dangerous world, there is also a reasonable chance you may need to kill the person, so in that case why not try taking the parts and putting them in yours?

    It is possible to modify necroclock devices after they have been made. In such cases, the two key things are components and works. One can, if they are skilled, remove a component from a work without damaging either, and then if similarly skilled, place it into another work. To attempt doing so, first make a maintenance check to open the necroclock device. Then make a craft (necroclock) check with a DC equal to ((DC of component / 2) + (DC of work / 2)) / 2, requiring 30 minutes of time. If the check is passed, the component and work are separated without harm. If the a check is failed, the one you were not attempting to salvage is damaged beyond repair (note that if this is the work, other components in it are not damaged), though you may still attempt again. If you fail by 5 or more, both the work and component are damaged beyond repair (note other components in the work are not damaged). If you choose to not worry about damaging one of the two, then the DC is reduced by 5 (minimum 10), however, doing so always results in the one you aren't trying to preserve being damaged beyond repair.

    Once you have a new component and a work that has had a component removed, you may now desire to learn how you might combine the two. Doing so is much like salvaging a component or work, and requires a craft (necroclock) check of DC ((DC of component / 2) + (DC of work if made with the component / 2)) / 2 and 1 hour. If the component was not designed to fit into the work (or vise versa), then the DC is increased by 5. If the check is failed by 5 or more, one of the two is damaged beyond repair at random. If failed by 10 or more, they both are.

    Attaching Necroclock Grafts

    Attaching necroclock grafts can be a tricky thing. That said, doing so requires two main things. Having a necroclock graft t attach, and having an open location to attach it to on the person. This may require removing body parts already in the way.

    If a limb or other body part is in the way, attaching the graft may require some prep work. First, you need to get the offending body part out of the way. This usually requires a sharp implement (such as a dagger or surgical equipment) and a heal check (consult below table for DC) taking half an hour. Removing a body part always deals damage to the patient, however, the patient may make a fortitude save (DC equal to the heal check -5), for half damage.

    {table=head]Body Part[br]or Modifier|DC|Damage|Time Modifier
    Eye|15|1d4|-5 minutes
    Ear|20|1d4|+5 minutes
    Nose|20|1d4|+5 minutes
    Throat|25|1d6|+5 minutes
    Head|35|3d6|+20 minutes
    Torso|30|4d6|+30 minutes
    Vital|30|3d6†|+5 minutes
    Spine|35|4d6†|+10 minutes
    Patient Concious|+5|+2|0
    Self Operation |+5|+2|0[/table]
    † When removing the vitals and spine this damage is dealt every 10 minutes. Further, a either an External Vital must be attached (device not yet made) or healing energy must be channelled into the patient every until the vital is replaced, or they shall die. Healing energy may be channelled into the patient by having an external source cast a healing spell on the patient and make a DC 5 heal check, though each time this must be repeated every 15 minutes and does not allow other actions on the part of the healer. This only applies to creatures that need the vital organ being removed to live. Otherwise they just take the damage as if it were another body part.

    Once the location to attach the necroclock graft is free, the area must be prepared. This requires a DC 15 craft (Necroclock) check and takes 30 minutes, though may be done as part of removing a body part, in which case it only takes 5 minutes while still requiring the check. This step may be skipped if you are replacing a previous necroclock graft, or are attaching the graft to another necroclock graft (such as a hand onto a necroclock arm).

    At last it is time to attach the necroclock graft. This requires a combine healing and craft (Necroclock) check, for which you add both your heal skill and craft (Necroclock) skills. The DC of attaching any necroclock graft is the
    DC of removing the pertinent body part + 2 per nerve that the graft uses (in the case of spines, it is instead +1 per 2 nerves, while torsos are +1 per nerve). However, the necroclock graft is will not become active until it receives a pulse of positive energy, negative energy, or both depending on the types used to make it. This may be provided by any sources that heals or damages using the pertinent energy type, as well as energy activation stones (see below).

    Last edited by Owrtho; 2011-09-21 at 11:42 PM.
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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Like a clockwork corpse, yet living [3.5 PEACH]


    Materials are the parts needed to create necroclock devices. These range from metals used to make the gears, to muscles and tendons used to improve the functionality, to nerve connectors to grant the someone control over the device, to ceramics, metals, and leathers used to cover the completed piece both for protection and decoration.

    Pedigree bonus: Given usage of reanimated body parts in necroclock devices, some materials have a quality dependant on the quality of what provides the part. By default, such a bonus is based off a listed value of the creature it is gained from plus any modifiers the creature may have had. In the case of abilities, use half the ability modifier rounded down.

    Procuring dead parts for a necroclock device requires the corpse be less than a day old. Time spent under the effect of Gentle Repose or a similar effect does not count toward this time limit.

    Tendon (negative)
    A tendon reanimated by negative energy. Often used in place of springs.
    Power: 1/4 caster level + Str Pedigree
    Responsiveness: 1/4 caster level + Dex Pedigree
    Elasticity: caster level + Con Pedigree
    Base Material: A piece of muscle and tendon.
    Required Spells: Animate Dead
    Craft: DC 25 combine survival and craft (necroclock) to gather base material.

    Tendon (positive)
    A tendon reanimated by positive energy. Often used in place of springs.
    Power: 1/4 caster level + Str Pedigree
    Responsiveness: 1/4 caster level + Dex Pedigree
    Elasticity: caster level + Con Pedigree
    Base Material: A piece of muscle and tendon.
    Required Spells: Animate Dead variant using positive energy
    Craft: DC 25 combine survival and craft (necroclock) to gather base material.

    Nerve (negative)
    A nerve reanimated by negative energy. Used to connect the complete device to an individual.
    Power: 1/2 caster level
    Responsiveness: 1/2 caster level + Dex Pedigree
    Base Material: A piece of nerve tissue.
    Required Spells: Animate Dead
    Craft: DC 30 combine survival and craft (necroclock) to gather base material.

    Nerve (positive)
    A nerve reanimated by positive energy. Used to connect the complete device to an individual.
    Power: NA
    Responsiveness: NA
    Base Material: A piece of nerve tissue.
    Required Spells: Animate Dead variant using positive energy
    Craft: DC 30 combine survival and craft (necroclock) to gather base material.

    A gear made from some material.
    Power: 1/6 craft check + hardness
    Responsiveness: 1/4 craft check (-4 penalty if not made specifically to mesh with other parts it's used with)
    Base Material: A piece of some material to craft.
    Required Spells: NA
    Craft: DC 15 craft (necroclock) (or other craft as DM deems appropriate)

    Winding Gear
    A gear designed to connect to tendons.
    Power: 1/6 craft check + hardness
    Responsiveness: 1/4 craft check (-4 penalty if not made specifically to mesh with other parts it's used with)
    Base Material: A piece of some material to craft.
    Required Spells: NA
    Craft: DC 20 craft (necroclock) (or other craft as DM deems appropriate)

    Winding Key
    A key designed to fit into and wind a gear.
    Power: NA
    Responsiveness: NA
    Base Material: A piece of some material to craft.
    Required Spells: NA
    Craft: DC 15 craft (necroclock) (or other craft as DM deems appropriate)

    Protective Plating
    A plating of some durable material that may be used to protect inner workings of a necroclock device.
    Defence: Hardness
    Decoration: undecided.
    Base Material: A piece of some material to craft.
    Required Spells: NA
    Craft: DC 10 + twice hardness craft (Armorsmithing) (or other craft as DM deems appropriate)

    Porcelain Plating
    A plating made from porcelain, often used for decorative purposes.
    Defence: Hardness
    Decoration: undecided.
    Base Material: Porcelain.
    Required Spells: NA
    Craft: DC 10 + twice hardness craft (sculpting) (or other craft as DM deems appropriate)

    Animated Porcelain Plating
    A plating made from porcelain that has been enchanted so that it is somewhat soft and malleable like flesh. Mainly used if porcelain plating is making a face. If used in a cover, a nerve may be connected to it to grant the person attached feeling as if it was their own skin (granting a +1 bonus to checks requiring fine manipulation if part in question is used).
    Defence: Hardness
    Decoration: undecided.
    Base Material: Porcelain plating
    Required Spells: Animate Object

    A cover made from some form of skin. Contains a frame underneath to avoid becoming jammed in the gears.
    Defence: Natural Armor Pedigree
    Decoration: Charisma Pedigree (at DMs discretion based on the creature in question)
    Base Material: Skin of a creature.
    Required Spells: Gentle Repose
    Craft: DC 10 + twice hardness craft (leatherworking) (or other craft as DM deems appropriate)

    Animated Hide
    A cover made from some form of skin that has been enchanted so that it is somewhat soft and malleable like flesh. Mainly used if hide is making a face. If used in a cover, a nerve may be connected to it to grant the person attached feeling as if it was their own skin (granting a +1 bonus to checks requiring fine manipulation if part in question is used).
    Defence: Natural Armor Pedigree
    Decoration: Charisma Pedigree (at DMs discretion based on the creature in question)
    Base Material: Hide
    Required Spells: Animate Dead

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    Last edited by Owrtho; 2011-08-31 at 09:47 PM.
    Want them to look nice? Have a guide

    My Homebrew
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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Like a clockwork corpse, yet living [3.5 PEACH]


    Components are the next part of making necroclock devices, being made from materials. These are mainly the pieces that make it function and effect how powerful the end result is. These include things like gear tendon combinations that power the device, as well as protective coverings for the device.

    Gears: These are the power sources of the necroclock device.
    There are two kinds of standard variations for gear components. In any place that a tendon is being used, it is possible to use multiple tendons for improved results. Count all tendons in a given series or parallel group as a single tendon for the purposes of the component or making a series parallel group.
    Note that in the case of these tendon groupings, only one nerve per 2 tendons is required for it to function in the completed device.
    In Series: (DC +2 +1 per tendon already in the series) The elasticity is equal to the sum of the elasticity of each tendon in the series. However, both power and elasticity are that of the lowest tendons in the series.
    In Parallel: (DC +4 +1 per tendon already in the group of parallel) The total power of the tendons in parallel is equal to the lowest ones power multiplied by the number of tendons in parallel. However, both responsiveness and elasticity are that of the lowest tendons in parallel.

    In addition to the normal gears and the above, there are smaller than normal gear components and gears, hereafter referred to as tiny gear components. They require similarly small winding gears, gears, and winding keys which require half the normal materials, and have a craft DC 1.5 times normal (rounded up). The tiny gear component itself has a craft DC twice normal. Due to their small size though power is reduced by 1.
    Standard Winding Gear w/ Key
    This is a gear designed to be wound with a key. When not wound, it provides no power to the device, and if it is the only source of power, will cause the device to stop functioning.
    Required Materials: 1 Winding Gear, 1 Winding Key, 1 Tendon (positive or negative).
    Power: Tendon Power (Maximum of winding gear power).
    Responsiveness: Tendon Responsiveness (Maximum of winding gear responsiveness).
    Maximum Winding: Tendon Elasticity hours
    Can Rapid Unwind: Yes
    Craft DC: 32
    Variations: Key connected (standard). Removable Key (+2 craft DC). Concealable Key (+4 craft DC).

    Standard Everwound Gear
    This gear is designed by using two gears and two tendons to act like a pendulum, the gear with the tenons connected continually rotating back and forth, while only turning the other gear when rotating in the primary direction. By doing so, it never needs to be wound, however this causes it to be slower than it otherwise would be and unable to rapid unwind.
    Required Materials: 1 Winding Gear, 1 Gear, 2 Tendon (positive or negative. One counted as primary, other secondary).
    Power: Primary Tendon Power (Maximum of winding gear or gear power, whichever is lower).
    Responsiveness: Half the lower of the two Tendons' Responsiveness (Maximum of winding gear or gear responsiveness, whichever is lower).
    Maximum Winding: NA
    Can Rapid Unwind: No
    Craft DC: 38
    Variations: NA

    Basic Self Winding Gear
    This gear is designed by combining a everwound gear with a standard winding gear in such a way it can toggle between having the everwound gear wind the standard winding gear and running off the standard winding gear.
    However, changing between the two modes is a move action. This gear requires two gear component slots from the work.
    When in the automatic winding mode, it acts as if fully unwound, and gains winding time at a rate of the automatic winding rate * time spent in the mode.
    Required Materials: 2 Winding Gear (one counted standard), 1 Gear, 3 Tendon (positive or negative. One counted as primary, one secondary, one standard).
    Power: Standard Tendon Power (Maximum of standard winding gear power).
    Responsiveness: Standard Tendon Responsiveness (Maximum of standard winding gear responsiveness).
    Automatic Winding Rate: (2*Everwound gear portion's responsiveness)/Tendon Responsiveness on the standard winding gear
    Maximum Winding: Standard Tendon Elasticity hours
    Can Rapid Unwind: Yes
    Craft DC: 40
    Variations: Key connected (+1 craft DC). Removable Key (+3 craft DC). Concealable Key (+5 craft DC).

    Separate Wind Everwound Gear
    This gear is designed by combining a everwound gear with a standard winding gear in such a way that either can turn the non-component gear of the everwound gear. This allows the constant wound ability of an everwound gear, while still allowing rapid unwind.
    Changing between the two modes is a swift action. This gear requires two gear component slots from the work.
    The winding portion does not unwind when not in use.
    Required Materials: 2 Winding Gear (one counted everwound, one separate), 1 Gear, 3 Tendon (positive or negative. One counted as primary, other secondary, one separate).
    Power (separate mode): Separate Tendon Power (Maximum of separate winding gear or gear power, whichever is lower).
    Power (everwound mode): Primary Tendon Power (Maximum of everwound winding gear or gear power, whichever is lower).
    Responsiveness (separate mode): Separate Tendon Responsiveness (Maximum of separate winding gear or gear responsiveness, whichever is lower).
    Responsiveness (everwound mode): Half the lower of the primary & secondary Tendons' Responsiveness (Maximum of everwound winding gear or gear responsiveness, whichever is lower).
    Maximum Winding: Separate Tendon Elasticity hours
    Can Rapid Unwind (Separate mode): Yes
    Can Rapid Unwind (Everwound mode): No
    Craft DC: 45
    Variations: Key connected (+1 craft DC). Removable Key (+3 craft DC). Concealable Key (+5 craft DC).

    More to come.

    Covers: These protect the necroclock device's inner workings from the elements (and anything else that may harm them).
    Note: Unlike gear components, which outside of normal sized and tiny ones are interchangeable between any types of works, covers are generally only usable for the type of work they were designed for. DM fiat may be used to determine if certain types of works are similar enough in design for covers to be interchangeable.
    Single Layer Cover
    This is a single layer protective cover for the inner workings and the simplest kind. If a soft material is used such as cloth or hide, a structure is needed to keep it from getting jammed in the gears.
    Required Materials: Material used for covering. Material for frame (if needed)
    Defence: Material Defence
    Decoration: Material Decoration
    Hinged Opening: No
    Winding Key Hole: No
    Craft DC: 10 + material defence
    Variations: Add Winding Key Hole (Craft DC +2)

    Single Layer Hinged Cover
    This is a single layer protective cover for the inner workings. It includes a hinged opening to allow easy access to the inner workings for maintenance. If a soft material is used such as cloth or hide, a structure is needed to eep it from getting jammed in the gears.
    Required Materials: Material used for covering. Material for frame (if needed)
    Defence: Material Defence
    Decoration: Material Decoration
    Hinged Opening: Yes
    Winding Key Hole: No
    Craft DC: 15 + material defence
    Variations: Add Winding Key Hole (Craft DC +2). Add lock (Craft DC +5 requires a lock to add)

    Double Layer Cover
    This is a two layer protective cover for the inner workings. If a soft material is used for the inner cover such as cloth or hide, a structure is needed to keep it from getting jammed in the gears.
    Required Materials: Material used for inner covering. Material used for outer covering. Material for frame (if needed)
    Defence: Higher of Inner and Outer Material Defence
    Decoration: Outer Material Decoration
    Hinged Opening: No
    Winding Key Hole: No
    Craft DC: 10 + Inner material defence + outer material defence
    Variations: Add Winding Key Hole (Craft DC +3)

    Double Layer Hinged Cover
    This is a two layer protective cover for the inner workings. It includes a hinged opening to allow easy access to the inner workings for maintenance. If a soft material is used for the inner cover such as cloth or hide, a structure is needed to eep it from getting jammed in the gears.
    Required Materials: Material used for inner covering. Material used for outer covering. Material for frame (if needed)
    Defence: Higher of Inner and Outer Material Defence
    Decoration: Outer Material Decoration
    Hinged Opening: Yes
    Winding Key Hole: No
    Craft DC: 15 + Inner material defence + outer material defence
    Variations: Add Winding Key Hole (Craft DC +3). Add lock (Craft DC +6 requires a lock to add)

    More to come

    Last edited by Owrtho; 2011-09-07 at 05:49 PM.
    Want them to look nice? Have a guide

    My Homebrew
    [creature]Shiny: Monster Competition XXXVI entry.
    [class]Wisp fire guide: Follow me. I have such sights to show you.
    [class]Ozodrin: A class to play as an eldritch horror.
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  4. - Top - End - #4
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Like a clockwork corpse, yet living [3.5 PEACH]


    These are the portions that control what everything ends up doing. This affects whether at the end of the day you have a hand, an arm, a heart, or a carriage. With that, it also impacts what things like power end up doing for the device (since you were probably wondering).

    As for reading these. The required parts are the minimum number of parts needed for the final device to function. Note, you need one nerve for every tendon the final device will include if it is attached to a person, and if it doesn't connect directly to a person (but another necroclock device), then any nerves in it need to run through the other device as well. Slots, show how many nerves an components there is room for in the work. These include the required ones.

    If a work has room for more than one gear component, there are a few ways you can make use of this.
    Note that if a work mentions lesser or least gear component, then these may not be done between more than one required gear component in that work. Only with optional gear components and a required one.
    Run them offset: This grants twice the responsiveness of the lowest gear component's responsiveness (if three, then triple, etc.). Uses the lowest gear component's power.
    Run them as backup: You may switch between which is currently providing power as a swift action, however only if the one you are switching to is not fully unwound. Uses the active gear components power and responsiveness.
    Run them in parallel: This grants twice the power of the lowest gear component's responsiveness (if three, then triple, etc.). Uses the lowest gear component's responsiveness.
    If you have more than two, you may mix and match these.
    Some works have multiple sets of inner workings. In these cases, gear components will be split into sets. In these cases, you can not do the above with gear components in different sets.

    Basic Hand
    This is a standard necroclock hand, with no extra features.
    Required Parts: Material for main frame, 5 gears (material), 1 gear component, 1 nerve.
    Slots: 4 nerve at wrist. 2 gear component. 1 cover component.
    Power: As gear components -4
    Effect: Grants equivalent strength bonus to climb checks, attempts to resist disarming, and grapple check if not holding a weapon.
    Responsiveness: As gear components -4
    Effect: Grants equivalent dexterity bonus to checks requiring fine manipulation.
    Defence: As cover.
    Effect: undecided.
    Decoration: As cover.
    Effect: undecided.
    Craft DC: 35 + 1/4 cover craft DC + 1/4 (each gear component DC - 20)
    Cost: undecided.

    Tool Hand
    This is a necroclock hand designed to contain a set of tools. These may be Thieves’ tools, artisan's tools, decided when the hand is made. Revealing the tools for use is a standard action as is concealing them. When tools are exposed for use, the hand may not be used for other tasks. The bonus granted by the tools is the same as that granted by those used in making the hand. Note that in addition to the mentioned tools above, similarly small tool sets of other types may be used in addition to things like keys (both for locks and for winding).
    Required Parts: Material for main frame, 6 gears (material), 1 gear component, 1 tiny gear components, 3 nerve. Tools
    Slots: 8 nerve at wrist. 2 gear component. 2 tiny gear component. 1 cover component.
    Power: As gear components -4
    Effect: Grants equivalent strength bonus to climb checks, attempts to resist disarming, and grapple check if not holding a weapon.
    Responsiveness: As gear components -4
    Effect: Grants equivalent dexterity bonus to checks requiring fine manipulation.
    Defence: As cover.
    Effect: undecided.
    Decoration: As cover.
    Effect: undecided.
    Craft DC: undecided
    Cost: undecided.

    Clawed Hand
    This is a necroclock hand, designed to have claws. As such it grants a single claw attack which deals 1d4+strength damage if medium. This claw attack may not be used if the hand is holding a weapon. Claws count as materials in frame and cover for the purposes of bypassing DR.
    Required Parts: Material for main frame, 5 gears (material), 1 gear component, 1 nerve.
    Slots: 4 nerve at wrist. 2 gear component. 1 cover component.
    Power: As gear components -4
    Effect: Grants equivalent strength bonus to climb checks, attempts to resist disarming, and grapple check if not holding a weapon. Also grants equivalent strength bonus to claw attacks granted by the hand.
    Responsiveness: As gear components -4
    Effect: Grants equivalent dexterity bonus to checks requiring fine manipulation. Also grants equivalent dexterity bonus to attack and damage rolls made with granted claw attack (only impacts rolls if you would normally add dexterity modifier to them).
    Defence: As cover.
    Effect: undecided.
    Decoration: As cover.
    Effect: undecided.
    Craft DC: undecided
    Cost: undecided.

    Basic Arm
    This is a standard necroclock arm, with no extra features. Does not include a hand. May have a necroclock hand attached, or a living hand if it is attached quickly enough (as in before it dies from being cut off).
    Required Parts: Material for main frame, 4 gears (material), 2 gear components, 1 nerve.
    Slots: 20 nerve at shoulder. 8 nerve at wrist. 5 gear component. 1 cover component.
    Power: As gear components (max lowest gear (material)) -4
    Effect: Grants equivalent strength to attack and damage rolls made using that limb (or weapons held by it), as well as grapple checks and other strength checks using the limb.
    Responsiveness: (As gear components (max lowest gear (material)) -4)/2 (rounded down)
    Effect: Grants equivalent bonus to attack rolls.
    Defence: As cover.
    Effect: undecided.
    Decoration: As cover.
    Effect: undecided.
    Craft DC: undecided
    Cost: undecided.

    Shield Arm
    This is a necroclock arm, with a side widened out for use as a shield. Does not include a hand. May have a necroclock hand attached, or a living hand if it is attached quickly enough (as in before it dies from being cut off).
    Required Parts: Material for main frame, 4 gears (material), 2 gear components, 1 nerve.
    Slots: 20 nerve at shoulder. 8 nerve at wrist. 5 gear component. 1 cover component.
    Power: As gear components (max lowest gear (material)) -4
    Effect: Grants equivalent strength to attack and damage rolls made using that limb (or weapons held by it), as well as grapple checks and other strength checks using the limb.
    Responsiveness: (As gear components (max lowest gear (material)) -4)/2 (rounded down)
    Effect: Grants equivalent bonus to attack rolls.
    Defence: As half cover.
    Effect: Grants an equivalent shield bonus to AC. This stacks with other shield bonuses.
    Decoration: As cover.
    Effect: undecided.
    Craft DC: undecided
    Cost: undecided.

    Switch Weapon Arm
    This is a necroclock arm, with a weapon attached to it, such that it may switch between having a hand and the weapon available for use. The weapon is not hidden when not in use. Switching between the weapon and hand is normally a standard action, and requires the hand not be holding anything. The weapon may not be disarmed and is treated as a component for salvaging and modifying. Only light or one handed weapons may be used. Does not include a hand. May have a necroclock hand attached, or a living hand if it is attached quickly enough (as in before it dies from being cut off).
    Required Parts: Material for main frame, 4 gears (material) (set a), 2 gears (material) (set b), 2 gear components (set a), 1 gear component (set b), 1 nerve. 1 weapon.
    Slots: 30 nerve at shoulder. 8 nerve at wrist. 4 gear component (set a). 2 gear component (set b). 1 weapon. 1 cover component.
    Power (set a): As gear components (max lowest gear (material)) -4
    Effect: Grants equivalent strength to attack and damage rolls made using that limb (or weapons held by it), as well as grapple checks and other strength checks using the limb.
    Power (set b): As gear components (max lowest gear (material))
    Effect: Grants equivalent strength to next attack and damage rolls made using attached weapon during the round in which you switch to it.
    Responsiveness (set a): (As gear components (max lowest gear (material)) -4)/2 (rounded down)
    Effect: Grants equivalent bonus to attack rolls.
    Responsiveness (set b): As gear components (max lowest gear (material))
    Effect: If 4 or greater, may switch to/from weapon as a move action. If 6 or greater, as a swift action. If 8 or greater, as an immediate action.
    Defence: As cover.
    Effect: undecided.
    Decoration: As cover.
    Effect: undecided.
    Craft DC: undecided
    Cost: undecided.

    Basic Leg
    This is a standard necroclock leg, with no extra features. This is only a single leg.
    Required Parts: Material for main frame, 6 gears (material), 3 gear components, 1 nerve.
    Slots: 20 nerve at hip. 6 gear component. 1 cover component.
    Power: As gear components (max lowest gear (material)) -4
    Effect: Grants equivalent strength for determining carrying capacity.
    Responsiveness: As gear components (max lowest gear (material)) -4
    Effect: Grants equivalent bonus to speed in feet rounded down to increments of 5.
    Defence: As cover.
    Effect: undecided.
    Decoration: As cover.
    Effect: undecided.
    Craft DC: undecided
    Cost: undecided.

    Basic Throat
    This is a standard necroclock throat, with no extra features. It's main focus is on reproducing vocals. When made, it may be set with a number of vocals ranges equal to the gear components contained within. These may not be changed short of removing the gear components and replacing them. A vocal range may be made to mimic another's voice, in which case a +5 bonus is added to checks made to imitate that voice.
    Required Parts: Material for main frame, 2 gears (material), 1 gear components, 1 nerve.
    Slots: 10 to spine in neck. 3 gear component. 1 cover component.
    Power: As gear components (max lowest gear (material)) -4
    Effect: The maximum volume one can speak in is increased. Decrease the listen checks to hear them by that amount, and increase the max distance one can be heard from be 10 times as many feet when shouting.
    Responsiveness: As gear components (max lowest gear (material)) -4
    Effect: Grants equivalent bonus Perform (oratory), Perform (sing), and checks made to mimic voices.
    Defence: undecided.
    Effect: undecided.
    Decoration: undecided.
    Effect: undecided.
    Craft DC: undecided
    Cost: undecided

    Tunable Throat
    This is a standard necroclock throat, with no extra features. It's main focus is on reproducing vocals. When made, it may be set with a number of vocals ranges equal to one less than the number of gear components contained within. If one has an example to tune against, the person with the throat may adjust the range of one of the vocal ranges to match. Doing so requires a sample to tune it against for 10 minutes and that no other strenuous activities be taken during that time. A vocal range may be made to mimic another's voice, in which case a +5 bonus is added to checks made to imitate that voice.
    Required Parts: Material for main frame, 2 gears (material), 2 gear components, 2 nerve.
    Slots: 12 to spine in neck. 4 gear component. 1 cover component.
    Power: As gear components (max lowest gear (material)) -4
    Effect: The maximum volume one can speak in is increased. Decrease the listen checks to hear them by that amount, and increase the max distance one can be heard from be 10 times as many feet when shouting.
    Responsiveness: As gear components (max lowest gear (material)) -4
    Effect: Grants equivalent bonus Perform (oratory), Perform (sing), and checks made to mimic voices.
    Defence: undecided.
    Effect: undecided.
    Decoration: undecided.
    Effect: undecided.
    Craft DC: undecided
    Cost: undecided

    Basic Head
    This is a standard necroclock head, with no extra features. Note, that while it replaces the visible portions, skull, facial muscles, and mouth it does not replace eyes, ears (the inside portion), noses (again, the inside portion), or the brain.
    Required Parts: Material for main frame, 8 gears (material), 2 gear components, 2 nerve.
    Slots: 12 nerve to brain. 4 gear component. 2 cover components (face and scalp).
    Power: As gear components (max lowest gear (material)) -4
    Effect: Grants equivalent strength for checks made to bite something.
    Responsiveness: As gear components (max lowest gear (material)) -4
    Effect: undecided.
    Defence: As 1/4 average cover.
    Effect: grants bonus to AC.
    Decoration: As average cover.
    Effect: Upon making the cover, choose Intimidate, Bluff, or Diplomacy. An equivalent bonus is granted to the selected skill (DM discretion as to if a cover fits that skill).
    Craft DC: undecided
    Cost: undecided.

    Sensory necroclock grafts replace things like eyes, ears, and noses. Due to being located inside the body (usually the head), they lack covers, and as such like vitals require going through the body (or head) to maintain or wind. If a necroclock head is being used, it need only be opened to access sensory grafts.
    Basic Eye
    This is a standard necroclock eye with no extra features. Note that it replaces a single eye.
    Required Parts: Material for main frame, 1 tiny gears (material), 1 tiny gear components, 1 nerve.
    Slots: 4 nerve to back. 1 tiny gear component.
    Power: As gear component (max lowest gear (material)) -4
    Effect: if 2 or greater, grants lowlight vision.
    Responsiveness: As gear component (max lowest gear (material)) -4
    Effect: Grants equivalent bonus so search and spot checks.
    Defence: NA.
    Effect: NA.
    Decoration: NA.
    Effect: NA.
    Craft DC: undecided
    Cost: undecided.

    Darkvision Eye
    This is a standard necroclock eye with no extra features. Note that it replaces a single eye.
    Required Parts: Material for main frame, 2 tiny gears (material), 1 tiny gear components, 1 nerve.
    Slots: 6 nerve to back. 1 tiny gear component.
    Power: As gear component (max lowest gear (material)) -4
    Effect: Grants 5 times as many feet of Dark vision. This stacks with other sources of Darkvision.
    Responsiveness: As gear component (max lowest gear (material)) -4
    Effect: Grants equivalent bonus so search and spot checks.
    Defence: NA.
    Effect: NA.
    Decoration: NA.
    Effect: NA.
    Craft DC: undecided
    Cost: undecided.

    Basic Ear
    This is a standard necroclock ear with no extra features. Note that it replaces a single ear, and is only the interior portion.
    Required Parts: Material for main frame, 2 tiny gears (material), 1 tiny gear components, 1 nerve.
    Slots: 5 nerve to back. 2 tiny gear component.
    Power: As gear component (max lowest gear (material)) -4
    Effect: NA.
    Responsiveness: As gear component (max lowest gear (material)) -4
    Effect: Grants equivalent bonus so listen checks.
    Defence: NA.
    Effect: NA.
    Decoration: NA.
    Effect: NA.
    Craft DC: undecided
    Cost: undecided.

    Basic Nose
    This is a standard necroclock nose with no extra features. Note that it is only the interior portion.
    Required Parts: Material for main frame, 4 tiny gears (material), 1 tiny gear components, 1 nerve.
    Slots: 8 nerve to back. 2 tiny gear component.
    Power: As gear component (max lowest gear (material)) -4
    Effect: If greater than 4 grants scent.
    Responsiveness: As gear component (max lowest gear (material)) -4
    Effect: Grants equivalent bonus so survival checks to track by scent.
    Defence: NA.
    Effect: NA.
    Decoration: NA.
    Effect: NA.
    Craft DC: undecided
    Cost: undecided.

    Basic Spine
    This is a standard necroclock spine, with no extra features. It is designed to replace a spine with a bundle of nerves that can be used to connect various necroclock devices. While lacking the unlimited number of nerve connections a normal spine would have, a necroclock spine can be useful for those who lost or damaged theirs, need it extended, or desire slightly improved reflexes. Note that the number of nerves in the spine limit the number of nerves that may be connected to, and thus the sum of nerves from other necroclock grafts from the neck down are limited to the number in the spine.
    Required Parts: Material for main frame, 3 gears (material), 2 gear components, 60 nerve.
    Slots: 300 nerve along length. 6 gear component.
    Power: NA
    Effect: NA.
    Responsiveness: As (gear components (max lowest gear (material)) -4) / 6 (rounded down)
    Effect: Grants equivalent bonus reflexes.
    Defence: NA.
    Effect: NA.
    Decoration: NA.
    Effect: NA.
    Craft DC: undecided
    Cost: undecided.

    Torso Hatch
    Not a true necroclock torso, a torso hatch is nonetheless a simple method to provide easy access to necroclock vitals for maintenance. Simply put, a torso hatch is a hatch built into a person's torso that can provide access to their innards. When attempting to perform maintenance on necroclock vitals for a creature with a torso hatch, only 1 minute is added to the time for opening it at the start and closing it at the end, rather than the time normally needed to open someone up and operate on them.
    Required Parts: Material for main frame, 2 gears (material), 1 cover component.
    Slots: 3 nerve. 1 cover component.
    Power: NA
    Effect: NA
    Responsiveness: NA
    Effect: NA
    Defence: 1/4 cover rounded down.
    Effect: Bonus to Natural Armor.
    Decoration: 1/3 cover.
    Effect: undecided.
    Craft DC: undecided
    Cost: undecided.

    Basic Necroclock Torso
    A standard necroclock torso. This replaces someone's normal torso, though still contains most of their internal organs unless those too are replaced by necroclock vitals. Normal limbs or necroclock limbs may be attached to this, though in the case of normal ones they must still be alive. When maintaining necroclock vitals inside this torso, you need only add the time for opening this torso to their maintaining time, rather than the time needed to operate on the individual. Because the spinal cord is still present within the torso, an effectively unlimited amount of nerve slots are available to things inside the torso and the torso itself for functioning, though nerves going to other limbs or grafts are still limited.
    Required Parts: Material for main frame, 15 gears (material), 3 gear components (group a), 3 gear components (group b), 1 cover component.
    Slots: 40 nerve at each shoulder. 30 at left and right side of hip (each). 8 gear components (group a). 8 gear components (group b). 1 cover component.
    Power: Half lesser of group a & b gear components (max lowest gear (material)) -4
    Effect: Bonus to Strength for calculating carrying capacity.
    Responsiveness: Half lesser of group a & b gear components (max lowest gear (material)) -4
    Effect: Bonus to Dexterity for AC
    Defence: as cover.
    Effect: Bonus to Natural Armor.
    Decoration: as cover.
    Effect: undecided.
    Craft DC: undecided
    Cost: undecided.

    Note: All necroclock vitals have a backup system inside them in case they fail. If either system jams or otherwise fails, the person using them is able to tell.
    Basic Necroclock Heart
    This is a standard necroclock heart. It contains two sets of workings, one main, and the other as a backup if the main one jams or fully unwinds. Like all vital grafts, it is completely enclosed in the torso when in use preventing easy maintenance unless one uses a necroclock torso. Set a is the primary set, and if it jams or otherwise fails set b will automatically start functioning. While set a is active, set b is inactive.
    If the heart is completely non-functional, and the creature has no backup, it begins dying as if from a heart attack (likely will detail rules later if there aren't any already).
    Required Parts: Material for main frame, 4 gears (material) (set a), 4 gears (material) (set b), 2 gear components (set a), 2 gear components (set a), 4 nerves.
    Slots: 24 nerve. 2 gear component (set a). 2 gear component (set b). 1 cover component.
    Power: Active set. Lesser gear components (max lowest gear (material)) -4
    Effect: Grants equivalent constitution bonus to fortitude saves.
    Responsiveness: Active set. Lesser gear components (max lowest gear (material))
    Effect: For determining chance of jamming, count responsiveness days as 1 day (or responsiveness months as one month if inactive)
    Defence: As cover.
    Effect: undecided.
    Decoration: As cover.
    Effect: undecided.
    Craft DC: undecided
    Cost: undecided.

    Basic Necroclock Lungs
    This is a standard necroclock respiration device. It contains two sets of workings, one main, and the other as a backup if the main one jams or fully unwinds. Like all vital grafts, it is completely enclosed in the torso when in use preventing easy maintenance unless one uses a necroclock torso. Set a is the primary set, and if it jams or otherwise fails set b will automatically start functioning. While set a is active, set b is inactive.
    If the respiration device is completely non-functional, and the creature has no backup, it begins suffocating until the device is repaired.
    Required Parts: Material for main frame, 4 gears (material) (set a), 4 gears (material) (set b), 1 gear components (set a), 1 gear components (set a), 4 nerves.
    Slots: 40 nerve. 3 gear component (set a). 3 gear component (set b). 1 cover component.
    Power: Active set. Gear component (max lowest gear (material))
    Effect: Can hold breathe an extra power rounds.
    Responsiveness: Active set. Gear component (max lowest gear (material))
    Effect: For determining chance of jamming, count responsiveness days as 1 day (or responsiveness months as one month if inactive)
    Defence: As cover.
    Effect: undecided.
    Decoration: As cover.
    Effect: undecided.
    Craft DC: undecided
    Cost: undecided.

    Basic Necroclock Aquatic Lungs
    This is a standard necroclock respiration device altered to breathe in water instead of air. As such it is incapable of breathing outside of water. It contains two sets of workings, one main, and the other as a backup if the main one jams or fully unwinds. Like all vital grafts, it is completely enclosed in the torso when in use preventing easy maintenance unless one uses a necroclock torso. Set a is the primary set, and if it jams or otherwise fails set b will automatically start functioning. While set a is active, set b is inactive.
    If the respiration device is completely non-functional, and the creature has no backup, it begins suffocating until the device is repaired.
    Required Parts: Material for main frame, 5 gears (material) (set a), 5 gears (material) (set b), 1 gear components (set a), 1 gear components (set a), 4 nerves.
    Slots: 40 nerve. 3 gear component (set a). 3 gear component (set b). 1 cover component.
    Power: Active set. Twice gear component (max lowest gear (material))
    Effect: Can hold breathe an extra power rounds.
    Responsiveness: Active set. Gear component (max lowest gear (material))
    Effect: For determining chance of jamming, count responsiveness days as 1 day (or responsiveness months as one month if inactive)
    Defence: As cover.
    Effect: undecided.
    Decoration: As cover.
    Effect: undecided.
    Craft DC: undecided
    Cost: undecided.

    Basic Necroclock Amphibious Lungs
    This is a standard necroclock respiration device altered to breathe in water or air. However the added parts needed reduce how much air it can hold. It contains two sets of workings, one main, and the other as a backup if the main one jams or fully unwinds. Like all vital grafts, it is completely enclosed in the torso when in use preventing easy maintenance unless one uses a necroclock torso. Set a is the primary set, and if it jams or otherwise fails set b will automatically start functioning. While set a is active, set b is inactive.
    If the respiration device is completely non-functional, and the creature has no backup, it begins suffocating until the device is repaired.
    Required Parts: Material for main frame, 7 gears (material) (set a), 7 gears (material) (set b), 2 gear components (set a), 2 gear components (set a), 4 nerves.
    Slots: 40 nerve. 3 gear component (set a). 3 gear component (set b). 1 cover component.
    Power: Active set. Half lower gear component (max lowest gear (material))
    Effect: Can hold breathe an extra power rounds.
    Responsiveness: Active set. Lower gear component (max lowest gear (material))
    Effect: For determining chance of jamming, count responsiveness days as 1 day (or responsiveness months as one month if inactive)
    Defence: As cover.
    Effect: undecided.
    Decoration: As cover.
    Effect: undecided.
    Craft DC: undecided
    Cost: undecided.

    Basic Necroclock Digestive Tract
    This is a standard necroclock digestive tract. It contains two sets of workings, one main, and the other as a backup if the main one jams or fully unwinds. Like all vital grafts, it is completely enclosed in the torso when in use preventing easy maintenance unless one uses a necroclock torso. Set a is the primary set, and if it jams or otherwise fails set b will automatically start functioning. While set a is active, set b is inactive.
    If the digestive tract is completely non-functional, and the creature has no backup, it is unable to process food it eats until repaired, thus counting as not eating during that time period.
    Required Parts: Material for main frame, 8 gears (material) (set a), 8 gears (material) (set b), 3 gear components (set a), 3 gear components (set a), 6 nerves.
    Slots: 30 nerve. 5 gear component (set a). 5 gear component (set b). 1 cover component.
    Power: Active set. Least gear component (max lowest gear (material)) -4
    Effect: Grants equivalent bonus to saves against ingested poisons or diseases.
    Responsiveness: Active set. Least gear component (max lowest gear (material))
    Effect: For determining chance of jamming, count responsiveness days as 1 day (or responsiveness months as one month if inactive)
    Defence: As cover.
    Effect: undecided.
    Decoration: As cover.
    Effect: undecided.
    Craft DC: undecided
    Cost: undecided.

    more to come

    Last edited by Owrtho; 2011-09-07 at 05:52 PM.
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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Like a clockwork corpse, yet living [3.5 PEACH]


    Necroclock Craftsman
    You have studied the intricate works of necroclock devices, thus granting you the skill to more readily assemble them.
    Prerequisite: Dexterity 15, craft (Necroclock) 5 ranks
    Benefit: You gain a +20 bonus on craft (Necroclock) checks when making necroclock gear components, and a +30 bonus on craft (Necroclock) checks when making necroclock devices.

    Other Items

    Energy Activation Stone
    These small black stones come in positive and negative energy varieties. Designed to facilitate the attaching of necroclock grafts for those who cannot cast spells or otherwise make the needed energy type on their own, energy activation stones can create a pulse of the energy type they possess. As a standard action, an energy activation stone can create a pulse with a range of touch dealing 1 negative energy damage, or 1 positive energy damage. Using this ability spends a charge of the stones power. The number of charges stones come with varies greatly.
    Weight: 1 pound
    Cost: 5 gold +1 gold per charge
    Craft: 1 pound of obsidian, 10 gold, 1 or more spell with positive or negative energy descriptor, DC 20 craft (gemcutting), 1 hour. Charges equal to sum of spell levels.

    Reserved for possible overflow/class.

    Last edited by Owrtho; 2011-09-21 at 11:53 PM.
    Want them to look nice? Have a guide

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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Like a clockwork corpse, yet living [3.5 PEACH]

    Necroclock Knight - A prc for people who want to become better at using necroclock grafts.

    Last edited by Owrtho; 2011-08-31 at 09:36 PM.
    Want them to look nice? Have a guide

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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Like a clockwork corpse, yet living [3.5 PEACH]

    I see alot of potential in this, after the ozodrin, we can probably expect great things from this.
    Quote Originally Posted by Mike_G View Post
    So please, by Anthony Bourdain's left nut, do not call gravy blood.
    Quote Originally Posted by Trekkin View Post
    the only way to get it into space was to build the atmospheric stages on top of it like a 400-ton hat made of fire and structural inadequacy.

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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Like a clockwork corpse, yet living [3.5 PEACH]

    Quote Originally Posted by dethkruzer View Post
    I see alot of potential in this, after the ozodrin, we can probably expect great things from this.
    Glad to see you like where this is going so far. Hope it lives up to your expectations.

    Anyway, a number of minor changes have been made (many of which I've likely forgotten). Tendons now have 1 more trait (elasticity) which is used to determine the amount a gear component may be wound.
    Larger changes include rules for making gear components that are more complex due to using more tendons than normally required. Also added a new gear component, and a new material (animated hide) as well as giving a slight bonus for using more costly animated materials in covers (namely, the ability to feel).

    Somewhat larger addition is rules for using necroclock devices to remove limits on ones lifespan, though it does require some difficulty in actually adding the needed necroclock grafts. For now assume that the instillation process overcomes the risk of dying due to lacking vital organs temporarily. I may later make an external life support device required. Also made simple versions of the devices needed to live indefinitely.

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    Orc in the Playground
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    Default Re: Like a clockwork corpse, yet living [3.5 PEACH]

    Well, I love the idea. It's just... so interesting. I am watching this closely.
    Domriso's Homebrew Compendium - A collection of all of my homebrew, throwing in my own design philosophy and my conceptions for possible new things.

    Geomancy, Runic Magic, probably more at a later date:
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    Ever heard of the Ultimate Classes? They're pretty sweet. Check them out here.

    I've had an interview over at Tellest! You should go see!

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    Default Re: Like a clockwork corpse, yet living [3.5 PEACH]

    This is one of the most complex things I have ever seen. That said, it has a lot of potential.

    Quote Originally Posted by A Friend Of Mine
    Bloody Mess: The gift that keeps on gibbing.
    Fatigue makes me wax philosophic and/or babble. If I've posted something strange and tangential, that is probably the cause. This entry would be an example.

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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Like a clockwork corpse, yet living [3.5 PEACH]

    Well, added necroclock torsos and organized the works slightly. Now only 7 6 more types of necroclock grafts before you can make someone who has replaced everything possible with necroclock parts.
    Then I can start adding variations. Also, anyone with suggestions for costs, crafting DCs, part types, or any of the various undecided bits, let me know.

    Edit: Added legs. Not sure if I should make feet separate like hands are. Any thoughts? I also fixed a typo on torso where I'd forgotten the -4 to the power and responsiveness.

    Last edited by Owrtho; 2011-08-08 at 09:44 PM.
    Want them to look nice? Have a guide

    My Homebrew
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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Like a clockwork corpse, yet living [3.5 PEACH]

    Torsos and legs look nice, and the idea for interchangeable hand sounds good. While I would say having several types of feet would allow for more specialized movement, it would probably be better to have them built into seperate leg works.

    And a question: Does the necroclock torso simply replacethe bones and skin, and leave the innards there? Another thing, does it affect the spine in any way?
    Quote Originally Posted by Mike_G View Post
    So please, by Anthony Bourdain's left nut, do not call gravy blood.
    Quote Originally Posted by Trekkin View Post
    the only way to get it into space was to build the atmospheric stages on top of it like a 400-ton hat made of fire and structural inadequacy.

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    Default Re: Like a clockwork corpse, yet living [3.5 PEACH]

    Quote Originally Posted by dethkruzer View Post
    And a question: Does the necroclock torso simply replacethe bones and skin, and leave the innards there? Another thing, does it affect the spine in any way?
    Torso replaces bones, skin, and muscle while leaving the innards. It does not replace the spine, though it is attached to it. The spine is another type of work, though likely with little in the way of variation.

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    Default Re: Like a clockwork corpse, yet living [3.5 PEACH]

    Just an idea: If some one has a necroclock torso, and the spine was also replaced, the limbs could be made interchangeable, including the head.
    Quote Originally Posted by Mike_G View Post
    So please, by Anthony Bourdain's left nut, do not call gravy blood.
    Quote Originally Posted by Trekkin View Post
    the only way to get it into space was to build the atmospheric stages on top of it like a 400-ton hat made of fire and structural inadequacy.

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    Default Re: Like a clockwork corpse, yet living [3.5 PEACH]

    Quote Originally Posted by dethkruzer View Post
    Just an idea: If some one has a necroclock torso, and the spine was also replaced, the limbs could be made interchangeable, including the head.
    Well, depending on how you mean that, it is to an extent already possible, or will be once I add rules for attaching and removing necroclock grafts. However, if you mean in an easy swap type fashion, that would likely be limited to specific grafts.

    In other news, added spines, throats, and heads. I plan to eventually add a head with replaceable faces and scalp (for the people who like to be able to mix things up, or have more options when getting ready for that big ball coming up).

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    Default Re: Like a clockwork corpse, yet living [3.5 PEACH]

    Well, I've added some new works (aside from non standard things like wings and tails, I've now got all the work types down I think). Also added rules for if you want to start modifying a necroclock device after it's been made.

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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Like a clockwork corpse, yet living [3.5 PEACH]

    New hand and arm works for those interested.

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    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Like a clockwork corpse, yet living [3.5 PEACH]

    The tool hand is awesome.

    Quote Originally Posted by A Friend Of Mine
    Bloody Mess: The gift that keeps on gibbing.
    Fatigue makes me wax philosophic and/or babble. If I've posted something strange and tangential, that is probably the cause. This entry would be an example.

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    Default Re: Like a clockwork corpse, yet living [3.5 PEACH]

    Quote Originally Posted by radmelon View Post
    The tool hand is awesome.
    Glad you like it. As a side note, while it specifies thieves and artisans tools, similarly small types of tools could also be permissible (I just used those found in the PHB), as well as things like keys (both for locks and for winding gears). Thinking on it, I likely should add that to the description.

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    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: Like a clockwork corpse, yet living [3.5 PEACH]

    Hmm... Not sure how much of a help this will be, but I think I know a way to determine the Craft DCs.

    First, figure out at what level, approximately, you want a character to be able to make a given graft at. Then add 10 to the level. That should at least give you a good place to start in determining the Craft DCs.

    Also, awesome work. Kinda reminds me of the Mad Hatter from American McGee's Alice. I'm looking forward to using these for a character.

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    Default Re: Like a clockwork corpse, yet living [3.5 PEACH]

    Quote Originally Posted by InfiniteNothing View Post
    Hmm... Not sure how much of a help this will be, but I think I know a way to determine the Craft DCs.

    First, figure out at what level, approximately, you want a character to be able to make a given graft at. Then add 10 to the level. That should at least give you a good place to start in determining the Craft DCs.

    Also, awesome work. Kinda reminds me of the Mad Hatter from American McGee's Alice. I'm looking forward to using these for a character.
    Well, that is somewhat useful, if not exactly how I'll likely do it. My current idea is to address the issue of variable parts by having fixed DCs for the materials, having the component DCs be have a baseline DC + an amount per material used (at least on the kind that can vary), then having the DCs of the finished devices be based on the design, + something based on the DCs of the components used.

    As such the more components you add, and the more complex they are the higher the DC would be. However, when considering the base form (minimum requirements), I can use something like what you suggest for the static value.
    That said, I may make it +30 or so rather than + 10, as I intend for it to be rather difficult for most characters to make the parts, though the base class I plan to do that would specialize in making necroclock devices would get reduction by the excess amount, bringing them down to around +10.

    I likely should get some more work done on this soon, though recently I have been somewhat busy with stuff in real life, and when I have had free time, have been working on the PRC contests (though to be fair, the last one was related to this).

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    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: Like a clockwork corpse, yet living [3.5 PEACH]

    I just have a question regarding your envisioning of the class. Do you see the user as having a veritable army of necroclock minions or having a few very strong ones? Also, what are you aims for in-combat uses and utilities?

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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Like a clockwork corpse, yet living [3.5 PEACH]

    Quote Originally Posted by TravelLog View Post
    I just have a question regarding your envisioning of the class. Do you see the user as having a veritable army of necroclock minions or having a few very strong ones? Also, what are you aims for in-combat uses and utilities?
    For minions, neither. Necroclock doesn't really make self functioning beings. It's more like a xenoalchemist, able to improve other party members and/or itself. Mind it also would have the ability to make non-graft devices, but these would be things like, horseless carriages, lights, tools, etc. As for in combat uses and utilities, they would mainly be useful through necroclock devices made for themselves and others ahead of time, but would also have the ability to deal positive and negative energy damage. They also would have the ability to perform improved tuning an maintenance on necroclock devices, allowing benefits to last longer and require less time to complete.

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    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: Like a clockwork corpse, yet living [3.5 PEACH]

    +30 is really pushing it if you want a character to make these things before epic level. If you want it to be high, go +15 at highest.

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    Default Re: Like a clockwork corpse, yet living [3.5 PEACH]

    Well, I put some starting DCs on the materials, components, and one of the works (I'll try to do the rest later tonight). I realize they look high. However, these aren't intended for people without training to make. I'll likely make a feat that reduces the DCs (which would be granted at level 1 of the class form making necroclock devices). The DCs would be reduced by 20 for gear components, and 30 for devices.

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    Default Re: Like a clockwork corpse, yet living [3.5 PEACH]

    Well, been a bit since I did stuff with this. Added basic graft attaching rules. They may be subject to change. Also added a feat for those who want to make necroclock devices. Then, I added an item for those who want to attach necroclock grafts and can't produce positive or negative energy.

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    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Like a clockwork corpse, yet living [3.5 PEACH]

    This is a very interesting project, though I can't say that I understand everything
    Guess I need to read through it once more while I'm truly awake. Anyway, I hope you keep it up and I look forward to more info on this. Once I understand it I might stat up a necrolock character of some sort, it would be interesting to play one.
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