Snips, Snails, and Dragon Tales: Now available in PDF format from Gumroad
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    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Jun 2010

    Default [3.5 Feats] Feat Mix

    Background- I've had ideas for quite a few feats for some time now. However, said feats would only have been released a few at a time. So I just decided to release a bunch of feats at once, as my next planned homebrew will take quite a bit of time. Please enjoy.

    Tune Troopers
    Bardic Music
    Benefit: You have learned how to focus the magical energy that lies in your Bardic Music into a being that can fight for you in battle, known as a Tune Trooper. In order to use this ability, you must expend one use of Bardic Music. After doing so, you must make a Perform Check, after which you create a Tune Trooper. A base Tune Trooper is a human male or female(your choice) with a number of levels in their type's(see below) class equal to your perform check/10. Tune Troopers get a number of binding points equal to your level in the class that grants you Bardic music + Perform check's result x 3, to be invested in the Tune Trooper as though it were an eidolon, although no Tune Trooper that is not of the Mage type can use their binding points on spell-like abilities. This may not grant any Tune Trooper more binding points than 10 x your level in the class that grants you the Bardic Music ability. To complete a Tune Trooper, you must select what type they are from the list below, which the according class listed in parentheses next to it:

    (Warrior)-Has BAB equal to its HD and gains a bonus to melee attack and damage rolls equal to your Perform check/10.

    Archer(Warrior)-Has BAB equal to 3/4 its HD, and gains a bonus to ranged attack and damage rolls equal to your Perform check/10.

    Knight(Warrior)- Has BAB equal to its HD, and gains a bonus to AC equal to your Performance check/10.

    Monk(Expert)- Has BAB equal to its HD, and deals an amount of damage with its unarmed attack equal to your Performance check result/2.

    Mage(Adept)- Has BAB equal to 1/2 its HD, may choose to spend binding points on SLAs, and gains an extra number of binding points to spend on SLAs equal to 1/2 your Performance check result.

    Once summoned, a Tune Trooper lasts for 1 round per level in the class that granted you the Bardic Music ability that you have. Ignore skill ranks when summoning, and treat all Tune Troopers as having Improved Initiative as their human bonus feat.

    Grand Strike[Fighter]
    Fighter Level 2, one Fighter Bonus Feat
    Benefit: You learn to use your expertise in arms to further benefit your attacks. When making a non-magical melee attack, you add a number of dice to the weapon equal to 1/2 the number of fighter bonus feats you have. This may, at no time, add more additional dice than 1/2 your level. (ex1. A Fighter 2 has 2 Fighter Bonus feats and attacks with a Longspear(1d8), so he adds 2 Fighter Bonus feats/2 = 1 dice to his attack, making the attack deal 2d8 damage. ex2. A Fighter 6 with 4 Fighter Bonus feats attacks with a dagger(1d4), so he adds 4 Fighter Bonus feats/2 = 2 dice to the attack, dealing 3d4 damage with the attack). This feat's benefit applies only to your primary weapon.

    Grand Twin Strike[Fighter]
    Grand Strike, Two Weapon Fighting, 4th level
    Benefit: When wielding two weapons, you may grant your off-hand weapon an additional amount of dice to attacks equal to 1/2 the dice it would be entitled to if it were being used as a primary weapon.

    Grand Shot[Fighter]
    Fighter Level 2, one Fighter Bonus Feat
    Benefit: You learn to use your expertise in arms to further benefit your attacks. When making a non-magical ranged melee attack, you add a number of dice to the weapon equal to 1/2 the number of fighter bonus feats you have. This may, at no time, add more additional dice than 1/2 your level.

    Favored Weapon Strike[Fighter]
    Weapon Focus, Weapon Specialization, Greater Weapon Focus, Grand Strike(if melee) or Grand Shot(if ranged), 12th level
    Benefit: Choose one weapon that you have the Weapon Focus, Weapon Specialization, and Greater Weapon Focus for. When using the effects of Grand Shot or Grand Strike(as appropriate for weapon type), you may add an additional amount of dice equal to your Strength modifier, regardless of whether this would exceed Grand Shot or Grand Strike's limit of dice that could be added. If you also have or later gain Greater Weapon Specialization for this weapon, you may add an additional die of damage.
    Special: This may be selected multiple times, selecting a new weapon each time, provided you somehow have the appropriate feats for that type of weapon.

    You have either died before, or perhaps have an ancestor that was a half-ghost(See Dragon #313). As such, you may learn and use [Ghost] feats as though you were a ghost, even if a feat would normally be impossible for a normal living body to use(such as Control Visage). Additionally, you may go incorporeal for 1 round + 1 round per day per [Ghost] feat you have. These rounds need not be used consecutively.

    Has chosen a Favored Enemy twice, 6th level
    Benefit: When facing an opponent of a type you have selected for Favored Enemy, you may add +1 to all attack rolls and 1d6 to all attacks against it for each time you have selected the creature as a favored enemy.

    Holy Barrage
    Smite Evil, BAB +6
    Benefit: When using Smite Evil on a full attack, you may apply its effects to all attacks in it. These attacks gain +1 to the attack and damage rolls for each time per day you may make use of this feat.
    Healer's Rebuke
    Lay on Hands
    Benefit: You may expend points from your Lay on Hands pool to enhance attacks you make. You may expend two points to add +1 to the attack roll, or expend 1 point to add 1 point of damage to the attack, decided once you declare the action to make the attack. Regardless, you cannot have a combination of +1 bonuses to attack and damage rolls that exceed your level.

    Catch the Weakness
    Sneak Attack +2d6
    Benefits: By now, you have figured out how to bypass some of a creature's defenses, even when you shouldn't be able to. Whenever a creature has a chance of not being affected by Sneak Attacks and the like, you may sacrifice 1 die of Sneak Attack damage to reduce their % chance of being affected by twice your level + 5% per die sacrificed. If a creature is immune to such attacks, subtract the percentage from 100%. Should you roll a natural 20 with such a Sneak Attack, you may score a critical hit, even if the creature would normally be immune to critical hits and the like.

    Wounding Surprise
    Sneak Attack +2d6
    Benefit: Any street thug knows how to make an enemy bleed, but you know how to do it better. By sacrificing 1 die of Sneak Attack damage, you may cause an enemy some lasting hurt, dealing 1 point of damage per round after per die sacrificed this way. This wound is hard to heal, and cannot be healed until at least 2 rounds after, after which a character may attempt to heal it using the Heal skill with a DC of 10 + your Rogue level + Dex modifier, or may be healed so long as the affected is magically healed for a number of hit points equal to your Rogue level.

    Well, that's all for now. May add a feat or two later. Please PEACH and comment.
    Last edited by Pyromancer999; 2011-08-09 at 01:10 PM.
    Newest Work: Pyromancer - My submission for Base Class Contest X
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    Awesome Quotes:

    Quote Originally Posted by chess435 View Post
    May Chuck Norris smile upon you.

    Finall got an Extended Homebrew Signature, courtesy of Cipherthe3vil

  2. - Top - End - #2
    Barbarian in the Playground
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Default Re: [3.5 Feats] Feat Mix

    I really like Grand Strike and Grand Shot. How would it work with a weapon that already had multiple damage dice (such as a Greatsword or Falchion), or when you are larger than Medium (Longsword or Greatsword when enlarge person is in effect)?

  3. - Top - End - #3
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: [3.5 Feats] Feat Mix

    Quote Originally Posted by Adamantrue View Post
    I really like Grand Strike and Grand Shot.
    Thanks. It's a feat that's meant to give Fighters and the like a bit more oomph when it comes to combat, putting them more on par with tier 3 and 4 classes.
    How would it work with a weapon that already had multiple damage dice (such as a Greatsword or Falchion), or when you are larger than Medium (Longsword or Greatsword when enlarge person is in effect)?
    I would probably say to add an appropriate number of dice for each increase granted by the feat. So, say you had a Fighter 2 with Grand Strike Wielding a Greatsword, I might allow it to deal 4d6, although the feat would technically make it 3d6, which might be more appropriate. It's really up to your DM, but if I were you, I'd assume that it'd just add on 1 die of damage per two fighter feats.

    However, if enlargened, just up the die size for the base weapon, and use it from there. So, say a Fighter 2 with Grand Strike was wielding a Longsword. With just the feat, it'd deal 2d8 damage. However, since Enlarge Person would increase the damage to 3d6(2d6 for the base weapon + 1d6 from the feat).
    Newest Work: Pyromancer - My submission for Base Class Contest X
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    Awesome Quotes:

    Quote Originally Posted by chess435 View Post
    May Chuck Norris smile upon you.

    Finall got an Extended Homebrew Signature, courtesy of Cipherthe3vil

  4. - Top - End - #4
    Ettin in the Playground
    Amechra's Avatar

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    Default Re: [3.5 Feats] Feat Mix

    Anathema would be sexy with my Unrepentant Pact-Bound Hunter; +5 to Hit and +5d6 damage on every attack against your Chosen Enemy is very nice, I would say...
    Quote Originally Posted by segtrfyhtfgj View Post
    door is a fake exterior wall
    If you see me try to discuss the nitty-gritty of D&D 5e, kindly point me to my signature and remind me that I shouldn't. Please and thank you!

  5. - Top - End - #5
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: [3.5 Feats] Feat Mix

    OK, a few things...

    First off, any and all of the division uses for numeric values need to specify if they round up or down. (I often use a generalised rule for my campaigns, the players round down and the DM rounds me half a chance!) an amount of damage with its unarmed attack equal to your Performance check result.
    Using a bard's perform check to determine a summoned creature's attack damage on a one for one basis could be rather too much...I've seen plenty of +20 modifiers by about level 8, that could mean upwards of 40 damage by a summons, making massive damage a serious potential by level 10 gameplay. Not a huge problem, but certainly something to consider changing IMO.

    Grand Strike/Shot fail to clarify what happens for multiple base-damage dice on a weapon like greatswords or large size crossbows, bearing in mind a greatsword would lose out if only gaining one die/2 fighter feats when compared to a longsword the moment you surpass the bonus for 4 fighter feats

    Favoured Weapon Strike may also be a little over-powered, all you need do is dual- wield shortswords and you soon start doing horrific harm (i.e. well into 3 figure damage). Granted this happens at 12th level at the earliest, but it still seems perhaps a smidgen excessive.


    Anathaema needs rewording, I know what you mean, but it could easily be misunderstood since you technically only choose any one particular race once, it's the bonus which increases.

    Consider changing the text in Holy Barrage to this:
    When using Smite Evil on a full attack, you may apply its effects to all attacks in it. These attacks gain +1 to the attack and damage rolls for each time per day you may make use of this feat.

    Healer's Rebuke is super sweet. It makes the most pointless of all a Paladin's abilities become something REALLY worth using for a melee combat character.

    Catch The Weakness is one of the few sneak dice/payoff feats I've seen which I would consider taking for a rogue...but it needs to state what happens to criticals, should one occur whilst using this feat. I'd argue it should allow the crit damage too, but it's not my feat

    Wounding Surprise, nice update on the bog-standard wounding feat, certainly makes the feat worth a feat, if you get my meaning

    All in all, nice selection dude, but back to my original's a prestige I got in mind, and it works I think...
    Big Band(it) Leader, or something of that ilk.
    Last edited by Veklim; 2011-08-09 at 10:23 AM.
    All I ask is a tall ship, and a star to steer her by.

    My homebrews Moloques! Sagacious Defender of the Forge, The Open Palm, Sacred Scourge, The Bastion
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    Telekineticist and ACFs, Feats, Shadow Hand PrC

  6. - Top - End - #6
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Jun 2010

    Default Re: [3.5 Feats] Feat Mix

    Quote Originally Posted by Veklim View Post
    OK, a few things...

    First off, any and all of the division uses for numeric values need to specify if they round up or down. (I often use a generalised rule for my campaigns, the players round down and the DM rounds me half a chance!)
    Pretty much everything rounds down, in my experience.
    Using a bard's perform check to determine a summoned creature's attack damage on a one for one basis could be rather too much...I've seen plenty of +20 modifiers by about level 8, that could mean upwards of 40 damage by a summons, making massive damage a serious potential by level 10 gameplay. Not a huge problem, but certainly something to consider changing IMO.
    Hmmm...That's true. Changed to 1/2 check result.
    Grand Strike/Shot fail to clarify what happens for multiple base-damage dice on a weapon like greatswords or large size crossbows, bearing in mind a greatsword would lose out if only gaining one die/2 fighter feats when compared to a longsword the moment you surpass the bonus for 4 fighter feats
    It is a hard issue to address. Currently, I'm thinking adding 3 dice per 4 fighter feats, as when you consider a Greatsword at its max vs. a Longsword, you're looking at 14d6(max 84 damage) vs. 7d8(56 damage). Still, I may just decide to add the two dice per Fighter feat. Again, it's a hard issue to address.
    Favoured Weapon Strike may also be a little over-powered, all you need do is dual- wield shortswords and you soon start doing horrific harm (i.e. well into 3 figure damage). Granted this happens at 12th level at the earliest, but it still seems perhaps a smidgen excessive.
    Oh, yeah. Forgot clause in Grand Strike that says it only applies to primary weapon used. I'd planned a feat called Twin Grand Strike to accomodate 2W users. Working on it now.
    Thanks. I've had more than a few Ghostwalk short-term campaigns, and players hated leaving behind their ghost abilities when alive, while some wanted a taste of being a ghost without necessarily having to kill off their characters.
    Anathaema needs rewording, I know what you mean, but it could easily be misunderstood since you technically only choose any one particular race once, it's the bonus which increases.
    You can choose any particular Favored Enemy multiple times. Still, I guess the prerequisites need re-wording.
    Consider changing the text in Holy Barrage to this:
    When using Smite Evil on a full attack, you may apply its effects to all attacks in it. These attacks gain +1 to the attack and damage rolls for each time per day you may make use of this feat.
    That IS better.
    Healer's Rebuke is super sweet. It makes the most pointless of all a Paladin's abilities become something REALLY worth using for a melee combat character.
    Yeah. In my early days, there'd be a Paladin in the party, and it'd usually end up like this:

    Paladin: Lay on Hands!
    Party Member: Thanks, but go get the bad guy!
    Paladin: Lay on Hands!
    Party Member: That's nice, but we really need you to tank!
    Paladin: Lay on Hands!
    Party Member: Seriously! You're our tank, not a pansy healer! That's what the cleric's for! Now go out and tank!
    Cleric's Player: My character starts crying.

    Yeah. So this feat is aimed at making them more useful at dealing out a deity's corporeal punishment instead of spending all their time healing.
    Catch The Weakness is one of the few sneak dice/payoff feats I've seen which I would consider taking for a rogue...but it needs to state what happens to criticals, should one occur whilst using this feat. I'd argue it should allow the crit damage too, but it's not my feat
    Hmmm...perhaps. I'll think of it.
    Wounding Surprise, nice update on the bog-standard wounding feat, certainly makes the feat worth a feat, if you get my meaning
    That's what it's for.
    All in all, nice selection dude, but back to my original's a prestige I got in mind, and it works I think...
    Big Band(it) Leader, or something of that ilk.
    It's certainly interesting... I propose you use my Tune Trooper feat as a prerequisite, but improve from there as you please, as I too find this quite interesting. Also, I think Grand Conductor or Conductor Captain would sdrve as good names, the latter because it's the name of the main(Conductor) character's highest rank. Lastly, I'd suggest you get the Song Summoner app, or at least the free version, in order to familiarize yourself with Tune Troopers and also to get an idea of what they do.
    Newest Work: Pyromancer - My submission for Base Class Contest X
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    Awesome Quotes:

    Quote Originally Posted by chess435 View Post
    May Chuck Norris smile upon you.

    Finall got an Extended Homebrew Signature, courtesy of Cipherthe3vil

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