Snips, Snails, and Dragon Tales: Now available in PDF format from Gumroad
Snips, Snails, and Dragon Tales is now on sale in PDF format from Gumroad - with 6 never-before-collected bonus comics!
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    Ogre in the Playground
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Default [Nexus] Remnant II

    At the start, there had been chaos. There had been no government or police force that protected Inside. The city had only been ran by vigilante justice, completely at the mercy of its inhabitants. However, eventually, order arose with the appearance of a man named Vyrn, and his Empire.

    The Empire had stretched a vast distance, easily covering huge expanses stretching from the city, controlling neighboring villages and towns of all sorts, bringing relative peace to the area. With it came dissent, but it was kept fairly quiet through force, politics, and the need to unite against outside threats. It was one of those outside threats that ultimately caused Vyrn's fall. As his personal security grew, so did the unrest within the ranks of the Empire itself. Before long, it grew to it's logical conclusion.

    A coup.

    It was led by Vettel and Noir, power was ripped from the Emperor's grasp, and he was cast down from his tower into Exile. There was only minimal resistance internally, and it led to a more "peaceful" time when dealing with the new Empire. Unfortunately, it would be short lived. Without warning, there was a bright flash of light, and nearly 75% of the people who had been known as The Empire disappeared in an event that came to be known as The Vanishing.

    What remains, is a small organization made up of the remains of The Empire. A far cry from the massive army it used to be, these Remnants have taken it upon themselves to continue on in their duties, to protect Inside and the very people who live within it.


    From the outside, Remnant looks more like a Fortress than a Police Station. High white walls surround the base, watched over by several tall guard towers. The walls and towers are always manned by armed Remnants, the former walking along the perimeter. There are three entrances, each one a heavy steel gate, with the Main Gate being larger. Each gate is guarded by a pair of security stations, one on either side of the entrance.

    When in flight, Remnant appears as a great flying fortress, the bottom alight with the magical and technological flight capabilities and offensive armaments.






    Emma-Jean Annabelle Vasquez
    a.k.aCommander Vasquez of Remnant

    Vasquez is the Commanding Officer of the entirety of Remnant. She originally served as a Lieutenant under Edijar in his Anti-Riot squads before the Coup occurred. She had been one of the Revolutionists, and was badly wounded by Edijar himself during the ensuing fight. After her long recovery, she proposed an idea of a Special Forces unit dedicated to fighting threats of unnatural origins. This unit came to be called Mortal Coil.

    After The Vanishing, she was the only person in the right time and place to take control of the remains of The Empire, and due to her quick action, was able to hold off an attack from AMEN.

    Mentally, she is a stubborn, cold, and calculating woman who rarely lets her guard down outside those she trusts with her life. She is prepared to give whatever orders are necessary to keep Inside safe, even at the sacrifice of the loyal men and women under her command, and sometimes, even civilians if need be.

    Physically, she could be easily described as "hard" looking. She's dark tan, fairly tall at 5'10", human, and quite strong physically. However, it's obvious that her time as a soldier has cost her dearly. Her body is heavily scarred, and her right arm has been lost at some point, leaving her somewhat reliant on cybernetic replacements.

    Edijar Losthold, Praefectus, Commander of the Praetorians

    Edijar was once a beggar, living, fighting, and dying slowly in the worst of the worst of Red Zone. At his weakest, he was offered a job, a chance at a life by The Empire. Shortly after his initiation into the Empire, he got married to a young doctor named Rebecca Gale and started to grow content with his life. His quick wit and keen survival abilities would allow him to learn quickly, and in no time, he was leading his own units to disrupt riots. His smooth thinking allowed him to talk down many potential rioters, including Zee herself at one point.

    It wasn't long after that however, that a riot rose that he couldn't prevent in time, and he and the people under his command were ordered to get rid of the blockade they had set up, one way or another. With cold precision, they tore down the barricade and forced the armed civilians to either flee, or be killed. Edijar executed the leader of the group himself, a man named Enjorlas. The event earned him the name "The Butcher of The Barricade".

    A little later, during an attack on Inside, the City's shield fell, leaving it vulnerable to the artillery bombardment from the invading army. Early in the invasion, a shell landed on his wife's Mobile Hospital, killing her and their unborn child in a flash.

    After the attack ended, he went into a self-destructive cycle, fighting monsters, demanding them to try and kill him, until he'd pass out from exhaustion, only to do it again the next morning. Eventually though, he'd meet Charity Evans who changed his life forever, giving him something to live for again.

    He went back to work fully, renewed and better than before until the Coup occurred. He was one of the few Loyalists, and was forced to flee into exile. He returned a few months later, rejoining the Empire as an instructor for new recruits. When The Vanishing happened, he was one of the few people who stayed, and is one of the few people who has lived throughout service of all forms of The Empire and Remnant.

    In Remnant, Edijar is the leader of a small group of people, known as The Praetorians. They are the members of his anti-riot squads who have survived the entire time, and are considered to be some of the toughest and most skilled people Remnant has.

    Physically, Edijar is a tall and very powerfully built man who is heavily scarred from front to back, half from his own doing. He has short light brown hair that is going gray, and stoney eyes. Mentally, he can be cold and distant whenever he needs to be, to the point where few could describe him as human, especially when he wears his armor. However, those such as Charity know that he feels the consequences of every action that he does.

    What makes Edijar special however, isn't his nearly unparalleled skills or experience. It's that he is completely immune to any magical effect, to the point that he can easily walk right through magical barriers, wards, and doesn't feel a thing if someone throws fireballs or lightning at him.


    Recruit Nellens Latas a.k.a Soldier Girl (Wood Aspect Dragon-Blooded played by Vael)
    Latas is taller and more muscled than the average person, giving her a build that is only shy of imposing. Her long brown hair is braided and adorned with beads, though she takes care to have it coiled out of the way in emergency situations. She carries herself with discipline and confidence that marks her as a soldier.

    Widely skilled, Latas is a trained tracker and survivalist, an excellent marksman and a competent hand to hand fighter. She is further an adept medic. When her more mundane powers do not suffice, she augments them with the supernatural gifts of the Dragon-Blooded and her very abbreviated training in sorcery.

    Soldier Girl is disciplined and largely takes action in a detached, rational manner. However, she tempers her logic with spiritual devotion to a philosophy of enlightenment and self perfection.

    Sergeant Anatolij Fedorowicz Eljaszeńko.
    (Played by Morty)

    Anatolij is a Cossack from 17th century Europe who ended up in the Nexus. When he arrived, he was something of a loser and an opposite of a stereotypical Cossack. After barely escaping with his life from a floating city filled with zombies, he decided to do something with his life and join Mortal Coil. He managed to survive the training and become a full-fledged Mortal Coil trooper.
    In terms of personality, Anatolij is a good guy, and his conscience and compassion get the better of him at times. It got him in trouble once, when he let Reinholdt join a vampire hunt because he felt he owed him for helping him flee the aforementioned flying city.
    Anatolij's role in Remnant is Fast Response. He leads a team of troopers whose role is to appear quickly in dangerous situations. He himself is an expert hand-to-hand fighter and a good shot with a handgun. He's also a very good motorbike driver and tends to arrive at the scenes he needs to on one.
    The Cossack's team is composed of four people - all of them are equipped with bikes they use to get to places quickly, but are also capable footsoldiers. The first is Filimon Romanovicz Ziejcow, a trooper. He's Anatolij's first officer and provides supporting fire from an assault rifle. Then there's Antoni Vodička, a sapper and a grenadier. He handles all sorts of explosives. The third member of the squad is Dragan Ražnatović, is a recon specialist, often sent ahead of the squad to check the terrain. Finally, there's the member who is the most often to get off his bike - Stanisław Dożynkiewicz, the sniper.

    Sergeant Mithra Fredrizar
    a.k.a Fred (Close-Combat/Assault)

    Age: Looks about 30 human years

    Fred is a Half-Drow, about 5ft 8inches tall, very dark skin, with close cropped hair. He has a scar over one eye, and normally wears simple clothes(black or white tunics and pants for the most part).

    Fred's nature is tough, but easy going. He laughs just as readily as he fights and can take a joke in stride. However, he can be very determined when trying to get to a goal or objective, easily putting himself in front of others without a second thought.

    The elf comes from the Underdark, a place where his noble and chivalrous deeds go punished and misunderstood...*beats background over the head with a mace*

    Fred was raised in a different dimension where New York was a gateway between normal and fantasy worlds. Specifically, he lived in the Bronx. Think of the Underdark, but much scarier.

    Yeah, it was that bad.

    He fought his way through school and life, taking up boxing classes. Sure, he was partly elf, and he was made fun of it, but that just drove him on.

    One night, while he was in the ring, training, the lights went dark, and shadowy forms lunged for him. He couldn't see where he was as he fought his way out and into the streets, only to find the IA and ISF scrounging through the buildings, picking off a ghoul infestation.

    With the other refugees, he had been taken in to be processed and to find a place to live.

    Special Equipment/Abilities: Shaped Blasting Charges, equipped with a pair of shock gauntlets instead of Riot Shield, ambidextrous

    Staff Sergeant Submission-In-Adversity-Brings-Peace Halifax aka Missy aka Submission - Praetorian (Played by Happyturtle)
    Missy was born into an obscure religious sect with rigid rules, including being highly pacifistic, to the point of not believing in self-defense. She was always somewhat rebellious against their strictures, and when she was seventeen, she ended up pregnant. She had thought that she and her boyfriend Nathaniel would get married and raise the baby together, but when the child was born, it was whisked away from her by her parents and given to an adoptive family. Her parents told her that her boyfriend had given evidence to prove she was an unfit mother, and tried to use the experience to help her reform and be a good little Orthodox Arnaudin again. She ran away from home soon afterwards and ended up becoming a soldier in the city guard, mostly as a way of burning her bridges, but ended up really believing in her job, and in the necessity of violence.

    She is rabidly devoted to Vasquez, and slightly mistrusts Edijar because they were on different sides during the coup against Vyrn's rule.

    In addition to her Praetorian power armour and weaponry, Missy has been enhanced with cybernetics: a neural implant, wired reflexes, enhanced visual capacity, improved muscles, and so on. None of it is visible, and most of the surgical scars are hidden within her religious tattoos.


    Gustav and Mewtwo (Psi-Op Specialists play by Gulaghar)
    Gustav Rothschild
    Gustav is a hard man. Tall, broad shouldered, with his sandy brown hair cut in a military crop. His expression is usually cold, reflecting the tight control he has over his emotions.

    He was trained from a fairly young age to prepare him to be an advanced special operations unit for the military branch of Team Rocket. Perhaps more importantly, he underwent rigorous mental conditioning. When he reached the age of eighteen he was introduced to his partner, Mewtwo.

    His training continued at that point, more specifically focusing on working with Mewtwo exclusively. Their minds are all but entirely linked. They often went on missions deep behind enemy lines and equally dangerous assignments.

    Mewtwo is a powerful psychic pokemon. His telekinetic and telepathic powers are remarkable. He is thoughtful and calculating, though he often gets lost in his own thoughts.

    Mewtwo was not born like a normal pokemon, but instead created using the DNA from the extinct pokemon Mew. His creation was the product of decades of research by Team Rocket.

    From his creation to the present day he has rarely been far away from Gustav. Even when they are apart they are still mentally linked, no matter what the distance.

    Liam Nor a.k.a. Caet (Spellcaster/Divination Specialist played by Harnel)

    Caet is a young man who developed an odd paranoia about the people around him. He understands that most of it is just flights of fancy on his part, but almost everything he does is in some way related to keeping himself safe from the outside world. It's his original reason for joining Remnant; A military organization protects their people, and he can do a lot of good their with his talents.

    He keeps his background quiet, as he doesn't like people looking into it. He's nexusian, but learned from a young age that mages could be some of the most powerful beings in the world - certainly one of the easiest ways to gain power. His paranoia led him to learning as much divination and abjuration as possible - spells to look in at enemies and block whatever they try to do to him. He's extremely talented in those two fields, but his studies in the other arts of magic have suffered for it. That said, he learned enough about those to not be worried, he's just much better at scrying than fireballing.

    He's 5'9" and weighs 150 Lb. so he's fairly scrawny without a lot of muscle tone. Despite this, he has a high level of endurance. Frankly, he probably just needs to get out more. He wears his hair somewhat shaggy, as he doesn't really care what it looks like. His usual attire is a remnant uniform with three additional belts, all of which have various pouches and vials on them. Only he knows what everything on his person is, but it's obvious they're components for his spellcasting. His Civilian clothes consist of different types of robes, mostly with abjurative enchantments he made himself on them. His favorite is a gold trimmed brown robe that has a kinetic barrier - it's saved his life from bullets in the past.

    Caet is something of a Recluse. He spends most of his time in his room, which is probably the most magically warded place on the entire base; The door is literally humming with magical energy, prepared for if someone attempts to force it. It probably makes more than a few people uncomfortable.

    His Real name is Liam Nor, But nobody who he doesn't trust implicitly or who doesn't outrank him knows this.

    & Arla Parish (Cleric of Hel and Priestess of Horus respectively)

    Ages: (Whatever 24 human years is for elves )
    Gender: Male and Female respectively

    Both are of a fair height, being elves, and have the standard pointed ears, but while Taul is pale with dark hair, Arla is dark tan, almost brown, with light brown hair. Both are in very good shape physically, and can more than handle their own in a fight. Outside their armor, Taul dresses sharply, cleanly, and always tastefully. Arla, normally wears leather and chains.

    Taul lives life quick and easily. It's his belief that you should live every day like your last, because someday, it will be your last. Arla on the other hand, takes it a bit slower, making her seem more serious and determined than her brother.

    Both were orphans, and found on the Street of Churches near Red Zone. Each of them were taken in by a separate church, but not kept apart. While they were raised, each was taught by the clergy of their respective god/goddess, and eventually arose to become clerics. After the attack of the Cat People, both joined the IA so they could better use their abilities after seeing their churches flooded with wounded. Eventually, they were approached by Vasquez and made an offer that neither of them would refuse.

    Special Equipment/Abilities: Crossbows, Holy Symbols, Clerical Powers

    Gniewomir (Priest of Svarog played by Morty)
    Gniewomir, who somehow ended up in the Nexus from pre-Christian Eastern Europe, perhaps an alternate version of it, is a militant priest of Svarog, a Slavic god of sun and fire. Once in the Nexus, he threw himself rather fervently into the Empire's and later Remnant's, cause. He often joins combat teams to aid them with his clerical magic. His trademark spell is causing his weapon - a warhammer - to be wreathed in flame.

    Grimzig & Crew (Goblin Engineers played by Morty)
    Grimzig Ironpick is a goblin engineer who came to the Nexus with Reelshka Trollfinger and Krugzim Greencheeks. In time, he became involved with the Empire, which employed him as one of its tech experts. He became less involved there when the goblins began to build a colony on their own in Underside, but came back after the Empire's fall to aid the fledgeling Remnant, bringing a team of goblin techies with him. He's been working there ever since.
    Grimzig and his crew are capable technicians, although disadvantaged somewhat due to coming from a low-tech world. They've largely caught up since arriving, though. As most goblin engineers, they possess a pecuilar brand of ingenuity that can be disturbing at times, but sometimes produces amazing results. It's not advisable to let them get their hands on too many explosives or incendiaries, though. Unless you want something to blow up or go up in flames, of course. As long as you have a means of ensuring they blow up and/or burn down something you want.

    Iamar Shalhoub - Reconnaissance and Infiltration (Played by Rotting Baron)
    A Syrian from the late 12th century, Iamar is a high-ranking member of the Assassin Order (though nobody at Remnant actually knows that.) Soon after she ended up in the Nexus, she was referred to go to Remnant for work, and headed there. After an honesty test and physical, she was allowed to join. Beyond her obvious Middle Eastern appearance, penchant for hoods, and missing left ring finger, she isn't all that unique.

    She tends to be quiet and withdrawn, preferring not to speak to people. Iamar prefers to simply get any work done. This does not, however, mean that she is unkind, merely calm and collected at all times. This does, however, mean she is not the best at making friends.

    Her best abilities are reconnaissance and melee and unarmed combat, though she is also an excellent free-runner. She has stealth armor, which has cloaking capabilities and climbing gear built-in. This is worn beneath her Assassin's robes. In terms of weapons, she carries a long and short sword, throwing knives, a crossbow, and her hidden blade. Her one ability is her Eagle Vision, which has a multitude of uses - she can see people's auras, see through all illusions, and track people's footsteps.

    Eileen Thorsson (Favored Soul of Valen played by Bushranger)

    Abilities: Healing, pathfinding, calling celestial fire down on her enemies.
    Description: Tall and Nordic with blonde hair and blue eyes, Eileen has a 'thousand yard stare' of sorts; not from battle, but from one too many failed relationships. When not working, she can usually be found enjoying a* bottle of fine** alcohol.

    * 'A' as in 'her most recent'. "One drink is nine two few."
    ** 'Fine' as in 'anything that won't make her blind'.


    Charity Evans - Medical Assistant. In training to become an EMT (Played by Happyturtle)
    Charity is a chromamancer, with a natural control over colour, and the ability to bring things she paints or sketches to life. The created objects will only exist until the original piece of artwork is destroyed. If they were made from a sketch, they can also be physically destroyed by anything that would destroy paper. She's also as an extreme pacifist who only grudgingly accepts the necessity of a military force, and certainly never expected to become the girlfriend of a soldier. But, love tends to bloom even where it's least expected. She came to stay on base after the Vanishing, because her sister needed her, but was extremely uncomfortable being in a military environment. After a confrontation with Bugs, she realized that she could be doing a lot more to support her 'life first' values than sitting around and sketching, so she asked if she could work for Bugs as an assistant.

    Sunny Evans - Engineer (Played by Happyturtle)
    Sunny got pulled into MC > Remnant only because her sister happened to be dating Edijar. During some apocalypse or other, he insisted on moving both women onto the base for their own safety. While there, Sunny met Carl, the halfling soldier who would eventually become her husband, but she also made her way to the motor pool where her mechanical and engineering skills brought her to Vasquez's attention. For a while, she worked for Mortal Coil as a contractor, in addition to working for Magtok, building the Riftline, and trying (and failing) to run her own robotics business. After the Vanishing, she resigned her other positions to work full time for Remnant. In addition to naturally being an engineering genius, Sunny has machine empathy which allows her to sense where repairs need to be made, control non-intelligent machines, and emotionally communicate with intelligent ones. The Gorgons and Sirens consider her as their mother since she helped to create them, and she generally has one or more loyal robots around. Due to some lingering brain damage, she has trouble with language, and can occasionally come across as naive or even mentally retarded. She tends to see things in black or white still, though she's emotionally more mature than she seems.

    Care Williams (Communications. Played by Kid Kris)

    Not very tall at 5'2", and attractive despite her strong jawline, this dark-haired, bespectacled woman of 22 years would probably look more at home in an office than a high-security military base. Either that, or in a giant stone observatory, leading some of the deadliest people in the Nexus and taking down threats that could end it just by blinking. Unbeknownst to her, Care is actually a top-secret (and possibly eeevil) clone of KR, one of the leaders of WATCHTOWER, created for mysterious, and likely nefarious purposes.

    Care's 'past', if artificially implanted memories can be called a past, is actually quite dramatic. Raised on Corulag by a single father, a former Kuat Drive Yards starship technician, Care was always something of an Empire loyalist (that's Galactic Empire, folks, not Acronymian Empire), to the point of applying to the Corulag Imperial Military Academy, despite the Imperial Navy's misogynistic leanings, and, most brazen of all, actually exceeding, despite her disadvantage. This came to an end though, when a Rebellion insurgent bombed the Academy during a ceremony, decimating Care's class, and killing her then lover. Unable to continue, Care dropped out, and took the first ship off-planet. As things would have it, said ship ended up getting sucked into the Nexus, breaking apart upon entry, and crashlanding somewhere Outside. Care's been living in Inside ever since. After getting caught in the Sheperdocalypse, Ebonocalypse, and, directly after, injured and rendered homeless in the lead up to That Day, she took up a job for the Remnant, deciding that if her life from now on was going to end up just being full of crazy, she might as well play for the winning team, instead of being just another victim.

    Personality-wise, Care presents herself as a relatively shy, and rather emotional woman. Maybe she is. When pressed, however, she reveals steel rivaling that of her source material. She's incredibly resourceful as well, especially with technology, in part due to her upbringing, though this is only a shadow of her real potential.


    Ted Brando - Undead Hunter. Deceased(Permanently this time).
    Amil Wightson - Communications Technician. Kicked out, but is in decent standing.


    Zefir (AMEN Informant played by Zefir)

    Description: Zefir is 6'1" tall. He has dark blond hair and brown eyes.

    Special abilities: High Knowledge about explosives, including Creating, using and disabling.
    Small Magic immunity this works like the humans immune system. Confronted with a spell hundreds of time give him a small resistant to it.
    He has two Holder Objects. The vial from the holder of Chaos and the marble from the Holder of nature.
    Drinking from the vial makes a random transmutation and the object himself makes Zefir Chaotic. The marble gives control over the elements since this is OP Zefir uses it only as assistance. (dust cloud in the enemies eyes, light candle.)

    Reason: Zefir grew up in a military family. He also worked in an Army and has taken over the strong structure. He dislikes the things in AMEN, but since they saved him he thought at first he has to make it up. Now he knows AMEN is too chaotic and they don't wanted to save him they just don't really care about anything.

    Locations Within:

    Note: Guests at Remnant are required to stop by one of the Security Points at the gates to sign in and gain a pass. These are additional security measures that are required!

    Special Clearance Only:

    Armoury Supply - Accessible Only by Vasquez and The Quartermaster without special permission. All others will be shot on sight if they try to enter.
    Combat Control Center - Essentially Vasquez's throne room. This is a special place similar to the Comm Center, but with master overrides and other powerful secrets.
    Prison Cells - Visitors must be signed in and are guarded. Longer term residents are gladly accepted. Special Cell Blocks are set aside for the Penal Company.

    High Security Clearance Only:

    Critical Care Ward (Infirmary) - Generally reserved only for those heavily injured and the doctors that care for them.
    Research Labs - Normally only technical personnel are allowed into these areas.
    Communications Center - As one of the core nerve centers of Remnant, only special personnel are given clearance to enter the place. Trusted Remnants and certain Civilian Personnel for the most part unless there is a special case.

    Moderate Clearance:

    Motor Pool - Ran by Geoff(Primary Mechanic). Houses Remnant's APCs, Attack Bikes, Sirens, Gorgons, and many basic(and advanced) work labs of both Technological and Magical nature.
    Briefing/Planning Room - A long and wide room with several tables, dozens of chairs, and a series of holographic projectors.
    Personnel Offices - Appointment Necessary for the most part.

    Minimal Clearance/ Unrestricted:

    Interview/Interrogation Rooms - The rooms are one and the same, there there's a half dozen of them. They are stark white with harsh lighting and basic metal chairs and tables. On one side is a one-way mirror for observers to look through. Basic, but it works.
    On-Base Housing - Remnants can move through the area with no trouble, but Civilians must be guided around and given a special pass.
    Recreation Center - No Clearance required.
    Barracks - For newer recruits or Veterans who prefer to bunk as they are used to.


    Outside the Perimeter:

    Throughout the streets surrounding the compound are well over a dozen security cameras, keeping an ever-watchful eye out for several blocks in each direction. The few buildings over four stories tall within that radius have sniper/scout teams deployed on top to provide initial security and response to any threat that begins this far out. Each of those posts is guarded with additional security measures.

    The Perimeter:

    Aside from the multitudes of Remnants that constantly patrol the Wall, and those that keep an eye out from the watch towers, The Wall itself is thick, a blast wall designed to stand after most tank shells as well as extreme temperatures.

    The towers and security points have large mounted guns, obvious even from a decent distance. Each gate is also electrified, making breaching them a risky business.

    In Flight:

    Remnant HQ can occasionally take off from the ground, forming a large mobile defense platform with powerful offensive capabilities including increased numbers of turrets among other potentially more lethal and heavier armaments.

    Known Equipment:


    Basic Powered Armor Type One (AT-01):

    This is the basic Remnant's armor, the general service suit. Every member of Remnant, Civilian or otherwise, is trained in it's use and given access to this armor. However, due to the length of time it takes to put on, and the bulkiness it adds to the user, many Remnants prefer to wear their normal uniform while on the job. The appearance of the armor is fairly plain, mostly white with a deep purple cape, with Remnant's symbol printed in gold over the left breast.

    It features limited strength enhancement, up to half again the user's ability, and is resistant to both solid and energy based projectile weapon systems. The cloth between the armored plates is resistant to both slashing and piercing weapons as it is made from a tight Kevlar-like weave. Each suit is equipped with a deployable helmet which has access to multiple kinds of visual sensors, as well as motion trackers. The visor itself is as white as the armor, obscuring the owner's face and protecting them from sudden bursts of light.

    This suit runs on a stable cold fusion reactor kept behind thicker plates and protected by multiple fail-safes to ensure that overload is near impossible and occurrence of such a situation is well contained.

    Every suit is patched into the Remnant Data-Net, providing Commanding Officers and Medics real-time updates on the physical state of their subordinates. In a medical emergency, the suit can release a number of strong painkillers, stimulants, anti-biotics, and a foam spray to close wounds.

    The cape, while it appears as almost an afterthought, is made of the same material as the cloth on the armor itself, but is also laced with a neural weave. While most Remnants lack the ability to make use of it, a select few can control the cape to a degree where they can use it as a makeshift grapple, rope, or even stiffen it to form a rigid structure such as glide wings. However, the latter destroys the integrity of the cape after a scant handful of uses, making it little better than a decorative tissue.

    Overall, the armor tends to be light and effective, making it the staple of many Remnant military units, and is easily adapted to fit most life-forms, even those of non-humanoid shapes. The many sockets, slots, and pockets allow the suit to be extremely customizable as far as equipment is concerned.

    Due to the sensitivity of the knowledge of how such armor is made, and to ensure that no Remnant abuses the privilege of using the suit, each one is equipped with a tracking device that can be remotely activated if needed.

    Wraith Stealth System:

    This suit is based off the original Mortal Coil Powered Armor unit. It is a flat black, lacking any gleaming surface, and features the same strength enhancement as the AT-01. However, to make the suit lighter and to minimize the risk of stray sounds, much of the armored plating has been replaced with an overall more flexible, if somewhat less durable, metal fiber weave.

    This unit lacks the usual Remnant symbol, as well as the cape, but instead has been outfitted with a set of stealthed hoverboots, designed by Aurora Evans, and a cloaking system. The boots grant flight capability that is effectively silent and are patched into the fusion plant to ensure that there is always a constant source of power.

    The cloaking system is technological in nature and can be used for extended periods of time. This renders the user undetectable to most sight based detection systems, but should the user move at great speeds, there is the tendency for the system to leave a blur through the air, giving the Remnant away.

    As an added benefit, the Wraith Stealth System features a skintight underlayer that negates most forms of thermal detection, as well as a slightly more limited version of the Medical Unit that the AT-01 has.

    The helmet of the Wraith Stealth System comes equipped with the usual vision filters, but also comes equipped with a small device capable of giving a burst of sound at a pitch well above that of normal hearing range. The burst of sound reflects off of varying surfaces, and when it returns to the user, a slightly delayed image is shown to them, mimicking a bat's echolocation.

    The final difference is that the number of attachment points is severely limited, restricting the Wraith to what they can carry comfortably for the most part. The exceptions to this are the bracers. Each one has a small compartment in which a wristblade or garrotte can be concealed for use in case of an emergency.

    There are only a few of these suits in service, restricted to only those who can pass special requirements and tests of skill.


    The Praetorian suit is to the AT-01, what the AT-01 is to a nightgown. Each one of the mere 14 suits has been custom fitted to the wielder of it. They are larger and heavier with little cloth and much more armor. They appear more akin to parade armor than something just for battle, as each one is etched with ornate designs over every inch of their gleaming silver surface, but any mage who looks upon them will be able to tell instantly that those etchings are more than decorative.

    In reality, the etchings are a complex series of runes meant to ward off magic, to cause it to slip around them as water does to a boulder in a stream. The runes are layered, so if one should be destroyed, the others are still in place to provide protection from what is likely one of the primary threats to Remnant personnel. Magic. However, in every suit, under each rune is a small explosive charge. While incapable of damaging the integrity of the suit or hurting the user, these allow the user to negate this immunity if needs must by a voice command.

    Essentially, the suit has more in familiar with tank hulls than body armor, capable of withstanding many high calibre or explosive weapons. To aid in the wielder's defense, a retractable shield is attached to the user's secondary wrist. It normally takes up the space of a small rectangular block that fits on the forearm, but when deployed it extends to form a thick tower shield of the same super-dense alloy as the armor itself. The shield has a series of small nodes built into the surface that, when activated, conduct a powerful electrical shock that is capable of stunning or killing an unprotected person at the user's preference.

    The suit's strength enhancement is in the realm of ten times the user's and even helps enhance the reflexes of the wielder. While this would normally cause problems as sudden movements would likely snap bones and critically injure the user, these suits are built with internal stabilizers and bracing servos, allowing the suit to act as a second skin. These same enhancements also allow the Praetorians to carry and fire extremely heavy weapons without the need to brace them on a wall or tripod with appreciable accuracy.

    The Praetorians are given a variant of St. Evan's hover boots, made heavier and stronger so the massive suits can be given some degree of flight, but this is usually slow and unwieldy. The same could also be said of the suit's simple cloaking system. The system can only be used for short periods of time, minutes at the most, and a strong enough shock(electrical or physical) can short it out.

    The helmet's face is personalized to the wearer, allowing them to design their own, and has the same detection systems as the rest.

    To keep these rare suits from falling into enemy hands, they are given to only the most loyal and tested Remnants, to a maximum of 14 in service at a single time. Each one is also set to self-destruct upon the death of the user to prevent anyone else gaining access to the deadly units.

    The Kingmaker(Edijar's Personal Armor):

    It is known that even during Vyrn's reign in the Empire, Commander Edijar has always been unique when it came to his armor, using personal funds to ensure he always had the best possible. Now, in the time of Remnant, he retains this principle.

    His personal suit of armor, nicknamed The Kingmaker due to his status as Praefectus of The Guard, appears to be solid bronze, and when worn, gives him a commanding stature of over seven feet tall. The suit is truly massive, easily weighing a half-ton, but when Edijar uses it, he can preform feats of agility that belie it's form.

    Because of his "natural" immunity to direct metaphysical effects, Edijar's armor is mostly unadorned. What little there is includes the symbol of Remnant in black across the massive chest plates, Laural leaves on his pauldrons, and finally, the symbols of Mortal Coil, New Empire, and Vyrn's Empire in a triangle above his heart. His armor includes a cape, but this one is blood red instead of Remnant's usual purple, and is weighed down by spiked spheres till the end is about a foot above the ground.

    Instead of many of his armor plates being solid pieces of alloy, such as his chest plate could have been, they're made up of several smaller interlocking plates instead, allowing a small but significant amount of additional flexibility that would be lacking in most heavy armors.

    The armor plating on Kingmaker is thick enough and strong enough to be able to stop a tank round. The strength enhancement is more than the Praetorians'. The difference is slight but more than enough for him to be able to deal with them should one of them turn over to a different side somehow.

    Other defensive characteristics include a shield much like the Praetorians have, though thicker, and the ability to give off a shocking pulse to everything touching him once in a great while at the cost of shorting his cloaking system for even longer.

    Offensively, his suit is a powerhouse of built-in weaponry. Aside from the obvious deadliness included with the sheer power he's able to unleash physically, his armor includes a pair of three feet long blades able to extend from his wrists. One grows superheated to white-hot in a few moments, and the other is charged electrically, crackling every time it goes through the air. Both blades are made of a hyperdense alloy specially forged for his use in combat.

    Utility wise, his armor is drastically different than most. It is equipped with an advanced medical unit, allowing the suit to cleanly sever damaged limbs if necessary, and should he be knocked unconscious, be teleported back to Remnant HQ. One of the final major differences, is that Edijar can summon his armor to his body if he needs it and is away from the HQ, using a remote device to call it to him.

    When all this is applied with what Remnant armors normally have, it makes a truly formidable weapon in the right hands.

    Mercy (Bugs' Personal Armor)

    Where Edijar's Armor is built to deal death, Mercy is built to save life. It bears a strong resemblance to the AT-01, but with smoother plates, no cape, and the symbol of Remnant laid over a red cross on the chest and back. Strength enhancement and other utility functions are much the same, but there are obvious differences as well.

    The first difference is the left and right arms. Along the forearms are long tubular canisters full of powerful medications, anti-toxins, anti-biotics, sedatives, and other liquids of more...lethal qualities. Each of these is connected to the gauntlets by a tube underneath the armor. At a thought, long needles extend from the fingertips to inject the substances. With a reflexive movement, dozens of miniature manipulator arms tipped with needles, pliers, and saws extend themselves from the back of the hand and wrists, allowing extreme fine control and surgical precision for battlefield surgeries. For the more brutal aspects of his job, there's a powerful drill in the right arm, and a high powered bonesaw in the left.

    The helmet is the other major difference. Instead of the full white faced helmet like the others, the face is clear, allowing his patients to see who is saving their lives, giving them a face to concentrate on. His HUD shows the health of every person near him on a whim, and alerts him to any status changes.

    Rules for Recruitment:

    New Recruits:

    Hey guys, a little note about the future for Remnant. From now on, I'd appreciate it if you PM'd me before sending a PC there to join up. The reason for this is that it's getting extremely boring and monotonous to RP the same scene over and over, even with different people. That said, Remnant also won't be actively recruiting any more, except for the rare case(which should be PM'd to me so if it's a No, it's just assumed to happen offscreen).

    The big thing is, and I probably should have said this before, the more powerful the PC trying to join Remnant, the less likely they'll be willing to trust or hire them due to security issues and the increased likelihood of ulterior motives. But, to help people who are wanting to take part, here's a list of things I do and don't want.


    1: Scientists/Inventors/Artificers: Remnant is already riddled with them. Whether it's science or Magic, there's enough of them.

    2: High Powered Arcane Casters: There's going to be only a very low chance of high powered mages of joining. Part of this is due to such people being extremely hard to control, but also has to deal with how I seem to have a decent sized influx of them recently.

    3: Psionics. The reason for this one is mostly IC. Most of the higher up people in Remnant dislike them for what are likely obvious reasons, and would have a hard time accepting them into their ranks, even if Remnants are trained to resist such things to a degree. Security issues would be at unacceptable levels.

    4: Gods and Godlings. Kinda obvious, and while it hasn't been an issue so far, I figure I may as well explain why. Remnant is a place for mostly mortal (or "mortal") people. It's kind of the theme. Also, Security would likely be a pain when trying to think of counters for them as well since most Gods/Godlings tend to vary quite a bit, and those in charge of security would have to compensate for each one.

    That said, here's what I would be willing to let in provided the person checks out.

    1: Squad Leaders and Investigators. It may seem like a minor thing, but I'd actually like to have a few more PCs to help lead squads into combat, and preform investigations into complaints and reports of violence and other such things. It'd help quite a bit. The person can be a low/mid power spellcaster, high-tech user, or low-tech user. It'd all be useful there. I can't be on all the time, and if a couple more people did this, then they'd be greatly appreciate it.

    2: Administrative Personnel. It may seem like it's boring, but I could use a lot of these types. Anything from diplomats to Aides and Liaisons. A few investigative types could fit here as well.

    3: Lone Wolves. Figure this should have it's own portion apart from the Squad Leaders/Investigators. There are some things that squads can't handle and there's a need for a bit more subtlety. I could probably use one or two of these. They'll be watched somewhat closer than most others due to the nature of the PCs.

    As for Divine Casters, I'm neutral about those, as healers always tend to be nice. Those who can lead squads are even better. As long as the person isn't too powerful. They can even be the "preachy" type.

    As a bit of extra advice and warning, those with external ties are likely going to be heavily scrutinized and watched closely for their length of time there. Clerics have commitments to their gods, Magtoks are Magtok, and other similar things need to be considered.

    On Infiltrating Remnant:

    The most important thing, I want to be told before hand. It's best if we establish a few things before it even begins. The person's motives, his or her capabilities, and so on and so forth. This isn't something that I'll allow right out of the blue.

    Next, it's probably been noticed that I give out squads of NPCs to allow squad leaders to use whenever they need to. This won't be the case with anyone infiltrating Remnant as in the other cases, it's handwaved that they've had time to establish trust IC and have earned the squad. Infiltrators will have to RP this all out. They're there to spy, sabotage, and generally make things difficult, and I want to see that. That's the important part. There should be posts with the person being paranoid, the person sneaking around, the person trying to build up trust, and even trying to get messages out of the compound. Anything less, and it's not really an Infiltration, is it?

    Just joining Remnant doesn't give a person access to everything, or even most things. Different areas have different security clearance requirements. Most places will be off-limits to fresh recruits. Infiltrators will have to raise through the ranks, or do other things, to somehow gain access to tighter areas such as the Armoury, Motor Pool, and Comm Center.

    And finally, Security will likely be tighter than you expect. If an Infiltrator messes up, they mess up, and will likely be caught. Don't expect them to get away clean.

    That said, there shouldn't be metagaming on either side. By Remnant Personnel or the Infiltrator.

    Other Rules:

    Unlike in Inside, the Godmodding of Remnant Personnel is not allowed in this thread, due to personnel being much closer and under heavier surveillance than they would be otherwise.
    Last edited by UncleWolf; 2011-11-03 at 06:15 AM.

  2. - Top - End - #2
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Nexus] Remnant II

    [Comm Room]


    This is it.

    Amil had been up all night studying that massive book, doing her best to commit as much of it to memory as possible. She's pretty sure she hasn't retained all of it. But she certainly did her best.

    Into the comm room she comes, binder under one arm.

    Moment of truth time.

    First day on the job.

    "Alright. Where do I start?"
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    Outside Remnant

    The air falls still and an eerie silence falls over the street. An electric charge seems to fill the air, centred on one specific point. It quickly grows stronger and stronger, converging on that one point before Remnant. Soon it begins to crackle, flashes of electricity dancing across the sky in a flat, vertical plane. The flashes of miniature lighting begin to swirl and grow wider. The frequency of the lightning grows faster and faster as they become a whirlpool of electricity. A hole opens up in the centre, revealing an endless vortex.

    The vortex is only visible for a moment, though, before it's blocked out by the figure of an armoured young woman who comes flying out of it. She's doubled over and is flying out of the portal backwards, as if someone had sent her flying through it by punching her in the gut. She manages to clear at least ten feet, before gravity notices her, demands she stops that at once and crashes her down to the ground. She rolls another few feet, before coming to a stop inches away from getting hit by a passing car.

    "Circle damn it, Raiden." The woman grunts, pulling herself up to her feet. She's a dark skinned woman, wearing light, steel armour - a minimal breastplate that covers her breasts, ribs and back which curves over the back of her shoulders to form shoulderpads that rise up in a collar around the back of her neck. Long gauntlets cover her arms, with rough marks along them where a design was filed off. Over her calves and thighs is a matching set of plate which hug the outsides but leave the insides open, tied into place with several leather straps. She wears a tight black shirt and leggings underneath, only a few shades lighter than her skin. Strapped to her thighs in leather sheathes are twin short-swords, and she looks over the area around her with no little disdain. Her lower face is covered by a dark grey cloth, which obscures her lips as she speaks. "This isn't even Spire! You sent me to the wrong realm!" She yells, turning to glare at the portal behind her. It offers no answer, though, and instead closes in on itself with a rumble of thunder. "... Yeah, fine then. Help you save Earth and this is all the thanks I get..."

    She sighs, turning to look at the compound in front of her. "Well then. I might as well figure out where I am." Hooking her thumbs into her belt, she heads off down the road towards the base.
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    The woman will notice the rather high security as she arrives. Mostly the tall and thick blast walls, the watchtowers, and the many soldiers that seem to patrol the area.

    She'll probably also notice the top of a large pavilion that's been set-up inside.

    Comm Center

    The oddly hued woman offers Amil a slight nod, gesturing towards the empty seat next to her. "Caffeine drips can be requested if needed." She says in a flat tone, making it really hard to guess if she's joking or not.

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    [Comm Center]

    The blue woman is regarded with a look somewhere between bemusement and bewilderment. Is she being serious? Is this some kind of joke?

    Wasn't she added to this job because the previous employee was overworked?

    No doubt time will tell.

    Amil takes a seat next to the blue woman. "Amil Wightson. Newest member of the little Remnant community. Hopefully I'll be able to make a difference for the better here."


    Making a difference!
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    The woman is cautious as she approaches the base. She really wasn't looking for a fight right now. And while she didn't doubt her ability to take any of them, she did just get punched by a thunder god and sent hurtling through time and space. That tended to take the skip out of your step. Besides, there was no telling if these guys were Paladins or not, and that would just be bad news. The ice elf really wasn't in the mood to deal with a bunch of self-righteous pricks in yellow armour who would rather attack anything than actually talk to it.

    So she's careful to keep her hands away from the hilts of her sword and avoid looking menacing as she steps up to the gate. Pausing, she looks around, surveying the area. There were more guards around her than Greenglen's border. Well, okay. There weren't that many guards. But it was close.

    When a patrol passes her, the charcoal-skinned girl will lift a gauntlet arm, trying to wave them down. "Hey!" She calls. "What is this place?"
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    "Here as in the city, or here as in the compound?" One of the patroling ask after a moment, causing the group to stop and watch the area.

    Comm Center

    The Twi'lek woman nods. "Good luck. And I'm Innari. For now, we don't get many calls. It's when an apocalypse or disaster occurs that we get swamped."

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    [Comm Center]

    A modestly dressed starwars dancer girl alien?


    You really can find anything in the Nexus!

    "Though we never know when ghouls or oozes or aliens or mantis men might start causing trouble," Amil replies as she puts on her headset.

    They do use headsets, right?

    Having an actual phone seems like it would be kind of silly.

    "Sometimes the local heroes can take care of things. Though often times they aren't available," she smiles a somewhat hopeful smile. "Maybe Remnant can fill the shoes that the old police force used to. Someone to take care of problems the heroes don't get to."
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    Well, so far, so good. They weren't attacking her or telling her to leave. That was always a good sign, right? The ice elf seems to relax a little, although she's still careful to keep her hands away from her weapons and her posture calm.

    When the patrol guard asks his question, she pauses, thinking. "Y'know, that's a good question. Both, I suppose. I'm kinda new here, y'see. Just dropped in, as a matter of fact." She chuckles at her own bad joke.
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    Several members of the patrol look at each other, and then towards their squad leader, who sighs, knowing it was her turn to explain it all. She tells the newcomer what Inside is, and what Remnant's role in it all tends to be. It'll take quite a while, likely the better part of a half hour to explain.

    Comm Center

    The last phrase earns Amil a harsh glare from the Twi'lek. "Listen here. If you expect to last a week in this compound, you better watch what you say. Every single person working here, with the exception of the Penal Company, has sacrificed their personal time, and many, their own lives, willingly, to try and keep this place safe for people like you." She says harshly. "Every single one of them puts in more effort than most of those Vader-Be-Damned vigilantes. At least we keep the civilian casualties to a minimum. They don't give a Rancor's rear end about some of the people they kill, and leave us to clean up the mess."

    On a lighter note, yes, there are snazzy headsets.

  11. - Top - End - #11
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    [Comm Room]

    Amil nearly jumps out of her seat when she's snapped at. Nearly. Thankfully.

    This is information she was trying to get from Sunny! Exactly the sort of thing she was trying to avoid! Looks like she failed...

    But hey, at least there are neat head sets!

    Amil opens her mouth to say something.

    Then thinks better of it and closes it again.

    "I... Just meant that it would be nice to have someone to call for small things again. Robberies. Or missing persons. Things that aren't the end of the world," Amil replies quietly. "We haven't had anything like that since the police force ended with Lillith's resignation."
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    Comm Center

    The Twi'lek grits her teeth for a moment before closing her eyes and sighing, relaxing a bit. "Like I said. Just watch what you say around here. You'll learn more the first time you have to monitor a live firefight."

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    [Comm Room]

    Amil shakes her head before picking up her headset and putting it on.

    Very snazzy!

    "I was talking with someone the other day about how not to make a fool of myself here. Guess I still have a bit to learn."

    Or maybe she needs to talk to someone who isn't Sunny?

    That might help too.

    Might help a lot, even.

    Wait, what did she say?

    "This had been introduced to me as the 'OH GODS HELP!' hotline. How often are we monitoring firefights?"
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    "So... Let me get this straight. This... realm. Nexus, you called it?" The ice elf pauses for confirmation before she continues. "Right. Nexus. So this Nexus place is... a giant realm where people from any other realm imaginable gather. And... there are times, often times, where it's in great, unimaginable peril from some other realm and so the people of the various realms must come together and fight to defeat it. And you lot are an order of elite warriors who are sworn to the defence of this realm and its citizens." All the while as the Ice Elf sums things up, there is a deadpan and almost annoyed expression in her eyes. It's hard to get a full feel for her expression with her lips covered by a veil, but she's clearly not smiling.

    Once she's done, the ice elf closes her eyes and sighs. Real subtle, Raiden. She complains inwardly. You could have just said, 'oh Sutura, I'm going to send you to a new realm instead of letting you go home to your family so you can continue carrying out my vague but grandly important plans, is that okay?' But nooooo. Gah. This is why you have to take idiots like that Cage guy as allies.

    Opening her eyes, Sutura shrugs. No use fighting it. "I don't know if you saw my entrance back there, and I hope I don't sound crazy when I say this, but; I got sent here by a Thunder God and I think he wants me to join up with you guys. Is there someone I can talk to about getting a job here?"
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    Comm Center

    "Often enough. We have to co-ordinate with Security Ops. during emergencies so things don't conflict with Civilian Ops, which we're a part of."
    She tells Amil before lifting up her wrist to show her a little plug implanted into her, connecting her to her computer system. "I suggest you get a Hardline soon if you plan on doing this for an extended period of time. It'll allow you to sort through the data quicker."


    "No worries, it happens all the time. 'Bout twice a week."

    "Yeah, I got sent here after a witch turned me into a newt once"
    One of the Remnants says before getting an odd look. "Well...I got better."

    The patrol leader gives a shrug, her own face unreadable under the smooth white surface of the face of her power armor helmet. "Probably. You'll be put through an interview, but depending on your skills, allegiances and such, you'll be judged and either allowed or disallowed."
    Last edited by UncleWolf; 2011-08-19 at 12:08 AM.

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    [Comm Center]

    "A hardline?" Amil echoes moments before her eyes are drawn to the cable feeding into the woman's arm.

    She has a computer feed going directly into her body.

    She has to really discipline herself not to reach out and poke it.

    "Wow... I guess this is a little more involved than I was initially led to believe. I've got a decent degree of experience with sorting data from doing IT and networking, but I haven't worked with any hardware like that before."

    A beat-

    "It's hooked right into your nervous system, right? Everything down there is all motor and touch neurons. How is the data translated for your brain to process?"
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    That was... encouraging. Not the admission process, she'd been expecting all that. The whole 'twice a week' part, though. Given the patrol leader's explanation of how this place worked, the ice elf wasn't sure if she was exaggerating or not when she implied that various gods sent their disciples here all the time, but she got the niggling suspicion that she was being serious.

    This was going to be an interesting week. Sutura just knew it.

    "Yeah, that sounds about fair." She says with a nod. "You guys look busy and I don't want to distract you from your jobs, so do you think you can call someone over to guide me to your recruitment office?"
    "You tied your wings on tightly but they always come undone"
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    The leader gestures down the street. "Just head that way, till you get to the gate. It's guarded by a pair of troopers, but just explain why you're there, and they'll see what they can do."

    Comm Center

    "It just lets me organize it easier. As well as jacking the information into my brain, it lets me jack my brain into the computer. Sort of feeds on each other. Takes a bit of getting used to."

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    Someone's bound to notice the staticky silhouette creeping into existence about ten feet away. As time passes, it seems to grow more solid, becoming a large, foreign creature.

    The giant stands over eight feet in height. His whole body is long, gangly, framed by muscle that seems to be slackening from age. The alien's skin is a dark reddish-orange. His fingers number three on each hand, each lengthy phalange ending in a dull point. No fingernails or prints to be seen. His neck is long, face squat and slightly round, covered almost halfway by a complex system of mandibles flanked by two retractable pincers. His eyes are yet stranger, each one the home of four different overlapping pupils, each black shape surrounded by one shifting iris. The pupils seem to float and move about even while staying connected, like fish eggs in a shallow pool. The irises are a dull amber.

    Surmounting his ridged head is a broad-brimmed hat, not in the nicest of conditions. He wears an old brown coat and trousers tailored to his size, accompanied by a simple blue tie over a white dress shirt. They look almost dusty, as though rarely worn. A pair of rectangular glasses hold his gaze amiably. In one long hand, he carries a small suitcase.

    Without missing a beat, Teq Vraal approaches the doors, speaking up briefly and softly. "Excuse me. I'm here to apply for a job." He looks between the guards quietly and with respect.
    Last edited by Murkus; 2011-08-22 at 09:20 PM.
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  20. - Top - End - #20
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Nexus] Remnant II


    Someone will probably notice that there's a guy walking up to the gate.

    He has bone-white hair, dark grey eyes without whites, and a tattoo of a blue dragon's head on his left cheek. If observed closely, it can be seen that the neck curves back below the line of his clothing. Speaking of his clothing, he's wearing a white leather jacket and an Alliance uniform from Firefly. The right side of his head is shaved, and he ports for a cyberdeck, which is strapped to his back.

    When he gets within easy earshot, he says "Excuse me, but do you know where I'd go to see about getting a job here?"

  21. - Top - End - #21
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Nexus] Remnant II

    [Comm Room]

    "I would imagine," Amil replies, her tone somewhere between fascination and worry. "Heh... It's just that I've been able to survive here in the Nexus for five years now with no magical or technological enhancements. Ever since it was just Sneak's Milk Bar and an arena. I'm still just a plain old human and I'm a bit leery of getting cyborg-ed up."

    She glances back and forth conspiratorially.

    "Getting augmented somehow is one of the first steps toward slipping into becoming a Powered Citizen. And then you have to deal with dead time and all sorts of crazy stuff. I've managed to avoid it so far and... well..."

    A bit of a shrug from her.

    "I mean... I guess I'll take the hardline if it's required for the job. I want to do my part to help keep the Nexus safe."
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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Nexus] Remnant II

    Quote Originally Posted by happyturtle View Post
    Brief Tour

    Delisle will show Care to her quarters, which for single civilians is a small studio apartment. Since Care's last place was destroyed, Delisle will arrange for a pay advance so she isn't stuck with owning nothing until payday.

    Along the way, she'll point out the Rec Center and the Mess Hall, comment on the pavilions in the Inner Courtyard and that they're for the wedding of one of their soldiers.

    Possibly they'll run into Amil on the way!
    Quote Originally Posted by Kid Kris View Post
    [Brief Tour]

    MAYBE THEY WILL! Though given Kris' impending deadtime, it may be largely pointless.
    Ah. The wedding pavilions bring back bad memories. Care, who would have been fairly conversational throughout, becomes mysteriously silent as they pass through the Inner Courtyard.

    Well anyway. I assume she spends some time getting settled in. That sort of thing. But later, it's straight off to...

    [The Comm Center!]

    Ah crap. Didn't we just do this thing? Well, the fact that the existing comm officer is a Twi'lek might make things interesting. Hopefully she's not a Rebel though... that could end poorly.
    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Magtok
    She’s graduated from child soldier to unstable teen sorceress, way to go.

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    Patrol -> Gate

    Sutura nods at the patrol leader, her gaze following her finger as she points. "Alright, sounds good. Thank-you for the help." Bowing lightly, the warrior woman turns and makes her way towards the gate.

    As she approaches it, she raises an eyebrow at the two individuals standing before it. Looks like she was either late to the party or a trend setter. Probably the latter. Nodding to the humanoid and the goth chick standing outside the gate, Sutura approaches one of the troopers guarding it. "Hi there. One of your patrol leaders said you could direct me to the recruitment office?"

    ((*pokes Kid Kris towards IEDS*))
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    A battered, slightly dirty looking swordsmen approaches the gate, scratching idly at his leg. He looks around, wondering what to do next.
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    Wikipedia NEVER had me busy for a whole day the way TV Tropes did. If Wikipedia is a Time Killer, TV Tropes is a Time Genocider.
    Quote Originally Posted by Nerd-o-rama View Post
    If you squint really hard, this is the plot of the Command & Conquer: Red Alert series.
    Quote Originally Posted by Artemis97
    Is the entirety of WoD made up of small decrepid ghost towns?

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    Default Re: [Nexus] Remnant II

    Comm Center

    Care will find the Twi'lek and Amil already there. "The hardline isn't necessary. It just makes things easier." She says before looking up at the newcomer. "And you must be Care. Have you done anything like this before?"

    Gate - General

    Those heading to the gate will see that the entire area is well defended by a high blast wall, with several watchtowers standing tall behind it. All of which is heavily manned. The gate itself is solid metal, painted flat white to be impossible to tell what kind it is, but outside of it, is a pair of Remnant soldiers. One man, and one woman.

    Gate 1.0 - Teq

    "And you would be?" One of the guards asks behind his helmet's white face.

    Gate 2.0 - Sutura

    "Name, affiliations, and what do you hope to do?" The woman asks the ice elf after a moment.

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    Default Re: [Nexus] Remnant II

    ((So, the stuff in the OOC thread didn't work for the background on Harin? I guess I'll start putting all of it together then.))

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    (I had thought we established OOC that his skills weren't in high enough demand to have them higher him. Enough for them to call him later on of course, but not enough for full time unless something happens.)

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    (You had asked later about what kind of squad he'd led back in his universe. I don't know if you saw my response, though.)

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    Gate 2.0 - Sutura

    The Ice Elf stands up straight as she rattles off her reply. "Sutura Kataqssri, of the Blackfang Clan of the Whitesun Wastelands, Spire. Finalist Kombatant defending Earthrealm, and Warrior and Hunter of the Blackfang clan." She wouldn't be entirely surprised if most of that went right over the guard's head, but there was no point in holding out on information. "I must admit, I don't know what openings Remnant has, but I'm a skilled warrior and could lead a squad."
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    Default Re: [Nexus] Remnant II

    (Probably should send this conversation to ooc, C'nor)

    Carl's Quarters

    Sunny wakes up and rolls on top of Carl to wake him with a kiss. "Tomorrow we're getting married!"

    ((Tomorrow OOC is scheduled for the wedding as well, since Wolfy has the day off work.))
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