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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Wolfkin [LA 0 Lycanthrope Template, d&d 3.5]


    When a person says ‘werewolf’, villagers hide. People run in terror, lock their doors, and look for a silver longsword. And in most cases, their action is an entirely logical response. Werewolves are monsters, humans most of the time, and beasts the rest.

    But not all Weres are like that. Some have learnt to control the change, chain the beast. Releasing it but once a month brings death and pain and loss of control-releasing it often weakens them severely, but far more importantly makes their feral side something they can control, not just a being of instinct, but still them, just a little hazy.

    Wolfkin vary as wildly as the races they come from. Some act animalistic even in their ‘normal’ form, while others cling to the trappings of civilisation.

    Wolfkin vary equally in this, with some being particularly hairy, and others being indistinguishable from a normal being.

    Relations With Other Races
    Wolfkin are often distrusted due to the general distrust of therianthropes, but in most places are established enough to have their own reputation. More than one village has owed thanks to their Wolfkin occupants when their unique talents allow them to defend the village.

    Wolfkin are rarely neutral on the law/chaos axis. The pack nature of wolves gives them a tendency to obey rules, especially those that make life better for all, but their fierce natures can make them loathe to accept orders. They tend towards Good rather than evil, as an evil lycanthrope has little reason to control himself.

    Wolfkin Lands
    Wolfkin tend to live amongst the lands of their base race, but some small communities do exist, most of them quiet, ordered places.

    Wolfkin have tendencies towards gods of redemption, or nature spirits and deities.

    Wolfkin generally speak common.

    Common Names
    Wolfkin have a fondness for short, simple names. They like long vowel sounds, and commonly use the sound ae.

    Wolfkin often adventure to prove a point, or simply to hone both their civilised and feral sides.

    Wolfkin Racial Traits
    (Any corporeal race native to the material plane can be a Wolfkin. These traits assume a wolfkin of true breeding, as opposed to one more steeped in other cultures)
    Ability Scores: -2 Strength, -2 Constitution. A Wolfkin must spend much of their time keeping control of their mind-their flesh often suffers.
    Size: A Wolfkin is a medium creature.
    Movement Rate: A Wolfkin has a 30ft movement rate.
    Unleash the Beast: A Wolfkin may ‘shift’ into an animal or animalistic form. They may do this a number of times per day equal to their constitution modifier, with a minimum of once. Shifting into the form of a wolf is simple, and works as the Alternate form special ability. At 10HD, they may instead take the form of a Dire Wolf. This ability lasts until they decide to change back.
    Taking an animalistic form is harder. In this form, they gain a +4 bonus to Strength, and Constitution, and a +2 bonus to Dexterity. They also gain a primary bite attack dealing 1d6+1.5 Str mod damage for a medium Wolfkin, and two secondary claws each doing 1d4+str mod. During this state, the beast can influence them: They cannot use magic or similar abilities, including psionics, truenaming, or other nearly-casting class abilities. They CAN use maneuvers, but not of the highest level they know. They cannot use skills other than intimidate or physical skills. They gain a +1 morale bonus to will saves. They may maintain their animalistic form for a number of rounds equal to their newly modified constitution modifier.
    Scent: A Wolfkin gains the Scent special ability.
    Bonus Feat: A Wolfkin gains the Track feat.
    Automatic Languages: Common, plus the ability to speak to wolves, dogs, and canines as if under a Speak With Animals effect.
    Bonus Languages: Any, except secret languages
    Favoured Class: Any
    Level Adjustment/CR: +0

    Wolfkin Template
    Wolfkin is an inherited template that can be applied to any corporeal being native to the material plane.

    Ability Scores: None. Although a Wolfkin is naturally strong and hearty, they must spend much of their time keeping control of their mind, and therefore can rarely take advantage of it. They retain their base racial modifiers.
    Size: Same as base race.
    Movement Rate: Same as base race.
    Unleash the Beast: A Wolfkin may ‘shift’ into an animal or animalistic form. They may do this a number of times per day equal to their HD/3, added to their constitution modifier, with a minimum of once. Shifting into the form of a wolf is simple, and works as the Alternate form special ability. At 10HD, they may instead take the form of a Dire Wolf. This ability lasts until they decide to change back.
    Taking an animalistic form is harder. In this form, they gain a +2 bonus to Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution. They also gain a primary bite attack dealing 1d6+1.5 Str mod damage for a medium Wolfkin, and two secondary claws each doing 1d4+str mod.During this state, the beast can influence them: They cannot use magic or similar abilities, including psionics, truenaming, or other nearly-casting class abilities. They CAN use maneuvers, but not of the highest level they know. They cannot use skills other than intimidate or physical skills. They gain a +1 morale bonus to will saves. They may maintain their animalistic form for a number of rounds equal to their newly modified constitution modifier.
    Scent: A Wolfkin’s sense of spell is superb. They gain the Scent special ability.
    Automatic Languages: Same as base race, plus the ability to speak to wolves, dogs, and canines as if under a Speak With Animals effect.
    Bonus Languages: Same as base race.
    Favoured Class – Any: Same as base race.
    Level Adjustment/CR: +1

    Racial Feats
    Extra Beastform
    Prerequisites: Unleash the Beast
    Benefit: You may use your Unleash the Beast ability an additional time per day.
    Special: You may take this feat more than once. Its effects stack.

    Wolfkin Magic
    Prerequisites: Unleash the Beast, Wis 13
    Benefit: You can complete the verbal and somatic components of spells while using Unleash the Beast. You substitute various noises and gestures for the normal verbal and somatic components of a spell.

    You can also use any material components or focuses you possess, even if such items are melded within your current form. This feat does not permit the use of magic items while you are in a form that could not ordinarily use them, and you do not gain the ability to speak while in Unleash the Beast.

    Furred Disguise
    Prerequisites: Unleash the Beast
    Benefit: While using Unleash the Beast, spells such as Animal Growth or Charm Animal function as if you were an animal. In addition, effects that would divine your type consider you to be an Animal.

    Mask Becomes Face
    Prerequisites: Furred Disguise
    Benefit: While using Unleash the Beast, spells such as True Seeing that would divine your form afford you a will saving throw. If you pass, your form remains hidden - your canine form appears the real one.

    Furious Change
    Prerequisites: Unleash the Beast, ability to Rage, Frenzy, or use a similar ability.
    Benefit: When you use your Rage, Frenzy, or similar ability, you may immediately also use Unleash the Beast. If you do so, you remain in your animalistic form for at least as long as the rage lasts.
    Last edited by Lix Lorn; 2013-06-13 at 06:01 PM.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thanqol View Post
    It's like the feng shui version of an orbital death laser.

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    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: Wolfkin [LA 0 Lycanthrope Template, d&d 3.5]

    I like this.

    -2 to both strength and constitution seems a bit heavy and this seems like a physical race.
    Other than what you stated in the fluff, why choose those penalties rather than mental ones?

    In the skill bonuses section you state them as having an superb sense of smell but nothing about the other senses.
    Why do they have a bonus to spot and listen?
    Why not just give them the scent ability?

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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Wolfkin [LA 0 Lycanthrope Template, d&d 3.5]

    Quote Originally Posted by silver spectre View Post
    I like this.

    -2 to both strength and constitution seems a bit heavy and this seems like a physical race.

    Other than what you stated in the fluff, why choose those penalties rather than mental ones?
    They're only physical when they're in wolf form, where you'll notice it balances it out to +2 to all three physical stats.
    In addition, any form of alternate form is very useful. The only way I felt I could give them so many useful things while in wolven forms was by making them weaker in their normal form.

    In the skill bonuses section you state them as having an superb sense of smell but nothing about the other senses.
    Why do they have a bonus to spot and listen?
    Why not just give them the scent ability?
    Because there isn't a 'sniff' skill. And Scent's a good point, I'll add it. And thanks!
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thanqol View Post
    It's like the feng shui version of an orbital death laser.

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    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Wolfkin [LA 0 Lycanthrope Template, d&d 3.5]

    This probably needs to be scaled back. Comparing it to the Human (one of the best races in the game), it gets the exact same skill points and bonus feat. From there, you also get a bonus to several skills, another bonus feat, a limited Speak with Animals ability (similar to the Gnome one), the ability to turn into an animal, and the Scent ability. The modifiers hurt a melee fighter, but they can mitigate that entirely and actually improve their ability scores with Unleash the Beast.

    I'd peg this as LA +1 right now, because it's clearly superior to the Human, which sits on top of the LA +0 ladder.
    Last edited by Mr.Bookworm; 2011-09-13 at 11:26 AM.
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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Wolfkin [LA 0 Lycanthrope Template, d&d 3.5]

    But they can only be a beast with good stats for a few rounds a day. I originally had it as just a race, but it made much more sense to make it a template...
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thanqol View Post
    It's like the feng shui version of an orbital death laser.

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    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Wolfkin [LA 0 Lycanthrope Template, d&d 3.5]

    Quote Originally Posted by Lix Lorn View Post
    But they can only be a beast with good stats for a few rounds a day. I originally had it as just a race, but it made much more sense to make it a template...
    No idea how I missed the template thing.

    Let's say you're a 1st level Fighter. You have a Con of 14 (you put a 16 into it at character creation). You get 3 rounds in the hybrid form. That's plenty for most combats. Now let's say you're a 1st level Wizard. You run out of spells for the day, so you turn into a Wolf. Now you suddenly are just as good a fighter as the actual Fighter.

    From there, you get a bonus to several skills, the Scent ability, and limited Speak with Animals.

    The ability penalties hurt, but overall, it still is an unmitigated improvement to the base creature. An LA+0 template should even out.
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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Wolfkin [LA 0 Lycanthrope Template, d&d 3.5]

    Hmm. Perhaps an extra ability penalty, maybe add a -2 int?
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thanqol View Post
    It's like the feng shui version of an orbital death laser.

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    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: Wolfkin [LA 0 Lycanthrope Template, d&d 3.5]

    Quote Originally Posted by Lix Lorn View Post
    Hmm. Perhaps an extra ability penalty, maybe add a -2 int?
    As far as animals go, wolves are pretty cunning critters.

    It may seem cliche, but given the idea of "the Beast" being a part of them and making things difficult for them, I would reduce Cha first if I was going to lower anything else.

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    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Wolfkin [LA 0 Lycanthrope Template, d&d 3.5]

    I wouldn't just pile one stat penalties. That just kind of sucks for anyone who wants to play one.

    I'd eliminate the skill boosts, keep the Scent ability, eliminate the Track bonus feat, and scale down Unleash the Beast. Maybe take a look at the Shapeshift class feature from the PHB2. If you scale it down enough, you could maybe reduce the stat penalties.
    Last edited by Mr.Bookworm; 2011-09-13 at 12:45 PM.
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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Wolfkin [LA 0 Lycanthrope Template, d&d 3.5]

    I don't really want to scale down Unleash the Beast. It's meant to be balanced by the terrible penalties. Theoretically, you're weaker most of the time, but stronger as a wolf.

    Plus it's pretty much the entire reason of taking the race.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thanqol View Post
    It's like the feng shui version of an orbital death laser.

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    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: Wolfkin [LA 0 Lycanthrope Template, d&d 3.5]

    I'd say, if you're looking to keep most of the template the same, that adding a further -2 Int, -2 Cha would work out fine.

    Is this just an attempt at making the Shifter race into a template so that there can be non-human descended were-critters?

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    Default Re: Wolfkin [LA 0 Lycanthrope Template, d&d 3.5]

    Actually, I disagree here, I find that this is a weak-looking race. For maybe one round (seriously, melee characters with high Cha? You're catering to a small audience) you you're getting pretty little +1's (+1 to hit, +1 Saves, +1 hp/level, and +1 DAMAGE). In exchange, you have passive PENALTIES at all other times, can't do anything useful while shifted, and you even get an AC penalty during your flash of usefulness.

    I'd give them permanent physical bonuses and have the transformation give small things like bonus movement speed, claws, and the Endurance feat.

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    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: Wolfkin [LA 0 Lycanthrope Template, d&d 3.5]

    The problem with penalizing Int is that Improved Trip has an Int requirement.

    I think you should remove the +2 bonus to Dexterity the wolfkin gains while Shifting. It doesn't really make any sense, seeing as the wolfkin takes a -2 penalty to AC. It ends up being a -1 penalty to AC and a +1 bonus to Reflex saves, as the wolfkin cannot use any Dexterity-based skills other than Balance and Escape Artist (unless by "physical skills" you meant "skills based on Str, Dex and Con", in which case I would have to disagree with you as a lot of Dex-based skills require the same concentration that Int based skills do, such as Hide, Move Silently, and Open Lock)

    Additionally, the animalistic form does not gain a natural attack. This seems like a big disappointment, as now the Shifter is superior to it in a lot of ways. Sure, you get a higher bonus to your stat from shifting, but the Shifter gets additional daily uses and extended duration from its racial feats and a free natural attack. (Plus its own prestige classes, racial sub-levels, and multiple cool traits to choose from)

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    Default Re: Wolfkin [LA 0 Lycanthrope Template, d&d 3.5]

    Quote Originally Posted by YouLostMe View Post
    Actually, I disagree here, I find that this is a weak-looking race.
    It's a template, not a race.

    For maybe one round (seriously, melee characters with high Cha? You're catering to a small audience)
    This is a serious issue I missed. Why are lycanthropes associated with Charisma? If any mental stat it should be Wisdom (as that is the stat for animal cunning) or, even better, it should be associated with Constitution instead, but to be honest I don't think it should be associated with any ability score. Once per day + 1/4 HD is good, lasting up to 10 rounds each time. Done.

    I'd give them permanent physical bonuses and have the transformation give small things like bonus movement speed, claws, and the Endurance feat.
    If it were a base race and not a template that was added on to an existing race, then I would agree. As is though, all of that would be much too powerful to be an LA +0 template.
    Last edited by Ziegander; 2011-09-13 at 02:05 PM.

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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Wolfkin [LA 0 Lycanthrope Template, d&d 3.5]

    Quote Originally Posted by Ziegander View Post
    It's a template, not a race.
    I think the simplest way of making it a playable LA 0 thing is to have a base race in its own right, and to provide a template that is a +1 LA.

    This is a serious issue I missed. Why are lycanthropes associated with Charisma? If any mental stat it should be Wisdom (as that is the stat for animal cunning) or, even better, it should be associated with Constitution instead, but to be honest I don't think it should be associated with any ability score. Once per day + 1/4 HD is good, lasting up to 10 rounds each time. Done.
    Wisdom is innate skill and logic. Charisma is willpower and force of personality, and that's what you need to control the animal.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thanqol View Post
    It's like the feng shui version of an orbital death laser.

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    Default Re: Wolfkin [LA 0 Lycanthrope Template, d&d 3.5]

    Quote Originally Posted by Lix Lorn View Post
    I think the simplest way of making it a playable LA 0 thing is to have a base race in its own right, and to provide a template that is a +1 LA.
    Well in that case, what's so wrong with Shifter as a race?

    Wisdom is innate skill and logic. Charisma is willpower and force of personality, and that's what you need to control the animal.
    Which would make more sense to me if you had to resist a horrible rampaging transformation. As is you're simply giving into the beast, letting it emerge, and allowing it to fill you with strength and fury.

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    Default Re: Wolfkin [LA 0 Lycanthrope Template, d&d 3.5]

    Quote Originally Posted by Ziegander View Post
    Well in that case, what's so wrong with Shifter as a race?
    Honestly? I've never actually read their rules. Not even sure where they are.

    Which would make more sense to me if you had to resist a horrible rampaging transformation. As is you're simply giving into the beast, letting it emerge, and allowing it to fill you with strength and fury.
    Fluffwise, you are using willpower to resist a horrible rampaging transformation. It's only by doing it regularly that you can make it easy enough to actually be relatively safe.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thanqol View Post
    It's like the feng shui version of an orbital death laser.

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    Default Re: Wolfkin [LA 0 Lycanthrope Template, d&d 3.5]

    Quote Originally Posted by Lix Lorn View Post
    Honestly? I've never actually read their rules. Not even sure where they are.
    This explains everything. The shifters are in the Eberron Campaign Setting book, with further material in the Races of Eberron book.

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    Default Re: Wolfkin [LA 0 Lycanthrope Template, d&d 3.5]

    Quote Originally Posted by NeoSeraphi View Post
    This explains everything. The shifters are in the Eberron Campaign Setting book, with further material in the Races of Eberron book.
    Looked them up. There's nothing WRONG with them per se, but they don't do what I want them to.
    For a start, they have a charisma penalty, which is kind of the opposite of what I want here. You suffer if you go for anything other than Wis based or physical-I want a Wizard who turns into a wolf when he's out of spells to be feasible. I want to be able to be a full wolf, rather than just a hybrid. And I don't want to have to sink loads of feats into it to be able to use it more than once a day.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thanqol View Post
    It's like the feng shui version of an orbital death laser.

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    Default Re: Wolfkin [LA 0 Lycanthrope Template, d&d 3.5]

    Quote Originally Posted by Lix Lorn View Post
    Looked them up. There's nothing WRONG with them per se, but they don't do what I want them to.
    For a start, they have a charisma penalty, which is kind of the opposite of what I want here. You suffer if you go for anything other than Wis based or physical-I want a Wizard who turns into a wolf when he's out of spells to be feasible. I want to be able to be a full wolf, rather than just a hybrid. And I don't want to have to sink loads of feats into it to be able to use it more than once a day.
    If you want a wizard wolf and a "full wolf", why doesn't your form grant a natural bite attack?

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    Default Re: Wolfkin [LA 0 Lycanthrope Template, d&d 3.5]

    It does now. I changed that, cause it was meant to be there and I kept forgetting.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thanqol View Post
    It's like the feng shui version of an orbital death laser.

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    Default Re: Wolfkin [LA 0 Lycanthrope Template, d&d 3.5]

    Quote Originally Posted by Lix Lorn View Post
    I want a Wizard who turns into a wolf when he's out of spells to be feasible.
    I thought this was one of things we'd already determined was just too much?

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    Default Re: Wolfkin [LA 0 Lycanthrope Template, d&d 3.5]

    You don't state which is the primary attack, the claws or the bite. Also, neither wolves nor dire wolves have claw attacks to begin with. So if you want this to truly match the flavor of a wolf, you wouldn't give them a claw. (The bite should do 1 1/2 Str mod damage though, as a two-handed weapon)

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    Default Re: Wolfkin [LA 0 Lycanthrope Template, d&d 3.5]

    Quote Originally Posted by Ziegander View Post
    I thought this was one of things we'd already determined was just too much?
    It'd be too much if it let you be as good a wizard as a normal one, and then as good in combat as an actual fighter. Ideally you'd be slightly worse at both.

    Quote Originally Posted by NeoSeraphi View Post
    You don't state which is the primary attack, the claws or the bite. Also, neither wolves nor dire wolves have claw attacks to begin with. So if you want this to truly match the flavor of a wolf, you wouldn't give them a claw. (The bite should do 1 1/2 Str mod damage though, as a two-handed weapon)
    The bite is.
    And a bipedal wolf really SHOULD have claws. I mean, look at the claws on a dog. If it didn't need them to stand, they could do some damage.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thanqol View Post
    It's like the feng shui version of an orbital death laser.

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    Default Re: Wolfkin [LA 0 Lycanthrope Template, d&d 3.5]

    Quote Originally Posted by Lix Lorn View Post

    The bite is.
    And a bipedal wolf really SHOULD have claws. I mean, look at the claws on a dog. If it didn't need them to stand, they could do some damage. that's what you're aiming for. When you said "actual wolf" I assumed you were talking about a person who could shift into a wolf animal, not a lycanthropic hybrid. If your intention was to make a lycanthropic hybrid, then yes, I agree, it should have claws.

    Additionally, you didn't grant any other bonus at 10th level other than a size increase. Shouldn't a dire wolf form gain more Str and Con than a wolf form?

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    Default Re: Wolfkin [LA 0 Lycanthrope Template, d&d 3.5]


    I think you misunderstand. There are two seperate things they can shift into. A normal wolf, which works exactly as Alternate Form: Wolf, or Dire Wolf at 10th. Or a hybrid, which is modelled on similar lines to Rage and is the main bulk of the ability.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thanqol View Post
    It's like the feng shui version of an orbital death laser.

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    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: Wolfkin [LA 0 Lycanthrope Template, d&d 3.5]

    Quote Originally Posted by Lix Lorn View Post

    I think you misunderstand. There are two seperate things they can shift into. A normal wolf, which works exactly as Alternate Form: Wolf, or Dire Wolf at 10th. Or a hybrid, which is modelled on similar lines to Rage and is the main bulk of the ability.
    I see, I reread Unleash the Beast and I understand now. Still, seems kind of strange that the Alternate Form gets a boon at 10th level and the animalistic form doesn't.

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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Wolfkin [LA 0 Lycanthrope Template, d&d 3.5]

    Because the alternate form is basically fluff. It seems very unlikely to me that you'd want to fight in a wolf or a dire wolf form when you have the hybrid one.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thanqol View Post
    It's like the feng shui version of an orbital death laser.

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    Default Re: Wolfkin [LA 0 Lycanthrope Template, d&d 3.5]

    Quote Originally Posted by Ziegander View Post
    It's a template, not a race.
    Did I just HERPDERPMAGERP? I think I just did...

    Quote Originally Posted by Ziegander View Post
    This is a serious issue I missed. Why are lycanthropes associated with Charisma? If any mental stat it should be Wisdom (as that is the stat for animal cunning) or, even better, it should be associated with Constitution instead, but to be honest I don't think it should be associated with any ability score. Once per day + 1/4 HD is good, lasting up to 10 rounds each time. Done.
    I prefer transformations that are at-will-ish, really. It almost seems like turning into a wolf is more of a maneuver than anything else.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ziegander View Post
    If it were a base race and not a template that was added on to an existing race, then I would agree. As is though, all of that would be much too powerful to be an LA +0 template.
    Well as I stated in my MAGERPDERP when I had the DERP to be HERP, I guess I would have to agree with you on this point.

    It really should be a monster class. That'll bring the best balance here.

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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Wolfkin [LA 0 Lycanthrope Template, d&d 3.5]

    A monster class would kind of ruin the whole 'doesn't use up levels' thing I want to get here.

    My goals here are:

    Can turn into wolf
    Can turn into hybrid, enhancing stats in this form similarly to rage, and more than just once a day
    Also has normal form
    Doesn't have cha penalty
    Doesn't have LA or require levels
    Recent Homebrew: The Socialite | The Crystalline: Memory Altering Construct Race | Sanguine Hand, a ToB Discipline of blood and cruelty
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    Thanks to all my avatar artists, especially to Paisley for my avatar of Vivian, cowardly cryophoenix.
    Quote Originally Posted by Thanqol View Post
    It's like the feng shui version of an orbital death laser.

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