Snips, Snails, and Dragon Tales: Now available in PDF format from Gumroad
Snips, Snails, and Dragon Tales is now on sale in PDF format from Gumroad - with 6 never-before-collected bonus comics!
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    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Aug 2011
    lost in my own mind

    Default Order of Elemental Angels (PEACH)

    Order of Elemental Angels

    Long ago, there lived a Monk in a monastery. He was young and new to his craft, though he was most gifted in unarmed combat. His powers differed from those of his companions, however. Where they all seemed to have simple quasimagical abilities, his seems stinted, blocked. Knowing that his power existed within him, he went out into the world to find enlightenment. He searched the world far and wide for many years, and in his travels, he witnessed the raw power of the earth and the planes: the fires of a volcano, the great wonders of caves, the frigid cold of a mountaintop, the might of a storm, the unrivaled destruction of unholy powers, the great healing of the divine light, the roar of the mighty beasts, and the great might of pure arcane power known as force.

    As he studied the mighty elements, his blood stirred within him, and he felt he had found his calling. He mastered both mind and body on his travels, swearing off weapons and armaments to focus on the perfection of self, and at last reached an epiphany: blood is imbued with the elements. And with this understanding came the release of his innate gifts, the flood of the elements that flowed in him. Thus, he became the first Elemental Angel, an Elemental Fist.

    He returned to his monastery, where he began to teach of his journeys and strange powers. To his surprise, few were able to follow his path, and fewer still inclined to do so. Many believed he had obtained his power in nefarious and unsavory ways, and he was soon driven out with the few disciples he had gathered.

    On the road again, he traveled far and wide, teaching his strange elemental way, and soon found one who listened and learned, a Paladin of a deity of nature. He learned the ways of the old Monk and thought long on them. After some time in thought and practice, he unlocked a new art, and called himself the Elemental Crusader. Together, he and the old Monk traveled the world, using their gifts to fight for nature.

    Eventually, they decided to build a school together, a place where people could come from all around and learn the ways of the elements and the sanctity of nature. Shortly thereafter, a student came to them who was gifted not in all elements, but in a single element. Both the old masters were impressed with his gifts, and the three spent many hours in practice and discussion, and soon named the new kind of power the lad had obtained. Thus, he became the first Elemental Wing.

    It has been many years since the founding of the school. All three of the original masters have since passed into the next world, but their legacy lives on in the powers they taught. Today, there are many Elemental Angels in the world, both members of the school and self taught. They strive to defend nature across the realms, and are ruthless in the extermination of those who despoil the land.

    No one knows why some become Elemental Angels and others do not. Some believe it to be an innate gift like a Sorcerer's magic. Others believe it to be a curse not unlike Warlock powers. But most believe that the blood of many elementals and outsiders flows in them, granting them powers both wondrous and terrifying. Whatever the cause, it's undeniable fact that those races of mixed bloods are more likely to be Elemental Angels than most, and mongrelfolk are the most likely to become them.

    Elemental Angels are usually well received by most classes. Elemental Crusaders and Elemental Fists undeniable power in both melee and ranged combat makes them valuable on the battlefield, and their ability to heal makes them much sought after once the battle has ended. Elemental Wings are far more focused, but none can deny their sheer overwhelming power on the battlefield.

    Elemental Crusaders and Elemental Fists tend to lean more towards lawful alignments, simply because of the dedication required to unlock and master their powers, though they are by no means always so. Elemental Wings tend to lean more towards chaotic alignments, though there are lawful ones. Elemental Angels have no real inclination one way or the other to good or evil, but will always have a drive to either help or destroy; they are never morally neutral.


    Class: Elemental Fist
    Class Skills:
    The following are the Elemental Fist's class skills (and key ability for each): Balance (Dex), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Gather Information (Cha), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (Arcana) (Int), Knowledge (Geography) (Int), Knowledge (History) (Int), Knowledge (Nature) (Int), Knowledge (The Planes) (Int), Knowledge (Religeon) (Int), Listen (Wis), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Speak Language (None), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis), Swim (Str).

    Skillpoints at 1st level: (4+Int mod) x4
    Skillpoints at level up: 4+Int mod
    Hit Die: D8

    |Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special|AC Bonus|Elementally Untouchable|Elemental Fist|
    |Tongues of the Elements, AC Bonus, 1st Known Element, Improved Unarmed Strike|+0|
    |Elemental Blast (Ray)|+0|
    |Still Mind|+0|
    |2nd Known Element, Elemental Blast (Line)|+1|
    |Purity of Body|+1|
    |3rd Known Element|+1|
    |Elemental Blast (Burst)|+2|
    |Diamond Body|+2|
    |4th Known Element, Wings of the Elements|+2|
    |Elemental Grace|+2|
    |Elemental Burst (Cone)|+3|
    |5th Known Element|+3|
    |Improved Evasion|+3|
    |Diamond Soul|+3|
    |6th Known Element, Elemental Blast (Blast)|+4|
    |Timeless Body|+4|
    |Elemental Blast (Extended Range)|+4|
    |7th Known Element, Perfected Elemental Fist|+4|
    |Elementally Limitless|+5|

    Class Abilities: The following are all class abilities of the Elemental Fist.

    Proficiencies: An Elemental Fist gains no weapon or armor proficiencies save unarmed and quarterstaff. He gains Improved Unarmed Strike as a bonus feat at first level.

    Tongues of the Elements: Add Ignan, Aquan, Auran, Terran, Celestial, Infernal and Abyssal to the list of languages an Elemental Fist can learn.

    AC Bonus (Ex): An Elemental Fist is well trained in combat, and gets his Wisdom modifier as a bonus to AC. Furthermore, at 4th level and every 4 levels thereafter, the Elemental Fist gains an additional +1 to his AC while unarmored and carrying a light load or unencumbered.

    Known Elements: The Elemental Fist doesn't start with the ability to attack with all the elements. He gains the power to use them gradually over time. At level one, he may pick one of the following elements: fire, cold, acid, electricity. He can use that element in any of his elemental powers, and gains resistance to it equal to his class level. Every 3 levels thereafter (4th, 7th, 10th) he may choose another off the list. At 13th level, he gains sonic energy to attack with. At 16th, he gains force. At 19th, he gains negative energy.

    Elementally Untouchable (Ex): An Elemental Fist gains resistance to fire, cold, acid, electricity, sonic, force and negative energy damage equal to his class level, but he is only resistant to the elements on said list that he can actually attack with. Thus, he'll resist one element at 1st level, and gain an additional resistance every 3 levels until he can resist all of them.

    Elemental Fist (Su): The main feature of the class, an Elemental Fist gains the ability to channel the elements into his strikes. He may add 1d10 of any element he knows to one unarmed strike he makes at any time during the round as a free action. This ability may be used at any time during the round, so you may add it to an attack of opportunity should you so choose. This damage increases by one die at every odd numbered class level (2d10 at 3rd, 3d10 at 5th, et cetera). When he learns sonic and force, he may use them with this ability, but they do only 1d8 per odd class level.

    Elemental Blast (Su): The Elemental Fist's control over elements increases as he gains levels. At 2nd level, he gains the ability to fire a single ray of one element he knows at a foe with a range of 120 feet (essentially, make a ranged touch attack on one foe, dealing purely elemental damage equal to the bonus damage your elemental fist ability normally would); this is the only use of this attack without a Ref save for half damage. You may use any element you have access to to make this attack with, chosen at the time you use the ability. This ability may be used once every 1d4 rounds, and does not count as your use of the elemental fist ability for that round. At 4th level, his mastery has grown; he may now make a line attack with a range of 60 feet. At 8th level, he gains the ability to use a burst shape (circular burst centered on you) with a radius of 15 feet. At 12th level, he may use a cone shape with a range of 30 feet. At 16th level, he may use a blast shape (circular blast with a range of medium) with a radius of 10 feet. At 18th level, all the ranges on his elemental blasts double in both distance and blast radius. The line, burst, cone and blast shapes all allow a Ref save for half damage; the save DC is (DC 10+1/2 class level+Con modifier).

    Still Mind (Ex): An Elemental Fist of 3rd level or higher gains a +2 bonus on saving throws against spells and effects from the school of enchantment, since her meditation and training improve her resistance to mind-affecting attacks.

    Purity of Body (Ex): At 5th level, an Elemental Fist gains control over her body’s immune system. She gains immunity to all diseases except for supernatural and magical diseases (such as mummy rot and lycanthropy).

    Evasion (Ex): An Elemental Fist of 6th level or higher can avoid even magical and unusual attacks with great agility. If he makes a successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save (such as a red dragon’s fiery breath or a fireball), he instead takes no damage. Evasion can be used only if an Elemental Fist is wearing light armor or no armor. A helpless Elemental Fist (such as one who is unconscious or paralyzed) does not gain the benefit of evasion.

    Diamond Body (Su): At 9th level, an Elemental Fist is in such firm control of her own metabolism that she gains immunity to poisons of all kinds.

    Wings of the Elements (Su): The power that gave the Elemental Angels their name. Gained at 10th level, this power grants the Elemental Fist the ability to manifest wings that take the form of any element he can use (including positive or negative energy) as a move action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity. These wings are purely decorative in function and do not cause any harm if destroyed (they simply reform if damaged), but while active the Elemental Fist gains the ability to fly with a speed of 50 feet and good maneuverability. Hiding the wings is another move action.

    Elemental Grace (Su): The Elemental Fist is not limited to just the destructive elements of the world. At 11th level as a standard action, he may channel the positive energy around him and deliver it to another creature with a single touch. After making a touch attack that does not provoke an attack of opportunity, the creature touched heals 10 points of damage per class level (max 150), or if the creature is healed by negative energy and damaged by positive energy, it instead takes that much damage. (In this case, the creature is entitled to a Will save (DC 10+1/2 character level+ability modifier) for half damage, and if the creature succeeds this save, its hit points cannot be reduced below 1 with this ability) After using this ability, the Elemental Fist must wait 1d4 rounds before performing it again.

    Improved Evasion (Ex): At 14th level, an Elemental Fist’s evasion ability improves. He still takes no damage on a successful Reflex saving throw against attacks such as a dragon’s breath weapon or a fireball, but henceforth he takes only half damage on a failed save. A helpless Elemental Fist (such as one who is unconscious or paralyzed) does not gain the benefit of improved evasion.

    Diamond Soul (Ex): At 15th level, an Elemental Fist gains spell resistance equal to her current Elemental Fist level + 10. In order to affect the Elemental Fist with a spell, a spellcaster must get a result on a caster level check (1d20 + caster level; see Spell Resistance, page 177 in the PHB) that equals or exceeds the Elemental Fist’s spell resistance.

    Timeless Body (Ex): Upon attaining 17th level, an Elemental Fist no longer takes penalties to her ability scores for aging and cannot be magically aged. Any such penalties that she has already taken, however, remain in place. Bonuses still accrue, and the Elemental Fist still dies of old age when his time is up.

    Perfected Elemental Fist: The Elemental Fist has master his namesake ability. At 19th level, treat the elemental fist strike as a touch attack instead of a normal attack.

    Elementally Limitless (Su): Upon attaining 20th level, an Elemental Fist has mastered all there is to know about attacking with the elements, including how to mix them. The Elemental Fist now rolls 1d3 to determine how often he can use any of his elemental blast abilities. Furthermore, he may mix elements in his attacks. He may add additional elements to his attacks in the same way a Wizard using the metamagic feat Energy Admixture does to his spells. Thus, his elemental blast could deal 10d10 fire, acid and electricity damage at level 20. However, each additional element added adds 2 rounds to the wait before he can use the attack again, so in the example above, his wait until he could use his elemental burst again would be 1d3+4 rounds. He may choose to use this ability on his elemental fist attack, but it adds a 2 round cool time for each added element on it as well (making an elemental fist that dealt 3 elements in damage require 4 rounds before it could be used again). This ability may not be combined with Elemental Grace or Elemental Doom.

    Class: Elemental Crusader
    Class Skills:
    The following are the Elemental Crusader's class skills (and key ability for each): Balance (Dex), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Gather Information (Cha), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (Arcana) (Int), Knowledge (Geography) (Int), Knowledge (History) (Int), Knowledge (Nature) (Int), Knowledge (Nobility and Royalty) (Int), Knowledge (The Planes) (Int), Knowledge (Religion) (Int), Listen (Wis), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Speak Language (None), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis), Swim (Str).

    Skillpoints at 1st Level: (4+Int Mod) x4
    Skillpoints at Level Up: 4+Int Mod
    Hit Die: D12

    |Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special|Elementally Untouchable|Elemental Combat|
    |Tongues of the Elements, 1st Known Element, Elemental Combat, Capable Combat|
    |Elemental Survival|
    |Elemental Order|
    |2nd Known Element, Elemental Vision|
    |Elemental Fury (1/day)|
    |Elemental Grace|
    |3rd Known Element|
    |Elemental Speed|
    |Elemental Feat|
    |4th Known Element, Wings of the Elements, Elemental Fury (2/day)|
    |Improved Elemental Fury|
    |Elemental Guard|
    |5th Known Element|
    |Whirling Elemental Fury|
    |Elemental Fury (3/day)|
    |6th Known Element, Elemental Defense|
    |Perfected Elemental Combat|
    |Elemental Enhancement|
    |7th Known Element|
    |Elemental Fury (4/day), Elemental Obliteration|

    Class Abilities: The following are all class abilities of the Elemental Crusader.

    Proficiencies: An Elemental Crusader is proficient with all simple and martial melee weapons, and all armor and shields (except tower shields).

    Tongues of the Elements: Add Ignan, Aquan, Auran, Terran, Celestial, Infernal and Abyssal to the list of languages an Elemental Crusader can learn.

    Elemental Combat (Ex): At 1st level, an Elemental Crusader gains the ability to call a stone warhammer to his hand. Calling the hammer is a full round action that provokes attacks of opportunity. This is his primary focus for combat. At will, he may take a move action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity to empower the head of the hammer with one element he knows, making it deal an additional 1d8 damage of that element per level (or 1d6 damage per level if dealing sonic or force damage) on his first strike each round in combat. It is in no ways possible to apply this damage more than once per round, though you may choose to instead deal it on an attack of opportunity instead. This damage is not increased on a successful critical hit. Dismissing the elemental empowerment or dismissing the hammer is a free action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity. At 4th level, and every 4 levels thereafter, this weapon gains a +1 enhancement bonus (to a maximum bonus of +5 at 20th level) and is treated as magical. At 7th level, treat his hammer as adamantine for purposes of overcoming damage reduction and hardness. At 12th level, treat his hammer as having his alignment for purposes of overcoming damage reduction. At 17th level, treat it as having the ghost touch special quality.

    Capable Combat: An Elemental Crusader is good at combat. He counts as a Fighter of his level for the purpose of qualifying for feats.

    Known Elements: The Elemental Crusader doesn't start with the ability to attack with all the elements. He gains the power to use them gradually over time. At 1st, he may pick one of the following elements: fire, cold, acid, electricity. He can use that element in his elemental combat ability, and gains resistance to it equal to his class level. Every 3 levels thereafter (4th, 7th, 10th) he may choose another off the list. At 13th level, he gains sonic energy to attack with. At 16th, he gains force. At 19th, he gains negative energy.

    Elementally Untouchable (Ex): An Elemental Crusader gains resistance to fire, cold, acid, electricity, sonic, force, and negative energy damage equal to his class level, but he is only resistant to the elements on said list that he can actually attack with. Thus, he'll resist one element at 1st level, and gain an additional resistance every 3 levels until he can resist all of them.

    Elemental Survival (Su): At 2nd level, an Elemental Crusader gains his Cha modifier as a bonus to all his saves.

    Elemental Order (Su): At 3rd level, an Elemental Crusader may turn or rebuke creatures of the elemental subtypes fire, cold, acid, earth, electricity, air or sonic as a Cleric of his level 3+Cha mod times per day.

    Elemental Vision (Su): At 4th level, an Elemental Crusader gains the ability to summon to himself a magical headpiece that covers his eyes as a full round action that provokes an attack of opportunity. This piece grants him the ability to detect elements at will (as the spell detect magic, but detects auras of the subtypes fire, cold, acid, earth, electricity, air or sonic instead). Only the first level of the spell is always active (the ability to perceive the presence or absence elemental auras); in order to detect how many or how powerful the auras are, you need to concentrate on the power. One round of concentration determines the number of auras and the strength of the most powerful aura. Two rounds determines the strength and location of each aura. If the items or creatures bearing the auras are in line of sight, you can make Knowledge (Arcana) skill checks to determine the element of each aura (provided it isn't painfully obvious at a glance, of course).

    Elemental Fury (Ex): At 5th level, an Elemental Crusader gains the ability to channel an element of his choice with a passionate rage in battle. His stats increase, granting +2 Str and +2 Con, and he is enshrouded in one element of his choice that he knows; he may change this element to another he knows at any time during his elemental fury as a free action. Any creature successfully striking him in melee (but not ranged) combat takes 1d4 damage of that element per class level. The increase in Constitution increases the Elemental Crusader’s hit points by 1 point per level, but these hit points go away at the end of the rage when his Constitution score drops back to normal. An elemental fury lasts for 3 + Cha mod rounds, at the end of which the Elemental Crusader is fatigued; this penalty goes away at 15th level. He may enter an elemental fury once per day per 5 Elemental Crusader levels he possesses (to a maximum of 4 times a day at 20th level).

    Elemental Grace (Su): The Elemental Crusader is not limited to just the destructive elements of the world. At 6th level as a standard action, he may channel the positive energy around him and deliver it to another creature with a single touch. After making a touch attack that does not provoke an attack of opportunity, the creature touched heals 10 points of damage per class level (max 150), or if the creature is healed by negative energy and damaged by positive energy, it instead takes that much damage. (In this case, the creature is entitled to a Will save (DC 10+1/2 character level+ability modifier) for half damage, and if the creature succeeds this save, its hit points cannot be reduced below 1 with this ability) After using this ability, the Elemental Crusader must wait 1d4 rounds before performing it again.

    Elemental Speed (Su): At 8th level, an Elemental Crusader may shroud his feet in sonic energy as a move action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity, granting him a speed boost equal to 10 feet per six class levels. Dismissing this power is a free action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity.

    Elemental Feat: At 9th level, you gain Elemental Combat Shaping as a bonus feat.

    Wings of the Elements (Su): The power that gave the Elemental Angels their name. Gained at 10th level, this power grants the Elemental Crusader the ability to manifest wings of fire as a move action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity. These wings are purely decorative in function and do not cause any harm if destroyed (they simply reform if damaged), but while active the Elemental Fist gains the ability to fly with a speed of 50 feet and good maneuverability. Hiding the wings is another move action.

    Improved Elemental Fury: At 11th level, the Elemental Crusader knows how to give himself over to the elements more when in a fury. Whenever he enters an Elemental Fury, his bonus to Strength and Constitution increases to +4, and the damage dealt when a foe strikes him increases to 1d6 per level.

    Elemental Guard (Su): At 12th level, an Elemental Crusader has mastered the art of defense. He may summon a shield of ice to protect himself with as a full round action that provokes an attack of opportunity. Dismissing the shield is a free action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity. This is a large shield that provides a +3 deflection bonus to AC, has no arcane spell chance or armor check penalty, no maximum Dexterity bonus, and weighs 10 pounds. Furthermore, it has the power to block elemental magic cast at the Elemental Crusader. Any spell with an elemental descriptor (fire, cold, acid, electricity, sonic, force) has a 50% chance of not effecting the Elemental Crusader. At 17th level, if he is using the total defense option, he instead has a 50% chance of deflecting the spell back at the caster.

    Whirling Elemental Fury: An Elemental Crusader is a whirling maelstrom of elemental death when in a fury. Starting at 14th level, when in an Elemental Fury, the Elemental Crusader may make a full found attack that strikes every foe around him for full damage and full Elemental Combat damage. He may use this ability outside of a fury if he has the Whirlwind Attack feat, but doing so discharges the element in his hammer and leaves him fatigued for three rounds.

    Elemental Defense (Su): At 16th level, an Elemental Crusader knows how to defend himself from attacks. He may take a full round action that provokes attacks of opportunity to enshroud himself in armor made of force. This armor is effective against incorporeal attacks as well as normal attacks. It is considered medium armor, has no penalty to movement or arcane spell failure chance, a +8 bonus to AC, no armor check penalty, and is considered weightless. Furthermore, it grants spell resistance equal to the Elemental Crusader's class level + 10.

    Perfected Elemental Combat: An Elemental Crusader has mastered elemental combat by now. Starting at 17th level, treat the elemental combat strike that deals extra elemental damage as a touch attack from now on.

    Elemental Enhancement: An Elemental Crusader is bolstered by the elements he wields. Starting at 18th level, treat the Elemental Crusader as one size larger whenever it would benefit him. Additionally, any time he summons his Elemental Combat weapon, it is also one size larger. Finally, when in an Elemental Fury, he can no longer contain the power of the elemental aura that surrounds him; any creature within 5 feet of him at the start of his turn takes damage as if they had struck him.

    Elemental Obliteration(Ex): An Elemental Crusader of 20th level has mastered his art; he may channel a single element he knows into his strike using any weapon he is proficient with as if it were his weapon from elemental combat. His elemental combat weapon is still the stronger weapon, however. He may apply 2 elements to his normal attack when using his elemental combat weapon from now on. Both these elements must be applied to the same single strike.

    His greatest power, however, is the power of elemental obliteration. As a full round action that provokes attacks of opportunity, he may make a single strike with his Elemental Combat weapon against a single foe at his highest BAB, imbuing the strike with the very might of nature itself. This strike deals full elemental damage for every element he knows. This power comes at a cost, though: his elemental combat, elemental vision, elemental fury, elemental speed, wings of the elements, elemental guard, and elemental defense are all immediately dispelled, and he cannot summon them again for one round per class level. Further, he is fatigued for one round per class level.


    More classes to come; PEACH

    This has been a labor of love for a long time now. I started this originally as a single class, the Elemental Angel. I worked for some time trying to get it to work, and finally gave up. After reading NeoSeraphi's Supernal Destroyer PrC, I finally realized what I did wrong: I had tried to put too much into one class. Thus, the Elemental Angel became the Order of Elemental Angels, consisting of 3 distinct base classes, one of which has 4 basic types (all will be posted in due time). I also have at least one PrC in mind, and maybe a few feats.

    Please, be totally honest in your opinions. I want this to be a fantastic order that could fit in most any world with little work. Thank you and enjoy.

    Credit where credit is due: NeoSeraphi contributed the Elemental Grace and Elemental Doom abilities. Elemental Burst...While the original idea for it did not come from NeoSeraphi, the scope it should cover certainly did, leading me to make him able to use all elements, and more shapes than intended originally (I originally planed to give them one element, ray, line and cone).

    EDIT: Elemental Crusader is done and up.
    Last edited by Noctis Vigil; 2012-10-15 at 04:20 AM.

  2. - Top - End - #2
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Aug 2011
    lost in my own mind

    Default Re: Order of Elemental Angels

    Reserved for feats, PrCs and ACFs.

    Feat: Elemental Combat Shaping
    Prerequisite: Elemental Combat class feature
    Benefit: Choose one type of melee weapon you are proficient with. You may now summon that weapon as your Elemental Combat weapon instead of the default warhammer. You must summon the weapon in the shape you desire; you may not change the shape of an already summoned weapon.
    Special: This feat can be taken multiple times. Each time, choose a different weapon you are proficient with; you gain that shape as another option for your Elemental Combat weapon.

    Feat: Elementally Unreachable
    Prerequisite: Elementally Untouchable 10
    Benefit: You gain an additional 10 resistance to your Elementally Untouchable ability.
    Last edited by Noctis Vigil; 2011-10-29 at 04:35 AM.

  3. - Top - End - #3
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Washington, USA

    Default Re: Order of Elemental Angels

    Alright, I've taken a look, and it seems to me that Elementally Limitless is a bit of a weak capstone. All you get is the ability to bypass DR for a much more extended waiting period.

    Otherwise, I would gladly play Fist. Looks like a fun class.

  4. - Top - End - #4
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    lost in my own mind

    Default Re: Order of Elemental Angels

    Too much waiting? I can drop the added turns per element to +2; don't really want to go lower than that, as it seems a bit too powerful then. I mean, this is letting you get up to 10d10 fire + 10d10 cold + 10d10 acid + 10d10 electricity +10d8 sonic + 10d8 force damage that bypasses SR every 1d3+10 rounds or every 10 rounds if you use it on your elemental fist ability. That's a helluvalot of asswhooping right there.

  5. - Top - End - #5
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Default Re: Order of Elemental Angels

    Oh. from the way you phrased the description, it made it just sound to me like the attack count as the different types, not actually add on a whole 'nother set of damage.

  6. - Top - End - #6
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    lost in my own mind

    Default Re: Order of Elemental Angels

    Nope, it actually tacks on a full extra element's worth in damage. I figured it was a good way to make him more powerful and able to keep up with casters at level 20, even without the ability to use metamagic.

  7. - Top - End - #7
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Order of Elemental Angels

    Copypasta error: Under Class Skills, it says the "following are the knight's class skills".

  8. - Top - End - #8
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    lost in my own mind

    Default Re: Order of Elemental Angels

    Which is interesting, since I didn't copy the class from the Knight at all, be it the one in the book OR my own homebrew class of the same name. Huh.

  9. - Top - End - #9
    Colossus in the Playground
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    My skills exceed yours!

    Default Re: Order of Elemental Angels

    Whew. That is some backstory. I like it, and I'm glad you took my advice and really thought it all through. This is clear, descriptive fluff, which is much more than the fighter can claim.

    Skills: No combat class should be without the Climb skill. And no class that has Evasion should be without Escape Artist. To me, these things just make sense. You also made him unable to Jump or Swim or Balance. I don't understand why you took basically all the combat skills away from a very dextrous combat class and gave him Knowledges instead. It's strange.

    Yeah, the ability to cast heal without spell resistance every 1d4 rounds a full 2 levels before the cleric gains the ability to cast it once per day is not really okay. (in my opinion). You should at least push that back to 11th or 12th level.

    Elemental Doom: Okay, so here we go. You should move Elemental Grace to 11, Elemental Doom to 13, and make both of their attacks based on class level, not character level. (no reason to progress damage if he's not an elemental fist anymore, right?)

    So Elemental Fist deals 1d3+1/2 Strength bludgeoning damage, +1d10 elemental damage at first level? Is that how that works?

    I'm a bit surprised you didn't credit me for the Elemental Blast ability as well, as its improvements are largely based on my Supernal Destroyer, are they not? That said, it looks fine, and it scales well.

    Evasion: Evasion generally (especially for monk classes) has an armor restriction, that is, you don't gain the benefits of evasion while in medium or heavy armor, and you definitely don't gain the benefits of it when you are unconscious or helpless.

    Timeless Body: This is an example of where copy pasta fails because copy pasta from 3.0 fails. There is no way to magically age a creature in 3.5

    Elementally Limitless- 1d4-1 is strictly better than 1d3, as you can have a wait time of 0 rounds. The admixture effect is good and flavorful

    All in all, a nice class. The poison immunity comes REALLY late, to the point that it might not even be helpful, and the spell resistance even later, but I suppose that's okay. (With how late the SR comes in, you could easily justify making it 15+class level instead)

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    Default Re: Order of Elemental Angels

    Glad you could join the party, NeoSeraphi. Updated the credit list for you. Sorry if I offended.

    Skills: Added those suggested; I did not see fit to improve skillpoints per level, though he has enough it may be viable. Opinions on this? As for the Knowledges, I gave him those I felt applicable to the class; the other two classes will probably have a similar Knowledge list.

    Elemental Grace, Elemental Doom, Diamond Body, Diamond Soul and Timeless Body all moved to more level-appropriate places. SR has been left as is for now.

    He deals 1d4 unarmed with Improved Unarmed Strike at medium size, I think. Did I get that wrong?

    I edited the Evasions to match the Monk ability more closely.

    Elementally Limitless is 1d3 specifically to avoid the no cooldown chance. If there's a huge outcry to lower it, I will, but I didn't want it to be able to blow these off every round.

    EDIT: he has a dead level. I shall think on what to put in it.
    Last edited by Noctis Vigil; 2011-10-24 at 02:41 PM.

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    Default Re: Order of Elemental Angels

    Quote Originally Posted by Noctis Vigil View Post
    Glad you could join the party, NeoSeraphi. Updated the credit list for you. Sorry if I offended.
    Ah, no you didn't offend me, I was just pointing it out.

    Skills: Added those suggested; I did not see fit to improve skillpoints per level, though he has enough it may be viable. Opinions on this? As for the Knowledges, I gave him those I felt applicable to the class; the other two classes will probably have a similar Knowledge list.
    The Knowledges are fine, they just made less sense than a combat class with no Strength-based class skills. The skill points are fine as is, with those Knowledges the elemental fist will have a reason for a high Int score anyway.

    Elemental Grace, Elemental Doom, Diamond Body, Diamond Soul and Timeless Body all moved to more level-appropriate places. SR has been left as is for now.
    Sounds good

    He deals 1d4 unarmed with Improved Unarmed Strike at medium size, I think. Did I get that wrong?
    Yes you did.

    I edited the Evasions to match the Monk ability more closely.

    Elementally Limitless is 1d3 specifically to avoid the no cooldown chance. If there's a huge outcry to lower it, I will, but I didn't want it to be able to blow these off every round.
    Well, I don't see why not, since it's 20th level, but if you prefer balance over power for a capstone, then it's perfectly reasonable.

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    Default Re: Order of Elemental Angels

    The Elemental Fist is supposed to be a semi-balanced elemental combatant who has good hand-to-hand and good ranged blasting. The Elemental Crusader will focus much more heavily on hand-to-hand (and be absolutely ungodly good at it), and the Elemental Wing will be the blaster of the bunch, designed to blow stuff away before it gets near him.

    As for unarmed strike: now I know, eh? So yes, 1d3+1/2Str +1d10 at first.

    I also totally just realized I completely forgot save DCs on his Elemental Blasts. Will edit that in now.

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    OK, edited saves into the blasts, making them Con based on the part of the Elemental Fist.

    Any more thoughts?

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    Elemental Crusader is finished and up for PEACHing! He was harder to do than I thought he would be, and I'm not sure how he turned out, so please give your two cents.

    Next to get done: Elemental Wings

    Still to start: PrC Elemental Dancer, PrC Elemental Master, PrC Singer of the Elements, PrC Elemental Assassin, ACFs, feats.

    Suggestions for ACFs and feats would be wonderful.

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    Default Re: Order of Elemental Angels

    Wait wait wait. *scratches head* So, let me get this straight. At 7th level, you give him the ability to kill incorporeal creatures. Then five levels later, you give him the ability to Sunder without fail and hurt constructs. Then five levels after that, you give him the ability to crush outsiders.

    What Monster Manual are you reading? Incorporeal creatures are very rare, and while there certainly are some CR 7 and below ones, there are certainly more outsiders than incorporeals at that CR. Not to mention, that's when Sundering would be the most useful.

    I think you should really think about this. Even though there are incorporeal creatures at level 7, no one in the party is supposed to be able to deal with them yet. That's why the ghost has manifestation, so it can have a corporeal body so that it can get its corporeal butt kicked.

    Yes, magic missile and other low level force effects hit incorporeals without fail, but they all deal crappy damage (and undead have the highest hit dice)

    Still, if after all that, you like the order, it's your class. I just hope I gave you something to think about.

    The free scaling warhammer is nice, it does what it's supposed to do and leaves the elemental crusader with room to optimize, though I find it odd that you force the elemental crusader to essentially use a single weapon to use his Elemental abilities.

    The best thing I can think to compare this to would be a soulknife, and the soulknife eventually gains the ability to shape his mind blade into weapons other than a shortsword (and common fixes allow him to just choose the shape when he makes it)

    This isn't really about base damage or two-handed versus one-handed or whatever (though that is a part of it for some people) but more of people not really liking forced fluff in a base class. Perhaps you could allow the warhammer to be switched to any one-handed simple or martial melee weapon? That way its damage will never go over 1d8 for a Medium elemental crusader, but you could use a battleaxe or a longsword or a javelin instead of a warhammer if you wanted. Does that sound fair? Again, it's not about damage, it's about choices.

    Elementally Untouchable- I say that you should do something about this and the negative energy. After all, he gains the ability to use negative energy just like the other elements, so why shouldn't he be able to resist it like the others? I know no creature has "negative energy resistance", but no creature has force resistance either, so you're already breaking precedents for that with this class, why not go the whole nine yards? For completeness's sake.

    Elemental Order- Air and Earth elementals have the [air] and [earth] subtypes, not the [acid] and [sonic] subtypes.

    Elemental Vision- Complete Divine has what you're looking for here. The sense elements class feature of the shugenja. Give it a look, see what you think. You might like it better than what you've got here.

    Also, if you choose to keep it the way it is, it's a spell-like ability, not an extraordinary ability.

    Elemental Fury- Generally abilities like this acknowledge that a creature who attacks with a manufactured reach weapon takes no damage.

    Elemental Speed- I'm sorry, in what way is this an extraordinary ability? Seems awfully supernatural to me.

    Elemental Grace- Same problem as before. You're giving the guy a heal spell at-will 2 full levels before the cleric gets to use it even once per day.

    Elemental Guard- Same as Elemental Vision. "Summoning" anything is a conjuration (calling) effect. (See the paladin's special mount ability). Even if that was just a flavorful way of saying he forms it with his power, that's still not an extraordinary ability, it would be supernatural in that case.

    Elemental Defense- I'm about 95% sure you meant "+8 bonus to AC" here. If I'm wrong, I'm definitely intrigued and I want to know more. Another situation where I don't see how this could be considered an extraordinary ability.

    Elemental Obliteration- Ah ha! Right there! "his blah blah blah blah are all immediately dispelled" You can't dispel an extraordinary ability, so you must agree with me, and I can conclude all those (Ex)s were just typos!

    Still, glad you gave him the ability to channel into other weapons, and that final hit is a real doozy. I like the class overall. Good work.

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    I was mostly pulling the Ex's and Su's out of my ear; I've never been good determining what ability is which (my big homebrew weakness, so to speak).

    And yes, that DC is a typo, it should be AC.

    About the weapon: You're saying his hammer should match his alignment at 7th and be ghost touch at 17th? Just to make sure I got it right. As for the shape: I was going to make changing its shape a feat, and give it to him at least once to fill a dead level. Each time you take it you gain the ability to make it a melee weapon of your choice that you're proficient with, though you still have to summon it as the shape you want; you can't change it after it's summoned.

    Elemental Grace: I'm aware of this; I thought it over before giving it to him. I think it fits the feel. Frankly, I wanted him to have it even earlier (at level 6, where it's currently empty).

    Elemental Vision: I'll look this up and get back to you on it.

    How's it look now? This guy is supposed to be the ultimate melee combatant. He gets no ranged abilities at all, but my goal was still tier 3.

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    Default Re: Order of Elemental Angels

    Quote Originally Posted by Noctis Vigil View Post
    I was mostly pulling the Ex's and Su's out of my ear; I've never been good determining what ability is which (my big homebrew weakness, so to speak).
    No big deal. Let me go ahead and tell you: if you can't do it with absolutely no kind of magical power assisting you at all, it's extraordinary. Otherwise it's supernatural. (Energy abilities are always supernatural)

    And yes, that DC is a typo, it should be AC.
    Damn. 5% of me was hoping that this was some new kind of Will save replacing AC or something.

    About the weapon: You're saying his hammer should match his alignment at 7th and be ghost touch at 17th? Just to make sure I got it right. As for the shape: I was going to make changing its shape a feat, and give it to him at least once to fill a dead level. Each time you take it you gain the ability to make it a melee weapon of your choice that you're proficient with, though you still have to summon it as the shape you want; you can't change it after it's summoned.
    I'm saying that Adamantine should be 7th, Alignment should be 12th, and ghost touch should be 17th.

    The feat is nice, as long as you do give it to him for free at least once.

    Elemental Grace: I'm aware of this; I thought it over before giving it to him. I think it fits the feel. Frankly, I wanted him to have it even earlier (at level 6, where it's currently empty).
    Well, alright then.

    Elemental Vision: I'll look this up and get back to you on it.
    You should! The shugenja class in general (along with the wu jen in Complete Arcane) might help you come up with new elemental ideas.

    How's it look now? This guy is supposed to be the ultimate melee combatant. He gets no ranged abilities at all, but my goal was still tier 3.
    Tier 3, huh? Wow. Well, he has the power to put him at tier 4, definitely, but does he have the versatility to get him to tier 3?

    He has wings, that's good. He can command elementals, which is a bit situational but it's still noteworthy.

    He's fast. He has Speak Language as a class skill. He has 4+Int skill points per level from a decent skill list....

    I'd say it really depends on how you decide to run Elemental Vision, as that's his only other non-combat ability. If you leave it as is now, I would say he's a solid tier 4. And there's nothing wrong with that.

    If you changed it to be like sense elements, however, he would be a very nice tier 3, probably on par with a swordsage. (I do not subscribe to the theory that either warblade or crusader are tier 3, but the swordsage is up there)

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    Default Re: Order of Elemental Angels

    OK, Elemental Vision: I want a kind of hybrid of the two abilities. I want it in a cone like emanation like the Paladin's detect evil, but I like the uses of the Shugenja ability.

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    Default Re: Order of Elemental Angels

    Quote Originally Posted by Noctis Vigil View Post
    OK, Elemental Vision: I want a kind of hybrid of the two abilities. I want it in a cone like emanation like the Paladin's detect evil, but I like the uses of the Shugenja ability.
    Then it's Tier 3, easily. The ability to detect living creatures within 60 feet of you, through a device you wear on your face rather than concentration, essentially prevents you from being flat-footed, as well as making you a prime scavenger, and helps you find water in the desert as well.

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    Looking over what I have for Elemental Vision, I think that I'm just going to leave it as is for now; being able to detect any aura of any of those subtypes should cover most situations that arise.

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    Default Re: Order of Elemental Angels

    Added Perfected Elemental Fist at 19th level, and Perfected Elemental Combat at 17th level to the respective classes.

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