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Thread: [4e] Solo Druid

  1. - Top - End - #1
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default [4e] Solo Druid

    Hi all,

    So I've never created a homebrew creature before and I'd love to get some input on a solo druid that will serve as a mini-boss for a party of 5 level 1 characters. As I haven't done any real homebrew before if this is just terrible or really unbalanced or something like that please don't hold back (just don't be a jerk about it, haha ) and let me know.


    Level: 2
    Initiative: +4
    Senses: Perception +5; Darkvision
    HP: 156 Bloodied: 78
    AC: 16 Fortitude: 16 Reflex: 16 Will: 14
    Speed: 8
    Action Points: 2
    Saving Throws: +5

    Transform: Minor action, druid can switch from human to bear form or vice versa.

    Actions: Can take two standard actions per turn instead of just one.

    Human Form Powers
    Spiked Fists Attack (at will): Spiked Leather Gauntlets; Two attacks; +7 vs AC; 1d4+3 damage per attack
    Thunder Burst (at will): Area burst 1 within 10; +7 vs Fortitude; 1d8+3 thunder damage and target is dazed (save ends)

    Bear Form Powers
    Bite (at will): +7 vs AC; 1d10+3
    Claw (at will): Reach 2; +7 vs AC; 1d8+3
    Frenzy (Recharge 4/5/6): Close burst 1; +5 vs AC; 2d6 + 3
    Print and Play Minis | iheartprintandplay | Retired as of 2018, but my entire public collection of monsters, PCs, NPCs, environment pieces, and other supplements are still freely available (see links in top sticky post)
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  2. - Top - End - #2
    Orc in the Playground
    Duos Greanleef's Avatar

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    Default Re: [4e] Solo Druid

    It wouldn't hurt to give this gentleman a daily-quality power. One solid primal nuke isn't so bad, and it helps keep the PCs fear alive.
    Also, At-Will daze in a burst with relatively high damage? That's a little over-the-top to me, and your PCs are gonna start getting mad that they aren't getting enough actions, and your combat runs the risk of lengthening dramatically. {Between the reduced action economy, and the bickering players.}
    Numerically, almost everything seems to be in order. I already mentioned Thunder Burst. And pardon me if I'm mistaken, but is a high wisdom not a prerequisite for being a druid? Perhaps his Will should be higher and his Reflex lower.
    You might also want to reconsider making the spiked gauntlet attack a multi-attack with that two standard action business in place. If he's hitting decently, you're looking at 4d4+12 damage in a turn, and quite a few 1st level PCs aren't equipped to handle that. Sure your defenders can take it, but what about Squishy McGlasscannon?
    Hope that helps! I know it's a bit to read. I really like solos a lot, and have tweaked more than a few of my own.
    Quote Originally Posted by Joseph Silver View Post
    House Cannith. We build things.

  3. - Top - End - #3
    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: [4e] Solo Druid

    I'm with Duos on this. At-will daze is terrible monster design, even for high-level Solos (TIAMAAAAT!), particularly if it's (save ends) or accurate (it's a multi-target attack. Targets a NAD. You do NOT give at-wills like those vs-AC accuracy). And this guy can throw it out twice a turn. Not cool.

    When brewing up monsters, always run what's called a "sanity check." Look at other monsters with similar level and role... what's the estimated average DPR (including status conditions) against an appropriately leveled party vs that of an existing monster? (Preferably from MM3 or later, though the early-level monsters with that math can be absolutely brutal...) How about its defenses, do they make sense?

  4. - Top - End - #4
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: [4e] Solo Druid

    Mm, I can definitely see your points on the daze frustrating the crap out of my players. I think I'll either cut that or modify it to not daze. Also, I hadn't calculated out four strikes from the gauntlet attack and hearing it put together as 4d4+12 does sound pretty harsh.

    I like the idea of checking out other solo monsters for their "DPR". I'll have to look at that and see.

    The defenses I just put together using the monster creator and solo upgrader stuff from I think the Dungeon Master's Guide 1. I think they make sense, but I'll compare it to some others as well.

    I'll give this all some thought and post back with an updated version later.

    Print and Play Minis | iheartprintandplay | Retired as of 2018, but my entire public collection of monsters, PCs, NPCs, environment pieces, and other supplements are still freely available (see links in top sticky post)
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  5. - Top - End - #5
    Orc in the Playground
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    Default Re: [4e] Solo Druid

    Quote Originally Posted by Dakaran View Post
    *le snip*
    The defenses I just put together using the monster creator and solo upgrader stuff from I think the Dungeon Master's Guide 1. I think they make sense, but I'll compare it to some others as well.
    *le snip*
    The actual numbers of the defenses are on par. I meant to suggest that perhaps his Will should be 16 and His Reflex 14. Druids rely on Wisdom and Constitution to perform their druid-y duties. This in turn lends itself to high Will and Fortitude defenses respectively. If you go any much than 16 you run the risk of having an unhittable monstrosity, and if you go much lower than 14 you will look like Elan in this strip.
    Quote Originally Posted by Joseph Silver View Post
    House Cannith. We build things.

  6. - Top - End - #6
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: [4e] Solo Druid

    Thanks for the suggestion Duos. I swapped those defenses. So here's the newly updated version. The changes are in red.

    Level: 2
    Initiative: +4
    Senses: Perception +5; Darkvision
    HP: 156 Bloodied: 78
    AC: 16 Fortitude: 16 Reflex: 16 Will: 14
    Speed: 8
    Action Points: 2
    Saving Throws: +5

    Transform: Minor action, druid can switch from human to bear form or vice versa.

    Actions: Can take two standard actions per turn instead of just one.

    Human Form Powers
    Spiked Fists Attack (at will): Spiked Leather Gauntlet; +7 vs AC; 1d8+3
    Biting Winds (at will): Area burst 1 within 10; +5 vs Fortitude; 1d8+3 cold damage and slide the target 1 square
    Flame Wall (daily): Area wall 5 within 10; The spaces occupied by the flame wall are difficult terrain; If a creature enters the wall’s space or starts its turn there it takes 1d6 + 3 fire damage plus 3 ongoing damage (save ends); The wall persists until the end of the encounter

    Bear Form Powers
    Bite (at will): +7 vs AC; 1d10+3
    Claw (at will): Reach 2; +7 vs AC; 1d8+3
    Frenzy (Recharge 4/5/6): Close burst 1; +5 vs AC; 2d6 + 3
    Print and Play Minis | iheartprintandplay | Retired as of 2018, but my entire public collection of monsters, PCs, NPCs, environment pieces, and other supplements are still freely available (see links in top sticky post)
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  7. - Top - End - #7
    Orc in the Playground
    Duos Greanleef's Avatar

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    Default Re: [4e] Solo Druid

    Looks splendid. May I have your permission to throw this guy at my group Friday?
    Quote Originally Posted by Joseph Silver View Post
    House Cannith. We build things.

  8. - Top - End - #8
    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: [4e] Solo Druid

    It should be ongoing fire damage, really. Just a minor note.

  9. - Top - End - #9
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: [4e] Solo Druid

    Quote Originally Posted by Duos Greanleef View Post
    Looks splendid. May I have your permission to throw this guy at my group Friday?
    Totally! I would be honored! May I just request that you let me know how it goes? I'd love to hear how it goes over with your group.
    Print and Play Minis | iheartprintandplay | Retired as of 2018, but my entire public collection of monsters, PCs, NPCs, environment pieces, and other supplements are still freely available (see links in top sticky post)
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  10. - Top - End - #10
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: [4e] Solo Druid

    Quote Originally Posted by Mando Knight View Post
    It should be ongoing fire damage, really. Just a minor note.
    Mm, yes good point. It should be, thanks!
    Print and Play Minis | iheartprintandplay | Retired as of 2018, but my entire public collection of monsters, PCs, NPCs, environment pieces, and other supplements are still freely available (see links in top sticky post)
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  11. - Top - End - #11
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: [4e] Solo Druid

    Updated to include Mando Knight's note of ongoing fire damage.

    Level: 2
    Initiative: +4
    Senses: Perception +5; Darkvision
    HP: 156 Bloodied: 78
    AC: 16 Fortitude: 16 Reflex: 16 Will: 14
    Speed: 8
    Action Points: 2
    Saving Throws: +5

    Transform: Minor action, druid can switch from human to bear form or vice versa.

    Actions: Can take two standard actions per turn instead of just one.

    Human Form Powers
    Spiked Fists Attack (at will): Spiked Leather Gauntlet; +7 vs AC; 1d8+3
    Biting Winds (at will): Area burst 1 within 10; +5 vs Fortitude; 1d8+3 cold damage and slide the target 1 square
    Flame Wall (daily): Area wall 5 within 10; The spaces occupied by the flame wall are difficult terrain; If a creature enters the wall’s space or starts its turn there it takes 1d6 + 3 fire damage plus 3 ongoing fire damage (save ends); The wall persists until the end of the encounter

    Bear Form Powers
    Bite (at will): +7 vs AC; 1d10+3
    Claw (at will): Reach 2; +7 vs AC; 1d8+3
    Frenzy (Recharge 4/5/6): Close burst 1; +5 vs AC; 2d6 + 3
    Print and Play Minis | iheartprintandplay | Retired as of 2018, but my entire public collection of monsters, PCs, NPCs, environment pieces, and other supplements are still freely available (see links in top sticky post)
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