Snips, Snails, and Dragon Tales: Now available in PDF format from Gumroad
Snips, Snails, and Dragon Tales is now on sale in PDF format from Gumroad - with 6 never-before-collected bonus comics!
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  1. - Top - End - #1
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Default Dragondoom [FR 3.5] - IC Group 1

    The old man motions everyone to the nearby table and takes a moment to look at the odd looking group. Among them is a dwarf so heavily armored that it is amazing that he can sit down at all, a man with tiny scales covering his body who appears nearly draconic, a sun elf who seems to neglect proper hair care, a beautiful woman with a silver sheen to her skin, a agile looking man who's right hand makes it obvious he does not favor the use of a sword, and what appears to be a drow, but why such a foul being would be among these others is a mystery better left for later times.

    "So I see you have interest in my offer. It is true I can give any who return successfully an incredible sum. This is truth," as he says that he drops a rather large bag on the table that is obviously heavy and falls with the great clinking sound that only gold can reproduce. "Now I'm sure you want to know what I would be willing to spend this money on. What I seek is said to be found on the Glacier of the White Worm. It is an orb about 2 foot in diameter, it is white with a blue tinge in the center. Why I need this is not of so much importance to you as the why I am hiring you."

    "It is simple, the glacier can be deadly. I am not exactly in my prime anymore and thus I need to make use of brave adventurers and am willing to pay 20,000 gold to each of you whom makes the journey and returns. But beware it is said that great worms of incredible power call the glacier home, and word is that there is a white dragon who lairs there, but I have seen neither with my own eyes so you may want to ask around town to see who may have more information for you. Return with the orb and collect your prize to enjoy as you see fit. Do you have any other questions?" He asks as he looks at each of you in turn.

  2. - Top - End - #2
    Ettin in the Playground

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    Default Re: Dragondoom [FR 3.5] - IC Group 1

    A hand emerges from under the cover of the hairstack.

    "Do you have any idea where on the glacier we should be looking? 'On the Glacier' is really quite vague, considering the size of it... and the dangers we'll reputedly encounter during the search...

    And if not, is there anything else you could tell us about it that may aid us in locating it? Does it have effects on the surrounding area? A shrine full of traps? Is there, in short, any way for us to know it's nearby short of walking in to it?
    " Or scrying on it...

    "And if you cannot answer any of the above, do you know anyone else who can?"

  3. - Top - End - #3
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: Dragondoom [FR 3.5] - IC Group 1

    In stark contrast to her dark skin Cylirr wears cream, almost pure white, colored robes with yellow embroidery at the edges. From her throat hangs a glimmering sun of gold and at her back is a long case which seems to contain an elongated harp by the corner that protrudes forth.

    "Hath you tried divining where it lays within the Glacier?" Cylirr's voice is soft, containing an almost musical quality to it. "With the money you're offering it seems you could hire a powerful wizard to do just that."

  4. - Top - End - #4
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Dragondoom [FR 3.5] - IC Group 1

    "Dragons don't scare me," Hrothgar mutters as he stands behind the group, his armor being far too bulky to allow him to sit. He holds his helmet under one arm and leans upon his large hammer with the other as he listens to the man's tale.

    "I've face danger before. Why should a wyrm be any different?"

  5. - Top - End - #5
    Ettin in the Playground

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    Default Re: Dragondoom [FR 3.5] - IC Group 1

    "For the same reason that fighting a single brigand is less dangerous than fighting a full corsair ship and its entire crew, I'd imagine."

  6. - Top - End - #6
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: Dragondoom [FR 3.5] - IC Group 1

    Jory sits quietly, listening as the others chime in. After Hrothgar and Nustrilaa finish, he takes a folded parchment from his cloak, and leans forwards. "Creatures are one thing, but the cold on the glacier is a continual danger that will make sustaining a wide ranging search almost impossible." He spreads the parchment open, revealing a local map. The Glacier is marked on the map, but is otherwise essentially a blank area. "We'll need to know where to look."

    He turns back to the old man.

    "Concerning the Orb itself, as you say, it is none of our concern what it does, or what you intend to do with it. However, we will need to know a few basic things about it. Namely how much it weighs, how fragile it is, and if you are aware of any special care which should be taken in handling and transporting it."
    Last edited by Mr. X; 2012-02-05 at 01:50 PM.

  7. - Top - End - #7
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Dragondoom [FR 3.5] - IC Group 1


    I always knew there was something grand hiding on that blinding cold beauty. I've spent not an insignificant time on the Glacier, anyone who ventures there unprepared becomes a frozen treat for its denizens. In my rangings I've never noticed anything like the orb you describe.

    Flurry of dice! If the orb is notable enough for a bardic knowledge check: (1d20+10)[17](+5 if dragon related). Also a Knowledge Geography for anywhere on the Glacier I might have seen or been that would be a likely place to start looking (1d20+14)[34] If neither roll is appropriate for the orb, could they be applied to the white dragon the old man was speaking of? (And if none of them are appropriate for a roll, call it a warm-up!)
    Just in case, in any game I've applied to without being selected: DMs are more than welcome to use my submission as an NPC as they wish!

    Huge thanks to Howl for puting some Boomstick in my avatar

  8. - Top - End - #8
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Default Re: Dragondoom [FR 3.5] - IC Group 1

    The old man thought on it for a time, and replied,

    "Of course I had considered hiring a mage to gather more information for me, but without me being able to survive the journey why waste my money? But I did have him do such divinations after the first of you came forward, then I was sure others would follow.

    He said the orb is trapped within ice, in a cave that is accessible through only one opening halfway up the eastern side of the glacier. The path up is a treacherous one, and is known to pass through lands controlled by both goblins and a clan of frost giants. But the Worms have been active moreso than normal and have kept the giants further from the glacier than they normally would be.

    He ends by finishing his drink and removing the bag from the table and secreting it away again. He then ordered a drink for himself and the others at the table to responded to his inquiries for a drink.

    To Jory he turned and answered, "The orb is said to be roughly 6 pounds, and nigh-indestructible, fear not of dropping it, fear only of losing it." He points to the map Jory had and drew a twisting path up the eastern side of the glacier and marked the location of the opening which they had to enter to find the orb.

    OOC:For Baryx:
    Your Bardic Knowledge doesnt have any information for you without a better description of the orb or its ability, it is too generic for any accurate results until you are able to see the orb or understand its use. Though you do know that the dragon on the Glacier has begun to hunt less and become more guarded on the glacier worried that anyone may find its hoard starting nearly two years ago.

    Your Knowledge (geography) check however, shows your the best way to find the path and avoid a large clan of goblins, and also know where the ice and snow is too fragile or dangerous to walk over and have effectively reduced your (and those traveling with you) chances of falling into any chasms. You also know that the entrance they are speaking of is a entrance where the dragon is often seen entering and leaving its possible lair.
    Last edited by LittleCarp04; 2012-02-05 at 06:17 PM.

  9. - Top - End - #9
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Dragondoom [FR 3.5] - IC Group 1


    Well and good old man, well and good! He takes a healthy swig from his mug, swallowing it with obvious pleasure. Now, mates, if we take the path you see here he traces a route along Jory's map with his finger we can dodge a particularly unsavory tribe of dirty little beasties...walkin snot-piles more than not, but best avoided altogether.

    Pointing to another area along the route: We'd best avoid these areas as well, treacherous ice this time of year on the Slab. We can make it to the Wyrm-hole easy enough that way I reckon...make no bones about it though, it IS a Wyrm-hole, and the way ol' Whitey's been actin the last few years, it'll be guarded well. Could even be 'er lair down there...never got close enough to find out m'self.

    Baryx's eyes follow a barmaid across the room as his voice trails off at the end. He mutters under his breath, she tastes of blackberry jam...
    Just in case, in any game I've applied to without being selected: DMs are more than welcome to use my submission as an NPC as they wish!

    Huge thanks to Howl for puting some Boomstick in my avatar

  10. - Top - End - #10
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: Dragondoom [FR 3.5] - IC Group 1


    Jory takes the proffered mug, and nods his thanks to the old man. To Baryx he says, "Good to know. I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm fairly new to these parts. Do you know what the weather this time of year is like up there? I ran into a storm on my way here, a few days back, but it wasn't too bad." He swigs his ale, and scratches his chin. "I don't suppose 'Old Whitey' is the chatty sort of lizard, is he?"

    What time of day is it, and what is the current weather outside like?
    Last edited by Mr. X; 2012-02-05 at 09:24 PM.

  11. - Top - End - #11
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Default Re: Dragondoom [FR 3.5] - IC Group 1

    Its late evening, and its Mid Marpenoth, so its chilly outside and some snow may come any day.

  12. - Top - End - #12
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Dragondoom [FR 3.5] - IC Group 1

    So far she has stayed quiet and to the back of the group, mulling the question over and letting the other talk, smiling ever so slightly at the sun elf's quip towards the... undiscrete dwarf but mostly studying her prospective benefactor. Now the silverhued woman, tall and wearing a suit of armour shining in silver as to make her skin look almost normal and with the open gauntlet of Torm clearly embossed on the breastplate, clears her throat softly. "You said that we need not know what the orb does or why you'd want it, goodman. But I disagree," she says voice firm and confident but not rude or challenging.
    "No disrespect to you or any of the others gathered here," she continues with a slight, curious glance at the drow maid. A symbol of Lathander?! "But I need to know that it's not stolen goods nor created or intended for fell purposes. Barring that I pledge my help to you."

    Since most DMs don't allow paladins to cast Detect Evil without people noticing it I think I'll leave that out for now. But let's make a Sense Motive here. Not that I'm very good at it.
    Edit: That's actually... pretty good. Too bad people like this usually has Bluff scores to outsmart a demigod.
    Last edited by Calenestel; 2012-02-06 at 02:15 AM.
    "Sometimes it's better to light a flamethrower than to curse the darkness" - Terry Pratchett

    Big thanks to Savannah for the badass Papa Wolf avatar!

  13. - Top - End - #13
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Default Re: Dragondoom [FR 3.5] - IC Group 1

    The old man takes a moment and looks squarely at the woman with the symbol of Torm on her chest, "Fret not holy one, the orb is not stolen, and by itself is not able to be used for any evil means. I will not go into the details of what exactly it does since I don't even know exactly what the orb does as I have never had it in my hands. You must understand that I am working simply on a few cantrips cast by a wizard unknown to me, and local rumors of a dragon who has begun to act strangely. There is the slight chance that the orb may not even be there at all.

    Return with the orb or news of it not being there and you will be paid the same. But you must make a pledge to not speak of this to anyone else not among us now.

    Your sense motive tells you that the man is holding things back still but generally being honest as far as he knows.

  14. - Top - End - #14
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Dragondoom [FR 3.5] - IC Group 1

    Somewhat mollified the tormite nods calmly and looks to the other. She didn't trust the old man that far really. But she had posed the question that she needed to. No more needed to be said about it until they had found this mysterious orb. Readjusting the greatsword on her back she leans forward slightly. It was time to plan this venture. "The weather around here will be harsh come winter, friend. Especially on the glacier. It's windy and cold enough to attract both remhorazes and white dragons. I'd suggest you pack warmly. But there's also many legends about lost cities in the mountains and such, so at least there will be plenty of opportunities for both valour and riches."
    As she finishes she's grinning widely. Doubtlessly about the chance for valourous deeds rather than any monetary gain. But she doesn't seem to think ill of those more materialistic than her.
    "Sometimes it's better to light a flamethrower than to curse the darkness" - Terry Pratchett

    Big thanks to Savannah for the badass Papa Wolf avatar!

  15. - Top - End - #15
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Dragondoom [FR 3.5] - IC Group 1


    His eyes sparkling, Baryx becomes more and more excited at the prospect of the adventure. It sounds a fine adventure to me! I for one am decided, and happily accept the mission. I carry all the supplies I require in my pack. Anyone coming along should ensure they are prepared for dragons, goblins, burrowers, and icicles forming on their nethers when nature calls he gives a toothy grin No storm on the horizon can hide from these bones, we should depart on the morrow if they tell me the weather's safe. Even if the orb isn't there, there's still a Dragonhoarde out there somewhere, and a big scaly white blight on the region hoarding it.

    One of the Stormsinger class features is fore-knowledge of any storm in the next 24 hours
    Just in case, in any game I've applied to without being selected: DMs are more than welcome to use my submission as an NPC as they wish!

    Huge thanks to Howl for puting some Boomstick in my avatar

  16. - Top - End - #16
    Ettin in the Playground

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    Default Re: Dragondoom [FR 3.5] - IC Group 1


    "Well, since we all seem to be set on going... might I suggest we go aside a ways and discuss our arrangements amoungst ourselves? I doubt our employer here really wishes to listen to us discussing provisions..."

    Unless someone objects, interrupts, or still has a question for the employer, Nustrilaa will lead the party to a table of their own. Once she's seated, she'll begin speaking again.

    "My name is Nustrilaa. I am a highly regarded Chef from the city of Athkatla in Amn. I have also spent the last century as the librarian for a cell of Cowled Wizards."

    As she speaks, Nustrilaa removes a book from her bag of holding, and places it open to a page relatively near the front on the table. She then produces a quill pen and ink.

    "I have access to a selection of useful spells for combat situations, and out of combat I have access to both a Secret Chest - ideal for anything we find that we dare not cary with us yet cannot leave behind - various pieces of Divination magic, the Secure Shelter spell (to give us somewhere to rest), and a small herd of magical horses for whenever the path is stable enough to allow us to use them.

    I am not, however, of much use in a physical fight. If I do run out of prepared magic during our journey - always possible if we run into enough trouble - then I will be relying on you to keep me safe.

    So, who are you all, and what are you all good at?

    She lifts the quill, clearly intending to take notes on her new colleagues.

  17. - Top - End - #17
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Default Re: Dragondoom [FR 3.5] - IC Group 1

    As the party leaves his table, the old man says, "Good luck, if you return, tell the barkeep Girvas, he knows how to fetch me. May the gods bring luck to you all."

  18. - Top - End - #18
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: Dragondoom [FR 3.5] - IC Group 1

    Cylirr considers what the old man has told them then nods. "We shall do our best then." She bows before following Nustrilaa and taking a seat.

    "Indeed, the better we know each other the better we can handle what is to come. I am Cylirr Mynesari pledged in song and service to Lathander. When not used for healing or lighting our way my magic gravitates towards making my opponent unable to fight effectively, if at all. I've also some skill at divination as well. When spells fail I am passable with a bow but I am afraid that like Nustrilaa I cannot fight up close."

    She steeples her fingers. "As to the orb... Methinks once we lay hands on it we aught to attempt to figure out what it can do no?"

  19. - Top - End - #19
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: Dragondoom [FR 3.5] - IC Group 1


    Jory takes his mug, nods to the old man, and follows Nustrilaa to her table.

    "I don't suppose you'll be cooking for us then, will you? Trail rations will keep your belly full, but are a long reach from fine dining." He chuckles, but you can tell that he's only half joking.

    "My father named me Jory..." he holds up his right hand, displaying its horrid burning and waxen flesh, "The boys in the Cormyrian Guard liked to call me 'Hornfinger', but I'll answer to just about anything you like. I fought the goblins during the war, and my bow's continued to earn my keep ever since. I'm no stranger to a battlefield, so I figure that between me and Mr. Hammer (he indicates Hrothgar) over there, we can be sure to keep you alive at least untill after dinner's served.

    His tone is not in any way mocking, if anything, he's truly looking forwards to the possibility of a half decent meal.
    Last edited by Mr. X; 2012-02-07 at 01:39 AM.

  20. - Top - End - #20
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Dragondoom [FR 3.5] - IC Group 1

    "I am Hrothgar Fireheart, of the mountain dwarves. I am well-trained with my hammer, and will see to it that as little harm comes to you all as possible. It takes a lot to bring down this dwarf.

    The dwarf has accepted that they will be departing on this quest, and has little else to say.

  21. - Top - End - #21
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Dragondoom [FR 3.5] - IC Group 1

    Considering the greatsword strapped to her back it's small wonder the redhaired paladin picks a bench for a seat rather than a chair. At the confirmation that the dark elf really is a follower and priestess of Lathander she nods in respect to the cleric. The tormites and the lathanderites doesn't have that much in common beyond being goodly faiths. But that's enough for Ylva. When the others have said their piece she finishes off with a simple: "And my name is Ylva Arkhent. I have been known as Ylva of Tantras and Ylva the Dutybound and I am a servant and paladin of Torm. I am trained as a warrior and I have some small powers of healing as well. I will serve as needed."
    Pausing briefly she then adds: "I agree in that there's wisdom in examining our orb before turning it over to anyone. And maybe also the one we're to turn it over to." There is, however, no doubt in her voice or mind that they are to turn the orb over to the old man if he passes her scrutiny. They had given their words and while situations might change it was too early to assume such yet. "Do all of you have ways of staving off the cold of the Glacier?"
    "Sometimes it's better to light a flamethrower than to curse the darkness" - Terry Pratchett

    Big thanks to Savannah for the badass Papa Wolf avatar!

  22. - Top - End - #22
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: Dragondoom [FR 3.5] - IC Group 1

    Jory fingers his cloak, "My cloak has a minor enchantment woven into it that will keep me warm enough, unless the weather becomes truly extreme. Unfortunately, I do not possess anything that might benefit the party as a whole."

    Cloak has a constant "Endure Elements" enchantment.

  23. - Top - End - #23
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: Dragondoom [FR 3.5] - IC Group 1

    "I've a spell to protect myself and others from the cold... But I would need to pray for it first."

  24. - Top - End - #24
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Dragondoom [FR 3.5] - IC Group 1

    As Baryx rises to leave the table along with everyone else he addresses their new employer, See you around old man, and Milil's Fortune smile on you until we return.

    He finds a comfortable spot to slouch against the wall and listens as everyone lists their strengths and discusses their impending trip to the Glacier. At last he chimes in, with all the bearing of a grand story tellerThey call me Baryx the Clarion around here, I've been ranging on the Glacier and there-abouts for nigh on twenty years -most of my life- knowing that my destiny is on that Glacier, tied to the White Wyrm.

    I've saved more than one group of fool-hearty travelers on the Ice, they're more plentiful than you'd expect! I can provide all the sustainence we'll need, and like our studious friend there
    he indicates Nustrilaa I can provide shelter on the road to keep us warm and hidden. I can also assist in mending the wounds we may suffer along the way. I'm passable with bow and rapier, but my true power lies in the Eye of the Storm, and in the hearts of fair maidens. The only cold I fear is the cold of a lonely pallet on the road. With the last he gives a quick wink and an appreciative glance at Ylva.

    If I sense no storm on the horizon, I suggest we set out at our earliest opportunity tomorrow morning.
    Last edited by Medic!; 2012-02-08 at 12:04 AM.
    Just in case, in any game I've applied to without being selected: DMs are more than welcome to use my submission as an NPC as they wish!

    Huge thanks to Howl for puting some Boomstick in my avatar

  25. - Top - End - #25
    Ettin in the Playground

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    Default Re: Dragondoom [FR 3.5] - IC Group 1


    As Baryx casts his gaze towards Ylva, Nustrilaa tries to fight off an amused grin. Being a poor bluffer at the best of times, she fails.

    "It seems someone must have stolen away my youth when I was not looking. There was a time when those glances would have been coming my way... True, the wild look is far more popular with the Druids who raised me then it is with you 'civilized' folk, so I suppose I could just be out of fashion here..."

    Still grinning, the wizard turned to address Cylirr.

    "I, for one, would appreciate your magic. I was going to buy a couple of extra thick travelling cloaks and hope they were enough, but I'd rather trust my life to magic."

    Actually, I'll do both. No sense in taking chances.

  26. - Top - End - #26
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Default Re: Dragondoom [FR 3.5] - IC Group 1

    A rather beautiful barmaid saunters over and says, " I beleive I overheard you talking about going onto the glacier... I wouldn't dare it! The worms are really active right now, you may want to head over to Laurin's place, he lives on the east side of town, word is that he went up just last week, and it cost him a leg."

  27. - Top - End - #27
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Dragondoom [FR 3.5] - IC Group 1


    Baryx's face brightened as the maid approached, then darkened as she mentioned Laurin.

    Aye...bad bit of business, that. Ol' Laurin's been up on that slab o' ice a hunnerd times. Took every healing spell I had and every ounce of wit to get him outta the spot he got himself into. Was a near thing gettin him down alive and m'self besides. I'd like to poke in on him regardless and see how he's gettin' along. Everyone'd be a mite wiser to stop in and listen to what he has to say.

    After hearing everyone else out politely, Baryx searches out that red-haired barmaid he was hoping to find with hopes of her providing a place for him to sleep for the night (Or barring that, a room for the night from the innkeep.)
    Just in case, in any game I've applied to without being selected: DMs are more than welcome to use my submission as an NPC as they wish!

    Huge thanks to Howl for puting some Boomstick in my avatar

  28. - Top - End - #28
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Dragondoom [FR 3.5] - IC Group 1

    Realizing Baryx hadn't explained his own area of expertise Ylva turns to listen to the woodsman... well... glacierman, anyway, with an air of respect to his knowledge about the area they would travel through. It was good to know that there would be someone with more experience of the glacier than hers. She had been there once or twice, but only passing through. She had very much not spent her last twenty years there. As the man continues on to flirt with her she shakes her head with a slight smile rather obviously devoid of any real encouragement. She wasn't as naïve as she had been when she set out into the world all those years ago, now she knew she was beautiful and that she would attract this kind of attention for many years to come, but she also knew many of them would not be the kind she was interested in. Temporary things. It was flattering, but in the end she would be looking for something more... stable. Her smile widens to a teasing grin of camaraderie as she answers, though: "Then you should have done what I did with my first reward as a wandering knight, friend. You should have bought an enchanted bedroll. I haven't feared a cold night since."
    She even lets out a snicker as Nustrilaa playfully laments not getting that kind of attention and she taps her breastplate, one unadorned by any... "female bulges" with a silvery index finger. "Who knows. Maybe the boy likes his playthings well packed and protected. Personally I think he'd tire and move to more easily accessible distractions soon enough." She glances towards the barmaid who shared her hair colour as she speaks, correctly, guessing the spellscale's intentions. But her tone is friendly and not judgemental. She knew that not all philosophies were alike hers, and more than that a sense of camaraderie was already forming in the group, which was good for their chances of success. And survival.

    Then the other barmaid approaches and voices her concern. Giving her a friendly, calming smile the paladin is quick to answer: "I think we'll be going anyway, maid. It is our duty to go where others fear to tread. But fear not, we're neither unexperienced nor foolish. We'll be careful, work together and listen to experience. So visiting goodman Laurin might be wise," she concedes in the end. But her tone makes it obvious that while she was going to listen to his knowledge she wouldn't be scared of by his misfortune.
    Turning back to the rest she adds, respectfully: "Unless the rest of you think we could use the time better, of course."
    "Sometimes it's better to light a flamethrower than to curse the darkness" - Terry Pratchett

    Big thanks to Savannah for the badass Papa Wolf avatar!

  29. - Top - End - #29
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: Dragondoom [FR 3.5] - IC Group 1

    Jory raises an eyebrow at the barmaid,"That bad, Eh? I don't suppose there's a bounty up for 'thinning the herds' or some such, is there? Can you tell me precisely whereabouts this 'Laurin' lives.

    (Presuming the barmaid provides directions)He stands, picks up his pack, and drops a few coppers on the counter for the barkeep. As he goes, he says to the party,I'll go and have a chat with this Laurin. It'd be good to hear his story, if nothing else. I'll be back in an hour or two, so don't trouble yourselves if you aren't dying to come along."
    Last edited by Mr. X; 2012-02-08 at 01:31 AM.

  30. - Top - End - #30
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: Dragondoom [FR 3.5] - IC Group 1

    Cylirr smiles and gives Nustrilaa a polite nod at her acknowledgement. That smile grows somewhat more catlike as she notes Baryx's departure and the direction in which it takes him. "Oh I do think he hath already tired and moved on methinks. A quick one he is."

    Cylirr stands as Jory announces his intentions. "Methinks I shall be along as well. There might be something more I can do for the man Lathander willing."

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