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    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default New Subsystem: Binding Feats [3.5, WIP, PEACH]

    This is Chapter Three for my Binder Of Souls Project.
    Details can be found in this thread.

    This chapter is home to feats which are designed to allow Binders to have more diversity in what they can manipulate and feats which allow a Binder to specialize becoming stronger with specific creatures. In addition to these feats is also a template which is frequently mentioned within the feats, this template shall be placed in the second post.

    Chapter Three: Binder Specific Feats
    Aberrant Binding [Binder]
    Allows a Binder to bind Aberrations.
    Prerequisite: Knowledge (Dungeoneering) 5, Outsider Binding Class Feature
    Benefit: A Binder can bind Aberrations with HD up to your Binder Level-4.
    An aberration gains the Sunken Soul Template if their soul is used in the following class features: Apparatus Binding, Constructive Binding, Soul Merge, or Aura Binding.
    Normal: Normally a binder can't bind Aberrations.
    Special: Can be taken by a Binder as a Bonus Feat.

    Archon Binding [Binder]
    Allows a Binder to bind Archon's to a greater extent.
    Prerequisite: Knowledge (Planes) 6, Outsider Binding Class Feature
    Benefit: Your Effective Binder Level is 2 levels higher when using Binder's Pact on creatures with the Archon subtype.
    Also any summoned creatures with the Archon Subtype gain +2HD but are still classed as their orginal HD for the purposes of Binder's Pact and the Type's HD Limit.
    Special: Can be taken by a Binder as a Bonus Feat.

    Axiomatic Binding [Binder]
    Allows a Binder to bind creatures of Law to a greater extent.
    Prerequisite: Knowledge (Planes) 6, Outsider Binding Class Feature
    Benefit: Your Effective Binder Level is 2 levels higher when using Binder's Pact on creatures with the Lawful subtype.
    Also any summoned creatures with the Lawful Subtype gain +2HD but are still classed as their orginal HD for the purposes of Binder's Pact and the Type's HD Limit.
    Special: Can be taken by a Binder as a Bonus Feat.

    Beast Binder [Binder]
    Allows a Binder to bind Magical Beasts.
    Prerequisite: Knowledge (Arcana) 4, Elemental Binding Class Feature
    Benefit: A Binder can bind Magical Beasts with HD up to your Binder Level-3.
    A Magical Beast gains the Sunken Soul Template if their soul is used in the following class features: Apparatus Binding, Constructive Binding, Soul Merge, or Aura Binding.
    Normal: Normally a binder can't bind Magical Beasts that haven't been summoned via a summon spell.
    Special: Can be taken by a Binder as a Bonus Feat.

    Binder of Evil [Binder]
    Allows a Binder to bind creatures of Evil to a greater extent.
    Prerequisite: Knowledge (Planes) 6, Outsider Binding Class Feature
    Benefit: Your Effective Binder Level is 2 levels higher when using Binder's Pact on creatures with the Evil subtype.
    Also any summoned creatures with the Evil Subtype gain +2HD but are still classed as their orginal HD for the purposes of Binder's Pact and the Type's HD Limit.
    Special: Can be taken by a Binder as a Bonus Feat.

    Binder of Good [Binder]
    Allows a Binder to bind creatures of Good to a greater extent.
    Prerequisite: Knowledge (Planes) 6, Outsider Binding Class Feature
    Benefit: Your Effective Binder Level is 2 levels higher when using Binder's Pact on creatures with the Good subtype.
    Also any summoned creatures with the Good Subtype gain +2HD but are still classed as their orginal HD for the purposes of Binder's Pact and the Type's HD Limit.
    Special: Can be taken by a Binder as a Bonus Feat.

    Binder of the Gods [Binder]
    Allows a Binder to bind Angels to a greater extent.
    Prerequisite: Knowledge (Planes) 6, Outsider Binding Class Feature
    Benefit: Your Effective Binder Level is 2 levels higher when using Binder's Pact on creatures with the Angel subtype.
    Also any summoned creatures with the Angel Subtype gain +2HD but are still classed as their orginal HD for the purposes of Binder's Pact and the Type's HD Limit.
    Special: Can be taken by a Binder as a Bonus Feat.

    Binder of the Sea [Binder]
    Allows a Binder to bind creatures of the water to a greater extent.
    Prerequisite: Knowledge (Planes) 6, Elemental Binding Class Feature
    Benefit: Your Effective Binder Level is 2 levels higher when using Binder's Pact on creatures with the Water subtype.
    Also any summoned creatures with the Water Subtype gain +2HD but are still classed as their orginal HD for the purposes of Binder's Pact and the Type's HD Limit.
    Special: Can be taken by a Binder as a Bonus Feat.

    Binder of Life[Binder]
    Allows a Binder to bind creatures of life to a greater extent.
    Prerequisite: Knowledge (Planes) 6, Elemental Binding Class Feature
    Benefit: Your Effective Binder Level is 2 levels higher when using Binder's Pact on creatures with the Positive subtype.
    Also any summoned creatures with the Positive Subtype gain +2HD but are still classed as their orginal HD for the purposes of Binder's Pact and the Type's HD Limit.
    Special: Can be taken by a Binder as a Bonus Feat.

    Binder of Death [Binder]
    Allows a Binder to bind creatures of death to a greater extent.
    Prerequisite: Knowledge (Planes) 6, Elemental Binding Class Feature
    Benefit: Your Effective Binder Level is 2 levels higher when using Binder's Pact on creatures with the Negative subtype.
    Also any summoned creatures with the Negative Subtype gain +2HD but are still classed as their orginal HD for the purposes of Binder's Pact and the Type's HD Limit.
    Special: Can be taken by a Binder as a Bonus Feat.

    Binder of the Sky [Binder]
    Allows a Binder to bind creates of the Air to a greater extent.
    Prerequisite: Knowledge (Plane) 6, Elemental Binding Class Feature
    Benefit: Your Effective Binder Level is 2 levels higher when using Binder's Pact on creatures with the Air subtype.
    Also any summoned creatures with the Air Subtype gain +2HD but are still classed as their orginal HD for the purposes of Binder's Pact and the Type's HD Limit.
    Special: Can be taken by a Binder as a Bonus Feat.

    Binder of the Mountain [Binder]
    Allows a Binder to bind creatures of the earth to a greater extent.
    Prerequisite: Knowledge (Planes) 6, Elemental Binding Class Feature
    Benefit: Your Effective Binder Level is 2 levels higher when using Binder's Pact on creatures with the Earth subtype.
    Also any summoned creatures with the Earth Subtype gain +2HD but are still classed as their orginal HD for the purposes of Binder's Pact and the Type's HD Limit.
    Special: Can be taken by a Binder as a Bonus Feat.

    Binder of Flame [Binder]
    Allows a Binder to bind creatures of the water to a greater extent.
    Prerequisite: Knowledge (Planes) 6, Elemental Binding Class Feature
    Benefit: Your Effective Binder Level is 2 levels higher when using Binder's Pact on creatures with the Fire subtype.
    Also any summoned creatures with the Fire Subtype gain +2HD but are still classed as their orginal HD for the purposes of Binder's Pact and the Type's HD Limit.
    Special: Can be taken by a Binder as a Bonus Feat.

    Binder of Frost [Binder]
    Allows a Binder to bind creatures of the cold to a greater extent.
    Prerequisite: Knowledge (Planes) 6, Elemental Binding Class Feature
    Benefit: Your Effective Binder Level is 2 levels higher when using Binder's Pact on creatures with the Cold subtype.
    Also any summoned creatures with the Cold Subtype gain +2HD but are still classed as their orginal HD for the purposes of Binder's Pact and the Type's HD Limit.
    Special: Can be taken by a Binder as a Bonus Feat.

    Celestial Binder [Binder]
    Allows a Binder to bind creatures of good to a greater extent.
    Prerequisite: Knowledge (Planes) 6, Outsider Binding Class Feature
    Benefit: Your Effective Binder Level is 2 levels higher when using Binder's Pact on creatures with the Extraplanar subtype with Good Alignments.
    Also any summoned creatures with the Extraplanar Subtype with good alignments gain +2HD but are still classed as their orginal HD for the purposes of Binder's Pact and the Type's HD Limit.
    Special: Can be taken by a Binder as a Bonus Feat.

    Circle Binder [Binder]
    Allows a Binder to create more Binding Circles.
    Prerequisite: Binding Circle class feature
    Benefit: You can have an extra number of Binding Circles at anyone time equal to your Will Save.
    Special: Can be taken by a Binder as a Bonus Feat. Also, this feat can be taken multiple times.

    Demon Binder [Binder]
    Allows a Binder to bind Demons to a greater extent.
    Prerequisite: Knowledge (Planes) 6, Outsider Binding Class Feature
    Benefit: Your Effective Binder Level is 2 levels higher when using Binder's Pact on creatures with the Demon subtype.
    Also any summoned creatures with the Demon Subtype gain +2HD but are still classed as their orginal HD for the purposes of Binder's Pact and the Type's HD Limit.
    Special: Can be taken by a Binder as a Bonus Feat.

    Devil Binder [Binder]
    Allows a Binder to bind Devils to a greater extent.
    Prerequisite: Knowledge (Planes) 6, Outsider Binding Class Feature
    Benefit: Your Effective Binder Level is 2 levels higher when using Binder's Pact on creatures with the Devil subtype.
    Also any summoned creatures with the Devil Subtype gain +2HD but are still classed as their orginal HD for the purposes of Binder's Pact and the Type's HD Limit.
    Special: Can be taken by a Binder as a Bonus Feat.

    Dragon Binder [Binder]
    Allows a Binder to bind Dragons
    Prerequisite: Knowledge (Arcana) 4, Outsider Binding Class Feature
    Benefit: A Binder can bind Dragons with HD up to your Binder Level -2.
    A Dragon gains the Sunken Soul Template if their soul is used in the following class features: Apparatus Binding, Constructive Binding, Soul Merge, or Aura Binding.
    Normal: Normally a binder can't bind Dragons.
    Special: Can be taken by a Binder as a Bonus Feat.

    Druidic Binding [Binder]
    Allows a Binder to bind Animals and Plants.
    Prerequisite: Knowledge (Nature) 5, Elemental Binding Class Feature
    Benefit: A Binder can bind Animals and Plants with HD up to your Binder Level.
    An Animal or Plant gains the Sunken Soul Template if their soul is used in the following class features: Apparatus Binding, Constructive Binding, Soul Merge, or Aura Binding.
    Normal: Normally a binder can't bind Animals or Plants.
    Special: Can be taken by a Binder as a Bonus Feat.

    Entropic Binder [Binder]
    Allows a Binder to bind creatures of Chaos to a greater extend.
    Prerequisite: Knowledge (Planes) 6, Outsider Binding Class Feature
    Benefit: Your Effective Binder Level is 2 levels higher when using Binder's Pact on creatures with the Chaos subtype.
    Also any summoned creatures with the Chaos Subtype gain +2HD but are still classed as their orginal HD for the purposes of Binder's Pact and the Type's HD Limit.
    Special: Can be taken by a Binder as a Bonus Feat.

    Fiendish Binder [Binder]
    Allows a Binder to bind creatures of Evil to a greater extent.
    Prerequisite: Knowledge (Planes) 6, Outsider Binding Class Feature
    Benefit: Your Effective Binder Level is 2 levels higher when using Binder's Pact on creatures with the Extraplanar subtype and Evil Alignment.
    Also any summoned creatures with the Fiendish Subtype and an Evil Alignment gain +2HD but are still classed as their orginal HD for the purposes of Binder's Pact and the Type's HD Limit.
    Special: Can be taken by a Binder as a Bonus Feat.

    Legion of Souls [Binder]
    Allows you to store more souls with you than normal
    Prerequiste:Cha 13
    Benefit: You can have an extra number of souls bound to you via the Soul Merge class Feature equal to your Charisma modifier.
    Special: Can be taken by a Binder as a Bonus Feat.

    Mortal Binder [Binder]
    Allows a Binder to bind Humanoids and Monstrous Humanoids
    Prerequisite: Knowledge (Local) 5, Outsider Binding Class Feature
    Benefit: A Binder can bind Humanoids and Monstrous Humanoids with HD up to your Binder Level-4.
    A Humanoid or Monstrous Humanoid gains the Sunken Soul Template if their soul is used in the following class features: Apparatus Binding, Constructive Binding, Soul Merge, or Aura Binding.
    Normal: Normally a binder can't bind Humanoids or Monstrous Humanoids.
    Special: Can be taken by a Binder as a Bonus Feat.

    Necromantic Binder [Binder]
    Allows a Binder to bind Deathborn, Deathless and Undead.
    Prerequisite: Knowledge (Religion) 6, Outsider Binding Class Feature
    Benefit: A Binder can bind Deathless and Undead with HD up to your Binder Level.
    A Deathborn, Deathless, or Undead gains the Sunken Soul Template if their soul is used in the following class features: Apparatus Binding, Constructive Binding, Soul Merge, or Aura Binding.
    Normal: Normally a binder can't bind Deathborn, Deathless, or Undead.
    Special: Can be taken by a Binder as a Bonus Feat.

    Ooze Binder [Binder]
    Allows a Binder to bind Oozes.
    Prerequisite: Knowledge (Dungeoneering) 5, Elemental Binding Class Feature
    Benefit: A Binder can bind Oozes with HD up to your Binder Level.
    An Ooze gains the Sunken Soul Template if their soul is used in the following class features: Apparatus Binding, Constructive Binding, Soul Merge, or Aura Binding.
    Normal: Normally a binder can't bind Oozes.
    Special: Can be taken by a Binder as a Bonus Feat.

    Shifting Binder [Binder]
    Allows a Binder to bind shapeshifting creatures to a greater extent.
    Prerequisite: Knowledge (Planes) 6, Outsider Binding Class Feature
    Benefit: Your Effective Binder Level is 2 levels higher when using Binder's Pact on creatures with the Shapeshifter subtype.
    Also any summoned creatures with the Shapeshifter Subtype gain +2HD but are still classed as their orginal HD for the purposes of Binder's Pact and the Type's HD Limit.
    Special: Can be taken by a Binder as a Bonus Feat.

    Wild Binder [Binder]
    Allows a Binder to bind Fey.
    Prerequisite: Knowledge (Nature) 5, Outsider Binding Class Feature
    Benefit: A Binder can bind Fey with HD up to your Binder Level-4.
    A Fey gains the Sunken Soul Template if their soul is used in the following class features: Apparatus Binding, Constructive Binding, Soul Merge, or Aura Binding.
    Normal: Normally a binder can't bind Fey.
    Special: Can be taken by a Binder as a Bonus Feat.

    Vermin Binder [Binder]
    Allows a Binder to bind Vermin.
    Prerequisite: Knowledge (Nature) 5, Elemental Binding Class Feature
    Benefit: A Binder can bind Vermin with HD up to your Binder Level-2.
    A Vermin gains the Sunken Soul Template if their soul is used in the following class features: Apparatus Binding, Constructive Binding, Soul Merge, or Aura Binding.
    Normal: Normally a binder can't bind Vermin.
    Special: Can be taken by a Binder as a Bonus Feat.
    Last edited by Milo v3; 2012-07-13 at 10:06 AM.
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    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: New Subsystem: Binding Feats [3.5, WIP, PEACH]

    Sunken Souls Template
    Sunken Souls are those who have had their souls removed from their body from binding magic and now remain as husks. They do nothing but stay alive; breathing, eating, and sleeping.

    Creating a Sunken Soul
    Sunken Soul is an "acquired" template that can be added to any non-elemental or outsider creature (refered to hereafter as the base creature).

    A Sunken Soul uses all the base creature's statistics and special abilities, except as noted here.

    Size and Type
    Type and Size are unchanged.

    Hit Dice
    A Sunken Soul loses all class levels, adjust; Hit Dice, Skills, Feats, and Proficiencies accordingly.

    All forms of movement the base creature has drop to 5ft (1 square).

    Special Qualities
    The base creature keeps its Special Qualities in addition to gaining the following:
    • Mindless: No Intelligence score, and immunity to all mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, phantasms, patterns, and morale effects).
    • Soul Drained: Immune to all Death Effects, Imprisonment, Trap the Soul, and all binder class features except for Sunder Apparatus.

    All ability score remain normal, except for intelligence which is lost as a Sunken Soul is mindless.

    A Sunken Soul loses all Feats it would have obtained by obtaining class levels.

    Challenge Rating
    As base creature -2.


    The Base creatures alignment changes to Neutral.

    Level Adjustment

    If the soul is returned to the base creature by use sunder apparatus ability then this Template is lost and the base creature regains everything that was lost in gaining this template.
    Last edited by Milo v3; 2012-02-25 at 08:38 AM.
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  3. - Top - End - #3
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: New Subsystem: Binding Feats [3.5, WIP, PEACH]

    "Archaic" means old. It doesn't mean related to law.
    My homebrew:


    ToB disciplines:

    The Narrow Bridge
    The Broken Blade

    Prestige classess:
    Disciple of Karsus -PrC for Karsites.
    The Seekers of Lost Swords and the Preserver of Future Blades Two interelated Tome of Battle Prcs,
    Master of the Hidden Seal - Binder/Divine hybrid
    Knight of the Grave- Necromancy using Gish

    Worthwhile links:

    Age of Warriors

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    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: New Subsystem: Binding Feats [3.5, WIP, PEACH]

    Quote Originally Posted by JoshuaZ View Post
    "Archaic" means old. It doesn't mean related to law.
    Confused it with Axiomatic. I've now fixed it.
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    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: New Subsystem: Binding Feats [3.5, WIP, PEACH]

    Any info on whether or not these seem balanced or any ideas for new ones?
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    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: New Subsystem: Binding Feats [3.5, WIP, PEACH]

    There is quite a bit of overlap among the feats, and "Angels", "Celestial", "Demon", "Devil", and "Fiendish", aren't subtypes. Might wanna fix that.

    Quote Originally Posted by A Friend Of Mine
    Bloody Mess: The gift that keeps on gibbing.
    Fatigue makes me wax philosophic and/or babble. If I've posted something strange and tangential, that is probably the cause. This entry would be an example.

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    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: New Subsystem: Binding Feats [3.5, WIP, PEACH]

    Quote Originally Posted by radmelon View Post
    There is quite a bit of overlap among the feats, and "Angels", "Celestial", "Demon", "Devil", and "Fiendish", aren't subtypes. Might wanna fix that.
    Angel Subtype does exist actually. Demon and Devil are the SRD name for Baatezu and Tanari subtypes.

    You are right about the Celestial and Fiendish though. I'll fix it.
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    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: New Subsystem: Binding Feats [3.5, WIP, PEACH]

    Quote Originally Posted by Milo v3 View Post
    Angel Subtype does exist actually. Demon and Devil are the SRD name for Baatezu and Tanari subtypes.

    You are right about the Celestial and Fiendish though. I'll fix it.
    While the "angel" subtype does exist, the feat repeatedly states "Angels" subtype. Just a bit of nitpicking going on.

    Quote Originally Posted by A Friend Of Mine
    Bloody Mess: The gift that keeps on gibbing.
    Fatigue makes me wax philosophic and/or babble. If I've posted something strange and tangential, that is probably the cause. This entry would be an example.

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    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: New Subsystem: Binding Feats [3.5, WIP, PEACH]

    Quote Originally Posted by radmelon View Post
    While the "angel" subtype does exist, the feat repeatedly states "Angels" subtype. Just a bit of nitpicking going on.
    Fixed. Also nitpicking is appreciated. I want my work to be as good as possible.
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