Snips, Snails, and Dragon Tales: Now available in PDF format from Gumroad
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  1. - Top - End - #1
    Ettin in the Playground
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Default Surrealistik's Design/Homebrew Compendium

    Index of my various homebrew/design projects. Mind that many if not most are only partly complete. I'm likely to revisit those for which interest is exhibited:

    Class/Balance Fixes:

    • Assassin Fix (Complete, excepting power support)

    • Sorcerer Fix (Mostly complete; perhaps more power/feat support is required)

    Custom Classes:

    Custom Mobs:

    Custom Powers:

    Custom Races:
    • Morphling (+2 Con, +2 Cha/Int; Far Realm shapeshifting abominations)

    • Illithid (+2 Int, +2 Cha/Wis; brain sucking psychic abominations)

    • Succubus (+2 Charisma, +2 Intelligence or +2 Wisdom; cunning temptresses of the Nine Hells)

    • Nephilim (+2 Any; haughty progeny of the gods and primordials)

    • Ghost (+2 Charisma, +2 any non-Strength past-life ability bonus; damned/lingering souls of the fallen)

    • Reforged (Warforged Sub-race) (+2 Constitution, +2 Strength or any non-Constitution reforged race ability bonus; salvaged remains of the crippled and deceased, rebuilt into semi-constructs.)


  2. - Top - End - #2
    Troll in the Playground
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Charlotte, USA

    Default Re: Surrealistik's Design/Homebrew Compendium

    I'm working my way through, but I'm personally liking the Controller Features. Having that makes them line up better with the other classes in my mind. I'm curious though, what advantage does the Seeker spirit give? If you've already missed it makes sense, but it doesn't seem to have a real benefit, so clearly I'm missing something.

  3. - Top - End - #3
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Feb 2008

    Default Re: Surrealistik's Design/Homebrew Compendium

    Quote Originally Posted by Tegu8788 View Post
    I'm working my way through, but I'm personally liking the Controller Features. Having that makes them line up better with the other classes in my mind. I'm curious though, what advantage does the Seeker spirit give? If you've already missed it makes sense, but it doesn't seem to have a real benefit, so clearly I'm missing something.
    Seeker spirit allows you to or an ally, at the cost of expending a spirit, to reroll an attack against an enemy in the space that spirit occupied in the event of a miss. In otherwords, it strongly discourages enemies from inhabiting certain squares.

  4. - Top - End - #4
    Troll in the Playground
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    Charlotte, USA

    Default Re: Surrealistik's Design/Homebrew Compendium

    Ok, that makes more sense. I had missed the "and the attack misses," which boosts it significantly. How would you work that with an avenger's attack, or any other class power that gives you a double roll?

  5. - Top - End - #5
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Feb 2008

    Default Re: Surrealistik's Design/Homebrew Compendium

    Keep in mind though, you have to expend the spirit _before_ the attack roll is made.

    As for multirollers, they simply reroll the attack in its totality in the event they miss with however many rolls they originally made.

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  7. - Top - End - #7
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Feb 2008

    Default Re: Surrealistik's Design/Homebrew Compendium

    Added the Succubus and Nephilim races.

    The Nephilim are often haughty descendents of the gods, primordals and their angel and archon servants. Those of a more extreme persuasion consider themselves to be the 'Chosen', a messianic master race whose ultimate destiny is to seize control of multiverse, thereby ushering in a new golden era under the auspices of their benevolent reign.

  8. - Top - End - #8
    Titan in the Playground
    Kurald Galain's Avatar

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    Default Re: Surrealistik's Design/Homebrew Compendium

    I'm looking over the sorcerer fix and I must say I don't really like it. The sorcerer is already struggling to be different from the wizard, and many of your suggested feats are just wizard feats with the ability scores changed around. That doesn't help the sorc find its own niche.

    Also, I think there's too many feats that are simply an untyped bonus to damage, which is effective but uninteresting. And Spontaneous Expansion strikes me as way too good; I would default to using this all the time, taking lower-level powers instead of higher-level ones to make the damage negligible. Finally, I don't think that draining your own health (surges) for power fits with the sorcerer's shtick; that's more of a warlock thing.

    Incidentally, if you're going to buff the sorcerer a lot then you may have to nerf Flame Spiral. I've seen several sorc builds revolve around recharging FS as much as possible, and none seem to find a better encounter power in all 30 levels; so any boosts to the sorc should take into account how this works with repeated FS (or, for that matter, Chain Breathing).
    Guide to the Magus, the Pathfinder Gish class.

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  9. - Top - End - #9
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Surrealistik's Design/Homebrew Compendium

    Man, that Sorcerer stuff is ancient, and I've forgotten most of the content.

    That said, let's be honest, the Sorcerer blows because the Wizard jacked his toys, and as a striker, damage, and in particular AoE damage is what he does. When/if I feel like revisiting those tweaks, I'll see if I can improve the diversity of the feats and buffs, but I suspect there's not all that much room for innovation while still remaining true to the core of the class. Feats that do things like AoE expansion, additional damage scaling and devoted resistance/immunity penetration are pretty necessary I feel.

    Agree that Spontaneous Expansion is essentially a feat tax (not unlike Enlarge Spell); some form of it might be included as a class feature. The only nerf I'd make to it though is removing its compatibility with dailies. Scaling its damage with attack level makes sense as a rule in most cases due to the increased power of higher level attacks.

    That said I'm pretty satisfied with the at-wills which certainly improve on the Sorc's relatively lacklustre selection.

    Personally I like the idea of expending surges for additional power and do think it's consistent with the class' flavour; I'm not sure how you're imagining it, but I look at surge casting in this context as an enervating exertion of will, which is exactly what the Sorcerer is about in my view.

    Agree on Flame Spiral.

  10. - Top - End - #10

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