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  1. - Top - End - #1
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Elemental Rage (Feat)

    Elemental Rage
    A barbarian's fury burns deep within, taking on aspects of one of the elements.

    Prerequisites: 7 levels in a class that grants Rage or Frenzy

    Benefit: Upon taking this feat, a character chooses two of the five "elements": [Acid], [Cold], [Electricity], [Fire], or [Sonic]. This is a permanent choice. Whenever a character begins to rage (or frenzy), she may choose one of her two chosen elements. Her appearance changes thematically. Frost may form on her body or snow flurries may be seen to waft by. Likewise, her sword may glow red hot and subtle tendrils of flame may be visible flowing in rivulets across her body. While raging, her weapon does an additional 1d6 elemental damage. In addition, she gains resistance 5 to her chosen element while she rages. This improves to resistance 10 at 15th level. She may select either element at the beginning of a rage, but only one may be in effect at a time. At the end of her rage, instead of becoming Fatigued, she is Exhausted until the end of the encounter. This is a Supernatural ability.

    A character may take this feat multiple times, but she may only select one element during a rage.

    Special: A DM may allow this feat to apply to homebrews that function in similar ways to rage, such as Combat Focus, or even official material like Psionic Focus. Ask your DM for a ruling.

    Fury of the Elements
    Pre-requisites: Elemental Rage
    Benefits: Any opponents that a character damages while under the effects of an elemental rage suffer 1 point of elemental damage each round (this damage does not stack with itself), which can be stopped by taking a move action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity to perform a thematically appropriate action such as snuffing a fire out by smothering it. Likewise, an ally may perform a move action to do the same, and the damage can also be stopped by any spell or supernatural effect that restores hit points.

    She gains resistance 5 to both of her chosen elements at all times. In addition, during a rage, the character gains immunity to her chosen element upon reaching 15 HD.

    Special: This feat may be taken multiple times, but only one element may be active during a rage. A character does gain resistance 5 to all elements even when not raging.

    Elemental Rage
    A barbarian's fury burns deep within, taking on aspects of one of the elements, burning incredibly hot or cold.

    Prerequisites: 7 levels in a class that grants Rage or Frenzy

    Benefit: Whenever a character begins to rage (or frenzy), she may choose either [Fire] or [Cold]. Her appearance changes thematically. Frost may form on her body or snow flurries may be seen to waft by. Likewise, her sword may glow red hot and subtle tendrils of flame may be visible flowing in rivulets across her body. While raging, her weapon does an additional 1d6 elemental damage. In addition, she gains resistance 5 to her chosen element while she rages. This improves to resistance 10 at 15th level. She may select either element at the beginning of a rage. At the end of her rage, instead of becoming Fatigued, she is Exhausted until the end of the encounter. This is a Supernatural ability.

    What do you guys think?
    Last edited by Barbarian MD; 2012-03-23 at 02:07 PM.

  2. - Top - End - #2
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Elemental Rage (Feat)

    There's already a set of Pathfinder barbarian class features that do something similar to this.

    I think that it's overpowered to let the barbarian pick which ability they get. If you made one feat for fire and one feat for cold it might be more balanced.
    I make games.

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  3. - Top - End - #3
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Elemental Rage (Feat)

    cold and fire damage are the two most commonly resisted energies, so it's probably fine to let the barbarian have an option between them with only one feat.
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  4. - Top - End - #4

    Join Date
    Jun 2010

    Default Re: Elemental Rage (Feat)

    It's OK, but why not just go all the way:

    Elemental Rage
    A barbarian's fury burns deep within, taking on aspects of one of the elements!

    Prerequisites: Must have made peaceful contact with an elemental or be of any elemental race, Ability to enter Rage.

    Benefit:Choose an element Fire, Air(Electricity), Water(Cold) or Earth(Acid). Whenever a character begins to rage (or frenzy), you take on the power of that element. Her appearance changes thematically. Frost may form on her body or snow flurries may be seen to waft by. Likewise, her sword may glow red hot and subtle tendrils of flame may be visible flowing in rivulets across her body. While raging, her weapon does an additional 1d6 elemental damage. In addition, she gains resistance 5 to her chosen element while she rages. This improves to resistance 10 at 15th level. She may select any element at the beginning of a rage. At the end of her rage, instead of becoming Fatigued, she is Exhausted until the end of the encounter. This is a Supernatural ability.

  5. - Top - End - #5
    Troll in the Playground
    hoverfrog's Avatar

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    Default Re: Elemental Rage (Feat)

    I like the idea but would separate the two bonuses into different feats and lose the penalty and some of the requirements.

    Elemental Rage

    A barbarian's fury burns deep within, taking on aspects of one of the elements!

    Prerequisites: Ability to enter Rage or Frenzy.

    Benefit: Choose an element: Fire, Air(Electricity), Water(Cold) or Earth(Acid). Whenever a character begins to rage (or frenzy), you take on the power of that element. Her appearance changes thematically. Frost may form on her body or snow flurries may be seen to waft by. Likewise, her sword may glow red hot and subtle tendrils of flame may be visible flowing in rivulets across her body. While raging, her weapon does an additional 1d6 elemental damage. This is a Supernatural ability.

    This feat may be taken multiple times either to increase the damage or to select a subsequent element.

    Elemental Hardiness

    A barbarian's fury burns deep within, taking on aspects of one of the elements!

    Prerequisites: Ability to enter Rage or Frenzy.

    You gains resistance 5 to a chosen element. While raging you gain resistance 10 to the chosen element. She may select any element at the beginning of a rage. This is a Supernatural ability.

    This feat may be taken multiple times either to increase the resistance to a single element by +5/+10 or to select a subsequent element.


    I plan on using genasi as a player race in my next campaign and this fits nicely within the general elemental theme but an Air Genasi barbarian who can use earth based powers doesn't fit so well. Having barbarians claim some heritage from genasi in the past that allows them to tap into their elemental nature does though.

  6. - Top - End - #6
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: Elemental Rage (Feat)

    I've got people saying this is both too powerful and too weak. Therefore, it's probably spot on. Instead of changing the power level, I'll try to incorporate some of these ideas into a feat chain.

    How 'bout this, then:

    All four elements are available when you choose the feat.
    In selecting the feat, you choose two. This is a permanent choice.
    When you rage, you choose one.

    Benefits: d6 damage and resistance 5 while raging, with a boost to 10 at lvl 15
    Exhausted until end of encounter

    2nd feat in chain:
    Lingering 1 elemental damage per round until enemy takes move action to "put himself out" (one damage is nothing--mostly for funsies)
    Resistance 5 to both elements at all times
    Immunity to chosen element while raging at level 15

    How's that for a feat chain?

  7. - Top - End - #7
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Elemental Rage (Feat)

    Sounds good. Can they take the first feat a second time for all four energy types?
    I make games.

    "...I worry that modern gaming is gradually shrinking the wide spectrum of gameplay mechanics into a single narrow red bar with "KILL" written on it sideways. Exploration, navigation, puzzles, platforming, all gradually shrinking away until only one thing remains, being taken by the hand from room to room, moving on only when nothing remains alive in each one." - Yhatzee Crosshaw

  8. - Top - End - #8
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: Elemental Rage (Feat)

    I'm hesitant, simply because it would allow one to become immune to every energy type, even if it is only one type per rage... Does anyone else have thoughts on this?

  9. - Top - End - #9
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Elemental Rage (Feat)

    That seems fine to me, as long as it's not simultaneous (is it?) You have to be seventh level to get this, right?

  10. - Top - End - #10
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: Elemental Rage (Feat)

    Yep. 7th level.

    I updated the original post to include the new feat. I also realized that we had forgotten about Sonic. Is it still balanced if you get to choose any two of the five, or is one more powerful than the rest and therefore needs to be paired with a weaker one?

    Thanks for all the input, folks!

  11. - Top - End - #11
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Elemental Rage (Feat)

    Quote Originally Posted by mhvaughan View Post
    Yep. 7th level.

    I updated the original post to include the new feat. I also realized that we had forgotten about Sonic. Is it still balanced if you get to choose any two of the five, or is one more powerful than the rest and therefore needs to be paired with a weaker one?

    Thanks for all the input, folks!
    Because it lets you deal sonic damage and grants resistance to sonic damage. I think it's balanced no matter what. Also, 1d6 sonic damage per attack isn't really enough to worry about it.
    I make games.

    "...I worry that modern gaming is gradually shrinking the wide spectrum of gameplay mechanics into a single narrow red bar with "KILL" written on it sideways. Exploration, navigation, puzzles, platforming, all gradually shrinking away until only one thing remains, being taken by the hand from room to room, moving on only when nothing remains alive in each one." - Yhatzee Crosshaw

  12. - Top - End - #12
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Elemental Rage (Feat)

    i think that the damage should progress at higher level too, maybe 2d6 at 15th.

    also, the fury of the elements feat deals puny damage; as a foe, i would never spend a move act to put it out until combat was over––unless combat was going to last 20 rounds or more. so, i'd up the damage, maybe to 1/3 HD or so. remember that you're spending an entire feat on it.
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  13. - Top - End - #13
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: Elemental Rage (Feat)

    I sort of saw the immunity as the core of the second feat, and the "you're on fire" as more for-fun thematics (I feel like there a lot of fun things that need to exist in D&D that shouldn't cost a feat).

    If immunity to a chosen energy type isn't enough for a feat, I can definitely pump the damage up.

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