Snips, Snails, and Dragon Tales: Now available in PDF format from Gumroad
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    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Sanguine Darkness [PTA]

    This is the Umbral Stalker advanced class, new attacks mentioned in the class, new status condition mentioned in the attacks, and a new capability mentioned in the attacks as well.

    The Umbral Stalker can manipulate blood and darkness to its whims.

    Umbral Stalker
    Umbral Stalker - Advanced Feature
    Prerequisites: Psychic, 2 Dark, Ghost and/or Steel type Pokemon
    Cross-class Prerequisites:
    • Type Ace (Dark or Steel), 16 Con, 14 INT
    Ability Bonus: +1 CON

    Base Features

    : When targeting your blood with Telekinesis, multiply your INT and CON modifier’s sum by 10 pounds instead of 5 pounds. You can mold blood into other states. You can't target the blood within a creature with this Feature.

    : You may target darkness with Telekinesis and produce more shadow or take it away. You may remove darkness from an area completely or spontaneously generate shadows. Umbrakinesis has a maximum range of X, where X is your CON modifier multiplied by your INT modifier multiplied by 3 meters. If either modifier is negative or zero, use 1 as that modifier instead.

    Mechanic: Kinesis Features function without applying your base Telekinesis; they replace Telekinesis when targeting certain elements. In the event that a modifier would be 0 or less when using a Kinesis Feature, your modifier is 1.

    Psychics can hone their telekinesis to crystallize blood or dry it. An Umbral Stalker is both Haemokinetic and Photokinetic. Haemokinesis is the ability to control blood mentally while Umbrakinesis is the ability to create and control darkness. Using blood to slice your foes while creating shadows with Umbrakinesis is used as a stealthy way to incapacitate your foes.

    Class Features

    Blood Rise
    : Umbral Stalker, 2 Ghost Type Pokemon
    At-Will – Drains 20 of user’s HP per use.
    Target: Pokemon or Trainers.
    Effect: Use the attack Blood Rise.

    Dark Hour
    Umbral Stalker, 4 Umbral Stalker features
    At-Will – Drains 20 of user’s HP per use.
    Target: User.
    Effect: Use the Move Dark Hour.

    Dark Pulse
    Prerequisites: Umbral Stalker, 2 Dark Type Pokemon
    At-Will – Drains 10 of user’s HP per use.
    Target: Trainer or Pokemon.
    Effect: Use the Move Dark Pulse. Use your CON stat as your SP. ATK stat.

    Iron in the Blood
    : Umbral Stalker, a Pokemon who knows the Move Iron Defense.
    At-Will – Drains 15 of user’s HP per use.
    Effect: For 1 minute (6 rounds) reduce the damage dealt to the Umbral Stalker by your Constitution Modifier.

    Night Daze
    : Umbral Stalker, Shadow Ball, level 10
    At-Will – Drains 20 of user’s HP per use.
    Target: Trainer or Pokemon.
    Effect: Use the Move Night Daze.

    Sanguine Blades
    : Umbral Stalker
    At-Will – Drains 10 of user’s HP per use.
    Effect: Use the Move Metal Claw. Use your CON stat as your ATK stat.

    Sanguine Chains
    : Umbral Stalker
    At-Will – Drains 7 of user’s HP per use.
    Target: Trainer or Pokemon.
    Effect: Use the Move Sanguine Chains. Use your CON stat as your SP. ATK stat.

    Sanguine Evisceration
    : Umbral Stalker, Sanguine Blades, Level 10
    At-Will – Drains 25 of user’s HP per use.
    Target: Trainer or Pokemon.
    Effect: Use the Move Sanguine Evisceration. Use your CON stat as your SP. ATK stat.

    Shadow Ball
    : Umbral Stalker, 2 Ghost or Dark Type Pokemon
    At-Will – Drains 10 of user’s HP per use.
    Target: Trainer or Pokemon.
    Effect: Use the Move Shadow Ball. Use your CON stat as your SP. ATK stat.

    Shadow Walker
    : Umbral Stalker, a Pokemon with Invisibility Capability
    Effect: You gain the Invisibility capability. Activating the capability costs 15 HP per use. You may not use any Features that do damage or allow you to use Pokemon Moves while Invisible.

    Vampiric Sense
    : Umbral Stalker
    Effect: You can see blood of living creatures within 50ft (This can be suppressed at will). In addition you can see in the darkness as well as the light.

    Umbral Guise
    : Umbral Stalker, Umbrakinesis
    At-Will - Drains 20 of user’s HP per use
    Effect: You create a visual illusion. You must remain within 10 meters of the Umbral Guise and concentrate to maintain and control the illusion. No one dimension of the illusion may exceed X meters, and the illusion persists for Y minutes. At the end of this time, you may continue to maintain the illusion by paying Umbral Guise’s activation cost again. X is your CON modifier halved. Y is your CON modifier. You may only have one Umbral Guise active at any given time.

    New Moves

    Blood Needles - Ghost
    2d6 - At-Will - 2
    Special Attack - Ranged (8)
    Effect: 1 Target
    Blood Needles causing Bleeding Wound on the target on 18-20 during Accuracy Check.
    Tough - 3d4 - No effect
    *Grants: Bloodflow

    Blood Rise - Ghost
    Battle - None

    No Damage - Self
    Blood Rise grants the user the Levitate Ability until the end of the Encounter. This does not replace the user’s normal Ability. If the user already has Levitate, they now have two instances of Levitate.
    Cool - 2d4 - Round Starter
    *Grants: Bloodflow

    Dark Hour - Dark
    Battle - None

    Field - No damage
    Effect: Target Area, Weather
    For 2 minutes (12 rounds), the area is considered Dusk. While Dusk, Dark and Ghost-Type attacks deal 1.5x damage. Psychic-Type attacks deal ½ the damage they normally would.
    Cool- 2d4 - Hold that thought

    Sanguine Evisceration - Ghost
    5d10+20 - Battle - 6

    Special Attack - Ranged (10)
    Effect: 1 Target, Blast
    Sanguine Evisceration creates a 2-meter Blast. Sanguine Evisceration causes Bleeding Wound on all Legal Targets on 19-20 during Accuracy Check.
    Tough - 2d4 - Round Starter
    *Grants: Bloodflow

    Sanguine Chains - Steel
    1d12+6 - EOT - 4

    Special Attack - Ranged (10)
    Effect: 1 Target, Trap
    Sanguine Chains Traps the target for 1d4+1 turns. At the beginning of the target’s turn, if the target is Trapped, roll 1d12 and the target loses that much HP. Do not apply weakness or resistance to the HP lost. Do not apply stats to the HP lost. Sanguine Chains may not trap more then one target at a time.
    Cool - None - Torrential Appeal
    *Grants: Bloodflow

    Singularity - Dark
    7d10+28 - Centre - 4

    Special Attack - Ranged (15)
    Effect: Target Area, Blast, Exhaust
    Singularity creates a 3-meter Blast. On Miss, Singularity deals the user’s Special Attack instead to all possible targets.
    Smart - 2d4 - Seen Nothing Yet
    *Grants: Telekinetic

    New Status Condition

    Bleeding Wound
    The Pokemon’s Speed Stat is treated as if it has been lowered 2 Combat Stages. Once per turn, you may try to roll for self-curing the Bleeding Wound in place of a Pokemon’s Move. On d20, the check is a 17. Ghost-Type Pokemon only need to roll a 13 when attempting to self-cure Bleeding Wound. At the end of every round, the Bleeding pokemon loses 1/10th of its Max HP.

    New Capabilities
    Bloodflow - Ghost

    A Pokemon with the Bloodflow capability has some control over their blood. They can restore lost blood quickly, and can force their blood flow to slow down or speed up as a result of this. A Pokemon with the Bloodflow capability can slow their blood to a near-stopped state, giving them the appearance of being dead. It costs the Pokemon 10 HP to enter this fake death state, and 1 HP each round thereafter to maintain it, due to the strain on the body that occurs when the flow of blood is stopped.
    A Pokemon can also expel blood forcefully from open wounds, though may take damage at the GM's discretion when using particularly powerful applications of this ability. Note, minor uses don't cause any health lose.
    Lastly, a Pokemon with Bloodflow can, given time to focus, force blood to stop flowing out of a wound. A Pokemon with the Bloodflow capability needs only a roll of 9 on a d20 to cure the Bleeding Wound status outside of combat. If a Pokemon learns the Move Blood Needles, Sanguine Evisceration, or Sanguine Chains and does not have the Bloodflow Capability, they gain Bloodflow.
    Last edited by Milo v3; 2012-06-03 at 05:08 AM.
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  2. - Top - End - #2
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Sanguine Darkness [PTA]

    Not a huge fan of it. There needs to be a use for controlling blood besides "Haha, you're dead in a few seconds,' which I'm honestly not seeing. As well, umbrakinesis seems just like photokinesis from Fire Breather.
    Awesome avatar by Cuthalion

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  3. - Top - End - #3
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Sanguine Darkness [PTA]

    Quote Originally Posted by Esprit15 View Post
    Not a huge fan of it. There needs to be a use for controlling blood besides "Haha, you're dead in a few seconds,' which I'm honestly not seeing. As well, umbrakinesis seems just like photokinesis from Fire Breather.
    The Haemokinesis is like water manipulation, but with different talents and cause. Its more useful in a dark gritty game though. Also you could make blood weapons made from the iron in the blood cause you can turn it into other states.
    The Umbrakinesis is basically Photokinesis. Because removing light is the same as creating darkness.

    Also Haemokinesis isn't a "Haha, you're dead in a few seconds,' thing anymore than Hydrokinesis is.
    Last edited by Milo v3; 2012-06-02 at 02:57 AM.
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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Sanguine Darkness [PTA]

    But think like a player. You have control over blood. What do you need a knife made out of blood of your enemies when you can just coagulate it at will, or cause it to forcefully explode from the body? With Hydrokinesis you can at least say "Blood plasma is not only water, so no, you can't control it." Haemokinesis doesn't have that. Just getting into the class at your second level can give you the ability to control 30 lbs of blood, far more than someone has in their body. Heck, let's say that you can't create enough pressure to break skin. Someone gets a scratch and you can now force all of their blood from that wound, killing them in a round.

    As to other feats, Bloodrise is just a refluffed Magnet Rise, complete with similar cause. Five of the feats are taken from Fire Breather, four without even a name change. Iron Defense is useless on a Trainer.

    A use for forceful expulsion of blood needs to be given in Bloodflow. As it is, it's just a way to hurt yourself. For example, while Threaded leaves it obvious what can be used for, it gives some parameters for players and DM's.

    Also, something I missed before: The prereques are too similar to Fire Breather's. Both have Dark or Ghosts as being needed. This combined with your comparison with Rain Waker's Hydrokinesis makes the class not unique enough and too powerful to be allowed by any reasonable DM.

    I'm trying to give you some feedback on your class. This is as someone who loves to play Psychics and would love some more variety in the battle oriented AC's. Oh, speaking of which, seeing as this AC seems combat oriented, you may want to make it CON based. While INT makes sense for the sociopathic killer (which is the likely intent), CON is needed for classes that fire off attacks generally in quick succession such as this one. As well, it makes sense for a class that constantly is using its own blood to injure an enemy.
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    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Sanguine Darkness [PTA]

    Quote Originally Posted by Esprit15 View Post
    But think like a player. You have control over blood. What do you need a knife made out of blood of your enemies when you can just coagulate it at will, or cause it to forcefully explode from the body? With Hydrokinesis you can at least say "Blood plasma is not only water, so no, you can't control it." Haemokinesis doesn't have that. Just getting into the class at your second level can give you the ability to control 30 lbs of blood, far more than someone has in their body. Heck, let's say that you can't create enough pressure to break skin. Someone gets a scratch and you can now force all of their blood from that wound, killing them in a round.
    You do realise that basically every telekinesis can be used to kill in one round... I think your under-emphasize the killing potential of other Telekinetic powers.

    I'll take everything else under consideration though.
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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Sanguine Darkness [PTA]

    True, but most of those can be limited at least, or only do so at high levels, or clearly have a move for a certain ability and so would clearly not be able to do certain actions. I can't cause strokes at will with Terrakinesis or Botanokinesis. I can't stop a man's heart with Hydrokinesis or Kryokinesis (unless the DM is extremely lax and counts blood plasma as water). I probably can't do more damage with Pyrokinesis or Electrokinesis (the day I find the DM that will allow me to use Electrokinesis to give someone a heart attack I'll eat a hat) than I can with a strong Ember or Thundershock. While the PHB describes it, I doubt any DM will actually allow me to suffocate someone with Aerokinesis or drown them with a globe of water with Hydrokinesis, or let me suffocate someone with a fire more than once with Pyrokinesis. This class however is focussed on those kinds of things, and doesn't have much other apparent use. Making daggers maybe, but then that's what Artificers are for.

    While I understand your point, do you see mine? Again, it's a cool idea for a class, but balancing control of blood without making killing everything a sinch or nerfing it into being just glorified Hydrokinesis will take a lot of work. I honestly would like to see a more workable version of this class, because again, it is an interesting idea for an evil/descent-into-evil character.
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  7. - Top - End - #7
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Sanguine Darkness [PTA]

    You realise you can target blood that isn't in bodies. Also if your GM wont allow you to kill someone in one round with Electrokinesis I don't see why he would let you with Haemokinesis. But none the less I've added in this sentence "You can't target the blood within a creature with this Feature."

    Also when was it said that this class was focused on abusing Kinesis by causing strokes or similar???
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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Sanguine Darkness [PTA]

    I wasn't. I was saying it naturally lends itself to these kinds of things far more than other classes do.
    Awesome avatar by Cuthalion

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