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    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Bender of the Sanguine [3.5e Class]{WIP}

    Bender of the Sanguine


    The mortal mind is one of wonder. It is a web of thoughts and ideas, all of which mesh together. One task the mortal mind excels in is creating weapons from the mundane. Within the world of Arcanatos is a group of mortals who, through force of their very being, can manipulate blood, turning it into a deadly weapon.
    These are the Benders of the Sanguine. They are twisted souls who can beguile you with but words, and eviscerate you with their hearts.
    Benders of the Sanguine are sometimes known as Blood Benders.

    Adventures: Bender of the Sanguine are generally sly and charming individuals who get bored with normal living. In addition, the Lithu who are the most common Benders of the Sanguine, have short attention spans, leading to even more adventuring Blood Benders.

    Characteristics: Benders of the Sanguine are agile skirmishers, they can quickly dart around a battlefield, firing off daggers of blood from short range. This is assisted with their several techniques which immobilize foes. Despite not having skill with armor, they can cover themselves in sanguine fortification.

    Alignment: Any alignment is possible for a Bender of the Sanguine.

    Religion: Because of the Lithu being the first to discover the techniques of the bood bender, many Benders of the Sanguine follow the Lithu deity of Pain and Blood “Salvid”.

    Background: Benders of the Sanguine can arise in nearly any culture, but those who have more contact with blood are more likely to gains its powers. This leads to many Lithu and people from areas with wars to become Blood Benders.
    Many believe that it is touching blood which has been blessed by Salvid, which causes Blood Benders.

    Races: Lithlu were the first to learn Blood Bending and have used it routinely in the development of their cities, homes, and weapons. Other races have smaller numbers of Blood Benders.

    Other Classes: Other Technician view Benders of the Sanguine as destructive and rather crude in their talents. People with Martial skill generally find them useful, but creepy.

    Role: Benders of the Sanguine are swift combatants who use mobility to move across the battlefield, striking foes without being at risk. They do have to watch out for over using their techniques though, which can result in severe consequences.

    Adaptation: This could be a minor form of magic, perhaps first learnt from vampires. It could be they are cultists to the god of blood, or priests to the divine of family. They might be murderers who have escaped from gaol with the innate ability to control the blood which they stain the earth with.

    Benders of the Sanguine have the following game statistics.
    Abilities: Charisma and Constitution are generally the strongest abilities for a Bender of the Sanguine. Charisma determines the power of their techniques, how often they can be used, and increases their saves. Constitution allows you to create your Attuned Blood and keeps you alive despite losing large amounts of blood. Dexterity is also very useful, as they rarely don armour.
    Alignment: Any.
    Hit Die: d8.
    Starting Age: Simple.
    Starting Gold: As Sorcerer.

    Class Skills
    The Bender of the Sanguine's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Hide (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Profession (Wis), Spellcraft (Int), Tumble (Dex).

    Skill Points at First Level: (4 + Int modifier) x 4
    Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 4 + Int modifier

    Bender Of The Sanguine
    {table=head]Level|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special|Technique Points|Techniques Known|Highest Level Technique Usable

    | Exsanguination, Inborn Talent, Sanguine Jar|8|3|1

    |Stained Palm|10|4|1

    |Natural Techniques |13|5|1

    |Sanguine Grip|16|6|2

    |Sanguine Domain, Sustained Life|18|7|2

    |Natural Techniques|22|8|3

    |Steel Blood +1|24|9|3

    |Harsh Ally, Sanguine Strength|26|10|4

    |Natural Techniques|28|11|4

    |Greater Control, Improved Sustained Life, Steel Blood +2|30|12|5

    |Improved Sanguine Domain|32|13|5

    |Grim Heart, Natural Techniques|34|14|6

    |Steel Blood +3|36|15|6

    |Perfect Blood|38|16|7

    |Mastered Sustained Life, Natural Techniques|40|17|7

    |Steel Blood +4|42|18|8

    |Mastered Sanguine Domain|44|19|8

    |Natural Techniques|46|20|9

    |Steel Blood +5|48|21|9

    |Greater Control, Vampiric Lord|50|22|9[/table]

    Class Features
    All of the following are class features of the Bender of the Sanguine.

    Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: A Bender of the Sanguine is proficient with all simple weapons. He is not proficient with any armor or shield.

    Technique Points: A Blood Benders ability to use techniques is limited by the technique points he has available. His base allotment of technique points that he can use is given in the table above. In addition, he receives bonus technique points if he has a high charisma score (equal to your key ability modifier × your Technician level ×1/2.). His race may also provide bonus technique points per encounter, as may certain feats and items.

    A Technician can regain his technique points by getting a good night’s sleep. In addition when a Bender of the Sanguine is being healed (through magical or mundane means), he regains one Technique Point per 10 points healed.
    As the Bender of the Sanguine gains his primary Technique Points from this class, he cannot gain levels in any other Technician class, unless it states otherwise.

    If a Bender of the Sanguine would gain more Technique points than indicated in the table, these extra points last for 1 hour before disappearing.

    Highest Level Technique Usable: This column shows the highest level technique a Blood Bender may use at each level. To learn or use a technique, a Blood Bender must have a charisma score of at least 10 + the technique's level.

    Techniques Known: A Bender of the Sanguine begins play knowing three Blood Bender techniques of your choice. Each time he attains a new level, he unlocks the knowledge of new techniques.

    Choose the Techniques known from the Sanguine Techniques list. A Bender of the Sanguine can use any Technique that has a Technique Point cost equal to or lower than his Technician level.

    The number of times a Bender of the Sanguine can manipulate Techniques in a day is limited only by his Technique Points.

    A Technician simply knows his Techniques; they are contained within his soul. He does not need to prepare them (in the way that some spellcasters prepare their spells).

    The Difficulty Class for saving throws against Bender of the Sanguine’s Techniques is 10 + the Technique’s level + the Blood Bender’s Charisma modifier.

    Exsanguination: Even though a Bender of the Sanguine can manipulate his blood, he stills suffers if he loses too much blood. If a Bender of the Sanguine’s Technique Points are 5 or below then he takes 1 point of Constitution damage per round.

    Inborn Talent (Ex): A Bender of the Sanguine’s power comes from his innate talent. Through his force of personality he can use techniques. Because of this you may add your Charisma modifier to your Concentration checks, instead of Constitution, if the result would be higher.

    Sanguine Jar (Ex): A Bender of the Sanguine has learnt how to produce blood at a much more efficient rate, but it is dangerously taxing on his heart. As a full-round action, a Bender of the Sanguine can gain 1d4 Blood Points at the cost of being dealt 1d6 damage.

    Stained Palm (Su): Upon reaching second level, a Bender of the Sanguine has gained the ability to draw in blood from the world around him. This talent takes many forms, which form it takes is dependent upon the target.
    • To use Stained Palm on a willing adjacent target, you must expend a standard action. He must then succeed on an unarmed attack (or natural weapon) in addition to the normal effects of the attack; the target is dealt 1d4 points of damage. This grants 1d3 Technique points to the Bender of the Sanguine.
    • To use Stained Palm against an adjacent target that isn’t willing, you must expend a standard action. He must then succeed on an unarmed attack (or natural weapon) in addition to the normal effects of the attack; the target is dealt 1d6 points of damage. This grants 1d4 Technique points to the Bender of the Sanguine.
    • You can also use Stained Palm on a pool of blood, by expending a move action. This drains all the blood from the target, gaining technique points equal to the pints of blood in the pool.

    Natural Techniques (Ex): Some technicians have such an affinity for what they manipulate through their techniques that they gain some natural abilities. The Bender of the Sanguine is one such technician. Every 3 levels, the character chooses one of the following abilities that can be used as described in their text:
    Boil the Blood (Su): When this ability is taken, the Bender of the Sanguine gains the ability to influence the blood within his foes. As a standard action he may target one foe within 30 feet he has line of effect to. The target must make a fortitude (DC 15 + Charisma Modifier). On a failed save, the target is sickened for 1 round/5 levels in the class.

    This ability can be used 1/day for every 3 Bender of the Sanguine levels.

    If taken again, this abilities range increases by 10 feet and its DC is increased by 2.

    Draw forth the Essence (Ex): Upon taking this ability, by spending a swift action an adjacent target must make a Fortitude save (DC 15 + Charisma Modifier). If the target fails the save, the next time the creature is damaged, in addition to the attacks's normal damage, it deals 1d8 damage of the slashing and piercing damage for every 3 class levels the Bender of the Sanguine has. If any die in the damage roll lands on a 1, reroll it until it is no longer a 1.

    This ability can be used 1/day for every 3 Bender of the Sanguine levels.
    If the target isn't attacked 1 hour after the ability is used, the effect is dismissed.

    If taken again, the Bender of the Sanguine can use this ability at a distance. It can target a creature within 30 feet, for all other intents and purposes functions the same.

    Sanguine Reflexes (Ex): When this ability is selected, the Bender of the Sanguine gain a dodge bonus to AC equal to +1 per 3 Bender of Sanguine levels. In addition as long as he has 1 Technique Point, he gains a +1 bonus to Reflex saves.

    If this is gained again, he gains a +20 bonus to his base land speed.

    Veins of Steel (Su): When this ability is taken, the Bender of the Sanguine gains better control over the iron in the blood. As a move action he can expend 5 Technique Points, and select a weapon or armour. The object the blood is formed into must be made of metal. This cannot be used to create an exotic weapon, unless the Bender of the Sanguine is proficient with it. This object is created as a masterwork of its kind, counts as magical for the purpose of damage reduction, and the Bender of the Sanguine is automatically proficient with this object.

    It can reverted back as a free action, and falls to the ground as a pool of blood (5 pints). A Bender of the Sanguine can only have 10 objects created this way at any time.

    By taking this technique again, the bloodbender gains more control and can make the blood harder and sharper than before. Each time it is choosen again an object created by this ability wil get a +1 enchantment upon it.

    Sanguine Grip (Su): Upon reaching 4th level, a Bender of the Sanguine can control blood at a distance. He can cast Mage Hand at will, but he can only target blood with the effect.

    Sanguine Domain (Su): At 5th level, a Bender of the Sanguine gains control over the blood near him, rather than just the blood within himself. He can now use Techniques from pools of blood within a 20 feet radius. How each technique acts is dependent on the technique, which is detailed in the Sanguine Domain section.

    This doesn't lower a Bender of the Sanguine's Technique points, instead act as though each pool has a number of technique points equal to the number of pints of blood in it.

    At 11th level, the radius of this ability increases to 40 feet. At 17th level, the radius of this ability increases to 60 feet.

    Sustained Life (Ex): Upon attaining 5th level, the Bender of the Sanguine's body starts to adapt to losing blood. The number of required Technique Points before Exsanguination is lowered by one, to 4 or less.

    At 10th, and 15th level, the number of required Technique Points before Exsanguination is also lowered by one, causing Exsanguination to occur at 3 or less and 2 or less.

    Steel Blood (Ex): At 7th level, if a Bender of the Sanguine has at least 1 Technique Point, he gains a +1 bonus to his armour class.

    This bonus increase by +1 at 10th level, and every three levels thereafter until +5 at 19th level.

    Harsh Ally (Ex): Upon reaching 8th level, when a Bender of the Sanguine is damaged by slashing or piercing damage, he can spend a number of technique points equal or below his class level.

    Upon doing this blood bursts out of his wound forming a pool of blood within 5 feet. This blood contains a number of Pints of blood equal to the number of Technique Points spent.

    Sanguine Strength (Su): Upon reaching 8th level, a Bender of the Sanguine can control greater amounts of blood at a distance. He can cast Telekinesis at will, but he can only target blood with the effect.

    Greater Control: At 10th level and every 10 levels thereafter, the Bender of the Sanguine chooses one of the greater abilities from the list below. If he doesn't meet the requirements, this ability simply remains dormant until the requirements are met:

    Eternal Pain
    Choose Draw forth the Essence twice for Natural Techniques.
    Benefit: This allows the Bender of the Sanguine to use Techniques from the Sanguine Pain Technique List.

    My Blood is Black
    Choose Boil the Blood twice for Natural Techniques.
    Benefit: This allows the Bender of the Sanguine to use Techniques from the Black Blood Technique List.

    Grim Step
    Choose Sanguine Reflexes twice for Natural Techniques.
    Benefit: This allows the Bender of the Sanguine to use Techniques from the Stained Step Technique List.

    Red Steel
    Choose Veins of Steel twice for Natural Techniques.
    Benefit: This allows the Bender of the Sanguine to use Techniques from the Sanguine Steel Technique List.

    Grim Heart (Ex): At 12th level, your heart grows much more powerful. When using Sanguine Jar you can gain 1d6 Technique Points and be dealt 1d6 damage, or gain 1d4 Technique Points and be dealt 1d4 damage.

    Perfect Blood (Ex): At 14th level, a Bender of the Sanguine gains immunity to all kinds of poison and diseases, except for supernatural and magical diseases.

    Vampiric Lord (Ex): Upon reaching 20th level, a Bender of the Sanguine gains many benefits. Firstly, the Technique Point cost for all his Techniques are lowered by 5. Secondly, when using Sanguine Jar, it deals 1d4 damage, and you gain 1d6 Technique Points. Lastly, you only suffer from Exsanguination if you lack any Technique Points.
    Last edited by Milo v3; 2012-12-04 at 07:41 AM.
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    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Bender of the Sanguine [3.5e Class]{WIP}

    Sanguine Techniques List
    Straining Techniques: Some techniques have the Straining Technique tag. This means that once used, it reduces your maximum number of technique points while it is use. These techniques remain active indefinitely once used, though they can be ended as a free action. When ended your maximum of technique points returns to its normal amount, but you don't regain any technique points you may have lost.

    Level One Techniques

    Blood Mist
    Components: S
    Casting time: 1 round
    Range: Personal
    Area: 10 foot radius/Technique Point
    Duration: 2 hours/level
    Saving Throw: See text
    Spell Resistance: No
    Technique Points Required: 1

    You convert your blood out into a mist, almost invisible to the naked eye. A DC 15 Spot check will notice the cloud.

    Any creature of Tiny size or larger will disturb the dust to a degree that you can sense their presence. Creatures of smaller size must make a Dexterity check, failure on this check stirs up enough of the particles to alert the Bender of the Sanguine. Any creature that charges or runs through the cloud automatically alerts the Bender of the Sanguine.

    For each additional Technique Point used in the technique increases the radius of the cloud by to an extra 5 foot square.

    Sanguine Domain: The blood pool is the point of origin.

    Pool: Once this technique ends, each 5 foot square of the area gains a Blood Pool (1 pint/3 technique points used).

    Blood Trap
    : 1
    Components: S
    Casting time: 1 round
    Range: Close (25 ft + 5 ft./2 levels.)
    Area: one 5 foot square/Technique Point
    Duration: 1 hour/level (D)
    Saving Throw: See text
    Spell Resistance: No
    Technique Point Cost: 3*

    You spray your blood out into a puddle on the ground. A DC 10 Spot check will notice the Puddle.Any creature of Tiny size or larger will disturb the puddle to a degree that you can sense their presence by viewing the ripples.

    The Bender of the Sanguin can decide for the blood to harden as a free action. Anyone in the area when it hardens must make a Reflex Save or be immobilized for 1 round per level. A person immobilised can escape if they succeed a Strength Check (DC 15). If it is dismissed while a creature is immobilized in the puddle, the person is no longer immobilized.

    For every three Technique Points used in the Technique, it add an additional one five foot square to the area.

    Sanguine Domain: It affects the target blood pool with the effect rather than forming a new pool.

    Pool: Once this technique ends, each of the target squares gains a pool of blood (3 pint each).

    Dark Grip [Straining Technique]
    Casting Time: Swift Action
    Range: Personal
    Technique Point Drain: 1

    While active small drops of blood cover your hands, and turn into thousands of tiny needles. This improves your grip giving you a +3 on climb checks, and grappling checks. If you possess a climb speed it gains a +5 ft. bonus, while this is active.

    Dark Pool
    Components: S
    Casting time: 1 Standard Action
    Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 feet/2 levels)
    Target, or Area: One object or a 10-ft. square
    Duration: 1 round/level (D)
    Saving Throw: See text
    Spell Resistance: No
    Technique Points Required: 1

    This technique covers a solid surface with a layer of slippery blood. Any creature in the area when the technique is enacted must make a successful Reflex save or fall. This save is repeated on your turn each round that the creature remains within the area. A creature can walk within or through the area of the technique at half normal speed with a DC 10 Balance check. Failure means it can’t move that round (and must then make a Reflex save or fall), while failure by 5 or more means it falls (see the Balance skill for details).

    By expending an additional technique point this technique can also be used to create a slippery coating on an item.

    Material objects not in use are always affected by this technique, while an object wielded or employed by a creature receives a Reflex saving throw to avoid the effect. If the initial saving throw fails, the creature immediately drops the item. A saving throw must be made in each round that the creature attempts to pick up or use the slippery item. A creature wearing affected armor or clothing gains a +10 circumstance bonus on Escape Artist checks and on grapple checks made to resist or escape a grapple or to escape a pin.

    Sanguine Domain: It affects the target blood pool with the effect rather than forming a new pool.

    Pool: No blood pool is generated with this technique.

    Drifting Descent
    Components: S
    Casting time: Immediate Action
    Range: Personal
    Target: Technician
    Duration: Until landing or 1 round/ level
    Technique Points: 1

    By lifting the blood within yourself to a minor extent, you lower the force of a fall. You land on your feet no matter how far you fall, and you take damage as if the fall were 10 feet shorter than it actually is. This Technique affects you and anything you carry or hold (up to your maximum load). You can use this Technique with an instant thought, quickly enough to gain the benefit of the power while you fall. Using the Technique is an immediate action, and you can use this technique even when it isn’t your turn.

    For every additional technique point you spend, this technique reduces your damage as if the fall were an additional 10 feet shorter.

    Sanguine Domain: This technique cannot be used with Sanguine Domain.

    Pool: No pool is generated with this technique.

    Grim Apparel
    Components: S
    Casting time: 1 Standard Action
    Range: 30 ft.
    Area: 30-ft.-radius spread centered on you
    Duration: 1 min./level
    Saving Throw: Will negates
    Spell Resistance: No
    Technique Points Required: 1

    By coating yourself with your evershifting blood, you can demoralize foes. Any enemy in the area that fails its save becomes shaken for the duration of the technique. Allies and creatures without an Intelligence score are unaffected.

    For every 2 additional technique points you spend, this technique’s range and the radius of its area both increase by 5 feet, and the technique’s save DC increases by 1.

    Sanguine Domain: Blood flows from the Blood Pool onto the caster, the caster must be standing in the blood pool.

    Pool: A pool of blood (1 pint/technique point) is created at the location of the technician when the technique ends.

    Iron Palm
    Components: S
    Casting time: Move Action
    Range: Personal
    Target: Caster
    Duration: 2 rounds + 1 round/2 levels. (D)
    Saving Throw: None
    Spell Resistance: No
    Technique Points Required: 1

    Blood soaks onto your hands which then hardens into sharp spikes. For the duration of the technique you gain a Slam attack that which deals damage slashing and piercing damage. How much damage it deals is dependent on your size.

    Sanguine Domain: A single slam attack can be made from the pool, treat the pool as a tiny animated object. This attack deals 1d6 slashing and piercing damage. After this attack is made, the pool is removed.

    Pool: A Pool of Blood (1 Pint) appears at the casters 5 foot square upon the spell ending.

    Sanguine Knives
    Components: S
    Casting time: Standard Action
    Range: Close (25 feet + 5 feet per 2 levels)
    Target: 1 or more creatures.
    Duration: Instantaneous
    Saving Throw: Reflex
    Technique Points Required: 2

    You spray your blood into 2 knives + 1 / 2 technician levels (max 6) that stab through the air. Each kife deals 1d3 piercing damage. At least half of the knives must be fired at the same target (Rounded Up), this target is the primary target.

    A Reflex Save negates the damage from 1 knife but must be made for each knife to dodge.

    Sanguine Domain: The point of origin for the range is the pool of blood.

    Pool: A Pool of Blood (1 Pint) appears at the primary target's 5 foot square.

    Sanguine Shield
    Component: S
    Casting time: 1 Move Action
    Range: Personal
    Duration: 5 rounds/technician level
    Saving Throw: None
    Technique Points Required: 3

    You cover yourself in blood providing yourself with strong armor that has health equal to the your charisma modifier plus your technician level. HP is removed from the armor before your health.

    The armor is visible as it is dark red and covers your entire body. It also cracks as it is damaged.

    You may spend an additional technique point to provide the armor 2 more health/ If done while the armor is still active this also refreshes the duration. This may be done any number of times.

    You may spend no more than twice your technician level in additional technique points on this technique.

    Sanguine Domain: Can target a person standing a pool of blood rather than the Technician.

    Pool: A Pool of Blood (1 Pint/Technique point used) appears at the target's 5 foot square.

    Shifting Ichor
    Components: S
    Casting time: Standard Action
    Range: Close (25 feet + 5 feet/2 levels)
    Target: One Medium or smaller creature.
    Duration: 5 rounds.
    Saving Throw: None.
    Technique Points Required: 1.

    You spray your blood as a ranged touch attack at any creature in range. On a successful hit, the subject is covered in shifting and hardening blood and becomes entangled. The blood returns to normal at the end of the techniques’s duration.

    For every 2 additional technique points you spend, this technique can affect a target one size category larger.

    Sanguine Domain: Can only target creatures in the same square as the Blood Pool.

    Pool: A Pool of Blood (1 Pint) appears at the target's location at the end of the technique.

    Stained Heart
    Components: S
    Casting time: Standard Action
    Range: Close (25 feet + 5 feet per 2 levels)
    Target: 1 Creature.
    Duration: Instantaneous
    Saving Throw: Reflex (Negates)
    Technique Points Required: 2

    You spray your blood upon a foe, staining his form. This target gains the Stained Condition, which gives him a -1 morale penalty on all attack rolls and saves against Sanguine Techniques. The stained condition can be removed by washing the blood from the target and his armor.

    A successful Reflex Save dodges the blood and the target does gain the Stained Condition.

    Sanguine Domain: The point of origin for the range is the pool of blood.

    Pool: A Pool of Blood (2 Pint) appears at the target's 5 foot square if he succeeds on the reflex save.

    Level Two Techniques

    Blood Rain
    Components: S
    Casting time: 1 round
    Range: 10-ft. radius created with 20 ft.
    Duration: 1 round/4 Blood Bender levels
    Saving Throw: Reflex (Halve Damage)
    Spell Resistance: No
    Technique Points Required: 4

    You force your Blood into the air above it then rains down onto the air while partially hardened. Each person in the area is dealt 1d4 + a quarter of your Blood Bender level in piercing damage.

    You can spend a additional points in order to relocate the rain. For each extra point you spend you can stop the rain from damaging a 5ft square of your choice and make it deal double damage on an adjacent 5ft square.

    You may spend no more than twice your technician level in additional technique points on this technique.

    Sanguine Domain: The pool is the Point of Origin.

    Pool: A Pool of Blood (1 Pint/4 Technique point used) appears at each of the squares in the area.

    Claret Thorns
    Components: S
    Casting time: Full-Round action
    Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
    Target, or Area: 10 ft. radius of Blood
    Duration: 1 minute + Concentration
    Saving Throw: Reflex negates
    Spell Resistance: No
    Technique Points Required: 3

    10 foot tall thorns of Blood form in a 10 foot radius, suddenly rising from the area. Any creatures caught in it must make a Reflex save or take 1d6 points of piercing damage per technician level (maximum 10d6). These thorns may also come out horizontally, diagonally, or even down rather or as well as up at the technician's choosing and last 1 minute and however long the technician concentrates at which point they discorporate. The area becomes difficult terrain for all but the user and anyone else moving through it takes 1d4 piercing damage from being scratched by the thorns.

    By spending an additional 1 technique points the radius is increased by 5 feet. This may be done additional times. By spending an additional 2 technique points you may increase the amount of damage dealt by the thorns by 1d4.

    You may spend no more than twice your technician level in additional technique points on this technique.

    Sanguine Domain: The pool is the Point of Origin for the effect.

    Pool: A Pool of Blood (1 Pint/4 Technique point used) appears at each of the squares in the area.

    Grim Replica
    Components: S
    Casting time: 1 round
    Range: Close (25 feet + 5 feet per 2 level)
    Duration: 1 minute/2 levels (D)
    Saving Throw: See Text
    Spell Resistance: No
    Technique Points Required: 4

    A duplicate of you forms out of your blood. It may fool enemies into attacking it or attack those who ignore it. A replica's statistics are the same as the technicians with the addition of the Sanguine Wight Template. This Grim Replica acts under your mental command, and you can order it as a free action.

    By spending 4 more techniques point than the cost or the last time this option was used in a single use, you may create an additional Grim Replica as if this technique had been used again

    You may spend no more than twice your technician level in additional technique points on this technique.

    Sanguine Domain: Each Grim Replica arises from the pool of blood and uses the Pool of Blood as the point of orgin.

    Pool: A Pool of Blood (3 Pints) appears at the square the replica was in before it was destroyed, dispelled, dismissed etc. Each replica forms its own pool.

    Spear Of Blood
    Components: S
    Casting time: Standard Action
    Range: Medium (100 feet + 10 feet per level)
    Duration: Instantaneous
    Saving Throw: None
    Spell Resistance: No
    Technique Points Required: 3

    You sharpen your Blood into 2 foot long needles that can be fired through the air. You must succeed on a ranged touch attack to hit with the needles. Each needle does 1d8 points of piercing damage and can be shot at different targets.

    You may only fire 2 needles in a standard action though the first two are a free action as long as they are fired in the same round that this technique is used. The needles last for 3 rounds per technician level or until they are fired.

    You may turn additional blood into needles at the rate of 3 additional technique points producing 2 additional needles.

    You may spend no more than twice your technician level in additional technique points on this technique.

    Sanguine Domain: The point of origin for the range is the pool of blood.

    Pool: A pool of blood (2 pints) is created at the targets location for each needle. If they aren't fired, they count the target as the caster for the pool.

    Vampiric Hunter [Straining Technique]
    Casting Time: Swift Action
    Range: Personal
    Technique Point Drain: 1

    While active you can smell the blood of others with amazing skill. This acts as the Scent ability, except you can only use it to detect creatures with blood, pools of blood, and traces of blood in an area.

    Level Three Techniques

    Crystal of Slashing Blood
    Components: S
    Casting time: Round
    Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
    Duration: 1 round/level (D)
    Saving Throw: Reflex half
    Spell Resistance: No
    Technique Points Required: 5

    A swirling motion with your wrists and suddenly a spray of Blood becomes a swirling mass of razor sharp blades, 5 feet in diameter near crystalline spining prism. Any creature that begins its turn within the Crystal is assaulted by the blood eviseration through their flesh, taking 1d6 damage/2 technician levels (max 5d6). You may move it with a move action up to 20 feet.

    You may expend 5 additional technique points to increase the area the crystal covers to a 10x10 square (10 feet in diameter).

    Sanguine Domain: The point of origin is the pool of blood.

    Pool: A pool of blood (5 pints/5 technique points used) is created at the at the location of the crystal when the technique ends.

    Sanguine Eviseration
    Components: S
    Casting time: 1 Move Action
    Range: Medium (100 feet + 10 feet per level)
    Target: 1 creature who is "Stained"
    Duration: Instantaneous
    Saving Throw: Fortitude partial
    Spell Resistance: No
    Technique Points Required: 5

    You click your fingers, causing the blood currently stained upon one creature to suddenly turn into razorsharp blades and then compress, eviserating the poor victim. This deals 1d8 slashing and piercing damage/technician level (Maximum 15d8). A successful Fortitude save instead deals 1d4/ technician level slashing damage (Maximum 10d4).

    You may expend an additional 3 technique points to increase the save DC by 2 and the damage on a successful save to d6's (Maximum 10d6).

    Sanguine Domain: Can't be used with Sanguine Domain.

    Pool: A pool of blood (6 pints) is created at the at the location of the target.

    Vampires Coffin
    Components: S
    Casting time: Full Round Action
    Range: Medium (100 feet + 10 feet/level)
    Target: 1 creature
    Duration: 1 round/level
    Saving Throw: Reflex negates; see Text
    Spell Resistance: No
    Technique Points Required: 5

    You move your blood around an unsuspecting enemy, completely covering their body in it. Unless they succeed on a Reflex save, the target is trapped within a coffin of blood where it becomes helpless. The coffin allows weapons, projectiles, and spells to pass through by opening small gaps for them and immediately closing them afterward so as not to let the trapped victim escape.

    Each round the trapped enemy may attempt a Strength check or Escape Artist check to escape the coffin. If successful, the coffin dissipates and the technique must be re-used to re-trap the target.

    In addition to the above the target gains the Stained Condition (See Stained Heart).

    By spending an additional 2 Technique points, the DC's for this Technique are increased by 2.

    Sanguine Domain: Can only target a creature standing in the target blood pool.

    Pool: A pool of blood (5 pints) is created at the at the location of the target when the technique ends.

    Level Four Techniques

    Grim Steps [Straining Technique]
    Casting Time: Swift Action
    Range: Personal
    Technique Point Drain: 2

    While active you can move atop of blood or blood saturated liquids as if it were a solid object. Also while walking on blood your base land speed gains a +10 ft. bonus.

    Sanguine Domain: Any creature can travel on the blood pool as if it was a solid object.

    Sanguine Web
    Casting time: Full Round Action
    Range: Personal
    Area: 10 foot radius from Technician
    Duration: 5 minutes per level or until destroyed; see text
    Saving Throw: None
    Spell Resistance: No
    Technique Points Required: 5

    Slowly interlocking your fingers into a mesh shape, your blood mimics this creating an jagged sphere of blood around you. It has enough room inside for you to move around easily, the walls being 10 feet away at the time of being used.

    The web has 5 health, an AC of 15, and a hardness of 10. Anything requiring an origin point to be selected cannot have it's origin be placed within the web. If an origin is attempted to be selected within the web, the result instead originates 1 foot over the web.

    Techniques may be used while you're within the web but have a 90% miss chance due to the obvious loss of vision. This is lost if you somehow retain vision of outside the web.

    You may spend an additional 5 technique points to increase its Hit points by 5 and increase its Hardness by 3. This may be done multiple times but only at the use of the technique.

    You may spend no more than your technician level in additional technique points on this technique.

    Sanguine Domain: Uses Blood Pool as target rather than Personal.

    Pool: When the technique ends it creates a blood pool (3 pints/5 technique points). Also, the surface of the web may be used for other techniques. If used so, it acts as a blood pool, using its health as the number of pints.

    Stained Veil
    Casting time: 1 Round
    Range: Medium (100 feet + 10 feet per level)
    Area: 10 foot radius
    Duration: 1 round/level
    Saving Throw: None
    Spell Resistance: No
    Technique Points Required: 7

    Slowly you cause your eldritch blood to vapourise and attach to everything within 10 feet of it. You feel where your blood is located at as well as a general idea of the shape of what it is on. This reveals the location of secret doors and all items within the radius as well as invisible objects/creatures. Since the blood clings to the creatures, others can see affected creatures as well.

    You may increase the radius of the burst by 5 feet by spending an additional 2 technique points.

    You may spend no more than your technician level in additional technique points on this technique.

    Sanguine Domain: Uses Blood Pool as the point for the radius to be created from.

    Pool: When the technique ends it creates a blood pool (3 pints/5 technique points).
    Last edited by Milo v3; 2012-12-04 at 07:09 AM.
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    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Bender of the Sanguine [3.5e Class]{WIP}

    Reserved for Techniques. Just in case.
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    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Bender of the Sanguine [3.5e Class]{WIP}

    I realise I've only added 17 Techniques at the current time, but are there any comments on the class as it is currently. Any potential problems? Any inquiries?
    Last edited by Milo v3; 2012-06-26 at 05:17 PM. Reason: 17 Techniques
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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Bender of the Sanguine [3.5e Class]{WIP}

    You may want to double-check blood mist, because it currently states that all creatures smaller than tiny both have to make a check to avoid notice, and automatically alerts the Bender.
    Avatar by TinyMushroom.

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    Default Re: Bender of the Sanguine [3.5e Class]{WIP}

    Quote Originally Posted by Necroticplague View Post
    You may want to double-check blood mist, because it currently states that all creatures smaller than tiny both have to make a check to avoid notice, and automatically alerts the Bender.
    Okay fixed.
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    Pixie in the Playground

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    Default Re: Bender of the Sanguine [3.5e Class]{WIP}

    I Realize that this thread is a few months old but I would trully hate to see such a great looking class die. Please continue

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    Default Re: Bender of the Sanguine [3.5e Class]{WIP}

    Quote Originally Posted by Viper700 View Post
    I Realize that this thread is a few months old but I would trully hate to see such a great looking class die. Please continue
    I'll try and add some more ASAP.
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    Default Re: Bender of the Sanguine [3.5e Class]{WIP}

    Okay, I've started to add new techniques to this mainly with the addition of the Straining Techniques which I'll be adding at least one for each level. Also I'll be adding a few more utility techniques to the lower levels.

    And of course I'll actually finish level 4, 5, 6, etc.
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    Pixie in the Playground

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    Default Re: Bender of the Sanguine [3.5e Class]{WIP}

    Great looking class so far, when are you going to upload more?

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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Bender of the Sanguine [3.5e Class]{WIP}

    I'll review it more in depth later, but I'll admit I'm slightly disappointed. I was hoping for more A:tLA references with Hama and/or Noatak
    Avatar by Venetian Mask. It's of an NPC from a campaign I may yet run (possibly in PbP) who became a favorite of mine while planning.

    Quote Originally Posted by Razanir View Post
    Everyone knows frying pans are actually weapons that people repurpose for cooking
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    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Bender of the Sanguine [3.5e Class]{WIP}

    Quote Originally Posted by draconicwolves View Post
    Great looking class so far, when are you going to upload more?
    Hopefully, later today.

    I'll review it more in depth later, but I'll admit I'm slightly disappointed. I was hoping for more A:tLA references with Hama and/or Noatak
    I still haven't seen much Avatar, but I do plan for the Black Blood Technique list to allow you to manipulate the blood in people to make them puppets.
    Last edited by Milo v3; 2012-12-07 at 05:28 PM.
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