Snips, Snails, and Dragon Tales: Now available in PDF format from Gumroad
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    Barbarian in the Playground
    Baron Corm's Avatar

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    Avatar by Kymme

    Default [3.5] Generic Class 2.0

    I've continued to update the generic class over the course of about 3 years, but the old thread can no longer contain all of the text I've written up. So, it's time to make a new one! I'm also putting in a "build compendium" section where I will showcase some of the creative builds I've seen people make, and new ones that are posted in this thread.

    For those that aren't familiar with generic classes, this class is meant to be taken by every player, and is supposed to be able to fit any character they want to make. This creates near-perfect game balance. I'm not happy with the one in Unearthed Arcana, so here's my take.

    Generic Class
    1st|Scaling Ability, A Ability
    2nd|B Ability
    3rd|C Ability
    4th|B Ability Improvement
    5th|D Ability
    6th|B Ability Improvement
    7th|C Ability Improvement
    8th|B Ability Improvement
    9th|A Ability Improvement
    10th|B Ability Improvement
    11th|C Ability Improvement
    12th|B Ability Improvement
    13th|D Ability Improvement
    14th|B Ability Improvement
    15th|C Ability Improvement
    16th|B Ability Improvement
    17th|A Ability Improvement
    18th|B Ability Improvement
    19th|C Ability Improvement
    20th|Capstone Ability, B Ability Improvement[/table]

    Character Creation


    If you wish to, you can use this class along with this list of modified (and hopefully more balanced) races that I have created, using a similar "generic" system.

    Base land speed is 30 feet for a Medium or Large creature, and 20 feet for a Small creature. All bonuses are racial bonuses. For the purposes of the type change attributes, it is assumed that my modified types are being used to make type less powerful.

    Weapon or Armor Familiarity means that members of that race can spend 2 AP to gain proficiency with that weapon or armor when building their archetype, as long as they meet its other requirements.

    Pinch healing is fast healing that only functions when your current health is below half of your maximum health.

    Angel/Archon - +2 Wisdom, -2 Constitution, immunity to petrification, tongues 1/day, delayed flight (none is possible until level 5, when the angel grows wings), Outsider type, Good subtype, your choice of Lawful, Chaotic, or no extra subtype.

    Asherati - +2 Charisma, -2 Intelligence, Natural Dryness, +8 to Hide in desert environments, Sandswim, can make skin glow, shedding 20 feet of bright light and an additional 20 feet of dim light, as a Supernatural ability (can activate or deactivate this ability at-will as a swift action; infinite duration).

    Centaur - +2 Strength, -2 Intelligence, Large size, Stability, +4 to Survival, 20 feet faster land speed, always counts as mounted, Monstrous Humanoid type.

    Changeling - +2 Charisma, -2 Wisdom, +2 to Sense Motive, Shapechanger subtype, Minor Change Shape racial power.

    Deep Imaskari - +2 Intelligence, -2 Dexterity, +4 to Hide while underground, Knowledge (Arcana), Spellcraft, and Use Magic Device.

    Dwarf - +2 Constitution, -2 Dexterity, Stonecunning, Stability, +4 to skill checks involving stone (replaces bonus to Search from Stonecunning), any bonus Fighter feat, move normally in heavy armor but -10 land speed, Weapon Familiarity (Waraxe), Armor Familiarity (Stone Armor). Dwarven seers have a bonus to Wisdom instead of Constitution. Dwarves with a very strong connection to the earth have Tremorsense 60 feet instead of a bonus Fighter feat.

    Elan - +2 Intelligence, -2 Charisma, Naturally Psionic (+2 PP), elan racial powers (Resistance, Resilience, and Repletion), Aberration type.

    Elf - +2 Dexterity, -2 Constitution, trance 4 hours, +2 to Spot and Listen, 20 feet faster land speed, Low-Light Vision, Weapon Familiarity (Thinblade, Courtblade), Armor Familiarity (Leafweave Mail, Reinforced Leafweave Mail). Elf subraces might have a swim speed or cantrip at-will instead of the skill bonuses, and a different ability bonus and penalty. Some possible subraces are in the spoiler below.

    Drow - +2 Dexterity, -2 Constitution, trance 4 hours, Darkvision, +2 bonus on Will saves, dancing lights 1/encounter, darkness 1/encounter.

    Gray Elf - +2 Intelligence, -2 Constitution, trance 4 hours, prestidigitation at-will, 20 feet faster land speed.

    Sea Elf - +2 Dexterity, -2 Constitution, trance 4 hours, swim speed 40 feet, 10 feet faster land speed.

    Wild Elf - +2 Strength, -2 Constitution, trance 4 hours, +2 to Spot and Listen, 20 feet faster land speed.

    All of these variations still have the Weapon and Armor Familiarities of the standard elf (often called the high elf or moon elf with subraces in the setting), as well as Low-Light Vision.

    Fiend - +2 Any, -2 Any, Darkvision, +1 natural armor, two natural claw attacks dealing 1d6 damage (19-20, x2), a natural bite, gore, or tail attack dealing 1d10 damage (x3), telepathy 100 feet, Outsider type, Evil subtype, your choice of Lawful, Chaotic, or no extra subtype.

    Fiends come in all shapes and sizes, and can have vastly different abilities, but they all share Darkvision, telepathy, and typing. The stats given are appropriate for a brute-type fiend, which most of them are, but see the spoiler below for some sanctioned variations.

    Succubus or Similar - +2 Charisma, -2 Strength, Darkvision, telepathy 100 feet, disguise self at-will.

    Imp or Similar - -2 Constitution, Small size, Darkvision, telepathy 100 feet, delayed flight.

    Medium Flying Fiend - +2 Any, -2 Any, Darkvision, telepathy 100 feet, delayed flight.

    Large Fiend - +2 Strength or Constitution, -2 Any, Large size, Darkvision +2 natural armor, two natural claw attacks dealing 1d8 damage (19-20, x2), telepathy 100 feet. Replace +1 natural armor and the claw attacks with a bite, gore, or tail attack if desired. Replace +2 natural armor with a bite, gore, or tail attack if you want both types of natural attacks.

    All of these variations still have the Outsider type and Evil subtype, with your choice of Lawful, Chaotic, or no extra subtype.

    Githyanki - +2 Dexterity, -2 Wisdom, Naturally Psionic (+2 PP), telepathy 100 feet, far hand at-will.

    Githzerai - +2 Dexterity, -2 Charisma, Naturally Psionic (+2 PP), telepathy 100 feet, catfall at-will.

    Gnoll - +2 Strength, -2 Charisma, +1 natural armor, scent and blindsense 30 feet, Powerful Build, Monstrous Humanoid type, Weapon Familiarity (Double Flail, Heavy Double Flail).

    Gnome - +2 Constitution, -2 Strength, Small size, speak with animals 1/encounter, silent image 1/encounter, disguise self 1/encounter.

    Goblin - +2 Dexterity, -2 Intelligence, Small size, +4 to Move Silently, 20 feet faster land speed, Goblinoid subtype. A worg-riding goblin subrace might have 10 feet faster land speed instead, and gain a +4 bonus on Ride checks. Goblin shamans have a bonus to Wisdom instead of Dexterity.

    Half-Elf - +2 Charisma, -2 Constitution, Trance 4 hours, +2 to any two skills, any bonus feat.

    Halfling - +2 Dexterity, -2 Strength, Small size, +1 bonus to all saving throws, any bonus feat.

    Half-Orc - +2 Strength, -2 Wisdom, Darkvision, +2 to any two skills, any bonus feat.

    Hobgoblin - +2 Constitution, +4 to Move Silently, any bonus Fighter feat, Goblinoid subtype.

    Human - +2 Intelligence, -2 Wisdom, +2 to any three skills, any bonus feat.

    Kobold - +2 Dexterity, -2 Constitution, Small size, +2 to Craft (Traps, Explosives, and Poisons), two natural claw attacks dealing 1d4 damage (19-20, x2), Slight Build, Reptilian and Dragonblooded subtypes, Armor Familiarity (Chitin).

    Lizardfolk - +2 Constitution, -2 Intelligence, Hold Breath (x4), +2 natural armor, +2 to Swim and Balance, natural bite attack dealing 1d10 damage (x3), Reptilian subtype.

    Minotaur - +2 Strength, -2 Intelligence, Large size, Natural gore attack dealing 2d8 damage (x3), Natural Cunning, Monstrous Humanoid type, Weapon Familiarity (Greathammer).

    Ogre - +2 Strength, -2 Dexterity, Large size, scent and blindsense 30 feet, 10 feet faster land speed, Giant type. Ogre magi have a bonus to Charisma instead of Strength.

    Orc - +2 Strength, -2 Intelligence, Darkvision, scent and blindsense 30 feet, Powerful Build, Weapon Familiarity (Shotput). Orcish shamans have a bonus to Wisdom instead of Strength.

    Pixie - +2 Charisma, -2 Strength, Small size, invisibility 1/day, delayed flight (none until 5 HD), Fey type.

    Raptoran - +2 Wisdom, -2 Strength, +2 to Listen, +4 to Spot, delayed flight.

    Tinker Gnome - +2 Intelligence, -2 Strength, Small size, mending at-will, +4 to Craft (All) and Disable Device, can use Disable Device untrained.

    Troll - +2 Constitution, -2 Wisdom, Stonecunning, Large size, natural armor +3, pinch healing 1, +4 to skill checks involving stone (replaces bonus to Search from Stonecunning), Giant type.

    Vampire - +2 Charisma, Undead type, enthrall 1/encounter. Exposing any vampire to direct sunlight disorients it: It can take only a single move action or attack action and is destroyed utterly in the next round if it cannot escape. Shading oneself with a cloak or similar will allow a vampire to adventure in daytime. For additional powers, see the spoiler below.

    Unlike most undead, vampires must feed on blood to sustain themselves, and have tiny fangs designed for this purpose. A creature must be helpless, pinned, or willing to be fed on, and suffers 1d4 Constitution damage per round of feeding, which is a standard action. If feeding as a full-round action, 2d4 Constitution damage is dealt instead.

    On drinking the blood of creatures with higher CR, additional abilities are gained (includes +2 to turn resistance at each level):

    CR 5-9: Dominate person 1/encounter, except it functions only on creatures of the same type you were before becoming a vampire.
    CR 10-14: If you drain a creature's Constitution to 0 with your bite, they now rise as a vampire the next nightfall, unless brought back to life before then (mechanically, race changes to Vampire and they are healed to full health). You do not have control over the creature in any way, but you may gain their respect as a matter of seniority.
    CR 15-19: Gaseous form (self only) 1/encounter - Additionally, if reduced to 0 hit points in combat, the vampire automatically assumes gaseous form and attempts to escape. It must reach its coffin home within 2 hours or be utterly destroyed. (It can travel up to nine miles in 2 hours.) Any additional damage dealt to a vampire forced into gaseous form has no effect. Once at rest in its coffin, a vampire is helpless. It regains 1 hit point after 1 hour, then is no longer helpless.
    CR 20: No longer weakened or destroyed in sunlight.

    These stats are assuming a Medium-sized humanoid vampire, though other types may exist.

    Warforged - +2 Constitution, -2 Charisma, Composite Plating, Living Construct type, any bonus Warforged or Fighter feat.

    Warning! The following races are highly radioactive and have required a major negative trait to balance out their power level. Use with extra caution, though they still follow the rules.

    Fire Elemental - +2 Dexterity, -2 Intelligence, deals 1d6 fire damage to anything touched or touched by (a weapon of solid metal can transfer this damage as well), Elemental type, Fire subtype, unarmed strikes and natural attacks deal fire damage instead of their normal type, cannot enter water, deals 1d6 fire damage per round to held or worn objects unless fireproofed (costs 150 gold for magical items or 15 gold for nonmagical), no feat from first level.

    Water Elemental - +2 Constitution, -2 Intelligence, Drench, Vortex, Elemental type, Water subtype, swim speed 50 feet but -10 land speed, can breathe air and water, no feat from first level.

    Earth Elemental - +2 Strength, -2 Intelligence, +3 natural armor, burrow speed 20 feet, Earth Glide but -10 land speed, Elemental Type, Earth subtype, no feat from first level.

    Air Elemental - +2 Dexterity, -2 Intelligence, Whirlwind, Elemental Type, Air subtype, fly speed 20 feet with clumsy maneuverability at 1 HD, 30 ft/poor at 2 HD, 40 ft/average at 3 HD, 50 ft/good at 4 HD, 60 ft/perfect at 5 HD, no base land speed, no feat from first level.

    Thri-Kreen - +2 Dexterity, -2 Charisma, Naturally Psionic (+2 PP), +4 to Jump, four arms, Monstrous Humanoid type, unarmed strikes deal piercing damage instead of bludgeoning, no feat from first level.

    Frost Giant - +4 Strength, -2 Dexterity, -2 Wisdom, Giant type, Cold subtype, Huge size, 20 feet faster land speed

    Fire Giant - +4 Strength, -2 Dexterity, -2 Intelligence, Giant type, Fire subtype, Huge size, 20 feet faster land speed

    Awakened Cat (or similar) - +4 Dexterity, -2 Strength, -2 Constitution, Low-Light Vision, two natural claw attacks dealing 1d3 damage (19-20, x2), Tiny size

    Young Adult True Dragon - +2 Strength, -2 Dexterity, Large size, +1 natural armor, elemental subtype appropriate for your dragon type (if it grants no benefits, increase natural armor by +1), delayed flight (poor maneuverability, but 10 feet faster land speed), natural claw attack dealing 1d6 damage, Dragon type.

    To advance further as a true dragon, take the A, C, D, and Capstone abilities in the spoiler below. You must also take Soul Armor as your Scaling ability (natural armor variant) to represent your draconic traits. You are free to take one of any other non-Capstone ability of your choice. If it isn't a B, you gain additional AP equal to the difference in cost of the abilities. For example, if you take an A ability, you start with 30 AP instead of 25. You can still buy extra abilities with your AP.

    The generic true dragon race cannot take classes, feats, or other options related to being a true dragon until epic level. Anything requiring a regular dragon can still be qualified for and taken.

    AI: Breath weapon 2d10, +1 natural armor, +2 Constitution
    AII: Breath weapon 6d10, +1 natural armor, +2 Strength
    AIII: Breath weapon 10d10, +1 natural armor, +2 Constitution

    The breath weapon die size might be increased or decreased, depending on your type of dragon, at your DM's option. Its area is determined by your current size, as per a normal true dragon.

    DI: Gain the use of all special abilities listed in your true dragon's advancement table that are gained at Adult age or younger, as well as an appropriate burrow or swim speed if listed, though its speed is limited by your land speed, +2 Strength
    DII: Size increase from Large to Huge (and increase in natural weapon damage die - applies to all values on C ability, but Capstone considers you as already Huge), land, burrow, and/or or swim speed increased to normal for an Adult dragon of your type, +2 Strength

    CI: Scent and blindsense 20 feet, +10 flight speed, claw attack deals 1d8 damage instead of 1d6
    CII: Blindsense 30 feet, +10 flight speed, bite attack dealing 2d6 damage
    CIII: Blindsense 40 feet, +10 flight speed, wing attack dealing 1d6 damage
    CIV: Blindsense 50 feet, +10 flight speed, second claw attack at same damage
    CV: Blindsense 60 feet, +10 flight speed, second wing attack at same damage

    True Dragon Apotheosis

    You gain the special abilities, including spellcasting, of a Mature Adult true dragon of your type (so a red dragon gains the Spellcasting ability as if he were level 9, and upgrades his DR to 10/magic instead of 5), as well as a flight speed increase to 150 feet, a frightful presence aura, an improvement of breath weapon damage to 14d10, a tail slap attack dealing 2d6 damage, a crush attack dealing 2d8 damage, and +2 to Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma.

    Races by Attribute Bonus
    {table=head]Strength|Dexterity|Constitution|Intelligence|Wisdom|Charisma|Any or None
    Centaur|Elf|Dwarf|Deep Imaskari|Angel|Asherati|Fiend
    Gnoll|Drow|Gnome|Elan|Dwarven Seer|Changeling|Flying Fiend
    Half-Orc|Sea Elf|Hobgoblin|Gray Elf|Goblin Shaman|Half-Elf|Imp
    Large Fiend|Githyanki|Lizardfolk|Human|Orcish Shaman|Ogre Magi
    Minotaur|Githzerai|Troll|Tinker Gnome|Raptoran|Pixie
    Wild Elf|Kobold[/table]

    Ability Score Increases and Feat Progression

    In this system, the rate of increasing ability scores and gaining feats is different. Any time you would get an A or C ability, you also gain a feat. Any time you would get an A or D ability, and at level 20, you also get an ability score increase.

    Gaining extra abilities does not increase your ability scores or number of feats.

    Hit Points per Level and Stat Generation

    A nice houserule to complement this system is to give PCs a set amount of hp per level equal to the size of their hit die minus two. Along with using point buy to determine ability scores, this removes all randomness from character generation, and ensures equality between characters. The hit points per level for each hit die size under this system is listed below. The last column represents a character's hit points per level if he has the Toughness Scaling ability.

    {table=head]Die Size|Normal|Toughness

    This rule would also apply to monsters using the elite array, but normal monsters receive average HP as normal. Elite monsters with a d4 hit die stick with averaged, because it gives the higher value.

    Hit points are not maximized at level one in this variant.


    Instead of having a set base attack bonus, hit die, and so on, each player may choose his own. He does this by creating an archetype for himself, using the creation method detailed in the spoiler below.

    Every character gets 25 archetype points (AP) that they may spend as they wish. The base stats for every character are listed as costing 0 AP. To upgrade to a better stat, you must spend AP. Saving AP after character creation confers no benefit. To make characters weaker or stronger, the DM may adjust their allotted AP.

    A stat which includes the one before it in its AP cost is marked with a +.

    Base Saves
    {table=head]Base Saves|AP Cost
    One Good|0
    Two Good|3
    Three Good|6[/table]

    Base Attack Bonus
    {table=head]Base Attack Bonus|AP Cost

    Trained Skills
    {table=head]Trained Skills|Free Skill Tricks|AP Cost

    Spending AP to gain more trained skills automatically grants you a certain number of free skill tricks, which you can redeem as soon as you meet their prerequisites. The following spoiler explains the difference between the trained skill system and the normal skill system.

    Under this system, there are no "class skills", or need to invest skill points at each level. Instead, each character selects a number of trained skills, determined by the amount of AP he spent. The character receives ranks in those skills equal to his level. A character's Intelligence modifier may increase or decrease the number of trained skills he receives. If his Intelligence modifier is increased or decreased by external forces, the character always chooses which trained skills appear or disappear.

    At each level up, the character may choose to reserve a skill point instead of putting it into a skill automatically. That skill point may then be put towards things such as extra skill tricks or Speak Language, or later reinvested into his trained skills. A character's ranks in any skill can never be higher than his character level. If an ability requires the character to have a certain skill trained, that skill cannot have its skill points reserved.

    Skill rank requirements for feats and skill tricks in this system are reduced by 3, to a minimum of 1.

    Hit Dice
    {table=head]Hit Dice|AP Cost

    A character must have at least 3/4 BAB to select d6 or d8 Hit Dice.
    A character must have at least 1/1 BAB to select d10 or d12 Hit Dice.

    {table=head]Proficiency|AP Cost with 1/2 BAB|AP Cost with 3/4 BAB|AP Cost with 1/1 BAB
    1 Simple Weapon|0|0|0
    All Simple Weapons|2|1|0
    1 Martial Weapon|2|1|0
    All Martial Weapons|3|2|1
    Light Armor|2|0|0
    Medium Armor+|3|2|1
    Heavy Armor+|4|3|2
    Tower Shields+|3|2|1[/table]

    It is recommended to use these modified weapons and armor to make medium armor proficiency worthwhile.

    For those using the weapon group variant, refer to the following table to determine your profiencies. I personally enjoy this variant, but your results may vary.

    1 simple weapon|1 basic weapon
    All simple weapons|Basic weapons
    1 martial weapon|1 weapon group
    All martial weapons|3 weapon groups[/table]

    When using the weapon group variant, you must spend 1 extra AP in order to qualify for exotic weapons of one weapon group. You must already have proficiency with weapons in that group. After qualifying, you must still take the appropriate feat, unless your race has familiarity with that weapon, in which case you may spend 2 AP to gain proficiency. Characters with 1/1 BAB qualify for simple exotic weapons for free.

    Extra Abilities
    You do not have to spend AP to get your initial abilities according to the class table. If you spend AP on an extra ability, you receive an additional ability of that type, which progresses as a normal ability of that type.
    {table=head]Extra Ability|AP Cost

    Ability Prerequisites
    Spending AP on a prerequisite does not immediately grant you the ability, just the right to select the ability. You cannot select the following abilities without buying the appropriate prerequisite.
    {table=head]Ability Prerequisite|AP Cost

    PC Archetypes

    The following are premade archetypes for those who want to jump right into the game. Select one, select your abilities, and your extra ability if you receive one, and start playing.

    {table=head]PC Archetype|Good Saves|Base Attack Bonus|Hit Dice|Trained Skills|Proficiencies|Special
    Warrior|2|1/1|d12|4|All simple weapons, all martial weapons (or tower shields), all armors, shields|-
    Initiate|1|1/1|d10|2|All simple weapons, all martial weapons (or tower shields), all armors, shields|Maneuvers or Wilding
    Adept|1|1/1|d6|2|All simple weapons, 1 martial weapon of your choice, light armor|Spellcasting or Extra B Ability
    Factotum|3|3/4|d8|8|All simple weapons, 1 martial weapon of your choice, light and medium armor|-
    Aristocrat|2|3/4|d6|6|All simple weapons, light armor|Invocations, Performances, or Domains
    Erudite|1|1/2|d4|2|1 simple weapon of your choice|Spellcasting or Psionics and (Extra A or C Ability or Domains or Truespeech)[/table]

    NPC Archetypes

    Combat NPCs are built using 12 AP. They use most of the same creation costs as PCs, except that ability prerequisite costs are lowered, and extra abilities are simply granted by the DM.

    NPC Ability Prerequisites
    Spending AP on a prerequisite does not immediately grant you the ability, just the right to select the ability. You cannot select the following abilities without buying the appropriate prerequisite.
    {table=head]NPC Ability Prerequisite|NPC AP Cost

    An NPC has proficiency with any non-exotic armors and shields that you describe them as wearing. Additional trained skills do not grant an NPC any skill tricks.

    NPC abilities and feats advance at every other level instead of every level, and their effective class level for the purpose of abilities is equal to half of their actual class levels. They do not gain ability score increases by leveling. Most NPCs, such as all of the ones you would usually give standard array and average HP, only get a B ability. Therefore, a Combat NPC will receive a B ability at 4th level, and improve it every 4th level after that, and gain no other abilities.

    NPCs can of course be given any combination of additional abilities, AP, and/or bonus feats, at the DM's discretion, to make them more challenging or flavorful.

    A Noncombat NPC would essentially just be built with 0 AP, receiving all of the base stats.

    The standard archetypes below can be used for almost all NPCs.

    {table=head]NPC Archetype|Base Saves|Base Attack Bonus|Hit Dice|Trained Skills|Ability
    Brute|Good Fortitude|1/1|d8|2|Improved Power Attack
    Monk|1 good save of your choice|3/4|d6|4|Maneuvers or Wilding
    Rogue|Good Reflex|3/4|d6|6|Sneak Attack
    Witch|Good Will|3/4|d6|2|Invocations or Performances
    Magician|Good Will|1/2|d4|4|Spellcasting
    Noncombat|1 good save of your choice|1/2|d4|2|-[/table]

    Level Adjustment

    Instead of starting with less character levels, a player who selects a race or template with LA receives less AP when building his archetype. The number depends on the race. I will not give a number per LA, because there are enough races considered "high LA +1" or "low LA +2" that it would be impossible to give a general amount. However, as a guideline, a hobgoblin might receive 1-3 less AP, while a drow might receive 3-5 less AP, and a pixie might receive 5-10 less AP. It depends also on how the individual race's abilities affect your individual campaign.

    If you wish to try out building balanced races in the same way that I did it above, instead of using LA, try out my generic race. Note that this is a DM tool, not build-a-race.

    Also see the Transformation C ability, which could be used to apply a race or template over the course of 20 levels.

    Epic Generic Class

    At level 21, you become a demigod. This cannot happen with experience alone. You must be given a portion of an existing god's divinity, or steal it somehow. Without doing so, your progress stops at level 20.

    If you do become a demigod, you receive a B ability that treats you as 20 levels lower and scales on the odd levels instead of the evens, and your regular B and Scaling abilities continue to increase in value, but no others do. You receive a second capstone at level 40, which is the peak of even a demigod's power.

    Base attack bonus, saving throws, trained skills, hit points, feats, and ability score increases continue to scale for the next 20 levels as they did from 1-20, though no additional iterative attacks are gained. No special abilities from the Epic Level Handbook, such as divine ranks or salient abilities, are given to demigods.

    All caster level caps for spells a demigod casts are doubled. To allow for the further scaling of spells, a demigod can apply a metamagic feat to a spell as many times as he wishes. Metamagic reducers only apply to the first application of a given metamagic feat. New level 10+ spells could be homebrewed if metamagic or caster level can't significantly improve a certain spell, such as summon monster spells. If a demigod casts a spell from a level 10+ slot which has some sort of drawback for being mortal or non-epic magic, that drawback is removed.

    Leveling past 40 and becoming a god is only possible by finding enough people to worship you. Gods are instantly leveled up to 80. They receive one extra A, C, and D ability, which have a divine aspect to them. For example, a god of travel with Freedom of Movement could be impossible to hold still, and can appear anywhere at any time as a free action. A god of a barbaric race could have a Rage ability which gives near-infinite bonuses. Becoming a god is voluntary, and if done, should hold campaign-specific restrictions on their actions which prevents them from immediately destroying the campaign setting.

    A note on terminology for the abilities:

    Each interval - Any time you would upgrade the ability, including the level you get it.
    Each additional interval - Any time you would upgrade the ability, except the level which comes before the "additional". If no level is specified, it's every interval except the one you get the ability.
    Every other interval - Every other time you would upgrade the ability. For a B ability, this would be levels 2, 6, 10, 14, and 18 if it started upgrading at level 2, and 4, 8, 12, 16, and 20 if it started upgrading at level 4.

    Sometimes I also just name specific levels, when it's easier.

    Special thanks to Lyndworm (who actually made quite a few abilities), Kroy, InaVegt, Roc Ness, M. Mayonnaise, Stegyre, Temotei, aje8, and deuxhero for ideas, inspiration, and fixes. If I forgot your name just let me know.

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    Barbarian in the Playground
    Baron Corm's Avatar

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    Apr 2005
    Avatar by Kymme

    Default Re: [3.5] Generic Class 2.0

    Mythical Abilities

    Scaling Abilities

    Scaling abilities are gained at first level, and are never improved. However, they grant a bonus which is directly related to your class level.

    Combat Focus (Ex)

    You may grant yourself one of the following special abilities as an immediate action. Each ability may be used 1/encounter.

    • Learn the current hit point totals of all enemies you threaten
    • Insight bonus to attack equal to your BAB for 1 round
    • Insight bonus on checks to resist bull rush, trip, grapple, disarm, sunder, feint, and overrun equal to your BAB for 1 round
    • Insight bonus on saving throws equal to your BAB for 1 round
    • Insight bonus to AC equal to your BAB for 1 round

    Control Magic (Su)

    As an immediate action, you can change the target of a spell or spell-like ability that you detect being cast to any legal target within range of its original casting. This ability has no effect on spells without a "target" or "area" component, or spells with no other legal target in range. You may also modify any other optional variables of the spell or spell-like ability, as long as they do not require additional components.

    In order to control a spell or spell-like ability, you must first identify it with a Spellcraft check. If a spell or spell-like ability is disguised (such as by having no somatic or verbal components), you may still attempt to identify it, with a -20 to your check. You may control up to 1 spell level per encounter per class level. On a failed check, your controls per encounter are not wasted.

    You also receive greater dispel magic as a supernatural ability that you can cast at-will as a standard action, using your class level as your caster level.

    This ability cannot be used if you have the ability to cast spells or spell-like abilities.

    Death Attack (Ex)

    If you attack a creature during a surprise round in which it cannot act, you may make a death attack against it as a standard action. This adds 1d6 bonus damage per class level to your normal attack. The target must be subject to critical hits. If you can attack more than once in a standard attack action, Death Attack applies to each attack.

    Pounce (Ex)

    You may make a full attack at the end of a charge. You can use this ability at a maximum distance of 5 feet per class level. If this is greater than your normal charge distance, your charge distance is increased. You have no minimum charge distance.

    Soul Weapon (Su)

    You may summon a soul weapon, which has the following properties:

    You may summon your soul weapon as a move action (or a swift action with Quick Draw). You may summon as many weapons as you can wield in one action, though they disappear once they leave your possession. You can dismiss any number of weapons as a free action.

    The weapon may be any type you are proficient with (including unarmed strike or a natural weapon). It deals damage equal to a normal weapon of its type, and has the same critical threat range, critical multiplier, range increment, and has any other abilities a normal weapon of its type would have, but is weightless.

    The weapon is made out of force, and therefore can hit ethereal and incorporeal creatures. Its damage type changes to force damage. It is treated as masterwork.

    If ranged, the weapon has unlimited ammunition, and if thrown, it reappears in your hand immediately after dealing damage. You can therefore make iterative thrown weapon attacks with the same weapon.

    Because it is magically attuned to you, the weapon adds your highest ability bonus to attack and damage, instead of what it would normally use. However, an attack made with it is subject to spell resistance, using your class level as your effective caster level.

    The weapon represents you on a spiritual level, and its type should be a manifestation of your inner personality. A character with multiple facets to his personality who summons multiple soul weapons may select different types for his weapons. If your inner self changes drastically at some point, the weapon type your soul weapon may change as well. It otherwise remains the same type that you initially chose.

    A soul weapon can be enchanted as a normal magic weapon by meditating for 1 hour per +1 enhancement or ability, and using mystical incense costing the same price as the upgrade would have costed. Ammunition enhancements cost double their normal price. The abilities may not change unless your character has gone through a meaningful personal change, similar to the weapon type. For example, someone who had a Flaming ability may change to a Frost ability instead if they learned to control their emotions.

    Soul Armor (Su)

    You may summon a suit of soul armor, which has the following properties:

    You may summon a suit of soul armor as a standard action. You may summon a shield with the armor during the same action, if you wish. You must be proficient with the type of armor and/or shield that you summon. Your armor is attached to your body and cannot be removed unless you dismiss it (as a free action).

    The armor grants the same bonus to armor class that a normal suit of armor of the same type would grant, and has the same armor check penalty, maximum speed, arcane spell failure, and maximum Dexterity bonus, but is weightless.

    The armor is made out of force, and therefore applies its AC bonus to ethereal and incorporeal attacks. It is treated as masterwork.

    Because the armor is magically attuned to you, it applies its AC bonus (including any enhancement bonus) to touch attacks, and grants spell resistance equal to 10 + your class level.

    Armor type and enhancements function as per soul weapons.

    At your option, the armor is metaphorical, and your normal clothes are shown. If you wear armor, you lose the benefits of his Soul Armor until you remove it. A shield made metaphorical represents a very strong blocking arm. This option is best for monk-like characters.

    Another option is to treat your armor as natural armor, best for roleplaying as a bestial race or individual. In this case, your armor's bonus does not apply to touch attacks, but the ability becomes (Ex), and its spell resistance is increased by your Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution modifier, whichever is highest. A shield can be represented be a strong blocking arm or some sort of shield-like growth or appendage.

    Toughness (Ex)

    Instead of rolling for hit points at each level, you receive 1.5x the maximum value.

    A Abilities

    A Abilities are gained at first level, and are upgraded twice. They represent an ability which has some substance, instead of just being a scaling number.

    Armor Aptitude (Ex)

    All armor check penalties, speed penalties, maximum Dexterity bonuses, and arcane spell failure from wearing armor are improved by 25% of their original value. At level 9, they are improved by 50%. At level 17, you ignore all mentioned penalties and restrictions.

    The armor bonus of armor that you wear is increased by +1 at each interval.

    You must be proficient with a given armor type for Armor Aptitude to function with it.

    Combat Style (Ex)

    Choose a feat you meet the requirements of which serves as a prerequisite for at least two other feats. While wearing no more armor than what your proficiencies granted you, you gain the use of that feat. At levels 9 and 17, you gain the use of another feat in that chain that you meet the requirements of. If you already have or later gain any of these feats, you may replace that feat with any other feat that you meet the requirements of.

    Keen Eyes (Ex)

    You receive Trapfinding as a scout. At level 9, you receive Blindsense as a scout. At level 17, you receive Blindsight as a scout. You also receive a +1 bonus to initiative at each interval.

    Flurry of Blows (Ex)

    You receive an extra attack during a full attack at your highest attack bonus, and an additional extra attack at level 17. At level 9 you receive an extra attack during a standard attack action.

    Free Movement (Ex)

    Your movement cannot be impeded by difficult terrain. At level 9, you can bypass all mundane and magical effects which impede movement, as listed under the freedom of movement spell description, unless that effect would cease your movement entirely, such as paralysis, stun, or grappling. At level 17, you can end any movement-stopping effect on you as a full-round action. This includes all effects listed under the freedom spell description, as well as dazing, and possibly others, at your DM's discretion. It does not cover external barriers, such as forcecages, shackles, or grappling. You may use this ability even when you normally could not take actions.

    All of your movement speeds are increased by +10 feet at each interval.

    Rage (Ex)

    As a barbarian's rage. At levels 1, 9, and 17, your Strength and Constitution increase by +4 while raging, and your Will saves increase by +1 while raging. Your AC decreases by -2 while raging, though this penalty does not increase. Unlike normal rage, you are fatigued until you have rested for 8 hours.

    Rage alternatives or equivalents, such as Whirling Frenzy or Defensive Stance, use similar numbers. Variants are listed in the table below. Rages may be used 3 times per day, plus 1/day at each additional interval, and last until the end of the encounter. All bonuses are morale bonuses unless otherwise specified.

    {table=head]Rage Equivalent|Level 1|Level 9|Level 17|Special
    Rage|+4 Strength, +4 Constitution, +1 Will|+4 Strength, +4 Constitution, +1 Will|+4 Strength, +4 Constitution, +1 Will|-2 AC
    Whirling Frenzy|+4 Strength, +1 Reflex|+4 Strength, +1 Reflex|+4 Strength, +1 Reflex|-2 AC, -2 attack, extra attack at highest bonus in full attack
    Defensive Stance|+4 Constitution, +1 Dodge AC|+4 Constitution, +1 Dodge AC|+4 Constitution, +1 Dodge AC|+2 all saves, 1 move action takes 1 round
    Primal Scream (Feral Frenzy)|+4 Dexterity, 1d6 damage bite attack|+4 Dexterity, free Intimidate check to demoralize vs. all watching you Scream|+4 Dexterity, fast healing 5 during Frenzy|-2 to AC
    Spell Rage|+4 Strength, +1 spell/ability DCs|+4 Strength, +1 spell/ability DCs|+4 Strength, +1 spell/ability DCs|-2 AC, can use any skills or feats, and spells with casting time <= 1 round[/table]

    Skill Finesse (Ex)

    Select a single skill set below. You receive a +2 bonus on all of the skills in it at each interval, and one free skill trick that you qualify for at each interval, as long as it applies to one of the skills in your chosen set. You must be trained in a skill to gain a bonus to it.

    • Sensory: Gather Information, Search, Spot, Listen, Sense Motive
    • Academic: Knowledge (any trained), Heal, Concentration, Appraise, Decipher Script, Spellcraft
    • Athletic: Jump, Climb, Swim, Survival, Ride
    • Elegant: Balance, Tumble, Perform (any trained), Escape Artist
    • Technical: Forgery, Use Rope, Open Lock, Disable Device, Craft (any trained)
    • Sneaky: Hide, Move Silently, Disguise, Sleight of Hand
    • Coercive: Diplomacy, Bluff, Intimidate, Handle Animal

    Speedy (Ex)

    You may take extra actions in a round, according to the following table. At level 17, you may give up one of your extra swift, move, and standard usages per encounter to take an extra full-round action instead. You may only take one extra action of any type per encounter from this ability.

    {table=head]Level|Extra Swift/Immediate Actions|Extra Move Actions|Extra Standard Actions

    B Abilities

    B Abilities are gained at level 2, and are improved every other level after 2. They are abilities which scale nicely with your level, and tend to be powerful. They represent your combat style.

    Bonus Feats

    You receive 1 bonus feat per interval. You must meet the requirements of the feat you select. If you already have or later gain any of these feats, you may replace that feat with any other feat that you meet the requirements of.

    Cunning Brilliance

    Through pure talent and research, you've managed to duplicate various other class features, though to a lesser degree. Once per day, you can gain one of the following abilities, functioning as an ability of 3/4 of your class level. You gain it for a number of rounds equal to your Intelligence modifier.

    Scaling: Domains (From cleric or druid spell list only).
    A: -
    B: Martial Arts, Sneak Attack, Smite, Spellcasting (Low-Magic Variant, from sorc/wiz spell list only).
    C: -
    D: Dungeon Crasher
    Capstone: -

    Any ability score-based ability goes off of your Intelligence modifier instead of what is listed, and any AP or other prerequisites are ignored. If you select an ability with a number of options, you pick the options the first time, then receive the same options every time you choose that ability. For limited-use abilities, losing then re-gaining the ability does not refresh your uses. They must be refreshed in the normal way.

    At each additional interval, you can do this an additional time per day. Using this ability while a previous usage is still in effect ends the duration of the previous usage. For the purposes of other ability prerequisites, you are considered to have every ability on the above list.

    Improved Power Attack (Ex)

    You receive the Power Attack feat as a bonus feat. In addition, you receive an extra +1 damage bonus per -1 attack penalty taken when using the Power Attack feat, to a maximum of +2 per interval. When wielding a two-handed weapon, the damage bonus is doubled as normal.

    Improved Masterful Strike (Ex)

    You receive the Masterful Strike feat as a bonus feat (in the Feats post down below). You receive an extra +1 damage bonus per point of attack you exceeded your target's AC by, to a maximum of +2 per interval. When attacking with a one-handed weapon, with nothing in your offhand, or with a two-handed ranged weapon, the damage bonus is multiplied by 1.5 as normal.

    Martial Arts (Ex)

    You may use any part of your body to deliver an unarmed strike. Your unarmed strikes are treated as manufactured or natural weapons, whichever is more beneficial to you. Your unarmed strike is never treated as offhand. You receive Improved Unarmed Strike as a bonus feat. In addition, properties of your unarmed strike increase as below. Damage values are for a Medium sized character.

    {table=head]Level|Damage|Critical Threat Range|Critical Multiplier|Ability?

    When wielding a special weapon (listed under each style), you may replace the relevant properties of that weapon with your unarmed strike properties, if you wish. Other weapons may be considered special weapons, according to your DM.

    When wielding a two sided weapon, both sides deal the listed damage. When wielding a weapon with a damage die size greater or less than 1d6, increase or reduce the damage on the table by an equal number of steps. As gauntlets are considered to be unarmed attacks, their damage is not reduced.

    You study one of the following six schools of fighting, and receive one of the listed abilities in order, every other interval.

    If homebrewing your own martial art style, it should be about as powerful as a C ability, and not contain more than one or two bonus feats, always subject to DM approval. Any ability based off an attribute should be based off of Wisdom in most cases.


    Special weapons: Gauntlets

    • Jab: You can make an unarmed strike as a swift action.
    • Footwork: You can take a number of extra 5-foot steps in a round equal to your Intelligence modifier.
    • Improved Feint: You receive Improved Feint as a bonus feat.
    • Haymaker: Once per encounter, you can make an unarmed strike as a standard action that deals extra damage equal to (creature's maximum hit points - current hit points).
    • Heart: Once per day, if you would be sent into negative hit points, you instead take no damage. You can ignore a number of instances of damage until the end of that encounter equal to your Charisma modifier.


    Special weapons: Gauntlets, longspear, and spiked chain/meteor hammer

    • Distance Sense: When wielding a reach weapon, you have no minimum range.
    • Lunging Strike: You receive a 5 foot reach increase on all melee attacks.
    • Combat Dance: You can take a number of extra 5-foot steps in a round equal to your Wisdom modifier.
    • Great Wall: Your threatened squares count as difficult terrain, which take additional feet of movement to enter equal to your Wisdom modifier, rounded up to the nearest 5.
    • Flexible Crane: You receive an insight bonus on saving throws equal to your Wisdom modifier.


    Special weapons: Gauntlets, nunchaku, and katana

    • Danger Sense: You receive Combat Reflexes as a bonus feat. It goes off of your Wisdom modifier instead of your Dexterity modifier.
    • Patience: When dealing damage to a creature you move after in the initiative count, you deal additional damage equal to your Wisdom modifier. When wielding only one weapon, this damage is increased by 1.5x.
    • Counterattack: If an opponent within your threatened area misses an attack roll against you, you may make an Attack of Opportunity against him. The counterattack receives a circumstance bonus on its attack roll equal to your Wisdom modifier.
    • Exploit Aggression: Attack penalties for using Power Attack are doubled against you.
    • Dragon Dodge: You receive a dodge bonus to AC equal to your Wisdom modifier.


    Special Weapons: Gauntlets, quarterstaff, and sai

    • Speed Sense: Every 5 feet you move in a round increases your attack and AC by 1 for 1 round.
    • Leopard Speed: Your movement speed is increased by 5 x your Wisdom modifier.
    • Feral: You may make one additional attack in a full attack action at your full attack bonus.
    • Lightning Maneuver: You receive a bonus on disarm and trip checks equal to your Wisdom modifier.
    • First Strike: You receive an insight bonus on initiative equal to your Wisdom modifier.


    Special weapons: Gauntlets, kama, and shuriken

    • Vulnerability Sense: You receive an insight bonus on attack rolls equal to your Wisdom modifier.
    • Improved Grapple: You receive Improved Grapple as a bonus feat.
    • Constrictor: You receive a bonus on grapple checks equal to your Wisdom modifier.
    • Snakebite: Any precision-based damage you deal is increased by your Wisdom modifier.
    • Calculated Strike: You receive Improved Grab with your unarmed strike and special weapons.


    Special weapons: Gauntlets, quarterstaff, and scythe

    • Destruction Sense: You receive a bonus on all damage rolls equal to your Wisdom modifier. When wielding a two-handed weapon, this bonus is increased by 1.5x.
    • Instinct: You receive a bonus on bull rush and sunder checks equal to your Wisdom modifier.
    • Weapon Counter: If an opponent within range misses an attack roll against you, you may make a sunder attempt against his weapon.
    • Focus: Attack penalties for using Power Attack are reduced by your 1.5x your Wisdom modifier, to a minimum of 0.
    • One-inch Punch: You may make a single attack as a standard action (or charge), multiplying its damage by the number of attacks you can normally make in a full attack action. You cannot make more than one attack with this action.

    Mighty Soul Weapon - Requires Soul Weapon

    Your soul weapon receives a +2 enhancement bonus per interval without paying any costs, which cannot be added to. +1 of this goes to attack and damage, while the other +1 must be used on abilities. You may not choose epic weapon abilities before level 21. The abilities may not change unless your character has gone through a meaningful personal change. If you're using two or more soul weapons, each weapon gets the +2 bonus per interval.

    Your Soul Weapon does not wink out in an antimagic field and cannot be dispelled or disjoined.

    Mighty Soul Armor - Requires Soul Armor

    As Mighty Soul Weapon, but with your Soul Armor. If you're using an armor and a shield, each item gets the +2 bonus per interval.

    Your Soul Armor does not wink out in an antimagic field and cannot be dispelled or disjoined.

    Penetrating Strike (Ex)

    As the rogue ability Sneak Attack. Grants 1d6 penetrating strike damage per interval. Half damage is still dealt against creatures immune to critical hits. The creature's fortification is also reduced by half.

    Skirmish (Ex)

    As the scout ability. Recieve +1d6 damage at level 2, +1 AC at level 4, and continue alternating in that fashion.

    Smite (Su)

    Select an alignment along one axis (Good, Evil, Chaotic, or Lawful). Any time you make an attack against a creature of that alignment, you may add your Wisdom modifier as a sacred/profane/anarchic/axiomatic bonus to your attack roll. If the attack hits, it deals 1 point of divine damage per class level. This is applied on top of any other damage you would deal, and applies even if the attack isn't normally damaging. It can critically hit.

    You may use Smite once per encounter per interval.

    Sneak Attack (Ex)

    As the rogue ability. Grants 1d6 sneak attack damage per interval. If your target is not currently flatfooted or flanked, you may roll two attack rolls instead of one. If both hit, you can sneak attack for that attack, but if either one misses, you miss.

    If the attack is ranged, make a Spot check. The creature must be within (10 x (Result - 10)) feet, minimum 10. This applies to all precision damage within this system.

    Soul Burn (Su)

    If you make an attack against a creature and deal at least 1 point of damage, you may deal 2 ability damage per interval to the creature's highest ability score.

    You may use Soul Burn once per encounter per creature.

    C Abilities

    C Abilities are gained at third level, and upgrade four more times. They represent miscellaneous abilities which give a small, yet significant bonus to something important, which can help flesh out or flavor your character.

    Crippling Strike (Ex) - Requires Death Attack

    The victim of your death attack takes 1 ability damage to an ability score of your choice, as long as you deal at least 1 point of damage. The ability damage increases by 1 with each additional interval.

    Diamond Body

    You receive the following benefits at the named intervals:

    I: Immunity to fatigue and exhaustion, exist comfortably in hot or cold environments without having to make Fortitude saves
    II: Immunity to poison and disease, no need to drink
    III: Immunity to nausea and the sickened condition, no need to eat
    IV: Immunity to petrification, no need to breathe
    V: Immunity to energy drain, no need to sleep

    At your option, a non-warforged who takes this ability may change his type to Construct with the Living Construct subtype.

    With DM supervision, you may remove the Moderate and Major attributes of a generic race to receive Diamond Body for free. This represents many of the immunities that certain types bestow which I have previously taken out, and makes you similar to a non-generic warforged or "cyborg". It may alternatively represent a character who has undergone extreme meditation that let him transcend his normal form, as per the normal flavor of the ability.

    Energy Resistance (Ex)

    Select two or three energy types. If you selected two, your resistance to those energy types increases by 3 at each interval. If you selected three, your resistance to those energy types increases by 2 at each interval.

    Favored Enemy (Ex)

    Select a group of favored enemies from the list below. You receive a +2 insight bonus on skill checks against your favored enemy. You receive a +1 insight bonus on attack rolls, armor class, ability DCs, and saving throws against your favored enemy. These bonuses increase by the same number at each additional interval.

    Your favored enemies are always subject to critical hits when attacked by you, regardless of any spells/abilities/items or other effects, and you automatically succeed on critical confirmation rolls against your favored enemies.

    • Natural: Animals, magical beasts, vermin, plants
    • Humanoid: Humanoids, monstrous humanoids, giants
    • Alien: Oozes, constructs, aberrations
    • Spirit: Elementals, undead, outsiders, fey
    • Magical: Any creature capable of casting spells or spell-like abilities.
    • Evil: Any creature with an evil alignment
    • Good: Any creature with a good alignment
    • Chaotic: Any creature with a chaotic alignment
    • Lawful: Any creature with a lawful alignment

    Marshal (Ex)

    As Tactics, except that it is based off of your Charisma bonus, and you grant the full bonus to your allies, but only half to yourself. Unlike Tactics, multiple Marshal bonuses do not stack. Instead of acting in surprise rounds, you can grant each of your allies one extra move action per encounter, as an immediate action.

    Natural Resilience (Ex)

    You gain damage reduction 2/- and 1/adamantine, increasing by 2/- and 1/adamantine at each interval.

    Tactics (Ex)

    You receive your Intelligence modifier as a circumstance bonus to one stat in the list below, plus one at each additional interval. You may also grant half this bonus to one willing ally who can hear or see you, plus one ally per interval. This bonus stacks with their own Tactics ability, if they have it.

    • Attack of Opportunity attack and damage rolls
    • Attack and damage while flanking
    • Initiative
    • Critical confirmation rolls
    • Disarm, trip, bull rush, grapple, feint, overrun, and sunder attempts

    Additionally, you may always act in surprise rounds, if the encounter has one.

    Transformation (Ex)

    You make permanent changes to your form, mimicking a reduced version of a template or number of templates. Examples are in the spoiler below.

    Elemental Savant

    When you pick this ability, choose a single energy type which elementals can be composed of.

    I: Resist energy type 10
    II: +1 to save DCs for spells and abilities with your element's descriptor or which deal that type of damage
    III: Resist energy type 20
    IV: +1 to save DCs for spells and abilities with your element's descriptor or which deal that type of damage
    V: Resist energy type 30 (replaces previous energy resistance)
    Apotheosis: Immunity to energy type, become an elemental with a subtype of your chosen energy type


    All abilities are based on your chosen dragon type, as per the template. Taking this ability allows you to count as dragonblooded for spells and feats that require it.

    I: Breath weapon 2d8, immune to sleep
    II: Natural armor +2, resist energy type 5
    III: Breath weapon 4d8, wings and flight speed equal to land speed (maximum 120 ft) with average maneuverability
    IV: Natural armor +4, resist energy type 10 (replaces previous natural armor and energy resistance)
    V: Breath weapon 6d8, immune to paralysis
    Apotheosis: Half-Dragon template


    Can only be taken alongside Diamond Body as an extra C ability.

    Taking this ability removes your ability to be healed.

    I: Immunity to nonlethal damage
    II: Immunity to ability damage and ability drain
    III: Immunity to critical hits
    IV: Immunity to mind-affecting effects
    V: Immunity to death effects and necromancy effects
    Apotheosis: You become a Construct and lose your Living Construct subtype (if applicable), along with your soul and Constitution score, however you are treated as an object for the purpose of spells and other effects, and gain bonus hit points for a Construct of your size multiplied by your old, unmodified Constitution modifier. These bonus hit points can be changed if you later gain bonuses or penalties to your effective Constitution modifier from levels, feats, or similar intrinsic methods.


    I: Lich Touch 1d8+(1 per interval)
    II: DR 5/bludgeoning
    III: Fear Aura
    IV: DR 10/bludgeoning and magic (replaces previous DR)
    V: Paralyzing Touch
    Apotheosis: Lich template


    If you ever willingly commit an evil act, you lose your saint abilities until you atone.

    I: Wisdom as insight bonus to AC
    II: DR 5/magic
    III: Holy Touch
    IV: DR 10/evil (replaces previous DR)
    V: Protective Aura
    Apotheosis: Saint template

    Sudden Strike (Ex)

    As the ninja ability. Your sudden strikes deal 1d6 damage per interval.

    Witch Hunter (Su)

    You are adept at tracking and defeating spellcasters. You first receive the ability in the spoiler below.

    You can use the Appraise or Decipher Script skills to identify magic items or scripture, respectively. First, you make a Spellcraft check (DC 15 - half caster level of item, minimum 1) to determine whether or not the item is magical, and the strength of its aura. You may then make an Appraise check to determine the properties of the item (DC 10 + caster level of item). You may discover the properties of a scroll or spell such as explosive runes without using the scroll or triggering the spell by making a Decipher Script check (DC 10 + caster level of item or DC 10 + spell level).

    You can use the Spellcraft skill to follow the trail of a spellcaster who has recently cast a spell, in the same manner as Survival is used to follow tracks. You must have the Track feat to do so. The base DC to follow a spell trail is 25, -1 per spell level. This ability can track even through teleportation spells.

    {table=head]Condition|Spellcraft DC Modifier
    Every day since the spell was cast|+1
    Every three nearby spells cast by a different caster|+1
    Every three nearby spells cast by the same caster|-1
    Invisible Spell|+5[/table]

    At level 7, you gain Stowaway, as the hellbreaker ability, except the caster is always treated as willing.

    At level 11, you gain Telepathic Static, as the hellbreaker ability, except that Divination spells simply don't function within the radius.

    At level 15, you gain the Master of Doors ability, as a silver key.

    At level 19, you gain the Foil Summoning ability, as a hellbreaker, except that Conjuration (Calling) and Conjuration (Summoning) spells simply don't function within the radius, and any called or summoned creatures wink out while you remain there. They return when you leave, if the duration of their spell is not over yet.

    D Abilities

    D Abilties are gained at fifth level, and are improved once. They are useful at all levels, so they are not required to scale much.

    Camouflage (Ex)

    As the ranger ability. At level 13, you gain Hide in Plain Sight as the ranger ability. However, you may select either urban or natural terrain. This choice applies to both abilities.

    Dungeon Crasher (Ex)

    You receive the ability to deal damage to foes if you bull rush them into a solid object, as the fighter ACF. Your dungeon crash does (4d6 + 2x Strength bonus) damage. At level 13, this becomes (8d6 + 3x Strength bonus).

    You gain a +2 bonus to saves and AC vs traps and a +5 bonus on Strength checks to break objects at each interval.

    Evasion (Ex)

    Select one type of saving throw: Fortitude, Reflex, or Will. Whenever you make a save of that type against an effect which retains a partial effect on a successful save, you instead do not suffer any effect. At level 13, you only suffer the partial effect if you fail your save. If there is no partial effect listed, your DM decides something suitable, such as halved duration or damage. If nothing is suitable, you have a 50% chance to be affected or unaffected.

    You may not select Evasion as an ability unless you have good progression in the specified saving throw.

    Regeneration (Ex)

    Your pinch healing ability becomes fast healing, and increases by 2 at each interval. At level 13, it turns into regeneration bypassed by two energy types of your choice (chosen from acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic). You may only benefit from this ability if you have pinch healing as a racial ability.

    Shield Block (Ex)

    As an immediate action, you can block half of the damage from a single attack, or spell which has a projectile or area.

    Additionally, as an immediate action, you may take the damage dealt to an ally within your move speed range from one attack, and block half of it. You move into his square, and lose your move action on your next turn.

    At level 13, you can block all of the damage from the attack. You may also take non-damaging effects targeting an ally, but you take the full force of it.

    You must be wielding a shield to use Shield Block. Animated shields and bucklers do not qualify. No damage is blocked from attacks which ignore your shield bonus to AC.

    Snipe (Ex)

    You suffer only half the normal penalty on Spot checks because of distance, half the normal penalty on ranged attacks per range increment, and half the normal penalty for using the Hide skill directly after a ranged attack. At level 13, these penalties are halved again, to one-fourth of their original value.

    When attacking with precision damage, the amount subtracted from your Spot check is reduced by 5 at each interval.

    Supernatural Resilience (Su)

    At level 5, you receive damage reduction 5. Your damage reduction is overcome by magic and either cold iron, silver, good, evil, lawful, or chaotic, at your option. Both are required to overcome it. At level 13, this damage reduction increases to 15.

    If you choose for an alignment to overcome your damage reduction, you must be of the opposite alignment. If you ever become neutral or of that alignment, you lose your damage reduction until you regain your old alignment.

    Tireless Rage (Ex) - Requires Rage

    You cannot become exhausted from raging. At level 13, you do not become fatigued when your rage ends.

    You receive temporary hit points while raging equal to your post-rage Strength, Dexterity or Constitution score (whichever is highest). At level 13, you receive double that amount instead.

    Uncanny Dodge (Ex)

    As the barbarian ability Improved Uncanny Dodge, except that higher level rogues can't flank you either. Adds Uncanny Dodge at level 13.

    Capstone Abilities

    The Capstone Ability of your character will top off its achievements. It is a very powerful ability which either brings together the abilities you have previously learned, or grants you a spectacular new power.

    Capstone abilities require DM-guided intense training or quest completion, such as finding a powerful artifact or meditating in a legendary place, before they come into effect.

    Adept Adapter (Ex) - Requires Bonus Feats, Combat Style, Cunning Brilliance, or Skill Finesse

    Three times per encounter, for 1 round, you may treat yourself as having a feat you qualify for or as being trained in any one skill. You may initiate this ability as a free action, as part of another action.

    Apotheosis (Ex) - Requires Transformation

    You gain the full template or templates which your transformation mimics. The combined bonuses of the template(s) cannot be more powerful than other capstone abilities. Aspects of the template(s) may be changed or removed to fit this limitation. The bonuses from Transformation are melded into the template.

    Armor Mastery (Ex) - Requires Armor Aptitude

    You receive damage reduction x/- equal to your armor bonus to AC, and double this amount as energy resistance against all forms of energy damage.

    Once per round while wearing armor, a single attack or weapon-like spell misses against you. You may choose whether or not to use this ability each round, after seeing the relevant dice roll.

    Canny Assassin (Ex) - Requires Death Attack, Penetrating Strike, Skirmish, Sneak Attack, or Sudden Strike

    Your additional damage from Death Attack, Penetrating Strike, Skirmish, Sneak Attack, or Sudden Strike is now multiplied as normal if you get a critical hit. Your critical threat range with any weapon is now doubled if the creature is flatfooted or flanked, and you receive a +5 bonus on critical confirmation rolls. This stacks with other threat range increasing effects.

    Deathless Rage (Ex) - Requires Tireless Rage

    You do not become dying, disabled, or dead from hit point damage, are immune to death effects, and suffer no risk of death from massive damage while raging. You still die when your rage ends if your hit points are negative.

    Elemental Paragon (Ex) - Requires Energy Resistance

    If you chose two energy types, you take 75% less damage from them. If you chose three energy types, you take 50% less damage from them. This ability is applied before your energy resistance.

    Execute (Ex) - Requires Improved Masterful Strike

    Any time your attack roll exceeds your target's AC by more than its HD, it is instantly slain. This ability does not function with touch attacks, or against creatures immune to critical hits.

    Feral Charge (Ex) - Requires Pounce

    When charging, you may move in any sort of shape. In addition, you can make a full attack against every creature that was within reach during your movement, but not more than once per creature.

    Focused Flurry (Ex) - Requires Flurry of Blows

    You reduce the penalty on iterative attack rolls by 5 (turning +20/+15+/+10/+5 into +20/+20/+15/+10). You also receive an additional attack during a standard attack action at your highest attack bonus.

    Grit (Ex) - Requires Toughness

    You cannot lose more than (1 / (HD size / 2)) of your hit points in a single round.

    For example, if you have a d4 HD, you cannot lose more than half of your hit points in a single round. If you have a d12 HD, you cannot lose more than 1/6 of your hit points in a single round.

    Impetuous Endurance (Ex) - Requires Evasion

    You receive the Evasion ability for any type of saving throw you don't already have it for.

    Once per round, you succeed on a single saving throw. You may choose whether or not to use this ability each round, after seeing the relevant dice roll.

    Invulnerable (Ex) - Requires Natural Resilience

    You take half damage from physical attacks. This ability is applied before your damage reduction.

    Legendary Sniper (Ex) - Requires Snipe

    You suffer no penalties for firing a ranged weapon at a large distance, and can hit a target up to 15 range increments away, instead of 10. You suffer no penalty for using the Hide skill immediately after firing a ranged weapon. Your critical threat range for any ranged weapon is increased by 1, and you receive a +5 bonus on critical confirmation rolls. This stacks with other critical threat range increasing effects.

    Maim (Ex) - Requires Crippling Strike

    The target of your death attack must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 class level + Dexterity modifier) or be paralyzed permanently. If your target is not subject to paralysis, and you find this out with an appropriate Knowledge check, you may inflict permanently another status condition of your desire, as long as it does not depend on external influence or variables (such as ability damage or blown away). You also may not select a condition which would reduce your target's hit points, such as dying, dead, or disabled.

    Mighty Rage (Ex) - Requires Rage

    When you fly into a rage, you have DR 2/- and gain an additional +4 to your rage's ability score bonus. Every round during an encounter that you take at least 1 point of damage, you gain an additional DR 1/- and +2 to your rage's ability score bonus per round that you were damaged in the encounter.

    For example, if you were damaged for two rounds, dodged it all the third, and damaged again in the fourth, you would have DR 3/- and +6 to your ability score in the first round; 5/-, +10 in the second round; 5/-,+10 in the third round; and 9/-, +18 in the fourth round.

    Unlike normal damage reduction, this ability functions against all types of damage, not just physical. All bonuses are morale bonuses, and disappear when your rage ends.

    Mystical Combat Focus (Su) - Requires Combat Focus

    You gain the following additional special ability options.

    • Fast healing equal to your BAB for 1 minute
    • Ethereal for 1 minute

    Nirvana (Ex) - Requires Diamond Body

    You permanently gain the effects of true seeing, and treat all d20 rolls as a 20. The dice are still rolled to determine critical hits or automatic success.

    Rolls of 20 which are made against you and are not in your favor do not cause automatic success.

    You no longer take physical penalties due to aging, and any previous penalties are removed. You no longer have a maximum age.

    Your type becomes Outsider, Dragon, or something else suitable to your style of meditation.

    Omnipresence (Ex) - Requires Martial Arts (Boxing or Crane)

    Your reach when wielding any melee weapon is increased by the highest movement speed you are currently able to use.

    Out of Mind (Su) - Requires Camouflage

    You are permanently under the effects of a sequester spell, but do not become comatose, and you are treated as being invisible as the superior invisibility spell, instead of invisibility. You can lower or raise this effect as a swift action.

    Perfect Block (Ex) - Requires Shield Block

    You can now block any single effect, including non-damaging effects, touch attacks, and damaging spells.

    Perfect Senses (Ex) - Requires Keen Eyes or Uncanny Dodge

    None of your senses can be dulled, blocked, or tricked. You can see, hear, feel, taste, and smell across any distance on your current plane, as well as adjacent planes, such as the Ethereal, Shadow, and Astral, if currently on the Material. This does not overload your senses, and you are capable of focusing on nearby things just as easily.

    You still cannot sense creatures in an impossible way - you cannot hear an incorporeal creature move, for example, as it makes no sounds when it moves.

    Quicken Self (Ex) - Requires Speedy

    You receive 1 extra move action and 2 extra standard actions, allowing you to take 3 extra full-round actions in an encounter if they are all used at once. You still may only take 1 extra of any given type of action in a round.

    Seasoned Hunter (Ex) - Requires Favored Enemy or Smite

    If you attack your favored enemy and it would miss, it hits instead. If you attack your favored enemy and it would hit, it critically hits instead. If you attack your favored enemy and it would critically hit, the creature is slain.

    All damage rolls against your favored enemy are maximized.

    Seek and Negate (Su) - Requires Witch Hunter

    An antimagic cone with a length of 100 feet spreads forth from your eyes, similar to a beholder's antimagic eye. You may turn it off or on as a free action, even when it's not your turn. The radii of your Telepathic Static and Foil Summoning abilities are increased to 100 feet.

    Sensei - Requires Martial Arts (Dragon or Tiger)

    You receive all of the benefits of all Martial Arts styles/abilities that you didn't have before taking this ability. Your unarmed strike damage is increased to 5d10, and your unarmed strike's critical multiplier is increased to 5x.

    Soul Blaze (Su) - Requires Soul Burn

    Your Soul Burn ability now affects all of the attacked creature's ability scores.

    Soul Conduit (Su) - Requires Soul Weapon or Soul Armor

    See below post.

    Soul Killer (Su) - Requires Mighty Soul Weapon

    Any time you attack a creature with your soul weapon whose current hit points are equal to 0 or less, if it hits, you may have that attack automatically send the creature to -10 hit points.

    If you kill a creature with this ability, it is permanently dead. Even if you only killed a creature's ice assassin, an astral travelling version of the creature, a mirror image, silent image, dominated commoner, or any other magical representative of the creature, the original creature, its soul, and any of its clones or phylacteries are forever destroyed, incapable of being resurrected.

    This second aspect only works on representatives the caster sends out himself, with his own conscious - you cannot cast silent image in the form of a creature, and then soul kill it. Likewise, if a caster creates an ice assassin of you, then you kill it, the caster dies, rather than you. Called or summoned creatures are not linked directly enough to their casters - it will be they themselves that are soul killed.

    A magical representative of a creature counts as having 0 current hit points for the purpose of this ability.

    Each use of this ability against a creature of 20 HD or less requires a Githyanki Silver Sword as a material component. Against a creature of 21+ HD, it requires a +5 Vorpal Githyanki Silver Sword (a minor artifact).

    Soul Mirror (Su) - Requires Mighty Soul Armor

    While wearing your Soul Armor, you are immune to any spell or spell-like ability that allows spell resistance, and suffer no effects from touch attacks made against you. The attacker suffers any effects of the spell, spell-like ability, or touch attack that he would have inflicted.

    You cannot willingly lower this ability or your Soul Armor.

    Supreme Power Attack (Ex) - Requires Improved Power Attack

    You deal 1 point of Constitution damage per 10 Power Attack damage that you deal.

    Tarrasquekin (Ex) - Requires Regeneration or Supernatural Resilience

    You lose your supernatural damage reduction, and instead have regeneration 15, which can be overcome by the same thing your damage reduction was.

    If you took Regeneration, your regeneration value is increased by 10, and is no longer overcome by one of your chosen energy types.

    Total Control (Su) - Requires Control Magic

    Your greater dispel magic ability becomes disjunction instead, and you can channel it as a full-round action to create an antimagic field instead which lasts for 1 round.

    When you use your Control Magic ability, the caster of the spell becomes surrounded by an antimagic field which covers their entire space for 1 round, and follows them regardless of whether they move or change in size. This occurs after the caster is affected by their spell, if you turn it back on them.

    True Inspiration (Ex) - Requires Marshal

    You may now grant each ally one full-round action per encounter, instead of one move action.

    Unstoppable (Ex) - Requires Dungeon Crasher or Free Movement

    You receive a +10 bonus on Strength checks to break objects, and you can destroy any kind of otherwise unbreakable barrier or object, including force effects and major artifacts, with a DC 32 Strength check. Destroying the latter, as always, will have severe repercussions from the gods.

    Veteran (Ex) - Requires Tactics

    All rolls you gain an Intelligence bonus to through Tactics are maximized. The dice are still rolled to determine critical hits or automatic success.

    You act normally during periods of apparent time such as that created by time stop, and you gain the benefits of initiative order changing magic such as celerity, nerveskitter, or island in time if used by any creature in an encounter you are in.

    Wuxia (Su) - Requires Martial Arts (Leopard or Snake)

    You gain a +50 bonus to all Jump, Climb, Swim, Balance, Tumble, and Escape Artist checks. Your unarmed strikes and attacks with your special weapons can be used as ranged thrown weapons with a 50 foot increment. If used beyond their normal range, all damage for the attack is converted to force damage.

    Finally, you gain the Quivering Palm ability, as a monk, except the DC is equal to (10 + damage roll of your unarmed strike + your Wisdom modifier).

  3. - Top - End - #3
    Barbarian in the Playground
    Baron Corm's Avatar

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    Apr 2005
    Avatar by Kymme

    Default Re: [3.5] Generic Class 2.0

    Mystical Abilities

    Scaling Abilities

    Arcane Talent (Sp)

    Select a spell school. You gain a bonus on Spellcraft checks and caster level checks related to that school equal to your Charisma modifier. You also get a special ability, depending on the school you chose. Each ability may be used once per encounter as an immediate action. DCs are equal to (10 + 1/2 class level + Charisma modifier), and your caster level is equal to your class level.

    Abrupt Jaunt (Conjuration): You teleport 10 feet per class level, as the dimension door spell.
    Urgent Shield (Abjuration): You gain a shield bonus to AC equal to your Charisma modifier for 1 round per class level. If you currently have a shield spell active, this ability makes the shield larger instead of creating a new shield, causing the bonuses to stack.
    Glimpse Peril (Divination): You gain an insight bonus to your saving throws equal to your Charisma modifier for 1 round per class level.
    Instant Daze (Enchantment): Target creature is dazed for 1 round per class level if it fails a Will save. This is a mind-affecting effect. Each round, the creature may make another save to break free.
    Counterfire (Evocation): You cast a magic missile spell at target creature, which fires 1 missile per class level, instead of the usual amount.
    Brief Figment (Illusion): You cast a mislead spell, except the double lasts for 1 round per class level, and you disappear as an invisibility spell, instead of greater invisibility. The duration of your disappearance is 1 round per class level.
    Cursed Glance (Necromancy): Target creature receives negative levels equal to your Charisma modifier (but no more than your class level) for 1 hour per class level if it fails a Reflex save.
    Sudden Shift (Transmutation): You gain a climb, fly, or swim speed equal to your land speed for 1 round per class level. If it's a fly speed, you have average maneuverability.

    This ability can be taken even if you cannot cast spells. However, if you later take Spellcasting, one of the schools you choose to cast from must be the school you selected with this ability. You cannot select the General school to base this ability off of.


    You receive a loyal and obedient ally who levels at the same rate you do, but with a Combat NPC archetype. It begins with one HD in the Generic NPC class. You may choose any type of creature as your companion, but some powerful abilities may need to be weakened, subject to DM approval.

    Your companion receives the benefits of the Vow of Poverty feat, but does not need to be an exalted character, and gains no exalted bonus feats. Any mention of "good" is replaced with one facet of your companion's alignment. Breaking the vow by wielding expensive items still removes its bonuses, though your companion may still use basic gear such as a nonmagical longsword, or alchemical fire that you give it to throw.

    If your companion is an Animal, it does not increase in Intelligence, but it can speak with you telepathically. Telepathic conversations with an Animal would be more likely to be made of emotions and images, rather than words. This telepathy is a supernatural ability. Additional statistics for your companion are in the spoiler below.

    You must select your companion's archetype from the prebuilt options of brute, monk, rogue, witch, or magician. Assuming a Generic Race is used, it gains one Scaling, A, B, C, and D ability, which scale at half speed as normal. If a non-Generic Race is used, the creature's abilities should be converted into Generic Class abilities to allow for similar scaling and power level. Any holes can be filled with standard class abilities. Your companion may only be proficient with simple weapons and light armor if it has 3/4 BAB, or only a single simple weapon if it has 1/2 BAB.

    Your companion should have starting ability scores no greater than 17, 15, 15, 13, 11, 9 (after racial adjustments) as a guideline, though talk to your DM about exact numbers. If your companion starts with lower ability scores than these, your DM may allow you to raise them to these values.

    If your companion dies, you must either resurrect him, or work with your DM to get another one through the storyline.


    You receive the granted powers and spells of two domains. The spells are gained according to the table below. You may choose which domain is your "first" and which is your "second". If you choose an arcane domain (under Domain Wizard, here), you do not get granted powers, but you do get 0th level spells. Taking a domain related to undead (such as Sun or Death) also grants you Turn or Rebuke Undead, as a cleric, though it is based off of Wisdom instead of Charisma. Taking other domains could give you Turn Undead variants, such as Turn Evil Outsider for taking the Good domain, at your DM's discretion.

    Like normal domains, you may only cast one spell per day from each spell level. Your effective cleric level is equal to your class level. Your spell DCs are equal to (10 + 1/2 class level + Wisdom modifier). All domain spells are divine spells and are therefore not subject to arcane spell failure.

    With your DM's permission, you may create your own domain. Miracle cannot be chosen as a domain spell without the capstone by the same name. Sorcerer-only spells may not be chosen unless you are dragonblooded.

    {table=head]Domain|Spell Level|Level Gained
    1st|0 or power|1
    2nd|0 or power|2

    Spellcasting is not required to take Domains, but Domains has its own AP prerequisite, as stated in the first post.

    Lay on Hands (Su)

    As the paladin ability, except your pool of healing is equal to (5 x your Wisdom modifier x your class level). You may not use more than one fifth of your pool in one action, except if replicating a spell.

    You may subtract (25 x spell level) points from your pool to replicate the effects of a spell in the remove X line, a spell in the restoration line, or a resurrection spell, as a spell-like ability. You must pay the cost of any material components or experience loss that the spell requires.

    An evil character channels negative energy instead, and may convert his damage dealt to replicate the effects of bestow curse, greater bestow curse, or an Undead creation spell as a spell-like ability. You must pay the cost of any material components or experience loss that the spell requires.

    You can restore your pool of Lay on Hands healing or harm by meditating. 5 minutes of meditation restores healing or harm equal to your Wisdom modifier. The pool is not automatically replenished on a per-day basis. Time spent meditating is a sleep-like state and offers the same benefits.

    Overlord (Su) - Requires Summon Minions

    You receive a +1 profane bonus to Strength for each minion you currently control. You receive a +1 profane bonus to Constitution at level 2, a +1 profane bonus to natural armor at level 3, and a +1 profane bonus to all saving throws at level 4, with the same conditions as your Strength bonus. The cycle then repeats in this order.

    If a minion dies, the bonuses it grants you are removed, until you summon another minion.

    Warmage Edge

    Any damage dealt by a spell or SLA you cast is increased by your class level. If applied to an Empowered spell or SLA, this damage is increased by 50%. This ability otherwise functions the same as the warmage ability. It is essentially useless without Spellcasting, Domains, or a SLA.

    A Abilities

    Bless (Su)

    Once per creature per encounter, as an immediate action, you may make that creature treat his d20 roll as an 11, after seeing the result. Bless may only be used on rolls of 10 or less. The DM does not have to reveal what the roll was for, but you are allowed a description of the creature's action. You must have line of sight to a creature to bless it.

    You may bless each creature twice per encounter at level 9, and three times per encounter at level 17. The roll is treated as a 13 at level 9, and a 15 at level 17. You may use bless on rolls of 12 or less at level 9, and 14 or less at level 17.

    {table=head]Uses|New Roll|Maximum Roll

    Hellfire Blast (Sp)

    As the hellfire warlock ability, except the Constitution damage cannot be healed in any way except natural healing. You receive 2d6 bonus hellfire damage at each interval.

    Hex (Su)

    As Bless, but use the following table instead:

    {table=head]Uses|New Roll|Minimum Roll

    Magic Music

    You gain the Countersong ability, as a bard. At level 9, you gain the Fascinate ability. At level 17, you gain the Mass Suggestion ability. None of these function without the Bardic Music B ability.

    The Bardic Performances equivalent is in the spoiler below.

    Enhanced Synergies (Ex)

    As the bard ability, except that you may enhance synergies at each interval. Does nothing unless you take the Bardic Performances B ability.

    Secret Spell (Ex)

    Choose one spell that you know. That spell can be cast as Silent, Stilled, and Invisible, with no increase in spell level. At each additional interval, choose another spell you know for this to apply to.

    Spirit Guide (Su)

    You receive a spirit guide, which is an intangible spirit that follows you around, granting you its wisdom. It allows you to reroll any Knowledge check one time if you fail it, with a +3 insight bonus per interval, and allows you to make untrained Knowledge checks of any DC.

    You are the only one who can perceive or interact with your guide.

    At level 9, your spells, abilities, weapons, and armor affect incorporeal creatures and creatures on the Ethereal plane just as easily as corporeal creatures, and you can see, hear, and smell ethereal creatures as if they were on the Material Plane.

    At level 17, you gain one of two abilities. You gain Guide Magic if you've chosen Spellcasting, Domains, or Invocations as an ability, and Spirit Shield if you haven't.

    Guide Magic: As the spirit shaman ability.
    Spirit Shield: Your spirit guide can take control of a wielded shield, essentially giving it the animated property. This does not increase the effective cost or enhancement bonus of the shield.

    Truespeech (Ex)

    By learning the secret language of the universe, you can cause things to become true simply by saying them. Because these words are so powerful, only a select few are capable of being learned by mortals. Even among these few words, usually only one or two out of infinite possible applications for them have been discovered.

    No words of Truespeech are as potent as simply learning the truename of a given creature. A truename gives you complete power over the named creature to do with as you will, while saying a truename backwards completely unravels the creature from existence. Thankfully, this information is locked away in a divine vault that none know the location of.

    Truespeech is a rare knowledge, and there are only a handful of speakers in the world. These are found in monasteries in the corners of the world where one master teaches one promising student, generation after generation. Additional information is in the spoiler below.

    Utterances from this ability are all extraordinary abilities, because they are so fundamental to the fabric of the world. Any creature that learns the words (and says them correctly) speaks them with the same mystical, divine clarity and tone, causing all utterances to have the same range of 60 feet. Even creatures without tongues or the ability to speak at all can learn truespeaking. As long as they are saying the word in their soul, it comes out as clear as anyone else's.

    By speaking utterances backwards, you can produce a reverse effect. This either does what it says under the utterance, or it can be used to cancel out an utterance of the same kind, within range, which has already been spoken. Speaking an utterance is an immediate action, so countering a word of Truespeech you hear is as simple as knowing the same word and immediately speaking the reverse of it. If countered in this way, the word's effect never takes place. The only other ways to undo the effect of an utterance are to wait out the duration or kill the truespeaker who uttered it. Learning a word gives you knowledge of both the normal and reverse utterance.

    While many utterances are permanent, the more difficult ones, or those affecting other creatures, tend to revert themselves with time. A single truespeaker cannot repeat the same word (whether backward or forward) until the end of its duration, unless it was canceled by an opposite utterance. For utterances with durations less than 1 minute, you must still wait 1 minute before repeating their word.

    Like many B abilities and Domains, this ability has an AP cost, as described in the first post.

    The actual utterances are in the post after the ability posts.

    B Abilities

    Bardic Music (Ex)

    You receive the Bardic Music ability, as a bard. The first ability you get is Inspire Courage, giving a +1 morale bonus to attack and damage rolls. Every other interval after level 2, this bonus increases by +1.

    At level 4, you gain the Inspire Heroics ability, giving a +1 dodge bonus to AC and a +1 morale bonus to saves. Every other interval after level 4, these bonuses increase by +1.

    Other than the numbers, these abilities work just as the bard abilities, except that Inspire Heroics can affect any number of allies, and the abilities are both Extraordinary instead of Supernatural. You must have Perform as a trained skill to take this ability.

    There is a more complicated and ability-packed bard ability in the spoiler below. It is not recommended to have both types of bard in one campaign, as they represent the same capabilities.

    Bardic Performances (Ex)

    You receive one bardic performance known at each interval. You may take Master performances if you meet their requirements. Your effective bard level is equal to your class level. You must have Perform as a trained skill to take this ability, and your bardic bonus is simply equal to half your class level.

    While there is an AP prerequisite for Bardic Performances, you do not need to spend any AP to take Bardic Music.


    You can cast invocations as a warlock. You have invocations known according to the table below. You can draw from any invocations list. You may switch out an invocation you have learned for another one of the same grade whenever you gain access to a new grade of invocations. You may select invocations known from any invocation list. Invocation DCs are all equal to (10 + 1/2 class level + Charisma modifier).

    You receive either eldritch blast as a warlock, or a breath weapon as a dragonfire adept, increasing in damage by 1d6 at each interval. Additional information is in the spoiler below.

    If you select eldritch blast, you can make iterative attacks without having to take a special blast shape. Any blast shapes can combine with this effect.

    If you select breath weapon, you may choose to either receive either a breath effect (minimum levels apply) or have your breath weapon range doubled at each additional interval. Your breath weapon range may be doubled up to three times and you may receive up to six breath effects. In addition, you may count as dragonblooded for spells and feats that require it.

    {table=head]Class Level|Invocations Known|Maximum Invocation Grade


    You gain the ability to initiate maneuvers. You can change your readied maneuvers by practicing for 5 minutes. You can replenish all expended maneuvers in combat by taking 1 round to gather yourself (taking no other actions). You gain maneuvers known, maneuvers readied, and stances known according to the table. You may select your maneuvers from three disciplines of your choice. Your initiator level is equal to your class level.

    At each interval, you may switch out a maneuver you know for a different one.

    {table=head]Level|Maneuvers Known|Maneuvers Readied|Stances Known


    (work in progress, please see below spoiler for tentative writeup)

    Mysteries (AP cost: 12)
    You use mysteries as a shadow caster. You must have an intelligence score of at least (10 + Mystery level) to use mysteries of that level. The DCs of your spells equals 10 + Mystery level + your Cha modifier. You gain mysteries known at a rate of 1 per level. You may learn any mystery of a level you are able to cast. You may learn a mystery more than once, increasing the amount of uses you have, but not advancing the form its cast in. When you know three mysteries of a path (See the Mystery list in ToM), you gain a bonus metashadow feat. When you innately may use a mystery once per day, cast as if it were an arcane spell. When you may innately cast a mystery twice per day, cast as if it were a spell-like ability. When you may innately cast a mystery three times per day, treat as supernatural.Your advancement of Uses per Mystery per Day is listed below

    1 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | -
    2 | 1 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | -
    3 | 1 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | -
    4 | 1 | 1 | - | - | - | - | - | - | -
    5 | 1 | 1 | - | - | - | - | - | - | -
    6 | 1 | 1 | 1 | - | - | - | - | - | -
    7 | 1 | 1 | 1 | - | - | - | - | - | -
    8 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 1 | - | - | - | - | -
    9 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 1 | - | - | - | - | -
    10 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 1 | - | - | - | -
    11 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 1 | - | - | - | -
    12 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1 | - | - | -
    13 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1 | - | - | -
    14 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 1 | - | -
    15 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 1 | - | -
    16 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 1 | -
    17 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 1 | -
    18 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1
    19 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1
    20 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1

    in addition to the abilities above, you gain access to fundamentals. Fundimentals are effectively level 0 mysteries. When you gain the ability to use mysteries you may use them 3 times per fundamental per day, and as such use them as supernatural abilities. When you acquire level 14, you may use each fundamental you know an infinite number of times per day. You may learn an additional fundamental every level you gain that is divisible by 4 (4th, 8th, 12th, 16th, and 20th)

    Mysteries, while they can behave as spells, are not spells. Anyone attempting to identify them or counter spell them, unless they use mysteries, take a -4 penalty. A mystery user who attempts to counter spell someone using spells, or identify a spell being used by another individual, also takes a -4 penalty to checks.


    You gain the ability to manifest powers as a psion of your class level, and must select a psionic discipline. However, you have a different progression of power points per day and powers known. You gain 4 powers known at each interval. PP/day is in the spoiler below.

    {table=head]Class Level|PP/day|Maximum Power Level Known

    Any time "spell DC", "spell resistance", or similar is mentioned, you may apply it to your psionics as well. If this occurs, and Spellcasting fulfills the prerequisites of the ability, having Psionics fulfills the prerequisites of the ability.

    Shapeshift (Su)

    You receive the ability to aesthetically become one creature of your choosing, and while in this form your combat prowess improves. You may shift forms once per hour, as a full-round action, and may stay in your form for up to 1 minute/2 levels, though you may end it prematurely as a full-round action.

    Your form has the following aspects:

    • You may re-assign which ability score your base ability scores are applied to.
    • If your new form cannot wield weapons, your wielded weapon(s) become natural attacks which effectively function the same (including iterative attacks, etc). Just change the names to claw, bite, tentacle, slam, or whatever else is appropriate. The weapon must share at least one damage type with the natural attack. If wielding a ranged weapon, your natural attacks can become ranged, by throwing spines or similar.
    • If your new form cannot wear armor, any armor that you are wearing is transformed into natural armor. This natural armor is not treated as an enhancement bonus, so it stacks with an amulet of natural armor or similar. Nonmagical clothing is melded into your new form.
    • If your new form cannot wear any miscellaneous equipped items (such as headbands of intellect or cloaks of resistance), they are melded into your new form, but continue to give their normal bonus. Items that require activation require the same action as normal to activate. If it is required to physically be there, it can't be activated, but if it isn't, it may still be used.
    • Other wielded or carried items (such as shields, potions, or bags of holding) are melded into your new form and rendered unusable, unless your new form can wield or carry the item.
    • You may choose to have any items melded into your new form as if you couldn't use them, even if you otherwise could.
    • Your type changes to match that of the creature you aesthetically represent. Subtypes may be added, at the DM's discretion. You may not select undead, construct, ooze, or elemental as a type, unless you gain the appropriate aspect from the list below.

    At level 2, and every 4 levels after that, you may add a +4 racial bonus to an ability score of your form and +2 racial bonus to a different ability score of your form.

    At level 4, and every 4 levels after that, you may select from the list below an additional aspect to add to your form. All aspects (except breath weapon) are Extraordinary abilities and all bonuses are racial bonuses, if applicable. You may only take aspects related to the creature that you aesthetically represent.

    • A flight speed equal to your land speed with Average maneuverability. Taking this aspect twice doubles your flight speed and gives you Good maneuverability.
    • A burrow speed equal to half your land speed. Taking this aspect twice doubles your burrow speed and grants you the Earth Glide special quality.
    • A swim speed equal to your land speed and the Amphibious special quality.
    • A climb speed as the spell spider climb.
    • The Trip special quality. You gain no bonus to your check modifier.
    • The Improved Grab special quality. Taking this aspect twice grants the Constrict special quality, dealing damage equal to one of your attacks.
    • The Pounce special quality.
    • The Rake special quality. For every two attacks that you successfully hit with during a round, not counting rake attacks, you automatically hit with another attack.
    • An injury poison delivered by one or more of your natural attacks, at your option. The primary damage is 1d6 ability damage to the ability score of your choice, and the secondary damage is the same amount of ability damage, which may be applied to the same ability score or a different one. The save DC is Constitution-based.
    • The Trample special quality, dealing damage equal to (an attack from one of your natural weapons of your choice) x 1.5. The save DC is Strength-based.
    • The Scent special quality and blindsense 30 feet.
    • Darkvision. Taking this aspect twice grants blindsight 30 feet.
    • The Powerful Charge special quality, doubling your damage on a charge. This bonus does not stack with a lance's increase in damage for charging while mounted.
    • Tremorsense 60 feet. Taking this aspect twice increases the range to 1 mile.
    • Fast healing 1 per 2 intervals. Taking this aspect twice increases your fast healing by 1 per interval instead.
    • Natural armor 1 per 2 intervals. This natural armor stacks with the base natural armor you get for transforming while wearing armor.
    • Breath weapon as a Supernatural ability, dealing 1d6 damage per interval of your chosen energy type (fire, cold, electric, or acid), with a 1d4 round cooldown, and a Reflex save for half damage. The save DC is Constitution-based. The length is 5 ft per interval for a cone or 10 ft per interval for a line. Taking this aspect twice increases the damage to 2d6 damage per interval.
    • Damage reduction 5/slashing, piercing, bludgeoning, cold iron, or silver. You can take this aspect up to three times for each type of DR.
    • An increase or decrease in size by 1 size category. Taking this aspect twice increases or decreases your size by an additional 1 size category. Worn items change size along with you, even if they weren't melded into your new form.
    • Type change to undead or construct. Taking this aspect twice allows a type change to elemental or ooze.

    All customization options are chosen once you get this ability and can never be changed. Different forms can be gotten with the Multishift C ability. If you already have one part of an aspect that you can take twice, you might have to only take that aspect once to get the second effect, with your DM's approval.

    Taking this ability grants you the Shapechanger subtype even when not shifted.

    As a therianthropy variant, half of your ability score bonuses apply even when not shifted. This aspect of the ability is (Ex). However, you cannot intentionally shift into your form - you are normal during the day, and shifted at night. On nights with a full moon, your character becomes an NPC which roams randomly, attacking the nearest creatures.


    You cast spells as a sorcerer, except that applying metamagic does not increase your casting time. You must have a Charisma score of at least (10 + spell level) to cast spells of that level. You gains spells known as shown in the following table. You may draw from any spell list with a full 9 spell levels, however you are limited to two schools of magic (this number can be increased or decreased at the DM's option). Every spell from the general school is also on your spell list. My redefined spell schools are recommended. You cannot select miracle as a spell known. Sorcerer-only spells cannot be learned unless you are dragonblooded. Additional information is in the spoiler below.

    A spell's DC is not based on its spell level. Instead, every spell's DC is (10 + 1/2 class level + Charisma modifier).

    You may cast 3 spells per level per day. Your caster level is equal to your class level. All spells are arcane, even if drawn from a spell list such as the cleric's, and thus are subject to arcane spell failure.

    A Charisma score of at least (X + spell level) grants bonus spells of that level equal to X/10 (rounded down). A Charisma score of 23 therefore grants 2 bonus spells per day to spell levels 0-3 and 1 bonus spell per day to spell levels 4-9 (if you can cast any).

    You gain Versatile Spellcaster as a bonus feat, allowing you to spend two spell slots to cast a spell of a level one higher, as long as you can normally cast spells of that level.

    Spells known are on the following table.

    {table=head]Class Level|0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9

    Summon Minions (Su)

    As a standard action, you may summon a minion; a minor yugoloth who is bound to you after you make a pact with its master. Minions follow any commands you give them, as long as you have one hand free to direct them (you do not have a hand free if you wield a 2-handed weapon or are carrying or wielding something in both hands). A minion's default command is to follow you around. Directing any amount of minions to take a different action takes 1 move action. If that action can no longer be taken, the minions return to following you around.

    Minions have one hit die per class level. They are like goblins in shape and so can wear any gear you give them that a goblin could wear.

    You may have one minion summoned at a time. Every other interval starting at level 6, this increases by one. Once a minion you have summoned has died, you must pray to your dark benefactors for 1 hour before they will grant you more. After that hour you may summon any additional amount, up to your maximum.

    Every other interval starting at level 4, you may pick a special minion ability, which you can thereafter apply to any minion you summon.

    Statistics and ability choices for minions are in the post after the ability posts.


    You gain the ability to manifest powers as a psychic warrior of your class level. However, your manifesting is Intelligence-based, and you have a different progression of power points per day and powers known. You gain 2 powers known at each interval, with 2 extra at levels 2 and 4. PP/day is in the spoiler below.

    {table=head]Class Level|PP/day|Maximum Power Level Known

    Any time "spell DC", "spell resistance", or similar is mentioned, you may apply it to your psionics as well. If this occurs, and Spellcasting fulfills the prerequisites of the ability, having Wilding fulfills the prerequisites of the ability.

    C Abilities

    Aura of Entropy/Vigilance (Su)

    You grant a +1 morale bonus to AC and initiative to all chaotic/lawful creatures who can sense you in any way, and a -1 morale penalty to all lawful/chaotic creatures who can sense you. The numbers increase by +1/-1 at each additional interval.

    All bonuses affect you as well, however you lose the benefit of this ability if you ever willingly perform an act outside your chosen alignment, until you atone.

    Cloaked Casting - Requires Domains, Invocations, Soul Weapon, or Spellcasting

    At level 3, you receive a +5 bonus on caster level checks to overcome spell resistance while the target is denied its Dexterity bonus to AC. At level 11, this increases to +10. At level 19, it increases to +20.

    At level 7, you receive a +1 bonus to spell or invocation DCs if the spell is cast while the target is denied its Dexterity bonus to AC. At level 15, this increases to +2. If you are applying this ability to your soul weapon, the bonus is an attack bonus instead.

    High Arcana - Requires Spellcasting

    As the archmage ability. You may select one special ability at each interval. Instead of giving up specific spell slots, your spells per day for each spell level are reduced by 1 when you take this ability.

    The Arcane Fire ability deals damage equal to the maximum spell level available to you as a base, instead of 1d6 per class level. You still add damage based on the actual spell slot used. For example, if you are capable of casting 7th level spells, and you expend a 2nd level spell slot, your arcane fire deals 7d6 + 2d6 = 9d6 damage.

    Multishift - Requires Shapeshift

    At each interval, you receive an additional form. You may select different aspects and ability score bonuses for this form. Your shapeshift uses per hour are not increased.

    This ability cannot be combined with the therianthropy variant.

    Radiant/Vile Aura (Su)

    You grant a +1 morale bonus to attack and saving throws to all good/evil creatures who can sense you in any way, and a -1 morale penalty to evil/good creatures who can sense you. The numbers increase by +1/-1 at each additional interval.

    All bonuses affect you as well, however you lose the benefit of this ability if you ever willingly perform an act outside your chosen alignment, until you atone.

    Resistance Piercing (Ex)

    Choose one type of energy damage, one type of physical damage, or force damage. Any damage you deal of that type ignores 10% of any resistance or immunity to damage of that type per interval. This ability does not stack with other effects that ignore resistances or immunities such as Searing Spell or Piercing Cold.

    Shadow Illusion (Su)

    As the shadowcraft mage ability. Your shadows become 5% more real at each additional interval.

    D Abilities

    Expanded Knowledge - Requires Spellcasting

    You learn a new spell from any school of magic, up to two levels less than the maximum level you can cast. At level 13, you learn a spell from any school of magic, up to one level less than the maximum level you can cast.

    Both spells must be from the same school. If you gain access to higher spell levels, you may swap out your extra spells for new ones of the higher level.

    Extra Invocations - Requires Invocations

    You receive one extra invocation known, of a grade one less than the highest you can invoke. At level 13, you receive an extra invocation known of the highest grade you can invoke.

    If you gain access to higher grade invocations, you may swap out your extra invocations for new ones of the higher grade.

    Fast Fingers - Requires Bardic Music

    You only have to take a move action to begin playing bardic music. At level 13, you only have to take a swift action.

    The equivalent for Bardic Performances is in the spoiler below.

    Extra Performances - Requires Bardic Performances

    You receive one additional performance known at levels 5 and 13. However, you may only select from Soft, Loud, Silent, and Master Silent.

    Improved Metamagic - Requires Spellcasting

    Choose one metamagic feat that you possess. The spell level increase for applying that metamagic feat to a spell is reduced by 1, to a minimum of 0. Choose a second metamagic feat that you possess for this to apply to at level 13. If you don't have any metamagic feats, you may apply this ability to an appropriate number that you receive later on.

    Internal Night (Su)

    You gain Tomb-Tainted Soul as a bonus feat.

    You have a constant emanation of desecrate centered on yourself. If you carry around the holy symbol of a deity whose portfolio involves evil, death, or undead, it counts as an altar for purposes of the spell. You do not need to expend black onyx to cast animate dead.

    At level 13, it always counts as night time in your desecrated area for the purposes of casting spells such as create undead, and you do not need to expend black onyx to cast create undead or create greater undead.

    This spell manifests itself visually by causing colors to look a bit more faded in the area around you. Plants will look more rotted and there will be a general dampening of mood in creatures. These effects all disappear quickly when you leave the area. No darkness is caused. Depending on where you are, these effects may be obvious to those around you, but they may not be.

    Capstone Abilities

    Arcane Genius (Sp) - Requires Arcane Talent

    Once per encounter, you may use any single spell of your chosen school as a spell-like ability. DCs are equal to (10 + 1/2 class level + Charisma modifier), and your caster level is equal to your class level. The spell you use can be different each time.

    Arcane Trickster (Ex) - Requires Cloaked Casting

    You may spend an extra spell slot of the same level as the spell you have just cast to make any targets of that spell flatfooted until their next turn with no save. This takes effect before the effects of your spell.

    If using Domains, you don't need to spend extra spell slots. If using Invocations, you cannot cast any invocations for 1 round after using this ability. If using Soul Weapon, you must make a standard attack as a full-round action to make use of this ability.

    In all cases, you must also cast the spell or invocation as a full-round action. Spells or invocations which already have a casting time of one round or greater cannot make use of this ability.

    Archmage - Requires High Arcana

    The drawback of your High Arcana is removed - you gain back your missing spell slot from each spell level. You also gain the remainder of the High Arcana abilities (Arcane Fire, Arcane Reach, Mastery of Counterspelling, Mastery of Elements, and Mastery of Shaping).

    Any of these abilities that you already have are converted to Spell Power or Spell-Like Ability, at your option. For the latter, you may only select a spell you would have had available to you at the level you gained the ability.

    If you die, all of your remaining spell slots are turned into arcane fire and shot at random creatures and objects within range.

    Archon (Su) - Requires Spellcasting

    You shed your mundane form and become a being of pure magic. Your type changes to Elemental and you gain the Incorporeal subtype. Your movement takes the form of a greater teleport that teleports you up to 60 feet per move action. You permanently gain true seeing and greater arcane sight. You use your Charisma score instead of your Constitution score to determine your hit points.

    You wink out temporarily when in the presence of an antimagic field or dead magic zone. Your unique form might have other strange interactions with powerful magical objects or effects, at your DM's discretion.

    Burninate (Ex) - Requires Resistance Piercing

    Any damage you deal of your chosen type can be made to deal hellfire damage instead, and have its damage die increased by one size.

    Champion (Su) - Requires Aura of Entropy/Vigilance or Radiant/Vile Aura

    Your aura now applies its effects to any creature you personally consider your ally/enemy.

    Destruction (Su) - Requires Warmage Edge

    Any time your Warmage Edge successfully deals damage, the creature or object it applies to must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 class level + Charisma modifier) or be instantly slain/destroyed. If the target is an unattended object, it is destroyed with no save. Anything killed or destroyed by this ability is reduced to ashes.

    Divine Touch - Requires Lay on Hands

    You no longer require any experience or material components for spells you replicate with Lay on Hands, and you may use up as much of your pool as desired in one action.

    Doubleform - Requires Multishift

    Select two forms you have. You may shift into a form which is an amalgam of those two forms, taking on the extra aspects of each. This form adds +4 to two ability scores every 4 levels starting with level 2, instead of the normal. In addition, the number of times you may shift per hour is increased by 2.

    Easy Metamagic - Requires Improved Metamagic

    The spell level increase for applying any metamagic feat to a spell is reduced by 1, to a minimum of 0. This ability does not stack with metamagic feats chosen with Improved Metamagic.

    Elder Shifter (Ex) - Requires Shapeshift

    Your Shapeshift ability becomes (Ex). Once per day you can shapeshift as an immediate action, independent of your normal uses per hour. This shifting lasts until the end of the encounter.

    You receive a powerful ability of your choice related to the form you have created, which should be about equal in power to a full Capstone ability, but only functions while shifted. One suggestion for a standard bestial form is the Carapace ability, as the tarrasque. A suggested change to the Carapace ability for both the tarrasque and elder shifters is in the spoiler below.

    Carapace (Ex)

    The tarrasque’s armorlike carapace is highly reflective, causing all magical effects with an area or projectile to be deflected harmlessly. This also applies to natural area or projectile effects made mostly of energy, light, or force, and similar effects at the DM's discretion. It would not apply, for example, to fire damage caused by a Flaming weapon or a stationary/burning fire, but it would apply to a lightning bolt spell or an actual bolt of lightning.

    The tarrasque's natural armor also applies to ranged touch attacks.

    Eldritch Quickening (Ex) - Requires Invocations

    Select one invocation of each grade that you know. That invocation may be cast as if Quickened.

    Empowered Minions - Requires Overlord

    Your Overlord bonus is granted to each minion you control, though they don't receive a multiplier based on your number of summoned minions.

    Your Overlord bonus grants a bonus to every ability score, instead of just Strength and Constitution.

    Favored of the Spirits (Su) - Requires Spirit Guide

    If you chose Guide Magic, once per day, when your hit points or Constitution score are reduced to 0 or lower, you are instantly healed to full health and relieved of all status ailments, including ability damage and drain.

    If you chose Spirit Shield, you receive the Island in Time ability, as an eternal blade. Your spirit guide counts as your blade guide for all purposes. Your spirit guide also allows you to act in any artificial time, such as that created by time stop, even if not cast by you.

    Legend (Ex) - Requires Fast Fingers

    You may use your Inspire Courage, Inspire Heroics, and any abilities gained from Magic Music all at the same time. Additionally, you automatically succeed on any Knowledge checks related to local notable people, legendary items, or noteworthy places, even if you aren't trained in the relevant Knowledge skill.

    Lernaean Minions - Requires Summon Minions

    Every time a minion dies, two spawn in its place the next round, to a maximum of 10 total. Your minion cap resets to 5 at the end of the encounter.

    Maestro Exploder (Su) - Requires Magic Music

    Every round while playing bardic music, you can spend a swift action to deal [Perform check]d6 sonic damage to target creature that can hear your music. They receive a Fortitude save for half damage equal to (10 + 1/2 class level + Charisma modifier). Additionally, you can never be magically silenced.

    Maneuver Mastery - Requires Maneuvers

    You may have two stances active at the same time.

    You may activate two boosts at the same time.

    Master of Disguise (Ex) - Requires Secret Spell

    Every spell you cast is treated as Silent, Stilled, and Invisible, with no increase in spell level. You can abstain from applying any of these effects if you desire. You can cast the spells diguise self and magic aura at-will as spell-like abilities. You may treat yourself as an item for the purpose of disguising your own magical aura, or the aura of buffs or effects applied to you.

    Mighty Companion - Requires Companion

    Your companion now has a PC archetype instead of an NPC archetype. Recalculate its AP to give roughly the same base class as before, and its abilities now have normal PC progression.

    The tradeoff of this ability is that neither you nor your companion will have a Capstone ability.

    Miracle - Requires Domains

    Once per day, you may cast miracle. It follows the same rules as other domain spells.

    Personal Truename (Ex) - Requires Truespeech

    You learn your personal truename, which follows the rules for all other utterances. You also develop a true nickname of sorts, and gain the Say My Name and I Am There ability, as a truenamer.

    Saying your own truename grants you a +10 inherent bonus to any d20 roll involved in the next action you perform.

    Saying your own truename in reverse is usually a bad idea, and will unmake you from existence. It can, however, be used to counter someone else saying your truename to prevent them from gaining control over you.

    Rousing Introduction (Ex) - Requires Bardic Performances

    You may start your combo chain on the first round of playing.

    Seal Fate (Su) - Requires Bless or Hex

    When using Bless or Hex, the target treats their next d20 roll as a 1 (Hex) or 20 (Bless), with an additional -5 penalty (Hex)/+5 bonus (Bless). The dice are still rolled to determine critical hits or automatic success or failure.

    You may use Bless or Hex on any d20 roll result.

    Undead General - Requires Internal Night

    You may create a corpse creature or bone creature instead of a zombie or skeleton if you wish with animate dead, and it is created under your control, but you may only have one at a time. This creature does not count against your HD limit for total undead controlled.

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    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: [3.5] Generic Class 2.0

    Reserved for more abilities just in case.

    Edit 12 years later:

    Doubt anyone is still watching this thread but I add to it from time-to-time

    Came back here randomly and saw I never added a Capstone for Soul Weapon/Soul Armor, here it is, as it doesn't fit in the other post:

    Soul Conduit (Su) - Requires Soul Weapon or Soul Armor

    If slain, your soul enters your soul weapon or soul armor. If not already summoned, they are automatically summoned, and cannot be unsummoned unless you are resurrected, or your soul or soul weapon/soul armor are destroyed (by a force-destroying effect). You function for all purposes as an undispellable major image holding your soul weapon/soul armor. There is no save to disbelieve, as you are clearly just a ghostlike soul. If your soul weapon/soul armor is destroyed, dispelled, or is winked out by an antimagic field (without the Mighty Soul Weapon/Armor ability), your soul is lost forever.

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    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: [3.5] Generic Class 2.0

    Generic Class Feats

    Bound Soul Weapon


    Soul Weapon Scaling ability.


    Your Soul Weapon does not require a check to attack creatures with spell resistance. Creatures completely immune to spells or force damage only take half damage from attacks made with it.

    Masterful Strike


    Dex 13.


    Any time your attack roll exceeds your target's AC, you deal bonus damage on the attack equal to the amount you exceeded it by. The bonus damage cannot be greater than your base attack bonus. This ability does not function with spells, or against creatures immune to critical hits.


    When attacking with a one-handed weapon, with nothing in your offhand, or with a two-handed ranged weapon, the damage bonus is multiplied by 1.5.

    Progression Variants

    The below variants are mostly for DMs who want to give their spellcasters a more natural, scaling-type progression, rather than fitting it in every 2 levels like most B abilities. There is also a slower progressing variant for spellcasters in low-magic settings.

    The below abilities remain B abilities, even with the change in progression.


    Scaling Progression Variant
    {table=head]Class Level|PP/day|Maximum Power Level Known


    Scaling Progression Variant
    {table=head]Class Level|0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9

    Low-Magic Variant
    {table=head]Class Level|0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9

    Scaling Progression Variant
    {table=head]Class Level|0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9


    Scaling Progression Variant
    {table=head]Class Level|PP/day|Maximum Power Level Known

    Summon Minion Abilities

    • Bonus Feat: All minions receive a feat of your choice as a bonus feat, as long as they qualify for it. You may select different feats for each minion you summon. You may select this minion ability more than once.
    • Skill Points: All minions receive one trained skill, ignoring the fact that they have no Intelligence score. You may select different trained skills for each minion you summon. You may select this minion ability more than once.
    • Elite Minions: All minion types use the elite array to determine their ability scores instead of the standard array. You may select which ability bonuses go to which abilities each time a new minion is summoned.
    • Fortified Minions: All minion types gain 1 natural armor per 2 HD and 25% fortification. You may select this minion ability twice in total.
    • Soulless Minions: All minion types lose their Wisdom and Charisma scores, but because they are imbued with your power, can still sense the world around them and are treated as living creatures. They are also immune to effects which would steal or modify their souls. Finally, you only have to pray for 10 minutes to get fresh minions.
    • Attuned Minions: All minion types receive a bonus on attack rolls equal to their highest ability score bonus.
    • Ice Blast: Your abominable minions may use their ice claw attack from a range of 30 feet, and their damage die is increased one size, plus one size per alive minion that you control.
    • Demon Priest: Your abominable minions can revive minions after any period of time, as long as the body is still intact, and it takes only a standard action.
    • Firebomb: Your infernal minions' fireball attack deals damage in a 10 foot radius spread from the initial target, has a range of 60 feet, and the damage die is increased one size. All targets other than the initial receive a Reflex save for half damage equal to (10 + 1/2 HD + Dexterity modifier).
    • Inferno: Your infernal minions can extinguish or move flame from a range of 30 feet, at a rate of 10 feet per move action. They can also expand the flame into a 30 foot line or a 15 foot cone originating from the source which deals fire damage equal to their fireball damage, with a Reflex save for half damage equal to (10 + 1/2 HD + Dexterity modifier). The expanded flame must be at least as large as a torch flame fit for a Small sized creature.
    • Dissolving Touch: Your viral minions' claw attack deals acid damage instead of its normal type, is a touch attack instead of a normal attack, and the damage die is increased one size.
    • Sneak Mastery: Your viral minions' Leaping Backstab deals an additional 1d6 damage, and they can use the Hide skill even while being observed, and without cover. They also receive a +30 racial bonus to Move Silently checks.
    • Ravaging Claws: Your brutal minions' claw damage is increased one die size. In addition, your brutal minions take only half the normal attack penalties for using Power Attack.
    • Thick Skull: Your brutal minions receive damage reduction/- equal to half their HD, and resistance to every energy type equal to their HD.

    Summon Minion Statistics

    While the given minions have an evil flavor, they may be reflavored however you like. In this case, modify their subtype, alignment, and appearance based on what entity granted you reign over them, but no other statistics change. For example, you might have a pack of wolves with various elemental heritages, granted by a nature spirit, or an entourage of celestial balls of light of different colors, granted by a deity of Good.

    You can flavor this ability as a necromantic one by changing the minions' type to Undead, and having them gain levels in an NPC class appropriate to what they did in life, rather than racial HD - the total still depending on your own class levels, not the corpse's. In this case, instead of praying for new minions, you must raise them from corpses. The creature keeps its original size, shape, and movement speeds. It may keep certain abilities it had in life, or these may replace the abilities minions normally come with, though they should be no more powerful than those abilities.

    Work with your DM to fit the exact mechanics to your character, likely including a modified ability for abominable minions as well. Fighter/Wizard/Rogue/Cleric-type corpses automatically become Brutal/Infernal/Viral/Abominable minions.

    Brutal Minion
    Size/Type: Small Outsider (Evil)
    Hit Dice: 1d8+7 (11 hp)
    Initiative: +0
    Speed: 30 feet
    Armor Class: 11, touch 11, flat-footed 11 (+1 size)
    Base Attack/Grapple: +1/+2
    Attack: Claw +7 melee (1d4+5)
    Full Attack: 2 claws +7 melee (1d4+5)
    Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
    Special Attacks: -
    Special Qualities: -
    Saves: Fort +9, Ref +2, Will -3
    Abilities: Str 20, Dex 10, Con 25, Int -, Wis 1, Cha 1
    Skills: -
    Feats: -
    Enviroment: Any
    Organization: -
    Challange Rating: 1
    Treasure: None, unless equipped
    Alignment: Always Neutral Evil
    Advancement: 1-10 (Small)
    Level Adjustment: —

    Infernal Minion
    Size/Type: Small Outsider (Evil)
    Hit Dice: 1d8 (4 hp)
    Initiative: +5
    Speed: 30 feet
    Armor Class: 16, touch 16, flat-footed 11 (+1 size, +5 dex)
    Base Attack/Grapple: +1/-3
    Attack: Fireball +7 ranged touch (1d6 fire)
    Full Attack: Fireball +7 ranged touch (1d6 fire)
    Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
    Special Attacks: Control fire
    Special Qualities: Immune to fire
    Saves: Fort +2, Ref +7, Will -3
    Abilities: Str 10, Dex 20, Con 10, Int -, Wis 1, Cha 1
    Skills: -
    Feats: -
    Enviroment: Any
    Organization: -
    Challange Rating: 1
    Treasure: None, unless equipped
    Alignment: Always Neutral Evil
    Advancement: 1-10 (Small)
    Level Adjustment: —


    Has a range of 30 feet.

    Control Fire (Su)

    An infernal minion can extinguish or move any unattended flame. They can extinguish or move it from a distance of 10 feet, as a move action, at a rate of 5 feet per move action. Multiple infernal minions can move the same flame, to speed the process.

    Viral Minion
    Size/Type: Small Outsider (Evil)
    Hit Dice: 1d8+2 (6 hp)
    Initiative: +7
    Speed: 30 feet
    Armor Class: 18, touch 18, flat-footed 11 (+1 size, +7 dex)
    Base Attack/Grapple: +1/-1
    Attack: Claw +9 melee (1d3+2)
    Full Attack: 2 claws +9 melee (1d3+2)
    Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
    Special Attacks: Leaping Backstab
    Special Qualities: Immune to acid
    Saves: Fort +4, Ref +9, Will -3
    Abilities: Str 15, Dex 25, Con 15, Int -, Wis 1, Cha 1
    Skills: -
    Feats: Weapon FinesseB
    Enviroment: Any
    Organization: -
    Challange Rating: 1
    Treasure: None, unless equipped
    Alignment: Always Neutral Evil
    Advancement: 1-10 (Small)
    Level Adjustment: —

    Leaping Backstab (Ex)

    If a viral minion moves at least 5 feet in a jump, it may make a sneak attack at the end of that jump dealing an extra 1d6 damage. This functions just like a rogue's sneak attack.


    Viral minions have a +10 racial bonus to Jump, +1 per 2 HD, and can take 10 on Jump checks even in combat. They also have a +30 racial bonus to Hide.

    Abominable Minion
    Size/Type: Small Outsider (Evil, Aquatic)
    Hit Dice: 1d8 (4 hp)
    Initiative: +0
    Speed: 30 feet, 30 feet swim
    Armor Class: 11, touch 11, flat-footed 11 (+1 size)
    Base Attack/Grapple: +1/-3
    Attack: Ice claw +2 melee touch (1d2 cold)
    Full Attack: Ice claw +2 melee touch (1d2 cold)
    Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
    Special Attacks: Revive minion
    Special Qualities: Amphibious
    Saves: Fort +2, Ref +2, Will -3
    Abilities: Str 10, Dex 10, Con 10, Int -, Wis 1, Cha 1
    Skills: -
    Feats: -
    Enviroment: Any
    Organization: -
    Challange Rating: 1
    Treasure: None, unless equipped
    Alignment: Always Neutral Evil
    Advancement: 1-10 (Small)
    Level Adjustment: —

    Amphibious (Ex)

    Abominable minions can breathe water as easily as they breathe air.

    Revive Minion (Su)

    With a full-round action, an abominable minion may return a dead minion within 5 feet to full health. The dead minion's corpse must be relatively intact, and the minion must not have been dead for more than 1 minute. This ability may not be used if the character is at his maximum minion number.

    Truespeech Utterances

    Utterances which suppress effects can prevent those effects from ever taking place if spoken in response to them, and the original speaker, target of the ability, or resulting effect of the ability is within 60 feet. Effect durations continue to count down while suppressed.

    At each interval, select an utterance from the spoiler below.


    Any number of flammable things within 60 feet catch on fire. The fire deals 1d6 + 1d6 fire damage per two class levels on combustion and every round thereafter. The duration of this utterance is considered over when the fires are put out or burn out naturally, which occurs after 1 round per interval. Creatures can make a Reflex save (DC 15 + 1 per two class levels) each round to put the fire out, but not to avoid the initial combustion and damage.

    Reverse Combust

    Any number of fires within 60 feet are extinguished. If there is a fire elemental, or any other creature composed mostly of fire, within 60 feet when you speak this utterance, it is winked out for 1 round per interval.


    You enchant a held weapon or piece of armor to have magical properties. You may grant it up to a +1 enhancement bonus per two class levels, or the equivalent in gold value for magical properties that aren't enhancement bonuses.

    This utterance is permanent until you dismiss it, and takes a full-round action to utter or dismiss. You must be holding the item with both hands to enchant it. Though this ability is extraordinary, the magical properties you bestow are still magical.

    Reverse Enchant

    You suppress the magical properties of a held weapon or piece of armor. You may suppress up to +1 worth of enhancement bonuses per two class levels, or the equivalent in gold value for magical properties that aren't enhancement bonuses.

    This utterance is permanent until you dismiss it, and takes a full-round action to utter or dismiss. You must be holding the item with both hands to disenchant it. If you don't know the properties of the item, and don't have a high enough level to suppress all of its properties, the properties are chosen at random. If you do know its properties, you may choose them yourself.


    You knock a single creature 10 feet backward per class level and render it prone. If it hits a solid object, it takes damage as if it fell from a height equal to the remaining distance. Feather fall or similar can reduce this damage.

    You can optionally have this utterance affect all creatures within 60 feet, though they are only knocked back 5 feet per class level. They still fall prone. A flying creature only falls prone if it hits a solid object in its movement.

    Reverse Force

    You cause a single force effect to unravel or a single flying creature to fall to the ground (possibly causing falling damage, though something such as feather fall can break their fall) and lose all ability to fly for 2 rounds per interval. Both flying and nonflying creatures affected by this utterance fall prone when it is uttered, though they may stand up as soon as they are able.


    You cause every creature within 10 feet to forget any number of events that happened within the last 5 rounds per interval, and/or become oblivious to any number of things within 10 feet. The latter effect ends if they are attacked by the thing you make them oblivious to. Unlike most words, Forget is said softly and calmly, which accounts for the smaller range.

    This utterance can alternatively be used to cause a single spellcaster within 10 feet to lose up to 3 spell levels worth of spell slots per interval, spread among any spell levels of your choosing. If you don't know the highest spell level that creature can cast, and pick a spell level they don't have access to, it becomes randomly chosen. Either effect of this utterance ends after the affected creature gets 8 hours of rest or dies.

    Reverse Forget

    You cause a single creature within 10 feet to remember something it once knew, saw, experienced, or sensed at any point in its life, but had forgotten. The memory is recalled for 5 rounds per interval. You must at least know something vague about the memory or its existence in order to call it forth. This utterance can only be used on an individual creature once per day, though it may be used on multiple different creatures in a given day.

    This utterance can alternatively be used to cause a single spellcaster within 10 feet to regain up to 3 spell levels worth of spent spell slots per interval, spread among any spell levels of your choosing. If you don't know the highest spell level that creature can cast, and pick a spell level they don't have access to, it becomes randomly chosen. The duration of this usage of this utterance is considered to be over when the spellcaster gets 8 hours of rest or dies.


    You cause a single creature and its wielded or carried items to be frozen in time for 2 rounds per interval. Nothing whatsoever can affect it while frozen, and it cannot perform any actions. If it was in midair or unbalanced, it still does not move. This utterance can also be used to freeze any amount of water within 60 feet. In this case, the duration of the utterance is not considered to be over until all of that ice melts. If conditions are too warm to keep the water frozen, it stays frozen for 2 rounds per interval before being subject to its surroundings again.

    If there is a creature composed mostly of water and a pool of actual water within 60 feet, both of them are frozen. Most creatures are composed mostly of water, though constructs, undead, many elementals, some outsiders, and some desert creatures such as asherati, are not.

    Reverse Freeze

    You give a single creature the effects of the haste spell for 2 rounds per interval. It is immune to paralysis, stunning, temporal stasis (and similar effects), and petrification for the duration. This utterance can also be used to melt any amount of ice within 60 feet. In this case the duration of the utterance is not considered to be over until all of that ice is frozen again.

    If the ice melts into a body of water, any part of that body of water may be frozen to end the duration, as long as it is an equal amount. If conditions are too cold to keep the water melted, it stays melted for 2 rounds per interval before being subject to its surroundings again.


    Every object within 60 feet is considered to be good-aligned, and objects and creatures within the radius gain an aura of Good with a level equal to your class level for 1 year. Once during that year, affected creatures who were of Good alignment beforehand can treat a failed saving throw as a success, or take no damage from something that would send them into negative hit points.

    You may choose to use this ability on only one creature or object. If you do, the range is changed to touch, and the benefits may be gained once per interval instead of just once.

    You may have up to one instance of this ability active at a time per interval. It cannot be dismissed or dispelled.

    Reverse Hallow

    Every object within 60 feet is considered to be evil-aligned, and objects and creatures within the radius gain an aura of Evil with a level equal to your class level for 1 year. Once during that year, affected creatures who were of Evil alignment beforehand can treat a failed saving throw as a success, or take no damage from something that would send them into negative hit points.

    You may choose to use this ability on only one creature or object. If you do, the range is changed to touch, and the benefits may be gained once per interval instead of just once.

    You may have up to one instance of this ability active at a time per interval. It cannot be dismissed or dispelled.


    A single creature within 60 feet dies if its current hit points are equal to 5 times your class level or less.

    Reverse Kill

    A single creature within 60 feet with -1 to -10 hit points is healed to 0 hit points.


    You organize the contents of a storage container, causing it to always have the right item exactly where you need it. Retrieving an item from the container is a move action that doesn't provoke an attack of opportunity. This aspect of the utterance is permanent until you dismiss it, and takes a full-round action to utter or dismiss. You must be holding the item with both hands to organize it.

    You can also use this utterance to organize other things, such as a stack of papers, or a wall of boxes, in a fashion of your choosing, such as alphabetical, or by weight. It can move up to 5 objects per interval, of up to 50 pounds per interval each. Only one of the objects must be within 60 feet, as long as they are all adjacent to each other. The objects take one minute to organize.

    Finally, this utterance can be used to temporarily cure a creature of confusion or any other kind of magical or mundane insanity for 2 rounds per interval.

    Reverse Organize

    You can cause the contents of a single storage container to spill out, or cause a pile or group of objects to individually fly in random directions, landing in adjacent squares to where they started.

    Alternatively, you can cause a single creature to be confused for 2 rounds per interval. This is a mind-affecting effect.


    You cause a storm to materialize in the local area. The size and severity are dependent on current conditions. A Survival check to discern what those are can aid a truespeaker in knowing what this utterance will produce. For example, extreme humidity could cause a tornado or hurricane, while very dry air might just cause random strikes of heat lightning, and moderate moisture could cause a standard thunderstorm. The storm takes 1 minute to fully materialize.

    Reverse Storm

    You cause any storm that is at least partly within your 60 foot radius to disperse, and leave behind balmy conditions. The storm takes 1 minute to fully disperse.


    You can shift the surrounding terrain, moving any amount of earth within 60 feet to any location within the same radius. The earth takes one minute to move, but separate 5-foot cubes of earth can all be moved within the same utterance. You can move any type of natural earth terrain, such as stone, dirt, or mud, but not a tree rooted in the earth or a manufactured structure. You could make a tree, structure, or creature fall down by taking the earth out from underneath it.

    Whatever the final result, it occurs smoothly, in neat blocks of earth which do not become difficult terrain. You can use this utterance to smooth out difficult terrain without changing the landscape.

    Reverse Terraform

    All terrain within 60 feet becomes difficult terrain appropriate for its type. You may choose any sort of difficult terrain that it can normally become. The terrain takes one minute to change.


    All creatures within 60 feet are subject to a number of effects for 2 rounds per interval. If they are in alternate forms, using wildshape or polymorph, or similar, they are reverted to their natural forms, and must stay that way. No lies can be spoken by the affected creatures. If a creature tries to lie, it comes out as the truth instead.

    Affected creatures cannot cast Illusion spells or create illusory effects, and existing illusions wink out.

    The zone of truth follows you for the duration if you move from your original square.

    Reverse Truth

    All creatures within 60 feet are subject to a number of effects for 2 rounds per interval. If they have an alternate form, they are forced into it, and must stay that way. If they have multiple alternate forms, pick one at random. No truths can be spoken by the affected creatures. If a creature tries to tell the truth, it comes out as the exact opposite of the truth instead.

    All nonmagical, unattended objects in the radius excluding the terrain lose solid form and are treated as major images for the duration.

    The zone of reverse truth follows you for the duration if you move from your original square.


    You cure a single creature of all aging penalties and return it to a youthful state for 3 days plus 2 days per additional interval.

    Reverse Youth

    You cause a single creature to take a -1 penalty to all of its ability scores per interval for 3 days plus 2 days per additional interval, and gain an old and gnarled appearance.

    This is considered to be aging of the creature by 30 years per interval (proportionate for creatures with longer or shorter lifespans than humans), and so cannot be healed by any effect that doesn't heal aging. Creatures that don't take penalties from aging are unaffected by this ability. Creatures that receive bonuses from aging, such as true dragons, also remain unaffected. Creatures with existing aging penalties that go over -3 may be in danger of death by old age, at your DM's discretion.

    Objects targeted by this utterance deteriorate as if they were affected by the elements of their current location for 30 years per interval. This usage of the utterance is permanent, and its duration is not considered over until the affected object is repaired or crumbles into dust.

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    Barbarian in the Playground
    Baron Corm's Avatar

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    Apr 2005
    Avatar by Kymme

    Default Re: [3.5] Generic Class 2.0

    Build Compendium

    As a generic character, there is no flavor written for you. It is encouraged to write a sentence or two of your own for each ability, or tweak it to work slightly differently for yourself. In their own way, generic characters often end up being more unique than their counterparts.

    Feel free to post a build and I will set it up in the compendium.

    Ansth'Idhaa by Novaix
    The Ansth'Idhaa

    Ansth'Idhaas have the following game statistics.

    Alignment: Any
    Hit Die: d10
    Race: Any aberration

    Trained Skills
    The Ansth'Idhaa receives 2 + Int Modifier trained skills

    {table=head]Level|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Class Features

    |Eldritch Assault, Distortion Blade (+1 Full), Distortion Frenzy (3/day, +4 strength +1 reflex)

    |Eldritch Form (Ability Increase)

    |Distortion Blade (+2 Full)

    |Eldritch Form (Aspect)

    |Alien Mind

    |Eldritch Form (Ability Increase)

    |Warped Senses

    |Eldritch Form (Aspect)

    |Distortion Blade (+1 Standard), Distortion Frenzy (4/day, +8 strength +2 reflex)

    |Eldritch Form (Ability Increase)

    |Unnatural Movement

    |Eldritch Form (Aspect)

    |Improved Alien Mind

    |Eldritch Form (Ability Increase)

    |Improved Distortion Blade

    |Eldritch Form (Aspect)

    |Distortion Blade (+3 Full), Distortion Frenzy (5/day, +12 strength +3 reflex)

    |Eldritch Form (Ability Increase)

    |Improved Unnatural Movement

    |Eldritch Form (Aspect), Unending Eldritch Assault[/table]

    Class Features

    All of the following are class features of the Ansth'Idhaa.

    Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Ansth'Idhaa are proficient with all simple weapons, falchions, and medium armor.

    Eldritch Assault (Ex): By tapping into their base instincts and warping reality around them, Ansth'Idhaa are capable of making a full attack at the end of a charge. This ability can be used at a maximum distance of 5 feet per character level with no minimum charge distance. If this distance is greater than your normal charge distance, your charge distance is increased.

    Distortion Blade: (Ex) The Ansth'Idhaa may make an additional attack on a full attack, equal to full attack bonus. At 3rd level, this improves to 2. At 9th level, they receive an additional attack on a standard attack. At 17th level, they receive another additional attack on a full attack.

    Distortion Frenzy: (Ex) A certain number of times per day, the Ansth'Idhaa can enter a state of horrific wrath. During this time, the Ansth'Idhaa gains a +1 bonus on will and reflex saves, +4 bonus to Strength, and the Ansth'Idhaa cannot use any charisma, dexterity, or intelligence based skills (apart from Balance, Escape Artist, Intimidate and Ride), the concentration skill, or any abilities that require patience or concentration, such as casting a spell or activating a magic item that requires a command word or spell completion.

    The Ansth'Idhaa gains an extra attack when making a full attack, but takes a -2 penalty on all attacks made. The Ansth'Idhaa can use any feat they have apart from Combat Expertise, Item Creation feats, or Metamagic feats. Distortion Frenzy lasts until the end of the encounter, or until the Ansth'Idhaa chooses to end it. Once Distortion Frenzy ends, the Ansth'Idhaa becomes fatigued until they have rested for 8 hours.

    At 9th level, the Ansth'Idhaa receives an additional +4 bonus to strength and +1 to reflex saves. At 17th, they receive another +4 to strength and +1 to reflex.

    Eldritch Form: (Su) Ansth'Idhaa are able to force this reality to accept parts of the form they take in the far planes. Starting from level 2, as a once per hour full-round action the Ansth'Idhaa may transform into a creature of their specification.

    Alien Mind: (Ex) An Ansth'Idhaa's thought pattern doesn't entirely fit in with this reality, preventing lesser magic from taking hold. At 5th level, whenever the Ansth'Idhaa makes a will save that allows a partial effect on a successful save, they do not suffer any effect. At level 13, they only suffer the partial effect even if they do fail the save. If there is no partial effect listed, the DM decides something suitable, such as halved duration or damage. If nothing is suitable, the Ansth'Idhaa has a 50% chance to be affected or unaffected.

    Warped Senses: (Ex) Ansth'Idhaa can, to a limited degree, extend their senses to realities other than the one they are currently on, letting them strike before combat begins. At 7th level or higher, the Ansth'Idhaa adds its wisdom bonus to initiative.

    Unnatural Movement: (Ex) The Ansth'Idhaa's movements distort reality, making it very uncomfortable to look at and even harder to predict. For every 5 feet the Ansth'Idhaa moves in a round, they increase their attack and AC by 1 until their next turn.

    Improved Distortion Blade: (Ex) The Ansth'Idhaa's mastery of reality-bending is at its peak. The penalty for iterative attacks is reduced by their wisdom modifier, to a minimum of 0.

    Improved Unnatural Movement: (Ex) By not constraining itself to the rules of the nearer planes, the Ansth'Idhaa can move at supernatural speed, gaining a base land speed bonus equal to 5ft times their wisdom modifier.

    Unending Eldritch Assault: (Ex) The Ansth'Idhaa's power is so finely honed, they can openly attack (and repair) reality itself to destroy their foes. When charging, the Ansth'Idhaa may move in any shape it wants, and can make a full attack against every creature within reach during movement, but not more than once per creature.

    Full BAB - 8 AP
    d10 HD - 6 AP
    All Simple Weapon Proficiency - Free
    1 Martial Weapon Proficiency - Free
    Medium Armor Proficiency - 1 AP
    Extra A Ability - 10 AP

    Scaling: Pounce (Eldritch Assault)
    A: Rage: Whirling Frenzy (Distortion Frenzy), Flurry of Blows (Distortion Blade)
    B: Shapeshift (Eldritch Form)
    C: Animal Style: Leopard (Distortion Blade, Warped Senses, Unnatural Movement)
    D: Evasion: Will (Alien Mind)
    Capstone: Feral Charge (Unending Eldritch Assault)

    Arcane Assassin by Omnicrat
    Arcane assassin
    d12 hd: 8
    1/2 BaB: 0
    1 simple weapon: 0
    Light Armor: 2
    One good save (reflex): 0
    spellcasting: 15

    Scaling: Arcane Talent (enchantment)
    A: Secret Spell
    B: Spellcasting (enchantment and evocation)
    C: Cloaked Casting
    D: Camouflage (Urban)
    Capstone: Out of Mind or Master of Disguise

    Battlefist by Holocron Coder
    The Battlefist

    Battlefists have the following game statistics.

    Alignment: Any Chaotic
    Hit Die: 1d10
    Trained Skills: 6 + Int modifier trained skills

    Table 1-1: The Battlefist
    {table=head]Level|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special|Speed Bonus

    |Charging Pummel, Fluid Movement|+10 ft.

    |Inertial Weapon (1d4, 20, x2)|+10 ft.

    |Brutal Fighting|+10 ft.

    |Inertial Weapon (1d6, 19-20, x2)|+10 ft.

    |Unpredictable Protection|+10 ft.

    |Inertial Weapon (1d8, 19-20, x2)|+10 ft.

    |Brutal Fighting|+10 ft.

    |Inertial Weapon (1d10, 19-20, x3)|+10 ft.

    |Fluid Movement|+20 ft.

    |Inertial Weapon (2d6, 19-20, x3)|+20 ft.

    |Brutal Fighting|+20 ft.

    |Inertial Weapon (2d8, 18-20, x3)|+20 ft.

    |Unpredictable Protection|+20 ft.

    |Inertial Weapon (2d10, 18-20, x3)|+20 ft.

    |Brutal Fighting|+20 ft.

    |Inertial Weapon (3d8, 18-20, x4)|+20 ft.

    |Fluid Movement|+30 ft.

    |Inertial Weapon (4d8, 18-20, x4)|+30 ft.

    |Brutal Fighting|+30 ft.

    |Flow of Combat, Inertial Weapon (4d10, 18-20, x4)|+30 ft.[/table]

    All of the following are class features of the battle fist.
    Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Battlefists are proficient with all simple and martial weapons, as well as their own unarmed strike. They are also proficient with light and medium armor, but not with any shields.
    Charging Pummel (Ex): A battlefist may make a full attack at the end of a charge. She can use this ability at a maximum distance of 5 feet per class level. If this is greater than her normal charge distance, her charge distance is increased accordingly. In addition, she has no minimum charge distance.
    Fluid Movement (Ex): A battlefist's movement cannot be impeded by difficult terrain. At level 9, she can bypass all mundane and magical effects which impede movement, as listed under the freedom of movement spell description, unless that effect would cease her movement entirely, such as paralysis, stun, or grappling. At level 17, a battlefist can end any movement-stopping effect on her as a full-round action. This includes all effects listed under the freedom spell description, as well as dazing, and possibly others, at your DM's discretion. It does not cover external barriers, such as forcecages, shackles, or grappling. She may use this ability even when you normally could not take actions.
    In addition, the battlefist gains a bonus to her movement speed based on level, as shown in the table.
    Inertial Weapon (Ex): Weapons wielded by the battlefist use the momentum of her body to deal more damage and cause grievous harm more often. At levels shown in the table above, the battlefist's weapon damage, critical threat range, and critical damage multiplier improve. When wielding a weapon, the battlefist may use the better of the progression or the weapon's normal statistics.
    In addition, the battlefist may use any part of her body to deliver an unarmed strike. Her unarmed strikes are treated as manufactured or natural weapons, whichever is more beneficial to her. The battlefist's unarmed strike is never treated as offhand. She receives Improved Unarmed Strike as a bonus feat.
    Brutal Fighting (Ex): The battlefist becomes more adept at close combat, and may choose an ability from the list below at each level shown on the table.
    • Cunning Strength: The battle mind receives a bonus on all damage rolls equal to her Wisdom modifier, minimum 0. When wielding a weapon two-handed, this bonus is increased to 1.5x her Wisdom modifier instead.
    • Brute Strength: The battlefist receives a bonus on bull rush and sunder attempts equal to her Wisdom modifier, minimum 0.
    • Sundering Counter: If an opponent with range misses on an attack roll against the battlefist, the battlefist may one of her attack of opportunities to attempt to sunder the opponent's weapon.
    • Instictive Power Attack: Attack penalties for using Power Attack are reduced by a number equal to the battlefist's Wisdom modifier, to a minimum of -0.
    • Executing Strike: The battlefist may make a single attack in place of any full attack, doubling any damage dealt for each iterative attack given up. For example, a battlefist that gives up 2 iterative attacks triples the amount of damage dealt if the attack is successful.

    Unpredictable Protection (Ex): The oft-times chaotic nature of the battlefist's charges and attacks provide her an amount of protection. At level 5, she receives damage reduction 5/Lawful and Magic. At level 13, this damage reduction increases to 15/Lawful and Magic.
    Flow of Combat (Ex): When charging, the battlefist may take any path and no longer needs to move in a straight line. In addition, she may make a full attack against every creature that is within reach during her movement, but no more than one full attack per creature.

    Cost/Build Breakdown
    Full BAB - 8 AP
    d10 HD - 6 AP
    2 good saves - 3 AP
    6 skills - 6 AP
    All simple weapons - 0 AP
    All martial weapons - 1 AP
    Light armor - 0 AP
    Medium armor - 1 AP
    Total: 25 AP

    Scaling: Pounce
    A: Free Movement
    B: Martial Arts
    C: Animal Style [Tiger]
    D: Supernatural Resistance [Lawful, Magic]
    Capstone: Feral Charge

    Bone Archer by Baron Corm
    Bone Archer

    Bone archers are a sick kind of individual who have a distaste for their own flesh. Seeing it as a weakness, they shed it over time, and do the same to nearby animals to make friends for themselves. For weaponry, they use a deadly bone bow strung with their old sinews. Extra bones slide out of their wrists to be nocked as arrows any time the bone archer wants to attack. Bone archers aren't necessarily evil, but it's tough to be good while engaging in some of the dark rituals.

    Extra Scaling - 12
    1/1 BAB - 8
    d6 HD- 2
    4 trained skills (Hide, Move Silently, Ride, Spot) - 3

    Scaling: Soul Weapon (Bone Bow), Companion (Skeletal Horse)
    A: Combat Style (Mounted Archery)
    B: Mighty Soul Weapon
    C: Transformation (See below)
    D: Snipe
    Capstone: Mighty Companion (Pounce, Speedy, Vile Aura, Evasion)

    Soul Weapon:

    Bone Arrow (Ex)

    The bone archer may slide a bone out from his wrist into his hand as a move action. After 1 round of concentration from the bone archer, this bone becomes arrow-shaped, functions as an arrow, and may be magically enchanted as a non-magical arrow. When fired, a new bone arrow with the same enhancements as the old one slides out from the bone archer's wrist and is nocked and ready to fire, requiring no move action. This grants the bone archer essentially unlimited ammunition, unless he loses the arrow in a way other than shooting it. He may choose to throw it away on purpose. Any bone arrow not in the bone archer's possession disintegrates within 1 round, unless gentle repose is cast on it, in which case it will disintegrate after the spell ends. The bone archer may use his own Will save and spell resistance to resist this spell. If the bone arrow is fired by another, it disintegrates after dealing whatever damage it may have dealt. The bone archer may only have one bone arrow at any time. The bone taken from his body regrows instantly, and the entire procedure is painless.


    Skeletal Mount

    The bone archer may perform a ritual on a normal mount (usually a heavy warhorse or something similar size-appropriate). This ritual takes 24 hours and binds the mount to the bone archer, granting it special abilities. He is subject to concentration checks during this ritual. Should the mount die, the bone archer must find another one to replace it, and perform the ritual again. The mount must have been with the bone archer for at least a week, getting used to being around all the bones and trusting the bone archer enough not to bolt during the ritual.

    The bone archer's mount appears in the shape of the animal it was, but no organs or muscles are visible on it (only the skeleton.. no veins etc). It never needs to eat, sleep, or breathe and is not subject to critical hits or fatigue, yet it gains no other features of an undead creature and is not inherently evil or undead, though it does become a Magical Beast.

    The bone archer may choose to have his mount appear non-skeletal, yet this always goes away as soon as it enters battle and whenever it is touched. A will save may be made at a DC of 25 to see the mount for what it really is. A standard action will turn the disguise on or off. A true seeing spell will automatically see past it.



    I - Tendon Bowstring (Ex)

    The bone archer may extract a tendon from his arm as a move action. This tendon can be used to restring a bow (a process taking 5 rounds), allowing the bone archer to add any strength bonus he has to damage. This is a painless procedure.

    II - Shards (Ex)

    The bone archer learns to put extra strength into an attack, causing his bone arrow to explode on impact and damage the inside of a creature. He designates an attack to have the shards effect, and if the attack hits, the damaged creature must succeed on a Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 character level + Dexterity modifier) or suffer injuries that slow its move speeds by 50%. This speed penalty lasts for 24 hours or until the injured creature receives a cure spell (which also restores lost hit points). Another character can remove the penalty by taking 10 minutes to dress the injuries and succeeding on a Heal check against the save DC.

    This attack deals twice the normal damage from the bone archer's strength modifier in addition to the normal bone arrow damage, even if the Fortitude save is made. It is usable 1/encounter per interval. If the bone archer designates an attack as dealing shards but misses, the attempt is wasted.

    III - Hardened Skeleton (Ex)

    The bone archer's bone arrows harden significantly, enabling them to bypass hardness and damage reduction as if they were made of adamantine.

    IV - Improved Shards (Ex)

    On missing a shards attempt, the bone arrow explodes in a 20 ft radius (centered on the creature missed), affecting all creatures with shards unless they make a Reflex save (DC 10 + 1/2 character level + Dexterity modifier) and the normal Fortitude save.

    The bone archer deals 2x his strength modifier in piercing damage and normal damage from his bone arrow to every creature who fails the Reflex save, and half that to those who make it. Creatures who make their Reflex save yet fail their Fortitude save have their movement speed reduced by 25%. The bone archer may choose to "miss" (target a square) if he desires.

    V - Thin Man (Ex)

    The bone archer's organs fall from his body, causing him to appear as a skeleton, in the shape of his natural skeleton. He no longer has to eat, breathe, or sleep and becomes immune to critical hits and fatigue, but is not undead and gains no other features of your typical "skeleton". He can choose to appear as he did before this transformation, but a will save made at DC 25 shows him for his true self. His disguise will also drop if he enters battle or is touched. It takes a standard action to turn the disguise on or off. A true seeing spell will automatically see past it.

    The bone archer usually saves his old tissues as they hold a sentimental value for him, and as was mentioned you have to be a little messed up to take this class.

    Dragonwrought Warforged by Baron Corm
    Dragonwrought Warforged

    The dragonwrought are a series of warforged who were created by dragons, and given additional draconic gifts in the process. All dragonwrought warforged are guided by the spirit of a dragon, giving them the wisdom of the ages, and teaching them to unlock their full draconic potential.

    Invocations - 10
    1/1 BAB - 8
    d8 HD- 4
    4 trained skills (Concentration, Sense Motive, Spot, Survival) - 3

    Scaling: Combat Focus
    A: Spirit Guide
    B: Invocations (Breath Weapon)
    C: Juggernaut
    D: Supernatural Resilience (Silver)
    Capstone: Tarrasquekin

    Dwarven Defender by bobthe6th
    Dwarven guy–
    all good save -6 AP
    2 skills – 0 AP
    1/1 BAB – 8 AP
    d12 – 8 AP
    Proficient with all simple weapons and one martial weapon – 0 AP
    Proficient with all armor and shields, except tower shields - 3 AP

    Scaling – Toughness (Ex)
    A – Rage (defensive stance)
    B – Bonus Feats (spent on battlefield control)
    C – Transformation(Optimization)
    D – Regeneration (Ex)
    Capstone – Tarrasquekin

    Luckist by Omnicrat
    d6 Hd: 2
    1/2 BaB: 0
    6 skills, 2 tricks: 6
    All simple weapons: 1
    Light Armor: 0
    3 good saves: 6
    Extra A: 10

    Scaling: Combat Focus
    A: Bless, Hex
    B: Cunning Brilliance
    C: Aura of Entropy/Vigilance or Radiant/Vile Aura
    D: Uncanny Dodge
    Capstone: Seal Fate

    Master by bobthe6th
    One good save (Will)
    4 skills – 3 AP
    1/2 BAB – 0 AP
    d8 – 4 AP
    Proficient with short spear – 0 AP
    Proficient with medium armor -3 AP
    Extra B ability – 15 AP

    Scaling – Companion
    A – Spirit guide
    B – Bardic Music (Faux Latin), Summon Minion (Su)
    C – Improved Minions
    D – Regeneration (Ex)
    Capstone – Dark Domination (Sp)

    Scholastic Explorer by Omnicrat
    Scholastic Explorer
    d8: 4
    1/2 BaB: 0
    Light Armor: 2
    one good save (reflex): 0
    8 skills, 4 tricks: 9
    extra A: 10

    Scaling: Companion (Ogre Brute, Soul Burn)
    A: Spirit Guide, Skill Finesse (Academic)
    B: Cunning Brilliance
    C: Transformation (Tomb Raider: I Wisdom as insight bonus to knowledge checks, II Immunity to poison and disease, III +5 on all knowledge checks, IV Immune to paralisis, V +4 Int) [does this balance with the other transformation abilities?]
    D: Evasion (Reflex)
    Capstone: Mighty Companion (Evasion [reflex])

    Trickster by Razanir
    One good save (Ref)
    4 skills – 3 AP
    3/4 BAB – 4 AP
    d8 – 4 AP
    Proficient with all simple weapons and the rapier – 2 AP
    Proficient with light armor
    Extra scaling ability – 12 AP

    Scaling – Soul weapon, death strike
    A – Keen Eyes
    B – Sneak Attack
    C – Transformation (Optimization)
    D – Evasion
    Capstone – Canny Assassin

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    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Reserved just in case.

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    Orc in the Playground
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    Default Re: [3.5] Generic Class 2.0

    This... this is quite awesome. I've never seena anything like it before.
    Great job!
    I am an Oxymoron. Calm, cheery, deadly, furious.

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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: [3.5] Generic Class 2.0

    Cool.nothing to see here
    Quote Originally Posted by jamieth View Post
    ...though Talla does her best to sound objective and impartial, it doesn't cover stuff like "ask a 9-year-old to tank for the party."
    My Homebrew

  10. - Top - End - #10
    Pixie in the Playground

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    Default Re: [3.5] Generic Class 2.0

    Is it possible to trade in an ability for extra AP?

  11. - Top - End - #11
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: [3.5] Generic Class 2.0

    Quote Originally Posted by Lohj View Post
    This... this is quite awesome. I've never seena anything like it before.
    Great job!
    Quote Originally Posted by Qwertystop View Post
    Cool.nothing to see here
    Hey thanks!

    Quote Originally Posted by FeralMephit View Post
    Is it possible to trade in an ability for extra AP?
    I was very wary of adding this, afraid of how much a min-maxer could break the system using it. It also messes up the niceness of gaining something at each level, which was part of the point of the system.

    I'm reconsidering it, though the AP you gain would have to be pretty low. Maybe something like 6 for a Scaling, 5 for an A or C, 4 for a D, and not possible for a B, because everyone needs a combat style. Are these numbers large enough that it's worth putting in as an option? Because I don't think I'd want to go much bigger.

  12. - Top - End - #12
    Pixie in the Playground

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    Default Re: [3.5] Generic Class 2.0

    Yeah that sounds like a good tradeoff.

  13. - Top - End - #13
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: [3.5] Generic Class 2.0

    Well, this is getting saved in my list of things that I want to run someday.

  14. - Top - End - #14
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: [3.5] Generic Class 2.0

    Whoa, credit. Good to see you working on this again.
    Please feel free to PM me any thoughts on my homebrew (or comment in the thread if it's not too old).

  15. - Top - End - #15
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: [3.5] Generic Class 2.0

    soul weapon could use some way to work in an antimagic field; like how the soulknife class can, at higher levels, function ina null-psi field, but with some difficulty and DC checks.
    It'd also be nice if golems weren't totally immune to soul weapons.

    25 AP to build with is a good choice, it's just shy of some of the really super power builds.

    I note that with this, it's very easy to build combat types which dish out huge piles of damage; evne without shocktrooper tricks or high optimization.
    A neat custom class for 3.5 system

    A good set of benchmarks for PF/3.5

    An alternate craft point system I made for 3.5

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    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: [3.5] Generic Class 2.0

    Quote Originally Posted by Vadskye View Post
    Well, this is getting saved in my list of things that I want to run someday.
    Please send me a PM with the results if you ever get around to it, I'd be thrilled to hear about it!

    Quote Originally Posted by Temotei View Post
    Whoa, credit. Good to see you working on this again.
    A few games that attempted to run (yet failed) gave me the motivation to come back to it. I saw some really cool character builds in the Looking for Players threads, so I figured adding a build compendium would be helpful. I'd add some of the older builds, such as yours, but I think that the class has changed so much from then that they're no longer valid.

    Quote Originally Posted by zlefin View Post
    soul weapon could use some way to work in an antimagic field; like how the soulknife class can, at higher levels, function ina null-psi field, but with some difficulty and DC checks.
    It'd also be nice if golems weren't totally immune to soul weapons.
    Hmm, I did not know soulknife weapons worked that way. I think I'm going to decide against it as a part of the ability, but maybe with an extra feat.

    Quote Originally Posted by zlefin View Post
    25 AP to build with is a good choice, it's just shy of some of the really super power builds.
    I'm glad it checks out. I pulled the number out of a hat and it seemed to work well for everything I've tried to do so far.

    Quote Originally Posted by zlefin View Post
    I note that with this, it's very easy to build combat types which dish out huge piles of damage; evne without shocktrooper tricks or high optimization.
    Got a few specific builds in mind I should be worried about? I noticed that stacking attacks in a full attack is pretty easy here, but if you do that, you're missing out on a lot of utility, and could be disabled in more ways than usual. I think. Some of that might need to be fixed.

  17. - Top - End - #17
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: [3.5] Generic Class 2.0

    I just thought that I'd stop in and congratulate you again on your fine work here, Corm. Also, thanks for the shout-out; it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.

    Some of this stuff I haven't seen before (like the Spirit Companion) and it looks awesome. I'm going to see if I can't tinker around a bit in the next week or two and get up some neat classes for y'all to gander at.

    Again, fantastic job, here, Corm.
    Are any of my tables still broken?
    Visit Beautiful Gatazka Today!
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    I'm hardly an expert, but feel free to PM me if you ever need anything; build advice, homebrew advice,
    elaboration of a post I made, elaboration of my homebrew, my Social Security number, or just a friendly ear.

  18. - Top - End - #18
    Orc in the Playground

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    Default Re: [3.5] Generic Class 2.0

    How oficial rules should be!
    Kind of hard to judge the balance and such, but I much rather use this system where you can customize more your character. The possibilities are endless and allows you to play more accurately what you have in mind which is the key future to begin with.

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    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: [3.5] Generic Class 2.0

    Gonna go ahead and bump this for finally completing all of the Capstones. New ability ideas or builds for the compendium would be much appreciated if anyone has the time.

  20. - Top - End - #20
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: [3.5] Generic Class 2.0

    No psionic option?

    edit: nevermind. Don't know how I missed it. You could try creating options for some of the popular homebrews such as evolutionist or gramarie.
    Last edited by Omnicrat; 2013-02-19 at 02:39 PM.

  21. - Top - End - #21
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: [3.5] Generic Class 2.0

    Ha, rather awesome. I've debated before whether it's worth doing this sort of thing or going full buy-abilities-with-xp, but this seems to be a good setup without the worry of someone dumping xp into casting. And it keeps the level system, at that.

    Testing it out, I threw together (and then cleaned up and formatted) a charging-monk type of class.


    The Battlefist

    Battlefists have the following game statistics.

    Alignment: Any Chaotic
    Hit Die: 1d10
    Trained Skills: 6 + Int modifier trained skills

    Table 1-1: The Battlefist
    {table=head]Level|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special|Speed Bonus

    |Charging Pummel, Fluid Movement|+10 ft.

    |Inertial Weapon (1d4, 20, x2)|+10 ft.

    |Brutal Fighting|+10 ft.

    |Inertial Weapon (1d6, 19-20, x2)|+10 ft.

    |Unpredictable Protection|+10 ft.

    |Inertial Weapon (1d8, 19-20, x2)|+10 ft.

    |Brutal Fighting|+10 ft.

    |Inertial Weapon (1d10, 19-20, x3)|+10 ft.

    |Fluid Movement|+20 ft.

    |Inertial Weapon (2d6, 19-20, x3)|+20 ft.

    |Brutal Fighting|+20 ft.

    |Inertial Weapon (2d8, 18-20, x3)|+20 ft.

    |Unpredictable Protection|+20 ft.

    |Inertial Weapon (2d10, 18-20, x3)|+20 ft.

    |Brutal Fighting|+20 ft.

    |Inertial Weapon (3d8, 18-20, x4)|+20 ft.

    |Fluid Movement|+30 ft.

    |Inertial Weapon (4d8, 18-20, x4)|+30 ft.

    |Brutal Fighting|+30 ft.

    |Flow of Combat, Inertial Weapon (4d10, 18-20, x4)|+30 ft.[/table]

    All of the following are class features of the battle fist.
    Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Battlefists are proficient with all simple and martial weapons, as well as their own unarmed strike. They are also proficient with light and medium armor, but not with any shields.
    Charging Pummel (Ex): A battlefist may make a full attack at the end of a charge. She can use this ability at a maximum distance of 5 feet per class level. If this is greater than her normal charge distance, her charge distance is increased accordingly. In addition, she has no minimum charge distance.
    Fluid Movement (Ex): A battlefist's movement cannot be impeded by difficult terrain. At level 9, she can bypass all mundane and magical effects which impede movement, as listed under the freedom of movement spell description, unless that effect would cease her movement entirely, such as paralysis, stun, or grappling. At level 17, a battlefist can end any movement-stopping effect on her as a full-round action. This includes all effects listed under the freedom spell description, as well as dazing, and possibly others, at your DM's discretion. It does not cover external barriers, such as forcecages, shackles, or grappling. She may use this ability even when you normally could not take actions.
    In addition, the battlefist gains a bonus to her movement speed based on level, as shown in the table.
    Inertial Weapon (Ex): Weapons wielded by the battlefist use the momentum of her body to deal more damage and cause grievous harm more often. At levels shown in the table above, the battlefist's weapon damage, critical threat range, and critical damage multiplier improve. When wielding a weapon, the battlefist may use the better of the progression or the weapon's normal statistics.
    In addition, the battlefist may use any part of her body to deliver an unarmed strike. Her unarmed strikes are treated as manufactured or natural weapons, whichever is more beneficial to her. The battlefist's unarmed strike is never treated as offhand. She receives Improved Unarmed Strike as a bonus feat.
    Brutal Fighting (Ex): The battlefist becomes more adept at close combat, and may choose an ability from the list below at each level shown on the table.
    • Cunning Strength: The battle mind receives a bonus on all damage rolls equal to her Wisdom modifier, minimum 0. When wielding a weapon two-handed, this bonus is increased to 1.5x her Wisdom modifier instead.
    • Brute Strength: The battlefist receives a bonus on bull rush and sunder attempts equal to her Wisdom modifier, minimum 0.
    • Sundering Counter: If an opponent with range misses on an attack roll against the battlefist, the battlefist may one of her attack of opportunities to attempt to sunder the opponent's weapon.
    • Instictive Power Attack: Attack penalties for using Power Attack are reduced by a number equal to the battlefist's Wisdom modifier, to a minimum of -0.
    • Executing Strike: The battlefist may make a single attack in place of any full attack, doubling any damage dealt for each iterative attack given up. For example, a battlefist that gives up 2 iterative attacks triples the amount of damage dealt if the attack is successful.

    Unpredictable Protection (Ex): The oft-times chaotic nature of the battlefist's charges and attacks provide her an amount of protection. At level 5, she receives damage reduction 5/Lawful and Magic. At level 13, this damage reduction increases to 15/Lawful and Magic.
    Flow of Combat (Ex): When charging, the battlefist may take any path and no longer needs to move in a straight line. In addition, she may make a full attack against every creature that is within reach during her movement, but no more than one full attack per creature.

    Cost/Build Breakdown

    Full BAB - 8 AP
    d10 HD - 6 AP
    2 good saves - 3 AP
    6 skills - 6 AP
    All simple weapons - 0 AP
    All martial weapons - 1 AP
    Light armor - 0 AP
    Medium armor - 1 AP
    Total: 25 AP

    Scaling: Pounce
    A: Free Movement
    B: Martial Arts
    C: Animal Style [Tiger]
    D: Supernatural Resistance [Lawful, Magic]
    Capstone: Feral Charge

  22. - Top - End - #22
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: [3.5] Generic Class 2.0

    Also, if you could say what specific abilities actually do, rather than saying "Its this ability" would be helpful.

  23. - Top - End - #23
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: [3.5] Generic Class 2.0

    First a question. When does Companion (scaling) increment?

    Now for my attempt at a class. It's like a rogue, but sacrifices skill-monkeyness for being less dependent on gear.

    One good save (Ref)
    4 skills – 3 AP
    3/4 BAB – 4 AP
    d8 – 4 AP
    Proficient with all simple weapons and the rapier – 2 AP
    Proficient with light armor
    Extra scaling ability – 12 AP

    Scaling – Soul weapon, death strike
    A – Keen Eyes
    B – Sneak Attack
    C – Transformation (Optimization)
    D – Evasion
    Capstone – Canny Assassin
    Last edited by Razanir; 2013-02-20 at 12:18 AM.
    Avatar by Venetian Mask. It's of an NPC from a campaign I may yet run (possibly in PbP) who became a favorite of mine while planning.

    Quote Originally Posted by Razanir View Post
    Everyone knows frying pans are actually weapons that people repurpose for cooking
    I am a 10/14/11/15/12/14 LG Clr 2

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    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: [3.5] Generic Class 2.0

    Quote Originally Posted by Razanir View Post
    First a question. When does Companion (scaling) increment?
    Given the wording of the spoiler, I think it's each level, really. It gains levels in the NPC class as you level, along with natural armor, and +1 to three abilities? Though, that last one seems like it'd get out of hand quickly.

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    Default Re: [3.5] Generic Class 2.0

    Quote Originally Posted by Holocron Coder View Post
    Given the wording of the spoiler, I think it's each level, really. It gains levels in the NPC class as you level, along with natural armor, and +1 to three abilities? Though, that last one seems like it'd get out of hand quickly.
    +3 to abilities every level is exactly why I wondered if I was reading it wrong
    Avatar by Venetian Mask. It's of an NPC from a campaign I may yet run (possibly in PbP) who became a favorite of mine while planning.

    Quote Originally Posted by Razanir View Post
    Everyone knows frying pans are actually weapons that people repurpose for cooking
    I am a 10/14/11/15/12/14 LG Clr 2

  26. - Top - End - #26
    Orc in the Playground

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    Default Re: [3.5] Generic Class 2.0

    To ease (and encourage) creating a generic character under these rules you can use this excel sheet from here:
    (select slow download option)

    Then it automatically formats the basic table in a forum format producing the below:

    Name:Some class

    Hit Die:d8

    {table=head]Level|BAB|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Class Features
    1|+0|+2|+2|+0|Some ability
    2|+1|+3|+3|+0|Some other ability
    4|+3|+4|+4|+1|Well, you get what I mean

    Weapon and Armor Proficiency:All martial weapons

    Class Features:Something

  27. - Top - End - #27
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: [3.5] Generic Class 2.0

    Hmm... I kinda want to build a summoner/controller now.

    One good save (Will)
    4 skills – 3 AP
    1/2 BAB – 0 AP
    d8 – 4 AP
    Proficient with short spear – 0 AP
    Proficient with medium armor -3 AP
    Extra B ability – 15 AP

    Scaling – Companion
    A – Spirit guide
    B – Bardic Music, Summon Minion (Su)
    C – Improved Minions
    D – Regeneration (Ex)
    Capstone – Dark Domination (Sp)

    So he has a nice swarm of minions and a big tank, the ability to buff the entire party by chanting in faux latin, enough skills to be a bit of a skill monkey with some nice knowledge boni, and some survivability in medium armor and fast healing.

    edit: how about the classic "Axebeard Beardaxe" dwarf class?

    Dawrven guy–
    all good save -6 AP
    2 skills – 0 AP
    1/1 BAB – 8 AP
    d12 – 8 AP
    Proficient with all simple weapons and one martial weapon – 0 AP
    Proficient with all armor and shields, except tower shields - 3 AP

    Scaling – Toughness (Ex)
    A – Rage (defensive stance)
    B – Bonus Feats
    C – Transformation(Optimization)
    D – Regeneration (Ex)
    Capstone – Tarrasquekin

    Yeah... he won't do much, but it isn't going to die of HP damage. Needs to spend feats on buffing his BFC, to make foes attack him... still, crazy hard to kill.
    Last edited by bobthe6th; 2013-02-20 at 08:36 PM.
    Avatar by Szilard, thank you sir for the fine work!

    my home brew. you should PEACH them...

  28. - Top - End - #28
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: [3.5] Generic Class 2.0

    I may just be reading it wrong, but I don't think Mighty Soul Weapon from the B list works as intended. As written, the only way to change any previous abilities the weapon gains is by meditating for 1 hour. Another sentence claims that there must always be the same amount of epic and non-epic abilities on the weapon after performing this hour-long ritual.

    The trouble is epic abilities require a minimum of +6 enhancement bonus, and you can only ever get +5 from 12th to 20th levels. I understand that, perhaps, the intent is the ability to completely re-design it at every interval, and the 1-hour ritual merely allows the re-assignment of those abilities. This, however, is never stated.

    EDIT: Also,
    Soul Weapon (Su)...
    ...The weapon is made out of force, and therefore can hit ethereal and incorporeal creatures. Its damage type changes to force damage. The weapon is treated as masterwork.
    makes this Capstone

    Legendary Soul Weapon (Su) - Requires Mighty Soul Weapon

    Your Soul Weapon ignores all damage reduction.

    When meditating to change your Soul Weapon's abilities, you may freely make any of them epic or nonepic.
    virtually useless (as the Force damage is not affected by DR).
    Last edited by cameronpants; 2013-02-21 at 02:51 AM.

  29. - Top - End - #29
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: [3.5] Generic Class 2.0

    Another class I just thought of:

    1 good save
    1/1 BAB
    Light armor
    Your choice of martial weapon
    2 skills

    Scaling: Toughness/Soul Weapon
    A: Armor Mastery
    B: Spellcasting/Psionics
    C: Marshal/Tactics/Transformation (Optimization)/your choice
    D: Improved Metamagic
    Capstone: Archon
    Last edited by Razanir; 2013-02-21 at 01:11 PM.
    Avatar by Venetian Mask. It's of an NPC from a campaign I may yet run (possibly in PbP) who became a favorite of mine while planning.

    Quote Originally Posted by Razanir View Post
    Everyone knows frying pans are actually weapons that people repurpose for cooking
    I am a 10/14/11/15/12/14 LG Clr 2

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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: [3.5] Generic Class 2.0

    Um, for any kind of casting you need to drop 15 AP to begin with... As with most of the really nice abilities like maneuvers and such.

    Though I do wish he had provided a cheaper bard casting option.
    Avatar by Szilard, thank you sir for the fine work!

    my home brew. you should PEACH them...

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