Snips, Snails, and Dragon Tales: Now available in PDF format from Gumroad
Snips, Snails, and Dragon Tales is now on sale in PDF format from Gumroad - with 6 never-before-collected bonus comics!
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  1. - Top - End - #1
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    The Forge of War

    The forge of war
    The date is Ayrth 13, 993YK
    As cold blankets the land no rain has fallen in over a week, this is a dire omen indeed. Rumors of soothsayers gone mad abound, Stories tell of a traveling fortune reader who clawed her eyes out and ran screaming into the night never to be seen again; of a diviner in the city of towers who jumped out of a window plunging to his death after catching a glimpse of something unknown.
    Meanwhile the war goes on.
    As thousands clash in the east over Khorvaire, Breland's alliance with Thrane stands strong. Both countries are mustering their forces for a joint invasion of Cyr. As recruitment offices in Sharn and Wroat redouble their efforts, recruitment wagons cross the country stopping at villages looking for able bodies and sharp minds. House Deneith opens its doors wide as new contingents of mercenairies are made ready for hire by all who can pay the price.


    Please discribe yourself as one of the following
    -Arriving at a recruitment center in a major city
    -A recruitment wagon attracts your attention in your village square
    -Arriving in a Deneith enclave and introducing yourself to your fellow mercenaries
    -Those from Dragonmarked houses I have a different start for in mind so please wait out abit, this doesn't count for Aberant marks, house Deneith also conducts full examinations of potentional mercs so hiding your mark would be next to impossible.
    -Warforge have already been bought and will likely enter at the same time as the dragonmarked houses

  2. - Top - End - #2
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Arriving in a Deneith enclave and introducing yourself to your fellow mercenaries

    Vale wanders into the Deneith enclave, keeping to himself and holding himself high, confident of his superiority of the other mercenaries around him.

    He avoids eye contact with the people he moves past, avoiding them where they half-block entrances into buildings.
    My extended signature.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chained Birds View Post
    Just one of those guys vs girls things. Guys like giant, fighting robots that shoot lazerz out their eyes while girls like pretty jewelry that sparkle in the moonlight after having a romantic interlude with a charming gentleman.

    Completely sexist, yes! Completely true, pretty much...
    I have Steam cards and other stuff! I am selling/trading them.

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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Forge of War

    Romulus Steelpaw, Shifter Swordsage

    A large, feral form stepped out of the darkness and into the Deneith camp, shadows seemingly coalescing about it. It finally arrived at the bonfire at the center of the bivouac, and revealed itself as a wiry and particularly unkempt Shifter. Though he had no weapons in his possession, he carried himself as though he were still armed. He presented himself to the recruitment officer, and addressed him gruffly.

    "I am Romulus Steelpaw of the Eldeen Reaches. I have survived forty-six days in the wilderness alone, evading Karnnathi patrols. I offer my services as a warrior and scout in exchange for food, lodging, and whatever it is you're paying sellswords at the moment. I'm worth the investment, and I'll happy provide a demonstration," he snarled, casting a glance at the overconfident Valenar Elf he'd followed into camp from a safe stalking distance.
    Last edited by Postmodernist; 2012-08-27 at 10:41 AM.

  4. - Top - End - #4
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Forge of War

    Vale passes by several mercenaries holding idle chatter, few see him and most ignore him. This is not the case of a shadow, leaning against the far wall his eyes track the movement of the newcomer. Slowly the shadow makes his way across the camp stalking Vale until he is within arms reach. With a poke of rapier scabard he murmurs "Are you looking for work? If so you should meet our captain" He nods helpfully towards a man sitting underneath a tent with an open wall intently working on a large pile of paperwork.

    As Romulus announces himself then captain looks up for a bare moment before returning to his paperwork. "How many times must we say that we don't hire on the march" after a pause "well unless the need is dire." He takes a sip from his drink "Here's what, we are marching towards Wroat where the king has requested this company of fine men be hired. Though I am afraid we can't pay you during the trip, I'm sure we can find you some employment once we reach our destination. Until then I'll see to it that you are fed and sheltered." He looks past Romulus to a Valenar Elf speaking to a man with an unkept beard and leather armor "Is he your friend or are you really asking for a duel? Nether the less the offer stands for him aswell."
    Last edited by Ghost49X; 2012-09-02 at 04:59 PM.

  5. - Top - End - #5
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Forge of War

    Korisis Haskal d'Sivis,Artificer Gnome

    An excited Gnome climbs ontop the railing of the Fool's Dream. He twirls his Green Bowtie as he hollers into the wind. Normally he is well composed, and represents the professionalism of his House with Pride, but the excitement of the airship gets the best of him.

    Despite his lack of experience, he has been hired as chief engineer for this Airship, a job that allows him to gather a large amount of information in his travels. Upkeep isn't exactly his thing, he hopes to someday design grand items rather than repair the ones someone else made. Kor walks across the deck and heads below to go make his usually checks. He stops to talk to the first mate, and a few of the other crew members. "Where are we headed to right now? Can you give me an estimate on how much time before we land? The engines are holding up fine, and the elementals seem alright but I noticed we're running a bit low on supplies." Up close you'll notice that he well-dressed status has been running a bit low on the upkeep since he's been working with his hands. While he's still very well dressed, his cloths are a mixture of practical leather for working with the machines and magic and his suit and tie keeping him in a suprisingly good appearance for an adventurer of sorts. This is one of the few times he's come above deck during this trip, he's been busy below deck most of the time.
    Last edited by Madara; 2012-08-26 at 10:03 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Hashmir View Post
    When I die, I donate my body to the cause of whatever ******* finds it first.
    Quote Originally Posted by Bloodgruve View Post
    Really though, how effin scary would the beach be if an octopus could launch itself outta the water at a 200' move speed every 6 seconds. I'd never go to the beach again... I thought flying sharks were scary...

  6. - Top - End - #6
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Forge of War

    Ashayan d'Lyrandar

    Service aboard the Fool's Dream was good even though it had taken him from the war and his vengeance. He wondered if his father had been involved in his sudden transfer from Boranel's Blessing and promotion to first mate. First mate, he could hardly believe it. Some of the crew were sea dogs and sky wolves of a hundred summers, far more experienced than he. Ashayan had charmed them and spun the story that they were the very best crew to keep a green boy like him from making too big an gull of himself. It wasn't even a lie which made it all the sweeter.

    Still shipping scrolls from Sharn to Vathirond, huge crates of scrolls for magewrights to use in the war, wasn't getting Ash into the action. It had it's compensations though. The Lady Beatrice ir'Rond had been most fearful for his safety when they left the keep along the Brey. She had given him a wonderful brooch of pale sapphire paired with a wand topped with a matching stone when he'd left. Gifts and tears that he'd kissed away on their last night together.

    They were heading back to Sharn and Ashayan wasn't on duty. He liked to spend his time near the elemental though technically the elemental was everywhere on the ship and around it. He could almost feel the creature as its consciousness, if you could call it that, stretched out across the airship. It seemed calmer when he played to it too.

    The new artificer, Korisis Haskal d'Sivis, stopped to ask him some questions. He followed the gnome up to the top desk, "Captain has her course set for Sharn at the moment though we're low on trade goods. We deliver to Vathirond but there's not much to bring back with us except wounded and prisoners and m'lady Captain doesn't like to sully her hold with things that don't turn a profit. We may well call at Wroat on the way. Sorry I can't give you a better answer but she keeps her own council. A habit of secrecy, is what she says.

    Leaving the gnome with an elegant bow Ashayan skipped up the gunwale to the steering ring. "Morning Captain. Fool's Dream is purring like a kitten, that new artificer knows his stuff. The crew is content though we ran out of fresh greens last night and cook says we'll have to stop to resupply or we'll be eating salt pork and pickle for the rest of the journey. What are your orders?"
    I didn't choose the life of a murderhobo, it chose me.

  7. - Top - End - #7
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Korisis Haskal d'Sivis,Artificer Gnome

    The Gnome smiles when he hears "Secrecy". He goes back down to the lowest hold and rolls up his sleeve. Sometimes he just likes to stare at it. Its just incredible. To think that think allows me to use the power of words with such ease...

    The pulsing dragonmark feels cool against his neck, he finds no comfort in that however, because he knows that if he uses it, he will feel a hot, burning sensation. The Gnome thinks about his House's history. He is always amazed by the positive approach his house had towards the other Dragonmarks, and how all of his house does their best to further the goals of their society.

    Kor has never been to Sharn, but he's read and heard much about it. Something comes across to him, that he heard something about the city being one of the places least touched by the war. Kor walks around, and can almost hear the Elemental from down there. He has a thought, he wonders if elementals need to be bound to large vehicles, or if he might be able to bind one to a smaller craft. The Gnome pulls out his small notepad and writes Elemental, Ship, Small. He sticks to key words because if someone were to take his notepad, they'd have all his ideas.
    Last edited by Madara; 2012-08-27 at 06:41 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Hashmir View Post
    When I die, I donate my body to the cause of whatever ******* finds it first.
    Quote Originally Posted by Bloodgruve View Post
    Really though, how effin scary would the beach be if an octopus could launch itself outta the water at a 200' move speed every 6 seconds. I'd never go to the beach again... I thought flying sharks were scary...

  8. - Top - End - #8
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Vale looks at the Romulus and then the captain.
    I was not brought here to be an example for this mans skills in combat, I will duel him if he wants to demonstrate his skills, but I believe a mans true skills are tested on the field of battle, not in a tent with people watching.

    I am also here to sign up as a mercenary though.

    He then looks back to Romulus.
    What shall the rules for this duel be then? First blood or non-lethal combat?
    Last edited by Hazzardevil; 2012-08-27 at 09:16 AM.
    My extended signature.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chained Birds View Post
    Just one of those guys vs girls things. Guys like giant, fighting robots that shoot lazerz out their eyes while girls like pretty jewelry that sparkle in the moonlight after having a romantic interlude with a charming gentleman.

    Completely sexist, yes! Completely true, pretty much...
    I have Steam cards and other stuff! I am selling/trading them.

  9. - Top - End - #9
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Romulus Steelpaw, Shifter Swordsage

    A vicious grin spreads across Romulus' face as the haughty elf accepts his challenge. He cracks his knuckles with eager anticipation. I didn't think you'd accept, little elf. I'm pleased that you have, though. I suggest that we avoid drawing too much blood. We may be fighting on the same side, after all. Although if you'd like to draw that pretty blade of yours," he sneers, nodding toward Vale's handsome double-bladed Valenar scimitar, "I'd face you just the same. Practitioners of the Shadow Tiger style fear neither sword nor claw." Romulus smiles wide, his canines bright and sharp, nearly glittering in the firelight.

    He bows to his opponent and comfortably enters a low stance. Shadows seem to whorl about his body, almost supernaturally embracing him, though onlookers assume that it must merely be a trick of the twilit campfire. "I am ready when you are."

  10. - Top - End - #10
    Ogre in the Playground
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    I'm not a little Elf, Shifter, I am the heir to a long line of elves who have fought with this scimitar for as long as it has been in my family. He then Draws his Double-bladed scimitar.
    And I'd rather not draw too much of your blood, it would make such a mess on this nice mans desk, where I'm sure someone would have to clean it up, not to mention me not showing restraint wouldn't look good on me before I've fought once for this company.
    He pauses for a moment.
    You showing restraint is something I have to see, the werewolf doesn't choose when to bite his victim, I doubt a werewolves descendant will have any better control over his combat.
    My extended signature.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chained Birds View Post
    Just one of those guys vs girls things. Guys like giant, fighting robots that shoot lazerz out their eyes while girls like pretty jewelry that sparkle in the moonlight after having a romantic interlude with a charming gentleman.

    Completely sexist, yes! Completely true, pretty much...
    I have Steam cards and other stuff! I am selling/trading them.

  11. - Top - End - #11
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Forge of War

    Captain Merill, Ash and Korisis

    Captain Merill d'Lyandar Motions for both First Mate Ashayan and Chief Korisis to join her at the helm.
    "Welcome to the Fool" she smiles, then looks at Ash "There is something you should know about myself and this ship. Many years ago before ships sailed through the skies I took an adventurer on a voyage to Xen'drik, along the way we were ambushed by pirates and sauhagin alike and I owe my life and my ship to this man many times over for I have yet to see such valor and bravery. Believe it or not this man was non-other than the Prince now King of Breland. I have been looking for any reason to lend my help to his cause and it is only recently that I have been give the opportunity to do so. You see King Boranel has commissioned the construction of a fleet of airships and the Fool is one such vessel, so we fly to Wroat where we will find ourselves in a more... intimate relation with the war. Of course the neutrality of house Lyrandar in this war must never come to question. My Last first Mate was killed not too long ago and nether Legg nor Bronn wanted the headache that comes with responsibility. Your name also came with good recommendation from Captain Blackeye an old friend of mine." Shifting over to Korisis "You on the other hand I did not have much of a choice, you see having a Zilgaro artificer for engineer was part of the deals and politics involved with the commission of this airship. Though they told me they didn't have anyone of experience available, they also promised me I wouldn't be disappointed."

    Captain Wes, Romulus and Vale
    With a look that knows trouble when he sees it, he waves "If you are going to duel, do so outside my camp. We arrive in Wroat tomorrow, be ready to march at dawn"

    Lieutenant Kassad d'Deneith and Captain Emer
    In a windowless room at the top floor of the Deneith enclave in Wroat recently promoted Lieutenant Kassad d'Deneith has been called before his superior officer, a gruff Captain veteran of many battles left him with a hard look that never leaves his eyes.
    "Come in and introduce yourself Lieutenant" He quickly signs and seals a scroll before putting it aside. Before Kassad has had time to say anything he starts up again "Close the door. I don't know many people with enough political clout to make officer with without some field experience and I hope the men under your command don't regret that fact." after a short pause, and again before Kassad has had time to say a word "On the other hand, this is the opportunity of a lifetime, do good and you might even make grand marshal one day, Screw up and a dark corner of hell will be your life assignment where no political clout will save you." Captain Emer scrowls and lets out a raspy cough that finally gives Kassad an opportunity to say a word.
    Last edited by Ghost49X; 2012-08-27 at 11:48 PM.

  12. - Top - End - #12
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Forge of War

    Ashayan d'Lyrandar

    "Thank you for the opportunity, captain" Ashayan had been concerned that his fighting days were done, "I don't doubt that the chief engineer knows how to keep a secret and to follow orders."

    He fetches a map of Breland from the rack behind the helm and weighs it down with daggers. "We're here," indicating their present position, "and Wroat is here. Do we need to coax more speed from the elemental to reach get there on schedule? Is our arrival to avoid notice?"
    I didn't choose the life of a murderhobo, it chose me.

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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Romulus Steelpaw, Shifter Swordsage

    The shifter growled in response to the elf's retort, and then crouched further into his stance. Now onlookers were certain that something unusual was afoot, as darkness began to swirl over his form and dance around him. He then dashed toward his sparring partner, leaping over the campfire and striking out with a vicious flying kick.

    Swift action: Child of Shadow stance. Attacks against Romulus have a 20% miss chance from concealment. Full-round: charge.
    (1d20+4)[10] Damage: (1d6+5)[6]

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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Vale smirks and then speaks to Romulus again.

    I win Shifter.

    He then strikes once two-handed with an end of his scimitar and then strikes his the palm of each hand.
    He stops attacking if one of them hits.
    Scimitar Attack:
    Crit Confirm:
    Miss Chance:
    I presume I need to roll 20 or less for a hit.

    Unarmed Attack:
    Crit Confirm:
    Miss Chance:

    Unarmed Attack:
    Crit Confirm:
    Miss Chance:
    My extended signature.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chained Birds View Post
    Just one of those guys vs girls things. Guys like giant, fighting robots that shoot lazerz out their eyes while girls like pretty jewelry that sparkle in the moonlight after having a romantic interlude with a charming gentleman.

    Completely sexist, yes! Completely true, pretty much...
    I have Steam cards and other stuff! I am selling/trading them.

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    Ogre in the Playground
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    The shifter grit his teeth as the blade whirled past, catching hold of his sleeve and shearing through the fabric. His occluded steps caused the follow-up strike to miss, unexpectedly coming from the elf's open hand. A rictus of a smile spread across Romulus' face, as he intoned, "You're better than I expected, but it won't help you." As his hand flashed out, a shadowy double of his hand follows close behind.

    Shadow Blade technique:
    (1d6)[5] Cold damage if both strikes hit
    Ability explanation:
    If you use the higher die result, resolve your attack as normal. (Your mystic double misses, but your true attack might hit.) If you use the lower die result, or if both die results are the same, your attack deals an extra 1d6 points of cold damage as both the mystic double’s attack and your true weapon strike home.
    This maneuver is a supernatural ability.

  16. - Top - End - #16
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Forge of War

    Kassad Denieth

    "I don't know what you've...heard Emer, but true sons of house Denieth..." Kassad starts, before stopping for a second as his thoughts fracture no true son, no true son, no true son, and he barely manages to link his thoughts back together. "Know their way around a battlefield. I am no simple political appointment. I am a trained battlefield commander from the long tradition of house Denieth. I know how to take orders, but you need to trust that I can handle your orders, and give my own." Kassad finishes strong, allowing pride to flow out of his voice.

    too bad I'm no more true Denieth than I am true warforged...

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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Forge of War

    Korisis Haskal d'Sivis: Artificer Gnome

    Kor asked the captain, "Sir, may I request permission to study the liquid ballista bolts further? I'd like to familiarize myself with the weapondry of the ship in addition to its basic flight mechanics. As you said, I don't have a lot of experience, so I'd like to put it plenty of study to make up for the fact."

    Assuming the captain said yes,

    The gnome heads down below deck to get his equipment: a flask, some tongs, leather gloves, a mask, and a metal board to place the liquid bolts on. With the equipment in tow, he heads to the hold and collects a small sample (enough for 1 shot, probably 1 ounce?). Then he brings the sample to his lab to begin study.

    First, he needs to determine if the liquid holds some sort of shape, dependent on the fact that it seems to be metallic. He pours a few drops onto the board, and observes if it spreads quickly or retains a vague droplet shape.

    Second, he pulls out a fine black thread and uses the Skill Enhancement Infusion on this liquid to grant him a +2 Circumstance bonus to Knowledge(Arcana) for 10 minutes, enough time to study the liquid some more.

    Finally, with preparations made, his studys the liquid and compares it to other items, along with the texts and information he owns and remembers from his schooling.
    Knowledge(Arcana): Taking 20 for a total of 30.
    Quote Originally Posted by Hashmir View Post
    When I die, I donate my body to the cause of whatever ******* finds it first.
    Quote Originally Posted by Bloodgruve View Post
    Really though, how effin scary would the beach be if an octopus could launch itself outta the water at a 200' move speed every 6 seconds. I'd never go to the beach again... I thought flying sharks were scary...

  18. - Top - End - #18
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Your magic won't help you either Shifter, it just lets you have a flaming sword when you miss me.

    He then attacks again.

    Scimitar Attack:
    Crit Confirm:
    Miss Chance:
    I presume I need to roll 20 or less for a hit.

    Unarmed Attack:
    Crit Confirm:
    Miss Chance:
    My extended signature.
    Thanks to the wonderful Ceika for my signature.
    Quote Originally Posted by Chained Birds View Post
    Just one of those guys vs girls things. Guys like giant, fighting robots that shoot lazerz out their eyes while girls like pretty jewelry that sparkle in the moonlight after having a romantic interlude with a charming gentleman.

    Completely sexist, yes! Completely true, pretty much...
    I have Steam cards and other stuff! I am selling/trading them.

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    Ogre in the Playground
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    The shifter laughed as the elf repeated the same series of strikes, missing him once again. "Flaming sword? Have you been paying attention? I'm not even armed. Here, allow me to demonstrate." With that, he grabbed the elf's arm as the strike overreached. Romulus turned inward toward the blow and the elf, slinging his arm across his shoulder and digging his hip into his opponent, employing his leverage to execute a throw.

    Mighty Throw, using Dex for a trip attempt: Touch attack (1d20+5)[12] Opposed grapple check: (1d20+8)[22] If successful, Vale is thrown 10 feet away and lands prone. We'll roleplay the consequences afterward.

    As the two continue to tussle, one of the lieutenants approaches and barks out at them, "That's enough! Any more of that and you'll be restrained. Your House Deneith mercenaries now!" Romulus smiles and extends a hand to the elven warrior. "Well fought, comrade, but you should keep training. Let's call it a draw, shall we?"

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    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Forge of War

    Captain Meryll and Ash aboard the Fools Dream.
    "Tell me Ash, you don't happen to have the do you? If you do I could let you steer, You see there may be cases where I might not be fit to steer and should that happen I rather you have a bit of experience, eh? There's no worry I won't
    report back to the old coots in stormhome unless you want me to, as far as I'm considered they can keep their polibickering while I sail the skies freely."

    Captain Meryll and Korisis,
    "Um' the bolts? Yes, sure go ahead, just keep in mind they are valuable and quite volatile."
    Last edited by Ghost49X; 2012-08-29 at 06:31 PM.

  21. - Top - End - #21
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    smile Re: The Forge of War

    Wroat Lightning rail station, Early morning train
    The sun had barely risen when Xeres d'Cannith was dressed and ready for a long day, the first of today's tasks was the supervision and accounting of Breland's lastest order of weapons and other wargear. The King himself wanted to inspect the goods later that day so Xeres had to make sure all was in order, afterall Breland was one of Cannith's best customers.

    Dock workers busy unloading the freight largely ignored him as he watch a giant primitive construct lifting the bigger crates. A half-elf tapped him on the shoulder waking him from some distracting thought
    "You are d'Cannith? Sign this scroll to confirm your order has arrived." Xeres looked at the man
    "I wish to inspect the goods first." Xeres said as he started to walk towards one of the bigger crates, then he turned halfway "If you don't mind?"

    At the crate Xeres took out a small golden key with the gorgon emblem of d'Cannith and tapped the crate lightly, standing aside as the magic of the key worked the wards on holding the cargo safe. After half a count the wall of the crate twisted free and fell over. Inside three dozen warforged sat hunched over, stacked three tall, as one would stack swords on a sword rack. Xeres took the time to admire the design, Baron Merrix's latest design. Deadly works of art clad in adamantium, the world's hardest metal. "Attention warforge! Get out of the crate in orderly fashion and assemble in 3 ranks, afterwards await my orders." as the living constructs started moving, slowly at first but faster as more room was made available. Xeres looked at the crate, he guessed they could've fit around 10 humanoids in that space and smiled as he apreciated the efficiency of it all. Then he made his way towards the other crates, half-elf in tow.

    Kassad Deneith and Captain Emer
    "You can start by calling me Captain, Lieutenant. Now conserning your assignment; fresh mercenairies will arive this morning I will meet them at the gate and take command, you are to be my 2nd in command. This afternoon we are to be presented to the king so make sure your arms and armor is polished bright, we need to make an example of the professionalism of house Deneith. Oh and how good are you in free fall?"

    Vale, Romulus and the Deneith mercenaires
    Wroat comes into view soon after breaking camp and they make it to the gate mid morning. As they come up to the gates they see 2 men both waiting, one man holding a standard with the chimaera of house Deneith.
    As they approch the man not holding the banner steps forward and addresses Captain Wes
    "I am Captain Emer and this is Lieutenant Kassad, I trust you are Captain Wes? The recruitment officer?"
    "That I am" Captain Wes replied "and these are men are now under your charge." He then turns around
    towards a silent man with a rapier "Lieutenant Alphonse, make sure the new guys don't cause trouble"
    Captain Emer looks at the travel weary mercs "Come with me to enclave, you have a parade this afternoon"
    he turns around and marches off leaving the weary mercs to groan.

    The Fool's Dream, Late morning
    After Wroat is finally sighted by Bronn, the Captain comes out from her cabin to look through a spy glass "Yes, Keep her steady Ash" she goes back to the helm "You're doing fine, but I think it's a little early for you to try landing just yet. Go and get the crew ready"

    Behind the palace in the royal gardens, Later that day
    The King's Swords stood still in full parad dress as his majesty King Boranel ir'Wynarn spoke from atop stairs beside a war monument, dedicated Breland's best and finest entitled 'missing friends' citizens of Wroat stood off to the side eager to hear their King speak. Seven airships hovered close to the ground behind the monument, their crew looking on curiously.

    "Long has this war raged and long has it cost us dear.
    many of our friends and family will not see it end, to no fault of their own they leave us the torch to carry on, in the hopes that they did not die in vain. On this day we welcome new brothers to join us in our fight. Mistake me not, though they may look like machines, they have hearts and wills as strong as any patriot for from this day on Breland is also their homeland.
    I couldn't give them less, for what we ask is for them to carry the torch of hope alongside our brothers of flesh and blood. Many people grow weary of the war, for it is all they have ever known, I for one agree. It is high time that we deal a devastating blow to our enemies and end this war, on this eve we move to join our allies and crush Cyr taking them out of the war once and for all. Both Karnath and Aundair are exhausted and nether can oppose our alliance once Cyr has been dealt with. I give you my word, before I leave this world Breland will know peace."
    As soon as the king ends his speech the a roars from the crowd fills the air in support of the King until he raises his hands. "This crucial assault will be lead by no other than Breland's most capable warrior, here standing beside me my own daughter Princess Borran. Our recently aquired airships will fly them to victory. But before they set off I would like to present our soldiers with a small token." As the soldiers get called to the front in groups, royal artificers afix a pair of golden wings on each left arm. When done they march off towards the airships behind them. First the King's Swords then the Warforge and the King's Wands and the mercenaires last.
    Last edited by Ghost49X; 2012-09-02 at 05:37 PM.

  22. - Top - End - #22
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Forge of War

    Korisis Haskal d'Sivis: Artificer Gnome

    Kor makes sure to gather his scrolls, placing them across his chest(Rambo-style). On each side of his belt, he places one of the wands, with the Cure light & Magic Missile on his left side for easier acccess. He has written down all his research twice, one copy for his family and house, and one for himself. His personal copy is inside his small notebook in the inner pocket of his suitcoat. The other copy is in his bag, so he can send it via his House's message system.

    Once he is packed to leave the ship, he makes one more rounds to look for damage on the ship. The voyage didn't have any combat, nor any obvious means of damaging the ship, so it seems alright. He greeted the Half-Elf, and wasn't suprised to see him steering this morning. That boy has a lot of talent. Kor whistles as he finishes his rounds and then returns to deck, having returned his sample of liquid amunition to the hold.
    Were we at the ceremony? I couldn't tell
    Quote Originally Posted by Hashmir View Post
    When I die, I donate my body to the cause of whatever ******* finds it first.
    Quote Originally Posted by Bloodgruve View Post
    Really though, how effin scary would the beach be if an octopus could launch itself outta the water at a 200' move speed every 6 seconds. I'd never go to the beach again... I thought flying sharks were scary...

  23. - Top - End - #23
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Kassad Denieth

    Kassad stiffens at Emer's remarks. "Yes captain, that's more like it." Let's just hope he's not too observant... Kassad thinks, with a growing sense of unease. "I've never been in freefall captain, but I'll stand fast before whatever comes." Kassad says, trying to hold down any sensations borne from mental instability.

    From the moment Kassad and Emer recieve the new troops, Kassad moves through the ranks playing good lieutenant to Emer's more severe position. He makes sure every mercenary is in spit-shine and good polish. His own gear, as would be expected from a noble soldier yet to hit the front, is in impeccable shape. His breastplate shines, every link in the chainmail beneath it is in perfect shape and well oiled. All his leather elements are new and well blacked, and he looks every inch the noble-born Denieth field commander.
    As he moves through the group, he tries to impress them and develop a repor, using a diplomacy check, (1d20+11)[29]

    He listens to the speech by Boranel, unimpressed. Men fight and men die, and I don't care why. Kassad stands at attention easily, no matter how little he cares. It's a skill he learned years ago in his father's house, a denieth heir who can't listen to a speech is worth nothing.

    After the ceremony, he goes through all the mercs, making careful note of everyone. Finally, as the ship is in motion, while the mercs finish a meal he announces to the room, "For those of you who don't remember, I am Lieutenant Kassad Denieth, and I'm your XO. Now, you're going to want to come to me with your problems and issues, Captain Emer has bigger things to worry about than your problems. I suggest you come to me as soon as you have a moment, and we get to know each other all a little better. Carry on, men." Kassad says, trying to apply all the lectures provided him in training back in his long years learning the art of battle leadership.

    Here's hoping I don't get them killed, or worse, lose it and kill them.

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    Korisis Haskal d'Sivis: Artificer Gnome

    Kor notices the men climbing aboard the ship and figures that they'll be settling before the ship sets off, so he has some time. While on deck, he observes Lt. Kassad Denieth. The gnome is unsure of how ranks will work on ship. As Engineer, he's likely of an equivelent rank, not that he cares. The Gnome walks up to meet this new arrival, "Eun ahev ur Siven, ka ur Siven om eheves e Gnome." he says in Gnome, then translates "You have my Words, and my Words are that of a Gnome." This phrase may be known as one of the greatest gnomish vows, and to a gnome all words are sacred. Most cultured people would be aware of the strength of vow the Gnome was making.

    He takes a short pause, then makes a half-bow out of respect, but showing that he feels they are equals. Then he says, "I am Korisis Haskal d'Sivis, Engineer of the Fool's Dream, and Employee of the House of Sivis. I am glad to make your aquantance, Leiutenant. If you'd like, later I can show you a bit more about the ship, since I assume you'll want to know its combat-readyness and overall capabilities." He looks unmarked, but he's from House Denieth so I can expect professionalism. The gnome smiles and adjusts his dark-red bowtie which he picked out just for today. He isn't wearing his leathers, so he looks rather overdressed compared to the battle-ready soldiers.
    Quote Originally Posted by Hashmir View Post
    When I die, I donate my body to the cause of whatever ******* finds it first.
    Quote Originally Posted by Bloodgruve View Post
    Really though, how effin scary would the beach be if an octopus could launch itself outta the water at a 200' move speed every 6 seconds. I'd never go to the beach again... I thought flying sharks were scary...

  25. - Top - End - #25
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    Kassad Denieth

    Kassad jumps a bit when the gnome first speaks. He hadn't been paying attention. Instead he was focusing on suppressing a wave of mental instability, all flowing vision and swirling noises.

    "A gnome? Oh, excuse me. Yes, of course, it's nice to meet you too, Korisis was it?" Kassad stands up formally, and holds out his gauntlet-ed right hand to the little gnome. "I'd be glad to get a tour of this fine airship. It's not really my job to do strategy, but I'm sure there's something useful to be learned. I've ridden airships before, but never served on one, I'm more than a little concerned about fighting on one, so maybe a tour is exactly what the apothecary ordered." Kassad says to the gnome. His speech is a little over-eager, trying to hide how distracted and out of sorts he was earlier.

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    Korisis Haskal d'Sivis: Artificer Gnome

    The gnome, being a master of speech and language(at least compared to layfolk) tries to figure out if Kassad was hiding anything. While the Gnome doesn't plan on exposing anyone, nor does he have problems with people who have problems, he likes to have information on everyone.


    Sense Motive:(1d20)[4]
    I realized I have no modifiers for this check

    "So, what family are you from within your House? I'm from the Haskals, we're not the most famous, but we're known for our focus on magic items. Have you been in this war for a long time? I joined as part of the alliance between Zilargo and Breland. I should let you know, that my House has given me specific instructions to avoid direct combat unless necessary. We're supplying Artificers, Information, and our message system, but not actual soldiers. Our coutry prefers not to lose its people to senseless violence."
    Quote Originally Posted by Hashmir View Post
    When I die, I donate my body to the cause of whatever ******* finds it first.
    Quote Originally Posted by Bloodgruve View Post
    Really though, how effin scary would the beach be if an octopus could launch itself outta the water at a 200' move speed every 6 seconds. I'd never go to the beach again... I thought flying sharks were scary...

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    Kassad Denieth

    "Uh, well, it's a bit looser in House Denieth. We have more than our fair share of orphaned sons and parents of dead sons, so if you have marked parents, you simply default to the 'Denieth' line of the house. Both mine are marked, so I'm simply a Denieth. I think my sons will be still be Denieths, but if they are unmarked like me" Kassad's eyes go momentarily wide liar liar liar liar liar liar liar liar... before he manages to suppress it and return to his topic of conversation, "then they'd default to being Makkertons, if I recall all my bloodlines properly. " Sensing how dry the topic is, Kassad tries to force a bit of levity there at the end.

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    Korisis Haskal d'Sivis: Artificer Gnome

    "Interesting, our House usually keeps even the unmarked as part of the house. I suppose part of that is because we've been around longer." The Gnome is distracted for a moment by something in the coner of his eye...
    "IS THAT A WARFORGED?!" Kor becomes suprisingly excited compared to his calm manner a few seconds ago as he runs over to Still. "Wow," he says as he shakes the Warforged's hand, "are you a new model? Where are you from? I know that Warforged are created like constructs, but you are certainly as humanoid as any of us. What did it feel like when you first came out of the forge? What is your combat specialty? Would it be alright if I drew a scetch of you? What's your name? Do you have one? Can I name you?" The words sputter out of the Gnome before he regains his composure. He calms down, but stands in a manner that shows he is expecting responses.
    Quote Originally Posted by Hashmir View Post
    When I die, I donate my body to the cause of whatever ******* finds it first.
    Quote Originally Posted by Bloodgruve View Post
    Really though, how effin scary would the beach be if an octopus could launch itself outta the water at a 200' move speed every 6 seconds. I'd never go to the beach again... I thought flying sharks were scary...

  29. - Top - End - #29
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    Ashayan Lovain d'Lyrandar

    Ashayan shakes his head and steps back from the wheel. "She's difficult to control captain. I can't connect my mind with the elemental through the wheel of wind and water but I can almost sense its presence. It is my fervent wish one day to manifest the wind's favour ability but as yet I have no such skill."

    Formally he passes command to the captain. "I stand relieved." Relaxing Ash looks out of the wheelhouse and smiles, "Time to introduce myself to our passengers."

    He makes his way along the desks introducing himself to all the new faces. Start with someone I know he thinks to himself and heads over to where Korisis is talking to a mercenary lieutenant and a warforged soldier. "Good day, Kor, how's the Dream holding up with all our new visitors? Won't you introduce me to your new acquaintance. He turns to the Denieth mercenary leader and holds out his hand, "I'm the first mate, Ashayan Lovain d'Lyrandar, most people call me Ash but 'mate' is sufficient in an emergency. We're a little short handed as you can probably see. Can any of your men operate the ships weapons at a pinch?"

    "We should work out an order of command I suppose. Don't worry we're a flexible bunch in House Lyrandar. The captain's word is law on board for everyone. I command the crew. Kor is in charge of the elemental chamber and his workshop, even Captain Meryll defers to our gnomish engineer there," he laughs softly at the joke, "We have no formal command over your men of course but don't be surprised if anyone found lollygagging is given a mop or a rope and put to work. I'd appreciate it if your men stay clear of the wheel house and the elemental chamber, you'll find both warded, and out of cook's stores and the armoury. Rooms have been assigned but there aren't enough for all your men. Some can bunk with the crew, we have hammocks for thirty, but more than that will have to sleep on deck or in gangways. If anyone suffers from vertigo then keep them below decks, it's a long way down. If anyone has motion sickness tell them to check the direction of the wind before running to a rail. Few things are worse on a ship than bringing up your breakfast and finding it picked up by the wind and flung back in your face."

    He turns to indicate the warforged that Korisis is gushing over, "Your weapons should remain stowed but ready," something about these metal and wooden soldiers was worrying. A person is bought into the world and brought up to find a place within it. You don't just build a man and set him to work. "Now, lieutenant, what say we give you that tour and you can introduce your men?"
    I didn't choose the life of a murderhobo, it chose me.

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    "Still", Warforged Magehunter

    As the small man in formal attire spews forth his barrage of questions Still examines him and contemplates what he knows of gnomes. Which isn't much. Oddly though he does know their tongue. Maybe some of the workers's words fell into the forge at ones creation.
    Also did he consider himself, and his place. Both social-military and geographically.

    When he was about to speak, moments before the gnome might start to consider him a mute, he was interrupted by a half-elven crew-member of the ship. One who seems to have a preference for stating the obvious.

    As he and the Deneith officer walked off Still looked around to see who was in command and as such who would permit or deny him to speak. Seeing none other than the gnome and his brethren he began to speak, in gnomish: "Good day, sir. Yes, from the adamantine plated line. We hail from the House Cannith Forge of course, sir.
    It felt cold and daunting. The world and a lifetime stretched before one.
    My combat specialty is sword and shield. To better withstand the warriors as I close in on the mages.
    Sketch me if you will, it is not my call to make.
    Name.....One has not been personally addressed before other than with orders. Which does not require a name. You may address one as you see fit, sir."

    Once done answering the gnome's questions he returns to his previous blank stared composure.
    Last edited by Escheton; 2012-08-30 at 10:01 AM.
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