Snips, Snails, and Dragon Tales: Now available in PDF format from Gumroad
Snips, Snails, and Dragon Tales is now on sale in PDF format from Gumroad - with 6 never-before-collected bonus comics!
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    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Jul 2010

    Default Weaponshifter [3.5 Template] [PEACH]

    Soul Eater, a 2004 onwards manga (with a 2008 anime adaptation), is an urban-fantasy-like anime with a distinctive twist. A large number of characters in this series are known as Weapons - that is, they can literally shapeshift into a distinct weapon, and be wielded by a capable individual known as a weapon 'Meister' to fight evil.

    While there's a massive and distinct fluff for that series that is not being ported here at all (to the point where the involved characters are referred to in different terms), the fundamental idea of a character literally being another's weapon stuck with me as something that, for the right sort of campaign and players, could be very, very cool. So, I went ahead and took some time to make it as a D&D 3.5 extension.

    This concept should be able to shift directly to Pathfinder, except for the level adjustment if the character is using the Monsters as Races rules as well.


    To many an adventurer, no tool is more important than their weapon. While spells can do the job nicely, few things are as great for truly destroying a dragon as a precise strike with a sword or bow. About a century ago, in the hallowed halls of transmutation research (pick one appropriate to your setting), great magical scholars discovered an unusual new way to combine the great might of the arcane with this natural martial power. The technique, based loosely on the rituals that allow humanoids to become Necropolitans, grant a form of shapeshifting to a willing recipient, allowing them to literally transform into magic weapons, and channel their powers through their new form, often granting exceptional boons to their wielder.
    The researchers never realized the magic was inheritable until one human test subject's daughter proved capable of shifting into a dagger soon after she reached puberty. There is now a small population of these individuals spread around the world. Most, but not all of these people join with adventuring groups, using abilities both learned and inherited to become trusty, powerful allies of their wielders.

    Usage Notes
    • PC Weaponshifters should be wielded by other PCs, and NPC Weaponshifters by other NPCs. Allowing an NPC cohort to use the template can make the already powerful Leadership feat into something absolutely ridiculous, and having a PC be wielded by an NPC puts much greater focus on the DM, generally not a desirable thing. There is no mechanical prohibition on this, by design; in general, a DM should step in to control this if necessary. That said, there may be cases in your campaign where it is appropriate to provide an exception for this.
    • The combination of a Weaponshifter and wielder is designed to be on par with two separate player-characters - granting significant advantages in return for a significant loss in overall action economy. However, this has the side effect that it is very possible for the pair of players to dominate the table. Solutions include, but are not limited to, having much of the party be Weaponshifters (sensible in-universe in that these unusual folk would often congregate), with the others being wielders. Having wielders be of lower-tier classes of the party, or at least lower optimization, can also do much to smooth the effects - besides which, these are the characters most likely to benefit from a weaponshifter anyhow!
    • Don't allow a Weaponshifter to turn into a weapon that isn't appropriate to the setting without a very good reason. That is, if you're playing an Eberron game, the Weaponshifter should not be able to turn into a lightsaber. In general, for a weapon to be a valid form for a Weaponshifter, it or functional equivalents should have existed within the setting for a couple of generations. That said, weapons considered archaic in the timeframe of the setting make awesome choices for a weapon form, as the shift can make them exceptionally effective.
    • This version is written for 3.5 of the OGL systemic environment - the concepts should jump to the "3.75" environment with minimal adaptation.
    • In general, Weaponshifters are ideal for campaigns where the Rule of Cool is in active effect for the entire party.

    The Template
    "Weaponshifter" is an inherited or acquired template that can be added to any intelligent creature (referred to hereafter as the base creature).

    Size and Type: Unchanged.
    Hit Dice: Unchanged.
    Special Qualities: A Weaponshifter retains all the special qualities of the base creature, and gains those described below.
    Weapon Form (Su): Each Weaponshifter has a single Weapon Form that they may transform into and out of as a move action, and which becomes more powerful as they develop their talents. See "The Weapon Form", below.
    Symbolic Link (Su): A Weaponshifter can attain a state of 'link' with one other intelligent being by performing a special ritual, making that being the Weaponshifter's 'wielder'. A Weaponshifter intuitively knows this ritual, and can teach it as it is performed. This connection, neither magic nor psychic in nature, is nonetheless tangible, and brings with it several benefits while the Weaponshifter is being wielded by their wielder. The link can be broken at will by either party; the Weaponshifter is then immediately free to perform the ritual again with a new wielder. See "The Link", below, for the benefits of this state.
    Abilities: As the base creature.
    Feats: The Weaponshifter gains proficiency in weapons of the same type as their Weapon Form. They are also treated as having Weapon Focus, Weapon Specialization (at 4th level), Greater Weapon Focus (at 8th level), and Greater Weapon Specialization (at 12th level) in weapons of that type for the purposes of feat prerequisites only.
    Advancement: By character class.
    Level Adjustment: +0 when acquired (as the ritual for acquisition carries a level cost), +1 when inherited. It is encouraged that the DM allow LA Buyoff for those who inherit the template.

    The Ritual of Weaponization
    The Ritual of Weaponization is often known by schools specialized in transmutation, but not often publically offered anymore... In part because, while not an evil act, any transmutation specialist who performs the ritual frankly has to be a fair bit of a sadist. Just a few generations after the ritual's first success, as much as 98% of the population of Weaponshifters in the world will be inherited - being born into having the power generally being a much more pleasant way to get it than the ritual. That said, there is always a new advancement to test, if only the prospective subject will help cover the insurance costs and component costs for 2,000 GP. Per subject, if you're one of those loons who thinks that doing this in a group is a fun idea of a group activity. But it's perfectly safe! Why, there hasn't been a horrifyingly painful death that required personal analysis from the God of Death to discombobulate the soul so it could move to its assigned fate in decades!

    The ritual takes place in three phases.

    Discovery begins at sunrise, and involves rapidly forging tiny effigies of weapons, casting a special spell for testing spiritual reactiveness of a weapon to a subject, and then swatting the subject with the effigy and measuring how painful the strike was. The less painful the strike, the closer to a match the weapon is, allowing the slow application of logic to lead to, eventually, discovering a perfect match - where the effigy goes through the subject's body as if incorpreal, completely unfelt by them. (Yes, this applies even if the subject was already incorpreal.) This usually takes around eight to ten hours, and is also a test of the strength of the subject's soul - a subject who has not attained third level simply will never reach a perfect match, though the wizards can still satisfy their curiousity by finding the match (or at least what's closest) and refund three-quarters of the gold cost, secret disappointed that the interest part can't occur. Those who a match is found for are promptly invited to join the wizards in a hearty meal, then told to go get a very good night's rest.

    Forging begins at the next sunrise. The first part of Forging, while not strictly necessary, is normally a very, very good idea. The first part consists of tying the subject - tightly - to a table, bed, post, rack, or really whatever will hold them soundly. This is because of the second part. Forging literally means making a basic form of the weapon and casting a very large number of special spells on it... Using the subject's blood as a major component. Repeatedly. Each time from a fresh wound, so that, by the end of the phase (which normally takes six hours), the completed weapon carries some of the subject's essence. Notably, the weapon itself will be plain. Any details, including the weapon's masterwork quality, come from the subject's own soul.

    Binding the weapon begins as soon as the weapon is complete. An exceptionally polite wizard will drug the subject into unconsciousness for this part. Most will just proceed to beat the subject to death with, more or less, their own soul, in the form of the weapon. (This is the part where the old professors come in to help the young student seeking to master the ritual for themselves, as it is absolutely vital that all involved spells are confirmed successful before the beating-the-subject-to-death-with-their-own-soul part.) The instant the final blow that would kill them is dealt, however, the weapon fades into them, and every last wound from the entire ritual disappears - their soul is now whole once more, with the weapon form bound to it.

    This final strike does take its toll on the subject - they immediately lose one level, then an additional 1,000 experience points. No spell, not even restoration, can restore the lost level or experience points. Performing the ritual on someone too weak for the soul to match with (as determined during the first part of the ritual) results in a terrifying spritual mess, the personal involvement of a god of death to sort things out, and usually quite a few wizards enjoying a few hundred thousand negative levels and a one-way ticket to a choice layer of the Abyss. (Gods of death generally do not appreciate having to fix a soul before taking it off to its own fate.)

    The Weapon Form (and advancement thereof)
    A Weaponshifter’s most unique ability - the one that all of their other talents are based around - is their ability to transform into an intelligent weapon, which they are first awakened to on their fourteenth birthday (or an equivalent mid-puberty birthday for non-human races), gaining an intuitive understanding of how to transform to and from their weapon form, and a special ritual for linking with a worthy wielder (see "The Link", below). Their weapon form reflects the deepest traits of their personality somehow, and is unique to the individual - that is, specific weapon forms are not in any way hereditary. A child of a Weaponshifter with a longsword weapon form could just as easily be a handgun, whip, or even greatsword.

    Each individual Weaponshifter has just one weapon form, and while the details of that weapon will shift over their adventuring career and lifetime, the fundamental weapon does not, barring exceptional and sudden changes to their personality, such as that caused by a helm of opposite alignment.

    Transforming into their weapon form and back is a move action; if adjacent to a ready individual with an open hand, they can 'jump' while transforming such that their weapon form's hilt lands in the hand of the recipient. When they transform back, they can 'jump' and land in an adjacent space to their wielder... Or land on top of them, most likely resulting in both ending up prone and in a comically awkward heap. There is one exception to this - if the person holding a Weaponshifter's weapon form is themself a Weaponshifter, they can both shift, using both their Move actions for the round, such that the one shifting out of weapon form catches the one shifting into weapon form.

    While in Weapon Form, the Weaponshifter visualizes their normal body as being 'within' the weapon; all gear worn or carried by them is part of this visualization, and while most of it is effectively nonfunctional, some can still be used. (More specifics on this are To Be Worked On, but in general, if it modifies an action they can take while in weapon form, it works as normal.)

    Any gear worn or carried by the weaponshifter melds into their new form. When the Weaponshifter reverts to her true form, any objects previously melded into the new form reappear in the same location on her body that they previously occupied. (Items on their person do not become nonfunctional, unlike for druids, but many become functionally useless - see "Actions while in Weapon Form", below.)

    Note that while a Weaponshifter is, literally, an intelligent item, it does not use the Intelligent Item rules. It uses the mental ability scores of its base form, does not gain powers in the same way as an Intelligent Item does (gaining abilities primarily by leveling in classes), and is not considered to have an Ego score. If, at any point, significant personality conflicts come into play between a Weaponshifter and their wielder, then they must work it out in-character, or split up and go their own ways.

    Note that this also applies to alignment issues, if you are using active alignment in your game; willingly and knowingly performing the linking ritual (see "The Link", below) with someone of an alignment may be considered to be an act of that alignment for both involved parties. A Paladin who links with a Chaotic Evil individual without knowing their alignment has not (yet) transgressed on his code, but upon discovering their 'partner''s true nature would be required by their code to immediately split off from association with that individual and break the link between them. Whether the Paladin is the Weaponshifter or wielder in the equation doesn't matter here.

    The weapon form is a masterwork item, and while in weapon form, the character qualifies as being of the Construct type, gaining all immunities except against mind-affecting effects, in addition to low-light vision, darkvision, and a hardness score relevant to their weapon form. They do not gain Construct hit dice (that is, their hit points remain the same, though protected by hardness and only being at risk of damage from sundering or targeted effects) - fluff-wise, they're only as tough as their human form on a fundamental level, but the real reason for this is simply one of convenience. If reduced to 0 or fewer hit points, the Weaponshifter immediately reverts to their non-weapon form. They cannot transform into their weapon form while at or below 0 hit points.

    The weapon form becomes a magic item when the Weaponshifter attains 2nd level, gaining enhancements as the Weaponshifter gains levels; these, too, are based on their personality. At 2nd level, their weapon form becomes a +1 weapon; every two levels after this, their weapon form’s bonus increases by 1. These increases may be ‘spent’ to add special abilities to a weapon whenever one is gained; a character must do so if not doing so would take the weapon’s total enhancement bonus above 5, and a character cannot take the weapon’s enhancement bonus below 1 by doing so. Any special abilities so acquired are permanent and cannot be changed unless a deep and sudden change occurs in the Weaponshifter’s personality (such as that caused by a helm of opposite alignment). A Weaponshifter whose weapon form is a ranged weapon bestows the enhancement effects on ammo fired from them, as normal.

    Further, a Weaponshifter can add flat gold priced upgrades to their weapon form via a modified version of the normal weapon enhancement process; doing so costs twice as much gold as adding the same upgrade to a normal weapon, or costs the same amount of gold plus 1/25th of the gold cost in experience points (paid by the Weaponshifter). Anyone with the Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat can perform the task, and pays no experience to do so; however, the process is painstaking and slow, and requires both the Weaponshifter and enhancement-crafting individual's time.

    The Dancing property and equivalents are not available to Weaponshifters' weapon forms, due to a 'kink' that wasn't worked out in the ritual preventing the Weaponshifter from exerting their will on their weapon form's body. Quite simply, they have to be wielded to do their thing.

    Weaponshifter's weapon forms can not be imbued with intelligence under the Intelligent Item rules or otherwise gain benefits specific to Intelligent Items - doing so would mean that their weapon form would have two distinct intellects within it, and while the philosophical and psychological implications of this are interesting, it simply does not seem to work. (Probably a good thing, honestly.)

    A Weaponshifter whose Weapon Form is not a Monk Weapon (kama, nunchaku, quarterstaff, sai, shuriken, siangham, or others at DM’s discretion) cannot take levels in Monk. A Weaponshifter whose Weapon Form is not a Druid Weapon (club, dagger, dart, quarterstaff, scimitar, sickle, shortspear, sling, spear, or others at DM’s discretion) cannot take levels in Druid. This is a side effect of the weapon form reflecting the Weaponshifter’s personality; quite simply, if their weapon form isn’t a weapon of that class, their personality does not reflect the class' mindset on some fundamental level.

    Weaponshifters have to eat, drink, and sleep just like normal people of their race, regardless of how much of their day is spent in which form; further, sleeping while in their weapon form is even more uncomfortable than sleeping in plate mail, and will leave them fatigued just like sleeping in plate mail would. They can get around this by wearing a Restful Armor Crystal (Magic Item Compendium, page 26) in their armor. (Weaponshifters whose base creature does not have to eat, drink, or sleep do not have to eat, drink, or sleep.) They do have to breathe while not in their weapon form, but not while in it.

    The Link
    A weaponshifter, while capable of doing many things regardless of who wields them (see "Actions while in Weapon Form", below), is not truly at their best in a random person's hands. Their truest power comes from being wielded by someone who they trust and who trusts them in turn - who has built a relationship with them, and who can draw power from that relationship. This Link, once codified with a special ritual, allows the Weaponshifter to grant their truest potential to their wielder, and grants both a few special advantages besides.

    The ritual of linking can and should be discussed with the DM for its specifics for your setting, but should meet three specific requirements:
    • The ritual can only be performed by people who trust each other... Though how that trust is formed is variable. It's very possible that two people who are enemies can undergo the link ritual to team up against a mutual threat, for example. Further, a charmed Weaponshifter can link with their "friend" just as easily as they link with anyone else. (Of course, once the charm wears off, they are free to break the link immediately.)
    • The ritual should not involve expensive material components, but may involve mundane items somehow - such as both individuals drinking wine from the same cup in succession.
    • The ritual must take at least one hour, but no more than one day. A hundred and eight minutes is a good duration for those who like symbolic numbers.

    A Weaponshifter can only have one link with a person at a time; if they wish to link with a new individual, they must break the old link (or their wielder must have broken the link). Either the Weaponshifter or their wielder can break the link at any time; reforming it, however, takes just as long as forming it did the first time.

    Once the link is established, the Weaponshifter and wielder gain a few passive benefits.
    • The wielder is treated as having proficiency with weapons of the Weaponshifter's weapon form's type.
    • The Weaponshifter and wielder can communicate telepathically across any distance (except for planar boundaries) if either focuses (requiring concentration).
    • The Weaponshifter gains immunity to the wielder’s touch, aura, and similar abilities. This only applies to the wielder specifically, not other creatures of the wielder’s race. (Example: William is a Weaponshifter, whose wielder is a nymph. He is immune to his wielder’s Blinding Aura ability. However, in their travels, his wielder may interact with other nymphs; he is not immune to their Blinding Aura, unless he shifts into his weapon form, which grants him immunity by virtue of being of the Construct type.)

    The real power of the link, however, comes when the Weaponshifter is in the hands of their linked wielder.
    • The wielder is treated as having the Weapon Focus feat with the Weaponshifter's weapon form, but not other weapons of the same type, gaining a +1 bonus to all attack rolls made with the weaponshifter's weapon form.
    • If the Weaponshifter (not necessarily the wielder) has four class levels, the wielder is also treated as having Weapon Specialization, gaining a +2 bonus to all damage rolls made with the weaponshifter's weapon form.
    • If the Weaponshifter has eight class levels, the wielder is also treated as having Greater Weapon Focus, gaining an additional +1 bonus to all attack rolls made with the weaponshifter's weapon form.
    • If the Weaponshifter has twelve class levels, the wielder is also treated as having Greater Weapon Specialization, gaining an additional +2 bonus to all damage rolls made with the weaponshifter's weapon form.
    • If the Weaponshifter has any feats that have any of the above four feats as a prerequisite, then the wielder is treated as having that feat, but only for the Weaponshifter's weapon form.
    • The Wielder gains the Alertness feat while wielding the Weaponshifter, gaining a vague sense of what the Weaponshifter senses that can cause them to notice things they'd otherwise miss.

    Note that there is nothing preventing one individual from having multiple links - though in some settings, the implications of this may be rather frowned upon in society. The benefits overlap, but any numeric bonuses do not stack. That is, the subject is counted as having the Alertness feat twice, but only gains +2 to Spot and Listen checks (or Perception and Sense Motive, if playing in Pathfinder), and Weapon Specialization and related bonuses apply separately for each of the weapons.

    Actions while in Weapon Form
    Weaponshifters, unlike ordinary Intelligent Items, have a vague sense of their human form while in their weapon form, and can use this to undertake a variety of actions, which channel through their weapon form to affect the world 'outside'. While what they can do is significantly limited, they do have options, particularly when in the hands of a wielder, and particularly dependent on their class abilities. This section covers actions available regardless of class; the next section covers class-specific actions.

    The Weaponshifter acts on their own initiative for most actions; however, certain actions are instead performed on the initiative of the person holding them. If this is the case, they must not have taken an action of the appropriate type during their own turn - however, they do not need to ready a specific action otherwise. (Delaying so that their actions occur on the same initiative, so that their turns occur at the same time, is an option and can make things easier.)

    Weaponshifters can never make Attacks of Opportunity while in weapon for - their wielder, of course, can use them to make their own Attacks of Opportunity.

    Magic Items that were on the Weaponshifter's body or being carried by them when they transformed can be used, taking up their normal actions. The Weaponshifter visualizes pulling the item out from where it was stored and using it as normal, and the effects then come out from the weapon; for mechanical purposes, the wielder is the point of origin, the Weaponshifter is treated as the user for any other purpose appropriate to the item, and the item's effect works the same.
    This does not apply to potions or other items that require ingestment or the like, which cannot be used while in weapon form.
    As a special rule, however, if the item's effect requires the caster to touch the target, then the weapon has to touch the target; normally, this means they can use items on the manifester without problem, or an ally can poke the weapon to receive the effect. Hitting an unwilling target, however, requires the wielder bring the weapon form into contact, with the Weaponshifter readying an action to cast the spell at the moment of successful contact. (Note that 'contact' does not require the weapon hit and do damage; if an attack would beat the target's Touch AC and the die roll was not a natural "1", that counts.)
    For example, William wants to use an item with an enervating touch effect on an enemy. His partner has a +9/+4 full attack and is next to that creature. He readies an action, and signals his partner to attack. They roll two attacks - a natural "1", and a 15. While the target has 20 AC, their Touch AC is only 12 - the second attack grazes off their armor, but that's enough for William to take his chance use the item to apply the effect and inflict the negative levels!

    Spell-Like, Psi-Like, Supernatural, Extraordinary, or other special abilities can be used under similar rules (including requiring their usual actions); the effects come from the weapon, treating the wielder as the origin point and the Weaponshifter as the basis for all other effects, as normal. Note that the Weaponshifter cannot 'pass' benefits from passive Extraordinary abilities to their wielder, and the DM is free to nix certain abilities that just do not make sense, unless a context where it does make sense is provided.
    For example, a Succubus Weaponshifter can't apply energy drain while in weapon form... Unless someone's kissing or otherwise performing an act of passion with their weapon form, say under the effect of a suggestion. Suddenly, a whole lot of strange fantasy art makes a LOT more sense, doesn't it?

    Manipulating items that were on the Weaponshifter's person when they jumped into weapon form is a move action as normal; they cannot usually interact with items that aren't 'with them' (except when they're being swung to hit them).

    Weaponshifters may redirect spell effects, "drop" items (they remain present within the visualization, and remain on their person when they shift back, but picking them up within the visualization is still at least a Move action after dropping them), speak, and cease concentration on effects as normal. Their speech is audible, and clearly comes from the weapon... Unless they're a trained ventriloquist and can throw their voice or something.

    Some feats and skill uses that require actions may also be available for the Weaponshifter to use while in weapon form; ones that modify valid actions, in particular, along with most uses of Concentration, Spot, Listen, Search, Sense Motive, all Charisma-based skills (except Handle Animal), Spellcraft, Psicraft, Autohypnosis, and all Knowledge skills. (Uses of other skills may be available on DM approval.)

    In general, all purely mental actions are available as normal while in weapon form. Further, other actions that would not require your character to move are generally OK to use in weapon form, subject to DM confirmation.

    Class abilities while in Weapon Form
    This list is nowhere close to comprehensive. If your class is not covered here, or you think abilities not specified here should have an interaction with weapon forms, talk to your DM.

    A character's class training(s) can be used with their weapon form in various ways, particularly in the hands of a wielder they have a link with (see "The Link", above). A character who multiclasses can use any number of abilities, as appropriate; however, abilities that cost actions still cost their usual actions.

    Casters and Manifesters can freely cast or manifest while in Weapon form; they ignore all somatic components of casting, as they essentially imagine their currently nonpresent arms and hands performing the motions. Casting while in weapon form never provokes Attacks of Opportunity. The effect comes from the weapon; treat the wielder as the point of origin (their link allows them to know where point the weapon, if such is needed), but use the caster's statistics for all other points and purposes. Any material or focus components on their person when they transform can be used to cast spells while in weapon form; any such components they did not have when transforming cannot be used. If the component was in a Handy Haversack, the Weaponshifter must use a move action to remove the component as usual; if it was in a Bag of Holding, they must take at least a Standard action to get it out as usual.

    Initiators (see Tome of Battle) can allow a linked wielder, using the wielder's actions (as applicable) to use the Initiator's maneuvers and stances, intuitively passing the necessary knowledge over the link. Doing so expends the Initiator's maneuvers, which can be re-readied using the normal methods available to them.

    A Weaponshifter may grant soulmelds that are active on themselves from abilities they are the source of (that is, not coming from magic items or other soulbinders) to a linked wielder. The wielder can have a soulmeld from a Weaponshifter and a magic item in the same slot, but not two soulmelds, nor a soulmeld not granted from the weaponshifter and a magic item.

    Barbarians may channel their rage through a link with a willing wielder, allowing the host to gain the benefits (but also the catches) of the rage. Note that this means both the Weaponshifter and wielder are raging, and cannot take actions that cannot be taken while raging. If the wielder does not want to join the rage, then the connection fails, but the weaponshifter has the choice of shifting into their normal form to use the rage themselves.

    Bards may perform bardic music abilities while in weapon form using voice-based perform skills (such as oratory or singing). Alternatively, a DM might allow for someone who takes Bard at 1st level to have their weapon form double as an instrument, at which point they may use the relevant perform skill.
    For example, Jaina is a Weaponshifter human Bard 1. Her weapon form is a guitar scythe; it can be used to attack as normal by the wielder, but can 'play itself', allowing Jaina to use inspire courage via her Perform(String Instruments) skill, and quite possibly inspiring enemies who are less "metal" than her to run away screaming in fear.

    Druids do not grant their wielder wild shape, and must be in human shape to use their own wild shape ability. (That is, they can't just 'play dumb' as a dagger then suddenly turn into a bear.) A DM might allow someone who takes Druid at 1st level to have their 'weapon' form be a necklace of natural weapons instead.

    Fighters can grant feats they have to a linked wielder, limited to a number of feats equal to their Fighter class level. This is in addition to granting Weapon Focus, Weapon Specialization, their greater forms, and feats that have them as a prerequisite. They must provide, or the wielder must meet, Feat prerequisites for any feats so granted. (So if a feat requires Point Blank Shot, either the wielder must have Point Blank Shot, or Point Blank Shot must be one of the feats the Weaponshifter grants in order for that feat to be granted.) In addition, when a linked wielder makes a full attack, the fighter may take a full round action to guide the strikes, granting one additional attack for every five class levels they have, round up, at a base attack bonus equal to their fighter level.

    Monks can grant their flurry of blows, evasion, improved evasion, and fast movement abilities to a linked wielder.

    Paladins can channel their detect evil, smite evil, and turn undead abilities through their weapon form. In addition, their mount is instinctually aware of the Weaponshifter's link with their wielder, allowing the wielder to ride them while the Weaponshifter is in weapon form. The Paladin still has their empathic link with their mount while in weapon form, can share spells and saving throws with them as normal while in weapon form.

    Rangers can grant their wielder the bonus feats from their Combat Style, so long as their weapon form is appropriate to their style, as well as their favored enemy benefits and woodland stride ability. In addition, their animal companion is instinctually aware of the Weaponshifter's link with their wielder, and will follow the wielder when the Weaponshifter is in weapon form.

    Rogues may grant the wielder their Evasion, Uncanny Dodge, Improved Uncanny Dodge, and Sneak Attack class features. They may also detect traps using their own Search check while in weapon form; disabling the trap requires they shift into their normal form and do it themselves, though.

    To Do List
    • Detail the ritual for granting the template to a character as an acquired template.
    • Go through the Prestige classes
    • Possibly go through more noncore classes and prestige classes
    • Get feedback and tune the template
    • Play this thing in a game someplace!
    Last edited by NekoIncardine; 2012-09-19 at 07:53 PM.

  2. - Top - End - #2
    Barbarian in the Playground
    Join Date
    Jul 2010

    Default Re: Weaponshifter [3.5 Template] [PEACH]

    Weaponshifter-Related Feats

    Even if your DM allows Weaponshifters in your campaign, this feat requires specific permission. And should think HARD before allowing it.
    You've got a minion who can turn into a weapon. Awesome.
    Prerequisite: Character level 6th.
    Benefit: Gain a Cohort, as per the Leadership feat. This Cohort has the Weaponshifter template (at an LA of +0), and you always count as having a link with them (even if they set up a link with a second person). You do not gain followers from this feat.
    Special: If you take the Leadership feat, you do not gain a Cohort from that feat; your Weaponshifter Cohort counts as your one Cohort feat. Similarly, if you take the Thrallherd prestige class, you do not gain a Thrall from that class; your Weaponshifter Cohort becomes your Thrall (but can attain a level equal to your level minus 1 if you meet all other requirements). Any effect that would grant you a second Cohort or Thrall works as normal; at your option, the second Cohort or Thrall can have the Weaponshifter template as well.
    If you take this feat after gaining either the Weaponshifter feat or Thrallherd prestige class, your existing Follower gains the Weaponshifter template at an LA of +0 after you take the time to perform the ritual to make them into a Weaponshifter.

    Second Link
    Your spirit is capable of communing with multiple individuals.
    Prerequisite: Weaponshifter template.
    Benefit: You may have two links. Each must be established in a separate ritual, and each can be broken independently of the other. While both links' passive benefits apply at all times, only one can enjoy the active benefits borne of wielding you, and the telepathic communication benefit only applies to you - they can't talk to each other directly.
    Normal: You can only have one link at a time.
    Special: You can take this feat multiple times. Each time, you can have one more link.
    Last edited by NekoIncardine; 2012-09-18 at 06:24 PM. Reason: Added One Feat

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    Barbarian in the Playground
    Join Date
    Jul 2010

    Default Re: Weaponshifter [3.5 Template] [PEACH]

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    Last edited by NekoIncardine; 2012-09-17 at 03:19 PM.

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