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    Firbolg in the Playground
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    On my back, in my heart

    Default The Omnomnomicon [BIG magic system! PEACH!]

    Last edited by Admiral Squish; 2012-11-24 at 11:58 PM.
    My Homebrew
    Five-time champion of the GITP monster competition!

    Current Projects:
    Crossroads: the New World: A pathfinder campaign setting about an alternate history of North America, where five empire collide in a magical land full of potential. On the road to publication!

    Epic Avatar and Sigitar by AlterForm

  2. - Top - End - #2
    Firbolg in the Playground
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    On my back, in my heart

    Default Re: The Omnomnomicon [Under Construction]

    Chapter 1: Races

    Culinar A human changed by exposure to blue magic in the womb.
    Culinar are humans who were exposed to food magic in the womb. It’s certainly not a guarantee that any child exposed to blue magic will be born a culinar, but the likelihood increases the more they are exposed. Often, culinar are unaware that anything about them is different from their human parents, but they always have a strong affinity for food and blue magic.
    Personality: Culinar are much like the humans they are descended from, with no truly typical outlook, though they universally have a strong appreciation for food.
    Physical Description: Culinar look like normal humans, though they tend to be slightly heavier, due to their increased appreciation for flavors and tastes.
    Relations: Other races react to culinar the same way they would react to humans. Some humans who know the true nature of a culinar distrust them as different, but a good meal tends to help make friends.
    Alignment: Culinar are much like humans, in that they have no truly ‘typical’ alignment. However, you’re slightly more likely to find neutral or good culinar.
    Lands: Culinar live in human lands, most often in cities where any pregnant woman could get a magic meal from a gourmand’s restaurant, though it’s certainly possible for a culinar to be born in any area, provided the right conditions can be met.
    Religion: Culinar usually believe in the same gods they were raised to believe, though some convert to gods with domain over food if they discover their true nature.
    Language: Culinar speak common, though they are known to use a variety of terms and phrases from other languages.
    Names: Culinar names are usually identical to human names.

    • Medium Size: A culinar gains no special bonuses or penalties due to their size
    • Culinar have a base land speed of 30 feet.
    • Culinar gain one bonus feat at 1st level
    • Hunger: A culinar’s prodigious appetite means that their hunger can be distracting. A culinar that does not eat at least one day’s rations each day takes a -1 morale penalty to attack rolls, skill checks, and ability checks. This requirement is not satisfied by spells, abilities, or items that remove your requirement to eat.
    • Blue Magic Affinity: A culinar gains a +1 morale bonus to attack rolls, skill checks, and ability checks for every two dishes currently active.
    • Base Languages: Common. Bonus Languages: Any non-secret languages
    • Favored Class: Gourmand

    Qu A race of swamp-dwelling humanoids with froglike features and oversized tongues.

    I do what I want. You have problem?

    Qu are a race of swamp-dwelling folk with a strong appreciation for taste and food. Some call them frog folk due to their long tongues and squat bodies. It might also have something to do with the fact that frog meat is a staple of most Qu recipes.
    Personality: Qu are strongly individualistic. They tend to believe that everyone has the right to do anything they want, as long as it doesn’t harm anyone.
    Physical Description: Qu are relatively short and squat. They have short legs and large, round bellies. Their faces are wide, with small eyes featuring hourglass-shaped pupils, wide mouths, and no nose. Their most interesting feature is their tongue, which hangs out of their mouth most of the time, to about level with their chest. Since they have no nose, they use their tongue in much the same way, tasting the air. The tongue can be pulled back in, but they prefer not to, unless there’s an unpleasant taste in the air. They can even ‘fire’ their tongue out to grab things. Males and females are virtually indistinguishable.
    Relations: Qu tend to remain isolated in their swamps. They are usually friendly to outsiders, but outsiders often have trouble truly blending into qu society. Qu that visit other lands, particularly cities, tend to create friction due to their unusual views on proper behavior, but they often make close friends among similarly free-spirited individuals.
    Alignment: Qu are strongly chaotic and generally good.
    Lands: Qu swamps are insular communities in marshes. Qu homes are usually small, elevated above the surface of the water on stilts, with a ramp leading down to a dry area that rises out of the swamp. This small area of dry land is usually where the kitchen area is. Often, several qu homes will share the same dry patch, sometimes with separate kitchens, other times with larger, communal ones.
    Religion: Qu worship their marshes as a living entities, but they also worship a variety of other deities, including deities with strong elemental ties to earth and water, gods of food and cooking, and gods of nature.
    Language: Qu speak common, though their lack of a nose and large tongue means they speak it with some difficulty, sounding like they are speaking with a full mouth. There was a qu language long ago, but it was eventually supplanted by common. They do still use words from the old language to describe tastes, textures, flavors and occasionally the names of dishes. Qu words are very heavy on vowel sounds. They use the word ‘taste’ the way most use the word ‘smell’, since the senses are the same to them.
    Names: Traditonally, qu names start with the letters ‘Qu’. The names are usually gender-neutral.
    Adventurers: Qu adventurers are usually Gourmands. Most often ,their motivation is pure wanderlust. They want to see and taste everything the world has to offer.

    • -2 dexterity, +2 constitution. Qu are hardy, but heavy-set and slow to move.
    • Monstrous Humanoid type
    • Medium Size
    • Qu have a base land speed of 20 feet
    • Scent
    • Tongue: A qu has a long, flexible tongue that they can use to grab things. A qu’s tounge has a reach of ten feet. A qu can use their tongue for a number of purposes. They can grab small objects weighing no more than (10 lbs x qu’s str mod) and pull it toward them. A qu can use their tongue to deliver touch spells and other touch-based effects, or to trip/disarm opponents at a range.
    • Big-Boned: Qu possess the Overweight trait. They do not take a penalty to speed.
    • Martial Proficiency: Qu are considered proficient with tridents.
    • Base Languages: Common. Bonus Languages: Aquan, Giant, Goblin, Halfling, Orc, Sylvan
    • Favored Class: Gourmand

    Risen A race of undead creatures, raised from death with a hunger for flesh.

    I‘ve already died once, you think you have what it takes to put me down again?

    Risen are not truly a race of their own, being the reanimated remains of humans, most often. It’s possible they can be made from other humanoid races, but it’s rare.
    Personality: Risen personalities are a pale reflection of the personality they once had in life. They only remember disjointed, broken memories of their former lives, usually only the strongest or most recent memories, but they retain some unconscious reactions. For example, a risen might forget the man who stole his wife, but would still get angry when they see them. But the longer a risen has been around, the more muted and gray their emotions become, often leaving them bitter and spiteful of the living, like an old man angry at the young.
    Physical Description: Risen are extremely eerie to look upon. They look very human but their flesh is dead gray and cold to the touch. Their facial muscles don’t work quite right anymore, giving their faces an unsettling off-ness. and as time goes on they begin to look emaciated, stretched over their skeletons as their organs atrophy. The ritual that creates them requires the bodies to be mostly intact and mostly covered in flesh, but sometimes it will raise bodies missing fingers or toes, or with exposed bones.
    Relations: Risen are obviously undead in nature, and are very often viewed as corruptions of the natural order. If not actively hunted down and destroyed, they are usually avoided, ostracized, and generally shunned whenever possible. Some hide among their former brethren with illusions or disguises, but most of them create their own towns. Very few living beings are completely at ease with their tendancy to eat flesh and their taste for humanoid meat.
    Alignment: As they grow older, most risen eventually become evil or at least neutral. There’s much debate if it’s in their nature, or if it’s in response to a world that hates them for existing. They’re more often neutral than lawful or chaotic.
    Lands: Risen settlements usually arise around mass graves, graveyards, crypts, or battlefields, wherever a large number of somewhat-intact bodies can be found. They tend to be quite isolated, and are often under attack by forces of paladins and clerics.
    Religion: Risen can be of any religion. Some of them try to remain faithful to the gods they kept faith with before they died, if they remember. Some worship gods of death and rebirth. Others embrace their undead nature and worship dark gods of undeath and necromancy.
    Language: Risen retain all the languages they spoke in life.
    Names: Risen use the name they used in life, if they can learn it or discover it somehow. Those that can’t choose new names when they first rise.
    Adventurers: Risen adventurers are somewhat common. The only way for risen to increase their numbers is through a magical ritual, and as such, many risen eagerly seek to increase their magical power through adventuring in the hopes they will eventually be able to raise their own settlement.

    Living Dead subtype (Ex): Risen are undead with the living dead subtype. A living dead being is an undead creature a number of lingering qualities of life, as detailed below.
    Features: As a living dead creature, a risen has the following features:
    • A risen derives it‘s hit dice, base attack bonus progression, saving throws, and skill points from the class it selects.

    Traits: As a living dead creature, a risen has the following traits:
    • Unlike other undead, a risen has a constitution score.
    • Unlike other undead, a risen does not have darkvision.
    • Unlike other undead, a risen is not immune to mind-affecting spells and abilities.
    • Immune to Poison, Sleep effects, Paralysis, Disease, Nausea, Fatigue, Exhaustion, Effects that cause the Sickened condition, and energy drain.
    • A risen cannot heal lethal damage naturally.
    • Unlike other undead, risen are subject to critical hits, nonlethal damage, stunning, ability damage, ability drain, death effects, and necromancy effects.
    • As living dead, risen can be targeted by spells that affect living creatures as well as undead. For example, a risen is vulnerable to both Circle of Death and Undeath to Death. A risen is healed by negative energy and damaged by positive energy as a normal undead creature.
    • A risen responds differently from an undead creature when reduced to 0 hit points. A risen at 0 hit points is disabled, as with a living creature. They can only take a move or standard action each round, but strenuous activity does not risk further injury. When a risen’s HP is below 0, but above -10, the risen is inert. They are unconscious and helpless, and cannot perform any actions. An inert risen does not lose additional hit points unless more damage is dealt to them, as with a living creature that is stable.
    • As a living dead creature, a risen can be raised or resurrected. The risen creation process fundamentally changes a soul, meaning even if slain and resurrected, the risen continues to be a risen, and does not revert to their former, living state.
    • A living dead creature does not need to eat, sleep, or breathe, but can still benefit from the effects of consumable spells, magic items, and dishes, such a hero’s feast and potions. Despite not needing to eat, a risen still feels hunger, the only thing satisfying their hunger is meat.
    • Although a living dead creature does not need to sleep, a risen wizard must rest for 8 hours before preparing spells.

    Risen Traits:
    • +2 intelligence, -2 dexterity, -2 charisma: Risen are intelligent, their minds sharpened by a lifetime of experience, but their decaying bodies are slow to react and they’re universally creepy.
    • Consume: A risen craves flesh, often raw when they can get it. In truth, their undead body craves the living essence. The risen can consume the flesh from an adjacent corpse. Eating in this way takes one minute. A corpse targeted by this ability cannot be butchered for ingredients. This heals the risen a number of HP equal to ½ the creature’s HD, rounded down. If the risen targets a humanoid corpse, they instead heal HP equal to the creature’s full HD.
    • Fortification: When a critical hit or sneak attack is scored on a risen, there is a 50% chance that the critical hit or sneak attack is negated and damage is instead rolled normally.
    • Languages: Any the risen knew in life.
    • Favored Class: Blue Mage

    Mechanics of Rebirth
    A risen is brought back from the grave changed from their former life. They lose most of the racial traits of their former race, becoming risen. The following information details exactly what changes mechanically.
    Type, subtype, race: You lose your original type, becoming undead, and gaining the living dead subtype in addition to any existing subtypes. You still count as a member of your original race and a risen for the purpose of any effects or prerequisite based on race.
    Racial hit dice: You retain your original racial Hit Dice, as well as all benefits gained therefrom (base attack and save bonuses, skill points, hit points, and so on).
    Ability Modifiers: You retain your original racial ability modifiers and gain the ability modifiers of the risen race.
    Size: You retain your original size. If the original race had powerful build as a racial trait, it is also retained.
    Speed: You retain your original base land speed, as well as any other modes of movement possessed by your original race. Other racial traits related to speed or movement, such as the dwarf’s ability to move at full speed in medium or heavy armor, are lost.
    Languages: You retain any languages you already know.
    Favored Class: You retain your original favored classes and gain Blue Mage as a favored class.
    Level Adjustment: You retain your original level adjustment.
    Other Racial Traits: You lose all other racial traits of your original race, including bonus feats, skill bonuses, attack bonuses, save bonuses, spell-like abilities, and so forth. Two specific instances warrant clarification.
    • If your original race granted you a nonspecific bonus feat (such as the one gained by a human at 1st level), any feat can be lost, so long as it is not a prerequisite for another feat you have.
    • If your original race granted bonus skill points, you should deduct an appropriate amount of skill points from your current skill ranks. The specific skills affected are up to you, but the DM’s input might be required to adjudicate tricky situations (such as multiclass characters who might have purchased ranks of various skills as both class skills and cross-class skills).

    The loss of racial traits might mean you no longer meet the prerequisites for a prestige class, feat, or some other feature. In general, you lose any special ability for which you no longer qualify, and nothing is gained in its place. A couple of exceptions exist.
    • If you no longer qualify for a feat due to the transformation, you lose the feat and immediately select a new feat for which you qualify in its place. You must also replace any feat for which the lost feat was a prerequisite.
    • If you no longer qualify for a prestige class, you lose the benefit of any class features or other special abilities granted by the class. You retain Hit Dice gained from advancing in the class, as well as any improvements to base attack bonus and base save bonuses that the class provided. If you later meet all the prerequisites for the class, you regain the benefits.

    Kroot A race of bipedal avians who slowly take on the traits of those they eat.

    I am more than one warrior, I contain the essence of all the greatest warriors I have slain. Show me you are worthy of being one of them.

    Kroot are a race of warriors and hunters, descended from great raptorlike avians, who slowly take on the traits of the creatures they consume.
    Personality: Kroot are somewhat harsh in personality. They live violent lives, where everything and everyone fits into one or two categories. Useful or useless, friend or enemy, good or bad. They have little room for gray area in their outlook. They have a number of strong traditions, taboos, and rules regarding food.
    Physical Description: Kroot are tall and wiry avian humanoids, standing between six and seven feet tall. Their skin usually ranges between pale green, dark forest green, and brown. They have a large, strong beak with a upward-hooking bite, and their skin is studded here and there with sturdy quills, the remnants of feathers, that allow the kroot to sense vibrations in their environment with remarkable accuracy. Kroot slowly take on the traits of animals and intelligent beings they consume, which means that all adult kroot look slightly different on a fundamental level.
    Relations: Kroot have been isolated on their island home until very recently, meaning most kroot are complete outsiders to other cultures. However, from what limited contact there is, they seem to get along well with orcs, who have similar respect for strength, even among their foes. Many races are uncomfortable around Kroot, however, for their tendency to eat the flesh of their defeated foes. Most often, kroot away from their island homes are mercenaries, fighters for money.
    Alignment: Kroot are a strange dichotomy. They have strong traditions and taboos, and are strongly obedient to the Shapers. However, they are relatively chaotic in their personal lives. They are usually more likely to be neutral than any extreme alignment.
    Lands: A kroot’s home island is a remote island where almost all the residents are related to kroot. The leading theory among scholars is that the kroot’s ancestor, an avian predator, arrived and, eventually, took on the traits of the various native creatures of the island, including the humanoids.
    Religion: Kroot have strong spiritual beliefs about who and what they eat. They believe that any worthy warrior’s spirit must be preserved, and the only way to do so is to consume the warrior’s flesh, taking a portion of their spirit in.
    Language: Kroot speak their own language, which features a number of squawks, whistles, and chirps, and features a pitch element. Since they are just joining the rest of the world, most can’t speak common. They can quickly learn languages, however, and they often pick up the local language wherever they arrive on the mainland.
    Names: Kroot names are pretty much unpronounceable to those who don’t speak kroot, meaning many kroot in foreign lands translate their names to the local tongue. Their names are descriptive, usually, often detailing physical traits or great accomplishments. For example One-Who-Ate-The-Knarloc, or One-Who-Laid-Many.
    Adventurers: Kroot adventurers are usually those seeking glory or strength from new blood found outside their home island.

    • +2 dexterity, +2 strength, -4 intelligence, -2 charisma
    • Monstrous Humanoid
    • Medium Size: Kroot have no special bonuses or penalties based on size.
    • Kroot have a base land speed of 30 feet.
    • Kroot have a bite attack that deals 1d6 points of damage
    • Scent: Kroot possess the scent ability.
    • Path: A kroot absorb traits from their food. This means a kroot must be aware and cautious about what they consume, to avoid gaining traits they don’t want. The kroot character selects a path from the options listed below. This path includes a taboo, which defines creatures that a kroot on that specific path is forbidden to eat. If a kroot breaks this taboo, they lose the benefits of their path for 24 hours. A kroot can identify if a creature or dish would violate their taboo by smell.
    • Nymune Rush: Kroot have a special organ, a sort of supercharged adrenaline gland. A kroot can tap this reservoir, allowing them to enhance their speed and reflexes. This state grants the kroot a +1 dodge bonus to AC and reflex saves. While in this state, a kroot may make an additional attack at their highest base attack bonus when making a full attack. This attack and all other attack rolls made during their turn take a -2 penalty. A kroot can enter this state for a number of rounds each day equal to the kroot’s constitution modifier. These rounds can be divided up as the kroot chooses.
    • Base Languages: Kroot. Bonus Languages: Any non-secret.
    • Favored Class: Predator


    Path of the Krootox
    Taboo: Creatures smaller than medium
    Lv 1| +2 Strength
    Lv 6| Slams
    Lv 12| Powerful Build
    Lv 18| Mighty Blows[/table]

    A kroot on the path of the krootox becomes heavier, bulkier, and more muscular. As they increase in level, they begin to resemble an upright gorilla in build.

    Slams: You gain two secondary slam attacks that deal 1d4 points of damage.

    Powerful Build: You gain the powerful build special quality.

    Mighty Blows: Your natural weapons deal damage as though one size larger. Your bite's damage increases to 1d8, and your slams increase to 1d6. Your slam attacks add your full strength modifier to damage rolls, instead of 1/2 as is normal for secondary attacks.

    Path of the Kroot Hound
    Taboo: Creatures that are blind.
    Lv 1| Track, +2 Wisdom
    Lv 6| Blindsense (30)
    Lv 12| Blindsight (30)
    Lv 18| Blindsense (60)[/table]

    A kroot on the path of the kroot hound has a slightly longer, narrower beak and longer, more sensitive quills. As you increase in level, these traits become more pronounced.

    Track: You gain the track feat as a bonus feat.

    Blindsense: Your quills and nose become more sensitive, allowing you to sense your surroundings within 30 feet with a combination of vibration and scent. Creatures the kroot cannot actually see still have total concealment from the kroot. At 18th level, this blindsense increases to 60 feet.

    Blindsight: You can locate creatures within 30 feet through scent and vibration as well as a sighted creature can.

    Path of the Knarloc
    Taboo: Creatures with no natural weapons
    Lv 1| +2 Strength
    Lv 6| Speed +10
    Lv 12| Weapons
    Lv 18| Pounce[/table]

    A kroot on the path of the knarloc has a larger, stronger beak. Their fingers and toes develop claws that become longer and stronger as you level. You take on a more hunched-over posture when running, and as you level, even develop a tail.

    Speed: Your base land speed increases by 10 feet.

    Weapons: You gain a pair of secondary claw attacks that deal 1d4 points of damage, and your bite attack increases to 1d8. You gain a pair of rake attacks on your feet that deal 1d4 points of damage.

    Pounce: When you charge, you can make a full attack, including two rake attacks.

    Path of the Kroot Hawk
    Taboo: Creatures with +4 or higher natural armor
    Lv 1| +2 Dexterity, Wings
    Lv 6| Partial Flight
    Lv 12| Flight
    Lv 18| Fast flight[/table]

    A kroot on the path of the kroot hawk bears a pair of wings on their back. In the initial stages, these are batlike, covered with short quills like the rest fo their body, but as they grow in level, the wings become larger, stronger, and the quills become more and more featherlike.

    Wings: A kroot on this path bears a pair of small, weak wings. Kroot can use these wings to aid their jumps (granting a +10 racial bonus on Jump checks) and to glide, negating damage from a fall from any height and allowing 20 feet of forward travel for every 5 feet of descent. Kroot glide at a speed of 40 feet with average maneuverability. Even if a kroot's maneuverability improves, they can’t hover while gliding. A kroot can’t glide while carrying a medium or heavy load. If a kroot becomes unconscious or helpless while in midair, their wings naturally unfurl, and powerful ligaments stiffen them. The kroot descends slowly in a tight corkscrew and takes only 1d6 points of falling damage, no matter the actual distance of the fall.

    Partial Flight: A kroot gains a fly speed of 40 feet with average maneuverability. A kroot can’t fly while carrying a medium or heavy load or while fatigued or exhausted. A kroot can safely fly for a number of consecutive rounds equal to their Constitution modifier (minimum 1 round). They can double this length of flight but is fatigued by such exertion. The kroot is likewise fatigued after spending a total of more than 10 minutes per day flying. Because a kroot can glide before, after, and between rounds of actual flight, she can remain aloft for extended periods, even if she can only use flight for 1 round at a time without becoming fatigued.

    Flight: A kroot has enough stamina and prowess to fly without tiring. They can fly at a speed of 40 feet (average maneuverability) with no more exertion than walking or running. A kroot with flight can make a dive attack. A dive attack works like a charge, but the kroot must move a minimum of 30 feet and descend at least 10 feet. A kroot can make a dive attack only when wielding a piercing weapon or posessing a claw attack. If the dive attack hits, it deals double damage. A kroot with flight can use the run action while
    flying, provided they fly in a straight line.

    Fast Flight: A kroot increases their fly speed to 80 feet, with good maneuverability.

    Path of the Kroot Shark
    Taboo: Creatures without a swim speed
    Lv 1| +2 Strength, Water breathing
    Lv 6| Swim speed (30)
    Lv 12| Great Bite
    Lv 18|Swim speed (60)[/table]

    A kroot on this path grows webbing between their toes and fingers, which spreads down the digits as they increase in level.

    Water Breathing: A kroot on this path gains the ability to breathe water as well as air.

    Swim Speed: A kroot gains the ability to swim through the water as easily as a fish. They gain a +8 racial bonus to swim checks, and can take 10 on swim checks made to perform a special action or avoid a hazard. At 6th level, they can swim at a speed of 30 feet. At 12th level, a kroot can swim at a speed of 60 feet.

    Great Bite: A kroot's bite increases to 1d8 points of damage. If you attack with just your bite attack alone in a round, you deal 2x your strength damage with the attack.
    Last edited by Admiral Squish; 2014-02-02 at 01:53 PM.
    My Homebrew
    Five-time champion of the GITP monster competition!

    Current Projects:
    Crossroads: the New World: A pathfinder campaign setting about an alternate history of North America, where five empire collide in a magical land full of potential. On the road to publication!

    Epic Avatar and Sigitar by AlterForm

  3. - Top - End - #3
    Firbolg in the Playground
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    On my back, in my heart

    Default Re: The Omnomnomicon [Under Construction]

    Chapter 2: Classes

    Classes: (Under Construction)

    Gourmand: A cultured cook who can give extra bonuses to his allies under the effects of his dishes.

    Predator: A primal hunter with a taste for flesh.

    Blue Mage: Part cook, part mage, a blue mage pushes cooking to it's limits, infusing arcane power into dishes.

    Alternate Class Features:

    Game Hunter Ranger:
    Eschewing some of your connection with the wild spirit of the world, you instead reap divine benefits from hunting and feasting on monsters.
    Level: Ranger 1st
    Replaces: If you select this class feature you do not gain Wild Empathy and never gain divine spells or spell slots.
    Benefit: You gain Cooking as a class skill. In addition, you gain the Savor feature at 1st level. This feature allows you to double the duration of dishes you prepare and consume yourself. Finally, you add your Favored Enemy bonus to your Cooking check when preparing dishes obtained from your Favored Enemies.
    Last edited by Admiral Squish; 2012-11-23 at 11:57 PM.
    My Homebrew
    Five-time champion of the GITP monster competition!

    Current Projects:
    Crossroads: the New World: A pathfinder campaign setting about an alternate history of North America, where five empire collide in a magical land full of potential. On the road to publication!

    Epic Avatar and Sigitar by AlterForm

  4. - Top - End - #4
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Dec 2007
    On my back, in my heart

    Default Re: The Omnomnomicon [Under Construction]

    Chapter 3: Character Options

    Prerequisite: Overweight or Obese trait
    Benefit: Benefit: You gain a size bonus (+2 for overweight, +4 for obese) bonus on all grapple, bull rush, trip, and overrun checks. This replaces with the normal defensive bonus to bullrush and trip checks from the prerequisite trait. In addition, you gain DR 2/piercing or slashing.

    Featherweight: You are about 20% lighter than a normal person of your race. This may be a naturally extremely slight build, or it could be a symptom of a sickness, or it could be the result of extreme dieting.

    • You gain a +2 bonus on Escape Artist, Hide, Move Silently, and Tumble checks.
    • You suffer a -2 penalty to resist being bullrushed or tripped when standing on the ground (this works in the same manner as the dwarf racial ability).
    • Subtract 2 from your effective Strength when determining your encumbrance limit.
    • You gain fire resistance 1 against environmental heat effects.

    Overweight: You are about 20% heavier than a normal person of your race, and all the extra weight is fat. This can be a natural predilection toward weight, or the result of poor diet.

    • You suffer a -2 penalty on Climb, Escape Artist, Hide, Jump, Move Silently, and Tumble checks.
    • You gain a +2 bonus to resist being bull rushed or tripped when standing on the ground (but not when climbing, flying, riding, or otherwise not standing firmly on the ground).
    • Subtract 2 from your effective Strength when determining your encumbrance limit. This reflects the extra body weight.
    • You take a 5 foot penalty to your base land speed. When running, you only move at x3 speed, even if not wearing heavy armour.
    • You gain cold resistance 1 against environmental cold effects.

    Obese: You are about 50% heavier than a normal person of your race, and all the extra weight is fat.

    • You suffer a -4 penalty on Climb, Escape Artist, Hide, Jump, Move Silently, and Tumble checks.
    • You gain a +4 bonus to resist being bullrushed or tripped when standing on the ground (but not when climbing, flying, riding, or otherwise not standing firmly on the ground).
    • Subtract 4 from your effective Strength when determining your encumbrance limit. This reflects the extra body weight.
    • You take a 10-foot penalty to your base land speed. When running, you only move at x3 speed, even if not wearing heavy armour. Additionally, you can only maintain a running pace for half as long as other characters.
    • You gain cold resistance 3 against environmental cold effects.
    Last edited by Admiral Squish; 2012-11-26 at 12:23 PM.
    My Homebrew
    Five-time champion of the GITP monster competition!

    Current Projects:
    Crossroads: the New World: A pathfinder campaign setting about an alternate history of North America, where five empire collide in a magical land full of potential. On the road to publication!

    Epic Avatar and Sigitar by AlterForm

  5. - Top - End - #5
    Firbolg in the Playground
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    On my back, in my heart

    Default Re: The Omnomnomicon [Under Construction]

    Chapter 4: Cooking

    NEW SKILL: Cooking (Wis)
    A cooking check allows a character to create extraordanary and even supernatural dishes.

    For mundane purposes, a character with ranks in cooking can craft dishes of great quality. You can use a cooking check in place of a craft (cooking) or profession (chef) check.

    But the true power of this skill comes to light to prepare blue magic dishes. To prepare a dish, you must have a minimum number of ranks in Cooking, as indicated in the dish entry. Cooking a blue magic dish is a process that takes one hour. A chef can prepare a number of different dishes at a time equal to their wisdom modifier. To create a dish, a character must be able to move, access the necessary ingredients, and manipulate objects. he must be able to concentrate during this time.

    All dishes have a basic DC, indicated in their dish entry. The cook must beat this DC for the dish to work. Most dishes grow more powerful if you beat the DC by some number, usually 5 or 10. If you fail to beat the basic DC by 5 or fewer points, the dish simply has no effect, beyond it's nutritional value and taste. If you fail the check my 5 or more, the eater must make a fortitude save (DC 12) or be sickened for one hour. If you fail by 10 or more, the eater must make a fortitude save (DC 15) or be nauseated for one minute, and sickened for one hour thereafter.

    Preparing a monster's meat for cooking requires speed. The creature's essence rapidly leaves the meat once they're dead, and as it leaves, it becomes harder to get magical effects from the meat. For every hour the ingredient creature is dead, a cook takes a -5 penalty to the check to prepare a dish from their meat. This timer can be paused with spells or effects that prevent decay, spoiling, or rot.

    A dish's duration is variable, based on the result of your cooking check. With a result of 10, the dish lasts one hour. For every ten points your cooking check exceeds 10, the duration increases by one hour.

    All creatures have eight possible cuts. When you take a cut from a creature, you cannot take another one of that cut. for example, you could not take a head cut to make Powdered Fang and a head cut to make Brilliant Brain, even if the two dishes do not require the same head-related organs. these cuts also work as 'slots' for dishes. You cannot have more than one dish active of any given cut, and you cannot have a total number of active dishes greater than your constitution modifier. These cuts are as follows.


    Some dishes make multiple servings. This number indicates the number of that dish that are produced with a single cooking check from a single cut of the ingredient creature. Eating a serving of a dish requires at least ten minutes.

    Dishes require specific ingredients, sometimes a specific creature, sometimes an ability or score the creature must possess in order to be used in a dish. A cook can determine any and all dishes a creature qualifies as ingredients for with one minute of studying the body.

    Some creatures are not suitable to be made into dishes, no matter what traits or qualities they possess that would indicate otherwise. Outsiders cannot be cooked because their essence instantly disperses back into their home plane once they die. Constructs cannot be cooked not only because they are usually made of inedible materials, but because they are only animated by bound elemental spirits, not their own essence. Undead cannot be cooked because their living essence has been replaced with a negative energy facsimile. Humanoids, monstrous humanoids, and giants cannot be cooked because it requires special rituals and an evil heart to capture the essence of a humanlike creature in it's meat.
    Last edited by Admiral Squish; 2012-11-24 at 11:19 PM.
    My Homebrew
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    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Dec 2007
    On my back, in my heart

    Default Re: The Omnomnomicon [Under Construction]

    Chapter 5: Dishes

    Basic Dishes:

    Arcane Mind
    Arcane Mind
    Minimum Ranks: 4
    Cut: Head
    Servings: 1
    Cook DC: 15
    Augment: Yes
    Ingredients: Ingredient creature w/ sorcerer or wizard spell casting.

    This dish is composed of the mind of a highly magical creature. The majority of the brain is cut away, leaving only the frontal lobes, which are then cooked in oil until tender.

    The eater shows no outward signs that this dish is in effect, but the eater feels their mind filling with arcane symbols and words of power. The eater gains three 0-level arcane spell slots that they can fill with any spell from the sorcerer/wizard spell list. If the eater uses these spell slots, the spell slot is expended and cannot be used again until the eater rests for eight hours, even if the eater consumes another batch of this dish. (For example, if you cast two of the granted spells, and eat another batch of this dish, you would only be able to cast one more.)

    You cannot cast a spell with a level greater than ½ your HD, rounded down. Spell DCs are equal to 10+spell level+Cha.

    If you beat the DC by 5 or more, you gain two 1st level spell slots, and one additional 0-level spell slot
    If you beat the DC by 10 or more, you gain two 2nd level spell slots, and one additional 1st level spell slot.
    If you beat the DC by 15 or more, you gain two 3rd level spell slots, and one additional 1st, and 2nd level spell slot.
    If you beat the DC by 20 or more, you gain two 4th level spell slots, and one additional 2nd and 3rd level spell slot.
    If you beat the DC by 25 or more, you gain two 5th level spell slots, and one additional 3rd and 4th level spell slot.
    If you beat the DC by 30 or more, you gain two 6th level spell slots, and one additional 4th, and 5th level spell slot.
    If you beat the DC by 35 or more, you gain two 7th level spell slots, and one additional 5th, and 6th level spell slot.
    If you beat the DC by 40 or more, you gain two 8th level spell slots, and one additional 6th, and 7th level spell slot.
    If you beat the DC by 45 or more, you gain two 9th level spell slots, and one additional 7th, and 8th level spell slot.

    (Example: DC 60 means you have 6 0-level, 5 1st-level, 5 2nd-level, 5 3rd level, 5 4th level, 5 5th level, 5 6th level, 4 7th level, 3 8th level and 2 9th level spell slots)

    Bitter Venom Shake
    Bitter Venom Shake
    Minimum Ranks: 4
    Cut: Head
    Servings: 2
    Cook DC: 15
    Augment: Yes
    Ingredients: Ingredient creature w/ Poison tied to a bite attack

    This dish is made of the extracted venom of a poisonous creature. The poison is mixed with an antivenom and diluted into milk, blended together with finely-crushed ice, sugar, and often some sort of flavoring. Naturally, the venom‘s flavor is bitter, and no amount of sweetening or flavoring will truly remove the bitter quality.

    The eater if this dish has their teeth grow into long, needle-like fangs. The eater gains a bite attack that deals 1d4 points of damage. If the eater hits with this bite attack, the target is subject to poison with a DC equal to (10+½ cook‘s HD+eater‘s Con). This poison deals 1d4 points of strength or dexterity damage (cook’s choice) as initial and secondary damage.

    For every 10 points you beat the DC by, the initial and secondary damage increases by one die size.
    If you beat the DC by 10 or more, you can choose to make the poison deal 1d4 points of con damage as initial and secondary damage. This damage is not increased by the augment.

    Brilliant Brain
    Brilliant Brain
    Minimum Ranks: 4
    Cut: Head
    Servings: 2
    Cook DC: 15
    Augment: Yes
    Ingredients: Ingredient Creature w/ intelligence >20

    This dish is composed of the brain of a highly intelligent creature, often baked and spiced.

    The eater’s mind becomes quicker and more creative, gaining a +2 culinary bonus to intelligence.

    For every 10 points you beat the DC by, the bonus to intelligence increases by 2.

    Climbing Claws
    Climbing Claws
    Minimum Ranks: 4
    Cut: Hands
    Servings: 2
    Cook DC: 15
    Augment: Yes
    Ingredients: An ingredient creature w/ a climb speed and a four-limbed body plan.

    This dish is made of the hands or claws of a creature capable of climbing, such as a monkey or a lizard. The dish has very little meat on it, and can often simply be devoured bone and all.

    The eater of this dish gains a climb speed of 20 feet. This confers a +8 racial bonus to climb checks, and the eater can take 10 on all climb checks, even if rushed or threatened.

    For every 10 points you beat the DC by, the climb speed increases by 10 feet.

    Crushing Coils
    Crushing Coils
    Minimum Ranks: 4
    Cut: Arms
    Servings: 2
    Cook DC: 15
    Augment: Yes
    Ingredients: Ingredient creature w/ constrict ability.

    This dish is made from the flesh of a creature that crushes its prey to death, usually a serpentine beast of some sort. The flesh is flaky and delicate, despite its rich, flavorful taste.

    The eater’s arms grow more powerful and flexible. The eater gains a +2 bonus to grapple checks, and can constrict a grappled opponent to deal 1d4+(1.5x str bonus) damage to a grappled opponent with a successful grapple check.

    For every 5 points you beat the DC by, the grapple bonus increases by 1.
    For every 10 points you beat the DC by, the damage dealt increases by one die size.

    Dancing Tentacles
    Dancing Tentacles
    Minimum Ranks: 4
    Cut: Shoulder
    Servings: 2
    Cook DC: 15
    Augment: Yes
    Ingredients: Ingredient creature w/ tentacle attack.

    This dish is composed of a tentacle or two. The meat is chopped off and flash-fried while still fresh, served atop a bed of rice or noodles. Soy sauce is then poured over the tentacle when served, making it squirm and writhe.

    The eater of this dish grows a pair of tentacles from their shoulders. They gain two tentacle attacks that deal 1d4 points of damage, with a reach of ten feet. You can make trip and disarm attempts with these tentacles. The tentacles grant a +2 bonus to grapple checks.

    For every 5 points you beat the DC by, the grapple bonus increases by +1.
    For every 10 points you beat the DC by, the tentacle’s damage increases by one die size.

    Destructive Lung
    Destructive Lung
    Minimum Ranks: 4
    Cut: Chest
    Servings: 2
    Cook DC: 15
    Augment: Yes
    Ingredients: Ingredient creature w/ breath weapon that deals Acid, Cold, Electricity, or Fire damage

    Traditionally, this dish is made from a dragon‘s lung, but it can be made out of the lung of any creature with a breath weapon attack. The lung is stuffed with the shredded fundament organ of the ingredient creature and a stuffing mixture. The fundament organ makes the dish taste distinctly different from energy type to energy type. Electric breath weapons make the dish taste somewhat metallic. Fire breath weapons taste spicy and hot. Cold breath weapons are almost sweet. Acid breath weapons taste citrusy and somewhat sour.

    The eater of this dish can breathe out a breath weapon as a standard action. This takes the form of a 15-foot cone or a 30-foot line (chosen by the eater with each breath) that deals 2d6 points of Acid, Cold, Electricity or Fire damage (whichever the ingredient creature dealt) to all creatures in the area, with a reflex save (DC 10+eater’s Con +½ eater’s HD) for half damage. After using this ability, the eater must wait 1d4 rounds before he can use it again.

    For every 5 points you beat the DC by, the breath weapon’s damage increases by 2d6 points.
    For every 10 points you beat the DC by, the size of the breath weapon increases, the cone becoming 15 feet longer, and the line becoming 30 feet longer.

    Energy-proof Hide
    Energy-proof hide
    Minimum Ranks: 4
    Cut: Skin
    Servings: 2
    Cook DC: 15
    Augment: Yes
    Ingredients: Ingredient Creature w/ energy resistance or immunity to acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic.

    This dish is made of the hide and underlying meat of a creature with energy resistance. The meat retains this property, which can make it difficult to prepare and store. Acid resistant meat won‘t absorb any sort of tangy sauce. Fire resistant meat is extremely slow to cook, requiring a very high flame. Cold resistant meat doesn‘t refrigerate well.

    The eater of this dish becomes highly resistant to a particular sort of energy, based on the resistance of the ingredient creature. If the ingredient creature is resistant or immune to cold, the eater gains resistance to cold. If they’re resistant to fire, you gain resistance to fire. If the ingredient creature is immune or resistant to multiple energy types, choose one. The eater gains energy resistance 5 to the appropriate energy type.

    For every 5 points you beat the DC by, the energy resistance increases by 5 points.
    If you beat the DC by 20 points or more, the energy resistance becomes energy immunity.

    Eagle Eye Bites:
    Eagle Eye Bites
    Minimum Ranks: 4
    Cut: Head
    Servings: 2
    Cook DC: 15
    Augment: Yes
    Ingredient Creatures: Ingredient creature w/ racial bonus to spot checks.

    These are the eyes of a sharp-eyed creature, served plain or breaded, often fried. Despite the numerous eye dishes that are about, these dishes are still rarely served.

    The eater of this dish gains a +4 bonus to spot checks.

    For every 5 points you beat the DC by, the bonus to spot checks increases by 2.

    Faithful Heart
    Faithful Heart
    Minimum Ranks: 4
    Cut: Chest
    Servings: 1
    Cook DC: 15
    Augment: Yes
    Ingredients: Ingredient creature w/ cleric spell casting.

    This dish actually started as a religious ritual, arising separately from monster meat cooking. The heart is removed fresh, sliced into cutlets, basted in sauce, and grilled. The meat itself is extremely flavorful, much like tenderloin.

    The eater shows no outward signs that this dish is in effect, but the eater feels their mind filling with holy prayers and incantations. The eater gains three 0-level divine spell slots that they can fill with any spell from the cleric spell list. If the eater uses these spell slots, the spell slot is expended and cannot be used again until the eater rests for eight hours, even if the eater consumes another batch of this dish. (For example, if you cast two of the granted spells, and eat another batch of this dish, you would only be able to cast one more.)

    You cannot cast a spell with a level greater than ½ your HD, rounded down. Spell DCs are equal to 10+spell level+wis.

    If you beat the DC by 5 or more, you gain two 1st level spell slots, and one additional 0-level spell slot
    If you beat the DC by 10 or more, you gain two 2nd level spell slots, and one additional 0 and 1st level spell slot.
    If you beat the DC by 15 or more, you gain two 3rd level spell slots, and one additional 1st, and 2nd level spell slot.
    If you beat the DC by 20 or more, you gain two 4th level spell slots, and one additional 1st, 2nd, and 3rd level spell slot.
    If you beat the DC by 25 or more, you gain two 5th level spell slots, and one additional 2nd, 3rd, and 4th level spell slot.
    If you beat the DC by 30 or more, you gain two 6th level spell slots, and one additional 3rd, 4th, and 5th level spell slot.
    If you beat the DC by 35 or more, you gain two 7th level spell slots, and one additional 4th, 5th, and 6th level spell slot.
    If you beat the DC by 40 or more, you gain two 8th level spell slots, and one additional 5th, 6th, and 7th level spell slot.
    If you beat the DC by 45 or more, you gain two 9th level spell slots, and one additional 6th, 7th, and 8th level spell slot.

    (Example: DC 60 means you have 6 0-level, 5 1st-level, 5 2nd-level, 5 3rd level, 5 4th level, 4 5th level, 5 6th level, 4 7th level, 3 8th level and 2 9th level spell slots)

    Ferocious Claws
    Ferocious Claws
    Minimum Ranks: 4
    Cut: Hands
    Servings: 2
    Cook DC: 15
    Augment: Yes
    Ingredients: Ingredient creature w/ pounce and claw attacks

    This dish is made of the meat of a beast‘s paws, usually a feline, pulled from the bones and shredded fine. The meat can then be used in a number of ways, usually mixed with a tangy sauce and served on a bun.

    The eater of this dish grows a set of retractable claws on their fingers. These claws deal 1d4 points of damage. If the eater makes a charge attack, you may attack with both claw attacks at the end of it.

    For every 10 points you beat the DC by, the claw’s base damage increases by one die size.
    If you beat the DC by 10 or more, the eater can attack with all their natural attacks at the end of a charge.
    If you beat the DC by 20 or more, the eater can make a full attack at the end of a charge.

    Flipper Fillet
    Flipper Fillet
    Minimum Ranks: 4
    Cut: Legs
    Servings: 2
    Cook DC: 15
    Augment: Yes
    Ingredients: Ingredient creature w/ swim speed

    This dish is composed of a meaty flipper or the muscular tail portion of a fish, filleted thin and sautéed in butter.

    The eater of this dish finds their feet extending into large flippers capable of propelling them easily through the water. The eater gains a swim speed of 30 feet.

    For every 10 points you beat the DC by, the swim speed increased by 10 feet.

    Fried Hide
    Fried Hide
    Minimum Ranks: 4
    Cut: Skin
    Servings: 2
    Cook DC: 15
    Augment: Yes
    Ingredients: Ingredient creature w/ natural armor bonus > +5

    This dish is made of thick animal hide, fried in oils until crispy. The dish is usually quite tough and often spiced to a certain degree.

    The eater of this dish gains a +1 culinary bonus to natural armor.

    For every 5 points you beat the DC by, the bonus to natural armor increases by 1.

    Fury Roast
    Fury Roast
    Minimum Ranks: 4
    Cut: Waist
    Servings: 1
    Cook DC: 15
    Augment: Yes
    Ingredient Creatures: Ingredient creature w/ rage ability

    This roast is cut from the stomach of a particularly angry animal, then roasted over an open flame. The dish itself is seasoned with a number of herbs, but still the true flavor of the meat comes through no matter what. The meat is tough and chewy, and has a rich, pork-like flavor with a smoky overtone.

    The eater of this dish becomes more angry and irritable while under this effect, more likely to strike back at a provocation. And they can harness that bubbling anger into an explosive rage during combat. Whenever the eater takes lethal damage in combat, they gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls, and gain temporary HP equal to ½ their HD. The temporary HP and bonuses last until the end of their next turn. If damaged again before the duration expires, these bonuses stack and the duration is renewed, up to a maximum bonus equal to their constitution modifier.

    Grasping Claws
    Grasping Claws
    Minimum Ranks: 4
    Cut: Hand
    Servings: 2
    Cook DC: 15
    Augment: Yes
    Ingredients: Ingredient creature w/ Improved Grapple tied to a claw attack.

    This dish is made of the meat of a creature‘s claw or paw, usually skinned and roasted over a flame, eaten right off the bone. There are a number of sauces that go well with this dish, each chef having their own recipes and secret ingredients.

    The eater of this dish finds their hands growing into hooked, gripping claws. The eater gains two claw attacks that deal 1d4 points of damage. The eater gains a +2 bonus to grapple checks.

    For every 5 points you beat the DC by, the grapple bonus increases by +1.
    For every 10 points you beat the DC by, the claw damage increases by one die size.

    Grilled Gills
    Grilled Gills
    Minimum Ranks: 4
    Cut: Shoulder
    Servings: 2
    Cook DC: 15
    Augment: No
    Ingredients: Ingredient creature w/ aquatic subtype or water breathing ability.

    This dish is made from the gills of an aquatic creature, skin and bone removed, and laid onto a grill and sprinkled with spices. The gills are not particularly flavorful, or filling, but the abilities they grant are vital for most any aquatic adventure.

    The eater of this dish grows a set of gills, either on the neck, or the sides of the chest. The eater gains the ability to breathe underwater.

    Grilled Stinger
    Grilled Stinger
    Minimum Ranks: 4
    Cut: Waist
    Cook DC: 15
    Augment: Yes
    Ingredients: Ingredient creature w/ a Poison sting attack.

    This dish is made of a portion of the tail of a creature bearing a venomous barb. The cooks often remove the poison glands and use the venom stored in them to produce a sort of bitter sauce that is then drizzled or glazed over the tail. The sauce serves to sharply contrast the flavors of the meat itself.

    The eater grows a tail, much like the tail of the ingredient creature, tipped with a stinger of some sort. The eater can make a sting attack that deals 1d4 points of damage. The target of this attack must make a fortitude save (DC 10+½ cook’s level+Eater’s Con mod) or be affected by the stinger’s poison. The poison deals 1d4 strength or dexterity damage (cooks’s choice) as initial and secondary damage.

    For every 10 points you beat the DC by, the poison’s initial and secondary damage is increases by one die size.
    If you beat the DC by 10 or more, you can choose to make the poison deal 1d4 points of con damage as initial and secondary damage. This damage is not increased by the augment.

    Glorious Visage
    Glorious Visage
    Minimum Ranks: 4
    Cut: Head
    Servings: 2
    Cook DC: 15
    Augment: Yes
    Ingredients: Ingredient Creature w/ charisma >20

    This dish is composed of the facial muscles of a particularly striking or charismatic creature. The taste varies widely between the different types of creatures this dish can be made of. Since it‘s made of a collection of small samples of muscles from the face, the meat is often ground up or shredded.

    The eater’s features become more comely and their skin more beautiful, gaining a +2 culinary bonus to charisma.

    For every 10 points you beat the DC by, the bonus to charisma increases by 2.

    Gutsy Steak:
    Gutsy Steak
    Minimum Ranks: 4
    Cut: Waist
    Servings: 2
    Cook DC: 15
    Augment: Yes
    Ingredients: Ingredient Creature w/ constitution >20

    This dish is made of the tough muscles of the stomach area of a hardy, resilient creature. The meat is universally tough and chewy, but they usually have a flavor strong enough to be worth the effort.

    The eater’s muscles become harder and tougher, gaining a +2 culinary bonus to constitution.

    For every 10 points you beat the DC by, the bonus to constitution increases by 2.

    Hunter’s Nose
    Hunter‘s Nose
    Minimum Ranks: 4
    Cut: Head
    Servings: 1
    Cook DC: 15
    Augment: No
    Ingredient Creatures: Ingredient creature w/ the scent ability.

    This dish is prepared out of the snout of a creature with a strong nose. Most chefs prepare it by boiling for quite a while to loosen the flesh out of the crevices. The fur must be peeled off, before the meat can be pulled off the bone.

    The eater feels their senses sharpened. They gain the scent ability and are treated as having the track feat.





    Mighty Flank
    Mighty Flank
    Minimum Ranks: 4
    Cut: Leg
    Servings: 2
    Cook DC: 15
    Augment: Yes
    Ingredient Creatures: Ingredient creature w/ trample special attack

    This dish is cut from the flank of a heavy creature that tramples foes to death. It‘s cooked slowly in broth to soften the incredibly tough meat, then sprinkled with spices and served.

    The eater of this dish fells their legs grow stronger and heavier. The eater can trample creatures of their size or smaller, dealing 1d8 damage plus 1.5x strength (reflex DC 10+½ cook’s level+str mod).

    For every 10 points you beat the DC by, the base damage of your trample attack increases by one die size.

    Mighty Slab
    Mighty Slab
    Minimum Ranks: 4
    Cut: Arm
    Servings: 2
    Cook DC: 15
    Augment: Yes
    Ingredients: Ingredient creature w/ strength >20.

    This dish is made of a carved off slab of muscle from the forelimb of a physically powerful creature. The dish can be prepared in a number of ways, but the most common method is grilling.

    The eater of this dish bulks up with muscle, gaining a +2 culinary bonus to strength.

    For every 10 points you beat the DC by, the bonus to strength increases by 2.

    Mind Fillet
    Mind Fillet
    Minimum Ranks: 4
    Cut: Head
    Servings: 2
    Cook DC: 15
    Augment: Yes
    Ingredients: Ingredient creature w/ telepathy ability.

    This dish is composed of the brain of a creature capable of communicating telepathically. The brain is removed, then sliced into inch-thick slices and fried in oil and sprinkled with spices.

    The eater gains the ability to communicate telepathically with any creature within 30 feet that has a language. A creature the eater communicates with can respond telepathically. The communication takes no more effort than normally speaking.

    For every 5 points you beat the DC by, the range of this telepathy increases by 10 feet.

    Nature’s Heart
    Nature‘s Heart
    Minimum Ranks: 4
    Cut: Chest
    Servings: 1
    Cook DC: 15
    Augment: Yes
    Ingredients: Ingredient creature w/ druid spell casting.

    This dish is made from the heart of a creature with druidic magic. The heart is cut into slices and grilled in a sauce, with a mix of vegetables and sacred herbs.

    The eater shows no outward signs that this dish is in effect, but the eater feels their mind filling with arcane symbols and words of power. The eater gains three 0-level divine spell slots that they can fill with any spell from the druid spell list. If the eater uses these spell slots, the spell slot is expended and cannot be used again until the eater rests for eight hours, even if the eater consumes another batch of this dish. (For example, if you cast two of the granted spells, and eat another batch of this dish, you would only be able to cast one more.)

    You cannot cast a spell with a level greater than ½ your HD, rounded down. Spell DCs are equal to 10+spell level+Wis.

    If you beat the DC by 5 or more, you gain two 1st level spell slots, and one additional 0-level spell slot
    If you beat the DC by 10 or more, you gain two 2nd level spell slots, and one additional 0 and 1st level spell slot.
    If you beat the DC by 15 or more, you gain two 3rd level spell slots, and one additional 1st and 2nd level spell slot.
    If you beat the DC by 20 or more, you gain two 4th level spell slots, and one additional 2nd and 3rd level spell slot.
    If you beat the DC by 25 or more, you gain two 5th level spell slots, and one additional 3rd and 4th level spell slot.
    If you beat the DC by 30 or more, you gain two 6th level spell slots, and one additional 4th and 5th level spell slot.
    If you beat the DC by 35 or more, you gain two 7th level spell slots, and one additional 5th and 6th level spell slot.
    If you beat the DC by 40 or more, you gain two 8th level spell slots, and one additional 6th and 7th level spell slot.
    If you beat the DC by 45 or more, you gain two 9th level spell slots, and one additional 7th and 8th level spell slot.

    (Example: DC 60 means you have 5 0-level, 4 1st-level, 4 2nd-level, 4 3rd level, 4 4th level, 4 5th level, 4 6th level, 4 7th level, 3 8th level and 2 9th level spell slots)

    Ooze cups
    Ooze Cups
    Minimum Ranks: 4
    Cut: Chest
    Servings: 4
    Cook DC: 15
    Augment: Yes
    Ingredient Creatures: Ingredient creature w/ the ooze type.

    This dish is made by carving out handfuls of an ooze, sweetening it, then pouring it into cups and chilling it until it sets. Some chefs use pieces of fruit or vegetable to sweeten and add texture, while others simply use sugar. Some will also color the cups with edible dyes.

    The eater of this dish shows little to no outward sign of the effect, though their skin may glisten or become rubbery. Internally, their organs become less compact, melting into a single semi-liquid mass, making them extremely resistant to attack. The eater has a 25% chance to negate the extra damage from any critical hit or sneak attack scored against them.

    For every 10 points you beat the DC by, the chance to negate extra damage increases by 25%.

    Ooze Sauce
    Ooze Sauce
    Minimum Ranks: 4
    Cut: Waist
    Servings: 2
    Cook DC: 15
    Augment: Yes
    Ingredient Creatures: Ingredient creature w/ the ooze type.

    This sour, sticky sauce is made by heating and liquefying the substance of an ooze, then mixing in vegetables and sweetener to take the edge off the sourness. The sauce is then served over any kind of meat, most commonly chicken, pork, or beef.

    The eater of this dish can secrete an acid from their skin. This acid can be delivered with a natural weapon or melee touch attack. The acid deals 1d4 points of damage. This acid only affects organic materials. This acid can also be applied to a weapon, like an oil, that lasts for one minute or until used.

    For every 10 points you beat the DC by, the acid damage increases by 1d4.

    Plucked Wing
    Plucked Wings
    Minimum Ranks: 4
    Cut: Arm
    Servings: 2
    Cook DC: 15
    Augment: Yes
    Ingredients: Ingredient creature w/ a fly speed and wings for forelimbs.

    This dish is composed of the wings of a creature with wings for forelimbs, such as a bird, bat, or a wyvern. The dish is typically cooked dry in contrast to sizzling wings, often rubbed with spices and grilled over flame.

    The eater of the dish finds their arms transformed into a pair of wings. Their hands remain at the first joint of the wings, and can be used normally, but the eater must drop whatever they’re carrying to use their wings. The wings look much like the wings of the ingredient creature. These wings grant the eater a glide speed of 60 feet with average maneuverability, allowing 20 feet of forward movement for every 5 feet of descent.

    If you beat the DC by 10 points or more, the glide speed turns into a fly speed with poor maneuverability.
    For every 10 points you beat the DC by, the fly speed increases by 10 feet and the maneuverability improves by one step.

    Powdered Fangs
    Powdered Fangs
    Minimum Ranks: 4
    Cut: Head
    Servings: 2
    Cook DC: 15
    Augment: Yes
    Ingredients: Ingredient creature w/ bite attack

    This dish’s most important ingredient is the teeth of a predator with a particularly strong bite. The dish is actually mostly made from other cuts of meat. The fangs are ground into a fine powder, mixed with the creature‘s blood and few other choice ingredients and spices, then rubbed into the meat, which can be prepared any number of ways.

    The eater of this dish finds their jaws growing larger and more square, their teeth sharpening to points. The eater gains a bite attack that deals 1d6 points of damage.

    For every 10 points you beat the DC by, the bite’s base damage increases by one die size.

    Powdered Horn
    Powdered Horn
    Minimum Ranks: 4
    Cut: Head
    Servings: 2
    Cook DC: 15
    Augment: Yes
    Ingredients: Ingredient creature w/ gore attack

    This dish is actually a drink, usually a strong wine, which a finely-powdered horn is stirred into until fully dissolved.

    The eater of this dish gains horns or tusks, the exact description usually matching the horn the dish is prepared from. The eater gains a gore attack that deals 1d6 points of damage. If you make this gore attack at the end of a charge, it deals double damage if it hits.

    For every 10 points you beat the DC by, the gore attack’s damage increases by one die size.

    Pulled Paw
    Pulled Paw
    Minimum Ranks:4
    Cut: Hand
    Servings: 2
    Cook DC: 15
    Augment: Yes
    Ingredient Creatures: Ingredient creature w/ rend attack.

    This dish is composed of the meat from the clawed hands of a creature. The meat is smoked until tender, then broken into tiny pieces. Most often the meat is then mixed with barbeque sauce and served on a bun.

    The eater of this dish has their hands grow into ripping claws. The eater gains two claw attacks that deal 1d4 points of damage. If the eater hits the same opponent with both claw attacks, they can rend, dealing damage equal to twice the base damage of their claws plus twice their strength modifier.

    For every 10 points you beat the DC by, the claw’s base damage increases by one die size.

    Quick Digits
    Quick Digits
    Minimum Ranks: 4
    Cut: Hand
    Servings: 2
    Cook DC: 15
    Augment: Yes
    Ingredients: Ingredient Creature w/ Dexterity >20

    This dish is made of the paw, hand, or wing of a swift, agile creature. In most cases, the meat is light and flaky. Most often, the meat‘s roasted slowly.

    The eater’s limbs become more lithe and flexible, gaining a +2 culinary bonus to dexterity.

    For every 10 points you beat the DC by, the bonus to dexterity increases by 2.

    Resilient Hide
    Resilient Hide
    Minimum Ranks: 4
    Cut: Skin
    Servings: 2
    Cook DC: 15
    Augment: Yes
    Ingredients: Ingredient Creature w/ DR >5

    This dish is made of the hide of a creature that is extremely resilient to wounds.

    The eater gains damage reduction 1. This damage reduction is overcome by the same material that overcame the ingredient creature’s damage reduction.

    For every 5 points you beat the DC by, the damage reduction increases by 1.

    Seared Steak
    Seared Steak
    Minimum Ranks: 4
    Cut: Waist
    Servings: 2
    Cook DC: 15
    Augment: Yes
    Ingredient Creatures: Ingredient creature w/ fast healing

    This dish is made of the flesh of a rapidly-healing creature. The dish MUST be seared, because otherwise the meat continues, albeit weakly, to try and grow back it‘s body. The meat is extremely tender, despite the blackened outer layers.

    The eater of this dish finds their wounds closing almost instantly. The eater gains fast healing 1.

    For every 10 points you beat the DC by, the fast healing value increase by 1.

    Serpent Tail
    Serpent Tail
    Minimum Ranks: 4
    Cut: Legs
    Servings: 2
    Cook DC: 15
    Augment: Yes
    Ingredients: An ingredient creature w/ a climb speed and a serpentine body.

    This dish is made of slices of meat cut from the muscular cross-section of a serpent‘s body, which are scaled and then cooked, often grilled over a flame.

    The eater’s legs merge together into a single, snakelike tail. Their base land speed decreases as though they were wearing medium or heavy armor, and they gain a climb and swim speed equal to their new land speed. This grants them a +8 racial bonus to climb checks or swim checks to perform a special action or avoid a hazard. The eater can take 10 on climb and swim checks, even if rushed or threatened.

    For every 10 points you beat the DC by, your land speed, climb speed, and swim speed increase by 10 feet.

    Shifting Skin Wraps
    Shifting Skin Wraps
    Minimum Ranks: 4
    Cut: Shoulder
    Servings: 1
    Cook DC: 15
    Augment: Yes
    Ingredient Creatures: Ingredient creature w/ racial bonus to hide (not specific to any environment)

    This dish is made of the skin of a creature that changes color. The skin is usually peeled off the meat and cut into smaller sections, then fried in oils. It‘s not particularly filling, but it can be quite tasty. The skins change colors when exposed to heat, and the skin ‘chips‘ will show colorful patterns of different temperatures in the oil.

    The eater of this dish gains the ability to shift the color of their skin slightly, gaining a +4 bonus to hide checks.

    For every 5 points you beat the DC by the bonus to hide checks increases by +2.

    Shimmering Skin
    Shimmering Skin
    Minimum Ranks: 4
    Cut: Skin
    Servings: 2
    Cook DC: 15
    Augment: No
    Ingredients: Ingredient creature w/ spell resistance

    This dish is made of the skin of a creature strongly resistant to magic. The resistant nature of the skin means magical fire and other arcane cooking techniques have no effect on it.

    The eater gains spell resistance equal to 10+the cook’s level. Often, this manifests as the eater’s skin taking on a sheen, as though oiled.

    Sizzling Wings
    Sizzling Wings
    Minimum Ranks: 4
    Cut: Shoulder
    Servings: 2
    Cook DC: 15
    Augment: Yes
    Ingredients: Ingredient creature w/ a fly speed and wings on their back.

    This dish is made of the wings of a flying creature, deep-fried. As most dragons fall into this category, it‘s traditional to serve the wings dipped in exceptionally hot sauces.

    The eater of this dish sprouts a pair of wings, matching the description of the ingredient creature’s, from their shoulders. These wings grant the eater a glide speed of 40 feet with average maneuverability, allowing 20 feet of forward movement per 5 feet of descent.

    If you beat the DC by 10 points or more, the glide speed turns into a fly speed with poor maneuverability.
    For every 10 points you beat the DC by, the fly speed increases by 10 feet and the maneuverability improves by one step.

    Sonar Roast
    Sonar Roast
    Minimum Ranks: 4
    Cut: Head
    Servings: 2
    Cook DC: 15
    Augment: Yes
    Ingredients: Ingredient creature w/ blindsight or blindsense

    This dish is made of certain parts of a creature‘s brain, roasted whole in an oven and sliced, served with a rich sauce.

    The eater of this dish finds their perceptions expanded, the world coming alive with sound and vibration. The eater gains a +4 bonus to listen checks and gains blindsense out to 30 feet.

    For every 5 points you beat the DC by, the range of your blindsense increases by 10 feet.
    If you beat the DC by 10 or more, you gain blindsight with a range equal to ½ your blindsense‘s range.

    Swift Leg
    Swift Leg
    Minimum Ranks: 4
    Cut: Leg
    Servings: 2
    Cook DC: 15
    Augment: Yes
    Ingredients: Ingredient creature w/ base land speed of 50 feet or more.

    This dish is made from the meat of a quick-footed creature‘s legs, braised and spiced. The meat is extremely rich and flavorful.

    The eater of this dish feels their legs growing stronger and faster. The eater gains a 10-foot bonus to their base land speed.

    For every 10 points you beat the DC by, the bonus to land speed increases by 10 feet.

    Tail Fillet
    Tail Fillet
    Minimum Ranks: 4
    Cut: Waist
    Servings: 4
    Cook DC: 15
    Augment: Yes
    Ingredients: Ingredient creature w/ tail slap attack

    This dish is made of thick slices of a creature‘s tail. The tail slices are skinned and deboned, often fried. Tail meat is almost always extremely lean and flavorful.

    The eater of this dish grows a thick, muscular tail, matching the description of the ingredient creature’s. The eater gains a tail slap attack that deals 1d6 points of damage.

    For every 10 points you beat the DC by, the tail slap’s damage increases by one die size.

    Titan Roast
    Titan Roast
    Minimum Ranks: 4
    Cut: Chest
    Servings: 4
    Cook DC: 15
    Augment: Yes
    Ingredients: Ingredient creature w/ size huge or larger.

    This dish is a truly massive portion of meat. The roast is cut from the flesh of a huge being, and slowly roasted, rubbed with spices and injected with brines, leaving it incredibly flavorful and tender.

    The eater of this dish grows larger. They and all their equipment increase by one size category. They take bonuses and penalties as normal for their new size.

    For every 10 points you beat the DC by, you grow an additional size.

    Tunneler Arms
    Tunneler Arms
    Minimum Ranks: 4
    Cut: Hand
    Servings: 2
    Cook DC: 15
    Augment: Yes
    Ingredients: Ingredient creature w/ burrow speed

    This dish is made of meat from the forelimbs of a creature that digs through the earth. The meat carries an earthy flavor, and is often tough, requiring a great deal of tenderizing. The meat is often slow-cooked to reduce the toughness.

    The eater’s hands become blunt, shovel-like mitts. They gain a burrow speed of 10 feet, and can move at this speed through any material softer than clay. They can move at half-speed to leave a usable tunnel of their size behind them.

    For every 10 points you beat the DC by, the burrow speed increases by 5 feet.



    Wise Heart
    Wise Heart
    Minimum Ranks: 4
    Cut: Breast
    Servings: 2
    Cook DC: 15
    Augment: Yes
    Ingredients: Ingredient Creature w/ wisdom >20

    This dish is made of the fried heart muscle of an exceptionally wise or spiritual creature. The muscle has a coppery aftertaste.

    The eater finds their courage and faith swelling in their chest, gaining a +2 culinary bonus to wisdom.

    For every 10 points you beat the DC by, the bonus to wisdom increases by 2.



    Last edited by Admiral Squish; 2012-11-30 at 06:11 PM.
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    Firbolg in the Playground
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    On my back, in my heart

    Default Re: The Omnomnomicon [Under Construction]

    Chapter 5: Dishes (Part II)

    Specific Dishes:

    Aboleth Brain
    Aboleth Brain
    Minimum Ranks: 12
    Cut: Head
    Servings: 1
    Cook DC: 30
    Augment: Yes
    Ingredient Creatures: Aboleth

    The aboleth brain is a complicated feast of five parts. The frontal lobe, studded with thousands of hornlike protrusions. The primary lobe, a complex net of tangled tendrils. The ventral lobe, four fingerlike extensions from the bottom of the brain. The dorsal lobe, covered with fine tendrils that twitch even in death. The rear lobe, six tendril-like branches from the dorsal lobe.

    The Aboleth Brain grants the eater a +10 bonus to all knowledge checks as you tap into the racial memory of the aboleth. In addition, the eater gains a fraction of the aboleth’s psionic power. He gains the following spell-like abilities: 2/Day: Dominate Person, Mirage Arcana, Persistent Image, and Veil.

    For every 5 points you beat the DC by, you gains one additional use/day of the spell-like abilities.

    Ankeg Stomach
    Ankeg Stomach
    Minimum Ranks: 6
    Cut: Waist
    Servings: 1
    Cook DC: DC 20
    Augment: Yes
    Ingredient Creatures: Ankeg

    This dish consists of the stomach of an Ankeg, emptied out and then stuffed with a number of its other organs, finely minced and mixed with root vegetables and a number of spices. Despite how unappetizing it sounds, it has a delicious, savory flavor, though some complain of heartburn afterwards.

    The ankeg stomach gives the eater the ability to spit acid as a ranged touch attack and deal acid damage with a bite attack. If the eater possesses a bite attack, it deals an additional 1d4 points of acid damage. As a standard action he can also hock up a mouthful of acid and spit it in a searing glob a single opponent within 30 feet. If the attack hits, the target takes 2d4 damage, plus an addition 1d4 acid damage each round thereafter for three rounds. After using the acid spit attack, the eater cannot use it again for one minute, and during this time he does not deal acid damage with a successful bite.

    For every 5 points you beat the DC by, the acid spit damage is increased by 1d4.
    For every 10 points you beat the DC by, the damage per round is increased by 1d4
    For every 10 points you beat the DC by, the acid damage added to your bite increases by 1d4.

    Athach Strips
    Athach Strips
    Minimum Ranks: 11
    Cut: Arm
    Servings: 3
    Cook DC: 28
    Augment: No
    Ingredient Creatures: Athach

    This dish is prepared by using portions of the Athach’s bicep and forearm that don‘t touch either bone or skin. The strips are then dipped in a breading mixture and deep fried. They have a tough texture to them, and their flavor is relatively gamey. They are quite difficult to make palatable, usually requiring the aid of a strong sauce or a dose of spices.

    The eater of the Athach strips gains a third arm, protruding from the center of their chest. This arm is identical to the eater’s other arms. If the wielder has the two-weapon fighting feat, he is treated as having the multiweapon fighting feat as well.

    Baked Spinnerets
    Baked Spinneretes
    Minimum Ranks:4
    Cut: Waist
    Servings: 1
    Cook DC: 15
    Augment: Yes
    Ingredient Creatures: Monstrous Spider

    This dish consists of the severed spinneret of a giant spider, drizzled with sticky, sugary syrup and baked thoroughly. The dish is surprisingly sweet and sticky, beneath a warm, crunchy shell. Some don‘t enjoy it, however, due to the tendency for the now-liquefied core of the spinnerets to stick to the eater‘s lips.

    Baked Spinnerets give the eater the ability to spin webs. The eater can spin up to 50 feet of silken webbing per day. This webbing functions as silk rope, but the eater gains a +5 bonus to all use rope checks made using his webbing, and the DC of all checks made to escape from or break this webbing are increased by 4. You can choose to make this webbing sticky. Any creature touching sticky webbing must make a DC 15 reflex save or be stuck to the thread. With one minute of work you can weave ten feet of webbing into a net, which can be thrown with a range increment of 20 feet. It takes a DC 20 spot check to notice a strand of webbing.

    For every 5 points you beat the DC by, the eater can produce an additional 10 feet of silk each day.

    Basalisk Eyes
    Basalisk Eyes
    Minimum Ranks: 8
    Cut: Head
    Servings: 1
    Cook DC: 23
    Augment: Yes
    Ingredient Creatures: Basilisk, Abyssal Greater Basilisk

    This dish is composed of the eyes and optic nerves of a basilisk. It‘s not particularly filling, and requires a strong stomach to pop an intact eye into one‘s mouth. If you or your guests really have a problem with seeing the eyes themselves, you can bread them.

    The eater of the Basilisk eyes can take a swift action to fix a single opponent within 30 feet with a partially petrifying gaze. The opponent must make a fortitude save (DC 10+½ Chef level+Wis) or be partially turned to stone. A creature partially petrified is effectively slowed, as the spell, for one minute.

    For every 5 points you beat the DC by, the penalty to attack rolls, AC, and reflex saves is increased by 1.

    Behir Brisket
    Behir Brisket
    Minimum Ranks: 11
    Cut: Waist
    Servings: 6
    Cook DC: 28
    Augment: Yes
    Ingredient Creatures: Behir

    This dish is a huge tray of sliced meat. The meat has a highly unusual blue color, but it has a rich, smoky flavor to it. The dish is prepared with the help of a rich spice rub and then smoking it.

    The eater of a Behir Brisket sprouts six short clawed arms from their abdomen. The claws are not very strong and not very dexterous, but they can be quite dangerous in a grapple. He can make six rake attacks that deal 1d4 damage apiece, plus one-half the characters strength modifier.

    For every 5 points you beat the DC by, the rake attacks gain a +1 to damage rolls.

    Big T Carapace Cookies
    Big T Carapace
    Minimum Ranks: 23
    Cut: Shoulder
    Servings: 12
    Cook DC: 47
    Augment: No
    Ingredient Creatures: Tarrasque

    This dish is composed of the diamond-hard shell of the Tarrasque, ground down to powder, then mixed into a dough and formed into cookies reminiscent of the tarrasque‘s armored back. The cookies are positively mouth-watering, and have inspired a wide array of imitations.

    The eater of Big T Carapace Cookies gains spell resistance equal to 10+ the cook’s level. In addition, any single-target spell that fails to penetrate the eater’s spell resistance has a 30% chance to rebound against the caster, as though by a spell reflection effect. The eater’s skin takes on a metallic, bronze sheen while under the effects of this dish.

    Blinking Breast
    Blinking Breast
    Minimum Ranks: 5
    Cut: Chest
    Servings: 1
    Cook DC: 18
    Augment: Yes
    Ingredient Creatures: Blink Dog

    This dish has a tough texture, with not a lot of flavor to it. A cook must be careful when butchering this cut, as this muscle has a tendency to continue blinking even when the blink dog is dead.

    The eater of a Blinking Breast can teleport up to 30 feet as a standard action.

    For every 5 points you beat the DC by, the range of the teleportation is increased by 10 feet.
    If you beat the DC by 5 or more, you gain the ability to blink as the spell at will, activating and deactivating the effect as a standard action.
    If you beat the DC by 15 or more, the action required to teleport or activate and deactivate the blink ability becomes a move action.

    Bulette Claws
    Bullete Claws
    Minimum Ranks: 10
    Cut: Leg
    Servings: 4
    Cook DC: 26
    Augment: No
    Ingredient Creatures:

    This dish is prepared by carefully separating the meat from the bone of the bullete‘s legs and pan-frying it thoroughly. The meat has an earthy flavor, but yields a delicious flavor if you can deal with its toughness.

    The eater’s hands and feet become ripping claws. The eater gains two claw attacks that deal 1d6 damage. The eater can make a DC 20 jump check as a free action before a full attack to attack with four claws instead of two.

    For every 10 points you beat the DC by the claw’s damage increases by one die size.

    Chilled Breast
    Chilled Breast
    Minimum Ranks: 8
    Cut: Chest
    Servings: 2
    Cook DC: 23
    Augment: Yes
    Ingredient Creatures: Frost Worm, Winter Wolf

    This slice of meat chills itself. Most chefs prepare this dish on extremely high heat to counteract the cooling effect. Once cooked through, this cut is allowed to re-chill itself and served cold, often with a side of salad or cold pasta salad.

    The eater of a Chilled Breast is chilled to the bone. They gain immunity to cold. In addition, the eater’s breath chills. If the eater hits an opponent with a bite attack, he deals an additional 1d6 cold damage, and, as a standard action, he can breathe out a 30-foot cone of cold air every 1d4 rounds, dealing 3d6 cold damage (reflex DC 10+½ cook‘s level+wis)

    For every 5 points you beat the DC by, your cold breath deals an additional 1d6 damage
    For every 10 points, you deal an additional 1d6 cold damage with a bite.

    Choker Breast
    Choker Breast
    Minimum Ranks: 5
    Cut: Chest
    Servings: 1
    Cook DC: 18
    Augment: Yes
    Ingredient Creatures: Choker

    This dish, carved from the chest of a choker, is small and round, and sits on a bed of lettuce. Lightly seared, this cut is then drizzled with a sticky-sweet sauce. It has a remarkably smooth texture and it‘s incredibly tender, practically falling apart under the knife.

    The eater of a Choker breast is almost unnaturally quick. He gains a +4 bonus on initiative checks and reflex saves.

    For every 10 points you beat the DC by, you gain an additional +2 on initiative and reflex saves.

    Dark Bacon
    Dark Bacon
    Minimum Ranks: 8
    Cut: Chest
    Servings: 1
    Cook DC: 23
    Augment: Yes
    Ingredient Creatures: Cloaker

    This dish is composed of strips of meat taken from the back of a cloaker. The meat resembles bacon, but its black with pale white ribbons running through it‘s length. The dish tastes almost exactly like regular bacon, though eating it does turn your tongue black.

    The eater of this dish gains limited control over shadows, gaining a +6 bonus to hide checks. In addition, you can bend the shadows slightly. This ability can be used as a swift action while in an area of shadowy illumination to duplicate the effects of a mirror image spell, a blur spell, or a silent image spell. These effects only last until the start of your next turn, though you may use another swift action to keep the effect going.

    For every 5 points you beat the DC by, you gain an additional +2 to hide checks.

    Delver Steak
    Delver Steak
    Minimum Ranks: 12
    Cut: Chest
    Servings: 4
    Cook DC: 30
    Augment: Yes
    Ingredient Creatures: Delver

    This dish is a truly massive steak cut from a delver. The meat is tough and chewy, and it has an unpleasantly sour flavor to it. The delver‘s acidic slime must be washed off and the steak must be soaked in vinegar before it can finally be grilled. It is generally considered to be more work that It’s worth, but some connoisseurs have a taste for the unique flavor.

    The eater of this dish produces an acidic slime from their skin, specifically from their hands. If the eater hits an opponent with a slam, claw, or melee touch attack, he deposits a patch of the mucous-like sticky slime. This slime deals damage when initially applied, then additional damage each round after that for two rounds. To organic creatures or wooden objects, this acidic slime deals 1d6 damage. To metallic creatures or objects, this slime deals 2d8 damage. To stony creatures, objects, or structures, this slime deals 4d10 damage. The slime can be washed off with a pint of water or a weak acid, like vinegar. The victim’s armor and clothing dissolve immediately unless he succeeds on a reflex save (DC 10+½ cook’s level + eater‘s con).

    For every 10 points you beat the DC by, the acid damage increases by 1d6 for organic creatures, 2d8 for metallic creatures or objects, or 4d10 for stony creatures, objects, or structures.

    Destrachan Lungs
    Destrachan Lungs
    Minimum Ranks: 11
    Cut: Chest
    Servings: 2
    Cook DC: 28
    Augment: Yes
    Ingredient Creatures: Destrachan

    This dish is composed of the purplish lung of a Destrachan stuffed with breading and spices, then roasted slowly. The lung-meat is stringy and tough, but the spices and the long roasting help to make it soft enough to be palatable. It‘s got a surprisingly deep flavor, which the spices really help to bring out. The odd part is once the lungs are fully cooked, the web of veins crisscrossing the center of the lung tighten and stiffen, forming a web within the lung.

    The eater of this dish gains a sonic scream attack that can be used as a standard action. This attack forms a cone 60 feet long, and all creatures within it are entitled to a reflex save (DC 10+Eater‘s Con +½ eater‘s HD) for half damage. The eater chooses flesh, nerves or material when using this attack. Choosing flesh, the attack deals 2d6 sonic damage to all creatures within the cone. If the eater chooses nerves, this attack deals 4d6 nonlethal damage to all living creatures within the cone. If the eater chooses material, he may choose glass, metal, stone, or wood, and this attack deals 2d6 sonic damage to all objects made of that material within the cone, ignoring hardness.

    For every 5 points you beat the DC by, the sonic damage dealt by the flesh and material attacks increases by 1d6 and the damage dealt by the nerves attack increases by 2d6.

    Dryad Tongue
    Dryad Tongue
    Minimum Ranks: 6
    Cut: Head
    Servings: 1
    Cook DC: 20
    Augment: Yes
    Ingredient Creatures: Dryad

    This dish is often considered to be a delicacy, but only by those with somewhat loose morals. The tongue is usually grilled, then chopped into thin slices. It‘s not a lot of food, but it‘s flavor is a strange and quite pleasant combination of the sweetness of fresh fruit and the texture of meat.

    The eater of this dish gains the ability to speak with plants, as though under a speak with plants spell, and can use entangle as a spell-like ability at-will. The eater also gains a +4 bonus to bluff, and diplomacy checks.

    For every 5 points you beat the DC by, the bonus to bluff and diplomacy increases by +2.

    Eye Kebab
    Eye Kebab
    Minimum Ranks: 9
    Cut: Head
    Servings: 4
    Cook DC: 25
    Augment: Yes
    Ingredient Creatures: Beholder

    This dish is composed of the eyestalk of a beholder, severed, and skewered on a stake, then roasted over an open flame. The meat is stringy and tough, with a deep richness to it once you overcome the chewing.
    The eater of this dish can fire a pair of energy beams from their eyes. With a standard action, the eater can make a ranged touch attack against any creature within 60 feet. The eater can make a second ranged touch attack with the same range against either the same target or a second target within a 90-degree arc of the first target.. These attacks deal 3d6 damage each.

    For every five points you beat the DC by, the damage of these attacks increases by 1d6.

    Fade Wrap
    Fade Wrap
    Minimum Ranks: 7
    Cut: Shoulder
    Servings: 1
    Cook DC: 21
    Augment: No
    Ingredient Creatures: Pixie

    This dish is relatively simple to prepare, though it requires a steady hand to do so. Basically, the cook cuts three foot-long strips from the back of a pixie, one on either side of the wings and one between them, taking a half-inch of meat with them. The strips are then fried and rolled, with the skin out, into a trio of small, spiral rolls, then held together with short wooden skewers and served. The dish is generally only favored by the evil, though it‘s power can sometimes lure others.

    The eater of the fade wrap can spend a swift action to turn himself and his possessions invisible, as with the invisibility spell. The effect can last indefinitely, though attacking or casting a spell still dispels the invisibility, at least until he spends another swift action to go invisible once more.

    Feeler Sizzle
    Feeler Sizzle
    Minimum Ranks: 6
    Cut: Hand
    Servings: 2
    Cook DC: 20
    Augment: No
    Ingredient Creatures: Rust Monster

    This dish is made from the feeler of a rust monster. The preparation method is quite interesting. The feeler is first laid out and sprinkled with powdered sugar and cinnamon. Then, the feeler is held over heat. The feeler curls inward as it is exposed to heat, forming a tight, spiraled ball. Overall, eating the dish is the most usual part of the meal, as the coiled feeler makes it difficult to properly bite into. It is not particularly filling, and it has a slightly coppery aftertaste, but it‘s rather sweet.

    The eater of this dish can rust any metallic object he touches. The eater can make a melee touch attack, against any metallic object to deal 2d6 points of damage to the object, ignoring hardness. This effect can also be carried by an unarmed strike, slam, or claw attack.

    For every 5 points you beat the DC by, the rusting effect‘s damage increase by 1d6.

    Floating Roast
    Floating Roast
    Minimum Ranks: 9
    Cut: Chest
    Servings: 4
    Cook DC: 25
    Augment: No
    Ingredient Creatures: Beholder

    This dish is rather difficult to acquire, and awkward to prepare. To acquire the necessary cut, one must crack the iron-hard skull-skeleton of a beholder, then delve into the creature‘s underside, removing a loaf of meat from the area around the beholder‘s stomach and intestines. Perhaps the most unusual part of this dish is that it floats, weightless, much like a balloon. This makes it somewhat awkward to both cook and eat. The roast is slow-cooked and drizzled with a savory sauce, and served in slices. The eaters begin to feel lighter as they eat, until they eventually become almost completely weightless.

    The eater of this dish gains a fly speed equal to their base land speed with perfect maneuverability. Even when not explicitly flying, the eater floats over the ground effortlessly, ignoring any difficult or hazardous terrain, as well as taking no damage from falls. If knocked unconscious or killed in midair, the eater floats gently down at 5 ft/round, eventually stopping to hover a foot off the ground.

    Fried Filcher Fingers
    Fried Filcher Fingers
    Minimum Ranks: 6
    Cut: Hand
    Servings: 4
    Cook DC: 20
    Augment: Yes
    Ingredient Creatures: Ethereal Filcher

    This dish is a rather light one. The cook must harvest the long, spindly fingers on an ethereal filcher, then fry them in oil. The fingers are usually arranged in hands, and served with coleslaw. The fingers have very little meat on them, but what meat there is has an extremely unusual flavor. It has a faint hint of peppermint.

    The eater of this dish gains a +6 bonus to sleight of hand checks to lift an item from a person, as they can temporarily phase their hands through the ethereal plane to reach through pockets and such. The eater also gains the filcher’s ability to perceive and seek out magical items. They can use detect magic as a spell-like ability at will, and can Identify the properties of magic items, as the spell, by handling them for at least ten minutes.

    For every 5 points you beat the DC by, the sleight of hand bonus increases by 2.

    Minimum Ranks: 4
    Cut: Leg
    Servings: 2
    Cook DC: 16
    Augment: Yes
    Ingredient Creatures: Horse, Pony, Hippogryph, Pegasus, Unicorn

    This dish is formed by boiling the joints, bones, and ligaments of a horse-like creature until the water takes on a thickness. The materials are then removed, the water is reduced, and eventually, the liquid is cooled and served. In it‘s simplest form, its simply given out in bowls, but more showy chefs will cut or shape the resultant semisolid, and some even dye it. You can serve it with fruit suspended in it for sweetness, or simply plain for a more subtle flavor.

    The eater of this dish finds his legs feeling stronger and faster. The eater gains a +10 bonus to their base land speed. In addition, they gain a +4 bonus to constitution checks made to keep running or avoid damage from a forced march.

    For every 5 points you beat the DC by, the bonus to constitution checks increases by 2.
    For every 10 points you beat the DC by, the bonus to land speed increases by an additional 10 feet.

    Ghostly Roast
    Ghostly Roast
    Minimum Ranks: 6
    Cut: Waist
    Servings: 2
    Cook DC: 20
    Augment: Yes
    Ingredient Creatures: Ethereal Filcher, Ethereal Marauder, Phase Spider

    This dish is cut from a creature with a close connection to the ethereal plane. Oven-roasted and thoroughly seasoned, this dish is hard to get and certainly worth the effort. When properly prepared, the roast constantly hovers between the planes, only half-present in the material, but evenly there and not-there. A chef getting this dish slightly wrong may end up a meal that flickers between the planes, or one with one end in the real and the other ethereal. Done correctly, the dish is rich and flavorful, like pork, but much, much lighter and softer, and with a soft, peppermint aftertaste.

    The eater of this dish gains the ability to travel quickly back and forth between the real world and the ethereal plane. As a full-round action, the eater may move to the ethereal plane, and may return to the material plane as a standard action. The eater may only stay on the ethereal plane for one round before they must return.

    For every 5 points you beat the DC by, the number of rounds the eater may remain ethereal increases by one.
    If you beat the DC by 10 points, the connection grows deeper, allowing you to move over to the ethereal plane as a standard action and return as a move action.
    If you beat the DC by 20 points, the connection is stronger still. You can move to the ethereal plane as part of a move action and return as a swift action.

    Girralon Arms
    Girralon Arms
    Minimum Ranks: 9
    Cut: Chest
    Servings: 4
    Cook DC: 25
    Augment: No
    Ingredient Creatures: Girralon

    This dish is carved out of the muscular shoulders of a girralon, usually carved into strips and grilled. The meat is tough and chewy, but it yields a rich, smooth flavor to those who persist.

    The eater of this dish grows a second pair of arms just below the first. These arms can be used for anything your normal arms could be used for. Any spell, effect, or dish that would affect your hands affects all four hands. If you have two-weapon fighting, you are treated as having multiweapon fighting instead.

    Glowing Curry
    Glowing Curry
    Minimum Ranks: 4
    Cut: Head
    Servings: 1
    Cook DC: 16
    Augment: Yes
    Ingredient Creatures: Giant Fire Beetle

    This dish uses the light-producing glands of a giant fire beetle as its main ingredient. The glands are mashed, then heated until they are rendered into a red-glowing liquid. A number of herbs and spices are added, and the resultant mix is boiled. The final ingredient is cubes of meat from select cuts of the beetle. The resultant stew is covered and simmered until the meat is fully cooked. The dish is usually served over rice or with bread. The dish is quite spicy and not recommended for those weak to spice.

    The eater of this dish begins to glow. Every exposed inch of skin glows, clearly illuminating a 10-foot radius around them and providing shadow illumination out to 20 feet.

    For every 5 points you beat the DC by, the radius of the clear illumination increases by 10 feet, and the radius of shadowy illumination increases by 20 feet.

    Ground Root
    Ground Root
    Minimum Ranks: 11
    Cut: Leg
    Servings: 4
    Cook DC: 28
    Augment: Yes
    Ingredient Creatures: Treant

    This dish is composed of the roots of a treant, ground up into chips, then boiled until soft and served with spices. Often, this dish is served with a meat dish of some sort on the side.

    The eater takes on a number of traits of a treant. Their legs take on a woody, bark-skinned property, and they gain the treant’s insight into destroying items. The eater can trample creatures of their size or smaller, dealing 2d6 damage plus 1.5x strength (reflex DC 10+½ cook’s level+str mod). In addition, the eater deals double damage when attacking objects or structures.

    For every 10 points you beat the DC by, the base damage of your trample attack increases by one die size.

    Hard-Boiled Spider Eater Eggs
    Hard-Boiled Spider Eater Eggs
    Minimum Ranks: 10
    Cut: Waist
    Servings: 4
    Cook DC: 26
    Augment: No
    Ingredient Creatures: Spider Eater

    This dish is made of the eggs of a spider eater, removed from the abdomen. The small, spherical, semitransparent eggs are approximately two inches in diameter, and they are boiled until the turn a solid yellow-orange, with a dark yolk. The shells are flexible, and peel easily off the egg once punctured. Overall, the eggs taste quite different from chicken eggs, with a sweetness to the yolk and a more savory flavor to the white. The dish is served multiple ways, but among the most common is deviled.

    The eater finds themselves unstoppable. They are treated as though they are under the effects of a freedom of movement spell with a caster level equal to the cook’s level.

    Hydra Fangs
    Hydra Fangs
    Minimum Ranks: 7
    Cut: Head
    Servings: 5
    Cook DC: 21
    Augment: Yes
    Ingredient Creatures: Hydra, Pyrohydra, Cryohydra

    This dish is made out of at least one fang from each of an individual hydra‘s heads. The hydra’s fangs are each relatively brittle, constantly being replaced by the beast’s healing abilities, and the wise chef knows to use this to their advantage. The teeth are usually boiled, which helps soften the fangs further and clean them of any residual material from the hydra itself. Then the teeth are dipped in chocolate and served. The teeth lack a strong flavor on their own, but their unique crunch compliments the smooth chocolate.

    The eater of this takes on the most iconic quality of the hydra. Their neck grows longer and more serpentine, and their shoulders sprout a number of small, serpentine heads. You gain two bite attacks that deal 1d4 points of damage. You may attack with all your bite attacks as a standard action.

    For every 5 points you beat the DC by, the eater gains an additional bite attack.




    Lamia Heart
    Lamia Heart
    Minimum Ranks: 9
    Cut: Chest
    Servings: 1
    Cook DC: 25
    Augment: Yes
    Ingredient Creatures: Lamia

    This dish is made of the dark crimson heart of a lamia, stuffed with ground meat and spices, then slowly cooked in broth over low heat until the tough muscle is rendered soft. Depending on how long the heart is cooked, the dish can be anywhere from chewy to exceptionally tender, but the flavor doesn‘t change. It‘s exceptionally delicious, and makes your tongue tingle with the power of the dish. But it‘s an evil flavor, and good characters find the tingle of power to be unpleasant.

    The eater of this dish gains access to some of the lamia’s beguiling magic. The eater can use disguise self and ventriloquism as spell-like abilities at will. In addition, they can use Charm Monster, Major Image, Suggestion, and Deep Slumber as spell-like abilities once per day. The caster level for these spell like abilities is equal to the cook‘s level or the eater’s, whichever is lower.

    For every 5 points you beat the DC by, you gain an additional use per day of your charm monster, major image, suggestion, and deep slumber.

    Manticore Tail
    Manticore Tail
    Minimum Ranks: 8
    Cut: Waist
    Servings: 4
    Cook DC: 23
    Augment: Yes
    Ingredient Creatures: Manticore

    This dish is composed of a manticore‘s tail, chopped into slices and roasted over a flame. The slices are often impaled upon one of the manticore‘s spikes, spaced with vegetables. The meat tastes like a strange mixture of pork and chicken, and it‘s often spiced.

    The eater gains a manticore’s deadly tail. As a standard action, the eater can lash the tail toward their enemies, throwing as many as two spikes as a ranged attack that deal 1d8 points of damage each. The eater makes an attack roll for each spike thrown in this way. These spikes have a range of 120 feet with no range increment and all targets must be within 30 feet of each other. You can launch up to eight spikes per day in this way.

    For every 5 points you beat the DC by, you can launch an additional spike as part of a standard action, and a total of four more spikes per day.

    Mimic Loaf
    Mimic Loaf
    Minimum Ranks: 7
    Cut: Arm
    Servings: 4
    Cook DC: 21
    Augment: Yes
    Ingredient Creatures: Mimic

    This dish is composed of sections of a mimic‘s flesh, the portions used to form pseudopods. The malleable flesh is formed into a number of small loafs, then baked. The remainder of the creature‘s adhesive is scraped off and mixed with brown sugar to produce a sweet, sticky sauce that the loaves are served soaked in.

    The eater of this dish produces a substance similar to the mimic’s adhesive. The eater gains a +3 bonus to grapple checks. In addition, if the eater hit’s the target with an unarmed strike or natural attack, they may make a grapple check as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity.

    For every 5 points you beat the DC by, the bonus to grapple checks increases by 1.

    Mind flayer mind fillet
    Mind Fillet
    Minimum Ranks: 11
    Cut: Head
    Servings: 4
    Cook DC: 28
    Augment: Yes
    Ingredient Creatures: Mind Flayer

    This dish is composed of the oversized brain of a mind flayer and several of the secondary brain-nodes that are spaced throughout the flayer’s body. The brain is chopped into slices, coated with bread crumbs, and fried with oil. The brain is incredibly tender, and has an extremely unusual flavor.

    The eater of this dish gains access to the mind flayer’s most formidable mental power. The eater can, as a standard action, produce a psionic blast in a 30-foot cone. All creatures in the area must make a will save (DC 10 + ½ cook’s level + cha mod) or be dazed for 1d4 rounds. You may use this ability three times per day.

    For every 5 points you beat the DC by, the range of your telepathy and the length of the psionic blast’s cone increases by 5 feet.
    For every 10 points you beat the DC by, you can use your psionic blast ability an additional time per day.

    Mouther Puff
    Mouther Puff
    Minimum Ranks: 8
    Cut: Head
    Servings: 2
    Cook DC: 23
    Augment: Yes
    Ingredient Creatures: Gibbering Mouther

    This dish is composed of the ever-changing flesh of a gibbering mouther. In death, the flesh stops actually transforming, but mouths and eyes continue to surface and sink through the existing flesh. A cook must be careful to remove all of these before cooking, lets his patrons discover a loose tooth or eye the hard way. The meat is beaten with a whisk until light and fluffy. The unique combination of light, airy texture and rich, savory flavor makes this dish quite desirable to those with the means to acquire it.

    The eater of this dish takes on the attack form of the gibbering mouther. When in combat, they can make their head and neck into a single, roiling mass of flesh, much like a gibbering mouther’s body. They can extend pseudopods of their head-flesh, each ending in a mouth and an eye, to attack those in reach. The eater gains three bite attacks that each deal 1 + ½ Str damage. In addition, once per round as a swift action, they can spit a stream of corrosive spittle at an opponent within 30 feet. This stream is a ranged touch attack that deals 1d4 points of acid damage, and if it hits, the target must make a fortitude save (DC 10+½ cook’s level+con mod) or be blinded for one round.

    For every 5 points you beat the DC by, you gain an additional bite attack.
    For every 5 points you beat the DC by, the acid damage of your spittle attack increases by 1d4.

    Needle-Nose Kebab
    Needle-Nose Kebab
    Minimum Ranks: 4
    Cut: Head
    Servings: 1
    Cook DC: 16
    Augment: Yes
    Ingredient Creatures: Stirge

    This dish is composed of selections of meat from the body of the stirge and some vegetables, skewered on its own proboscis and roasted over a flame. The meat is quite good, but bears a distinctive metallic aftertaste. To cover this, many cooks will heavily spice these kebabs. After the skewered ingredients are finished, the proboscis itself can be consumed, softened somewhat by juices and heat. It's crunchy, like dry pasta, and vaguely sweet, but it bears the same coppery aftertaste as the meat.

    The eater of this dish finds their nose transformed into a long, narrow spike, able to draw in blood. If you successfully pin an opponent in a grapple, you can automatically impale them with this spur, dealing 1d4 points of damage. Every round that you maintain the pin, you automatically deal 1d4 points of constitution damage to the target.

    For every 10 points you beat the DC by, the constitution damage increases by one die size.

    Nymph Breast
    Nymph Breast
    Minimum Ranks:10
    Cut: Chest
    Servings: 2
    Cook DC: 26
    Augment: No
    Ingredient Creatures: Nymph

    This is a dish usually savored only by the truly twisted. The main portion of this dish is the pectoral muscle of a nymph, though those who would choose to eat such a thing will often leave the breast and skin intact to make it clear what is being eaten. The meat is generally slow-cooked and treated delicately. The meat itself is smooth and flavorful, with a smooth aftertaste. Some who eat it report a slight arousal, though the word of such depraved individuals is rarely to be taken at face value.

    The eater of this dish gains a portion of the otherworldly beauty of a nymph. Their skin becomes smooth and clear of blemishes, their features more exotic and alluring. They become so radiant that those that look upon them become distracted by the eater’s beauty. All creatures within 30 feet, take a penalty to ac, attack rolls, and reflex saves equal to the eater’s charisma modifier.

    Nymph Eye
    Nymph Eye
    Minimum Ranks: 10
    Cut: Head
    Servings: 1
    Cook DC: 26
    Augment: No
    Ingredient Creatures: Nymph

    The eyes of a nymph are fried in sauce. They can be breaded, but those who would eat a nymph often prefer to leave them uncovered, the emerald iris staring. The eyes lack much in the way of flavor, but their power is undeniable.

    The eater’s eyes turn a brilliant, iridescent shade of green, and they gain the nymph’s ability to stun with a glance. The eater may take a standard action to lock eyes with a target. When using this ability, the eyes may seem to flash, but they are always deeply captivating. The target must make a will save (DC 10+½ cook’s level+eater’s cha) or be stunned for 1d4 rounds.


    Paralytic Slime
    Paralytic Slime
    Minimum Ranks: 6
    Cut: Hand
    Servings: 4
    Cook DC: 20
    Augment: Yes
    Ingredient Creatures: Gelatinous Cube

    This dish is just unpleasant, unfortunately. There have been many attempts to make this dish palatable, but none can truly cover the inherent nature of it. The slime is scraped off a gelatinous cube and denatured with alcohol. Then the mix is drunk. It‘s exceptionally bitter and has an unpleasant, slimy texture. Most chefs recommend taking it like a shot to get it over with.

    The eater of this dish can secrete a paralytic fluid from their hand. As a standard action, they can make a melee touch attack. The target must make a fortitude save (DC 10+½ chef’s level+eater’s con mod) or be paralyzed for 1d6 rounds

    For every 5 points you beat the DC by, the duration of the paralysis increases by 1 round.

    Pixie Fingers
    Pixie Fingers
    Minimum Ranks: 7
    Cut: Hand
    Servings: 1
    Cook DC: 21
    Augment: No
    Ingredient Creatures: Pixie

    This dish is actually a pixie‘s entire hand, fried in hot oil. Sometimes things are placed into the hand so that when the hand is cooked, the fingers curl around it. The pixie’s hand is small enough that it is eaten whole, popped into the mouth like popcorn, the bones simply chewed. The piece placed into the palm is the main focus, the pixie hand simply a crunchy textural accent.

    The eater of this dish gains the ability to spread mischief with a touch. With a successful melee touch attack, you can duplicate the effects of a Shatter, Suggestion, or a targeted Dispel Magic spell on the target, with a cater level equal to the chef’s class level. The DC is 10+½ cook‘s level + cha.

    Powdered Cockatrice Beak
    Powdered Cockatrice Beak
    Minimum Ranks: 6
    Cut: Head
    Servings: 1
    Cook DC: 20
    Augment: Yes
    Ingredient Creatures: Cockatrice

    This dish involves the beak and part of the skull from a cockatrice, ground down into a powder, then used in replacement for flour in a coating applied to the breast meat. The use of the cockatrice‘s beak doesn’t much affect the dish‘s overall flavor, to be honest. Each chef can add their own touch through the use of spice.

    The eater‘s jaws extend out, their mouth forming into a beak, granting them a bite attack that deals 1d4 points of damage. The target of a successful bite attack must make a fortitude save (DC 10+½ cook‘s level+eater‘s con mod) or take 2 points of dexterity damage as their flesh petrifies. If the target reaches 0 dexterity, they are converted completely to stone. A stone to flesh spell returns the creature to its full natural dexterity.

    For every 5 points you beat the DC by, the dexterity damage on a failed save increases by 1.


    Render Pouch
    Render Pouch
    Minimum Ranks: 11
    Cut: Waist
    Servings: 4
    Cook DC: 28
    Augment: No
    Ingredient Creatures: Gray Render

    This dish is prepared by removing the outer wall of the render‘s pouch then grilling it. The flesh is somewhat chewy, but extremely rich in flavor and nutrition.

    The eater of this dish doesn’t physically change, but inherits the protective instinct of a gray render. The eater can, as an immediate action, switch places with a single ally within reach. Any attack, spell, or effect targeted at the ally targeted by this ability is instead targeted at you.

    Roper Strand Griller
    Roper Strand Griller
    Minimum Ranks:15
    Cut: Head
    Servings: 6
    Cook DC: 35
    Augment: Yes
    Ingredient Creatures: Roper

    This dish is composed of a roper‘s strand, severed and then grilled. The roper‘s strand is first soaked in alcohol, to remove the sticky, viscous secretions, then spiced and grilled over flame. The strand shrinks when heated, until it forms a jerky-like strip of tough, chewy material.

    The eater of this dish gains the ability to secrete strands, one from each palm. The eater can launch one or both strands as a standard action, making a ranged touch attack with a range of 50 feet against his targets. If the target is hit, they are stuck to the strand until they successfully make a strength check (DC=eater‘s strength score) or escape artist check (DC= eater‘s strength score+4) or successfully sunder the strand, which has 10 HP. If a strand is severed, the eater can extrude a new strand as a free action. The strand does no damage, but the target must make a fortitude save (DC 10+½ cook’s level+eater’s con mod) or take 1d6 points of strength damage. At the end of each round the target remains stuck to a strand, the target is pulled ten feet toward the eater. This movement provokes no attacks of opportunity.

    For every 10 points you beat the DC by, the strength damage increases by one die size.
    Last edited by Admiral Squish; 2012-11-30 at 06:16 PM.
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    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Omnomnomicon [Under Construction]

    Chapter 5: Dish List (Part 3)

    Satyr Breast
    Satyr Breast
    Minimum Ranks: 5
    Cut: Head
    Servings: 2
    Cook DC: 18
    Augment: Yes
    Ingredient Creatures: Satyr

    This dish is composed of the meat of a satyr, usually fried. The meat tastes like a mixture of mutton and pork.

    The eater of this dish gains the ability to whistle a satyr’s tunes. As a standard action, the eater can begin to whistle. All creatures within 60 feet that can hear him must make a will save, DC (10+½ cook’s level+eater’s cha). Creatures that fail their save are affected as though by Charm Person, Sleep, or Cause Fear, the eater’s choice when he begins whistling. The eater’s caster level for these effects is equal to the cook’s level. The effects last as long as he continues to spend standard actions to keep whistling.

    If you beat the DC by 10, creatures that fail their saves are affected by a Deep Slumber, Charm Monster, or Fear spell instead.

    Seared Tendrils
    Seared Tendrils
    Minimum Ranks: 11
    Cut: Head
    Servings: 1
    Cook DC: 28
    Augment: Yes
    Ingredient Creatures: Illithid

    This dish is composed of the fried tentacles of an illithid, which are boiled cooked until tender, then topped with vinegar and olive oil or soy sauce. The tentacles can be stripped of skin and suckers for a more presentable appearance, or they can be left on to enrich the flavor.

    The eater’s lips split and extend out into four tentacles much like an illithid’s. The eater can make four tentacle attacks that deal 1d4 damage. If the eater hits with a tentacle they can make a grapple check. If the grapple check is successful, he establishes a hold upon the target’s head with all the tentacles that he hit with. If the eater begins a turn with at least one tentacle attached, he can make a single grapple check to attach the rest of the tentacles. The opponent can escape with a single escape artist check, but the eater gains a +2 circumstances bonus for every tentacle attached at the beginning of the turn. If the eater begins a turn with all four tentacles attached, they may make another grapple check, which, if successful, extracts the creature’s brain, instantly killing the creature. This is not instantly lethal to creatures with multiple heads, such as an ettin or a hydra.

    For every 10 points you beat the DC by, the tentacle attack’s damage increases by one die size.

    Shambler Almonds
    Shambler Almonds
    Minimum Ranks: 9
    Cut: Chest
    Servings: 4
    Cook DC: 25
    Augment: No
    Ingredient Creatures: Shambling Mound

    This dish is composed of small nuts that grow within the innards of a shambling mound. The nuts are similar to almonds, but slightly larger and actually help store electrical energy the shambler absorbs. These almonds are typically salted and simply served whole. When cracking the shell, occasionally the eater is struck by a powerful static shock..

    The eater of this dish takes on vegetable traits. The eater becomes immune to electricity. When targeted by an electricity attack, you gain ¼ the damage you would take as temporary hit points, which last for one minute. If you are targeted by a new electricity attack while you still have temporary hit points from this ability, you can choose to replace the temporary hit points you have with the new amount, or keep the former amount.

    Shaper Puff
    Shaper Puff
    Minimum Ranks: 7
    Cut: Shoulder
    Servings: 4
    Cook DC: 22
    Augment: Yes
    Ingredient Creatures: Mimic, Phasm

    This dish is made of a specific part of a mutable organism, a squishy core located deep in the depths of it‘s mass. The organ is somewhere between a brain and a heart, and usually about the size of a grapefruit. The organ is usually baked whole, which causes it to swell up and expand into a watermelon-sized puff.

    The eater of this dish gains a measure of control over the soft parts of their anatomy. They gain the supernatural ability to alter their appearance as though using a disguise self spell that affects their bodies, but not their possessions. This ability is not an illusory effect but a minor physical alteration of the eater’s facial features, skin color and texture, and size, within the limits described for the spell. The eater can use this ability at will, and the alteration lasts until he changes shape again. The eater reverts to his natural form when killed. A true seeing spell reveals his natural form. When using this ability to create a disguise, the eater receives a +10 circumstance bonus on Disguise checks. Using this ability is a standard action.

    For every 10 points you beat the DC by, you can choose one ability from the following list each time you use your change shape ability.
    Claw| Gain two claws that deal 1d4 damage
    Bite| Gain one bite that deals 1d6 damage
    Horns| Gain one gore that deals 1d6 damage
    Might| Gain +2 Strength
    Quickness| Gain +2 Dexterity
    Toughness| Gain +2 Constitution (HP gained as with barbarian rage)
    Speed| Base land speed increases by 10 feet
    Armor| Gain +2 natural armor

    Shocker Tail
    Shocker Tail
    Minimum Ranks: 5
    Cut: Waist
    Servings: 2
    Cook DC: 19
    Augment: Yes
    Ingredient Creatures: Shocker Lizard

    This dish is composed of the tail of a shocker lizard. The scales, tail-horn and spinal column are removed, leaving just the muscular flesh. The meat tastes like a blend of fish and chicken, and when chewed, the meat releases the last of its stored electricity in tiny sparks to the tongue, making the meal an extremely unusual experience.

    The eater of this dish gains sprouts a stiff, reptilian tail that can produce electrical discharges. As a swift action, the eater can create an arc of electricity that deals 1d8 points of nonlethal damage to a single creature within 5 feet. The target can make a reflex save (DC 10+½ Cook’s level+eater’s con) for half damage. If the eater takes a standard action to create this shock, it instead deals lethal electricity damage. If there is another creature under the effects of this dish within 20 feet, the shock deals double damage, and has a range of 10 feet.

    For every 5 points you beat the DC by, the shock deals an additional 1d8 points of damage.

    Sizzling Strips
    Sizzling Strips
    Minimum Ranks: 10
    Cut: Chest
    Servings: 8
    Cook DC: 27
    Augment: Yes
    Ingredient Creatures: Remorhaz

    This dish is composed of the red-hot flesh of a remorhaz. The meat is removed while still hot, and doused until it‘s cool enough to serve. Traditionally, the meat is just rolled in snow until cool, but new innovations have brought forth the idea of using cold broth, or seasonings mixed into pure snow, to add flavor. The meat flakes like fish, but each flake is tough and meaty like beef, and overall the flavor is sweeter than traditional meats.

    The eater of this dish finds their chest and stomach glowing red with internal heat. When the eater is struck by a natural weapon , unarmed strike, or melee touch attack, the attacker takes 3d6 points of fire damage. Melee weapons striking the eater must make a fortitude save (DC 10+½ cook’s level+eater’s con) or be charred or melted to the point of uselessness. If the eater grapples or is grappled by an opponent, they take fire damage as though they had struck him each turn.

    For every 5 points you beat the DC by, the damage is increased by 1d6.

    Smoked Stalk
    Smoked Stalk
    Minimum Ranks: 6
    Cut: Leg
    Servings: 2
    Cook DC: 20
    Augment: Yes
    Ingredient Creatures: Dryad

    This dish is composed of the ‘meat’ of a dryad, which is somewhere between plant and animal. Uncooked, it behaves much like chicken under the knife, but when cooked over direct heat it toughens up into an exceptionally tough, almost woody texture. The meat must be cooked indirectly to remain edible, and smoking leaves the flesh tender and pliable. The meat tastes much like pork, though nobody‘s quite sure if the hints of wood flavor are from the meat or the smoking process.

    The eater of this dish gains a limited ability to walk from tree to tree. The eater can move into a tree of sufficient size to contain him and emerge from any tree within 30 feet that is also large enough to contain him, as though he had not traveled the intervening distance. This takes no action beyond the action required to move into the space containing the tree. The eater can tree walk like this as often as they desire, up to a total distance of 60 feet per day, divided up as they wish. When entering a tree, the eater intuitively knows which trees in range are large enough for him to walk in and out of.

    For every 5 points you beat the DC by, the total distance you can travel in a day increases by 15 feet.

    Sour spray gland
    Sour Spray Gland
    Minimum Ranks:5
    Cut: Waist
    Servings: 1
    Cook DC: 18
    Augment: Yes
    Ingredient Creatures: Giant Bombardier Beetle

    This dish is composed of the acid gland of a giant bombardier beetle, the acid poured out and filled with a neutral stuffing. It‘s eaten like haggis. The residual acids make the dish highly sour to taste.

    The eater of this dish grows an insectoid abdomen that can spray acid behind it. Unfortunately, to use this in combat most often means turning your back on your enemies. The eater may fire a 10-foot cone of acid, dealing acid damage equal to 1d4+eater’s con to all creatures within the cone, as a standard action that provokes an attack of opportunity.

    For every 5 points you beat the DC by, the acid damage increases by 1d4.
    For every 5 points you beat the DC by, the cone’s length increases by 5 feet.

    Steamed Tentacles in Bitter Sauce
    Steamed Tentacles in Bitter Sauce
    Minimum Ranks: 10
    Cut: Chest
    Servings: 4
    Cook DC: 26
    Augment: Yes
    Ingredients: Chuul

    This dish is made of the tentacles and paralytic slime of a chuul. The cook must be careful in harvesting this cut, wearing protective clothes to avoid touching the slime directly until the alchemical neutralizing agent can be applied. The tentacles, once harvested, are steamed, and the neutralized slime is mixed into a bitter sauce. The tentacles taste sweet and rich like lobster, but have the texture of octopus, the bitter sauce serving to sharply contrast the flavor of the meat.

    The eater of the dish grouts short, slimy tentacles all down from their chin to their chest. These tentacles grasp mindlessly at anything nearby. The eater gains a +4 to grapple checks. Every round you successfully maintain a grapple, the target must make a fortitude save DC 10+1/2 cook’s level+ eater’s con or be paralyzed for a number of rounds equal to the eater‘s con.

    For every 5 points you beat the DC by, the grapple bonus increases by +1
    For every 10 points you beat the DC by, the paralysis’ duration is increased by one round.

    Stuffed Assassin Leaves
    Stuffed Assassin Leaves
    Minimum Ranks: 6
    Cut: Hand
    Servings: 4
    Cook DC: 20
    Augment: Yes
    Ingredients: Assassin Vine

    This dish is made of the hand-shaped leaves of an assassin vine wrapped around a spiced mixture of meat and rice. This dish is actually very easy to prepare, as the leaves retain their grasping reflex even after the vine is dead. The cook simply has to dole out a suitable quantity of the meat and rice in the ‘palm’ of the leaf, and it naturally balls tightly around it

    The eater’s skin takes on a green hue, and they develop a connection to the nearby plants. The eater gains a +5 racial bonus to hide checks in overgrown areas. In addition, as a swift action, the eater can animate all plants within 20 feet to entangle, as the spell, for one round. The save DC is 10+½ the cook’s HD+eater’s wis.

    For every 5 points you beat the DC by, the hide bonus increases by +2.
    For every 10 points you beat the DC by, the radius of the entangle effect is increased by 10 feet.

    Stuffed Cloaker Skull
    Stuffed Cloaker Skull
    Minimum Ranks: 8
    Cut: Head
    Servings: 1
    Cook DC: 23
    Augment: Yes
    Ingredients: Cloaker

    this dish is made from the cartilaginous skull of a cloaker, the brain and eyes removed, and stuffed with shredded cloaker meat. The skull is then baked until crispy and brittle, and cracked open. The shredded meat within is then eaten, then the skull itself, which has taken on the flavor of the meat.

    The eater of this dish gains the ability to produce a haunting subsonic moan that can have a number of effects on those that hear it. Moaning is a standard action to start and a standard action to maintain each round. The moan can be maintained for a number of rounds equal to the eater’s constitution modifier. Moaning affects all creatures within 30 feet. The DC of any effect that provokes a save is 10+½ cook’s level+eater’s cha.
    Unnerve: All creatures within the area take a -2 penalty to attack and damage rolls for as long as the eater continues to moan.
    Fear: All creatures in the area must make a will save or be shaken for one minute. If exposed to this moan for five consecutive rounds, a creature becomes frightened for 1d4 rounds.
    Nausea: All creatures in the area must make a fortitude save or be sickened for one minute. If exposed to this moan for five consecutive rounds, they are nauseated for 1d4 round.
    Stupor: All creatures in the area must make a fortitude save or take a -2 penalty to skill and ability checks for one minute. If exposed to this moan for five rounds, the creature falls asleep for 1d4 rounds.

    For every 5 points you beat the DC by, the penalty inflicted by unnerve is increased by 1.
    If you beat the DC by 10, the number of consecutive rounds of moaning required to cause the more serious effect is reduced to 3.

    Stuffed Gorgon Lung
    Stuffed Gorgon Lung
    Minimum Ranks: 11
    Cut: Chest
    Servings: 2
    Cook DC: 28
    Augment: Yes
    Ingredients: Gorgon

    This dish is made from the gray lungs of a gorgon, stuffed with breading and painted with sauce before being baked. The stuffing actually takes two stages, as the first stuffing gets partially petrified by residue inside the lung. If the residue isn‘t properly cleaned out by the first round of stuffing, the stuffing ends up tasting like chalk.

    The eater begins to breath small puffs of gray gas. As a standard action, the eater can breathe out a 30-foot cone of gray smoke, a petrifying gas. Any creature in the area must make a fortitude save, DC 10+½ cook’s level+ eater’s con, or be partially petrified. A partially petrified creature is treated as though affected by a Slow spell, but increase the penalty to AC, attack rolls, and reflex saves to -2. The eater can breathe this cloud once per minute.

    For every 5 points you beat the DC by, the penalty inflicted increases by 1.
    For every 10 points you beat the DC by, the cone’s length increases by 15 feet.

    Treant Apple Crisp
    Treant Apple Crisp
    Minimum Ranks: 11
    Cut: Shoulder
    Servings: 4
    Cook DC: 28
    Augment: Yes

    This dish is made from the apples of a treant, sliced and coated with a mix of sugars, flour, and oats. The dish is then baked until tender. In theory, one could get the ingredients for this dish without killing the treant, but very few treants are willing to give up their apples to a mortal.

    The eater’s shoulders grow short, leafy branches, dotted with apples. As a full-round action, the eater can pluck one of these apples and hurl it to the ground, channeling druidic power to will the seeds within to grow. The seeds grow into a medium-sized treant sapling under your control that remains active for one minute, before rooting itself where it stands and turning into a normal sapling.

    For every 5 points you beat the DC by, the sapling improves one next step.

    Unicorn Heart
    Unicorn Heart
    Minimum Ranks: 6
    Cut: Chest
    Servings: 1
    Cook DC: 20
    Augment: No
    Ingredients: Unicorn

    This dish is made from the heart of a unicorn. The heart‘s flesh is pure white, and is seems to glow with an inner light. The heart is sliced apart carefully and braised in wine. Despite the strong colors of the wine, the meat remains pure white through the entire cooking process. Evil creatures find that the meat burns in their stomach as long as the effect remains.

    The eater of this dish shines with an inner, holy light. The eater is treated as though under the effects of a protection from evil spell for the duration of the dish. The eater can detect evil, as the spell, as a swift action. Finally, the eater gains the lay on hands ability as a paladin of their level.




    Yrthak Horn
    Yrthak Horn
    Minimum Ranks: 12
    Cut: Head
    Servings: 1
    Cook DC: 30
    Augment: Yes
    Ingredients: Yrthak

    Technically, this structure‘s not a technically a horn, but a highly specialized growth of the skull. The outer skin is peeled off, the bone is sawed from the rest of the skull and used as a dish to cook the meaty innards of the sound organ. The meat is then dug out of the cone-shaped bone by the eater with fork and knife.

    The eater grows a pale green horn from their forehead. The horn allows them to create and focus rays of sonic energy called sonic lances. Firing a sonic lance is a standard action that provokes attacks of opportunity. A sonic lance is a ranged touch attack with a maximum range of 120 feet. The lance deals 6d6 points of sonic damage and ignores hardness. After firing a sonic lance, you must wait at least one round before you can use it again.

    For every 5 points you beat the DC by, the damage increases by 2d6.

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    Chapter 6: Magic
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    Default Re: The Omnomnomicon [Under Construction]

    Chapter 7: Prestige Classes

    An eater of humanoids.

    Blessed Chef:
    A holy chef who sanctifies meals with extra holy energy.

    A brewer of alcohol of all descriptions.

    A heavily-built warrior who has turned his weight into a mighty weapon.

    Iron Heart Chef:
    A warrior of the nine swords who knows a warrior fights on his stomach.

    Gourmet Hunter:
    A hunter who seeks the rarest, most flavorful meats from the most dangerous corners of the world.
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    Chapter 8: Monsters

    A zombie with reason to eat brains

    Bonegrinder Giant
    Giants with a strong tradition of eating humans.

    Cut-off fragments of Dalmosh, grown into perpetually hungry beings.

    Devouring Ooze
    An ooze that gains from consuming it's victims.

    Glut Demon
    A demon of gluttony, horribly fat and always hungry.

    A beast that has tasted the blood of humanoids and become obsessed.

    A terrifying creature that consumes vast stretches of countryside.

    Prime Cut Golem
    A flesh golem, cobbled together out of the the flesh of dozens of monstrous beasts.

    A horrible creature that hollows out the bodies of it's victims, puppeteering them from within.

    Slime Walker
    A demi-slime with the ability to form crystalline bones to support it.

    Troll, Fleshfeast
    A corpulent troll, bred as an eternal food source for an ancient magical society.
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    Chapter 9: Food Campaigns
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    Maybe one or two more...
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    Default Re: The Omnomnomicon [Under Construction]

    Okay, NOW I should be done.

    So, I've been working on and off on this project for more than a year. work has slowed to a crawl, and at this point, I doubt I'll be able to get much more done until I start getting some review and group brainstorming going on. I would love to see this finished, so I'm counting on you guys to help me out.
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    Default Re: The Omnomnomicon [BIG magic system! PEACH!]

    This is truly the greatest day. I can finally eat and play D&D at the same time.
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    Default Re: The Omnomnomicon [BIG magic system! PEACH!]

    I am so intrigued. First question that occurs to me: are the dishes permanent additions to any character who eats it, or do they have durations? Further, is there a limit on how many of said dishes can be consumed by a single character?

    Very much looking forward to more stuff being posted!
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    Default Re: The Omnomnomicon [BIG magic system! PEACH!]

    Quote Originally Posted by Zelkon View Post
    This is truly the greatest day. I can finally eat and play D&D at the same time.
    I'm so glad you like it!

    Quote Originally Posted by Domriso View Post
    I am so intrigued. First question that occurs to me: are the dishes permanent additions to any character who eats it, or do they have durations? Further, is there a limit on how many of said dishes can be consumed by a single character?

    Very much looking forward to more stuff being posted!
    Dishes have a duration, but they all have the same duration, So I didn't include it in each dish entry. It's in the entry for the cooking skill, at the bottom. One hour, plus one hour per 10 ranks you have in cooking. Cooking classes will be getting a class feature to make them last longer.
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    Default Re: The Omnomnomicon [BIG magic system! PEACH!]

    Quote Originally Posted by Admiral Squish View Post
    I'm so glad you like it!

    Dishes have a duration, but they all have the same duration, So I didn't include it in each dish entry. It's in the entry for the cooking skill, at the bottom. One hour, plus one hour per 10 ranks you have in cooking. Cooking classes will be getting a class feature to make them last longer.
    Wait, every 10 ranks or check result divided by 10? The latter is probably better.
    Akrim.elf made my wonderful ponytar.

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    Eager to see the actual classes in effect
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    Default Re: The Omnomnomicon [BIG magic system! PEACH!]

    So, you're finally getting back to this project, eh? 'Bout dern time.
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    Default Re: The Omnomnomicon [BIG magic system! PEACH!]

    Quote Originally Posted by Zelkon View Post
    Wait, every 10 ranks or check result divided by 10? The latter is probably better.
    Hmm... Hadn't thought of that option. Not ENTIRELY sold on it, tho.

    Quote Originally Posted by Arcanist View Post
    Eager to see the actual classes in affect
    Yeah, that's a big part of it. It's possible play a cook by using the game hunter ranger ACF right now, but I'm really having trouble making the original classes work.

    Quote Originally Posted by Morph Bark View Post
    So, you're finally getting back to this project, eh? 'Bout dern time.
    Yeah, took me long enough.
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    Default Re: The Omnomnomicon [BIG magic system! PEACH!]

    So, right now, what I REALLY need is somebody who isn't me to go over all the dishes and see if they hold up to some basic scrutiny. Preferably one person, but if ya'll wanna break it up, that would be fine too.

    I've posted the Risen in a separate thread since I did a lot of weird stuff with them and I'm hoping making it it's own thread will mean they get more specialized attention.

    The qu are finished but I still don't have rules people agree on for overweight/heavyweight.

    I'm working on the fluff for Kroot. Their crunch is mostly done, but I'm struggling a bit modeling the long-term changes they gain from eating fallen foes.

    Once I have a decent assessment of the power level for the dishes, I can move on and get serious about working on the base classes and setting their power level. So far, I don't have much, but I always find making races and cultures more fun than making classes.
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    Default Re: The Omnomnomicon [BIG magic system! PEACH!]

    You probably should limit the spellcasting ones so that you can't find a 1st level Wizard and butcher them for 9th level spells.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Amechra View Post
    You probably should limit the spellcasting ones so that you can't find a 1st level Wizard and butcher them for 9th level spells.
    Hmm... Well, there are a few things with that specific example, but the basic issue holds true. You can get high-level spellcasting from creatures with relatively low-level spellcasting powers. I see two possible fixes. One, I could put an extra limiting clause in them, stating you cannot gain spell slots in spell levels the creature does not, itself, possess. Or, it could be ignored, saying that you are, through your cooking, empowering the inherent connection of the brain/heart to the source of it's magic, allowing you to utilize spells the creature itself could not.
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    I can't offer any help as far as balance goes, being kinda inherently uncertain in fields of that nature. However...

    Grammar Log

    Basic Dishes:

    Arcane Mind: First DC line(Says spell ‘splot’, should be spell slot)

    Crushing Coils: Flavor(HA!) text(Both it’s should be its)

    Destructive Lung: Effect paragraph(After, ‘to all creatures in the area’, there should be a comma and not a period.)

    Faithful Heart: First DC line(Says spell ‘splot’, should be spell slot)

    Flipper Fillet: The first F should be capitalized, isn’t currently.

    Grasping Claws: Effect paragraph(Says ‘eather’, should be eater.)

    Grilled Stinger: Flavor text should be italicized, isn’t currently. Also, in the final line of effect paragraph, ‘cooks’s’ choice should be cook’s choice

    Nature’s Heart: First DC line(Says spell ‘splot’, should be spell slot)

    Ooze Cups: DC line(Says For ‘ever’, should say For ‘every’)

    Gripping/Powdered Fangs: No real issue, but there seems to be a disagreement about what the name of it should be-Is it Powdered Fangs or Gripping Fangs?

    Quick Digits: Title inside the spoiler says Digiits, should be Digits

    Specific Dishes:

    Aboleth Brain: Effect paragraph(Persistant is a misspelling, it should be Persistent). Also, it should read, ‘Image, and Veil’.

    Ankeg Stomach: Flavor text(it’s should be its)

    Basalisk Eyes: Basalisk and Abbysal appear to be misspelled(though I am uncertain of the actual spelling), and in the Effect paragraph, 'turned to' is repeated twice.

    Bullete Claws: Flavor text(it’s should be its)

    Dark Bacon: Flavor text(it’s should be its)

    Delver Steak: Flavor text(chewey should be chewy)

    Gelatin: Flavor text(it’s should be its)

    Glowing Curry: Flavor text(it’s should be its.)

    Mouther Puff: Flavor text(wisk should be whisk, and aquire should be acquire)

    Needle-Nose Kebab: Flavor text(it’s should be its)

    Pixie Fingers: Flavor Text(the second usage of pixie is misspelled to be pizie)

    Powdered Cockatrice Beak: Effect paragraph, last sentence(it’s should be its)
    Shaper Puff: Flavor text(it’s should be its)

    Shocker Tail: Flavor text(it’s should be its)

    Smoked Stalk: Flavor text(exceptionaly should be exceptionally)

    Here is a list of any grammatical or formatting errors I encountered while reading over the dishes.
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    ScrambledBrains, thanks! I fixed all the issues you pointed out. It can be a real pain to proofread that many dishes.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Admiral Squish View Post
    Hmm... Hadn't thought of that option. Not ENTIRELY sold on it, tho.
    Just thought, you know, that each dish requires a cook check to make, so it might as well have an active effect on the time.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Admiral Squish View Post
    ScrambledBrains, thanks! I fixed all the issues you pointed out. It can be a real pain to proofread that many dishes.
    Don't mention it. I have a very immense interest in this project, being that I absolutely adored Quina Quen from FF IX, and I want to see it really prosper so that one day I can play a character similar to him/her in a game.

    Edit: Not to mention that I'm just a very pedantic fellow to begin with.
    Last edited by ScrambledBrains; 2012-11-24 at 10:25 PM.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Prince Zahn View Post
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zelkon View Post
    Just thought, you know, that each dish requires a cook check to make, so it might as well have an active effect on the time.
    I did the math, and it's actually about the same range of times, just dependent or the check result, instead of your ranks. It has been implemented!

    Quote Originally Posted by ScrambledBrains View Post
    Don't mention it. I have a very immense interest in this project, being that I absolutely adored Quina Quen from FF IX, and I want to see it really prosper so that one day I can play a character similar to him/her in a game.

    Edit: Not to mention that I'm just a very pedantic fellow to begin with.
    Well, I can only hope I properly catch his/her essence for you.

    On the subject of quina, I need some help on this trait/feat/flaw/thing before I can post the qu.

    The idea is to express being overweight in mechanical terms, but it doesn't quite work as a flaw, a trait, a feat, or anything else I can think of. I want something that can be taken by any character with minimum/no investment without really throwing their overall balance off.

    Here's what I've figured would be affected by a character's weight:
    Penalty to balance, climb, escape artist, hide, jump, move silently, and tumble checks.
    Penalty to speed. Definitely land speed, possibly fly or swim speed too.
    Size bonus to grapple, bull rush, trip, and overrun checks, which stacks with existing size modifiers.
    Either a small bonus to natural armor, or a small amount of damage reduction/piercing.

    Also, if any of you would be so kind as to pop over to the Risen thread and leave some comments, that would be a great help.
    Last edited by Admiral Squish; 2012-11-24 at 11:43 PM.
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    Default Re: The Omnomnomicon [BIG magic system! PEACH!]

    Quite an interesting concept. I'll be following this to see where it leads.

    One quick correction: The cut for Quick Digits is listed as Fingers. I believe that should be Hand?

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