Snips, Snails, and Dragon Tales: Now available in PDF format from Gumroad
Snips, Snails, and Dragon Tales is now on sale in PDF format from Gumroad - with 6 never-before-collected bonus comics!
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    Troll in the Playground
    The Demented One's Avatar

    Join Date
    Apr 2005

    Default Fear and Loathing [Creature]

    Size/Type: Small Undead (Incorporeal)
    Hit Dice: 3d12 (19 hp)
    Initiative: +3
    Speed: Fly 30 ft. (good) (6 squares)
    Armor Class: 16 (+1 size, +3 Dex, +2 deflection), touch 16, flatfooted 13
    Base Attack/Grapple: +1/–
    Attack: Incorporeal Touch +4 melee (1d4 and Menace)
    Full Attack: Incorporeal Touch +4 melee (1d4 and Menace)
    Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
    Special Attacks: Menace, unspeakable horror
    Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., devour fear, incorporeal traits, turn resistance +2, undead traits
    Saves: Fort +1, Ref +4, Will +3
    Abilities: Str –, Dex 16, Con –, Int 6, Wis 10, Cha 14
    Skills: Hide +7, Intimidate +6, Listen +4, Spot +4
    Feats: Ability Focus (Menace), Dodge
    Environment: Any
    Organization: Solitary
    Challenge Rating: 3
    Treasure: None
    Alignment: Always Neutral Evil
    Advancement: 4-6 HD (Small), 7-12 HD (Medium)
    Level Adjustment: +3

    Dreadlings are menacing spirits born from those who die in a state of fear and horror. They are ephemeral spirits, resembling small, misshapen children, which glow a luminous blue when excited. Dreadlings seek out those they perceive as being vulnerable, and sow fear in all those around them. Just as a vampire feeds off blood, Dreadlings feed off of fear, becoming swollen and bloated off the fear they devour.

    Menace (Su)
    A creature hit by a Dreadling’s incorporeal touch attack must make a DC 15 Will save or be panicked for 2d4 rounds. Even if it saves, it is shaken for 1 round. The save is Cha based. This is a mind-affecting, fear ability.

    Unspeakable Horror (Su)
    When a Dreadling dies, it explodes in a nova of fear. All creatures within 10 ft. of it when it is destroyed must make a DC 13 Will save or fall unconscious with fear. Those that succeed on their saves are still shaken for 1 round. An unconscious creature remains in that state for 10d6 minutes, though a DC 15 Heal check can awaken it prematurely. The save is Cha based. This is a mind-affecting, fear ability.

    Devour Fear (Su)
    A Dreadling feeds on the fear of its foes. At the beginning of each round, a Dreadling gains a an amount of temporary hp equal to the number of creatures within 30 ft. of it that are either shaken, frightened, or panicked. These temporary hp last for 1 hour.
    Last edited by The Demented One; 2007-09-28 at 12:13 AM.
    I no longer actively read the forums, and probably won't respond to any PMs. I'm fine with people using my homebrew in anything, including fan-compilations and wikis, as long as you credit me.

    Homebrew by The Demented One.

  2. - Top - End - #2
    Ettin in the Playground
    Dhavaer's Avatar

    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    Default Re: Fear and Loathing [Creature]

    Do the temp hp from Devour Fear stack?
    Thanks to Veera for the avatar.

    I keep my stories in a blog. You should read them.

    5E Sorcerous Origin: Arcanist

    Quote Originally Posted by ClericofPhwarrr View Post
    Dhavaer, your ideas are like candy from the sky, sprinkled lightly with cinnamon.
    Quote Originally Posted by Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll View Post
    Wow. Badass without being flashy and showy, attractive while remaining classy. Bravo Dhavaer.
    Quote Originally Posted by Psyren View Post
    ...Why do I imagine you licking your lips and rubbing your hands together?

  3. - Top - End - #3
    Troll in the Playground
    The Demented One's Avatar

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    Apr 2005

    Default Re: Fear and Loathing [Creature]

    Quote Originally Posted by Dhavaer View Post
    Do the temp hp from Devour Fear stack?
    Yeah, it does.
    I no longer actively read the forums, and probably won't respond to any PMs. I'm fine with people using my homebrew in anything, including fan-compilations and wikis, as long as you credit me.

    Homebrew by The Demented One.

  4. - Top - End - #4
    Dwarf in the Playground
    Join Date
    Aug 2006

    Default Re: Fear and Loathing [Creature]

    I like it alot, especially its appearance, really fitting.
    One thing though, Change:

    Environment: Any


    Environment: Los Vegas

    Tis Halcyon Dax! Forsooth!

    Quote Originally Posted by Shazzbaa View Post
    Rocks will fall, everyone will die.

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