Snips, Snails, and Dragon Tales: Now available in PDF format from Gumroad
Snips, Snails, and Dragon Tales is now on sale in PDF format from Gumroad - with 6 never-before-collected bonus comics!
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    Ogre in the Playground
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Oldhelwyn Wilds

    Lightbulb Jedi / Dark Jedi

    Jedi Guardian

    Base Attack Bonus: +5
    Feats: Force Sensitive.
    Skills: Knowledge (The Force) 4 ranks.
    Special: Must go before the Jedi Council with a Jedi Knight willing to undertake you as a padawan. Typically the applicant must undertake three trials given by the Jedi Council; each measuring your determination, reasoning skills, and bravery. These trials are often completely different, based on the applicant more than any set regimen.

    Jedi Guardians have the following game statistics.

    Abilities: Wisdom holds importance for their skills, certain force powers and several class abilities. Charisma is good for social interactions, negotiations and certain force powers. Strength and Dexterity are good for Offense and Defense, respectively. Constitution is Great for endurance and survival in combat. Intelligence is less required...

    Alignment: Any. Typically Any Lawful
    Hit Die: d10.

    Class Skills
    The Jedi Guardian’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Balance (Dex), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Craft (Lightsaber; typically) (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Gather Information (Cha), Hide (Dex), Jump (Str), Knowledge (The Force) (Int)*, Knowledge (History) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Ride (Dex), Sense Motive (Wis), Spot (Wis), Swim (Str), and Tumble (Dex). (* new skill described below)
    Skill Points at 1st Level: (4 + Int modifier) × 4.
    Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 4 + Int modifier.

    {table=head]{colsp=10}Table: Jedi Guardian Class
    Level| BAB | Fort| Ref |Will| Special Abilities| Leap Distance| Damage Reduction| Force Level| Force Power Pool

    1st |+1 |+2 |+2 |+0 | Force Leap, Way of the Lightsaber |10 ft. |1/--- |1st | 5
    2nd |+2 |+3 |+3 |+1 | First Style Form |10 ft. |1/--- |1st | 5
    3rd |+3 |+3 |+3 |+1 | Skirmish +1d6, +1 AC |20 ft. |2/--- |1st | 10
    4th |+4 |+4 |+4 |+1 | Bonus Combat Feat |20 ft. |2/--- |1st | 10
    5th |+5 |+4 |+4 |+2 | Skirmish +2d6, +2 AC |30 ft. |3/--- |2nd | 15

    6th |+6/+1 |+5 |+5 |+2 | Second Style Form |30 ft. |3/--- |2nd | 15
    7th |+7/+2 |+5 |+5 |+2 | Skirmish +3d6, +3 AC |40 ft. |4/--- |2nd | 20
    8th |+8/+3 |+6 |+6 |+3 | Bonus Combat Feat |40 ft. |4/--- |2nd | 20
    9th |+9/+4 |+6 |+6 |+3 | Skirmish +4d6, +4 AC |50 ft. |5/--- |3rd | 25
    10th |+10/+5 |+7 |+7 |+3 | Third Style Form |50 ft. |5/--- |3rd | 25

    Class Features
    All of the following are class features of the Jedi Guardian.

    Weapon and Armor Proficiency:
    Jedi Guardians are proficient with simple and martial weapons, plus with Lightsabers, Double Lightsabers and Lightwhips.

    Jedi Guardians are proficient with light armor, but not with shields. Wearing medium, heavy armor or when wielding a shield causes you to lose the ability to use most combat-based or movement-based force powers.

    1st - Force Leap (Ex):
    A Jedi Guardian can leap forward with intense power, closing the combat distance quickly and possibly dealing extra damage. Whenever a Jedi Guardian leaps forward out to his chosen distance, without rolling a jump check to designate the distance, attempting an attack that is considered a charge attempt.

    1st - Way of the Lightsaber (Ex):
    A Jedi Guardian's mental focus and skill in predicting the movements of foes makes them capable of using their Wisdom modifier instead of their strength modifiers for melee attack rolls or their dexterity for attack rolls made with thrown Lightsabers.

    2nd - Style Forms (Ex): not finished, only laid out roughly.

    3rd - Skirmish (Ex):
    A Jedi Guardian relies on mobility to deal extra damage and improve her defense. She deals an extra 1d6 points of damage on all attacks she makes during any round in which she moves at least 10 feet or such as when preforming a Force Leap. The extra damage applies only to attacks taken during the Jedi Guardian’s turn. This extra damage increases by 1d6 for every other level gained above 3rd (2d6 at 5th, 3d6 at 7th, and 4d6 at 9th level).

    The extra damage only applies against living creatures that have a discernible anatomy. Undead, constructs, oozes, plants, incorporeal creatures, and creatures immune to extra damage from critical hits are not vulnerable to this additional damage. The Jedi Guardian must be able to see the target well enough to pick out a vital spot and must be able to reach such a spot. Jedi Guardians can apply this extra damage to ranged attacks made while skirmishing, but only if the target is within 30 feet.

    At 3rd level, a Jedi Guardian gains a +1 competence bonus to Armor Class during any round in which she moves at least 10 feet. The bonus applies as soon as the Jedi Guardian has moved 10 feet, and lasts until the start of her next turn. This bonus improves by 1 for every other level gained above 3rd (+2 at 5th, +3 at 7th, and +4 at 9th level). A Jedi Guardian loses this ability when wearing medium or heavy armor or when carrying a medium or heavy load. If she gains the skirmish ability from another class, the bonuses stack.


    Jedi Sentinel

    Feats: Force Sensitive.
    Skills: Bluff 8 ranks or Diplomacy 8 ranks, Hide 8 ranks or Move Silently 8 ranks, Knowledge (The Force) 4 ranks.
    Special: Must go before the Jedi Council with a Jedi Knight willing to undertake you as a padawan. Typically the applicant must undertake three trials given by the Jedi Council; each measuring your determination, reasoning skills, and bravery. These trials are often completely different, based on the applicant more than any set regimen.

    Jedi Sentinels have the following game statistics.

    Abilities: Wisdom holds importance for their skills, certain force powers and several class abilities. Charisma is good for social interactions, negotiations and certain force powers. Strength and Dexterity are good for Offense and Defense, respectively. Constitution is Great for endurance and survival in combat. Intelligence is a bonus, but with their high skill point average, less required...

    Alignment: Any. Typically Any Lawful
    Hit Die: d8.

    Class Skills
    The Jedi Sentinel's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Craft (Lightsaber; typically) (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disable Device (Int), Escape Artist (Dex), Gather Information (Cha), Hide (Dex), Jump (Str), Knowledge (The Force) (Int)*, Knowledge (History) (Int), Knowledge (Local) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Sense Motive (Wis), Spot (Wis), Swim (Str), and Tumble (Dex). (* new skill described below)
    Skill Points at 1st Level: (8 + Int modifier) × 4.
    Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 8 + Int modifier.

    {table=head]{colsp=8}Table: Jedi Sentinel Class
    Level| BAB | Fort| Ref |Will| Special Abilities| Force Level| Force Power Pool

    1st |+0 |+0 |+2 |+2 | Way of the Lightsaber |1st | 5
    2nd |+1 |+0 |+3 |+3 | First Style Form |1st | 10
    3rd |+2 |+1 |+3 |+3 | Sneak Attack +1d6 |2nd | 15
    4th |+3 |+1 |+4 |+4 | Stealth Adept |2nd | 20
    5th |+3 |+1 |+4 |+4 | Sneak Attack +2d6 |3rd | 25

    6th |+4 |+2 |+5 |+5 | Second Style Form |3rd | 30
    7th |+5 |+2 |+5 |+5 | Sneak Attack +3d6 |4th | 35
    8th |+6/+1 |+3 |+6 |+6 | Evasion, Uncanny Dodge |4th | 40
    9th |+6/+1 |+3 |+6 |+6 | Sneak Attack +4d6 |5th | 45
    10th |+7/+2 |+3 |+7 |+7 | Force Stealth |5th | 50

    Class Features
    All of the following are class features of the Jedi Sentinel.

    Weapon and Armor Proficiency:
    Jedi Sentinels are proficient with simple and martial weapons, plus with Lightsabers and Double Lightsabers.

    Jedi Sentinels are proficient with no armor and no shields. Wearing armor or when wielding a shield causes you to lose the ability to use most combat-based or movement-based force powers.

    1st - Way of the Lightsaber (Ex):
    A Jedi Sentinel mental focus and skill in predicting the movements of foes makes them capable of using their Wisdom modifier instead of their strength modifiers for melee attack rolls or their dexterity for attack rolls made with thrown Lightsabers.

    2nd - Style Forms (Ex): not finished, only laid out roughly.

    4th - Stealth Adept (Ex):
    Jedi Sentinels are incredibly aware of their movements when attempting to remain undiscovered, the Jedi Sentinel adds one half their Jedi Sentinel levels to their hide and move silently skill checks.

    8th - Evasion (Ex):
    At 8th level, a Jedi Sentinel can avoid even magical and unusual attacks with great agility. If she makes a successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save, she instead takes no damage. Evasion can be used only if the Jedi Sentinel is wearing no armor. A helpless Jedi Sentinel does not gain the benefit of evasion.

    8th - Uncanny Dodge (Ex):
    Starting at 8th level, a Jedi Sentinel can react to danger before her senses would normally allow her to do so. She retains her Dexterity bonus to AC (if any) even if she is caught flat-footed or struck by an invisible attacker. However, she still loses her Dexterity bonus to AC if immobilized.

    If a Jedi Sentinel already has uncanny dodge from a different class she automatically gains improved uncanny dodge (see below) instead.

    10th - Force Stealth (Su):
    Starting at 10th level, a Jedi Sentinel can use the force itself to distort their appearance, giving the appearance as if they were wearing active camouflage. Treat this as being under the Invisibility spell for all purposes, gaining a large bonus to hide (+40 if stationary, +20 if moving) and total concealment. A Jedi Sentinel can activate this ability a number of times per day equal to their Jedi Sentinel levels + their Wisdom Modifier. Activating this ability is a move action that provokes no attack of opportunity.


    Jedi Counselor

    Feats: Force Sensitive.
    Skills: Diplomacy 8 ranks, Knowledge (The Force) 4 ranks.
    Special: Must go before the Jedi Council with a Jedi Knight willing to undertake your training. Typically the applicant must undertake three trials given by the Jedi Council; each measuring your determination, reasoning skills, and bravery. These trials are often completely different, based on the applicant more than any set regimen.

    Jedi Counselors have the following game statistics.

    Abilities: Wisdom holds importance for their skills, certain force powers and several class abilities. Intelligence is important for their abilities and skills. Charisma is good for social interactions, negotiations and certain force powers. Dexterity is good for Defense. Constitution and Strength are often less important.

    Alignment: Any. Typically Any Lawful
    Hit Die: d6.

    Class Skills
    The Jedi Counselor's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Balance (Dex), Concentration (Con), Craft (Lightsaber; typically) (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Gather Information (Cha), Hide (Dex), Knowledge (All) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Sense Motive (Wis), Spot (Wis), and Tumble (Dex).
    Skill Points at 1st Level: (6 + Int modifier) × 4.
    Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 6 + Int modifier.

    {table=head]{colsp=8}Table: Jedi Counselor Class
    Level| BAB | Fort| Ref |Will| Special Abilities| Force Level| Force Power Pool

    1st |+0 |+0 |+0 |+2 | Way of the Lightsaber |1st | 10
    2nd |+1 |+0 |+0 |+3 | Style Form |2nd | 20
    3rd |+1 |+1 |+1 |+3 | Battle Meditation +2 |3rd | 30
    4th |+2 |+1 |+1 |+4 | Inner Power (Empower) |3rd | 40
    5th |+2 |+1 |+1 |+4 | Force Adept |4th | 50

    6th |+3 |+2 |+2 |+5 | Battle Meditation +4 |5th | 60
    7th |+3 |+2 |+2 |+5 | Inner Power (Enlarge) |6th | 70
    8th |+4 |+3 |+3 |+6 | Force Mastery |6th | 80
    9th |+4 |+3 |+3 |+6 | Battle Meditation +6 |5th | 90
    10th |+5 |+3 |+3 |+7 | Inner Power (Sudden) |7th | 100

    Class Features
    All of the following are class features of the Jedi Counselor.

    Weapon and Armor Proficiency:
    Jedi Counselors are proficient with simple and martial weapons, plus with Lightsabers.

    Jedi Counselors are proficient with no armor and no shields. Wearing armor or when wielding a shield causes you to lose the ability to use most combat-based or movement-based force powers.

    1st - Way of the Lightsaber (Ex):
    A Jedi Counselor's mental focus and skill in predicting the movements of foes makes them capable of using their Wisdom modifier instead of their strength modifiers for melee attack rolls or their dexterity for attack rolls made with thrown Lightsabers.

    2nd - Style Forms (Ex): not finished, only laid out roughly.

    3rd - Battle Meditation (Su): (debating whether or not this needs a concentration check, or whether incoming attacks break the trance)
    As a standard action, a Jedi Counselor can kneel or sit, meditating to calm themselves into a trance. The following round, they can activate an aura of influence upon both enemies and allies within 60 ft.

    The bonus received by allies is a moral bonus to all attacks, damage, and saves while in combat; while the enemies receive a morale penalty to those same three checks, for as long as the Jedi Counselor remains prone and takes no other actions plus an additional three rounds after the Jedi Counselor ends the effect.

    At 3rd level the bonus is +2, which then increases to +4 at 6th level and finally to +6 at 9th level.

    4th - Inner Power (Ex):
    Akin to metamagic feats, this ability allows the Jedi Counselor to modify his force powers in different ways; empowering damage dealing force powers, enlarging the effect radius, or allowing a quickened force power. This ability requires a Concentration check of DC 12 + Force power level to decide whether or not the effect manifests correctly. However, this fuction can only be used a number of times each day equal to the Jedi Counselor's wisdom modifier.

    5th - Force Adept (Ex):
    The Jedi Counselor holds deeper reservoirs of power to draw upon to improve his force powers and has the mental acuity to know how to best use it. Add his Intelligence modifier on all numeral rolls on force powers dealing in life gain/damage, such as Force Heal or Force Lightning.

    8th - Force Mastery (Ex):
    The Jedi Counselor's mastery over his force powers increases again. Add his Jedi Counselor levels, in addition to his Intelligence modifier on all numeral rolls on force powers dealing in life gain/damage, such as Force Heal or Force Lightning.
    Last edited by LordErebus12; 2013-12-19 at 09:42 AM.
    Avatar by Gurgleflep

    Belladonis Campaign Setting 3.5
    Casting as a Skill

    Learn from your mistakes, 3.5...
    Fill in those dead levels...

    Abrothia's Vision

    Welcome to the World Serpent Inn!

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    Extended Signature (90% complete)

  2. - Top - End - #2
    Ogre in the Playground
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Oldhelwyn Wilds

    Default Base Non-Jedi Classes

    Last edited by LordErebus12; 2013-12-19 at 09:38 AM.
    Avatar by Gurgleflep

    Belladonis Campaign Setting 3.5
    Casting as a Skill

    Learn from your mistakes, 3.5...
    Fill in those dead levels...

    Abrothia's Vision

    Welcome to the World Serpent Inn!

    - - - IC - - - OOC - - -

    Extended Signature (90% complete)

  3. - Top - End - #3
    Ogre in the Playground
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Oldhelwyn Wilds

    Default Non-Jedi Prestige Classes

    Last edited by LordErebus12; 2013-12-19 at 09:40 AM.
    Avatar by Gurgleflep

    Belladonis Campaign Setting 3.5
    Casting as a Skill

    Learn from your mistakes, 3.5...
    Fill in those dead levels...

    Abrothia's Vision

    Welcome to the World Serpent Inn!

    - - - IC - - - OOC - - -

    Extended Signature (90% complete)

  4. - Top - End - #4
    Ogre in the Playground
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Oldhelwyn Wilds

    Default Re: Jedi (3 Classes with 6 Prestige Classes)

    Jedi Watchman

    Jedi Master

    Jedi Weapon Master
    Last edited by LordErebus12; 2013-01-21 at 02:33 AM.
    Avatar by Gurgleflep

    Belladonis Campaign Setting 3.5
    Casting as a Skill

    Learn from your mistakes, 3.5...
    Fill in those dead levels...

    Abrothia's Vision

    Welcome to the World Serpent Inn!

    - - - IC - - - OOC - - -

    Extended Signature (90% complete)

  5. - Top - End - #5
    Ogre in the Playground
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Oldhelwyn Wilds

    Default Re: Jedi (3 Classes with 6 Prestige Classes)

    Sith Assassin

    "It is a different war these Sith wage, a thing of silence and shadow. They strike from the darkness, hiding from the face of the galaxy, until all Jedi are exterminated. After all the Jedi are gone, then the galaxy is theirs, no matter whether the Sith or the Republic rules… it is the dark side that shall reign, unchecked. I believe them to be the result of… special teachings..."
    ―Kreia, on the assassins of the Sith Triumvirate

    Sith Marauder

    "If you were to battle an old Sith Lord in a lightsaber duel, you would find that we're only children playing with toys."
    ―Kreia, to Meetra Surik

    Dark Lord of the Sith

    "Tell me what you regard as your greatest strength, so I will know how best to undermine you; tell me of your greatest fear, so I will know which I must force you to face; tell me what you cherish most, so I will know what to take from you; and tell me what you crave, so that I might deny you."
    ―Darth Plagueis, to a young Darth Sidious
    Last edited by LordErebus12; 2013-12-19 at 11:50 AM.
    Avatar by Gurgleflep

    Belladonis Campaign Setting 3.5
    Casting as a Skill

    Learn from your mistakes, 3.5...
    Fill in those dead levels...

    Abrothia's Vision

    Welcome to the World Serpent Inn!

    - - - IC - - - OOC - - -

    Extended Signature (90% complete)

  6. - Top - End - #6
    Ogre in the Playground
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Oldhelwyn Wilds

    Default Items and Equipment

    {table=head]Weapon Name|Cost (Credits)|Small DMG|Medium DMG|Large DMG|Critical|Weight|DMG Type|Reach|Upgradable?
    Light Melee Weapons
    Exchange Negotiator|300 C|1d4+1|1d6+1|1d8+1|20x2|3 lbs.|Nonlethal*|---|No
    Stun Baton|200 C|1d4|1d6|1d8|20x2|3 lbs.|Nonlethal*|---|No
    Short Sword|100 C|1d4|1d6|1d8|19-20x2|2 lbs.|Slashing or Piercing|---|No
    Vibroblade|250 C|1d4|1d6|1d8|18-20x2|3 lbs.|Slashing or Piercing|---|Yes
    One-Handed Melee Weapons
    Longsword|150 C|1d6|1d8|2d6|19-20x2|4 lbs.|Slashing|---|No
    Vibrosword|300 C|1d6|1d8|2d6|18-20x2|5 lbs.|Slashing|---|Yes
    Two-Handed Melee Weapons
    Gamorrean Waraxe|||||||||
    Light Exotic Weapons
    Shoto|2900 C|2d6|2d8|2d10|19-20x2|1 lb.|Energy|---|Yes
    One-Handed Exotic Weapons
    Lightsaber|3000 C|2d8|2d10|2d12|19-20x2|2 lbs.|Energy|---|Yes
    Lightwhip|4500 C|2d6|2d8|2d10|20x2|4 lbs.|Energy|Yes*|Yes
    Two-Handed Exotic Weapons
    Lightclub|4000 C|3d6|4d6|5d6|20x2|4 lbs.|Energy|---|Yes
    Lightpike|3200 C|2d8|2d10|2d12|20x2|8 lbs.|Energy|Yes|Yes
    Double-Bladed Lightsaber|3100 C|2d6/2d6|2d8/2d8|2d10/2d10|20x2|5 lbs.|Energy|---|Yes
    {colsp=10}* See description below for additional information.

    {table=head]Weapon Name|Cost (Credits)|Damage|Critical|Range|Clip Size|Weight|DMG Type|Upgradable?
    One-Handed Firearms
    Two-Handed Firearms
    Heavy Firearms
    {colsp=9}* See description below for additional information.

    Exchange Negotiator
    A useful tool for espionage, this weapon is more effective than the standard stun baton, but is still available on most worlds.
    Additional Effect: On a successful hit, in addition to dealing damage, a Exchange Negotiator has a 25% chance to stun a target for 1 round (Fortitude DC 18 negates).

    All lightsaber types deal damage to the user on natural rolls of 1 on attack rolls if used untrained. The Lightsaber Proficiency feat or one level in a Jedi class removes this penalty.

    One-handed Weapon
    2d10 Force Damage/ 19-20x2
    2 lbs.
    1,200 gp

    Short Lightsaber
    Light Weapon
    2d8 Force Damage/ 19-20x2
    1 lb.
    1,000 gp

    Double-Bladed Lightsaber
    Double Weapon
    2d12 Force Damage/ 20x2
    6 lbs.
    1,500 gp

    One-handed Weapon
    1d6 Force Damage and 1d6 Slashing Damage/ 18-20x2
    5 lbs.
    2,100 gp

    Colored Crystals
    Crystal, Blue
    Special: Upgrade item, lightsaber
    Blade Color: Blue
    Description: A faceted crystal used in the construction of a lightsaber. It
    glows faintly with an inner blue light.

    Crystal, Green
    Special: Upgrade item, lightsaber
    Blade Color: Green
    Description: A faceted crystal used in the construction of a lightsaber. It glows faintly with an inner green light.

    Crystal, Yellow
    Special: Upgrade item, lightsaber
    Blade Color: Yellow
    Description: A faceted crystal used in the construction of a lightsaber. It glows faintly with an inner yellow light.

    Crystal, Red
    Special: Upgrade item, lightsaber
    Blade Color: Red
    Description: A faceted crystal used in the construction of a lightsaber. It glows faintly with an inner red light.

    Crystal, Violet
    Special: Upgrade item, lightsaber
    Blade Color: Violet
    Description: A faceted crystal used in the construction of a lightsaber. It glows faintly with an inner violet light.

    Crystal, Orange
    Special: Upgrade item, lightsaber
    Blade Color: Orange
    Description: A faceted crystal used in the construction of a lightsaber. It glows faintly with an inner orange light.

    Crystal, Silver
    Special: Upgrade item, lightsaber
    Blade Color: Silver
    Description: A faceted crystal used in the construction of a lightsaber. It glows faintly with an inner silver light.

    Crystal, Viridian
    Special: Upgrade item, lightsaber
    Blade Color: Viridian
    Description: A faceted crystal used in the construction of a lightsaber. It glows faintly with an inner viridian light.

    Crystal, Bronze
    Special: Upgrade item, lightsaber
    Blade Color: Bronze
    Description: A faceted crystal used in the construction of a lightsaber. It glows faintly with an inner bronze light.

    Crystal, Cyan
    Special: Upgrade item, lightsaber
    Blade Color: Cyan
    Description: A faceted crystal used in the construction of a lightsaber. It glows faintly with an inner cyan light.

    Effect Crystals Still in raw format, needs work.

    Crystal, Adegan
    Special: Upgrade item, lightsaber
    Damage: +2
    Description: Adegan crystals, also called Ilum crystals, are one of the most common lightsaber focusing crystals.

    Crystal, Ankarres Sapphire
    Special: Upgrade item, lightsaber
    Strength: +2
    Dexterity: +1

    Crystal, Barab Ore Ingot
    Special: Upgrade item, lightsaber
    Damage: As Flaming Burst
    Description: The ore from Barab I actually lies on the planet’s surface, meaning it is exposed to high doses of radiation and torrential downpours daily. This ore can be found in concentrated ingots that actually store and magnify the radiation When placed in a lightsaber, the ingots produce a blade that burns almost to the point of losing its cohesion.

    Crystal, Bondar
    Special: Upgrade item, lightsaber
    On Hit: Stunned for 1 round
    Save: DC 15 Fortitude
    Description: This crystal was mined on a far-orbit asteroid circling the Alderann system. It produces a volatile lightsaber beam that pulses on impact, potentially stunning an opponent.

    Crystal, Damind
    Special: Upgrade item, lightsaber
    Attack: +3
    Description: Found on the desert world of Daminia, this crystal can be used in lightsaber construction to produce a clearly defined beam of subtly wider width and length.

    Crystal, Dragite
    Special: Upgrade item, lightsaber
    Constitution: +2
    Damage: +1 Sonic
    Description: Dragite crystals are found on M'haeli, in the D'olop mountain range. The beam they create resonates loudly when it strikes, inflicting a minor amount of sonic damage.

    Crystal, Eralam
    Special: Upgrade item, lightsaber
    Damage: +2
    Attack: +2
    Description: Once mined on the third moon of Erai, ancient Sith bombardment shattered much that remained. If they can be found, these crystals produce a clear, superior lightsaber beam.

    Crystal, Firkrann
    Special: Upgrade item, lightsaber
    Damage: +2d12 vs droids
    Attack: +2
    Description: This heavy crystal is collected by the natives of Rafa V. If used in lightsaber construction it produces an electrically charged beam that is devastating to droids.

    Crystal, Hurrikaine
    Special: Upgrade item, lightsaber
    Damage: +1d8 Force
    Description: The very rare Hurrikaine crystal is best known for its unparalleled beauty. When used in a lightsaber, the dark gemstone creates a devastating beam that can partially penetrate all defenses.

    Crystal, Jenruax
    Special: Upgrade item, lightsaber
    Damage: +2
    Dexterity: +2
    Description: The refined form of Opila, this crystal has been cleansed of all impurities. When used in lightsaber construction it produces a blade of unerring quickness.

    Crystal, Kaiburr
    Special: Upgrade item, lightsaber
    Wisdom: +2
    Constitution: +2
    Fast Healing: 3
    Description: Perhaps the most powerful crystal that can be used in a lightsaber, the Kaiburr gem bestows insight and fortitude upon its owner.

    Crystal, Kasha
    Special: Upgrade item, lightsaber
    Attack: +1
    Wisdom: +2
    Description: This crystal is traditionally used by the Cereans as a meditation tool. When used as a lightsaber crystal, it helps clear the wielder's mind of distractions, even during tense combat.

    Crystal, Lorrdian Gemstone
    Special: Upgrade item, lightsaber
    Deflection: +2
    Dexterity: +2
    Description: During their subjugation, the Lorrdians were banned from speaking to each other and thus learned to use subtle gestures and ticks to communicate. The few Force-Adepts found after the Jedi freed the population of slaves have imprinted these gemstones with the force to enhance the ability to read an opponent.

    Crystal, Nextor
    Special: Upgrade item, lightsaber
    Attack: +1
    Description: This crystal is mined in the mountains of planet M'haeli, and when used in lightsaber construction it provides a volatile blade that can cause surprising amounts of damage.

    Crystal, Opila
    Special: Upgrade item, lightsaber
    Damage: +3
    Massive Criticals: +2d12dmg on critical hit
    Description: Found in the asteroid fields of the Fyrth system, this crystal can be used in lightsaber construction to produce an intense beam that seems extraordinarily quick to the cut.

    Crystal, Phond
    Special: Upgrade item, lightsaber
    Damage: +1d6 slashing
    Description: The strange byproduct of rare impurities bonding during the making of certain alloys and some random external conditions, this crystal produces a fiercely burning lightsaber beam.

    Crystal, Pontite
    Special: Upgrade item, lightsaber
    Damage: +2d6 Cold
    Charisma: +2
    Description: Pontite is one of the rarest forms of Adegan crystal. It radiates a powerful aura that cools both skin and tempers.

    Crystal, Qixoni
    Special: Upgrade item, lightsaber
    Damage: +5
    Regenerate Force Points: +1
    Only used by Dark Jedi
    Description: Qixoni crystals were formed on a planet that was destroyed millennia ago when its star went supernova. They are exceedingly rare and also quite powerful.

    Crystal, Rubat
    Special: Upgrade item, lightsaber
    Damage: +1
    Attack: +1
    Description: Used in lightsaber construction, rubat crystal is mined on Phemis. It produces a clearly defined blade that a Jedi can easily track, making it easier to hit opponents.

    Crystal, Ruusan
    Special: Upgrade item, lightsaber
    Wisdom: +1
    Charisma: +1
    Description: Ruusan crystals come from the Mid Rim planet of the same name. While not directly affecting a lightsaber's effectiveness, they aid a Jedi in focusing the Force.

    Crystal, Sapith
    Special: Upgrade item, lightsaber
    Damage: +3
    Attack: +2
    Description: This crystallized material was excreted once every 11 years by the ancient Volice worm of Lwhekk, now extinct. It produces a more intense lightsaber beam, granting better control.

    Crystal, Sigil
    Special: Upgrade item, lightsaber
    Damage: +1d6
    Attack: +1
    Description: Mined in the Sigil System, this crystal is a costly but valued addition to a lightsaber. It produces a fiercely bright beam that sears on contact, inflicting great damage.

    Crystal, Solari
    Special: Upgrade item, lightsaber
    Damage: +3, +1d8 vs Dark Side
    Attack: +3
    Can only be used by a Light Jedi
    Description: There are many famous lightsaber crystals spoken of in the history of the Jedi Order. An artifact of true lightside power, only those Jedi who are pure in spirit can wield a lightsaber equipped with this gleaming white gem.

    When the great Jedi Master Ood Bnar initiated his life-cycle change after a thousand years of serving the Jedi Order, he bequeathed the Solari crystal to his most promising student, a young female Jedi named Shaela Nuur. When Shaela disappeared shortly after the time of the Great Hunt, the Solari crystal vanished with her.

    Crystal, Stygium
    Special: Upgrade item, lightsaber
    Dexterity: +1
    Attack: +1
    Stealth: +4
    Description: The stygium mineral can be used to create cloaking effects that foil enemy sensors. In its pure crystal form, it is suitable for a lightsaber.

    Crystal, Ultima-pearl
    Special: Upgrade item, lightsaber
    Damage: +2
    Attack: +3
    Massive Criticals: +1d6 damage on crit.
    Description: An unusual choice for a lightsaber focusing crystal, this rare stone can be found on Calamari. Difficult to properly install in a lightsaber, this valuable stone has powerful effects.

    Crystal, Upari
    Special: Upgrade item, lightsaber
    Damage: +1d8
    Attack: +3
    Description: Strangely, this crystal is usually encountered in the orbit of primarily heavy forest worlds. It is brittle but versatile and a Master Jedi can get it to produce many effects.

    Crystal, Velmorite
    Special: Upgrade item, lightsaber
    Dexterity: +1
    Description: Found only on the planet Velmor, the crystals produce a very fine beam that is easy to wield skillfully.

    Unique Crystals

    Gear and Equipment:


    Shield Generators

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    Force Powers (Work in Progress)


    Manifesting Time: 1 standard action
    Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
    Target or Targets: See text
    Duration: Concentration (up to 1 round/ level) or instantaneous; see text
    Saving Throw: Will negates (object) or None; see text
    Power Resistance: Yes (object); see text

    You move objects or creatures by concentrating on them. Depending on the version selected, the power can provide a gentle, sustained force, perform a variety of combat maneuvers, or exert a single short, violent thrust.

    Sustained Force: A sustained force moves an object weighing no more than 25 pounds per manifester level (maximum 375 pounds at 15th level) up to 20 feet per round. A creature can negate the effect on an object it possesses with a successful Will save or with power resistance.

    This version of the power can last 1 round per manifester level, but it ends if you cease concentration. The weight can be moved vertically, horizontally, or in both directions. An object cannot be moved beyond your range. The power ends if the object is forced beyond the range. If you cease concentration for any reason, the object falls or stops.

    An object can be telekinetically manipulated as if with one hand. For example, a lever or rope can be pulled, a key can be turned, an object rotated, and so on, if the force required is within the weight limitation. You might even be able to untie simple knots, though delicate activities such as these require Intelligence checks.

    Combat Maneuver: Alternatively, once per round, you can use telekinesis to perform a bull rush, disarm, drag, grapple (including pin), reposition or trip attempt.

    Resolve these attempts as normal, except that they don’t provoke attacks of opportunity, you use your manifester level in place of your base attack bonus, you use your Wisdom modifier (if you’re light-side) or Charisma modifier (if you’re dark-side) in place of your Strength or Dexterity modifier, and a failed attempt doesn’t allow a reactive attempt by the target (such as for disarm or trip).

    No save is allowed against these attempts, but power resistance applies normally. This version of the power can last 1 round per manifester level, but it ends if you cease concentration.

    Violent Thrust: Alternatively, the power can be spent in a single round. You can hurl one object or creature per manifester level (maximum 15) that are within range and all within 10 feet of each other toward any target within 10 feet per level of all the objects. You can hurl up to a total weight of 25 pounds per manifester level (maximum 375 pounds at 15th level).

    You must succeed on attack rolls (one per creature or object thrown) to hit the target with the items, using your base attack bonus + your Wisdom modifier (if you’re light-side) or Charisma modifier (if you’re dark-side). Weapons cause standard damage (with no Strength bonus; note that arrows or bolts deal damage as daggers of their size when used in this manner). Other objects cause damage ranging from 1 point per 25 pounds (for less dangerous objects) to 1d6 points of damage per 25 pounds (for hard, dense objects).

    Creatures who fall within the weight capacity of the spell can be hurled, but they are allowed Will saves (and power resistance) to negate the effect, as are those whose held possessions are targeted by the power. If a telekinesed creature is hurled against a solid surface, it takes damage as if it had fallen 10 feet (1d6 points).


    Force Powers (Work in Progress)

    Padawan Powers

    Force Pull/Push (Telekinesis; in part)
    Force Sense (Clairvoyance/Clairaudience)
    Stun Droid (Shocking Rays, only effects droids and other constructs)
    L - Force Stun (stuns target for 1 round)
    L - Force valor (+1 on all saving throws)

    Breath control (suppresses the need to breathe, negating inhaled poisons and diseases, as well as other harmful effects associated with breathing)
    Force Body (endure elements)
    Force speed (Longstrider)
    L - Combustion (fireball)
    L - Force Healing, Light (Cures 1d8+ 1/2 Jedi CL)

    Force Absorption (resistance to one energy type)
    Force Barrier (SR 10 + Jedi CL)
    Force empathy (calm animals)
    Force Throw (45 ft. lightsaber throw, lightsaber has returning)
    L - Animal friendship
    L - Force Stasis (stuns target for 1d4+1 rounds)

    Knight Powers

    Beast Control (dominate animals)
    Force Confusion (Confusion)
    Force sight (Divination)
    Telepathy (Telepathy)
    L - Droid Disable
    L - Force Healing (Cures 3d8 + Jedi CL)
    L - Force valor, mass (+1 on all saving throws; effects Jedi plus one per four Jedi levels.)

    Force deflection (without a lightsaber)
    Force suppression
    Force Whirlwind (variation of Force Push)
    L - Force absorb (damage absorb)
    L - Protection bubble (With this Force power, the user could create a defensive sphere around the body, which would protect him from a wide range of attacks, deflect laser blasts, and inflict a certain amount of damage upon contact with the enemy.)
    L - Force Stasis Field (Stuns 1 target per two Jedi levels for 1d4+1 rounds)

    Master Powers

    Force Breach (advanced version of Force Suppression)
    Force Wave (advanced version of Force Push)
    L - Force Healing, Mass (Cures 3d8 + Jedi CL)
    L - Force Healing, Serious (Cures 1d8 per Jedi CL)

    Sever Force
    L - Force protection

    Light Side Force Powers
    "A Jedi uses the Force for knowledge and defense, never for attack."

    Light side powers were the Force powers that the user accessed through the Force's light side. The Jedi used them for protection, increasing physical and mental capacities, and for defense. They could also inspire and increase the resolve of allies. Certain light side powers could also be used offensively, but did not directly cause physical harm.

     Levitation Not restricted to Jedi usage
     Mind Trick (Also known as Affect Mind)
     Force Persuasion Less powerful than the Mind Trick
     Malacia (incapacitates by making target Vomit uncontrollably, knocking target prone, sickening them for 1 round per Jedi level and makes them unable to take any actions for as long as the effect is maintained, this is a mind affecting effect.)
     Morichro, Suspended animation
     Plant Surge, Plant Growth
     Precognition
     Revitalize

    Dark Side Force Powers
    "A Sith knows when to unleash the fury of the dark side, and when to hold back. Patience can be a weapon if you know how to use it, and your anger can fuel the dark side if you learn how to control it."
    ―Darth Bane

    Dark side powers were used to harm, debilitate, or kill. Some, like Rage and Drain, were used to benefit the user personally, akin to powers of the light side, with the difference that these were used at the expense of his or her own health or another individual's Force reserve. The dark side drew its power from emotion, and while the intent behind their use may well have been good at the time, it was most likely to lead one to further spiritual corruption from overuse, without the proper self control and mindset. Continuous use of dark powers was shown to have a physically corrupting effect on the Force-user, regardless of intent, due to the body's inability to handle such power for long periods of time.

     Drain Knowledge, feeblemind
     Force Destruction, Disintegrate
     Force drain, force users only.
     Force Fear
     Force Horror advanced version of Force Fear
     Force Insanity the most advanced version of Force Horror
     Force lightning (Organic limbs & extremities required)
     Chain lightning variation of Force lightning
     Force shock variation of Force lightning
     Force storm (lightning) advanced version of Force lightning
     Force rage
     Force scream
     Force Slow
     Force Affliction variation of Force Slow
     Force Plague advanced version of Force Slow
     Force wound
     Force grip advanced version of Force Wound
     Force choke variation of Force Grip
     Force crush the most advanced version of Force Wound
     Kinetite
     Mechu-deru
     Mind Control
    Force powers applied to lightsaber combat
    The Jedi and other Force organizations that used lightsabers also developed specific Force techniques especially forlightsaber combat.
     Saber Throw
     Telekinetic lightsaber combat, lightsaber dances
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    Default Re: Jedi (3 Classes with 6 Prestige Classes)

    Acrobatics (Dex): how well you maintain balance, escaping/squeezing through tight spaces or your skill in tumbling around.
    Appraise (Int):
    Athletics (Str): how well you can jump, climb and swim.
    Bluff (Cha):
    Computer Use (Int): Slice computers with computer spikes to disable turrets, disable shields, or flood rooms with gas.

    Concentration (Con):
    Craft (Int):
    Decipher Script (Int):
    Demolitions (Int): Set, recover, or disarm mines. Also governs creation of grenades and mines.
    Diplomacy (Cha):

    Disguise (Cha):
    Forgery (Int):
    Gather Information (Cha):
    Handle Beast (Cha):
    Intimidate (Cha):

    Knowledge (Int):
    Linguistics (Int):
    Perception (Wis): Hear quiet sounds, Spot objects, mines, or enemies hidden by stealth.
    Perform (Cha):
    Pilot (Dex):

    Profession (Wis):
    Repair (Int): Repair and reprogram droids by using repair parts. Droids need this for self repair.
    Ride (Dex):
    Search (Int):
    Security (Int): Open locks and security doors.

    Sense Motive (Wis):
    Sleight of Hand (Dex):
    Stealth (Dex): Use stealth type devices (belts), as well as for simply sneaking around.
    Survival (Wis):
    Treat Injury (Wis): Improves amount of healing when using medpacs. Also governs knowledge about anatomy and healing.

    Tracking (Wis):
    Use Rope (Dex):


    Lightsaber Proficiency
    You understand how to use lightsabers in combat, without the normal chance of self-inflicted wounds.

    Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +1.

    Benefit: You make attack rolls with the lightsaber normally.

    Normal: A character who uses a lightsaber when he or she is not proficient takes a –4 penalty on attack rolls and automatically deals damage to the user on natural attack rolls of 1.

    Special: Characters with one level in a jedi class need not take this feat.

    Double-bladed Lightsaber Proficiency
    You understand how to use double-bladed lightsabers in combat, without the normal chance of self-inflicted wounds.

    Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +3, Lightsaber Proficiency.

    Benefit: You make attack rolls with the double-bladed lightsaber normally.

    Normal: A character who uses a double-bladed lightsaber when he or she is not proficient takes a –4 penalty on attack rolls and automatically deals damage to the user on natural attack rolls of 1.

    Lightwhip Proficiency
    You understand how to use Lightwhips in combat, without the normal chance of self-inflicted wounds.

    Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +3, Whip Proficiency, Lightsaber Proficiency.

    Benefit: You make attack rolls with the Lightwhip normally.

    Normal: A character who uses a Lightwhip when he or she is not proficient takes a –4 penalty on attack rolls and automatically deals damage to the user on natural attack rolls of 1.

    Force Aptitude
    Your mind has greater reserves of power, allowing additional uses of force powers.

    Prerequisite: capable of using 1st level force powers.
    Benefit: your character gains 3 force points to add to their force power reserve pool. Additionally, you also gain 1 extra power point at each level after first.
    Special: This feat may only be taken once.

    Force of Mind
    Your mind is more powerful than most, allowing for greater force to be employed when using force powers.

    Prerequisite: Wisdom 16 or higher
    Benefit: All DC's for your force powers receive a permanent +2 bonus.

    Force Sensitive
    You have the ability to use lesser force powers. Those who are force sensitive often have greater reservoirs of force power within themselves, from naturally mastering mundane control over the force.

    Prerequisite: Wisdom 13 or higher, 3rd character level or higher
    Benefit: gain a force power pool with three points and access to one first level force power.
    Special: if later you choose to take levels in a jedi class, you also gain 1 power point per level.

    Persuasive Speech
    You have become adept at controlling those who have weaker minds.

    Prerequisite: Charisma 13 or higher.
    Benefit: gain a +2 competence bonus on all charisma based skill checks.

    Dominating Speech
    Your ability to control those who interact with is astounding. With subtle threats and intimation, you have learned to get what you want.

    Prerequisite: Charisma 16 or higher, any evil alignment, Persuasive Speech, Force Sensitive feat or Jedi 1st.
    Benefit: you gain a competence bonus on all charisma based skill checks equal to half your Jedi class levels. You also gain a +2 bonus to DC's from mind-affecting force powers, such as dominate mind or jedi mindtrick.
    Special: This bonus stacks with the bonus given by Persuasive Speech.
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    Bounty Hunter





    Support Droid

    Combat Droid
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    Default Re: Jedi / Dark Jedi

    I am not trying to be dismissive, but why start from scratch when there is a perfectly serviceable system all ready built in the Star Wars D20? I think it would be easier and might be better balanced to try and work out a conversion. Just my thoughts. Will give a better look at things when not replying from my phone.

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    Quote Originally Posted by lunaramblings View Post
    I am not trying to be dismissive, but why start from scratch when there is a perfectly serviceable system all ready built in the Star Wars D20? I think it would be easier and might be better balanced to try and work out a conversion. Just my thoughts. Will give a better look at things when not replying from my phone.
    meh, i dont like the pre-established source material. give me a few weeks of work and we should see something more polished.
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    I must say I like the idea, will see what turns out...

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    Sentinel is up.

    Edit: BAB progression fixed. now set at 3/4th level
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    raw states for all three classes are up. im going to bed...
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    Default Re: Jedi / Dark Jedi

    Isn't it counselor (as in someone who gives advice), not councilor (as in someone on a council)?

    I take it much of this is based on the KotoR games? I recognize a lot of the effect crystals.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Garryl View Post
    Isn't it counselor (as in someone who gives advice), not councilor (as in someone on a council)?

    I take it much of this is based on the KotoR games? I recognize a lot of the effect crystals.
    spelling mistake.

    yes, in basis, yes. thats where i will begin at any rate (as it uses a D20 system), then i will adjust it to match a more 3.5 feel.

    Edit: name fixed.
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    I like all 3 classes.

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    love these, keep up the good work! Can't wait to see more!

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    Not trying to sound rude, but why are they all only 10 levels not a full 20?
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    Quote Originally Posted by Razanir View Post
    Everyone knows frying pans are actually weapons that people repurpose for cooking
    I am a 10/14/11/15/12/14 LG Clr 2

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    Quote Originally Posted by Razanir View Post
    Not trying to sound rude, but why are they all only 10 levels not a full 20?
    im still debating whether or not to make them prestige classes in their own right.

    the prestige classes planned currently are all 5 level classes. (meaning 5 levels are free and empty)
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    minor tweaks, added feats.
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    force powers are coming together roughly. its a lot of work.
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    Quote Originally Posted by LordErebus12 View Post
    im still debating whether or not to make them prestige classes in their own right.
    Was Luke Skywalker ever anything else (in terms of class) before he was a Jedi ?
    That's something one should ask before deciding whether to go the PrC route or not.

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    Quote Originally Posted by nonsi View Post
    Was Luke Skywalker ever anything else (in terms of class) before he was a Jedi ?
    That's something one should ask before deciding whether to go the PrC route or not.
    commoner? lmao (im thinking pilot/mechanic in function for luke...)
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    Luke Skywalker.
    Clearly a fast hero with ranks in pilot and craft (electrical)...

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    Kurtec, 4e Kobold? Anagram much?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Axier View Post
    Luke Skywalker.
    Clearly a fast hero with ranks in pilot and craft (electrical)...
    if d20 modern, yeah.
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    Prestige classes, the lot of them...
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    revisiting this... hmm... some things are getting tweaked as I work on this. I got a lot planned for it but its gonna take a while to get anywhere.
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    Default Re: Jedi / Dark Jedi

    Minor complaint, but short lightsabers seem ridiculous to me. I understand mechanically why you they are added, but realistically the blade isn't going to weigh more, why even use one? Why would it hinder a character?

    Had the same beef in KOTR as well, maybe it's just me...
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    Default Re: Jedi / Dark Jedi

    Quote Originally Posted by Chokuto View Post
    Minor complaint, but short lightsabers seem ridiculous to me. I understand mechanically why you they are added, but realistically the blade isn't going to weigh more, why even use one? Why would it hinder a character?

    Had the same beef in KOTR as well, maybe it's just me...
    the whole handle is scaled down to roughly half the size and length, meaning it would be easier to manage in an offhand, allowing for better maneuverability and higher speed attacks. Not every combat situation benefits from having a 3 foot long blade, sometimes a foot and a half blade works better. Also, it helps to have a smaller version for small sized creatures, like Yoda.

    Some styles of lightsaber combat were designed around the shorter blade. Shoto Lightsabers were designed to be thrown better and farther (ignoring the force aided throw). Some Jedi even preferred them over the normal lightsabers and only wielded one lone shoto.

    Everyone from Luke Skywalker to Freedom Nadd liked shotos, and they made for excellent defense against Lightwhips.
    Last edited by LordErebus12; 2013-12-19 at 09:36 AM.
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