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    Firbolg in the Playground
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    On my back, in my heart

    Default Warlock [Tweaked, Vespuccia]

    Designed for Vespuccia

    So, this warlock is designed to take it away from the whole 'dark' theme and turn it into more of an untrained mage. What sorcerer should be.


    1st|+0|+0|+0|+2|Arcane Blast (1d6), Invocations (Least), Arcane trick (1st)|1

    2nd|+1|+0|+0|+3|Detect Magic, Arcane resistance +1|2

    3rd|+2|+1|+1|+3|Arcane Blast (2d6)|2

    4th|+3|+1|+1|+4|Deceive Item, Arcane Trick (2nd)|3

    5th|+3|+1|+1|+4|Arcane Blast (3d6)|3

    6th|+4|+2|+2|+5|Invocations (Lesser), Arcane Resistance +2|4

    7th|+5|+2|+2|+5|Arcane Blast (4d6)|4

    8th|+6|+2|+2|+6|Arcane Trick (3rd)|5

    9th|+6|+3|+3|+6|Arcane Blast (5d6)|5

    10th|+7|+3|+3|+7|Arcane Resistance +3|6

    11th|+8|+3|+3|+7|Arcane Blast (6d6), Invocations (Greater)|7

    12th|+9|+4|+4|+8|Imbue Item, Arcane Trick (4th)|7

    13th|+9|+4|+4|+8|Arcane Blast (7d6)|8

    14th|+10|+4|+4|+9|Arcane Resistance +4|8

    15th|+11|+5|+5|+9|Arcane Blast (8d6)|9

    16th|+12|+5|+5|+10|Invocations (Mystic), Arcane trick (5th)|10

    17th|+12|+5|+5|+10|Arcane Blast (9d6)|10

    18th|+13|+6|+6|+11|Arcane Resistance +5|11

    19th|+14|+6|+6|+11|Arcane Blast (10d6)|11

    20th|+15|+6|+6|+12|Arcane Trick (6th)|12

    Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Warlocks are proficient with all simple weapons. They are proficient with light armor but not with shields.
    Because the somatic components required for warlock invocations are relatively simple, a warlock can use any of his invocations while wearing light armor without incurring the normal arcane spell failure chance. However, like arcane spellcasters, a warlock wearing medium or heavy armor or using a shield incurs a chance of arcane spell failure (all invocations, including eldritch blast, have a somatic component). A multiclass warlock still incurs the normal arcane spell failure chance for arcane spells received from levels in other classes.

    Invocations: A warlock does not prepare or cast spells as other wielders of arcane magic do. Instead, he possesses a repertoire of attacks, defenses, and abilities known as invocations that require him to focus the wild energy that suffuses his soul. A warlock can use any invocation he knows at will, with the following qualifications:

    A warlock’s invocations are spell-like abilities; using an invocation is therefore a standard action that provokes attacks of opportunity. An invocation can be disrupted, just as a spell can be ruined during casting. A warlock is entitled to a Concentration check to successfully use an invocation if he is hit by an attack while invoking, just as a spellcaster would be. A warlock can choose to use an invocation defensively, by making a successful Concentration check, to avoid provoking attacks of opportunity. A warlock’s invocations are subject to spell resistance unless an invocation’s description specifically states otherwise. A warlock’s caster level with his invocations is equal to his warlock level.

    The save DC for an invocation (if it allows a save) is 10 +equivalent spell level + the warlock’s Charisma modifier. Since spell-like abilities are not actually spells, a warlock cannot benefit from the Spell Focus feat. He can, however, benefit from the Ability Focus feat (see page 303 of the Monster Manual), as well as from feats that emulate metamagic effects for spell-like abilities, such as Quicken Spell-Like Ability and Empower Spell-Like Ability (see pages 303 and 304 of the Monster Manual).

    The four grades of invocations, in order of their relative power, are least, lesser, greater, and mystic. A warlock begins with knowledge of one invocation, which must be of the lowest grade (least). As a warlock gains levels, he learns new invocations, as summarized on Table 1–1 and described below. A list of available invocations can be found following this class description, and a complete description of each invocation can be found in Chapter 4 of the complete arcane book.

    At any level when a warlock learns a new invocation, he can also replace an invocation he already knows with another invocation of the same or a lower grade. At 6th level, a warlock can replace a least invocation he knows with a different least invocation (in addition to learning a new invocation, which could be either least or lesser). At 11th level, a warlock can replace a least or lesser invocation he knows with another invocation of the same or a lower grade (in addition to learning a new invocation, which could be least, lesser, or greater). At 16th level, a warlock can replace a least, lesser, or greater invocation he knows with another invocation of the same or a lower grade (in addition to learning a new invocation, which could be least, lesser, greater, or mystic).

    Finally, unlike other spell-like abilities, invocations are subject to arcane spell failure chance as described under Weapon and Armor Proficiency above. Warlocks can qualify for some prestige classes usually intended for spellcasters; see Warlocks and Prestige Classes, page 18, for details.

    Arcane Blast (Sp): The first ability a warlock learns is eldritch blast. A warlock attacks his foes with arcane power, using baleful magical energy to deal damage and sometimes impart other debilitating effects.

    An arcane blast is a ray with a range of 60 feet. It is a ranged touch attack that affects a single target, allowing no saving throw. An arcane blast deals 1d6 points of damage at 1st level and increases in power as the warlock rises in level. An arcane blast is the equivalent of a spell whose level is equal to one-half the warlock’s class level (round down), with a minimum spell level of 1st and a maximum of 9th when a warlock reaches 18th level or higher.
    An eldritch blast is subject to spell resistance, although the Spell Penetration feat and other effects that improve caster level checks to overcome spell resistance also apply to arcane blast. An arcane blast deals half damage to objects. Metamagic feats cannot improve a warlock’s arcane blast (because it is a spell-like ability, not a spell). However, the feat Ability Focus (Arcane blast) increases the DC for all saving throws (if any) associated with a warlock’s eldritch blast by 2. See page 303 of the Monster Manual.

    Arcane Trick (Sp): Through experimentation and observation, a warlock learns how to imitate a handful of ‘true’ spells. At 1st level, the warlock may choose one 1st level spell from the sorcerer or wizard spell list. The warlock can use this spell as a spell-like ability 1/day. Since it is a spell-like ability, it is not affected by arcane spell failure chance. Once chosen, the warlock cannot change their selection. Each time the warlock gains this ability, increase the uses/day of all previously selected spell-like abilities by one, to a maximum of three. At 4th, the warlock may select a 2nd level spell. At 8th, a 3rd level spell, and so on, as indicated on the table above. A warlock can choose to learn a lower-level spell if they so desire.

    Detect Magic (Sp): Beginning at 2nd level, a warlock can use detect magic as the spell at will. His caster level equals his class level.

    Arcane Resistance (Su): The Warlock gains a resistance bonus, equal to the modifier given on the table, on all saves against arcane spells or spell-like abilities. The warlock also adds this modifier as a bonus to AC against arcane spells or spell-like abilities that require a ranged touch attack.

    Deceive Item (Ex): At 4th level and higher, a warlock has the ability to more easily commandeer magic items made for the use of other characters. When making a Use Magic Device check, a warlock can take 10 even if distracted or threatened.

    Imbue Item (Su): A warlock of 12th level or higher can use his supernatural power to create magic items, even if he does not know the spells required to make an item (although he must know the appropriate item creation feat). He can substitute a Use Magic Device check (DC 15 + spell level for arcane spells or 25 + spell level for divine spells) in place of a required spell he doesn’t know or can’t cast.

    If the check succeeds, the warlock can create the item as if he had cast the required spell. If it fails, he cannot complete the item. He does not expend the XP or gp costs for making the item; his progress is simply arrested. He cannot retry this Use Magic Device check for that spell until he gains a new level.
    Last edited by Admiral Squish; 2013-02-05 at 02:54 PM.
    My Homebrew
    Five-time champion of the GITP monster competition!

    Current Projects:
    Crossroads: the New World: A pathfinder campaign setting about an alternate history of North America, where five empire collide in a magical land full of potential. On the road to publication!

    Epic Avatar and Sigitar by AlterForm

  2. - Top - End - #2
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    On my back, in my heart

    Default Re: Warlock [Rewrite, Vespuccia]


    Blast Shape:
    Arcane Arrow
    Least; 2nd; Blast Shape
    This blast shape invocation extends your arcane blast attacks to great distances. Arcane arrow increases the range of an arcane blast attack to 250 feet with no range increment.

    Mystic Strike
    Least; 1st; Blast Shape
    As a standard action, you can make a single melee attack. If you hit, the target is affected as if struck by your arcane blast (including any arcane essence applied to the blast). This damage is in addition to any weapon damage that you deal with your attack, although you need not deal damage with this attack to trigger the arcane blast effect. Using this arcane essence does not provoke an attack of opportunity.

    Arcane Essence:
    Frightening Blast
    Least; 2nd; Arcane Essence
    This arcane essence invocation allows you to change your arcane blast into a frightful blast. Any creature struck by a frightful blast must succeed on a Will save or become shaken for 1 minute. A shaken creature struck by a frightful blast is not affected by the shaken aspect of the blast but takes damage normally. Creatures with immunity to mind-affecting spells and abilities or fear effects cannot be shaken by a frightful blast.

    Hammer Blast
    Least; 2nd; Arcane Essence
    You transform your arcane blast into a hammer blast. The blast deals normal damage to objects, rather than half.

    Scintillating Blast
    Least; 2nd; Arcane Essence
    You transform your arcane blast into a scintillating blast. The target must make a fortitude save or be dazzled for one minute.

    Sickening Blast
    Least; 2nd; Arcane Essence
    This arcane essence invocation allows you to change your arcane blast into a sickening blast. Any living creature struck by a sickening blast must make a Fortitude save or become sickened for 1 minute. A sickened creature struck by a second sickening blast is not affected by the sickening aspect of the blast but still takes damage normally.

    All-Seeing Eyes
    Least; 2nd
    You gain a supernaturally precise vision of the world around you. You gain the benefits of comprehend languages, albeit for written words only. Additionally, you gain a +6 bonus on Search and Spot checks. All-seeing eyes lasts for 24 hours.

    Aquatic Adaptation
    Least; 2nd
    You become an aquatic creature in some ways. Your hands and feet become slightly webbed, granting you a swim speed equal to your base land speed (and all other benefits derived from a swim speed, including a +8 racial bonus on Swim checks; see MM 311). You gain the ability to breathe water as well as air. This invocation lasts for 24 hours.

    Arcane Knowledge
    Least; 2nd
    You access the knowledge of the arcanists long past, revealing secrets of the multiverse. You gain a +6 bonus on Knowledge (arcana), Knowledge (religion), and Knowledge (the planes) checks for 24 hours.

    Arcane Shield
    Least; 2nd
    You conjure a shield of arcane energy to protect you. This shield grants you a +4 shield bonus to AC. Any creature that strikes you while this shield is active takes 1 point of damage per arcane blast damage die.

    Charming Voice
    Least; 2nd
    You can invoke this ability to weave enchantment magic into your speech and charm your foes. You gain a +6 bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, and Intimidate checks for a period of 24 hours.

    Least; 2nd
    Your sight can penetrate the deepest shadows 24 hours. You can see normally in darkness and magical darkness out to 30 feet.

    Entropic Warding
    Least; 2nd
    When this invocation is activated, chaotic energies swirl about you, deflecting incoming arrows, rays, and other ranged attacks (as entropic shield). You leave no trail (as pass without trace) and cannot be tracked by scent. (You can still be detected normally by scent, just not tracked.)

    Least; 2nd
    You can use light as the spell.

    Grip of Earth
    Least; 2nd
    You can use earthen grasp as the spell (see page 104).

    Luck’s Protection
    Least; 2nd
    You are favored by fate if you have this invocation. You gain a luck bonus equal to your Charisma bonus (if any) on Fortitude saves, Reflex saves, or Will saves (your choice each time you use this ability) for a period of 24 hours. You can’t apply this ability to two different save types at the same time. This bonus can never exceed your class level.

    Least; 2nd
    You can use darkness as the spell.

    Shattering Note
    Least; 2nd
    You sing or whistle a single keening note, affecting an object or area as if by a shatter spell. If a creature is holding or wearing the target of the spell and the target is destroyed, the creature must make a Fortitude save or be dazed for 1 round and deafened for 1 minute by the sound. This is a sonic effect.

    Smoky Breath
    Least; 1st
    A cloud of smoke spreads in a 20-foot radius around you when you use this invocation, as the spell fog cloud. The smoke does not block line of sight, but all creatures in the fog have concealment. A moderate wind or any fire larger than a torch immediately disperses the smoke. The smoke disperses on its own after 1 minute.

    Least; 2nd
    You can grant yourself the ability to spider climb (as the spell) with a duration of 24 hours. While this invocation is in effect, you are unaffected by webs (either mundane or magical).

    Least; 2nd
    You gain a rapport with the beasts of the world. You gain the wild empathy ability as a druid of your warlock level and can communicate with animals as if under the effect of speak with animals. This invocation lasts for 24 hours.


    Blast Shape:
    arcane Chain
    Lesser; 4th; Blast Shape
    This blast shape invocation allows you to improve your arcane blast by turning it into an arc of energy that “jumps” from the first target to others. An arcane chain can jump to one or more secondary targets within 30 feet of the first target, allowing you to make additional ranged touch attacks and deal damage to the secondary targets if you hit.

    You can “jump” the chain to one secondary target per five caster levels, so you can strike two additional targets at 10th level, three additional targets at 15th level, and four additional targets at 20th level. Each new target must be within 30 feet of the previous one, and you can’t target the same creature more than once with the arcane chain. If you miss any target in the chain, the arcane chain attack ends there. Each target struck after the first takes half the damage dealt to the first target. This reduction in damage to secondary targets applies to any effect that increases the damage of your arcane blast (such as caustic blast). You must make a separate spell penetration check for each target, if applicable.

    Arcane Essence:
    Arctic Blast
    Lesser; 4th; Arcane Essence
    This arcane essence invocation allows you to change your arcane blast into an arctic blast. An arctic blast deals cold damage. Any creature struck by the attack must make a Fortitude save or take a –4 penalty to Dexterity for 10 minutes. The Dexterity penalties from multiple arctic blasts do not stack.

    Baneful Blast
    Lesser; 3rd; Arcane Essence
    You transform your arcane blast into a baneful blast. This blast deals an extra 2d6 points of damage against creatures of a specific type. You must select the creature type when you first gain this invocation, and you can't later change your mind (though you can take this invocation more than once, choosing a new creature type each time). You choose your creature type from the categories offered for a ranger's favored enemy (PH 47), including a subtype if you choose humanoid or outsider.

    Blinding Blast
    Lesser; 4th; Arcane Essence
    This arcane essence invocation allows you to change your arcane blast into a blinding blast. Any living creature struck by a blinding blast must succeed on a Fortitude save or be blinded for 1 round.

    Caustic Blast
    Lesser; 4th; Arcane Essence
    This arcane essence invocation allows you to change your arcane blast into a caustic blast. A caustic blast deals acid damage, and it is formed from conjured acid, making it different from other arcane essences because it ignores spell resistance.

    Searing Blast
    Lesser; 3rd; Arcane Essence
    This arcane essence invocation allows you to change your arcane blast into a searing blast. A searing blast deals fire damage. Any creature struck by a searing blast must succeed on a Reflex save or catch on fire, taking 2d6 points of fire damage per round until it takes a full-round action to extinguish the flames or the duration expires. The fire damage persists for 1 round per five class levels you have. For example, a 15th-level warlock deals 2d6 points of fire damage for 3 rounds after the initial brimstone blast attack. A creature burning in this way never takes more than 2d6 points of fire damage in a round, even if it has been hit by more than one searing blast.

    Shocking Blast
    Lesser; 4th; Arcane Essence
    This arcane essence invocation allows you to change your arcane blast into a shocking blast. A shocking blast deals electricity damage. Any creature struck by the attack must make a fortitude save or take a -4 penalty to strength for 10 minutes. The strength penalties from multiple shocking blasts do not stack.

    Lesser; 4th
    You can sharpen your hearing and sight when you use this invocation, gaining blindsense out to 30 feet for 24 hours.

    Lesser; 4th
    You can beguile a creature within 60 feet. The creature must succeed on a Will save or instantly come to regard you as its comrade. This is a language-dependent ability. Other than these differences, this ability works as the charm monster spell. You can never have more than one target charmed at a time with this ability. If a second creature is charmed, you lose your hold on the first creature.

    Comfort the cold
    Lesser; 2nd
    Your aura renders you partly immune to the ravages of the environment. You remain cool in hot weather and warm in cold weather, as the spell endure elements. Additionally, you radiate a small aura of warmth or cold; allies within 30 feet of you also benefit from this effect. This invocation lasts for 24 hours.

    Lesser; 4th
    You can use dimension door as a spell-like ability, although the range is limited to short (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels). When you use this ability, you leave behind a major image of yourself in your place that lasts for 1 round. The image reacts appropriately to attacks as if you were concentrating on it.

    Disembodied Hand
    Lesser; 4th
    One of your hands drops off at the wrist and floats in the air. You can use the hand in all ways as if it were still attached—manipulating items, delivering attacks with a light or one-handed weapon, or even delivering a touch attack with a spell or invocation that you cast before it detaches. However, it requires you to expend the same action that would have been required—picking up an item takes a move action, making an attack takes a standard action, and so forth. The hand flies rather than crawls, but it can't move on its own. You can move the hand up to 30 feet through the air as a move action. You can direct a disembodied hand in your space to reattach to your arm as a move action. When you use this invocation, your current and full normal hit point totals are reduced by 5 for as long as the hand is detached. The hand is considered a Diminutive creature with AC 20 and 5 hit points. Its Hide and Move Silently modifiers are equal to your warlock level. For all other purposes, its statistics are equal to yours.

    If your disembodied hand is destroyed, it regrows in ld4 hours. At the end of this period, you regain the 5 lost hit points. Only one of your hands can be used for disembodied hand at any time; if your disembodied hand is destroyed, you can't use this invocation again until your hand regrows.

    Foul Curse
    Lesser; 4th
    You can use this invocation to bestow a curse upon a touched opponent (as bestow curse). Even if the save against this ability succeeds, the creature takes a –1 penalty on attack rolls for 1 minute.

    Stony Grasp
    Lesser; 3rd
    You can use stony grasp (see page 124)as the spell.

    Walking Dead
    Lesser; 4th
    You can turn the bones or bodies of dead creatures into undead skeletons or zombies (as the animate dead spell). Unless you include the normal material component for the spell (an onyx gem worth 25 gp per Hit Die of the undead) as part of the process, undead created by this ability crumble into dust after 1 minute per caster level.

    Walk Unseen
    Lesser; 2nd
    You gain the ability to fade from view. You can use invisibility (self only), except the duration is 24 hours.

    Wandering Eye
    Lesser; 3rd
    One of your eyes leaves your head and floats around, flying around. You can see through the eye no matter where it goes, so you can use it to scout or spy. The eye can't fly of its own volition, but you can direct it to fly up to 30 feet as a move action. You can direct a crawling eye in your space to go back into your eye socket as a move action.

    When you use this invocation, your current and full normal hit point totals are reduced by 2 for as long as the eye is detached. The eye is considered a Fine creature with AC 20 and 2 hit points. Its Hide and Move Silently modifiers are equal to your warlock level. For all other purposes, its statistics are equal to yours.

    You can't cast most invocations or spells through the eye, but any spells or invocations that affect your sense of sight—such as darksight, all-seeing eyes, or detect magic—function through the eye as though it was still attached. If your crawling eye is destroyed, you are dazzled for ld4 hours, during which time the eye regrows. (If you normally have only one eye, you are blinded instead.) At the end of this period, you regain the 2 lost hit points, and the dazzled condition ends.

    Only one of your eyes can be used for wandering eye at any time; if your wandering eye is destroyed, you can't use this invocation again until your eye regrows.

    Witch Step
    Lesser; 3rd
    Your footsteps become supernaturally sure and supportive. Your movement is unaffected by undergrowth or rubble of any kind, and you are immune to being entangled. You can even walk on water, as the water walk spell. This invocation lasts for 24 hours.

    Blast shape:
    Arcane Cone
    Greater; 5th; Blast Shape
    This blast shape invocation allows you to invoke your arcane blast as a 30-foot cone. The arcane cone deals the normal arcane blast damage to all targets within the area. This is not a ray attack, so it requires no ranged touch attack. Any creature in the area of the cone can attempt a Reflex save for half damage.

    Arcane Essence:
    Befuddling Blast
    Greater; 4th; Arcane Essence
    This arcane essence invocation allows you to change your arcane blast into a befuddling blast. Any creature struck by a befuddling blast must succeed on a Will save or be confused for 1 round in addition to the normal damage from the blast. This is a mind influencing effect.

    Hindering Blast
    Greater; 4th; Arcane Essence
    You transform your arcane blast into a hindering blast. Any living creature struck by a hindering blast must succeed on a Will save or be slowed for 1 round in addition to the normal damage from the blast.

    Noxious Blast
    Greater; 6th; Arcane Essence
    This arcane essence invocation allows you to change your arcane blast into a noxious blast. Any creature struck by a noxious blast must make a Fortitude save or be nauseated for 1 minute.

    Repelling blast
    Greater; 6th; Arcane Essence
    This arcane essence invocation allows you to change your arcane blast into a repelling blast. Any Medium or smaller creature struck by a repelling blast must make a Reflex save or be hurled 1d6×5 feet (1d6 squares) directly away from you and knocked prone by the energy of the attack. If the creature strikes a solid object, it stops prematurely, taking 1d6 points of damage per 10 feet hurled, and it is still knocked prone. Movement from this blast does not provoke attacks of opportunity.

    Caustic Mire
    Greater; 4th
    You can use caustic mire as the spell (C.Mage p.98). If you use this invocation a second time while a previous caustic mire is still present, the previous effect ends.

    Chilling Tentacles
    Greater; 5th
    This invocation allows you to conjure forth a field of soul-chilling black tentacles that ooze from the ground, groping for victims. This invocation functions identically to the Evard’s black tentacles spell, except that each creature within the area of the invocation takes 1 point of cold damage each round per warlock level. Creatures in the area take this cold damage whether or not they are grappled by the tentacles.

    Slumber of Ages
    Greater; 6th
    You can use endless slumber as the spell (see page 103). Any creature awakened from this effect by anything other than a successful save takes damage equal to your warlock level (no save).

    Wall of Arcane Flame
    Greater; 5th
    You can conjure a wall of fire as the spell with this invocation. Half the wall’s fire damage results from supernatural power and is therefore not subject to being reduced by resistance to fire.

    Blast Shape:
    Arcane Devastation
    Mystic; 8th; Blast Shape
    This blast shape invocation allows you to invoke your arcane blast as an arcane devastation. This causes bolts of mystical power to lash out and savage nearby targets. An arcane devastation attack deals arcane blast damage to any number of targets designated by you within 20 feet. This is not a ray attack, so it requires no ranged touch attack. Each target can attempt a Reflex save for half damage.

    Arcane Essence:
    Binding Blast
    Mystic; 7th; Arcane Essence
    You transform your arcane blast into a binding blast. Any creature struck by a binding blast must succeed on a Will save or be stunned for 1 round.

    Caster’s Lament
    Mystic; 8th
    You can produce a break enchantment effect (as the spell) with your touch. You can only attempt to affect any single magical effect—an ongoing spell, a permanent transformation, a magic item, or the like—once per 24-hour period. In addition, you can use casters lament to counterspell another caster's spell (of 7th level or lower) as if casting greater dispel magic.

    Clear Foresight
    Mystic; 9th
    You can use foresight as the spell with this invocation. If you are within 100 feet of and have line of sight to the target of the ability, you can communicate telepathically with the target

    Steal Summoning
    Mystic; 6th
    You can use steal summoning as the spell (see C. Mage page 118).

    Word of Changing
    Mystic; 5th
    You utter a powerful word that transforms a creature into an inoffensive form. This effect functions like the baleful polymorph spell, except that 24 hours after being transformed, the subject is entitled to a second saving throw (at its original save bonus) to spontaneously resume its normal form. If this second save fails, it remains in its new form permanently or until restored by some other means.
    Last edited by Admiral Squish; 2013-02-05 at 03:25 PM.
    My Homebrew
    Five-time champion of the GITP monster competition!

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    Crossroads: the New World: A pathfinder campaign setting about an alternate history of North America, where five empire collide in a magical land full of potential. On the road to publication!

    Epic Avatar and Sigitar by AlterForm

  3. - Top - End - #3
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Warlock [Rewrite, Vespuccia]

    I'm still trying to come up with some more arcane-feeling invocations. I'm going over the sorcerer/wizard spell list, but I'm not coming up with much, honestly. Any ideas?
    My Homebrew
    Five-time champion of the GITP monster competition!

    Current Projects:
    Crossroads: the New World: A pathfinder campaign setting about an alternate history of North America, where five empire collide in a magical land full of potential. On the road to publication!

    Epic Avatar and Sigitar by AlterForm

  4. - Top - End - #4
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Warlock [Rewrite, Vespuccia]

    What exactly does this do besides removing the mention of patrons and changing the names from evil-sounding stuff to stuff with "arcane" in the name?
    Quote Originally Posted by jamieth View Post
    ...though Talla does her best to sound objective and impartial, it doesn't cover stuff like "ask a 9-year-old to tank for the party."
    My Homebrew

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    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Warlock [Rewrite, Vespuccia]

    Quote Originally Posted by Qwertystop View Post
    What exactly does this do besides removing the mention of patrons and changing the names from evil-sounding stuff to stuff with "arcane" in the name?
    Well, mostly the class features are changed. You get a handful of wizard spell SLAs, you get arcane resistance...

    I've added in a few new invocations, too, and I intend to be adding a couple more as I come up with them.

    Mostly, though, that's the point. The warlock doesn't need to be changed that much, it just needs to be made slightly less dark/evil. The goal is to make it into a less specialized and less focused sorcerer.

    Basically, the idea is that spells are actually memetic, and a spellcaster that receives no training doesn't come up with perfect imitations of wizard spells. They get sorta vagueish powers that can do sorta similar things.

    Some ideas:
    Deadly Deception: As Major Image, but deals 1 damage/level to creatures that fail to disbelieve.

    Phantom Friend: Conjure temporary, semi-real familiar
    Last edited by Admiral Squish; 2013-02-05 at 12:35 PM.
    My Homebrew
    Five-time champion of the GITP monster competition!

    Current Projects:
    Crossroads: the New World: A pathfinder campaign setting about an alternate history of North America, where five empire collide in a magical land full of potential. On the road to publication!

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  6. - Top - End - #6
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Warlock [Tweaked, Vespuccia]

    1. I would find/replace: I saw "Eldritch" pop up a few times instead of Arcane, as in, "Eldritch Blast" instead of "Arcane Blast."

    2. For Arcane Trick, if I understand correctly: you can choose a spell from the Sorc/Wiz list, and cast it as an SLA? By the end of the character, though, you have: 1 First Level, 1 Second Level, 1 Third Level, 1 Fourth Level, 1 Fifth Level, and 1 Sixth Level spell? Is that correct?

    3. Wall of Text Crits. I would highlight or bold important words in any description that has more than one paragraph. Invocation is the worst offender. If possible, I would personally double-enter so that there's a break in the lines, and a break for the eyes (as with this critique).

    A. There's a nice number of them. I counted 20. Considering that a character can only choose 3, that's more than enough choice to go around.

    B. Arcane Spear. I would change the name to Arcane Arrow. It conveys the idea of travelling distance a little better.

    C. Scintillating Blast. The name is interesting. I presume it's a "Dazzled" effect or similar?

    D. Darksight seems a bit weak compared to the rest. Perhaps lengthen the distance, and/or make it work in magical darkness? Even that's not enough to make me want to take it, but... :think:

    E. Entropic Shield is just too powerful. Auto-blocks all ranged attacks, and blocks tracking and such. By comparison, the first level spell only blocks 20% of all ranged MISSILE attacks, not even spells.

    F. Spider-Step's Duration seems a bit long. Then again, it's not terribly useful.


    A. Number: 18. Very, very, solid. Again, they're selecting three out of alllllll of these.

    B. Baneful Blast. This seems like a trap: unless you select "undead" or some similarly large and overused group, this invocation seems to give very occasional rewards for such an investment.

    C. Caustic Blast. Does this only change the damage type? If so, it doesn't seem too useful... considering that Acid is relatively well defended against. Besides, even so, it just changes the type: no extra damage, no new effects. Perhaps it can have residual acid damage or something? I do see that it bypasses SR, but that's not much of a benefit compared to the other Essences at this level.

    D. Blinding Blast. Is this a little short? One round doesn't seem like much for a level 6 character.

    E. Decoy is very strong. Not OP, but very strong. I'd watch out for it.

    F. Walking Dead. Considering the setting of Vespuccia, is this the sort of thing that should be generally allowed? Seems like either the Inquisition or locals would shut down anyone who had and used this.

    G. Lesser Invocations, as a whole, look really good. Some of these are beastly awesome, and I would take the majority of them in a heartbeat. That's a good sign.


    A. Number: 9. I see that this is probably where you're looking for more Invocations?

    B. Question: what's the difference between "5th" and "6th" in the notes next to the type? Does that indicate what level it's taken at, or what?

    C. Chilling Tentacles. Whilst the spell is cool, the damage is sub-par. That's an average of 7 damage per turn. Not much at level 11. If that's intended to just be a cool add-on, then it works. If it's intended to be a serious damage-dealer, it's not. But I rather like it as an added bonus.

    D. This level of Invocations seems nice, but not as "OOOOOH" as the other two. Perhaps you can add some out of combat options, such as Long-Distance Teleportation and the like?


    A. Number: 6. We're done to 6, with three choices to be made out of this. Ordinarily, this isn't too bad. But considering the class, and how well it does at Lesser and Least, it may need to have a few more.

    B. Binding Blast seems decidedly underpowered. Stunned for One Round, as a MIND-EFFECTING effect? Besides the fact that everything is immune to it at high levels like this, one turn is just barely enough to get your 10d6 damage in. It should either be for longer, or be more debilitating. Or both.

    C. I really like all of these, except for Binding Blast. They're all really fluffy, crunchy, solid choices.

    8. Ideas for new Invocations:
    A. Blast Shapes:
    i. Rebounding Rays. Each time a ray is dodged, it reflects to another, nearby target.
    ii. Meteoric Arcana. Fire meteors that strike in a line from you, or going down. Flying creatures knocked to the ground, everyone else save or prone.
    iii. Aura of Blasting. Everyone within a certain distance of you is blasted. (See Friend or Foe)
    iv. Blasting Cloud. Lesser damage in a cloud, spreads out over an area (dealing lesser damage with each spread).

    B. Arcanic Essences:
    i. Soul-Fire. In addition to taking damage, the target takes Charisma damage.
    ii. Banishing Blast. Outsiders must take a save or be banished.
    iii. Blast of Breaking. Can be used against objects. An object that it's used against explodes, dealing a number of damage equal to its hardness to everyone in a 10-foot burst.
    iv. Dispelling Blast. You may blast as if you'd cast Dispel Magic
    v. Piercing Blast. Immediately undoes illusions and transmutation effects.
    vi. Holy Blast. Does double damage against necromancy effects and undead.

    C. Invocations:
    i. Friend or Foe. When you use an Aura of Blasting or any other effect of your blast, you can choose to have it not apply to certain people inside its area of effect.
    ii. More coming.
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    Quote Originally Posted by TravelLog View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by SamBurke View Post
    *snip* ...Hands down the funniest class critique ever... *snip*
    I cannot tell you the number of times I laughed while reading this.

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    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Warlock [Tweaked, Vespuccia]

    1: Okay, done

    2: Basically. You can choose a lower-level spell and any point, and you get extra daily uses of earlier arcane tricks (to a maximum of 3). You do only get one spell of each level, though.

    3: Okay, I broke up all the paragraphs, but I don't think I'm gonna go through and highlight the important parts.

    4a: Yeah, low-levels spells have the most variety for some reason.

    4b: Sounds good to me.

    4c: One attempt to add a new thing to the mix. Supposed to be based on color spray. I'm thinking dazzled would work well.

    4d: It already works in magical darkness, actually.

    4e: It deflects ranged attacks as entropic shield, which means it only gives you that 20% protection.

    4f:In a world with no flight, it's the best you're gonna get. That one's just a direct translation, anyways.

    5a: I try to give plenty of options.

    5b: Yeah, it's a bit tough, but it's a nice option for an NPC, or a character who REALLY doesn't like somebody.

    5c: It just changes the damage type and makes it ignore SR. I could possibly add in some limited acid damage on the following round. 1/die or something.

    5d: Blinding is a pretty rough status effect.

    5e: Definitely strong,. But with vespuccia's limitation on LOS for teleportation effects makes it a little less awesome.

    5f: I think it should still be an option. Yes, the inquisition would bring down the holy fire on anyone they caught, and yes, it's generally disliked by the locals, but very few necromancers get along with their neighbors, honestly.

    5g: Definitely a good line!

    6a: Yeah, greater and mystic are where it feels kinda thin.

    6b: Oh, that's the equivalent spell level. You use it to determine invocation DCs and such.

    6c: Okay, upped the damage from 2d6 to a damage/level

    6d: No long-distance teleportation in vespuccia. Except for links, that is.

    7a: Definitely. Hence why I need ideas.

    7b: Alright, peeled off 'mind-affecting'.

    8Ai: Interesting idea, I don't know how useful it would be, though.

    8Aii: I'm not seein' it, honestly. Seems a bit too.. refined, for what I'm thinking.

    8Aiii: I like this, but you already can get that with arcane devastation, and as an added bonus, it lets you pick the targets.

    8Aiv: Hmm. I could see something like this. Kinda like acid fog?

    8Bi: I could see something like that, possibly.

    8Bii: Ooh, intriguing. Seems situational, especially in a world like vespuccia, though.

    8Biii: Nice, but I'm not sure. I mean, we already have hammer blast and shatter, both of which are about destroying objects.

    8Biv: I like it.

    8Bv: Possible, but I don't have a really clear vision in my head of how this works.

    8Bvi: Now this one, I could see.

    8Ci: Seems like any effect requiring two invocation's a bit excessive, especially since you only get so many.
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    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Warlock [Tweaked, Vespuccia]

    Would you be interested in me altering my Pit Fiend invocations for this?

    Basically, it's a chain of Invocations that, if you want the full effect, requires that you use 9 invocations on it (the core 4 are all you really need), but they work as expansions of your other Invocations, along with having their own effect.

    So, for example, the core 4 invocations all together give you the Outsider type, a nice boost to your ability scores, large size, natural attacks, and a fear aura; once you add in the other 5 invocations (many of which being Invocations that you would be going for anyway...), you get even more Natural Attacks, really fast flight, immunity to Poisons, good resistances, and so on and so forth.

    I could do a set for dragons/skinwalkers/angels/spirits/whatever else you want, if you'd like.
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    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Warlock [Tweaked, Vespuccia]

    Quote Originally Posted by Amechra View Post
    Would you be interested in me altering my Pit Fiend invocations for this?

    Basically, it's a chain of Invocations that, if you want the full effect, requires that you use 9 invocations on it (the core 4 are all you really need), but they work as expansions of your other Invocations, along with having their own effect.

    So, for example, the core 4 invocations all together give you the Outsider type, a nice boost to your ability scores, large size, natural attacks, and a fear aura; once you add in the other 5 invocations (many of which being Invocations that you would be going for anyway...), you get even more Natural Attacks, really fast flight, immunity to Poisons, good resistances, and so on and so forth.

    I could do a set for dragons/skinwalkers/angels/spirits/whatever else you want, if you'd like.
    You know, a dragon version of what your describing would be ridiculously awesome, and it fits the 'arcanists are dragon-blooded' thing. But no flying.
    And a spirit of some sort would be great too, but I suspect we'd have to come up with the spirit to imitate first.
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    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Warlock [Tweaked, Vespuccia]

    Well, if it did give Flight, it would be by modifying invocations that you already have that grant Flight (my Pit Fiend invocations modified Fell Flight for that purpose.)
    Quote Originally Posted by segtrfyhtfgj View Post
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    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Warlock [Tweaked, Vespuccia]

    Quote Originally Posted by Amechra View Post
    Well, if it did give Flight, it would be by modifying invocations that you already have that grant Flight (my Pit Fiend invocations modified Fell Flight for that purpose.)
    Ahh, I understand. I meant, specifically, that flight's not something PCs can have access to in this setting. It changes way too much, too drastically, you see. So, if you were to be nice enough to make a set o' dragon-related invocations, it would have to skip flying, and probably wings in general.

    I gotta run off to work, but I will be back to write up drafts of these new ideas.
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    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Warlock [Tweaked, Vespuccia]

    Arcane Stormcloud
    Greater; 6th
    You conjure a roiling cloud of semisolid smoke, as with the solid fog spell. Burst of arcane energy crackle and arc all through the cloud, dealing damage equal to your warlock level to all creatures and objects within the cloud at the start of your turn each round. This cloud remains as long as you concentrate plus two rounds thereafter.

    Soulburning Blast
    Greater; 6th; Arcane Essence
    Using this invocation turns your arcane blast into a soulburning blast. A creature struck by a soulburning blast must make a fortitude save or take 1d6 points of charisma damage.

    Banishing Blast
    Mystic; 7th; Arcane Essence
    This invocation turns your arcane blast into a banishing blast. If an extraplanar creature is struck by a banishing blast, the creature must make a will save or be forced off the mortal world and back to the spirit world, as though targeted by a Banishment spell. A banishing blast cannot affect a creature with HD greater than 2x your warlock level.

    Deadly Deception:
    Lesser; 4th
    You can conjure an illusion, as with major image, but creatures that interact with it and fail to disbelieve the illusion take damage equal to your warlock level. The damage is usually incorporated into the illusion, such as a metal wall that appears to shock the creature that touches it, or a being that attacks those nearby. The image lingers for one minute/level. If you create another image while the first is active, the first image winks out of existence.
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    Five-time champion of the GITP monster competition!

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