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    Troll in the Playground
    Lex-Kat's Avatar

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    In the shadows

    Default Werewolf Central IX: Important WW information goes here - READ OPENING POSTS!

    Hello all.
    This thread was designed by Lucky originally for the purposes of coordinating and maintaining all the werewolf games and variants. It has become a great tool for us. This is where you come to place a claim on running your own Werewolves or Werewolves variant game. It can also be used to develop ideas and gather interest for your own version of the game.
    Whatever you're looking for in regards to werewolf games should be found on this page.
    Maybe not in this post, but somewhere on this first page.
    Everything from start dates to active games, rules (and optional rules) to games archives can be found here along with tools designed to make your game run smoother.
    If there’s something useful you think is missing, mention it. We will immediately eventually spring lurch into action to sort it out.

    Also, I'd like to thank all the previous caretakers of Werewolf Central: Lucky, Shadow, Happyturtle, and Thufir, for their diligent work at keeping this thread going. It cannot have been easy, and I can only hope to do them justice.
    ~ Lex-Kat

    For anyone wishing to discuss ideas for a new game: The Pub is open.


    --How Players Should Use This Thread--

    • If you need to check the basic rules, they are in this post.
    • If you have a query about the general/basic rules, this is the place to ask. Questions about a specific edition/variant should be directed to the narrator.
    • If you want to know when a certain game is starting, the schedule is in the second post.
    • If someone mentions a past game which interests you, someone here may well remember it and be willing to elaborate. Or, you can check the archives.

    --Basic Game-Play Overview--
    The game is played in turns that consist of two different phases.
    There's a day phase that happens from dawn ‘til dusk in game. This period typically lasts 48 hours. During this time all the players try to decide who the bad guys are by voting for them. Votes are done in red text. You may change your vote if you wish, in which case, you should edit your previous post and strike-through your previous vote. Once the day has ended, whoever has the most votes is removed from the game (Lynched). In the event of a tie, common practice is to lynch whichever player reached that number of votes first.

    The 25% Rule: Part of the original rules, but not all narrators use it now. By this rule, a lynch only occurs if at least 25% of the players vote for the same person. If no 25% majority is reached, the mob cannot gather sufficient numbers to lynch anyone.
    Additionally, if a 50% majority is reached, day may optionally end early at that point, if the narrators want it to.

    Auto-lynches: If a player fails to vote for a certain number of day phases (Usually 2), they will be auto-lynched. If you will be unable to get online to post in your games for some period of time, you should notify the narrator(s) in advance, either in-thread or via PM.

    The next phase is the night phase, which lasts from dusk ‘til dawn. This phase typically lasts 24 hours. During this phase, anyone that has a special action to perform during that time does so via PM to the narrator(s). This is the phase of the game where the wolves would tell the narrators who they would like to kill.

    After time's up, the narrators will post the opening of the following Day Scene and it starts all over again.
    This continues until either A) all of the Wolves are destroyed by the Villagers -or- B) the Wolves reduce the total number of non-wolf players to equal their own.

    This is just a brief overview of the basic rules. Specific games may have variant rules which will be detailed in the game thread.

    --Basic Role Descriptions--
    Once a game has closed recruitment, the narrator will randomly assign roles and PM all players with their role. Traditional roles are as follows:

    Team Villager
    Villager: You are a villager. Your job is to stay alive, and ferret out the werewolves.

    Mason: Your job is to ferret out the werewolves, and to protect your fellow Mason(s). There will always be a minimum of 2 Masons in a group. The masons are told each other’s identities.

    Seer: Each night phase, you may PM the Narrator and co-Narrator to look into the heart of one other player. When you select a player, the answer given to you will be villager, fool, or werewolf. Seers see the Devil as a Werewolf.

    Fool: Thinks he is a seer. Is told that he is a seer. When a fool gets his foresight in the evening, he gets a random chance as to what he sees when he points somebody out. When he points to the Seer, he will always see the Fool, and vice versa.

    Baner: This person is the carrier of the wolfsbane. Each night he may protect someone he believes is a villager, from the werewolves’ night-kill.

    Team Werewolf
    Werewolf: Each night phase the werewolves choose among themselves who they want to kill, and send this in to the narrator(s).

    Devil: Is basically the seer for the werewolves, however gets more precise results (Specific role rather than just villager, fool, or werewolf).

    Note that other than villager and werewolf, none of these roles have to appear in any given game, and there are other roles which may be included. The narrator has the right to include whatever roles s/he wants, and alter them as s/he sees fit.

    Victory Conditions:

    For Team Villagers to win, the villagers must lynch all of the werewolves.

    For Team Werewolf to win, they must simply reduce the number of villagers (Including special roles on Team Villager) to equal their current numbers.

    Finally, if anyone has any other ideas as far as what to put in this thread, feel free to voice them here or PM them to me.
    Last edited by Lex-Kat; 2014-05-29 at 08:39 PM. Reason: The Pub

    Lexington III, my Brute. Inner Circle. ! Melody

  2. - Top - End - #2
    Troll in the Playground
    Lex-Kat's Avatar

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    In the shadows

    Default Re: Werewolf Central IX: Important WW information goes here - READ OPENING POSTS!

    --The Schedule--

    Dethy Tournament Zjoot Stalled? 22Apr14
    Careless Investigation Count Dingdong Recruiting
    & Running
    Sailor Moon, Werewolf Adaption ThePhantom Recruiting Unknown
    Stranded in Space Nonayer Running 07Oct14
    WW Feudal Japan Andre Fairchilde Running 26Oct14
    Middle Earth WW: Two Towers Cuthalion Scheduled 23Nov14 to
    Apple WW Internet Flea Scheduled 07Dec14 to
    Classic XVIII B-Man Scheduled 04Jan15 to
    Core Component Ramsus Scheduled 01Feb15 to
    Nightmares in the Dark C'Nor Scheduled 15Feb15 to
    Battlestar Galactica Lex-Kat Scheduled 01Mar15 to
    15Mar15 to
    Adventure Time WW: Mathematical Edition - 2+2=Fanfiction? Peebles Scheduled 29Mar15 to
    12Apr15 to

    ** Games of 20 players or less. These are put in the table for record keeping, but don't require scheduling a slot. (However, see section in post 3 on scheduling games).
    Waiting for Approval

    Last 10 Completed games

    Werewolf in the Forum Haruki-Kun Villagers 23Oct14
    Toy Story WW AskThePizzaGuy Dead 28Sep14
    Deserted Island WW Lord Pringle Dead 22Jul14
    Typical Werewolf Penguinator Town 20Jul14
    Schoolhouse WW The Fiery Tower Dead 14Jul14
    Classified WW Duck999 Villagers 10Jul14
    Middle Earth WW: Fellowship of the Rings Cuthalion Ringwraiths 01Jul14
    My Little Townie: WW is Magic Disc Lorde Dead 16Jun14
    Awesomenauts: Creeps' Revenge Tasroth Team Blue 31May14
    Phantom of the Opera WW VII: Acting It Out ThePhantom Actors 25May14
    Last edited by Lex-Kat; 2015-01-20 at 05:48 PM. Reason: [thread=][/thread]

    Lexington III, my Brute. Inner Circle. ! Melody

  3. - Top - End - #3
    Troll in the Playground
    Lex-Kat's Avatar

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    In the shadows

    Default Re: Werewolf Central IX: Important WW information goes here - READ OPENING POSTS!


    --How Narrators Should Use This Thread--
    In addition to the ways players should use Central, narrators can:
    • Post the rules of games you’re planning, for balance advice, and potentially to garner interest in advance.
    • Look for a co-narrator.
    • Book a place for your game in the schedule.
    • Let us know when your game is recruiting/starting/ending.
    • Share fun stuff you've created, such as Korith's games spreadsheet.

    --Interesting and Important Notes by Lucky--
    A couple other things to note when running a game of Werewolves:

    A) Having a co-narrator is highly recommended. This is to assist with the flow of the game, and just makes it easier on the narrator.

    Rules on cheating:

    The SMBG stance on cheating applies to all of these games, and cheaters will be punished as dictated by the SMBG rules.

    However, after the culprit has been punished and s/he has served his time off from the werewolf games, it will become forgotten history. No one is to speak of it further, and any concern will be PMed to the narrators of that game, not posted in the thread.

    --Scheduling your game--
    For the time being, I'm asking that all games (Big Name, Small, Classic) please schedule your games ahead of time. Games will be scheduled as one for every two weeks, not one per week as before. This is due to the recent lack of players. Hopefully this will be a fix.

    We've all decided amongst ourselves that we should only have one game starting in any given week.
    Small games (<20 players) do not need to be scheduled in advance. Normally, up to two small games may be started each week, unless the the total number of small games would then exceed the number of large games recruiting or running at the time. If you’re uncertain, just ask here in Central.
    Additionally, while small games do not need to be scheduled in advance, they can be, if you wish to stake your claim in advance to be sure no-one beats you to it by posting their game first. However this shouldn’t come up too often.
    Big name games which have no difficulty attracting players (Such as Classic) can ignore the schedule and start the same week as another large game. In such a week, no small games may be started.

    Above all, be considerate. Everyone wants players for their game, and no-one likes for their game to end up short of players because they’re all playing in other games.

    Please PM me or post here if you're planning on starting a game, so that we can coordinate everything properly.
    This will ensure that every game gets the attention that it deserves and will make every game more enjoyable.
    Thanks in advance.

    Just as the Three Post Rule is usually enforced by ourselves rather than getting Mods involved, so too should rules that we've created for ourselves be so enforced. Please politely direct anyone starting a game out of turn to this thread.
    As this is not a forum rule, this can only be enforced by us.
    A little common courtesy goes a long way.

    A note on posting Recruitment/Game Threads:
    Threads created in the Structured Games subforum have to wait to be approved by a mod (Alarra or Zeb The Troll)
    If you need a second post to open your game, simply put that in the Title of your thread so that your players will not post as soon as it goes up, like I did for this thread.
    Then change the title when you're ready to play.

    Recruitment and Game Schedules
    Large games:
    Note that the date listed is for the week Game Thread should go up, not the recruitment thread. Begin recruitment at your leisure.

    Small games:
    For small games the date listed will be the week the thread goes up, though the game may not start that week, depending on recruitment. This is to help keep track of the 'Two small games per week' restriction.


    If you want a co-narrator, ask here in Central. It will probably help to say what your game will be like, though some people will narrate anything.

    Claims on Specific Editions/Variants:
    In general, a WW variant someone runs is considered specifically theirs. If you want to run another one of it, you must ask them nicely to let you co-narrate.
    However, there is nothing to stop you doing something similar, which you can devise for yourself. If you’re uncertain, ask here in Central.
    The exceptions to this variant ownership are WW Classic and Simply Werewolf, which get passed around. If you want to run one of these games, just ask and we’ll dig out the rules for you.
    Last edited by Lex-Kat; 2014-11-16 at 03:38 PM.

    Lexington III, my Brute. Inner Circle. ! Melody

  4. - Top - End - #4
    Troll in the Playground
    Lex-Kat's Avatar

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    In the shadows

    Default Re: Werewolf Central IX: Important WW information goes here - READ OPENING POSTS!

    --Single Games Archives--

    Due to the large size of the archives, I'm splitting it into two halves. Single Games Archive, and Multi-Game Archives.

    Assassin in the Palace
    Badges and Bullets
    Baldur's Gate: Deeper Shadows of Amn
    Basic 11
    Black Iron Prison
    Blut und Boden
    Breaking the 4th Wall
    Cat Fight
    Center WW
    Chaos in the Academy WW - The Rift
    Christmas Werewolf
    The City I: Metropolitan Mayhem
    Cowboys and Banditos I: The Gunslinger
    Cults WW: Cult of Kroy vs. Cult of the Sight
    Cyber Problems I
    Dark World Incursion
    DBZ (It's Namek Time)
    Experimental Werewolf: The Shattered Mirror of Fate
    Final Fantasy 7
    The Fleas of Schmoo
    Fun House!
    Get out of here, Stalker!
    Girl Genius
    Gnome Way To Conduct Politics
    Hair of the Werewolf
    Higurashi: When the Cicadas Cry
    Hunting of the Snark: Expedition to Snark Island
    Inanimate WW
    The Infected
    Insane Mafia
    Isocerne City
    Jack the Ripper
    Judge Dredd, Dark goings on in Rich Burlew block
    Kingdom Hearts
    Knights of the Elliptical Table
    L. A. Noir
    League of Draven WW
    The Legend of Zelda WW: The Wind Waker
    Mad Science! WW
    Mafia Classic: Bringing Out the Noir
    Mafia Extreme!
    The Maltese Falcon: Fate of the Shadow
    The Matrix Rewound
    Megaman X: Command Mission
    Meta WW
    Minecraft WW: Blokes of Blocks
    Mummy: The Resurrection
    Nehh's Craziness WW
    Nexus of the Future I - Floating Dreams of Riches
    The One Artifact
    Open Werewolf: Nowhere to Hide
    Parallel: Thoughts of Wolves
    Percy Jackson WW
    The Possessed - Legend of the Werewolf
    Ravnica: City of Wolves
    Seer's Academy WW
    Sharn, the Broken City
    Sir Werewolf
    StarCraft: Shadow of the Xel'Naga
    Stargate: Lost in Space
    Star Wars itp
    Star Wars: Battle of the 503rd
    Super Paper Werewolf!
    Thursday Next: The Eyre Affair
    Traits WW: The Misty Isle
    The UKitP WW Game: Now with added Cylon!
    Under a Grinning Moon
    Vampire the Masquerade: Gehenna
    Warcraft: Reign of Chaos
    Werewolf: Aftermath
    Werewolf: Under Siege
    WWW: WereWolves of Wildespell
    World of Darkness
    Writer's Block!

    --Circle of Assassins Archives--
    As requested.

    Last edited by Lex-Kat; 2014-01-18 at 04:53 AM. Reason: [thread=][/thread]

    Lexington III, my Brute. Inner Circle. ! Melody

  5. - Top - End - #5
    Troll in the Playground
    Lex-Kat's Avatar

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    In the shadows

    Default Re: Werewolf Central IX: Important WW information goes here - READ OPENING POSTS!

    --Multi-Games Archives--

    The Original: Werewolf
    Werewolf II, Werwolf II, Part 2, Werewolf II, Part 3
    Werewolf III: A New Beginning
    Werewolf IV
    Werewolf V: Werewolf DnD
    Werewolf VI: The Paladins Strike Back
    Werewolf VII: Urban Lycanthropy
    Werewolf VIII
    Werewolf IX: Hogwart's Havok
    Werewolf X-In The Midst Of A Battle

    --Werewolf Classic--
    Werewolf Classic I
    Werewolves Classic II, Werewolves II, take 2
    Werewolf Classic III
    Werewolf Classic IV
    Werewolf Classic V
    Werewolf Classic VI: Rated PG-13 to R for violent descriptions of character Deaths
    Werewof Classic VII: The Village
    Werewolf Classic VIII - Archaeological Wolves
    Werewolf Classic IX
    Werewolf Classic X: Chilled Blood Becomes Spilled Blood
    Werewolf Classic XI: Origins
    Werewolf Classic XII
    Werewolf Classic XIII
    Werewolf Classic XIV: Tea Strainers of Terror!
    Classic Werewolf XV: The Village of Vilcas
    Classic Werewolf XVI- Gladiator Uprising

    --Werewolf Lite--
    Werewolf Lite
    Simply Werewolf 2
    Simply Werewolf 3 - The things that shouldn't have been.

    --Abhorsen WW--
    Abhorsen's WW
    Abhorsen WW 2! Chaos Rises
    Abhorsen WW 3: Shining Night

    --Alan Wake Werewolf--
    Alan Wake Werewolf
    Alan Wake: American Nightmare

    Alchemists II
    Alchemists III

    --Alien Invasion--
    Alien Invasion
    Alien Invasion II
    Alien Invasion III

    Assassins II: Revenge of the Princess
    Assassins III: Taking Back the Throne!!
    Assassins IV: The Return
    Assassins V: The Rings of Power

    --Baron Fatbelly--
    Baron Fatbelly Eating Contest!
    Fatbelly 2: The Baroness' Revenge!
    Fatbelly 3: Third Time's the Charm
    ((Previous three games were not Werewolf style games, and evidently not lost in SMBG. ))
    Fatbelly 4 - Baron Banjo Brings Home the Bacon
    Fatbelly V- Who's for Dessert?

    Batman Mini-Game
    Batman: Arkham Asylum

    --Bounty Hunters--
    Bounty Hunters
    Bounty Hunters 2: Trial By Gunfire

    Camelot WW 0.5 - Le Morte D'arthur
    Camelot WW 1: The Sword in the Stone
    Camelot WW 2: The Queen of Air and Darkness

    --Camp Sleeps-A-Lot--
    Camp Sleeps-A-Lot
    Camp Sleep S'More

    --Careless Series--
    Careless Village WW
    Careless Citadel WW

    --City of Darkness & Shadows--
    City of Darkness
    City of Shadows

    --City of Spires--
    City of Spires
    City of Spires II

    Civilizations 2: Attack from Mars
    Civilizations III: Mission to Mars

    Convoy II: The Cola Wars
    Convoy III: Bears in the Air
    Convoy IV: Twisted Metal
    Convoy V: Autobots, Role Out!!
    Convoy VI: Convoy From Hell
    Convoy VII: Interstating the Obvious

    --Create Your Own Role--
    Five Player CYOR
    Five Player CYOR II

    --Custom Werewolf--
    Custom WW I
    Custom Werewolf II
    Custom Werewolf III: In Need of Trees

    --Death Note--
    Death Note
    Death Note 2

    The Demons
    Demons II
    Demons WW: Game of Trickery

    Dethy II
    Dethy III (Lost Thread )
    Dethy IV
    Dethy V
    Dethy VI: Now with 50% less fat
    Dethy VII: Still not done with the analyzer program
    Dethy VIII: Game Over
    Dethy IX: Wait, Ponies?

    Dyscworlde WereWolfe: Dei In Machina
    Discworld II: The Glorious Republic of Treacle Mine Road

    --Dragonspire Killers--
    The Dragonspire Killers
    Dragonspire Killers 2: The Sequel that Doesn't Suck

    --Dungeons and Dragons--
    Dungeons & Dragons: Thieves Guild
    Dungeons and Dragons
    D & D 4E: The Castle of Illusions

    Empire II: Where No Man Has Gone Before

    --Fae Werewolf--
    Fae Werewolf
    Fae WW II: Fae-ailed Plans
    Fae WW II.V: Fae-liure to Plan

    --Fate/Stay Night--
    Fate/Stay Night: Heaven's Touch
    Fate/Stay Night II: Unlimited Blade Wolves
    Fate III/Final - HWWITGT!

    The Fears of Pegasus Manor
    Fears 2: Nightfall
    Fears 3: Full Circle
    Fears 4: The Whisper Killer

    --Final Fantasy Advent Children--
    Final Fantasy Advent Children: The Return of Sephiroth
    Advent Children II – The Battle for Balamb Garden
    Final Fantasy Advent Children III - Burmecia or Bust
    Final Fantasy Advent Children IV: Centuries of Sin

    --The Gamers--
    The Gamers
    The Gamers: Dorkness Rising

    Ghosts- The Spectre of Forgetfulness

    --Grave Robbers From Outer Space--
    Grave Robbers from Outer Space
    Grave Robbers 2: Skippy's Revenge

    --Harry Potter--
    Harry Potter Mini-Game
    Harry Potter Universe
    Harry Potter: The Battle against Voldemort

    --Helgraf's Bomb--
    Helgraf's Bomb
    Helgraf's Bomb II
    Helgraf's Bomb III

    --Hot Potatoes--
    Hot Potatoes
    Hot Potato II

    --In the Playground- Battle for _______--
    ItP- Battle for Alarra
    ItP Chapter II- Battle for Haruki-Kun

    --Invasion of the Zombies--
    Invasion of the Zombies
    Invasion of the Zombies: Outbreak
    Invasion of the Zombies: Day of the Dead

    --Journies on the TARDIS--
    Journeys on the TARDIS
    TARDIS II: Hunt for the Doctor
    Journeys on the TARDIS 3: It Really Is Bigger on the Inside

    --Llama, Llama, Duck--
    Llama, Llama, Duck
    Llama, Llama, Duck 2- The Return of Insanity
    Llama, Llama, Duck 3- Orange Slayed the Rake
    Llama, Llama, Duck 4- 200 Llamas! Buy Bye Bi-Centennial!

    --Lord of the Rings--
    Lord of the Rings: The Journey Begins
    Lord of the Rings WW- When the Cult Attacks

    Original Mafia Sign-up Actual game lost.
    Mafia I: Night of the Criminals
    Mafia II: Mass Intrigue
    Mafia III: The Maltese Falcon
    Mafia Episode IV: A New Hutt
    Mafia V: The Maltese Falcon Returns (restarted as Mark II)
    Mafia V: Mark II: The Return of the Narrator
    Mafia VI: Return of the Departed Emerald Dragon
    Mafia VII: Revenge of the Blackhawks
    Mafia VIII
    Mafia IX: St. Valentines Massacre
    Mafia X
    Mafia XI
    Mafia 12 - 1932 - City of Sinners

    --Magic the Gathering--
    Magic: The Gathering- Planeshock
    Magic: The Gathering- Duel of the Legends
    Magic: The Gathering- Battle for Alara!
    Magic: The Gathering- Conflux, The Battle for Alara Continues
    Magic: The Gathering- Shatterstorm

    --Medieval Werewolf--
    Medieval Werewolf I
    Medieval Werewolf II: King Myral's Vision

    Memesville II - Memes? In MY Structured?

    --Monster Mash--
    Monster Mash (Lost in SMBG )
    Monster Mash II
    Monster Mash III
    Monster Mash IV

    --Monty Python--
    Monty Python and the Holy Grail
    Monty Werewolf's Flying Circus

    --My Little Pony--
    My Little Pony: Return of Nightmare Moon
    My Little Pony WW 2: The Shadow Reign

    OotS: Memories Erased
    OotS Werewolf

    Paranoia mk II
    Paranoia III
    Paranoia IV (Can't Find it. )
    Paranoia V
    Paranoia VI

    --Phantom of the Opera--
    Phantom of the Opera
    Phantom of the Opera II
    Phantom of the Opera III
    Phantom of the Opera IV
    Phantom of the Opera V
    Phantom of the Opera VI: Tropical Curse

    Pirates II: Never Never Land Cruise
    Pirates III: At Forum's End
    Pirates IV: Firefly Firefight!
    Pirates V: Setting Sail!

    --Playground Squares--
    Playground Squares WW: Trial Version
    Playground Squares: The WW Edition

    Rebellion II
    Rebellion III: Reign of the Zombies
    Rebellion IV: Death of the Lich King
    Rebellion V

    --Reverse Werewolf--
    Reverse Werewolf
    Reverse Werewolf II
    Reverse Werewolf III: The Unstoppable Villager
    Reverse Werewolf IV: Villagers Return
    Reverse WW V: The Villagers Wrath!
    Reverse Werewolf VI: A Human Among Us

    Revolution Mk II
    Revolution III: Interesting Times in Technotopia
    Revolution IV: The Second Party

    Rockstar II: The Rap Feud
    Rockstar III: And Bon Scott Did Looketh Down Upon Us and Command "Let There Be Rock"

    --Schoolyard WW--
    Schoolyard 1
    Schoolyard 2

    S.E.U.: The Nightmare Begins...
    S.E.U. II: Ho Ho Horrors
    S.E.U. III: Dark Strains
    S.E.U. IV: The Terror
    S.E.U. 5: A Mother's Arms
    S.E.U. VI: Twinkle Little Star
    S.E.U. VII: Sanity's Rest hospital
    S.E.U. VIII: Horrors on a Plane

    Shape-shifters 2

    Smalltown 2

    Spytrap II: Desert Wolves
    Spytrap III- Prisoners of War
    Spytrap IV: Operation Market Garden
    Spytrap V: The Spy Who Scalped Me!

    --St. Trinian's--
    St. Trinian's
    St. Trinian's 2 WW

    --Tales of Kyou--
    Stories of Kyou: The Facestealer
    Tales of Kyou II: The Darkness

    --The Thing!--
    The Thing ~ Original
    The Thing

    --Tiny Werewolf--
    Tiny Werewolf ~ Original
    Tiny WW

    T2: Judgement Day
    Titans 3! The Rise of Olympus
    Titans 4! Salvation

    --Trick or Treat--
    Trick or Treat
    Trick or Treat WW 2

    --Twin Village--
    Twin Village
    Twin Village 2

    Twist II

    --Ultimate ChKaos--
    Ultimate Chaos
    Ultimate Kaos II: Attack of the Epileptic Koans!
    Ultimate Kaos III: In Soviet Russia, Kaos Ultimates YOU!
    Ultimate Kaos IV

    --Universal Smash Bros--
    Universal Smash Bros.
    Universal Smash Bros 2: Villain's Revenge
    Universal Smash Bros 3: Heroes' Resurgance!
    Universal Smash Bros 4: Brawl on!
    Universal Smash Bros 5: Final Destination
    Universal Smash Bros 6: Time Twister

    Vampire: Renfeild's Masquerade
    Vampire II: The Carfax Contingency
    Vampire III: Sunnydale Nights
    Vampire IV: The Song of Night
    Vampire V: Paris by Night
    Vampire VI: Shepherds of the Night

    --Witches & Warlocks--
    Witches & Warlocks: How It All Started
    Witches & Warlocks II: Double Double Toil and Trouble!
    Witches & Warlocks III: Welcome to Witchtopia!

    Witch-hunt 1.1
    Witch-hunt 1.2
    Witch-hunt 1.3 - We are going to need more ducks
    Witch-hunt 4
    Witch-hunt Returns to GitP
    Witch-hunt VI: Return of the Werewolf

    --Ye Olde West--
    Ye Olde West
    Ye Olde West II: The GOLD Rush
    YOW3: Cowboy Bebop Edition
    Ye Olde West IIII: A New Rope (Star Wars Edition)
    Ye Olde West V: True Wit

    Someone mention a game that you've never heard of?
    Someone mention a game that you'd like to read?

    Look No Further!
    Last edited by Lex-Kat; 2014-02-06 at 04:56 AM. Reason: [thread=][/thread]

    Lexington III, my Brute. Inner Circle. ! Melody

  6. - Top - End - #6
    Troll in the Playground
    Lex-Kat's Avatar

    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    In the shadows

    Default Re: Werewolf Central IX: Important WW information goes here - READ OPENING POSTS!

    --Extra Stuff--

    --Optional Rules--
    In some games, rather than, or in addition to, killing the villagers, the wolves may instead recruit them. The targeted villager becomes a werewolf instead. Power roles are typically immune to recruitment, and recruitment may be refusable, at the choice of the narrator

    It can of course be played that the Seer and Fool get specific roles in response to their scries, rather than just team allegiance or Fool.

    Optional Predetermined "Fool's Scry" Roles
    You may wish to randomly generate a second role distribution to be used for Fool scries, rather than randomly generating the result of each scry. This will ensure the Fool’s scries are consistent (Can’t scry the same person as different roles on separate occasions) and save you work.
    Of course, if you give the Fool specific role results, you’ll have to decide what result they get if the role the Fool should scry is already dead. Obvious solution is to change said result to a basic Villager or Werewolf.

    The Devil
    It can be played that the Devil and the Werewolves do not start the game knowing each other (This is the case in WW Classic). This can potentially make things rather interesting, as it’s harder for everyone to know who to trust...

    Helgraf's Scry Interference Rule
    Under Helgraf’s Scry Interference Rule, any attempt by multiple scryers (Seer, Fool, Devil, etc.) to scry the same target on the same night will result in ‘interference’, i.e. no result.

    Fleeing Coward's Rule of Narrator Invocation
    Using this rule, if you claim that the Narrator made a mistake, and the Narrator is asked about it, the Narrator will answer honestly. So don't use the Narrator's name in vain.

    --Additional Roles--
    Here are some more roles which you may see/use in a game of WW:
    Team Villager:
    Day-baner: Each night, this player may choose someone to protect. The following day, that person cannot be lynched.

    Not Team Specific:
    Disguiser: Each night, this player may choose a target and a role. If someone scries that target, they will see the chosen role rather than the target’s actual role (What this does to Fool scries is up to the narrator).

    Voider: Each night, this player may choose a target. That target will be unable to use their own night action (If they have one)

    Transmuter: Each night, this player chooses a target. The narrators randomly select one of the abilities usable in the game and use it on the target.

    Team Werewolf
    Beast: When this player is lynched, one of the people who voted for him will also die. This may be chosen by the player, randomly selected, or the last person to vote for the beast.

    Alpha: Alpha can have three possible meanings – either the Alpha scries as a villager, or they get to choose their own team, or both. This should be specified in the rules of any game where the role is used.

    --Narrating Tools--
    PM Box filling up too fast?
    Check out the Offline PM Viewer!

    Korith's Excel Spreadsheet. - A great tool to assign all the basic roles. Also includes an option to add up to 10 custom roles, making it also useful for almost any other werewolf variant.
    Instructions are included inside.

    The only concern that we've found with Korith's wonderful tool is that in some circumstances you may need to use it twice with slightly different configurations each time in order to get a fully randomized role distribution.
    This will come into play when you're running an Alpha Game or when you have possible secondary roles that could be in addition to the player's primary role (such as lovers, feuders, etc.).

    Also for inspiration and other possible purposes, the Mafia Wikipedia Article

    We've had some concerns about shrinking player-base, so to help potentially attract new players, here are some banners, drawn by Elder Tsofu:

    He also made some for specific players, which are in amongst the Player Inspired Posters in the next post.

    Attention All Werewolves:
    If there's anything you'd like added to this thread, just let me know.
    If there's a game you'd like to run, just let me know.
    If you'd like to put a bid in for a start date, just....

    ....You get the idea.

    Questions? Comments? Concerns? Feedback?
    Let's have it!
    Last edited by Lex-Kat; 2014-04-01 at 10:52 AM.

    Lexington III, my Brute. Inner Circle. ! Melody

  7. - Top - End - #7
    Troll in the Playground
    Lex-Kat's Avatar

    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    In the shadows

    Default Re: Werewolf Central IX: Important WW information goes here - READ OPENING POSTS!

    --For Teh Lulz--

    --Player Inspired Posters--


    Player-specific banners, by Elder Tsofu:

    ((I'm missing lots! Post them, and I'll add them in!))

    --Other Werewolf Posters and Images--


    --Songs and Poems--

    From Memesville:
    The Lolrus and Anonymous
    took all the memes aside.
    "O Memes, do come and walk with us
    And I will be your guide
    I haz a shiny bukkit
    In which some of you can ride."

    The little memes all hurried up,
    Quite eager for the treat:
    Their coats were brushed, their faces washed,
    Their shoes were clean and neat--
    And this was odd, because, you know,
    They hadn't any feet.

    The Lolrus and Anonymous
    Walked on a mile or so,
    And then they rested on a rock
    Conveniently low:
    Where all the little memes were standing
    Waiting in a row.

    "The time has come," the Lolrus said,
    "To talk of many things:
    Of pirates--ninjas--bukkit thiefs--
    Of internets--and memes--
    And why did raiser b1ade confess--
    And why Rick Astley sings."

    "But wait a bit," the memes all cried,
    "Before we have our chat;
    For some of us are out of breath,
    And all of us are fat!"
    "No hurry!" said Anonymous.
    They thanked him much for that.

    "A loaf of bread," the Lolrus said,
    "Is what we chiefly need:
    Pepper and vinegar besides
    Are very good indeed--
    Now if you're ready, dearest memes,
    We can begin to feed."

    "But not on us!" the memes all cried,
    Turning a little blue.
    "After such kindness, that would be
    A dismal thing to do!"
    "The night is fine," the Lolrus said.
    "Do you admire the view?

    "It was so kind of you to come!
    And you are very nice!"
    Anonymous said nothing but
    "Cut us another slice:
    I wish you were not quite so deaf--
    I've had to ask you twice!"

    "It seems a shame," the Lolrus said,
    "To play them such a trick,
    After we've brought them out so far,
    And made them trot so quick!"
    Anonymous said nothing but
    "The butter's spread too thick!"

    "I weep for you," the Lolrus said:
    "I deeply sympathize."
    With sobs and tears he sorted out
    Those of the largest size,
    Holding his pocket-handkerchief
    Before his streaming eyes.

    "My dear memes," said Anonymous,
    "You've had a pleasant run!
    Shall we be trotting home again?'
    But answer came there none--
    And this was scarcely odd, because
    They'd eaten every one.

    -by Happyturtle

    From Tales of Kyou II:
    If I played werewolf long enough in Kyou
    I'd find a way to believe that it's all true
    I'm not saying that you lied
    straight-faced while Llama died
    Still I look to find a reason to believe

    Someone like you makes it hard to lynch
    Somebody else
    Someone like you is easy to lynch
    You should point at yourself

    If I gave you time to change my vote
    I'd have to actually read the stuff you wrote
    I know I just picked
    your name off the list...
    Still I look to find a reason to believe

    If I played werewolf long enough in Kyou
    I'd find a way to believe that it's all true
    I'm not saying that you lied straight-faced while Llama died
    Still I look to find a reason to believe

    Someone like you makes it hard to lynch
    Somebody else
    Someone like you is easy to lynch
    You should point at yourself

    -by Happyturtle

    The Murska Constant:

    [music= Hungy Like the Wolf by Duran Duran]
    (Ha ha)
    Dark in the village, night full of desire
    Steam in the kitchen, go put out the fire
    Do-do do do, do do do, do do do, do do do, do do
    Wolfy you want me, I hope I’m baned
    And catch my edits while we’re going insane
    Do-do do do, do do do, do do do, do do do, do do
    In touch underground
    I'm on the hunt I'm coming after you
    Who made that sound, I'm lost in a crowd
    And I know Murska is a wolf
    Straddle the line, parody and rhyme
    I'm on the hunt I'm after you
    Mind is alive with juices like wine
    And I know Murska is a wolf

    Stalked in the forest, too close to hide
    I'll be upon you by the moonlight side
    Do-do do do, do do do, do do do, do do do, do do
    Better start running, you know that I’m right
    Leading the mob by pitchfork and torchlight,
    Do-do do do, do do do, do do do, do do do, do do
    In touch under ground
    I'm on the hunt I'm after you
    Don’t come around, it’s you that I found
    And I know Murska is a wolf
    Strut on a line, parody and rhyme
    I bring the village after you
    Mind is alive all running inside
    And I know Murska is a wolf
    (Murska is a wolf
    Murska is a wolf
    Murska is a wolf)

    Burning the ground I break from the crowd
    I'm on the hunt I'm after you
    Don’t come around, it’s you that I found
    And I know Murska is a wolf
    Strut on a line, parody and rhyme
    I'm on the hunt I'm after you
    Mind is alive with juices like wine
    And I know Murska is a wolf

    Burning the ground I break from the crowd
    I'm on the hunt I'm after you
    Don’t come around, it’s you that I found
    Strut on a line, parody and rhyme
    I'm on the hunt I'm after you
    Mind is alive with juices like wine
    And I know Murska is a wolf


    -by Supagoof

    From Jack the Ripper:

    [music = American Pie by Don McLean]
    A long long time ago
    I can still remember
    How that wolf games used to make me smile
    And I knew when I joined in like Fin
    That I could help the villagers win
    And maybe they'd not lynch me for a while
    But Day three made me shiver
    With every point that I'd deliver
    Bad news in the game thread
    I found out that I was dead
    I can't remember if I lied
    When asked about my team's side
    But something touched me deep inside
    The day the Goof has died

    Bye, bye to a villager guy,
    Made a posting, now a ghosting from up in the sky
    Them good ole wolves were laughing deeply inside
    Singing this'll be the day that I die
    This'll be the day that I die

    Did you write the rules of this game
    And do you point at people for their fame,
    If the wagon tells you so?
    Now do you believe in reading it all?
    Can the Goof's words save your mortal soul?
    And can you explain why your point at Cristo?
    Well, I know that Mordy's in love with him
    'cause I saw them prancing with the nymph
    They both kicked off your shoes
    Said Goof, parody the rhythm and blues
    I was a old school rhyming rappin' buck
    With a game being played with Llama's and Duck's
    But I knew I was out of luck
    The day the music died
    I started singing

    Bye, bye to a villager guy,
    Made a posting, now a ghosting from up in the sky
    Them good ole wolves were laughing deeply inside
    Singing this'll be the day that I die
    This'll be the day that I die

    Now, for two years we've played on our own
    And the forum has slowed down to the bone
    But that's not how it used to be
    When the Goof sang parodies of Atreyu and Faerwain
    In a coat he borrowed from Indurain
    And a voice that came from you and me
    Oh and while Llama was looking down
    The Goof guarded his thorny crown
    The courtroom was adjourned
    No verdict was returned
    And though Murska got pointed at by Jontom Xire
    They both knew what was their desire
    And winning was all that they aspired
    The day the music died
    We were singing

    Bye, bye to a villager guy,
    Made a posting, now a ghosting from up in the sky
    Them good ole wolves were laughing deeply inside
    Singing this'll be the day that I die
    This'll be the day that I die

    Holy moly with a roly poly,
    They slipped one past the narrating goalie,
    Speaking of how the game was going fast
    Perhaps they were smoking grass
    The wolves tried for a forward pass
    With the Goof was on the sidelines in a cast
    Now the half-time air was sweet as most
    While Dirk Kris updated the daily post
    We all got up to dance
    Oh, but we never got the chance
    'Cause the wolves tried to take the field
    The villagers refused to yield
    Do you recall what was revealed
    The day the music died?
    We started singing

    Bye, bye to a villager guy,
    Made a posting, now a ghosting from up in the sky
    Them good ole wolves were laughing deeply inside
    Singing this'll be the day that I die
    This'll be the day that I die

    Oh, and there we were all in one place
    A gaming group who was lost in space
    With no time left to start again
    So watch out Jack be nimble, Jack be quick
    Jack Ripper killed them hookers slick
    Scrying is the devil's only friend
    And I watched him dance about the stage
    My hands were clenched in fists of rage
    No I shouldn't be so cruel
    I won't break the games rules
    And as the wolves silently killed on in the night
    To light the sacrificial rite
    I saw Jack laughing with delight
    The day the music died
    He was singing

    Bye, bye to a villager guy,
    Made a posting, now a ghosting from up in the sky
    Them good ole wolves were laughing deeply inside
    Singing this'll be the day that I die
    This'll be the day that I die

    I sat by, and I sang the blues
    And I watched for updates with the news
    But soon I smiled and turned away
    I went werewolf central,
    Where I'd made music years before
    But Shadow there said the music wouldn't play
    And in the streets the children screamed
    The losers cried, and the wolves dreamed
    But not a word was posted
    The good guys all were ghosted
    And the three people I admire most
    Alarra, Indy, and Zeb the Troll,
    They caught the last game with a role
    The day the music died
    And they were singing

    Bye, bye to a villager guy,
    Made a posting, now a ghosting from up in the sky
    Them good ole wolves were laughing deeply inside
    Singing this'll be the day that I die
    This'll be the day that I die

    Sooo bye, bye to a villager guy,
    Made a posting, now a ghosting from up in the sky
    Them good ole wolves were laughing deeply inside
    Singing this'll be
    the day

    -by Supagoof

    Well, you can tell by the way I still walk,
    I'm a baner's man, now let's all talk.
    Music loud and blood's still warm.
    I've been killing wolves since I was born.
    And now I'm all right, I'm O.K.
    But I won't look the other way.
    We can try to understand
    The voting records effect on man.
    Whether you're the Devil
    Or whether you're the Alpha,
    I'm stayin' alive, stayin' alive.
    Feel the wolves breakin'
    And ev'rybody shakin'
    And I'm stayin' alive, stayin' alive.
    Ah, ha, ha, ha,
    Stayin' alive.
    Stayin' alive.
    Ah, ha, ha, ha,
    Stayin' alive.

    -by RedScholarGypsy

    From Kingdom Hearts:
    Who does he think he is? That narrator has tangled with the wrong man. No one forgets to PM Murska!

    Heh heh. Darn right.

    Forgotten? Rejected? Publically Humiliated! Why it's more then I can bear.

    More beer?

    What for? Nothing helps. I'm disgraced.

    What you? Never! Murska, you got to try to get back into the games one way or another.

    Gosh it disturbs me to see you Murska,
    Arguing about all your tactics.
    Every guy here'd love to be you Murska,
    Because we all think your fantastic.
    There's no man in the game as feared as you.
    You're everyone's favorite player.
    Everyone's in awe and terrified by you,
    And I'm not just another nay sayar...



    Slick as Murska
    No one's quick as Murska
    No one's eye as incredibly green as Murska,
    For there's no man in town worth all the babble,
    Perfect a pure paragon
    You may be compared to likeness of Shadow,
    But I'll tell you whose team we'd prefer to be on

    No one's been like Murska
    A king pin like Murska
    No one's got us all to give in like Murska
    As a specimen, yes, I'm intimidating
    My- what an eye, that Murska

    Give five "hurrahs!"
    Give twelve "hip-hips!"
    Murska is the best
    And the rest is all drips

    No one fights like Murska
    Says he right like Murska
    In a heated debate nobody writes like Murska
    For there's no one as seeing and knowing
    As you see I've got receptors to spare
    Not a bit of him's blinding or slowing
    (That's right!)
    And ev'ry last inch of me's free of all hair

    No one hits like Murska
    Matches wits like Murska
    In a spitting match nobody spits like Murska
    I'm espcially good at expectorating

    Ten points for Murska!

    When I was a pixie I played four dozen games
    Ev'ry morning to help me get fame
    And now that I'm grown I play five dozen games
    So I'm roughly distrusted by NAAAME!

    No one shoots like Murska
    Makes disputess like Murska
    Then goes tromping around with refutes like Murska
    I use trophies in all of my decorating
    Say it again
    Who's an Eye among men?
    And then say it once more
    Who's the hero next door?
    Who's a super success?
    Don't you know? Can't you guess?
    Ask his fans and his five hangers-on
    There's just one eye in town who's got all of it down
    And his name's M-U-R- S -
    M-U-R-S - K -
    M-U-R-S-K - ah!


    -By Supagoof (Link to original song)

    From Spytrap V:
    At first I was afraid
    I was petrified
    Kept thinking I could never live with wolves on all my sides
    But then I spent so many nights thinking how I voted wrong
    And I grew strong and I learned how to play along
    And so we're back
    In cyberspace
    I just logged in to find you here with that wolfy grin upon your face
    I should have changed that stupid vote
    I should have made you the lynchee
    If I'd known for just one second you'd be back to 'wagon me
    Com'on let's go
    Use your red text
    It's turned around now
    Cause you're the one who's dying next

    Weren't you the one who tried to kill me with a false scry
    You think I'd crumble
    You think I'd lay down and die

    Oh no not I
    I will survive
    Oh as long as I know how to type I know I'll stay alive
    I've got all my roles to live
    I've got all my votes to give
    I'll survive
    I will survive
    Hey, hey!

    -by RedScholarGypsy

    (PM me or post these! Supagoof's brilliance must be archived!)

    --Common Knowledge--


    Murska Constant: Murska is always a wolf. ALWAYS.

    The Rule of Shadow: If Shadow has not been night-killed by day three, he is a wolf. Lynch him.

    What Hyozo has learned playing Werewolf:
    • -Murska is always a wolf.
    • -Murska is frequently not a wolf.
    • -All wolves point randomly.
    • -All wolves are bandwagoners.
    • -Only wolves like to keep a low profile by frequently missing days
    • -Only villagers get autolynched.
    • -Shadow usually isn't a wolf, I still shouldn't ever trust him.
    • -Using petty revenge to determine early votes is meaningless and likely to get me lynched.
    • -Using petty revenge to determine early votes is better than nothing and therefore a good idea.
    • -People who claim to be a villager never really are villagers.
    • -Sometimes people who claim to be a villager really are villagers.
    • -Wolves don't point at each other on days where it makes a difference.
    • -Wolves like to point at each other to make it look like they're not on the same side. Since changing points would make them look extremely suspicious, this means that wolves frequently start bandwagons against each other.
    • -When a wolf is likely to be lynched, other wolves join the bandwagon to throw suspicion off themselves.
    • -Wolves covet easily defended positions, the easiest of these for them to gain is "I was the vote that pushed that wolf bandwagon into the lead, clearly no wolf would do that."
    • -Whenever I have a theory which I believe to be worth telling people, it is probably wrong.
    • -Whenever I have a theory which I do not believe to be worth telling people, it is probably right, and I will probably die before I change my mind.

    Lexington III, my Brute. Inner Circle. ! Melody

  8. - Top - End - #8
    Troll in the Playground
    Lex-Kat's Avatar

    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    In the shadows

    Default Re: Werewolf Central IX: Important WW information goes here - READ OPENING POSTS!

    A list of all games that are in the archives/Schedule, in order from fewest players to most.
    Game Narrator(s) # Players Game Start
    Beast Emperor Demonking 3 (I) 05Jun08
    Shirts Emperor Demonking 3 (I) 09May08
    Harry Potter Mini-Game Emperor Demonking 4 (I) 25Jul08
    Dethy IX: Wait. Ponies? Matthias2207 5 (I) 05Apr12
    Dethy VIII: Game Over Saposhiente 5 (I) 27Mar12
    Dethy VII: Still not done with the analyzer program Saposhiente 5 (I) 25Sep11
    Dethy VI: Now with 50% less fat Saposhiente 5 (I) 02Jun11
    Dethy V Saposhiente 5 (I) 29May11
    Five Player CYOR II Jontom Xire 5 (I) 17Dec08
    Five Player CYOR Emperor Demonking 5 (I) 12Dec08
    Dethy IV Freshmeat 5 (I) 16Aug08
    Dethy II Emperor Demonking 5 (I) 19May08
    Dethy Emperor Demonking 5 (I) 01Apr08
    Basic 11 Emperor Demonking 6 07May08
    The One Artifact Emperor Demonking 7 (I) 23Dec08
    Smalltown II Emperor Demonking 7 29Jul08
    Sir Werewolf Emperor Demonking 7 (I) 08Jul08
    Assassin in the Palace Emperor Demonking 7 (I) 31May08
    Tiny WW Saposhiente 9 (I) 27Mar12
    Smalltown Emperor Demonking 9 24May08
    Tiny Werewolf Skippy 10 (I) 29Jul10
    Playground Squares WW: Trial Edition Lex-kat 10 (I) 12Jul09
    Judgement Vesth 11 20Nov12
    Mafia Classic: Bringing Out the Noir InaVegt 12 (I) 03Sep10
    Get out of here, Stalker! Trixie 12 (I) 31Aug10
    Hot Potatoes Jontom Xire 12 (I) 24Mar10
    The Gamers Werewolf ThePhantom 13 06Sep10
    Incarcerated The Cyberwolf 13 11Jul10
    Alan Wake Werewolf ThePhantom 14 03Jul12
    Paranoia VI Saposhiente 14 25Jun12
    Twin Village Emperor Demonking 14 29Jul08
    Careless Citadel WW Count Dingdong 15 11Aug13
    Clue Internet Flea 15 10June12
    The UKitP WW Game: Now with added Cylon! The Succubus 15 21Feb12
    Phantom of the Opera V ThePhantom 15 14Nov11
    Percy Jackson WW Lex-kat 15 18Jun10
    Harry Potter: The Battle Against Voldemort The Cyberwolf 15 17May10
    Ultimate Kaos IV: We're Releasing On Time Uncle Festy 15 06Sep09
    Ultimate Kaos II: Attack of the Epileptic Koans! Uncle Festy 15 (I) 18Sep08
    Paranoia Jontom Xire 15 12Dec06
    Cyber Problems I Dragoon 16 25Mar13
    Demons WW: Game of Trickery RuneboundShade 16 (I) 22Feb12
    The Possessed - Legend of the Werewolf TBFProgrammer 16 (I) 09Jan12
    Open Werewolf: Nowhere to Hide Orzel 16 22Feb11
    Demons II Lamech 16 14Nov10
    Trick or Treat Lord Pringle 16 25Oct10
    Hot Potato 2 Jontom Xire 16 06Apr10
    S.E.U. The nightmare begins... Shadowcaller 16 21Oct08
    Revolution! Jontom Xire 16 19Apr07
    Werewolf DungeonMaster77 16 23Aug06
    Cowboys and Banditos I: The Gunslinger Sabeki 17 12Oct13
    Experimental Werewolf: The Shattered Mirror of Fate UsOurselves&We 17 11Mar13
    Witchhunt Returns to GitP Mannikath 17 01Jun12
    The Dragonspire Killers Mindfreak 17 21Sep11
    Werewolf: Aftermath EagleWiz 17 08Aug11
    Wizards Internet Flea 17 27Jul11
    Insane Mafia 101jir 17 23May11
    Mummy: The Resurrection Lady Tialait 17 20Mar11
    Shape-shifters Duneyrr 17 24Jan11
    Journeys on the TARDIS 3: It Really Is Bigger on the Inside Korias 17 11Jan11
    Witch-hunt 1.1 Milskidasith 17 (I) 02Sep10
    Batman Werewolf Emperor Demonking 17 29Dec08
    Ultimate Chaos! Jontom Xire 17 07Jul08
    Alan Wake American Nightmare ThePhantom 18 01Mar13
    Badges and Bullets Gnomish Wanderer 18 (I) 26May12
    Minecraft WW: Blokes of Blocks Super Dark33 18 29Mar12
    Dragonspire Killers 2: The Sequel that Doesn't Suck Grue Bait 18 20Jan12
    Chaos in the Academy WW - The Rift Bladescape 18 12Dec11
    Isocerne City BobTheFerret 18 (I) 13Jun11
    Star Wars: Battle of the 503rd TheLaughingMan 18 04Aug10
    City of Darkness Eternal Drifter 18 15Sep10
    Lord of the Rings WW- When the Cult Attacks Ozgun92 18 19Jul10
    OotS Werewolf Paul Muad'dib 18 13Aug09
    Team Fortress 2: Sudden Death Fawkes 18 (I) 19Oct09
    S.E.U. II: Ho Ho Horrors Shadowcaller 18 18Dec08
    League of Draven WW Sanity702 19 15Sep13
    Helgraf's Bomb III Lex-Kat 19 22Aug13
    City of Spires Rules Lawyer #1 19 26Jun11
    Phantom of the Opera III ThePhantom 19 28Dec10
    Under a Grinning Moon TheLaughingMan 19 01Sep10
    Reverse Werewolf III Sanity702 19 27Jun10
    The Thing Gardenphilosoph 19 11Feb10
    Final Fantasy 7 Fan 19 03Jun09
    DragonBallZ Dragoon 19 26May09
    Schoolyard Werewolf 1 Istari 19 12Mar09
    S.E.U. III: Dark Strains Shadowcaller 19 28Feb09
    Twin Village II Emperor Demoking 19 29Nov08
    Rebellion Cobra Ikari 19 19Mar07
    Paranoia mk II Korith 19 13Jan07
    WWW: WereWolves of Wildespell Lazy Genius 20 16Nov13
    Phantom of the Opera VI: Tropical Curse ThePhantom 20 17May13
    Custom Werewolf III: In Need of Trees Lex-Kat 20 (I) 22Jan13
    Fae WW II: Fae-ailed Plans C'Nor 20 01Dec12
    Traits WW: The Misty Isle RuneboundShade 20 (I) 16Jun12
    Revival BishFish 20 20May12
    Fae Werewolf C'Nor 20 24Feb12
    The Matrix Rewound Flabort 20 (I) 14Nov11
    Abhorsen WW III: Shining Night Deathslayer7 20 18May11
    S.E.U. VIII: Horrors on a Plane Shadowcaller 20 (I) 06Feb11
    Gnome Way To Conduct Politics GrlumpTheElder 20 04Feb11
    Dark World Incursion Strategos 20 (I) 23Aug10
    Alien Invasion III Castaras 20 (I) 27Jul10
    Abhorsen WW 2! Chaos Rises Deathslayer7 20 05Jul10
    Bounty Hunters 2: Trial by Gunfire RedScholarGypsy 20 15Jun10
    Nehh's Craziness WW 1 Nehh 20 17May10
    Cults WW: Cult of Kroy vs. Cult of the Sight Random Person 20 03May10
    Reverse Werewolf II Sanity702 20 16Apr10
    Custom WW I Shadowcaller 20 (I) 03Apr10
    Abhorsen's WW: The Beginning of the End Deathslayer7 20 29Mar10
    Blut und Boden GardenPhilosoph 20 28Feb10
    Reverse Werewolf Sanity702 20 23Feb10
    Simply Werewolf 3 Mordokai 20 (I) 13Oct09
    Star Wars itp Lex-Kat 20 (I) 12Oct09
    S.E.U. VI: Twinkle Little Star Shadowcaller 20 (I) 04Oct09
    S.E.U. 5: A Mother's Arms Happyturtle 20 (I) 04Oct09
    S.E.U. IV: The Terror Shadowcaller 20 (I) 08Jul09
    Hair of the Werewolf Connor Darkdart 20 21Jun09
    Simply Werewolf 2 Happyturtle 20 (I) 28Mar09
    Rockstar Raistlin1040 20 09Sep07
    Infiltration HyrumGraff 20 16Aug07
    Mafia 2: Mass Intrigue InaVegt 20 23Feb07

    Witch-hunt VI: Return of the Werewolf|Gray Mage|21 (I)|22Nov12
    City of Spires II|Rules Lawyer #1|21|6Jul12
    Inanimate WW|Penguinator|21|13Mar12
    D & D 4E: The Castle of Illusions|Bladescape|21|25Jul11
    Phantom of the Opera IV|ThePhantom|21|4Jul11
    Ghosts- The Spectre of Forgetfulness|Random Person|21|14Feb11
    Witch-hunt 1.3- We are going to need more ducks|Gray Mage|21 (I)|23Jan11
    Helgraf's Bomb|Lex-kat|21 (I)|16Oct10
    Witch-hunt 1.2|Milskidasith|21 (I)|11Oct10
    Custom Werewolf II|Lex-kat|21 (I)|6Sep10
    Fate/Stay Night III: Hey, we were in the game, too!|Trixie|21|1Jan10
    Paranoia V|Kyouhen|21|31Oct09
    Monster Mash II|Andre Fairchilde|21|31Oct09
    Fate/Stay Night II: Unlimited Blade Wolfs|Trixie|21|1Sep09
    Werewolf Classic Lite|Mordokai|21 (I)|20Feb09
    Witches & Warlocks: How It All Started|Deathslayer7|21|15Dec08
    StarCraft: Shadow of the Xel'Naga|Shadowcaller|21|3May08
    The Fleas of Schmoo|Lex-Kat|22|18Jun13
    Convoy III: Bears in the Air|Lex-Kat|22|12Apr13
    Reverse WW V: The Villagers Wrath!|Sanity702|22|23Sep11
    City of Shadows|Eternal Drifter|22|5Sep11
    Witch-hunt 4|Gray Mage|22|4May11
    Shape-shifters 2|Duneyrr|22|4Apr11
    Mafia Extreme!|Andre Fairchilde|22 (I)|25Feb11
    Reverse Werewolf IV: Villagers Return|Sanity702|22|14Feb11
    Ghosts WW|Random_Person|22|20Aug10
    Monster Mash III|Andre Fairchilde|22|9May10
    Fate/Stay Night: Heaven's Touch|Trixie|22|24Mar09
    Judge Dredd, Dark goings on in Rich Burlew block|EvilDMMk3|22|8Dec08
    Revolution IV: The Second Party|Akaziel|22|19Aug07
    Revolution Mk II|Jontom Xire|22|5Jun07
    Monty Werewolf's Flying Circus|Penguinator|23|10Jun13
    Dungeons and Dragons|Hipen3|23|13Apr11
    Playground Squares: WW Edition|Reinholdt|23|22Mar10
    Witches & Warlocks III: Welcome to Witchtopia!|Deathslayer7|23|14Dec09
    Twist II|Emperor Demonking|23|17Oct08
    Twist|Emperor Demonking|23|8Jun08
    Magic: The Gathering WW/Mafia|EatAtEmrakuls|24|3Jan13
    Universal Smash Bros 6: Time Twister|Super Dark33|24|16Jun12
    Helgraf's Bomb II|Lex-Kat|24|29Nov11
    L. A. Noir|Mindfreak|24|7Nov11
    Trick or Treat WW 2|Tydude|24|31Oct11
    The Gamers: Dorkness Rising|ThePhantom|24|28Feb11
    Breaking the 4th Wall|Qwaz|24|1Feb11
    St. Trinian's|Tasroth|24|2Nov10
    Futurama|Diva De|24|20Sep10
    Hunting the Snark: Expedition to Snark Island|Thufir|24|2Jan10
    Super Paper Werewolf|Duos|24|28Apr09
    Rockstar II: The Rap Feud|Raistlin1040|24|20Oct07
    Journies on the TARDIS|Korias|24|23Aug07
    Alien Invasion|Castaras|24|22Apr07
    Careless Village WW|Count Dingdong|25|30Sep12
    Werewolf: Under Siege|Ur-Quan|25|11Jul12
    Convoy II: The Cola Wars|Lex-kat|25 (I)|5Jul10
    Camelot 0.5- Le Morte D'arthur|Lostlittlebear|25|10Mar10
    S.E.U. VII: Sanity's Rest Hospital|Wolfbane|25|25Jan10
    Convoy IV: Twisted Metal|Lex-kat|25|11Jan10
    Civilizations 2: Attack from Mars|Szilard|25|31Jul09
    Jack the Ripper|TwoBitWriter|25|16Apr09
    Phantom of the Opera|ThePhantom|25|6Apr09
    Ultimate Kaos III: In Soviet Russia, Kaos Ultimates YOU!|Uncle Festy|25|9Feb09
    Mafia: Night of the Criminals|InaVegt|25|26Jan07
    Monster Mash IV|Mordokai|26|26Nov13
    MtG- Conflux, The Battle for Alara Continues|Sanity702|26|12Jan11
    Schoolyard WW 2|Istari|26|30Aug10
    Harry Potter: The Evil that Befell Godric's Hollow|MOD|26|21Sep09
    Stories of Kyou: The Facestealer|Shadowcaller|26|1Jul08
    Girl Genius|Lord Iames Osari|26|25Mar08
    Rebellion III, Reign of the Zombies|Zeb the Troll|26|9Jul07
    Revolution III: Interesting Times in Technotopia|Pingcode20|26|8Jul07
    Werewolf Classic|B-Man|26|7Dec06
    Classic Werewolf: The Village of Vilcas|Gnomish Wanderer|27|16Aug12
    Christmas Werewolf|TinyMushroom|27|21Nov11
    Magic the Gathering: Planeshock|Duos|27|30Sep09
    Death Note|Dragoon|27|22Jul08
    D & D Thieves' Guild|Deckmaster|27|10May07
    Writer's Block!|Flabort|28|11Feb12
    ReBoot Werewolf: WARNING; INCOMING GAME|Hyozo|28|9Mar10
    Kingdom Hearts|Supagoof|28|11Jan10
    The Demons|Lamech|28|16Jul09
    Warcraft: Reign of Chaos|Shadowcaller|28|26Nov09
    Rockstar III: Let there be Rock|Raistlin1040|28|10Jan09
    Black Iron Prison|Vampiric|28|6Oct08
    TARDIS II: Hunt for the Doctor|Korias|28|12Nov07
    Reverse Werewolf VI: A Human Among Us|Gray Mage|29|11Sep13
    Convoy V: Autobots, Role Out!!|Lex-Kat|29|26Oct11
    Bootleggers|Lady Tialait|29|10Aug11
    Camelot 2: The Queen of Air and Darkness|Lostlittlebear|29|17Jul10
    Invasion of the Zombies: Day of the Dead|Fawkes|29|18Jan10
    Witches & Warlocks II: Double Double Toil and Trouble!|Deathslayer7|29|28Jun09
    Lord of the Rings: The Journey Begins|Dallas-Dakota|29|30Dec08
    Megaman X: Command Mission|Crimmy|29|13Mar08
    Rebellion IV- Death of the Lich King|Zeb the Troll|29|7Feb08
    Medieval Werewolf II: King Myral's Vision|Penguinator|30 (I)|1May12
    Seer's Academy WW|TheGrimmace|30|30Jan12
    Medieval Werewolf I|Penguinator|30|21Dec11
    Center WW|Ramsus|30|2Sep11
    Fatbelly V- Who's for Dessert?|Banjo1985|30 (I)|13Apr11
    Magic: The Gathering- Battle for Alara!|Sanity702|30|8Aug10
    Mad Science! WW|Thufir|30|10Jun10
    Camelot WW 1: The Sword in the Stone|LostLittleBear|30|10May10
    Magic: The Gathering- Duel of the Legends|Uncle Festy|30|8Mar10
    Thursday Next|The Bookworm|30|17Aug09
    Phantom of the Opera II|ThePhantom|30|20Jul09
    Tales of Kyou II: The Darkness|Shadowcaller|30|7May09
    Death Note 2|Dragoon|30|15Jan09
    Spytrap|Jontom Xire|30|18Feb08
    OotS: Memories Erased|Fin|30|5Dec07
    Rebellion II|Cobra Ikari|30|29Apr07
    My Little Pony WW 2: The Shadow Reign|Lex-Kat|31|3Sep12
    ItP Chapter II- Battle for Haruki-Kun|Lex-Kat|31|8Jun11
    ItP- Battle for Alarra|Lex-Kat|31|11Jan11
    Vampire the Masquerade: Gehenna|Lady Tialait|31|12Oct10
    Paranoia III|Kyouhen|31|10Jun09
    Assassins II: Revenge of the Princess|Lex-Kat|31|11May09
    Grave Robbers 2: Skippy's Revenge|LadyMeyers|31|8Feb09
    Fatbelly 4– Baron Banjo Brings Home the Bacon|Banjo1985|31|23Jun08
    Stargate: Lost in Space|Doseki|31|26May08
    INFECTION|Fayte Graydon|31|11Jan08
    Empire II|Raistlin1040|31|9Jun07
    Ye Olde West|Supagoof|31|17Apr07
    St. Trinian's 2 WW|Tasroth|32 (I)|8Dec11
    Rome|Eldritch Knight|32|9Oct09
    Sharn, the Broken City|Tired N' Drowzy|32|14Jun09
    Higurashi: When the Cicadas Cry|Haruki-Kun|32|2Jun08
    The Legend of Zelda WW: The Wind Waker|Gray Mage|33|10Nov13
    Discworld II– The Glorious Republic of Treacle Mine Road|Zar Peter|33|30Nov09
    Bounty Hunters|RedScholarGypsy|33|12Oct09
    Mafia V- The Maltese Falcon Returns|Joosbawx|33|22Aug07
    Alien Invasion II|Purple gelatinous cube o' Doom|33|5Jul07
    Meta WW|Ramsus|34|4Mar12
    Universal Smash Bros 5: Final Destination|Deathslayer7|34|2Dec10
    Vampire IV: The Song of Night|Helgraf|34|26Oct10
    World of Darkness- The Seven|Banjo1985|34|13Apr09
    Spytrap IV: Operation Market Garden|Mordokai|34|20Jan09
    Cat Fight|Onasuma|34|24Nov08
    Spytrap II: Desert Wolves|Jontom Xire|34|14Apr08
    Werewolf Classic II|Lucky|34|6Jan07
    Werewolf III|Weebl|34|2Nov06
    Mafia 12 - 1932 - City of Sinners|Andre Fairchilde|35|29Oct11
    Convoy VII: Interstating the Obvious|Atreyu the Masked Llama|35|4Oct08
    Vampire VI: Shepherds of the Night|Helgraf|36|14Oct13
    Vampire III: Sunnydale Nights|Helgraf|36|2Nov09
    Vampire II : The Carfax Contingency|Helgraf|36|31Mar08
    Final Fantasy Advent Children: The Return of Sephiroth|Banjo1985|36|12Nov07
    Assassins V: The Rings of Power|Lex-Kat|37|14Jan12
    Spytrap III- Prisoners of War|Mordokai|37|31Jul08
    The Fears of Pegasus Manor|Cristo Meyers|37|2Jun08
    Ye Olde West II- The GOLD rush|Supagoof|37|5Sep07
    Mafia III- The Maltese Falcon|Joosbawx|37|9Apr07
    Werewolf VI|Death, your friend the Reaper|37|6Mar07
    Assassins III: Taking Back the Throne|Lex-kat|38|24Aug09
    Nexus of the Future: Floating Dreams of Riches|Pwenet|38|15Dec07
    Classic Werewolf XVI- Gladiator Uprising|Lex-Kat|39|01Jan14
    Final Fantasy Advent Children IV: Centuries of Sin|Banjo1985|39|6Jul11
    Baldur's Gate: Deeper shadows of Amn|Mordokai|39|14May08
    Final Fantasy Advent Children II: The Battle for Balamb Garden|Banjo1985|39|22Mar08
    Pirates III- At Forum's End|Atreyu the Masked Llama|39|27Jun07
    Werewolf II|Korith|39|19Sep06
    Ye Olde West V: True Wit|Supagoof|40|20Jul11
    The Maltese Falcon: Fate of the Shadow|Joosbawx|40|9May11
    Assassins IV: The Return|Lex-Kat|40|14Mar11
    Alchemists III|Haruki-Kun|40|2Jun09
    Ravnica: City of Wolves|Uncle Festy|40|12Nov08
    Final Fantasy Advent Children 3: Burmecia or Bust!|Banjo1985|40|21Sep08
    Werewolf X- In The Midst Of A Battle|DarkLightDragon|40|10May08
    Invasion of the Zombies|Pwenet|40|1Oct07
    Pirates II: Never Never Land Cruise|Atreyu the Masked Llama|40|31Mar07
    The City I: Metropolitan Mayhem|Murska|41|4Sep10
    Fears 3: Full Circle|Cristo Meyers|41|14Sep09
    The Thing- Original|FoE|41|28Jan08
    Mafia IV- Star Wars|Andre Fairchilde|41|1Dec07
    Werewolf Classic V|Zeb the Troll|41|7Oct07
    Werewolf IV|Alarra|41|29Nov06
    Llama, Llama, Duck 4- 200 Llamas! Buy Bye Bi-Centennial!|Supagoof|42|1Apr11
    Spytrap V: The spy who scalped me!|Mordokai|42|11Feb10
    Fears 2: Nightfall|Cristo Meyers|42|11Dec08
    Vampire: Renfield's Masquerade|Helgraf|42|25Sep07
    My Little Pony: Return of Nightmare Moon|Lex-Kat|43|16Aug11
    Rebellion V|Zeb the Troll|43|13Aug10
    Invasion of the Zombies: Outbreak|Dr. Bath|43|1Jul09
    Werewolf Classic VIII: Archaeological Wolves|Zar Peter|43|26Nov08
    Werewolf VIII|Tormskull|43|6Aug07
    Werweolf Classic II, Mark II|Lucky|43|31Jan07
    Werewolf Classic XIV: Tea Strainers of Terror!|Banjo1985|44|21Oct11
    Vampire V: Paris by Night|Helgraf|44|27Aug11
    Fun House!|Zeb the Troll|44|17Nov08
    Mafia VIII|Andre Fairchilde|44|26Sep08
    A Dyscworlde WereWolfe: Dei In Machina|CurlyKitGirl|44|13Jan08
    Werewolf Classic VI|DungeonMaster77|44|13Jan08
    Werewolf Classic III|Blood|44|22Mar07
    Werewolf Classic X- Chilled Blood Becomes Spilled Blood|Zar Peter|45|8Feb10
    Ye Olde West IIII- A New Rope|Supagoof|45|24Nov09
    Universal Smash Bros. 2: Villain's Revenge|PhantomFox|45|13Oct08
    Universal Smash Bros.|PhantomFox|45|17Mar08
    Mafia XI|Andre Fairchilde|46|6Jan11
    Pirates V: Setting Sail|Atreyu the Masked Llama|46|27Apr10
    Batman: Arkham Asylum|Opeth Freak|46|9Nov09
    Mafia VI: Return of the Departed Emerald Dragon|Andre Fairchilde|46|3Feb08
    Werewolf Classic IX: The New Moon Estate|Banjo1985|47|7Jul09
    Llama, Llama, Duck 2: The Return of Insanity|Supagoof|47|1Apr09
    Grave Robbers from Outer Space|LadyMeyers|47|27Oct08
    Titans 2- Judgement Day|Supagoof|47|9Sep08
    Werewolf Classic IV|DungeonMaster77|47|1May07
    Mafia IX- St Valentines Massacre|Andre Fairchilde|48|7Feb09
    Universal Smash Bros. 4: Brawl on!|PhantomFox|49|2Nov09
    Universal Smash Bros. 3: Heroes' resurgance!|PhantomFox|49|1Mar09
    Ye Olde West 3- Cowboy Bebop Edition|Supagoof|49|5Aug08
    Camp Sleeps-A-Lot!|Smellie Hippie|49|17Aug07
    Memesville II: Memes? In MY Structured?|Haruki-Kun|50|24Aug09
    Monty Python and the Holy Grail|CurlyKitGirl|50|19Aug08
    Pirates IV- Firefly Firefight!|Atreyu the Masked Llama|50|8Aug08
    Alchemists II|Haruki-Kun|50|20Jan08
    Werewolf VII|Gnome Barbarian|50|7May07
    Werewolf Classic XII|Thufir|52|13Sep10
    Titans 4! Salvation|Supagoof|52|26Jul10
    Werewolf Classic XI: Origins|DungeonMaster77|52|20Apr10
    Werewolf Classic VII: The Village|Zar Peter|52|30Aug08
    Werewolf V|Deckmaster|52|9Jan07
    Mafia VII|Andre Fairchilde|53|10May08
    Fears 4: The Whisper Killer|Cristo Meyers|55|13Jan14
    Llama, Llama, Duck 3: Orange Slayed the Rake|Supagoof|56|1Apr10
    Titans 3! The Rise of Olympus|Supagoof|56|4Aug09
    Camp Sleep S'more|Smellie Hippie|56|14Mar08
    Werewolf IX: Hogwart's Havoc|Zeb the Troll|57|16Sep07
    Mafia X|Andre Fairchilde|58|4Sep09
    Llama, Llama, Duck |Supagoof|65|31Oct07
    (I) = Intentional

    Note: This chart does not include Auto-Lynch replacements.

    A list of all games that are in the archives/Schedule, in order from oldest latest. By when the game started playing, not recruiting.
    {table=head]Game|Narrator|Players|Game Start
    Werewolf II|Korith|39|19Sep06
    Werewolf III|Weebl|34|2Nov06
    Werewolf IV|Alarra|41|29Nov06
    Werewolf Classic|B-Man|26|7Dec06
    Paranoia|Jontom Xire|15|12Dec06
    Werewolf Classic II|Lucky|34|6Jan07
    Werewolf V|Deckmaster|52|9Jan07
    Paranoia mk II|Korith|19|13Jan07
    Mafia: Night of the Criminals|InaVegt|25|26Jan07
    Werweolf Classic II, Mark II|Lucky|43|31Jan07
    Mafia 2: Mass Intrigue|InaVegt|20|23Feb07
    Werewolf VI|Death, your friend the Reaper|37|6Mar07
    Rebellion|Cobra Ikari|19|19Mar07
    Werewolf Classic III|Blood|44|22Mar07
    Pirates II: Never Never Land Cruise|Atreyu the Masked Llama|40|31Mar07
    Mafia III- The Maltese Falcon|Joosbawx|37|9Apr07
    Ye Olde West|Supagoof|31|17Apr07
    Revolution!|Jontom Xire|16|19Apr07
    Alien Invasion|Castaras|24|22Apr07
    Rebellion II|Cobra Ikari|30|29Apr07
    Werewolf Classic IV|DungeonMaster77|47|1May07
    Werewolf VII|Gnome Barbarian|50|7May07
    D & D Thieves' Guild|Deckmaster|27|10May07
    Revolution Mk II|Jontom Xire|22|5Jun07
    Empire II|Raistlin1040|31|9Jun07
    Pirates III- At Forum's End|Atreyu the Masked Llama|39|27Jun07
    Alien Invasion II|Purple gelatinous cube o' Doom|33|5Jul07
    Revolution III: Interesting Times in Technotopia|Pingcode20|26|8Jul07
    Rebellion III, Reign of the Zombies|Zeb the Troll|26|9Jul07
    Werewolf VIII|Tormskull|43|6Aug07
    Camp Sleeps-A-Lot!|Smellie Hippie|49|17Aug07
    Revolution IV: The Second Party|Akaziel|22|19Aug07
    Mafia V- The Maltese Falcon Returns|Joosbawx|33|22Aug07
    Journies on the TARDIS|Korias|24|23Aug07
    Ye Olde West II- The GOLD rush|Supagoof|37|5Sep07
    Werewolf IX: Hogwart's Havoc|Zeb the Troll|57|16Sep07
    Vampire: Renfield's Masquerade|Helgraf|42|25Sep07
    Invasion of the Zombies|Pwenet|40|1Oct07
    Werewolf Classic V|Zeb the Troll|41|7Oct07
    Rockstar II: The Rap Feud|Raistlin1040|24|20Oct07
    Llama, Llama, Duck|Supagoof|65|31Oct07
    Final Fantasy Advent Children: The Return of Sephiroth|Banjo1985|36|12Nov07
    TARDIS II: Hunt for the Doctor|Korias|28|12Nov07
    Mafia IV- Star Wars|Andre Fairchilde|41|1Dec07
    OotS: Memories Erased|Fin|30|5Dec07
    Nexus of the Future: Floating Dreams of Riches|Pwenet|38|15Dec07
    INFECTION|Fayte Graydon|31|11Jan08
    A Dyscworlde WereWolfe: Dei In Machina|CurlyKitGirl|44|13Jan08
    Werewolf Classic VI|DungeonMaster77|44|13Jan08
    Alchemists II|Haruki-Kun|50|20Jan08
    The Thing- Original|FoE|41|28Jan08
    Mafia VI: Return of the Departed Emerald Dragon|Andre Fairchilde|46|3Feb08
    Rebellion IV- Death of the Lich King|Zeb the Troll|29|7Feb08
    Spytrap|Jontom Xire|30|18Feb08
    Megaman X: Command Mission|Crimmy|29|13Mar08
    Camp Sleep S'more|Smellie Hippie|56|14Mar08
    Universal Smash Bros.|PhantomFox|45|17Mar08
    Final Fantasy Advent Children II: The Battle for Balamb Garden|Banjo1985|39|22Mar08
    Girl Genius|Lord Iames Osari|26|25Mar08
    Vampire II : The Carfax Contingency|Helgraf|36|31Mar08
    Dethy|Emperor Demonking|5 (I)|1Apr08
    Spytrap II: Desert Wolves|Jontom Xire|34|14Apr08
    StarCraft: Shadow of the Xel'Naga|Shadowcaller|21|3May08
    Basic 11|Emperor Demonking|6|7May08
    Shirts|Emperor Demonking|3 (I)|9May08
    Mafia VII|Andre Fairchilde|53|10May08
    Werewolf X- In The Midst Of A Battle|DarkLightDragon|40|10May08
    Baldur's Gate: Deeper shadows of Amn|Mordokai|39|14May08
    Dethy II|Emperor Demonking|5 (I)|19May08
    Smalltown|Emperor Demonking|9|24May08
    Stargate: Lost in Space|Doseki|31|26May08
    Assassin in the Palace|Emperor Demonking|7 (I)|31May08
    The Fears of Pegasus Manor|Cristo Meyers|37|2Jun08
    Higurashi: When the Cicadas Cry|Haruki-Kun|32|2Jun08
    Beast|Emperor Demonking|3 (I)|5Jun08
    Twist|Emperor Demonking|23|8Jun08
    Fatbelly 4– Baron Banjo Brings Home the Bacon|Banjo1985|31|23Jun08
    Stories of Kyou: The Facestealer|Shadowcaller|26|1Jul08
    Ultimate Chaos!|Jontom Xire|17|7Jul08
    Sir Werewolf|Emperor Demonking|7 (I)|8Jul08
    Death Note|Dragoon|27|22Jul08
    Harry Potter Mini-Game|Emperor Demonking|4 (I)|25Jul08
    Smalltown II|Emperor Demonking|7|29Jul08
    Twin Village|Emperor Demonking|14|29Jul08
    Spytrap III- Prisoners of War|Mordokai|37|31Jul08
    Ye Olde West 3- Cowboy Bebop Edition|Supagoof|49|5Aug08
    Pirates IV- Firefly Firefight!|Atreyu the Masked Llama|50|8Aug08
    Dethy IV|Freshmeat|5 (I)|16Aug08
    Monty Python and the Holy Grail|CurlyKitGirl|50|19Aug08
    Werewolf Classic VII: The Village|Zar Peter|52|30Aug08
    Titans 2- Judgement Day|Supagoof|47|9Sep08
    Ultimate Kaos II: Attack of the Epileptic Koans!|Uncle Festy|15 (I)|18Sep08
    Final Fantasy Advent Children 3: Burmecia or Bust!|Banjo1985|40|21Sep08
    Mafia VIII|Andre Fairchilde|44|26Sep08
    Convoy VII: Interstating the Obvious|Atreyu the Masked Llama|35|4Oct08
    Black Iron Prison|Vampiric|28|6Oct08
    Universal Smash Bros. 2: Villain's Revenge|PhantomFox|45|13Oct08
    Twist II|Emperor Demonking|23|17Oct08
    S.E.U. The nightmare begins...|Shadowcaller|16|21Oct08
    Grave Robbers from Outer Space|LadyMeyers|47|27Oct08
    Ravnica: City of Wolves|Uncle Festy|40|12Nov08
    Fun House!|Zeb the Troll|44|17Nov08
    Cat Fight|Onasuma|34|24Nov08
    Werewolf Classic VIII: Archaeological Wolves|Zar Peter|43|26Nov08
    Twin Village II|Emperor Demoking|19|29Nov08
    Judge Dredd, Dark goings on in Rich Burlew block|EvilDMMk3|22|8Dec08
    Fears 2: Nightfall|Cristo Meyers|42|11Dec08
    Five Player CYOR|Emperor Demonking|5 (I)|12Dec08
    Witches & Warlocks: How It All Started|Deathslayer7|21|15Dec08
    Five Player CYOR II|Jontom Xire|5 (I)|17Dec08
    S.E.U. II: Ho Ho Horrors|Shadowcaller|18|18Dec08
    The One Artifact|Emperor Demonking|7 (I)|23Dec08
    Batman Werewolf|Emperor Demonking|17|29Dec08
    Lord of the Rings: The Journey Begins|Dallas-Dakota|29|30Dec08
    Rockstar III: Let there be Rock|Raistlin1040|28|10Jan09
    Death Note 2|Dragoon|30|15Jan09
    Spytrap IV: Operation Market Garden|Mordokai|34|20Jan09
    Mafia IX- St Valentines Massacre|Andre Fairchilde|48|7Feb09
    Grave Robbers 2: Skippy's Revenge|LadyMeyers|31|8Feb09
    Ultimate Kaos III: In Soviet Russia, Kaos Ultimates YOU!|Uncle Festy|25|9Feb09
    Werewolf Classic Lite|Mordokai|21 (I)|20Feb09
    S.E.U. III: Dark Strains|Shadowcaller|19|28Feb09
    Universal Smash Bros. 3: Heroes' resurgance!|PhantomFox|49|1Mar09
    Schoolyard Werewolf 1|Istari|19|12Mar09
    Fate/Stay Night: Heaven's Touch|Trixie|22|24Mar09
    Simply Werewolf 2|Happyturtle|20 (I)|28Mar09
    Llama, Llama, Duck 2: The Return of Insanity|Supagoof|47|1Apr09
    Phantom of the Opera|ThePhantom|25|6Apr09
    World of Darkness- The Seven|Banjo1985|34|13Apr09
    Jack the Ripper|TwoBitWriter|25|16Apr09
    Super Paper Werewolf|Duos|24|28Apr09
    Tales of Kyou II: The Darkness|Shadowcaller|30|7May09
    Assassins II: Revenge of the Princess|Lex-kat|31|11May09
    Alchemists III|Haruki-Kun|40|2Jun09
    Final Fantasy 7|Fan|19|3Jun09
    Paranoia III|Kyouhen|31|10Jun09
    Sharn, the Broken City|Tired N' Drowzy|32|14Jun09
    Hair of the Werewolf|Connor Darkdart|20|21Jun09
    Witches & Warlocks II: Double Double Toil and Trouble!|Deathslayer7|29|28Jun09
    Invasion of the Zombies: Outbreak|Dr. Bath|43|1Jul09
    Werewolf Classic IX: The New Moon Estate|Banjo1985|47|7Jul09
    S.E.U. IV: The Terror|Shadowcaller|20 (I)|8Jul09
    Playground Squares WW: Trial Edition|Lex-kat|10 (I)|12Jul09
    The Demons|Lamech|28|16Jul09
    Phantom of the Opera II|ThePhantom|30|20Jul09
    Civilizations 2: Attack from Mars|Szilard|25|31Jul09
    Titans 3! The Rise of Olympus|Supagoof|56|4Aug09
    OotS Werewolf|Paul Muad'dib|18|13Aug09
    Thursday Next|The Bookworm|30|17Aug09
    Assassins III: Taking Back the Throne|Lex-kat|38|24Aug09
    Memesville II: Memes? In MY Structured?|Haruki-Kun|50|24Aug09
    Fate/Stay Night II: Unlimited Blade Wolfs|Trixie|21|1Sep09
    Mafia X|Andre Fairchilde|58|4Sep09
    Fears 3: Full Circle|Cristo Meyers|41|14Sep09
    Ultimate Kaos IV: We're Releasing On Time|Uncle Festy|15|6Sep09
    Harry Potter: The Evil that Befell Godric's Hollow|MOD|26|21Sep09
    Magic the Gathering: Planeshock|Duos|27|30Sep09
    S.E.U. 5: A Mother's Arms|Happyturtle|20 (I)|4Oct09
    S.E.U. VI: Twinkle little star|Shadowcaller|20 (I)|4Oct09
    Rome|Eldritch Knight|32|9Oct09
    Bounty Hunters|RedScholarGypsy|33|12Oct09
    Star Wars itp|Lex-kat|20 (I)|12Oct09
    Simply Werewolf 3|Mordokai|20 (I)|13Oct09
    Team Fortress 2: Sudden Death|Fawkes|18 (I)|19Oct09
    Monster Mash II|Andre Fairchilde|21|31Oct09
    Paranoia V|Kyouhen|21|31Oct09
    Universal Smash Bros. 4: Brawl on!|PhantomFox|49|2Nov09
    Vampire III: Sunnydale Nights|Helgraf|36|2Nov09
    Batman: Arkham Asylum|Opeth Freak|46|9Nov09
    Ye Olde West IIII- A New Rope|Supagoof|45|24Nov09
    Warcraft: Reign of Chaos|Shadowcaller|28|26Nov09
    Discworld II– The Glorious Republic of Treacle Mine Road|Zar Peter|33|30Nov09
    Witches & Warlocks III: Welcome to Witchtopia!|Deathslayer7|23|14Dec09
    Fate/Stay Night III: Hey, we were in the game, too!|Trixie|21|1Jan10
    Hunting the Snark: Expedition to Snark Island|Thufir|24|2Jan10
    Convoy IV: Twisted Metal|Lex-kat|25|11Jan10
    Kingdom Hearts|Supagoof|28|11Jan10
    Invasion of the Zombies: Day of the Dead|Fawkes|29|18Jan10
    S.E.U. VII: Sanity's Rest Hospital|Wolfbane|25|25Jan10
    Werewolf Classic X- Chilled Blood Becomes Spilled Blood|Zar Peter|45|8Feb10
    Spytrap V: The spy who scalped me!|Mordokai|42|11Feb10
    The Thing|Gardenphilosoph|19|11Feb10
    Reverse Werewolf|Sanity702|20|23Feb10
    Blut und Boden|GardenPhilosoph|20|28Feb10
    Magic: The Gathering- Duel of the Legends|Uncle Festy|30|8Mar10
    ReBoot Werewolf: WARNING; INCOMING GAME|Hyozo|28|9Mar10
    Camelot 0.5- Le Morte D'arthur|Lostlittlebear|25|10Mar10
    Playground Squares: WW Edition|Reinholdt|23|22Mar10
    Hot Potatoes|Jontom Xire|12 (I)|24Mar10
    Abhorsen's WW: The Beginning of the End|Deathslayer7|20|29Mar10
    Llama, Llama, Duck 3: Orange Slayed the Rake|Supagoof|56|1Apr10
    Custom WW I|Shadowcaller|20 (I)|3Apr10
    Hot Potato 2|Jontom Xire|16|6Apr10
    Reverse Werewolf II|Sanity702|20|16Apr10
    Werewolf Classic XI: Origins|DungeonMaster77|52|20Apr10
    Pirates V: Setting Sail|Atreyu the Masked Llama|46|27Apr10
    Cults WW: Cult of Kroy vs. Cult of the Sight|Random Person|20|3May10
    Monster Mash III|Andre Fairchilde|22|9May10
    Camelot WW 1: The Sword in the Stone|LostLittleBear|30|10May10
    Harry Potter: The Battle Against Voldemort|the Cyberwolf|15|17May10
    Nehh's Craziness WW 1|Nehh|20|17May10
    Mad Science! WW|Thufir|30|10Jun10
    Bounty Hunters 2: Trial by Gunfire|RedScholarGypsy|20|15Jun10
    Percy Jackson WW|Lex-kat|15|18Jun10
    Reverse Werewolf III|Sanity702|19|27Jun10
    Convoy II: The Cola Wars|Lex-kat|25 (I)|5Jul10
    Abhorsen WW 2! Chaos Rises|Deathslayer7|20|5Jul10
    Incarcerated|the Cyberwolf|13|11Jul10
    Camelot 2: The Queen of Air and Darkness|Lostlittlebear|29|17Jul10
    Lord of the Rings WW- When the Cult Attacks|Ozgun92|18|19Jul10
    Titans 4! Salvation|Supagoof|52|26Jul10
    Alien Invasion III|Castaras|20 (I)|27Jul10
    Tiny Werewolf|Skippy|10 (I)|29Jul10
    Star Wars: Battle of the 503rd|TheLaughingMan|18|4Aug10
    Magic: The Gathering- Battle for Alara!|Sanity702|30|8Aug10
    Rebellion V|Zeb the Troll|43|13Aug10
    Ghosts WW|Random_Person|22|20Aug10
    Dark World Incursion|Strategos|20 (I)|23Aug10
    Schoolyard WW 2|Istari|26|30Aug10
    Get out of here, Stalker!|Trixie|12 (I)|31Aug10
    Under a Grinning Moon|TheLaughingMan|19|1Sep10
    Witch-hunt 1.1|Milskidasith|17 (I)|2Sep10
    Mafia Classic: Bringing Out the Noir|InaVegt|12 (I)|3Sep10
    The City I: Metropolitan Mayhem|Murska|41|4Sep10
    Custom Werewolf II|Lex-kat|21 (I)|6Sep10
    The Gamers Werewolf|ThePhantom|13|6Sep10
    Werewolf Classic XII|Thufir|52|13Sep10
    City of Darkness|Eternal Drifter|18|15Sep10
    Futurama|Diva De|24|20Sep10
    Witch-hunt 1.2|Milskidasith|21 (I)|11Oct10
    Vampire the Masquerade: Gehenna|Lady Tialait|31|12Oct10
    Helgraf's Bomb|Lex-kat|21 (I)|16Oct10
    Trick or Treat|Lord Pringle|16|25Oct10
    Vampire IV: The Song of Night|Helgraf|34|26Oct10
    St. Trinian's|Tasroth|24|2Nov10
    Demons II|Lamech|16|14Nov10
    Universal Smash Bros 5: Final Destination|Deathslayer7|34|2Dec10
    The Infected|Mr. Zolrane|11|10Dec10
    Phantom of the Opera III|ThePhantom|19|28Dec10
    Mafia XI|Andre Fairchilde|46|6Jan11
    ItP- Battle for Alarra|Lex-Kat|31|11Jan11
    Journeys on the TARDIS 3: It Really Is Bigger on the Inside|Korias|17|11Jan11
    MtG- Conflux, The Battle for Alara Continues|Sanity702|26|12Jan11
    Witch-hunt 1.3- We are going to need more ducks|Gray Mage|21 (I)|23Jan11
    Breaking the 4th Wall|Qwaz|24|1Feb11
    Gnome Way To Conduct Politics|GrlumpTheElder|20|4Feb11
    S.E.U. VIII: Horrors on a Plane|Shadowcaller|20 (I)|6Feb11
    Reverse Werewolf IV: Villagers Return|Sanity702|22|14Feb11
    Ghosts- The Spectre of Forgetfulness|Random Person|21|14Feb11
    Open Werewolf: Nowhere to Hide|Orzel|16|22Feb11
    Mafia Extreme!|Andre Fairchilde|22 (I)|25Feb11
    The Gamers: Dorkness Rising|ThePhantom|24|28Feb11
    Assassins IV: The Return|Lex-Kat|40|14Mar11
    Mummy: The Resurrection|Lady Tialait|17|20Mar11
    Llama, Llama, Duck 4- 200 Llamas! Buy Bye Bi-Centennial!|Supagoof|42|1Apr11
    Shape-shifters 2|Duneyrr|22|4Apr11
    Fatbelly V- Who's for Dessert?|Banjo1985|30 (I)|13Apr11
    Dungeons and Dragons|Hipen3|23|13Apr11
    Witch-hunt 4|Gray Mage|22|4May11
    The Maltese Falcon: Fate of the Shadow|Joosbawx|40|9May11
    Abhorsen WW III: Shining Night|Deathslayer7|20|18May11
    Insane Mafia|101jir|17|23May11
    Dethy V|Saposhiente|5 (I)|29May11
    Dethy VI: Now with 50% less fat|Saposhiente|5 (I)|2Jun11
    Werewolf Classic XIII|Qwaz|46|6Jun11
    ItP Chapter II- Battle for Haruki-Kun|Lex-Kat|31|8Jun11
    Isocerne City|BobTheFerret|18 (I)|13Jun11
    City of Spires|Rules Lawyer #1|19|26Jun11
    Phantom of the Opera IV|ThePhantom|21|4Jul11
    Final Fantasy Advent Children IV: Centuries of Sin|Banjo1985|39|6Jul11
    Ye Olde West V: True Wit|Supagoof|40|20Jul11
    D & D 4E: The Castle of Illusions|Bladescape|21|25Jul11
    Wizards|Internet Flea|17|27Jul11
    Werewolf: Aftermath|EagleWiz|17|8Aug11
    Bootleggers|Lady Tialait|29|10Aug11
    My Little Pony: Return of Nightmare Moon|Lex-Kat|43|16Aug11
    Vampire V: Paris by Night|Helgraf|44|27Aug11
    Center WW|Ramsus|30|2Sep11
    City of Shadows|Eternal Drifter|22|5Sep11
    The Dragonspire Killers|Mindfreak|17|21Sep11
    Reverse WW V: The Villagers Wrath!|Sanity702|22|23Sep11
    Dethy VII|Saposhiente|5 (I)|25Sep11
    Werewolf Classic XIV: Tea Strainers of Terror!|Banjo1985|44|21Oct11
    Convoy V: Autobots, Role Out!!|Lex-Kat|29|26Oct11
    Mafia 12 - 1932 - City of Sinners|Andre Fairchilde|35|29Oct11
    Trick or Treat WW 2|Tydude|24|31Oct11
    L. A. Noir|Mindfreak|24|7Nov11
    The Matrix Rewound|Flabort|20(I)|14Nov11
    Phantom of the Opera V|ThePhantom|15|14Nov11
    Christmas Werewolf|TinyMushroom|27|21Nov11
    Helgraf's Bomb II|Lex-Kat|24|29Nov11
    St. Trinian's 2 WW|Tasroth|32 (I)|8Dec11
    Chaos in the Academy WW - The Rift|Bladescape|18|12Dec11
    Medieval Werewolf I|Penguinator|30|21Dec11
    The Possessed - Legend of the Werewolf|TBFProgrammer|16 (I)|9Jan12
    Assassins V: The Rings of Power|Lex-Kat|37|14Jan12
    Dragonspire Killers 2: The Sequel that Doesn't Suck|Grue Bait|18|20Jan12
    Seer's Academy WW|TheGrimmace|30|30Jan12
    Writer's Block!|Flabort|28|11Feb12
    The UKitP WW Game: Now with added Cylon!|The Succubus|15|21Feb12
    Demons WW: Game of Trickery|RuneboundShade|16 (I)|22Feb12
    Fae Werewolf|C'Nor|20|24Feb12
    Inanimate WW|Penguinator|21|13Mar12
    Tiny WW|Saposhiente|9 (I)|27Mar12
    Dethy VIII: Game Over|Saposhiente|5 (I)|27Mar12
    Minecraft WW: Blokes of Blocks|Super Dark33|18|29Mar12
    Dethy IX: Wait. Ponies?|Matthias2207|5 (I)|5Apr12
    Medieval Werewolf II: King Myral's Vision|Penguinator|30 (I)|1May12
    Meta WW|Ramsus|34|4Mar12
    Badges and Bullets|Gnomish Wanderer|18 (I)|26May12
    Witchhunt Returns to GitP|Mannikath|17|1Jun12
    Clue|Internet Flea|15|10June12
    Traits WW: The Misty Isle|RuneboundShade|20 (I)|16Jun12
    Universal Smash Bros 6: Time Twister|Super Dark33|24|16Jun12
    Paranoia VI|Saposhiente|14|25Jun12
    Alan Wake Werewolf|ThePhantom|14|3Jul12
    City of Spires II|Rules Lawyer #1|21|6Jul12
    Werewolf: Under Siege|Ur-Quan|25|11Jul12
    Classic Werewolf: The Village of Vilcas|Gnomish Wanderer|27|16Aug12
    My Little Pony WW 2: The Shadow Reign|Lex-Kat|31|3Sep12
    Careless Village WW|Count Dingdong|25|30Sep12
    Witch-hunt VI: Return of the Werewolf|Gray Mage|21 (I)|22Nov12
    Fae WW II: Fae-ailed Plans|C'Nor|20|1Dec12
    Magic: The Gathering WW/Mafia|EatAtEmrakuls|24|3Jan13
    Custom Werewolf III: In Need of Trees|Lex-Kat|20 (I)|22Jan13
    Alan Wake American Nightmare|ThePhantom|18|1Mar13
    Experimental Werewolf: The Shattered Mirror of Fate|UsOurselves&We|17|11Mar13
    Cyber Problems I|Dragoon|16|25Mar13
    Convoy III: Bears in the Air|Lex-Kat|22|12Apr13
    Phantom of the Opera VI: Tropical Curse|ThePhantom|20|17May13
    Monty Werewolf's Flying Circus|Penguinator|23|10Jun13
    The Fleas of Schmoo|Lex-Kat|22|18Jun13
    Careless Citadel WW|Count Dingdong|15|11Aug13
    Helgraf's Bomb III|Lex-Kat|19|22Aug13
    Reverse Werewolf VI: A Human Among Us|Gray Mage|29|11Sep13
    League of Draven WW|Sanity702|19|15Sep13
    Cowboys and Banditos I: The Gunslinger|Sabeki|17|12Oct13
    Vampire VI: Shepherds of the Night|Helgraf|36|14Oct13
    The Legend of Zelda WW: The Wind Waker|Gray Mage|33|10Nov13
    WWW: WereWolves of Wildespell|Lazy Genius|20|16Nov13
    Monster Mash IV|Mordokai|26|26Nov13
    Parallel: Thoughts of Wolves|usourselves&we|29|09Dec13
    Classic Werewolf XVI- Gladiator Uprising|Lex-Kat|39|01Jan14
    Fears 4: The Whisper Killer|Cristo Meyers|55|13Jan14
    Last edited by Lex-Kat; 2014-05-30 at 01:11 AM.

    Lexington III, my Brute. Inner Circle. ! Melody

  9. - Top - End - #9
    Pixie in the Playground
    Internet Flea's Avatar

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    Jul 2010

    Default Re: Werewolf Central IX: Important WW information goes here - READ OPENING POSTS!

    Woohoo, the Archives live on!

    So is TBF's all-narrator game in the works or was that just an idea? Got an idea for a pretty simple game (it might even be halfway balanced!) but want to save it if we're doing that.
    Quote Originally Posted by Tydude View Post
    I actually have two theories on why you're doing this, but neither make much sense and you would have to be insane to try them. It seems you are insane, which is great for my theories.
    Quote Originally Posted by ZarethG View Post
    I see your point, Internet Flea. However, I don't retract my assessment of your sanity.
    What kind of paranoid mind sees that as something else. ~ The Narrator, during Stranded in Space.

    (Sugar Shock avatar by Dirtytabs.)

  10. - Top - End - #10
    Ogre in the Playground
    Szilard's Avatar

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    Default Re: Werewolf Central IX: Important WW information goes here - READ OPENING POSTS!

    Well, back in the day we used to have a game every week or two, so even if that game was going on, I'd see no reason for you not to do yours, especially if it's simple as you say.

    Speaking of games, I'm thinking of getting back to my Civilization werewolf games, perhaps in a few weeks. I just have to search for those rules that I scribbled down somewhere.
    Want an avatar? Shoot me a PM.
    Current DYF Avatar by the fantastic Alarra


    Quote Originally Posted by Supagoof View Post
    Bravo Szilard. Bravo!
    Quote Originally Posted by Oblivion View Post
    And Szilard, great job! You make me proud!
    Quote Originally Posted by Sneak View Post
    Szilard is wise.
    Quote Originally Posted by Lix Lorn View Post
    In Soviet Russia, internet give you.
    (is given to Szilard. With bow. Clothes optional.)
    ABR: SDSB Archive

  11. - Top - End - #11
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: Werewolf Central IX: Important WW information goes here - READ OPENING POSTS!

    Neither Medieval (I and II) or Inanimate are on the list. I think the Medieval links are in the first page of the old thread.

    Finally forced me into getting one of these.

    Banner by Elder Tsofu.

  12. - Top - End - #12
    Pixie in the Playground
    Internet Flea's Avatar

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    Default Re: Werewolf Central IX: Important WW information goes here - READ OPENING POSTS!

    Quote Originally Posted by Szilard View Post
    Well, back in the day we used to have a game every week or two, so even if that game was going on, I'd see no reason for you not to do yours, especially if it's simple as you say.
    The difference being TBF's game would require everyone to run a (probably simple) game, and I'm lazy and creatively bankrupt enough that I don't think I'll have another theme ready if I use this one.
    Quote Originally Posted by Tydude View Post
    I actually have two theories on why you're doing this, but neither make much sense and you would have to be insane to try them. It seems you are insane, which is great for my theories.
    Quote Originally Posted by ZarethG View Post
    I see your point, Internet Flea. However, I don't retract my assessment of your sanity.
    What kind of paranoid mind sees that as something else. ~ The Narrator, during Stranded in Space.

    (Sugar Shock avatar by Dirtytabs.)

  13. - Top - End - #13
    Dwarf in the Playground
    usourselves&we's Avatar

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    Default Re: Werewolf Central IX: Important WW information goes here - READ OPENING POSTS!

    The deception known as Badges and Bullets is also not on the list.

    it is understandable that the list is not full as the space of time since it was updated is quite large, though we haven't look at dates and times really. . .

    now we will fade back into nonexistence to get roles sorted for The Shattered Mirror of Fate slated to start march fifth/ players still welcome.
    no narrator deception to see in this game all things in that thread are true
    Come be part of the future-present-history, read it, write it, live it . . . until you die yesterday, but don't let that stop you.
    We love plural first person personal pronouns.
    Rejoice in the bosom of white text our child.
    Avatar by Gnomish Wanderer! (::) invisible cookies (::)

  14. - Top - End - #14
    Troll in the Playground
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    Whose eye is that eye?

    Default Re: Werewolf Central IX: Important WW information goes here - READ OPENING POSTS!

    Posting to subscribe in the hopes of one day returning.
    Quote Originally Posted by lamech View Post
    Trusting Murska worked out great!
    Quote Originally Posted by happyturtle View Post
    A Murska without lies is like a day without sunshine.
    Quote Originally Posted by Xihirli View Post
    I say we completely leave our fate in the hands of the trustworthy Murska and continue in complete safety.

  15. - Top - End - #15
    Pixie in the Playground
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    Default Re: Werewolf Central IX: Important WW information goes here - READ OPENING POSTS!

    Regretting not linking Clue in Central now.

    ...if anybody still has a link to it for some reason it would be appreciated.
    Quote Originally Posted by Tydude View Post
    I actually have two theories on why you're doing this, but neither make much sense and you would have to be insane to try them. It seems you are insane, which is great for my theories.
    Quote Originally Posted by ZarethG View Post
    I see your point, Internet Flea. However, I don't retract my assessment of your sanity.
    What kind of paranoid mind sees that as something else. ~ The Narrator, during Stranded in Space.

    (Sugar Shock avatar by Dirtytabs.)

  16. - Top - End - #16
    Dwarf in the Playground
    usourselves&we's Avatar

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    Default Re: Werewolf Central IX: Important WW information goes here - READ OPENING POSTS!

    this is it as far as we can tell, googled.
    We love plural first person personal pronouns.
    Rejoice in the bosom of white text our child.
    Avatar by Gnomish Wanderer! (::) invisible cookies (::)

  17. - Top - End - #17
    Orc in the Playground
    Robert Blackletter's Avatar

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    Default Re: Werewolf Central IX: Important WW information goes here - READ OPENING POSTS!

    Hi all was wondering if anyone would mind me starting a COA game? Here a reminder of the games so far.

    Circle of assassin
    CoA II: Menzoberranzan
    CoA III: The Masked Avengers
    CoA IV: Wonderland Invaded
    CoA V: Most Dangerous Game
    CoA VI: Siege of Despair (abandoned)

    Any up for it?
    Quote Originally Posted by Johel View Post
    Because utopia is a dream, humans are bastards and any attempt to really flesh out Neverland turns it into Battle Royal island, only with pirates, cannibal children, man-eating mermaids, sadistic Indians, nymphomaniac fairies and Godzilla with a ringing tummy.
    Avatar by Recaiden

    I have a specific learning difficulty, if I misuse grammar, misspell or otherwise abuse the written word, forgive me

  18. - Top - End - #18
    Pixie in the Playground

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    Oct 2011

    Default Re: Werewolf Central IX: Important WW information goes here - READ OPENING POSTS!

    Quote Originally Posted by Internet Flea View Post
    So is TBF's all-narrator game in the works or was that just an idea?
    Just an idea for now, lots of life changes going on and not up to trying to manage all of that at the moment.
    The BareFoot Programmer

  19. - Top - End - #19
    Orc in the Playground
    Matthias2207's Avatar

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    Default Re: Werewolf Central IX: Important WW information goes here - READ OPENING POSTS!

    Quote Originally Posted by Robert Blackletter View Post
    Hi all was wondering if anyone would mind me starting a COA game? Here a reminder of the games so far.

    Circle of assassin
    CoA II: Menzoberranzan
    CoA III: The Masked Avengers
    CoA IV: Wonderland Invaded
    CoA V: Most Dangerous Game
    CoA VI: Siege of Despair (abandoned)

    Any up for it?
    You should probably ask Kensen. He's still active, although I haven't seen him in the WW games before. (That means he stopped playing almost two years ago (Which means he probably won't mind if you take over his game (Though you should still ask)))
    Avatar by me.

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  20. - Top - End - #20
    Orc in the Playground
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    Default Re: Werewolf Central IX: Important WW information goes here - READ OPENING POSTS!

    Quote Originally Posted by Matthias2207 View Post
    You should probably ask Kensen. He's still active, although I haven't seen him in the WW games before. (That means he stopped playing almost two years ago (Which means he probably won't mind if you take over his game (Though you should still ask)))
    Already done, he even said he be a player
    Quote Originally Posted by Johel View Post
    Because utopia is a dream, humans are bastards and any attempt to really flesh out Neverland turns it into Battle Royal island, only with pirates, cannibal children, man-eating mermaids, sadistic Indians, nymphomaniac fairies and Godzilla with a ringing tummy.
    Avatar by Recaiden

    I have a specific learning difficulty, if I misuse grammar, misspell or otherwise abuse the written word, forgive me

  21. - Top - End - #21
    Troll in the Playground
    Lex-Kat's Avatar

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    Default Re: Werewolf Central IX: Important WW information goes here - READ OPENING POSTS!

    Okay, the Archives have been updated. Please let me know if I missed anyone's game(s)?

    Lexington III, my Brute. Inner Circle. ! Melody

  22. - Top - End - #22
    Pixie in the Playground
    Internet Flea's Avatar

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    Jul 2010

    Default Re: Werewolf Central IX: Important WW information goes here - READ OPENING POSTS!

    usourselves&we found Clue, so you can add that now.
    Quote Originally Posted by Tydude View Post
    I actually have two theories on why you're doing this, but neither make much sense and you would have to be insane to try them. It seems you are insane, which is great for my theories.
    Quote Originally Posted by ZarethG View Post
    I see your point, Internet Flea. However, I don't retract my assessment of your sanity.
    What kind of paranoid mind sees that as something else. ~ The Narrator, during Stranded in Space.

    (Sugar Shock avatar by Dirtytabs.)

  23. - Top - End - #23
    Bugbear in the Playground
    Zar Peter's Avatar

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    Default Re: Werewolf Central IX: Important WW information goes here - READ OPENING POSTS!

    Thank you very much Lex-Kat for doing this work! Much appreciated.

    And "Hi Shadow!"
    Avatar by the great Lord Herman. Many, many thanks!
    Empress Catherine by Dr. Bath!
    Castaras made the PiratZarrrrr. Thank you very much!
    Special thanks to Banjo1985 for the Catstronomer.

    Squid Bones: They exist!


  24. - Top - End - #24
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: Werewolf Central IX: Important WW information goes here - READ OPENING POSTS!

    Oh. Sorry about that Internet Flea. I saw the thread, and thought it was just a discussion thread about the Clue game.

    I will update the Schedule post tomorrow night, after work.

    Thank you, Zar.
    Last edited by Lex-Kat; 2013-03-05 at 04:09 AM.

    Lexington III, my Brute. Inner Circle. ! Melody

  25. - Top - End - #25
    Orc in the Playground
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    Default Re: Werewolf Central IX: Important WW information goes here - READ OPENING POSTS!

    Have posted a Coa thread, if anyone wants to join once it get approval I be very happy!
    Last edited by Robert Blackletter; 2013-03-04 at 07:36 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Johel View Post
    Because utopia is a dream, humans are bastards and any attempt to really flesh out Neverland turns it into Battle Royal island, only with pirates, cannibal children, man-eating mermaids, sadistic Indians, nymphomaniac fairies and Godzilla with a ringing tummy.
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    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: Werewolf Central IX: Important WW information goes here - READ OPENING POSTS!

    Quote Originally Posted by Robert Blackletter View Post
    Hi all was wondering if anyone would mind me starting a COA game?

    Any up for it?
    I would love to play. I was unfairly persecuted during the 2nd game.

    Lexington III, my Brute. Inner Circle. ! Melody

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    Orc in the Playground
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    Default Re: Werewolf Central IX: Important WW information goes here - READ OPENING POSTS!

    Quote Originally Posted by Lex-Kat View Post
    I would love to play. I was unfairly persecuted during the 2nd game.
    Just read up on it, 5 hits in one day! Ouch! Thats why you should always make friends.
    Quote Originally Posted by Johel View Post
    Because utopia is a dream, humans are bastards and any attempt to really flesh out Neverland turns it into Battle Royal island, only with pirates, cannibal children, man-eating mermaids, sadistic Indians, nymphomaniac fairies and Godzilla with a ringing tummy.
    Avatar by Recaiden

    I have a specific learning difficulty, if I misuse grammar, misspell or otherwise abuse the written word, forgive me

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    Default Re: Werewolf Central IX: Important WW information goes here - READ OPENING POSTS!

    Personally, I think they were all afraid to be killed by me.
    Last edited by Lex-Kat; 2013-03-04 at 09:25 PM.

    Lexington III, my Brute. Inner Circle. ! Melody

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    Orc in the Playground
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    Default Re: Werewolf Central IX: Important WW information goes here - READ OPENING POSTS!

    How long does it take normally for a mod to o.k a thread? I don't want to bother a mod if I don't need to.
    Last edited by Robert Blackletter; 2013-03-05 at 12:13 PM. Reason: no reason at all
    Quote Originally Posted by Johel View Post
    Because utopia is a dream, humans are bastards and any attempt to really flesh out Neverland turns it into Battle Royal island, only with pirates, cannibal children, man-eating mermaids, sadistic Indians, nymphomaniac fairies and Godzilla with a ringing tummy.
    Avatar by Recaiden

    I have a specific learning difficulty, if I misuse grammar, misspell or otherwise abuse the written word, forgive me

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    Pixie in the Playground

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    Default Re: Werewolf Central IX: Important WW information goes here - READ OPENING POSTS!

    Quote Originally Posted by Robert Blackletter View Post
    How long dose does it take normally for a mod to o.k a thread? I don't want to bother a mod if I don't need to.
    They check once a day, if I remember correctly.
    The BareFoot Programmer

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