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    Orc in the Playground
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    Default The Walking Armory (D&D 3.5 base class PEACH)

    My brother gave me an idea for a class so here is my attempt at designing it.

    The Walking Armory

    "For every weapon, a solution. Use them. And if they don't work, use more."

    Hit Die

    Class Skills
    The Walking Armory's class skills are class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Handle Animal (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Listen (Wis), Ride (Dex), Spot (Wis), Swim (Str).

    Skill Points at 1st Level
    (2 + Int modifier) ×4.

    Skill Points at Each Additional Level
    2 + Int modifier.

    Walking Armory
    Level Base Attack Bonus Fort Ref Will Special
    Weapon and Armor Familiarity, Pack Mule
    Improved Storage, Hammerspace
    Requip, Stand Strong, Bonus Feat
    Bigger is Better, Detect Weapons and Armor
    Pack Mule, Over-sized Swing, Over-sized Block
    Over-sized Utility, Over-Equipped Threat, Bonus Feat
    Ten Swords to my Name, Armored Mind
    Layered Armor, Over-sized Defence
    Bigger is Better, Dual-Shielding Bonus Feat
    Pack Mule, My Alignment is: Weapon
    Weapon Swap, Bypass Force Armor
    Wall of Blades, Over-sized Defence, Bonus Feat
    Bigger is Better, Weapon Magnet
    100 Dancing Blades
    Pack Mule, Bonus Feat
    Over-sized Defence, Hammerspace Drop
    Hammerspace Jump
    Bonus Feat
    Bigger is Better
    Over-sized Defence, Walking Fortress

    Weapon and Armor Proficiency
    The Walking Armory is not proficient with any weapons, armors, or shields.

    Weapon and Armor Familiarity
    The Walking Armory suffers no negatives for being non-proficient with weapons, armors or shields. Additionally a Walking Armory doesn't get fatigued when sleeping in armor.

    Pack Mule
    At 1st level the Walking Armory may treat her carrying capacity as if she was one size category larger. This bonus is increased by one every five levels after (+2 at 5th, and +3 at 10th, +4 at 15). At 20th level she treats all items as a 10th of their weight when determining carrying capacity.

    Improved Storage
    At 2nd level the Walking Armory can pack any container (including extradimensional ones, such as a Bag of Holding) to double its maximum storage capacity, but only she or another Walking Armory can remove items from it without taking a full round action to do so.

    At 2nd level the Walking Armory may put weapons, armors or shields in an extradimensional storage space that only she can access, any equipment put in still counts towards her maximum carry weight. Should she ever be unconscious or dead for more than 3 hours at a time (sleeping doesn't count) all items immediately fall out. If there is not enough room to appear or if appearing would destroy it, the weapon armor or shield appears in the closest safe area that can house it. Retrieving equipment from Hammerspace is a considered drawing and is a move action.

    At 3rd level the Walking Armory gains the feat Quick Draw. If she already possesses the Quick Draw feat she may instead gain a feat from the Fighter bonus feat list. Also she may sheath weapons as a free action(including putting them in her Hammerspace). Additionally the Walking Armory may, as a standard action automatically change her armor and/or shield with another armor and/or shield in her Hammerspace a number of times per day equal to 3 + her constitution modifier.

    Stand Strong
    At 3rd level a Waking Armory gains +4 bonus on ability checks made to resist being bull rushed or tripped when standing firmly (but not when climbing, flying, riding, or otherwise not standing firmly). Additionally she may substitute her total armor and shield AC bonus for her dexterity score when making a Reflex save.

    Bonus Feat
    At 3rd level and every three levels after the Walking Armory gains a bonus feat from the fighter bonus feat list.

    Bigger is Better
    At 4th level the Walking Armory may wield weapons designed for creatures one size category larger without penalty because of size. This bonus increases every five levels thereafter (+2 at 9th, and +3 at 14th, +4 at 19).
    Additionally, Weapons increase in reach and range when they increase in size.
    Reach Weapons: Gain +5' reach for every increase in size, and may only target creatures at the end of the reach. Reach weapons that also target adjacent creatures, such as a spike chain, advance as if they where melee weapons.
    Melee weapons: gain +5' increase for every two increases in size.
    Projectile Ranged weapons: Increase range by one half(multiply by 1.5) for every size increase, rounded down to the nearest 5' increment.

    Detect Weapons and Armor
    At 4th level a Walking Armory has the ability to sense weapons around her.
    She gains the ability to Detect Weapons and Armor at will, much like a Paladin can Detect Evil. Unlike a Paladins Detect Evil, a Walking Armory may discern between familiar and unfamiliar weapons and armor. Any Weapons or armor that have either been: in her Hammerspace, or around her for 24 hours, become familiar to her. The ability is as follows.

    1st Round
    Presence or absence of familiar or unfamiliar weapons and armor within 60 ft.

    2nd Round
    Number of familiar or unfamiliar weapons and armor in the area and the stats of the most potent unfamiliar weapon or armor present.

    3rd Round
    The stats and location of all familiar or unfamiliar weapon and armor. If a weapon or armor is outside your line of sight, then you discern its direction but not its exact location.

    Over-sized Swing
    At 5th level, a Walking Armory is able to make a great, sweeping swing with a melee weapon. As a full-round action, the Walking Armory can choose three squares adjacent to one another (she must threaten all of them). Her attack applies to all creatures in those squares. Make one attack roll and apply that roll as an attack against each defender. If the Walking Armory uses a special attack (such as disarm, trip, or sunder), this special attack affects only the first target; the other creatures are attacked normally. Walls and similar obstacles can block a great swing. Start with one square that the Walking Armory threatens. Each successive square chosen must be adjacent to the previous square and have line of effect from that square. Two squares separated by a wall, for instance, can't be chosen as adjacent squares for a great swing. The Walking Armory may skip creatures, attacking only those she wants to. For example, if there are three creatures in a row—an enemy, an ally, and another enemy—the Walking Armory can choose those three squares for the great swing but strike only the two enemies. If a Walking Armory drops one of her foes with a great swing, she may make a cleave attack normally(if she possesses the required feat). However, she may do so only once for every time she swings, even if she drops more than one foe.

    Over-sized Block
    At 5th level when wielding a weapon designed for a larger character the walking armory gains a +1 to her AC for each size category larger the weapon is.

    Over-sized Utility
    At 6th level the Walking Armory gains abilities by owning certain Over-sized weapons.

    Reach Weapons
    Jump - For each size category larger than medium the weapon is she gain a +10 to her jump but she must leave the weapon behind.

    Battering Ram - For each size category larger than medium a bludgeoning melee weapon is she gains +5 to her damage against inanimate objects with it.

    Bows and Crossbows
    Launch - A Walking Armory may use Creatures instead of arrows or bolts if the bow or crossbow is at least 2 sizes bigger than the creature she uses for ammunition. When a creature is launched this way it is treated as charging when it attacks.

    Over-Equipped Threat
    At 6th level the Walking Armory gains a +1 to intimidate for every weapon she has visible on her person, this bonus is increased by +1 for every weapon that is one size too large and by +2 for each that is two sizes too large etc.. In addition the Walking Armory may use her entire Hammerspace for this bonus a number of times per day equal to her constitution modifier.

    Over Equipped Threat
    The sheet amount of weapons your carry strikes fear into your opponents.
    Each of your limbs is capable of storing a single Light Weapon, while your torso is capable of storing three weapons of any weight, Light, Single Handed, or Two Handed. For each weapon stored in such a fashion, not including any weapon(s) you may be wielding, you receive a +1 bonus to Intimidate checks. Weapons of larger size may be stored in this fashion, however larger weapons take more space than smaller ones. IE, A medium sized longsword stowed on the torso takes one space, a large sized longsword stowed on the torso takes two spaces, etc. Each size category larger than your base size category adds an extra +1 to the bonus granted from that weapon being stowed on your person. IE a Medium longsword stowed grants a +1, a Large longsword stowed granted a +2, etc.
    Lvl 12- You have learned to make better use of the space on your body and have found more ways to stow weaponry on your person. You can now stow another weapon on your torso, bringing the total up to 4.
    Lvl 18- You have mastered the art of storing too many weapons on your person without limiting your mobility, you can now store an additional one light weapon per leg. Bringing the total per leg to two.

    Ten Swords to my Name
    At 7th level a Walking Armory may telekinetically control a number of weapons equal to 1/2 her Walking Armory level + her constitution modifier for number of rounds equal to her constitution modifier per day. These weapons must have no current wielder, be within 60ft and have been in her Hammerspace within the last 24 hours. When using these weapons she takes a -6 to her attack for every weapon under her control beyond the first two. If she has the Two-Weapon Fighting feat this penalty is decreased by 2. If she has the Improved Two weapon fighting feat and the Greater Two-Weapon fighting feat the penalties are reduced by an additional 2 each. After making a single attack each weapon is released from control and cannot be used again for 3 rounds.

    Armored Mind
    At 7th Level a Walking Armory may use her total Armor and Shield AC bonus in place of her Wisdom modifier for will saves.

    Layered Armor
    At 8th level the Walking armory may wear multiple armors simultaneously. So long as no two armors she is wearing are the same size. The AC bonus and the Armor Check Penalty from each armor stack, and her maximum Dexterity bonus becomes 0. She may only gain the magical benefits of one armor at a time, switching to a different armor's benefits is a swift action. Additionally for each armor she has equipped after the first she gains a +20% resistance to critical hits up to 75%.

    Over-sized Defence
    At 8th level a Walking Armory may use armor and shields designed for creatures one size category larger. This bonus increases every four levels thereafter (+2 at 12th, and +3 at 16th, +4 at 20) But, for every size larger than normal that armor is, it takes a -1 to its Armor bonus and its Armor Check penalty.

    At 9th level a Walking Armory may use two shields at the same time. Their bonuses stack, as do their negatives. She may gain the magical benefits of both shields.

    My Alignment is: Weapon
    At 10 level a Walking Armory is treated as if she is always under the affect of Undetectable Alignment. Additionally she may use weapons and armor with alignment restrictions as if she were that alignment.

    Weapon Swap
    At 11th level a Walking Armory may swap the weapon she is wielding for a weapon in her Hammerspace, as a free action a number of times per day equal to her constitution score. If she does this during an attack her next attack is at her highest base attack bonus.She cannot gain an additional attack by using this ability. She cannot swap with a weapon that has been used this round.

    Bypass Force Armor
    At 11th level a Walking Armory may ignore a single armor or shield made of force(i.e. Mage armor, Shield etc.) and attack as if it were not there.

    Wall of Blades
    At 12th level every time a Walking Armory uses her weapon swap ability she gains a +1 Deflection bonus to AC until her next turn. (Deflection bonuses don't stack.)

    Weapon Magnet
    At 13th level a Walking Armory may change the target of any attack, that she could naturally be a target of and is aware of, to herself, by making an intimidation check against the attackers will save, as a swift action. Additionally she may force a creature to attack her by making an intimidation check vs the creatures will save.

    100 Dancing Blades
    Once per day at 14th level a Walking Armory may apply the Dancing enchantment to a number of weapons equal to her Walking Armory level + her constitution modifier. These weapons must be within 60ft and have been in her Hammerspace in the last 24 hours. The weapons may only make 1 attack per turn at half her Base Attack Bonus. they may remain this way for a number of rounds equal to her constitution modifier.

    Hammerspace Drop
    At 16th level a Walking Armory may eject a number of weapons and armor from her Hammerspace equal to 1/2 her Walking Armory level + her constitution modifier an number of times per day equal to her constitution modifier. The ejected weapons land in a random spot within 60ft.

    Hammerspace Jump
    At 17th level a Walking Armory may teleport to any weapon that has been in her Hammerspace, provided it is in an area big enough to house her, and is on the same plane. To do so she must focus for two minutes.

    Walking Fortress
    The master swordsman trains with a blade their entire lives, until the sword is part of them--a tool deeply respected, but a tool nonetheless. A Walking Armory is not a master swordsman, because their weapons are not tools. They are their children, whether the armory adopted them from the battlefield or birthed them in a forge. Weapons are not part of an armory: an armory is part of their weapons.

    At 20th level a Walking Armory may have a number of weapons equal to her constitution modifier permanently have the Dancing enchantment on them so long as they stay within 60 feet and have been in her hammerspace in the last 24 hours.
    Last edited by AkazilliaDeNaro; 2015-05-16 at 06:09 PM.
    avatar by me!
    If you are going to shorten my name go with "Akaz" instead of "Aka" its less confusing.
    Also I may End up Capatalizing the BEginning of words, or mispelleing them interly.
    Think nothing of it, I just REALLY suck at typing.(Those examples were on purpose, though.)
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  2. - Top - End - #2
    Orc in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Walking Armory (D&D 3.5 base class WIP PEACH)

    I love this idea, but it looks a bit weak. Maybe you can add some fighter bonus feats in some of the "dead" levels it has?

    It should also have some kind of "quick sheath" ability.

  3. - Top - End - #3
    Orc in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Walking Armory (D&D 3.5 base class WIP PEACH)

    Quote Originally Posted by Red Bear View Post
    I love this idea, but it looks a bit weak. Maybe you can add some fighter bonus feats in some of the "dead" levels it has?

    It should also have some kind of "quick sheath" ability.
    Suggestions added.
    avatar by me!
    If you are going to shorten my name go with "Akaz" instead of "Aka" its less confusing.
    Also I may End up Capatalizing the BEginning of words, or mispelleing them interly.
    Think nothing of it, I just REALLY suck at typing.(Those examples were on purpose, though.)
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  4. - Top - End - #4
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Walking Armory (D&D 3.5 base class WIP PEACH)


    Something like 'Oversized swing' perhaps, allowing the walking armory to hit multiple enemies with a single attack, based on how much larger the weapon she wields is to her own size.

    Bonus to shield or armor bonus based on the weapon size she wields, the larger the weapon the bigger the bonus.

    Utility stuff: Bonus to intimidate if she wears X or more weapons visible on her body. Bonus to jump if she has a large enough <reach> weapon, etc.
    Last edited by DeusMortuusEst; 2013-12-26 at 01:40 PM.
    Dumbledore is dead but had a horcrux so might still be alive to it being fake and him dead but not stopping her from using the having a horcrux on you letting you live from a killing curse.
    Quote Originally Posted by The Glyphstone View Post
    Epileptic monkeys. Boxing gloves. Typewriters. That is all.

  5. - Top - End - #5
    Orc in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Walking Armory (D&D 3.5 base class WIP PEACH)

    Quote Originally Posted by DeusMortuusEst View Post

    Something like 'Oversized swing' perhaps, allowing the walking armory to hit multiple enemies with a single attack, based on how much larger the weapon she wields is to her own size.

    Bonus to shield or armor bonus based on the weapon size she wields, the larger the weapon the bigger the bonus.

    Utility stuff: Bonus to intimidate if she wears X or more weapons visible on her body. Bonus to jump if she has a large enough <reach> weapon, etc.
    Suggestions added.
    also i added an ability "Ten swords to my name" but i don't know where to put it. got it.
    Last edited by AkazilliaDeNaro; 2013-12-26 at 05:54 PM.
    avatar by me!
    If you are going to shorten my name go with "Akaz" instead of "Aka" its less confusing.
    Also I may End up Capatalizing the BEginning of words, or mispelleing them interly.
    Think nothing of it, I just REALLY suck at typing.(Those examples were on purpose, though.)
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    Orc in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Walking Armory (D&D 3.5 base class WIP PEACH)

    Added a whole bunch of abilities.
    avatar by me!
    If you are going to shorten my name go with "Akaz" instead of "Aka" its less confusing.
    Also I may End up Capatalizing the BEginning of words, or mispelleing them interly.
    Think nothing of it, I just REALLY suck at typing.(Those examples were on purpose, though.)
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    Orc in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Walking Armory (D&D 3.5 base class PEACH)

    I've done all that i can think of.

    avatar by me!
    If you are going to shorten my name go with "Akaz" instead of "Aka" its less confusing.
    Also I may End up Capatalizing the BEginning of words, or mispelleing them interly.
    Think nothing of it, I just REALLY suck at typing.(Those examples were on purpose, though.)
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  8. - Top - End - #8
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Walking Armory (D&D 3.5 base class PEACH)

    Pack Mule
    At 1st level the Walking Armory may treat his carrying capacity as if he was one size category larger. This bonus is increased by one every five levels after (+2 at 5th, and +3 at 10th, +4 at 15). At 20th level he no longer has an upper limit to his carrying capacity.
    Although pretty neat, this allows a 20th level 'Walking Armory' (Neat name by the way) to lift, drag, or push an item of infinite weight.

    Originally posted by SRD
    Lifting and Dragging
    A character can lift as much as his or her maximum load over his or her head.

    A character can lift as much as double his or her maximum load off the ground, but he or she can only stagger around with it. While overloaded in this way, the character loses any Dexterity bonus to AC and can move only 5 feet per round (as a full-round action).

    A character can generally push or drag along the ground as much as five times his or her maximum load. Favorable conditions can double these numbers, and bad circumstances can reduce them to one-half or less.
    I don't think it was intended to grant this class infinite strength at 20th level. Perhaps you could add that instead, a character of 20th level treats all items as a 10th of their weight when determining carrying capacity.

    At 2nd level the Walking Armory may put weapons, armors or shields in an extradimensional storage space that only he can access, any equipment put in still counts towards his maximum carry weight. Should he ever be unconscious or dead for more than 6 hours at a time (sleeping doesn't count) all items immediately fall out. Retrieving equipment from Hammerspace is a considered drawing and is a move action.
    If you have this ability, what would be the purpose of the improved storage ability? Also, I think you should decrease the time required until items fall out. As it is right now, 6 hours I think is a bit much. However, this is just my own opinion. Also, you should specify how and where these items appear. For instance, what happens if a character was forced into the ground through some spell or the like (the items wouldn't be able to appear). Alternatively, what happens if a character fails into lava or is teleported to the bottom of the sea?

    At 3rd level the Walking Armory gains the feat Quick Draw. If he already possesses the Quick Draw feat he may instead gain a feat from the Fighter bonus feat list. Also he may sheath weapons as a free action. Additionally the Walking Armory may, as a standard action automatically change his armor and/or shield with another armor and/or shield in his Hammerspace a number of times per day equal to 3 + his constitution modifier.
    I'm glad you put a limit as to the number of times a day you can do this. Otherwise I think it might have been a bit to powerful for the level you get it. After all, this ignores the normal time for removing and donning equipment.

    Stand Strong
    At 3rd level a Waking Armory gains +4 bonus on ability checks made to resist being bull rushed or tripped when standing on the ground (but not when climbing, flying, riding, or otherwise not standing firmly on the ground). Additionally he may substitute his armor and shield bonus for his dexterity score when making a Reflex save.
    Is this the armor/shield's enhancement bonus? (+1 shield, +3 armor, etc) Or is this the armor/shield's total AC bonus?

    Detect Weapons and Armor
    At 4th level a Walking Armory has the ability to sense weapons around him.
    He gains the ability to Detect Weapons and Armor at will, much like a Paladin can Detect Evil. Unlike a Paladins Detect Evil, a Walking Armory may discern between familiar and unfamiliar weapons and armor. Any Weapons or armor that have either been: in his Hammerspace, or around him for 24 hours, become familiar to him. The ability is as follows.
    Seriously my most favorite ability ever.

    Over-sized Swing
    At 5th level The Walking Armory may target multiple opponents with a single attack when wielding a weapon designed for a larger character he may make an attack at a number of opponents in range equal to his level plus his Constitution modifier. Weapons made for a larger character have a reach of +5ft for every size category larger they are than medium.
    This seems a bit powerful. The number of targets and the reach seem a bit excessive. Maybe you could base this on the War Hulk's "Great Swing" class feature. (Type this into google, "war hulk d&d tools" and click on the first link) Although this is also just my opinion. It is worth mentioning that certain weapons sized for larger creatures (large, huge, gargantuan, etc) already have a reach bonus, and not just spears and the like.

    Over-Equipped Threat
    At 7th level the Walking Armory gains a +1 to intimidate for every weapon he has visible on his person, this bonus is increased by +1 for every weapon that is one size to large and by +2 for each that is two sizes two large etc.. IN addition once per day the Walking Armory may use his entire Hammerspace for this bonus
    You should specify how many weapons a person is able to carry (Otherwise I could see some shenanigans ensuing with sovereign glue).

    Ten Swords to my Name
    At 7th level a Walking Armory may telekinetically control a number of weapons equal to 1/2 his Walking Armory level + his constitution modifier for number of rounds equal to his constitution modifier per day. These weapons must have no current wielder, bee within 60ft and have been in his Hammerspace within the last 24 hours. When using these weapons he takes a -6 to his attack for every weapon under his control beyond the first two. If he has the Two-Weapon Fighting feat this penalty is decreased by 2. if He has the Improved Two weapon fighting feat and the Greater Two-Weapon fighting feat the penalties are reduced by an additional 2 each. After making an attack each weapon is released from control and cannot be used again for 3 rounds.
    Typo Also, it doesn't actually tell you if you get extra attacks with these weapons or not. It just lets you know that once you've used the weapons, you can't use them again for three rounds. Also, you may want to look at the multi-weapon fighting feat. If you truly do get an extra attack with all of these weapons, you might want to scale down the number of attacks and increase the level in which you learn the class feature.

    Layered Armor
    At 8th level the Walking armory may wear multiple armors simultaneously. So long as no two armors he is wearing are the same size or type the AC bonus and the Armor Check Penalty from each armor stack, and his maximum Dexterity bonus becomes 0. He may only gain the magical benefits of one armor at a time, switching to a different armor's benefits is a swift action. Additionally For each armor you have equipped you gain 10% resistance to critical hits upto 90%.
    I don't understand this ability. Does this mean you can only wear light armor, medium armor, and heavy armor? This would only add up to a 30% resistance to critical hits. Regardless this ability needs to be scaled back immensely. If I'm 8th level, my AC can be 31 just from three armors alone, not including shields or enhancement bonuses (Mithril Breastplate 5AC, Mithril Full-Plate 8AC, Dwarven Plate 8AC, base 10AC). If you really can wear more than three armors you'll be nigh unstoppable.

    My Alignment is: Weapon
    At 10 level a Walking Armory is treated as if he is always under the affect of Undetectable Alignment. Additionally he may use weapons and armor with alignment restrictions as if he was were that alignment.
    I don't quite understand what this entails, could you explain it to me? Does this mean that you wouldn't suffer the negative effects of an unholy weapon if you were lawful good?

    Weapon Swap
    At 11th level a Walking Armory may swap the weapon he is wielding for a weapon in his Hammerspace as a free action, if he does this during an attack his next attack is at his highest base attack bonus. He cannot gain an additional attack by using this ability. He cannot swap with a weapon that has been used this round.
    This effectively makes your BAB +11/+11/+11, At 20th level it will be +20/+20/+20/+20. I think this might be a bit too powerful. Perhaps you should change this to a swift action.

    Wall of Blades
    At 12th level every time a Walking Armory uses his weapon swap ability he gains a +1 Deflection bonus to AC until his next turn.
    I think it is important to remind people that these AC bonuses don't stack with themselves, otherwise they will get infinite AC.

    Weapon Magnet
    At 13th level a Walking Armory may change the target of any attack, that he could naturally be a target of and is aware of, to himself, by making an intimidation check against the the attacker, as a swift action. Additionally he may force a creature to attack him by making an intimidation check against it.
    Is this an opposed intimidate check, a will save for the opponent, or a flat DC?

    100 Dancing Blades
    Once per day at 14th level a Walking Armory may apply the Dancing enchantment to a number of weapons equal to his Walking Armory level + his constitution modifier within 60ft that has been in his Hammerspace in the last 24 hours. The weapons may only make 1 attack per turn at half his Base Attack Bonus. they may remain this way for a number of rounds equal to his constitution modifier.
    You may want to reword this a bit, it is a bit difficult to read.

    Also, a number of places in your text state that a certain weapon has to be within 60ft and have been in hammer space for the last 24 hours. Weapons in a hammerspace are in a different dimension so they aren't within 60ft. Summoning a weapon to make it appear within 60ft means that it has been out of hammerspace for at least one second, and thus wasn't in hammerspace the last 24 hours. I don't know how you should change the wording but it seems a bit awkward to me.

    I haven't PEACH'ed many things so sorry if this seems like a bad review.

    Anyways, want to see my soulsword class?

  9. - Top - End - #9
    Orc in the Playground
    AkazilliaDeNaro's Avatar

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    Default Re: The Walking Armory (D&D 3.5 base class PEACH)

    Quote Originally Posted by Legendxp View Post
    Although pretty neat, this allows a 20th level 'Walking Armory' (Neat name by the way) to lift, drag, or push an item of infinite weight.

    I don't think it was intended to grant this class infinite strength at 20th level. Perhaps you could add that instead, a character of 20th level treats all items as a 10th of their weight when determining carrying capacity.
    That is a much better idea.

    If you have this ability, what would be the purpose of the improved storage ability? Also, I think you should decrease the time required until items fall out. As it is right now, 6 hours I think is a bit much. However, this is just my own opinion. Also, you should specify how and where these items appear. For instance, what happens if a character was forced into the ground through some spell or the like (the items wouldn't be able to appear). Alternatively, what happens if a character fails into lava or is teleported to the bottom of the sea?
    I did not think of that.

    I'm glad you put a limit as to the number of times a day you can do this. Otherwise I think it might have been a bit to powerful for the level you get it. After all, this ignores the normal time for removing and donning equipment.

    Is this the armor/shield's enhancement bonus? (+1 shield, +3 armor, etc) Or is this the armor/shield's total AC bonus?
    Its the total.

    Seriously my most favorite ability ever.
    glad you like it.

    This seems a bit powerful. The number of targets and the reach seem a bit excessive. Maybe you could base this on the War Hulk's "Great Swing" class feature. (Type this into google, "war hulk d&d tools" and click on the first link) Although this is also just my opinion. It is worth mentioning that certain weapons sized for larger creatures (large, huge, gargantuan, etc) already have a reach bonus, and not just spears and the like.
    I read it and it seems that it is worded much better. I might just copy paste.

    You should specify how many weapons a person is able to carry (Otherwise I could see some shenanigans ensuing with sovereign glue).
    i don't see a problem with it

    Typo Also, it doesn't actually tell you if you get extra attacks with these weapons or not. It just lets you know that once you've used the weapons, you can't use them again for three rounds. Also, you may want to look at the multi-weapon fighting feat. If you truly do get an extra attack with all of these weapons, you might want to scale down the number of attacks and increase the level in which you learn the class feature.
    You don't get more than one attack thats why "released from control" is in there.

    I don't understand this ability. Does this mean you can only wear light armor, medium armor, and heavy armor? This would only add up to a 30% resistance to critical hits. Regardless this ability needs to be scaled back immensely. If I'm 8th level, my AC can be 31 just from three armors alone, not including shields or enhancement bonuses (Mithril Breastplate 5AC, Mithril Full-Plate 8AC, Dwarven Plate 8AC, base 10AC). If you really can wear more than three armors you'll be nigh unstoppable.
    I intended for you to wear a maximum of 12 armors (Light,medium,heavy medium size light medium heavy large size etc.)

    I don't quite understand what this entails, could you explain it to me? Does this mean that you wouldn't suffer the negative effects of an unholy weapon if you were lawful good?

    This effectively makes your BAB +11/+11/+11, At 20th level it will be +20/+20/+20/+20. I think this might be a bit too powerful. Perhaps you should change this to a swift action.
    that was my intention but now i see it may have been a bit to strong.

    I think it is important to remind people that these AC bonuses don't stack with themselves, otherwise they will get infinite AC.

    Is this an opposed intimidate check, a will save for the opponent, or a flat DC?
    not sure i think will save.

    You may want to reword this a bit, it is a bit difficult to read.

    Also, a number of places in your text state that a certain weapon has to be within 60ft and have been in hammer space for the last 24 hours. Weapons in a hammerspace are in a different dimension so they aren't within 60ft. Summoning a weapon to make it appear within 60ft means that it has been out of hammerspace for at least one second, and thus wasn't in hammerspace the last 24 hours. I don't know how you should change the wording but it seems a bit awkward to me.
    noo sillyhead it says "in the last" not "for the last" meaning you start dropping your weapons all over the battle field and boom now you have a whirling ring of death

    I haven't PEACH'ed many things so sorry if this seems like a bad review.

    Anyways, want to see my soulsword class?
    holy crapsack thats a lot of words. *Cracks Knuckles* LETS DO THIS THING!
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    Halfling in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Walking Armory (D&D 3.5 base class PEACH)

    I'm quite confused in how Ten Swords to my Name & 100 Dancing Blades works..
    Do the swords just jump directly from your hammerspace and appear in random squares within 60ft from you?

    Because at the moment, the image in my head is as follows:

    Attack, attack, Weapon Swap (and drop the original weapon), attack with new sword..
    Rinse and repeat for a round or two.. leaving numerous swords lying on the battlefield..
    then suddenly Ten Swords to my Name / 100 Dancing Blades works!!!

    Is that how u intend it to work?

    Holy mother of buddha!!!
    didn't see this coming:

    I intended for you to wear a maximum of 12 armors (Light,medium,heavy medium size light medium heavy large size etc.)

    Being able to stack Light, Medium, Heavy - Medium sized armour already send your AC up the roofs.. being able to wear a maximum of 12 armours makes you virtually untouchable except for a few things.. such as touch attacks, and Brillent Energy weapons for example..

    I suggest changing it so that you can stack Light & Medium or Light & Heavy..
    depending on the character's choice of exterior armour..
    Last edited by Mavakith; 2013-12-31 at 08:06 AM. Reason: update

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    Orc in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Walking Armory (D&D 3.5 base class PEACH)

    Quote Originally Posted by Mavakith View Post
    I'm quite confused in how Ten Swords to my Name & 100 Dancing Blades works..
    Do the swords just jump directly from your hammerspace and appear in random squares within 60ft from you?

    Because at the moment, the image in my head is as follows:

    Attack, attack, Weapon Swap (and drop the original weapon), attack with new sword..
    Rinse and repeat for a round or two.. leaving numerous swords lying on the battlefield..
    then suddenly Ten Swords to my Name / 100 Dancing Blades works!!!

    Is that how u intend it to work?
    that is EXACTLY how i intended that to work

    Holy mother of buddha!!!
    didn't see this coming:

    I intended for you to wear a maximum of 12 armors (Light,medium,heavy medium size light medium heavy large size etc.)

    Being able to stack Light, Medium, Heavy - Medium sized armour already send your AC up the roofs.. being able to wear a maximum of 12 armours makes you virtually untouchable except for a few things.. such as touch attacks, and Brillent Energy weapons for example..

    I suggest changing it so that you can stack Light & Medium or Light & Heavy..
    depending on the character's choice of exterior armour..
    i changed it earlier to where you could only wear 5 total armors (medium large huge gargantuan and colossal) at level 20
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    Halfling in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Walking Armory (D&D 3.5 base class PEACH)


    have you watch the manga / anime?
    to stick to original character.. how about making a ability so that you can summon 3+Con bonus swords out from your hammerspace 1/encounter or something?

    5 armour is still too much IMO.. your AC would be in the high 50s, low 60s area without any enhancement bonus..

    two high level Walking Armoury would just be staring at each other in a fight, unable to damage the opponent..

    PS: This class would need to invest heavily on a number of swords and armour to fully utilize the abilities.. any thoughts on that? or is it intended?
    Last edited by Mavakith; 2013-12-31 at 08:24 AM.

  13. - Top - End - #13
    Orc in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Walking Armory (D&D 3.5 base class PEACH)

    Quote Originally Posted by Mavakith View Post

    have you watch the manga / anime?
    to stick to original character.. how about making a ability so that you can summon 3+Con bonus swords out from your hammerspace 1/encounter or something?
    yeah i have but where would i put such ability.
    5 armour is still too much IMO.. your AC would be in the high 50s, low 60s area without any enhancement bonus..
    i calculated it. if you went with full plate every time it would be
    {table=head]Level|Armor bonus
    so at 8th level you could have an ac of 10+16+4(shield)=30
    which i think is pretty decent.

    two high level Walking Armoury would just be staring at each other in a fight, unable to damage the opponent..

    PS: This class would need to invest heavily on a number of swords and armour to fully utilize the abilities.. any thoughts on that? or is it intended?
    you collect and store any weapons and armor you can scavenge from your opponents, store them in your hammer space, and either use or sell them.
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    Halfling in the Playground
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    biggrin Re: The Walking Armory (D&D 3.5 base class PEACH)

    Quote Originally Posted by AkazilliaDeNaro View Post

    yeah i have but where would i put such ability.
    How about lv 18? one Bnous Feat at that level feels a little dead to me..

    Quote Originally Posted by AkazilliaDeNaro View Post
    i calculated it. if you went with full plate every time it would be
    {table=head]Level|Armor bonus
    so at 8th level you could have an ac of 10+16+4(shield)=30
    which i think is pretty decent.
    well.. i was actually thinking of Mountain Plate ;)
    and +40 AC at lv 20.. is that not a problem?
    the opponents' iterative attacks would be useless..

    Quote Originally Posted by AkazilliaDeNaro View Post
    you collect and store any weapons and armor you can scavenge from your opponents, store them in your hammer space, and either use or sell them.
    For the numerous weapons I was actually thinking various spell-storing weapons, and bane weapons.. oh and did i mention Spell-storing weapons?

    one way to exploit the ability would be: get tons of spell-storing weapons, get the party caster to store a few spells, go out and have fun..

    maybe post a limit on number of weapons / armour / shield?
    Last edited by Mavakith; 2013-12-31 at 08:57 AM.

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    Default Re: The Walking Armory (D&D 3.5 base class PEACH)

    Posting to mark the thread and check it out sometime after New Year's, because the name of the class happens to be a nickname of mine.
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    Default Re: The Walking Armory (D&D 3.5 base class PEACH)

    Quote Originally Posted by Mavakith View Post

    have you watch the manga / anime?
    to stick to original character.. how about making a ability so that you can summon 3+Con bonus swords out from your hammerspace 1/encounter or something?
    Suggestion added.
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