Snips, Snails, and Dragon Tales: Now available in PDF format from Gumroad
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    Orc in the Playground
    AkazilliaDeNaro's Avatar

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    Aug 2008
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    Default Did he just do a 2000+ hit combo?!(3.5 base class) The Combo Breaker[PEACH]

    The Combo Breaker

    Spoiler: Large Image

    The Combo Breaker
    Level Base Attack Bonus Fort Ref Will Special
    Combo strike 3/round, Debuff Skill
    Combo strike 4/round
    Combo strike 5/round
    Combo strike 6/round
    Combo strike 7/round
    Combo strike 8/round
    Combo strike 9/round
    Combo strike 10/round
    Combo strike 11/round
    Combo strike 12/round

    Weapon and Armor Proficiency
    The Combo Breaker is proficient with weapons that are worn on the hands (wraps, punching daggers, spiked gauntlets etc) and simple weapons. The Combo Breaker is proficient with light armor only.

    Combo Strike(Ex)
    The Combo Breaker can to chain strikes together. Any single combo strike is always a touch attack and can only ever deal 1 damage. This damage is never decreased nor increased by any force whatsoever.

    Debuff Skill (Ex)
    At every level the Combo Breaker has learns to debuff their opponent in new and exciting ways, and as such may choose a debuff skill from the list of debuff skills or improve an already selected one. Additionally at every even level he improves a skill and at every 5th level (5, 10, 15, 20) he chooses a new one.

    When the Combo Breaker uses a combo strike he may use one of his learned debuffs, if the attack hits the target is effected by said debuff.

    Debuff Skills

    MInd Break - Target takes 1 INT damage for 24 hours (upgrades: decrease by 1)

    Slow - Target takes 1 DEX damage for 24 hours (upgrades: decrease by 1)

    Muscle Tear - Target takes 1 STR damage for 24 hours (upgrades: decrease by 1)

    Face Slash - Target takes 1 CHA damage for 24 hours (upgrades: decrease by 1)

    Bone Break - Target takes 1 CON damage for 24 hours (upgrades: decrease by 1)

    Math Test - Target takes 1 WIS damage for 24 hours (upgrades: decrease by 1)

    Sluggish - Targets reflex save is decreased by 1 for 24 hours (upgrades: decrease by 1)

    Kidney Shot - Targets Fortitude save is decreased by 1 for 24 hours (upgrades: decrease by 1)

    You Lack Conviction- Targets Will Save is decreased by 1 for 24 hours (upgrades: decrease by 1)

    Broken Rib Cage - Targets max hp is decreased by 1 for 24 hours (upgrades: decrease by 1)

    Armor Break - Decrease the targets AC by 1 for 24 hours (upgrades: decrease by 1)

    Shield Break - decrease the targets shield's armor bonus by 3 for the next 24 hours

    Shell Break - decrease the targets natural armor bonus by 3 for the next 24 hours

    Arthritis - The targets base attack bonus is decreased by 1, this does not decrease the number of attacks they make per round (upgrades: decrease by 1)

    Is your arm tired? - targets damage is decreased by 1 (upgrades: decrease by 1)

    Blindness - target is blinded for 3 rounds (upgrades: rounds by 1)

    Deafness - target is defened for 3 rounds (upgrades: rounds by 1)

    Confusion - target is under the effect of confusion for 1 round (upgrades: rounds by 1)

    Fear - target is shaken for 1 round (upgrades: rounds by 1)

    Throat Punch - speech is stopped for the next 3 rounds (upgrades: rounds by 1)

    Inner Thorns - target takes an extra 5 damage for the next five hits an ally does. (upgrades: damage by 5)

    Ground - Fly speed is shut down for the next 3 rounds (upgrades: rounds by 1)

    Hobble - Land/Swim Speed is decreased by 5’ (upgrades: distance by 5')

    Bad Luck - The next d20 roll the target makes roll twice and take the worse. (Upgrades: duration by 1)
    Last edited by AkazilliaDeNaro; 2014-04-01 at 08:12 AM.
    avatar by me!
    If you are going to shorten my name go with "Akaz" instead of "Aka" its less confusing.
    Also I may End up Capatalizing the BEginning of words, or mispelleing them interly.
    Think nothing of it, I just REALLY suck at typing.(Those examples were on purpose, though.)
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