Snips, Snails, and Dragon Tales: Now available in PDF format from Gumroad
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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Half past Crazy

    Default The Charlatan: Who am I? I'm whoever I want to be.

    The Charlatan:
    "I think I'd like to be a wizard today, or maybe a bard."
    Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
    1st +0 +0 +0 +2 Acting, props
    2nd +1 +0 +0 +3 --
    3rd +1 +1 +1 +3 Perfect disguise
    4th +2 +1 +1 +4 --
    5th +2 +1 +1 +4 Alignment mask, racial acting
    6th +3 +2 +2 +5 --
    7th +3 +2 +2 +5 Co-star
    8th +4 +2 +2 +6 --
    9th +4 +3 +3 +6 Fake ID, thought mask
    10th +5 +3 +3 +7 --
    11th +5 +3 +3 +7 --
    12th +6/+1 +4 +4 +8 --
    13th +6/+1 +4 +4 +8 --
    14th +7/+2 +4 +4 +9 --
    15th +7/+2 +5 +5 +9 --
    16th +8/+3 +5 +5 +10 --
    17th +8/+3 +5 +5 +10 --
    18th +9/+4 +6 +6 +11 --
    19th +9/+4 +6 +6 +11 --
    20th +10/+5 +6 +6 +12 --

    Hit Die: d6
    Skills: The charlatan’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Bluff (Cha), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Forgery (Int), Gather Information (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (local) (Int), Listen (Wis), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis) and Spot (Wis).
    Skill Points: 4 + Int per level (x4 at level 1).

    Weapon and Armor Proficiency:
    The charlatan is proficient with one simple weapon. They are not proficient with any other weapons, nor are they proficient with any type of armor or shields. Most roles grant additional weapon and armor proficiencies.

    Acting (Ex):
    The charlatan is a master of playing many different roles. By practicing for 1 hour, the charlatan can adopt any role from the following list: Self, Warrior, Savage, Mage, Priest, Thief, Hunter, Musician, Psychic. Once the charlatan adopts a role, they get the benefits of that role until they adopt a new role. Some roles require choices to be made at the start of each day; make those choices for every role each day (such as choosing spells prepared or feats learned), even if that role isn't in use (that way, those choices are already made should you switch to the role). Abilities gained from a role can not be used to qualify for feats or prestige classes.

    Props (Su):
    To play your roles effectively, you need the props to match. Each role has props listed with them. When the charlatan adopts a role, the listed items appear. These items vanish when the charlatan adopts another role. The charlatan can choose not to have props appear, if they wish.

    Perfect Disguise (Su):
    The perfect act starts with the perfect disguise. At 3rd level, the charlatan can shift their appearance at will, as if using the disguise self spell. This affects the charlatan’s body but not their possessions. It is not an illusory effect, but a minor physical alteration of the charlatan’s appearance, within the limits described for the spell. Once used, the transformation lasts until the charlatan uses this feature again or dismisses the transformation.

    Alignment Mask (Ex):
    An act can be hard to keep up when people are spying with magic; however, the charlatan can easily dodge such hassles. Starting at 5th level, the charlatan can begin displaying a false alignment as a full round action. When they do so, they choose any alignment. Alignment-sensing effects treat the charlatan as the chosen alignment. Once set, a false alignment remains as long as the charlatan remains conscious and awake.

    Racial Acting (Su):
    Sometimes, it is the role of the race that is the hardest to fill. Starting at 5th level, when the charlatan uses their Perfect Disguise class feature to mimic the appearance of an LA 0 race with 1 or fewer HD, they may choose to replace their own racial features with those of that race. This replacement lasts until they use Perfect Disguise again or dismiss the transformation.

    Co-star (Ex):
    Every star needs someone under them; the greatest cons require a team. Starting at 7th level, the charlatan gains a cohort. This cohort's ECL is always equal to half of the charlatan's charlatan level. This cohort has only charlatan levels, but all other details can vary. If the cohort dies, the charlatan can find and recruit a replacement by spending 24 hours looking in any settlement of at least 1000 people. Your cohort has the WBL of an NPC of their level. This cohort does not get this class feature, even once their charlatan level is high enough.

    Fake ID (Su):
    It can be really hard to sell an act when people want to see proof; how fortunate then, that the charlatan has ready supplies of fake proof. Starting at 9th level, the charlatan can, as a standard action, reach into a pocket or bag and produce fake identification for the disguise they are currently using. This identification can take on the form of a card, badge, papers, etc. This identification remains until the charlatan uses this feature again or dismisses it. People examining the identification can make a Forgery check opposed by the charlatan's Forgery check to realize the identification is fake.

    Thought Mask (Ex):
    Just as they can hide their alignment from magic, the charlatan can protect their thoughts. Starting at 9th level, any effect that would read the charlatan's surface thoughts (for example, detect thoughts) instead receives false thoughts, chosen by the charlatan. The person reading the charlatan's false thoughts can make a Sense Motive check opposed by the charlatan's Bluff to realize the thoughts are fake.

    Spoiler: Roles
    Some say the easiest role to play is yourself. The benefits of Self role are as follows:
    -No proficiencies are gained from the Self role.
    -Can change role in 1 minute instead of 1 hour.
    Props: None.

    Warriors are masters of physical combat. The benefits of the Warrior role are as follows:
    -Proficiency with simple and martial weapons, all armor (heavy, medium, and light) and shields.
    -An increase in Base Attack Bonus from charlatan levels to match the Base Attack Bonus of a fighter.
    -A number of fighter bonus feats equal to one-fifth of their charlatan level, rounded up. These feats are chosen at the start of each day, and must be qualified for normally.
    -An increase in maximum hit points by 2 per charlatan level.
    -Those using the Warrior role can use their Perform (acting) ranks in the place of their Intimidate and Climb ranks.
    Props: Longsword, Splint Mail, Light Steel Shield.

    Savages are battlers using sheer rage. The benefits of the Savage role are as follows:
    -Proficiency with simple and martial weapons, medium and light armor and shields.
    -An increase in Base Attack Bonus from charlatan levels to match the Base Attack Bonus of a barbarian.
    -An increase in maximum hit points by 2 per charlatan level.
    -Fast Movement, as the barbarian class feature.
    -Rage once per day, as the barbarian class feature.
    -Those using the Savage role have their base Reflex save increased to match their base Will save.
    -Those using the Savage role can use their Perform (acting) ranks in the place of their Jump and Intimidate ranks.
    Props: Greataxe, Leather Armor.

    Mages are weavers of magical power. The benefits of the Mage role are as follows:
    -Proficiency with quarterstaves. No armor proficiencies are gained.
    -Prepared arcane spellcasting. These spells are prepared at the start of each day, and can be chosen from the entire core sorcerer/wizard spell list (that is all wizard spells in the Player's Handbook). Save DC's are Int-based and bonus spells are Cha-based; their caster level is half their charlatan level, rounded up. The Mage roles spell slots are as follows (the first number is level 0 spells, the second is 1st level spells and so on):
    ---1-2: 2/1
    ---3-4: 2/2
    ---5-6: 2/2/1
    ---7-8: 2/2/2
    ---9-10: 2/2/2/1
    ---11-12: 2/2/2/2
    ---13-14: 2/2/2/2/1
    ---15-16: 2/2/2/2/2
    ---17-18: 2/2/2/2/2/1
    ---19-20: 2/2/2/2/2/2
    -Those using the Mage role can use their Perform (acting) ranks in the place of their Knowledge (arcana) and Spellcraft ranks; they count as trained in Knowledge (arcana) and Spellcraft.
    Props: Robes, Quarterstaff, Study Book [masterwork tool of Spellcraft], Spell Component Pouch.

    Priests are followers of the gods. The benefits of the Priest role are as follows:
    -Proficiency with simple weapons, all armor (heavy, medium, and light) and shields.
    -Prepared divine spellcasting. These spells are prepared at the start of each day, and can be chosen from the entire core cleric spell list (that is all cleric spells in the Player's Handbook). Save DC's are Wis-based and bonus spells are Cha-based; their caster level is half their charlatan level, rounded up. The Priest roles spell slots are as follows (the first number is level 0 spells, the second is 1st level spells and so on):
    ---1-2: 2/1
    ---3-4: 2/2
    ---5-6: 2/2/1
    ---7-8: 2/2/2
    ---9-10: 2/2/2/1
    ---11-12: 2/2/2/2
    ---13-14: 2/2/2/2/1
    ---15-16: 2/2/2/2/2
    ---17-18: 2/2/2/2/2/1
    ---19-20: 2/2/2/2/2/2
    -Those using the Priest role can use their Perform (acting) ranks in the place of their Knowledge (religion) and Heal ranks; they count as trained in Knowledge (religion).
    Props: Splint Mail, Light Mace, Wooden Holy Symbol, Spell Component Pouch.

    Thieves are shadows, striking from the darkness. The benefits of the Thief role are as follows:
    -Proficiency with simple weapons, shortbows and light armor.
    -Trapfinding, as the rogue class feature.
    -Sneak Attack, as the rogue class feature. The number of sneak attack dice is equal to one-third of the charlatan's charlatan level, rounded up.
    -Those using the Thief role have their base Reflex save increased to match their base Will save.
    -Those using the Thief role can use their Perform (acting) ranks in the place of their Hide, Move Silently, Open Lock and Disable Device ranks; they count as trained in Open Lock and Disable Device.
    Props: Dagger, Leather Armor, Thieves’ Tools.

    Hunters are masters of the wild. The benefits of the Hunter role are as follows:
    -Proficiency with simple and martial weapons and light armor.
    -Wild Empathy, as the Ranger class feature.
    -Favored Enemy, as a first level Ranger. The favored enemy is chosen at the start of each day.
    -Those using the Hunter role have an instinctive sense of which direction is north, even when they are underground or otherwise unable to see the sky or other visual cues. Beyond the Material Plane, this ability doesn't function.
    -Track, as a bonus feat.
    -Hunters never need worry about arrows. As a move action, they can tap their quiver to fill it to 10 arrows. These arrows vanish when the charlatan changes role or when the charlatan uses this ability again.
    -Those using the Hunter role can use their Perform (acting) ranks in the place of their Knowledge (nature) and Survival ranks; they count as trained in Knowledge (nature).
    Props: Bow (and a quiver), Leather Armor, Dagger.

    Musicians are charmers and performers. The benefits of the Musician role are as follows:
    -Proficiency with simple weapons, longswords and light armor.
    -Spontaneous arcane spellcasting. These spells are chosen from the Musician spell list. Save DC's and bonus spells are Cha-based; their caster level is half their charlatan level, rounded up. Spells gained from the Musician role do not suffer Arcane Spell Failure from light armor. The Musician roles spell slots are as follows (the first number is level 0 spells, the second is 1st level spells and so on):
    ---1-2: 1
    ---3-4: 2
    ---5-6: 2/1
    ---7-8: 2/2
    ---9-10: 2/2/1
    ---11-12: 2/2/2
    ---13-14: 2/2/2/1
    ---15-16: 2/2/2/2
    ---17-18: 2/2/2/2/1
    ---19-20: 2/2/2/2/2
    ---Musician spell list:
    -----0: Detect Magic, Lullaby, Prestidigitation, Dancing Lights.
    -----1st: Charm Person, Lesser Confusion, Grease, Comprehend Languages.
    -----2nd: Rage, Cure Moderate Wounds, Calm Emotions.
    -----3rd: Haste, Dispel Magic, Glibness.
    -----4th: Dimension Door, Shout, Freedom of Movement.
    -Bardic Music (and its effects), as a Bard of half their charlatan level, round up.
    -Those using the Musician role can use their Perform (acting) ranks in the place of their Diplomacy, Bluff, Gather Information and Perform (string instruments) ranks.
    Props: Leather Armor, Dagger, Lute, Spell Component Pouch.

    Psychics are masters of the mind. The benefits of the Psychic role are as follows:
    -Proficiency with quarterstaves. No armor proficiencies are gained.
    -Psionic manifesting. Save DC's are Int-based and bonus points are Cha-based; their manifester level is half their charlatan level, rounded up. The Psychic roles power points and powers known are as follows (the powers listed are learned at that level):
    ---1-2: 3- Distract, Energy Ray
    ---3-4: 5- Telempathic Projection
    ---5-6: 7- Detect Hostile Intent
    ---7-8: 9- Sustenance
    ---9-10: 11- Body Adjustment
    ---11-12: 13- Time Hop
    ---13-14: 15- Psionic Dimension Door
    ---15-16: 17- Psionic Divination
    ---17-18: 19- Psionic True Seeing
    ---19-20: 21- Adapt Body
    -Those using the Psychic role can use their Perform (acting) ranks in the place of their Knowledge (psionics) and Psicraft ranks; they count as trained in Knowledge (psionics) and Psicraft.
    Props: Robes, Quarterstaff, Study Book [masterwork tool of Psicraft].

    Spoiler: Items
    Charlatan's Ring:
    The Charlatan's Ring is incredibly useful to charlatans. The ring has two gems embedded in it; one dark red, one grey. The ring has no effect unless the wearer has the Props class feature. Just by wearing the ring, all weapons and armor created by the Props class feature are masterwork. In addition, each of the two gems can be enchanted. The red gem can be enchanted as a masterwork weapon; the grey gem can be enchanted as masterwork armor. These enchantments do nothing on the ring, but have an effect on the props of the wearer. Any weapons created by the Props class feature get all the enchantments on the red gem (double weapons only get this on one side); any armor created by the Props class feature get all the enchantments on the grey gem (robes count as armor for this purpose).
    Price: 2,500 gp.
    Crafting: Forge Ring, Magic Weapon, Magic Vestment OR Forge Ring, Magic Weapon, Mage Armor.

    Charlatan's Belt:
    The Charlatan's Belt helps charlatans always have the right ability scores. The belt has no effect unless the wearer has the Acting class feature. When worn, the Charlatan's Belt give the charlatan an bonus to an ability score. The ability score that receives the bonus is based on the role in use, as follows:
    • Self: Cha
    • Warrior: Str
    • Savage: Str
    • Mage: Int
    • Priest: Wis
    • Thief: Dex
    • Hunter: Dex
    • Musician: Cha
    • Psychic: Int

    Price: 8,000 gp (+2), 16,000 gp (+4) or 36,000 (+6).
    Crafting: Craft Wondrous Item, Bull's Strength, Cat's Grace, Eagle's Splendor, Fox's Cunning, Owl's Wisdom.

    My Homebrew-Estote clementes, et numquam desinete discere.-FanAdv

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    Barbarian in the Playground
    qazzquimby's Avatar

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    Vancouver Canada

    Default Re: The Charlatan: Who am I? I'm whoever I want to be.

    You might want to consider replacing the roles with associations (from the Trissociate class). Much of the work is done for you, it would give a wider range of options, and the roles would advance by level. If there is a role for which no association exists, making associations is easy.

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