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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Truth and Lies [feats]

    Just some feats for a character I am working on.

    Truth and Lies:
    You have attained a mastery over truth and lies.
    Benefit: You get a +2 bonus on all Sense Motive checks and Bluff checks.
    Special: A character may gain this feat multiple times. Its effects stack. Each time you take this feat after the first time, the skill bonuses increases by 1 (for example, you gain +3 on Sense Motive and Bluff if you take the feat a second time, for a total bonus of +5).

    Leading the Strike:
    You can read your foes movements and strike where they are going.
    Prerequisite: Sense Motive 5 ranks
    Benefit: Whenever you fight a creature, you can, as a standard action, make a Sense Motive check opposed by that creatures Bluff check.

    You then receive an insight bonus on attack rolls and damage rolls against that creature for the remainder of the combat. The amount of the bonus depends on how much your Sense Motive check surpassed your targets Bluff check, as follows:

    If your foe tied or beat your Sense Motive check, there is no bonus. If you won the opposed check by +4 or less, the bonus is +1. If you won the opposed check by +5 to +8, the bonus is +2. If you won the opposed check by +9 to +12, the bonus is +3. If you won the opposed check by +13 or more, the bonus is +4.

    You can make only three Sense Motive checks to use this benefit per combat, divided among your foes as you see fit. This benefit is an extraordinary ability.

    Tricky Steps:
    You can trick your foes into attacking in the wrong direction.
    Prerequisite: Bluff 5 ranks
    Benefit: Whenever you fight a creature, you can, as a standard action, make a Bluff check opposed by that creatures Sense Motive check.

    You then receive an dodge bonus on Armor Class and Reflex saves against that creature for the remainder of the combat. The amount of the bonus depends on how much your Bluff check surpassed your target's Sense Motive check, as follows:

    If your foe tied or beat your Bluff check, there is no bonus. If you won the opposed check by +4 or less, the bonus is +1. If you won the opposed check by +5 to +8, the bonus is +2. If you won the opposed check by +9 to +12, the bonus is +3. If you won the opposed check by +13 or more, the bonus is +4.

    You can make only three Bluff checks to use this benefit per combat, divided among your foes as you see fit. This benefit is an extraordinary ability.
    Last edited by qwertyu63; 2014-06-09 at 09:28 PM.

    My Homebrew-Estote clementes, et numquam desinete discere.-FanAdv

  2. - Top - End - #2
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: Truth and Lies [feats]

    Truth and Lies is overpowered compared to the standard +2 bonuses that normal feats give you. See Alertness as an example. There are other feats that give these bonuses and you should let it stack with those.

    Truth and Lies [General]
    You have attained a mastery over truth and lies.
    Benefit: You get a +2 bonus on all Bluff and Sense Motive checks.
    Special: This stacks with the Negotiator and Persuasive Feats

    Leading the Strike has a huge problem. You can't make Sense Motive checks in less than a minute; See skill description. By the time you've figured out where your opponent is going to strike, combat will probably be over. There are other feats that can give you an Insight bonus on attack and damage rolls (such as Knowledge Devotion from Complete Champions).

    The Bluff skill already lets you Feint in Combat (Feinting is a standard action). Furthermore, you should have Dodge as a required feat for any feat that gives additional Dodge bonuses. Dodge bonuses stack. Sorry but I'm not a fan of of Tricky Steps either.

    P.E.A.C.H. Please Evaluate And Critique Honestly. Being nicer and kinder doesn't hurt either. Note I generally only critique 3.5 and Pathfinder material.
    Please, please, please when using non-core material, cite to the books. There are too many books to wade through to find the one with the feat, special ability or spell you use.
    my creations in homebrew signature thread

  3. - Top - End - #3
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Jan 2012
    Half past Crazy

    Default Re: Truth and Lies [feats]

    Quote Originally Posted by Debihuman View Post
    Truth and Lies is overpowered compared to the standard +2 bonuses that normal feats give you. See Alertness as an example. There are other feats that give these bonuses and you should let it stack with those.
    Those feats are so weak, I usually ignore them. I am still working on the balance of it, but just a flat +2/+2 is too weak for a feat (seriously, WotC, what were you thinking?!).

    Leading the Strike has a huge problem. You can't make Sense Motive checks in less than a minute; See skill description. By the time you've figured out where your opponent is going to strike, combat will probably be over. There are other feats that can give you an Insight bonus on attack and damage rolls (such as Knowledge Devotion from Complete Champions).
    ...I'll go note the time taken... (This is, at its core, Knowledge Devotion moved to a different skill; that's the point)

    My Homebrew-Estote clementes, et numquam desinete discere.-FanAdv

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