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    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default PF Conversion - The Warshaper


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    A general description of what your class is!

    Role: Front-line melee tank/bruiser/scrapper

    Alignment: Any

    Hit Die: d8

    To qualify to become a Warshaper, a character must fulfill all of the following criteria.
    BAB: +4
    Special: Must be able to change shape in one of the following ways.
    • Change shape supernatural ability.
    • Shapechanger subtype.
    • Polymorph as a spell-like ability.
    • Able to cast the Polymorph spell.
    • Wild shape or similar class feature.

    Class Skills
    The Warshaper's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Acrobatics (Dex), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Fly (Dex), Perception (Wis), Stealth (Dex), and Swim (Str).

    Skill Ranks per Level: (4 + Int modifier)

    The Warshaper
    Level Base Attack Bonus Fort Save Ref Save Will Save Special
    Morphic abilities
    Morphic abilities
    Morphic abilities
    Morphic abilities
    Morphic abilities

    Class Features
    All of the following are class features of the Warshpaper.

    Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: The warshaper gains no new proficiencies with any weapons or armor.

    Morphic Abilities: At every level, the warshaper gains two abilities from the following list. These abilities only function when the warshaper is in a form other than his own (which for doppelganger and shapechanger warshapers is most of the time). He must meet all prerequisites for the ability desired, and once made, this choice cannot be changed.
    Morphic Anatomy (Ex): When a critical hit or sneak attack is scored against the warshaper, there is a 25% chance that the critical hit or sneak attack is negated and damage is instead rolled normally. This benefit does not stack with the fortification special ability.
    Morphic Anatomy, Improved (Ex): The chance to negate a critical hit or sneak attack is increased to 50%. The warshaper must have the morphic anatomy ability before selecting this one.
    Morphic Anatomy, Greater (Ex): The chance to negate a critical hit or sneak attack is increased to 75%. The warshaper must have the improved morphic anatomy ability before selecting this one.
    Morphic Armor (Ex): The warshaper can toughen its hide and skeleton for increased durability. The warshaper's natural armor bonus is increased by +1 and it gains DR 1/--.
    Morphic Armor, Improved (Ex): The warshaper's natural armor bonus and damage reduction are increased by 1, for a total of +2 AC and DR 2/--. The warshaper must have the morphic armor ability before selecting this one.
    Morphic Body (Ex): The warshaper can use its precise control over its form to make itself stronger and heartier. It gains +2 to Strength and Constitution. The warshaper must be at least 3rd level before selecting this ability.
    Morphic Body, Improved (Ex): The warshaper's bonus to Strength and Constitution increases to +4. The warshaper must have the morphic body ability before selecting this one.
    Morphic Healing (Su): The warshaper is able to change his form where wounds appear, creating smooth skin where once were wounds. The warshaper gains fast healing 1 for a number of rounds per day equal to his hit dice. He may suppress or resume this fast healing as a swift action, but he must do so in 1-round intervals. Additionally, as a full-round action, he may actively mend his wounds by spending 1 round of fast healing and making a Fortitude save with a DC equal to the total damage he has sustained. If he succeeds, he immediately heals 1d8+1 health. He must be at least 3rd level before selecting this ability.
    Morphic Healing, Improved (Su): The warshaper's fast healing increases to 2 per round, though he still has only 1 round per hit die. His active healing increases to 2d8+3 health, and he gets a +2 bonus on the Fortitude save. He must have the morphic healing ability before selecting this one.
    Morphic Healing, Greater (Su): The warshaper's fast healing increases to 3 per round, though he still has only 1 round per hit die. His active healing increases to 3d8+5 health, and his bonus on the Fortitude save increases to +4. He must have the improved morphic healing ability before selecting this one.
    Morphic Movement (Ex): The warshaper grows new appendages that allow him to climb, burrow, fly, or swim easily. He gains one of the following new modes of movement, and he may not select a movement that he already possesses. He may choose burrow (20 ft.), climb (20 ft.), fly (10 ft.), or swim (30 ft.). He also gains a +8 racial bonus on skill checks related to the mode of movement he gains.
    Morphic Reach (Su): The warshaper can suddenly stretch its limbs, neck, or other appendages outward, giving it 5 more feet of reach than the creature it's emulating. Unlike most creatures, warshapers don't appear to have a longer reach until they actually use it. The warshaper must be at least 3rd level and have the morphic weapons ability before selecting this one.
    Morphic Reach, Improved (Su): The warshaper can now stretch its attacks up to 10 feet further than the creature it's emulating. The warshaper must have the morphic reach ability before selecting this one.
    Morphic Senses (Ex): The warshaper gains darkvision (60 ft.), low-light vision, scent, and a +2 bonus on Perception checks.
    Morphic Senses, Improved (Ex): The warshaper gains darkvision (90 ft.), blindsense (30 ft.), and blindsight (10 ft.). His bonus on Perception checks increases to +5. The warshaper must be at least 3rd level and have the morphic senses ability before selecting this one.
    Morphic Speed (Ex): The warshaper's listed speeds in his current form are all increased by 10 feet. He gains a +2 bonus on Acrobatics, Climb, Fly, and Swim checks.
    Morphic Speed, Improved (Ex): The warshaper's listed speeds are increased by 20 feet. His bonus on Acrobatics, Climb, Fly, and Swim checks increases to +5. He must be at least 3rd level and have the morphic speed ability before selecting this one.
    Morphic Weapons (Su): As a move action, a warshaper can grow natural weapons (such as claws or fangs), allowing him to make natural attacks that deal the appropriate damage for the size of his current form. These morphic weapons need not be natural weapons that the creature already possesses. If the warshaper's form already has a natural weapon of that type, the weapon deals damage as if it were one category larger. The warshaper may grow claws on up to two appendages as part of a single action, but he normally grows only one morphic weapon per action.
    A warshaper can change or grow morphic weapons as often as it likes, even if it is using a shapechanging technique such as the polymorph spell or the wild shape class feature that doesn't allow subsequent changes after the initial transformation. The maximum number of morphic weapons a warshaper may possess at one time is equal to his level + his Constitution modifier.
    Morphic Weapons, Improved (Su): The warshaper may now grow individual morphic weapons as a swift action, or as a free action during the initial shapechanging process. He may also grow his maximum number of morphic weapons as a single move action, or as part of a movement or charge. Additionally, the warshaper's natural weapons are considered masterwork quality, granting him a +1 enhancement bonus on attack rolls. The warshaper must have the morphic weapons ability before selecting this one.
    Flashmorph (Su): The warshaper can change form more quickly that others with similar abilities. If he normally changes shape as a standard or full round action, he can instead change shape as a move action, or as part of a movement or charge. If he normally changes shape as a move action, he can instead change shape as a swift action. This applies only to warshapers who have the ability to change form at will, such as with the change shape ability, the shapechanger subtype, or a polymorph spell-like ability. The warshaper must be at least 5th level before selecting this ability.
    Multimorph (Su): This ability allows the warshaper to change forms multiple times during the duration of the spell, spell-like ability, or class feature that enables him to change form. Each change requires a standard action, and any additional or instantaneous benefits he gains when he first changes form do not apply to future changes. This applies only to warshapers who change form with the wild shape class feature, by casting a polymorph spell, or by using a polymorph spell like ability that is usable less often than "at will." The warshaper must be at least 5th level before selecting this ability.
    Last edited by gr8artist; 2014-08-24 at 10:51 PM.
    My Homebrew and Extended Signature
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  2. - Top - End - #2
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: PF Conversion - The Warshaper

    My design philosophy was to allow greater customization at the expense of power by dividing otherwise overpowered abilies into lesser abilities and upgrades, and give the class more opportunities to choose abilities. Ideally, if it spends all 10 abilities on the stuff it had before, it should be comparable but a little weaker than the original.

    I updated the class with a few new abilities, and fleshed out a few of the ones I'd already listed. There's about 10 or 11 different abilities now, most of which have one or more improvements to their effectiveness and strength. There are 21 abilities to choose from total, and a 5th level warshaper gets to choose 10 of them.
    My Homebrew and Extended Signature
    Current avatar: Charza Sahlaren, by gr8artist

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