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    Orc in the Playground
    AkazilliaDeNaro's Avatar

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    Default (3.5 Cursed Artifact) The Hood of Voice[PEACH]

    The Hood of Voice

    The Hood of Voice originally appears as piece of black cloth. When held for the first time The Hood of Voice transforms into a perfectly sized hood.
    The hoods design ranges from person to person, but it always has one thing in common, somewhere on the hood is the acronym “N.I.N.E.”.

    The Hood is one of eight pieces of “The Equipment of N.I.N.E.” The other seven pieces are as follows.

    • The Blindfold of Sight
    • The Gloves of Fist
    • The GasMask of Breath
    • The Boots of Step
    • The Amulet of Spirit
    • The Coat of Body
    • The Headband of Mind

    All spells are treated as if cast at 20th level
    1st 3/day
    • Horizikaul’s Boom(MoF p101)
    • Orb of Sound, Lesser(CArc p116)

    2nd 3/day
    • Tasha’s Hideous Laughter
    • Silence

    3rd 3/day
    • Wounding Whispers(MoF p134)
    • Dirge of Discord(CAdv p145)
    • Harmonic Chorus(CAdv p150)

    4th 2/day
    • Shout
    • Orb of Sound(CArc p116)

    5th 2/day
    • Horizikaul’s Versatile Vibration(MoF p101)
    • Haunting Tune(MoF p99)

    6th 2/day
    • Infernal Threnody(CAdv p152)
    • Hymn of Praise(CAdv p152)
    • Allegro(CAdv p142)
    • Resonating Bolt(CArc p121)

    7th 1/day
    • Holy Word
    • Power Word Blind
    • Word of Chaos
    • Word of Recall
    • Song of Discord

    8th 1/day
    • Power Word Stun
    • Shout Greater

    9th 1/day
    • Power Word Kill 1/day

    Infinite Uses
    • Lullaby
    • Horizikaul’s Cough(MoF p101)
    • Sending
    • Message
    • Ventriloquism
    • Ghost Sound
    • Whispering Wind
    • Sculpt Sound
    • Silent Portal
    • Warning Shout(MoF p132)
    • Speechlink(MoF p121)

    • Speak With Animals/Plants/Dead
    • Tongues

    Ultimate Power - God Speak
    Once per week, when the wearer focuses and says “Words Have Power”, anything he says in the next minute is in the Language of Gods, and has the following effects; (note: Talking is still a free action.)
    • Anyone hearing must make a will save(dc 30) or be deafed for 4 rounds, if they pass the save they are immune for the duration of the ability.
    • If the wearer gives a command the target of the command (regardless if it can hear it) must make a will save(dc 30) or obey. usable once per 3 rounds.

    If he says a specific set of words they have the following effects;
    • Energy Burst - Causes all Creatures in the area to take 6d6 damage of the chosen energy. Usable once per 3 rounds.
    • Specific Item - Summons a specific item that the user is familiar with(i.e. been around for at least 24 hours.) to within the users grasp. Usable once per round.

    The Curse
    Once you wear the Hood of Voice you are robbed of your voice and hearing, permanently. Your ears and vocal cords are removed, and the area around your ears and vocal cords become charred and blackened. The this effect is attached to your body and soul. Nothing has the power to reverse it. The only way for you to be able to speak and hear is by wearing the Hood. The Hood is not bound to you in any way, so you are capable of losing it, having it stolen, or selling it. You cannot be forced, coerced, mind controlled, or tricked into wearing The Hood.

    Spoiler: Non-Standard Spells Details
    Horizikaul’s Cough(MoF p101)
    <Evoc[sonic], VS, 1StdAct, Close-Range>
    – Target takes 1 point of Sonic damage (no save) & is Deafened for 1 round (WillNeg).
    Horizikaul’s Boom(MoF p101)
    <Evoc[sonic], VS, 1StdAct, Close-range, Will˝>
    – Target takes 1d4 Sonic damage per 2 levels (max 5d4) (no save), plus Deafened (WillNeg).
    Horizikaul’s Versatile Vibration(MoF p101)
    <Evoc[sonic], VSF(50gp gold & brass cone), 1StdAct, Close-range, Concentration up to 1rnd/lvl, Ref˝>
    – Cone of sound deals 1hp of Sonic damage per 2 levels each round.
    Also, the cone can be pointed at objects, which are pushed away up to 10’/lvl.
    Only 25 pounds per level of objects can be targeted.
    In order to hit a creature with a targeted object, the caster must make an attack roll, using his/her Base Attack Bonus + Intelligence modifier.
    If the target object was a weapon, it does normal damage (no Strength modifier), while other objects do from 1hp to 1d6hp damage per 25 pounds, depending on the object.
    If a creature is to be thrown, it receives a Will save to negated & it takes 1d6 damage if thrown against a wall.
    Orb of Sound(CArc p116)
    <Conj(sum)[sonic], VS, 1StdAct, Close-range, Instantaneous, Fort˝, no SR>
    – Ranged Touch Attack does the following:
    a) 1d4 Sonic damage per level (max 15d4) (no save);
    b) if the target took at least 1 point of Sonic damage, he/she is Deafened for 1 round (FortNeg).
    Orb of Sound, Lesser(CArc p116)
    <Conj(sum)[sonic], VS, 1StdAct, Close-range, Instantaneous, no save, no SR>
    – Does 1d6 Sonic damage per two levels after
    1st (1d6 at 1st, 2d6 at 3rd, etc.) (max 5d6) on a successful Ranged Touch Attack.
    Wounding Whispers(MoF p134)
    <Abj[sonic], VS, 1StdAct, Personal, 1rnd/lvl(D)>
    – Caster is surrounded by a sonic aura that harms those who attack him.
    Anything striking the caster with a non-reach melee attack takes 1d6 + 1/lvl Sonic damage.
    Dirge of Discord(CAdv p145)
    <Ench(comp)[evil][mind], VSM(destrachan ash), 1StdAct, Close-range, Concentration + 1rnd/lvl, WillNeg, SR applies>
    – All creatures in a 20’ radius Spread take the
    following penalties:
    a) –4 penalty to Dexterity;
    b) –4 penalty on attacks;
    c) –4 penalty on Concentration checks;
    d) 50% reduction in speed (minimum 5’).
    Harmonic Chorus(CAdv p150)
    <Ench(comp)[mind], VSF(tuning fork), 1StdAct,
    Close-range, Concentration up to 1rnd/lvl>
    – The target living spellcaster gains a +2 Morale bonus on Caster level and a +2 Morale bonus on the DC of spells he/she casts.
    Haunting Tune(MoF p99)(MoFe)+
    <Ench(comp)[mind][sonic], VS, 1FullRound, Mediumrange, 10min/lvl, WillNeg>
    – One creature per level with an Intelligence of at least 10 becomes Shaken.
    Hymn of Praise(CAdv p152)
    <Evoc[good][sonic], VS, 1StdAct, Medium-range, 1rnd/lvl(D), WillNeg, SR applies>
    – The cater creates an circle of positive energy in a sphere out to Medium-range.
    This has the following effects:
    a) boosting the effective level of Goodaligned Divine spellcasters by +2;
    b) +4 Sacred bonus on Charisma checks to Turn Undead by Good-aligned Divine
    c) –4 Sacred penalty on Charisma checks to Rebuke Undead by Evil-aligned Divine spellcasters.
    Infernal Threnody(CAdv p152)
    <Evoc[evil][sonic], VS, 1Round, Medium-range, 1rnd/lvl(D), WillNeg, SR applies>
    – The cater creates an circle of positive energy in a sphere out to Medium-range.
    This has the following effects:
    a) boosting the effective level of Evil-aligned Divine spellcasters by +2;
    b) +4 Profane bonus on Charisma checks to Rebuke Undead by Evil-aligned Divine spellcasters;
    c) –4 Profane penalty on Charisma checks to Turn Undead by Good-aligned Divine spellcasters.
    Allegro(CAdv p142)
    <Trans, VSM(feather from a bird of prey), 1StdAct, 1min/lvl(D)>
    – All creatures within a 10’ radius Burst of the caster receive a +30’ Enhancement bonus to their land speed, up to double their base speed for the spell’s duration.

    Speechlink(MoF p121)(MoFe)+
    <Div, VS, 1StdAct, Touch, 10min/lvl(D)>
    – The caster & the touched targets can verbally communicate over any distance.
    Resonating Bolt(CArc p121)
    <Evoc[sonic], VS, 1StdAct, Instantaneous, Ref˝, SR applies>
    – All creatures and object in a 60’ long Line from the caster take 1d4 Sonic damage per level (max 10d4).
    If the line strikes a barrier that is broken by the damage, the line continues out to the full 60’.
    Song of Discord(PH p281)
    <Ench(comp)[mind][sonic], VS, 1StdAct, Mediumrange, 1rnd/lvl, WillNeg, SR applies>
    – All creatures within a 20’ radius Spread have a 50% chance each round of attacking the nearest target, whether friend or foe.
    Warning Shout(MoF p132) [Pal1] – All livingcreatures within half a mile hear your shout.
    MoF=Magic of Faerűn
    CAdv= Complete Adventure
    CArc= Complete Arcane
    Last edited by AkazilliaDeNaro; 2014-08-25 at 03:30 PM.
    avatar by me!
    If you are going to shorten my name go with "Akaz" instead of "Aka" its less confusing.
    Also I may End up Capatalizing the BEginning of words, or mispelleing them interly.
    Think nothing of it, I just REALLY suck at typing.(Those examples were on purpose, though.)
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  2. - Top - End - #2
    Jormengand's Avatar

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    In the Playground, duh.

    Default Re: (3.5 Cursed Artifact) The Hood of Voice[PEACH]

    So you need to speak to use the hood but you can't speak until you do use the hood?

    Also, you can only speak once/week so it's really hard to use the other N.I.N.E. artifacts, assuming they work the same way as the hood and the blindfold.

  3. - Top - End - #3
    Orc in the Playground
    AkazilliaDeNaro's Avatar

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    Default Re: (3.5 Cursed Artifact) The Hood of Voice[PEACH]

    Quote Originally Posted by Jormengand View Post
    So you need to speak to use the hood but you can't speak until you do use the hood?

    Also, you can only speak once/week so it's really hard to use the other N.I.N.E. artifacts, assuming they work the same way as the hood and the blindfold.

    Its meant to be, you only have the ability to speak normally while wearing the hood, and the god speak is its special ability.
    avatar by me!
    If you are going to shorten my name go with "Akaz" instead of "Aka" its less confusing.
    Also I may End up Capatalizing the BEginning of words, or mispelleing them interly.
    Think nothing of it, I just REALLY suck at typing.(Those examples were on purpose, though.)
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  4. - Top - End - #4
    Jormengand's Avatar

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    Default Re: (3.5 Cursed Artifact) The Hood of Voice[PEACH]

    Quote Originally Posted by AkazilliaDeNaro View Post
    Its meant to be, you only have the ability to speak normally while wearing the hood, and the god speak is its special ability.
    See, the wording on the blindfold makes it sound as though you need to use My Vision Is Exceptional to see, not just be wearing the blindfold, so I assumed a similar thing applied to the hood - indeed, "Using" the hood implies that you have to, well, use it rather than just having it on your head. Replace it with "Wearing"?

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