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    Titan in the Playground
    Morph Bark's Avatar

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    Default EMPIRE! Rules and Administration

    This thread is specifically to keep track of the current rules of the EMPIRE! game, as well as the records on ruler stats, trades, treaties, technologies, populations, military, agents, holy orders and so on and so forth.

    I'll be reserving several posts for the rules and then leave the rest of the thread to be posted in by those tracking all other matters with regards to EMPIRE!.
    Homebrewer's Signature | Avatar by Strawberries

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    Titan in the Playground
    Morph Bark's Avatar

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    Oct 2008

    Default Re: EMPIRE! Rules and Administration

    ~ ~ Them's The Rules ~ ~

    Below in all the spoilers are the rules, with headers describing their general contents. Newly added rules are put in Red text. All sections have a Skip? section just below their title. Some of these sections aren't necessary to play the game, unless you want to perform the specific actions they deal with. Other sections are required or very helpful to know and are marked with Don't skip in green text. This helps making learning the game a little easier. There is also the [advanced] tag next to some of the sections, indicating that they are more complex and are best saved for later.

    A Note on Magic
    Magic is not available to the players when they start. Empire is a low-magic setting overall. There are magical beasts, supernatural occurrences and the occasional miracle, but spells are only available to one in a thousand people in a handful of regions who have been explicitly given it by the head GM or by players creating higher-tier technologies based off supernatural resources (see "Curiosity"), or their use of a miracle (see "Faith"). Magic is purely fluff and rather low-power. Only when magic comes into conflict with itself does it escalate, meaning that while a mage is little threat on their own, a duel between mages can escalate over time as the magical power increases due to the conflict.

    Starting: Creating a Region
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    Spoiler: The Basics
    In EMPIRE! you start play as the ruler of a country, the head of their family that rules one of the regions. You perform actions to improve your ruler and country and their position in the world through alliances, trade, finding your children suitable spouses, researching new technology and waging war. Once your ruler dies of old age, disease, accident or murder, their heir takes over, becoming your new ruling character controlling the nation.

    Since recently, it has become possible to also play the rulers of countries that do not inherit the position, but are chosen or prove themselves, as with a democracy or a meritocracy. The mechanics for subsequent rulers are slightly different, but your first ruler starts the same way regardless of their country’s form of government. See the info under “Starting: Creating Your First Ruler”.

    Describing Your Country
    When a new player enters the game, they first must claim a region and describe it in fluff. If there currently aren’t any claimable regions, or there are people on the waiting list, prospective new players are put on the waiting list to await their turn. Some regions are of a special type, which you can find below under "regions and region types".

    Population: A new region starts with a population of 30,000 + (10d10 x 1,000). Underground regions start with 15,000 + (8d10 x 1,000). Polar regions start with 3,000 + (3d10 x 1,000). If you take over an existing country from a retiring player, you don’t have to reroll Population. Population is increased by the GM every few rounds. War decreases the amount population is increased by, while having variety in food resources (in your region and imported) increases the amount.

    Terrain: Describe the physical features of your selected region, including three major landmarks—no more, no less. You may divulge a bit more on general landscape, and you are entirely free in amount of towns or cities you wish to have—provided that the amount suits well with the population the region has.

    People: Describe what the people in the region generally look like. You are free to throw in little details about their culture as well. What race are they? What do they do in their daily lives? It might be a good idea to see what your neighbours’ people are like, because yours and theirs are likely similar in some ways, or at least have some interesting interaction possibilities.

    Resources: Describe three major resources that can be found in the region, as well as at least one resource the people will have to import from outside out of necessity or desire (for religious rituals or cultural reasons). You can have something that doesn't exist in the real world as a resource, such as special metals like mithril or adamantium, or things that would be great for alchemy or chemistry or certain technologies, but to start using these requires a technological advance of its own. It can prove hard to get it at first, but most things that are hard to acquire are very much worth it. These three resources start at [Good] quality. The import necessity will not be automatically satisfied; you have to strike a deal with a player who has it as a resource to trade it with you.

    You can trade resources with other players. If a resource is Good you can trade it resource with up to 3 other players and if the resource is Great you can trade it with up to 6 other players. Effectively, this means a Good resource has 4 ‘stacks’ of that resource, whereas a Great resource has 7 ‘stacks’ of that resource that can be used in that round. If you trade with other players, you effectively give them one stack of your resources every round in return for one stack of one of their resources (or in return for a service). One of these stacks always remains in the region it originates from. You cannot stockpile resources for later rounds.

    Religion: Religion is very important in EMPIRE! When a player enters the game, their people are either pagans (animist, shamanist, druidist, unorganised religions involved with spirits, ancestor worship) or adherents of the Lord of Fire. The Lord of Fire is the god of a monotheistic religion with the Blazing Avatar as its head, who resides in a temple city in the mountains. The Blazing Avatar is said to channel the Lord of Fire himself and is an important figure throughout the continent, but cannot directly interfere. Gaining his support can be helpful or have unusual effects. Players can introduce their own religions with a special action if they have a Faith score of 5 (see below), raising an existing spiritual cult to official status, introducing something entirely new, or making a major change to an existing religion in their region.

    Besides these things, regions also have a list of Technologies available in the region. The technology level at the start of the game is roughly early Medieval times, so things like plate armor, book-presses and complex siege weapons don't exist yet. Players can introduce new technologies through their actions (see below, under Curiosity).

    Region Types
    Skip? Don't skip. This is required material to know if you want to play EMPIRE! However, you can skip the region types that your starting region does not belong to, at least for now.
    Spoiler: Region Types
    You can check the first post in the Lands of Telluris thread to see which regions have been discovered, find out if a region has known underground region below them, and various other useful things. This thread would also be where you post the details of a region you possess.

    A player can have no more than 8 regions under their direct control. To have more regions fall under their realm, they will have to vassalize other players, which requires having a Great Kingdom. See the vassal rules below for more information in that regard.

    Newly discovered regions may have resources or populations defined by the GM. Where these details are left up to the player to determine, the normal rules and restrictions apply depending on region type.

    Standard Regions

    The standard type of region is a land region. They are noted in the tables with a number. Land regions with a known underground region beneath them are sometimes noted with the suffix “A”. Land regions can have a large variety of terrain types and resources. Land regions count as adjacent to other land regions that border them, and to underground regions directly below them. They do not count as adjacent to underground regions not directly below them.

    Land regions have a default population of 300,000 + (10d10 x 10,000), unless defined otherwise. Land regions have a default limit of four resources per region, up to two of which can be Great resources. The default type of military unit raised in all standard regions is Ground (or Land) Units.

    Coastal Regions
    Coastal region are land regions with a coastline. They have no special designation by number. Their territory includes the land area and an area of territorial waters offshore. This may mean coastal regions are considered adjacent to other regions with which they do not share a land border for purposes of colonisation or forming a Great Kingdom. Coastal regions can build Naval units (and be attacked by them). In all other respects coastal regions are identical to normal land regions.

    Polar Regions
    Polar regions are land regions that are near the North or South Pole. They are noted in the tables by "P", and then then number of the Polar region. Polar regions have a smaller population than normal land regions and a hard cap on the amount of resources they can have. Namely, they can have no more than two resources native to the region and food resources cannot rise above Good quality. However, a resource that is not a food resource can still be increased to Great quality. Polar regions have a default population of 300,000 + (3d10 x 10,000), unless defined otherwise. In other respects polar regions are identical to normal land regions.

    Special Regions

    Special regions are regions that generally require technology to get to or from. Special regions also have a different default type of Military Unit from land regions, which you will see designated within each. Note that militias for these regions will take on the default Military unit characteristics of the involved region. Be aware that special regions have conditions that may not allow all of your technologies to work. For instance, Ocean Faring Ships technology would not work in a sky region, and many technologies may not work in underwater regions.

    Underground Regions
    Underground regions are regions that occupy the same area as a land region, but are situated below them. They are noted in the tables by adding "below", "belowground", or simply a "B" behind the number. Not all land regions have an underground region below them. Some land regions may have an underground region below them without it being known yet. You can send explorers to check if there is one. Typically, regions that have a coast or are relatively flat do not have an underground region, while regions that have mountains do, but this is not a hard and fast rule. Most underground regions do not require a technology to access.

    Underground regions count as adjacent to adjacent underground regions and the region they are situated below, but not as adjacent to their aboveground companion region's neighbours. Underground regions have a default population of 150,000 + (8d10 x 10,000), unless defined otherwise. They have no hard restrictions on resources, aside from the fact that their resources cannot be something that would need to be on the surface to achieve, such as crops, without a detailed reason why it is possible.

    Island Regions
    Island regions are easy to recognize from the map, as they are a region completely surrounded by sea. They are noted with a number in the tables and on the map. To get to or from an island region you will usually need a technology to do so - for example: Ocean-Faring Ships or equivalent. However, if the island region shares territorial waters with a coastal region or is adjacent to another island region, you can reach these without technology. Other technologies may assist in accessing these regions in other ways. For the purposes of forming a Great Kingdom, island regions are considered adjacent to other island regions or to coastal regions if they can draw a straight line from their region to the other without crossing another land or island region.

    Island regions have the same population and resource restrictions as normal land regions. The default type of military units raised in an island region is Naval Units. Island regions can be attacked and defended by Land, Naval,or Aerial units, though with attackers, you must have the proper technology to get units there to attack.

    Underwater Regions
    Underwater regions are regions that are near beneath the waves of the oceans of Telluris, generally on the ocean floor. They are noted in the tables by a "U", and then then number of the underwater region. Underwater regions are difficult regions to dwell in, as the area is completely different from land or even underground regions. Since they are so difficult to access and live in, you must have a separate technology devoted to the different aspects of region claiming – exploration, colonization, and Aquatic units for conquest. You can colonize a region without Aquatic units, but you will be hard pressed to defend your underwater region should it be attacked. Other technologies may assist in accessing these regions in other ways as well.

    Because of the vastness of the depths beneath the oceans and the difficulty of exploration, it takes 2 turns rather than the normal 1 to explore for underwater regions. While underwater regions have no hard restrictions on resources, their resources cannot be something that would not normally be found underwater, such as goats, without explaining how that resource can be there in the region details. For example – Sea Goats.

    Underwater regions have a default population of 150,000 + (8d10 x 10,000), unless defined otherwise. The default type of military units raised in an underwater region is Aquatic Units.

    Sky Regions
    Currently, there are no Sky regions in Telluris, but someday there might be. Since there currently are not any of these, you won’t find a designation for them on the tables. Sky regions are difficult regions to dwell in, as the area is extremely high and hard to access. Since sky regions are so difficult to access and live in, you must have a separate technology devoted to the different aspects of region claiming – exploration, colonization, and aerial units for conquest. You can colonize a region without aerial units, but you will be hard pressed to defend your sky region should it be attacked. Other technologies may assist in accessing these regions in other ways as well. While sky regions have no hard restrictions on resources, their resources cannot be something that would not normally be found there, such as a mineable resource, without an explanation as to how it exists in your region.

    The default type of military units raised in an aerial region is Aerial Units.

    Starting: Creating Your First Ruler
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    Spoiler: Rulers
    All player characters have the following attributes: Diplomacy, Military, Curiosity, Faith and Luck. When a new player starts, they roll 1d4 for each attribute, and then place them where they want. They may add 1 point to two of their attributes beyond that.

    You can make your rolls in this linked thread. Be sure to read the guidelines in the opening post there, and link to it in your compilation post with the ruler and country info. If you roll more than one 1, you may reroll any 1s beyond the first once. If you have more than two 1s after the reroll, those 1s become 2s (you are still left with two 1s).

    Changing Rulers
    Changing rulers is a non-action. If your current character dies or abdicates the throne, their heir takes their place. Usually this is the oldest child, but other succession laws may be in place (oldest son or oldest daughter, for instance). Roll 1d4 for their attributes, in order. They get a +1 in any attributes that their parent had a 4 or higher in; and a +2 in any attributes their parent had an 8 or higher in. Children who are adopted also receive these bonuses (children are always adopted at a young age and thus their new parent has a profound effect on their education).

    If the new ruler is not a child of a previous ruler, they only get a +1 to two attribute scores (chosen freely), but may arrange the rolled scores freely, as with the first ruler of a new player. Regents who rule while the heir waits to come of age fall under this category as well. Regents cannot perform Special Actions. Regents can become legitimate rulers through a coup d'état and ridding themselves of the heir who would otherwise become the next legitimate ruler. This will enable regents to perform Special Actions.

    If you change rulers during a round, use your former ruler’s attribute scores for this round. Effectively, their decrees and commands for the current period are still in effect. If you decide to change rulers before the round starts, you can change them at the start of the turn, in which case you will use your new ruler’s attribute scores. If you want to change rulers before a round starts, you must note in the post of the previous round that you will be switching rulers. You must do this before that round ends, because posts edited after that round has ended will not have their actions be counted.

    Please link the rolled stats for your new ruler in your IC post in which they first come into play.

    Skip? Don't skip. This is required material to know if you want to play EMPIRE! and it describes some bonuses for new players.
    Spoiler: Rounds
    Each round will take (roughly) one OOC week (5 years in-game) and will be announced by the GM when it starts. The GM will close the previous rounds first and use the intermediate time between closing a round and starting the next to update information and create Events. During each round you have five actions you can spend doing things.

    Rounds are one week. If players haven't posted by the end of that week, their round is considered wasted. If all players have posted before the end of that week, the next round may start sooner. Rounds start on Sunday morning. Some players may only have time on weekends, and I figure they still might not have all weekends available. This way, they can post one round's actions on Saturday, and the next round's actions the day after, not needing to worry about it until Saturday two weeks later (unless they have conversations standing with other players).

    Important to note is that the effects of actions don’t kick in until the end of the round. Armies raised in a round can therefore not be used until the next round, attribute increases only are added at the end of the round, and newly discovered resources or newly acquired technologies cannot be used until the round after they were introduced in your region. This is primarily because it makes keeping track easier for the GM and co-GMs.

    New Player Bonus Actions
    New players receive five bonus actions in their first round. This is so that new players can catch up with older players, using the actions to raise a number of troops, use Attribute 5 Special actions or even start with a finished Great Project. That’s right: you may spend multiple of these bonus actions on the same Great Project, resulting in a finished Great Project if you spend all of them on it. New players are barred from a few things with these bonus actions, however. These bonus actions may not be used to explore or colonize other regions.

    Because aspiring players are (sometimes) put on the waiting list until there are multiple of them, new players can cooperate and coordinate their bonus actions to great effect, allowing starting players to make a big impact.

    Secret Actions
    You can spend one of your five actions in a turn doing a secret action. This secret action can be anything you want to keep secret from other players, such as a secret Great Project, spreading (false) technology, covert religious conversion or sending spies to another region to discover secret plots, for example. You have to send this secret action to the GM for verification, otherwise it will not be counted. Secret actions can be revealed at a later date, either by the player, the GM, or through the actions of other players.

    Secret actions do not count for attribute increases.

    Secret actions have been removed for the time being, because I won't have enough time to deal with them for the foreseeable future.

    Some things may take more than one round to complete. These are called ‘projects’, and you need to spend one action per round on them. You cannot spend more than one action per round on a project. Some take only 2 rounds, like making the roads a little better between your cities. Some are Great Projects that take 5 rounds, like making a road network between all your towns, cities, fortresses and bordering countries, a Great Wall, an Underway or some amazing wondrous building.

    Acquiring New Regions
    New regions can be acquired and come under your control in several ways. Conquest is one of the simplest ones (detailed under Military below). Another is by marrying yourself or your heir to the heir of that region, as long as the marriage makes it so that they become part of your family (instead of your heir becoming part of theirs, which would mean game-over unless you change who your heir is). This might be easy with NPC-controlled regions, and likely impossible with player-controlled regions. Pressing a marriage claim, ancestral claim or land claim to a region is detailed under Diplomacy.

    Another way is by exploring and finding other regions and colonizing them through conquest or diplomacy, setting up trading posts or puppet rulers under your control in those regions.

    Increasing Attributes
    Every turn a player has completed their actions, they list at the end of their post what attributes they increase. Players’ rulers get a +1 increase if they dedicate two actions to actions related to a particular attribute, so if you use two actions to raise army units you have spent two actions on Military actions, for example. This would mean you then increase your Military by +1 at the end of the round. Since you have five actions, you can therefore increase two scores by +1 or one score by +2 if you spend four actions doing things related to a single attribute.

    Please note clearly at the end of your post in the IC thread which attributes you increase so that co-GM TheWombatOfDoom can clearly note it in his tables. Attribute scores are capped at 10 and each provides special kinds of actions at scores 5 and 10, some of which can only be performed once per ruling character.

    What Attribute Does an Action Belong To?
    Because it can often be unclear what attribute an action belongs to (and might increase), allow me to clarify.

    General: Any action that requires an attribute roll belongs to that attribute. Attribute’s Special actions always belong to their attribute. Doing any actions specifically underlined under an attribute’s rules—such as setting up trade posts under Curiosity—belongs to that attribute.

    Diplomacy: Forming alliances, arranging marriages or betrothals for your character or their relatives, changing laws—unless those laws specifically apply to military or religious endeavors.

    Military: Any action to raise troops or militia or utilize their services.

    Curiosity: Anything that has to do with trade or investigation. Nearly anything that gets built falls under Curiosity, unless said building specifically falls under a different attribute (for instance, temples fall under Faith, while fortresses fall under Military).

    Faith: Religious gatherings, prayers, dealing with the heads or priests of your religion or those of others.

    Base Mechanic: Contested Rolls
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    Spoiler: Base Mechanics
    The base mechanic for contested rolls, something that is a key point in any dice-based game with multiple players that aren’t necessarily working together, is very simple.

    You roll 2d6 and add the relevant attribute score for the action, and then add any relevant modifiers (from technology, agents, holy orders, etc.). Any fractions are rounded UP.

    Military battles function a little bit differently, simply due to the large numbers that can get involved. In their case, roll 2d10, add the Military score of your ruler (or half their score if they aren’t personally leading the battle) and any other relevant modifiers.

    Skip? Don't skip. This is required material to know if you want to play EMPIRE!
    Spoiler: Diplomacy
    A higher Diplomacy score decreases chances of riots and rebellions in any lands you hold and chances of finding a good spouse. It also increases the chances of NPCs agreeing to proposals you offer.

    Forming alliances, arranging a marriage or betrothal for your character or their children, changing laws.

    Diplomacy 5 Special: Stabilization of Order
    If you have a score of 5 in Diplomacy, you can spend an action to stabilize a single region. This will prevent riots or rebellions from breaking out, which are common if you aren’t importing your people’s Import Necessity from another region, there are other claimants to the throne, the ruler is of a different religion than the people, or the country is being wrecked by natural disaster. The stability will last until the end of the ruler’s reign and may last beyond it if the region is treated well.

    Diplomacy 10 Special: Country Unity: If you have a score of 10 in Diplomacy, you may combine stable regions that you control into a bigger one and claim a higher title.
    • 4 or more adjacent regions combine into a Great Kingdom, becoming a Great King. Great Kings have one bonus action per round. You lose the title if you ever control less than 4 adjacent regions.
    • 12 regions (including vassals) combine into an Empire, becoming an Emperor. You must already have a Great Kingdom. Emperors have two bonus actions per round. You lose the title if you ever control less than 12 regions.

    If you attempt to form a Great Kingdom, it will be handy if you link to earlier posts where you performed the Diplomacy 5 action to stabilize any regions that are not your home region. This doesn't just help us see that you've done it for all of them, but it also gives you a double-check for yourself on each of the regions.

    A player who is Liege to NPC vassals (see “Country Relationships & Ways of Expansion”) may also spend a Diplomacy 10 action on them to turn them into a Great Kingdom, provided that the player already has an Empire and their current ruler is not the one who formed the Empire, as the once-per-ruler rule still applies.

    Skip? Don't skip. This is required material to know if you want to play EMPIRE!
    Spoiler: Military
    Military actions are things that involve training or using armies, navies and aerial units in both offense and defense.

    Raising a military unit (equivalent to 1000 soldiers; whether it’s an army unit, naval unit or aerial unit), training militia, defending your land or invading another region, building fortifications.

    Unit Types
    There are four unit types: Land (or Ground), Naval , Aerial, and Aquatic. Whether a type of unit can be raised in a region depends on the region type (see Region Types). Technologies may enable types of unit to be raised in a region where they could not normally be. If not specified, units are of the default unit type for that region. Militia are always of the default unit type.

    Land units can fight in land regions and underground regions. If transported by Naval units, they may fight in naval battles at 1/4 effectiveness.

    Aerial units can fight in sky regions. They may fight in land regions, but if they do they can also be attacked by land units. If transported by Naval units, they may also fight in naval battles at 1/4 effectiveness.

    Aquatic units can fight in underwater regions. They may fight in naval battles, but if they do they can also be attacked by naval units/transported units.

    Naval units can attack coastal regions, and if they do they can also be attacked by land units. Naval units can be used in defense of a region only against attacks by Naval units. The exception to this is island regions, which Naval units can also defend against Land units and Aerial units. Naval units may also be used to transport other types of unit: see the rules on unit transportation below.

    Training Military Units
    You can raise one military unit (equivalent to 1,000 troops) in one action. You must specify in this action whether they are Land units (army), Naval units (navy at sea), Aerial units or Aquatic units. If you do not specify, they will be of the default unit type for that region. Also, if you have control over multiple regions, you must specify in which region you train them.

    If you want to have naval units with boats, you need to have access to wood (at least as a minor resource). If you want to equip your armies with weapons, you need to have access to appropriate materials (wood, certain metals, etc). For aerial units, you need some method of flight (flying creatures, appropriate technology, magic, etc).

    The maximum amount of troops you can raise from your capital region is 10,000. The maximum amount of troops you can raise from other regions you control is 5,000. Armies can never be larger than 1% in any region you control, which means that if your capital region has less than 1,000,000 inhabitants, or any other region you control has less than 500,000, you cannot raise up to the maximum amount of troops.

    Military 5 Special: Agents
    If you have a Military score of 5, you can introduce agents. Agents are special operatives with specialized skills. Use one word to describe a profession or skillset. You will receive a +2 bonus on any rolls in which agents are involved and the particular action requires extensive use of that skillset.

    To train agents and use a Military 5 Special action to create them, you must either have a resource in any of your regions that is a particular kind of people (like ‘Craftsmen’ or ‘Athletes’) or you must have a finished Great Project in the form of a school (like the Kasumor Academy for Culture and Prowess). This makes agents perfect for a specific type of job and often useful as spies or for secret actions.

    You can have only one type of agent at any time. Introducing a new type with a different set of skills based on a different resource or Great Project school makes it replace the old one.

    Military 10 Special: Winning Tactic
    If you have a Military score of 10, you can introduce a Winning Tactic. A Winning Tactic gives you a +4 bonus to all Military rolls in one specific kind of terrain. For their use in battle and tactical maneuvering, see the Military [advanced] rules.

    Winning Tactics apply to one type of area only, as determined at the time the player introduces their Winning Tactic or until they change it with a new Military 10 action. They can only be utilized in regions that actually have the type of area. The following area types are examples of possibilities:
    • Mountains
    • Hills
    • Plains
    • Desert (hot and dry; does not include arctic desert)
    • Forest (includes underground [mushroom] forests)
    • Swamp
    • Inland Waters (lakes, rivers, etc.)
    • Coastal
    • Open Sea
    • Deep Ocean (underwater)
    • Underground (excluding underground forests and waters)
    • Arctic
    • Calm Skies (requires aerial units)

    Attacks with naval units on a region can be coastal battles or take place in an area immediately adjacent to the coast or part of the coast. Coastal cliffs, for example, count as mountains in such a scenario, though from a land attack they wouldn't.

    Underground regions can benefit greatly from an Underground Winning Tactic, but underground battles can also take place in underground forests or near underground lakes or rivers.

    Military [advanced]
    Skip? Skippable. These rules will only come into play when a war is going on with other players or against NPCs.
    Spoiler: Military (advanced)
    Converting Unit Types
    It may be possible for you to convert units of one type to another. For instance, you could convert Land units to Aquatic units. You must have a technology which allows you to make such a conversion: a different technology is required for each type of conversion. Converting units is a Military action, and allows two units to be converted from one type to another with a single action. The converted units lose their old properties and gain all the properties of their new unit type.

    Training Militia
    You can train militia members to defend against invasions. With one action you can raise all your potential militias in all your regions. Your potential militias are equal to 1% of your total population minus your amount of military troops in that region. Every 2 units of militia (so every 2000 militia members) give a +1 bonus to Military rolls, making them only half as effective as normal military units. Militias only remain active until the end of the next round and can only defend the region they are in. For example, if you trained militia in round 4, they would remain active until the end of round 5. Like all actions, militias only come into effect at the end of the round and thus only function during the one round that comes after the round they’ve been trained in.

    Using Military Units
    You can use a single action in a round to direct the movement of all of your troops--from which regions they move and to which regions they move.

    Units cannot go through countries that aren’t allied or don’t specifically allow it, so if you wish to attack a specific country that you can only reach by going through countries you aren’t allied with and that haven’t specifically allowed you to go through, then you’ll have to fight them first. If the regions you’d have to go through do not have units, you can just march on through with no resistance.

    Nobody owns the open ocean, so Naval units can sail to (and transport troops to) any region which has a coastline on the same sea as their home region. They may however be intercepted by enemy Naval units en route.

    When one of your armies clashes with that of another player or those of an NPC, both sides roll 2d10 and add their leader’s Military score and the armies’ size (+1 per unit of 1000). The controller of the region may get a bonus based on defensible terrain in the region. Either side may get a bonus if they have technology that the enemy does not if that technology can be practically used in war.

    Allies can help attack or defend a region they have army units in. If a battle takes place between more than two armies, allies only use the highest Military score available to them (or whichever player’s ruler leads the army). However, all sides must take an action to partake in the battle. The players who lead the armies must each make a Military check (2d10+their Military score+number of units under their command in that region+applicable bonuses). This check will be made on their behalf by the round opener.

    If you have multiple battles going on at the same time, you have to decide which one your ruler is leading. All other battles your country is involved in, but your ruler is not leading personally, only get half the ruler's Military score as a bonus.

    If you win one battle in a region and fight in the same region again in the following round, you gain a +2 to that battle roll and to any tactical manoeuvring rolls, as you have established a strategic advantage.

    If you win two battles in a row (one in one round, the second in the next) against the same opponent in the same region, you drive them out of that region or rout their forces. If you are the invader, that means you seize control over that region. In the next round, you will probably have to spend the Diplomacy 5 Special Action on that region to stabilize it, though the rebel leader can still fight back against you if it was their last region (see Second Chances below).

    If a region still has troops remaining when it is conquered, they will flee to other regions owned by their player. If it is a player's last region, some of the troops may defect to the conqueror, desert, or follow their old leader into rebellion or exile.

    At the end of each round, military units return to their "home" region. Units controlled by one player cannot be quartered in a region controlled by another player. If they want to continue to fight in that region in the following round, they must make their way back.

    Transporting Troops
    Sometimes you might be attacking a region your troops cannot reach easily. Naval units can transport land units across large bodies of water to enable them to reach other regions, so that the land units do not have to travel through many regions that belong to other players. One naval unit can only transport one land unit at a time (or one aerial unit if you possess Aerial Naval Carrier technology). A naval unit can go back and forth and transport multiple units across the water during a round.

    Units may get intercepted if another player makes a successful tactical maneuvering check against you and thus forces a battle check. If the resulting battle ends up with you losing troops, land troops are lost first, aerial troops next (only if you have Aerial Naval Carrier tech), naval troops last. Land troops (or Aerial if in possession of Aerial Naval Carriers) may fight in battles at sea if they are being transported by a naval unit at 1/4 effective strength. If you have lost the battle, your troops cannot continue to the region you wanted to send them to, even if some of your units survived the battle.

    Calculating Losses
    The loser of a battle loses an amount of units equal to half the difference in roll results, rounded up. If the results were 11 and 6, that means the loser loses [{11 – 6}/2, rounded up] units, so 3 units. The winning side will have 1d4 x 10% of the base losses of the losing side (rounded up to the nearest 1,000).

    If there is more than one participant on one side of the battle, the first 1,000 are lost from the leaders, the second 1,000 from the largest contingent (if different), the third 1,000 from the next-largest, and so on until all losses are accounted for. The leaders of the battle (those supplying the Military scores and/or Winning Tactics) have a 50% chance of losing an additional 1000 troops, unless they were the only participant on their side of the battle.

    The larger an army is, the harder it is to manage and supply, and some troops may desert, or die from unsanitary conditions. Each participant on either side (including leaders) that sends 2,000 troops or more has a 50% chance of losing an additional 1,000 troops. Additional chances of losing troops are rolled if the army exceeds 5,000; 8,000; 12,000; 16,000; 20,000; 25,000 and at each interval of 5,000 thereafter. These losses are calculated after any loss deductions for technologies.

    If no units remain on one side, their leaders are captured by the other side.

    Tactical Maneuvering
    You can use a sub-action on a deployment of troops to perform tactical maneuvering. One tactical maneuvering action only affects a single battle in one region and is a Military check (2d6+Military). This is an opposed roll against the other player. If more than one player makes a tactical maneuvering check, the one with the highest result decides which part of that region the battle takes place in. Check a region's Terrain description to see what sort of terrain is available that a Winning Tactic might apply to, or provide some solid reasoning based on the map. Not all types of terrain are available in all of the regions.

    Skip? Don't skip. This is required material to know if you want to play EMPIRE! The Curiosity Special actions especially would be good to make note of.
    Spoiler: Curiosity
    A lot of people are naturally inquisitive. Some like inventing things, other like exploring things for the sake of knowledge, some others find new ways to improve doing things people do every day. Curiosity is basically how a character handles things like science and economics. Creating new things, such as buildings, roads, fleets, mines and so on, takes time and effort. Clever people know ways to make it easier, quicker, and better. However, creating defensive structures or building things with the army is a Military endeavor rather than a Curious one.

    Searching for new resources, inventing new things, searching for new knowledge, investigation, changing education systems, building schools.

    Acquiring Technology
    You can get new technologies three ways: invent it with a Curiosity 10 Special Action, get it from a friendly player, or steal it.

    If another region that you don't control has access to technology that you don't, you can send people to acquire that technology for you, either by force or by diplomatic agreement with the other player. They can just give it to you, but otherwise you can make an opposed Curiosity check, rolling 2d6+your Curiosity against 2d6+their Curiosity. If you roll higher, you acquire the technology (but only one kind of technology per action).

    There are two types of investigations: investigating new ways to acquire or apply knowledge, doing little projects to fluff furthering the knowledge of your country, essentially furthering science in ways that don’t require the invention of new technologies; and investigating things relating to GM-introduced events. The latter is generally what the head GM responds to, as the former is purely fluff—though it can be used as IC justification for why and how your people could have the necessary knowledge base to create a new technology in the future.

    Investigation requires a Curiosity check (2d6+Curiosity), with a TN set beforehand that can differ wildly depending on what is being investigated. You can have great success with it, moderate success, or no outcome at all depending on the results of the check.

    Curiosity 5 Special: New Resource
    If you have a Curiosity score of 5, you become able to introduce a new resource in one of your regions (either previously unknown or only a Minor Resource) or upgrade existing Good Resource to a Great Resource. A Good Resource can be traded to up to 3 other regions. A Great Resource can be traded to up to 6 other regions. You can find unique resources (such as mithril, adamantine, etc) in your region, but you must be able to reasonably justify it. Such special resources require you to research technology to really utilize it. This action can only be done once per ruler.

    When a new resource comes into play, the head GM may decide whether it is a special resource that requires getting a technology upgrade (Curiosity 10 Special Action) first to start meaningfully using it, like for things like the military. Aerial unit creation always requires a technology, for instance. Using the special abilities of supernatural creatures also requires a technology to create the appropriate training programs.

    Curiosity 10 Special: New Technology
    If you have a Curiosity score of 10, you become able to introduce a new technology in your regions. This requires that you already have prerequisite technologies and any resources that are necessary either through trade or as a Good or Great Resource in one of your regions. This action can only be done once per ruler.

    Be sure to check if any other players already have technologies you might use to help you, either because it's exactly what you want, or because it's a step in the right direction to help you make the technology you want.

    If you acquire a technology that you do not have the prerequisite resources for, you may adapt it to a similar resource that could work with that technology using a minor (2-round) project. You still need the prerequisite technologies to be able to adapt and/or use it.

    The use and bonuses of technologies are generally determined on a per-country basis. However, some technologies may specifically apply only to certain regions, and technologies that require multiple resources need to be assembled first, thus requiring those resourced to be imported to the same region. If you do not do this, you may run the risk of your technology being deemed to not be functioning at some point, until you fix it.

    Technologies that were invented in the real world after the year 1800 need to be based on at least two prior existing technologies and thus have those two technologies as prerequisites for use. (The year 1800 is a rough cutoff. Some things invented a little earlier may also have this requirement.) Magical versions of such technologies may not necessarily suffer these limitations, as long as there is enough justification for them (fluff of prerequisite resources, Great Projects, etc.). Both types of technologies require a minor project to create—the first of these actions is the Curiosity 10 Special action by the inventing player. The other may be by another player, but it must be noted in the inventing player’s post that they accept this project-aiding action, as both players will receive the technology at the end of the second round of the project.
    Last edited by Morph Bark; 2015-02-08 at 02:35 PM.
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    Default Re: EMPIRE! Rules and Administration

    Skip? Possible. The Faith rules can easily be skipped if you don't plan on doing anything with religion.
    Spoiler: Faith
    Your relations with the Temple of the Lord of Fire (or the head of your new organised religion) is determined by your Faith score instead of your Diplomacy score.

    Maintaining ties with the head of your religion, creating unity among your people, maintaining morale in times of trouble, building temples or tombs.

    Converting People
    If there are regions that you are allies with, trade with or have an army in, you can spend an action to make a minority of the people there take on your religion (if it is organized). Roll 2d6+your ruler’s Faith against 2d6+their ruler’s Faith (+4 if there is a holy order of a different religion in that region). If your result is higher, you introduce a religious minority of your religious to that region. If there is already a minority present from an earlier round, you can increase this to a majority with the same kind of check. Only one religious majority can be present in a region at a time.

    If the ruler of that region does not oppose your conversion with a Faith check of their own (opposing conversion does not require an action, but must be noted in their post with a link to the roll), or if they simply forget to make the check, you instead check against the population's base resistance of 10+defensive bonuses (including Holy Order bonuses).

    If you do not wish to have a certain religious minority (or majority) in your region, you can wage Holy Civil War on them or re-convert them. Make either a Military check or a Faith check (2d6+your relevant attribute). If you roll an 8 or higher (11 for a religious majority), they are converted to your primary religion. If you used Military, many of them are exterminated (1d3x1000 for a minority, [1d8+1]x1000 for a majority).

    Rulers may spend an action to convert to a new religion, but this may upset the stability of any regions they control that don’t have a majority following that religion.

    A religious majority in a region can be made to be the only religion in that region with another successful Faith check, but the "defender" gets a +4 bonus to their check. If the ruler of the region is trying to convert their own people, the base resistance gives a TN of 14 to hit to succeed.

    Faith 5 Special: New Religion
    If you have a Faith score of 5, you become able to start a new religion and appoint a head of the religion. At least half of the people in your capital region and most of those in the regions you control will convert, turning it into the religious majority of your capital region and a religious minority in all other regions you control. This can only be done once per ruler, and you should probably do it no more than once--unless you want to make some really big changes to the religion.

    You may coordinate your Faith 5 action with another player, enabling the both of you to found a religion together. One of the two players must be the head of the religion in such a case. The capital regions of both players will gain a majority of the new religion and all their other regions gain a minority.

    Faith 5 Special: Holy Order
    If you follow an organized religion, you may form a Holy Order in one of your regions if you have permission from the head of the religion (the player who created it). If you are invaded by someone of a different religion, regions with a Holy Order in them ensure that you win in case of a tie. This can only be done once per ruler and they cannot have been the one to create the organized religion.

    Faith 10 Special: Miracle
    If you follow an organized religion, you may request a miracle from the deity/spirit/force or one of the deities/spirits/forces that you worship. The miracle must fit with the deity/spirit/force’s theme and portfolio. Miracles can destabilize enemy regions, help win battles, uncover new or increase existing resources (from Minor or nonexistent to Good, or from Good to Great), and so on. The head GM makes the call on what actually happens (and it will not have happened until the start of the next round), but you are free to request nearly anything as long as it fits the one from whom you request the miracle.

    Skip? Partially. The Luck Special action rules can be skipped, but it is adviseable to read the first two paragraphs.
    Spoiler: Luck
    Many effects of Luck are currently unknown. Luck also cannot be increased the normal way. Instead, Luck will be distributed at a rate of +1 to every player for every 2 consecutive active rounds by that player. This is an attribute increase in addition to the normal attribute increases decided by the players’ actions, because no actions are directly Luck-related. Luck checks are occasionally used for actions that have a questionable outcome that does not directly relate to any of the other attributes.

    Luck is not a ruler stat but instead a player pool. Luck will be spent in increments of 5 or 10 out of the pool as a result of Luck Special actions. Taking a Luck 5 or Luck 10 action is not its own action but will be noted to be applied along with a non-luck action in a player's action post. When the luck pool reaches 0, Luck will be rolled up with 1d4.

    Luck 5 Special: By spending one action entirely on focusing on the trappings of fate, you can make a roll used in one of your other actions during that round become the maximum amount you could roll for it minus two, so 10 for a roll of 2d6. This cannot be used on Military battle checks.

    Luck 10 Special: By spending one action entirely on focusing on the trappings of fate, you can make yourself succeed automatically on a task that requires a roll used in one of your other actions during that round, even if you would otherwise have been unable to hit the required Target Number. This cannot be used on a battle check.

    Luck 10 Special: Does something amazing. This ability shall be subject to case by case review by the GM team. What must be noted is that only things that are within the realm of possibility (however unlikely) may be accomplished with this. Luck 10 is not the same as performing a miracle.

    Country Relationships & Ways of Expansion
    Skip? Possibly. However, below are describes basic ways for new players to expand early on.
    Spoiler: Country Relationships
    There are several ways in which countries can cooperate more tightly than an alliance might allow, and many ways in which a country can expand its size and influence.

    Diplomatic Colonization
    Colonizing new regions can be done either through military force or diplomacy. Diplomacy does not require the presence of military units, but if another player's military units are present in a colonization attempt of their own, the military units' presence supersede any diplomatic attempts at colonization. Regions with military units in them cannot be colonized and must be either conquered or claimed.

    When colonizing a region, you must make a Diplomacy check (2d6+Diplomacy). If the result is at least 10, you succeed in getting the people of the region on your side and therefore the first round of colonization is successful. The second round does not require a roll unless you are opposed.

    For every region a player has beyond their capital region, the Target Number rises by +2. If the target region they are trying to colonize does not border their capital region, the Target Number rises by +2 as well. For example, if a ruler with four regions tries to colonize a region that borders one of their regions, but does not border their capital region, the TN for the Diplomacy check is 18.

    Sometimes, more than one player is trying to colonize the same region through Diplomacy. If this happens, either one of the players decides to stop and go look elsewhere, or they both make the Diplomacy check to see who is more successful in the colonization. They do this during both rounds of the colonization process. The person who wins the first check gains a +2 bonus on the opposed check during the second round. The winner of the Diplomacy check during the second round is the one who successfully colonizes the region entirely. Of course, a player may choose not to continue colonization if they lost the opposed check during the first round.

    This also means that if someone starts colonization in a later round than someone else, they’ve already lost, unless they bring military troops instead. (Military force will thwart diplomatic missionaries, but will certainly be opposed by the people there, who may ally themselves with the diplomatic missionaries’ country of origin and rebel against the invaders.)

    The player who discovered the region gets a +2 bonus to the Diplomacy check. This is so that explorers do get a bit of an edge, but don’t start the actual colonization process yet and may still be thwarted by more diplomatically successful colonizers.

    A Federation is a group of countries who band together to form one country, with the constituent countries becoming ‘states’. Each of these states functions the same as a non-confederated country played by any other player and can have colonies of their own.

    Forming a Federation
    Forming a Federation requires at least three participating players/countries, all of whose regions must be politically stable (due to being primary regions or through Diplomacy 5 Special actions). Each must set up a Great Project to create the Federation together, and the Federation isn’t created until all three (or more) Great Projects are finished. If another player wants to join the Federation, it is a small project (2 rounds) for them and a small project for one of the members of the Federation, thus making it harder and take more time to join a Federation than it would to join an alliance.

    If one of the participants in the creation of a Federation is unable to post their actions during a week, they may count their Great Project as having continued that round regardless, if they do post the round after that and continue it. Unlike normal Great Projects, the forming or joining of a Federation cannot be assisted by others.

    Benefits of a Federation
    Members of a Federation can make diplomatic agreements of alliance for the Federation as a whole, or trade agreements for any regions that are part of the Federation. However, if the state controlling a region part of such an agreement does not agree with an agreement another Federation member makes, they may veto the agreement.

    The heads of the states within a Federation each specialize in a particular political style (kind of like they are ministers in a parliament or senators from different political parties). All members must choose one attribute (Diplomacy, Military, Curiosity or Faith) to specialize in. They gain one extra action per round, but must spend two of their actions during any round on that attribute. They must also choose one attribute that they neglect, and they may never spend actions on things related to that attribute. Of course, they can be clever and spend it on similar actions that just happen to be related to another attribute as well, but keep in mind that some actions are very clear on what attribute they belong to. Anything requiring an attribute roll is clearly related to that attribute, for example, and exploration is always Curiosity.

    If a player who is in a Federation cannot post during a round, other members of the Federation may take their specialized actions. For example, if the player specializes in Diplomacy, the other members may take two Diplomacy actions on their behalf. Two members of a Federation may specialize in the same attribute, but no more than that.

    If a member of a Federation posts less than five actions during a round, it’s okay if none of them are of their specialized attribute, just as long as none of the actions are of their forbidden attribute.

    Downsides of a Federation
    No member states of a Federation may be a Great Kingdom or form one. If an aspiring member state has a Great Kingdom, they must dissolve it before starting their project to create or join a Federation. Aspiring members of a Federation may not be Wards of a country that isn’t part of that Federation, but they may be Wards of a Federation member state. When the country joins the Federation, they are free from their Liege and no longer are a Ward, as they are now on equal level as them within the Federation.

    Country Relationships & Ways of Expansion [advanced]
    Skip? For now. These rules are not useable by players during their first turn, but can come into play on their second or later turns.
    Spoiler: Country Relationships
    There are several ways in which countries can cooperate more tightly than an alliance might allow, and many ways in which a country can expand its size and influence.

    Pressing Claims on Other Countries
    A situation has arisen! Another country is without a ruler! Or perhaps they have a ruler that you simply don't like very much, while you do like their land?

    In case they happen to be a player, you can stake your claim and press it in an act of war! Don't forget to send your declaration of war to them! (Staking your claim against a player does not automatically grant you the region.)

    In case they happen to be an NPC, you're in luck! It's pretty easy to press claims on them. In the world of Telluris, nobody knows why some just happen to be easier to press against. Perhaps the Weave of Fate simply weaves more strongly around those who might alter the course of history.

    You can press a claim if you:
    1. Have a relative of your ruler married to a direct descendant of one of the target region's earlier rulers. The more recent that ruler ruled, the stronger the claim!
    2. Have ancestral ties to the target region. These claims are generally less strong than a marriage claim, unless a large amount of your people can trace their lineage back to that region. [This only works for regions, not full countries.] The ties must not be ancient. 300 years is the limit.
    3. The target country used to be part of your country (during play, not simply background fluff!), but they split off due to either revolution or peaceful splitting on part of either the people or previous rulers of your country.

    To press a claim, you must:
    1. Spend an action on it, of course!
    2. Roll a Diplomacy check and link it in your actions post (just like all other rolls should be).
    3. If the result is at least 10, there is some support for your claim. If the result is at least 17, there is a lot of support for your claim. If there are other players pressing claims at the same time, the highest roll wins.

    If you have some support (check result of at least 10) and have rolled the highest, you must spend another action next round to gather more support for your claim (requiring another Diplomacy check result of at least 10). If you have a lot of support (check result of at least 17) and have rolled the highest, you'll have claimed the target region or country by the end of this round.

    Other claimants (players with a claim) who lost may attempt to create rebellions in the target region or country in a revenge attempt--or a final resort to get the target region or country for themselves should the rebellion prove successful somehow.

    Claimants may also forfeit their claim to support another claimant, providing a +2 to the other claimant's Diplomacy check result. Rulers of neighbouring regions that border the region being claimed may support claims as well, providing a +2 bonus to those they support. The bonuses from multiple neighbouring rulers do not stack.

    If you have successfully claimed a region, you may absorb it into your country. If you have a Great Kingdom, you may also turn it into a vassal or merge it with a neighbouring, existing vassal. The claimed region loses all but 1000 of their troops.

    Trade Posts
    Players are able to set up trading posts in coastal regions if that coast borders an ocean that one of their own regions borders as well, or in regions that border one of their regions directly by land. A trading post takes one round to set up. Once set up, the player effectively gains a one-stack copy of one of the resources in that region that is shipped to their capital region. This does not decrease any available stacks of that resource to the player who controls that region.

    A region can only have two Trade Posts in it. The Trade Posts may have two different resources they copy a stack from, but if they want to copy it from the same resource, that resource must be a Great resource.

    A trade post can be attacked and attempted to be seized by other players with a military action (an act of war) or by buying them out. To seize it with military action, you need to send troops to it. If they are unopposed, they succeed. If they are opposed, you seize it if you manage to defeat the opposing troops. To buy them out, you need to succeed at an opposed Curiosity check (the defender gets a +5 bonus to this check).

    If the player controlling the region a trade post is in takes over that trade post, it is effectively destroyed. If another player takes it over, they can destroy it with an action or let the region’s controlling player destroy it, if they wish, or they can start using it as their own.

    Vassals and Lieges
    The nations which rule over other nations (known as “Lieges”) do so in two primary ways: either by agreement from the natives, or by takeover through conquest, colonization or presses of claims. The following rules deal with the former, in which the natives of a region strike an agreement with a more powerful state. To become a Liege, you must already have a Great Kingdom.

    In this kind of relationship the larger, more powerful country is called the Liege and the smaller one the Vassal. Liege and Vassal states commonly share borders or both have a coast on the same ocean. Liege and Vassal states do not have to share borders in this manner, but not sharing borders will allow the lands that lie between them to block transport of resources and troops. To become a Liege state a country must have a Great Kingdom with at least one military unit trained in each of their regions.

    There are two ranks of vassal: lesser vassals and greater vassals. Usually a country has specific names or ranks for these. A lesser vassal is limited to their liege’s amount of regions - 1. Lesser and greater vassals may use one of the Liege’s scores in place of theirs, once per round. This cannot be used for Special actions. A greater vassal is not limited in the amount of regions they may have.

    A greater vassal is defined as a vassal who has formed a Great Kingdom. A vassal can only form a Great Kingdom if its Liege has an Empire. Greater vassals can have vassals of their own, but those vassals can only be lesser vassals. Lesser vassals of a greater vassal may use one of the scores of their direct Liege (the greater vassal) or their ultimate Liege (the Emperor/Empress). They may still only do this once per round. Lesser vassals cannot form a Great Kingdom.

    When a player forms an Empire, any time they switch to a new ruler, that ruler gains extra attribute bonuses. For each greater vassal that an Empire has, they receive one +1 bonus to one of their attributes. The attribute that receives the +1 bonus for a particular greater vassal is chosen by the player of the greater vassal, allowing them to give their Liege a higher attribute of their choice. Usually this will be an attribute that the greater vassal sees themselves wanting to use, but won’t be increasing through their own actions.

    Certain agreements may be signed after discussion between players in addition to the standard rules for Vassals and Lieges. Marriage agreements and some tribute in resources are often one of them. Some lieges forbid their vassals certain actions, like spreading religions not their own or aggressive military actions. Others require them.

    NPCs may also be vassalized if they are friendly. A Diplomacy check is necessary to accomplish this (TN 16, +2 for each existing vassal). NPC vassals may not have more than 4 regions (or 3 if their Liege has only 4). A player that has NPC vassals may take one action per round for them, but only using their resources, troops, etc. An NPC vassal that has been turned into a greater vassal instead has two actions the player can take for them.

    Skip? Yes. Nomads are special entities and there are a limited amount of them. They function very differently from normal nations, so unless you wish to play as nomads or expect to interact with them, you can skip these rules.
    Spoiler: Nomad Rules
    Players may start with a group of nomads instead of a settled region. Nomad groups follow slightly different rules to settled regions, as follows. Except where noted nomads follow the usual rules.

    Creating a nomad group
    A new player should describe their nomad group in fluff, and select a region for them to start in. Preferably this should be a region not currently occupied by another player, although nomads may start in settled regions by agreement with players or with approval of the GMs. If nomads are present in a region they will be marked as <region number>N.

    Habitat: Nomads are either land-based or water-based (Sky-based nomads may be introduced at a later stage). This affects the regions they can travel to.

    Population: Nomad groups start with a population of 10,000 + 4d10(x1000).

    Resources: Describe three major resources that the nomads possess. These must be resources that the nomads can transport, and replenish while on the move. They therefore cannot possess mined goods as native resources, or resources that are reliant on static sources (such as forests, or immobile manufacturing capacity).

    Describe people and religion as you would for a settled region. There is no need to describe terrain, as the nomads will move between regions, but you might like to describe other features to make up for that.

    Region Types

    Nomad groups
    Nomads do not permanently occupy or settle, but they still have to be in a region. Each nomad group under a player's control occupies a different region. These groups take the number of the region they are in, plus "N" to mark them as nomads. When they move to a different region, they adopt that region number.

    Nomads may only move to regions adjacent to the region in which they currently are roaming.

    Moving a group of nomads into an adjacent region is a Diplomacy action. A player may move all their groups of nomads with a single Diplomacy action. If a player occupies the region and does not wish the nomads to enter, the nomads can try to bargain or infiltrate their way in with an opposed Diplomacy roll. Alternatively the nomads can try to enter by force, in which case it acts as an invasion under the Military rules.

    A nomad group may agree trades and treaties with the settled peoples it moves into as a sub-action of the main Diplomacy actions.

    Nomads may attempt to recruit local populations. For each Diplomacy action taken, nomads may recruit 1d4*1000 local population, which become a permanent part of that nomad group. The settled region's player may attempt to stop the nomads doing this, in which case it is an opposed Diplomacy roll.

    Diplomacy 5
    A player may use a Diplomacy 5 special action to mitigate the effects of nomads living in a region. Until the end of that ruler's reign the effects will stop.

    Diplomacy 10
    A player with four nomad groups may use a Diplomacy 10 action to establish a Nomad League. These nomads may roam more widely than normal nomads and need not occupy contiguous regions. The player gains an extra action per round.

    [A player with twelve nomad groups and/or vassal regions under their control may form a Nomad Empire. Nomad Empires work like normal empires, and the nomads may maintain one region as a permanent base (their capital region). They do not have to move from this region, but it cannot be occupied by another player, and if this region is lost the nomads lose their empire.

    Nomads may raise up to 50% of a group as troops, up to the normal limit of 10,000 for their primary group and 5,000 for auxiliary groups. Land nomads may only raise Land units. Water nomads may only raise Naval units. These can later be converted if the nomads possess appropriate resources and technologies although Naval units will be automatically disbanded if the nomads occupy no coastal regions.

    Nomads may invade a region trying to keep them out. A single round battle is fought; if the nomads win the battle, they successfully occupy that region. If defeated, they remain in the region they started from.

    If nomads suffer two consecutive defeats in the same region, they are driven out and must move to a neighbouring region. If they cannot migrate to a neighbouring region, that group loses 1d6x1000 population per round and cannot trade until it successfully migrates. Nomads cannot be conquered.

    Nomads may conduct investigations, research, invent or develop new technologies as any other region. They must be able to transport any resources or technologies they create. Nomads may only benefit from immovable technologies (such as fortification-based technologies) if they are present in a region possessing appropriate facilities.

    Nomads may undertake and contribute to Great Projects. Immobile Great Projects remain in the region where they were built, even if the nomads built them on their own.

    Relationships and Expansion
    A nomad group with a large enough population can attempt to occupy multiple regions at once. Mechanically these are treated as sub-groups, although in reality the same nomads may roam across the whole occupied territory. Expanding into another region requires a successful Diplomacy roll to keep the nomad group intact as it ranges more widely. If the roll is failed the nomads must remain in their existing regions for now. The population thresholds and target numbers are:

    Two regions: 60,000, TN12
    Three regions: 90,000, TN14
    Four regions: 130,000, TN16
    Five regions: 170,000, TN18
    Six regions: 220,000, TN20
    Seven regions: 280,000, TN22

    Each region occupied must have a nomad population of no less than 10,000. If the number falls below that, the nomads either return to the main group or are absorbed into the local population.

    Nomads must occupy contiguous regions. Water-based nomads must occupy regions with coastlines on the same sea. If a group of nomads becomes cut off (because of war, for instance), that group will start to lose population, at a rate of 1d6x1000 per round, as the nomads integrate into the local culture.

    A Nomad League while no longer needing to be contiguous must maintain open communication IE no interrupted communication or transportation due to war, via a path matching the nomad's region type (land path for land nomads, naval path for naval nomads, etc.) These paths are considered interrupted if a war is occurring and cannot be circumvented or another nomadic group or settled nation takes action to disrupt nomadic communication. Due to the League's structure however a Nomad League will not begin to have it's non-central nomad groups suffer population loss until the 2nd round of disruption.

    Having nomads in a region is often beneficial, but is also disruptive. For every round that a nomad group remains in a region, that region loses 1d4x1000 population which is added to the population for that nomad group. If the nomad leader takes a Diplomacy 5 action this effect will stop for the duration of his rule, but he may only use the action once per region per group.

    Regions with nomads in them may also suffer a higher chance of discontent and unhappiness.

    Nomads may not remain in a region permanently, and must move at least once every 5 rounds. If they do not, their population starts to settle in the region, and they lose 1d6x1000 population for every round they remain. This population is added to the settled population of the region.

    Nomads may not colonise regions. If nomads settle in a region they cease to be nomads and are treated like any other region. If nomads win two battles in the same region in a row against the occupying player, they do not conquer it, but may transfer ownership of the region to another player of their choice.

    Only one nomad group can be present in a region at a time. If a second group tries to enter a region which already has nomads present, they must either negotiate with them to leave or fight them.

    Nomads may take and become vassals in the same way as other regions. Nomad groups are treated as equivalent to regions for the relevant calculations.

    Note Currently only 3 Nomad PCs will be allowed to operate, more spots may open later as the rules evolve.

    • Tychris1
    • Rain Dragon
    • XIII

    Game Over and Second Chances
    Skip? Don't skip. Though this will rarely come into play, it will be good to know these rules anyhow.
    Spoiler: Game Over and Second Chances
    If all your regions have been lost, your ruling character (or their heir if your ruling character dies in an invasion) can become a rebel leader. They can try to take back their lost region (or acquire a new one) until their death, but while they have rebel leader status they have only four actions per round. This allows a player a second chance when they lose their last region.

    As an alternative, a player for whom it’s game over may re-apply for a new region as any other new player can. They are then put on the waiting list, unless there are new regions already available. They then start anew, fluffing the new region (unless it comes pre-fluffed) and making a new ruling character to start with.

    Inactive Players
    Skip? These aren't exactly rules, but more of a helping hand.
    Spoiler: Inactive Players
    If a player goes absent, I'll PM them three rounds later, and if they haven't posted by the fourth round afterwards, the region can be re-claimed by a new player for one week. If nobody claims it (feel free to invite someone to), then it becomes an NPC nation. If a new player claims it they may decide to simply take over the region as it is the way the old player left it, unless the old player gave note that they want their region to go away if they leave. However, if the old player had any marriages with other player's families, they can lay claim to it, and I won't make the old region go away. Instead, it becomes a free-for-all for all those who have a claim to it, plus whatever rebel forces there may be.

    Sometimes a player can be only temporarily absent. If a player does not post during a round, but others are using actions to make and confirm deals with the temporarily absent player, and the GM knows about it beforehand, then the action holds without the absent player having to spend an action on it. (I mean, they couldn’t anyway, because they’re absent at that time.) If the absent player gives a note about their absence for that week (or more than a week) beforehand, it should be completely fine. If a player is attacked during such a time, they are assumed to be spending an action to commit all their forces to the defense of their country for that round.

    If a player hasn't posted during a round, they receive one bonus action for the round after that. If they haven't posted for two rounds, they receive two bonus actions for the first round in which they post after that, unless they have restarted in a new region at that point.

    It is also a possibility that players leave us during the game, simply because they’re unable to continue due to prioritized commitments or for other reasons. In such a case, the link to the post compiling their information will be stored in case the player might return in the future to take things up again elsewhere. We heartily welcome new players, as well as returning ones.
    Last edited by Morph Bark; 2015-02-08 at 02:33 PM.
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    Default Re: EMPIRE! Rules and Administration

    Rules Post #3, Final.
    Homebrewer's Signature | Avatar by Strawberries

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    Default Re: EMPIRE! Rules and Administration

    Technology Tables

    Updated to the end of Round 36
    Technology Slot Mechanical Bonus Required Resources
    Abyssium Ballasts - Allows Underwater Exploration Abyssium
    Adamantine-forging Metallurgy +1 Battle Checks Adamantine
    Aerial Harness Aerial Infantry +1 Battle Checks, +1 Tactical Maneuvering Tech: Mithril Forging, Plate Armor
    Resources: Arpied Mercenaries
    Aerial Naval Carrier Naval Auxiliary Grants Ability to transport Aerial Units using Naval Timber
    Advanced Agriculture - +2 Population in regions with native grown food resources Native grown food
    Ancient Alchemy - Grants Ability to Transmutate One Resource Stack in one region to another resource Tech: Calculus
    Resources: A supernatural resource, Alchemical Components, Tanedhan feathers, Dearg Sreang
    Apotheosis Toxin Psychological Enhancement +2 Military for one round in exchange for 2,000 population loss in one of own regions Tech: Medicine
    Appertisation - Allows +1 Trade Post for Food Resource in a region Glass
    Aquatic Cathedrals - Allows Aquatic Colonization by Land based races Tech: Lifeskin, Abyssium Ballasts, Lenses
    Resources: Stone
    Arquebuses Ranged Small Arms +2 Military Battle Checks Tech: Blackpowder
    Resources: Steel OR Iron & Coal
    Automata, Simple Windup - Allows more advanced clockwork based technologies to develop Tech: Clockwork Technology
    Resources: Solid Metal
    Beast Masters Land Auxiliary +1 Enemy Losses Monstrous Rats OR Big Dumb Non-Domesticated Animal
    Berunda-riding Light Aerial Cavalry +1 Battle Checks, +1 Tactical Maneuvering Berundas OR Dionosaurs OR Perytons OR Huma Birds
    Blackpowder Ranged Small Arms +1 to Military battle checks. Sulfur, Nitrates/Bat Guano, Coal/Charcoal(From Wood)
    Calculus - Combination Tech: Allows combination/advancement of existing technologies Intellectual Specialists (Architects or Scriveners or Scientists etc)
    Canons Ship Armaments +2 Military Battle Checks Techs: Blackpowder
    Resources: Iron
    Carvel-Building Ship Design +1 Military Battle Checks, +1 Tactical Maneuvering Techs: Ocean-Faring Ships
    Resources: Shipwrights
    Clockwork - Combination Tech: Allows combination/advancement of existing technologies Metal
    Crossbows Ranged Small Arms +1 Military Battle Checks Iron
    Deep Lenses - Aids exploration for underground regions and reveals the unseen Lenses Technology AND Deepflame
    Efficient Building - Spend 2 actions/turn on the same Project or Great Project as long as said project concerns construction Stone
    Feran Mysticism - +1 Faith Checks Religious Institution Great Project
    Fluid Dynamics - Combination Tech: Allows combination/advancement of existing technologies Intellectual Specialists (Architects or Scriveners or Scientists etc)
    Giant Pistol Shrimp Training Aquatic Cavalry +1 Battle Checks, +1 Tactical Maneuvering Giant Pistol Shrimp
    Renders Land Auxiliary +1 Enemy Losses Grey Renders
    Griffon Riding Light Aerial Cavalry +1 Battle Checks, +1 Tactical Maneuvering Griffons OR Pegasi
    Higher Education - +1 Non-Dynastic Ruler Stat roll based on college project type Tech: Printing Press, 2 out of: Calculus, Physics, Mysticism Studies
    Resources: Specialized Personnel
    Project: Great Project University
    Hovercrafts Land Vehicles +1 Battle Checks, +1 Tactical Maneuvering Leather
    Horse Riding (Advanced) Light Land Cavalry +1 Battle Checks, +1 Tactical Maneuvering Horses OR Rokuers OR Bladed Birds
    Ice Sailing Polar Vehicles +1 Battle Checks, +1 Tactical Maneuvering Timber
    Insect Training Aerial Cavalry +1 Battle Checks, +1 Tactical Maneuvering Giant Insects
    Inspired Militia Land Auxiliary +1 to battles involving militia and no formal troops, +2 to battles involving militia and milita's national troops. No bonus for militia alongside allied troops Raised Militia
    Kralax-riding Heavy Land Cavalry +1 Battle Checks, +1 Tactical Maneuvering Kralax OR Dinosaurs
    Lenses - +2 to tactical maneuvering checks. Glass OR Quartz OR Crystal
    Lifeskin - Allows creation of Aquatic Units in Regions Mhaki Jhana AND Shaping Wood
    Lightning Balistae Artillery +2 Battle Rolls Tangled Lightning
    Loaders - One additional trade post available in regions with constructed Loading Facilities (1 round action) MECK OR Large Animal
    Logistics - When rolling for desertion roll 1d3 and only 1 is a risk for loss Food
    Magnets - Allows faster exploration Magnetic Metal
    Mechanically Engineered Combat Knight Frame Heavy Land Vehicles Each MECK unit provides a +2 bonus instead of a +1 Technologies: Steam Power, Clockwork, Special Metal, Refrigeration, Prosthetics, Ultralight Material; Resources: Technological Pre-Reqs Required Resources (2X Fuel, Special Metal, Tears of Yphine/True Ice, Metal, Cavorite)
    Medicine - -2 on rolls to lose population to disease Shedding Trees OR Medicinal Herbs OR Dragon Flowers
    Mithril-forging Metallurgy +1 Battle Checks Mithril, Darkstar Iron, Orichalcum
    Mtambuzi Technology Psychological Enhancement +1 on a single roll per round per nation Calculus Tech, Oracles Tech, Osuro OR Fruxt AND intellectual specialists
    Ocean-faring Ships Naval Vehicle +1 Battle Checks, +1 Tactical Maneuvering Timber
    Oracles - Grants +1 to a randomly determined stat (excluding Luck) to new Rulers Osuro Mirc OR Fruxtkorp'r
    Physics - +1 to Curiosity Checks Any established education system/institution OR an educated persons resource
    Pitch Artillery +2 to Defensive Battle Checks Tar AND Oil
    Plate Armour Armor +1 to Battle checks. Hard Metal
    Printing Press - Grants +1 Diplomacy Papyrus OR Books OR Leather OR Wood
    Prosthetic Limbs Medical Grants -1 on Unit Loss in Battle Metal
    Raaneki/Heartwine Diplomacy - Grants +1 Diplomacy Checks Heartwine OR Vodka OR Absinthe
    Refigeration - Grants +2 Population Growth in Non-Polar regions True Ice OR Tears of Yphinne OR Frozen Eggs
    Sewage Systems - Grants +2 Population Growth Stone
    Shintouite Crafting Fortifications Grants -2 Unit Losses when Defending in Regions with Shintouite Import or Shintouite Defensive Structures Built Shintouite
    Shrieking Crossbow Ranged Small Arms +2 on Battle Checks Wood, Wurmsxupp (Dragon Scales)
    Solar Ray Towers Fortifications +2 on Defense rolls in regions with GP outfitting project Techs: Lenses
    Resources: Reflective Metal
    Steam Power - Combination Tech: Allows combination/advancement of existing technologies Tech: Clockwork
    Resources: Advanced Fuel (Bloodfire OR Goldfire OR Dragon's Blood OR Rock Juice OR Vatn-Dauths OR Coal OR Tanedhan Feathers) X 2 AND Alchemical Components
    Steam Train - Allows establishment of non adjacent Trade Posts if connected by Train Tech:Steam Power
    Resource: Hard Metal
    Soul Chaneling - ??? Tech:Ancient Alchemy
    Resource: Flames of Cataclysm, Papyrus OR Substitute
    Sub-Aqua Rimor - Allows 1 round underwater exploration Tech: Lenses
    Resource: Whales, Underwater Lightsource
    Tzaltec Fire Artillery +2 Offensive Military Checks Goldfire and Dragon's Blood (Oil)
    Ultralight Materials - Grants ability to build larger and taller structures with ease Cavorite
    Vyuma Bending Metallurgy +1 Military Checks Hai Vyuma AND Osuro or Fruxt
    Wurm-riding Heavy Land Cavalry +1 Battle Checks, +1 Tactical Maneuvering Wurms
    Zeppelins Aerial Vechicles +1 Battle Checks, +1 Tactical Maneuvering Lighter than air gas

    Tech Table (Updated until the end of round 39)

    Abyssium 34 30 21 18 32 16 Abyssium 28 34 35 28 28 21 29 Abyssium
    Adamantine 24 18 18 28 17 25 29 34 16 34 34 Adamantine 34 34 37 27 32 16 Adamantine
    Aerial Harness 30 30 29 39 34 27 Aerial Harness 32 29 30 32 29 30 30 Aerial Harness
    Aerial Naval 28 11 34 25 30 24 29 27 12 34 34 28 Aerial Naval 39 34 34 19 32 25 30 35 30 12 39 Aerial Naval
    Agriculture 34 30 34 34 34 Agriculture 34 34 30 34 34 29 Agriculture
    Ancient Alchemy 37 27 Ancient Alchemy Ancient Alchemy
    Apotheosis Toxin 32 Apotheosis Toxin Apotheosis Toxin
    Appertisation 38 38 Appertisation 39 38 38 39 35 38 Appertisation
    Aquatic Cathedrals 39 39 35 Aquatic Cathedrals 37 39 Aquatic Cathedrals
    Arbalests 30 29 34 32 Arbalests 39 28 34 30 30 30 29 39 Arbalests
    Arquebuses 32 34 33 ?? Arquebuses 33 34 Arquebuses
    Automata 24 24 21 32 34 25 35 30 19 24 21 29 34 27 28 Automata 32 28 32 24 32 20 28 28 35 24 24 Automata
    Beast Masters 32 34 32 30 28 34 29 Beast Masters 39 32 30 30 32 30 30 30 39 Beast Masters
    Berunda 13 24 11 19 34 25 30 21 10 20 26 19 18 Berunda 39 21 25 28 19 13 14 28 28 21 20 39 Berunda
    Blackpowder 24 18 12 14 34 25 23 24 18 21 28 34 30 18 Blackpowder 39 30 26 30 14 14 25 28 28 21 19 33 Blackpowder
    Calculus 27 24 34 25 35 30 25 24 23 23 34 34 28 Calculus 39 25 28 34 37 28 34 24 28 28 24 22 39 Calculus
    Cannons 34 35 34 34 34 35 Cannons 35 35 34 35 34 Cannons
    Carvel-Building 38 38 35 Carvel-Building 38 38 38 38 Carvel-Building
    Clockwork 24 17 18 18 34 25 35 30 17 17 17 18 34 19 17 Clockwork 39 34 28 34 20 17 16 28 28 35 21 17 39 Clockwork
    Deep Lenses 28 Deep Lenses 20 20 Deep Lenses
    Efficient Building 21 35 27 34 25 35 30 24 24 22 29 34 27 28 Efficient Building 35 34 28 34 34 28 34 29 28 28 35 24 35 23 35 Efficient Building
    Feran Mysticism 34 35 29 Feran Mysticism 30 34 Feran Mysticism
    Fluid Dynamics 20 34 Fluid Dynamics 34 34 34 34 Fluid Dynamics
    Griffon 28 7 34 25 35 30 18 21 18 34 34 8 Griffon 39 34 28 34 19 32 17 11 28 21 34 27 39 Griffon
    High Cuisine 39 39 High Cuisine 38 High Cuisine
    Higher Education 39 39 38 Higher Education 37 36 Higher Education
    Hovercrafts 24 33 18 24 34 25 30 18 16 6 5 34 24 18 Hovercrafts 39 34 28 34 10 28 34 17 28 28 21 27 39 Hovercrafts
    Horses 24 27 30 30 26 38 34 18 Horses 39 21 31 28 17 34 30 18 28 28 28 39 Horses
    Ice Sailing Ice Sailing Ice Sailing
    Imperial Bureaucracy 37 38 38 Imperial Bureaucracy 38 38 38 38 38 Imperial Bureaucracy
    Insect 33 34 <10 3 Insect 34 23 Insect
    Inspired Militia 25 34 28 33 34 34 33 Inspired Militia 34 34 34 35 27 32 35 37 32 Inspired Militia
    Kralax 11 19 18 13 34 25 30 21 13 13 34 34 28 Kralax 39 34 28 34 27 32 28 28 21 12 39 Kralax
    Lenses 19 33 24 17 18 34 25 28 30 18 21 21 34 34 18 Lenses 39 34 28 34 18 19 18 32 21 28 28 21 21 39 Lenses
    Lifeskin 34 39 35 37 Lifeskin 31 Lifeskin
    Loaders 30 34 30 35 30 30 30 29 30 34 30 30 Loaders 39 30 30 30 37 30 30 30 30 30 30 39 Loaders
    Logistics 34 33 39 Logistics 39 39 34 34 34 39 39 39 Logistics
    Magnets 19 19 19 18 34 25 28 35 30 21 19 19 19 26 19 19 Magnets 39 34 28 34 34 19 19 19 28 28 19 19 39 Magnets
    Medicine 27 27 27 27 27 39 27 27 35 27 27 29 27 34 27 27 Medicine 39 27 27 27 34 27 27 27 27 34 39 Medicine
    Mind Conference 37 39 39 39 Mind Conference 36 39 Mind Conference
    Mithril 24 37 2 2 29 34 25 35 30 18 21 18 17 26 14 10 Mithril 39 17 26 21 10 28 18 14 17 28 28 35 21 19 39 Mithril
    Mtambuzi 31 34 29 29 Mtambuzi 24 Mtambuzi
    Ocean Faring 11 39 15 14 20 11 34 25 28 35 30 18 12 <10 11 17 12 3 Ocean Faring 39 21 21 28 16 34 <10 14 <10 17 28 28 35 16 <10 39 Ocean Faring
    Oracles 19 34 19 18 20 18 34 25 35 30 24 21 19 18 34 34 28 Oracles 39 34 28 34 37 27 32 25 28 28 21 17 39 Oracles
    Patriotism Patriotism 37 Patriotism
    Physics 32 34 30 35 30 29 29 34 29 Physics 39 32 32 37 34 32 28 30 30 30 34 39 Physics
    Pitch 24 15 14 19 34 25 30 21 13 20 34 34 18 Pitch 39 34 26 34 12 32 28 28 21 13 39 Pitch
    Plate Armor 12 33 15 14 20 13 34 25 28 35 5 18 13 9 9 26 13 28 Plate Armor 33 21 15 26 16 34 19 13 19 <9 17 28 6 35 16 11 33 Plate Armor
    Printing Press 19 6 6 28 15 34 25 28 35 30 18 21 13 14 26 12 11 Printing Press 39 21 28 16 34 11 13 11 13 17 28 28 21 35 13 33 Printing Press
    Prosthetics 24 24 18 39 25 35 30 34 19 Prosthetics 39 24 25 34 28 24 27 12 35 29 33 Prosthetics
    Psychology 39 Psychology Psychology
    Raaneki Diplomacy 28 13 34 25 35 30 24 21 18 13 34 27 28 Raaneki Diplomacy 39 21 28 19 37 12 12 12 34 28 28 21 35 12 39 Raaneki Diplomacy
    Recruitment Centers Recruitment Centers 39 39 38 38 39 39 Recruitment Centers
    Refrigeration 38 34 35 30 23 24 34 27 28 Refrigeration 39 27 29 28 27 35 34 26 29 28 28 24 27 39 Refrigeration
    Renders 39 <16 Renders Renders
    Sewage Systems 18 33 18 18 20 18 34 25 28 35 30 21 19 19 18 26 18 28 Sewage Systems 39 22 28 34 20 32 19 28 28 21 16 39 Sewage Systems
    Shintouite Crafting 28 28 16 34 25 30 21 20 15 34 27 18 Shintouite Crafting 39 34 28 19 27 27 28 28 21 16 39 Shintouite Crafting
    Shrieking Crossbows 32 34 29 34 27 29 Shrieking Crossbows 39 32 29 32 30 32 25 39 Shrieking Crossbows
    Solar Ray 33 34 39 34 35 Solar Ray Solar Ray
    Spirit Channeling 38 Spirit Channeling Spirit Channeling
    Steam Train 27 25 27 34 27 27 27 28 Steam Train 39 27 27 38 38 39 Steam Train
    Steam Power 22 24 24 34 25 20 21 19 20 34 34 28 Steam Power 39 21 28 34 28 34 21 28 28 21 27 39 Steam Power
    Sub-Aqua Rimor 37 37 37 37 Sub-Aqua Rimor 36 37 39 Sub-Aqua Rimor
    Tzaltec Fire 24 24 21 34 25 30 21 21 34 34 28 Tzaltec Fire 33 34 28 34 28 34 28 28 19 24 33 Tzaltec Fire
    Ultralight 24 24 18 34 25 30 25 17 21 35 34 34 28 Ultralight 39 34 28 34 28 34 28 28 21 27 39 Ultralight
    Vyuma Benders 34 29 29 Vyuma Benders 22 Vyuma Benders
    Wurms 24 19 18 17 34 27 16 34 27 28 Wurms 21 19 27 <9 17 Wurms
    Zeppelin 24 18 18 28 17 34 25 30 18 21 17 17 34 34 18 Zeppelin 39 34 28 34 27 32 17 28 28 21 16 39 Zeppelin
    Last edited by QuintonBeck; 2015-05-06 at 05:47 PM.


    Amazing Avatar by Qwernt! Thank you!

    Quote Originally Posted by Kornaki View Post
    The whole world is held aloft by a dragon.

    That dragon? Held aloft by a bigger dragon.

    It's dragons all the way up
    Beat the bejesus out of a Paladin

  6. - Top - End - #6
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: EMPIRE! Rules and Administration

    Round 39; Round 40

    Praeclarus: +2 Diplomacy, +2 Curiosity, new ruler - Duc Fozik

    Kingdom of the Carmine Sea: +2 Diplomacy +1 Curiosity; +2 Diplomacy

    Caramel Kingdom: +2 Curiosity; +2 Military, new ruler – Mirian Freeform!

    Faedas Freehold: +1 Diplomacy +1 Military +1 Faith; +1 Curiosity +1 Faith

    Hurosha Empire: +3 Faith; +1 Curiosity; New Ruler: Sanell Fireguard

    Holy Kingdom of Sycia: +1 Military +1 Curiosity; +1 Faith

    UJR Legislator: +2 Curiosity +1 Diplomacy; +2 Curiosity +1 Diplomacy, new ruler – Cheyna Sisvul!

    Maur: +1 Military +1 Diplomacy (+2 Curiosity)

    Salterri Imperium: +1 Curiosity +1 Faith; +3 Curiosity

    Caercian Consortium: +1 Diplomacy +2 Curiosity; +1 Curiosity +1 Diplomacy, new ruler - Augustai Caercia

    An Nádur: +1 Diplomacy; +1 Diplomacy +1 Military

    Guilder: +1 Diplomacy +1 Military; +2 Diplomacy

    Mularuhm: +1 Diplomacy +1 Military; +1 Military +1 Curiosity

    Chivalric Republic: +1 Diplomacy +1 Curiosity; +1 Curiosity +1 Faith, new ruler - Yfa Da'at Zwei (rolls unassigned)

    Seaborne Confederation: +1 Military +1 Faith; +1 Curiosity +1 Faith, new ruler - Elizabeth Grant

    Kingdom of the Isles: +1 Diplomacy +1 Military; +2 Diplomacy

    Everburning Horde: +1 Military +1 Faith; +1 Military +1 Diplomacy

    Kingdom of Serendel (EoD): +1 Diplomacy +1 Military +1 Faith; +1 Military +1 Faith

    Glazfelli Hegemony: +1 Diplomacy +1 Military +1 Faith; +2 Diplomacy +1 Faith

    Kingdom of Celero: +1 Military +1 Curiosity; +1 Military +1 Curiosity

    Thalman Legacy: Inactive 2 rounds

    Trandar: Inactive 3 rounds – NPC! (Begrudgingly)

    Sovereign Principality of Niskovia: +2 Faith; +1 Faith +1 Military

    Kingdom of Ashenia: +1 Military +1 Curiosity +1 Faith; +1 Military +1 Curiosity

    Tzlateclan: +1 Faith +1 Curiosity, Luck 10 used; +2 Curiosity

    UJR Executor: +1 Military +2 Curiosity; +1 Military +2 Curiosity

    Empire of the Silver Moon: +1 Military +2 Curiosity

    New Crima: +2 Curiosity; inactive

    Kingdom of Calorum: Inactive; +1 Military +1 Faith

    Tuvaak: (NPC); +1 Diplomacy +1 Military

    Great Sharixian Republic: +1 Diplomacy +4 Curiosity

    UJR Judicator: +1 Military +2 Faith; +2 Military +1 Faith

    Kingdom of Dekboard: +1 Military +2 Curiosity +1 Faith, new ruler – Telk'Hazar Duriduo

    Kemuliaan: +3 Faith, new ruler – Red Pharaoh

    Kingdom of Kuldran: Inactive 3 rounds - NPC! (Begrudgingly)

    Kingdom of Faelthalas: Inactive 3 rounds - NPC! (Begrudgingly)

    Region Name Player Ruler D M C F L
    Celero Logic King Rion Andust Noth 7 5 6 2 ?
    Hurosha Empire WaylanderX Emperor Sanell Fireguard 6 4 5 6 ?
    Faedas ReggieJam Queen Loris Varinel 5 6 6 10 6
    Triad Legislator Snowfire Speaker Cheyna Sisvul 5 2 8 4 10
    Triad Executor zabbarot Manorath C. Hammer 3 4 10 2 7
    Triad Judicator ImperatorV Imani Mbeba 2 4 7 10 7
    Calorum Chief High Priestess of Fire Arvaya Divinorum 5 10 6 10 5
    Kingdom of Serendel TheWombatOfDoom Ridion Serendel 5 9 7 9 10
    Guilderene Expanse SamBurke Acting Doge Kuku Lelion 10 8 10 1 10
    Empire of the Silver Moon Lord_Burch Lord Alexander Bordeux 10 9 10 3 10
    Kingdom of Ashenia Elemental Queen Idrisa III 7 7 9 10 7
    Seaborne Confederacy lt_murgen Skipper-General Elizabeth Grant 4 5 3 6 7
    Salterri Imperium Morph Bark Qzare Li Teutus 7 9 9 6 6
    Niskovia Kitsanth Grand Prince Jehan Nisakovich 10 10 10 10 8
    Glazfell BladeofObliviom King Torre Daan 10 10 10 6 10
    Kingdom of the Carmine Sea Aedilred Elwyn, King of the Jarrs &c. 10 4 8 5 2
    Caercian Consortium DurkBlanston King Augustai Caercia 5 6 6 3 7
    Tzalteclan TheDarkDM Teotlkan Senusret 10 10 9 10 10
    Mularuhm RandoMan High King Konrad Ringmaker 10 10 7 10 9
    New Crima DoomHat Good Tyrant Sarnai Eats-the-Eyes 5 5 7 1 5
    Chivalric Republic of the United Free Cities Kasanip Steward Yfa Da'at Zwei 10 6 4 2 9
    Holy Kingdom of Sycia HalfTangible High Priestess Marvella 9 10 8 10 7
    Everburning Horde Tychris1 Fel 6 10 1 10 7
    An Nádur Rain Dragon Ceannin Llyeth 10 4 5 10 5
    Palatinate of Myrwik Gengy Duc Fozik 5 5 6 6 6
    Tuvaak XIII Harbinger Uyarak Suluk-Tukutkaa 5 10 4 4 6
    Caramel Kingdom Philote Queen Miriel Freeform 2 4 6 4 4
    Thalmann Legacy Randolf King Rythen 7 3 10 3 4
    Trandar NPC Raeth Tanar VII Aerdoth 2 1 8 5 3
    Kingdom of Faelthalas NPC King Trius Pyrrhanal III 8 6 6 2 3
    Kingdom of Kuldran NPC King Gamok Svinnr 6 7 3 3 2
    Ash-Kingdom of Maur Mynxae Dragon-Queen Kara Volshevrin 10 9 8 4 2
    Kingdom of the Isles Pepper Queen Areta and King Uialben 8 7 7 2 3
    Great Sharixian Republic The Blue Guard Alixvara Tierrasha 6 2 9 1 3
    Telek'kra Soommor Telk'Hazar Duriduo 1 5 4 6 1
    Kemuliaan The Necromancer Red Pharaoh 10 6 10 10
    Last edited by QuintonBeck; 2015-05-06 at 05:41 PM.


    Amazing Avatar by Qwernt! Thank you!

    Quote Originally Posted by Kornaki View Post
    The whole world is held aloft by a dragon.

    That dragon? Held aloft by a bigger dragon.

    It's dragons all the way up
    Beat the bejesus out of a Paladin

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    Troll in the Playground
    QuintonBeck's Avatar

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    Apr 2013

    Default Re: EMPIRE! Rules and Administration

    Updated through Round 41 Round Opener

    Region Name
    Rulers Religion
    P1 Mictlanpa chief
    • Lord of Fire (Only)
    Calorum Lord of Fire Reformation
    P2 Wenyavuk chief
    • Children of Kina(Majority)
    • Calorum LoF Reformation (Minority)
    Calorum LoF Reformation
    P3 Krepida NPC
    • Doctrine of Frost (unknown)
    P6 Kuldran ShadowShrubbery
    • Pagan (majority)
    Doctrine of the Frost
    P8 Tletica chief
    • Lord of Fire (Only)
    Calorum Lord of Fire Reformation
    U11 Cuan WaylanderX
    • Ashmarism (Majority)
    • Order of the Eyes (Minority)
    • Pagan (Minority)
    U12 The Abyss of Corraich WaylanderX
    • Paganism (Majority)
    • Order of the Eyes (Minority)
    • Ashmarism (Minority)
    01 Gunung chief
    • Lord of Fire (only)
    Calorum Lord of Fire Reformation
    02-A Celero Logic
    • Lord of Fire (majority)
    • Radurja (minority)
    • Children of Kina (minority)
    • Hailings of the Silver Sea (minority)
    • Order of the Eyes (minority)
    02-B Bereginia Logic
    • Radurja (majority)
    • Ancestor (minority)
    • Children of Kina(minority)
    03 Nyroth QuintonBeck
    • Radurja (only)
    04-A Kasumor WaylanderX
    • Ashmarism (Only)
    04-B Shikurai WaylanderX
    • Ashmarism (only)
    05-A The Heartwaste Reggiejam
    • Children of Kina (Only)
    Children of Kina
    05-B Eyrecradia Reggiejam
    • Children of Kina (majority)
    • Calorum Lord of Fire Reformation (minority)
    Children of Kina
    06 Woodwind QuintonBeck
    • Radurja (only)
    07-A Calorum Chief
    • Calorum Lord of Fire Reformation (only)
    Calorum Lord of Fire Reformation
    07-B Gwrîstîn WaylanderX
    • Ashmarism (majority)
    [*]Calorum Lord of Fire Reformation (minority)
    08-A Aloren QuintonBeck
    • Radurja (majority)
    • Calorum Lord of Fire Reformation (minority)
    08-B Tunneldom of K'braashriix zabbarot
    • Radurja (majority)
    09 Genivana zabbarot
    • Radurja (majority)
    • Lord of Fire (minority)
    10 Hrathan-Tuor ImperatorV
    • Radurja (only)
    11-A Raaneka Snowfire
    • Radurja (majority)
    • Lord of Fire (minority)
    • Ramhsa (minority)
    11-B Ayava Snowfire
    • Radurja (sole)
    12 Qarimos Snowfire
    • Radurja (majority)
    • Animism (minority)
    13-A Lyradis NPC
    • Radurja (majority)
    • Lord of Fire (minority)
    • Ramhsa (minority)
    • Doctrine of Frost (minority)
    13-B Razdis NPC
    • Children of Kina (only)
    Children of Kina
    14-A Guilder SamBurke
    • Radurja (only)
    Doctrine of Frost
    14-B Elbaraz NPC
    • Children of Kina (only)
    Children of Kina
    15-A Zargrim WaylanderX
    • Ashmarism (majority)
    • Lord of Fire(minority)
    • The Great Eel Spirit (minority)
    15-B Keldagrim Reggiejam
    • Children of Kina (Sole)
    Children of Kina
    16-A Pryonia WaylanderX
    • Lord of Fire (Sole)
    16-B Galie-Noiret Reggiejam
    • Children of Kina (majority)
    • Calorum LoF Reformation (minority)
    Children of Kina
    17-A Tekorva NPC
    • Children of Kina (Only)
    Children of Kina
    17-B Yorukuni Reggiejam
    • Children of Kina (Only)
    Children of Kina
    18-A Sympolemou NPC
    • Ancestor (majority)
    • Children of Kina (minority)
    18-B Aimplach NPC Ancestors Ancestor
    19 Domhan Abhaile NPC
    • Council of Spirits (majority)
    • Spirit Shamanism (minority)
    • Ramhsa (minority)
    20-A Bordeux Lord_Burch
    • Lord of Fire (majority)
    • Animism (minority)
    Lord of Fire
    20-B Lord_Burch
    • Lord of Fire (majority)
    Lord of Fire
    21-A Sulvan Primarchy Silverbit
    • Lord of Fire (majority)
    • Paragons (minority)
    22 Ashenia Elemental
    • Doctrine of the Frost (Sole)
    Doctrine of Frost
    23 New Crima DoomHat
    • Animism (majority)
    • Children of Kina (minority)
    • Radurja (minority)
    • Order of the Eyes (minority)
    • Lord of Fire (minority)
    Lord of Fire
    24 Tar lt_murgen
    • Children of Kina (majority)
    • Atur, Spirits (minority)
    • Cult of the Sky (minority)
    • Order of the Eyes (minority)
    Children of Kina
    25 The Jeweled Cities lt_murgen
    • Children of Kina (Majority)
    • Spirits (minority)
    • Radurja (minority)
    Children of Kina
    26 Shengdi Morph Bark
    • Hailings of the Silver Sea (majority)
    • Panshén (minority)
    • Order of the Eyes (minority)
    27 Scla´ca moossabi
    • Cult of the Sky (majority)
    • Order of the Eyes (minority)
    Cult of the Sky
    28 Hazaria Elemental
    • Doctrine of the Frost (majority)
    • Pagan (minority)
    Doctrine of Frost
    29 Alydaxis moossabi
    • Cult of the Sky (majority)
    • The Ancient Ones (ancestors) (minority)
    • Order of the Eyes (minority)
    Cult of the Sky
    30 Grizzland ImperatorV
    • Radurja (only)
    • Children of Kina (minority)
    31 Grmanhil TheWombatofDoom
    • Radurja (Majority)
    • Honored Dead (fallen warriors) (minority)
    • Ramhsa (minority)
    • Children of Kina (minority)
    • Doctrine of the Frost (minority)
    32 Selyra TheWombatOfDoom
    • Ramhsa (Majority)
    • Spirits (minority)
    • Radurja (minority)
    • Doctrine of Frost (minority)
    33A Bracia Morph Bark
    • Ascension (majority)
    • Hailings of the Silver Sea (minority)
    33B Landerkunst Randoman
    • Panshén (majority)
    • Pagan (minority)
    34A Bor-Teire Morph Bark
    • Ascension (majority)
    • Lord of Fire(C.R.)(minority)
    • Hailings of the Silver Sea(minority)
    • Panshén (minority)
    34B Graberlock Randoman
    • Panshén (majority)
    35 Saltiere Morph Bark
    • Panshén (majority)
    • Hailing of the Silver Sea (minority)
    • Ascension (minority)
    36 Aus-Teire Morph Bark
    • Panshén (majority)
    • Hailings of the Silver Sea (minority)
    37 Pontensulae Morph Bark
    • Panshén (majority)
    • Hailings of the Silver Sea (minority)
    38 Penoccident Morph Bark
    • Hailings of the Silver Sea (majority)
    • Panshén (minority)
    39 Propinlonge Logic
    • Pagan? (Majority)
    • Children of Kina (Minority)
    • Radurja (Minority)
    Children of Kina
    40 Solus moosabi
    • Animism (majority)
    • Cult of the Sky (minority)
    • Order of the Eyes (minority)
    Cult of the Sky
    41 Glirfrey moosabi
    • Strange Marsh
    Cult of the Sky
    42 Arix'La moosabi
    • Cult of the Sky (minority)
    Cult of the Sky
    43 Angan Avale Elemental
    • Doctrine of the Frost (minority)
    • Shamanism (minority)
    Doctrine of Frost
    44 Kyaralath Elemental
    • Doctrine of the Frost (Majority)
    • Laiks Riqis(Minority)
    • Carasan (unorganized) (Minority)
    Doctrine of Frost
    45 Lacertia Elemental
    • Doctrine of the Frost (majority)
    • Ancestor Worship (minority)
    • Kelarthianism (minority)
    Doctrine of Frost
    46 Intepeuh Elemental
    • Doctrine of the Frost (majority)
    • Lord of Fire (minority)
    • Miara, Goddess of Truth (Unorganised) (minority)
    • Pagan (minority)
    Doctrine of Frost
    47-A Niskovia Kitsanth
    • Kartina Zhizni (majority)
    • Laiks Riqis (Minority)
    Kartina Zhizni
    47-B Halja Kitsanth
    • Laiks Riqis (majority)
    Laiks Riqis
    48 Karintiya Kitsanth
    • Shamanism (majority)
    • Kartina Zhizni (Minority)
    Kartina Zhizni
    49 Errelosse Lord_Burch
    • Ancestor Worship (only)
    Lord of Fire
    50 Sycia HalfTangible
    • Doctrine of Frost (only)
    Doctrine of Frost
    51 Felitora HalfTangible
    • Doctrine of Frost (only)
    Doctrine of Frost
    52 Drugaud BladeofObliviom
    • Doctrine of Frost (majority)
    Doctrine of Frost
    53 Maos SamBurke
    • Radurja (majority)
    • Children of Kina (minority)
    • Ramhsa (minority)
    Doctrine of Frost
    54 Rannara SamBurke
    • Doctrine of Frost (majority)
    • Truemind "Razors" (minority)
    • Lord of Fire/Sun (minority)
    • Radurja (minority)
    • Children of Kina (minority)
    • Ramhsa (minority)
    Doctrine of Frost
    55 Sahra'a BladeofObliviom
    • Doctrine of Frost (majority)
    56 Skarval BladeofObliviom
    • Doctrine of Frost (only)
    Doctrine of Frost
    57 The Frosskov Expanse BladeofObliviom
    • Doctrine of Frost (only)
    Doctrine of Frost
    58 The Estglaz BladeofObliviom
    • Doctrine of Frost (only)
    Doctrine of Frost
    59 The Glazfell BladeofObliviom
    • Doctrine of Frost (only)
    Doctrine of Frost
    60 Borlmyn TheWombatOfDoom
    • Radurja (majority)
    • The Ocean (minority)
    • Ramhsa (minority)
    • Doctrine of the Frost (minority)
    61A Requiem TheWombatOfDoom
    • Radurja (minority)
    • Ramhsa (minority)
    • Doctrine of Frost (minority)
    61B Triumph TheWombatOfDoom
    • Ramhsa (only)
    62A Jarrland Aedilred
    • Panshén (majority)
    • Lord of Fire(C.R.)(minority)
    62B Asterith RandoMan
    • Panshén (majority)
    • Lord of Fire(minority)
    • Ancestor Worship (minority)
    63A Discordia Aedilred
    • Panshén (majority)
    • Ancestor (minority)
    • Hailings of the Silver Sea (minority)
    63B Galardoth RandoMan
    • Animism(majority)
    • Panshén (minority)
    64-A Vennland Aedilred
    • Panshén (majority)
    • Hailings of the Silver Sea (minority)
    • Lord of Fire (minority)
    • Pagan (minority)
    64-B Mularuhm ForzaFiori
    • Panshén (majority)
    • Animistic Ancestor worship (minority)
    • Lord of Fire (minority)
    65A Minotron DurkBlanston
    • Lord of Fire (minority)
    • Hailings of the Silver Sea (minority)
    • Panshén (minority)
    65B Meiterdon Randoman
    • Panshén (majority)
    66 Wyrmar DurkBlanston
    • Hailings of the Silver Sea (majority)
    • Wyrm Below (minority)
    • Panshén (minority)
    67 Palas Caercia DurkBlanston
    • Panshén (sole)
    68A Pavonia ReaderAt2046
    • The Path (majority)
    • Panshén (Minority)
    The Path
    68B Norogh ReaderAt2046
    • Panshén (majority)
    • Runes (Unorganized) (minority)
    • Animism (Minority)
    • The Path (Minority)
    The Path
    69 Farridon Aedilred
    • Panshén (majority)
    • Hailings of the Silver Sea (minority)
    • Lord of Fire (minority)
    • Paganism (minority)
    69B The Riderock RandoMan
    • Panshén(Unorganized)(majority)
    • Zandel (minority)
    70 Valterre Lord_Burch - Unknown - Lord of Fire
    71 Malkavan Lord_Burch
    • Unorganised agnosticism (majority)
    • Paganism (minority)
    Lord of Fire
    73 Maur C'nor
    • Great Dragon (majority)
    • Doctrine of Frost (minority)
    • Kartina Zhizni (minority)
    Great Dragon
    74 Kaspiyskiya Kitsanth
    • Animism (majority)
    • Kartina Zhizni
    Kartina Zhizni
    76 Neo Scandza Rain Dragon
    • Laiks Riqis (majority)
    • Pagan Star Worship (Minority)
    Laiks Raqis
    77 Valeriya Kitsanth
    • Druidism (majority)
    • Kartina Zhizni (Minority)
    • An Nádur Paganism (Minority)
    Kartina Zhizni
    83 Ahmeskharras NPC
    • Tzetultep (Majority)
    • Pagan (Minority)
    84 Maztpoala TheDarkDM
    • Radurja (Sole)
    85 Amocuallan TheDarkDM
    86 Tzalteclan TheDarkDM
    • Tzetultep(only)
    87 Elomaoli TheDarkDM
    • Tzetultep (minority)
    88 Niemidaland NPC
    • Paganism (majority)
    • Ashmarism (minority)
    90 Galomyr lt_murgen
    • Children of Kina (Majority)
    Children of Kina
    91 Bloomenwald Islands lt_Murgen
    • Children of Kina (majority)
    Children of Kina
    92 Bjurnja DurkBlanston
    • Lord of Fire (majority)
    • Hailings of the Silver Sea (minority)
    • Panshén (minority)
    93 Sterkelv DurkBlanston
    • Panshén (Majority)
    • Hailings of the Silver Sea (minority)
    • Pagan (minority)
    94 Cridan DoomHat
    • Animism (minority)
    • Old Gods (minority)
    • Ascension (minority)
    • Radurja (minority)
    • The Path (minority)
    • Lord of Fire (minority)
    Lord of Fire
    95 The Thousand Vales ReaderAt2046
    • Pagan (majority)
    • The Path (minority)
    • Lord of Fire (minority)
    The Path
    96 Promise DurkBlanston
    • Panshén (Majority)
    • The Path (minority)
    97 Miskaton DoomHat
    • Pagan (Majority)
    • Lord of Fire (minority)
    Lord of Fire
    98 Vantalaan DoomHat
    • Pagan (Majority)
    • Lord of Fire (minority)
    Lord of Fire
    100 The Thumping Plains NPC
    • Tzetultep (majority)
    • Mugerkhal (minority)
    103 Keystone NPC
    • Sapha Rasta (majority)
    • Mugerkhal (minority)
    105 Kapital NPC
    • Tzetultep (majority)
    • Mugerkhal (minority)
    106 Nezetkharras DarkDM
    • Tzetultep (minority)
    107 West Kap NPC
    • Sapha Rasta (majority)
    • Mugerkhal (minority)
    • Tzetultep (minority)
    108 Planinfrag NPC
    • Pagan (majority)
    • Doctrine of Frost (minority)
    110 Kseverumestia Kitsanth
    • Pagan (majority)
    • Kartina Zhizni (minority)
    Kartina Zhizni
    111 Tekoshkiya Kitsanth
    • Pagan (majority)
    • Kartina Zhizni (minority)
    Kartina Zhizni
    112 Serdtsezimiya Kitsanth
    • Paganism (majority)
    • Doctrine of the Frost (minority)
    • Kartina Zhizni (minority)
    Kartina Zhizini
    113 Cantroth NPC
    • Pagan (majority)
    • Kartina Zhizni (minority)
    120 Isles of Tepeti Yarghenforgen
    • God Tenders (Unorganized) (sole)
    121 Sanglea qazzquimby
    • Rism (Unorganized) (majority)
    • Children of Kina (minority)
    122 The Broken Enclave NPC
    • Druidism (majority)
    124 Tempestia Aedilred
    • Paganism (majority)
    • Cult of Tempest (minority)
    • Panshén (minority)
    125 Trinacria Aedilred
    • Panshén (majority)
    • Lord of Fire (minority)
    • Paganism (minority)
    126 Tuhiland Aedilred
    • Panshén (majority)
    • Paganism (minority)
    • Lord of Fire (minority)
    127 Frios ReaderAt2046
    • The Path (minority)
    The Path
    128 Tumeland Aedilred
    • Paganism (majority)
    • Panshén (minority)
    130 Sea of Glass lt_Murgen
    • Children of Kina (minority)
    Children of Kina
    131 Novrania lt_murgen
    • Paganism (majority)
    • Children of Kina (majority)
    • Panshén (majority)
    133 Ri Chugang NPC
    • Ascension (majority)
    • Children of Kina (minority)
    134 Nan Hai Nian Celero
    • Hailings of the Silver Sea (majority)
    • Q'jes (minority)
    135 Dong Bu Dosi Celero
    • Q'jes (majority)
    • Ancestor (minority)
    137 Nezett Karn Lord_Burch
    • Askander (unorganised) (majority)
    Lord of Fire
    138 Land of Free Knights Kasanip
    • Animism (only)
    139 Alzeroth NPC
    • Ashmarism (majority)
    • Spirits (minority)
    141 Kemuliaan Necromancer
    • Wrathful Sun and Kindly Dark (only)
    Wrathful Sun and Kindly Dark
    145 Tandar Tanar Aerdoth
    • Avolianism (majority)
    153 Puerto Melizine DurkBlanston
    • Pagan (Majority)
    • Panshén (Minority)
    162 Esuma Philote
    • Ramhsa (Majority)
    • Pagan (Minority)
    • Doctrine of the Frost (Minority)
    163 Valasharix moossabi
    • Atheism (Unorganised) (only)
    165 - moossabi
    • Pagan (majority)
    • Panshén (minority)
    N18B Everburning Horde Tychris1
    • Lord of Fire (only)
    Lord of Fire
    N46 Warriors of Syivine NPC
    • Doctrine of Frost (majority)
    • Syivine Worship (minority)
    Doctrine of Frost
    N125 Kathuan Tribes Rain Dragon
    • An Nádur Paganism (majority)
    An Nádur Paganism

    Organized Religions
    As stated under the rules, only organized religions can be used mechanically (such as miracles, holy orders and conversions). The following are organized religions:
    • Lord of Fire // Head of Religion: The Blazing Avatar
    • Ashmar // Head of Religion: Nyllana Earthguard
    • Calorum Lord of Fire Reformation // Head of Religion: The current High Priest(ess)
    • Radurja // Head of Religion: Shahidi Mkuu / Chuo wa Mashahidi (College of Witnesses)
    • Council of Spirits // Head of Religion: Naomh Fionn Sheenan
    • Cult of the Sky // Head of Religion: Current High Shaman
    • The Great Eel Spirit (see here) // Head of Religion: The Hovermaster Oberdrood
    • Doctrine of Frost // Head of Religion: High Priestess Fabula
    • Kelarthianism // Head of Religion: ???
    • Laiks Raqis // Head of Religion: Bokareis Thuidans High Shaman
    • Children of Kina // Head of Religion: Eldest Child of Kina, Silene Onerogin
    • Tzetultep // Head of Religion: The Teotlkan
    • The Path // Head of Religion: ???
    • Kartina Zhizni/Circle Paganism // Head of Religion: ???
    • Jaaku Na // Head of Religion: Konton-Lordo
    • Q'jes // Head of Religion: ???
    • Ramhsa // Head of Religion: ???
    • An Nádur Paganism//Head of Religion: Ceannin Llyeth
    • Panshén//Head of Religion: Qzare Li Gun Huang Jarrow
    • Avolianism//Head of Religion: ???
    • Wrathful Sun and Kindly Dark//Head of Religion: ???

    Holy Orders
    • Knights of Hoarfrost - Doctrine of Frost - Glazfell
    • Knights of Fabula - Doctrine of Frost - Sycia
    • Knights of Syivine - Doctrine of Frost - Warriors of Syivine Yphinne's Head
    • Knights of the North Wind - Doctrine of Frost - Ashenia
    • Knights of the Towering Glacier - Doctrine of Frost - Estglaz
    • Council of Truth - Calorum Lord of Fire Reformation - Calorum
    • Quorum of the Sixteen Patriarchs - Ascension - Salteire
    • Taratibu wa Mwalimu - Radurja - Genivana
    • Taratibu wa Yrrmindel - Radurja - Aloren
    • Taratibu wa Lunakellai - Radurja - Hrathan-Tuor
    • Taratibu wa Wangaza - Radurja - Ayava
    • Taratibu wa Anagua - Radurja - Grizzland
    • Taratibu wa G'sangfrau - Radurja - K'braashriix
    • Taratibu wa Ignatumna - Radurja - Woodwind
    • Taratibu wa Purvajom - Radurja - Raaneka
    • Ittou Gakusha (Blade Scholars) - Ashamar - Kasumor
    • Dragon Knights - Tzetultep - Tzalteclan
    • Burning Souls - Tzetultep - Kapital
    • Holy Order of the Great Deceiver - Children of Kina - Jeweled Cities
    • Wives of Black - Children of Kina - The Heartwaste
    • Frozen Ashes - Children of Kina - Tekorva
    • The Elbaraz Children - Children of Kina - Elbaraz
    • The Black Hammers - Children of Kina - Keldagrim
    • The Society of Big Brothers and Sisters - Children of Kina - Galomyr
    • Knights of the Black - Jaaku Na - Guilder
    • Knights of Discord - Lord of Fire – Jarrland
    • Order of the Great Emblazoned One - Lord of Fire - Everburning Hoard
    • Kathuan Bards – An Nádur Paganism – Kathuan Tribes
    • Knights of the Silver Wyrm - Panshén - Mularuhm
    • Knights of Bright Silver - Panshén - Trinacria
    • The Rytsari - Kartina Zhizni - Niskovia
    • Holy Order of Water - Ramhsa - Borlmyn
    • Holy Order of Earth - Ramhsa - Triumph
    Last edited by QuintonBeck; 2015-05-06 at 03:38 PM.


    Amazing Avatar by Qwernt! Thank you!

    Quote Originally Posted by Kornaki View Post
    The whole world is held aloft by a dragon.

    That dragon? Held aloft by a bigger dragon.

    It's dragons all the way up
    Beat the bejesus out of a Paladin

  8. - Top - End - #8
    Titan in the Playground
    Aedilred's Avatar

    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    Default Re: EMPIRE! Rules and Administration

    Updated to the start of Round 41.

    Region List

    # Region Name Kingdom
    N-17A The Everburning Horde Everburning Horde (Nomads)
    N-32 Tuvaak Tuvaak (Nomads)
    N-45 Warriors of Syvine Warriors of Syvine (Nomads)
    N-69A Ti Kathuan An Nádur (Nomads)
    N-69B Ti Saethyl An Nádur (Nomads)
    P1 Mictlanpa Kingdom of Calorum
    P2 Wenyavuk Kingdom of Calorum
    P3 Krepida Kingdom of the Iron Doctrine
    P4 Voreal Kingdom
    P5 Voreal Kingdom
    P6 Kuldran Kingdom of Kuldran
    P8 Tletica Kingdom of Calorum
    P9 Sovrassia Banished Kingdom of Kelldria
    P10 Banished Kingdom of Kelldria
    P16 Banished Kingdom of Kelldria
    U1 Abyssian Sea Coalition of the Abyssian Sea
    U4 Challenger Depths Coalition of the Abyssian Sea
    U6 The Savage Reaches Coalition of the Abyssian Sea
    U11 Cuan Hurosha Empire
    U12 Abyss of Corriach Hurosha Empire
    U13 Scálaísceir Hurosha Empire
    U16 Barathrum Myrwik Palatinate
    U17 Margaria Myrwik Palatinate
    U31 Praeclarus Myrwik Palatinate
    U32 Vagas Littus Myrwik Palatinate
    U33 Belua Bay Myrwik Palatinate
    1 Gunung Kingdom of Calorum
    2A Celero Kingdom of Celero
    2B Bereginia Kingdom of Celero
    3 Nyroth Union of Radurjic Republics
    4A Kasumor Hurosha Empire
    4B Shikurai Hurosha Empire
    5A The Heartwaste Faedas Freehold
    5B Eyrecradia Faedas Freehold
    6 Woodwind Union of Radurjic Republics
    7A Calorum Kingdom of Calorum
    7B Gwistrin Hurosha Empire
    8A Aloren Union of Radurjic Republics
    8B K’Braashriix Union of Radurjic Republics
    9 Genivana Union of Radurjic Republics
    10 Hrathan-Tuor Union of Radurjic Republics
    11A Raaneka Union of Radurjic Republics
    11B Ayava Union of Radurjic Republics
    12 Qarimos Union of Radurjic Republics
    13A Lyradis Kingdom of Serendel
    13B Razdis Razdissi Underpire
    14A Guilder Guilderene Expanse
    14B Elbaraz Razdissi Underpire
    15A Zargrim Hurosha Empire
    15B Keldagrim Faedas Freehold
    16A Pryonia Hurosha Empire
    16B Galie-Noiret Faedas Freehold
    17A Tekorva Faedas Freehold
    17B Yorukuni Faedas Freehold
    18A Sympolemou Kingdom of the Iron Doctrine
    18B Aimplach Kingdom of the Iron Doctrine
    19 Domhan Abheile Kingdom of Serendel
    20A Bordeux Sulvan Primarchy
    20B Archos Sulvan Primarchy
    21A Sulvan's Fury Sulvan Primarchy
    22A Ashenia Kingdom of Ashenia
    23 Crima Tyranny of New Crima
    24 Tar Seaborne Confederation
    25 The Jewelled Cities Seaborne Confederation
    26 Shengdi Salterri Heartlands
    27 Scla'Ca Imperial Alydaxian Dominion
    28 Hazaria Kingdom of Ashenia
    29 Alydaxis Imperial Alydaxian Dominion
    30 Grizzland Union of Radurjic Republics
    31 Grmanhil Kingdom of Serendel
    32 Selyra Kingdom of Serendel
    33A Bracia Salterri Heartlands
    33B Landerkunst Kingdom of Mularuhm
    34A Bor-Teire Salterri Heartlands
    34B Graberlock Kingdom of Mularuhm
    35 Salteire Salterri Heartlands
    36 Aus-Teire Salterri Heartlands
    37 Pontensulae Salterri Heartlands
    38 Penoccident Salterri Heartlands
    39 Propinlonge Kingdom of Celero
    40 Solus Imperial Alydaxian Dominion
    41 Glirfrey Glirfrey
    42 Arix-La Imperial Alydaxian Dominion
    43 Angan Anvale Kingdom of Ashenia
    44 Kyaralath Kingdom of Ashenia
    45A Lacertia Kingdom of Ashenia
    45B Ascalaine Kingdom of Ashenia
    46 Intepeuh Kingdom of Ashenia
    47A Niskovia Sovereign Principality of Niskovia
    47B Halja Fera
    48 Karintiya Sovereign Principality of Niskovia
    49 Errelosse Kingdom of the Silver Moon
    50 Sycia Holy Kingdom of Sycia
    51 Felitora Holy Kingdom of Sycia
    52 Drugaud Glazfelli Hegemony
    53 Maos Guilderene Expanse
    54 Rannara Guilderene Expanse
    55 Sahra'a Glazfelli Hegemony
    56 Skarval Glazfelli Hegemony
    57 Frosskov Glazfelli Hegemony
    58 Estglaz Glazfelli Hegemony
    59 Glazfell Glazfelli Hegemony
    60 Borlmyn Kingdom of Serendel
    61A Requiem Kingdom of Serendel
    61B Triumph Kingdom of Serendel
    62A Jarrland Kingdom of the Carmine Sea
    62A Asterith Kingdom of Mularuhm
    63A Discordia Kingdom of the Carmine Sea
    63B Galardoth Kingdom of Mularuhm
    64A Vennland Kingdom of the Carmine Sea
    64B Mularuhm Kingdom of Mularuhm
    65A Minotron Caercian Consortium
    65B Meiterdon Kingdom of Mularuhm
    66 Wyrmar Caercian Consortium
    67 Palas Caercia Caercian Consortium
    68A Pavonia Grand Duchy of Pavonia
    68B Norogh Kingdom of Mularuhm
    69A Farridon Kingdom of the Carmine Sea
    69B Riderock Kingdom of Mularuhm
    70 Valterre Kingdom of the Silver Moon
    71 Malkavan Kingdom of the Silver Moon
    72 Escuralan Kingdom of the Silver Moon
    73 Maur Ash-Kingdom of Maur
    74 Kaspiyskiya Sovereign Principality of Niskovia
    75 Fraezeid Fera
    76A Neo Scandza Fera
    77 Valeriya Sovereign Principality of Niskovia
    78 Vythau Fera
    79 Hleibjan Fera
    80 Voreal Kingdom
    81 Issedonia Voreal Kingdom
    82 Haiwaste Glazfelli Hegemony
    83 Ahmeskharras Ahmeskharras
    84 Maztpoala Tzaltec Empire
    85 Amocuallan Tzaltec Empire
    86 Tzalteclan Tzaltec Empire
    87 Elomaoli Tzaltec Empire
    88 Niemidaland Niemida Prefecture
    89 Meimanda Niemida Prefecture
    90 Galomyr Seaborne Confederation
    91 Bloomenwald Seaborne Confederation
    92 Bjurnja Caercian Consortium
    93 Sterkelv Caercian Consortium
    94 Cridan Tyranny of New Crima
    95 The Thousand Vales Tyranny of New Crima
    96 Promise Caercian Consortium
    97 Miskaton Tyranny of New Crima
    98 Vantalaan Tyranny of New Crima
    100 The Thumping Plains METAL
    101 Nanacatlon Tzaltec Empire
    102 Axiquahitl Tzaltec Empire
    103 Keystone METAL
    104 Oztotla Tzaltec Empire
    105 Kapital METAL
    106 Nezetkharras Tzaltec Empire
    107 West Kap METAL
    108 The Planinfrag Kingdom of Stolok
    109 Anavia Kingdom of Stolok
    110 Kseverumestia Sovereign Principality of Niskovia
    111 Tekoshkiya Sovereign Principality of Niskovia
    112 Serdtsezimiya Sovereign Principality of Niskovia
    113 Cantroth Del'Taihn Provinces
    114 ? Ash-Kingdom of Maur
    115 ? Ash-Kingdom of Maur
    116 ? Ash-Kingdom of Maur
    117 ? Voreal Kingdom
    118 Cantroth Del'Taihn Provinces
    119 Arresia Kingdom of Stolok
    120 Tepetl Kingdom of the Isles
    121 Sanglea Kingdom of the Isles
    122 The Broken Enclave Kingdom of the Isles
    123 The Coldwell Kingdom of the Isles
    124 Tempestia Kingdom of the Carmine Sea
    125 Trinacria Kingdom of the Carmine Sea
    126 Tuhiland Kingdom of the Carmine Sea
    127 Frios Grand Duchy of Pavonia
    128 Tumeland Kingdom of the Carmine Sea
    129 Banished Kingdom of Kelldria
    130 Sea of Glass Seaborne Confederation
    131 Novrania Kingdom of Novrania
    132 Indica Kingdom of the Silver Moon
    133 Ri Chugang Kingdom of Celero
    134 Nan Hai Nian Kingdom of Celero
    135 Dong Bu Dosi Kingdom of Celero
    136 Dong Nam Dosi Chivalric Republic of United Free Cities
    137 Nezett Karn Kingdom of the Silver Moon
    138 Land of Free Knights Chivalric Republic of United Free Cities
    139 Alzeroth Alzeroth Collective
    139B Hringboga Alzeroth Collective
    140 Pomequi Ash-Kingdom of Maur
    141 Kemuliaan Kemuliaan
    142 Bastet Chivalric Republic of United Free Cities
    143 Kanyat Chivalric Republic of United Free Cities
    144 Telek'kra Telek'kra
    145 Trandar Trandar
    146 Rikorsial Great Sharixian Republic
    147 Ziben Yong (New Celero) Kingdom of Celero
    148 Maisel Great Sharixian Republic
    149 Kakowokula Great Sharixian Republic
    152 Dekboard Kingdom of Dekboard
    153 Puerto Melizine Caercian Consortium
    154 Conjellado Anillo Kingdom of Novrania
    156 Darsia
    157 Mapuílli
    160 Guilderene Expanse
    161 Rathenal Thalmann Legacy
    162 Esuma Caramel Kingdom
    163 Valasharix Great Sharixian Republic
    164 Triwilix Great Sharixian Republic
    165 ? Banished Kingdom of Kelldria

    Spoiler: Stuff already determined
    Some regions are already partially determined in what resources or terrain features they have. If you are a new player to the game, you may contact Morph to see if the resources may be waived so you can use all of your own ideas for it. (As a new player you always start with 3 resources, so if a region listed below has less than 3, you always gain extra to bring you up to 3.)

    Pavonian explorers scouring south of Promise uncover Region 97! It has one [Good] undefined resource and one [Good] resource of Cyanastone. It has a population of 432,000 spread out across the cold expanse!

    Valasharix explorers looking north from their homeland discover a great desert! Half of the explorers don't return, those that do are nearly dead of heatstroke and dehydration! With the stories of the Saroc and the Western nations it seems clear the majority of the continent is covered by this massive desert!

    South of Praeclarus the Makgrull find no sign of habitable areas in the waters surrounding Galomyr (90)

    Valasharix explorer east of region 164 discover Region 148! It has one [Good] resource of Skygoats and one [Good] Undefined resource! It's people revere the sky spirits and believe the skygoats to be the souls of their ancestors who acheived enlightenment and the Skygoats are considered sacred animals to the people! The region contains a population of 410,000!

    Valasharix and Thalmann explorers south of region 164 and southeast of the Thalmann Legacy [161] discover Region 165! It has one [Great] resource of True Fire harvested and used by the locals to stave off the cold! The region contains a population of 488,000!

    Caramel explores for an underground region beneath 162! The explorers report that the low level of the land in the western portion of the province so close to sea level and the Hexrises being the only elevations means there's no room for an underground realm! Perhaps further inland such underlands might exist!

    Thalmann explorers south of the Thalmann Legacy [161] discover Region 160! It has one [Good] resource of Malhanan Brew and one [Good] resource of Whispered Darkness. The majority of the population makes its home in a series of three city-states in the northern greener portion of the region which are run by three enigmatic meisters respectively. The meisters and their officials seem to afflicted with black tongues. The region has a population of 710,000!

    Makgrull explorers east of U17 discover Region U16! It has one [Great] resource of Bubbling Stones and one [Good] resource of Hippocampi as well as a population of 800,000 who revere the moons beyond the ceiling!

    NOTE: Region 147's correct resources are Bureaucrats and Oil.

    Makgrull explorers discover Region U33! It has one [Good] resource of Claymak and one [Good] Undefined resource! The region contains a population of 890,000 carnivorous natives!

    Nix explorers discover Region U2! It has one [Great] resource of Salt and a population of 688,000! The natives appear to be related to the merfolk of Borlmyn!

    Niskovian explorers discover Region 114! It has one [Great] resource of Ravusan Yogurt and one [Good] resource of Honey Bees whose honey is often combined with the native yogurt by the natives! It has a population of 1,040,000, a rigid feudal hierarchy, and emphasis on honor above all else!

    Niskovian explorers discover Region 115! It has [Good] resources of Divining Sapphires and Serene Magi! It has a population of 800,000 who put their belief in gods of time and space as interpreted by the holy women of the region!

    Niskovian explorers discover Region 116! It has one [Great] resource of Marbled Foxes and one [Good] Undefined resource! It has a semi-nomadic population of 640,000 who revere the natural world and the connection between all creatures!

    Alzeroth explorers discover Region 139B! It has one [Good] resource of Adamantine. It's population numbers only 60,000 but the mass of the inhabitants leads the Alzerite explorers to speculate their equivalency to 600,000 Alzerites!

    Valasharix explorers discover Region P10, another holding of the Banished Kingdom of Kelldria! Upon the intrusion of yet more foreigners Gregor Argulus returns the explorers with a map of Kelldria's holdings that they might be left undisturbed!

    The Banished Kingdom of Kelldria is composed of regions: P9, P10, P16, and 129 and is ruled by Gregor Argulus

    129 (Capital) - [Good] resource of Potatoes and one [Good] resource of Cotton Population - 740,000 Army - 6,000 Req. Resource - Meat

    P9 - [Good] resource of Bronze and one [Good] resource of Fish Population - 340,000 Army - 3,000 Req. Resource - Food Crops

    P10 - [Good] resource of Glow Snow Population - 210,000 Army - 1,000 Req. Resource - Food Crops

    P16 - [Great] resource of Platinum Population - 450,000 Army - 2,000 Req. Resource - Food Crops

    Niskovian explorers discover Region 117, a holding of the Voreal Kingdom, liege state of the Iero Dominion! Explorers return with detailed maps of the Voreal Kingdom's holdings and those of its vassal states!

    Planinfrag explorers discover Region 109, a holding of the Despotate of Anavia, a vassal to the Iero Dominion!

    The Voreal Kingdom is composed of regions: P4, P5, 80, 81, and 117 and is ruled by Pagos Autokratos Bacchus Laad

    81 (Capital) - [Good] resources of Yaks, Stone, and Gold Population (Frosten) - 1,032,000 Army - 8,000 Req. Resource - True Ice

    P4 - [Great] resource of True Ice Population - 489,000 (Undefined) Army - 4,000 Req. Resource - Food Crops

    P5 - [Good] resource of Frozen Candles Population - 430,000 (Undefined) Army - 4,000 Req. Resource - Meat

    80 - [Good] resources of Books and Steel Population (Frosten) - 940,000 Army - 5,000 Req. Resource - Professionals

    117 - [Good] resources of Wood and Leather Population (Undefined) - 745,000 Army - 4,000 Req. Resource - Precious Metal

    The Despotate of Anavia is composed of regions: 109 and 119 and is ruled by Despot Maraat Laad, eldest son of Bacchus and leader of the crusade against Glazfell.

    109 (Capital) - [Great] resource of Horses and [Good] resources of Sulfur and Azure Magistrates Population - 1,020,000 (Undefined) Army - 6,000 Req. Resource - Stone

    119 - [Good] resources of Colossal Fungi and Llamas Population - 689,000 (She'er) Army - 2,000 Req. Resource - Precious Metal

    Also revealed to Niskovian and Planin explorers is the existence of the Holy States of Our Frozen Lady composing region 118 and ruled by High Priestess Vurima, successor to the High Priestess Marmora.

    118 - [Great] resources of True Ice and Silver [Good] resources of Barley and Blood of Yphinne Population - 1,500,000 Army - 5,000 Req. Resource - Wood

    Player List

    Kingdom Capital Region Player
    Kingdom of Calorum (Hurosha Vassal) Calorum Chief
    Kingdom of the Iron Doctrine AKA Sympolemou (Glazfell Vassal) Sympolemou NPC (Vassal)
    Kingdom of Kuldran Kuldran ShadowShrubbery
    Voreal Kingdom 80 NPC
    Banished Kingdom of Kelldria 129 NPC
    Nixdarum (Mularuhm Vassal) The Abyssian Sea NPC (Vassal)
    Hurosha Empire Kasumor WaylanderX
    Praeclarus Praeclarus Gengy
    Kingdom of Celero (Salterri Vassal) Celero Logic
    Union of Radurjic Republics (Federation) Aloren ImperatorV, zabbarot, Snowfire, Syrution
    Faedas Freehold The Heartwaste Reggiejam
    Kingdom of Serendel/Empire of Dawn Selyra TheWombatofDoom
    Razdissi Underpire Razdis NPC
    Guilderene Expanse (Empire of Dawn Vassal) Maos SamBurke
    Kingdom of the Silver Moon Valterre Lord_Burch
    Sulvan Primarchy (Ashenia Vassal) Sulvan's Fury NPC (Vassal)
    Kingdom of Ashenia Ashenia Elemental
    Tyranny of New Crima Crima DoomHat
    Seaborne Confederation (Salterri Vassal) Galomyr lt_murgen
    Salterri Imperium (Heartlands) Aus-Teire Morph Bark
    Imperial Alydaxan Dominion (Kingdom of the Silver Moon Vassal) Alydaxis NPC (Vassal)
    Glirfrey (Kingdom of the Silver Moon Vassal) Glirfrey NPC (Vassal)
    Sovereign Principality of Niskovia Niskovia Kitsanth
    Fera (Niskovia Vassal) Fraezeid NPC (Vassal)
    Holy Kingdom of Sycia (Glazfell Vassal) Sycia HalfTangible
    Glazfelli Hegemony Glazfell BladeofObliviom
    Kingdom of Mularuhm (Salterri Vassal) Mularuhm RandoMan
    Kingdom of the Carmine Sea (Salterri Vassal) Jarrland Aedilred
    Caercian Consortium (Salterri Vassal) Palas Caercia DurkBlanston
    Pavonian Imperium Pavonia NPC
    Del'Taihn Provinces (Niskovia Vassal) Maur Mynxae
    Ahmeskharras (METAL Vassal) Ahmeskharras (aka the Clanships) NPC (Vassal)
    Tzaltec Empire Tzalteclan TheDarkDM
    Niemida Prefecture (Salterri Vassal) Niemidaland NPC (Vassal)
    Kingdom of Faelthalas Faelthalas NPC
    Mighty Euge Terrible Alliance of Lanteroc (METAL) Kapital NPC
    Kingdom of Stolok (Glazfell Vassal) The Planinfrag NPC (vassal)
    Holy States of Our Frozen Lady (Iero Vassal) 118 NPC (Vassal)
    Kingdom of the Isles (Carmine Sea Vassal) The Broken Enclave PepperP.
    Kingdom of Novrania (Seaborne Confederation Vassal) Novrania NPC
    Chivalric Republic of United Free Cities Land of Free Knights Kasanip
    Alzeroth Collective (Hurosha Vassal) Alzeroth NPC (Vassal)
    Kemuliaan Kemuliaan NPC
    Telek'kra Telek'kra Soommor
    Kingdom of Dekboard Dekboard Durmatagno
    Trandar Trandar NPC
    Thalmann Legacy Rathenal NPC
    Caramel Kingdom (Empire of Dawn Vassal) Esuma Philote
    Great Sharixian Republic Valasharix The Blue Guard
    The Everburning Horde Nomads Tychris1
    Tuvaak (Empire of Dawn Vassal) Nomads XIII
    Warriors of Syivine (Ashenia Vassal) Nomads NPC (Vassal)
    An Nádur Nomads Rain Dragon
    Last edited by Aedilred; 2015-05-19 at 09:48 AM.
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    Apr 2006

    Default Re: EMPIRE! Rules and Administration


    The table here is out of date, as maintaining a forum version of the table is currently unsustainable. The latest version of the trades table is available as a GoogleDoc. Please ask if you have any specific queries and cannot access (or understand) the GoogleDoc.

    Updated to start of Round 36

    Round-by-round trade updates will continue to be posted in the OOC thread.

    Spoiler: Trades as of Round 28

    Updated to the end of Round 28

    # Realm Region Name Quantity Resources Exported To Trading Posts
    U1 Nix'Darum Abyssian Sea Great Coral
    U11 Cuan Good Dearg Sreang Elbaraz

    P1 Kingdom of Calorum Mictlanpa Good Fish
    P2 Faedas Freehold Wenyavuk Great Amber Kasumor
    P2 Good Mammoths Lyradis

    P3 Kingdom of the Iron Doctrine Krepida Good True Ice Tekorva
    P8 Kingdom of Calorum Tletica Good Blue Fire Celero
    P8 Good White Flax
    1 Kingdom of Calorum Gunung Great Adamantine Kasumor
    1 Good Iron Wenyavuk
    1 Good Obsidian Gwistrin

    1 Good Crops Pryonia

    2A Kingdom of Celero Celero Good Wood Gunung

    2A Good Magnetite Propinlonge
    2A Good Fish Gunung

    2A Good Griffons Lyradis

    2B Kingdom of Celero Bereginia Good Light Crystals Borlmyn
    2B Good Granite
    2B Good Iron
    2B Good Mercenaries Woodwind

    3 Triumvirate Nyroth Good Wood Wenyavuk
    3 Good Ginger Propinlonge
    3 Great Silk Tletica
    The Jewelled Cities
    4A Hurosha Empire Kasumor Good Huge Insects Woodwind
    4A Great Shintouite Borlmyn
    4A Good Alchemical Compounds Tekorva
    4A Good Cotton Gunung
    4B Hurosha Empire Shikurai Great Squid The Heartwaste

    5A Faedas Freehold The Heartwaste Good Precious Gems Shikurai
    5A Good Stone Yorukuni
    5A Good Bloodfire Tekorva

    5B Faedas Freehold Eyrecradia Good Platinum The Heartwaste
    5B Good Mushrooms
    5B Good Moss
    5B Good Opal
    6 Triumvirate Woodwind Good Dire Boar Zargrim
    6 Good Fish Zargrim
    6 Good Wood Kasumor
    6 Great Architects Tar
    7A Kingdom of Calorum Calorum Good Salt
    7A Good Helium
    7A Good Marble Pryonia
    7A Good Cows Pryonia
    7B Hurosha Empire Gwistrin Good Lead Kasumor

    7B Good Quartz Kasumor
    The Jewelled Cities
    8A Triumvirate Aloren Good Fish K'Braashriix
    8A Good Saffron Alydaxis
    8A Good Goats Qarimos
    8B Triumvirate K'Braashriix Good Fruxtkorp'r Aloren
    8B Good Kobold Musicians Novrania

    8B Good Dragon Scales Vennland
    9 Triumvirate Genivana Good Vegetables Celero
    9 Good Wood Tletica
    9 Good Fish Nyroth
    9 Great Osuro Mirc K'Braashriix

    10 Triumvirate Hrathan-Tuor Good Fine Crafted Goods Gunung
    The Jewelled Cities
    10 Good Basilisks and Venom Woodwind
    10 Good Assassins Woodwind
    10 Good Hai Vyuma Aloren

    11A Raaneka Raaneka Great Heartwine Kasumor
    Palas Caercia
    The Jewelled Cities
    11A Good Lumber Grmanhil
    11A Good Coloured Sandstone Gwistrin
    The Jewelled Cities
    11A Good Berundas Ayava
    11B Raaneka Ayava Good Scholars Genivana
    11B Good Mushroom Trees Drugaud
    11B Good Cave Cats Genivana
    12 Raaneka Qarimos Good Spices Domhan Abheile
    12 Good Elephants Aloren
    12 Good Ships Jarrland
    The Broken Enclave
    12 Good Mahaki Jana
    13A Kingdom of Serendel Lyradis Good Clay Objects Borlmyn
    13A Great Grain Grmanhil
    Domhan Abheile
    13A Good Craftsmen Guilder
    13B Razdissi Underpire Razdis Good Stone Sahra'a
    13B Good Iron Domhan Abheile
    13B Good Coal Zargrim
    Domhan Abheile
    13B Great Mithril Lyradis
    14A Guilderene Expanse Guilder Good Wood Bereginia
    14A Good Crops Kasumor
    14A Good Bronze Gunung
    14A Good Inventors Kasumor
    14B Razdissi Underpire Elbaraz Good Tin Wenyavuk

    14B Good Copper Wenyavuk

    14B Good Andbar Mushrooms Rannara
    15A Hurosha Empire Zargrim Good Furs Mularuhm
    15A Good Phoenixes Pontensulae
    15B Hurosha Empire Keldagrim Good Goats Neo Scandza
    15B Good Gold Farridon

    15B Good Iron Kasumor
    16A Kingdom of Calorum Pryonia Good Coal Gunung
    16A Good Crystal
    16A Good Lord of Fire Relics Calorum

    16A Good Grain
    16B Faedas Freehold Galie-Noiret Good Sulphur Kasumor
    16B Good Nitrates Tuhiland
    17A Faedas Freehold Tekorva Good Stone Nyroth
    17A Good Iron Lyradis
    17A Good Fish Kasumor
    17A Good Brass Kasumor
    The Heartwaste
    The Jewelled Cities
    17B Faedas Freehold Yorukuni Good Kinu Kuroth Shikurai
    The Heartwaste
    17B Good Ketsuek Crystal The Jewelled Cities
    18A Kingdom of the Iron Doctrine Sympolemou Good Scarnak Birds Glazfell

    18A Good Wood Qarimos

    18A Good Vegetables Tar

    18A Good Monstrous Rodents
    18B Kingdom of the Iron Doctrine Aimplach Good Darkstar Iron
    18B Good Tunnel Wolves
    18B Good Screeching Crystals Glazfell

    19 Kingdom of Serendel Domhan Abheile Good Fish Lyradis
    19 Good Wood Lyradis
    19 Good Goats Hrathan-Tuor
    20 Kingdom of the Silver Moon Bordeux Great Cedar Wood Sulvan's Fury

    20 Good Furs Sulvan's Fury
    20 Good Gold Sulvan's Fury
    20 Good Sulphur Sulvan's Fury
    21 Sulvan Primarchy Sulvan's Fury Good Iron Bordeux
    21 Good Coal Bordeux
    21 Good Mithril Bordeux
    22 Kingdom of Ashenia Ashenia Good Dairy Cows Palas Caercia
    Sulvan's Fury
    22 Good Horses Crima
    Sulvan's Fury
    22 Good Silver Sulvan's Fury
    22 Good Books Celero
    Sulvan's Fury
    23 Tyranny of New Crima Crima Good Pegasi Raaneka
    23 Good Grain Valterre
    The Jewelled Cities
    23 Good Stone
    23 Good Bats Pavonia
    24 AQUA Tar Good Wood Razdis
    24 Good Tar Nyroth
    The Jewelled Cities
    24 Good Meat and Hides Aloren
    24 Good Aeromancers Kasumor

    25 AQUA The Jewelled Cities Great Kelp-Olive Oil Nyroth
    25 Good Gemstones Qarimos
    25 Great Fruits Kasumor
    26 Salterri Imperium Shengdi Great Goats Nan Hai Nian

    27 Alydaxan Dominion Scla'Ca Good Wood Glirfrey
    27 Good Gold Aloren
    27 Good Herbs
    28 Kingdom of Ashenia Hazaria Great Salt Bordeux
    Angan Anvale
    28 Good Diamonds Bordeux
    29 Alydaxan Dominion Alydaxis Good Ordinarium Scla'a

    29 Good Wood Glirfrey

    29 Good Silver
    29 Good Ancient Artifacts Halja

    30 Triumvirate Grizzland Good Grain Aloren
    30 Good Dire Crabs Vennland
    30 Good Stone Woodwind
    31 Raaneka Grmanhil Good Iron Lyradis
    31 Good Sheep (Wool) Lyradis

    31 Good Bees (Honey, Mead) Wenyavuk
    31 Good Glass Niskovia
    32 Kingdom of Serendel Selyra Good Rhinos Lyradis
    32 Good Abyssium Kasumor
    33 Salterri Imperium Bracia Good Hops Palas Caercia
    Ri Chugang
    34 Bor-Teire Good Hops Ri Chugang
    34 Good Drum Lizards Salteire

    35 Salterri Imperium Salteire Good Salt
    35 Good Gold Tzalteclan

    35 Good Silver Aus-Teire
    35 Good Tea
    36 Salterri Imperium Aus-Teire Great Crops Jarrland

    36 Good Silver Palas Caercia
    Ri Chugang
    36 Good Personal Servants
    36 Good Corundum Ashenia

    37 Salterri Imperium Pontensulae Good Orichalcum Tempestia
    37 Good Everlava
    37 Good Diamonds Ayava

    38 Salterri Imperium Penoccident Great Cliffhorn Goats Palas Caercia
    38 Good Fish Niskovia

    39 Kingdom of Celero Propinlonge Good Pigs Jarrland

    39 Good Tropical Fruit Nyroth

    39 Good Platinum
    40 Alydaxan Dominion Solus Good Olive Oil Woodwind
    40 Good Glass Drugaud
    40 Good Kingbirds Bordeux
    41 Alydaxan Dominion Glirfrey Good Giraffes
    41 Good Kralax
    42 Alydaxan Dominion Arix'la Good Limestone Genivana
    42 Good Rice Solus

    43 Kingdom of Ashenia Angan Anvale Good Void Beasts Bordeux
    43 Great Wheat Bordeux
    43 Good Sugarcane Woodwind
    44 Kingdom of Ashenia Kyaralath Good Somnorum Bordeux
    44 Good Tea Crima
    Land of Free Knights
    45A Kingdom of Ashenia Lacertia Good Iron Hazaria
    Angan Anvale
    45A Good Adamantine Bordeux
    45A Good Great Lizards Bordeux
    45B Kingdom of Ashenia Ascalaine Good Shade Crystal Bordeux

    46 Kingdom of Ashenia Intepeuh Good Marble
    47 Sovereign Principality of Niskovia Niskovia Good Yaks Nyroth
    47A Good Precious Gems Galomyr
    47A Good Star Metal Propinlonge
    47A Good Engineers Selyra
    47B Fera Halja Good Luftus Nochenwarm Niskovia
    47B Good Spies Hrathan-Tuor
    47B Good Absinthe LLC
    47B Good Vatn-Dauths Bordeux
    48 Sovereign Principality of Niskovia Karintiya Good Niskovian Vodka Penoccident
    48 Good Dyes LLC

    49 Kingdom of the Silver Moon Errelosse Good Cattle Bordeux
    49 Good Nyx Hounds Pryonia
    50 Holy Kingdom of Sycia Sycia Good Pegasi Frosskov
    50 Good Gemstones
    50 Good Grain Jarrland
    51 Holy Kingdom of Sycia Felitora Good Crystals
    51 Good Wood
    51 Good Furs
    52 Glazfelli Hegemony Drugaud Good Coal Sahra'a
    52 Good Iron Solus
    The Planinfrag
    52 Good Scientists Skarval
    53 Guilderene Expanse Rannara Good Magnetite Kasumor

    54 Guilderene Expanse Maos Good Dinosaurs Guilder
    54 Good Tar Glazfell
    54 Good Athletes Grizzland
    55 Guilderene Expanse Sahra'a Good Lacertal Lizards Vennland
    55 Good Lacertal Leather Drugaud
    Palas Caercia
    Bloomenwald Isles
    55 Good Lacertal Milk Hrathan-Tuor
    56 Glazfelli Hegemony Skarval Good Herbs Frosskov
    56 Good Stone Haiwaste
    57 Glazfelli Hegemony Frosskov Good Silk Tar
    Bloomenwald Isles
    57 Glazfelli Hegemony Frosskov Good Wood Krepida
    57 Good Wood The Heartwaste
    The Planinfrag
    58 Glazfelli Hegemony Estglaz Good Silver Ayava

    58 Good Gold Gunung
    58 Great Cavorite Elomaoli
    59 Glazfelli Hegemony Glazfell Good Bronze Kyaralath
    59 Good Tears of Yphine Frontier

    59 Good Megafauna Meat Frosskov
    60 Kingdom of Serendel Borlmyn Great Giant Pistol Shrimp Kasumor

    60 Good Sulphur
    61A Kingdom of Serendel Requiem Good Clay Aus-Teire
    61A Good Horses Aus-Teire
    The Heartwaste
    61A Good Iron Wood Yorukuni
    61B Kingdom of Serendel Triumph Good Netherine
    62A Kingdom of the Carmine Sea Jarrland Great Dyes Propinlonge
    Domhan Abheile
    62A Good Timber Aus-Teire
    Abyssian Sea
    62A Good Limestone Nyroth
    62A Good Scriveners Aloren
    62B Kingdom of Mularuhm Asterith Good Amoeba Colonial Oozes Wyrmar
    62B Good Sulphur Tuhiland
    63A Kingdom of the Carmine Sea Discordia Great Discordian Rock Niskovia
    63B Kingdom of Mularuhm Galardoth Good Discordian Deeprock Wyrmar
    63B Good Giant Spiders Sterkelv

    64A Kingdom of the Carmine Sea Vennland Great Papyrus Woodwind

    The Jewelled Cities
    Palas Caercia
    64A Good Oysters Wenyavuk
    64B Kingdom of Mularuhm Mularuhm Good Shellfish Rannara
    64B Good Mithril Jarrland
    Palas Caercia
    64B Good Gold Palas Caercia
    65 Caercian Consortium Minotron Good Grains Novrania
    Dong Bu Dosi
    65 Good Longhorn Cattle Promise
    65 Good Wood Wyrmar
    66 Caercian Consortium Wyrmar Good Hulatuhn (wurms) Kasumor
    66 Good Cacti Palas Caercia
    66 Good Gulpsand Mularuhm
    67 Caercian Consortium Palas Caercia Good Cana Beans Raaneka
    67 Good Horses Discordia
    67 Good Flax Angan Anvale
    67 Good Potatoes Aus-Teire
    68A Grand Duchy of Pavonia Pavonia Good Iron Jarrland
    68A Good Stone Bor-Teire
    68A Good Mercenaries Palas Caercia
    68A Good Adamantine Crima

    68B Grand Duchy of Pavonia Novorogh Good Amethysts Mularuhm

    68B Good Hellstone Jarrland
    68B Good Sulphur
    69A Kingdom of the Carmine Sea Farridon Good Toma Nuts Zargrim
    69A Good Quartz Aus-Teire

    69A Good Iron Vennland
    69A Good Arpied Mercenaries Palas Caercia
    69B Kingdom of Mularuhm Riderock Good Rokuers
    69B Good Riders
    69B Good Cave Fungus Bjurnja
    70 Kingdom of the Silver Moon Valterre Good Precious Stones Ashenia

    70 Good Marble Ashenia
    70 Good Precious Gems Novrania

    71 Kingdom of the Silver Moon Malkavan Good Adamus Novrania

    71 Good Witchlight Elbaraz
    74 Sovereign Principality of Niskovia Kaspiyskiya Good Dragon Flowers LLC

    74 Great Bunker Trees Discordia

    75 Fera LLC Good Tangleweave Spiders Neo Scandza
    76 Fera Neo Scandza Good Aizium LLC
    76 Good Zjörnu Bruka Crystals Valeriya
    77 Sovereign Principality of Niskovia Valeriya Good Rock Juice Niskovia
    77 Good Geliy Vapour Niskovia
    82 Glazfelli Hegemony Haiwaste Great Mud Drugaud
    82 Good Potash Glazfell
    84 Guilderene Expanse Frontier Good Gold Gebui
    84 Good Goldfire Penoccident
    The Jewelled Cities
    85 Tzaltec Empire Amocuallan Good Ngath Philungf
    85 Good Roaring Turtles Tzalteclan

    86 Tzaltec Empire Tzalteclan Good Gold Calorum
    86 Good Iron Elomaoli

    86 Good Slaves Drugaud
    86 Good Dragon's Blood Bordeux
    87 Tzaltec Empire Elomaoli Good Goldfire Tekorva
    87 Good Corn Nezetkharras

    88 Salterri Vassal Niemidaland Good Fish
    88 Good Spices
    90 Kingdom of Celero Galomyr Good Bananas
    90 Great Galomyr Sages Niskovia

    90 Good Aloe Vera
    91 AQUA Bloomenwald Isles Good Thundersheet Plants Sahra'a
    91 Good Grape Lotus
    92 Caercian Consortium Bjurnja Good Gretan Clawlings Riderock
    92 Good Grain Tekorva

    92 Good Chickens Asterith
    Palas Caercia
    Nan Hai Nian
    93 Caercian Consortium Sterkelv Good Perytons Vennland
    93 Good Gnarls Mularuhm
    96 Grand Duchy of Pavonia Promise Good Giant Frozen Eggs Wyrmar
    96 Good
    106 Tzaltec Empire Nezetkharras Good Gold
    106 Great Creeping Livefire Estglaz

    108 Kingdom of Stolok The Planinfrag Good Highland Berries
    108 Good Sheep Frosskov

    108 Good Mineral Dyes Drugaud

    111 Sovereign Principality of Niskovia Tekoshkiya Good Sabretooth Tigers LLC

    111 Good Wood
    112 Sovereign Principality of Niskovia Serdtsezimiya Good Stone LLC

    112 Good Wood
    120 Kingdom of the Isles Tepetl Good Breathing Peat
    120 Good Mithril-Willow
    121 Kingdom of the Isles Sanglea Good Birds
    121 Good Skywhales
    121 Good Fallen Stars
    122 Kingdom of the Isles The Broken Enclave Good Fish
    122 Good Silk
    122 Great Star Nectar Qarimos

    124 Kingdom of the Carmine Sea Tempestia Good Huma Birds Aus-Teire

    124 Good Geese Aus-Teire
    126 Kingdom of the Carmine Sea Tuhiland Good Sparkfellow Icicles Aloren
    Ri Chugang
    126 Good Coal Niskovia

    127 Grand Duchy of Pavonia Frios Good Sungbone
    130 Kingdom of Celero Sea of Glass Good Adamantine
    130 Good Nitrates Grizzland

    The Jewelled Cities
    131 Kingdom of Novrania Novrania Good Wood Sterkelv
    131 Good Fish Valterre
    131 Good Medicinal Herbs K'Braashriix
    132 Kingdom of the Silver Moon Indica Great Dyes
    132 Good Ambrosia Niskovia
    133 Jomani Kralstvo Rí Chugang Good Rubber Aus-Teire

    133 Good Shedding Trees
    133 Good Silk
    133 Good Fine Porcelain
    134 Yong Prefecture Nan Hai Nian Good Leviathans
    134 Good Rice K'Braashriix
    134 Good Cocoa Beans Frontier

    135 Yong Prefecture Dong Bu Dosi Good Nightcrackle Lightning Minotron

    135 Good Spirit Crickets Cas-Teire

    136 Kingdom of the Silver Moon Dong Nam Dosi Good Aimoh
    136 Good Ban-Terato
    137 Kingdom of the Silver Moon Nezett Karn Good Ironwood
    137 Good Gaia Vines Ashenia

    138 United Free Cities Land of Free Knights Good Tangled Lightning
    138 Good Fibrous Flame Ashenia

    139 Alzeroth Collective Alzeroth Good Firestone
    139 Good Fish
    139 Good Stone
    250 Gebui Gebui Singular Camels Frontier

    250 Singular Coloured Glass Maos

    250 Singular Stone Maos

    250 Singular Heart Ruby Guilder

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    Ettin in the Playground
    TheWombatOfDoom's Avatar

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    Default Re: EMPIRE! Rules and Administration

    Round Increase Updates

    Updated to Round 28

    Active Rounds for Players Table

    Capital Region
    Luck Increase
    Celero Logic 27
    Huroshan Empire WaylanderX 28
    Faedas Freehold ReggieJam 10
    Triad Legislator QuintonBeck 28
    Triad Judicator zabbarot 27
    Triad Executor ImperatorV 28
    Calorum Chief 27
    Raaneka Snowfire 2
    Kingdom of Serendel TheWombatOfDoom 28
    Razdis Silverbit 23
    Guilder SamBurke 28
    Bordeux Concordant Lord_Burch 28
    Kingdom of Ashenia Elemental 28
    New Crima DoomHat 4
    AQUA lt_murgen 27
    Salterri Heartlands Morph Bark 11
    Niskovia Kitsanth 17
    Fera RainDragon 16
    Sycia HalfTangible 1
    Empire of Glazfell BladeofObliviom 21
    Kingdom of the Carmine Sea Aedilred 19
    Kingdom of Mularuhm RandoMan 8
    Caercian Consortium DurkBlanston 14
    Pavonia Imperium ReaderAt2046 14
    Ash Kingdom of Maur C'nor 1
    Tzalteclan TheDarkDM 15
    Chivalric Republic of the United Free Cities Kasanip 1
    Abyssian Sea Sorrcerousflux 4

    Last edited by TheWombatOfDoom; 2014-11-28 at 11:05 AM.
    Scientific Name: Wombous apocolypticus | Diet: Apocolypse Pie | Cuddly: Yes

    World Building Projects:
    : The Stuff of Sentience | Fate: The Fabric of Physics | Luck: The Basis of Biology

    Order of the Stick Projects:
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    Dad-a-chum? Dum-a-chum? Ded-a-chek? Did-a-chick?
    Extended Signature | My DeviantArt | Majora's Mask Point Race
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    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: EMPIRE! Rules and Administration


    If anyone has a more up to date version, please let me know!

    Agent Name
    Base Resource/Project
    UJR ImperatorV Assassin Informant Network Assassins +2 on assassination checks
    Keyword: Assassins
    Guilderene Expanse SamBurke Civilizing Agents Inventors; Technical Institute +2 on Diplomatic Colonization checks for coastal and island regions
    Keyword: Civilization
    UJR SnowFire Raaneki Fellows Scholars, Great Stadium +2 on Investigation checks (not including scientific research)?
    Keyword: Investigators
    Calorum Chief Solar Descendants Academy of Arts +2 to Faith checks to convert unaffiliated people
    Keyword: Missionaries
    Kingdom of Serendel TheWombatOfDoom Priests of the Elemental Orders Temple of Rahmsa +2 on rolls for faith conversions outside the Kingdom of Serendel.
    Keyword: Evangelist
    Hurosha Empire WaylanderX Security Guards Kasumor Academy of Culture & Prowess +2 against technology theft.
    Keyword: Guards
    Kingdom of Ashenia Elemental Astrologers Observatory at Severikand +2 on Curiosity or Faith checks
    Keyword: Astrology
    Kingdom of The Iron Doctrine Tychris1 Iron Cross Medical Academy for Combat Drugs +2 on rolls involving use of medicine
    Keyword: Medicine
    Kingdom of the Carmine Sea Aedilred Agitators Scriveners +2 on rolls to destabilize regions
    Keyword: Disrupting Stability
    Fera Rain Dragon Leikjos Throthjans Hailjan +2 to rolls involving surgery
    Keyword: Surgery
    Triumvirate QuintonBeck Civil Engineers Architects +2 on population increase rolls if actions have been spent on it
    Keyword: Sanitation
    Pavonia ReaderAt2046 Skilled Warlords Mercenaries +2 on Military battle checks the ruler does not lead
    Keyword: Tactical Skill
    Glazfell BladeofObliviom Shezhan Royal Academy for the Advancement of Arcane and Supernatural Studies Scientists +2 to rolls investigating, recovering, or interacting with magical or unnatural phenomena and artifacts.
    Keyword: Gnosis
    AQUA lt_murgen Privateers Naval Academy +2 to Combat rolls when regent is not in battle.
    Keyword: Privateers
    Sycia HalfTangible Knights of Marvella Icewing Academy +2 to combat in regions that are Majority/Sole Doctrine of Frost (+1 in regions with a minority)
    Keyword: Crusaders
    Kingdom of the Isles PepperP. Savants Enclave Institute of Collegiate Mastery Reroll any 1 roll at an event once per round.
    Keyword: Events
    (not currently actioned)
    Kingdom of Celero Logic Patent Office Enclave Institute of Collegiate Mastery +2 Defense vs Technology theft
    Keyword: Patent
    Praeclarus Gengy Patent Office Uncle Sky's School for Walking the Surface Provide a +2 to rolls for Diplomatically Colonizing Underwater regions.
    Keyword: Orators
    Last edited by TheWombatOfDoom; 2015-05-13 at 12:38 PM.
    Scientific Name: Wombous apocolypticus | Diet: Apocolypse Pie | Cuddly: Yes

    World Building Projects:
    : The Stuff of Sentience | Fate: The Fabric of Physics | Luck: The Basis of Biology

    Order of the Stick Projects:
    Annotation of the Comic | Magic Compendium of the Comic | Transcription of the Comic
    Dad-a-chum? Dum-a-chum? Ded-a-chek? Did-a-chick?
    Extended Signature | My DeviantArt | Majora's Mask Point Race
    (you can't take the sky from me)

  12. - Top - End - #12
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: EMPIRE! Rules and Administration

    GM Team Rules Alterations

    Luck Rules
    The following rules and or alterations have been decided upon by the GM team and approved by Morph and shall be enacted beginning in this round.

    • Luck shall no longer be a ruler stat but instead a player pool
    • Everyone's current ruler luck will become their current standing player pool and will continue to be tracked in the rulers table for ease of administration but shall not be associated with the rulers there.
    • Luck will be spent in increments of 5 or 10 out of the pool
    • Taking a Luck 5 or Luck 10 action will no longer be it's own action but will be noted to be applied along with a non-luck action
    • Luck will be distributed at a rate of +1 to every player for every 2 consecutive active rounds by that player.
    • Luck will be retro-actively applied as if under this system for the previous rounds in which no luck was distributed. Exact increases of luck for which players forthcoming in the coming days.
    • Luck will be rolled up with 1d4 when the luck pool reaches 0
    • Luck 10s ability to "do something amazing" shall be subject to case by case review by the GM team


    Amazing Avatar by Qwernt! Thank you!

    Quote Originally Posted by Kornaki View Post
    The whole world is held aloft by a dragon.

    That dragon? Held aloft by a bigger dragon.

    It's dragons all the way up
    Beat the bejesus out of a Paladin

  13. - Top - End - #13
    Ettin in the Playground
    TheWombatOfDoom's Avatar

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    Default Re: EMPIRE! Rules and Administration

    Basic Questions

    • Is there a format that I can use to create my nation?

      There is no official format that you have to use, but TheWombatOfDoom has created a template to assist new players to fill out all the information needed for them to begin, and it also helps him in reviewing region statistics. All nations are posted in the "Lands of Tellurius thr

      Here is a link to the post: [Click]

    • How do I get one of those nifty crests/heraldry some of the countries have?

      This is the one generally used in this game, but feel free to make your own as well in whatever program you use. These details are just extra, and are not required to play.

    • Does Magic exist in this world? Do Magical Creatures?

      Magic does exist, but it is a vague and mysterious force, and the people are not yet able to use it, at least most of the time.

      There are many magical beasts found throughout these lands, though great creatures such as dragons, undead, constructs, aberrations and such are only told of in legends, possibly distant history. Spirits such as fey and elementals and similar things are at rare times encountered.

    • How are populations determined?

      You roll 30,000+10d10 x 1000. (Or indeed 300,000 + 10d10 x 10,000, if the population increase goes ahead).

    • Can we have other races aside from human?

      You can have other races, but you should clear it with the GM team before you start. You can also have them be offshoots of the human race (with the more distant ones being more different), but if they are a different species entirely, they will be unable to cross-breed with other races.

      Note, however, that races of other sorts do NOT have any mechanical effect on play. Playing a strong race will simply make it so your army units are reduced in size to be effectively as strong as 1000 humans, though they will take up 1000 of your people still. This is to keep things fair, balanced and uncomplicated.

      Having a race different from your neighbors will make it harder to do cultural assimilation projects, which makes taking total control over a country with a different race harder. Basically this means having a non-human race can work as a defense mechanism of sorts, as people may not want the hassle of taking over such a region and deal with rioting that may ensue.

    • What region can I start in?

      You can start in any unoccupied region on the map, subject to GM approval. If there are no appropriate regions on the map the GMs may also make new regions available that are not currently displayed.

      Alternatively you might be able to take over an NPC. Most NPCs are regions belonging to former players who have dropped out. Starting with a NPC can give you the advantage of established trade links, alliances, armies and so forth, but you will have to work within the framework of the existing region as already defined. If the NPC is a Great Kingdom then that will also have to be re-established before you can get the benefits of that.

    • Can underground regions have ports or access to the sea?

      Underground regions do not have access to the sea, as that would require going aboveground, which is a different region's area. The exception to this would be if one of the terrain features described has direct access to the sea via a large underground bay or river or such (which would only make sense if the aboveground region is very mountainous, hilly or has a lot of coastal cliffs).

    • Why can’t I have developed technology when I start my country?

      All countries start off at low technology. To get developed technology, you have to…develop it, mostly by using your curiosity. You can also trade or be gifted technology by your allies, which is an example of why making alliances can be very advantageous, especially when you start. You can also steal technologies from other nations with a curiosity action, but be ready for the consequences of this.

    • What is the difference between vassals and my other regions? Is there one?

      A player can control up to seven regions directly. They may take as many of their actions in each of these regions as they like, and can trade all their resources using their normal actions.

      Vassals are regions whose owners owe you allegiance but are directly controlled by another player, or an NPC. You need to have a Great Kingdom before you can take vassals, and they have their own set of actions separate from yours. If the vassal is controlled by a player you can't take any actions for them, but if it's a NPC vassal you can take one action for it per round – or two if the vassal is also a Great Kingdom.

    Map Based Questions

    • Why are some region borders on the map black dots and some white dots?

      They're white or black depending on what color the background is.

    • What is the scale of the map?

      Distance-wise, the map scale is about half of Earth standards. This would make the current west coast (from the northern-most part of the coast of Region 3 to the southern-most tip of region 9) about 1000 miles long.

    Actions and Trade Questions

    • What constitutes a consumable action? What kinds of actions would require sustained actions?

      Actions like farming and others that are completely necessary are automatic, and therefore a non-consumable action.

      Others actions, like raising 1000 soldiers or exploring or creating alliances would require only 1 round. Really, though, you decide what your actions will be. You can lead up to bigger actions by spending actions foreshadowing or doing research on something.

      Anything big enough to be titled a "project" that requires build-up of any kind counts as a sustained action and must be accounted for in your allotted actions per round. So, training certain kinds of creatures or specialist people would require at least 2 rounds, with an action dedicated to it in both (so if you do so in one round, and not in the subsequent round, you will not have finished the project until you do so).

      Big projects such as a Great Wall or anything Wonder of the World-style are projects of a lifetime and will likely require 5 rounds and sometimes give semi-tangible benefits, but that's generally associated to a technology, population growth, or the Military 5 action - Agents, which you can find in the rules section. Also, remember that Actions are all dependent on your own ruler's attribute scores, even if those actions are factually performed by other people.

      TL;DR - Smaller Projects take 2 rounds, Larger Projects take 5 rounds. These projects are more for fluffing your region, but sometimes have benefits.

    • What happens if I don't post actions?

      Nothing. The region goes quiet for a round (or longer) and no existing work continues. If the region is attacked, its armies will stand aside and will not automatically defend the region. If the region is left abandoned long enough it will become a NPC. If you know you're going to be absent for a round or have to step out of the game for a while, it's a good idea to let people know so that appropriate steps can be taken with the region, such as its being treated as a NPC.

    • If we're just going for fluff, does it take an action to attend IC threads?

      No. That is, unless you do something during the IC thread that would constitute an action, such as declaring war, creating an alliance, forming a trade, and so on. If you are just there to roleplay, then you don't need an action. Just make sure your character has been invited or has some way of knowing about the event, otherwise its metagaming.

    • Can I save an action for later in the round to respond to other people's actions?

      Each player has 2 weeks to post each of their actions. A player can therefore hold out on a number of their actions for as long as they wanted within that week, however if that week ends without the player updating these saved actions, those actions are lost. Holding your action could be if you are still working on the details of that action, or perhaps waiting for the actions of others to respond to. It should be noted that you CAN change you actions after you've posted them, so long as you do it before the end of the round. After the round ends, editing your actions voids the entire round for you and your regions. If you've made a roll for something, its generally bad form to change it after having rolled for it. Also, keep in mind that if you wanted to declare war on someone, you must do so early in the round, and PM them to notify them of the declaration, so that they are aware of your actions, and can respond to them.

    • When a new round starts, is there any sort of order to posting? As in Region 1, 2, 3, so on?

      No. In Empire, each round you can post whenever you want, so long as it is before the round ends.

    • How do I get better/different stats for my leader? What about a re-roll?

      Scores can be increased through actions. Every round in which you spend two actions on things related to one attribute score, you increase that attribute score. For example, if you perform two military actions, you increase your Military score by 1. Since you have five actions in a turn, you can increase two attributes by 1 or one attribute by 2 every round if you spend enough actions doing things related to those attributes.

      You can put a tag next to each action to clarify what attribute they belong to, like [Military] in this example. Most actions are pretty clear what attribute they belong to, but some are vague, because they might belong to one of two different attributes. In these cases, the player may decide what attribute the action should belong to.

      Re-rolls are not allowed, but you could start off with your first ruler committing suicide or dying in some way and then have your heir immediately take over, which would effectively be a re-roll. The disadvantages to that are that you have to roll stats in order and start out with a situation in which any siblings you have might vie for control of the region with you. Another disadvantage to this is your stats will fail to change until the next round, and until then you'll have to deal with the stats as they are. Also, there might be morale effects to a king killing himself, unless the culture approves of that in certain circumstances, so be aware that this action may have repercussions with you neighbors.

      See the rules above in the first post for more information on changing characters.

    • How do alliances work? Can I private message people to plot alliances and such? What about start a thread outside the game to talk about stuff privately?

      Official Alliances - Members of an alliance all have to take an action to create it and take part in it. Members can all join in the same turn and there are no limits on numbers. You can send PMs to other people to talk about them, but you both have to spend actions to make it official. You can also make an alliance with multiple people at once, or send diplomats to multiple countries at once with a similar purpose, so long as you're at the same event as these players, or host one that they are at.

      Like trades, creating and accepting diplomatic ties, alliances, treaties, etcetera, require actions, but if all of it is with the same Kingdom, it can all be counted as the same action. Declining an offer (or ending an alliance) doesn't take any actions (unless your specific response is something that might take one). If someone hasn't accepted your proposal in the same turn, you can figure out for yourself whether it was declined, or whether it will be accepted on the next round. If the player doesn't accept it on the next round either, then it is simply not accepted at all. It should be noted that Joining an Empire or Kingdom requires an action to enter OR leave, and doesn't work exactly like alliances do.

      Unofficial Alliances - Many alliances aren't spoken or agreed upon by nations, but are a tendancy that a Kingdom has. This allows nations to be more fluid in their diplomatic ties, and any unspoken alliance generally doesn't require an action.

    • Do we have to spend actions on sending trade goods to people we have trade deals with each?

      Once you establish a trade treaty with someone, it becomes automatic, but any changes to the trade will still take up actions.

    • What benefits does Trading with other countries get me?

      Trade mostly gives indirect, semi-material benefits, but can be vital to get ahead. Trade gives access to resources you don't have yourself, which allows you to create things to improve your army (getting better metals, for instance), create new technologies (for instance, coal, steel, water and complex mathematics are necessary for the creation of steam engines), keep your position stable by reducing riots (the people really, really like food and housing), and many more things. It also connects two cultures together, making exchange of culture and religion easier.

    • How many resources can a nation have? How many of them can be [Great]?

      That depends on the region. Normal nations can have a total of 4 resources, two of which can be [Great]. However, in polar regions, due to the harsh conditions, there cannot be be more than 2 resources, and only non-food items can be of [Great] quality.

    • What does the statuses of [Poor], [Good], and [Great] for resources mean?

      [Poor] - A region can only use this resource in their own country, and only in limited uses. This resource also cannot be used for a Curiosity [10] bonus action in which it is used for a technological advancement. A resource of this status will not be listed in the region's resources. Basically, its for fluff and not much else.

      [Good] - A region can use this resource in trade to 3 other countries, and for use in itself. It can also be used for technological advancement in a Curiosity [10] action. A Curiosity [5] action could upgrade a [Poor] resource to a [Good] resource.

      [Great] - A region can use this resource in trade to 6 other countries, and for use in itself. A curiosity [5] action could upgrade a [Good] resource to a [Great] resource.

    • When a resources is in [Good] status, can a region trade one resource to 4 countries and forgo using it itself?

      No. You could invite people from one such other region to make use of it within your borders for research, perhaps, but for ease of game purposes, three nations is all you can export to in a [Good] status.

    • Let's say I trade resource A to Player X in exchange for resource B. Can I then trade resource B to Player Y for resource C?

      No. This is not possible. While reasonable from a realism perspective, this would be hard to keep track of in a play-by-post game format. Nice try, though.

    • Let's say a player owns Region A and Region B. Region A has Aluminum as a resource, and Region B has Batteries. If this players wants Region A to have access to Batteries, does he have to establish trade between his two regions?

      They would have to trade, yes. For certain things, such as introduction of technologies and Great Projects, you only need to have all the required resources somewhere within your country through native resources or trade from outside, but to have it consistently available somewhere, you'd need to trade it in your example.

    • Pending…


    Last edited by TheWombatOfDoom; 2014-11-28 at 12:04 PM.
    Scientific Name: Wombous apocolypticus | Diet: Apocolypse Pie | Cuddly: Yes

    World Building Projects:
    : The Stuff of Sentience | Fate: The Fabric of Physics | Luck: The Basis of Biology

    Order of the Stick Projects:
    Annotation of the Comic | Magic Compendium of the Comic | Transcription of the Comic
    Dad-a-chum? Dum-a-chum? Ded-a-chek? Did-a-chick?
    Extended Signature | My DeviantArt | Majora's Mask Point Race
    (you can't take the sky from me)

  14. - Top - End - #14
    Ettin in the Playground
    TheWombatOfDoom's Avatar

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    May 2012

    Default Re: EMPIRE! Rules and Administration

    Nation Imports:
    Spoiler: Imports for Nations - Updated to Round 31

    Empire of Hurosha
    Region P1, P2, P8, 4A, 4B, 7A, 7B, 15A, 16A and U11

    Kingdom of Hurosha
    Region 4A, 4B, 7B, 15A, U11, WayladerX (Liege)

    Region 4A
    Resources: [Good] Huge insects, [Great] Shintouite stone, [Good] Alchemical compounds, [Good] Cotton
    Trade Posts: 1. Shintouite, to Gunung
    Import necessity/great desire: Food.
    Imports: Craftsmen <Lyradis>, Grain <Guilder>, Iron <Keldagrim>, Adamantine (worked) <Gunung>, Lead <Gwrîstîn>, Quartz <Gwrîstîn>, Wood <Woodwind>, Wyrms <Wyrmar>, Giant Pistol Shrimp <Borlmyn>, Fruit <Jeweled Cities>, Heartwine <Raaneka>, Abyssium (worked) <Selyra>, Magnetite <Rannara>, Blue Fire <Tletica>, Skywhales <Sangela>, Elephants <Qarimos>, Aeromancers <Tar>
    Region 4B
    Resources: [Great] Squid
    Import necessity/great desire: Fabric.
    Imports: Furs <Zargrim>, Goats <Keldagrim>, Black Cake <Clanships>
    Region 7B
    Resources: [Good] Lead, [Good]Quartz
    Import necessity/great desire: Creatures
    Imports: Obsidian <Gunung>, Phoenixes <Zargrim>, Sandstone <Raaneka>, Wurms <Wyrmar>
    Region 15A
    Resources: [Good] Furs, [Good] Phoenixes
    Import necessity/great desire: Food
    Imports: Dire Boar <Woodwind>, Coal <Razdis>, Squid <Shikurai>, Goats <Keldagrim>, Orichalcum <Pontensulae>,Fruit <Jeweled Cities>, Mithril <Mularuhm>, Toma Nuts <Farridon>
    Region 16A
    Resources: [Good] Coal, [Good] Crystal, [Good] Lord of Fire relics , [Good] Grain
    Import necessity/great desire: Food.
    Imports: Crops <Gunung>, Marble <Calorum>, Cows <Calorum>, Fish <Tekorva>, Nix Hounds <Errelosse>
    Region U11
    Resources: [Good] Dearg Sreang, [Good] Drift wood
    Import necessity/great desire: ???
    Imports: Shaping wood <Clanships>, Shintouite <Kasumor>, Andbar Mushrooms <Elbaraz>


    Calorum (Greater Vassal)
    Region P1, P2, P8, 7A & 16A, Chief

    Region P1
    Resources: [Good] Fish
    Import necessity/great desire: Wheat
    Imports: None
    Region P2
    Resources: [Good] Wooly Mammoth, [Great] Amber
    Trade Posts: 1. Wooly Mammoth, to Calorum
    Import necessity/great desire: Metals.
    Imports: Wood <Nyroth>, Iron (as steel) <Gunung>, Tin <Elbaraz>, Copper <Elbaraz>, Oysters <Vennland>
    Region P8
    Resources: [Good] Blue Fire, [Good] White Flax
    Import necessity/great desire: Wood
    Imports: Silk <Nyroth>
    Region 1
    Resources: [Great] Adamantine, [Good] Iron, [Good] Obsidian, [Good] Crops.
    Import necessity/great desire: Wood
    Imports: Wood <Celero>, Fish <Celero>, Cotton <Kasumor>, Dire Boar <Woodwind>, Bronze <Guilder>, Coal <Pryonia>, Inventors <Guilder>, Gold <Estglaz>, Fine Crafted Goods <Hrathan-Tuor>, Shintouite <Kasumor TP>
    Region 7
    Resources: [Good] Salt, [Good] Marble, [Good] Cows
    Import necessity/great desire: Fuels (apart from wood).
    Imports: Coal <Pryonia>, Faith objects <Pryonia>, Gold <Tzalteclan>, Dire Crabs <Grizzland>, Fruxtkorp'r <K'braashriix>, Wooly Mammoths <Wenyavuk>

    Region 5A, 5B, 15B, 16B, 17A & 17B, ReggieJam

    The Heartwaste
    Region 5A
    Resources: [Good] Precious gems, [Good] Stone, [Good] Bloodfire
    Import necessity/great desire: Wood.
    Imports: Platinum <Eyrecradia>, Brass <Tekorva>, Wood <Frosskov>, Kinu Kuroth (silk) <Yorukuni>, Gold <Nezetkharras>, Cliffhorn Goats <Penoccident>, Clay Objects <Lyradis TP>
    Region 5B
    Resources: [Good] Platinum, [Good] Mushrooms, [Good] Moss, [Good] Opal
    Import necessity/great desire: Food.
    Imports: Wood <Woodwind>, Gold <Estglaz>
    Region 15B
    Resources: [Good] Goats, [Good] Gold, [Good] Iron.
    Import necessity/great desire: Cloth.
    Imports: Furs <Zargrim>, Zjornu Bruka Crystals <Neo Scandza>, Medicinal Herbs <Novrania>
    Region 16B
    Resources: [Good] Sulfur, [Good] Nitrates
    Import necessity/great desire: Coal
    Imports: Fish <Tekorva>, Stone <Tekorva>, Coal <Pryonia>, Dyes <Jarrland>
    Region 17A
    Resources: [Good] Stone, [Good] Iron, [Good] Fish, [Good] Brass (copper and zinc mines)
    Import necessity/great desire: Rice.
    Imports: Grain <Lyradis>, Cotton <Kasumor>, Wood <Nyroth>, Grain <Bjurnja>, Amber <Wenyavuk>, Bloodfire <Heartwaste>, Ketsuek Crystal <Yorukuni>, Kinu Kuroth <Yorukuni>, True Ice <Krepida>, Goldfire <Elomaoli>
    Region 17B
    Resources: [Good] Kinu Kuroth (silk worms), [Good] Ketsuek Crystals
    Import necessity/great desire: Wood
    Imports: Wood <Genivana>, Ironwood <Requiem>, Stone <Heartwaste>, Grain <Minotron>, Gemstones <Jeweled Cities>, Corn <Elomaoli>

    The Triumvirate
    Regions 3, 6, 8A, 8B, 9, 10 & 30, NPC, zabbarot and ImperatorV

    Region 3
    Resources: [Good] Wood, [Good] Ginger, [Great] Silk
    Trading Posts: 1. Silk, to Jeweled Cities
    Import necessity/great desire: Stone.
    Imports: Amber <Wenyavuk>, Stone <Tekorva>, Fruits <Propinlonge>, Yaks <Niskovia>, Kelp-Olive Oil <Jeweled Cities>, Fish <Genivana>, Tar <Tar>, Limestone <Jarrland>
    Region 6
    [Good] Dire Boar, [Good] Fish, [Good] Wood, [Good] Architects
    Import necessity/great desire: Platinum
    Imports: Iron (as steel) <Gunung>, Huge Insects <Kasumor>, Platinum <Eyrecradia>, Olive Oil <Solus>, Mercenaries <Bereginia>, Papyrus <Vennland>, Basilisk Venom <Hrathan-Tuor>, Assasins <Hrathan-Tuor>, Sugar cane <Angan Anvale>, Stone <Grizzland>, Oysters <Vennland>
    Region 8A
    Resources: [Good] Fish, [Good] Saffron, [Good] Goats
    Import necessity/great desire: Metals
    Imports: Gold <Scla’ca>, Elephants <Qarimos>, Adamantine <Gunung>, Dire Crab <Grizzland>, Grain <Grizzland>, Meat <Tar>, Limestone <Jarrland>, Scriveners <Jarrland>, Fruxtkorp'r <Z'braashriix>, Hai Vyuma <Hrathan-Tuor>, Arpied Mercenaries <Farridon>, Sparkfellow Icicles <Tuhiland>, Ships <Qarimos>, Bees <Grmanhil TP>, Fruits <Jeweled Cities TP>, Wood <Novrania>
    The Tunneldom of Z'braashriix
    Region 8B
    Resources: [Good] Fruxtkorp'r, [Good] Dragonscales, [Good] Kobold Musicians
    Import necessity/great desire: Food.
    Imports: Fish <Aloren>, Osuro Mirc <Genivana>, Stone <Grizzland>, Giant Ice Eggs <Pavonia>, Crops <Guilder>, Rice <Nan Hai Nian>, Medicinal Herbs <Novrania>
    Region 9
    Resources: [Good] Vegetables, [Good] Wood, [Good] Fish, [Great] Osuro Mirc
    Import necessity/great desire: Metals.
    Imports: Goats <Aloren>, Fine Crafted Goods <Hrathan-Tuor>, Scholars <Ayava>, Cave Cats <Ayava>, Mushrooms <Ayava>, Grain <Grizzland>, Assasins <Hrathan-Tuor>, Limestone <Arix’La>, Magnetite <Celero>, Stone <Grizzland>
    Hrathan and Tuor
    Region 10
    Resources: [Good] Fine crafted goods, [Good] Basilisks/Venom, [Good] Assassins' guild services, [Good] Hai Vyuma
    Tradepost: 1. Fine Crafted Goods, to Jeweled Cities. 2. Hai Vyuma, to Selyra
    Import necessity/great desire: Fruit/vegetables.
    Imports: Vegetables <Genivana>, Grain <Grizzland>, Fish <Woodwind>, Fish <Genivana>, Lacertial Milk <Sahra’a>, Wood <Woodwind>, Goats <Domhan Abheile>, Geese <Tempestia>, Stone <Grizzland>, Spies <Halja>, Black Cake <Clanships> Sheep <Grmanhil>
    Region 30
    Resources: [Good] Grain, [Good] Dire Crabs, [Good] Stone
    Import necessity/great desire: Butter
    Imports: Wood <Nyroth>, Cows <Calorum>, Fish <Aloren>, Athletes <Maos>, Nitrates <Sea of Glass>

    Empire of Dawn
    Region 11A, 11B, 12, 13A, 14A, 19, 31, 32, 53, 54, 55, 60, 61A, 61B, 83 & 84

    Kingdom of Serendel (Liege)
    13A, 19, 32, 60, 61A & 61B, TheWombatOfDoom

    Region 13A
    Resources: [Good] Clay objects, [Great] Grain, [Good] Craftsmen.
    Trading Posts: 1. Craftsmen, to Raaneka. 2. Clay Objects, to Heartwaste
    Import necessity/great desire: Metals.
    Imports: Coal <Razdis>, Iron <Tekorva>, Huge Insects <Kasumor>, Griffons <Celero>, Elephants <Qarimos TP>, Heartwine <Raaneka>, Bronze <Guilder>, Rhinos <Selyra>, Mithril <Razdis>, Fish <Domhan Abhaile>, Wood <Domhan Abhaile>, Sheep <Grmanhil>, Iron <Grmanhil>, Goats <Domhan Abhaile>, Wooly Mammoth <Wenyavuk>, Stone <Heartwaste>, Giant Pistol Shrimp <Borlmyn>, Tar <Maos>
    Domhan Abhaile
    Region 19
    Resources: [Good] Fish, [Good] Wood, [Good] Goats.
    Import necessity/great desire: Fine clothes.
    Imports: Spices <Qarimos>, Iron <Razdis>, Coal <Razdis>, Dyes <Jarrland>, Grain <Lyradis>
    Selyra (Capital)
    Region 32
    Resources: [Good] Rhinos, [Good] Abyssium.
    Trading Post: 1. Abyssium, to Raaneka.
    Import necessity/great desire: Food
    Imports: Grain <Lyradis>, Amber <Wenyavuk>, Pegasi <Sycia>, Giant Pistol Shrimp <Borlmyn>, Berundas <Raaneka>, Wood <Raaneka>, Engineers <Niskovia>, Osuro Mirc <Genivana>
    Region 60
    Resources: [Great] Giant Pistol Shrimp, [Good] Goldfire
    Import necessity/great desire: Clay
    Imports: Fired Clay <Lyradis>, Shintouite <Kasumor>, Light Crystals <Bereginia>, Glass <Grmanhil>
    Region 61A
    Resources: [Good] Clay, [Good] Horses [Good] Ironwood
    Import necessity/great desire: Food
    Imports: Grain <Lyradis>, Giant Pistol Shrimp <Borlmyn>
    Region 61B
    Resources: [Good] Netherine
    Trading Post: 1. Netherine, to Mularuhm.
    Import necessity/great desire: Livestock
    Imports: Goats <Domhan Abhaile>


    Raaneka (Greater Vassal)
    Region 11A, 11B, 12 & 31, Snowfire

    Raaneka (Capital)
    Region 11A
    Resources: [Great] Heartwine, [Good] Lumber, [Good] Colored Sandstone, [Good] Berundas
    Trading Posts: 1. Heartwine, to Jeweled Cities. 2. Heartwine, to Aus-teire
    Import necessity/great desire: Livestock.
    Imports: Clay Pottery <Lyradis>, Gold [Scla' ca], Bees <Grmanhil>, Glass <Solus>, Bronze <Guilder>, Athletes <Maos>, Mithril <Razdis>, Alchemical Components <Kasumor>, Spices <Qarimos>, Scholars <Ayava>, Dyes <Jarrland>, Cana Beans <Palas Caercia>, Quartz <Grwîstîn>, Kelp-Olive Oil <Jeweled Cities>, Craftsmen <Lyradis TP>, Abyssium <Selyra TP>, Rhinos <Selyra>, Mahaki Jana <Qarimos>, Pegasi <Crima>
    Region 11B
    Resources: [Good] Scholars, [Good] Mushroom Trees, [Good] Cave Cats
    Import necessity/great desire: Light.
    Imports: Osuro Mirc <Genivana>, Silver <Estglaz>, Berundas <Raaneka>, Fish <Genivana>, Vegetables <Genivana>, Papyrus <Vennland>, Diamonds <Pontensulae>
    Region 12
    Resources: [Good] Spices, [Good] Elephants, [Good] Ships, [Good] Mahaki Jana
    Trading Posts: 1. Elephants, to Lyradis, 2. Ships, to Aloren.
    Import necessity/great desire: Wood.
    Imports: Wood <Domhan Abhaile>, Clay Objects <Lyradis>, Iron <Razdis>, Goats <Aloren>, Fish <Aloren>, Gems <Jeweled Cities>, Star Nectar <The Broken Enclave>, Shaping Wood <Clanships>, Giant Pistol Shrimp <Borlmyn>, Wood <Raaneka>, Gold <Scla'ca>
    Region 31
    Resources: [Good] Iron, [Good] Sheep, [Good] Bees, [Good] Glass
    Trading Posts: 1. Glass, to Guilder, 2. Bees, to Aloren.
    Import necessity/great desire: Wheat.
    Imports: Elephants <Qarimos>, Ironwood <Requiem>, Grain <Lyradis>, Nitrates <Sea of Glass>, Hai Vyuma <Hrthan-Tuor>


    Guilderene Expanse (Greater Vassal)
    Region 14A, 53, 54, 55, 83 & 84, SamBurke

    Region 14A
    Resources: [Good] Wood, [Good] Crops, [Good] Bronze (copper and tin mines), [Good] Inventors.
    Trading Post: 1. Inventors, to Aus-Teire.
    Import necessity/great desire: Skilled laborers and craftsmen.
    Imports: Iron (as steel) <Gunung>, Alchemical components <Kasumor>, Craftsmen <Lyradis>, Adamantine <Gunung>, Dinosaurs <Maos>, Mithril <Razdis>, Cavorite <Estglaz>, Glass <Grmanhil TP>, Stone <Heartwaste>, Heart Ruby <Gebui>, Dearg Sreane <Cuan>, Diamonds <Ashenia>, Aeromancers <Tar>, Kelp Olive Oil <Jeweled Cities>, Galomyr Sages <Galomyr TP>, Dragon Scales <K'braashriix>
    Region 53
    Resources: [Good] Magnetite
    Import necessity/great desire: Food
    Imports: Crops <Guilder>, Gold <Estglaz>, Shintouite <Kasumor>, Cave Fungus <Riderock>, Stone <Razdis>, Bananas <Galomyr>
    Maos (Capital)
    Region 54
    Resources: [Good] Dinosaurs, [Good] Athletes, [Good] Tar
    Trading Posts: 1. Atheletes, owned by Salterri Empire (to Aus-teire)
    Import necessity/great desire: Cheap Metals
    Imports: Bronze <Guilder>, Osuro Mirc <Genivana>, Colored Glass <Gebui>, Stone <Gebui>, Dearg Sreang <Cuan>, Squid <Shikurai>, Marble <Calorum>, Sulphur <Asterith>, Shellfish <Mularuhm>
    Region 55
    Resources: [Good] Lacertal Lizards, [Good] Lacertal Milk (poison), [Good] Lacertal Leather
    Import necessity/great desire: Beverages.
    Imports: Dragon's Blood <Tzalteclan>, Basilisk Venom <Hrathan-Tuor>, Coal <Drugaud>, Tears of Yphine <Glazfell>, Stone <Razdis>, Thundersheet Plants <Bloomenwald Isles>
    Region 83
    Resources: [Good] Black Cake, [Good] Shaping Wood
    Import necessity/great desire: ???
    Imports: Stone <Heartwaste TP>, Hai Vyuma <Hrathan - Tuor>
    Region 84
    Resources: [Good] Gold, [Good] Goldfire
    Import necessity/great desire: Cooling Items.
    Imports: Tears of Yphine <Glazfell>, Camels <Gebui>, Cocoa Beans <Nan Hai Nian>, Berundas <Raaneka>, Heartwine <Raaneka>, Andbar Mushrooms <Elbaraz>

    Region 13B & 14B, Silverbit

    Region 13B
    Resources: [Good] Stone, [Good] Iron, [Good] Coal, [Great] Mithril
    Import necessity/great desire: Wood.
    Imports: Grain <Lyradis>, Wood <Domhan Abhaile>, Heartwine <Raaneka>, Rhinos <Selyra>, Wood <Tar>, Inventors <Guilder>, Engineers <Niskovia>, Lacertal Milk <Sahra'a>, Gold <Frontier>
    Region 14B
    Resources: [Good] Tin, [Good] Copper, [Good] Andbar Mushrooms
    Import necessity/great desire: Food
    Imports: Dearg Sreang <Cuan>, Witchlight <Malkavan>

    Empire of the Silver Moon
    Region 20A, 20B, 27, 29, 40, 41, 42, 49, 70, 71, 132 & 137,

    Kingdom of the Silver Moon
    Region 20A, 20B, 49, 70, 71, 132 & 137, Lord_Burch (Liege)

    Region 20A
    Resources: [Good] Cedar wood, [Good] Furs, [Good] Gold, [Good] Sulfur.
    Import necessity/great desire: Food.
    Imports: Iron <Sulvan Primarchy>, Coal <Sulvan Primarchy>, Mithril <Sulvan Primarchy>, Dairy Cows <Ashenia>, Silver <Ashenia>, Books <Ashenia>, Cattle <Errelosse>, Nyx Hounds <Errelosse>, Wheat <Angan Anvale>, Void Beasts <Angan Anvale>, Salt <Hazaria>, Tar <Tar>, Cavorite <Estglaz>, Diamonds <Hazaria>, Sugar Cane <Angan Anvale>, Great Lizards <Lacertia>, Adamantine <Lacertia>, King Birds <Solus>, Vatn-Dauths <Halja>, Somnorum <Kyaralath>, Tea <Kyaralath>, Shade Crystal <Ascalaine>, Dragon's Blood <Tzalteclan>
    Region 20B
    Resources: [Good] ???, [Good] ???, [Good] ???.
    Import necessity/great desire: ???.
    Region 49
    Resources: [Good] Cattle, [Good] Nyx Hounds
    Import necessity/great desire: Alcohol
    Region 70
    Resources: [Good] Precious Stones, [Good] Marble, [Good] Adamus
    Import necessity/great desire: Meat
    Imports: Wheat <Angan Anvale>, Kralax <Glirfrey TP>
    Region 71
    Resources: [Good] Witchlight, [Good] Precious Gems
    Import necessity/great desire: ???
    Imports: Andbar Mushrooms <Elbaraz>, Fish <Novrania>, Geliy Vapor <Valeriya>, Stone <Crima>
    Region 132
    Resources: [Good] Ambrosia, [Great] Dyes.
    Trading Post: 1. Ambrosia, to Glirfrey.
    Import necessity/great desire: ???.
    Imports: Engineers <Niskovia>
    Nezett Karn
    Region 137
    Resources: [Good] Gaia Vines, [Good] Iron wood
    Import necessity/great desire: ???.
    Imports: --


    Glirfrey (Lesser Vassal)
    Region 41, NPC Vassal

    Region 41
    Resources: [Good] Girrafes, [Great] Kralax.
    Import necessity/great desire: Wood.
    Imports: Wood <Alydaxis>, Wood <Scla’ca>, Ambrosia <Indica TP>


    Alydaxan Dominon (Greater Vassal)
    Region 27, 29, 40, & 42, NPC Vassal

    Region 27
    Resources: [Good] Wood, [Good] Gold, [Good] Herbs (medical, poisonous, etc.).
    Import necessity/great desire: Stone.
    Imports: Goats <Aloren>, Ordinarium <Alydaxis>, Limestone <Arix’La>
    Region 29
    People: Lizardfolk (spikes on tail)
    Resources: [Good] Ordinarium, [Good] Wood, [Good] Silver, [Good] Ancient Artifacts.
    Import necessity/great desire: Iron
    Imports: Saffron <Aloren>, Gold [Scla' ca], Scholars <Ayava>, Limestone <Arix’La>, Absinthe <Halja>, Colored Sandstone <Raaneka>
    Region 40
    Resources: [Good] Olive Oil, [Good] Glass, [Good] King Birds
    Import necessity/great desire: Wood
    Imports: Wood <Raaneka>, Fish <Woodwind>, Iron <Drugaud>, Rice <Arix'la>, Spies <Halja>
    Region 42
    Resources: [Good] Limestone, [Good] Rice
    Import necessity/great desire: Wood
    Imports: Wood <Scla’ca>

    Kingdom of Ashenia
    Region 21A, 22A, 28, 43, 44, 45A, 45B & 46

    Kingdom of Ashenia
    Region 22, 28, 43, 44 & 45, Elemental (Liege)

    Region 22A
    Resources: [Good] Dairy Cows, [Good] Horses, [Good] Silver, [Good] Books.
    Import necessity/great desire: Iron.
    Imports: Cedar wood <Bordeux>, Furs <Bordeux>, Gold <Bordeux>, Iron <Sulvan Primarchy>, Coal <Sulvan Primarchy>, Mithril <Sulvan Primarchy>, Sulfur <Bordeux>, Glass <Solus>, Cattle <Errelosse>, Nyx Hounds <Errelosse>, Marble <Valterre>, Precious Stones <Valterre>, Olive Oil <Solus>, Light Crystals <Bereginia>, Scriveners <Jarrland>, Salt <Hazaria>, Dimonds <Hazaria>, Somnorum <Kyaralath>, Wheat <Angan Anvale>, Void Beasts <Angan Anvale>, Sugar Cane <Angan Anvale>, Adamantine <Lacertia>, Gaia Vines <Nezett Karn>, Iron wood <Nezett Karn>, Corundum <Nezett Karn>, Pegusi <Crima>
    Region 28
    Resources: [Great] Salt, [Good] Diamonds
    Import necessity/great desire: Spice
    Imports: Iron <Lacertia>, Wheat <Angan Anvale>
    Angan Anvale
    Region 43
    Resources: [Good] Void Beasts, [Great] Wheat, [Good] Sugarcane
    Import necessity/great desire: Cloth
    Imports: Flax <Palas Caercia>, Salt <Hazaria>, Iron <Lacertia>
    Region 44
    Resources: [Good] Somnorum, [Good] Tea
    Import necessity/great desire: Copper
    Imports: Wheat <Angan Anvale>, Iron <Lacertia>, Great Lizards <Lacertia>, Bronze <Glazfell>, Fibrous Flame <Land of Free Knights>
    Region 45A
    Resources: [Good] Iron, [Good] Adamantine, [Good] Great Lizards.
    Import necessity/great desire: Herbs.
    Imports: Salt <Hazaria>, Somnorum <Kyaralath>, Wheat <Angan Anvale>
    Region 45B
    Resources: [Good] Shade Crystals
    Import necessity/great desire: ???
    Region 46
    Resources: [Good] Marble
    Import necessity/great desire: Fish.
    Imports: Fish <Mictlanpa>


    Sulvan’s Fury
    Region 21A

    Sulvan’s Fury
    Region 21A
    Resources: [Good] Iron, [Good] Coal, [Good] Mithril
    Import necessity/great desire: Food.
    Imports: Cedar wood <Bordeux>, Furs <Bordeux>, Gold <Bordeux>, Dairy products <Ashenia>, Silver <Ashenia>, Books <Ashenia>, Sulfur <Bordeux>, Horses <Ashenia>

    Tyranny of New Crima
    Region 23 & 94, DoomHat

    Region 23
    Resources: [Great] Pegusi, [Good] Grains, [Good] Stone, [Good] Bats.
    Import necessity/great desire: Wood.
    Imports: Horses <Ashenia>, Marble <Valterre>, Gold <Bordeux>, Wood <Minotron>, Cavorite <Estglaz>, Adamantine <Pavonia>, Silver <Ashenia>, Tea <Kyaralath>, Adamantine <Lacertia>, Quartz <Farridon>, Iron <Grmanhil>, Meat <Tar>, Fruit <Jeweled Cities>, Engineers <Niskovia>, Precious Gems <Niskovia>
    Region 94
    Resources: [Good] Granite, [Good] Horses
    Trading Post: 1. Horses, to Puerto Melizine
    Import necessity/great desire: ???
    Imports: Longhorn Cattle <Minotron>, Spirit Crickets <Dong Bu Dosi>

    The Salterri Imperium
    Regions 2A, 2B, 24, 25, 26, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 62A, 62B, 63A, 63B, 64A, 64B, 65, 66, 67, 69A, 69B, 88, 89, 91, 92, 93, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 126, 130, 131, 133, 134, 135, 156, U1 & U2

    Region 26, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37 & 38, Morph Bark (Liege)

    Region 26
    Resources: [Great] Goats
    Import necessity/great desire: Metals
    Imports: Orichalcum <Pontensulae>
    Region 33
    Resources: [Good] Hops
    Import necessity/great desire: Salt.
    Imports: --
    Region 34
    Resources: [Good] Hops, [Good] Drum Lizards
    Import necessity/great desire: Stone
    Imports: Stone <Pavonia>
    Region 35
    Resources: [Good] Salt, [Good] Gold, [Good] Silver, [Good] Tea
    Import necessity/great desire: Food
    Imports: Drum Lizards <Bor-Teire>, Hops <Bracia>, Iron <Pavonia>
    Region 36
    Resources: [Great] Crops, [Great] Silver, [Good] Corundum, [Good] Personal Servants
    Import necessity/great desire: Salt
    Imports: Potatoes <Palas Caercia>, Papyrus <Vennland>, Wood <Jarrland>, Limestone <Jarrland>, Silver <Salteire>, Horses <Requiem>, Clay <Requiem>, Ironwood <Requiem>, Geese <Tempestia>, Toma Nuts <Farridon>, Quartz <Farridon>, Cave Cats <Ayava>, Huma Birds <Tempestia>, Rubber <Ri Chugang>, Tar <Tar TP>, Athletes <Maos TP>, Longhorn Cattle <Minotron TP>, Perytons <Sterkelv TP>, Scientists <Drugaud TP>, Inventors <Guilder TP>, Salt <Hazaria>, Griffon <Celero TP>, Arpied Mercenaries <Farridon TP>, Cattle <Errelosse TP>, Leviathans <Nan Hai Nian TP>, Rice <Nan Hai Nian TP>
    Region 37
    Resources: [Good] Orichalcum, [Good] Everlava, [Good] Diamonds
    Import necessity/great desire: Grain
    Imports: Phoenixes <Zargrim>
    Region 38
    Resources: [Great] Cliffhorn Goats, [Good] Fish
    Trading Posts: 1. Goats, to Tar.
    Import necessity/great desire: Alcohol
    Imports: Flax <Palas Caercia>, Vodka <Karintiya>, Perytons <Sterkelv>, Hellstone <Nurogh>, Nitrates <Galie-Norret>, Absinthe <Halja>, Goldfire <Frontier>


    Kingdom of the Carmine Sea (Greater Vassal)
    Region 62A, 63A, 64A, 69, 124 & 126 Aedilred

    Region 62A
    Resources: [Great] Dyes, [Good] Wood, [Good] Limestone, [Good] Scriveners
    Trading Post: 1. Wood, to Abyssian Sea.
    Import necessity/great desire: Grains.
    Imports: Grain <Sycia>, Mithril <Mularuhm>, Ships <Qarimos>, Iron <Pavonia>, Architects <Woodwind>, Toma Nuts <Farridon>, Pigs <Propinlonge>, Saffron <Aloren>, Platinum <Eyrecradia>, Hellstone <Novorogh>, Fish <Broken Enclave>, Silk <Broken Enclave>, Star Nectar <Broken Enclave>, Crops <Aus-Teire>, Fruits <Jeweled Cities>, Kelp Olive Oil <Jeweled Cities>, Vodka <Karintiya>, Goats <Aloren>
    Region 63A
    Resources: [Great] Discordian Rock
    Import necessity/great desire[/B]: Mounts
    Imports: Horses <Palas Caercia>, Gretan Clawlings <Bjurnja>, Aizium <Neo Scandza>, Monsterous Rodents <Sympolemou>
    Region 64A
    Resources: [Great] Papyrus, [Good] Oysters
    Import necessity/great desire: Wood
    Imports: Wood <Jarrland>, Potatoes <Palas Caercia>, Dire Crabs <Grizzland>, Iron <Farridon>, Assassins <Hrathan-Tuor>, Horses <Requiem>, Cave Cats <Ayava>, Perytons <Sterkelv>, Amber <Wenyavuk>, Rustwind <Coldwell>, Yaks <Niskovia>, Dragon's Scales <K'braashriix>
    Region 69A
    Resources: [Good] Toma Nuts, [Good] Quartz, [Good] Iron, [Good] Arpied Mercenaries
    Trading Post: Arpied Mercenaries, to Aus-Teire.
    Import necessity/great desire: Livestock
    Imports: Geese <Tempestia>, Gold <Keldagrim>, Birds <Sangela>, Fallen Stars <Sangela>, Grain <Crima>
    Region 124
    Resources: [Good] Huma Birds, [Good] Geese
    Import necessity/great desire: Metal
    Imports: Iron <Farridon>, Silk <Nyroth>, Orichalcum <Pontensulae>, Breathing Peat <Isles of Tepetl>, Mithril-Willow <Isle of Tepetl>
    Region 125
    Resources: [Good] Whale Ivory, [Good] Vallotake
    Import necessity/great desire: ???
    Imports: --
    Region 126
    Resources: [Good] Sparkefellow Icicles, [Good] Coal
    Import necessity/great desire: ???
    Imports: Nitrates <Galiet-Noiret>, Shedding Trees <Ri Chugang>, Sulphur <Asterith>, Bunker Trees <Kaspiyskia>, Rock Juice <Valeriya>


    Kingdom of the Isles (Greater Vassal to Kingdom of the Carmine Sea)
    Region 120, 121, 122 & 123, NPC

    Isle of Tepetl
    Region 120
    Resources: [Good] Breathing Peat, [Good] Mithril-Willow
    Import necessity/great desire: ???
    Imports: --
    Region 121, Qazzquimby
    Resources: [Good] Skywhales, [Good] Birds, [Good] Fallen Stars
    Import necessity/great desire: Metals
    Imports: Shintouite <Kasumor>
    The Broken Enclave
    Region 122
    Resources: [Good] Fish, [Good] Silk, [Good] Star Nectar
    Import necessity/great desire: Stone
    Imports: Ships <Qarimos>, Discodian Rock <Discordia>
    The Coldwell
    Region 123
    Resources: [Good] Rustwind, [Good] Giant Beardogs
    Import necessity/great desire: ???
    Imports: --


    Caercian Consortium (Greater Vassal)
    Region 65, 66, 67 & 93, DurkBlanston

    Region 65
    Resources: [Good] Grains, [Good] Longhorn Cattle, [Good] Wood
    Trading Post: 1. Longhorn Cattle, to Aus-Teire
    Import necessity/great desire: Silver
    Imports: Silver <Salteire>, Cana Beans <Palas Caercia>, Gnarls <Sterkelv>, Iron <Tekorva>, Riders <Riderock>, Rouers <Riderock>, Nightcrackle Lichen <Dong Bu Dosi>
    Region 66
    Resources: [Good] Hulutahn (wurms), [Good] Cacti, [Good] Gulpsand
    Import necessity/great desire: Fuel (wood, coal, ect.)
    Imports: Cana Beans <Palas Caercia>, Shintouite <Kasumor>, Wood <Minotron>, Giant Frozen Eggs <Promise>, Amoeba Colonial Ooze <Asterith>, Discordian Deeprock <Galardoth>, Rice <Nan Hai Nian>
    Palas Caercia
    Region 67
    Resources: [Good] Cana Beans, [Good] Horses, [Good] Flax, [Good] Potatoes
    Import necessity/great desire: Silver.
    Imports: Mercenaries <Pavonia>, Hops (Beer) <Bracia>, Silver <Aus-Teire>, Dairy Cows <Ashenia>, Leather <Sahra’a>, Cacti <Wyrmar>, Heartwine <Raaneka>, Cliffhorn Goats <Penoccident>, Papyrus <Vennland>, Chickens <Bjurnja>, Gold <Mularuhm>, Mithril <Mularuhm>, Arpied Mercenaries <Farridon>, Granite <Cridan>
    Region 92
    Resources: [Good] Chiickens, [Good] Gretan Clawlings, [Good] Grain
    Import necessity/great desire: ???
    Imports: Wurms <Wyrmar>, Horses <Palas Caecia>, Iron <Tekorva>, Sulphur <Asterith>, Cave Fungus <Riderock>, Rice <Nan Hai Nian>
    Region 93
    Resources: [Good] Gnarls, [Good] Perytons
    Trading Post: Perytons, to Aus-Teire.
    Import necessity/great desire: Herd Animals
    Imports: Giant Spiders <Galardoth>, Iron <Farridon>, Wood <Novrania>
    Puerto Melizine
    Region 153
    Resources: [Good] Dyes, [Good] Ships
    Import necessity/great desire: ???
    Imports: Horses <Cridan TP>


    Mularuhm (Greater Vassal)
    Region 62B, 63B, 64B & 69B, RandoMan

    Region 62B
    Resources: [Good] Amoeba Colonial Oozes, [Good] Sulphur
    Import necessity/great desire: Spices
    Imports: Chickens <Bjurnja>, Oysters <Vennland>, Tar <Maos>
    Region 63B
    Resources: [Good] Discordian Deeprock, [Good] Giant Spiders
    Import necessity/great desire: Oozes
    Imports: Gold <Mularuhm>
    Region 64B
    Resources: [Good] Shellfish, [Good] Mithril, [Good] Gold
    Trading Post: Gold, to Pavonia.
    Import necessity/great desire: Wood.
    Imports: Wood <Jarrland>, Longhorn Cattle <Minotron>, Cacti <Wyrmar>, Gulpsand <Wyrmar>, Flax <Palas Caercia>, Potatoes <Palas Caercia>, Gnarls <Sterkelv>, Amythysts <Novorogh>, Hellstone <Novorogh TP>, Goldfire <Frontier>, Furs <Zargrim>, Amoeba Colonial Ooze <Asterith>, Discordian Deeprock <Galardoth>, Cave Fungus <Riderock>, Netherine <Triumph TP>
    Region 69B
    Resources: [Good] Cave Fungus, [Good] Riders, [Good] Rokuers
    Import necessity/great desire: ???.
    Imports: Wood <Minotron>, Gretan Clawlings <Bjurnja>, Nitrates <Rannara>, Gold <Mularuhm>, Aloe Vera <Galomyr>

    Nixdarum (Lesser Vassal to Mularuhm)
    Region U1 & U2, NPC

    Abyssian Sea
    Region U1
    Resources: [Great] Coral
    Import necessity/great desire: ???.
    Imports: Wood <Jarrland TP>
    Challenger Depths
    Region U2
    Resources: [Good] ???, [Good] ???, [Good] ???
    Import necessity/great desire: ???.
    Imports: Shellfish <Melaruhm>


    Celero, the Kingdom of
    Region 2A, 2B, 39, 134 & 135, Logic

    Region 2A
    Resources:[Good] Wood, [Good] Iron, [Good] Fish, [Good] Griffons
    Import necessity/great desire: Grain.
    Imports: Vegetables <Genivana>, Craftsmen <Lyradis>, Books <Ashenia>, Blue-Fire <Tlectia>
    Region 2B
    Resources: [Good] Light crystals, [Good] Granite, [Good] Iron, [Good] Mercenaries
    Import necessity/great desire: Wood.
    Region 39
    Resources: [Good] Pigs, [Good] Tropical Fruits , [Good] Platinum
    Import necessity/great desire: Wood.
    Imports: Ginger <Nyroth>, Dyes <Jarrland>, Star Metal <Niskovia>, Magnetite <Celero>
    Nan Hai Nian
    Region 134
    Resources: [Good] Leviathans, [Good] Rice, [Good] Cocoa Beans
    Trade Post: 1. Rice, owned by Palas Caercia (to Palas Caercia), 2. Leviathans, owned by Palas Caercia (to Palas Caercia).
    Import necessity/great desire: Silk
    Imports: Cacti <Wyrmar>, Chickens <Bjurnja>, Goats <Shengdi>
    Dong Bu Dosi
    Region 135
    Resources: [Good] Spirit Crickets, [Good] Night Crackle Lichen
    Import necessity/great desire: ???
    Imports: Grain <Minotron>
    Ri Chugang
    Region 133
    Resources: [Good] Silk, [Good] Shedding Trees, [Good] Rubber, [Good] Fine Porcelain
    Import necessity/great desire: ???
    Imports: Silver <Aus-teire>, Hops <Bracia>, Sparkfellow Icicles <Tuhiland>


    Seabourn Confederation
    Region 24, 25, 90, 91, 130 & 131, lt_murgen

    Region 24
    Resources: [Good] Wood, [Good] Tar, [Good] Meat and Hides, [Good] Aeromancers
    Trading Posts: 1. Tar, to Aus-teire.
    Import necessity/great desire: Precious metals.
    Imports: Vegetables <Sympolemou>, King Birds <Solus>, Star Metal <Niskovia>, Fruit <Jeweled Cities>, Architects <Woodwind>, Goats <Penoccident TP>, Pheonixes <Zargrim>, Dyes <Jarrland>
    The Jeweled Cities
    Region 25
    Resources: [Great] Kelp-Olive Oil, [Good] Gemstones (amber, turquoise, opal and pearls), [Great] Fruits, [Good] Ships
    Trading Posts: 1. Kelp Olive Oil, to Aus-teire, 2. Tropical Fruit, to Aloren.
    Import necessity/great desire: Iron.
    Imports: Quartz <Gwrîstîn>, Sandstone <Raaneka>, Silk <Nyroth TP>, Heartwine <Raaneka TP>, Architechs <Woodwind>, Iron <Razdis>, Brass <Tekorva>, Geliy Vapour <Valeriya>, Ketsuek Crystal <Yourukuni>, Goldfire <Frontier>, Papyrus <Vennland>, Fine Crafted Goods <Hrathan - Tuor TP>, Grain <Crima>
    Region 90
    Resources: [Good] Bananas, [Great] Scholar/Sage, [Good] Aloe Vera
    Trading Post: 1. Galomyr Sages, to Guilder.
    Import necessity/great desire: Stone
    Imports: Precious Gems <Niskovia>, Magnetite <Rannara>
    Bloomenwald Isles
    Region 91
    Resources: [Good] Thundersheet Plants, [Good] Grape Lotus
    Import necessity/great desire: ???
    Imports: Silk <Frosskov>, Lacertal Leather <Sahra'a>
    The Sea of Glass
    Region 130
    Resources: [Good] Adamantium, [Good] Nitrates
    Import necessity/great desire: Grain (non natives) and Fabrics (natives)
    Imports: Glass <Grmanhil>
    Region 131
    Resources: [Good] Wood, [Good] Medicinal Herbs, [Good] Fish
    Import necessity/great desire: ???
    Imports: Grain <Minotron>, Iron <Keldagrim>, Adamus <Valterre>, Precious Gems <Malkavan>


    Niemidaland Prefrectures (Lesser Vassal)
    Region 88 & 89, NPC

    Region 88
    Resources: [Good] Fish, [Good] Spices
    Import necessity/great desire: Precious Metals
    Imports: --
    Region 89
    Resources: [Good] ???, [Good] ???
    Import necessity/great desire: ???
    Imports: --


    Nanguang Prefecture (Lesser Vassal)
    Region 156, NPC

    Region 156
    Resources: [Good] ???, [Good] ???, [Good] ???
    Import necessity/great desire: ???

    Niskovia, Sovereign Principality of
    Regions 47A, 47B, 48, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 110, 111, & 112

    Regions 47A, 48, 74, 77, 110, 111, & 112, Kitsanth (Liege)

    Region 47A
    Resources: [Good] Yaks, [Good] Precious Gems, [Good] Star Metal (Meteoric Iron), [Good] Engineers.
    Trading Post: 1. Engineers, to Fraezeid.
    Import necessity/great desire: Wood.
    Imports: Luftus Nochenwaurm <Halja>, Wood <Tar>, Vatn Dauths <Halja TP>, Lacertal Lizards <Sahra’a>, Wood <Genivana>, Mithril <Razdis>, Fish <Penoccident>, Aizium <Neo Scandza>, Galomyr Sages <Galomyr>, Glass <Grmanhil>, Discordian Rock <Discordia>, Papyrus <Vennland>, Coal <Tuhiland>, Ambrosia <Indica>, Geliy Vapour <Valeriya>, Rock Juice <Valeriya>, Grain <Crima>, Pegusi <Crima>
    Region 48
    Resources: [Good] Vodka, [Good] Dyes
    Import necessity/great desire: Horses
    Imports: --
    Region 74
    Resources: [Good] Dragon Flowers, [Great] Bunker Trees, [Good] Oysters
    Trading Post: 1. Dragon Flowers, to Fraezeid.
    Import necessity/great desire: Felines
    Imports: Ships <Jeweled Cities>
    Region 77
    Resources: [Good] Rock Juice, [Good] Geliy Vapour
    Trading Post: 1. Geliy Vapour, to Fraezeid.
    Import necessity/great desire: Wood.
    Imports: Goats <Penoccident>, Silk <Nyroth>
    Region 110
    Resources: [Good] ???, [Good] ???
    Import necessity/great desire: Felines
    Imports: Zjornu Bruka Crystals <Neo Scandza>
    Region 111
    Resources: [Good] Sabertoothed Tigers, [Good] Wood
    Import necessity/great desire: ???
    Imports: --
    Region 112
    Resources: [Good] Stone, [Good] Wood
    Import necessity/great desire: ???
    Imports: --


    Fera (Lesser Vassal)
    Region 47B & 76, RainDragon

    Region 47B
    Resources: [Good] Luftus Nochenwaurm (creature), [Good] Spies, [Good] Absinthe, [Good] Vatn Dauths.
    Trading Post: 1. Vatn Dauths, to Niskovia.
    Import necessity/great desire: Art.
    Imports: Ancient Artifacts <Alydaxis>, Tangleweave Spiders <Fraezeid>, Kobold Musicians <K'braashriix>
    Region 75
    Resources: [Good] Tangleweave Spiders, [Good] Select Plants
    Import necessity/great desire: ???
    Imports: Olive Oil <Solus>, Absinthe <Halja>, Luftus Nochenwarm <Halja>, Spies <Halja>, Vatn-Dauths <Halja>, Aizium <Neo Scandza>, Discordian Rock <Discordia>, Cedar Wood <Bordeux>, Engineers <Niskovia TP>, Dyes <Karintiya>, Bunker Trees <Kaspiyskiya>, Dragon Flowers <Kaspiyskiva TP>, Geliy Vapour <Valeriya>, Sabertoothed Tigers <Tekoshkiya>, Stone <Serdtsezimiya>
    Neo Scandza
    Region 76
    Resources: [Good] Aizium, [Good] Zjörnu Bruka
    Trading Post: 1. Aizium, to Niskovia.
    Import necessity/great desire: Food
    Imports: Tangleweave Spiders <Fraezeid>, Goats <Keldagrim>, Goats <Shengdi>
    Region 78
    Resources: [Good] ???, [Good] ???
    Import necessity/great desire: ???
    Imports: Luftus Nochenwarm <Halja>, Select Plants <Fraezeid>, Zjornu Bruka Crystals <Neo Scandza>, Precious Gems <Niskovia>, Starmetal <Niskovia>, Dragon Flowers <Kaspiyskiya>

    Glazfell Hegemony
    Region P3, 18A, 18B, 50, 51, 52, 56, 57, 58, 59, 82 & 108

    Glazfell Hegemony
    Region 52, 56, 57, 58, 59 & 82, BladeofObliviom (Liege)

    Region 52
    Resources: [Good] Coal, [Good] Iron, [Good] Scientists
    Trading Post: 1. Scientists, to Aus-Teire.
    Import necessity/great desire: Food.
    Imports: Slaves <Tzalteclan>, Mushroom Trees <Ayava>, Glass <Solus>, Mud <Haiwaste>, Lacertal Leather <Sahra'a>, Mineral Dyes <Planninfrag>
    Region 56
    Resources: [Good] Herbs, [Good] Stone.
    Import necessity/great desire: Metals.
    Imports: Bronze <Glazfell>, Iron <Drugard>, Scientists <Drugaud>, Mud <Haiwaste>
    Region 57
    Resources: [Good] Silk, [Good] Wood, [Good] Stone
    Import necessity/great desire: Meat.
    Imports: Meat <Glazfell>, Herbs <Skarval>, Pegasi <Sycia>, Fruit <Jeweled Cities>, Mud <Haiwaste>, Precious Gems <Heartwaste>, Sheep <Planninfrag>, Thundersheet Plants <Bloomenwald Isles>
    Region 58
    Resources: [Good] Silver, [Good] Gold, [Good] Cavorite
    Import necessity/great desire: Wood.
    Imports: Wood <Frosskov>, Herbs <Skarval>, Obsidian <Gunung>, Athletes <Maos>, Scientists <Drugard>, Sulphur <Bordeux>, Mud <Haiwaste>, Stone <Frosskov>, Pegasi <Crima>, Creeping Livefire <Nezetkharras>
    Region 59
    Resources: [Good] Bronze, [Good] Tear of Yphine (Crystals), [Good] Meat
    Import necessity/great desire: Crops.
    Imports: Grain <Sycia>, Herbs <Skarval>, True Ice <Krepida>, Squid <Shikurai>, Salt <Hazaria>, Mud <Haiwaste>, Postash <Haiwaste>, Stone <Frosskov>, Tar <Maos>, Scarnak Birds <Sympolemou>, Screeching Crystals <Aimplach>, Goldfire <Elomaoli>, Creeping Livefire <Nezetkharras>
    Region 82
    Resources: [Good] Mud, [Good] Potash
    Import necessity/great desire: Stone
    Imports: Stone <Skarval>


    Sycia, Holy Kingdom of (Lesser Vassal)
    Region 50 & 51, HalfTangible

    Region 50
    Resources: [Good] Pegasi, [Good] Gems, [Good] Grain.
    Import necessity/great desire: Silk.
    Imports: Bronze <Glazfell>, Dyes <Jarrland>, Silk <Frosskov>, Cavorite <Estglaz>, Abyssium <Selyra>, Clams <U27>, Rhinos <Selyra TP>
    Region 51
    Resources: [Good] Crystals, [Good] Wood, [Good] Furs.
    Import necessity/great desire: Coal.
    Imports: --


    Kingdom of the Iron Doctrine (Lesser Vassal)
    Region P3, 18A & 18B, NPC

    Region P3
    Resources: [Good] True Ice.
    Import necessity/great desire: Meat
    Imports: Goats <Penoccident>, Stone <Frosskov>
    Region 18A
    Resources: [Good] Vegetables, [Good] Wood, [Good] Skarnak Birds, [Good] Monsterous Rodents.
    Import necessity/great desire: Meat.
    Imports: Fish <Domhan Abhaile>, Meat <Tar>, Meat <Glazfell>, Potash <Haiwaste>, Sparkfellow Icicles <Tuhiland>, Slaves <Tzalteclan>
    Region 18B
    Resources: [Good] Darkstar Iron, [Good] Tunnel Wolves
    Import necessity/great desire: Stone
    Imports: Stone <Skarval>


    Kingdom of Stolok (Lesser Vassal)
    Region 108, NPC

    Region 108
    Resources: [Good] Mineral Dyes, [Good] Highland Berries, [Good] Sheep
    Import necessity/great desire: ???
    Imports: Iron <Drugaud>, Wood <Frosskov>

    Pavonian Imperium
    Region 68A, 68B, 95, & 96, ReaderAt2014

    Region 68A
    Resources: [Good] Iron, [Good] Stone, [Good] Mercenaries.
    Import necessity/great desire: Draft Animals.
    Imports: Cows <Calorum>, Gold <Mularuhm TP>, Scriveners <Jarrland>, Dragon Scales <K'braashriix>, Bats <Crima>, Gold <Tzalteclan>
    Region 68B
    Resources: [Good] Amethysts, [Good] Hellstone, [Good] Sulphur
    Import necessity/great desire: ???
    Imports: Goats <Penoccident>
    Thousand Vales
    Region 95
    Resources: [Good] ???, [Good] ???, [Good] ???
    Import necessity/great desire: ???
    Imports: ---
    Region 96
    Resources: [Good] Giant Frozen Eggs, [Good] Ice Dragons
    Import necessity/great desire: ???
    Imports: Longhorn Cattle <Minotron>, Stone <Pavonia>
    Region 127
    Resources: [Good] Sung bone
    Import necessity/great desire: ???
    Imports: Hellstone <Novorogh>

    Ash-Kingdom of Maur
    Region 73, C’nor

    Region 73
    Resources: [Good] Steel, [Good] Death Iron, [Good] Maur's Skin
    Import necessity/great desire: ???
    Imports: Fish <Genivana>, Stone <Alzeroth>

    Tzaltec Empire
    Region 85, 86, 87, 102, 104 & 106 TheDarkDM

    Region 85
    Resources: [Good] Ngath Philungf, [Good] Roaring Turtles
    Import necessity/great desire: Stone
    Imports: --
    Region 86
    Resources: [Good] Gold, [Good] Iron, [Good] Slaves, [Good] Dragon's Blood (Oil)
    Import necessity/great desire: Gold
    Imports: Gold <Salteire>, Horses <Palas Caercia>, Amber <Wenyavuk>, Brass <Tekorva>, Stone <Tekorva>, Kinu Korath <Yorukuni>, Coal <Drugaud>, Stone <Skarval>, Mercenaries <Pavonia>, Lacertal Lizards <Sahra'a>, Roaring Turtles <Amocuallan>
    Region 87
    Resources: [Good] Corn, [Good] Goldfire
    Import necessity/great desire: Iron
    Imports: Cavorite <Estglaz>, Iron <Tzalteclan>
    Region 102
    Resources: [Good] ???, [Good] ???
    Import necessity/great desire: ???
    Imports: --
    Region 104
    Resources: [Good] ???, [Good] ???
    Import necessity/great desire: ???
    Imports: --
    Region 106
    Resources: [Great] Creeping Livefire, [Good] Gold
    Import necessity/great desire: ???
    Imports: Corn <Elomaoli>

    Region 113, NPC

    Region 113
    Resources: [Good] ???, [Good] ???
    Import necessity/great desire: ???
    Imports: --

    Chivalric Republic of the United Free Cities
    Region 138, Kasanip

    Land of the Free Knights
    Region 138
    Resources: [Good] Fibrous Flame, [Good] Tangled Lightning, [Good] Grains, [Good] Knights
    Import necessity/great desire: Tea
    Imports: Tea <Kyaralath>

    Alzeroth Collective
    Region 139, NPC

    Region 139
    Resources: [Good] Fish, [Good] Stone, [Good] Firestone
    Import necessity/great desire: ???
    Imports: --

    Region 107, NPC

    Region 107
    Resources: [Good] ???, [Good] ???
    Import necessity/great desire: ???
    Imports: --
    Region ???
    Resources: [Single] Camels, [Single] Heart Ruby, [Single] Colored Glass, [Good] Stone
    Import necessity/great desire: ???
    Imports: Dinosaurs <Maos>, Gold <Frontier>

    Region 163, NPC

    Region 163
    Resources: [Good] Bee-Cocoa, [Good] Lemons, [Good] Mico-Hives
    Import necessity/great desire: Slaves
    Imports: --

    Greatest Kingdom of Zuiguo
    Region 136, NPC

    Region 136
    Resources: [Good] Aimoh, [Good] Ban-terato
    Import necessity/great desire: ???
    Imports: --

    Last edited by TheWombatOfDoom; 2015-01-21 at 09:26 AM.
    Scientific Name: Wombous apocolypticus | Diet: Apocolypse Pie | Cuddly: Yes

    World Building Projects:
    : The Stuff of Sentience | Fate: The Fabric of Physics | Luck: The Basis of Biology

    Order of the Stick Projects:
    Annotation of the Comic | Magic Compendium of the Comic | Transcription of the Comic
    Dad-a-chum? Dum-a-chum? Ded-a-chek? Did-a-chick?
    Extended Signature | My DeviantArt | Majora's Mask Point Race
    (you can't take the sky from me)

  15. - Top - End - #15
    Ogre in the Playground
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    In Orbit

    Default Re: EMPIRE! Rules and Administration

    Militairy Tables

    Updated through Round Open for 40

    Region Caps - Regions may not exceed 10,000 within Capital Regions or 5,000 in Auxiliary Regions

    # Region Name Country Capital/Auxiliary Land Naval Aerial Aquatic
    N-16A Everburning Horde Everburning Horde Capital 6 0 0 0
    N-32A Tuvaak Tuvaak Capital 9 0 0 0
    N-122 Ti Kathuan An Nádur Capital 5 0 0 0
    N-126 Ti Saethyl An Nádur Auxiliary 0 0 2 0
    P1 Mictlanpa Kingdom of Calorum Auxiliary 1 0 0 0
    P2 Wenyavuk Kingdom of Calorum Auxiliary 0 0 0 0
    P3 Krepida Kingdom of Calorum Auxiliary 2 0 0 0
    P6 Kuldran Kingdom of Kuldran Capital 2 0 0 0
    P8 Tletica Kingdom of Calorum Auxiliary 0 0 0 0
    U2 Abyssian Sea Abyssian Collective Capital 0 0 0 2
    U11 Cuan Hurosha Empire Auxiliary 0 0 0 1
    U12 The Abyss of Corriach Hurosha Empire Auxiliary 0 0 0 1
    U13 Scálaísceir Hurosha Empire Auxiliary 0 0 0 0
    U16 Barathrum Praeclarus Auxiliary 0 0 0 1
    U17 Magaria Praeclarus Auxiliary 0 0 0 1
    U31 Praeclarus Praeclarus Capital 0 0 0 1
    U32 Vagas Littus Praeclarus Auxiliary 0 0 0 1
    1A Gunung Kingdom of Calorum Auxiliary 3 0 0 0
    2A Celero Kingdom of Celero Capital 4 2 4 0
    2B Bereginia Kingdom of Celero Auxiliary 5 0 0 0
    3 Nyroth UJR Auxiliary 1 0 0 0
    4A Kasumor Hurosha Empire Capital 0 1 6 0
    4B Shikurai Hurosha Empire Auxiliary 4 0 0 0
    5A The Heartwaste Faedas Freehold Capital 7 0 0 0
    5B Eyrecradia Faedas Freehold Auxiliary 4 0 0 0
    6 Woodwind UJR Auxiliary 0 2 0 0
    7A Calorum Kingdom of Calorum Capital 3 0 7 0
    7B Gwrîstîn Hurosha Empire Auxiliary 0 0 0 0
    8A Aloren UJR Capital 4 2 3 0
    8B K'Braashrix UJR Auxiliary 1 0 0 0
    9 Genivana UJR Auxiliary 2 2 0 0
    10 Hratha-Tuor UJR Auxiliary 2 2 0 0
    11A Raaneka UJR Auxiliary 0 1 4 0
    11B Ayava UJR Auxiliary 1 0 1 0
    12A Qarimos UJR Auxiliary 0 1 2 0
    14A Guilder Guilderene Expanse Auxiliary 0 2 0 0
    15A Zargrim Hurosha Empire Auxiliary 2 0 3 0
    15B Keldagrim Faedas Freehold Auxiliary 4 0 0 0
    16A Pryonia Hurosha Empire Auxiliary 5 0 0 0
    16B Galie-Noiret Faedas Freehold Auxiliary 2 0 0 0
    17A Tekorva Faedas Freehold Auxiliary 5 0 0 0
    17B Yorukuni Faedas Freehold Auxiliary 3 0 0 0
    18A Sympolemou Kingdom of the Iron Doctrine Capital 6 0 0 0
    18B Aimplach Kingdom of the Iron Doctrine Auxiliary 1 0 0 0
    21A Sulvan Primarchy Sulvan Primarchy Capital 9 0 0 0
    21B Under Sulvan Sulvan Primarchy Auxiliary 1 0 0 0
    22 Ashenia Kingdom of Ashenia Capital 2 0 0 0
    S23 Crima The Tyranny of New Crima Capital 0 4 5 1
    24 Tar Seaborne Confederation Auxiliary 3 0 2 0
    25 The Jewelled Cities Seaborne Confederation Auxiliary 0 4 1 0
    26 Shengdi Salterri Heartlands Auxiliary 1 0 0 0
    27 Scla`Ca Imperial Alydaxian Dominion Auxiliary 2 1 0 0
    28 Hazaria Kingdom of Ashenia Auxiliary 1 0 0 0
    29 Alydaxis Imperial Alydaxian Dominion Capital 2 0 0 0
    30 Grizzland UJR Auxiliary 3 0 0 0
    31 Grmanhil Kingdom of Serendel Auxiliary 1 0 0 1
    32 Selyra Kingdom of Serendel Capital 2 1 2 0
    33A Bracia Salterri Heartlands Auxiliary 2 0 1 0
    33B Landerkunst Kingdom of Mularuhm Auxiliary 3 0 0 0
    34A Bor-Teire Salterri Heartlands Auxiliary 1 0 0 0
    34B Graberlock Kingdom of Mularuhm Auxiliary 2 0 0 0
    35 Salteire Salterri Heartlands Auxiliary 3 0 1 0
    36 Aus-Teire Salterri Heartlands Capital 4 2 4 0
    37 Pontensulae Salterri Heartlands Auxiliary 1 2 0 0
    38 Penoccident Salterri Heartlands Auxiliary 1 3 0 0
    39 Propinlonge Seaborne Confederation Auxiliary 3 0 2 0
    40 Solus Imperial Alydaxian Dominion Auxiliary 2 1 2 0
    41 Glirfrey Glirfrey Province Capital 1 0 0 0
    42 Arix`La Imperial Alydaxian Dominion Auxiliary 2 0 0 0
    43 Angan Angvale Kingdom of Ashenia Auxiliary 2 0 0 0
    44 Kyaralath Kingdom of Ashenia Auxiliary 1 0 0 0
    45A Lacertia Kingdom of Ashenia Auxiliary 0 0 0 0
    45B Ascelaine Kingdom of Ashenia Auxiliary 0 0 0 0
    46 Intepeuh Kingdom of Ashenia Auxiliary 1 0 0 0
    47A The Niskovian Steppe The Sovereign Principality of Niskovia Auxiliary 4 0 4 0
    47B Halja Fera Auxiliary 3 0 0 0
    48 Karintiya The Sovereign Principality of Niskovia Auxiliary 0 0 2 0
    49 Errelosse Empire of the Silver Moon Auxiliary 2 0 0 0
    50 Sycia The Holy Kingdom of Sycia Capital 0 0 3 0
    51 Felitora The Holy Kingdom of Sycia Auxiliary 0 0 3 0
    52 Drugaud Glazfelli Hegemony Auxiliary 2 0 0 0
    53 Rannara Guilderene Expanse Auxiliary 1 0 0 0
    54 Maos Colony Guilderene Expanse Capital 0 2 1 0
    55 Sahra'a Glazfelli Hegemony Auxiliary 3 0 0 0
    56 Skarval Glazfelli Hegemony Auxiliary 2 0 1 0
    57 Frosskov Expanse Glazfelli Hegemony Auxiliary 4 0 0 0
    58 Estglaz Glazfelli Hegemony Auxiliary 1 0 2 0
    59 Glazfell Glazfelli Hegemony Capital 5 0 5 0
    60 Borlmyn Kingdom of Serendel Auxiliary 0 1 0 1
    61A Requiem Kingdom of Serendel Auxiliary 2 0 0 0
    61B Triumph Kingdom of Serendel Auxiliary 5 0 0 0
    62A Jarrland Kingdom of the Carmine Sea Capital 7 1 0 0
    62B Asterith Kingdom of Mularuhm Auxiliary 3 0 0 0
    63A Discordia Kingdom of the Carmine Sea Auxiliary 0 0 0 0
    63B Galadoth Kingdom of Mularuhm Auxiliary 3 0 0 0
    64A Vennland Kingdom of the Carmine Sea Auxiliary 1 0 1 0
    64B Mularuhm Kingdom of Mularuhm Capital 4 0 0 0
    65A Minotron Caercian Consortium Auxiliary 3 0 0 0
    65B Meiterdon Kingdom of Mularuhm Auxiliary 3 0 0 0
    66 Wyrmar Caercian Consortium Auxiliary 2 0 0 0
    67 Palas Caercia Caercian Consortium Capital 5 0 0 0
    68B Norogh Kingdom of Mularuhm Auxiliary 3 0 0 0
    69A Farridon Kingdom of the Carmine Sea Auxiliary 1 0 1 0
    69B The Riderock Kingdom of Mularuhm Auxiliary 4 0 0 0
    70 Valterre Empire of the Silver Moon Capital 5 2 0 0
    71 Malkavan Empire of the Silver Moon Auxiliary 1 0 0 0
    73 Maur The Ash-Kingdom of Maur Capital 5 0 0 0
    74 Kaspiyskiya The Sovereign Principality of Niskovia Auxiliary 0 1 0 0
    75 Fræzeid Fera Capital 2 0 1 0
    76 Neo Scandza Fera Auxiliary 0 0 1 0
    77 Valeriya The Sovereign Principality of Niskovia Auxiliary 0 0 2 0
    78 Vythau Fera Auxiliary 0 0 2 0
    79 Hleibjan Fera Auxiliary 0 0 1 0
    82 Haiwaste Glazfelli Hegemony Auxiliary 3 0 1 0
    84 Maztpoala Tzaltec Empire Auxiliary 1 0 0 0
    85 Amocuallan Tzaltec Empire Auxiliary 3 0 0 0
    86 Tzalteclan Tzaltec Empire Capital 3 0 0 0
    87 Elomaoli Tzaltec Empire Auxiliary 0 1 0 0
    90 Galomyr Seaborne Confederation Capital 0 4 2 0
    91 Bloomewald Isles Seaborne Confederation Auxiliary 0 2 0 0
    92 Bjurnja Caercian Consortium Auxiliary 1 0 0 0
    93 Sterkelv Caercian Consortium Auxiliary 0 2 2 0
    94 Cridan The Tyranny of New Crima Auxiliary 4 0 0 0
    95 The Thousand Vales The Tyranny of New Crima Auxiliary 1 0 0 0
    96 Promise Caercian Consortium Auxiliary 0 0 0 0
    98 Vantalaan The Tyranny of New Crima Auxiliary 1 0 0 0
    99 Faelthalas The Kingdom of Faelthalas Auxiliary 4 0 0 0
    101 Nanacatlon Tzaltec Empire Auxiliary 1 0 0 0
    102 Axiquahitl Tzaltec Empire Auxiliary 1 0 0 0
    104 Oztotla Tzaltec Empire Auxiliary 1 0 0 0
    106 Nezetkharrus Tzaltec Empire Auxiliary 2 0 0 0
    110 Kseverumestia The Sovereign Principality of Niskovia Auxiliary 2 0 0 0
    111 Tekoshkiya The Sovereign Principality of Niskovia Auxiliary 2 0 0 0
    112 Serdtsezimiya The Sovereign Principality of Niskovia Auxiliary 2 0 0 0
    115 Dinarii Ash-Kingdom of Maur Auxiliary 0 0 0 0
    120 Isles of Tepetl Kingdom of the Isles Auxiliary 1 2 0 0
    121 Sanglea Kingdom of the Isles Auxiliary 2 1 0 0
    122 The Broken Enclave Kingdom of the Isles Capital 3 2 0 0
    123 Coldwell Kingdom of the Isles Auxiliary 3 2 0 0
    124 Tempestia Kingdom of the Carmine Sea Auxiliary 0 0 1 0
    125 Trinacria Kingdom of the Carmine Sea Auxiliary 1 0 0 0
    126 Tuhiland Kingdom of the Carmine Sea Auxiliary 1 1 0 0
    128 Tumeland Kingdom of the Carmine Sea Auxiliary 0 0 0 0
    130 Sea of Glass Seaborne Confederation Auxiliary 0 2 1 0
    132 Indica Empire of the Silver Moon Auxiliary 4 0 0 0
    133 Rì Chūgǎng Kingdom of Celero Auxiliary 5 0 0 0
    134 Nan Hai Nian Kingdom of Celero Auxiliary 2 0 0 0
    135 Dong Bu Dosi Kingdom of Celero Auxiliary 2 0 0 0
    136 Dong Nam Dosi United Chivalric Republic Auxiliary 5 0 0 0
    137 Nezett Karn Empire of the Silver Moon Auxiliary 2 0 0 0
    138 Free Cities United Chivalric Republic Capital 5 0 0 0
    140 Pomequi Ash-Kingdom of Maur Auxiliary 1 0 4 0
    141 Kemuliaan Kemuliaan Capital 10 0 0 0
    142 Bastet United Chivalric Republic Auxiliary 2 0 0 0
    143 Kanyat United Chivalric Republic Auxiliary 0 0 0 0
    144 Telk'Hazar Duriduo Telek'kra the Home Tree Capital 3 0 0 0
    145 Trandar Trandar Capital 1 0 0 0
    146 Rikorsia Great Sharixian Republic Auxiliary 0 0 0 0
    147 Ziben Yong Kingdom of Celero Auxiliary 1 0 1 0
    148 Maisel Great Sharixian Republic Auxiliary 0 0 0 0
    153 Puerto Melizine Caercian Consortium Auxiliary 0 3 0 0
    156 Darsia Darsia Auxiliary 3 2 0 0
    157 Mapuilli Nanguang Prefecture Auxiliary 0 0 0 0
    161 Rathanel Thalmann Legacy Capital 3 1 0 0
    162 Esuma Caramel Kingdom Capital 6 1 0 0
    163 Valasharix Great Sharixian Republic Capital 8 0 0 0
    164 Triwilix Great Sharixian Republic Auxiliary 1 0 0 0

    List of winning Tactics

    Nation Winning Tactic Round Introduced
    Kingdom of the Iron Doctrine Mountains 5
    Guilder Coastal 8
    UJR Plains 9
    Kingdom of Celero Clouds 12
    Empire of the Silver Moon Forest 16
    Hurosha Empire Open Skies 18
    Glazfell Hegemony Deserts 23
    Kingdom of the Carmine Sea Open Sea 27
    Kingdom of Serendel Defending Fortifications 28
    Salterri Heartlands Coastal
    Tzaltec Empire Mountains
    Caercian Consortium Hills
    Kingdom of Mularuhm Underground

    Spoiler: Military Changes - R40
    The Sovereign Principality of Niskovia
    +2 Land Units - Kseverumestia (110)

    An Nádur
    +2 Aerial Units - Ti Saethyl (N-69B)

    +2 Land Units - Tuvaak (N-32A)

    +1 Land Unit - Aloren (8A)
    +1 Aquatic Unit - Qarimos (12A)

    The Caramel Kingdom
    +4 Land Units - Esuma (162)

    The Kingdom of Mularuhm
    +1 Land Unit - Landerkunst (33B)
    +1 Land Unit - Norogh (68B)
    +1 Land Unit - The Riderock (69B)

    The Seaborne Confederacy
    +1 Aerial Unit - The Sea of Glass (130)
    +1 Aerial Unit - Propinlonge (30)
    +1 Naval Unit - The Jeweled Cities (25)
    +1 Naval Unit - Galomyr (90)
    +2 Land Units - Propinlonge (30)
    -1 Aerial Unit - Bloomenwald Isles (91)
    -1 Naval Unit - Tar (24)
    -1 Naval Unit - Propinlonge (30)
    -1 Land Unit - Galomyr (90)
    -1 Land Unit - The Sea of Glass (130)

    The Kingdom of Serendel
    +1 Aerial Unit - Selyra (32)
    +1 Land Unit - Selyra (32)

    Telk'Hazar Duriduo
    +3 Land Units - Telek'kra the Home Tree (144)

    Empire of the Silver Moon
    +2 Land Units - Valterre (70)

    +1 Land Unit - Fræzeid (75)

    The Kingdom of Celero
    +1 Aerial Unit - Ziben Yong (147)
    +1 Land Unit - Rì Chūgǎng (133)
    +1 Land Unit - Dong Bu Dosi (135)

    United Chivalric Republic
    +1 Land Unit - Bastet (142)

    The Kingdom of Ashenia
    +1 Land Unit - Angan Angvale (43)

    The Everburning Horde
    -3 Land Units - The Everburning Horde (N-16A)
    Last edited by Rain Dragon; 2015-05-06 at 10:06 PM.
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  16. - Top - End - #16
    Titan in the Playground
    Aedilred's Avatar

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    Default Re: EMPIRE! Rules and Administration

    Region Populations

    Updated to Round 40

    # Region/Group Realm Population
    N-16A The Everburning Horde Everburning Horde (Nomads) 62,000
    N-32 Tuvaak Tuvaak (Nomads) 40,000
    N-45 Warriors of Syvine Warriors of Syvine (Nomads) 48,000
    N-122 Ti Kathuan An Nádur (Nomads) 82,000
    N-69A Ti Saethyl An Nádur (Nomads) 50,000
    P1 Mictlanpa Kingdom of Calorum 789,000
    P2 Wenyavuk Kingdom of Calorum 931,000
    P3 Krepida Kingdom of the Iron Doctrine 308,000
    P6 Kuldran Kingdom of Kuldran 300,000
    P4 Voreal Kingdom 489,000
    P5 Voreal Kingdom 430,000
    P7 Unknown
    P8 Tletica Kingdom of Calorum 306,000
    P9 Sovrassia Banished Kingdom of Kelldria 420,000
    P10 Banished Kingdom of Kelldria 235,000
    P16 Banished Kingdom of Kelldria 450,000
    U1 Abyssian Sea Coalition of the Abyssian Sea 1,002,000
    U2 Savage Reaches Coalition of the Abyssian Sea 680,000
    U4 Challenger Depths Coalition of the Abyssian Sea 307,000
    U6 Coalition of the Abyssian Sea 530,000
    U11 Cuan Hurosha Empire 808,000
    U12 Abyss of Corriach Hurosha Empire 1,082,000
    U13 600,000
    U16 Barathrum Praeclarus 875,000
    U17 Margaria Praeclarus 693,000
    U31 Praeclarus Praeclarus 884,000
    U32 Vagas Littus Praeclarus 410,000
    U33 890,000
    1 Gunung Kingdom of Calorum 1,743,000
    2A Celero Kingdom of Celero 1,452,000
    2B Bereginia Kingdom of Celero 635,000
    3 Nyroth Union of Radurjic Republics 1,585,000
    4A Kasumor Hurosha Empire 2,015,000
    4B Shikurai Hurosha Empire 722,000
    5A The Heartwaste Faedas Freehold 1,325,000
    5B Eyrecradia Faedas Freehold 1,677,000
    6 Woodwind Union of Radurjic Republics 1,838,000
    7A Calorum Kingdom of Calorum 1,517,000
    7B Gwristin Hurosha Empire 586,000
    8A Aloren Union of Radurjic Republics 1,794,000
    8B K’Braashriix Union of Radurjic Republics 559,000
    9 Genivana Union of Radurjic Republics 2,039,000
    10 Hrathan-Tuor Union of Radurjic Republics 1,662,000
    11A Raaneka Union of Radurjic Republics 1,425,000
    11B Ayava Union of Radurjic Republics 997,000
    12 Qarimos Union of Radurjic Republics 1,837,000
    13A Lyradis Kingdom of North Lyradis 1,618,000
    13B Razdis Razdissi Underpire 790,000
    14A Guilder Guilderene Expanse 1,565,000
    14B Elbaraz Razdissi Underpire 853,000
    15A Zargrim Hurosha Empire 1,065,000
    15B Keldagrim Faedas Freehold 1,165,000
    16A Pryonia Hurosha Empire 1,597,000
    16B Galie-Noiret Faedas Freehold 389,000
    17A Tekorva Faedas Freehold 1,234,000
    17B Yorukuni Faedas Freehold 499,000
    18A Sympolemou Kingdom of the Iron Doctrine 1,946,000
    18B Aimplach Kingdom of the Iron Doctrine 989,000
    19 Domhan Abheile Kingdom of North Lyradis 1,419,000
    20A Bordeux Sulvan Primarchy 1,632,000
    20B Archos Sulvan Primarchy Unknown
    21A Sulvan's Fury Sulvan Primarchy 1,291,000
    21B Sulvan Primarchy Unknown
    22A Ashenia Kingdom of Ashenia 2,137,000
    23 Crima Tyranny of New Crima 1,788,000
    24 Tar Seaborne Confederation 1,492,000
    25 The Jewelled Cities Seaborne Confederation 1,454,000
    26 Shengdi Salterri Heartlands 935,000
    27 Scla'Ca Imperial Alydaxian Dominion 1,413,000
    28 Hazaria Kingdom of Ashenia 347,000
    29 Alydaxis Imperial Alydaxian Dominion 1,074,000
    30 Grizzland Union of Radurjic Republics 1,657,000
    31 Grmanhil Kingdom of Serendel 798,000
    32 Selyra Kingdom of Serendel 868,000
    33 Bracia Salterri Heartlands 538,000
    33B Landerkunst Kingdom of Mularuhm 738,000
    34 Bor-Teire Salterri Heartlands 945,000
    34B Graberlock Kingdom of Mularuhm 604,000
    35 Salteire Salterri Heartlands 1,174,000
    36 Aus-Teire Salterri Heartlands 2,396,000
    37 Pontensulae Salterri Heartlands 1,283,000
    38 Penoccident Salterri Heartlands 861,000
    39 Propinlonge Kingdom of Celero 349,000
    40 Solus Imperial Alydaxian Dominion 1,001,000
    41 Glirfrey Glirfrey 1,192,000
    42 Arix-La Imperial Alydaxian Dominion 994,000
    43 Angan Anvale Kingdom of Ashenia 810,000
    44 Kyaralath Kingdom of Ashenia 924,000
    45A Lacertia Kingdom of Ashenia 892,000
    45B Ascalaine Kingdom of Ashenia 349,000
    46 Intepeuh Kingdom of Ashenia 937,000
    47A Niskovia Sovereign Principality of Niskovia 957,000
    47B Halja Fera 1,020,000
    48 Karintiya Sovereign Principality of Niskovia 572,000
    49 Errelosse Kingdom of the Silver Moon 327,000
    50 Sycia Holy Kingdom of Sycia 1,075,000
    51 Felitora Holy Kingdom of Sycia 896,000
    52 Drugaud Glazfelli Hegemony 1,117,000
    53 Maos Guilderene Expanse 1,133,000
    54 Rannara Guilderene Expanse 1,515,000
    55 Sahra'a Glazfelli Hegemony 851,000
    56 Skarval Glazfelli Hegemony 1081,000
    57 Frosskov Glazfelli Hegemony 1,327,000
    58 Estglaz Glazfelli Hegemony 1,525,000
    59 Glazfell Glazfelli Hegemony 1,636,000
    60 Borlmyn Kingdom of Serendel 1,019,000
    61A Requiem Kingdom of Serendel 1,023,000
    61B Triumph Kingdom of Serendel 845,000
    62A Jarrland Kingdom of the Carmine Sea 1,149,000
    62A Asterith Kingdom of Mularuhm 717,000
    63A Discordia Kingdom of the Carmine Sea 1,428,000
    63B Galardoth Kingdom of Mularuhm 1,029,000
    64A Vennland Kingdom of the Carmine Sea 1,294,000
    64B Mularuhm Kingdom of Mularuhm 1,453,000
    65 Minotron Caercian Consortium 1,120,000
    65B Meiterdon Kingdom of Mularuhm 497,000
    66 Wyrmar Caercian Consortium 1,088,000
    67 Palas Caercia Caercian Consortium 1,219,000
    68A Pavonia Grand Duchy of Pavonia 1,156,000
    68B Norogh Kingdom of Mularuhm 561,000
    69A Farridon Kingdom of the Carmine Sea 2,009,000
    69B Riderock Kingdom of Mularuhm 811,000
    70 Valterre Kingdom of the Silver Moon 1,616,000
    71 Malkavan Kingdom of the Silver Moon 1,184,000
    72 Kingdom of the Silver Moon 680,000
    73 Maur Ash-Kingdom of Maur 1,022,000
    74 Kaspiyskiya Sovereign Principality of Niskovia 738,000
    75 Fraezeid Fera 1,326,000
    76A Neo Scandza Fera 848,000
    76B 320,000
    77 Valeriya Sovereign Principality of Niskovia 757,000
    78 Vythau Fera 600,000
    79 Hleibjan Fera 585,000
    80 Voreal Kingdom 940,000
    81 Issedonia Voreal Kingdom 1,032,000
    82 Haiwaste Glazfelli Hegemony 1,110,000
    83 Ahmeskharras Ahmeskharras 594,000
    84 Maztpoala Tzaltec Empire 675,000
    85 Amocuallan Tzaltec Empire 992,000
    86 Tzalteclan Tzaltec Empire 1,146,000
    87 Elomaoli Tzaltec Empire 584,000
    88 Niemidaland Niemida Prefecture 1,127,000
    89 Meimanda Niemida Prefecture 850,000
    90 Galomyr Seaborne Confederation 1,426,000
    91 Bloomenwald Seaborne Confederation 635,000
    92 Bjurnja Caercian Consortium 1,176,000
    93 Sterkelv Caercian Consortium 985,000
    94 Cridan Tyranny of New Crima 433,000
    95 The Thousand Vales Tyranny of New Crima 700,000
    96 Promise Caercian Consortium 762,000
    97 Miskaton Tyranny of New Crima 452,000
    98 Vantalaan Tyranny of New Crima 645,000
    99 Faelthalas Kingdom of Faelthalas 985,000
    100 The Thumping Plains METAL 930,000
    101 Nanacatlon Tzaltec Empire 815,000
    102 Axiquahitl Tzaltec Empire 533,000
    103 Keystone METAL 680,000
    104 Oztotla Tzaltec Empire 663,000
    105 Kapital METAL 1,595,000
    106 Nezetkharras Tzaltec Empire 556,000
    107 West Kap METAL 515,000
    108 The Planinfrag Kingdom of Stolok 1,023,000
    109 Anavia Kingdom of Stolok 1,030,000
    110 Kseverumestia Sovereign Principality of Niskovia 277,000
    111 Tekoshkiya Sovereign Principality of Niskovia 367,000
    112 Serdtsezimiya Sovereign Principality of Niskovia 538,000
    113 Cantroth Del'Taihn Provinces 1,182,000
    114 Ash-Kingdom of Maur 1,040,000
    115 Dinarii Ash-Kingdom of Maur 835,000
    116 Ash-Kingdom of Maur 640,000
    117 745,000
    118 Holy States of Our Frozen Lady 1,500,000
    119 Arresia Kingdom of Stolok 779,000
    120 Tepetl Kingdom of the Isles 1,059,000
    121 Sanglea Kingdom of the Isles 1,134,000
    122 The Broken Enclave Kingdom of the Isles 1,342,000
    123 The Coldwell Kingdom of the Isles 1,072,000
    124 Tempestia Kingdom of the Carmine Sea 1,571,000
    125 Trinacria Kingdom of the Carmine Sea 864,000
    126 Tuhiland Kingdom of the Carmine Sea 775,000
    127 Frios Grand Duchy of Pavonia 662,000
    128 Tumeland Kingdom of the Carmine Sea 680,000
    129 Banished Kingdom of Kelldria 815,000
    130 Sea of Glass Seaborne Confederation 318,000
    131 Novrania Seaborne Confederation 880,000
    132 Indica Kingdom of the Silver Moon 986,000
    133 Ri Chugang Kingdom of Celero 633,000
    134 Nan Hai Nian Kingdom of Celero 1,173,000
    135 Dong Bu Dosi Kingdom of Celero 1,110,000
    136 Dong Nam Dosi Chivalric Republic 1,225,000
    137 Nezett Karn Kingdom of the Silver Moon 379,000
    138 Land of Free Knights Chivalric Republic 676,000
    139A Alzeroth Alzeroth Collective 609,000
    139B Alzeroth Collective 600,000
    140 Pomequi Ash-Kingdom of Maur 785,000
    141 Kemuliaan Kemuliaan 1,186,000
    142 Bastet Chivalric Republic 391,000
    143 Kanyat Chivalric Republic 589,000
    144 788,000
    145 Trandar Trandar 1,040,000
    146 Rikorsia Great Sharixian Republic 814,000
    147 Ziben Yong Kingdom of Celero 1,245,000
    148 Maisel Great Sharixian Republic 405,000
    153 Puerto Melizine Caercian Consortium 1,020,000
    154 Conjellado Anillo Conjellado Anillo 760,000
    156 Darsia 682,000
    157 Mapuílli 642,000
    160 Guilderene Expanse 720,000
    161 Rathenal Thalmann Legacy 463,000
    162 Esuma Caramel Kingdom 1,204,000
    163 Valasharix Great Sharixian Republic 860,000
    164 Triwilix Great Sharixian Republic 498,000
    165 Banished Kingdom of Kelldria 488,000
    Last edited by Aedilred; 2015-05-05 at 02:33 PM.
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    Tech Table (Updated until the end of round 39)

    Abyssium 34 30 21 18 32 16 Abyssium 28 34 35 28 28 21 29 Abyssium
    Adamantine 24 18 18 28 17 25 29 34 16 34 34 Adamantine 34 34 37 27 32 16 Adamantine
    Aerial Harness 30 30 29 39 34 27 Aerial Harness 32 29 30 32 29 30 30 Aerial Harness
    Aerial Naval 28 11 34 25 30 24 29 27 12 34 34 28 Aerial Naval 39 34 34 19 32 25 30 35 30 12 39 Aerial Naval
    Agriculture 34 30 34 34 34 Agriculture 34 34 30 34 34 29 Agriculture
    Ancient Alchemy 37 27 Ancient Alchemy Ancient Alchemy
    Apotheosis Toxin 32 Apotheosis Toxin Apotheosis Toxin
    Appertisation 38 38 Appertisation 39 38 38 39 35 38 Appertisation
    Aquatic Cathedrals 39 39 35 Aquatic Cathedrals 37 39 Aquatic Cathedrals
    Arbalests 30 29 34 32 Arbalests 39 28 34 30 30 30 29 39 Arbalests
    Arquebuses 32 34 33 ?? Arquebuses 33 34 Arquebuses
    Automata 24 24 21 32 34 25 35 30 19 24 21 29 34 27 28 Automata 32 28 32 24 32 20 28 28 35 24 24 Automata
    Beast Masters 32 34 32 30 28 34 29 Beast Masters 39 32 30 30 32 30 30 30 39 Beast Masters
    Berunda 13 24 11 19 34 25 30 21 10 20 26 19 18 Berunda 39 21 25 28 19 13 14 28 28 21 20 39 Berunda
    Blackpowder 24 18 12 14 34 25 23 24 18 21 28 34 30 18 Blackpowder 39 30 26 30 14 14 25 28 28 21 19 33 Blackpowder
    Calculus 27 24 34 25 35 30 25 24 23 23 34 34 28 Calculus 39 25 28 34 37 28 34 24 28 28 24 22 39 Calculus
    Cannons 34 35 34 34 34 35 Cannons 35 35 34 35 34 Cannons
    Carvel-Building 38 38 35 Carvel-Building 38 38 38 38 Carvel-Building
    Clockwork 24 17 18 18 34 25 35 30 17 17 17 18 34 19 17 Clockwork 39 34 28 34 20 17 16 28 28 35 21 17 39 Clockwork
    Deep Lenses 28 Deep Lenses 20 20 Deep Lenses
    Efficient Building 21 35 27 34 25 35 30 24 24 22 29 34 27 28 Efficient Building 35 34 28 34 34 28 34 29 28 28 35 24 35 23 35 Efficient Building
    Feran Mysticism 34 35 29 Feran Mysticism 30 34 Feran Mysticism
    Fluid Dynamics 20 34 Fluid Dynamics 34 34 34 34 Fluid Dynamics
    Griffon 28 7 34 25 35 30 18 21 18 34 34 8 Griffon 39 34 28 34 19 32 17 11 28 21 34 27 39 Griffon
    High Cuisine 39 39 High Cuisine 38 High Cuisine
    Higher Education 39 39 38 Higher Education 37 36 Higher Education
    Hovercrafts 24 33 18 24 34 25 30 18 16 6 5 34 24 18 Hovercrafts 39 34 28 34 10 28 34 17 28 28 21 27 39 Hovercrafts
    Horses 24 27 30 30 26 38 34 18 Horses 39 21 31 28 17 34 30 18 28 28 28 39 Horses
    Ice Sailing Ice Sailing Ice Sailing
    Imperial Bureaucracy 37 38 38 Imperial Bureaucracy 38 38 38 38 38 Imperial Bureaucracy
    Insect 33 34 <10 3 Insect 34 23 Insect
    Inspired Militia 25 34 28 33 34 34 33 Inspired Militia 34 34 34 35 27 32 35 37 32 Inspired Militia
    Kralax 11 19 18 13 34 25 30 21 13 13 34 34 28 Kralax 39 34 28 34 27 32 28 28 21 12 39 Kralax
    Lenses 19 33 24 17 18 34 25 28 30 18 21 21 34 34 18 Lenses 39 34 28 34 18 19 18 32 21 28 28 21 21 39 Lenses
    Lifeskin 34 39 35 37 Lifeskin 31 Lifeskin
    Loaders 30 34 30 35 30 30 30 29 30 34 30 30 Loaders 39 30 30 30 37 30 30 30 30 30 30 39 Loaders
    Logistics 34 33 39 Logistics 39 39 34 34 34 39 39 39 Logistics
    Magnets 19 19 19 18 34 25 28 35 30 21 19 19 19 26 19 19 Magnets 39 34 28 34 34 19 19 19 28 28 19 19 39 Magnets
    Medicine 27 27 27 27 27 39 27 27 35 27 27 29 27 34 27 27 Medicine 39 27 27 27 34 27 27 27 27 34 39 Medicine
    Mind Conference 37 39 39 Mind Conference Mind Conference
    Mithril 24 37 2 2 29 34 25 35 30 18 21 18 17 26 14 10 Mithril 39 17 26 21 10 28 18 14 17 28 28 35 21 19 39 Mithril
    Mtambuzi 31 34 29 29 Mtambuzi 24 Mtambuzi
    Ocean Faring 11 39 15 14 20 11 34 25 28 35 30 18 12 <10 11 17 12 3 Ocean Faring 39 21 21 28 16 34 <10 14 <10 17 28 28 35 16 <10 39 Ocean Faring
    Oracles 19 34 19 18 20 18 34 25 35 30 24 21 19 18 34 34 28 Oracles 39 34 28 34 37 27 32 25 28 28 21 17 39 Oracles
    Patriotism Patriotism 37 Patriotism
    Physics 32 34 30 35 30 29 29 34 29 Physics 39 32 32 37 34 32 28 30 30 30 34 39 Physics
    Pitch 24 15 14 19 34 25 30 21 13 20 34 34 18 Pitch 39 34 26 34 12 32 28 28 21 13 39 Pitch
    Plate Armor 12 33 15 14 20 13 34 25 28 35 5 18 13 9 9 26 13 28 Plate Armor 33 21 15 26 16 34 19 13 19 <9 17 28 6 35 16 11 33 Plate Armor
    Printing Press 19 6 6 28 15 34 25 28 35 30 18 21 13 14 26 12 11 Printing Press 39 21 28 16 34 11 13 11 13 17 28 28 21 35 13 33 Printing Press
    Prosthetics 24 24 18 39 25 35 30 34 19 Prosthetics 39 24 25 34 28 24 27 12 35 29 33 Prosthetics
    Psychology 39 Psychology Psychology
    Raaneki Diplomacy 28 13 34 25 35 30 24 21 18 13 34 27 28 Raaneki Diplomacy 39 21 28 19 37 12 12 12 34 28 28 21 35 12 39 Raaneki Diplomacy
    Recruitment Centers Recruitment Centers 39 39 38 38 39 39 Recruitment Centers
    Refrigeration 38 34 35 30 23 24 34 27 28 Refrigeration 39 27 29 28 27 35 34 26 29 28 28 24 27 39 Refrigeration
    Renders 39 <16 Renders Renders
    Sewage Systems 18 33 18 18 20 18 34 25 28 35 30 21 19 19 18 26 18 28 Sewage Systems 39 22 28 34 20 32 19 28 28 21 16 39 Sewage Systems
    Shintouite Crafting 28 28 16 34 25 30 21 20 15 34 27 18 Shintouite Crafting 39 34 28 19 27 27 28 28 21 16 39 Shintouite Crafting
    Shrieking Crossbows 32 34 29 34 27 29 Shrieking Crossbows 39 32 29 32 30 32 25 39 Shrieking Crossbows
    Solar Ray 33 34 39 34 35 Solar Ray Solar Ray
    Spirit Channeling 38 Spirit Channeling Spirit Channeling
    Steam Train 27 25 27 34 27 27 27 28 Steam Train 39 27 27 38 38 39 Steam Train
    Steam Power 22 24 24 34 25 20 21 19 20 34 34 28 Steam Power 39 21 28 34 28 34 21 28 28 21 27 39 Steam Power
    Sub-Aqua Rimor 37 37 37 37 Sub-Aqua Rimor 36 37 39 Sub-Aqua Rimor
    Tzaltec Fire 24 24 21 34 25 30 21 21 34 34 28 Tzaltec Fire 33 34 28 34 28 34 28 28 19 24 33 Tzaltec Fire
    Ultralight 24 24 18 34 25 30 25 17 21 35 34 34 28 Ultralight 39 34 28 34 28 34 28 28 21 27 39 Ultralight
    Vyuma Benders 34 29 29 Vyuma Benders 22 Vyuma Benders
    Wurms 24 19 18 17 34 27 16 34 27 28 Wurms 21 19 27 <9 17 Wurms
    Zeppelin 24 18 18 28 17 34 25 30 18 21 17 17 34 34 18 Zeppelin 39 34 28 34 27 32 17 28 28 21 16 39 Zeppelin
    Last edited by WaylanderX; 2015-04-30 at 06:33 PM.
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    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: EMPIRE! Rules and Administration

    Finished Projects and Great Projects

    Updated Through End of Round 40

    Kingdom Region Project Rounds Notes Completion
    Ahmeskarras Clanships Shintouite Forts R31, R32, R32, R32, R32 Fortification [5/5]
    Ahmeskharras Clanships Theocratic Dictatorship R37, R38 Governance [2/2]
    Alydaxan Dominion Scla’ca Port City R4, R5 City [2/2]
    Alydaxan Dominion Alydaxis Shrine to the Sky R18, R19 Shrine [2/2]
    Alydaxan Dominion Alydaxis Study of Humans R27, R29 Book [2/2]
    Alydaxan Dominion Scla’ca Capital City R5, R6, R7, R8, R9 City [5/5]
    Alydaxan Dominion Alydaxis Government System R10, R11, R13, R14, R15 Governance [5/5]
    Alydaxan Dominion Alydaxis Capital City Foundations R17, R18, R18*, R19, R20 City [5/5]
    Alydaxan Dominion Alydaxis Capital City (Palace Grounds) R21, R22, R22*, R23, R23* City [5/5]
    Alydaxan Dominion Alydaxis Capital City (North Quadrant) R21, R22, R23, R24, R24* City [5/5]
    Alydaxan Dominion Alydaxis Capital City (West Quadrant) R21, R22, R23, R24, R24* City [5/5]
    Alzeroth Collective Alzeroth Academy of Tactics and Prowess R33, R34, R35, R36, R36 University [5/5]
    An Nádur Kathuan Tribes Legends of the Deities R32, R32, R33, R34, R35 [5/5]
    Ash Kingdom Maur Sewer System R37, R37 [2/2]
    Ash Kingdom Pomequi Sewer System R37, R37 [2/2]
    Caercian Consortium Palas Caercia Dover Channel R16, R16* Canal [2/2]
    Caercian Consortium Minotron Granaries R23, R24 Infrastructure [2/2]
    Caercian Consortium Palas Caercia Palas Caercia R15, R15*, R15*, R15*, R15* City [5/5]
    Caercian Consortium Minotron Temple to the Wyrm Below R28, R29, R30, R31, R31 Temple [5/5]
    Caercian Consortium Bjurnja Palas Benedictus R28, R29, R30, R32, R32 City [5/5]
    Chivalric Republic of Free Cities Free Cities Heroic Academy of Free Knights R29, R29*, R29*, R29*, R29* University [5/5]
    Chivalric Republic of Free Cities Free Cities Free Knights Academy Curriculum R31, R32 National Standard [2/2]
    Chivalric Republic of Free Cities Free Cities Farm Infrastructure R31, R33 Infrastructure [2/2]
    Chivalric Republic of Free Cities Free Cities River Infrastructure R31, R34 Infrastructure [2/2]
    Chivalric Republic of Free Cities Dong Nam Dosi Train System R39, R39 Train [2/2]
    Chivalric Republic of Free Cities Free Cities Public School R40, R40 Schools [2/2]
    Dunfel Aimplach Statue of the Great Emblazoned One R32, R33, R34, R34, R35, R36 Shrine [6/5]
    Dunfel Everburning Horde The Bloodbound School for Raiding, Banditry, and Fashion R32, R33, R37, R39, R40 University [5/5]
    Faedas Freehold Heartwaste Road to Blazing Temple R19, R19* Road [2/2]
    Faedas Freehold Heartwaste Castles R19, R19* Fortification [2/2]
    Faedas Freehold Tekorva Night’s Gate R10, R16, R17, R20, R21 Fortification [5/5]
    Faedas Freehold Heartwaste Shadowed Academy of Kina R15, R32, R35, R36, R37 University [5/5]
    Faedas Freehold Yorukuni Ketsueki Deep Spire R20, R21, R22, R40, R40 Temple [5/5]
    Fera Halja Niskovian Embassy R12, R14 Embassy [2/2]
    Fera Halja Fauna Farm Improvements R14, R15 Infrastructure [2/2]
    Fera Halja Halja to Neo Scandza Tunnel R17, R18 Road [2/2]
    Fera Halja Medical Academy R12, R12*, R12*, R12*, R13 University [5/5]
    Fera Halja Calculation and Measurement System R14, R15, R15*, R16, R18 National Standard [5/5]
    Fera Halja Cathedral R12, R12*, R14, R19, R21 Temple [5/5]
    Fera Halja Wandering Scientists R16, R18, R19, R22, R24 [5/5]
    Fera Land of the Last Clockwork Waltz Port of Pirate’s Rest R27, R36 City [2/2]
    Fera Maur Lorvyn Embassy R36, R37 Embassy [2/2]
    Fera Fera Caste System R35, R36, R37, R38, R39 National Standard [5/5]
    Glazfell Hegemony Glazfell School System R15, R16 Public School [2/2]
    Glazfell Hegemony Drugard School System R15, R16 Public School [2/2]
    Glazfell Hegemony Glazfell Avenspire R15, R16, R18, R20, R21 Temple [5/5]
    Glirfrey Glirfrey Public Schools R36, R37 Public School [2/2]
    Grand Duchy of Pavonia Pavonia Constitution R16, R17 Governance [2/2]
    Great Sharixian Republic Valasharix Red Canal R39, R39, R39, R39, R39 Canal [5/5]
    Guilderene Expanse Maos Titan Leg (East) R20, R20*, R21, R21*, R21* Fortification [5/5]
    Holy Kingdom of Calorum Wenyavuk Arctic Institute R9, R10, R11, R11*, R12 University [5/5]
    Holy Kingdom of Calorum Gunung Good Roads R1, R2 Obsidian [2/2]
    Holy Kingdom of Calorum Gunung Population Incentives R3, R4 [2/2]
    Holy Kingdom of Calorum Gunung Office of Intelligence R13, R14 [2/2]
    Holy Kingdom of Calorum Gunung Metric System conversion R13, R14 [2/2]
    Holy Kingdom of Calorum Gunung Lava Canal Expansion R14, R15 Infrastructure [2/2]
    Holy Kingdom of Calorum Gunung Zeppelin Docks R14, R15 Infrastructure [2/2]
    Holy Kingdom of Calorum Gunung Zeppelin School System R15, R18 Public School [2/2]
    Holy Kingdom of Calorum Calorum Great Mausoleum R1, R2, R3, R4, R5 Mausoleum [5/5]
    Holy Kingdom of Calorum Calorum Holy Book of Flames R4, R5, R6, R8, R9 Book [5/5]
    Holy Kingdom of Calorum Calorum Academy of Arts R4, R5, R6, R8, R9, R11 University [6/5]
    Holy Kingdom of Calorum Gunung Lava Canals R3, R5, R6, R9, R10 Infrastructure [5/5]
    Holy Kingdom of Calorum Calorum Temple of Blazing Truth R14, R15, R16, R18, R19 Temple [5/5]
    Holy Kingdom of Calorum Calorum Great Roads R16, R18, R19, R20, R22 Road [5/5]
    Holy Kingdom of Calorum Calorum Zeppelin Temple R35, R36, R37, R38, R40 Temple [5/5]
    Holy Kingdom of Sycia Sycia Tomb of Yphine R28, R28*, R28*, R28*, R28* Mausoleum [5/5]
    Holy Kingdom of Sycia Sycia Icewing Academy R34, R35, R36, R37, R38 University [5/5]
    Kemuliaan Kemuliaan Mercenary Recruitment Center R37, R38 Recruitment [2/2]
    Kemuliaan Kemuliaan Wall R37, R39 Fortification [2/2]
    Kingdom Caramel Esuma Big Top College R34, R34, R34, R34, R34 University [5/5]
    Kingdom Caramel Esuma Bridge & Ramp Infrastructure R35, R35 Infrastructure [2/2]
    Kingdom Caramel Esuma Healthcare Infrastructure R35, R35 Infrastructure [2/2]
    Kingdom Caramel Esuma Big Top Expansion R36, R36 University [2/2]
    Kingdom Caramel Esuma Big Top Expansion R37, R37 Mind Conference [2/2]
    Kingdom Caramel Esuma Banks & Currency R37, R38 Currency [2/2]
    Kingdom Caramel Esuma Regional Fortification R36, R36, R36, R37, R38 Fortification [5/5]
    Kingdom Caramel Esuma Mind Conference Big Top Expansion R38, R38 Mind Conference [2/2]
    Kingdom Caramel Esuma Vsionary Academy R39, R39 [2/2]
    Kingdom Caramel Domhan Abhaile Research Post R39, R39 [2/2]
    Kingdom of Ashenia Hazaria Misakand Fortifications R17, R17* R25 Fortification [3/2]
    Kingdom of Ashenia Ashenia Land Survey R26, R27 National Standard [2/2]
    Kingdom of Ashenia Ashenia Rail Network R26, R27 Train [2/2]
    Kingdom of Ashenia Kyaralath Rail Network R27, R28 Train [2/2]
    Kingdom of Ashenia Ashenia Sewer System R28, R29 Sewage [2/2]
    Kingdom of Ashenia Angan Anvale Rail Network R29 Train [2/2]
    Kingdom of Ashenia Ashenia Great Observatory R2, R3, R4, R5, R8 [5/5]
    Kingdom of Ashenia Kyaralath University of Gran Kyara R17, R17*, R18, R19, R19* University [5/5]
    Kingdom of Ashenia Ashenia Ashenian Encyclopedia R15, R16, R17, R21, R23 National Standard [5/5]
    Kingdom of Ashenia Kyatalath Sewers R30, R31 Sewage [2/2]
    Kingdom of Ashenia Angan Anvale Sewer Systems R31, R32 Sewage [2/2]
    Kingdom of Ashenia Ashenia Medical Academy and Hospital R32, R33, R36, R38, R39, R40 University [6/5]
    Kingdom of Ashenia Ashenia Solar Ray Towers R35, R36, R38, R39, R40 Fortification [5/5]
    Kingdom of Ashenia Hazaria Train System R39, R40 Trains [2/2]
    Kingdom of Celero Celero Great Roads R1, R2, R3, R4, R5 Road [5/5]
    Kingdom of Celero Celero Great Library R2, R3, R4, R5, R6 [5/5]
    Kingdom of Celero Celero Hanging Gardens R2, R6, R8, R10, R12 [5/5]
    Kingdom of Celero Bereginia Reconstruction of Bereginia R10, R12, R12*, R12*, R13 Infrastructure [5/5]
    Kingdom of Celero Celero Patent Office R13, R14, R15, R17, R18 [5/5]
    Kingdom of Celero Celero Senate Building R14, R20, R21, R22. R22* Governance [5/5]
    Kingdom of Celero Celero The Great War Memorial R8, R8*, R10, R14, R32 Monument [5/5]
    Kingdom of Celero Rì Chūgǎng Good Roads R35, R36 Road [2/2]
    Kingdom of Celero Dong Bu Dosi Aerial Military Academy R34, R35, R36, R37, R38 University [5/5]
    Kingdom of Celero Celero Train System R39, R39 Train [2/2]
    Kingdom of Celero Rì Chūgǎng Reconstruction of Rì Chūgǎng R27, R36, R38, R40, R40 Infrastructure [5/5]
    Kingdom of Faelthalas Faelthalas Good Roads R36, R36 Road [2/2]
    Kingdom of Hurosha Pryonia Statue of Combulei Divonorum R25, R26 Shrine [2/2]
    Kingdom of Hurosha Pryonia Metric System R3, R4, R5, R6, R7 National Standard [5/5]
    Kingdom of Hurosha Pryonia Foundries R3, R4, R5, R6, R7 Infrastructure [5/5]
    Kingdom of Hurosha Kasumor Fortress Reconstruction R15, R16 Fortification [2/2]
    Kingdom of Hurosha Kasumor Law System R21, R24 Law [2/2]
    Kingdom of Hurosha Kasumor Academy of Prowess and Culture R5, R6, R7, R8, R9 University [5/5]
    Kingdom of Hurosha Kasumor Itou Temples R15, R16, R17, R18, R19 Temple [5/5]
    Kingdom of Hurosha Kasumor Giant Airship - Marius' Pride R20, R21, R23, R25, R30 [5/5]
    Kingdom of Hurosha Zargrim Shintouite Forts R17, R20, R21, R31, R31 Fortification [5/5]
    Kingdom of Hurosha Kasumor Academy of Prowess and Culture Expansion R28, R29, R30, R33, R34 University [5/5]
    Kingdom of Hurosha Kasumor Relic Weapon Reconstruction R32, R34, R36, R37, R39 [5/5]
    Kingdom of Hurosha Abyss of Corriach Cloud Weapon Recovery R35, R37, R39, R40, R40 [5/5]
    Kingdom of Kuldran Kuldran Gamok's Wall R36, R36, R36, R36, R36 Fortification [5/5]
    Kingdom of Mularuhm Mularuhm Hrogar’s Outpost R28, R29 City [2/2]
    Kingdom of Mularuhm Mularuhm Monetary System (Gold Coins) R21, R21*, R21*, R21*, R21* Currency [5/5]
    Kingdom of Mularuhm Mularuhm Banking Reserve R28, R35, R40, R40 R40 Currency [5/5]
    Kingdom of Mularuhm Mularuhm College of Dag Torum R10, R10*, R35, R39, R39 University [5/5]
    Kingdom of North Lyradis Lyradis Expansion of Ports R4, R38 [2/2]
    Kingdom of Novrania Novrania Constitutional Monarchy R28, R31 Governance [2/2]
    Kingdom of Novrania Novrania Public School R25, R25*, R25*, R25*, R25* Public School [5/5]
    Kingdom of Novrania Conjelado Anillo Novranian Consulate R36, R37 Embassy [2/2]
    Kingdom of Serendel Grmanhil Intercontinental Canal (East) R9, R10, R11, R13, R14 Canal [5/5]
    Kingdom of Serendel Grmanhil Intercontinental Canal (East) Refurbishment R27, R28, R28*, R29, R29* Canal [5/5]
    Kingdom of Serendel Lyradis Good Roads R1, R2 Road [2/2]
    Kingdom of Serendel Lyradis Good Roads R15, R16 Road [2/2]
    Kingdom of Serendel Lyradis Training University R5, R6, R7, R8, R9 University [5/5]
    Kingdom of Serendel Lyradis Vassal Embassies R17, R18, R18*, R19, R19* Embassy [5/5]
    Kingdom of Serendel Selyra Titan Leg (West) R19, R20, R20*, R21, R21* Fortification [5/5]
    Kingdom of Serendel Selyra Capital City of Ryineene R19, R20, R22, R23, R24 City [5/5]
    Kingdom of Serendel Selyra Titan Torso/Head R22, R22*, R23, R24, R25 Fortification [5/5]
    Kingdom of Serendel Kingdom of Serendel Raaneki Taverns R18, R20, R22, R24, R25 [5/5]
    Kingdom of Serendel Requiem Old Capital Reconstruction R15, R16, R26, R27, R27* City [5/5]
    Kingdom of Serendel Lyradis Granaries R7, R33, R33 Infrastructure [3/2]
    Kingdom of Serendel Niskovia Diplomatic Embassy R34, R34 Embassy [2/2]
    Kingdom of Serendel Requiem Temple of Ramhsa R26, R27, R34, R35, R35 Temple [5/5]
    Kingdom of Serendel Lyradis Fortification of the Crest R1, R2, R3, R3*, R5 Fortification [5/5]
    Kingdom of Stolok Planninfrag Fortification of Planninfrag R26, R26*, R26*, R26*, R26* Fortification [5/5]
    Kingdom of the Carmine Sea Jarrland Good Roads R10, R10* Road [2/2]
    Kingdom of the Carmine Sea Jarrland Port (Seaborne Confederation Port) R13, R14 City [2/2]
    Kingdom of the Carmine Sea Jarrland Sea Palace R14, R15 Palace [2/2]
    Kingdom of the Carmine Sea Jarrland Nationwide Literacy R10, R10*, R11, R12, R13 National Standard [5/5]
    Kingdom of the Carmine Sea Farridon Soikeia Stadium R25, R25*, R25*, R25*, R25* Stadium [5/5]
    Kingdom of the Carmine Sea Jarrland Horbeach Restoration R24, R26, R26*, R28, R28* City [5/5]
    Kingdom of the Carmine Sea Jarrland Royal Raiments R32, R33 [2/2]
    Kingdom of the Carmine Sea Trinacria Shard of Winter at Lamadyr R35, R36, R38, R39, R39 University [5/5]
    Kingdom of the Carmine Sea Trinacria Urusilim R40, R40 City [2/2]
    Kingdom of the Iron Doctrine Sympolemou Iron Vermin Suit R8, R9 [2/2]
    Kingdom of the Iron Doctrine Sympolemou Medical Academy R5, R6, R8, R9, R10 University [5/5]
    Kingdom of the Isles Broken Enclave Military Barracks R17, R18 Fortification [2/2]
    Kingdom of the Isles Broken Enclave Enclave to Tepetl Ferry System R20, R25 Infrastructure [2/2]
    Kingdom of the Isles Isles of Tepetl Local Government System R20, R26 Governance [2/2]
    Kingdom of the Isles Broken Enclave Boardwalk R16, R16*, R16*, R16*, R16* Infrastructure [5/5]
    Kingdom of the Isles Sanglea Access points to Capital City R20, R20*, R20*, R20*, R20* Infrastructure [5/5]
    Kingdom of the Isles Broken Enclave Public Schools R17, R18, R19, R20, R25 Public School [5/5]
    Kingdom of the Isles Broken Enclave Sea Forts R31, R32, R35, R35, R36 Fortification [5/5]
    Kingdom of the Isles Isles of Tepetl Sea Forts R37, R38, R39, R39, R40 Fortification [5/5]
    Kingdom of the Isles Broken Enclave Enclave Institute of Collegiate Mastery R38, R38, R38, R38, R38 University [5/5]
    Kingdom of the Isles Propinlonge KotI Embassy R38, R40 Embassy [2/2]
    Kingdom of the Silver Moon Valterre Public Schools R18, R30, R31, R33, R36 Public School [5/5]
    Kingdom of the Silver Moon Malkavan Public Schools R29, R30,R32, R33 R36 Public School [5/5]
    Kingdom of Trandar Trandar University of Asikar R35, R35, R35, R35, R35 University [5/5]
    Makgrull Praeclarus Uncle Sky's School for Walking the Surface R32, R32, R32, R33, R34 University [5/5]
    New Crima Crima Union of Radurjic Republics Embassy R26, R26* Embassy [2/2]
    New Crima Crima Public School System R2, R3, R4, R5, R6 Public School [5/5]
    New Crima Crima Total Industrialization R26, R26*, R27, R28, R29 National Standard [5/5]
    New Crima Crima Constitutional Tyranny R26, R27, R27*, R28, R33 Governance [5/5]
    New Crima Cridan Choir of the Inner Flame R37, R38, R38, R39, R39 Temple [5/5]
    Niemida Prefecture Niemidaland Naval Academy R36, R37, R37, R37, R38 University [5/5]
    Nixdarum Abyssian Sea Nixople R36, R36, R37, R38, R38 Capital [5/5]
    Razdissi Underpire Razdis School System R15, R16 Public School [2/2]
    Razdissi Underpire Razdis Statue of Vali the Archer R26, R28 Monument [2/2]
    Razdissi Underpire Razdis Wall of Kalpraz R5, R6, R7, R7*, R8 Fortification [5/5]
    Razdissi Underpire Razdis Razdis to Zargrim Hovertrain Tunnel R14, R15, R16, R17, R18 Road [5/5]
    Razdissi Underpire Razdis Eyeguard Monster Slaying Academy R15, R16, R17, R18, R19 University [5/5]
    Razdissi Underpire Razdis Razdissi School of Espionage and Inquisition R36, R37, R37, R37, R38 University [5/5]
    Razdissi Underpire Razdis Feudalism R18, R19, R37, R38, R39 Governance [5/5]
    Salterri Heartlands Salteire Chamber of Angels R16, R17, R18, R19, R19* Temple [5/5]
    Salterri Heartlands Salteire Lord of Fire Temple R27, R28, R28*, R29, R29* Temple [5/5]
    Salterri Heartlands Aus-teire Public Schools R27, R28, R29, R30, R30* Public School [5/5]
    Salterri Heartlands Salteire Temple to the Silver Lady R27, R28, R29, R30, R30 Temple [5/5]
    Salterri Heartlands Aus-Teire Shintouite Forts R17, R18, R24, R24*, R31 Fortification [5/5]
    Salterri Heartlands Aus-teire Law System R17, R19, R19*, R19*, R34 Law [5/5]
    Salterri Heartlands Aus-teire House of Houses R34, R35 Embassy [2/2]
    Seaborne Confederation Woodwind Emerald City R9, R10 City [2/2]
    Seaborne Confederation Propinlonge International Embassy R18, R19, R20, R22, R22*, R27 Embassy [6/5]
    Seaborne Confederation Jeweled Cities Call of the Mother R22, R23 Book [2/2]
    Seaborne Confederation Jewel Cities Ship Building Academy R2, R3, R4, R5, R6 University [5/5]
    Seaborne Confederation Penoccident Port Diamondhead R18, R19 City [2/2]
    Seaborne Confederation Jeweled Cities Pearl City Expansion R20, R20*, R21, R22, R22* City [5/5]
    Seaborne Confederation Jeweled Cities Aeromancer Academy R15, R16, R17, R18, R19 University [5/5]
    Seaborne Confederation Galomyr Seaborne Capital City R34, R34, R35, R35, R36 City [5/5]
    Seaborne Confederation Ranarra Port Periodot R37, R38 City [2/2]
    Seaborne Confederation Conjelado Anillo Dragon Scale Harbor R37, R38 City [2/2]
    Sovereign Principality of Niskovia Niskovia Good Roads R12, R13 Road [2/2]
    Sovereign Principality of Niskovia Niskovia Haljan Embassy R12, R13 Embassy [2/2]
    Sovereign Principality of Niskovia Niskovia Zeppelin Infrastructure R18, R19 Infrastructure [2/2]
    Sovereign Principality of Niskovia Niskovia School System R26, R27 Public School [2/2]
    Sovereign Principality of Niskovia Karintiya Vodoprovod System R26, R27 [2/2]
    Sovereign Principality of Niskovia Niskovia Aqueducts R12, R12*, R12*, R13, R13* Infrastructure [5/5]
    Sovereign Principality of Niskovia Niskovia Public Schools R14, R15, R17, R18, R19 Public School [5/5]
    Sovereign Principality of Niskovia Kaspiyskiya Cassaana City Expansion R28, R29, R30, R31, R32 City [5/5]
    Sovereign Principality of Niskovia Niskovia Train System R28, R29, R30, R31, R32 Train [5/5]
    Sovereign Principality of Niskovia Niskovia Academy of Advanced Learning R29, R30, R31, R32, R33 University [5/5]
    Sovereign Principality of Niskovia Ashenia Ashenian Consulate R30, R36 Embassy [2/2]
    Sovereign Principality of Niskovia Niskovia Sanctum of Prevoskhodstvo R20, R21, R28, R38, R39 Temple [5/5]
    Sovereign Principality of Niskovia Niskovia Mausoleum R12, R38, R39, R40, r40 Masuloeum [5/5]
    Sulvan's Primarchy Sulvan’s Fury Fortification of Sulvan’s Fury R28, R29, R32, R33 R34 Fortification [5/5]
    Telek'kra Telek'kra Tul'Ski Temple R40, R40, R40, R40, R40 Temple [5/5]
    Thalmann Legacy Rathenal Geras City R34, R34, R34, R34, R34 City [5/5]
    Tzaltec Empire Tzalteclan Gates of Nezetkhamun R14, R14*, R15, R16, R17 Fortification [5/5]
    Tzaltec Empire Tzalteclan Imperial Academy R29, R30, R33, R36, R36 University [5/5]
    Tzaltec Empire Tzalteclan Xiutlatokalis R36, R36, R37, R38, R38 [5/5]
    Tzaltec Empire Tzalteclan Tower Perilous R40, R40 [2/2]
    Union of Radurjic Republics Qarimos Granaries R4, R5 Infrastructure [2/2]
    Union of Radurjic Republics Raaneka Golden Statue of Berunda R6, R7 Monument [2/2]
    Union of Radurjic Republics Qarimos Spirit Shrines R17, R18 Shrine [2/2]
    Union of Radurjic Republics Ayava Ancestor Shrines R17, R19 Shrine [2/2]
    Union of Radurjic Republics Raaneka Raaneki Stadium R6, R7, R8, R9, R10 Stadium [5/5]
    Union of Radurjic Republics Raaneka Royal Palace of Bander R12, R13, R14, R15, R16 Palace [5/5]
    Union of Radurjic Republics Ayava Illumination Refinement R15, R16, R17, R18, R19 [5/5]
    Union of Radurjic Republics Raaneka Eastern Floor R27, R27*, R27*, R27*, R27* [5/5]
    Union of Radurjic Republics Woodwind Enclave of Existance R8, R10, R20, R21, R40 University [5/5]
    Union of Radurjic Republics Genivana Radurjic Codex Expansion R10, R11 Book [2/2]
    Union of Radurjic Republics Nyroth School System R14, R15 Public School [2/2]
    Union of Radurjic Republics Grizzland School System R14, R15 Public School [2/2]
    Union of Radurjic Republics Hrathan - Tuor School System R14, R15 Public School [2/2]
    Union of Radurjic Republics Genivana School System R14, R15 Public School [2/2]
    Union of Radurjic Republics Woodwind School System R14, R15 Public School [2/2]
    Union of Radurjic Republics Aloren School System R14, R15 Public School [2/2]
    Union of Radurjic Republics K’braashriix School System R19, R20 Public School [2/2]
    Union of Radurjic Republics Woodwind Good Roads R27, R27* Road [2/2]
    Union of Radurjic Republics Hrathan-Tuor Good Roads R27, R28 Road [2/2]
    Union of Radurjic Republics Genivana Good Roads R29, R29* Road [2/2]
    Union of Radurjic Republics Genivana Radurjic Codex R2, R3, R4, R6, R7 Book [5/5]
    Union of Radurjic Republics Woodwind Republican Senate R6, R8, R9, R10, R11 Governance [5/5]
    Union of Radurjic Republics Grizzland Western Grand Coalition Port R12, R12*, R13, R14, R14* City [5/5]
    Union of Radurjic Republics Grizzland Intercontinental Canal (West) R10, R14, R14*, R14*, R15 Canal [5/5]
    Union of Radurjic Republics Aloren Monetary System R14, R15, R15*, R16, R17 Currency [5/5]
    Union of Radurjic Republics Genivana Grand Radurjic Temple R13, R14, R16, R17, R18 Temple [5/5]
    Union of Radurjic Republics Nyroth Shintouite Forts R16, R17, R18, R18*, R19 Fortification [5/5]
    Union of Radurjic Republics Grizzland Amber Stadium R19, R20, R20*, R21, R21* Stadium [5/5]
    Union of Radurjic Republics Genivana Asnaoga College R21, R22, R22*, R22*, R23 University [5/5]
    Union of Radurjic Republics K’braashriix Opera House & Musical Academy R23, R23*, R24, R24*, R24* University [5/5]
    Union of Radurjic Republics Grizzland Shintouite Forts R19, R20, R23, R24, R24* Fortification [5/5]
    Union of Radurjic Republics Aloren Shintouite Forts R25, R25*, R25*, R25*, R26 Fortification [5/5]
    Union of Radurjic Republics Genivana Shintouite Forts R26, R26*, R27, R27*, R28 Fortification [5/5]
    Union of Radurjic Republics Grizzland Intercontinental Canal (West) Refurbishment R27, R28, R28*, R28*, R29, R29* Canal [6/5]
    Union of Radurjic Republics Aloren Law System R20, R20*, R20*, R30, R30* Law [5/5]
    Union of Radurjic Republics Aloren Great Road R23, R23*, R24, R24*, R30 Road [5/5]
    Union of Radurjic Republics Union of Radurjic Republics Provincial Courthouses R17, R18, R30, R30*, R30* Infrastructure [5/5]
    Union of Radurjic Republics Hrathan-Tuor Shintouite Forts R28, R29, R30, R30*, R32 Fortification [5/5]
    Union of Radurjic Republics Union of Radurjic Republics Public Schools R29, R29*, R30, R30*, R32 Public School [5/5]
    Union of Radurjic Republics Raaneka Public Schools R34, R34 Public School [2/2]
    Union of Radurjic Republics Raaneka Good Roads R3, R34 Road [2/2]
    Union of Radurjic Republics Ayava Public Schools R35, R35 Public School [2/2]
    Union of Radurjic Republics Qarimos Public Schools R35, R35 Public School [2/2]
    Union of Radurjic Republics K'braash Train System R35, R37 Trains [2/2]
    Union of Radurjic Republics Hrathan-Tuor Train System R37, R38 Trains [2/2]
    Union of Radurjic Republics Aloren Train System R37, R38 Trains [2/2]
    Union of Radurjic Republics Woodwind Train System R38, R38 Trains [2/2]
    Union of Radurjic Republics Nyroth Train System R38, R38 Trains [2/2]
    Union of Radurjic Republics Grizzland Train System R39, R39 Trains [2/2]
    Union of Radurjic Republics Raaneka Train System R39, R39 Trains [2/2]
    Union of Radurjic Republics Qarimos Train System R39, R39 Trains [2/2]
    Union of Radurjic Republics Raaneka Shintouite Forts R34, R35, R36, R36, R40 Fortification [5/5]
    Union of Radurjic Republics Ayava Train System R40, R40 Trains [2/2]
    Union of Radurjic Republics Genivana Codex Codification R37, R40 [2/2]
    Union of Radurjic Republics Union of Radurjic Republics Shrine Refurbishment R37, R37, R38, R39, R40 Shrine [5/5]
    Last edited by QuintonBeck; 2015-05-10 at 11:19 AM.


    Amazing Avatar by Qwernt! Thank you!

    Quote Originally Posted by Kornaki View Post
    The whole world is held aloft by a dragon.

    That dragon? Held aloft by a bigger dragon.

    It's dragons all the way up
    Beat the bejesus out of a Paladin

  19. - Top - End - #19
    Troll in the Playground
    QuintonBeck's Avatar

    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Default Re: EMPIRE! Rules and Administration

    Unfinished Projects and Great Projects

    Kingdom Region Project Rounds Notes Completion
    Alydaxan Dominion Solus Solus Canal R25, R25*, R25* Canal [3/5]
    Alydaxan Dominion Alydaxis Study of Lizardfolk R27 Book [1/2]
    Alzeroth Collective Alzeroth Fortification of Alzeroth R22 Fortification [1/5]
    An Nádur Kathuan Tribes Wild Empathy R34 [1/5]
    An Nádur Kathuan Tribes Advanced Learning Clan R37 University [1/5]
    Banished Kingdom of Kelldria Kelldria Law Code R40 Law [1/2]
    Caercian Consortium Wyrmar Shintouite Forts R17, R18 Fortification [2/5]
    Caercian Consortium Puerto Melizine Puerto Melizine R39, R39, R40 City [3/5]
    Chivalric Republic of Free Cities Bastet Garden City of Requiem R40 City [1/5]
    Faedas Freehold Tekorva Tome of Metallurgy R3, R20 Book [2/5]
    Faedas Freehold Eyrecradia Fortification of Eyrecradia R5, R6, R7 Fortification [3/5]
    Faedas Freehold Tekorva Great Temple R8 Temple [1/5]
    Faedas Freehold Eyrecradia North Elven Academy R40 University [1/5]
    Fera Halja Fortification of Halja R14 Fortification [1/5]
    Fera Halja Halja to Neo Scandza Tunnel Plus! R17, R18 Road [2/5]
    Glazfell Hegemony Glazfell Law System R26, R27, R40 Law [3/5]
    Glazfell Hegemony Glazfell Modernize Roads R30, R30* Road [2/5]
    Grand Duchy of Pavonia Pavonia Grove City College R31, R32, R33, R38 University [4/5]
    Grand Duchy of Pavonia Pavonia Coastal Forts R33 Fortification [1/5]
    Grand Duchy of Pavonia Pavonia Sygaldric Lore R20 [1/5]
    Great Sharixian Republic Valasharix Temple Pyramid R38 Temple [1/2]
    Great Sharixian Republic Maisel Red Canal R40, R40, R40, R40 Canal [4/5]
    Great Sharixian Republic Valasharix Sharix Foundry R40 [1/2]
    Guilderene Expanse Maos Government System R29 [1/2]
    Guilderene Expanse Guilder Religious Embassies R14 [1/2]
    Guilderene Expanse Guilder Technical Institute for Magical Studies R35, R35, R36 University [3/5]
    Holy Kingdom of Calorum Wenyavuk Ice Sailing Recovery R25, R26, R27 [3/5]
    Holy Kingdom of Calorum Gunung Road Redistribution R3 Road [1/2]
    Holy Kingdom of Calorum Gunung Zeppelin Infrastructure R15, R18, R22 Infrastructure [3/5]
    Holy Kingdom of Calorum Gunung Fortification of Gunung R17, R18, R22 Fortification [3/5]
    Holy Kingdom of Calorum Calorum Regional Libraries R26 [1/5]
    Holy Kingdom of Calorum Calorum Food Distribution R32 Infrastructure [1/2]
    Holy Kingdom of Sycia Sycia International Sign Language R14, R15, R38, R40 [4/5]
    Holy Kingdom of Sycia Sycia Disaster Relief Shelters R36, R38, R39, R40 [4/5]
    Kemuliaan Kemuliaan Chivalric Republic Embassy R38 Embassy [1/2]
    Kingdom of Ashenia Lacertia Great Temple R6, R7 Temple [2/5]
    Kingdom of Ashenia Ashenia Temple of Carasan Reconstruction R19 Temple [1/5]
    Kingdom of Celero Rì Chūgǎng Medical Academy R20, R22,R36, R37 University [4/5]
    Kingdom of Celero Rì Chūgǎng Fortification of Rì Chūgǎng R21 Fortification [1/5]
    Kingdom of Celero Dong Bu Dosi University of Dong Bue Dosi R35 University [1/5]
    Kingdom of Celero Ziben Yong Capital of Celero R36, R37, R38, R40 Capital [4/5]
    Kingdom of Faelthalas Faelthalas Gradthos Castle R36, R36, R36, R37 [4/5]
    Kingdom of Hurosha Pryonia Temple of the Burning Heart R23 Temple [1/5]
    Kingdom of Hurosha Pryonia Great Roads R11, R13, R14 Road [3/5]
    Kingdom of Hurosha Pryonia Lord of Fire Temples R13 Temple [1/5]
    Kingdom of Hurosha Zargirm Zargrim to Tekorva Hovertrain R14, R18, R19, R19* Road [4/5]
    Kingdom of Hurosha Zargrim Public Schools R15 Public School [1/5]
    Kingdom of Hurosha Kasumor Giant Airship cannons R25, R26 Legal?
    Kingdom of Novrania Novrania Fortified Keeps R25 Fortification [1/2]
    Kingdom of Novrania Novrania Shrine to Panshen and Kina R38 Shrine [1/2]
    Kingdom of Serendel Grmanhil Port City of Hivedric R14, R14*, R16 City [3/5]
    Kingdom of Serendel Borlmyn Irrigation R16 Infrastructure [1/2]
    Kingdom of North Lyradis Lyradis Public School R29, R38, R39 Public School [3/5]
    Kingdom of Serendel Requiem Shintouite Forts R31 Fortification [1/5]
    Kingdom of Stolok Planninfrag Storyteller’s Circle R27, R30, R34, R34 [4/5]
    Kingdom of Stolok Anavia Statue of Despot Maraat R39 [1/2]
    Kingdom of the Silver Moon Bordeux Great Roads R2, R3 Road [2/5]
    Kingdom of the Silver Moon Bordeux Medical Academy R5 University [1/5]
    Kingdom of the Silver Moon Borduex Public Schools R16, R17, R18 Public School [3/5]
    Kingdom of the Silver Moon Bordeux Alicean Code R19, R36, R37, R40 Law [4/5]
    Kingdom of the Silver Moon Malkavan Niskan Canal R24, R25, R25*, R25* Canal [4/5]
    Kingdom of the Silver Moon Indica Public Schools R37 Public School [1/5]
    Kingdom of the Silver Moon Errelose Public Schools R37 Public School [1/5]
    Kingdom of the Silver Moon Valterre Great Roads R39 Road [1/5]
    Kingdom of Trandar Trandar Great Wall Road R36 Great Road [1/5]
    New Crima Crima University of Ryazen Bay R21, R22, R24, R25 University [4/5]
    New Crima Crima Creestone Palace R21 Palace [1/5]
    New Crima Cridan Infrastructure R37, R37, R39 Infrastructure [3/5]
    New Crima Miskaton March of Defiance R37 [1/2]
    Niemida Prefecture Meimanda Fu Lakes Lagoon Canal R40 Canal [1/2]
    Nixdarum Abyssian Sea Grand Temple R24 Temple [1/5]
    Salterri Heartlands Aus-teire City of Aus-teire Expansion R22 City [1/5]
    Salterri Heartlands Pontensulae Mount Gromm Stadium R27, R28, R29 Stadium [3/5]
    Salterri Heartlands Darsia Nanguang Trade Port City R36 City [1/2]
    Salterri Heartlands Mapuilli Nanguang Consulate R36 Embassy [1/2]
    Seaborne Confederation Galomyr University of Lahai R18, R20, R22, R24 University [4/5]
    Seaborne Confederation Sea of Glass Museum of Art R20, R27, R28 Museum [3/5]
    Seaborne Confederation Galomyr Skywhale Domestication R40 [1/2]
    Sovereign Principality of Niskovia Kaspiyskiya Stadion Vani R34, R34, R35, R35 Stadium [4/5]
    Sulvan's Primarchy Sulvan’s Fury Underway R2 Road [1/5]
    Tzaltec Empire Maztpoala Shintouite Forts R31 Fortification [1/5]
    Tzaltec Empire Tzalteclan School System R40 School System [1/5]
    Union of Radurjic Republics Qarimos Shintouite Forts R34 Fortification [1/5]
    Union of Radurjic Republics Genivana Osuro Study R32, R34, R35, R36 [4/5]
    Union of Radurjic Republics Aloren Ministry of Mentality in Miji Mkuu R35, R35 [2/5]
    Union of Radurjic Republics Union of Radurjic Republics Grand National Map R35, R36 [2/5]
    Union of Radurjic Republics Qarimos Good Roads R36 Road [1/2]
    Union of Radurjic Republics Ayava Shintouite Forts R36, R40, R40, R40 Fortification [4/5]
    Union of Radurjic Republics Genivana Codex Expansion R36, R37, R38, R39 [3/5]
    Last edited by QuintonBeck; 2015-05-10 at 11:19 AM.


    Amazing Avatar by Qwernt! Thank you!

    Quote Originally Posted by Kornaki View Post
    The whole world is held aloft by a dragon.

    That dragon? Held aloft by a bigger dragon.

    It's dragons all the way up
    Beat the bejesus out of a Paladin

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