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    Halfling in the Playground
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    Default Paramyth Campaign Setting [PEACH]

    So I'd like to get my campaign setting looked at by some people with experience. I've got a ton of background and history and stuff, and I would like opinions on aspects of the world i could flesh out, or DM notes that would be useful. A link at the bottom of the post will take you to its page on the DnD wiki for those of you who wish to look at it more thoroughly.


    Paramıth is based around one continent, called Paramıth by those who keep stories. The name comes from how it was perceived by its first human inhabitants (called the Vackel by the current inhabitants), as a land from a storybook. Its name comes from the Vake word for story.



    The first settlers of the continent of Paramıth were the planetouched. Because of its strong connection to the outer planes, planetouched were drawn to it. The tieflings were the first to leave and follow their calling to Paramıth, followed approximately 50 years later by the aasimar. After more than a century and a half of fighting and a century of joint enslavement under the Vake, the Outsider blood running in their veins had been diluted and corrupted, severing the strong ties that the planetouched had to their ancestors home planes. While they were physically identical, the strong influence that their planar roots had had over their alignments had been severed, making the aasimar as likely as humans to be evil, and the tieflings as likely as humans to be good. The two nations no longer have deep-seated animosity towards each other, and get along as well as most human nations with a history of war do (i.e. wary, but cooperating).

    Planetouched in the Paramıth universe differ from those in the normal D&D universe in that racial inheritance is guaranteed (with a planetouched and planetouched parentage). If a human has a child with a planetouched, the child has a 50% chance to be completely human or completely planetouched. They may have some slight differences (a human child of a planetouched and a human might be a little prettier than average), but otherwise they are perfectly normal.

    The planetouched have no cultural tendency to give places or events names like humans do, so instead of "The Außenseiter Wars", the planetouched would have said "The war X years ago in which the Aasimar and Tieflings fought, and the humans came and defeated us". However, they will adopt a name that humans or another race applies, such as "The Außenseiter Wars". Thus most names are Vake or other Caurdyan or Surodyan language in origin.

    The aasimar are associated with the elements fire and wind. They live in the Aasimar Lands, found south of Kallaten and east of Ravnira. The Aasimar Mainland uses Vake or Kallaten place-names, and the Aasimar Westland uses Vake or Ravniran place-names. Both speak Common(Vake) and Celestial.

    The tieflings are associated with the elements ice and earth. They live in the Tiefling Lands, found east of the Planetouched Sea and north of the Badlands. The Tiefling Lands use Vake or Mortein place-names, and the Horn uses Sevatin, Kallaten, or Vake place-names. Both speak Common(Vake) and Infernal.

    Verrück: Created by the unnatural union of an aasimar and a tiefling, Verrücken are a conflicted race, having two opposing influences on their actions. The first Verrücken were born during the middle days of the Vackel Empire, once aasimar and tiefling relations had improved due to joint slavery.


    The primary inhabitants of Paramıth, humans make up most of the population of Paramıth. The first humans in Paramıth were known as the Vake. All of the human nations now have unique cultures and languages, but all of the languages are simply considered dialects of Common. However, speaking the dialect requires that character to know said dialect. A character may learn two new dialects in place of one new language.


    Peregrinus is a name that applies to all non-human humanoid races in Paramıth: Elves, Dwarves, Halflings, Goblins, and Orcs. Dwarves, Goblins and Orcs were brought to Paramıth by the Vake as slaves, and Elves and Halflings have migrated into Paramıth over time. Peregrinus generally intermix with the humans of Paramıth, just like on any other continent, but they have no one "nation". They are, however, more commonly found in certain nations. Elves are fond of the Aasimar Lands, Lèchardè, and Kallaten; Dwarves enjoy the work of Morteim and the Tiefling Lands; Goblins and Orcs, being somewhat shunned by the other races, are more commonly found in the Badlands and Vonaisu; Halflings are fond of Sevatim, Kallaten, and Tatsua. Aside from linguistic influences, the Peregrinus are not particularly important in Paramıth history.



    Ravnira is the country around which most campaigns will focus. Located in the north-west of the continent, Ravnira has a very pleasant and mild temperature, with low humidity and medium elevation. Its climate, however, makes it very bad for farming, and as such Ravnira's primary industry is metalworking. Home to the Eisenmeisters, or master inventors, Ravnira is the center for magically enhanced technology (magitek, if you will). While magitek is useful, it is not particularly wide spread outside of Ravnira, and primarily acts to replace magic for some basic functions, making mundane uses for magic more affordable (e.g. auto-cleaners, levitating carriages that follow magitek rails). The most lucrative industry for Ravnira is arms and armor crafting, as well as metal refinement and precious stones and metals. Militarily, Ravnira has a small standing army, but what they lack in size they more than make up for in quality. Ravnira has by far the best and most highly trained military in Paramıth. Their legendary Dragon Legion has been know to come out on top, even when out numbered 10 to 1, and has actually survived a confrontation outnumbered 130 to 1. They have a decent navy, but it is more geared towards reconnaissance and moving troops around. Fortunately, they have a longstanding alliance with Kallaten, the Naval Kings of Paramıth.


    Morteim is the second most prevalent country in Paramıth adventures. Located to the south of Ravnira, Morteim has is both closer to the pole and is at a higher elevation, resulting in an unpleasantly cold environment, again not ideal for farming. Because of its mountainous geography, Mortein industry focuses on mining. Their primary trading partner is Ravnira, who refines and crafts the raw ore that Morteim sends them. Morteim has the most magitek in Paramıth aside from Ravnira, due to their close relationship with Ravnira. A secondary industry of Morteim is fishing, but they are nowhere near as big of a fish supplier as Sevatim and Kallaten. As far as their military, Morteim is a rival to Ravnira, with a significantly larger army. While their military is not as well trained, they have a larger army and are much better equipped geographically to fend of invasion.


    The Badlands are a frozen, desolate, mountainous wasteland to the far south of Paramıth, home to the remnants of the Vackel Empire. They once controlled all of Paramıth, even the Planetouched Lands. Now, however, the Vake are split up throughout the Badlands, with no leadership or society. The majority of inhabitants are raiders of some form or another, with a few small citadels of civilization throughout. The largest city in the Badlands is still Dadapolis, although it is a shadow of its former self.

    The Badlands are not considered a country, as they have no government, military, or other region-wide organizations.


    The nation of Kallaten lives up to its name "by the sea". The northernmost country in Paramıth, Kallaten has the longest useable coastline on Paramıth, controls Hegre Bay and Cape Heron, giving it almost unavoidable access to the sea. With warm, almost tropical climate, Kallaten is ideal for farming, and much of its land is utilized for such endeavors. However, most of its industry is focused on shipbuilding, fishing, and trading. Because so much of Kallaten's industry is nautical, it stands to reason that they would have an excellent navy. However while their navy is top-notch, Kallaten's land army is pitiful, almost nonexistent, and they rely on Ravnira and Sevatim for land-based protection.


    The nation of Lèchardè is the smallest of all of the nations in Paramıth, being at least a third of the size of any other nation, if not a fifth of the size. Located to the northwest of Morteim and southwest of Ravnira, Lèchardè has the worst military on Paramıth, and has never won a military conflict. However, they are not without their influence. Lèchardè is the center for art, wines, and other fine products. Most of the art and music in Paramıth comes from Lèchardè, making its culture much stronger and more prevalent than its small size suggests. Lèchardèn cuisine is also well known, making it a favorite spot for foreign dignitaries and royalty to meet under a flag of truce. This diplomatic capacity, along with their pitiful military, gives rise to the tradition of staying neutral in most conflicts. In the Seconf Mortein War, Lèchardè made the mistake of assisting Ravnira, particularly in the operation preceding the Battle of Drakon Pass, and was sacked by Morteim in retaliation.

    Planetouched Lands

    The Planetouched Lands are divided into two halves, the Aasimar Lands and the Tiefling Lands.

    Aasimar: The Aasimar Lands are split into two parts by the Strait of Fotia-Pagos. The Aasimar Mainland is located directly south of Kallaten, and Aasimar Westland is east of Ravnira, separated from it by The Astral Mountains, home to many planar rifts, magical creatures, and other supernatural hazards. The Aasimar lands are not all that densely populated, and are their economy, while strong, doesn't focus on any one thing. The aasimar have master craftsmen, enchanters, farmers, artisans, diplomats, traders, everything. They contain a good portion of Paramıth's agriculture, and are a of the major supplier of produce for northern Paramıth. The aasimar military is very strong, having the largest army in Paramıth. Because of the aasimar's superior mental capacity, most troops trained magic users, resulting in legions of skilled mages. The only thing that limits the aasimar military is their typical lack of true combat training. Since they rely on magic more than weapons, a skilled corps of soldiers can decimate an aasimar legion if they can get close enough.

    Tiefling: The Tiefling Lands are located east of the Planetouched Sea, and north of the Badlands. While the Northern "Horn" of the Tiefling Lands has a temperate climate, the majority of the Tiefling Lands have similar geography, altitude, and climate to Morteim. As such, most of the Tiefling Lands are devoted to mineing, much like Morteim. However, they also have craftsmen to process the ore that they mine. The Horn, which consists mostly of the land located east of the Aasimar Lands and north of Sevatim, is devoted to farming. The Tiefling Lands are unique in Paramıth because they do not have to import or export anything. They produce their own weapons and armor, they grow their own food, timber, and clothing materials, and they do their own enchanting and other magic. The tiefling military is just as powerful as the aasimar, but is much better martially trained. The army is second only in size to the aasimar, and second only in quality to Ravnira, with Morteim coming in a close third.


    Sevatim is surprisingly tropical, having a decent amount of humidity and heat throughout the summer. Sevatim is east of the Tiefling lands, at about the same latitude as Morteim. However where Morteim has a cold, dry, and at a high altitude, Sevatim generally isn't. Most of the important parts of Sevatim are piedmont, a more average climate and elevation, perfect for farming. Sevatim produces most of the food for Paramıth, as well as cotton, tobacco, opium, and indigo. Militarily, Sevatim is not particularly powerful. They have lackluster organization and logistics skills, making large units difficult to manage. Individually, Sevatin warriors are among the best. However, they are not as good at fighting alongside other warriors. Thus most internal conflict is not resolved through large battles but more minor skirmishes. Sevatin swords are known throughout Paramıth for their strength, sharpness, and overall quality, made by folding the metal hundreds of times.


    Tatsua is the westernmost country on Paramıth. Their primary export is meat and leather. Most of the Tatsuan meat that gets exported is preserved, usually by smoking and salting. Ravnira, Lèchardè, and Morteim are the only countries that can import raw Tatsuan meat cheaply. Aside from cattle herders, there are also minor farms scattered across the Tatsuan countryside, and the breeding of horses is a major part of the culture. The Tatsuan military is strictly average; its not the biggest, its not the best trained, and its not the best equipped. However, Tatsuan military tactics rival even that of Ravnira. Making good use of their elite cavalry legions, Tatsua is very good at open field battles, which Tatsua has in abundance.


    Vonaisu is has the smallest population of any of the countries on Paramıth, smaller even than the Badlands. 80% of the population lives on the border of Vonaisu and Sevatim, and 60% on the northern portion of that border. Vonaisu is the weakest country, with little to no military and very few exports. The only real contribution of Vonaisu to the other countries of Paramıth is that it is the only location on Paramıth where Ais forms (the name "Vonaisu" means "Of Ais"). Ais is the main form of refrigeration in Paramıth, staying at -10º C and not melting or heating up in warmer places. The only thing that can melt it is molten iron. There is a tribe in southern Vonaisu who know the secret to harvesting it, and they sell it to the bigger cities in northern Vonaisu for Sevatin fur and tools. The cities then sell the Ais to Sevatim for even more fur and tools, along with food. That is the main form of income for the whole of Vonaisu.

    DM Note

    The nations each have a country that they get a lot of things from, especially names, language and accents.

    Morteim=Western Russia
    Sevatim=Hollywood Asia/North Carolina
    Tatsua=America/Native American/Britain
    Vonaisu=Super Siberia



    Außenseiter Wars

    First recorded events to take place on Paramıth. The naming of places and events was not done by the planetouched, and so nothing has a name yet during this phase of history. Thus, places are referred to by where they would be as of the Second Mortein War.


    ~230 BV - 1AL

    Paramıth is located above a major rift in the material plane, which was cause unknown ages ago when the gods of the world were still mere mortals. As such, the continent draws Outsiders to it, especially Native Outsiders, such as the Planetouched. The first settlers of the continent of Paramıth were those planetouched. At first the urge was just a slight feeling of needing to be elsewhere, like when you want to go back home, but can't. As the generations passed, a few planetouched set out to find the place they were being called to, but all of those tat tried failed. Eventually, the tiefling nation of Dæmons Reach was driven into the sea, an entire nation living on boats. The navigators unconsciously steered towards Paramıth, and eventually (aproximately 230 years Before Vake) landed in northwestern Paramıth, near where Ravnira and Tatsua would later be. They colonized west until they reached another body of water, now named the Strait of Fotia-Pagos. Once they reached the strait, they began settling southwards, through what would later be Morteim, the Badlands, and the western part of the current Tiefling Lands. By this time the nation was spread thin, and the settling of the rest of Paramıth halted as they began to rebuild their strength. As they did this, the aasimar arrived in approximately 185 BV. Neither group knew of the other, as the aasimar had landed in the northeast, later known as Kallaten. The aasimar scholars had noticed the tugging, and had figured out what was causing it. They figured out where the Planar Rift was, and consulted sea charts to plan the best course to take. Because of this, the aasimar lost significantly less people on the voyage, landing at full force. The aasimar settled all of northern Paramıth, stopping at the Strait of Fotia-Pagos as well. They then followed the east coast southeast to what would later be Vonaisu. Once they reached the southeastern tip of Paramıth, the aasimar turned westward, and in about 165 BV ran into the tieflings for the first time. Immediately the two races innate hatred for each other flared up, and they began to fight. The tieflings, who were more used to the cold climate of southern Paramıth, prevailed at the initial contact point, driving the aasimar out of southeastern Paramıth. However, the aasimar prevailed farther north, driving the tieflings southwest away from the Strait of Fotia-Pagos. After 20 years of fighting, the two nations developed their areas, tieflings in the south and east, aasimar in the north and west. The fighting raged on for another 145 years with no more major changes occurring in the battle-lines. Both nations were severely weakened, but the only thing that stopped the fighting was the arrival of the Vake.

    The Vackel Empire

    First humans to appear on Paramıth. The current countries are descended from the Vackel Empire's princedoms.


    00AL - 141 AL

    The Vake people used to be a powerful nation on the continent of Caurdya. Hailing from the Jangaphar peninsula, the Vackel Empire used to control most of the land surrounding the Antardesiya Sea. They were overthrown, however, and the remnants of the empire left in a flotilla to find a new home. They found an arpeggio, and built a small nation there, regaining their strength. After resting for a few decades, the flotilla left again to find new land to conquer. They intended to land on Surodya, a continent north of Paramıth and immediately east of Caurdya. Instead, they drifted off course and went too far south, landing in western Paramıth, in what would later be Tatsua. Emperor Aiantos, said, upon seeing Paramıth for the first time "It is as if I have sailed in to a mother's story." The name stuck, and the continent was named for the Vake word Paramıthi, or story. The Vake quickly learned that they were not alone on Paramıth when they ran into a Tiefling raiding party. The party was weak and understrengthed, and the skilled Vake Strelecs made short work of the tieflings. A group of aasimar, having seen the battle, approached the Strelecs to thank them, and they were slain as well. The Vake conquered the waring and weakened planetouched over 23 years, enslaving all of the planetouched that they did not kill in the process of taking the continent, forcing them to build up the Vackel Empire. Emperor Aiantos split the empire into seven imperial principalities: Tatsua (which also contained Lèchardè), Ravnira (which contained Aasimar Westland), Morteim, Sevatim (which contained Vonaisu), Kallaten (which contained the Aasimar Mainland and the Horn), Pekolasi (Middle Tiefling Lands and eastern Badlands), and Helenia (Badlands and Western Tiefling Lands). The Empire lasted for a little over a century, with each princedom developing its own culture and dialects.

    The Fall of the Vake

    Formation of current countries via revolt. Planetouched are given back their land.


    141 AL - 163 AL

    By about about 75 years some princedoms which had fully developed independent cultures wanted to form their own sovereign nation, instead of having to be subject to the Vake and their different culture. In particular Morteim, Ravnira, and Northern Sevatim were dissatisfied. Tatsua and Kallaten were also unhappy, but not to the extent that the other three were. After 117 years, the Vackel Empire was broken when five of its seven princedoms rebelled. Pekolasi and Helenia fought to suppress the rebellion, along with the new princedom of Vonaisu, formerly Southern Sevatim. They quickly occupied Sevatim and what later became the Horn, although the Sevatin barrier islands continued to shelter Kallaten privateers who raided the coast of Helenia and Vonaisu. Ravnira, Kallaten, and Morteim provided most of the military for the rebels, Kallaten focusing on the eastern side and Morteim and Ravnira focusing on the western side. Early on in the rebellion the Vake were much more successful, capturing Sevatim, the southeastern half of Tatsua, and most of what later became the Aasimar Lands. Morteim, however, proved to be too hard to invade, and the Vake lost many legions attempting to do so. While the Vake were trying to invade Morteim, Kallaten and Ravnira joined together in an offensive which drove the Vake out of Sevatim and Vonaisu, cutting off the northern Vake forces. Kallaten and the liberated Sevatin made short work of the northern forces, halving the size of the remaining Empire. While the Vake were trying to recover from the double blow of loosing southern Kallaten and Sevatim, Ravnira and Morteim sent a spear legion each, carried by Kallaten raiders, into the Kryo Sea, landing just a three days march from Dadapolis, the capitol city of Helenia, and by extension the Vackel Empire. The two legions captured the city with ease, cutting off the head of the Vackel Empire. The remaining Prince of Pekolasi surrendered not long afterwards, ending the war. The five rebel princes met in Ogangrad, the capitol of Pekolasi, to accept the Princes surrender. There the five princes and the delegates for the tieflings and the aasimar met to divided the continent into sovereign nations. The map as it stands during more recent events such as The Second Mortein War came about mostly at this meeting. Lèchardè was not created until later, and the western portion of the Tiefling Lands which does not border the Planetouched Sea was originally part of the Badlands. The oceans to the east and west of Paramıth were named in honor of the islands original inhabitants, the planetouched. The eastern was named Außenseiter by Ravnira, and the western was named Chelovek by the Mortein.

    Wars Prior to The Second Mortein War

    Sets the stage for the Second Mortein War.


    Reapers' War
    182 AL - 184 AL

    In 126 AL, a Ravniran Verrück by the name of Janus Mechen was born. He was the bastard son of two Herznecht, or Planetouched who have status in society. The Herznechten families are descendant from 10 Planetouched (5 Aasimar and 5 Tiefling ) who helped the Vackel during the conquering of Paramıth. They, in exchange for betraying their Planetouched brothers, were given status as peers within their chosen nations. The 10 families were named for colors that they took as their own: Kokino (Red), Portokali (Orange), Kitrino (Yellow), Chryso (Gold), Lef̱ko (White), Ble (Blue), Prasino (Green), Mov (Purple), Ysimi (Silver), and Mavro (Black). There are also many subfamilies, formed by intermarriage of certain families. The most notable are the Roz (Red and White, or Pink), Kyano (Blue and Green, or Teal), Levanta (Purple and Silver, or Lavender), and Nkrizo (Black and White, or Grey). Janus, being a bastard of the Kokino and the Prasino families, had a relatively high status for a bastard. His father, the second oldest son of the patriarch of the Prasino family, shunned him for his bastardy and forced him to enlist in the Imperial Legion as a Strelec at 16. Janus Mechen, now known as Janus Braun, excelled as a Strelec, and was promoted all the way through the enlisted ranks until he became a Lieutenant Centurion just before the beginning of the Rebellion. During the war, Janus was stationed in Sevatim, was promoted to Tribune General during his deployment, and was given a legion to command. He controlled Sevatim until the Vackel Empire truly began to fall, just prior to the recapturing of Sevatim by the rebels. Janus took his prime cohort with him when he saw the writing on the wall and deserted, going into hiding on the peninsula near what is now the isles of Menedek.

    In 162 AL, Relit Braun was born to Röt Jakob Braun, human son of Janus Braun, in central Sevatim. Röt Jakob Braun died when his son was 11, and the orphaned Relit was taken care of by his 17 year old tiefling friend Ke Kyano. Ke had been training as a soulknife since he was 10, and taught Relit to create a mind blade. However, Ke Kyano disappeared after 5 years, leaving a 16 year old Relit to look after himself. He by 18 he had stolen a pair of revolvers from a military station and taught himself to use them, and began eking out a living as a mercenary, using a unique blend of mind blades and revolvers to fight. In 182 AL, Relit was hired by a wealthy man named Matias Vanjen, along with a druid named Andren McKal, a Nagai swordsman named John Krehl (one of the most famous of Nagai's many skilled swordsmen, known as "The Cherry Sword". Many of the traditional Sevatin sword-styles use cherry hilted swords in his honor.), and a Verrück soulknife named Janus Nkrizo (who would later establish the Ausgleichn) to help his son Mathew Vanjen kill a Warlord known simply as "The Spectre". He had been building up a secret army in eastern Sevatim to try and conquer Paramıth. Vanjen's sponsor in Ravnira, Maus Volfstöter von Yassenberg, had sent enough money to pay all four mercenaries handsomely, as well as troops to draw off the secret army. The ploy worked, and Relit, Andren, John, Janus, and Mathew (the party of five would later be called The Reapers) slipped undetected into The Spectre's cliff-side-castle on the eastern shore of Sevatim. In the confrontation between The Reapers and The Spectre, The Spectre revealed himself to be Janus Braun, Relit's grandfather. He had been driven insane by his mixed blood, and thought that the Vackel Empire would rise from the ashes anew like a phoenix to form the Fönix-Vackel Empire, with his castle as the capitol. He thought he had been contacted by other "Fönix" who were telling him to begin an uprising on the Date of Treaty in 182 (a month from the confrontation). He, as the patriarch of the family, ordered Relit to turn of the other Reapers and become a "Fönix". Relit responded with eight bullets to the chest of Janus "The Spectre" Braun, and kicking him out of the window of the throne room and into the Sevatin Sea far below. The Reapers left and went their separate ways.

    In 184, two years to the day after the death of Janus Braun, Matias Vanjen was stabbed eight times in the chest in his locked and guarded bedroom. No one knew who had done it, or how, but Mathew contacted the other four Reapers, asking them to come help investigate. He and Relit recognized the significance of the eight stab wounds, and began to research ghosts, wraiths, and other specters. They determined that The Spectre had returned as a specter (a wraith to be exact). The eight shots had not killed Janus, and he had somehow floated all the way south to the Isle Shi. There, he had crawled to the Chasm of Wraiths and entered the pool, becoming a wraith. Janus Nkrizo, frightened by the implications of The Spectre's decent into madness, had begun research on counteracting the effects of the conflicting blood of the Verrück. He stated that the blood insanity Janus had fallen into would carry over once he no longer had blood, and so must be finished off. The Reapers traveled to the capitol of the "Fönix-Vackel Empire", where they saw it was filled with shades from the Chasm of Wraiths; Janus had bound all of the crushed souls from the Chasm to his service, and now had an army of incorporeal soldiers to replace his former corporeal army. The Reapers, weapons enchanted with ghost-touch, charged the castle. The shades, surprisingly, put up no resistance, and simply retreated to the throne room. The Reapers, puzzled, followed them cautiously. In the throne room, they found Janus Braun and ten wraiths, one each from the Herznechten families. The Spectre greeted The Reapers, and bade them surrender. Relit answered again in the same manner as before, with eight bullets. Janus, however, simply disappeared, and his ten wraiths attacked. The following fight was long and brutal, with the Reapers defeating the ten Herznechten wraiths and loosing Andren McKal. Janus then reappeared and killed Mathew in one strike. Janus Nkrizo threw a binding, immobilizing Janus, and Relit and John Krehl ran him through. Thus passed Janus Mechen Braun, The Spectre, The Fönix, The Last Vake.

    TLDR: Internal Sevatin. Relit vs Warlord Janus. Relit won.

    The Reaper War was extremely short and is only important in that it established the Reapers and involves the ancestors to Roger Braun, as well as many other people who start notable things. It is essentially the Paramıth equivalent of Jason and the Argonauts.

    First Mortein War
    238 AL - 248 AL

    Approximately 70 years after the fall of the Vackel empire, King Gierwön of Ravnira became dissatisfied with the size of his country. At the time, Ravnira was the smallest country. King Gierwön decided to invaded Tatsua. Ravnira quickly occupied all of northern Tatsua, but were stopped by a joint force of Tatsuan cavalry and Mortein pike-men. Ravnira was driven back towards their border, but they retained occupation of what would later become Lèchardè. The two forces continued to fight with little change of boundary for 6 years. Then Morteim launched sudden offensive, occupying eastern Ravnira. Ravnira stopped the invasion, but could not take back their eastern lands. The fighting stagnated for another 2 years, during which Ravnira began to train an elite force which would later become Dragon Legion. However, before the training was complete, Tatsua and Morteim broke through the western front, taking back Lèchardè and driving all the way to the capitol of Ravnira. There, they executed King Gierwön and negotiated the terms of surrender with his chancellor. In the end the borders were returned to normal, but prolonged occupation left areas of Tatsua and Ravnira uneasy. Citizens from the occupying countries had remained in the area, gradually influencing the local culture of those areas.

    TLDR: Morteim + Tatsua vs Ravira. Morteim + Tatsua won. Dragon Legion Formed, but did not participate. planted seeds for Czervone Rebellion and Lèchardèr Revolution

    Czervone Rebellion
    254 AL - 255 AL

    About 5 years after the conclusion of the First Mortein War, the area that had been occupied during the war attempted to leave and join Morteim. At the time, western Paramıth was suffering from a famine, especially in the already harsh climate of Morteim. The Czarr of Morteim at the time, Czarr Victor Krymeski II, refused to let the other countries know of the issues in Morteim. The rebels in Czervone were therefor unaware of this problem. The Czarr knew that the country would collapse if it had to add Czervone to its territory. When Czervone formally requested admittance (and military aid in fighting Ravnira, which Morteim was also unable to give), the Czarr turned them down. The fighting lasted less than a year, and ended when the newly formed Red Dragons, the only cohort of the Dragon Legion at the time, found and captured the leaders of the rebellion. The Alpha Cohort, at that time consisting of 500 legionnaires, was determined to be impractical as a single unit and was split into Alfa, Beta, Gamma, Delta, and Epsilon Cohorts.

    TLDR: Internal Ravnira. Ravnira vs "Czervone". Ravnira won. First use of Dragon Legion.

    Lèchardèr Revolution
    264 AL - 268 AL

    Aproximately 9 years after the Czervone Rebellion, the northwestern section of Tatsua, know as Lèchardè to its inhabitants, decided to rebel as well. Like Czervone, Lèchardè was occupied during the First Mortein War. Unlike Czervone, Lèchardè attempted to form its own country. The initial rebellion started and ended in a month. After Lèchardè officialy declared that they wished to leave, the Tatsuan military rode for the city of Lumiamour, the capitol city of the rebelling Lèchardèr people and eventually the country of Lèchardè. The Lèchardèr militia marched to fight them... and were obliterated, and the city was occupied by the Tatsuan military. The rebellion was effectively over, until Ravnira decided to help Lèchardè. Ravnira drove the Tatsuan military out of Lumiamour, and began training the new Lèchardèr militia. With the help of Ravnira, Lèchardè successfully fought off the Tatsuan military for 2 years, after which Lèchardè signed a treaty with Tatsua to gain their independence.

    TLDR: Lèchardè + Ravnira vs Tatsua. Lèchardè + Ravnira won.

    Third Tatsuan War
    275 AL - 283 AL

    The King of Tatsua at the time of the Lèchardèr Revolution was named Willam Caine. His father was George Cain II, who defeated Ravniran military in the First Mortein War. When Ravnira had trounced his elite cavalry units, it had left a stain on his rule. Approximately 4 months after the war ended, he met Lena neMates, a courtesan of the Tatsuan capital. She worked her way into his confidence, and complementing him on his "manliness", in all senses. Willam was caught, and allowed her to control him with complements or passive-aggressive threats ("You shouldn't let that law through. Or are you not manly enough to resist it?") she eventually convinced him that he could never be a true man unless he made up for his failure in the Lèchardèr Revolution and conquered Ravnira instead. (Since Ravnira was obviously at fault, and the poor people of Lèchardè were obviously coerced by the immoral, power-hungry, and drunken Ravnirans into leaving the safety of the Tatsuan banner so that Ravnira could snatch the territory up at their leisure. Obviously. Thus Tatsua is required to avenge its wrongfully coerced sister country by defeating the awful Ravnirans. When the Lèchardèr see who the true military power in the west is, they will run back to Tatsua. A Truly Flawless plan. Obviously the guy who made it must have been really manly to be that clever. Because You totally came up with the whole thing Willam. The whole thing.) So Tatsua attacked Ravnira by surprise, charging cavalry regiments deep into Ravniran territory, nearly reaching the capitol city! Then... Ravniras armies were mobilized. First, the Beta and Gamma Cohorts of the Dragon legions cut the tenuous supply line set up by the Tatsuan's rapid and reckless advance. Second, the First and Second Jaeger Legions collapsed on the main force of cavalry, slaughtering the whole regiment. Third, the First, Second, and Third Pike Legions and the Second Bowman Legion began an assault on Tatsua itself, driving (in a much more slow and controlled manner) to the Tatsuan capitol. Because they spent more time establishing a supply chain, Ravnira was able to reach the capitol five years after the initial attack. When King Willam saw the legions outside his city, he was terrified, but Lena supported him, and told him to prepare for a siege. Willam did exactly that, shutting down the city. The Ravniran legions laid siege on the capitol for another two years, until the Demolition Corps of Ravnira reached the front line. They set about laying breaching charges all along the cities walls, and 7 and a half years after the war had started, Ravnira breached the walls of the city, pouring in and marching for the throne room. When the king felt the explosion, he rushed back to his chambers and Lena, only to find all of his riches gone, along with Lena. As he was confronted by the Ravniran troops, Lena reappeared, but this time dressed as a Ravniran camp follower. Willam only noticed her moments before he was executed. No knows Lena's real name, or why she chose to bring ruin to Tatsua.

    TLDR: Tatsua vs Ravnira. Ravnira won

    War of the Tengeriharc

    TLDR: Sevatim vs Kallaten. Almost entirely naval. Sevatim won technically.

    The Second Mortein War


    The human languages of Paramıth are all considered dialects of Common. If a creature speaks Common as a base language, it must select one dialect that is its native language. A creature may only speak or understand a dialect if it knows that dialect. A character may learn two new dialects in place of one new language. The following are dialects of Common and where they are found.

    The Old Languages

    Vackel: The Vackel are the founders of the human culture on Paramıth, and as such their language is the most prevalent. It is used everywhere on Paramıth as a trade language, and is the primary dialect of common for the planetouched.

    Ghara: The Gharan are the primary inhabitants of Caurdya, and named both it and Surodya. The dialect is effectively dead in Paramıth, with a few scholars using it. Many myths about the history of the planetouched are either written in Gharan or have Gharan names.
    The New Languages

    Most of the dialects of Paramıth formed from the influences of Peregrinus languages. When learning Dwarven or Elven a character may learn one dialect of the proper root influence. Lèchardèn cannot be learned like this.


    Morteim: Mortein is the most heavily Dwarvic of the dialects, due to the heavy prevalence of mining. The Dwarven slaves brought to Paramıth by the Vake were usually used in Morteim and Pekolasi to assist in mineing, and while there influenced the local dialect.

    Pekolasi: Pekolasin is almost just as Dwarvic as Mortein, and in fact the dialects are extremely similar. However, Pekolasin retains a more of its Vake origins than Mortein, simply due to the fact that Mortein has evolved even more since the rebellion. Vonaisu is the only place where Pekolasi is spoken, and even then the predominant dialect in Vonaisu is still Sevatin.

    Ravnira: Ravniran is significantly less Dwarvic than Mortein or Pekolasin. The reason it is Dwarvic at all is because of the use of Dwarves to operate furnaces and forges for weapons.

    Kallaten: Kallaten is the least Dwarvic of the Dwarvic dialects. Kallaten was the main place where slaves were imported, bought and sold in the Vackel Empire, and most of those slaves were dwarves. The language has Halfling influences as well, but is primarily a Dwarvic dialect.


    Sevatim: Sevatin is the most removed from the Vake dialect. Most of the Elves that immigrated to Paramıth lived in Sevatim and Tatsua. However, Tatsua was not as influenced by the Elves as Sevatim was, mainly because Sevatim was farther from Helenia.

    Tatsua: Tatsuan is not quite as removed from the Vake language as Sevatin, but it is very different. Tatsuan's Sylvic influences are difficult to hear just by listening to the language due to a slight Dwarvic influence from Ravnira and Morteim which makes the dialect sound very odd. However, Tatsuan is still considered a Sylvic dialect.

    Lèchardè: Lèchardèn is on the opposite side of the equation from Sevatin, being by far the most similar to the Vake dialect. Lèchardèn is equal parts Sylvic and Dwarvic, but is considered Sylvic because it actually sounds more Sylvic than Tatsuan, despite being both more Vake and more Dwarvic than Tatsuan. Part of the reason Lèchardèn is so odd is that it actually has no direct Sylvic or Dwarvic influences. The dialect was created after during and after the occupation of Lèchardè by Ravnira. The Ravnirans and Lèchardèns communicated in Vake, and eventually as the two peoples learned each others languages the Vake spoken between the two peoples began to take on Ravniran and Tatsuan influences.

    Link to the wiki page
    Last edited by Salasay; 2015-01-19 at 04:03 PM. Reason: wasn't done first time
    Salasay was my first character. He's a Scout. This is his block:

    The Paramıth setting is my baby, and most of my large (wiki-bound for now) homebrew collection is in the setting.

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    Angel in the Playground Moderator
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    Default Re: Paramyth Campaign Setting [PEACH]

    Moved to World-Building.

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    Halfling in the Playground
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    Default Re: Paramyth Campaign Setting [PEACH]

    Could I get this looked at please?
    Salasay was my first character. He's a Scout. This is his block:

    The Paramıth setting is my baby, and most of my large (wiki-bound for now) homebrew collection is in the setting.

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    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: Paramyth Campaign Setting [PEACH]

    The link to the wiki did not work. based on what you posted though I would say that it seems like pretty legit back drop, but in my experience the things that make a world come alive are all the little things that differ in culture. an example (maybe a bad one) is simple dinner etiquette will people know the party is not from around here based on how they order dinner? a much bigger one that I always kick myself for not hashing out fully before the session is law and not just how much a fine will cost, but what are the social repercussions of being a criminal. I like how you flushed out the economies of the different regions. I am currently running a campaign in a trade heavy world that opens great avenues for travel for the pc's. it sound like common with be the predominant language in your world but I always have a good laugh when they come to a port and no one speaks dwarvish. If you wanted anything really specific looked at or want some solicited advise about a place in particular let me know.

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    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Paramyth Campaign Setting [PEACH]

    Quote Originally Posted by Sullivan View Post
    The link to the wiki did not work.
    One too many http's. Editing the link to something valid is pretty straightforward.

    Yeah, the war histories and national military strength listings are the least important part of the setting. You've got a few NPCs on the wiki, but several more (not more national heroes) will be useful. A couple of notes on laws because adventurers are always breaking those. Some examples of what magitek can do perhaps? Whether there's a lightning rail, robots, airships, that sort of thing.

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    Halfling in the Playground
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    Default Re: Paramyth Campaign Setting [PEACH]

    Quote Originally Posted by avr View Post
    You've got a few NPCs on the wiki, but several more (not more national heroes) will be useful.
    So you mean NPC's that are relatively unimportant on their own, but can be copied to make others like them? So make "Johan the Kallaten raider" and let them just use Johan as a template for other Kallaten Raider

    Quote Originally Posted by Sullivan View Post
    it sound like common with be the predominant language in your world but I always have a good laugh when they come to a port and no one speaks dwarvish
    That's one of the things that didn't make it onto the forum. They are all speaking Common, but different dialects of it (allegorical to IRL languages). There are 9 dialects , one of which is dead and another is a "trade language".

    Quote Originally Posted by Sullivan View Post
    in my experience the things that make a world come alive are all the little things that differ in culture. an example (maybe a bad one) is simple dinner etiquette will people know the party is not from around here based on how they order dinner?
    Every country has an associated IRL culture, so any non-specified culture is assumed to be like the IRL country. I'm working on adding two or three cultural notes to each country, like how Sevatin dinners are served sitting down at a low table, and involves a bowl of salt in the middle of the table from which everyone must put a pinch onto their food before the meal is started.

    The link should work now.
    Last edited by Salasay; 2014-12-26 at 12:56 PM.
    Salasay was my first character. He's a Scout. This is his block:

    The Paramıth setting is my baby, and most of my large (wiki-bound for now) homebrew collection is in the setting.

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    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Paramyth Campaign Setting [PEACH]

    Quote Originally Posted by Salasay View Post
    So you mean NPC's that are relatively unimportant on their own, but can be copied to make others like them? So make "Johan the Kallaten raider" and let them just use Johan as a template for other Kallaten Raider
    That, or people you'd plan to be recurring characters. Think Padan Fain in the Wheel of Time.

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    Halfling in the Playground
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    Default Re: Paramyth Campaign Setting [PEACH]

    Transplanted some stuff over to the forum from the wiki, and added some stuff to the wiki itself. I've had a few ideas for NPC's that are less "national hero-y", but I didn't know if I should make Stat Blocks for them or just describe them and let the DMs work out stats to fit their campaign. The ideas are:

    Kagan and Schalter: An elf and dwarf who travel together throughout western and northern Paramıth, providing entertainment and merchant goods. Kagan is tall, thin, and charismatic, playing the Lyre for money, while Schalter is short, thick, and gruff, managing the goods. He sells alcohol, forged goods, and hot food from the pairs wagon. While most people in northwestern Paramıth have heard of them, few know the truth about the pair; Kagan is the dwarf, and Schalter is the elf. Most presume the opposite.

    Edmond Tarlsson ("Eddy the Black"): Edmond Tarlsson is a raider from Kallaten, well known for his exploits among the Sevatin barrier islands. He was the first pirate to make use of the Menedek gap. As such, he is sometimes known as Ed Menedin. He is known for his black mustache, which is grown into his sideburns but leaves his chin smooth, as well as his black overcoat and black bicorn hat. His ship is a dual keeled Kallaten longship. It is wider and shallower than a traditional longship, and is significantly more stable, allowing for heavier prow cannons. He is the most infamous Kallaten raider, and is the classic example of one. Most Raiders model themselves after him, wearing a bicorn and wearing an overcoat. None, however, dare to infringe upon the Black Mustache.

    Janus Jensen: Janus Jensen is the son of Janus Riatsen, son of Rattan Mortsen, son of Mortimer Andresen. He is an Ais farmer in Vonaisu, the only member of the Zamorjen tribe of foreign decent. Mortimer Andresen was admitted into the tribe after proving his worth in trial by combat. Jensen is only important because his family provides a good example of Dwarvic naming conventions. Janus is a common name in Paramıth, and thus Jensen is a common patronymic name. Not all people use their patronymic, but all are given one.

    Bliltlth'r: Bliltlth'r is a Kallaten Tchrelenite, commonly referred to as Bill. He, like most Tchrelenites, took a cultist name as a sign of allegiance to Chrlnkhlahl. Bliltlth'r still lives in southeastern Kallaten, and is considered an oddity by his home town. They consider him more of an entertainment and "town idiot" than a threat to their way of life. He refuses to speak Common, and instead speaks in gibberish, often making sounds that those who surround him cannot replicate.

    Should I write up stat-blocks, or just flesh out some quirks and stuff?
    Salasay was my first character. He's a Scout. This is his block:

    The Paramıth setting is my baby, and most of my large (wiki-bound for now) homebrew collection is in the setting.

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    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Paramyth Campaign Setting [PEACH]

    To me that looks about the level of detail you'd want in a wiki. I wouldn't add more personal detail, and for stat blocks as far as I'd go would be to list class and level and maybe a couple of details more - e.g. Schalter's appraise and bluff skill checks (or whichever skill you use to sell things.)

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