Snips, Snails, and Dragon Tales: Now available in PDF format from Gumroad
Snips, Snails, and Dragon Tales is now on sale in PDF format from Gumroad - with 6 never-before-collected bonus comics!
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  1. - Top - End - #1
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default The Dragon's Demand

    "Ah, f-forgive me. I am just surprised that I've been corresponding with a dragon all this time." The wizard gulped, hoping he didn't come off as too insulting.

    "It is of no consequence. You still possess the tomes that I require, and I will have them. Name your price, human." The creature's voice was surprisingly light for a dragon, but still possessed all the authority and arrogance known of their kind.

    "W-well, you see, I was thinking more of a trade in services. There is this awful eyesore blocking my-"

    The dragon waved a claw impatiently, stopping the stuttering wizard mid-sentence. "I care not for your reasons. Like you, they are insignificant. If you need a building demolished, then I can have that arranged; do not bore me with the details."

    Chapter 1: Welcome to Belhaim


    You arrive in Belhaim late in the day, as the sun makes its descent below the Verduran Forest. The town hardly seems like the legacy of a famous dragon slayer, but looks can be deceiving. Belhaim doesn't appear on too many maps, and it seems to be lacking in quite a few services offered in the more luxurious Taldan cities like Cassomir or Oppara. You manage to locate a single inn on the edge of the town bearing the name The Wise Piper.

    For some reason, a handful of guards are standing outside the inn, trying to look as official as possible, though you can tell they are hardly seasoned warriors. It seems odd that they would all be congregated like this, but then you hear the approach of a loaded caravan...

    Jonnie, Cai, Kathryn, and Lyrander

    Trudging through the Verduran Forest has turned out to be boring more than anything. The worst you've had to face on the journey were a couple of emaciated wolves that didn't know any better. Silas Gribb is a pleasant enough man, but he mostly keeps to himself, and answers questions about the good and the route on a need to know basis, and it so happens to turn out that you don't need to know.

    The last few rays of sunlight are fading away as you reach the sleepy town of Belhaim. Silas speaks up for the first time today, "I've got a few goods to unload here, and then we'll resupply up for the trip to Whispil. There should be an inn around... ah, crap."

    The caravan leader looks distraught as 3 guards approach him. The one on the left seems giddy with excitement, shaking in her chainmail, while the guard on the right stifles a yawn. The large, balding one in the middle appears to have at least a modicum of professionalism, and addresses Silas in an authoritative tone. "Mr Gribb, I presume? I'm sheriff Benhovy. I'm going to need to take a look at your caravan there."

    "I would, uh, rather you didn't," is Silas' somewhat lame response.

    The sheriff ignores Silas' request, and he and the guards rifle through the caravan's covered belongings. It isn't long until they uncover dozens of canteens filled with a sticky brown liquid.

    You recognize this as pesh, a highly addictive drug extracted from cacti in Katapesh

    It isn't long until Silas is bound in manacles, and hauled off to the town's prison. A few more guards circle the scene, eyeing you suspiciously. When the sheriff returns, he narrows his eyes, . "You lot. What's your business here? You had better not be involved in this mess, or you'll be joining your friend Mr. Gribb for the night."
    Avatar by A Rainy Knight

    Spoiler: Characters
    Tarok and Kamo, level 6 half-orc ranger, bunyip-slayer, and all around badass.

    I like half-orcs


    Aldrin Cress, level 10 human sorcerer. Hero of Korvosa.
    Tireas Slate, level 4 tiefling ninja. Eternally scheming.

    DMing: Dragon's Demand

  2. - Top - End - #2
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Dragon's Demand


    Lyrander shakes his head. "I am Lyrander Koress and I have never seen whatever that is before."
    The story has been told a million times, but it is different when it is your life.

  3. - Top - End - #3
    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Dragon's Demand


    With a stretch and a smile, the dusky-skinned Varisian sauntered into town. Clean shaven with long, dark hair pulled back into a ponytail, he looked every part the wandering nomad - loose, brightly colored clothes, today with a red vest over a white shirt with a matching headband. Looking around for a moment, he murmured to himself, "So this is the home of the famous Tula Belheim, eh? Doesn't seem like much. Guess that's what comes from letting your bat-crazy relatives ruin your legacy ..."

    He wandered onward, bowing and greeting each passing local with a smile and a wave. Finally, he approached one blushing lass. "Greetings, fair maiden, but might you be inclined to point me in the direction of your fine inn? I am parched, famished, and needing to remove the dirt from the road." With a blush and a giggle, she pointed him in the direction of The Wise Piper, to which he graced her with a kiss on the hand and a low bow.

    As he approached the inn, he saw the guards and elected to watch for a moment - they appeared to be waiting for something, and the last thing he needed was to be rolled up in some local sting operation. He had his answer a few minutes later when a caravan approached. In swift order, the guards had searched the caravan, seized the lead merchant, and started questioning the help. Leaning against a nearby wall, Velgani Visconti, would-be legend, waited, watched and listened ... thoroughly enjoying the show.
    Life is ... life. As always bot/cut as necessary.
    DM: "Why do you have so many characters?"
    Me: "Because I never embraced the strategic value of running away."

    Fare thee well, N_R ... you will missed!y

  4. - Top - End - #4
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Dragon's Demand

    The halfling seemed shocked at this sudden turn of events, goggle-eyed as his employer was clapped in irons and taken away. When the guard turned to him for questioning it was all he could do to stammer out a response.

    "I d-don't rightly know what that stuff even is, let alone what Mister Gribb was intendin' on doin' with it. Me and Hickory were just lookin' ta make some extra coin ta round out the ol' coffer, sir."

  5. - Top - End - #5
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Dragon's Demand

    Cai enjoyed her time on the road with her sister. It was nice to be out on the open road, seeing new things outside of that den of murderers called Daggermark. By now the others would have noticed her starry scaled serpent that moves about her person. Ishaal, the other's have no doubt heard her call him, looks to be an exotic species of snake with scales that reflect the stars above, wherever they are.

    Cai keeps the fact that she knows of the drug to herself for now, she will tell her sister later what the caravan was busted for. The long-haired twin keeps her demeanor professional. "My sister and I are most definitely not apart of whatever scheme that man cooked up." Ishaal is draped over her shoulders, his head just under her right jaw. The serpent gazes at the sherrif intently, flicking his tongue as his mistress speaks.
    Last edited by Xunthrae; 2015-03-09 at 11:26 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Elderand View Post
    "Awww, look at that mortal trying to use a scroll, isn't he adorable ? who's a good mortal ? You are, yes you are. Here have a fireball"

  6. - Top - End - #6
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Dragon's Demand

    For Kathryne, the road was long and boring. Not necessarily a bad thing, as Kathryne has heard tales of caravans waylaid by far worse things than bandits. Not that she thought that would be trouble, but as far as Gribb was concerned, she was a guard with a shining to daggers, rather than an assassin. She preferred that secret remain as such.

    As the caravan rolls into town, she eyes the guards with suspicion, particularly the excited one. Trouble she thinks to herself, and nudges Cai, tilting her head towards them. But escape is out of the question, they've been spotted, and likely followed for some time.

    Kathryne nods along with her sister, and places a look of concern on her face. "I assure you sirs, we would never have joined that beast had we known thee was anything untoward involved! He never told us what was in the caravan, and we foolishly believed him." She says to the sheriff, an angry look on her face. Hopefully the sherrif would mistake it for anger at being fooled. The truth was, she was angry more that Silas had put them in danger with the law.

    Marcus Caius, Astropath Trancendent by TheArchitect

  7. - Top - End - #7
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Dragon's Demand

    The sheriff gives each of you a long, hard look, trying to look as intimidating as possible, as if that will get him a spontaneous confession. When everyone professes their innocence, the middle-aged man shrugs. "All right, fine, but don't get into any trouble while you're here."

    The sheriff and the guards disperse, and you're left by yourselves next to the inn. It doesn't look like you're going to get paid for your caravan work any time soon.
    Avatar by A Rainy Knight

    Spoiler: Characters
    Tarok and Kamo, level 6 half-orc ranger, bunyip-slayer, and all around badass.

    I like half-orcs


    Aldrin Cress, level 10 human sorcerer. Hero of Korvosa.
    Tireas Slate, level 4 tiefling ninja. Eternally scheming.

    DMing: Dragon's Demand

  8. - Top - End - #8
    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Dragon's Demand


    The Varisian had to cover his mouth to hide the smile and chuckle welling within his throat. These guards had learned well from the textbooks, right down to the "If you stare long enough, a guilty man will confess" lesson. Shaking his head in amusement, he watched as the guards dispersed and left four confused newcomers standing there. Sauntering over, he smiled and waved. "Hail and well met, mighty travelers! I am Velgani Visconti, 'venturist and vocalizer of a vociferous volition ... and a bit of an alliterative opportunist and entrepreneurial analogist ... if that even makes sense.

    It seems to me friends, that your choice in employers is second only to your luck in location! While being unemployed can be disappointing, I think you'll see that it can be equally liberating. Besides, with the guards departed with yonder merchant, and a caravan without so much as a guard or owner, you might actually have an opportunity to recoup any perceived losses.

    If I might offer my services in obtaining said compensation ...?"

    With a wink, he waited patiently, wondering if the group would take him up on his offer ...

    Spoiler: Stuff
    Let's make this easy and start the forming, norming and storming!
    Life is ... life. As always bot/cut as necessary.
    DM: "Why do you have so many characters?"
    Me: "Because I never embraced the strategic value of running away."

    Fare thee well, N_R ... you will missed!y

  9. - Top - End - #9
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Dragon's Demand

    A single eyebrow raises at the long winded introduction. Kathryne looks at her sister, then back at the man. "No." she says simply. Stealing from the caravan would only draw more attention when the guards returned, and this ignorant fool had nothing to offer her. "Cai, let's go."

    Spoiler: OOC
    Don't completely take this as a rejection, Kat just has no desire to hang around, and a low opinion of words over actions. Caiella might convince her, or someone else. But probably not the stranger she just met.
    Last edited by Toxic Mind; 2015-03-10 at 12:05 PM.

    Marcus Caius, Astropath Trancendent by TheArchitect

  10. - Top - End - #10
    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Dragon's Demand


    He raised an eyebrow to the simple answer, a friendly smile still visible. "Ah, you are as verbose as you are polite, and probably ten times the dancer! Fear not, she of little words, I know I speak enough for the both of us ... perhaps more!""

    Bowing to the lady, he paused and looked to the others as she turned and motioned for her friend to go. "Ah, I see you speak both for yourself and Cai. Do you speak for these fine gentlemen as well, or do they speak for themselves?"

    Spoiler: Stuff
    Hey, you play it like you need to. I hope V hasn't given you too much of a reason to think him a fool, but I can see why she might think that. And remember, he never said steal
    Life is ... life. As always bot/cut as necessary.
    DM: "Why do you have so many characters?"
    Me: "Because I never embraced the strategic value of running away."

    Fare thee well, N_R ... you will missed!y

  11. - Top - End - #11
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Dragon's Demand

    Surprised at first by the human's sudden approach, Jonnie chuckled to himself when the broody twin so tersely shut him down. "You sure do use a lot o' breath ta say somethin' simple, don'cha?" he said with a bemused smile. He took his hat off and scratched his head, kicked some dust off his leather boots against the wagon wheel and did some quiet thinking for a moment before continuing. "Now, miss Kathryn, I don't claim ta know what yer own motives are, but this mister Velgani here has a good, if gussied up, point. The caravan ain't goin' nowheres and if folks round here have a need fer supplies well maybe we can make back some o' tha coin we were promised. At tha very least it beats stayin' stranded and broke, don'cha think?" Brushing off the sleeves of his old duster, he takes off his leather gloves and stows them in a pocket, holding out a worn and calloused hand to the human.

    "Folks call me Jonnie. If'n you can talk to tha guards about dispensin' some o' these goods here, I'd be more than happy ta help ya take 'em around ta folks in need."

  12. - Top - End - #12
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Dragon's Demand

    Kathryne inwardly sighs, though her outward expression remains unchanged. She could see the tide shifting. Cai would go along, she knew, if only for the money, and it would gain her very little to continue the argument. "As long as we make sure the sherrif is okay with it, I suppose I'll help." she says, albeit rather tersely. "But this isn't charity. I don't work for free." she says, her tone of voice indicating that the arrest of Silas Gribb was the only thing keeping her from extracting her fee from his hide.

    As for Jonnie, well... The man wasn't her favorite, he had a sort of 'unwashed' look about him, even when freshly bathed, like he had spent too much time in the dirt and dust, and it never quite came out anymore. Still, he didn't ask too many questions and at least respected her general desire not to talk to people. They had shared a few stories around the fire, mostly Cai talking and prompting her to chime in when it was her turn. Most of the stories, of course, were fake but that was hardly common knowledge.

    Marcus Caius, Astropath Trancendent by TheArchitect

  13. - Top - End - #13
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Dragon's Demand

    Vengari, Jonnie, and Kat take a look into the caravan once the guards have departed. After a small amount of time searching, a loose board is noticed, opening up a small compartment in the caravan. Inside you find two vials of murky green liquid, a fancy stiletto with the initials C.M. scratched onto the pommel, and a few gold coins.

    Spoiler: Loot
    35gp, a masterwork dagger, and what Cai recognizes as 2 doses of Shiver, a hallucinogen extracted from Dream Spiders. It's fairly valuable in regions where its use is prohibited (like Taldor).
    Last edited by Blisstake; 2015-03-10 at 02:23 PM.
    Avatar by A Rainy Knight

    Spoiler: Characters
    Tarok and Kamo, level 6 half-orc ranger, bunyip-slayer, and all around badass.

    I like half-orcs


    Aldrin Cress, level 10 human sorcerer. Hero of Korvosa.
    Tireas Slate, level 4 tiefling ninja. Eternally scheming.

    DMing: Dragon's Demand

  14. - Top - End - #14
    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Dragon's Demand


    Velgani laughed at the halfling, dropping down onto his haunches a bit as he shook Jonnie's hand firmly. "Tis my curse, good sir. Perhaps it is because I like the sound of my own voice, or perhaps that I do not care for silence. Either way, you are correct - less words may indeed be appropriate. Let's search the wagon for loot that you can sell for your pay." With a big grin, he sauntered over to the caravan with the others, helping them to search it thoroughly. When the curt woman pulled forth the dagger and pouch, he smiled widely. At the appearance of the two vials, he quickly stepped back.

    "Well, at least your former employer is consistent! I might suggest you turn that over to the authorities quickly, least you find yourselves sharing a cell.

    Unless you already have a buyer in mind?"

    Spoiler: Stuff
    No worries, Bliss - we'll adapt and overcome!
    Last edited by Starbin; 2015-03-10 at 02:28 PM.
    Life is ... life. As always bot/cut as necessary.
    DM: "Why do you have so many characters?"
    Me: "Because I never embraced the strategic value of running away."

    Fare thee well, N_R ... you will missed!y

  15. - Top - End - #15
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Dragon's Demand

    Kathryne pokes around the hatch to see if there was anything else and, finding nothing, picks up the dagger, tossing it lightly into the air and catching it. "Finely balanced and made. This was made by one who knows their craft." She turns to her sister and the other two companions who served as guards with them. "The coins and vials are yours if you'll give me the dagger. Cai might be able to tell you what's in it, and what it's worth. What you do with that knowledge is your choice." Her tone makes it clear that giving the substance to the sheriff, as suggested, or selling it was equally valid to her. Kathryne waits to hear the other two, and if they agree places it in her left boot. She isn't married to the dagger, but one of such fine craftsmanship would go nicely in her current collection.

    Marcus Caius, Astropath Trancendent by TheArchitect

  16. - Top - End - #16
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Dragon's Demand

    Jonnie simply shrugs his shoulders with a smile, amused by the half-elf's interest in the blade. "Makes no lick o' differin' ta me, miss Kathryn. Tha dagger's yours far as I'm concerned. Long's I got my shotbow and the li'l knee-breaker I reckon I'm armed enough."

    He then turns to Velgani, smile changing to a small frown. "Them bottles, on tha side hand, they don't look too keen. Whatever's in 'em, I'll pass on it. If'n they do turn a profit though, I reckon lumpin' that in with tha money and splittin' it even'd be fair. I'll leave business up ta ya'll seein' as yer just a bubblin' fountain o' helpfulness, mister. Meantimes, I'll grab m'self a li'l bite. Prolly should round up some meat for Hickory as well. S'been awhile since either of us actually ate somethin' with any weight to it. If'n y'all need me fer somethin', inn's where I'll be."

    With that, the halfling gives a curt nod to all and heads toward The Wise Piper.
    Last edited by moondoggy; 2015-03-10 at 03:08 PM.

  17. - Top - End - #17
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Dragon's Demand

    Cai chuckles as she overhears the beginning of Velgani's talk with Jonnie. Once he's finished she speaks. "If memory serves those vials hold another kind of drug, Shiver I think it's called. It's a heavily addictive hallucinogen that goes for quiet a bit. I think it may be best to turn it over to the authorities. It might reduce any suspicion they have of us and make being in this town that much less difficult. She is not one to dabble with drugs. She feels that they dull her senses too much and they are too easily laced with poisons. She can't remember how many batches she's brewed for someone wanting to get rid of a person who just took up a drug. They make people vulnerable and that is not something she wants.

    Velgani is an interesting man. He seems so carefree. Much different than most of the men she's encountered before in her life. It's refreshing. He even made jokes at her stoic sister. She's curious about who he is.
    Quote Originally Posted by Elderand View Post
    "Awww, look at that mortal trying to use a scroll, isn't he adorable ? who's a good mortal ? You are, yes you are. Here have a fireball"

  18. - Top - End - #18
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Dragon's Demand


    Lyrander listens perplexed by the man's pointlessly confusing words.
    "The dagger is worth more than all the coins and I have no idea what the vials are, but I expect they are a greater risk than benefit. If you will use the dagger I have no issue with you using it."
    The story has been told a million times, but it is different when it is your life.

  19. - Top - End - #19
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Dragon's Demand

    Because the sheriff is likely interrogating Silas at the moment, there's a good chance you won't be able to speak with him until the morrow. The windows of The Wise Piper glow invitingly, and inside, a portly woman at the counter gives you a curious look.

    "Welcome to The Wise Piper. You wouldn't happen to be with the caravan that was stopped here, would you? The woman sighs and smiles warmly, "Well, it's not really fair to leave you stranded here. Rooms are free for the night, okay dears?"
    Avatar by A Rainy Knight

    Spoiler: Characters
    Tarok and Kamo, level 6 half-orc ranger, bunyip-slayer, and all around badass.

    I like half-orcs


    Aldrin Cress, level 10 human sorcerer. Hero of Korvosa.
    Tireas Slate, level 4 tiefling ninja. Eternally scheming.

    DMing: Dragon's Demand

  20. - Top - End - #20
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Dragon's Demand

    Cai smiles warmly back at the woman. "Thank you for your hospitality, I'm Cai." Even Ishaal dips his head in thanks to the woman. He's learned by now he can sometimes get treats if he's polite.
    Quote Originally Posted by Elderand View Post
    "Awww, look at that mortal trying to use a scroll, isn't he adorable ? who's a good mortal ? You are, yes you are. Here have a fireball"

  21. - Top - End - #21
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Dragon's Demand


    Lyrander offers a small smile. "Things are looking brighter already. Thank you very much!" Lyrander bows playfully.
    The story has been told a million times, but it is different when it is your life.

  22. - Top - End - #22
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Dragon's Demand

    "Your kindness is appreciated." Kathryne says. She immediately goes to the darkest corner of the Wise Piper and sits in it. Not much for talking would be an understatement.

    Marcus Caius, Astropath Trancendent by TheArchitect

  23. - Top - End - #23
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Dragon's Demand

    "It's no trouble at all. My name is Talia; just ask if you need anything." The rooms at The Wise Piper are small, but comfortable. The night passes without incident.

    You wake up to a dreary, overcast morning, with grey clouds threatening to rain at any time. Breakfast is a loaf of brown bread, lightly drizzled with honey. It's not the most satisfying meal, but enough to get the day started. It isn't long after you start eating when a massive thud rings outside, shaking the walls of the inn, causing your silverware to rattle.

    Talia gasps in surprise. "Oh dear, what do you suppose that was?"

    None of you are quite sure, but you won't find out staying in the inn.
    Avatar by A Rainy Knight

    Spoiler: Characters
    Tarok and Kamo, level 6 half-orc ranger, bunyip-slayer, and all around badass.

    I like half-orcs


    Aldrin Cress, level 10 human sorcerer. Hero of Korvosa.
    Tireas Slate, level 4 tiefling ninja. Eternally scheming.

    DMing: Dragon's Demand

  24. - Top - End - #24
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Dragon's Demand

    "Sounds like fun." Kathryne says, her voice deadpan. She pushes through the inn doors cautiously and looks around, trying to determine if anything was going to thud her.

    Spoiler: Perception (If Needed)


    Marcus Caius, Astropath Trancendent by TheArchitect

  25. - Top - End - #25
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Dragon's Demand

    Jonnie hefts his crossbow and throws on his jacket. "You sure got a queer notion o' fun, miss Kathryn." he retorts, grinning despite himself.

  26. - Top - End - #26
    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Dragon's Demand


    Velgani raised an eyebrow, not saying anything at the mistaken identity - but far be it for him to turn down a free room. After all, he did arrive with the caravan ... if not WITH it. Smiling, he follwed the others and enjoyed a solid meal, a drink or three, a hot bath, and a nice rest.

    The next morning, he rose and headed downstairs to greet the others, who had already gone down. No sooner had he arrived when there was a loud thud and the group started to head outside. Raising an eyebrow, he followed, peering through whatever windows there might be ... and if none, he would go to the door to take a look. Who knew what wonders might be occuring, and what story might be beginning?

    "Ah, good morning friends - it seems curious affairs follow you like an old dog follows small children. Let us see what adventures await, and perhaps I may lend my aid to you ..."

    Spoiler: OOC
    Looking about ... Take 10 on perception at this point? Total 15
    Life is ... life. As always bot/cut as necessary.
    DM: "Why do you have so many characters?"
    Me: "Because I never embraced the strategic value of running away."

    Fare thee well, N_R ... you will missed!y

  27. - Top - End - #27
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Lyrander grabs his bow and nocks an arrow and looks out a different window. "Anything?"

    Spoiler: Crunch
    Perception (1d20+4)[15]
    The story has been told a million times, but it is different when it is your life.

  28. - Top - End - #28
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Dragon's Demand

    Cai had just taken a bite of her food when the thud rings out. It's clear across her face she's annoyed. She's a lady who likes her breakfast. She rises when she notices her sister leave the establishment. The long-haired twin's gaze glances over to Velgani. "Well, if its going to be a colorful day, having all the help we can get may come in handy. Besides, the more the merrier." She gives the man a playful wink before heading out next to her sister.

    Ishaal, lounging on her shoulder, gazes at the others still inside in a quiet, judgmental kind of way, and with a flick of his tongue he shifts his body to face the direction Cai is walking.

    Spoiler: OOC
    Perception~~~~~~ (1d20+6)[10]
    Quote Originally Posted by Elderand View Post
    "Awww, look at that mortal trying to use a scroll, isn't he adorable ? who's a good mortal ? You are, yes you are. Here have a fireball"

  29. - Top - End - #29
    Troll in the Playground
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    Mar 2011

    Default Re: The Dragon's Demand

    Outside of the inn, a wave of dust blasts in your face, limiting vision severely. When it finally subsides, you can easily see the source of the crashing sound: a stone tower in the distance collapsed to the ground, leaving a large pile of rubble and debris with a plume of dust still lingering above. You aren't sure how high the tower was before the crash, but only the first two floors remain, their interiors exposed from destroyed sections of the wall.

    Velgani and Lyrander
    Your knowledge of history lets you know that this was once the spot of what the locals refer to as "The Witch Tower." It was the only remaining section of Castle Belheim after it was almost completely destroyed by the Canteclures.

    Two of the guards you saw earlier (the ones who accompanied the sheriff to arrest Silas) take a tentative look at the rubble, while a crowd of curious onlookers assembles. The sudden collapse is suspicious enough, but even more troubling are the bodies of two kobolds crushed under the debris.

    The first guard speaks up with uncertainty in her words, "This is... bad. This is bad, right? Why are there kobolds in the Witch Tower?"

    The second shakes his head. "Hell if I know. It's a shame Benhovy insisted on leaving for Cassomir last night. Told him to wait 'till the morning, I did."

    You notice something odd about how the building collapsed. It seems to be slightly depressed, as if over a sinkhole. You suspect there might be more to this incident if you were to get under the tower somehow. The group might be able to manage this by climbing over the rubble to the exposed second floor, and seeing if there's a way down from there.
    Last edited by Blisstake; 2015-03-16 at 06:14 PM.
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    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Dragon's Demand


    Lyrander heads to the door and exits. "Seems part of the old castle has collapsed."
    The story has been told a million times, but it is different when it is your life.

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