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    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Minecraft XIII: Achievement Get: Bukkit Kicked

    This thread is by no means primarily for the server, it is for all things minecraft-related, it's just we tend to talk about the server a lot here. So come, be merry, and build amazing things.

    Non Server Stuff
    Croverus is doing an LP by text of minecraft!

    //__________________________________________________ ______________________
    //************************************************** *************
    //__________________________________________________ ______________________

    Main GitP Servers:
    add your name to this spreadsheet in the first column marked "MINECRAFT NAME HERE", AND make a post in the thread.

    Main Server (1.8):
    Mods/Admin Software: The server is modded to add extra features, however, none of these require any client modding.
    Details about the worlds:
    *We have different types of worlds to accomodate different ways of playing Minecraft. They are organized into groups. The main group (/wg main or /wg survival or /wg 0) is standard survival. World list:
    --world: Our oldest world, and where you spawn. Set to peaceful.
    --terra: Mobs spawn here. The result of a merge of some other worlds.
    --release: Newest map with less stuff in it; uses the latest world generator.
    --nether: Old nether, with its stuff. Mobs are off.
    --nether2: New nether, with the latest world generator. Mobs are on.
    --There are also two end worlds, one for world and the other for terra.
    *We also have a creative group (/wg creative or /wg 1). Here, you have unlimited resources to build whatever. Also in this group is the world for Ironcraft. Nether portals in Ironcraft lead to creative and vice versa.
    *Our third group is hardcore (/wg hardcore or /wg 2). Here, all mods are disabled, and the difficulty is set to Hard.
    *Our final group is for roleplaying. Talk to Deme if you want to join the RP.

    Beta Server (1.9):
    Beta world details:
    -All worlds whose names do not begin with "beta" are temporary copies of worlds from the main server. You may explore these worlds, however, any changes to them will be lost when we update. Even though your changes will be lost, please do not grief these worlds so that other people can explore them. On the final day before the copies are deleted, we will have a grief day and you can go nuts.
    -Most other worlds are fairly self-explanatory. Creative of course has a separate inventory; you may travel to creative with /wg 1, and back to survival with /wg 0 (your position in each is saved whenever you leave the group)

    Server Rules
    General rules to follow while on the server.

    1. Don't be a ****
    2. Swearing is censored(Cause it was easier to do than not, not that it was ever a problem)
    3. Don't steal peoples stuff
    4. Don't break stuff that isn't yours
    5. Use common sense

    Rules for the section of the server that is RPTown:

    1. The setting is fantasy, after a dragon attacks our ship, causes it to wreck, and leaves our characters stranded. Certain steampunk elements (jukeboxes, TNT, minecarts) are allowed, of course.
    2. There are no classes, but most characters do have jobs and specific skills as a result of their backgrounds. Use your own discretion.
    3. Characters should be tied to skins, but the character's name should be used in description whenever possible, as well.
    4. Keep RP things within the RPtown area, please. This includes grudges and so on.
    5. There is no commitment here -- play when you want to, go build and explore elsewhere when you don't. Easy enough, right?
    6. RP should be surrounded by quotes. Dialogue can simply go inside the quotes, and extra description and action are to be within asteriks inside the quotes, to make it clear to people not inside the RP. This is a good way to use names. "Like this, you see? *Deme shuts her book and waves it* I hope that's clear."
    7. Bringing objects is limited at first, except for building materials it would be hard or impossible to get on the landmass, but are still good for characters, like brick or mossy cobble.
    8. However, when a character starts, they can bring a few objects and tools appropriate to the character, for fun's sake. These are objects like tools and items, appropriate to their background -- the things they may have had in what bags they could grab *quickly* or on their person. Again, use your own judgement.
    9. PVP = A-OK. Destroying structures or stealing items, on the other hand will require advance permission from the victim and will require in-story justification, not just for lulz. Otherwise, it shall be declared griefing.
    10. If you want to temporarily "break character" and build a labrynth or a temple of doom to serve as an adventure, feel free. This can apply for groups as well.
    11. If you need people to play special monsters or NPCs for your plot, ask around -- you don't have to (and probably shouldn't) reveal too much until you have some takers, and then, mainly to those who need to know.
    12. The ability to re-spawn after death is a new, strange, magical ability that only happened after the wreck. The characters wouldn't know it at first. The same, of course, applies to the monsters that fester up from the ground after dark...
    13. When building in RPtown, be sensible. Obey whatever laws of physics apply to your character or building materials, be respectful of others' spaces. Unlike regular minecraft, these buildings have to make sense in an IC way.
    14. Most importantly, have fun. Be curious and adventurous and not afraid to bruise the apples with chaos and conflict a little.

    In case of Griefing
    If you have been or think you have been or think someone else has been griefed, PM Saposhiente and HeavensAngel describing the site and saying what server(main/beta), world, and coordinates the griefing is at (you can use /getpos in game).

    IronCraft is a Minecraft building competition in the spirit of Iron Chef.

    Do not build in the Ironcraft world unless you are a current contestant, a judge, or the chairman (forbiddenwar)

    Rules are:
    Teams consist of no more than 6 players.
    Build only with the materials provided to you by the chairman, admin or mod
    Build only within set boundary for each team.
    Violating rules will result in disqualification

    Sapo Saposhiente
    Memnarch memnarch
    Last edited by Eldest; 2015-11-15 at 09:23 AM.

  2. - Top - End - #2
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Minecraft XIII: Achievement Get: Bukkit Kicked

    Woah... this is a break from tradition...

    So any ideas for making angled arches for my dwarven base? The times I have tried it has not looked very good.

    Also I am thinking of making an automated dwaven "potion" brewing system. Any ideas for looks/style?
    Avatar by Neoseph7

  3. - Top - End - #3
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Minecraft XIII: Achievement Get: Bukkit Kicked

    Quote Originally Posted by Legoshrimp View Post
    Woah... this is a break from tradition...

    So any ideas for making angled arches for my dwarven base? The times I have tried it has not looked very good.

    Also I am thinking of making an automated dwaven "potion" brewing system. Any ideas for looks/style?
    I'd recommend using upside-down brick stairs tapering off to a point for the arches; the thing about Minecraft is that since it's a block-based game, curves don't tend to look so good unless you build large. Which isn't necessarily a problem, mind you, unless you're worried about space issues (and I guess in your case, the time required to hollow out enough area for the arches).

    Member of the Phyrnglsnyx Pronunciation Pact



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  4. - Top - End - #4
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Minecraft XIII: Achievement Get: Bukkit Kicked

    Quote Originally Posted by Emperordaniel View Post
    I'd recommend using upside-down brick stairs tapering off to a point for the arches; the thing about Minecraft is that since it's a block-based game, curves don't tend to look so good unless you build large. Which isn't necessarily a problem, mind you, unless you're worried about space issues (and I guess in your case, the time required to hollow out enough area for the arches).
    Sorry what I mean by angled is like diagonal so where A is the arch.
    Avatar by Neoseph7

  5. - Top - End - #5
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Default Re: Minecraft XIII: Achievement Get: Bukkit Kicked

    is that on the horizontal plane or a vertical one?
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  6. - Top - End - #6
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Minecraft XIII: Achievement Get: Bukkit Kicked

    Quote Originally Posted by Astral Avenger View Post
    is that on the horizontal plane or a vertical one?
    It is top down. Imagine you have a square room. and you want to make an exit to that room to the northeast, so not in one of the four directions aligned with the blocks.
    Avatar by Neoseph7

  7. - Top - End - #7
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Minecraft XIII: Achievement Get: Bukkit Kicked

    I think some of the information in the OP needs to be updated. In particular, the server is no longer on 1.6.4, and AFAIK Scuzzball is no longer involved in maintaining it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Legoshrimp View Post
    So any ideas for making angled arches for my dwarven base? The times I have tried it has not looked very good.
    Depends on the scale. You can't really use stairs on diagonals, so that makes it harder to make good-looking curves unless it's large enough to make full blocks feasible, which kind of means a radius of 7 blocks at the minimum and preferably more like 11+. Being farther away from where they'll be viewed from helps, too, so higher ceilings will be easier to make convincing arches on than closer up.

    It's probably easier just to make straight diagonal support beams rather than arches.

  8. - Top - End - #8
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Minecraft XIII: Achievement Get: Bukkit Kicked

    Try this:


    It makes for a much shallower arch, but looks a lot better in the world.

  9. - Top - End - #9
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Minecraft XIII: Achievement Get: Bukkit Kicked

    So to continue the discussion on the Curse Launcher from the very end of the last thread:

    The Curse Launcher pulled a fast one with permissions. Basically, any mod hosted on Curse is automatically given permission to distribute on any pack on the Curse launcher regardless of the mod author's wishes or intentions. It's part of the ToC for hosting your mod on Curse. So basically, if the mod is hosted on Curse, you can use it in your pack without worrying about permissions.

    On one side, this makes pack creation VASTLY easier, since permissions are always such a ticklish area. On the other hand, it is kinda walking over mod author rights and is causing quite a kerfluffle.

    This is, in my opinion, the number one draw to try and get people to go over to Curse (aside from the FTB team shoving everyone over), and probably why it will quickly outstrip any other launcher.

    It's also the only launcher NOT multi-platform compatible, which probably at least makes M$ happy with their new product. Heck, I wouldn't be surprised to see M$ buy out Curse just to make it the default launcher, then start monetizing the mods ala Steam. It's the kind of **** move I've come to expect from them.
    Quote Originally Posted by The Underlord View Post
    All hail great Shneekeythulhu! Ia Ia Shneeky fthagn
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  10. - Top - End - #10
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: Minecraft XIII: Achievement Get: Bukkit Kicked

    Oh come on guys I'm watching the post count, we still had 12 posts to go.
    Will post official new thread (with all the proper edits *nudge nudge*) after getting multiverse set up.
    Last edited by Saposhiente; 2015-04-26 at 02:23 PM.

    Technical Admin of the Minecraft server. Whitelist is here; put your name there and post it in the thread.
    The overly long monstrosity that is my extended signature lies here.
    Quote Originally Posted by Grue Bait View Post
    Good game, guys. Sapo, you are just too good for this.
    Quote Originally Posted by A Rainy Knight View Post
    And by the way, your puzzle was one of the most interesting ones I've solved in a while. Kudos.
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  11. - Top - End - #11
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Minecraft XIII: Achievement Get: Bukkit Kicked

    Quote Originally Posted by Saposhiente View Post
    Oh come on guys I'm watching the post count, we still had 12 posts to go.
    Will post official new thread (with all the proper edits *nudge nudge*) after getting multiverse set up.
    And then the threads will be merged, going off of what I've seen in the past.

  12. - Top - End - #12
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: Minecraft XIII: Achievement Get: Bukkit Kicked

    Paging Druid91
    There's an Overworld Nether Portal near the sand fortress which is currently linked to the same Nether Portal that the Spawntown Nether Portal uses. I've been in the process of making a Nether passage from spawntown to the Mushroom Island, so people can bring over Mooshrooms to the mainland (eventually, there might be a branch to the jungle, too, for cats). I think it would be ideal if that nether portal went to the same overworld portal that they entered. Is it alright if I create a new Nether Portal to link with that current Overworld portal?

    Quote Originally Posted by ShneekeyTheLost View Post
    The Curse Launcher pulled a fast one with permissions. Basically, any mod hosted on Curse is automatically given permission to distribute on any pack on the Curse launcher regardless of the mod author's wishes or intentions. It's part of the ToC for hosting your mod on Curse. So basically, if the mod is hosted on Curse, you can use it in your pack without worrying about permissions.

    On one side, this makes pack creation VASTLY easier, since permissions are always such a ticklish area. On the other hand, it is kinda walking over mod author rights and is causing quite a kerfluffle.
    May I ask which mods are making this a kerfluffle?

    I'm sorry if I am ignorant, but my understanding of the whole premise of modders' rights is that the mod is supposed to have a license to which their users are supposed to read and agree before using or distributing (this probably almost never happens, but that discussion's neither here nor there). Are there seriously mod authors that disagree with Curse's license but use Curse to distribute their mod anyways... Who then want to turn around and have everyone agree with their license before they use or distribute their mod?

    The more I read on the modding community, the less I want to make a mod.
    "Okay, so I'm going to quick draw and dual wield these one-pound caltrops as improvised weapons..."
    "Oh, hey, look! Blue Eyes Black Lotus!" "Wait what, do you sacrifice a mana to the... Does it like, summon a... What would that card even do!?" "Oh, it's got a four-energy attack. Completely unviable in actual play, so don't worry about it."

  13. - Top - End - #13
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Minecraft XIII: Achievement Get: Bukkit Kicked

    Quote Originally Posted by OracleofWuffing View Post
    Paging Druid91May I ask which mods are making this a kerfluffle?

    I'm sorry if I am ignorant, but my understanding of the whole premise of modders' rights is that the mod is supposed to have a license to which their users are supposed to read and agree before using or distributing (this probably almost never happens, but that discussion's neither here nor there). Are there seriously mod authors that disagree with Curse's license but use Curse to distribute their mod anyways... Who then want to turn around and have everyone agree with their license before they use or distribute their mod?

    The more I read on the modding community, the less I want to make a mod.
    Several mods left Curse when this was included in the Curse EULA rather than give Curse blanket permission to give permission to every pack on the Curse launcher. Basically, many mods have restrictive distributions, meaning you can't include it in mod packs without their explicit permission. Curse bypasses this for any pack on the Curse launcher. This got mod authors ticked off, who then left Curse for gitHub or Jenkins.
    Quote Originally Posted by The Underlord View Post
    All hail great Shneekeythulhu! Ia Ia Shneeky fthagn
    Quite possibly, the best rebuttal I have ever witnessed.
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  14. - Top - End - #14
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Minecraft XIII: Achievement Get: Bukkit Kicked

    I was wondering about the mass-exodus.

  15. - Top - End - #15
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Minecraft XIII: Achievement Get: Bukkit Kicked

    Hey, Domochevski, I don't know how to make mods, so I'm requesting you to make one instead; it probably won't be particularly complicated, but I sincerely doubt Minetweaker (even with Modtweaker) is enough, and even more strongly doubt it of Quadrum. I'd greatly prefer if you distributed the mod via CurseVoice, but you don't have to.

    It should be a compatibility addon for Thaumcraft and Enviromine. Features should include:

    • Warp Ward preventing your enviromine Sanity meter from going down (in addition to its usual effects)
    • "Normal" warp (as opposed to "Temporary" or "Permanent") lowering your sanity by a configurable amount (per point) when gained, and raising it when removed
    • Permanent warp lowering your sanity by another configurable amount (per point, as above) when gained
    • An in-game warning message when you start up the game or enter a world, appearing in chat in the latter case, if the configs make permanent warp lowers your sanity less than normal warp (something like "Warning: (name of mod) configs regarding warp-severity are borked; the game will still run, but you should probably change the configs. Ignore this if you are not the server owner."
    • The same warning in the Log, at a level between Severe and Fine (you decide which it should be; either Warning or Info)
    • (OPTIONAL) Other integration between Thaumcraft and Enviromine, if you can think of any

    I need it for a pack I'm making. I will credit you... heavily.
    Spoiler: Vanity quotes
    Quote Originally Posted by Strigon View Post
    That took a very sudden turn for the dark.

    I salute you.
    Quote Originally Posted by AuthorGirl View Post
    I wish it was possible to upvote here.

    I use braces (also known as "curly brackets") to indicate sarcasm. If there are none present, I probably believe what I am saying; should it turn out to be inaccurate trivia, please tell me rather than trying to play along with an apparent joke I don't know I'm making.

  16. - Top - End - #16
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Minecraft XIII: Achievement Get: Bukkit Kicked

    Quote Originally Posted by NecroRebel View Post
    I think some of the information in the OP needs to be updated. In particular, the server is no longer on 1.6.4, and AFAIK Scuzzball is no longer involved in maintaining it.
    Updated it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Saposhiente View Post
    Oh come on guys I'm watching the post count, we still had 12 posts to go.
    Will post official new thread (with all the proper edits *nudge nudge*) after getting multiverse set up.
    12 posts left without you saying that you were watching it to post something means I'd just make it. If you do make a second thread, it'll just merge the two. Just say something next time, you're welcome to make the next thread.

  17. - Top - End - #17
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Minecraft XIII: Achievement Get: Bukkit Kicked

    Quote Originally Posted by enderlord99 View Post
    Hey, Domochevski, I don't know how to make mods, so I'm requesting you to make one instead; it probably won't be particularly complicated, but I sincerely doubt Minetweaker (even with Modtweaker) is enough, and even more strongly doubt it of Quadrum. I'd greatly prefer if you distributed the mod via CurseVoice, but you don't have to.

    It should be a compatibility addon for Thaumcraft and Enviromine. Features should include:

    • Warp Ward preventing your enviromine Sanity meter from going down (in addition to its usual effects)
    • "Normal" warp (as opposed to "Temporary" or "Permanent") lowering your sanity by a configurable amount (per point) when gained, and raising it when removed
    • Permanent warp lowering your sanity by another configurable amount (per point, as above) when gained
    • An in-game warning message when you start up the game or enter a world, appearing in chat in the latter case, if the configs make permanent warp lowers your sanity less than normal warp (something like "Warning: (name of mod) configs regarding warp-severity are borked; the game will still run, but you should probably change the configs. Ignore this if you are not the server owner."
    • The same warning in the Log, at a level between Severe and Fine (you decide which it should be; either Warning or Info)
    • (OPTIONAL) Other integration between Thaumcraft and Enviromine, if you can think of any

    I need it for a pack I'm making. I will credit you... heavily.
    Wow... where to start?

    Umm... What you are asking is stupidly hard, in fact I'm not even sure it is possible without base edits to Enviromine, who doesn't have an API. And you're basically begging someone to make a mod that is a bridge between two other mods he has no personal experience with. THEN you're begging him to release on Curse, right after the discussion on why some are hesitant to do so, and he's never worked with Curse before so there's a learning curve to THAT as well...

    I shall be polite and merely say that your... request... lacks... umm... let's go with 'tact'. Yes, your 'request' lacks... 'tact'.
    Quote Originally Posted by The Underlord View Post
    All hail great Shneekeythulhu! Ia Ia Shneeky fthagn
    Quite possibly, the best rebuttal I have ever witnessed.
    Joker Bard - the DM's solution to the Batman Wizard.
    Takahashi no Onisan - The scariest Samurai alive
    Incarnum and YOU: a reference guide
    Soulmelds, by class and slot: Another Incarnum reference
    Multiclassing for Newbies: A reference guide for the rest of us

    My homebrew world in progress: Falcora

  18. - Top - End - #18
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Minecraft XIII: Achievement Get: Bukkit Kicked

    Quote Originally Posted by ShneekeyTheLost View Post
    Wow... where to start?

    Umm... What you are asking is stupidly hard, in fact I'm not even sure it is possible without base edits to Enviromine, who doesn't have an API. And you're basically begging someone to make a mod that is a bridge between two other mods he has no personal experience with. THEN you're begging him to release on Curse, right after the discussion on why some are hesitant to do so, and he's never worked with Curse before so there's a learning curve to THAT as well...

    I shall be polite and merely say that your... request... lacks... umm... let's go with 'tact'. Yes, your 'request' lacks... 'tact'.
    So, basically, "It'll never happen?"
    Spoiler: Vanity quotes
    Quote Originally Posted by Strigon View Post
    That took a very sudden turn for the dark.

    I salute you.
    Quote Originally Posted by AuthorGirl View Post
    I wish it was possible to upvote here.

    I use braces (also known as "curly brackets") to indicate sarcasm. If there are none present, I probably believe what I am saying; should it turn out to be inaccurate trivia, please tell me rather than trying to play along with an apparent joke I don't know I'm making.

  19. - Top - End - #19
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Minecraft XIII: Achievement Get: Bukkit Kicked

    Quote Originally Posted by enderlord99 View Post
    ... it probably won't be particularly complicated ...

    Basically what Shneekey said. Not happening. >_>

    (Except that I do indeed have experience with Curse, since I host my mod files there and have in fact received monies twice from the ad system. The Curse Voice thing on the other hand... that's a bit weird. Somewhat of a jerk move to go over modders' heads like that, but good for mod pack makers, I suppose. Kinda divided on that topic.)
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  20. - Top - End - #20
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: Minecraft XIII: Achievement Get: Bukkit Kicked

    So, I guess I need to formally report a minor griefing incident? My Deep Storage Unit (Coords 167 / 69 / 479, Overworld) has been mostly-filled with water between yesterday and today. All that was stored in there was just a surplus of stuff I wasn't using, and I'm guessing it's all still there, just slightly less accessible than usual. But, like, it totally ruined the vines ladder, and that can take, like, a quarter of a day to regrow, so that's like, I dunno, almost imaginary emotional damage?

    I received an anonymous tip that Heav might know something about it.
    "Okay, so I'm going to quick draw and dual wield these one-pound caltrops as improvised weapons..."
    "Oh, hey, look! Blue Eyes Black Lotus!" "Wait what, do you sacrifice a mana to the... Does it like, summon a... What would that card even do!?" "Oh, it's got a four-energy attack. Completely unviable in actual play, so don't worry about it."

  21. - Top - End - #21
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Default Re: Minecraft XIII: Achievement Get: Bukkit Kicked

    Quote Originally Posted by OracleofWuffing View Post
    So, I guess I need to formally report a minor griefing incident? My Deep Storage Unit (Coords 167 / 69 / 479, Overworld) has been mostly-filled with water between yesterday and today. All that was stored in there was just a surplus of stuff I wasn't using, and I'm guessing it's all still there, just slightly less accessible than usual. But, like, it totally ruined the vines ladder, and that can take, like, a quarter of a day to regrow, so that's like, I dunno, almost imaginary emotional damage?

    I received an anonymous tip that Heav might know something about it.
    That might have been incidental damage from when the reservoir got filled in over the past few days. I dont know that corner of spawn area well enough to know off the top of my head.

    I was exploring in the nether today looking for glowstone and I encountered a ghast. Not a big problem, my bow can oneshot them, and shooting their fire charges is fun. The problem came from the pigmen that decided to agro me right after the ghast died. I don't know how or why they agro'd me, I didn't shoot them during the fight. Anyway, they killed me, i hit /back, they one-shot me, /back, they one-shot me, /back, they one-shot me, /back, they one-shot me, I give that up as a bad job, run back to my temple fortress, grab my diamond armor set and a spare sword. /back, nearly die to the one that had picked up my normal sword, but kill all 6 of the pigmen in the area, and get all my shiny metal and diamond stuff back.

    Anyway, point of the story is, does anyone have a fast xp grinder set up? I need to get my levels back.
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  22. - Top - End - #22
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Minecraft XIII: Achievement Get: Bukkit Kicked

    Quote Originally Posted by Astral Avenger View Post
    That might have been incidental damage from when the reservoir got filled in over the past few days. I dont know that corner of spawn area well enough to know off the top of my head.

    I was exploring in the nether today looking for glowstone and I encountered a ghast. Not a big problem, my bow can oneshot them, and shooting their fire charges is fun. The problem came from the pigmen that decided to agro me right after the ghast died. I don't know how or why they agro'd me, I didn't shoot them during the fight. Anyway, they killed me, i hit /back, they one-shot me, /back, they one-shot me, /back, they one-shot me, /back, they one-shot me, I give that up as a bad job, run back to my temple fortress, grab my diamond armor set and a spare sword. /back, nearly die to the one that had picked up my normal sword, but kill all 6 of the pigmen in the area, and get all my shiny metal and diamond stuff back.

    Anyway, point of the story is, does anyone have a fast xp grinder set up? I need to get my levels back.
    /warp dualspawner not sure who set it up but it is pretty good.
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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Minecraft XIII: Achievement Get: Bukkit Kicked

    Quote Originally Posted by Legoshrimp View Post
    /warp dualspawner not sure who set it up but it is pretty good.
    I built the actual farm and crusher system, though other people have added additional storage space to it since. I still mean to get back to improving it, but haven't done so yet. I want to add an enchanting room, tree farm, cobble generator, melon farm, and brewing stand down there so it's easier to use, but, again, haven't gotten to it yet.

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    Default Re: Minecraft XIII: Achievement Get: Bukkit Kicked

    Quote Originally Posted by NecroRebel View Post
    I built the actual farm and crusher system, though other people have added additional storage space to it since. I still mean to get back to improving it, but haven't done so yet. I want to add an enchanting room, tree farm, cobble generator, melon farm, and brewing stand down there so it's easier to use, but, again, haven't gotten to it yet.
    I might (at least temporarily, most likely permanently if I put it there) set up an enchanting room there since that is when I enchant stuff so it will be easier.

    I added it, but I am not sure where is best to put it so it is in a very functionality focused place right now. I will let necro decide where it ends up in the end.
    Last edited by Legoshrimp; 2015-04-30 at 02:30 PM.
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    Default Re: Minecraft XIII: Achievement Get: Bukkit Kicked

    Quote Originally Posted by NecroRebel View Post
    I built the actual farm and crusher system, though other people have added additional storage space to it since. I still mean to get back to improving it, but haven't done so yet. I want to add an enchanting room, tree farm, cobble generator, melon farm, and brewing stand down there so it's easier to use, but, again, haven't gotten to it yet.
    Would you consider a nanofarm over a melon farm? That way one could turn all those bones to grow a chestful of food fairly quick.

    I had also thought a fishing pond would be nice, so then you could get a slow trickle of experience and enchanted books while you're waiting for monsters to spawn to get experience to enchant books, because I like getting experience and enchanting books, but thought the idea might've been overkill.
    "Okay, so I'm going to quick draw and dual wield these one-pound caltrops as improvised weapons..."
    "Oh, hey, look! Blue Eyes Black Lotus!" "Wait what, do you sacrifice a mana to the... Does it like, summon a... What would that card even do!?" "Oh, it's got a four-energy attack. Completely unviable in actual play, so don't worry about it."

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    Hello, I am back from the black lagoons of space (and college)! I would like to be whitelisted on the current server to reduce nausea and various other clipping-related pains (also maybe to build things). My Minecraft name is LittleRaven, and I added myself to the Google spreadsheet for ease of identification.
    Quote Originally Posted by Phase View Post
    ...Blackfox and Raven. They are two fine upstanding ladies aside from their disturbing lack of reloading, Doctor Freeman.
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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Minecraft XIII: Achievement Get: Bukkit Kicked

    Quote Originally Posted by OracleofWuffing View Post
    Would you consider a nanofarm over a melon farm? That way one could turn all those bones to grow a chestful of food fairly quick.
    The melons are for people with spare gold and gunpowder to make healing potions with so they can mass-kill the mobs. Just like how the tree farm and cobble generator would be to help make stone swords to make armored skeletons and zombies 1-hit-kills after the crusher takes them down. It is a good idea to put in a minifarm for food, though.

    I had also thought a fishing pond would be nice, so then you could get a slow trickle of experience and enchanted books while you're waiting for monsters to spawn to get experience to enchant books, because I like getting experience and enchanting books, but thought the idea might've been overkill.
    Also a good idea.

    If people want to start putting extra amenities in down there, the place to do it would be above the skeleton spawner chamber, which is to the left as you look at the collection point. If I remember correctly, you'll have to go up one block to get above the redstone for the lights, but otherwise it should be nothing but rock and cave. The zombie spawner is more-or-less on the same level as the waiting room in there past the right-hand wall, so that's not really usable, but the left side is very usable.
    Last edited by NecroRebel; 2015-04-30 at 09:38 PM.

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    Default Re: Minecraft XIII: Achievement Get: Bukkit Kicked

    Well, the Necropolis is basically finished*, so I'm beginning work now on a Transcontinental Railway, with its first station located at the base of Spawn Mountain. If anyone knows an abandoned mineshaft I can grab rails from, that would be great - since I used up all of my own iron to build the beacon at the Necropolis. Other donations of iron, gold, cobble, and gravel are also appreciated.

    *excepting the visitor's center, which will be completed when the railway reaches the Necropolis

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    Built a nanofarm right next to the spawn enchanting hut. Feel free to use, but it's a bring your own bone situation.
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    Default Re: Minecraft XIII: Achievement Get: Bukkit Kicked

    Is there a way to make the player, upon starting a new game, start in a dimension other than the overworld? I'm making a pack where the overworld is completely inaccessible, and might as well not exist, but that won't work if you start there!

    EDIT: Domo, is BEQOsNtDi6xRDGzqIAT7 your name on Curse, or the name of someone ripping you off? Because both QuiverBow and WorldDrop are, in fact, available via the CurseVoice client, and that's the listed mod author...
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