Snips, Snails, and Dragon Tales: Now available in PDF format from Gumroad
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    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Fallout: Great Plains (Redux) [IC]

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    Last time, on Fallout: Great Plains...

    [Taken from the Original IC Thread...]

    Having sent the now former raiders back to Ark River, you continued north. In the distance ahead, a few of you spot what looks like bare trees lining the road up ahead. Others amongst you are hearing what sounds like moaning in the distance. After getting closer, you notice that they are not bare trees, but upright beams and/or telephone poles with cross beams attached near the top. Affixed to them, arms stretched, are men and women. These are all people being crucified. Some of them seem to be clinging to life.

    Higgy sees the people hanging from various apparatuses and is nearly overcome with shock. Afraid that whatever did that to them might be nearby he speaks quietly to Markis.

    "What in vaultec's name is this all about? People trying to kill each other for food. Beasts with two heads and now people being hung by their arms? Is this normal? What kind of nightmare have we stepped into?"

    Aria turns to the group and says, "My god. These people... Are they, are they still alive?"

    As they approach the victims of the brutality, Markis turns his back on the people hanging, bringing his rifle up to his shoulder to scan the surroundings, watching for movement for a moment, even when he answers, his eyes are scanning, searching for whomever had done this.

    "This is no nightmare - make no mistake about it. This is all to real. When nightmares become too much, you can wake up. All you can do here is keep moving forward or die. Doc - think you can work your skills? If you can keep some alive, they can describe their captors. I hope to whatever gods there may be that it wasn't the group we just sent back to Ark River."

    *Glancing up at the people strapped to the poles, he shakes his head, his seemingly ever-present smile nowhere to be seen.*
    "They got lucky - there's worse ways to die, that's for sure, and they might just live. Keep your eyes sharp. We don't want to end up like them."

    Hand still on his holstered handgun, Elias cautiously approaches the bodies to take a closer look.

    "It's difficult to see without helping them down...but let me see what I can pick out..."

    Looking at their injuries, Elias says, "Do raiders often treat their captives like so?...These...Savages..."

    As they watch, Elias approaches the crucified people. As far as Elias can tell, about a third of them are alive, clinging on to life. Of these, nearly anything he could do, other than performing a medical miracle of some sort, would kill all but a few of them. This leaves about 2-3 of them that you have a chance of saving. Markis recognizes one of these people as the leader of the raider group he tangled with previously, and that they were sent to deal with.

    As Aria watches some of these people die in front of her, die in the most horrible way she thinks a person can, she begins to feel sick.

    Running to the side of the road, she falls to her knees and begins vomiting, heaving her lunch into the weeds on the side of the road.

    Elias' face pales as he realizes that he will not be able to save the majority of these people. Their wounds either too severe or that he simply did not have the medical equipment or the manpower on hand to perform the necessary medical aid.

    "Damnit..." he hisses between his teeth as he continues to triage the victims of this barbaric crime.

    Pointing to but three of the dozens around, he indicates to the group which ones are most likely to survive being lowered.

    "If I'm to save any of these men, we're going to have to do it here and now. Quickly. Help me lower these few...the rest...the rest..."

    He drifts off, closing his eyes to calm the anger that's slowly brewing from within him.

    What kind of person does this...and to so many? No...this can't be from a single person. Whomever did this...they need to be stopped. There is no way the Vault can withstand something like this.

    Looking to the doctor, he nods and pulls out his knife, carefully helping pull the few down that might survive.

    "Doc, you're sure there's nothing we can do? I know the prospect is gruesome, but I'd rather a little nick to an artery to let them go quickly than to leave them suffer like this. It's painful and it's slow. If there's nothing to do, best we give them what help we can."

    With a glance over to Aria, he nods slowly.

    "I'll deal with it. This is a lot to take in, I know."

    As Markis begins lowering those whom he had picked out, he begins pulling out supplies from his pack, preparing for emergency treatment. Finding a bed of grass nearby, he lays his blanket over top and motions the others to lower the wastelander onto it. Laying out his medical kit beside him, Elias pulls up his sleeves and gets to work without another word.

    Wiping his perspiration on his forearm, he takes a look at those still hung on the poles. Turning back to the group, he makes a mental count on how many still remained crucified and his stock of medicine.

    "The others...I don't have enough meds on me to make it...painless for all of them."

    "Painless is a relative term, doc. At this point, there's nothing else to do. Best someone keep a lookout while we tend to this. Aria - why don't you keep an eye out. Any of the rest that don't want to see, best do the same. No shame in it."

    Pulling out his knife, Markis sets to work cutting the bodies down - those still clinging to life first, and carries them to one side. He accepts whatever help the others offer with a quiet nod. There's work to be done, and it'll be done with help or without.

    Those with signs of life still left in them are made comfortable - as much as he can, at least, before Markis bows his head quietly over each one for a moment, then uses his knife to cut the artery under the arm - easy enough to do, and likely near painless for the tortured souls.

    With the immediate problem dealt with, Markis sets to cutting down those already dead, and laying them next to their companions. Raiders or not, they were still human beings.

    Thankfully, Markis doesn't have to do much after pulling them down, as they seem to breathe their last as they are removed. The large spikes holding their wrists seemed to have been both harming and saving them: it was driven through the wrists, but was holding that artery shut as well. Once loosed, they quickly bleed out; that is, except a lucky few.

    Elias successfully treats the lot of those who live, and though traumatized, they will recover physically. As Elias finishes up with the last patient, you all hear the growing sound of an audibly loud and happy whooping noise is coming from further up the road.

    Aria can only nod as she tries not to look at what has been done to these people.

    And what was that noise? It sounded like laughing.

    "Should someone go see what that is?"

    Still kneeling beside the survivors, Elias looks up at the others, still slightly exhausted from having just performed emergency aid. Gesturing to the unconscious patients, he makes a short sigh before speaking.

    "I'll stay and watch over these three if the rest of you want to see what the infernal racket is about. Be careful."

    He quickly palms his hand by his holstered pistol to make sure it's in place before focusing on the three before him once more.

    As he finishes dealing with the dead and dying, Markis turns his head toward the whooping, and scowls - the look dark enough to make storm clouds look friendly and checks the round in his rifle before motioning to the others.

    "I could be making a while stab here, but something tells me that someone found the entrance to the stash. I can't be sure, but if I stumbled on something like that, I might have to jump with joy too. I'm gonna take a look. Doc, Aria - you two at least should stay with these ones, see if you can learn anything. Best you keep you quiet friend too. Higgy - you feel like taking a walk with me?"

    Giving the others a moment to decide, he starts towards the happy, creepy sound if no one objects, keeping low and trying to keep out of direct line of sight as best he can.

    Aria nods, not trusting her voice just yet.

    As Markis heads over towards the joyous ruckus, he notices that it is one man, a raider by dress, jumping and cheering. As you get closer, he just keeps shouting some nonsense about "winning the big one" and having won "the best prize of all." None of this makes any sense to you. He is unarmed and seems unharmed.

    Taking cover behind a bit of rock and motioning for Higgy to get down as well, Markis levels his rifle at the man and exhales, steadying himself before he calls out to him.

    "Oi! You're making enough noise to bring every hungry critter within a klick - and I can't say I'm fond of that idea, so why not keep your hands where I can see them and tell me exactly what it is you've won. Either that, or you get a few new holes where there weren't meant to be none."

    Giving the man a moment to respond, Markis keeps his rifle trained on him, but doesn't fire - unarmed or not, he seemed to be about six shades of crazy, and Markis didn't feel like getting dead today.

    Not hearing any gunfire coming from Markis's direction, Aria decides to go see what is going on.

    When she sees the man who won the 'jackpot' she gets a very confused look on her face.

    "What is he talking about?"

    The man is now sitting and performing some strange combination of hysterical laughter and hopelessly depressive sobbing, continually mumbling about winning the lottery. In fact, he is tightly clutching a pink ticket with the number 17 scribbled on it. It seems there are no sighns of a struggle, and nobody else around.

    *Taking a moment to watch and take measure of the man, Markis slowly lowers his rifle and turns to Aria.

    "It looks like he's about to have a mental breakdown. I... I can't remember if I've heard something called the lottery before..."

    Frowning, Markis thinks hard for a moment, never taking his eyes from the man. Something. In passing. Was it in that bar back east? Something... With a shake of his head, he lets it stew - the details would come back to him when he wasn't concentrating so hard on it.

    "Regardless - we've still got to make sure the spot is secure."

    Looking over to Higgy and Deke, he waves for them to follow as he falls into step with Aria.

    "Listen, I'm not the best with technology - I want you and the doc to come with me - if we're going to get shot at, I want him on hand to keep us alive, and I'll make sure the both of you stay that way. Higgy, Deke - you two hunker down, take some cover and keep an eye on these survivors - they're the only ones that know what's going on here.."

    Looking around at the group of vault dwellers, growing dustier and more brutalized by the moment, he smiles. They're holding up well. If half the other vault dwellers are built half as tough, they'll do just fine.

    "Unless you folks have objections - I may know my way around out here, but I'm not going to presume any kind of authority over you. You got an idea, speak up."

    Checking his patients one last time to make sure they're stable, he lays them down as comfortably as he can before moving closer to his group members.

    "They're as well as I can make them right now. I mean...I'm a bit worried about someone stumbling into them...or wildlife and what not, but this could be a greater problem if we can't get the supplies for Arc River."

    As he speaks, Elias begins to take his gun out to check the chamber and the mag to make sure it's loaded and ready to go.

    "What's our plan? Are we going to go in there? Whoever did this to these people...I can't imagine them being lightly armed if they could force this sort of brutality onto them."

    With a shrug, he looks to the sky and frowns.

    "Well, we've only got so much time in the day, and whoever did this."

    He waves a hand at the dead bodies.

    "It seems like they've moved on. There'd have to be more than a few of them to overpower and hold this many while they did their work. I'm going to guess they've moved on. If not, well, we'll have to take that chance."

    "All we can do is go in, hope the door is still shut tight, and make sure the place is secure. After that, we head back to Ark River, and finish the job."

    Looking over to Deke and Higgy, he points around at some of the wood.

    "See if you can't make some stretchers or something - even something we can tie them to and half carry, half drag will work - we'll get them back to Ark River, and they can answer our questions, as well as for any crimes Heathersby wants them for."

    "If the folks that did this are still about, our best chance is going to be to secure ourselves in that bunker while Deke and Higgy run for town. We can barricade ourselves and set up some decent defenses if it's as well stocked as it sounds. Even the three of us, dug in hard could hold off twenty times our number if we had to. And had enough ammo."

    "Hmm...splitting up..."

    Elias muses aloud to himself quietly while ponders the idea. Though Markis has proven himself to be quite resourceful and an asset in travelling on the surface, how much trust they placed on him is still something that worries Elias. Thinking back on what Anton had said, he makes a note to the others.

    "Not that I don't think that's a good idea and all Markis, but I don't think Kriegor would appreciate having the whole town know about where his supplies come from...which they will if we were to call for backup."

    Turning to face the doc, Markis stares at the man for a moment, silent - his eyes dark and shadowy from the shade of his hat. And abruptly tips his head back and laughs, a huge smile across his face.

    "Good thinking doc! See? That's why I say speak up. I wasn't even thinking about our employer. It's a decent plan otherwise. Good call though."

    Looking over to the injured people, he tugs absently on his ear and shrugs

    "Why not bring 'em with. They're unconscious. We bind their hands, wrap their eyes and throw 'em on some cots. They won't have a clue where we are, even if they do wake up."

    Markis' pause before answering really threw him off, reinforcing his caution towards trusting the man wholeheartedly. He really didn't know what to think of him at times.

    Glancing at the patched up raiders, he notes the man's concern and adds absentmindedly as he starts looking to see if he could spot anyone other suspicious figures in the distance.

    "After the trauma they've endured and how part of the medication I gave them were depressants, we won't have to worry about them waking up and causing us any troubles for an entire day at the very least. Adding to that, even if they did...I'm not sure they'd even pose a threat. Some of them...When they put them up onto the stakes...the nails...whoever nailed them up was a real bastard because they made sure that each of them were impaled through at least one of the major tendons in their arms."

    Pointing to one of the raider with both of his forearms completely bandaged up, Elias continues grimly.

    "That one in particular will be lucky if they can even hold up a spoon to feed themself in the future."

    "You're the doctor. If you say they'll be out, I have no doubt they will be."

    Moving over to one of the dead raiders, he unceremoniously starts cutting what clothes they have into strips.

    "Going to need wood for the litter arms, and if there's any bedrolls or sleeping bags, they'd work just fine for the center, otherwise we'll just have to make do with some strips of cloth or something."

    With a glance at the others, he wipes some sweat from his forehead.

    "It's a lot of work to keep these folks alive, especially seeing as how they're going to have a hard time even making it. You folks don't have to help if you don't want. That's one thing you'll learn out here - most times, there's no one to judge you for what you do. It's all about whether you can live with yourself."

    Taking a handful of the cloth straps, he starts looking for suitable wood.

    "Some folks, like the ones what did this. Well. They just don't have the same problem looking in the mirror that I would after such a thing."

    From down the road a small distance, the noise of a dual-headed pack brahmin can be heard. At the front, dressed in relatively sensible boots, jeans, a tank-top, a woven hat and some sort of leather jacket is a long-haired woman of considerable physical appearance. She's leading the brahmin by the straps of its harness, a look of utter boredom on her face. As she gets slightly closer to the area with the crucifixes, however, she does glance up -- and stop dead in her tracks. She looks to either side of the road, her back against the brahmin, and sees some figures near one of the crucifixes.

    As the groups sets to work making stretchers for the living, they fall into a silent routine of knot-tying and body shifting. When the sound of the Brahmin can be heard on the distance, Markis stops and watches, alert, but unconcerned. Raiders rarely used the beasts.

    When the woman finally came close, and froze, Markis stood looking for a long moment before shaking his head when she reached for a gun that wasn't there. She was either incredibly dangerous and playing at innocence, or of no danger to them whatsoever.

    Looking over to Aria, he points at the stranger.

    "I get the feeling it'd be good for you to say hello, Aria. She looks ready to bolt, and another woman might help put her at ease. IF that's something you're feeling up to. I understand."

    Taking Markis' cue, Elias keeps his eyes on the approaching woman, and lowers his gun arm to the side of his body.

    He too could see that she was not much of an immediate threat, with her flustered look after finding her gun was missing and all, but he's still too weary of the Wastelanders they've come by thus far.

    Deke steps out with one hand raised in greeting and the other hovering over his pistol.

    "Hey, there, miss! Are you okay? We aren't going to hurt you. We have a mission we are on and need help ferrying these wounded back to Ark River. Would you be willing to help out?"

    Higgy helps grab a dragging stretcher and hefts it to prepare to go back to Ark River.

    Elias, if this gal is friendly, I say that Deke, she, and I head back to Ark River with the wounded. You all check out we were heading and make sure it's safe. If not, head back pronto and we'll figure out what to do. If it is safe, grab some stuff and head back. We'll see you back at town.

    "So then you aren't Legionnaires?" Maya sighed with relief. "Sure, Knocks isn't carrying too much anymore. I'm sure a brahmin will help the cause."

    Moving forward cautiously, continually checking either side of the road, Maya made her way towards the crucifixes and the injured. "You said you're taking them back to Ark River? I'm not familiar with the area... if you wouldn't mind taking me back, I could really use..." She laughed and gestured to herself. "Really wouldn't mind getting somewhere that doesn't involve walking, y'know?"

    They don't seem to be lying, she thought, and pretending to help the victims of the Legion is a... very odd cover, if they were going to. And they have guns. I can't outrun bullets.

    "The name's Maya Alexander, by the way," she offered as she got Knocks next to the group. "Pleased to meet you."

    As the woman approaches, Elias takes another look around just to make sure that this isn't some elaborate ambush. This would be a terrible place to get caught with their pants down...unsuspecting woman approaches to draw their attention...then descend on the victims as a pack...

    Looking back at Deke, Elias gives him a nod after listening to his proposal.

    "Sounds like a plan. I know you'll want to make good time back to Ark River, but...but just try to make sure you keep them stable. Not too many bumps and such...or bullets and knife wounds...maybe thrown rocks and stuff."

    Stepping forward to shake the womans hand, Markis smiles

    "Markis. A pleasure."

    With a chuckle, he drags his own foot on the ancient highway, looking down at the cracked and broken surface.

    "Yeah, it'd be nice, but there's not much that's more dependable than your own two feet. I've heard folks used to ride horses around, but that's just stories. Never seen one myself. It could be worse though - we could be trekking cross-country all the time."

    Aria decides now is probably the best time to enter the conversation. A conversation she was asked to start, but everyone else thought they should have a go at it anyway.

    "Hi! We aren't Legionnaires. Don't even know what kind of Legion they are." Aria cups her chin with her thumb, letting her index finger rest over her mouth as she thinks for a moment. Moving her finger down so she could speak, she goes on.

    To Elias, Maya said (with a gasp), "you... haven't heard of the Legion? Caesar's Legion? Seriously? Where have you been, in a Vault?"

    "Nope. We just came out of the vault yesterday." She gestures to her, nearly, pristine Vault suit.

    She shook Markis' hand with a smile. "Charmed, Mr. Markis. And while I tend to agree, I'm sure RobCo made something to ferry people around that'd've been more useful and more reliable than your own feet. Mr. House sure is a thinker like that."

    To Aria, Maya raised an eyebrow at first, and then laughed. "I'll be damned! You really are from a Vault, aren't you! Then count your blessings and thank whatever god you believe in, because if this really was the work of who I think it was, and I can't imagine any cruel bastards what would try and do this to another living being without being from the twisted philosophy of Caesar, then you dodged a fate worse than a yao guai and twice as slow. If you'll take me to this Ark River, I can tell you all about them."

    Alexander brought Knocks over towards the wounded individuals. "Do you want to fashion some sort of sledge and harness contraption, or how do you want to get these victims back without them dying on the way?"

    He points over to the makeshift stretchers they'd been cobbling together.

    "We were actually just in the process of doing just that. I know it's not particularly common for people to go so far out of their way to help others, but if we don't do it, who will?"

    He shrugs and ties a couple more knots.

    "We've got a bit of business to attend to, as our friend Higgy here mentioned - he and Deke will help get these folks back to Ark River, and John Heathersby, the local lawman will help see to their arrangements. We appreciate your help, Miss Maya."

    Aria looks around at the crucifixes. Her stomach threatens to commit mutiny again though, so she looks back at Maya.

    "You wouldn't happen to have any tech I could look at? I'm kind of a genius with machines. I would really, really like to take a look at anything you may have. I could probably fix anything you have too. But I suppose if you don't want to share, I can understand. that seems to be how things are out here..." She stops when she realizes she started to ramble.

    The singer shrugged with an apologetic smile. "I've got... a lighter?" She removed the cigarette lighter from one of her mesh vest pockets. "Afraid that's about it as far as tech goes." She returned the lighter to the pocket and tapped her chin. "Although, if you ever go west, you should look in on New Vegas. There's plenty of incredible technology, and if you really are a genius, old Not-at-Home might take an interest in you." Maya gave Aria another smile.

    "But hey, here's a deal -- if I find any tech, I'll try and save it for you to look at. How's that sound, stranger?"

    Deciding that, at least for now, too much is too much, Elias, Deke, and Higgy all decide to escort Maya and the Legion's victims back to Ark River, leaving Aria and Markis to continue on.

    This encounter will wrap up very shortly. I had originally planned a more...elaborate deal, but getting you all in is more important to me. You all will meet with these two when they are on their way back. It will be up to you all to decide if you are travelling together
    Last edited by DungeonMaster77; 2015-05-15 at 09:49 AM.
    My Awsome Sig!

    The Original Narrator for the SMBG "Werewolf" game
    Avatar by Sampi
    LET CHAOS RULE: Turquoise bicycle shoe fins actualize radishes greenly!
    It's not about making money, it's about taking money; destroying the status quo. Because the not quo.

    Games I run: Fallout: Great Plains (Redux)

  2. - Top - End - #2
    Titan in the Playground
    Lentrax's Avatar

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    Default Re: Fallout: Great Plains (Redux) [IC]


    Aria looks a little saddened by the lack of technology. I mean this is supposed to be the Outside right? Where the heck IS everything!?

    Wait... Everyone's leaving? Leaving me all alone out here by myself...?

    Aria starts looking like she might just be getting sick again.

    Co-Founder of LUTAS.
    For all you lesser superheroes out there.

    Custom STO avatar by Durkoala.

    A novella about a wizard and a rock star, cross-dimensional travel, and healing wounds neither knew were there.

    Spoiler: Online stuffs
    Lentrax has a Deviantart now, check it out!

    Streaming Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 11CST on Twitch.

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    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Fallout: Great Plains (Redux) [IC]


    *As the rest of the group loads up the wounded and heads back down the road, Markis turns to look up at the harsh sun, squinting hard as he pulls his hat off and uses a sleeve to wipe the dirt and sweat from his brow before replacing the head covering and turning to Aria.*
    "Well, missy. I suppose I could take this situation one of a couple ways. Either your friends don't much care for your company, they're convinced that you're a dangerous little lass, or I'm safe enough to leave you with. Doesn't really matter in the end. We've got a job to do."

    *With a wave of his hand, he motions for her to fall into step as he heads towards their goal.*
    "I don't expect you to trust me, but I do expect you to pull your weight. You're in this to help the people down at your vault, right? Then lets do this."

    "Tell me, Aria, right?" *He nods* "Yeah. You're a bit of a tech wiz to hear Higgy say it. That true?"
    "I'm back baby!"
    - B.B.R.

  4. - Top - End - #4
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Fallout: Great Plains (Redux) [IC]


    Yeah. Yeah, I am. I'm the one who kept the Vault's reactor going. I'm the one who rigged a transmitter to override the Vault's PA system. I am pretty sure, that with the right tools, I could get that old Chryslus sitting just outside of Ark City running again.

    Co-Founder of LUTAS.
    For all you lesser superheroes out there.

    Custom STO avatar by Durkoala.

    A novella about a wizard and a rock star, cross-dimensional travel, and healing wounds neither knew were there.

    Spoiler: Online stuffs
    Lentrax has a Deviantart now, check it out!

    Streaming Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 11CST on Twitch.

    Follow me on Twitter!

  5. - Top - End - #5
    Barbarian in the Playground
    DungeonMaster77's Avatar

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    Default Re: Fallout: Great Plains (Redux) [IC]


    Nothing really much here. Thanks for interacting. Here is a subsequent plot advancement...

    Watching your friends head back to Ark River, the two of you head further north, where a large[ish] amount of trees seems to begin a dense forest. Heading in, you see that all of these trees seem to be hiding what was once some kind of large building. You see and hear nothing of note, nor do you see any traces of people passing through.

    Spoiler: Al-Mart (pretend the "W" is missing)

    Heading inside, you find a veritable wonderland of...stuff. There are toys, canned goods, clothes, even hunting gear, to include tents, freeze-dried foods, an electronics section, a pharmacy, etc...

    Seemingly out of nowhere, a large Securitron robot rolls up to you, with a very angry soldier's face, and weapons out.

    Greetings, to you, citizens. State your name and purpose or be obliterated from the face of this planet!

    After stammering a reply, it says, "Checking...wireless update of authorized persons accepted. Markis and Aria. You have...10 minutes to take as much as you are able to carry in one shopping cart. Enjoy your day."

    It proceeds to roll off.

    Spoiler: For Lentrax and TheMightyQuinn
    As per your bargain with Anton, you have 10 minutes to get whatever you would like. The way I would like to do this is by directing you to the d20 Modern sourcebook, and telling you that you have a purchase power of wealth of 15 to spend on anything that has a restriction of Lic or less for weapons, and Res or best for any other equipment. Keep in mind that if you get something that runs on batteries, you will need batteries, and they don't last forever. Have fun kids...

    Also remember, if you buy anything with a purchase DC of 15 or greater, your wealth decreases. This will signify your need to get things into the cart. Lastly, I want a shopping list (with individual DC's next to them) for each of you, so that I can check and see if you would have the time to get all of the items. If you are reasonable and I will be reasonable. PM your lists to me. Bullets are by the box.

    After the Securitron pushes you both out of the door with your carts, you head back towards Ark River.

    What do you do now?
    My Awsome Sig!

    The Original Narrator for the SMBG "Werewolf" game
    Avatar by Sampi
    LET CHAOS RULE: Turquoise bicycle shoe fins actualize radishes greenly!
    It's not about making money, it's about taking money; destroying the status quo. Because the not quo.

    Games I run: Fallout: Great Plains (Redux)

  6. - Top - End - #6
    Bugbear in the Playground
    TheMightyQuinn's Avatar

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    American Siberia

    Default Re: Fallout: Great Plains (Redux) [IC]


    "You kept the reactor going? Wow. That's impressive in itself. I can think of a few people who'd love to get their hands on an engineer that knew the ins and outs of those. Most of the reactors I've ever seen have been shut down or burned out - spewing radiation. Chryslus? You mean the car? I... I don't think I've ever heard of anyone getting cars up and running. Didn't they all run on fossil fuels?"

    *Picking their way through the trees, Markis keeps an eye out, but doesn't spot any trouble before they enter the store, and after... well. He's awestruck enough to be at a loss of words - a feat for him.*
    "You said with the right parts? Lass, I have a feeling that if you're going to find it anywhere, you'll find it here..."

    *As the securitron approaches them, Markis makes a point to step between the robot and Aria, just in case the machine opens fire, but as it clears them, he just lets out a low whistle.*
    "I suggest you run. I don't want to seem greedy, but we're short on time."

    *As the two of them walk out the door, pushing loaded carts, Markis takes a moment to unwrap a couple of tarps to cover the carts with a smile.*
    "Better safe than sorry, right?"

    *Reaching into his pack, he pulls out a small wrapped item - the aluminum still frosty.
    The wrapper reads "FatBoy!" Unwrapping his own, he takes a bite of the ice cream sandwich and groans softly.*
    "Mmmmm... Krieger missed a couple, and he was right. These are incredible."
    "I'm back baby!"
    - B.B.R.

  7. - Top - End - #7
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: Fallout: Great Plains (Redux) [IC]

    F. Yarborough

    "Not too Shabby..."

    Franklin was very much impressed with Ark River, it sure was no backwater slum like the rest of the places he passed or thought to pass on his way East. The wall was a nice touch, and those 'Regulator' folks certainly looked like they meant business, but it was that they had a real, genuine, honest to goodness house of liquor that took the cake.


    Mitchelle's Beachhouse Bar, Franklin hadn't seen a place like this since the Wrangler back west. Of course, there was more gambling back there too, but he was not much of a gambling man himself anyway. The burly wide-set guard-for-hire gave a smirk at one of the working girls, it would be nice to get some R&R later tonight, maybe.

    "Hey, barkeep, know any work around here?"
    Last edited by Hussam B.; 2015-05-19 at 11:16 AM.

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    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: Fallout: Great Plains (Redux) [IC]

    Spoiler: Good Start
    Good start, folks. Let's keep the momentum.

    TO Yarborough:
    "The name's Mitch," he says, pointing to the sign over the bar showing that the establishment is called "Mitchelle's Beachhouse. "If it's work you are looking for, head over to the All-Mart. Anton's usually got something or another he needs done. Now, unless you're buying or paying for something, get out."

    What do you do from here?

    FOR MARKIS and Aria
    You both have an uneventful trip back to Ark River. Arriving at Anton's store, you debrief him on the goings on.

    "Your friends told me as much, but thanks. It's good to know my supply is still safe. Sorry about my Securitron. I almost forgot about him." He checks his watch.

    Well, I have another job for you, but I don't think you two will be able to handle it alone. It seems that Elias has taken up residence with the town doctor, and Higgy and Deke are hanging out with the Reglators for now. Apparently, this whole thing with the Legion had them...un-nerved. Can't say I blame them. Let me see if I can round up some reliable help, and then I'll have another job for you. We have to find out where these Legion people are camped out at and what they are up to."

    What do you do now?

    OOC For Omni and Shadow:
    Get an intro into town for me, please, and I'll get you all going.
    My Awsome Sig!

    The Original Narrator for the SMBG "Werewolf" game
    Avatar by Sampi
    LET CHAOS RULE: Turquoise bicycle shoe fins actualize radishes greenly!
    It's not about making money, it's about taking money; destroying the status quo. Because the not quo.

    Games I run: Fallout: Great Plains (Redux)

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    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: Fallout: Great Plains (Redux) [IC]

    F. Yarborough

    "Friendly guy, aren't ya, Mitch? The 'Allmart', eh? I'll be sure to check it out... after that beer I wanted"

    Franklin paid for his booze, and after savoring it, was soon off to the merchant's place known as the 'All-mart'. Getting directions to go past the dense forest, any thoughts that this was like any other two cap merchant store were quickly dismissed when he came into view into what must be a pre-war ruin of some kind. Franklin Yarborough stepped up to the All-mart building.
    Last edited by Hussam B.; 2015-05-19 at 11:15 AM.

  10. - Top - End - #10
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Fallout: Great Plains (Redux) [IC]


    Robert finished sewing the strap of the brahmin's pack back on. "That's the last of them. Thanks for letting me walk with you this far." He lifts his toolbox off the brahmin with both hands, and then waves to the friendly herder. "Good luck, and watch out for raiders." He muses to himself as he walks up to the wall, "so this is Ark River. Been wanting to see it ever since I heard about it fourty clicks back." He sees something of a gunslinger seem to take an interest in him. "Not been here ten seconds and already someone's lookin' to steer me," he mutters to himself.

    "Name's Heathersby. We don't want any trouble 'round here."

    "I'm a man that aims to fix trouble, if you catch my drift." Robert lifts his huge toolbox slightly and motions to it. "I'm something of a traveling I can set up shop for a few days?"
    Last edited by Shadowsend; 2015-05-18 at 02:16 AM.
    My Characters

    Alaniel (Retired) Bob "O-Matic" Kern (Fallout) Hanzi Ivarisky (Giantslayer)

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    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: Fallout: Great Plains (Redux) [IC]

    Spoiler: For Hussam B.
    I think you may be confused, and I can see why. Anton's All-Mart is the size of a large convince store/gas station. The place where Aria and Markis just came out of is where he got the name for his current digs, and is the giant store with all the fixings. Please edit, as I assume you aren't pulling out a shotgun in town without cause...

    For Yarborough:

    As you head up to the All-Mart, you see a young woman and a young man exiting.

    For Aria and Markis:

    As you exit Anton's store, you see a gentleman walking with a purpose. He has the look of a man who is willing to work for the right amount of caps.

    For O'Matic:

    "Well, we have ourselves the best kind of mechanic in town. That said, try Anton's place up the road." Shielding his eyes from the glare of the sun, he looks back pointing.

    "In fact, see those two over there, talking with that other gentleman? They recently got in and do the odd job for Anton. If you're looking for work, hook up with them. The guy they are talking to is rather new in town. Yarborough, I think. But the other two are Markis and Aria. Aria's from a group fresh out of a Vault."
    My Awsome Sig!

    The Original Narrator for the SMBG "Werewolf" game
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    LET CHAOS RULE: Turquoise bicycle shoe fins actualize radishes greenly!
    It's not about making money, it's about taking money; destroying the status quo. Because the not quo.

    Games I run: Fallout: Great Plains (Redux)

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    Titan in the Playground
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    Her cart squeaked. It groaned under the weight being thrown into it. It would probably give out before they got back to town. With a noncommittal shrug, she pulls a Nuka-Cola she grabbed out of her cart. No car parts, but I did find a few things.

    With a little laugh, she gestures at the cart. Only problem is, I am not too strong. Can't carry a whole lot. And I think that dragging this cart along with me will draw attention.

    As another person starts walking up to them, Aria tenses and moves behind her cart.

    Co-Founder of LUTAS.
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    Custom STO avatar by Durkoala.

    A novella about a wizard and a rock star, cross-dimensional travel, and healing wounds neither knew were there.

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    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Franklin stood aside a bit to let the couple shoppers pass with their shopping. The wide jawed man stared a bit at the overfilled cart, scratching at his five o'clock shadow as he watched them pass. Wondering if these were resident to be getting so much.

    "Stocking up?"
    Last edited by Hussam B.; 2015-05-19 at 11:16 AM.

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    Bugbear in the Playground
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    "No car parts? Huh. Well, can't have everything you want, can you?"

    *Pushing his own cart to one side, Markis stretches a bit, rubbing at the muscles in his shoulders, trying to work out a bit of the tension.*
    "Well, if your friends are going to be setting up shop here, maybe the lot of you could get a shack set up? Some place for you to store your things and for the lot of you to crash, rather than the commons."

    *Adjusting the tarp on his own cart, he notices the man approaching them and keeps an eye on him as he nudges Aria with a foot, motioning to the newcommer.*

    " Hm? Stocking up?"
    *Glancing at the carts, Markis shrugs.*
    "I suppose you could say that. Just salvage we managed to haul back to town. We got lucky and skirted a legion patrol."

    *Looking the man up and down, Markis holds a hand out in greeting.*
    "Names Markis. I've been helping Anton and the Regulators out. I don't believe I've seen you before, stranger. What brings you to town?"
    "I'm back baby!"
    - B.B.R.

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    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Fallout: Great Plains (Redux) [IC]


    "Thank you, kindly." Robert says to Mr. Heathersby. He approaches the group slowly, as his toolbox slows him down some. "Excuse me," Bob says to the pair and the other stranger. "I'm new in town, and I've taken to being a mechanic. I was told by that man, Mr. Heathersby over there," Bob points to him, "that you might know an Anton who has something worth fixing?"
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    Dwarf in the Playground
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    "Yarborough", Frank said as he took Markis's hand, glancing a bit at Bob too before returning to Markis, "Looking for work, got a tip that Anton at the All-mart is looking for bodies, or something. Hmm, looks like to be prospecting work then?"

    "Also, did you say "Legion"? Didn't know they went this far east. You were lucky not to run into those slaver scum, especially your girlfriend here"
    Last edited by Hussam B.; 2015-05-19 at 11:16 AM.

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    Titan in the Playground
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    Aria is still timidly standing behind her cart, not wanting the others to notice her. She's still unconvinced that there is anything up here worth anything to the Vault.

    I'm not his girlfriend. We only met yesterday.

    Co-Founder of LUTAS.
    For all you lesser superheroes out there.

    Custom STO avatar by Durkoala.

    A novella about a wizard and a rock star, cross-dimensional travel, and healing wounds neither knew were there.

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    *His hand is solid and calloused, his grip firm, but not crushing. Looking from Yarborough to the man holding the toolbox, Markis can't help but feel his grin stretch wide. Providence shineth upon us.*
    "Our lucky day indeed. A pleasure, so far, Yarborough."

    *At the mention of 'girlfriend' Markis smiles politely and shakes his head.*
    "Nah, that ain't the case. Like she said. We just met."

    *Glancing over to the man with the toolbox, he smiles and offers the same handshake in greeting.*
    "Welcome to Ark River, busiest little town around, it seems."

    *Looking between the two men, Markis frowns for a moment, then shrugs.*
    "Well, it wouldn't seem John and Anton are making this easy for us. Since you two are new to town.. well, three, but Aria here I can vouch for, what do you say you lend us a hand with a little job? The fact that the Legion is moving through the are is... let's just say it's disconcerting."

    *As he speaks, he folds his arms over his chest, glancing down at the ground and the mens feet for a moment before continuing.*
    "Now, I'm not usually the trusting type, but you take help where you can get it. We need to find these raiders and see what they're doing in the area. I'm willing to pay you each 50 caps just to come with as backup. I don't want to throw down with these type, so unless we're attacked, we ain't looking for a fight."

    "We find them, learn what they're up to and come on back to let Anton and Heathersby figure out where they want to go from there. A couple extra pair of eyes would sure help. What do you say? I'm guessing if you got here, you can both handle yourselves well enough to keep a lookout. Aria here's a bona-fide genius and I'm a passable shot. Between the four of us, a bit of scouting shouldn't be too hard, so it'd be an easy pocket full of caps."

    Spoiler: OOC:

    I don't think I even really know what your characters look like, would it be too much to ask for a bit of a description? Just so I can picture it a bit better in my head.
    "I'm back baby!"
    - B.B.R.

  19. - Top - End - #19
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Fallout: Great Plains (Redux) [IC]


    Bob hears Aria's aside. "Are you new in town as well?" he asks. "My names Robert, but you can call me Bob if you want."

    Bob runs a hand through his black hair at the mention of the Legion. Then he wipes it against the front pocket of his faded and grease smeared orange overalls, tied around his waist and tucked into his leather toolbelt, which is currently empty, but seems to have seen quite a lot of use. He sets his double toolbox down with a heavy clank when Markis offers his hand, and shakes it. "I'm afraid scouting isn't my forte. I've never been good at telling friend from foe until they're well within pistol range. And even then, I'm not terribly quick on the draw. But I've usually got it when it counts."

    Bob thinks a moment about the job offer. "I can't say I know much about Legionaires other than that I'd rather stay away if possible. I do know how to read the language they pretend to know, however. I don't think they're particularly sneaky, but that was in the New Vegas area, where their numbers were high. Didn't they get run out of that area by the NCR? Maybe my skills could be of use, though I'm not sure carrying my toolbox into a free-fire zone is a good idea. I'd rather keep what's in there in tact. And what's in here in tact as well." Bob gestures at both his toolbox, and then his head with his thumb.

    Spoiler: OOC
    Bob needs a yellow hard-hat to go with his overalls! :)
    Last edited by Shadowsend; 2015-05-19 at 01:56 PM.
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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Fallout: Great Plains (Redux) [IC]


    Aria brightens as she comes up with an idea.

    Why don't we send out a robot to find them? I can get one of them working and fix a transmitter to their visual input to transmit it on to us. Then we don't have to actually be in sight of these raiders until we've done a little robotic reconnaissance. Now if we could only get our hands on something that hovers.... A Mr. Handy would be very handy indeed right now...

    She then starts looking around for something she can salvage into what she needs.

    Spoiler: Search
    Searching for robot parts.


    Co-Founder of LUTAS.
    For all you lesser superheroes out there.

    Custom STO avatar by Durkoala.

    A novella about a wizard and a rock star, cross-dimensional travel, and healing wounds neither knew were there.

    Spoiler: Online stuffs
    Lentrax has a Deviantart now, check it out!

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    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: Fallout: Great Plains (Redux) [IC]

    Okay, so I think there's been a...mixup.

    Let me put it this way: some of you are not where you think you are...

    I should have fixed this: There are two different All-Marts in the area: One is in Ark River. One is...elsewhere, where Aria and Markis just came from.

    Aria and Markis came into town, headed to Anton's All-Mart, and came out, running into Yarborough, presumably with their "take" from the last job.

    O'Matic just got into town and was pointed towards Yarborough, Aria, and Markis.

    Omnitrick's character has not yet appeared. He (or she) will be introduced as soon as Omni is ready.

    Lastly, I would like shadowsend and Hussam to discuss who is taking blue and who is taking a differing color. Too similar folks...Somebody pick a different shade...

    Also at O'Matic: Keep in mind that this timeline is considering the events of New Vegas having ended with the "good" ending, best possible outcome, which included the defeat of the Legion at the Hoover Dam, the idea that Mr. House runs an independant New Vegas, and the NCR are still in power.

    Though beaten, the Legion were not totally wiped out.

    As you speak amongst yourselves, a young man in a Regulator duster and hat rushes up to your group.

    "Markis, a note was left at the gate for you. Nobody saw who delivered it, though. Heathersby wants you to open it."

    Curious, you head back to the front gate, where Heathersby is looking at a medium box on the ground, with Markis' name on it.

    "I didn't think the mail was working out here," he says looking at Markis incredulously. "Any ideas who would send you something?"

    He watches carefully as you open the box. Inside it is a single piece of paper, with a message scrawled on it, laying on a military-grade radio with an attached handset transceiver.

    Dear Markis,

    Blood runs red,
    The sky used to be blue,
    There's a strange voice on the radio,
    Who really needs you.

    Consider this a genuine act good faith on my part. I know how much you like rescuing people, so here's some people asking for it. Who knows? Maybe one day you can forgive me...


    Turning on the radio, you hear a gravelly voice on the other end.

    Is anybody there? We need to know that the surface is viable enough to live on. The station can't support us any longer. Our food is running out, and our air is doing the same. Please, someone answer.

    What do you do?
    My Awsome Sig!

    The Original Narrator for the SMBG "Werewolf" game
    Avatar by Sampi
    LET CHAOS RULE: Turquoise bicycle shoe fins actualize radishes greenly!
    It's not about making money, it's about taking money; destroying the status quo. Because the not quo.

    Games I run: Fallout: Great Plains (Redux)

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    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Fallout: Great Plains (Redux) [IC]


    After hearing Aria cheerfully talk about building a robot, Bob's eyes widen. "You have the skill to do that?" Bob walks with the group as they reach the gate, curious that someone would "deliver" something. He gives out a low whistle as Markis opens the box and he sees the radio.

    "That is an amazing piece of hardware." Bob watches as Markis turns it on. "And still working! I'd really like to open the case and check out the inside of it later."

    As Bob listens to the message, he muses aloud. "If their air is running out, I would say we don't have much time to plan out a course of action. We may have to wait on building that robot. I guess there go those fifty caps. I don't see how we could scout for Legionaires and help the trapped people at the same time, unless by stroke of luck. Or bad luck."
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    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Frank was not really happy at the prospect of sneaking up on Legion, and fifty crappy bottle caps were sure as hell ain't enough to risk Crucifixion. He was about to say as much when the whole letter and radio thing played out. It may not sound like a paying job, but it sure was interesting.

    "Hot damn! Sounds like it could be one of your vault kin, Miss", he chuckled while also wondering if there was a ham radio or something close, otherwise this guy might as well be yelling at a wall.

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    Titan in the Playground
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    I am fairly certain I could. My job in the vault was maintaining the Reactor. I already miss my reactor. I haven't spent this long away from her in... well, in ever.

    Co-Founder of LUTAS.
    For all you lesser superheroes out there.

    Custom STO avatar by Durkoala.

    A novella about a wizard and a rock star, cross-dimensional travel, and healing wounds neither knew were there.

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    Bugbear in the Playground
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    *As Bob and Aria talk about building a robot, Markis tilts his head a bit and smiles, but the note that is delivered shortly after causes him to scowl, his voice going hard.*
    "Yeah. I know. And the fact that he's still around is bad. John - you need to bring your regulators in. That psycho is still out there. There's a decent chance he might target them just for the pure fun of it."

    *Picking up the handset, Markis raises the handset and speaks into it.*
    "Attention, broadcaster - this is the town of Ark River. Can you identify yourself? Where are you? The surface sustains life, but is dangerous. If you're underground in a Vault and need to open the door, be warned that there may be dangerous individuals who want to take what you have. Short story, don't trust anyone. If you're attacked, shoot to kill.
    Where are you located? There are people in Ark River that can help."

    *Looking over to the others, he shrugs as he releases the mic and waits for a response.*
    "I don't know about going for the legion with this going on. Bob, Yarborough - you don't need to help if you don't want, but if you do, I'll owe you a favor. I always pay my debts."

    *Motioning Heathersby over, Markis leans in close to talk with him for a moment before turning his attention back to the radio.*

    Spoiler: Heathersby

    "John - there was a group of folks that came to town here a little bit ago, wasn't there? Woman and some men? The woman was pregnant. Over in the cart there, there's a range-sac with supplies to help her out. Is there any chance you could get it to her? Vitamins, supplements and some things that could help. They seemed desperate, but listened to reason. I'd appreciate it."
    "I'm back baby!"
    - B.B.R.

  26. - Top - End - #26
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: Fallout: Great Plains (Redux) [IC]

    Good job folks. Good questions in the OOC thread, and good RP start here in the IC thread. FYI, I am human, and if I miss something, please bring it up to me, so I can address it.

    To Markis:
    Spoiler: From John Heathersby
    Yeah, we got them. Anton was there when they showed up and we got them where they needed to be. The gentlemen are now farming, except one who seemed to be good at fixing things, but he's in detox with Elias and our doc. The young lady was checked out by the doctor and has become a sort of minor celebrity. We don't get too many pregnancies around here. Doc says she's healthy and so is the baby, so they'll do fine.

    The radio again crackles to life, the voice sounding surprised. The voice is now identifiable as female.

    "We...we aren't sure what you mean by a 'Vault,' but if you mean those advertisements by Vault-Tec, no, that's not us...Uhh...oh, boy..."

    The voice seems hesitant, nearly reluctant.

    "No, we do I put this...I don't know. There really isn't time to tell the entirety of our story, and more importantly, this isn't a secure transmission. What I can tell you is that we need to have coordinates to come down. There aren't many of us left, and we have few options. Our plan is to send an advanced group, of about 100 people, to the surface to check things out.

    She gives a nervous laugh.

    Well, I promise you they won't be able to come get any more than what we send to the surface, and even then...well. Let's hope it doesn't come to that. We can only give a general idea of where the landing will occur. If what you say is true, can we trust you? If we can trust you, can you meet them there?"

    The radio goes silent awaiting for a reply.
    My Awsome Sig!

    The Original Narrator for the SMBG "Werewolf" game
    Avatar by Sampi
    LET CHAOS RULE: Turquoise bicycle shoe fins actualize radishes greenly!
    It's not about making money, it's about taking money; destroying the status quo. Because the not quo.

    Games I run: Fallout: Great Plains (Redux)

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    Dwarf in the Playground
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    "Did I just hear that right? A hundred people?! So much for 'not many of us left'! And what's that about landing? Don't tell me they're going to be stuffed into one o' them Vertibirds!"

    Now this was something! Either someone was pulling some serious leg, or this is going make for one hell of a story! Heh, wonder if they know about the bottlecap currency thing, hehe.
    Last edited by Hussam B.; 2015-05-20 at 01:30 PM.

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    Bugbear in the Playground
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    *His eyes go wide at the transmission. Holy... come down? Vault-tec advertisements? No... there's no way.*
    "I heard, Yarborough, but I think we have bigger problems. I don't think they're talking about Vertibirds. I don't know where these people have been - I have a suspicion, but we need to help regardless. Well, I do. You're free to make your own choices, but I can't well turn my back on people that need help."

    *Picking up the transceiver, he thinks for a moment before answering.*
    "I understand that this line isn't secure. At least as well as you. As far as whether you can trust me, if I meant you any harm, I don't think it would have been in my best interest to tell you its dangerous and to come armed, now would I?
    If you're going to land, I can find coordinates. What do you need? Lattitude and Longitude?"

    *Releasing the Mic, he turns to Aria and shrugs.*
    "I don't know much about coordinates or mapping, do you think you could find a place for them to land near the Vault? Krieger might have some old atlases in his store, or some way to find the location, unless you know it off the top of your head.
    The lakes there, and if they have this many people, having a secure place to let them sleep would be a good thing. I know it's a long shot, and asking a lot, but if your people are going to step up, it'd go a long way to help.
    Otherwise, we need to find somewhere close to town. I don't know if Ark River can take that many people in at once though."

    *Looking over to Heathersby, he shrugs.*
    "I'm playing this by ear, John - do you have any ideas?"

    *Waiting for a response from the others, Markis takes the handset and keys it again, keeping his voice calm.*
    "We're going to try to find a good place for you to come down. There's old highways that cross the area, a lake a few miles off and if nothing else, plenty of open ground. What do you need to come down safe?"

    Spoiler: Some Skill Rolls

    Alright -
    Knowledge History to see if I know anything about these people - I'm guessing Markis has read something about the space programs that existed before the War, but I'm not sure. That's just where my first thought went.

    - +4 Int, +1 ranks, +4 Misc.

    I don't have any ranks in Knowledge Geography or Navigation to figure out the coordinates though.
    "I'm back baby!"
    - B.B.R.

  29. - Top - End - #29
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Fallout: Great Plains (Redux) [IC]


    "If they're coming down, I think they'll need an area long and flat, without any trees. You said something about a lake? I don't think it's a good idea to direct them to it, as any vehicle capable of carrying 100 people could damage the water supply if something goes wrong. Also, nearly anyone in the area looking up would see them coming, so we would need to be near somewhere to hole up."
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  30. - Top - End - #30
    Titan in the Playground
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    In the Final Frontier

    Default Re: Fallout: Great Plains (Redux) [IC]


    Aria, who has spent the last few minutes of conversation fiddling with switches and servos, and a screwdriver that sprang out from under her sleeve, was paying enough attention to the conversation to join in.

    Depends on how they're coming down. Traditional aircraft need a long runway in order to curtail their speed, however that is not the case with all airborne objects. Vertibirds are VTOL aircraft, which means they can land vertically, as implied by VTOL, which is Vertical Take Off and Landing. Other craft, like the Virago landers, used parachutes to slow their descent after reentering the atmosphere from space. They required a large bed of water like the ocean in order to halt their final descent in a way that was not as sudden as, say, hitting a concrete runway. Of course, I don't think that a craft would radio us if they needed a large waterbed. We're a good hundreds of miles from anything large enough to be able to put down a lander like that. It may be a good idea to ask them what exactly they need before we just start telling them where to go.

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