Snips, Snails, and Dragon Tales: Now available in PDF format from Gumroad
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  1. - Top - End - #1
    Firbolg in the Playground
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    On my back, in my heart

    Default The Warrior [Build-a-barb][Base Class][Crossroads]

    Created for Crossroads: The New World

    In the new world, warriors of all stripes face the extinction of their way of life. The armies who do not adapt are wiped out in hails of thunderous musket-fire. Once, a warrior trained a lifetime with with their weapons and rushed into the fray, where one’s strength and skill could win them glory among their peers. Now, anyone who can load a musket can be a soldier. But if there is one thing that warriors are good for, it’s fighting, be it enemies or fate. The world will always need the strength of warriors, brave, powerful figures that stand as symbols, those who fight where all one can rely on is their strength.

    Hit Die: 1d12
    Skill Points: 4+Int
    Class Skills: Acrobatics (Dex), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Handle Animal (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Sense Motive (Wis), Survival (Wis), Swim (Str)
    Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special Tactics
    1st +1 +2 +0 +0 Battle Tactics, Might +1 1
    2nd +2 +3 +0 +0 Bravery +1 2
    3rd +3 +3 +1 +1 Damage Reduction 1/-, Mettle 2
    4th +4 +4 +1 +1 Bonus Feat 3
    5th +5 +4 +1 +1 Might +2 3
    6th +6 +5 +2 +2 Bravery +2 4
    7th +7 +5 +2 +2 Damage Reduction 2/- 4
    8th +8 +6 +2 +2 Bonus Feat, Improved Mettle 5
    9th +9 +6 +3 +3 Might +3 5
    10th +10 +7 +3 +3 Bravery +3, Improved Mettle 6
    11th +11 +7 +3 +3 Damage Reduction 3/- 6
    12th +12 +8 +4 +4 Bonus Feat 7
    13th +13 +8 +4 +4 Might +4 7
    14th +14 +9 +4 +4 Bravery +4 8
    15th +15 +9 +5 +5 Damage Reduction 4/- 8
    16th +16 +10 +5 +5 Bonus Feat 9
    17th +17 +10 +5 +5 Might +5 9
    18th +18 +11 +6 +6 Bravery +5 10
    19th +19 +11 +6 +6 Damage Reduction 5/- 10
    20th +20 +12 +6 +6 Bonus Feat 11

    Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: A warrior is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, and with light and medium armor, and with shields (except tower shields).

    Battle Tactics As a warrior gains experience, they master the use of battle tactics in combat. At first level they gain their first tactic. They gain an additional tactic at every even-numbered level thereafter. A warrior can use these tactics at any time, though some require particular conditions or actions to be used. A warrior cannot select the same tactic more than once, unless otherwise noted. Any warrior who meets the prerequisites of a tactic can select and use that tactic.

    Might: A warrior’s greatest asset is their strength. With practice, the warrior learns to apply their strength to the greatest effect. At 1st level, the warrior gains a +1 competence bonus to all combat maneuver checks and strength checks. The warrior also applies this bonus to their combat maneuver defense, but if the warrior would be denied their dexterity bonus to armor class, they are also denied this bonus. This bonus increases by 1 at 5th and every 4 levels thereafter.

    Bravery: A warrior is steadfast in the face of danger. At 2nd level, they gain a +1 bonus to saves against fear effects. This bonus also applies to the DC of intimidate checks against them. This bonus increases by +1 every 4 levels thereafter.

    Damage Reduction As a warrior, one must be tough, unbreakable in battle. Starting at 3rd level, each time the warrior takes damage from a physical source, such as a weapon or natural attack, subtract 1 from the damage taken. At 7th level and every 4 levels thereafter, this damage reduction increases by one point. Damage reduction can reduce damage to 0, but not below 0.

    Mettle A warrior is tough and resilient, and difficult to affect with unusual abilities. Starting at 3rd level, if they make a successful fortitude or will save against an ability or effect that has a lesser effect on a successful save, it instead has no effect on them. A stunned or unconscious warrior does not gain the benefits of mettle.

    Bonus Feat At 4th level and every 4 levels thereafter, the warrior gains a combat feat as a bonus feat. They must meet the prerequisites for any feat they select in this way.

    Improved Mettle: At 10th level, the warrior’s mettle ability improves. They still suffer no effect on a successful fortitude or will save against abilities or effects that have lesser effects on a successful saving throw, but henceforth they only suffer the lesser effect, even if they fail the saving throw. A stunned or unconscious warrior does not gain the benefit of improved mettle.
    Last edited by Admiral Squish; 2015-06-21 at 08:50 PM.
    My Homebrew
    Five-time champion of the GITP monster competition!

    Current Projects:
    Crossroads: the New World: A pathfinder campaign setting about an alternate history of North America, where five empire collide in a magical land full of potential. On the road to publication!

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  2. - Top - End - #2
    Firbolg in the Playground
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    On my back, in my heart

    Default Re: The Warrior [Build-a-barb][Base Class][Crossroads]

    Spoiler: Battle Tactics

    Benefit: The warrior can give themself over to fury in battle, entering a terrifying, destructive rage. The warrior can rage for a number of rounds per day equal to their constitution modifier plus 2x their class level. Temporary increases to constitution, such as from spells or special abilities, do not increase the total number of rounds they can rage per day. They can enter a rage as a free action. The total number of rounds of rage per day is renewed after resting for 8 hours, though these hours do not need to be consecutive.
    While in a rage, the warrior gains a +1 morale bonus that applies to melee attack and damage rolls, combat maneuver checks, combat maneuver defense, strength-based skill and ability checks, and will saves. While in a rage, the warrior cannot use any Dexterity, Intelligence, or Charisma based skills (except Acrobatics, Intimidate, or Ride), or any ability that requires patience or concentration.
    A warrior can end their rage as a free action, and is fatigued after raging, for a number of rounds equal to 2x the number of rounds they spent in the rage. A warrior cannot enter a new rage while fatigued or exhausted, but can otherwise enter rage multiple times during a single encounter or combat. If a warrior falls unconscious, their rage immediately ends.
    Special: If the warrior selects this tactic at 1st level, the rage’s morale bonus increases by 1, and an additional 1 at 8th and 16th level.

    • Frenzied Rage
      Prerequisites: Rage
      Benefit: The warrior’s rage sharpens their reflexes and lends them speed in battle. The rage’s morale bonus applies to armor class and reflex saves. When making a full attack action while in a rage, the warrior can make one additional attack at their highest base attack bonus. All their attack rolls take a -2 penalty until the start of their next turn.
      Special: If the warrior selects this tactic at 2nd level, the penalty from making an extra attack decreases by 1 at 8th and 16th level.
    • Powerful Rage
      Prerequisites: Rage
      Benefit: The warrior’s rage grows more powerful. The rage’s morale bonus increases by 1.
      Special: This tactic can be selected multiple times. Its effects stack. This cannot raise the morale bonus higher that 2 +1/8 warrior levels
    • Tireless Rage
      Prerequisites: Rage, Warrior 16
      Benefit: The warrior can rage without fear of fatigue. The warrior no longer becomes fatigued at the end of their rage.
    • Unstoppable Rage
      Prerequisites: Rage
      Benefit: The warrior’s rage makes them harder to stop. Their rage’s morale bonus applies to constitution checks and fortitude saves, and the warrior gains temporary hit points equal to their class level times the rage’s morale bonus when they enter a rage. These temporary hit points are lost when the rage ends.
      Special: It the warrior selects this tactic at 2nd level, they use their hit die in place of their class level for determining temporary hit points gained.

    Beast Tamer
    Benefit: The warrior gains the service of a loyal animal companion, a beast that fights by their side. This tactic functions as the druid’s animal companion class feature (which is part of the Nature Bond class feature), except that the warrior’s effective druid level is equal to 3/4 their warrior level (minimum 1).
    Special: If the warrior selects this tactic at 1st level, their effective druid level is equal to their warrior level.

    • Beast Bond
      Prerequisites Beast Tamer
      Benefit: The warrior’s bond with their animal companion deepens, granting a +2 bonus to their effective druid level for the purposes of determining the animal companion’s abilities. This cannot raise the warrior’s effective druid level higher than their warrior level.
      Special: This tactic can be taken more than once, its effects stack. If the warrior has the extra companion tactic, this bonus only applies to one companion.
    • Extra Companion
      Prerequisites Beast Tamer, Warrior 8
      Benefit: The warrior gains a second animal companion. The warrior’s effective druid level for this second companion is equal to ½ their warrior level
    • Mount Companion
      Prerequisites Beast Tamer, Mounted Combat
      Benefit: A warrior that uses their animal companion as a mount in combat can use their bond to protect their ally. While the warrior is riding their companion and neither warrior or mount are flat-footed, the companion’s AC is equal to the hunter’s ranks in ride +10, or its normal AC, whichever is higher.
      Special: If the warrior selects this tactic at 2nd level, the use their ride modifier in place of their ride ranks to determine their companion’s AC.

      • Mounted Dodge
        Prerequisites Mount Companion
        Benefit: The warrior’s mount looks out for their rider as the warrior looks out for them. While riding their animal companion, the warrior gains a dodge bonus to AC equal to the mount’s dexterity modifier.
      • Speedy Mount
        Prerequisites Mount Companion
        Benefit: The warrior can draw every bit of speed from their companion. While the warrior is riding their animal companion, the animal companion’s base speed is increased by 10 feet.
      • Warmount Companion
        Prerequisites Mount Companion, Warrior 8
        Benefit: The warrior’s companion is well trained for battle riding, allowing the warrior to fight more freely. The warrior can make a full attack with a melee weapon as long as their mount takes only a single move.

    • Warbeast
      Prerequisites: Beast Tamer
      Benefit: The warrior’s animal companion is as much a warrior as they are. Their animal companion gains the benefits of the warrior’s Might and Bravery class features.
      Special: It the warrior selects this tactic at 2nd level, their animal companion’s base attack bonus is equal to their hit die.

    Benefit: The warrior embraces their primal instincts to fight without weapons. As long as the warrior is wearing light or no armor and wielding no weapons, their natural weapons deal damage as though they were one size category larger. If the warrior has no natural weapons, they gain the improved unarmed strike feat as a bonus feat and treats their unarmed strike as a natural weapon for the purposes of this tactic and any tactics that have this tactic as a prerequisite.
    Special: If the warrior selects this tactic at 1st level, their natural attacks deal increased damage regardless of their armor or weapons.

    • Mighty Fangs
      Prerequisites: Savagery
      Benefit: The warrior specializes in the use of their natural weapons, dealing devastating damage. They apply their might bonus as a competence bonus to damage rolls with natural weapons.
      Special: If the warrior selects this tactic at 2nd level, they apply their might bonus as a competence bonus to both attack and damage rolls with their natural weapons.
    • Ravage
      Prerequisites: Savagery, Warrior 10.
      Benefit: The warrior can ravage an opponent with relentless attacks. When the warrior successfully strikes an opponent with a natural weapon, they can make a second attack against the same target using the same natural weapon as a swift action. This attack roll takes a -5 penalty.
    • Fearsome Fang
      Prerequisites Savagery, Bite attack
      Benefit: The warrior can worry their opponents flesh with a bite attack. If the warrior makes a successful bite attack and deals damage, the opponent bleeds for 1 damage each round. Multiple bleeds stack. The bleed damage is not multiplied on a critical hit.
      Special: This tactic can be taken more than once. Each time after the first, the bleed damage increases by 1.
    • Pounce
      Prerequisites Savagery, 2 or more natural attacks, Warrior 8
      Benefit: The warrior can leap and attack on a charge, bringing all their weapons to bear. The warrior can attack with all their natural weapons at the end of a charge attack.
    • Powerful Charge
      Prerequisites Savagery, Gore attack
      Benefit: The warrior can charge to deal extra damage with a gore attack. If the warrior makes a gore attack at the end of a charge, the attack deals double damage. This does not stack with the damage multiplication from a critical hit.
    • Rend
      Prerequisites Savagery, 2 or more Claw attacks
      Benefit: When the warrior successfully hits a creature with two or more claw attacks in a round, they can rend at the target’s flesh, automatically dealing additional damage equal to their claw damage plus 1 ½ x the warrior’s strength modifier.
    • Stunning Smash
      Prerequisites: Savagery, Slam attack or Improved Unarmed Strike.
      Benefit: The warrior can bludgeon their foes into submission. As a standard action, the warrior can make a single slam attack or unarmed strike. If the attack is successful, the target must make a fortitude save (DC 10+ 1/2 warrior level + strength modifier) or be stunned for one round.
      Special: This tactic can be selected multiple times. Each time, the duration of the stun increases by 1 round.

    Benefit: The warrior serves as an inspirational figure for their allies. They radiate an aura of inspiration within 30 feet. All allies within the aura that can see and hear the warrior gain a +1 morale bonus to one of the following purposes: ability checks, armor class, attack rolls, combat maneuver checks, combat maneuver defense, saving throws, or skill checks. The warrior can change what type of bonus or bonuses they grant as a swift action. As a standard action, the warrior can motivate a single ally benefiting from their aura. Until the start of the warrior’s next turn, the morale bonus granted to the target by the aura is equal to the warrior’s charisma modifier.
    Special: If the warrior selects this bonus at 1st level, at 4th level their aura of inspiration’s morale bonus can apply to two purposes at a time. Every four levels thereafter, the aura can apply to one additional purpose at a time.

    • Broad Inspiration
      Prerequisites: Champion, Warrior 4
      Benefit: The warrior’s inspiring presence provides more benefits. The morale bonus from their aura of inspiration can now apply to one additional purpose at a time. This cannot raise the number of purposes at a time greater than 1 +1/4 warrior levels.
      Special: This tactic can be selected multiple times. Its effects stack.
    • Lead the Attack
      Prerequisites: Champion
      Benefit: The warrior leads their allies into the fray. When the warrior successfully makes an attack against a creature, they can grant all allies within 30 feet a +1 morale bonus to attack and damage rolls against that creature until the start of the warrior’s next turn. They can only grant this bonus against one creature at a time.
      Special: If the warrior selects this tactic at 2nd level, the morale bonus granted increases by 1 at 4th level and every 4 levels thereafter.

      • Charge!
        Prerequisites: Lead the Attack, Warrior 6
        Benefit: The warrior can lead allies to strike with greater zeal. The morale bonus granted by lead the attack increases by 1.This tactic cannot increase the morale bonus granted greater than 1 +1/4 warrior levels.
        Special: This tactic can be selected multiple times. Its effects stack.

    • Imposing Presence
      Prerequisites: Champion
      Benefit: The warrior’s presence inspires allies, but frightens foes. The warrior radiates an aura of intimidation within 30 feet. All non-mindless enemies within the aura that can perceive the warrior take a -1 morale penalty to one of the following purposes: ability checks, armor class, attack rolls, combat maneuver checks, combat maneuver defense, saving throws, or skill checks. The warrior can change what type of penalty or penalties they grant as a swift action. As a standard action, the warrior can terrify a single enemy suffering from their aura. Until the start of the warrior’s next turn, the morale penalty imposed on the target by the aura is equal to the warrior’s charisma modifier. Creatures immune to fear effects are immune to the aura of intimidation.

      Special: If the warrior selects this tactic at 2nd level, at 4th level their aura of intimidation’s morale penalty can apply to two purposes at a time. Every four levels thereafter, the aura can apply to one additional purpose at a time.

      • Broad Intimidation
        Prerequisites: Imposing Presence, Warrior 4
        Benefit: The warrior’s fearful presence is more hampering. The morale penalty from their aura of intimidation can now apply to one additional purpose at a time. This cannot raise the number of purposes at a time greater than 1 +1/4 warrior levels.
        Special: This tactic can be selected multiple times. Its effects stack.

    • Hold the Line
      Prerequisites: Champion
      Benefit: The warrior draws their enemy’s attention and keeps them focused on themselves.
      All non-mindless creatures the warrior threatens take a -2 morale penalty to attack and damage rolls against the warrior’s allies as long as they remain in the warrior’s threatened area. This penalty does not apply to attack or damage rolls against the warrior. Creatures in the area are aware of this effect.
      Special: If the warrior selects this tactic at 2nd level, the morale penalty to attack and damage rolls increases by 2 at 4th level and every 4 levels thereafter.

      • Iron Guardian
        Prerequisites: Hold the Line, Warrior 4
        Benefit: The warrior’s guard grows more difficult to avoid. the morale penalty from hold the line increases by 2. This cannot raise the penalty imposed higher than 2 +2/4 warrior levels.
        Special: This tactic can be selected multiple times. Its effects stack.

    Benefit: The warrior can harness mystical power to aid them in battle. The warrior gains a mystic aura that grants all weapons they wield and all natural weapons they posses a +1 enhancement bonus to attack and damage rolls. This does not stack with any other enhancement bonus. If a weapon leaves the warrior’s possession, it loses the benefits of this enhancement bonus at their end of their turn. When this tactic is selected, the warrior must choose arcane power or divine power. This effect, and the effects of any tactic with mysticism as a prerequisite, are treated as magical effects of the chosen type.
    Special: If this tactic is selected at 1st level, the enhancement bonus increases by 1 at 4th level and every 4 levels thereafter.

    • Mystic Blade
      Prerequisites: Mysticism
      Benefit: The warrior can channel mystic power into a weapon to strike with greater power. As a swift action, the warrior may imbue a weapon they wield with mystic energy. This effect lasts until the start of their next turn. The next time an imbued weapon strikes, it deals an additional 1d6 points of damage to the target.
      Special: If this tactic is selected at 2nd level, the additional damage increases by 1d6 at 4th level and every 2 levels thereafter.

      • Elemental Blade
        Prerequisites: Mystic Blade
        Benefit: The warrior can focus their raw mystic power into elemental energy. When the warrior imbues their weapon, they can choose to imbue it with elemental energy of a type of their choice. If they do, they roll d8s instead of d6s to determine the bonus damage, and the bonus damage is treated as acid, cold, electricity, or fire damage, at the warrior’s option.
      • Greater Mystic Blade
        Prerequisites: Mystic Blade
        Benefit: The warrior’s mystical power develops to further devastate their foes. The additional damage dealt on a successful hit with an imbued weapon increases by 1d6.
        Special: This tactic can be selected multiple times. Each time after the first, the damage increases by an additional 1d6.
      • Mystic Assault
        Prerequisites: Mystic Blade, Warrior 12
        Benefit: The warrior can open the floodgates of their power to let it pour into a weapon, a draining feat. As a swift action, the warrior unleashes their power. Until the end of their turn, the warrior can use their mystic blade ability as a free action. At the end of the turn, the warrior is fatigued for one minute. They cannot use this ability while fatigued.

    • Mystic Might
      Prerequisites: Mysticism, Warrior 4
      Benefit: The warrior’s mystic powers grow more potent. The warrior’s enhancement bonus to attack and damage rolls increases by 1. This cannot raise the bonus higher than 1+1/4 warrior levels.
      Special: This tactic can be selected multiple times. Its effects stack.
    • Mystic Weaponry
      Prerequisites: Mysticism, Warrior 4
      Benefit: The warrior’s mystic powers infuse special effect into their weapons. The warrior’s mystic aura gains an effective enhancement bonus of +1, gaining a weapon special ability of their choice with an effective enhancement bonus of +1. Any weapon or natural weapon affected by their mystic aura gains the effects of this special ability as long as the aura effects it. If the special ability could not normally be applied to a weapon or natural weapon, it has no effect on that weapon or natural weapon. Once per day, the warrior can concentrate for ten minutes to change the special ability granted by their aura to any other special ability or combination of abilities which have an effective enhancement bonus is equal to or less than their aura’s.
      Special: This tactic can be selected multiple times. Each time after the first, the aura’s effective enhancement bonus increases by 1. The warrior may select multiple special abilities, as long as the combined effective enhancement bonus of the abilities does not exceed this effective enhancement bonus.

      • Combat Adjustment
        Prerequisites: Mystic Weaponry, Warrior 12
        Benefit: The warrior can concentrate to change the special abilities granted by their aura as a full-round action that provokes attacks of opportunity. They cannot change the weapon special abilities granted by their mystic aura more than once per day.

    • Mystic Gift
      Prerequisites: Mysticism
      Benefit: The warrior can harness their raw mystic power to create magical effects. The warrior selects a single 0 level spell that they can use as a spell-like ability at will. The warrior must select this spell-like ability and any other spell-like ability granted by a tactic from either the wizard spell list if they use arcane power, or the priest spell list if they use divine power. The warrior’s caster level for this effect, and any other spell-like abilities gained from tactics, is equal to their class level. They cannot select any spell from the conjuration (healing) subschool as a spell-like ability with this tactic or any other.
      Special: Special: If the warrior selects this tactic at 2nd level, they may select one 1st level spell as a spell-like ability usable at will at 4th level, one 2nd level spell as a spell-like ability usable at will at 8th level, one 3rd level spell as a spell-like ability usable at will at 12th level, one 4th level spell as a spell like ability usable at will at 16th level, and one 5th level spell as a spell-like ability usable at will at 20th level.

      • Extra Mystic Gift
        Prerequisites Mystic Gift
        Benefit: The warrior’s range of powers expands. The warrior selects a spell from the appropriate list, of any spell level they already have a spell-like ability from, and gains it as a spell-like ability, usable at will.
        Special: This tactic can be selected multiple times. Each time, it grants a different spell.
      • Strong Mystic Gift
        Prerequisites: Mystic Gift, Warrior 4
        Benefit: The warrior’s mystic gift develops, gaining a single 1st-level spell from the appropriate list as a spell-like ability usable at will.

        • Improved Mystic Gift
          Prerequisites: Strong Mystic Gift, Warrior 8
          Benefit: The warrior’s mystic gift develops, gaining a single 2nd-level spell from the appropriate list as a spell-like ability usable at will.

          • Greater Mystic Gift
            Prerequisites: Improved Mystic Gift, Warrior 12
            Benefit: The warrior’s mystic gift develops, gaining a single 3rd-level spell from the appropriate list as a spell-like ability usable at will.

            • Superior Mystic Gift
              Prerequisites: Greater Mystic Gift, Warrior 16
              Benefit: The warrior’s mystic gift develops, gaining a single 4th-level spell from the appropriate list as a spell-like ability usable at will.

              • Supreme Mystic Gift
                Prerequisites: Superior Mystic Gift, Warrior 20
                Benefit: The warrior’s mystic gift develops, gaining a single 5th-level spell from the appropriate list as a spell-like ability usable at will.

    • Spellstrike
      Prerequisites: Mystic Gift, Mystic Blade
      Benefit: The warrior can add a spell’s power to their imbued strikes. As a standard action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity, the warrior can imbue a weapon they wield with their mystic blade ability and the effects of a targeted spell-like ability they possess, and make a single attack with the imbued weapon. If the attack is successful, the target takes extra damage as indicated by the mystic blade tactic and the target is affected by the spell-like ability as though the warrior had targeted them with it.
    • Transformation
      Prerequisites: Mysticism
      Benefit: The warrior can transform into a more dangerous form. The warrior can remain transformed for a number of rounds each day equal to their wisdom modifier plus 2x their class level. Temporary increases to wisdom, such as from spells or special abilities, do not increase the total number of rounds they can transform per day. They can transform as a standard action and return to normal as a free action. The total number of rounds of transformation per day is renewed after resting for 8 hours, though these hours do not need to be consecutive.
      When the warrior selects this tactic, they choose two physical ability scores. Once selected, this cannot be changed. As a standard action, the warrior can transform, gaining a +2 bonus to the selected abilities and a -2 penalty to the remaining physical ability score. The exact appearance of the transformation is up to the warrior when they first select this tactic, but it usually is based, at least partially, upon their natural form. As the warrior selects more tactic, the details of this form may change.
      Special: If the warrior selects this tactic at 2nd level, the ability score bonuses increase by +2, and by an additional +2 at 8th and 16th level.

      • Powerful Transformation
        Prerequisites: Transformation
        Benefit: The warrior’s transformation becomes more powerful. The ability score bonuses granted by the warrior’s transformation increase by +2. This cannot raise the bonuses higher than 4 + 2/8 class levels.
        Special: This tactic can be selected multiple times. Its effects stack.
      • Elemental Transformation
        Prerequisites: Transformation
        Benefit: The warrior’s transformation takes on an elemental aspect. When the warrior selects this tactic, they select the [Air], [Earth], [Fire], or [Water] subtype. Once selected, this cannot be changed. While transformed, the warrior is treated as though they had the chosen subtype, and they gain energy resistance 5 to the appropriate energy type. In addition, each subtype grants an additional benefit. See the table below.
        Subtype Appropriate
        Energy Type
        [Air] Electricity Melee attacks deal +1 electricity damage
        [Earth] Natural Armor increases by 1
        [Fire] fire Melee attacks deal +1 fire damage
        [Water] Cold Swim speed +10 feet.
        Special: This tactic can be selected multiple times. Its effects stack. If the same subtype is selected multiple times, each time after the first, the energy resistance increases by 5 and the additional benefits stack.
      • Feral Transformation
        Prerequisites: Transformation
        Benefit: The warrior’s transformation gains natural weapons, allowing them to strike with feral strength. When the warrior selects this tactic, they select a natural weapon from the following table below. Once selected this cannot be changed. While transformed, the warrior gains the use of the selected natural weapon as a primary natural weapon.
        Weapon Damage (Medum)
        Bite 1d6
        2 Claws 1d4 each
        Gore 1d6
        Tail Slap 1d6
        Tentacle 1d4
        2 Slams 1d6
        Special: This tactic can be selected multiple times. Each time after the first, it applies to a different natural weapon.
      • Armored Transformation
        Prerequisites: Transformation
        Benefit: The warrior’s transformation is well armored. While transformed, the warrior gains a +2 bonus to natural armor.
        Special: This tactic can be selected multiple times. Its effects stack.
      • Hulking Transformation
        Prerequisites: Transformation, warrior 12
        Benefit: The warrior grows as they transform. While transformed, the warrior’s size increases by one category. They gain a +2 size bonus to strength, a -2 size penalty to dexterity, and their size modifiers change appropriately for their new size. Any natural weapons they possess increase their damage by one die size.
      • Fluid Transformation
        Prerequisites: Transformation, Warrior 16
        Benefit: The warrior’s transformation is fluid, allowing them to shift into different forms. Each time the warrior transforms, they may make new selections as though they were selecting the transformation tactic and/or any number of tactics with transformation as a prerequisite for the first time.
      • Mobile Transformation
        Prerequisites: Transformation
        Benefit: The warrior’s transformation is adapted to unusual movement. When the warrior selects this tactic, they select a climb speed or swim speed equal to their base land speed, or a burrow speed equal to half their base land speed. Once selected, this cannot be changed. While transformed, the warrior gains the benefits of the selected special movement speed and any bonuses associated with that special movement speed.
        Special: This tactic can be selected multiple times. Its effects stack. If the same movement type is selected multiple times, multiply the speed by the number of times selected.

    Equipment Mastery
    Benefit: The warrior is trained to master a given piece of equipment, above and beyond simple proficiency. When this tactic is selected, the warrior may choose a single variety of armor, shield, or weapon. If an item can be used as more than one of the above, the warrior must select one use of the item. The warrior gains Mastery 1 with the selected item. The warrior is considered proficient with any armor, shield, or weapon they have mastery with. While wearing armor or wielding shields they have mastery with, they increase the armor’s maximum dexterity bonus and decrease its armor check penalty by their mastery. All attack rolls made with a weapon they have mastery with gain a competence bonus equal to their mastery.
    Special: If the warrior selects this tactic at 1st level, the warrior gains 1 point of mastery at 4th level and every 4 levels thereafter. This can be used to increase an existing mastery by 1, or grant mastery 1 with a new piece of equipment.

    • Improved Mastery
      Prerequisites: Equipment Mastery
      Benefit: The warrior’s skill with their equipment increases. The warrior gains mastery 1. The warrior can increase an existing mastery by 1 or gain mastery 1 with a new piece of equipment. This tactic cannot increase the warrior’s mastery with any one item higher than 1 +1/4 class levels.
      Special: This tactic can be selected multiple times. Its effects stack.
    • Armor Mastery
      Prerequisites: Equipment Mastery
      Benefit: The warrior learns to maximise the protection of armor. They gain proficiency with medium and heavy armor. While wearing armor they have mastery with, and not denied their dexterity bonus to armor class, they add their mastery as a competence bonus to the armor bonus granted by their armor, they learn how to move to avoid exposing weak points and how to use their armor to deflect blows harmlessly.
      Special: If the warrior selects this tactic at 2nd level, while wearing armor they have mastery with and not denied their dexterity bonus to armor class, they add their mastery as a competence bonus to combat maneuver defense.

      • Armored Swiftness
        Prerequisites: Armor Mastery
        Benefit: The warrior’s practice with armor lets them move more easily. While wearing medium or heavy armor they have mastery with, the warrior does not reduce their movement speed.
      • Armored Heavyweight
        Prerequisites: Armor Mastery
        Benefit: The warrior can throw the weight of their armor around more effectively. While wearing medium or heavy armor that they have mastery with, the warrior adds their mastery as a competence bonus to combat maneuver checks.
      • Bulwark
        Prerequisites: Armor Mastery
        Benefit: The warrior can throw themselves into the path of an oncoming attack. When an adjacent creature of their size or smaller is targeted by an attack, the warrior can switch places with that creature as an immediate action. The attack and any effects it carries are resolved as though the warrior was the target of the attack. The warrior cannot use this ability if they are unaware of the attack, are unable to move, or are denied their dexterity bonus to armor class.
        Special: If the warrior selects this tactic a second time, the warrior can instead choose to enter the target creature’s space when using this tactic. Until the start of the warrior’s next turn, or until the target leaves the warrior’s space, the warrior can choose to become the target of any number of attacks directed at the target.

    • Shield Mastery
      Prerequisites: Equipment Mastery
      Benefit: The warrior learns to maximize the protection of a shield. While using a shield they have mastery with, and not denied their dexterity bonus to armor class, they add their mastery to the shield bonus to armor class granted by their shield as they learn how to shift their shield to avoid exposing weak points and deflect blows harmlessly.
      Special: If the warrior selects this tactic at 2nd level, while wielding a shield they have mastery with and not denied their dexterity bonus to armor class, they add their mastery as a competence bonus to combat maneuver defense.

      • Defender
        Prerequisites: Shield Mastery
        Benefit: The warrior can use their shield to protect those around them. When a creature adjacent to the warrior is targeted by an attack, and the warrior is wielding a shield they have mastery with, the warrior may shift their shield to protect the creature as an immediate action. The warrior’s shield bonus to armor class is transferred to the target until the start of the warrior’s next turn, until the target moves, or until the warrior chooses to stop protecting the target. The warrior cannot use this ability if they are unaware of the attack or are denied their dexterity bonus to armor class.
        Special: If the warrior selects this tactic a second time, space they occupy is treated as though it offered hard cover.
      • Shield Smash
        Prerequisites: Shield Mastery
        Benefit: The warrior learns to use their shield to its maximum offensive capacity. When making a shield bash with a shield they have mastery with, they add their mastery to the attack roll.
        Special: If the warrior selects this tactic a second time, when making a shield bash with a shield they have mastery with, they add their mastery to the damage roll as well.

    • Weapon Mastery
      Prerequisites: Equipment Mastery
      Benefit: The warrior learns to maximize the offensive potential of their weapon. When attacking with a weapon they have mastery with, the warrior adds their mastery to both attack and damage rolls.
      Special: If the warrior selects this tactic at 2nd level, they double their mastery bonus to attack rolls for the purpose of critical confirmation rolls.

      • Deadly Mastery
        Prerequisites: Weapon Mastery
        Benefit: The warrior’s greater skill with their weapon lets them strike deeper. While wielding a weapon they have mastery with, the warrior increases the weapon’s critical threat range by their mastery. This does not stack with any other effect that increases the critical threat range of a weapon.
      • Ranged Weapon Mastery
        Prerequisites: Weapon Mastery
        Benefit: The warrior can draw greater range and accuracy from their weapon. While wielding a ranged weapon they have master with, the warrior increases the weapon’s range increment by 10 feet per point of mastery they possess.
      • Heavy Weapon Mastery
        Prerequisites: Weapon Mastery
        Benefit: The warrior can bring the full power of a heavy weapon to bear. While wielding a two-handed weapon they have mastery with, the warrior can make a sweeping strike as a standard action. The warrior targets one square plus one square per point of mastery they possess. All targeted squares must be adjacent to at least one other targeted square, and the warrior must threaten all targeted squares. The warrior makes a single attack roll with the weapon they have mastery with, which then resolves against each creature in the targeted squares separately. If the attack is successful, the target takes damage as though struck the warrior’s attack, as normal.
      • Light Weapon Mastery
        Prerequisites: Weapon Mastery
        Benefit: The warrior learns to strike with incredible speed. The warrior can make a lightning-fast strike with a light weapon they are wielding and have mastery with as a swift action.
      • Braced Weapon Mastery
        Prerequisites: Weapon Mastery
        Benefit: The warrior can brace a weapon against themselves to deal devastating damage. When making a charge attack with a weapon with the brace feature that they have mastery with, they double the weapon’s base damage.
      • Disarming Weapon Mastery
        Prerequisites: Weapon Mastery
        Benefit: The warrior’s skill lets them disarm more effectively. When making a disarm attempt with a weapon with the disarm feature that they have mastery with, they add their mastery to their combat maneuver bonus for the check.
      • Double Weapon Mastery
        Prerequisites: Weapon Mastery
        Benefit: The warrior learns to maximize the leverage offered by a double weapon. When fighting with a double weapon they have mastery with as though fighting with two weapons, the warrior adds their full strength modifier to damage with both ends of their weapon.
        Special: If the warrior selects this tactic a second time, they instead add one and a half times their strength modifier to damage with both ends of the weapon.
      • Nonlethal Weapon Mastery
        Prerequisites: Weapon Mastery
        Benefit: The warrior can use nonlethal weapons to hinder foes. When attacking with a weapon with the nonlethal feature that they have mastery with, if the warrior deals nonlethal damage greater than the target’s constitution score, the target is sickened for one round. This does not apply if the creature is immune to critical hits.
      • Reach Weapon Mastery
        Prerequisites: Weapon Mastery
        Benefit: The warrior’s skill with their weapon allows them to use it in unconventional ways. While wielding a reach weapon they have mastery with, the warrior can shift their grip on the weapon to suppress the reach feature and wield it as a normal melee weapon, or shift their grip back to use it as a reach weapon again. Shifting their grip in this way is an action equivalent to drawing the weapon.
      • Sundering Weapon Mastery
        Prerequisites: Weapon Mastery
        Benefit: The warrior’s skill lets them sunder more effectively. When making a sunder attempt with a weapon with the sunder feature that they have mastery with, the warrior adds their mastery to their combat maneuver bonus for the check.
      • Tripping Weapon Mastery
        Prerequisites: Weapon Mastery
        Benefit: The warrior’s skill lets them trip more effectively. When making a trip attempt with a weapon with the trip feature that they have mastery with, the warrior adds their mastery to their combat maneuver bonus for the check.

    Iron Body
    Prerequisites: Warrior 4
    Benefit: The warrior’s body is hardened by battle. The damage reduction granted by the warrior’s class levels increases by 1.
    Special: This tactic can be selected multiple times its effects stack.

    Thick Skin
    Benefit: The warrior’s skin is tougher than most. The warrior increases their natural armor bonus to natural armor by 1.
    Special: If the warrior selects this tactic a second time, they increase their natural armor bonus by their might bonus.
    Last edited by Admiral Squish; 2015-07-02 at 06:36 PM.
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    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Warrior [Build-a-barb][Base Class][Crossroads]

    Okay, this is FINALLY done to the point it's worth posting.
    Basically, this class is supposed to supplant all the existing melee classes by making it so you can custom mix-and-match tactics to fit the concept you want. You get a couple defining tactics that scale naturally, but you can dabble in all kinds of tactics. This can be a barbarian, a paladin, fighter, a cavalier, a magus... You want to play a european paladin, an armored warrior who turns holy power into devastating smites? A Vinlandr berserker, who charges into battle in a rage, swinging the same mighty steel axe brought across the sea by his forefathers? A Mexica jaguar warrior who channels mystic power to borrow the form and the strength of the deadly cat in battle? A Plains warrior who rides his faithful steed to battle against the Dead God, swinging a massive bone hammer? A Chinese weapons master who uses dozens of weapons with frightful skill? Go ahead!

    PLEASE peach the hell out of this, I made up a lot of stuff and I'm entirely certain significant portions of it are broken.
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    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Warrior [Build-a-barb][Base Class][Crossroads]

    Awesome. There are probably some errors with this, but nothing I find truly glaring, aside from the Deadly Master feat, since it makes critical hits significantly easier.

    The fact that you limit crit range expansion is a good call. However that still puts the crit. range from a natural 20 to 14 if one invests in the Deadly Mastery as soon as possible (crit. at 20 at level 1 (base critical), 19 at lvl. 2 (base critical-mastery 1), 18 at level 4 (mastery level 2) 17 at lvl. 8, 16 at lvl. 12, 15 at lvl. 16, and 14 at lvl. 20. The fact that this doesn't stack with other buffs and such helps, but does that still break the game? I've never played through a full 20 levels of a character, so I do not know have a solid picture on whether this is too much of a range. I just see it as a 30% chance for a critical hit, with the double mastery bonus for a confirmation meaning that one only needs to role a 2 to succeed a critical at lvl. 20 (2* 6 mastery = 12, and the lower limit of the critical is 14. Just do not role a 1). So basically, you have a 30% chance of a critical with a 95% chance of double damage.

    Now, if I freely admit that I could have either misread the tactic, not know how easy critical hits are at high levels, or be missing something crucial that balances this out. But that's the only thing that truly catches my eye.

    Since the Feat Tactic tree exists, are any feats/abilities that other creatures have (Dwarves lacking movement penalty from heavy armour), will they instead gain Armoured Swiftness as a free Tactic?

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    Default Re: The Warrior [Build-a-barb][Base Class][Crossroads]

    Well, considering a simple +1 keen rapier/scimitar/kukri gets you a crit range of 15-20, I don't think it should be all that much of an issue. With deadly mastery, the maximum range you could get would be... 12-20? That is pretty broad... But then, that's be at level 20. The earliest you could out-do that 15-20 keen weapon would be... 12th, I think. Which doesn't seem particularly crazy.
    Also, you don't try to roll another crit for the confirmation, you roll to hit their AC. The doubling of the mastery for crit confirmation just makes it easier to hit that target once you roll into the crit range.
    Yeah, you could make a pretty epic crit-fisher kinda build with this stuff, but considering you're passing up other options like an animal companion, I think it's probably alright. Though, I suppose I'll find out once the more experienced reviewers descend upon this.

    I think free tactics would probably run toward the complicated side of things. I suppose if you already get the benefits of a tactic from elsewhere, you probably just wouldn't care to select the tactic, unless you needed it to get something else.
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    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Warrior [Build-a-barb][Base Class][Crossroads]

    I had figured I had misunderstood the crit range problem. I'm more familiar with 1st edition D&D when it comes to mechanics, so the idea of a critical range is always a bit dicey to me for how relatively easy it is in newer editions.

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    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Warrior [Build-a-barb][Base Class][Crossroads]

    Quote Originally Posted by Mith View Post
    I had figured I had misunderstood the crit range problem. I'm more familiar with 1st edition D&D when it comes to mechanics, so the idea of a critical range is always a bit dicey to me for how relatively easy it is in newer editions.
    Perfectly understandable. I wouldn't even know where to start with 1st edition stuff.

    I think I've fixed the formatting issues in the big list. I still want to go through and alphabetize at some point, when I've got time.
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    Orc in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Warrior [Build-a-barb][Base Class][Crossroads]

    I think this looks really good overall. I really like the mystic line of tactics. It seems a really cool way to play a warrior with just a smattering of few but impactful mystic powers, which is a flavor I've always preferred to more 50/50-style arcane gishes, and which I haven't seen too much of.

    I just have one small quibble though. I may be wrong, but the beast tamer tactics have something that seems problematic to me. If you don't pick up beast tamer at 1st level, you only get 1/2 your level as your effective druid level, and then you have to spend tactics to raise it up. It's my understanding that animal companions are pretty weak if they're not at full druid level. I understand this is a balancing concern, but it seems horribly boring and unattractive to have to expend all those resources just to get a full-level animal companion. Basically, if a warrior has chosen something other than beast tamer at 1st level, is it likely they will ever select it and go through this? If not, perhaps the mechanic should be rewritten somehow? Note that I might be underestimating the usefulness of a below-full level companion, especially with the warbeast tactic and such. It just strikes me as off somehow.

    - Gears

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    Default Re: The Warrior [Build-a-barb][Base Class][Crossroads]

    Thanks! That's definitely the kind of thing I was shooting for, less 'spellcaster that is okay at fighting' more 'warrior blending magic and combat'.

    You do have a point with the animal companion, but I think animal companion is a pretty powerful class feature, overall. It's basically a fighter, in some cases, though it's a bit less powerful in PF. If you could just pick up a full-strength animal companion at any level, that would pose some serious balance concerns. Plus, I'd have to make something to make the animal companion of a warrior who specialized into it more powerful, without throwing off the whole subsystem.
    I figured, even if it wouldn't get you a full-strength animal companion, the tactic could be an easy way to get a mount or party mule, or get access to some animal companion abilities. Since you're naturally progressing at 1/2 level, you'd only need to pick up the beast bond tactic every other time you get a tactic to keep it on par with a fully-invested beast tamer.
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    Orc in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Warrior [Build-a-barb][Base Class][Crossroads]

    I do see the logic of your choice. It certainly wouldn't be viable to make taking beast tamer at 1st level even more powerful since, as you stated, it's a solidly balanced choice as is. I do still think it would rankle though, having to spend all those talents just to keep up. Basically, at higher levels, I suspect unless you spent talents like that, your 1/2-level companion would start getting very squishy.

    One alternative I can think of is limiting the choice of companions according to theme for those who don't take beast tamer at 1st level; maybe they can only choose "mount"-type companions (camel, riding dog, horse, etc.) or maybe companions from the ranger list (so no dinosaurs or big cats, etc.). I mean, I don't think the set-up as it is now is some horrid design flaw that cripples the class irreparably. It's just a matter of personal taste I suppose.

    Anyway, again, really cool class!
    - Gears

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    Default Re: The Warrior [Build-a-barb][Base Class][Crossroads]

    I sorta frame it in my mind as the same as buying your way into any other major class feature. If you could just get full-strength rage anytime for the price of one tactic, that would just seem unbalanced. You could go through and pick up all the major class features at full strength, and then you end up with a raging, inspiring, savage mystic riding into battle on a warbeast. The specialization options simply couldn't compete with the sheer power offered.

    Limiting the options wouldn't really do anything if you were going to go with that route anyways. If you were looking for a battle-mount in the first place, it'd just be a nearly-free bonus.
    That reminds, I should probably make a note in the thread about appropriate animal companions for crossroads....

    Still, you have a point. Even if you buy into rage later, that's still a positive, albeit a small one, which adds to your existing combat ability. Depending on your level, a 1/2 progression animal companion could be entirely useless in combat, or worse, a vulnerability. I don't know what the alternative would be, though. A flat -x would be worse at lower levels. Full progression with an added bonus if you specialize doesn't seem right, either. Hmm... With all the other tactics, the default state is a somewhat nerfed version of the normal ability. What could be done to penalize the animal companion without upsetting balance too much, or reducing your EDL?
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    Default Re: The Warrior [Build-a-barb][Base Class][Crossroads]

    noticed a typo under the second post. Rage ability, special line.

    .....It the warrior selects this tactic at 1st level....

    This class is pretty neat. I like the use of the Unchained rage mechanic.
    Last edited by Ancalidormis; 2015-06-26 at 11:55 AM.

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    Default Re: The Warrior [Build-a-barb][Base Class][Crossroads]

    @Squish: To be clear, mister admiral sir, I wholly agree with you that is a rather dicey situation. My concern is precisely the thing you outlined; namely, that unlike other abilities "half a companion" is nowhere near as useful as "rage lite" et cetera. At the same time, it is true that no clear alternative presents itself. I agree that making the "taking this tactic at 1st level" even stronger above and beyond a full companion doesn't seem balanced within the class. I would still argue in favor of a restricted list, but if you don't wanna go that way I do see your point about, for cases who only want a mount anyway, it's not really a penalty.

    Possibly, unless it's too fiddly, you could restrict the companion so that it doesn't get its 4th- or 7th-level boost? Possibly, it could even not get the standard selectable ability score increases (instead only getting the scaling Str/Dex bonus), and maybe also not get multiattack, evasion, devotion etc. As in, it's more of just a tamed beast than a fully bonded companion with all these special abilities. Then you could have a few talents to buy back the boost and some of the abilities, probably in packages. I think that would make it feel a lot more fun and like you were actually buying "stuff" for your AC rather than just keeping it from, like you said, basically becoming a burden on the party. Just an idea, of course.
    - Gears

    EDIT: Oh, by the way, since you seem really good at this class making business, it would be really cool to hear if you have any views on the blood scion class I've posted here.
    Last edited by Ethereal Gears; 2015-06-26 at 12:25 PM.

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    Default Re: The Warrior [Build-a-barb][Base Class][Crossroads]

    D'oh! Typo fixed. Good eye!

    I was not actually aware of the unchained rage thing, I was just trying to figure out how to make the rage thing applicable in the direction of one's choice, and trying to do it with stat mods was turning into a giant headache. I may steal some of their wordings, tho.

    I don't know, restricting that 4th/7th advancement seems a little much. I mean, nobody should be stuck with a medium-sized mammoth. That just doesn't make sense to me.
    I don't know about restricting the special features of the animal companion, either. That seems like it could get a little complex. Maybe making it so it doesn't gain the str/dex boosts? But that wouldn't really affect it much, if at all, in the early levels... Maybe it could just start with a -2 str/dex penalty? Or maybe just dropping Link, though I'm not sure how disastrous that would be to the usefulness of an animal companion...

    I'll try to take a look at the Blood Scion, but I'm gonna be pretty busy for the next couple days. I'll see if I can find the time.
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    Default Re: The Warrior [Build-a-barb][Base Class][Crossroads]

    The idea behind all that is quite good, but I think that warrior is lacking some out of battle abilities, and some options other than "I smash it to death".

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    Default Re: The Warrior [Build-a-barb][Base Class][Crossroads]

    As regards the blood scion; it's a huge class with a lot of bloodlines, and I wouldn't expect anyone to just go through them all at once. Whenever you have time and however much of it you can bear reading in a sitting would be totally cool. Thanks!

    Just as a final note on the animal companion thing: I'm starting to suspect that there really isn't a truly elegant solution and that, warts and all, what you have now may be the best option out there. It's hardly some sort of fatal flaw that invalidates the class by any means.

    Regarding Silphael's comment, I do agree the class could use additional out-of-combat utility. Maybe a tactic tree granting it some ranger/stalker-esque abilities, i.e. still very "martial" in flavor, but maybe with some scouting/bounty-hunting capabilities to it. Maybe even something as simple as expanding the class skills and skill ranks or granting them access to something like skill unlocks or skill tricks or similar. Not necessarily something nature-related (like the ranger) but more something like a canny mercenary or a thief-taker, bounty hunter, etc.. This is just a rather vague concept though, but it does sort of feel like a missing niche among the tactics. It would be cool to be able to function as a decent scout without having to shape-shift and such.

    - Gears

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    Default Re: The Warrior [Build-a-barb][Base Class][Crossroads]

    All that's really needed for the stalker/ranger archetype is a feat that lets you grab one Tactic (or multiple Tactics) from the Hunter.
    Last edited by Amechra; 2015-06-27 at 03:44 PM. Reason: Wrong Hunter
    Quote Originally Posted by segtrfyhtfgj View Post
    door is a fake exterior wall
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    Default Re: The Warrior [Build-a-barb][Base Class][Crossroads]

    I would like to say that this certainly isn't 'done'. Mostly, I wanted to get the main path-things basically workable before I got into filling out the main tactics branches, adding new branches, and other tactics. One of the big goals is to give strength greater utility outside of combat.
    I'd eventually like to take warrior tactics and hunter tactics and overlap them into one big tactics list, with some for warrior, some for hunter, and some accessible by both.
    If I'm being perfectly honest, part of the reason I posted the warrior as-is is that I was hoping the forums would help motivate me to work on this more, since it'd been sitting on my computer for so long, languishing.

    I'll definitely try to give blood scion a look when things free up a bit. As it stands, I'm putting off yard work to write this.

    I'll continue to ponder on the issue of animal companion, but I suppose for now the easiest way to run it would be as written. Maybe it could simply be bumped to 3/4 level, rounded down?

    I don't know about a rogue/stalker kind of thing. That theme's pretty well covered by the Hunter helpfully linked by Amechra. I do agree there's plenty of room to expand upon the existing structure though. I'd probably want to look into real-world warrior cultures and see what kind of things they could do and work along those lines.
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    Default Re: The Warrior [Build-a-barb][Base Class][Crossroads]

    Off the top of my head, warriors were also great leaders both on and off the battle field, able to organize and coordinate large groups to do tasks. So I could say that Warriors can basically encourage teamwork and greater efficiency, all which I am sure are under the Leadership Feat.

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    Default Re: The Warrior [Build-a-barb][Base Class][Crossroads]

    Quote Originally Posted by Mith View Post
    Off the top of my head, warriors were also great leaders both on and off the battle field, able to organize and coordinate large groups to do tasks. So I could say that Warriors can basically encourage teamwork and greater efficiency, all which I am sure are under the Leadership Feat.
    Hmm. An interesting angle, but probably not very balanced. I don't think building leadership into the class would be an option. There is that champion ability thing, that could be interpreted to represent a leader.
    Maybe some kind of tactic relating to teamwork feats? Not sure if I want to involve that whole tangle of things, though.
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    Default Re: The Warrior [Build-a-barb][Base Class][Crossroads]

    Oh, right. Well, I'm not up to speed on the whole homebrew thingie this class forms a part of, so I wasn't aware of the hunter. That being said, and I don't think I quite expressed it well enough in my original post, but more something along the lines of a scout or skirmisher is more what I was going for. Although perhaps this sort of thing is covered by the hunter as well. Still, it seems a uniquely "military" kind of niche to me, as opposed to something more akin to a ranger/barbarian/hunter type of class. Anyway, yeah, I think 2/3 companion sounds like an alright compromise for now.
    Last edited by Ethereal Gears; 2015-06-30 at 07:42 PM.

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    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Warrior [Build-a-barb][Base Class][Crossroads]

    Does the Warrior's Equipment Mastery work only on one type of weapon/armor(like Weapon Focus), or does it work with Weapon Groups, like the Fighter's Weapon Training?

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    Default Re: The Warrior [Build-a-barb][Base Class][Crossroads]

    Gah, stupid responsibility, distractin' me from my fun stuffs...

    Bit of a long silence, but I'll see if I can get this moving again.

    In all honesty, hunter and warrior are pretty closely related. Hunter's not just hunting techniques, but also hunting techniques adapted to combat and military applications. In truth, the main difference between them is that hunter's generally more about finesse and accuracy, whereas warrior's supposed to be more about strength. To sum it up, hunter does indeed cover the scout/skirmisher sort of role.

    The equipment mastery thing works with specific items, like weapon focus/specialization. I would have liked to make it weapon groups, but there's a lot more unusual weapons in this setting, and what weapons would be appropriate for proficiency varies based on your culture, so it'd just be super-complicated.

    I'm still trying to come up with more varieties of real-world combat styles, and even in-game combat styles, that would be appropriate to expand the list with. Also, ideas for filling out the different tactical branches would be great.
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    Five-time champion of the GITP monster competition!

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    Crossroads: the New World: A pathfinder campaign setting about an alternate history of North America, where five empire collide in a magical land full of potential. On the road to publication!

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