Snips, Snails, and Dragon Tales: Now available in PDF format from Gumroad
Snips, Snails, and Dragon Tales is now on sale in PDF format from Gumroad - with 6 never-before-collected bonus comics!
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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Hell's Rebels IC

    "Hell's Rebels"

    "I am Kintargo's lord-mayor, yet Kintargo is not my city. Nor is it Cheliax's city. Kintargo belongs to no one person, but to all who live here and make it the greatest city in Cheliax. We call it the Silver City not only for the gleaming waters of the Youbilis, but for its purity. Kintargo is unique in the nation of Cheliax in this way. We are not the nation's largest city, not its strongest. We may not have Westcrown's history, Ostenso's naval superiority, Corentyn's trade dominance, or Egorian's power, but nor do we have Westcrown's decay, Ostenso's violence, Corentyn's slaves, or Egorian's damnations. Kintargo is our own, and as Cayden Cailean is my witness, I intend to do all that I can to ensure that our silver shall never tarnish under Thrune's touch!"

    - Lord-Mayor Jilia Bainilus, two days before her disappearance

    Even with the cobblestones of Argent Avenue and the foliage of Aria Park still wet from the morning's light rain, dozens of Kintargans have gathered along the facade of the famed Kintargo Opera House to protest the city's new lord-mayor, Paracount Barzillai Thrune. The city's new leader was appointed by Her Infernal Majestrix, Queen Abrogail II, in the wake of the previous lord-mayor's sudden flight from the city - an event that still has the local rumormongers whispering furiously. In a scant seven days Paracount Thrune has instituted martial law, a curfew, and seven outlandish and polarizing proclamations. These actions and more have called many of Kintargo's more dissatisfied citizens here on this overcast morning. There's been no signs yet of Barzillai Thrune himself, and the opera house's doors remain tightly closed - as they have remained since the man chose the landmark as his new home - but judging by the growing crowd of protesters, he surely cannot ignore the scene on the street for much longer.

    Each of you has found your way into the protest, for whatever purpose. Surrounded by the throng of citizens, you seem to be more or less just another face in the crowd. This allows you an unparalleled view of the action. By the looks of things, most of the protesters seem more comfortable around the periphery of Aria Park itself, leaving some space on the street between their foremost ranks and the wall of Thrune's dottari guards, of which there are an even dozen. What's more, they seem to be commanded by a strange looking warrior: a woman with a coat of mail and long cloak emblazoned with the banner of House Thrune. She carries a long polearm in one hand, and a veritable armory of axes and daggers across her body. She stares out at the crowd impassively, looking up at the opera house every so often as though to make sure it's still there.

    Spoiler: OOC
    Alright, so this is it! We're getting right into it with the protest here. How this is going to work is that each of you can introduce yourselves to each other. Once that's done, I'm going to go over a few special actions each of you can take as a part of the growing protest. It's supposed to be around 8 in the morning in-game, and the protest is supposed to last at least into the afternoon. Don't forget your Reasons to Protest! Those will come into play here.
    Last edited by 3SecondCultist; 2016-01-24 at 10:42 AM.
    Spoiler: Stuff I'm Working On
    Small Justice

    An ongoing web serial about politics, vengeance, and miniature lizards. Go check it out!

    Quote Originally Posted by Zeno Desaqqara View Post
    You divine bastard.

    "Life is to be lived, not controlled; and humanity is won by continuing to play in the face of certain defeat."

  2. - Top - End - #2
    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: Hell's Rebels IC

    The armored knight gazes out into the crowd silently. Unlike the simple clothes dottari that surrounded him, this man was distinguishable by the iron plate and helmet that adorned him as a hell knight, a member of the Order of the Rack. He feels the gaze of the woman behind him on his back and clenches a fist. The knight quells his emotions, reminding himself to not get too worked up lest he lose sight of his real purpose here. This protest was going to be rather interesting to say the least. If the Silver Ravens really did show their faces here...

    The sword on his back is not just for show, and the shield he carries is heavy and weighs his left arm down. The presence of such a menacing figure who, unlike the dottari, was a symbol of censorship, oppression, and cruelty, doubtlessly sent a wave of uncertainty into the crowd. The Order of the Rack was an organization meant to control powerful fiends and keep them and their masters in check. Never had a knight stood against the common people before.

    Still, the armored man remains silent, motionless. He is not a tool of war. He is a tool of order. His hand will stay empty and next to his side, unless some chaos causes him to draw his sword.

  3. - Top - End - #3
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Hell's Rebels IC

    The wet grass quickly soaked through Eva's socks as she meandered through the crowd towards an opening, her heart beating so fast she felt like a hummingbird. Once she had claimed a satisfactory vantage point somewhere near the outskirts of the mob she gingerly opened her case, took out her violin and began to play an upbeat melody that would be able to catch the interest of those who wandered past her. Sarenrae, guide me to this person and give me courage to stand strong during this maelstrom of anger... Also protect these fair people, they only wish to leave peacefully without needless interference. She kept her eyes focused on the crowd looking for the one gloved contact she was sent to meet and the fact she was an artist allowed her to blend into the crowd because what artist wouldn't perform in front of such a vast audience of people? Even if they didn't come here to be entertained surely a few would throw a spare coin to someone making the day somewhat more tolerable or at least that was what she hoped so she could maintain her facade.

    Despite her nerves her bow hand was as steady as it had ever been due to years of careful practice until her eyes locked on a particularly iconic figure. Dressed in black plate standing among the watch was a Hellknight poised like a hungry predator, thankfully they hadn't drawn their blade but the fact that one of the orders had their presence here this early could only be a gloomy omen for the protest.

  4. - Top - End - #4
    zimmerwald1915's Avatar

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    Default Re: Hell's Rebels IC

    Out of the frying pan, into the fire.

    A mere three days ago, Cynissa had watched a similar crowd form on the docks of Old Korvosa. There, as here, they had been sandwiched between the forces of reaction in front and water to their back. There, as here, the reaction had the position of strength. The names changed between cities, but the implacable faceplates of the Hellknights and the hungry glares of the dottari are mirror images of each other. But Korvosa's Order of the Nail and guard had faced an organization that had proven its strength and was fighting for its honor. Though it pained her to do it, Cynissa had left them behind. She had heard no news from Korvosa, and it kept her up at night.

    But Leon had been right. Their hometown did need her. This crowd is yet unformed, untried, but more promising for all that. The people would probably run, rather than fight, if pressed today. If Thrune himself did not press them, his axe-bedecked goon surely would. But it cheers Cynissa to see that so many can be stirred to action even though the shock of the Night of Ashes is still raw. She feels fresh and lively despite the run-ragged schedule that had left bags under her eyes, rumples in her blouse, and kinks in her hair.

    There is a rebel spirit in Kintargo. She remembers it from her girlhood. Upon arriving had felt it wrap around her like the cloying mist coming off the Arcadian Ocean. Without it, she would not have been able to learn enough to write about Thrune's state of siege. She would not have been able to find a printer willing to copy her handbills. And people would not be taking them.

    "Hail the mighty, conquering hordes of Barzallai Thrune!" she calls sarcastically, waving a parchment flyer in the air. "The Glorious Reclamation proved too strong to vanquish, so the devils descend on their own people! But they'll learn to their cost that we're stronger than any enemy they ever fought." A passerby takes the parchment, and Cynissa pulls another from her folio.
    Last edited by zimmerwald1915; 2015-09-25 at 08:38 PM.

  5. - Top - End - #5
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Hell's Rebels IC

    Lillisandra stood just beside her friend Jessica. "Gods, girl, what have you gotten yourself into, now?" They slowly meander through the crowd, Jessica unable to sit still, Lillisandra unwilling to let the young woman out of her sight. Call it friendship or motherly instinct, the Elf wasn't about to let her childlike friend get into more trouble than she could handle.

    They passed by some Tiefling woman, distributing papers. Jessica reached for one, ironically since the woman could barely read. Lillisandra politely put up a hand, declining the paper. It was clear they were traveling as a pair, after all- besides, she'd end up reading it to Jessica, more than likely. More importantly, Lillisandra wanted her hands free. You never know what kind of trouble would crop up from such a large gathering of people, but it's always a safe bet that it'll crop up eventually...

    but where?

  6. - Top - End - #6
    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: Hell's Rebels IC

    The hell knight's quiet morning is interrupted by the rambunctious ramblings of a young woman, younger even than he, causing a scene and passing out fliers.

    Of course. She was perfectly within her right to do that. This was a protest, after all. And yet...

    Those fliers. The words she spoke, this rally, people would have forgotten it by tomorrow. But print...if someone took that home and let it sit, they might get angry over something else. And that could lead to another protest. And another request from the woman standing behind him. And another. And another.

    Words have power...that is the belief of the Order of the Rack. The knight hesitates, but only for a moment. He steps forward, striding right into the crowd.

    The knight approaches the woman and snatches the flier from her hand. He doesn't read it. "Oh my, I can see you have some grievances with our fine organization, miss. Why don't you give me every flier you have, and I'll distribute them in the barracks for you, to make sure your message is adequately heard?"

    Steal combat maneuver (vs Cynissa's Flat-Footed CMD) (1d20+4)[23]
    Last edited by NeoSeraphi; 2015-09-12 at 11:08 PM.

  7. - Top - End - #7
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Hell's Rebels IC

    Eva kept playing while keeping a close eye on the Hellknight, thankfully his attention was elsewhere.... Following the general gaze she picks up that the target: a rather boisterous young woman of non human heritage passing out fliers with Sarenrae knows what written on them. From her experience with the Bellflower network she knew what the ruling elite hated most and that was educated people with ideals because they generally could organize and rally people against the nobles. She watched the knight strut up to them woman, not being able to hear what they said but immediately noticing that they forcibly snatched the paper from her. Panic rose up within her as Eva assumed the next course of action was for the knight to haul away the poor woman who would most likely never see the light of day again and she acted on impulse.

    Bellowing out an almost inhuman shriek, the halfling violinist pointed her bow accusing at the knight "SOMEONE HELP THAT POOR WOMAN, THE HELLKNIGHT IS MOLESTING HER! RAPE!"

  8. - Top - End - #8
    zimmerwald1915's Avatar

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    Since Cynissa's hand is suddenly empty, she waves the knot of people beginning to form around her down. "Brothers, sisters, citizens, I am fine. Do not worry. Stay focused on Thrune. He's the reason you're here, not me. I will talk to the Hellknight," she calls, her voice ringing. "Even if it's the death of me," she adds more softly, remembering how Thrune's men had beat and killed their way to control of the Opera House. While she appreciates the violinist's aid, the crowd was still too unformed to incite. If the protest turned violent now, it would merely invite reprisal to no political end. Cynissa bites her lower lip. This Hellknight had probably intended to provoke her. Well, at least he didn't have her whole folio yet.

    "Soldier, if your comrades are interested in my ideas, I will be happy to lead them in discussion. And anyone else who cares to listen, share, and learn." As Cynissa speaks, she actually starts warming to the idea. The people around her seem interested too. Those who took their fliers normally moved on, but that one girl and her elven companion had stuck around to watch. "You feel your talents are wasted on the likes of me, don't you? It takes a brave soldier to start questioning his commanders' choice of enemies. Still more to start talking to them."
    Last edited by zimmerwald1915; 2015-09-25 at 08:40 PM.

  9. - Top - End - #9
    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: Hell's Rebels IC

    Hitori staggers back from the woman at the outcry, quickly raising his hands in protest. "What? No, I would never hurt a woman!" he replies, both his tone of voice and his choice of words more human and less threatening than his normal posture.

    He quickly regains his composure and clears his throat. "I mean, the Order of the Rack serves the people, not the state. You can rest assured, there will be no unkind actions towards any of you, only to any property you have that is deemed dangerous to the public welfare. Now then, miss, please don't make a scene. Just hand over the rest of your fliers and go on about your heated discussion. I will not try to silence you."

  10. - Top - End - #10
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Hell's Rebels IC

    For a moment, Lillisandra looks like she's about to walk past, ignoring- or maybe deliberately avoiding- the scuffle breaking out. When Jessica turns around to watch with more dedicated focus, the Drow woman sighs and does the same. Standing behind her friend, over whom she has no trouble watching the developing conflict, Lillisandra places a gentle hand restraining- no, protecting her friend.

    Her eyes narrow as the Tiefling and Hellknight face off, but she makes no move to intervene. In fact, if her friend weren't paying such rapt attention, she'd probably try to drag her away. Nothing good can come from this.

  11. - Top - End - #11
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    "Hmm, don't you need to read that before you can know if it's 'dangerous to the public?'" Seeing as she's not restrained, Cynissa turns away from the hellknight and to the rapidly-growing crowd of onlookers. "Meanwhile, you seem to have created some interest. I'm going to go address it." She steps closer to the crowd, practically tossing her handbills away in her haste to distribute them. To reach those onlookers further back, she nudges the parchments along with a subtle magical touch. Cynissa makes sure the violinist who'd come to her aid gets one, even though it strains her to push the parchment that far.
    Last edited by zimmerwald1915; 2015-09-25 at 08:40 PM.

  12. - Top - End - #12
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Hell's Rebels IC

    Eva watches the knights reaction with a little bit of impish amusement, at worst the crowd would physically separate the two but her words seemed to already have had that affect when the Hellknight quickly backed away from the protester. The flurry of handbills that spread across the square was quite comical and she did notice the straggler slowly drifting towards her, more than likely a subtle 'thank you' being tossed her way which vindicated her slightly in her sudden outburst. She picked it out of the air and glanced at it only briefly before allowing it to fall harmlessly to the ground, that would be the last thing she needed, being arrested on a trumped up charge of being in possession of rebellious propaganda . Putting her bow back to the violin, Eva resumes her previous song whilst looking out for her contact.

  13. - Top - End - #13
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Hell's Rebels IC

    As the sun's rays begin to shine through the cloud cover, you begin to notice new waves of protesters joining the scene. By the looks of things, the crowd is beginning to solidify into several different groups: there are the Kintargo partisans, all of those who despise Cheliax's tightening grip on their beautiful city. They are complemented by the economic conservatives and the democrats, who are more than happy to protest House Thrune together to further their own agendas. However, as the morning begins in earnest, you notice that they are opposed by a not insignificant group of Chelish loyalists, who support Thrune's actions to curb the city's rebellious streak. And then there are the anarchists, those who are just here for a good riot.

    Some of the protesters call for their new lord-mayor to lift his unreasonable restrictions, while others call for an end to foreign rule entirely and demand a proper election to determine Lord-Mayor Bainilus' successor. The mixed messages are doing more harm than good, however, and the cries all together create little more than loud chaos. Meanwhile, the dottari standing guard at the Opera House gates seem edgy and nervous, keeping the armored woman in their line of sight at all times. She seems to reassure them without speaking, her eyes glaring balefully out at the crowd. The lines between the factions have been drawn, and you suspect that she will be stepping in with the guards at her back before the protest is over.

    This could be a very long morning indeed.

    Spoiler: OOC
    As promised, I'm giving everybody a list of actions to take for the first hour of the proper protest. Each of these will involve a check of some sort - which I'll put in square brackets beside the action itself - representing a full hour's worth of cumulative actions.

    1) Listen for Rumors [Perception/Diplomacy]. Anyone just wandering the crowd can listen for rumors and learn more about what's going on in Kintargo's new political landscape.

    2) Pilfer [Sleight of Hand]. Criminal-minded characters can use the large gathering to line their pockets, lifting purses or goods from the street vendors.

    3) Rabble Rouse [Diplomacy/Perform]. Persuasive characters may want to better organize the protest by attempting a Diplomacy or Perform check. If the PC succeeds, the protesters will know to part before them, and the crowd won't count as difficult terrain for movement.

    4) Watch the Crowd [Perception/Sense Motive]. Anyone just interested in watching the protest can look for anything unusual or strange. This action would also apply if the character is looking for the mysterious contact with the black glove.

    5) Silence Undesirable Elements [Intimidate]. With five distinct factions among the protesters, the message delivered is a jumbled mess. Characters can try to silence or outshout elements of the crowd they disagree with.
    Spoiler: Stuff I'm Working On
    Small Justice

    An ongoing web serial about politics, vengeance, and miniature lizards. Go check it out!

    Quote Originally Posted by Zeno Desaqqara View Post
    You divine bastard.

    "Life is to be lived, not controlled; and humanity is won by continuing to play in the face of certain defeat."

  14. - Top - End - #14
    Firbolg in the Playground
    Morbis Meh's Avatar

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    Default Re: Hell's Rebels IC

    Evagria watches expectantly as more people enter the square to bolster the ranks of the already large and irate crowd and observing the faction splitting only serves to heighten the tension building up within the halfling's breast. If all parties were unified this wouldn't be the case but at any moment the crowd could potentially turn upon itself causing nothing short than complete anarchy where the only result would be needless bloodshed and wanton violence but Eva couldn't do anything to help these people she had her own agenda. So she stood in the same location, repeating the same tune even though the steady rise in volume of angry voices was beginning to drown out the notes coming from her instrument while she looked out for the man with the black glove. She began to ponder if her cover was as well thought out as it was or if she was beginning to look ridiculous standing in the middle of the protest playing music yet it was the only reason she could think of to be here since the last she wanted was to draw attention by protesting and get arrested, that would only serve to potentially expose her brand which would have much dire consequences.

    Spoiler: OoC
    Watching the Crowd
    Perception (1d20+9)[23]

    If we can roll both then here is sense motive otherwise I will default to perception (though the dice gods will spite me and have it be terrible compared to the other roll)
    Sense Motive (1d20+7)[15]

  15. - Top - End - #15
    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: Hell's Rebels IC

    Hitori watches the crowds gather and he steps forward, leaving the solitary woman to her duties. He approaches the gathering crowd and places one hand on the hilt of his sword. "If any of you have a problem with the House of Thrune, I invite you to take it up with me."

    Sorry for the short post. Silencing the Crowd: (1d20+6)[16]

  16. - Top - End - #16
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Hell's Rebels IC

    Lillisandra continues to follow Jessica in an ever-meandering path. It clearly becomes apparent that despite her eager desire to be involved in "the excitement," Jessica doesn't understand nearly enough of the situation to have a meaningful stance. She flits from group to group nodding here and there and shaking her head occasionally, at the obviously nonsensical stance of one group of another. Lillisandra, on the other hand, follows Jessica almost passively.

    Her focus remains divided among the Hellknight, the Tiefling woman and the Armed woman representing House Thrune's interests thus far, whatever they prove to be. Thoroughly unconvinced that the situation is safe or likely to remain nonviolent for long, Lillisandra loosens her rapier and hand crossbow in their small loops at her waist. Increasingly displeased with the rate that tensions heighten, her fingers twitch closer and closer to her rapier handle.

    Spoiler: OOC
    Taking the perception action to listen for rumors. (1d20+12)[22] (+2 for reason to protest).

  17. - Top - End - #17
    zimmerwald1915's Avatar

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    Default Re: Hell's Rebels IC

    As the crowd grows ever denser, Cynissa sweeps into it, losing the hellknight. Almost before she knows it—though from the sun it took at least half an hour—she runs out of handbills. Every now and then she would spot one skittering by on the wind, or being shared between protesters. She'd exchanged words with some of them, nothing too deep or theoretical. But from what they say, and from the snippets of the surrounding conversation she catches, it sounds like this patch of crowd was sympathetic to common rule.

    Cynissa finds a bench and climbs up on it, taking a big step with her good leg supported by her walking stick, and dragging her bad leg up behind her. From atop the bench, she gets a more sobering view. This faction is being pressed by Thrune toadies, led by what looks like her Hellknight. She raps on the bench with the butt of her walking stick, turning some heads, and begins to speak.

    "Friends, when we call for elections, we must do so with real consciousness about what that would mean. The Night of Ashes is not even a month past. An immediate election can have only one result; a sweeping victory for Barzallai Thrune. Think! He and his soldiers have smashed every other political group! Hellknights of the Rack roam the streets of Kintargo, where they have never been before. 'Chelish citizens' are turned against the people. Under these conditions, an election will not represent what we think. It would be tainted by repression and official violence.

    "We must demand elections, yes, but that they take place a month from now, maybe two. Coupled with that, we must demand a lifting of the state of siege. We must reclaim the right to organize. That means the end of martial law! Furthermore, we must demand the broadest possible franchise. Former slaves—for we must demand their liberation—halflings, tieflings, workers, and the poor. No weighted voting schemes! No estates!

    "Of course, our struggle will continue under whatever forms Thrune permits. But we cannot be satisfied with their forms. We must demand our own. The struggle between Thrune and the mass of the people is coming. It is inevitable. We must fight it on our own terms."

    Spoiler: OOC
    Rabble Rouse (1d20+6)[14]
    Last edited by zimmerwald1915; 2015-09-25 at 08:42 PM.

  18. - Top - End - #18
    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: Hell's Rebels IC

    Hitori looks over at the fiendish woman in annoyance. If he didn't contain this...then the armored woman behind him would...

    The hell knight lets go of his sword and spreads his arms. "Gentlemen! You are all children of the Empire! Your loyalty is not to the Lord-Mayor, but to Her Infernal Magestrix! I invite any of you to think of a single flaw in our glorious Empress's reign! Your gathering here would surely be smiled upon by the Bastards of Erebus. Does that not speak volumes to you about your mistakes? Do you wish Kintargo to suffer the same struggles as Westcrown? I bid you, those who seek democratic rule, to remember that Queen Abrogail II watches over this city, and Her family, that you criticize openly right now, will enact Her will in Her stead. Anyone who speaks out against Thrune speaks against the Queen!"
    Last edited by NeoSeraphi; 2015-09-14 at 02:08 PM.

  19. - Top - End - #19
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Hell's Rebels IC

    Eva listened to the drivel the Hellknight was spouting and rolled her eyes visibly and suddenly began to smile mischievously. Composing herself she attempts to throw her voice like a ventriloquist and disguise it "I can think of several, she allowed that Iomedaen artifact to slip out of her grasp, she actively promotes an outdated system which enslaves an entire race of people because she herself cannot wipe her out fat rear and there has been a steady decline in trade due to all of the upheaval because she cannot satisfy her own subjects needs. I think that says loads about her incompetence!"

    Immediately after she works on getting a cantrip out and immediately causes a very loud BOOO to erupt outwards towards the knight.

    Spoiler: OoC
    Ghost sound for the win! btw this is not an action just something for the luls

  20. - Top - End - #20
    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: Hell's Rebels IC

    Hitori hears the audible cries coming from the crowd and glares, spinning around to find the source. Was it that damn fiend girl bad mouthing the source of justice and order in the empire?

    He shakes it off and returns his attention to the protest. "Your dissatisfaction is not unnoticed, comrades! But think of all the opportunities the new rule has presented! All you have to do is report anyone breaking a rule to the dottari, or capture a fine dog in the wild, and you will be compensated! Justice! Order! And wealth for her people! These new laws will allow those who are respectful of Kintargo's order to profit while giving them a voice in the discipline of those who are not. Now join me, my brothers, and embrace this new world, where the dottari and the citizen walk hand and hand as equals, meting out punishment to the criminals and reaping both monetary and moral reward!"

  21. - Top - End - #21
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Hell's Rebels IC


    For a good long while, it seems as though your efforts are in vain. There is absolutely no sign of the black-gloved man anywhere. However, your observation of the crowd does bear some fruit. You get a general sense of the crowd's mood: while many here seem agitated and discontent, there is no threat of overt violence from the mass. But between the five factions that make up the protest, you notice a sort of strange undercurrent at play - as though there was a single organizing force among the people. Disturbing perhaps, but in almost an hour of watching, nothing has happened yet.

    Your watching this phenomenon is interrupted by a singular event not too far from you: a young woman has just successfully picked the pocket of an elderly man. She seems relieved that nobody has spotted her, until the two of you make eye contact. She freezes, as though waiting to see what you'll do.


    Moving through the sounds and space that make up the mob, you catch the various half-chewed whispers. Here and there, between the cries, you can make out complete sentences. For the most part, it's just nonsense. You do hear one particular tale more than once, however. For the third time this hour alone, you see a man - a sailor, judging by his appearance, speaking to another likely gentleman.

    "I hear the dottari guard towers are so full of prisoners now that they're keeping those they arrest in warehouses. My cousin even said they're putting prisoners to work in places like Sallix Salt Works."

    The name is familiar enough. Located just outside the Salt Gate in Old Kintargo, the Salt Works are where imported brine and salt from the south are fired and dried out for everyday use. By all accounts, Thrune agents appropriated the Salt Works the day after the Night of Ashes, arresting its owner under charges of 'unpaid back taxes'.


    Through both word and the unspoken threat of steel, you have managed to cow the majority of the democratic faction here. None of them have stepped up to engage you, besides the tiefling woman and the strange voice you heard earlier. They could be connected. But it matters not, as most of the loudest cries from that section of the crowd seems unwilling to speak up now. Many of them give you worried glances when you approach, and there are those who step out of your way. However, you notice that for every democrat that you silence, there is another protester embolded by a new voice among the crowd. Somebody else is rousing the rabble.

    If you were to look back at the doors to the Kintargo Opera House, you might see Nox wearing a quiet smirk, a feature that does not complement her unpleasant complexion.


    Your rhetoric seems to have breathed new fire into many who stand beside you. Although there have been no signs of this becoming a violent protest, people stand just a little bit taller and shout just a little bit louder. A few of them are even willing to step up closer to the perimeter of the dottari, near the Opera House gates. You can make out the silhouette of the armored woman, looking back out into the crowd with a mysterious expression that looks suspiciously like a smile. Maybe it has something to do with the odd quiet protester you come across. They don't meet your gaze, and you can even spot a few of them leaving the park entirely. Who is talking to them?

    A pair of halflings, each carrying one of your handbills, approaches you and claps you roughly on the shoulder before continuing their movement into the next wave of protesters. In their eyes, you can see the cast-iron glint of hope. Looking around, you are struck by a single, inexorable fact: you are making a difference here.

    Spoiler: OOC
    Since everybody succeeded on their actions, you all get 400 story xp for the protest!
    Last edited by 3SecondCultist; 2016-02-18 at 09:46 AM.
    Spoiler: Stuff I'm Working On
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zeno Desaqqara View Post
    You divine bastard.

    "Life is to be lived, not controlled; and humanity is won by continuing to play in the face of certain defeat."

  22. - Top - End - #22
    Colossus in the Playground
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    Hitori chances a glance backwards and sees Nox's gaze. He clenches an armored fist and spins around, shoving one of the men out of his way. "If you lot know what's good for you, you'll disperse before this gets out of hand. Is a free election really worth the chance that you may not make it home tonight in one piece?"

    He starts to walk towards the dottari to retake his place at the head of the guard, but he trips and falls to the ground. Looking down as he pulls himself to his knees, Hitori spies a handbill attached to his boot. He must have slipped on it.

    The weight of his armor had hindered any damage that contact with the ground might have brought, but contact with the plate itself was far worse, and as the hell knight stands up, a keen eye can spot his left leg plate changing in color, and a slow trail of blood follows the knight as he continues his stride towards the dottari.

  23. - Top - End - #23
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Eva was disappointed that her contact had yet to show, she was careful not to lose herself in her performance and made sure that she wasn't sucked into the crowd during the events. Though she was glad it didn't become violent because it would have been a complete route if it came to blows which may have led to further fighter and a bitter civil war for the city. When she noticed the young woman slip her hand into the man's pocket she sighed and when the thief made eye contact she pointed subtly to the Hellknight, then to the woman and finally motioned her to come towards Eva. Hopefully she caught onto what Eva wanted, if she tried to bolt she would call for the guards but if she came to Eva she would only receive a small lecture.

  24. - Top - End - #24
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    From her perch atop the bench, Cynissa can see that the rowdy Chelish loyalists, hellknight at their head, have pushed her faction back. She can hear their slogans clearly over the comparative silence from the protestors around her. She glances at the Opera House. The hellknight's commander—could the walking armory of a woman be anything else?—seems pleased at his performance. Cynissa snarls at the armored soldier, grips her cane tightly, and resumes her harangue. "The 'comrade' wants to speak of Westcrown! Very well, let us talk about Westcrown. The devil-armies burned that city in the Civil War. Abrogail Thrune stood up in Egorian and proclaimed the rule of order in Westcrown even as the flames danced on the rooftops and her lackeys butchered people in the streets! A whole district remains unpeopled to this day. All Thrune's doing, and they have done nothing to fix it. Since, they have not merely left the city to consume its own rotting carcass. They were not content with stripping it of wealth and trade. No, they have helped it along. How? Martial law! Curfews! Midnight disappearances! Divide and rule! That is their order, built on blood and fire and fear! It is, if I may say so, a Hell of a way to live for seventy-five years." Some scattered laughter greets this line. Whether it was because of the reference to Thrune's patron or her own appearance, Cynissa isn't sure. But it does mean people are paying attention.

    "We know these measures. Already, we have our own curfew. Already we are asked—no, bribed!—to spy on our brothers, our sisters, our friends. They want us to think: how long before we are paid to turn our heads when they haul our neighbors away? How long before shadow beasts stalk our streets? How long before we must surrender to a regime of poverty and forced labor? It's only a matter of time."

    Cynissa shakes her walking stick defiantly. "It is not only a matter of time. Our mothers and fathers, and their parents, knew well how to resist. The Silver City and her Silver Ravens stood unconquered throughout the Civil War. When Westcrown burned, Thrune left Kintargo intact. It took them nearly a century to even think of imposing their 'order' here. And when they do, they cloak their repression in soft language. They pretend to hear our demands, and respond. Why? They know we remember a time when Cheliax stood against slavery. We remember denouncing the Whispering Tyrant and marching to war against the Umbral Court, Thrune's allies. If we must rise in that tradition against the queen of our own country, they know we will."

    Cynissa steels herself against disappointment, and looks around at the crowd. It isn't as bad as she'd feared. The faction is smaller now, and she can still see people leaving, averting their eyes in what looked like shame. And the remainder had stopped shouting back at the loyalists. But a few are pushing closer to the Opera House, others continue to pass around familiar-looking parchments, and the rest look up at her eagerly. When they do shout, it is to support her. She locks eyes with a halfling couple and beckons them to join her on her makeshift stage. They do, but only to pat her firmly on the shoulder. Soon they had gone, and Cynissa loses them in the throng. Much though she would have liked to hear what they had to say, she ploughs on.

    "But they have prepared, so violence is futile today. How can we resist? Refuse to spy for the dottari! Make them do their own jobs. Boycott the pest-collection and dog-catching programs. They stole their gold from the people, and do not get to hold it ransom. Come together at tea in trust, and talk. Hide runaway slaves, or political prisoners." Cynissa begins to beat on the slats again, punctuating her words so they take on a rhythm. "Organize where you work, where you live, and where Thrune lets us play. If they take you to prison, organize there. If they take you to the gallows, organize in Elysium. I'll be with you." Cynissa's eyes flash at the promise. In Pezzack and Korvosa both, her friends had convinced her to flee repression. She resolves again not to abandon Kintargo and spreads her arms wide, breathing hard. "Who's with me? Come up and speak!" She is eager to hear what the other protesters thought. Maybe that couple would return. Or the fiddler from earlier; she showed promise. Whatever happens next, Cynissa is sure, it wouldn't be about her. It would be about all of them.

    Spoiler: OOC
    Here we go again, for the second hour. Rabble-rouse (1d20+6)[9]
    Last edited by zimmerwald1915; 2015-09-25 at 08:46 PM.

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    Colossus in the Playground
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    Hitori slowly limps back to the Opera House and looks at the armored woman. "I have asserted control over the situation. No matter how loudly a few may scream, their voices will fall on deaf ears. It is only a matter of time before the crowd disperses fully. Is that an acceptable display of my loyalty to the lord-mayor?"

  26. - Top - End - #26
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    "Well, better late than never," Aaron mumbles as he surveys the crowd in front of the opera house, his customary smile on his face. "Let's go see what all the hubbub is about..."

    Quote Originally Posted by zimmerwald1915 View Post
    She steps closer to the crowd, practically tossing her handbills away in her haste to distribute them.
    From his spot on the outskirts of the crowd the young knight sees the veritable explosion of paper pamphlets. The scene is too far away for him to make out exactly what is happening, but he looks around for a clear path and begins walking in that direction purposefully, listening to those around him as he goes.

    Quote Originally Posted by 3SecondCultist View Post
    Spoiler: OOC
    1) Listen for Rumors [Perception/Diplomacy]. Anyone just wandering the crowd can listen for rumors and learn more about what's going on in Kintargo's new political landscape.
    "Ragathiel guide me, I must learn what is going on before I make things worse," Aaron mumbles as his hands seem to make motions of minor power with a mind of their own. Louder, he asks several times as he walks, "What is going on? I came late - what is happening?"

    Spoiler: Mechanics
    First Hour's Action

    Aaron casts Guidance upon himself.

    Diplomacy (1d20+8)[9] (using the +1 from casting Guidance) to Listen for Rumors.

    When he begin to hear rumors clearly meant to scare the crowd into dispersing, Aaron's smile fades and he tries to dig a little deeper: "Who is saying these things? Which warehouses are being used like this? Surely one could confirm this if they tried - have things really gotten so bad?"

    By the time he makes it to the central knot in the middle of the crowd before the great opera house Aaron just misses the end of the tiefling woman's speech. Looking around he sees quite the odd assortment of people in the crowd. It is the appearance of the dottari and their leader that slows his approach. "They look ready for a fight..." he mutters as he looks at them carefully. Turning his attention to the crowd he realizes how few of these townfolk are ready and capable of protecting themselves. Nodding with determination he makes his way towards the organized supporters of House Thrune. Once there he turns back to observe the crowd and look more carefully for signs of the man he originally came here to find, again invoking the Empyreal Lord's support as he does so.

    Quote Originally Posted by 3SecondCultist View Post
    Spoiler: OOC
    4) Watch the Crowd [Perception/Sense Motive]. Anyone just interested in watching the protest can look for anything unusual or strange. This action would also apply if the character is looking for the mysterious contact with the black glove.
    Spoiler: Mechanics
    Second Hour's Action

    Cast Guidance again, then Perception (1d20+5)[16] (using the Guidance bonus and the bonus for "Meeting a Contact")

  27. - Top - End - #27
    Titan in the Playground
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    The young pickpocket looks at you, eyes darting between you and the figure of the Hellknight walking away and towards the Opera House. Fingers stashing the purse in one of her own pockets, she maintains eye contact with you. Her body language seems uncertain: she oscillates on the grass for a moment, before turning and running south, away from the crowd and towards the center of the park.


    Nox stares at you for a moment, inscrutable. "You've done your duty, Minamoto. The crowd has certainly recognized you - you might go far indeed." Nodding back up at the Opera House for a moment, the dottari commander smiles. "You're welcome to stand with me and watch the fireworks. It won't be long now."
    Spoiler: Stuff I'm Working On
    Small Justice

    An ongoing web serial about politics, vengeance, and miniature lizards. Go check it out!

    Quote Originally Posted by Zeno Desaqqara View Post
    You divine bastard.

    "Life is to be lived, not controlled; and humanity is won by continuing to play in the face of certain defeat."

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    Aaron notes the thieving girl and her running into the crowd. Slowed by his armor and the crowd, he decides not to follow, but does his best to commit her appearance to memory, planning to look for her should the opportunity arise.

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    Colossus in the Playground
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    Hitori chuckles darkly. "The last time a woman said that to me, I got laid. But I suppose these fireworks will be setting a different kind of mood." He walks up to the commander and stands beside her, turning back to face the crowd. The sight of the dark knight and his allies together is more than enough to make those who approach the Opera House retreat.

    Silence Dissent here: (1d20+6)[25] Not aimed at a particular faction, just those who were brave enough to stand closer to the House after Cynissa's speech.

  30. - Top - End - #30
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    Eva stops playing her fiddle Why do people have to complicate things? and turns to the loud mouthed Hellknight to shout "You there! You claim to serve the people so prove it! Right there that woman running picked the pocket of that elderly fellow, do something about it or take your state diatribe and stick it up your rear. If you cannot provide order in the most simplest sense, protecting the people you vowed to serve, then you and your order are effectively WORTHLESS!" Considering she had decided to call out the knight she may as well use it for the common good though she was loathe to turn someone in who could be using the money for a good cause. The halfling proceeded to point out the girl and made her way towards her fiddle in hand, doing what she could to cut the thief off. She hoped the girl wouldn't become violent but who knew what would happen when you caused someone to become desperate. As she moved to intercept the girl she decided to pick up her fiddle and begin playing maybe her music would inspire some of the protesters? Thinking on her feet she played the tune to a well known drinking song among the labourers hoping to rouse them while she did something about the girl.

    Spoiler: OoC
    Rabble Rouse: Tradesmen (Perform)

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