Snips, Snails, and Dragon Tales: Now available in PDF format from Gumroad
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    Orc in the Playground

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    Jun 2012

    Default Base Class: Magical Girl (AKA "Help me, I've done something terrible!")

    So once upon a time in a thread I cannot find, someone asked, "What's the one D&D game you've always wanted to play?"

    Even though I'm not an anime fan (there are only four series that held my attention for more than 1 episode), I do think it would be fun to run an absurdly over-the-top, anime-inspired D&D game at some point. Also, even though I am not an anime fan, I understand that the label "anime" is an umbrella that covers about a dozen different genres, which share similar design principles and art styles, so please forgive my wanton misuse of the term.

    Anyways, in the interests of making that dream game happen, I might have homebrewed a Magical Girl base class, and it looks like it might almost be balanced, or possibly even underpowered, compared to 5E's core classes. I do have to cite our beloved host, the Giant in the Playground, as a source of inspiration, because I realized this was possible when I saw his 3E homebrew class, the Champion. So, here she is...

    Spoiler: Flavor
    A demon rages through the hallways of the Arcane College, tearing students in half as they flee. One apprentice stands defiant, placing her fingertips on a jeweled bracelet. With a sudden flash, the girl transforms into a statuesque figure in magnificent white robes.
    A young squire presents his signet ring to the blackguard. A swirling mist fills the area- and when it clears, a knight in shimmering golden armor stands where the squire was standing. He draws his oversized greatsword, and smirks beneath his armor.
    Despite the name, Magical Girls are not necessarily female, but the most iconic characters of this class are. Magical Girls are mundane people with the extraordinary ability to transform into a powerful alternate form.

    Keeping a Promise
    There are two sources of a Magical Girl's power: a magical promise, and a heirloom given to the character. This heirloom becomes a focus for the Magical Girl's power, and a reminder of the promise made. A Magical Girl's transformation grants the skill needed to fulfill the character's promise. Generally, the character's new form resembles the ideals or personality of the entity the character's Magical Promise was made to.

    Creating a Magical Girl
    As you are creating a Magical Girl, the most important question is “what do you want to transform into?” Is your transformation some kind of beast-like form, a knight in shining armor, or an older, more regal version of your current self? Second, what does your transformation do? Do you rely on martial prowess or magical ability? This should tell you which Magical Promise to make.
    The next step is to consider who your character made a promise to, as well as why. Is your Magical Promise with a ghost that lives in your Heirloom, an extra-planar being such as an angel, or an ideal? What can you do to fulfill that promise? Once your original goal is completed, how can you continue to uphold the terms of your Magical Promise?

    Quick Build
    You can quickly make a Magical Girl by following these suggestions. Charisma should be your highest ability score, followed by Dexterity or Constitution. Second, choose the Folk Hero background.

    Level Proficiency Bonus Class Features Spells Known Spell Slot Level
    1 +2 Magical Promise, Transformation (1/rest) 0 0
    2 +2 Charm Casting 2 1
    3 +2 Magical Charms 3 1
    4 +2 Ability Score Increase 4 1
    5 +3 Extra Attack 5 2
    6 +3 Promise Feature 5 2
    7 +3 Power of Friendship 6 2
    8 +3 Ability Score Increase 6 2
    9 +4 Magical Charm 7 3
    10 +4 Promise Feature 7 3
    11 +4 Transformation (2/rest) 8 3
    12 +4 Ability Score Increase 8 3
    13 +5 Magical Charm 9 4
    14 +5 Promise Feature 9 4
    15 +5 Strength of Spirit 10 4
    16 +5 Ability Score Increase 10 4
    17 +6 Magical Charm 11 5
    18 +6 Power of Friendship Improvement 11 5
    19 +6 Ability Score Increase 12 5
    20 +6 Promise Fulfilled, Transformation (3/rest) 12 5
    Spoiler: Proficiencies & Equipment

    Hit Points
    Hit Dice: 1d8 per Magical Girl level.
    Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Constitution modifier.
    Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution modifier per Magical Girl level after first level.


    Weapons: Simple Weapons.
    Armor: None
    Tools: None
    Saving Throws: Constitution, Charisma
    Skills: Choose two from Acrobatics, Arcana, Insight, Perception, or Persuasion.

    Starting Equipment:
    Your heirloom, which could be (a) a signet ring, (b) an amulet, (c) a set of fine clothes, or (d) a martial weapon of your choice.
    (a) A quarterstaff or (b) a dagger.
    (a) a diplomat's pack or (b) a scholar's pack.
    And a bag with Two tomes of lore on subjects of your choice.

    Spoiler: Class Features

    Heirloom (Pretend it's a Sidebar)
    At first level, you possess a unique heirloom that grants your magical powers. The heirloom can be any piece of mundane gear you possess, but it is typically a piece of jewelry, an article of clothing, or a weapon. You can use your heirloom as a spellcasting focus, and you must have your heirloom on your person to be able to use the Magical Girl's Transformation feature.

    Magical Promise
    At first level, a Magical Girl makes a promise to an extraordinary being in exchange for power. This Magical Promise determines the abilities and the manifestations of the Magical Girl's transformation. Choose one of the Magical Promises listed below.

    Promise of Safety
    The Magical Girl swears to defend the innocent, and protect the weak. Your transformation is an avatar of battle, capable of taking on threats significantly more dangerous than you could hope to defeat alone.
    Weapon Training. At first level, you gain proficiency with martial weapons and shields.
    Fast Movement. At first level, your speed increases by 10 feet while you are transformed.
    Skilled Charger. At sixth level, you become especially adept at rushing your foes. If you move at least 10 feet in a straight line before making a melee weapon attack, you have advantage on your next attack roll.
    One Body, Two Souls. Beginning at 10th level, your transformation can protect you from mortal harm. If you would be reduced to 0 hit points, or killed outright while you are transformed, you may end your Transformation in order to go to 1 hit point instead.
    Purging Transformation At 14th level, your Transformation reinvigorates your body. You can use a bonus action to transform as long as you are conscious, even if you are not capable of taking actions. If you are incapacitated, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, restrained, or stunned, transforming immediately ends any number of those conditions.

    Promise of Understanding
    The Magical Girl's promise is to solve a mystery that eluded the one the promise was made to. Your transformation is a more competent spellcaster than others of your class.
    Magical Form. Magical Girls with this promise have a little bit more spellcasting than their counterparts. At first level, you may choose two cantrips from the Magical Girl spell list. You may cast those cantrips while you are Transformed.
    Powerful Cantrips. At sixth level, your most basic spells become increasingly potent. Whenever you cast a cantrip that deals damage, you may add your Charisma modifier to the damage it deals on a hit.
    Heightened Understanding. By 10th level, your Promise has given you a level of clarity that other people do not possess. You gain proficiency in Wisdom Saving Throws. Additionally, you have Advantage on Wisdom saving throws against spells while you are transformed.
    Signature Spell. At 14th level, you may choose a 1st-level spell you know. While you are transformed, you may cast that spell at-will as a first-level spell.

    As a bonus action, you can undergo a magical transformation into your alternate form. The transformation generally has a cosmetic change. This could be something minor, such as a difference in hair color, or it could be a major change, such as a new outfit suddenly appearing over your clothing. Transforming requires the Magical Girl's unique Spell Focus, which is a Heirloom. In order to transform, you must be able to take actions, and your Heirloom must be on your person. You gain additional uses of Transformation at level 11, and at level 20. Once you transform, you cannot do so again until you take a short or long rest.
    While you are transformed, you gain the following traits:
    Armor Class. While you are transformed, your Armor Class is equal to 10 + your dexterity modifier + your charisma modifier.
    Duration. You can maintain your Transformation for up to one hour. If you are knocked unconscious, your transformation ends early.
    Size. You become a medium humanoid creature, regardless of what your original form was.

    Charm Casting
    At second level, Magical Girls gain access to a unique form of Spellcasting called Charm Casting, which can only be accessed by their transformed selves.
    Each time you Transform, you gain two Spell Slots. The level of these Spell slots are shown on the Spell Level column on the table above. You can only use these spell slots while you are transformed; if you revert back to your normal form, they are wasted.
    Spellcasting Ability. Your spellcasting ability is Charisma.
    Spells Known. Magical Girls do not prepare spells. Instead, you choose spells from the Magical Girl spell list. You may only learn spells of a level no higher than what's shown in the Spell Slot column for your level.
    Spell Save DC. Your Spell Save DC is 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier.
    Spell Attack Modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier.

    Magical Charms
    At third level, a Magical Girl's powers adjust themselves to be more in tune with their wielder's personality. At third level, you may choose two Magical Charms from the list below. You get one additional charm at 9th, 13th, and 17th levels. You may only take a Charm once, unless the charm says otherwise. When a charm mentions an Ability Score prerequisite, it means your character's natural form must have that ability score, not the Transformation.
    Spoiler: Magical Charms

    Awoken Familiar
    You can cast Find Familiar once per day, without a material component. Your familiar has 10 intelligence and speaks Common.

    Altered Ability
    When you choose this charm, pick an ability score. If the chosen ability is less than a 14, it becomes a 14 while you are transformed. It increases to an 18 at 9th level, a 20 at 13th level, or a 22 at 17th level. You may take this Charm multiple times, choosing a different Ability each time.

    Blink Step
    Prerequisite: 9th level
    While you are transformed, you may spend one spell slot to gain bursts of superhuman speed. For the next minute, you can teleport 20 feet as a bonus action on your turn.

    Blinding Transformation
    You may only have one Transformation effect.
    Your transformation is especially bright. Creatures within 15 feet of you must make a Constitution saving throw against your Spell Save DC or become blinded for a number of rounds equal to your Charisma modifier. At the end of their turn, affected creatures may make a new saving throw, ending the blindness on a successful save.

    Prerequisite: Intelligence 13
    You may cast Cantrips even if you are not transformed. You learn two cantrips from the Magical Girl spell list when you take this Charm, and you learn one additional cantrip at 9th, 13th, and 17th level.

    Conjured Weapons
    When you transform, you can use your powers to generate one or two unique, magical weapons of your choice out of pure energy. Choose one of the options below. If you have at least one hand available, you may choose to immediately equip one or both of the generated items when you transform. Any weapon or shield generated counts as a +1 weapon or shield at 9th level, +2 at 13th level, or +3 at 17th level. While you are transformed, you may dismiss these weapons at any time, or conjure them again as a bonus action. When your transformation ends, the weapons disappear.
    • A thrown weapon which, if thrown, teleports into your hand at the end of your turn.
    • Any weapon with the ammunition property, which has unlimited ammunition.
    • Two light weapons.
    • A one-handed weapon and a shield.
    • A two-handed weapon.

    Durable Form
    Prerequisite: Constitution 13
    When you transform, you gain a number of Temporary Hit points equal to 2d4 plus your Charisma modifier. The number of dice increases to 3d4 at 9th level, 4d4 at 13th level, and 5d4 at 17th level.

    Elemental Favor
    Choose acid, cold, fire, lightning, or thunder. You are resistant to that kind of damage, even while you are not Transformed. At 13th level, you become immune instead. You may take this Charm multiple times, but you must choose a different damage type each time.

    Elemental Transformation
    You may only have one Transformation effect.
    When you pick this Charm, choose acid, cold, fire, or lightning. Creatures within 10 feet of you must make a Dexterity saving throw against your Spell Save DC. On a failure They take 4d6 damage of the chosen type, or half as much on a successful save. The damage increases to 6d6 at 13th level.

    Explosive Transformation
    You may only have one Transformation effect.
    When you transform, there is a thunderous explosion. Creatures within 10 feet must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they take 2d6 Thunder damage and are pushed 10 feet away from you. On a successful save, they take half damage and are not pushed. The damage increases to 4d6 at 13th level.

    Extra Magic
    Prerequisite: Promise of Understanding
    Choose two spells from any class's spell list. The spells must be a level you can cast with a casting time of one action, bonus action, or reaction. You add the chosen spells to your list of Spells Known. At 9th, 13th, and 17th level, you may choose to learn 1 additional spell.

    Fearsome Transformation
    You may only have one Transformation effect.
    Your transformation is terrible to behold. Creatures within 10 feet of you must make a Wisdom saving throw against your Spell Save DC or become frightened for a number of rounds equal to your Charisma modifier. At the end of their turn, affected creatures may make a new saving throw, ending the fear effect on a successful save.

    Finishing Move!
    Before you make an attack roll, you may declare a Finishing Move. If the attack hits, it is automatically a Critical Hit. Before you roll for damage, the target must make a Constitution saving throw against your spell save DC. Enemies with more than 1/2 their hit points automatically succeed on this saving throw. On a failure, you do not roll damage. Instead, the enemy takes the maximum amount of damage possible. Once you declare a Finishing Move, you may not attempt another one until you take a short or long rest.
    At 9th level, your Finishing Move deals 15 additional damage. This additional damage increases to 30 at 13th level. At 17th level, the enemy dies immediately if it fails its saving throw.

    Heirloom Independence
    Prerequisite: 9th level
    You may transform without your Heirloom. While you are not Transformed, your AC is equal to 10 + your Dexterity modifier + your Charisma modifier.

    Light Step
    You can cast Feather Fall at-will without expending a spell slot. At 13th level, you add Fly to your list of spells known.

    Lingering Magic
    When your Transformation ends, any un-used spell slots you have are not wasted. Instead, you may use those Spell Slots in your normal form. These spell slots last until you Transform again, or take a short rest.

    Magical Weapons
    Prerequisite: Promise of Safety
    Choose one or two weapons you possess. While you are wielding those weapons, they count as Magical. At 13th level, the weapons become oversized while you are transformed, dealing 1d6 additional damage. You may choose weapons you create with the Conjured Weapons charm. If you do, then they deal 1d8 additional damage instead.

    Misty Transformation
    You may only have one Transformation effect.
    Swirling fog or thick smoke exudes from you out to a 10-foot radius. This fog provides heavy cover, and lasts for a number of rounds equal to your Charisma modifier, or until it is dispersed by a strong wind.

    Extra Attack
    Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action.

    Power of Friendship
    At 7th level, you become immune to being charmed or frightened, so long as there is an ally within 30 feet. Additionally, allies within 30 feet have Advantage on saving throws against being charmed or frightened. At 18th level, you are immune to being charmed or frightened so long as you can see an ally, and allies within 60 feet have advantage against being charmed or frightened.

    Strength of Spirit
    At 15th level, your dedication to your promise is so strong, it manifests as a protective barrier. When you need to make a saving throw using an ability other than Charisma, you may choose to make a Charisma saving throw instead. You may do this a number of times per day equal to your Charisma modifier. You regain expended uses when you complete a long rest.

    Promise Fulfilled
    At 20th level, you can find strength in your abilities, even when it seems hopeless or futile. If you roll initiative and have no uses of Transformation left, you regain one use.

    Spoiler: Magical Girl Spell List

    Blade Ward
    Dancing Lights
    Fire Bolt
    Mage Hand
    Minor Illusion
    Ray of Frost
    Sacred Flame
    True Strike

    1st Level
    Charm Person
    Chromatic Orb
    Compelled Duel
    Divine Favor
    Expeditious Retreat
    Fog Cloud
    Guiding Bolt
    Magic Missile
    Searing Smite
    Thunderous Smite
    Wrathful Smite

    2nd Level
    Gust of Wind
    Magic Weapon
    Mirror Image
    Misty Step
    Scorching Ray

    3rd Level
    Blinding Smite
    Dispel Magic
    Elemental Weapon

    4th Level
    Death Ward
    Dimension Door
    Freedom of Movement
    Staggering Smite
    Wall of Fire

    5th Level
    Banishing Smite
    Cone of Cold
    Destructive Smite
    Flame Strike
    Wall of Force

    Ok, so this is actually my first completed original base class. Woohoo! It is fully operational, and ready for playtesting. Nothing looks glaringly overpowered, but I suspect there are still a few bugs to figure out. The spell list especially was kind of thrown together at the last minute. It's tricky, because I couldn't include any spells that required Concentration.

    Personally, I like it because it can capture the most cliche Magical Girl depiction, a less-traditional archetype like Ryuko Matoi of Kill la Kill, or it can be re-flavored for completely non-anime concept like Rich Burlew's Champion class.

    Anyways, I screened this with the anime fans in my D&D group earlier today, and they were flipping. Apparently I've nailed the flavor pretty well. Since they liked the concept so much, I thought I'd post it here and ask you all the following questions:
    • Does it look fun?
    • Does it feel like a Magical Girl?
    • Does anything look over/underpowered?
    • Are any of the rules confusing?
    • What would you do to break this class?
    • Would you play one of these?
    • What's the craziest character concept you can think of with this class, or a multiclass combo with this class?

    Anyways, I hope you like it!
    Last edited by Freelance GM; 2015-09-27 at 04:33 AM. Reason: Version 3 - 9/26/2015
    Check out my 5E Foraging/Alchemy Rules!

    God help me, I've made a 5E Magical Girl and people liked it.

  2. - Top - End - #2
    Titan in the Playground
    Ninja_Prawn's Avatar

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    May 2015

    Default Re: Base Class: Magical Girl (AKA "Help me, I've done something terrible!")

    This is very interesting. It's built on the warlock chassis, right? I like the flavour - otherworldly pacts aren't really my cup of tea - and I would consider playing something like this.

    However, I'm not sure I understand the mechanics. Can you only cast spells while transformed? What, then, can you do in your natural form? And what's the intended battlefield role? Warlocks (to me at least) are 'about' at-will damage per round, like magical fighters, but what is the magical girl supposed to do?

    There's just... something missing here.

    Edit: so I did a bit more thinking... this class does need a bit of work, but it shouldn't be that hard to bring it up to scratch.

    First of all, I'd change the spell progression to match the warlock's. Not even having 5th-level spells leaves the class well underpowered. Secondly, I'd allow casting while not transformed. After all, a barbarian can still make weapon attacks when they're not raging, right? The transformation should increase the effectiveness of the spells, like rage, rather than allowing them in the first place.

    Thirdly, I'd add something that functions like warlock invocations. Something to add flexibility and customisability to the class - the promises are very simple and there's only two of them at the moment. *facepalm* totally missed the Charm spoiler.

    I'd also take the Heirloom out of the table. It's not a class feature; it doesn't give you any powers or abilities. It belongs in a sidebar, like the wizard's spellbook.

    I'm not that well-versed in the MG genre... are there any other classes that could sit alongside this one? I feel like it would work best in a setting where everyone had an animal class.
    Last edited by Ninja_Prawn; 2015-09-23 at 01:41 AM.
    Lydia Seaspray by Oneris!

    Spoiler: Acclaim
    Winner of Spellbrew Contest I & Subclass Contest II
    Quote Originally Posted by JNAProductions View Post
    That is the perfect ending. Thread done, Ninja_Prawn won.
    Quote Originally Posted by KorvinStarmast View Post
    We love our ninja prawn.
    Quote Originally Posted by Professor Gnoll View Post
    NinjaPrawn, you are my favourite.
    Quote Originally Posted by Sir cryosin View Post
    Ninja you're like the forum's fairy godmother.
    Quote Originally Posted by ThinkMinty View Post
    This is why you're the best, Ninja Prawn.

    A Faerie Affair

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  3. - Top - End - #3
    Ettin in the Playground
    jamieth's Avatar

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    Default Re: Base Class: Magical Girl (AKA "Help me, I've done something terrible!")

    A question on Transformation Effects: I assume the effect stated happens at the moment you Transform, right? Or is it intended that, for example, Elemental Transformation would damage any creatures - including your allies - every round while you're transformed?

    Also, not that well-wersed in 5E; what can cause a character to lose concentration? Because, in source material, usually the only thing that forces MGs to de-transform in being knocked unconscious, if that. Would transformation lasting for an hour or until you're dropped below 0 hp be OP? (Can't comment on the rest of the balance; fluff-wise, seems evocative and true to the genre. Definitely adding this thread to my cache of MG-related RPG stuff).

    @Ninja_prawn: magical Girls being unable to cast untransformed is among the most important staplpes of the genre; without their transformations, they're just normal teenage girls (mostly teenage, mostly girls, at least).
    Tome of Radiance, a Magical Girl sourcebook for 3.5/PF.

    "Jamie" is fine. TH is mostly there to make sure the name would be free on any forum I'd want to register :-)

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    Titan in the Playground
    Ninja_Prawn's Avatar

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    Default Re: Base Class: Magical Girl (AKA "Help me, I've done something terrible!")

    Quote Originally Posted by jamieth View Post
    Also, not that well-wersed in 5E; what can cause a character to lose concentration? Because, in source material, usually the only thing that forces MGs to de-transform in being knocked unconscious, if that. Would transformation lasting for an hour or until you're dropped below 0 hp be OP? (Can't comment on the rest of the balance; fluff-wise, seems evocative and true to the genre. Definitely adding this thread to my cache of MG-related RPG stuff).
    Concentration drops when you:
    • Cast another spell that requires concentration (most buffs and ongoing effects).
    • Fail a Con save after taking damage. The DC = 10 or half the damage taken, whichever is higher. So if you're taking a lot of attacks, you will drop your concentration eventually.
    • Are incapacitated (a specific status effect) or killed.

    Quote Originally Posted by jamieth View Post
    @Ninja_prawn: magical Girls being unable to cast untransformed is among the most important staplpes of the genre; without their transformations, they're just normal teenage girls (mostly teenage, mostly girls, at least).
    I see. In that case, there needs to be a change of emphasis when the archetype is ported into D&D. Because ordinarily, D&D is not playable when your PCs are completely normal people with no powers or abilities. For example, say a creature with a big mutliattack, like a Marilith (7 attacks per action), drops your concentration with its first hit. Then you are basically without any kind of defense (Magical Girls have no armour proficiencies and Mage Armour isn't on their spell list) against the rest of the attack.

    And what are the girls supposed to do for the 95% of adventuring when everyone else is using their class features and they have nothing to contribute because it's not worth burning their transformation?
    Last edited by Ninja_Prawn; 2015-09-23 at 04:43 AM.
    Lydia Seaspray by Oneris!

    Spoiler: Acclaim
    Winner of Spellbrew Contest I & Subclass Contest II
    Quote Originally Posted by JNAProductions View Post
    That is the perfect ending. Thread done, Ninja_Prawn won.
    Quote Originally Posted by KorvinStarmast View Post
    We love our ninja prawn.
    Quote Originally Posted by Professor Gnoll View Post
    NinjaPrawn, you are my favourite.
    Quote Originally Posted by Sir cryosin View Post
    Ninja you're like the forum's fairy godmother.
    Quote Originally Posted by ThinkMinty View Post
    This is why you're the best, Ninja Prawn.

    A Faerie Affair

    Homebrew: Sig

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    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Base Class: Magical Girl (AKA "Help me, I've done something terrible!")

    Hm... yeah, concentration duration doesn't really work for transformation then. Do you think "until knocked unconscious" would be a better fit?

    Also, yeah, missed the armor issue... the way Selinia did it in the 3.5 MG class was that transformation summoned a suit of armor the MG was automatically proficient with, with a choice made at 1st level whether it would be a light, medium or heavy.

    By the way, the link in my sig contains a ton of MG-related stuff for 3.5, and while there's no straight conversion, you might find something that gives you some ideas there, perhaps?

    Also, "not worth it" is a strange reason to not transforming, I'd say - it resets on short rest, and short rest is, what, 5 minutes? So wasting transformation on something trivial and then lacking it for a grand fight is not much of a concern, I'd say...
    Last edited by jamieth; 2015-09-23 at 04:58 AM.
    Tome of Radiance, a Magical Girl sourcebook for 3.5/PF.

    "Jamie" is fine. TH is mostly there to make sure the name would be free on any forum I'd want to register :-)

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  6. - Top - End - #6
    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: Base Class: Magical Girl (AKA "Help me, I've done something terrible!")

    Short rest is an hour, buddy.
    I have a LOT of Homebrew!

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  7. - Top - End - #7
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Base Class: Magical Girl (AKA "Help me, I've done something terrible!")

    Quote Originally Posted by jamieth View Post
    Hm... yeah, concentration duration doesn't really work for transformation then. Do you think "until knocked unconscious" would be a better fit?
    It could be. The druid's wildshape works like that. I quote:

    Starting at 2nd level, you can use your action to magically assume the shape of a beast that you have seen before. You can use this feature twice. You regain expended uses when you finish a short or long rest.
    You can stay in a beast shape for a number of hours equal to half your druid level (rounded down). You then revert to your normal form unless you expend another use of this feature. You can revert to your normal form earlier by using a bonus action on your turn. You automatically revert if you fall unconscious, drop to 0 hit points, or die.

    However, a lot of people feel that wildshape is overpowered, especially how it gives you an entire pool of HP.

    Quote Originally Posted by jamieth View Post
    Also, "not worth it" is a strange reason to not transforming, I'd say - it resets on short rest, and short rest is, what, 5 minutes? So wasting transformation on something trivial and then lacking it for a grand fight is not much of a concern, I'd say...
    Oh, I didn't see the word "short". I thought it was X uses per long rest, like the barbarian's Rage. That changes things considerably, but not completely. A short rest is still 1 hour long.
    Lydia Seaspray by Oneris!

    Spoiler: Acclaim
    Winner of Spellbrew Contest I & Subclass Contest II
    Quote Originally Posted by JNAProductions View Post
    That is the perfect ending. Thread done, Ninja_Prawn won.
    Quote Originally Posted by KorvinStarmast View Post
    We love our ninja prawn.
    Quote Originally Posted by Professor Gnoll View Post
    NinjaPrawn, you are my favourite.
    Quote Originally Posted by Sir cryosin View Post
    Ninja you're like the forum's fairy godmother.
    Quote Originally Posted by ThinkMinty View Post
    This is why you're the best, Ninja Prawn.

    A Faerie Affair

    Homebrew: Sig

  8. - Top - End - #8
    Orc in the Playground

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    Jun 2012

    Default Re: Base Class: Magical Girl (AKA "Help me, I've done something terrible!")

    Wow, that was a ton of feedback overnight! Thanks guys!

    Quote Originally Posted by jamieth View Post
    A question on Transformation Effects: I assume the effect stated happens at the moment you Transform, right? Or is it intended that, for example, Elemental Transformation would damage any creatures - including your allies - every round while you're transformed?

    Also, not that well-wersed in 5E; what can cause a character to lose concentration? Because, in source material, usually the only thing that forces MGs to de-transform in being knocked unconscious, if that. Would transformation lasting for an hour or until you're dropped below 0 hp be OP? (Can't comment on the rest of the balance; fluff-wise, seems evocative and true to the genre. Definitely adding this thread to my cache of MG-related RPG stuff).

    Transformation effects happen the moment you transform. They aren't ongoing effects. Being incapacitated causes you to lose concentration, so the Transformation would end prematurely if you're knocked unconscious.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ninja_Prawn View Post
    This is very interesting. It's built on the warlock chassis, right? I like the flavour - otherworldly pacts aren't really my cup of tea - and I would consider playing something like this.

    However, I'm not sure I understand the mechanics. Can you only cast spells while transformed? What, then, can you do in your natural form? And what's the intended battlefield role? Warlocks (to me at least) are 'about' at-will damage per round, like magical fighters, but what is the magical girl supposed to do?

    Edit: so I did a bit more thinking... this class does need a bit of work, but it shouldn't be that hard to bring it up to scratch.

    First of all, I'd change the spell progression to match the warlock's. Not even having 5th-level spells leaves the class well underpowered. Secondly, I'd allow casting while not transformed. After all, a barbarian can still make weapon attacks when they're not raging, right? The transformation should increase the effectiveness of the spells, like rage, rather than allowing them in the first place.

    I'd also take the Heirloom out of the table. It's not a class feature; it doesn't give you any powers or abilities. It belongs in a sidebar, like the wizard's spellbook.

    I'm not that well-versed in the MG genre... are there any other classes that could sit alongside this one? I feel like it would work best in a setting where everyone had an animal class.
    It's like, at least 80% built on the Warlock chassis.

    The reason the spell progression doesn't completely imitate the Warlock's is because of the way Transformation works. A level 20 Warlock gets 4 5th-level spell slots per short rest, but a level 20 Magical Girl gets 5 4th-level spell slots every time she transforms, effectively giving her 15 4th-level spell slots per short rest. This, actually, was something I thought might be overpowered enough to make up for the "useless while you're not transformed" thing.

    I guess Heirloom could be a side-bar, but it's referenced by Transformation and Charm Casting. A Cleric's Holy Symbol is referenced by spellcasting and Channel Divinity, so it should be fine.

    As far as other classes, I've got a couple anime classes I want to design, with a half-finished Mech Jockey coming up next. The Mech works a lot more like Wild Shape, which is one of the reasons I was trying to steer Transformation away from that direction.

    Quote Originally Posted by jamieth View Post
    Hm... yeah, concentration duration doesn't really work for transformation then. Do you think "until knocked unconscious" would be a better fit?

    Also, yeah, missed the armor issue... the way Selinia did it in the 3.5 MG class was that transformation summoned a suit of armor the MG was automatically proficient with, with a choice made at 1st level whether it would be a light, medium or heavy.

    By the way, the link in my sig contains a ton of MG-related stuff for 3.5, and while there's no straight conversion, you might find something that gives you some ideas there, perhaps?

    Also, "not worth it" is a strange reason to not transforming, I'd say - it resets on short rest, and short rest is, what, 5 minutes? So wasting transformation on something trivial and then lacking it for a grand fight is not much of a concern, I'd say...
    Transformation sets the MG's AC to 10+ DEX mod + CHA mod. It'll probably be in the 16 to 18 range, but by taking the Altered Ability charm for CHA and DEX you could get it up to 22.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ninja_Prawn View Post
    Concentration drops when you:
    • Cast another spell that requires concentration (most buffs and ongoing effects).
    • Fail a Con save after taking damage. The DC = 10 or half the damage taken, whichever is higher. So if you're taking a lot of attacks, you will drop your concentration eventually.
    • Are incapacitated (a specific status effect) or killed.

    I see. In that case, there needs to be a change of emphasis when the archetype is ported into D&D. Because ordinarily, D&D is not playable when your PCs are completely normal people with no powers or abilities. For example, say a creature with a big mutliattack, like a Marilith (7 attacks per action), drops your concentration with its first hit. Then you are basically without any kind of defense (Magical Girls have no armour proficiencies and Mage Armour isn't on their spell list) against the rest of the attack.

    And what are the girls supposed to do for the 95% of adventuring when everyone else is using their class features and they have nothing to contribute because it's not worth burning their transformation?
    Good points here. I made Transformation recharge on a Short Rest because in an "ideal" 5E campaign, you'll be taking two or three of those each day. I made it require concentration because it seemed to fit the flavor of the class that getting the crap beat out of you knocks you out of your Transformation.

    However, the character is more or less helpless while she isn't transformed, which, while it is a staple of the class, sucks in a dungeon. I just skimmed over it again and noticed that by RAW, Light Step (a Charm), doesn't say it only works while you are Transformed, like Blink Step does, which gives me an idea.

    What if there were a couple charms that worked when you weren't Transformed? Right now, I'm thinking the Cantrips, Magical Weapon, and Elemental Favor ones would work. Also, what if the Heirloom Independence Charm also let you use your Transformation's AC formula and proficiencies while you aren't transformed?

    So, it looks like the changes I need to make are...
    (a) Drop heirloom, rewrite it in Charm Casting.
    (b) Clarify when Transformation abilities trigger.
    (c) Await further feedback on spellcasting, because with at least 15 4th-level spell slots per short rest, I think it may actually need a nerf instead of a boost. We'll see.
    (d) Rework Transformation's duration, and probably remove Concentration. Also, allow some Transformation effects to bleed over to the normal form.

    Thanks again for the feedback, everyone! I'm glad there's actually some interest in this class!
    Last edited by Freelance GM; 2015-09-23 at 08:16 AM.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Freelance GM View Post
    (c) Await further feedback on spellcasting, because with at least 15 4th-level spell slots per short rest, I think it may actually need a nerf instead of a boost. We'll see.
    Maybe just fewer slots per transformation? The warlock gets their slots back on a short rest, so you want to aim for the same total as they get. Maybe keep the number of slots fixed, rather than growing by level, so you always get two slots per transformation, but then you get two or three transformations at higher levels?

    Perhaps then give them one 5th-level slot per day as like a 'finishing move' or whatever. Like I said, I'm not familiar with the genre.
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    Default Re: Base Class: Magical Girl (AKA "Help me, I've done something terrible!")

    OK, one idea I have - not related to the issues present, but as a way to expend the options - is that while Promise of Safety represents Magical Girl Warriors, and Promise of Understanding... well, I'm not sure if that archetype has a specific name, but I know what you meant, there can be an archetype for Magical Idols - Promise of Inspiration or something? It can grant bard-style abilities, though I'm not sure how bards work in 5E, except the fact that they're apparently 9th-level casters now :-)
    Tome of Radiance, a Magical Girl sourcebook for 3.5/PF.

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    Default Re: Base Class: Magical Girl (AKA "Help me, I've done something terrible!")

    Quote Originally Posted by jamieth View Post
    OK, one idea I have - not related to the issues present, but as a way to expend the options - is that while Promise of Safety represents Magical Girl Warriors, and Promise of Understanding... well, I'm not sure if that archetype has a specific name, but I know what you meant, there can be an archetype for Magical Idols - Promise of Inspiration or something? It can grant bard-style abilities, though I'm not sure how bards work in 5E, except the fact that they're apparently 9th-level casters now :-)
    I like this idea. A limited version of Bardic Inspiration would fit well with the theme, and it's a nice, flexible ability that adds to the class both in and out of combat. And it's something that wouldn't need to depend on the transformation, like the Safety girls' weapon proficiencies.

    For jamieth, 5e bards are flexible full-casters that are excellent at support, healing, gish, arcane archery and general skill utility. You can build almost anything with a bard.
    Lydia Seaspray by Oneris!

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    Default Re: Base Class: Magical Girl (AKA "Help me, I've done something terrible!")

    Quote Originally Posted by jamieth View Post
    OK, one idea I have - not related to the issues present, but as a way to expend the options - is that while Promise of Safety represents Magical Girl Warriors, and Promise of Understanding... well, I'm not sure if that archetype has a specific name, but I know what you meant, there can be an archetype for Magical Idols - Promise of Inspiration or something? It can grant bard-style abilities, though I'm not sure how bards work in 5E, except the fact that they're apparently 9th-level casters now :-)
    Quote Originally Posted by Ninja_Prawn View Post
    I like this idea. A limited version of Bardic Inspiration would fit well with the theme, and it's a nice, flexible ability that adds to the class both in and out of combat. And it's something that wouldn't need to depend on the transformation, like the Safety girls' weapon proficiencies.

    For jamieth, 5e bards are flexible full-casters that are excellent at support, healing, gish, arcane archery and general skill utility. You can build almost anything with a bard.
    Believe it or not, I had notes for an archetype called the "Promise of Friendship," which was based on the bard, which could cast Guidance as a bonus action, and could affect more targets at higher levels. I cut it because it's mechanics didn't seem as interesting as the other two. Apparently, there's some interest in that kind of archetype, so I might add it back in after I clean it up a bit.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ninja_Prawn View Post
    Maybe just fewer slots per transformation? The warlock gets their slots back on a short rest, so you want to aim for the same total as they get. Maybe keep the number of slots fixed, rather than growing by level, so you always get two slots per transformation, but then you get two or three transformations at higher levels?

    Perhaps then give them one 5th-level slot per day as like a 'finishing move' or whatever. Like I said, I'm not familiar with the genre.
    I like this fix for the Spell Slots. I'll take another look at the Warlock when I have the PhB handy, and make the changes.

    As for the Finishing Move, I think it would make a good Magical Charm option.

    Thanks again for all the feedback!
    Check out my 5E Foraging/Alchemy Rules!

    God help me, I've made a 5E Magical Girl and people liked it.

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    Halfling in the Playground

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    Default Re: Base Class: Magical Girl (AKA "Help me, I've done something terrible!")

    This actually reads really well! Well done! No critiques from me, but maybe some helpful Imput from 5e warlocks' standpoint...

    In 5e, it's true that warlocks only have 5th lvl spells and slots, but they also have abilities called Mystic arcanums. MAs work like old edition spells: you get to choose 1 spell of 6th level that you may cast without the use of a spell slot, but cannot do so again until you take a long rest, I believe. At appropriate levels you get a 7th, 8th, and 9th level spell as well. You don't get spell slots for those levels; you only get to cast the spell you chose and you can't do so again until you long rest. I think this mechanic can serve your class well on several levels.

    Again great class idea. If you find/run an anime homebrew tolerant campaign that wouldn't mind a new face, drop me a line! Been wanting to try my Avatar of Blades......

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    Default Re: Base Class: Magical Girl (AKA "Help me, I've done something terrible!")

    Quote Originally Posted by Grayfigure View Post
    ...Mystic Arcanum...
    The more I look at this, the more I want to pull MGs away from the warlock.

    At level 20, a warlock gets 4no 5th-level spells per short rest. If my most recent suggestion is adopted, MGs will get 6no 4th-level spells. That looks like a small difference, but it can be made into a big point of differentiation. It means that in a major battle, a MG is going to tend to cast real spells where a warlock would be using Eldritch Blast.

    To wit, it might be a good idea for the OP to add at least one 3rd- or 4th-level direct-damage spell to the MG's list. Relying on Scorching Ray IV as your frontline attack is not going to cut it in an epic game.

    But, looking deeper, the warlock is a full caster. It has access to 9th-level magic. The MG is not going in that direction. It's more like a half-caster... which go up to 5th-level spells and have Extra Attack at 5.

    ..."but one of the archetypes gives Extra Attack at 6," you cry. Well, change it to a fighting style! Give them something like a Mystic Arcanum, but only for 5th-level spells. Sorted!

    A transforming half-warlock with Cha-based unarmoured defense and 18* mid-level spell slots a day. That's new and fun, right?

    *based on 2 short rests per day.
    Last edited by Ninja_Prawn; 2015-09-23 at 05:45 PM.
    Lydia Seaspray by Oneris!

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    That is the perfect ending. Thread done, Ninja_Prawn won.
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    Well my thought was pretty close to your idea of the Finishing Move, using the Mystic Arcanum mechanic, though tweaked as needed. I figured they could use it for both a pseudo-unique feature and as a bit of a high level damage leverage, modding as needed to keep it with their own special spin.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Grayfigure View Post
    This actually reads really well! Well done! No critiques from me, but maybe some helpful Imput from 5e warlocks' standpoint...
    Thanks for the praise! Glad you like it!

    Quote Originally Posted by Ninja_Prawn View Post
    But, looking deeper, the warlock is a full caster. It has access to 9th-level magic. The MG is not going in that direction. It's more like a half-caster... which go up to 5th-level spells and have Extra Attack at 5.

    ..."but one of the archetypes gives Extra Attack at 6," you cry. Well, change it to a fighting style! Give them something like a Mystic Arcanum, but only for 5th-level spells. Sorted!

    In my earliest drafts of this class, it was a bit more like a Paladin/Bard hybrid, before I realized Warlock was a much better chassis. Safety Girls originally could gain access to the Paladin's exclusive Smite spells. (They might again, now that we've agreed to cut Concentration from the Transformation rules).

    I never intended for the MG to be a full caster, but I completely forgot that Extra Attack was a mildly essential thing for Half-Casters. *Facepalms.*
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    Do we need to call her Neil?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Freelance GM View Post
    TFW it all comes together with a nice *click*

    I'm glad I was able to help. If you ever want to playtest this in PbP, I'd be interested in joining.
    Lydia Seaspray by Oneris!

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    Quote Originally Posted by JNAProductions View Post
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    Second Edition is up.

    No more spell slot increase. Spell slot progression increased to 5th level. Added some Concentration spells and 5th level spells to spell list. Still no Fireball/Lightning Bolt, because WOTC thought it was too OP for the Warlock. Therefor, it is most likely too OP for the Magical Girl.

    Safety Girl got a total rework now that Flight is a charm and Extra Attack is a class feature. Understanding Girl got a bit more Eldritch Knight-like. Both archetypes get Extra Attack now. The third "Friendship Girl" Archetype is still in think-tank limbo.

    Heirloom Independence gives you your Unarmored Defense while you're not Transformed. Several other charms are no longer limited to "While you are Transformed."

    Cantrips Charm is now limited to Magical Girl cantrips.

    Opted not to add the Finishing Move charm, since they can cast 5th-level spells now. Opted not to give them any access to spell slots above 5th level, because that would mean they aren't a Half-Caster.

    I did add a Lingering Magic charm, which lets you keep un-used Spell Slots when your Transformation ends.
    Check out my 5E Foraging/Alchemy Rules!

    God help me, I've made a 5E Magical Girl and people liked it.

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    I have only two comments:

    1. I'd make the Understanding Girl's cantrips available without transformation, on the basis that the Safety Girl's weapon proficiencies are always-on. If necessary, refluff them into something non-magical, like an icy stare for Ray of Frost.

    2. I think warlocks don't get Fireball and Lightning Bolt because most their damage output comes from Eldritch Blast anyway. If you're allowing Cone of Cold (and if it fits with the genre), I'd just allow the third-level blasty spells.
    Lydia Seaspray by Oneris!

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    Quote Originally Posted by JNAProductions View Post
    That is the perfect ending. Thread done, Ninja_Prawn won.
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    Hmm... See, I've been stalking this class for a bit now and I wanted to interject. Do add a finishing move! Make it a class feature! It seems like such a stable for magical girls that it would be weird not to have it! This is my suggestion: Make it a scaling magical skill that they can use. Either make it a smite type thing if they go protection, or a ranged blast if they go understanding. The character could chose an element when they get the ability for further customization! Depending on how much damage you make it do (and I think it should scale), it would have a drawback. A small drawback would be once per long rest, a medium one to end your transformation and a high one just a level of exhaustion.

    Throwing 2cp!

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    You might want to look at the game Magical Burst for inspiration for magical girl crunch. I played a very...wacky campaign of that a long time ago. Everyone was a different style of character, it was nuts.

    You could always call the class Mahou, since it'd be flavorful and non gender-specific.
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    Default Re: Base Class: Magical Girl (AKA "Help me, I've done something terrible!")

    Oh, I had a thought last night and forgot to post it. A new promise: Darkness! Dark Magical Girls are a thing, right?
    Lydia Seaspray by Oneris!

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    Quote Originally Posted by JNAProductions View Post
    That is the perfect ending. Thread done, Ninja_Prawn won.
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    Default Re: Base Class: Magical Girl (AKA "Help me, I've done something terrible!")

    Sorry bout the lateness of this suggestion, but a way to give the pretransformed Chara something to do without a serious rewrite just popped of into my head: cantrips! You can give them access to a limited number of cantrips to show that they have changed and have made the Promise. You can even keep unarmored def in the improved Heirloom/item/what its face ( sorry, it's early and I haven't had coffee yet).

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    Quote Originally Posted by Grayfigure View Post
    Sorry bout the lateness of this suggestion, but a way to give the pretransformed Chara something to do without a serious rewrite just popped of into my head: cantrips! You can give them access to a limited number of cantrips to show that they have changed and have made the Promise. You can even keep unarmored def in the improved Heirloom/item/what its face ( sorry, it's early and I haven't had coffee yet).
    I agree with this in general, but it looks like the default MG doesn't actually know any cantrips. Which, actually, is fine, because we're aiming loosely for a half-caster.

    But yes, when the Promise of Understanding and one of the Charms grant knowledge of cantrips, I would want that to be usable without transformation. Maybe even find a way to work in a 'Potent Cantrip' thing that only works when transformed?
    Lydia Seaspray by Oneris!

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    Quote Originally Posted by JNAProductions View Post
    That is the perfect ending. Thread done, Ninja_Prawn won.
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    Hmm......maybe for the melee path a cantrip aimed at defense like blade ward? Perhaps give them the one cantrip (a bit strange I know, but I'm functioning without the aid of coffee here 😐😆) or maybe it and one more, like true or something.

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    Default Re: Base Class: Magical Girl (AKA "Help me, I've done something terrible!")

    One, I like this. Some refinement and I may add it to my players' option list.

    As far as refinement goes:

    • When you changed the spell level scaling, you created a few dead levels. Should be simple to fix, just adjust the charm levels slightly.
    • I made a pretty simple Warlock pact along the same lines some months back, and one of the things I did was give them the ability to change their damage type to Radiant, since that's one of the easier flavor things that can be done. Possible to see a Charm or two involving that?
    • One of the reasons the Paladin and the Ranger work as half-casters is because they both have some form of damage steroid to their damage. You had a good first step making extra attack baseline, but I think Promise of Safety really needs a little bit more oomph in mid levels
    • Promise of Safety doesn't seem to give abilities at the Promise Feature levels? Either that, or you forgot to add the levels.
    • There's some terminology that doesn't hold to 5e design styles and terminology. For example, in Blink Step, "spend" should be "expend". It's a small issue, but still is one.
    • Any chance to see a summonable weapon/shield? It doesn't really happen often in-genre for a Mahou Shoujo/Shonen to be carrying around part of their equipment like that.
    There was something here and in the avatar box, and there will eventually be again. I just need to figure out what I want...

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    Default Re: Base Class: Magical Girl (AKA "Help me, I've done something terrible!")

    Quote Originally Posted by Ninja_Prawn View Post
    I agree with this in general, but it looks like the default MG doesn't actually know any cantrips. Which, actually, is fine, because we're aiming loosely for a half-caster.

    But yes, when the Promise of Understanding and one of the Charms grant knowledge of cantrips, I would want that to be usable without transformation. Maybe even find a way to work in a 'Potent Cantrip' thing that only works when transformed?
    The (current) Cantrip charm gives you learn new cantrips and cast a few while you aren't Transformed. Might as well change it to casting any cantrip you know while you're not transformed, to avoid confusion. Since Cantrips aren't normally a thing for Half-Casters, I'd like to make them require the investment, though.

    Quote Originally Posted by ThinkMinty View Post
    You might want to look at the game Magical Burst for inspiration for magical girl crunch. I played a very...wacky campaign of that a long time ago. Everyone was a different style of character, it was nuts.

    You could always call the class Mahou, since it'd be flavorful and non gender-specific.
    Thanks for the recommendation, I'll see what I can find! While I like the non-gender-specific name, Magical Girl just seems so iconic...

    Quote Originally Posted by Ninja_Prawn View Post
    I have only two comments:

    1. I'd make the Understanding Girl's cantrips available without transformation, on the basis that the Safety Girl's weapon proficiencies are always-on. If necessary, refluff them into something non-magical, like an icy stare for Ray of Frost.

    2. I think warlocks don't get Fireball and Lightning Bolt because most their damage output comes from Eldritch Blast anyway. If you're allowing Cone of Cold (and if it fits with the genre), I'd just allow the third-level blasty spells.
    Good point. I forgot that I put Cone of Cold on their list.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ilorin Lorati View Post
    One, I like this. Some refinement and I may add it to my players' option list.

    As far as refinement goes:

    • When you changed the spell level scaling, you created a few dead levels. Should be simple to fix, just adjust the charm levels slightly.
    • I made a pretty simple Warlock pact along the same lines some months back, and one of the things I did was give them the ability to change their damage type to Radiant, since that's one of the easier flavor things that can be done. Possible to see a Charm or two involving that?
    • One of the reasons the Paladin and the Ranger work as half-casters is because they both have some form of damage steroid to their damage. You had a good first step making extra attack baseline, but I think Promise of Safety really needs a little bit more oomph in mid levels
    • Promise of Safety doesn't seem to give abilities at the Promise Feature levels? Either that, or you forgot to add the levels.
    • There's some terminology that doesn't hold to 5e design styles and terminology. For example, in Blink Step, "spend" should be "expend". It's a small issue, but still is one.
    • Any chance to see a summonable weapon/shield? It doesn't really happen often in-genre for a Mahou Shoujo/Shonen to be carrying around part of their equipment like that.
    1: Yeah, I was afraid that would happen. Gotta take another look and see what I can move.

    2: I thought about doing this. Could do it as a charm.

    3: Safety has the exclusive Magical Weapon charm, which lets them roll an extra damage dice on every attack at Level 13. They may need something earlier, though.

    4: Terminology issues are bad. I'd like this to be as well-written and professional-looking as possible. Thanks for bringing that to my attention.

    5: I was SO CLOSE to adding that to the Magical Weapon charm. It seems like it's too much to add to one ability, but not enough to be its own thing.
    Last edited by Freelance GM; 2015-09-26 at 04:50 AM.
    Check out my 5E Foraging/Alchemy Rules!

    God help me, I've made a 5E Magical Girl and people liked it.

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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Base Class: Magical Girl (AKA "Help me, I've done something terrible!")

    So, I was just thinking about the promises, and I'm not sure Quick Casting really works. The Understanding Girl doesn't have martial weapon proficiency, so their weapon attacks are somewhat limited. They're only really going to use a weapon attack in combination with Extra Attack and whatever damage buff you create to parallel Divine Smite/Hunter's Prey/Hunter's Mark. I might suggest reworking it to:

    Quick Casting. You can use your bonus action to cast any cantrip you know that has a casting time of 1 action. You can use this ability a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier and regain expended uses when you complete a long rest.

    In other news, I've been trying to figure out what makes a Dark Magical Girl special. So far I have learned that they are often isolated/lonely and more intelligent than regular MGs. Is that right? So, I'm thinking something like...

    Spoiler: Promise of Darkness
    The Magical Girl made a promise to an extraordinary being, but her powers somehow became warped and corrupted. Her transformation is dark or even monstrous and she wields it with coldness and cruelty in order to destroy all that is good.

    Vicious Attack. When you make this promise at 1st level, you gain the ability to exploit your enemies' weaknesses to deliver savage attacks. Whenever you have advantage on an attack roll, the attack deals an additional 1d6 damage of whatever type the weapon or spell normally deals.

    I Fight Alone. By 6th level, you have fully embraced your solitude and learned to channel your fear and anger into your fighting style. You have advantage on all attack rolls and saving throws as long as you cannot see any conscious allies.

    Hide in Shadows. At 10th level, you can Hide as a bonus action if you are in darkness or dim light.

    Dark Mastery. At 14th level, your dark powers enable you to manifest deadly magical effects. You learn a single 6th level spell from any class' spell list. You can only cast this spell while transformed, and once you have cast it, you must complete a long rest before you can cast it again.

    New Charm: Umbral Barrier.
    Prerequisite: Promise of Darkness
    You can cast Shield at-will without expending a spell slot.
    Last edited by Ninja_Prawn; 2015-10-25 at 06:39 AM.
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    That is the perfect ending. Thread done, Ninja_Prawn won.
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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Base Class: Magical Girl (AKA "Help me, I've done something terrible!")

    Quote Originally Posted by Freelance GM View Post
    1: Yeah, I was afraid that would happen. Gotta take another look and see what I can move.

    2: I thought about doing this. Could do it as a charm.

    3: Safety has the exclusive Magical Weapon charm, which lets them roll an extra damage dice on every attack at Level 13. They may need something earlier, though.

    4: Terminology issues are bad. I'd like this to be as well-written and professional-looking as possible. Thanks for bringing that to my attention.

    5: I was SO CLOSE to adding that to the Magical Weapon charm. It seems like it's too much to add to one ability, but not enough to be its own thing.

    This brings up another terminology issue: die is the singular form of dice.

    On Magical Weapon Charm, it massively supports certain weapons over others. Greatsword is simply massively worse than the Greataxe, for instance. While this is a quirk that pops up in Half-Orc too, I don't think it works well here because it's more widespread and it limits character options in strange ways. The flavor, however, is pretty good so my recommendation would just be to move it over to an extra d6 across the board. Relative buff to some weapons, relative nerf to others, and it's still "This weapon is bigger and more awesome than normal."

    As far as finding out if you need more or not, it should be easy enough to math out. I'd recommend looking for the DPR of a single-classed Bladelock and aiming for that.

    If summoning a weapon isn't quite enough, how about something this:
    Something Summons
    (No prerequisite)
    As part of your transformation action, you may summon one of the following combinations directly into your empty hands:
    • one weapon,
    • two weapons you can use with two weapon fighting,
    • a weapon you can wield in one hand and a shield.

    You must be proficient in what you wish to summon, but otherwise choose what to summon when you transform. They may be either magic items you're attuned to, or created directly out of magical energy.

    It's stronger than simply summoning a single weapon, allows heavy customization based on build, and lets you call your magical weapons without the (imo) clunky pact weapon mechanics.
    Last edited by Ilorin Lorati; 2015-09-26 at 11:02 AM.
    There was something here and in the avatar box, and there will eventually be again. I just need to figure out what I want...

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