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    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Oct 2015

    Default Homebrew Subclasses [PEACH]

    Hi all,

    New to the forum, so sorry for any mistakes in formatting and other things...

    I am going to do a campain in a while, and i want to homebrew a LOT in it. It will be the third campain with my friends, so they will have a lot of knowledge and have less difficulty with things that make it more difficult.

    For this campain i want to use only homebrew subclasses, and possibly a whole new class. These are my ideas till this moment:

    Spoiler: Barbarian: Path of the Ancestors
    Knowledge of the Past (lvl3):
    At level 3 you become proficient in the History skill if you are not proficient yet.

    Trials of the Past (lvl3):
    Your insight to the lives of your ancestors teaches you how to fight. Choose one of the following fighting styles.
    Archery: You gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls you make with ranged weapons.
    Duelling: When you are wielding a melee weapon in one hand and no other weapons, you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls with that weapon.
    Great Weapon Fighting: When you roll a 1 or 2 on a damage die for an attack you make with a melee weapon that you are wielding with two hands, you can reroll the die and must use the new roll, even if the new roll is a 1 or a 2. The weapon must have the two-handed or versatile property for you to gain this benefit.
    Two-Weapon Fighting: When you engage in two-weapon fighting, you can add your ability modifier to the damage of the second attack.

    Favor of the Elders (lvl6):
    At level 6 your connection with your elders have strengthened so far, that they show you the way to strike in battle. When you initiate a rage, roll 2d20's and take whichever roll you want. Any time during the rage you can choose to use the roll in place of an attack roll. You may choose so after you see the initial roll, but before you know the result of the throw. At level 14 you may roll a second set of d20's for another roll.

    Knowledge of the Ancestors (lvl10):
    At lvl10 you become expertised in the History skill if you are not expertised yet.

    Wrath of the Ancestors (lvl10):
    Your connection with your elders have strengthened so far, that they protect and empower you in battle. When you rage, you gain an amount of Ancestral Points equal to your wisdom modifier. By expending one of these Ancestral Points, you may choose one of the following options as a bonus action on your turn:
    - Your next attack this turn gains a bonus on the attack roll equal to half your proficiency bonus, rounded down
    - Your next attack that hits this turn gains a bonus to the damage equal to half your proficiency bonus, rounded down
    - You gain THP equal to twice your proficiency bonus. This lasts till the end of your rage or till it is depleted.

    Knowledge of the Ancients (lvl14):
    At level 14, as an action, you can choose to become proficient in a skill you are not expertised in, or expertised in a skill you are proficient in for 10 minutes. You cannot use this ability again untill you finish a short or long rest.

    Warden of the Ancients (lvl14):
    At level 14, you have become the Warden of the Ancients, and you are fully blessed by your ancestors. While raging, you can make one extra attack as a bonus action on your turn.

    Spoiler: Bard: College of Legends
    Recite Legends (lvl3):
    When a creature within 60ft of you that can hear you makes an ability check, you may use your reaction to give him or her proficiency in the check, or expertise if he or she already has proficiency in the check. You can use this feature once per long rest. At lvl14, you can use this feature twice per long rest.

    Combat Inspiration (lvl3):

    Also at 3rd level, you learn to inspire others in battle. A creature that has a Bardic Inspiration die from you can roll that die and add the number rolled to a weapon damage roll it just made. Alternatively, when an attack roll is made against the creature, it can use its reaction to roll the Bardic Inspiration die and add the number rolled to its AC against that attack, after seeing the roll but before knowing whether it hits or misses.

    Legend’s Chorus (lvl6):
    As a bonus action on your turn, you can inspire an ally within 60ft of you that can hear you to attack when there is an opening. That ally can immediately use its reaction to make one weapon attack to a creature within its range. You may use this feature equal to your charisma modifier. This refreshes on a long rest.

    The making of a Legend (lvl14)
    At level 14 you can inspire your allies to become legends themselves. Once per long rest, you may expend a Bardic Inspiration Die as an action to give an ally the opportunity to use his reaction to make a spell attack, or a full attack.

    Spoiler: Bard: College of Metal
    Bonus Proficiencies (lvl3):
    You gain proficiency in all metal Armor (Medium Armor (except Hide) and Heavy Armor) and two metal martial weapons of your choice.

    Hard as Rock(/Metal) (lvl3):

    Your inspiration dice may be used as a reaction to being hit. If a creature does so, it increases its AC by half the result of the inspiration die, rounded down (minimum of 1).

    Thunderstruck (lvl6):
    You gain resistance to Thunder damage. Additionally, you may use your Charisma modifier with weapons you are proficient with in place of your Strength or Dexterity modifier.

    Hell’s Bells (lvl14)
    At level 14, you may use an action to begin a performance in battle for up to 1 minute. In the following turns during the duration or until you lose concentration you may use your action to continue the performance. An amount of creatures up to your Charisma modifier within 60ft of you that can hear you must make a Wisdom Saving Throw against your spellcasting DC. On a fail, a creature is paralyzed for the duration. It can repeat the saving throw on the end of its turn. On a success, the creature is immune to your performance for 24 hours.

    Spoiler: Fighter: Swordmaster Archetype
    Know your Swords (lvl3):
    Whenever you make an ability check related to swords, you are considered proficient in the skill and add double your proficiency bonus to the check, instead of your normal proficiency bonus.

    Just one more cutter! (lvl3):

    You have dedicated yourself to fighting with multiple swords. You gain the following benefits if you are not wearing heavy armor:
    - When you are wielding a longsword or a rapier, you may dual wield them. The second sword gains the benefit of the dual-wielding fighting style if you have it. If you have the Dual Wielder FEAT, the damage die for your weapons increase by one size.
    - When you are dual wielding Scimitars or Short Swords, you may wield one more in your mouth. The dual wielded swords gain the benefit of the dual-wielding fighting style if you have it, but the third doesn’t. You may attack with both the second and the third sword (so 2 attacks total) as a bonus action. When wielding a sword in your mouth, you cannot cast spells with a verbal component, and can only speak six words each turn. If you have the Dual Wielder FEAT, the swords in your hands may be rapiers or longswords. You do not gain the first benefit of this feature if you choose this one.

    X Pound Phoenix (lvl7):
    At level 7, you learned a sword technique with which you can make a ranged attack. With one sword, it is called the ’36 Pound Phoenix, with two swords, it is called the ’72 Pound Phoenix and with three swords it is called the ‘108 Pound Phoenix.
    You can use this technique as an action. You make one ranged attack with a range of 30ft using all swords together. This attack deals force damage equal to the combined damage dice of all your swords, but only adds your Strength or Dexterity modifier once. For instance, when using this attack with two rapiers, the Two-Weapon Fighting Style and a Dexterity score of 16, you do 2d8+3 damage. You may use this technique an amount equal to your Constitution modifier, as it is a strenuous technique. You cannot make an attack with your bonus action in the same turn as you use this technique.

    Demon Slash (lvl10):

    As an action, you may make one weapon attack with all your swords combined, dealing the total damage dice of all swords combined. If you hit the attack, you may move through the target’s space and 10 feet behind it, without provoking opportunity attacks. You may use this ability a total of half your Dexterity modifier, rounded up (minimum 1). All expended uses reset on a long rest.

    Haki (lvl15):

    You can use one of the following options as a bonus action on your turn once per short rest.
    - Mind Rope: Until the beginning around your next turn, you can see the auras of creatures within 30ft of you. This aura is even visible to you if there is no more than 1 foot of stone, 1 inch of common metal, a thin sheet of lead, or 3 feet of wood or dirt between you and the creature, and if the creature is invisible. You also gain advantage on all your attacks and others gain disadvantage on all attacks against you if you see the aura of the target you attack or get attacked by for the duration. You do not gain any of the benefits if you are blinded.
    - Ardement Harding: You can either reinforce your skin or your weapons. If you reinforce your skin, you gain a +2 to AC till your next turn, and your unarmed strikes deal 1d4 bludgeoning damage for one minute. If you reinforce your weapons, they deal an additional 2 damage on a hit for one minute.
    - Conqueror’s Haki: You burst out your inner strength, and each creature you choose within 30ft of you must make a Wisdom saving throw against your Strength or Charisma DC, whichever is higher. If they fail, they become frightened of you for 1 minute or until it takes any damage. You can’t use this option again until you finished a long rest.

    Ultimate Technique(lvl18):
    Once per long rest, you may execute the most powerful sword technique you know, depending on how many swords you are wielding. Each of the techniques costs an action, and you cannot use your bonus action this turn for making more attacks.
    - One Sword: Unfortunate Port Bird: As an action, you make one slash with your sword, and a wave slashes forward in a straight line. Each creature in a 100ft line of you must make a Dexterity Saving Throw against your Strenght of Dexterity DC (depending on the weapon). On a failed save, they take four times your weapon damage die/dice and once your damage modifier in force damage, or half as much on a successful save.
    - Two Swords: Bear Demon. You leap towards an enemy, both swords pointing down, up to your strength modifier x 10 feet. Make a weapon attack roll. On a hit, you deal four times your weapon damage dice as damage for the attack. You deal your damage modifier as if you had hit with both weapons.
    - Three Swords: Asura. You act so swiftly that it seems you have three heads and six hands. You make three weapon attacks with each sword, but can only apply your damage modifier once per sword. All attacks must be to the same enemy.

    Spoiler: Fighter: Enchanter Archetype
    Spellcasting (lvl3):
    - Pact Magic 1/3 progression (wanted to do it for at least one other subclass)
    - Charisma as spellcasting stat
    - Special List (still need to make it)

    Fighter - Cantrips - Spells - Spell - Spell
    level ----- Known - Known - Slots - Level
    3 ------------ 1 --------- 2 ------ 1 ---- 1st
    4 ------------ 1 --------- 3 ------ 2 ---- 1st
    5 ------------ 1 --------- 3 ------ 2 ---- 1st
    6 ------------ 1 --------- 3 ------ 2 ---- 1st
    7 ------------ 1 --------- 4 ------ 2 ---- 2nd
    8 ------------ 1 --------- 4 ------ 2 ---- 2nd
    9 ------------ 1 --------- 4 ------ 2 ---- 2nd
    10 ----------- 2 --------- 5 ------ 2 ---- 2nd
    11 ----------- 2 --------- 5 ------ 2 ---- 2nd
    12 ----------- 2 --------- 5 ------ 2 ---- 2nd
    13 ----------- 2 --------- 6 ------ 2 ---- 3rd
    14 ----------- 2 --------- 6 ------ 2 ---- 3rd
    15 ----------- 2 --------- 6 ------ 2 ---- 3rd
    16 ----------- 3 --------- 7 ------ 2 ---- 3rd
    17 ----------- 3 --------- 7 ------ 2 ---- 3rd
    18 ----------- 3 --------- 7 ------ 2 ---- 3rd
    19 ----------- 3 --------- 8 ------ 2 ---- 4th
    20 ----------- 3 --------- 8 ------ 2 ---- 4th
    ----> Sorry, i didnt understand anything of the table making feature here.... hope it is still clear enough. I did my best whith what i could :)

    Weapon Bond (lvl3):

    See fighter eldritch knight

    Imbued Weaponry (lvl7):
    You have learned how to channel arcane power through your weaponry. When you cast a spell as an action, you may use a bonus action to channel that spells effects through your weapon. The spell gains the following benefits:
    - This spells somatic portion is fulfilled by your weapon-holding hand
    - For the purposes of that spell’s attack roll, if any, you use your weapon attack attribute rather than your spellcasting attribute
    - The spell’s effects are targeted or centered on the target you are aiming at with your weapon, whether an enemy or a square.
    If the spell targets multiple creatures, then the origin of the spell becomes the creature you targeted with your weapon, the creature you targeted with your weapon becomes one of the targets of the spell, and the spell uses its own range from that origin. When you use a spell in this way, you consume the appropriate spell slot as normal.
    When you cast a spell with the Imbued Weaponry feature that also targets you, you gain advantage on the saving throw. If you fail the save, you only suffer half damage. If you succeed the save, you take no damage.

    Arcane Impact (lvl10):
    Beginning at level 10, you can expend your spell slots to deal additional damage with your weapon attacks. When you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can use your bonus action to expend a spell slot to deal force damage to the target, in addition to the weapon’s damage.
    The extra damage for melee weapons is 1d8, plus 1d8 per spell level slot that you expended. The extra damage for ranged weapons is 1d6, plus 1d6 per spell level slot that you expended.

    Improved Imbueing (lvl15):
    Imbuing spells into your sword no longer costs a bonus action, but is instead done as part of the action. Additionally, you also deal your weapon damage on a hit when using Imbued Weaponry.

    Thinking with portals (lvl18):
    At 18th level, you gain the ability to manifest small portals through which you can make weapon attacks. When you make a weapon attack, you can spend a bonus action to create two small portals about 1 feet in diameter. One portal must be within your weapons normal range, and the other portal must be within 30 feet of the first portal. You must be able to see where both portals will manifest. Examples of using this ability is to extend your weapon range by 30 feet, or making an attack beyond a corner to ignore cover.

    Spoiler: Fighter: Kensai Archetype
    Ki Warrior (lvl3):
    When choosing this archetype at level 3, you gain a Ki Pool equal to 1/3rd your level, rounded up:
    3rd lvl – 1 Ki Point
    4th lvl – 2 Ki Points
    7th lvl – 3 Ki Points
    10th lvl – 4 Ki Points
    13th lvl – 5 Ki Points
    16th lvl – 6 Ki Points
    19th lvl – 7 Ki Points
    You can expend Ki Points to use one of the following options. You gain additional options at higher levels. When an option asks for a saving throw, the DC will be 8 + Prof.Bonus + WISmod.
    - Patient Defence: You can spend 1 ki point to take the Dodge action as a bonus action on your turn.
    - Step of the Wind: You can spend 1 ki point to take the Disengage or Dash action as a bonus action on your turn, and your jump distance is doubled for the turn.
    - Quick Strike: You can spend 1 ki point to make one weapon attack as a bonus action on your turn.

    Extension of Yourself (lvl3):

    Your weapon of choice becomes an extension of yourself. By spending one week fighting or training with a slashing weapon for at least two encounters or two hours of training a day, you know how to handle it like no other. You can have up to two weapons as extensions of yourself. When wielding a weapon that is an extension of yourself, you gain the following benefits:
    - You cannot be disarmed of the weapon unless you are incapacitated.
    - When you are not wearing heavy armor, and not wielding a shield, you gain a +1 to hit with the weapon.

    Ki Sight (lvl7):
    At level 7 your sight becomes enhanced by you Ki. You can see the energy flowing in living things and gain advantage on perception checks made to see any living thing. You can empower this feature by spending 2 Ki Points, gaining 60ft Life Sight for 1 minute.
    Life Sight: You can see invisible living creatures, you can see living creatures through anything less than 1 foot of stone, 1 inch of common metal, a thin sheet of lead, or 3 feet of wood or dirt, whether they have Ki Points, and if they come from another plane of existence. Undead and golems do not appear to life sight, though particularly powerful undead (such as liches and vampire lords) appear as literal drains of life around them.

    Executions (lvl10):
    You gain the following options to use your Ki Points:
    - Iajutsu Strike: You can spend 1 Ki Point to make a special melee attack as an action. You draw your weapon, move 15ft forward and make one weapon attack all in one move. Your weapon must be sheathed at the beginning of this move.
    - Stunning Strike: You can spend 1 Ki Point to attempt to stun a creature when you hit it with a melee attack. The target must succeed on a Constitution Saving Throw, or be stunned until the end of your next turn.
    - Energy Wave: You can spend 1 Ki Point to make a ranged attack with your melee weapon as an action. The range of this attack is 30ft, and you deal your weapon damage in force damage.

    Stillness of Mind (lvl15):
    Starting at 7th level, you can use your action to end one effect on yourself that is causing you to be charmed or frightened.

    Purity of Body (lvl15):
    At 10th level, your mastery of the Ki flowing through you makes you immune to disease and poison.

    Ultimate Executions (lvl18):

    You have improved your executions, but they cost more strain. You gain the following options to use your Ki Points:
    - Ultimate Iajutsu Strike: You can spend 3 Ki Points to make a special melee attack as an action. You draw your weapon, move 15ft forward and make one melee weapon attack all in one move. You can use this move an amount equal to the amount of attacks you can make with an attack option. You can target other creatures if they are within 15 feet of where you end a move. Your weapon must be sheathed at the beginning of this move.
    - Ultimate Stunning Strike: You can spend 3 Ki Points to attempt to stun each creature you hit it with a melee attack this turn. The target must succeed on a Constitution Saving Throw with disadvantage, or be stunned until the end of your next turn.
    - Ultimate Energy Wave: You can spend 3 Ki Point to make ranged attacks with your melee weapon as an action, an amount equal to the amount of attacks you can make with an attack option. The range of this attack is 30ft, and you deal your weapon damage in force damage.

    Spoiler: Monk: Way of the Drunken Fist
    Drunken Fighting Style (lvl3):
    You have mastered fighting while drunk, and made this style your own. When you at least 4 drunk levels (see rules for drinking below), you may enter a Drunken Fighting State as a bonus action. If you do, you gain the following …:
    - When an attacker that you can see hits you with an attack, you can use your reaction and one Ki Point to halve the attack’s damage against you.
    - You lose the debufss on dexterity checks and saving throws, and on your movement.
    - You can spend one Ki Point to gain advantage on attacks with dex weapons, and advantage on dex saves, for one round, as you become unpredictable as hell.
    You burn one drunk level at the start of each of your turns when in Drunken Fighting State. When you have less than 3 drunk levels, your drunken fighting state ends. You can also end it as a bonus action.

    Drunken Vitality (lvl6):

    At 6th level you can burn the alcohol in your body to heal yourself. You can use an action on your turn burn up to half your level in drunk levels to heal 1d10 per drunk level you burn. You can use this ability an amount of times equal to your constitution modifier.

    Retaliation (lvl11):
    Beginning at 11th level, when you are in a Drunken Fighting State and an enemy misses you with an attack, you may use one Ki Point to make one weapon attack to the target. This doesn’t use up your reaction.

    Igniting Breath (lvl17):
    Starting at 17th level, you may burn 6 drunk levels and 3 Ki Points to exhale a breath of alcohol and ignite it. If you do so, you deal 10d6 fire damage in a 15ft cone. You may use this ability once per long rest.

    Spoiler: Monk: Way of the Saiyan
    Learn from Pain (lvl3):
    Starting at 3rd level, whenever you get hit by an attack, you may use your reaction and 1 Ki Point to gain resistance to all damage types except Psychic for one round. You can use this ability an amount equal to your Wisdom modifier per long rest.

    Ki Blast (lvl6):

    Starting at 6th level, when you make an attack with a monk weapon or unarmed strike, you can expend one Ki Point to make a Ki blast instead. This attack deals one damage die size less damage than the normal attack (1d61d4, 1d81d6, etc.), and deals Force damage. You are proficient in this form of attack and use your Wisdom modifier instead of Dexterity or Strength modifier for the attack and damage roll.

    Kamehameha (lvl6):
    Starting at 6th level, you may use your action and expend 3 Ki Points to make a Kamehameha attack; you shoot off a line of pure Ki. If you do so, every creature in a 5ft wide, 100ft long line must make a Dexterity Saving Throw against your Ki Save DC. A creature takes 6x your Martial Arts die in damage.

    Walk on Ki (lvl11):
    Starting at 11th level, you may use a bonus action on your turn and 6 ki points to gain a flying speed equal to your movement speed for one minute.

    Super Saiyan (lvl17):
    Starting at 17th level, you can use a bonus action on your turn and 6 Ki Points to go into Super Saiyan Mode. If you do, you gain the following benefits for one minute:
    - Your attacks with unarmed strikes and monk weapons deal additional force damage equal to your Wisdom modifier.
    - You may use the Learn from Pain ability without using a Ki Point and without expending uses per long rest.
    - You may use an action and 10 Ki Points to make a Spirit Bomb attack. If you do so, you may choose not to move, take actions, bonus actions or reactions for any amount of rounds. Until you release the Spirit Bomb, you emit bright light for 60ft, and dim light for another 60ft. Once you release the Spirit Bomb, you choose a point within 120ft of you. Every creature in a 30ft radius of that point must make a Dexterity Saving Throw. On a fail, they receive 10d6 + 4d6 damage per round you did nothing (up to 5 rounds) Force damage. On a success, they take half damage.

    Spoiler: Paladin: Oath of Lightning
    Tenets of Lightning
    Radiant as Lighting: Illuminate the evil, and show others what to strike. Strike the enemy without hesitation, and strike with all your might.
    Loud as Thunder: Let your actions speak for yourself. Once lightning strikes, thunder roars afterwards. When fighting the enemy, let them know why, so they know what they repent for.
    Fleeting as the Wind: Lighting never strikes the same place twice. Divine judgement is always on the move, seeking new evil to illuminate.

    Oath Spells
    You gain oath spells at the paladin levels listed:
    Paladin Level - Spells
    3rd ------------- Thunderwave, Fairy Fire
    5th ------------- Magic Weapon, Shatter
    9th ------------- Call Lightning, Blink
    13th ----------- Storm Sphere, Elemental Bane
    17th ----------- Destructive Wave, Telekinesis

    Channel Divinity (lvl3):

    When you take this oath at level 3, you gain the following Channel Divinity options:
    Fulminant Radiance: You wield the power of lightning, thunder and light with unchecked ferocity. When you roll lightning, thunder or radiant damage. You can use your Channel Divinity to deal maximum damage, instead of rolling.
    Shock Weapon: As an action, you can imbue a weapon you hold with divine electricity. For 1 minute, your weapon deals an extra 1d6 points of lightning damage on every hit. The weapon also emits bright light in a 20ft radius, and dim light 20ft beyond that. You can end this effect on your turn as part of any other action. If you are no longer holding or carrying this weapon, or if you fall unconscious, this effect ends.

    Aura of the Storm (lvl7)
    At level 7, you withstand the destructive power of lightning and thunder. You and friendly creatures within 10 feet of you have resistance to lightning and thunder damage. At level 18, the range of this aura increases to 30ft

    Magnetized Weapon (lvl15):
    Starting at level 15, the divine electricity of your Shock Weapon becomes magnetizing. Whenever you attack when your weapon is under the effect of Shock Weapon, you gain advantage on the attack if the target is wearing armor made of metal. On a hit, the target can’t take reactions until the start of its next turn.

    Lord of Lightning (lvl20):
    At level 20, you become one with lightning. As an action, you infuse your body with divine lightning, and your skin shines with a gold an blue hue, which pulses as bolts of lightning course through you. You gain the following effects for one minute:
    - You gain immunity to lightning and thunder damage
    - You may teleport to a spot within 30 feet of you as a bonus action. If you do so, a bolt of lightning appears in a radius of 5 feet centered on the location you teleport to. Every other creature in the area of effect takes 3d10 lightning damage. When you are in a storm, the bolts of lightning deal an additional 1d10 lightning damage.

    Spoiler: Paladin: Oath of the Guardian
    Tenets of the Guardian
    Valour. Always be prepared to stand before evil or injustice to save a life, even in the face of impossible odds.
    Discernment. Your ability to defend the weak is wasted on those who feign helplessness. Always know the truth of your charges need.
    Resolve. Always continue on in the face of adversity, persevere when others fall short, and be prepared to end a threat permanently to ensure lasting protection of those in your charge.
    Character. Your words and your deeds should engender trust, dependability and hope to all those you encounter. You do not know who will be the next to need your protection and your name should be beyond reproach, so as to be the first called upon when destruction is foreshadowed.

    Oath Spells
    You gain oath spells at the paladin levels listed:
    Paladin Level - Spells
    3rd ------------- False Life, Shield
    5th ------------- Blur, Warding Bond
    9th ------------- Protection from Energy, Spiritual Guardians
    13th ----------- Death Ward, Stoneskin
    17th ----------- Dispel Evil & Good, Wall of Force

    Channel Divinity

    When you take this oath at 3rd level, you gain the following two Channel Divinity options.
    Divine Challenge. As a bonus action, you compel a creature within 30 feet of you to focus its attacks upon yourself. The creature makes a Wisdom saving throw. If the creature fails its saving throw, it has disadvantage on attack rolls for any attack that doesn’t include you as a target for 1 minute. Also, it takes radiant damage equal to your Charisma modifier + your paladin level (minimum 1) each time it makes an attack that doesn’t include you as a target.
    Divine Ward. As a reaction, you protect an ally from harm if they are within 30 feet of you and are hit with an attack. You must use this ability before the damage result is known. When you use this ability, whatever damage or conditions that would have affected your ally affect you instead. You make any saving throws as normal. The ward remains on the target for 1 minute, and you can use your reaction on subsequent turns to redirect further damage or effects to yourself.

    Aura of Protection (lvl7):
    Starting at 7th level, your divine power protects you and friendly creatures from harm. You and friendly creatures within 10 feet of you reduce all non-magical damage taken by an amount equal to your Charisma modifier. At 18th level, the range of this aura increases to 30 feet.

    Soul of the Defender (lvl15):
    Starting at 15th level, when you use Divine Ward to take the effects of the attack, you gain only half damage and you gain advantage on saving throws.

    True Protector (lvl20):
    At 20th level you can assume the form of a true protector. As an action, you may undergo the transformation and you gain the following benefits for one minute:
    - Your Aura of Protection reduces an additional 5 damage from non-magical damage
    - You can use the Shield spell without expending a spell slot on someone else as a reaction. You can use this feature an amount equal to your Charisma modifier.

    Spoiler: Ranger: Arcane Archer Archetype
    Magic of Nature (lvl3):
    At level 3 you begin to learn how to mimic the magic from nature. You learn two cantrips from of the evocation or conjuration schools from the wizard spell list, along with two level 1 conjuration or evocation spells from the same list. At level 7, 11, 15 and 19 you learn two additional conjuration or evocation spells from the wizard spell list of the highest spell level you are able to cast, and you learn one additional cantrip from the evocation or conjuration school from the wizard list at level 11 and 19. These spells may only be exchanged for other wizard spells, and must be changed for spells of the same level. The spellcasting stat for these spells is Wisdom.

    Bonded weapon (lvl3):
    At 3rd level, you learn a ritual that creates a magical bond between yourself and one ranged or thrown weapon. You perform the ritual over the course of 1 hour, which can be done during a short rest. The weapon must be within your reach throughout the ritual, at the conclusion of which you touch the weapon and forge the bond.
    Once you have bonded a weapon to yourself, you can’t be disarmed of that weapon unless you are incapacitated. If it is on the same plane of existence, you can summon that weapon as a bonus action on your turn, causing it to teleport instantly to your hand.

    Infused shot (lvl7):
    At level 7 you learn to fire cantrips with your ranged weapons. You may spend a bonus action to infuse a cantrip in your bonded weapon. If you do so, you can make one attack with it with your action. If the attack hits the cantrip infused within hits and deals damage as well if it has an attack roll, or forces the creature to make a saving throw against the cantrip's effects at disadvantage if it has a saving throw. If the cantrip has multiple targets then the targets must be within 5' of each other, if it has an area of effect it starts on or is centered on and includes the original target, and only the original target has disadvantage on any possible saving throws.

    Force ammunition (lvl11):
    At level 11 when you make a ranged attack with your bonded weapon, the attack deals an additional 1d6 force damage on a hit. Alternately, when you used a ranged weapon with the ammunition property and have no ammunition to load your weapon or simply do not wish to expend ammunition, you may create a bolt of pure force that has advantage on attack rolls. This bolt deals 1d4+Your wisdom modifier force damage, and is treated as ammunition for all other purposes. Ammunition created by force ammunition may benefit from your infused shot ability.

    Infused barrage (lvl15):
    At level 15 you learn to infuse greater amounts of arcane energies into your weapons. You may spend a bonus action to infuse a spell you can cast in your bonded weapon. If you do so, you expend the spell slot you wish to cast it from (following the rules for spellcasting) and you can make one attack with it with your action. If the attack hits the spell infused within hits and deals damage as well if it has an attack roll, or forces the creature to make a saving throw against the spell’s effects at disadvantage if it has a saving throw. If the spell has multiple targets then the targets must be within 5' of each other, if it has an area of effect it starts on or is centered on and includes the original target, and only the original target has disadvantage on any possible saving throws.

    Spoiler: Rogue: Fate Weaver
    Magic Cards (lvl3):
    You can conjure magic cards in your hand that you can throw as a ranged weapon as a bonus action. You are proficient in these weapons. The weapons deal slashing damage and are considered magic for overcoming damage restrictions. The damage die for these weapons are 1d4, and you add your dexterity and half your charisma modifier (rounded down, minimum 0) to the attack and damage rolls. Sneak Attack is applied on these weapons. At 13th level, the damage die increases to 1d6.

    Fated Gambler (lvl3):
    Whenever you make a d20 roll for gambling, you gain advantage on the roll.

    Cards of Fate (lvl9):
    Whenever you make an attack roll as part of the attack action with your magic cards, you can choose to roll a d6. On a 1 or 2, you deal an additional 1d6 fire damage on a hit. On a 3 or 4, you slow your target and all creatures in a 5ft radius around it by half their movement speed on a hit. On a 5 or 6, on a hit the target must succeed on a constitution saving throw (DC is 8+prof+CHAmod) or be paralyzed for one round. At 13th level, you may roll 2d6 and use either result.
    You can use this ability an amount equal to your Charisma modifier per short rest.

    Swift Hands (lvl13):
    Practicing with your magic cars made you especially swift with your hands. You are proficient in Sleight of Hand checks if you aren’t already.

    Card Fiesta (lvl17):
    You can make one weapon attack to every enemy within 30ft of you. They all hit at the same time, and you can divide your sneak attack damage dice between all the hits. You can use this ability once per long rest.

    Spoiler: Sorcerer: Runemage
    Embodyment of Magic (lvl3):
    Your studies of the runes gave you knowledge of bodily runes. You may magically write runes on your body to cast spells with. You can only have one rune per spell level on your body. The amount your level and your intelligence:
    Amount - Level Requirement - INT requirement
    1 ------------------- 3 --------------------- 12
    2 ------------------- 4 --------------------- 14
    3 ------------------- 6 --------------------- 16
    4 ------------------- 8 --------------------- 18
    5 ------------------ 10 --------------------- 20
    For each rune, you must link one spell from the Wizard spell list. You can cast this spell once per long rest without spending a spell slot. You may change one rune on your body every long rest.

    Runic Ward (lvl6):
    At 6th level you have mastered even the defensive properties of runes. As a reaction upon being hit by an attack, you can light up your runes to ward you from harm. If you do so, your AC increases by the amount of runes you have on your body for one round. You can use this ability an amount equal to your Intelligence modifier per long rest

    Runic Metamagic (lvl14):

    At 14th level you have learned to twist the runic magic to your needs. You may choose one Metamagic option that costs one Sorcery Point (except twinned). Spells cast from your runes are always cast with this Metamagic, even if they don’t affect the spell.

    Perfect Rune (lvl18):
    At 18th level you have learned to change the power of a rune to as powerful as you can. Once per long rest you can improve the spell slot of which the runic spell is cast by your Intelligence modifier (to a maximum of 9th slot), and the spell can’t be counterspelled.

    Spoiler: Warlock: Grim Reaper Patron
    You made a pact with the Grim Reaper, collector of souls. You collect souls in exchange for power.

    Collector of Souls (lvl1):
    Starting at 1st level, when you reduce a hostile creature to 0 hit points, you gain one Soul Point, up to 1/4th of your warlock level, rounded down (minimum 1). You can exchange these Soul Points for power. You gain the following options to exchange them for at 1st level:
    - You can expend one Soul Point to add your Charisma modifier in necrotic damage to the damage of one spell. You can choose so after you hit, but before you roll the damage.
    - You can expend one Soul Point to add your Charisma modifier in necrotic damage to the damage of one weapon attack. You can choose so after you hit, but before you roll the damage.
    - You can expend one Soul Point to gain THP equal to your Charisma modifier plus half your Warlock level.

    Overseer of Life and Death (lvl6):
    Starting at 6th level, you gain a small bit of power over life and death. You now the Spare the Dying cantrip. Additionally, whenever a hostile creature within 30ft of you is reduced to 1hp by damage from one of your allies, you may use your reaction to deal 1 necrotic damage to it.

    Death’s Protection (lvl10):
    The Grim Reaper is pleased with your work, and grants you resistance to Necrotic damage and you gain advantage on saving throws against being frightened. Additionally, when you must make a death saving throw, you can expend one Soul Point to gain advantage on the saving throw.

    Fear the Reaper (lvl14):
    You can create an image of the Grim Reaper above you, frightening every creature you choose in a 30ft radius. Each creature you choose must make a Wisdom Saving Throw against your spellcasting DC, or be frightened of you for one minute or until they take damage.

    That's it for now. Some of these are made with anime or other things in mind, and some are made from other subclasses i've seen on the internet. Some are even copy-pasted, with some minor changes to let it feel my needs. I have energy to look them all up and credit the original maker of them. If you do want your username specifically mentioned, please send me a PM with the link to the original post (to verify), and your username shall be mentioned in the subclass. For the rest; thanks a lot for all the inspiration and thanks for letting me use your ideas!

    Please comment on my subclasses. I need as much feedback on whether they are balanced, what might be unbalanced, and if they are balanced with eachother (since i am planning to use only these in my campain).

    Thanks in advance!

  2. - Top - End - #2
    Bugbear in the Playground
    Join Date
    Nov 2014

    Default Re: Homebrew Subclasses [PEACH]

    That's an extensive list of homebrew you got there, I'll have a good look after work.

    But as a side note, there is a Homebrew Design forum that exist and I believe your post will be best suited there. I suggest you contact the moderators to move your thread there.
    Last edited by DanyBallon; 2015-10-15 at 11:23 AM.

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