Snips, Snails, and Dragon Tales: Now available in PDF format from Gumroad
Snips, Snails, and Dragon Tales is now on sale in PDF format from Gumroad - with 6 never-before-collected bonus comics!
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    Ogre in the Playground
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Half past Crazy

    Default Pikmin Captain (half finished base class, PEACH)


    Pikmin Captain:

    Skills: Knowledge (nature) 6 ranks.

    Lv BAB Fort Ref Will Special
    1 +0 +0 +0 +2 Pikmin Onion (2 colors), Pikmin Onion, Pikmin Command, Throw Pikmin
    2 +1 +0 +0 +3 Pikmin Onion (3 colors), Pikmin Dodge, Onion Rest
    3 +1 +1 +1 +3 Pikmin Onion (4 colors), Power Surge (1/day), Bomb Rock
    4 +2 +1 +1 +4 Pikmin Onion (5 colors), Pikmin Growth (bud)
    5 +2 +1 +1 +4 Pikmin Onion (6 colors), Commander Pikmin
    6 +3 +2 +2 +5 Pikmin Onion (7 colors), Onion Warp, Power Surge (2/day)
    7 +3 +2 +2 +5 Pikmin Onion (8 colors), Candy Pop Buds, Instant Orders
    8 +4 +2 +2 +6 Pikmin Onion (9 colors), Pikmin Growth (flower)
    9 +4 +3 +3 +6 Pikmin Onion (10 colors), Power Surge (3/day)
    10 +5 +3 +3 +7 Pikmin Onion (11 colors), Commander Pikmin, Student Becomes Master

    Hit Die: d6
    Class Skills: The captain’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Balance (Dex), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Hide (Dex), Jump (Str), Knowledge (nature) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Swim (Str), and Tumble (Dex).
    Skill Points: 4 + Int modifier.

    Class Features:
    Weapon and Armor Proficiency:
    A captain is proficient with all simple weapons, with light armor and with shields (except tower shields).

    Pikmin Onion (Ex):
    You own a Pikmin Onion. At level 1, choose 2 colors of Pikmin; your Onion can hold Pikmin of the chosen colors. At every level, choose another Pikmin color; your Onion gains the ability to hold Pikmin of that color.

    When not in use, your Onion remains in an extra-dimensional space. You can summon it from that space as a full-round action. Your Onion marks the location of your Pikmin's base. Your Pikmin consider base to be a circular area 50 feet in radius, centered on the Onion.

    The Onion takes up a 10 foot square. While in that area, you can take Pikmin out of the Onion and into your space or return Pikmin from your space into the Onion. You may never have Pikmin outside the Onion exceeding your Captain level times 10 (to a maximum of 100). Your Onion can store any number of Pikmin in each of the colors it can hold.

    You can return the Onion to its storage space as a full-round action. Any Pikmin outside the Onion at that time die; Pikmin within base store return themselves instantly instead of dying.

    The Onion has 100 hit points and hardness 10; whenever summoned, it has its full hit points. The Onion is immune to any type of damage that the Pikmin it can store are immune to. If the Onion is destroyed, it is automatically returned to its storage space and can't be resummoned for 12 hours.

    If you die, the Onion is automatically returned to its storage space.

    An Onion can make more Pikmin in two ways:
    * Once per day, you can order it to make a single Pikmin of any one color you choose (the Onion must be able to hold that color).
    * If a swarm brings a corpse to the onion, the onion will make Pikmin equal to the hit dice of the creature (round up). The created Pikmin will be the same color as the majority of the swarm that brought the corpse (break ties randomly). The corpse is destroyed in the process. The corpses of Pikmin can not be used this way.

    Pikmin Command (Ex):
    You can issue orders to Pikmin. You can issue orders to any Pikmin within 30 feet. Issuing an order can be done as a Standard, Move or Swift action.

    You can issue an order to one of the following groups:
    * a single Pikmin.
    * all Pikmin in range.
    * all Pikmin within 5, 10 or 15 feet (your choice) of a chosen spot.
    * all Pikmin of a chosen color in range.
    * all Pikmin of a chosen color within 5, 10 or 15 feet (your choice) of a chosen spot.
    * all Pikmin in a chosen swarm.
    * all Pikmin of a chosen color in a chosen swarm.
    More complex selections are not possible.

    The orders you can issue are as follows:
    * Follow: The ordered Pikmin move to your square. Then, they move with you to remain in your square until ordered again.
    * Move: The ordered Pikmin move to the target square.
    * Attack: The ordered Pikmin move to and then attack the target creature/object; once they begin, they keep doing this until the target is dead/destroyed or until they are ordered again.
    * Carry: The ordered Pikmin move to and then carry the target object back to base and drop it near the Onion; the target can also be lots of a small object (e.g. a pile of coins), in which case each Pikmin takes as much as they can.
    * Spawn: The ordered Pikmin move to and then carry the target corpse back to base and use it to make more Pikmin; if the target is not a corpse, the Pikmin switch to a Carry order.
    * Home: The ordered Pikmin return to base and enter the Onion.
    You must be able to see the target, if any.

    Once a Pikmin finishes an order, it stays at its new location until given another order. If left at base, they will wander around base and interact with each other; they will not leave base. If a Pikmin is given an order while in the middle of another order, they abandon and forget the first order. If an order becomes impossible, the Pikmin will abandon and forget it.

    Throw Pikmin (Ex):
    You can throw Pikmin that are currently in your square. As a standard action, you can throw up to 5 Pikmin from your square to any square within 30 feet (all thrown Pikmin must be thrown to the same square). If a thrown Pikmin was following you, it stops following you; if thrown directly onto an enemy, they will start attacking it (as if issued an Attack order).

    Pikmin Dodge (Ex):
    Starting at 2nd level, you can assist your Pikmin in surviving. As an Immediate action, you can issue a dodge order to a single squad of Pikmin within 30 feet. You can use this power in response to any Pikmin in that squad dying. Those Pikmin don't die; if they died to damage, negate that damage.

    Onion Rest (Ex):
    Starting at 2nd level, your Onion provides you with rest and healing. While within 10 feet of your Onion, you gain Fast Healing 1.

    Power Surge (Su):
    Starting at 3rd level, you can boost the power of your Pikmin. Once per day as a standard action, you can create a power surge. All Pikmin within 20 feet of you gain the following benefits for 1 minute: all move speeds increased by 10 feet, +3 to all attack rolls and +3 to Armor Class.

    At 6th level, you can create a power surge twice per day. At 9th level, you can create a power surge three times per day.

    Bomb Rock (Ex):
    At 3rd level, you can obtain Bomb Rocks. Thrice per day, you can have your Onion create a Bomb Rock. Your Pikmin can now be issued the following special order (only single Pikmin can receive this order):

    * Bomb: The ordered Pikmin picks up target Bomb Rock and begins holding it.

    If you throw a Pikmin holding a Bomb Rock, it will drop the Bomb Rock and start moving towards you (as if you had issued it a Follow order). At the start of your next turn, the Bomb Rock explodes. When the Bomb Rock explodes, it deals 5d6 damage to all creatures and unattended objects within 10 feet (Ref save DC 18 for half).

    Unused Bomb Rocks vanish 24 hours after being summoned.

    Pikmin Growth (Ex):
    Starting at 4th level, your Pikmin grow more powerful. The leaf on their heads grow into flower buds. They grow more skilled, getting a +2 bonus to attack rolls and Armor Class. Your Commander Pikmin also receive these benefits.

    At 8th level, your Pikmin grow further. The flower buds bloom into flowers. They grow even more skilled; the +2 bonus from having the flower bud is increased to +5.

    Commander Pikmin (Ex):
    Starting at 5th level, your Onion is so inspired by your leadership that it attempts to mimic you. It creates a single Commander Pikmin. Your onion can always hold your Commander Pikmin.

    Your Commander Pikmin will follow any order you give it to the best of its ability. It can speak and understand any language you know. Commander Pikmin can not be targeted by Pikmin Command, Pikmin Dodge or Power Surge; they can be thrown with Throw Pikmin. Commander Pikmin do not count towards the limit on Pikmin outside the Onion. As a note, Commander Pikmin can Command and Throw your Pikmin just like you can.

    If your Commander Pikmin dies, your Onion will make a new one over the next 24 hours; you can not make a new Commander Pikmin in any other way. Your Commander Pikmin does not die if you return the Onion to storage while it is outside of the Onion; it just remains outside the Onion.

    At level 10, your Onion creates a second Commander Pikmin. This Commander Pikmin acts just like the first. If one dies while another is dead, only one is re-made at a time; the 24 hours for the second starts after the first one finishes.

    Onion Warp (Su):
    Starting at 6th level, you can invoke a ritual to return back to your Onion. Once per day, as a full round action, you can teleport back to the Onion. Any Pikmin (including your Commander Pikmin) in your square teleport with you.

    Candy Pop Buds (Ex):
    Starting at 7th level, your Onion can sprout Candy Pop Buds. If your Onion has been outside of storage for at least 12 hours, you can order it to create a Candy Pop Bud anywhere within 20 feet; you can create 1 Candy Pop Bud per day.

    The Bud comes in the Pikmin color of your choice; you must choose a color your Onion can hold. The Bud takes up a single 5 foot square. Any Pikmin you throw onto the Bud are transformed to be the same color as the Bud.

    The Candy Pop Bud decays and vanishes 2 hours after it is created.

    Instant Orders (Ex):
    Starting at 7th level, you can issue more orders and issue them faster. Once per round, you can issue an order as a free action.

    Student Becomes Master (Ex):
    At 10th level, your Commander Pikmin have learned from watching you and can carry on in your absence. The Onion is no longer returned to its storage space when you die. Instead, when you die, your Commander Pikmin gain the ability to summon and store the Onion as you do; they also gain the ability to order the Onion to create one Pikmin per day. Your Commander Pikmin remain loyal to you; if you are later raised by any means, you resume control and your Commander Pikmin lose this ability.

    For the most part, your Pikmin Captain class features remain active while you are dead. Your Onion retains all Pikmin colors it can hold, including colors gained by other means. Your Pikmin retain the benefits of your Pikmin Growth class feature. Your maximum Power Surges and Bomb Rocks per day remain for your Commander Pikmin.

    Furthermore, if you die and your corpse is taken to the Onion, you are transformed into a Commander Pikmin. You retain your memory in this form. However, you lose access to all class features, skills, feats (except Extra Color), hit dice and all other abilities of your original form with the exception of your Pikmin Captain class features. While in this form, you have your normal authority and command over your Pikmin. If you die in this form, the Onion can and will re-make you just like it can re-make other Commander Pikmin. You can be raised from the dead normally as if your Commander Pikmin form was your corpse.


    Pikmin Stats:
    Size/Type: Fine Plant
    Hit Dice: ¼d8 (1 hp)
    Initiative: +0
    Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares)
    Armor Class: 19 (+8 size, +1 Dex), touch 19, flat-footed 18
    Base Attack/Grapple: +0/-16
    Attack: Slam +9 melee (1)
    Full Attack: Slam +9 melee (1)
    Space/Reach: ½ ft./0 ft.
    Special Attacks: --
    Special Qualities: Captain Sync, Swarm, Slippery Movements, Brush Aside, Drown, Instant Death, Non-Reactive, Color, Plant Traits
    Saves: Fort +2, Ref +1, Will +0
    Abilities: Str 10, Dex 12, Con 10, Int 3, Wis 10, Cha 3
    Skills: Hide +4
    Feats: Weapon Finesse
    Environment: Field
    Organization: Mob (30-100+Captain+Commanders)
    Challenge Rating: ½
    Treasure: None
    Alignment: Neutral
    Advancement: None
    Level Adjustment: --

    What Pikmin lack in brainpower, they make up for in teamwork. Pikmin are most often seen under the control of a Captain or Commander Pikmin. Pikmin understand orders given to them in any language their Captian speaks, but speak only their own simple language known as Pikmish.

    Captain Sync (Ex):
    When working under a Captain, Pikmin always act on their Captain's Initiative count.

    Swarm (Ex):
    Pikmin naturally group together into swarms. All Pikmin with the same Captain in the same space are considered to be one swarm. Being in a swarm has many benefits and hazards, as follows:

    * Pikmin in a swarm can combine their attacks. Roll only one attack roll for the entire swarm (use the highest attack bonus). If that attack roll hits, one-third of the Pikmin (rounded up) in the swarm deal their damage.
    * Pikmin in a swarm can lift objects as a group. A single Pikmin has a Strength score of 10 (maximum load: 12.5 pounds). Every Pikmin in the swarm beyond the first adds 1 to the Strength score of the swarm for lifting objects only.
    * Pikmin in a swarm can be attacked as a group. The attacker needs only make one attack roll. If the attack hits, each point of damage can be assigned to a different Pikmin (the attacker chooses which ones, if need be).
    * If a swarm of Pikmin needs to make a saving throw, the swarm makes only a single saving throw (using the highest bonus). Every Pikmin effected uses this one roll.
    * A swarm with more Pikmin has its size bonus to AC reduced as follows:
    *** 24 or less: +8
    *** 25 to 49: +4
    *** 50 to 74: +2
    *** 75 or more: +1

    Slippery Movements (Ex):
    Pikmin do not provoke Attacks of Opportunity when moving.

    Brush Aside (Ex):
    Pikmin are never treated as occupying a square, no matter how many there are. Other creatures can share a square with Pikmin, regardless of the number of Pikmin in the square.

    Drown (Ex):
    Pikmin can not withstand water. If a Pikmin spends more than one round submerged in water, they die.

    Instant Death (Ex):
    Pikmin die when they reach 0 hit points (instead of becoming disabled).

    Non-Reactive (Ex):
    Pikmin never make Attacks of Opportunity.


    Color (Ex):
    Each Pikmin has a color. Each color has one or more extra abilities. The colors and their abilities are as follows:

    Red Pikmin:
    * Flame Guard: Red Pikmin are immune to fire damage.
    * Fury: For every 3 Red Pikmin in an attacking swarm, that swarm deals 1 extra damage when it attacks.

    Blue Pikmin:
    * Water Guard: Blue Pikmin can breathe underwater and have a swim speed of 30 feet. They do not have the Drown ability possessed by other Pikmin.
    * Cold Guard: Blue Pikmin are immune to cold damage.

    Yellow Pikmin:
    * Storm Guard: Yellow Pikmin are immune to electricity damage.
    * Long Flight: Yellow Pikmin can be thrown up to 60 feet (instead of 30 feet).

    Purple Pikmin:
    * Strong Armed: Purple Pikmin add 3 to the Strength score of their swarm for carrying objects.

    White Pikmin:
    * Acid Guard: White Pikmin are immune to acid damage and to all poisons.
    * Last Strike: When a White Pikmin is killed by a melee attack, it emits a small blast of acid at the attacker; the attacker takes 2 acid damage. If a White Pikmin is killed by a Bite attack, the attacker also injests a dose of White Pikmin poison (Save DC 20, 1 Con damage).

    Gray (Rock) Pikmin:
    * Stone Guard: Rock Pikmin are immune to crushing and piercing damage.
    * Vanguard: When a swarm containing Rock Pikmin is attacked, Rock Pikmin must be targeted first. If the attack uses crushing or piercing damage, Rock Pikmin must still be targeted first; each absorbs 1 point of damage and survives.

    Pink (Wing) Pikmin:
    * Flight: Wing Pikmin have a fly speed of 30 feet (good maneuverability).

    Green Pikmin:
    * Speedy: Green Pikmin have a base land speed of 50 feet.
    * Rally: If a swarm is at least 33% Green Pikmin, all Pikmin in that swarm have a base land speed of 50 feet.

    Orange Pikmin:
    * Tunnel: Orange Pikmin have a burrow speed of 30 feet.
    * Detect: Orange Pikmin have Tremorsense with a range of 60 feet. If an Orange Pikmin detects a creature with Tremorsense that it can't see, its leaf/bud/flower glows slightly; the closer the creature, the brighter the glow.

    Black Pikmin:
    * Sound Guard: Black Pikmin are immune to sonic damage.
    * Repeater: Black Pikmin can repeat their Captain's orders. A captain can issue a order to any Pikmin within 30 feet of a Black Pikmin they could give orders to; Black Pikmin can be issued orders if they are within line of sight of a Black Pikmin that can be issued orders.
    * Sentry: Black Pikmin are more expressive than most Pikmin. If a captain could issue an order to a Black Pikmin, they know the general situation near that Black Pikmin; the Repeater ability can relay this information to the captain. This information allows the captain to issue orders targeting anything the Black Pikmin can see.

    Cyan Pikmin:
    * Shadow Guard: Cyan Pikmin are immune to positive and negative energy damage.
    * Swift Medic: For every 3 Cyan Pikmin in an attacked swarm, that swarm takes 1 less damage.

    Brown Pikmin:
    * Slash Guard: Brown Pikmin are immune to slashing damage.
    * Seed Shot: Brown Pikmin can be issued the Shoot special order:
    *** Shoot: The ordered Pikmin each shoot a seed at the target creature (range: 30 feet). Roll one ranged attack roll for all of the ordered Pikmin (use the highest bonus). If the attack hits, half of the ordered Pikmin (round up) deal 1 damage each to the target.


    Commander Pikmin
    Size/Type: Small Plant
    Hit Dice: 6d8 (33 hp)
    Initiative: +6
    Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares)
    Armor Class: 13 (+1 size, +2 Dex), touch 13, flat-footed 11
    Base Attack/Grapple: +4/+3
    Attack: Slam +5 melee (1d4)
    Full Attack: Slam +5 melee (1d4)
    Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
    Special Attacks: --
    Special Qualities: Captain Sync, By Your Side, Pikmin Command, Throw Pikmin, Pikmin Dodge, Onion Access, Power Surge, Bomb Rock, Plant Traits
    Saves: Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +2
    Abilities: Str 10, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 6
    Skills: Spot +12, Listen +12
    Feats: Weapon Finesse, Improved Initiative, Alertness
    Environment: Field
    Organization: Singular + Pikmin
    Challenge Rating: 5
    Treasure: None
    Alignment: Neutral
    Advancement: None
    Level Adjustment: --

    Commander Pikmin are created by an Onion to mimic their Captain. They can command other Pikmin and understand complex orders. If the Captain is not present, the Commander Pikmin acts as Captain for any normal Pikmin present that follow the Commander Pikmin's Captain. If two Commander Pikmin following the same Captain are together without their Captain, one takes on the role of Captain for the other.

    Sometimes, a great captain falls but their Pikmin carry on. Such Pikmin are lead by Commander Pikmin alone.

    NOTE: Commander Pikmin do not have the normal Pikmin traits. They are never part of a swarm.

    Captain Sync (Ex):
    When working under a Captain, Commander Pikmin always act on their Captain's Initiative count.

    By Your Side (Ex):
    Commander Pikmin can finish their movement in the same square as their Captain and vice versa; Commander Pikmin following the same Captain can finish their movement in the same square as each other.

    Pikmin Command, Throw Pikmin, Pikmin Dodge (Ex):
    As the Pikmin Captain class features; they command their Captain's Pikmin. In addition, a Commander Pikmin can throw its Captain as if its Captain was a Pikmin.

    Onion Access (Ex):
    Commander Pikmin can take Pikmin out of their Captain's Onion and put Pikmin into their Captain's Onion. A Commander Pikmin can put themselves back in their Onion and take themselves out as they wish.

    Power Surge (Su), Bomb Rock (Ex):
    As the Pikmin Captain class features; they share their Captain's uses per day for each ability (e.g. the Captain and Commander Pikmin can summon three Bomb Rocks per day total, not three each).


    Magic Items:
    Pikmin Whistle:
    This whistle allows a Pikmin Captain (or Commander Pikmin) to issue orders from up to 60 feet away (instead of 30 feet).
    Price: 1500 gp.

    Two-Way Comm Link:
    This earpiece comes in a matched pair. If two creatures are wearing two earpieces from the same set, they can hear anything the other says. If the earpieces are more than 1 mile apart, they don't work.
    Price: 3000 gp for the pair.

    Three-Way Comm Link:
    This earpiece comes in a matched set of three. If two creatures are wearing two earpieces from the same set, they can hear anything the other says; if all three earpieces in a set are worn by different creatures, all three can hear whatever the other two say. If two earpieces are more than 1 mile apart, they can't hear each other.
    Price: 5000 gp for the set of three.

    Extra Color:
    Prereqs: Pikmin Onion class feature.
    Benefit: Choose a Pikmin color; your Onion gains the ability to hold Pikmin of that color.

    Commander Link:
    Prereqs: Commander Pikmin class feature.
    Benefit: Whenever one of your Commander Pikmin take damage, you may choose to take that damage instead.

    Last edited by qwertyu63; 2018-01-22 at 11:33 PM.

    My Homebrew-Estote clementes, et numquam desinete discere.-FanAdv

  2. - Top - End - #2
    Bugbear in the Playground
    Join Date
    Jun 2012

    Default Re: Pikmin Captain (half finished base class, PEACH)

    Bulbmin were a thing. Maybe Orange Pikmin that can be buried in a small-ish monster to control it, but can't be placed back in the Onion when they do so?

    Also, you need the Leaf>Bud>Flower mechanic.

    "If the players gather every ship part in the first Pikmin game, they will see several different colored Onions in the ending cutscene. These include five Pink Onions, four Black/Grey Onions, two Cyan Onions, one Green Onion, one Orange Onion, and one Purple Onion."

    Assuming Pink and Black/Grey referred to Wings and Rocks and you use my Orange Pikmin idea, you still have Cyan and Green to work with.

  3. - Top - End - #3
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Jan 2012
    Half past Crazy

    Default Re: Pikmin Captain (half finished base class, PEACH)

    Quote Originally Posted by AuraTwilight View Post
    Bulbmin were a thing. Maybe Orange Pikmin that can be buried in a small-ish monster to control it, but can't be placed back in the Onion when they do so?
    Perhaps. I'll work on that.

    Also, you need the Leaf>Bud>Flower mechanic.
    I actually cut that mechanic for being too complex. Part of my goal here is to streamline your control of your Pikmin. The only functional difference between Pikmin is their color. Adding in the life stages triples the number of things you have to track.

    "If the players gather every ship part in the first Pikmin game, they will see several different colored Onions in the ending cutscene. These include five Pink Onions, four Black/Grey Onions, two Cyan Onions, one Green Onion, one Orange Onion, and one Purple Onion."

    Assuming Pink and Black/Grey referred to Wings and Rocks and you use my Orange Pikmin idea, you still have Cyan and Green to work with.
    Sorry for my bad phrasing, choosing colors isn't the issue (Green and Orange were my first thoughts), it's choosing powers for them that's the issue. I thought of healer Pikmin, but Pikmin don't really get hurt; they just die.
    Last edited by qwertyu63; 2015-10-17 at 02:55 PM.

    My Homebrew-Estote clementes, et numquam desinete discere.-FanAdv

  4. - Top - End - #4
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Sep 2013

    Default Re: Pikmin Captain (half finished base class, PEACH)

    How about Burrowing Pikmin that move underground, and detect burrowing enemies?

  5. - Top - End - #5
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Sep 2013

    Default Re: Pikmin Captain (half finished base class, PEACH)

    Another idea would be a Candy Pop Bud mechanic so that you can switch around your colours. The only thing I can think of is for the captain to gain traits of the Pikmin under his control in the form of DR, but that's about it.

    Also, you cannot have infinite Pikmin in the Onion? I ask because you have the line about the Onion always holding your Captain Pikmin. That seems odd to me, since you can never bring out more then 100 Pikmin.

    The Onion makes a really good corpse disposal. A good way to deal with trolls instead of using fire.
    Last edited by Mith; 2015-10-17 at 03:27 PM.

  6. - Top - End - #6
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Pikmin Captain (half finished base class, PEACH)

    Burrowing Pikmin sounds cool. I'll toy with it.

    Side Note back up the thread: Parasite Pikmin might add too much differentiation among the Pikmin. I'm still working on that idea though.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mith View Post
    Another idea would be a Candy Pop Bud mechanic so that you can switch around your colours. The only thing I can think of is for the captain to gain traits of the Pikmin under his control in the form of DR, but that's about it.
    A color switcher... That would work. Perhaps you can grow Candy Pop Buds somehow.

    Also, you cannot have infinite Pikmin in the Onion? I ask because you have the line about the Onion always holding your Captain Pikmin. That seems odd to me, since you can never bring out more then 100 Pikmin.
    That is referring to which colors of Pikmin your Onion can hold. You Onion can hold any number of Pikmin of the colors it can hold.

    The Onion makes a really good corpse disposal. A good way to deal with trolls instead of using fire.
    I didn't consider Trolls, but that works very nicely.

    EDIT: Rough ideas

    Green Pikmin:
    Tough: Green Pikmin have ½d8 hit dice and 2 hp.
    Regenerate: Green Pikmin have fast healing 1.

    Orange Pikmin:
    Tunnel: Orange Pikmin have a burrow speed of 30 feet.
    Detect: Orange Pikmin have Tremorsense with a range of 30 feet.

    Bomb Rock (Ex):
    At Xth level, you can obtain Bomb Rocks. Twice per day, you can have your Onion create a Bomb Rock. You (and your Commander Pikmin) can now issue the following special order (only single Pikmin can receive this order):

    * Bomb: The ordered Pikmin picks up target Bomb Rock and begins holding it.

    If you throw a Pikmin holding a Bomb Rock, it will drop the Bomb Rock and start moving towards you (as if you had issued it a Follow order). At the start of your next turn, the Bomb Rock explodes. When the Bomb Rock explodes, it deals 5d6 damage to all creatures and unattended objects within 15 feet (Ref save DC 18 for half).

    At Xth level, you can have your Onion create a Bomb Rock 4 times per day.
    Last edited by qwertyu63; 2015-10-17 at 04:21 PM.

    My Homebrew-Estote clementes, et numquam desinete discere.-FanAdv

  7. - Top - End - #7
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Sep 2013

    Default Re: Pikmin Captain (half finished base class, PEACH)

    I see.

    Other Pikmin ideas:

    Healer Pikmin that deal double damage against undead, and heal any living creature, and normal damage to constructs. Perhaps they give a resistance bonus to damage to a Pikmin swarm when they are a majority in the swarm?

    Bone Pikmin: Basically the Anti Healer Pikmin.

    After this point, I would start stealing from Pokemon.

  8. - Top - End - #8
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Sep 2013

    Default Re: Pikmin Captain (half finished base class, PEACH)

    Would a Rust Pikmin be too much (basically giving the captain a pet mini Rust Monster)?

    Also, do unused bomb rocks dissipate after a set time period? Otherwise you can stockpile bomb rocks like crazy during down time. Imagine a 100 winged pikmin bomber squad in a bottleneck of a pass, or an alley. Especially if they return to you to grab more bombs.
    Last edited by Mith; 2015-10-17 at 05:09 PM.

  9. - Top - End - #9
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Half past Crazy

    Default Re: Pikmin Captain (half finished base class, PEACH)

    Quote Originally Posted by Mith View Post
    I see.

    Other Pikmin ideas:

    Healer Pikmin that deal double damage against undead, and heal any living creature, and normal damage to constructs. Perhaps they give a resistance bonus to damage to a Pikmin swarm when they are a majority in the swarm?

    Bone Pikmin: Basically the Anti Healer Pikmin.

    After this point, I would start stealing from Pokemon.
    I am working on a resistance to damage idea for a new Pikmin type. That said, the healing would be accelerated natural healing instead of positive energy, so undead don't care.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mith View Post
    Would a Rust Pikmin be too much (basically giving the captain a pet mini Rust Monster)?
    I think it would be a bit much.

    Also, do unused bomb rocks dissipate after a set time period? Otherwise you can stockpile bomb rocks like crazy during down time. Imagine a 100 winged pikmin bomber squad in a bottleneck of a pass, or an alley. Especially if they return to you to grab more bombs.
    Thank you, I meant to add a time limit.

    I have added in three new Pikmin types.

    My Homebrew-Estote clementes, et numquam desinete discere.-FanAdv

  10. - Top - End - #10
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Pikmin Captain (half finished base class, PEACH)

    I think the Green Pikmin should do less damage then regular Pikmin, simply because they will on average stick around longer, since if you only do 1 damage instead of 2, it is reversed by the next time around from the fast healing. Unless of course I am misunderstanding the strategy behind the Green Pikmin.

  11. - Top - End - #11
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Pikmin Captain (half finished base class, PEACH)

    I like those Green/Orange Pikmin ideas, and agree Greens should be weaker, otherwise they're pretty much objectively the best Pikmin type.

    As for Cyan Pikmin, some relation to Sonic damage?

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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Pikmin Captain (half finished base class, PEACH)

    Quote Originally Posted by Mith View Post
    I think the Green Pikmin should do less damage then regular Pikmin, simply because they will on average stick around longer, since if you only do 1 damage instead of 2, it is reversed by the next time around from the fast healing. Unless of course I am misunderstanding the strategy behind the Green Pikmin.
    I'm actually not too satisfied with them myself. It was the only idea I could think of.

    The issue with that weakness is writing up that weakness. An inversion of the Red Fury might work but it seems a bit clunky.

    Quote Originally Posted by AuraTwilight View Post
    I like those Green/Orange Pikmin ideas, and agree Greens should be weaker, otherwise they're pretty much objectively the best Pikmin type.

    As for Cyan Pikmin, some relation to Sonic damage?
    Black Pikmin are my Sonic Pikmin.

    My Homebrew-Estote clementes, et numquam desinete discere.-FanAdv

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    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Pikmin Captain (half finished base class, PEACH)

    How about Cyan Pikmin for attacking incorporeal creatures? Other Pikmin will only have a 50% chance to hit ratio. Cyan get a 100% chance to hit.

    The only other thing I can think of is that each Pikmin type deals the damage that they are immune to. Perhaps give Pink Pikmin Slashing Damage?

    It would then go:

    Red = Fire
    Blue = Cold
    Grey = Bludgeoning/piercing
    Yellow = Electric
    White = Acid
    Black = Sonic
    Pink = Slashing

  14. - Top - End - #14
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Pikmin Captain (half finished base class, PEACH)

    I was thinking the same regarding Cyan, Mith! :3

    I'm not sure about giving different elemental attacks to Pikmin. First of all, that's a LOT to track, second of all it's not really flavorful of the source material.

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    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Pikmin Captain (half finished base class, PEACH)

    True. I was mostly thinking in terms of how to step up the damage of the Pikmin for higher levels, since the number of Pikmin you can deploy caps at 10th level. It does make a lot to track though. I was more thinking in terms of more strategy involved with arranging your century of Pikmin.

    The only thing I can think of to add is that you can use the Onion as a sanctuary. You could bring back the bud/leaf/flower Pikmin, but instead of having that be a fluid state, instead have it be automatic and universal, so that all pikmin you command upgrade, and all new Pikmin become Pikmin of the new standard.

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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Pikmin Captain (half finished base class, PEACH)

    Quote Originally Posted by Mith View Post
    The only thing I can think of to add is that you can use the Onion as a sanctuary. You could bring back the bud/leaf/flower Pikmin, but instead of having that be a fluid state, instead have it be automatic and universal, so that all pikmin you command upgrade, and all new Pikmin become Pikmin of the new standard.
    Ooh, I like that idea. I'll figure it out.

    My Homebrew-Estote clementes, et numquam desinete discere.-FanAdv

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    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Pikmin Captain (half finished base class, PEACH)

    Other ideas:

    Since the Onion could be targeted, I would suggest that the Onion gains the immunities of the Pikmin it holds.

    Also, how about an automatic withdrawal of Pikmin of the same type to fill your ranks after you lose Pikmin? Basically it frees up your turn for more actions.

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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Pikmin Captain (half finished base class, PEACH)

    Quote Originally Posted by Mith View Post
    Other ideas:

    Since the Onion could be targeted, I would suggest that the Onion gains the immunities of the Pikmin it holds.
    Actually, the way I wrote it, the Onion can't take damage; it doesn't have an armor class, a size category or hit points. I should give it those stats though. If I do, that is a very good idea. At this point, it would wind up immune to every type of damage (except city damage ).

    I'm also considering granting it a fly speed.

    Also, how about an automatic withdrawal of Pikmin of the same type to fill your ranks after you lose Pikmin? Basically it frees up your turn for more actions.
    I'll mull that one over.

    Cyan Pikmin:
    * Slash Guard: Cyan Pikmin are immune to slashing damage.
    * Seed Shot: Cyan Pikmin can be issued the following special order:
    *** Shoot: The ordered Pikmin shoots a seed at the target creature (range: 30 feet). Roll one ranged attack roll for all of the ordered Pikmin (use the highest bonus). If the attack hits, half of the ordered Pikmin (round up) deal 1 damage.

    The Onion has 100 hit points and hardness 10; whenever summoned, it has its full hit points. The onion is immune to any type of damage that the Pikmin it can store are immune to. If the Onion is destroyed, it is automatically returned to its storage space and can't be resummoned for 12 hours.
    Last edited by qwertyu63; 2015-10-18 at 06:03 PM.

    My Homebrew-Estote clementes, et numquam desinete discere.-FanAdv

  19. - Top - End - #19
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Pikmin Captain (half finished base class, PEACH)

    One colour left?

    How about Brown? Maybe switch the Orange Colour out for Brown for the Burrowing Pikmin.

    Except for the Ethereal Attack, I cannot really think of anything else to give that Pikmin unique abilities that fits within the theme.

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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Pikmin Captain (half finished base class, PEACH)

    Well, I've got 12 Pikmin Colors, I added in the Life Stages, Candy Pop Buds... And I've got 3 dead levels.

    My Homebrew-Estote clementes, et numquam desinete discere.-FanAdv

  21. - Top - End - #21
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Pikmin Captain (half finished base class, PEACH)

    Perhaps a second captain?

    The only other things I could think of would be to bring back Purple potions in the form of a chance to stun one target enemy, Olimar's punch attack from Pikmin 2, and the percent chance that fallen flower Pikmin plant bud Pikmin. I would rule the last one as that those Pikmin are pulled from the ground, returned to the Onion, and are recovered the next day as flowered Pikmin.
    Last edited by Mith; 2015-10-19 at 01:30 PM.

  22. - Top - End - #22
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Pikmin Captain (half finished base class, PEACH)

    ... What gave you the idea to do this I wonder?

    Also, consider giving all of the basic elemental pikmin elemental attacks. Red does fire damage, blue does frost, white does acid, and yellow does electric.

    And anything Bulbmin related planned?
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    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Pikmin Captain (half finished base class, PEACH)

    I could see Bulbmin being a sacrifice of X pikmin/ HD to animate a corpse of an enemy, which lasts for one day, and the Pikmin and corpse is lost at the end.

    As for the elemental attacks, it's up whether or not that is seen as too much to track.

  24. - Top - End - #24
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Pikmin Captain (half finished base class, PEACH)

    Any plans to continue this?

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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Pikmin Captain (half finished base class, PEACH)

    Quote Originally Posted by Mith View Post
    Any plans to continue this?
    Eventually. I am trying to think of more class features.

    I think Bulbmin might just get left out.

    A second Commander Pikmin might be in the cards.

    I might also right one more Pikmin Color to bring it above the number you actually get; a Feat would then let you get the missing color.

    My Homebrew-Estote clementes, et numquam desinete discere.-FanAdv

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