Snips, Snails, and Dragon Tales: Now available in PDF format from Gumroad
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    Halfling in the Playground
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    Post The Wandering Mind [PEACH]

    This is a class that was entered into a contest(3rd place sounds nice but there were only 5 legit entries.) and was then altered based on comments by other participants and voters. Obviously the alterations had to be made outside of the contest so here we are. Since this is a major-ish change I would like feedback from you guys.

    Wandering Mind

    Things get a little easier when you know where they are and where they are going to be.

    The Wandering Mind is a stealthy/scout class that uses limited psychic powers.

    Adventures: Most adventurers treat their job as high risk high reward. However, the Wandering Mind feels that their powers make adventuring almost as low risk as a walk in the park. And there's that whole high reward deal.

    Characteristics: Visions of the immediate future gives the Wandering Mind some combat power. Their true strength is in their team being prepared for the encounter through their psychic scouting powers.

    Alignment: Any. You've got the guys who feel that they control the outcome when they know the future(lawful) and those who think that they are untouchable so they can have fun(chaotic). Good and evil are equally common.

    Religion: Most Wandering Minds follow gods of travel, trickery, divination, and the like(if any).

    Background: You are born with these powers however, because they are weak until exercised, most may not realize they have the gift.

    Races: Any race could develop these powers and psionic races get no real boost for already being psionic(although the extra 2 power points from Wild Talent might help fuel racial powers). Mechanics wise half-orcs are rare and the faster races(Dex) have better synergy.

    Other Classes: While rogues are still useful for traps, locks, and high sneak attack damage they might be a little put off by the sudden lack of necessary sneaky sneaky. Depending on the type of world you're running, their powers can be seen as witchcraft or impure compared to arcane magic. Otherwise most classes like knowing what they're about to face and making the right preparations.

    Role: Sneaky sometimes undetectable scout. In combat they have about the durability of a rogue but don't pack nearly as much of a punch.

    Adaptation: ??? figure it out.

    CLASS NAME's have the following game statistics.
    Abilities: Dex is useful for light armored chars as normal. Int powers their psychic abilities and gets them more skill points to toy with. Con helps increase their durability in combat and helps them Concentrate on their powers.
    Alignment: Any.
    Hit Die: d6
    Starting Age: Simple(as Barbarian)
    Starting Gold: As cleric (5d4 x 10).

    Class Skills
    The Wandering Mind's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Autohypnosis(Wis), Bluff(Cha), Concentration(Con), Craft(Int), Gather Information(Cha), Hide(Dex), Knowledge(Dungeoneering)(Int), Knowledge(Geography)(Int), Knowledge(Psionics)(Int), Listen(Wis), Move Silently(Dex), Profession(Wis), Search(Int), Sense Motive(Wis), Spot(Wis), Survival(Wis), Use Psionic Device(Cha).

    Skill Points at First Level: (6 + Int modifier) x 4
    Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 6 + Int modifier

    Wandering Mind
    Level Base Attack Bonus Fort Save Ref Save Will Save Special
    Mind's Eye, Wild Talent, Revealer
    Mind's Eye(upgrade), Revealer(2)
    Psionic Meditation
    Mind's Eye(upgrade), Multitask, Revealer(3)
    Mind's Eye(upgrade), Revealer(4)
    In the Zone 1+Con mod/day
    Mind's Eye(upgrade), Revealer(5)
    Visions(3), Multitask(3)
    Mind's Eye(upgrade)
    In the Zone 2+Con mod/day
    Mind's Eye(upgrade)
    Mind's Eye(upgrade), Multitask(4)
    In the Zone 3+Con mod/day
    Mind's Eye(upgrade)
    Mind's Eye(upgrade)
    In the Zone 4+Con mod/day, Multitask(5)

    Class Features
    All of the following are class features of the Wandering Mind.
    For all Psi-like abilities the Manifester Level is equal to 1/2 your levels in Wandering Mind. In case it's needed for concentration and dispel effects.

    Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Wandering Minds are proficient with all simple weapons, plus the hand crossbow, rapier, shortbow, and short sword. Wandering Minds are proficient with light armor, but not with shields.

    Wild Talent: The Wandering Mind gets Wild Talent as a bonus feat to give them the prerequisite powerpoint pool to become psionically charged.

    Mind's Eye (Ps): As a full-round action (provokes AoO) the Wandering Mind can split a part of their consciousness from their body and form an Eye. Doing so requires them to be psionically focused and to dedicate a psionic focus. A dedicated psionic focus cannot be expended or recharged and is expended only when the effect it is dedicated to ends. Eyes inherit low-light vision/Darkvision for the Wandering Mind. They can move the Eye at 15ft per round as a free action once each round but while Mind's Eye is active they lose control of their physical body. The Eye lasts for a number of rounds equal to Wandering Mind levels x2 +Int mod(min 2 rnds). Eyes are invisible, incorporeal, and for all intents and purposes is an attended object but they can be detected and targeted with proper spells/abilities. If the Eye somehow comes under the effect of a mind-affecting effect the Wandering Mind is affected unless they make any appropriate save. Otherwise all damage and effects that hit the Eye are done to the Eye. Eyes have AC of 14+Int (10+4 for size), health equal to your Wandering Mind level, and Eyes use your saves. Maintaining an Eye is as difficult as maintaining a power/spell and requires similar concentration checks in distracting circumstances. Please note this doesn't require actions it is in response to distractions like taking damage. Except where stated above(or below for that matter) this works like the spell Arcane Eye including interactions with anti-magic. At level 3 and every 2 levels after, the Eye created by Mind's Eye gains new abilities and a 5ft bonus to speed. The Wandering Mind can pick to either gain the next View upgrade or the next Movement upgrade but must have had the previous upgrade in the tree to do so.
    NOTE: Min. levels are shown to show when you would get that power if you only took from that tree NOT a representation of when you will get it. Also you can get every upgrade by the time you hit level 19 so you aren't losing true sight or anything if you take some early movements.
    View Upgrades
    3rd-The Eye can pick up audio.
    5th-The Eye gains Darkvision 60ft or existing Darkvision from the Wandering Mind is increased by 30ft through the Eye.
    7th-The Eye sees as though under the effect of See Invisibility.
    9th-The Eye can see into parallel planes such as the Ethereal and Shadow planes.
    11th-The Eye sees as though under the effect of True Seeing.
    Movement Upgrades
    3th-The Eye can move through solid objects at 1/2 speed.
    5th-The Wandering Mind no longer loses consciousness while Mind's Eye is active.
    7th-The Wandering Mind can turn one Eye into a Waypoint. The Waypoint is immobile(except to rotate view) and its remaining duration is doubled otherwise it is identical to a normal Eye. As a full round action that provokes attacks of opportunities, the Wandering Mind can teleport to the waypoint with perfect accuracy. Doing so requires a psionic focus to be expended. After arriving all dedicated and undedicated psionic focuses are expended and the Wandering Mind is exhausted for 1 hour and fatigued for an hour after that.
    9th-The Eye can go through existing portals or become targeted by spells that allow planar travel. If this is unfriendly saves still apply.

    Revealer (Ps): The Wandering Mind has the ability to manifest Detect spells as a psi-like ability once per day per level of Wandering Mind. These Detects are always a 60ft cone shaped emanation with a duration of rounds equal to Wandering Mind levels x2 +Int mod(min 2 rnds). The emanation originates from either the Wandering Mind or attached to a Mind's Eye at the Eye's creation. An Eye with a Revealer attached has it's concentration checks increased by 2. Except as seen above each Detect works as the spell of the same name.
    1st-Detect Magic, Detect Poison
    3rd-Detect Secret Doors, Detect Snares and Pits
    5th-Detect Animals and Plants, Detect Undead
    7th-Detect Thoughts
    9th-Detect Scrying(This is a 60ft radius instead of a cone, has double the normal duration, and can only be attached to a Waypoint or the Wandering Mind.)

    Visions (Ps): At 2nd level the Wandering Mind can enter a trance as a move action (provokes AoO) that gives them visions of the immediate future. Doing so requires them to be psionically focused and to dedicate a psionic focus. A dedicated psionic focus cannot be expended or recharged and is expended only when the effect it is dedicated to ends. The trance lasts for as long as you choose to dedicate the focus or until it is lost due to distractions. However focusing on the present and the future is difficult and they must make concentration checks as though they were maintaining a power/spell in distracting circumstances. Please note this doesn't require actions it is in response to distractions like taking damage. When entering the trance they choose one of 5 things to focus on and may change the bonus(es) as a move action.
    • +1 to Dex based skills
    • +1 insight bonus to Reflex saves
    • +1 insight bonus to AC
    • +1 insight bonus to attack roll
    • 1d6 precise strike*

    At 6th level and every 4 levels after the bonuses increase by 1 or 1d6 in the case of the precise strike. Also at 6th level and every 4 levels after (until 18th) the may choose one more bonus when they enter the trance. You cannot take the same bonus twice.

    *Precise Strike follows those familiar rules (plus some) of precision damage. Only applies on light or one handed piercing or slashing weapons. No bludgeoning or two-handed. Not multiplied on a crit. Ranged at or within 30 ft. Only living creatures with discernible anatomies; undead, constructs, oozes, plants, and incorporeal creatures are immune. Any creature that is immune to critical hits is not vulnerable to precision damage. However Visions give good enough sight to be precise through concealment(doesn't remove the %miss chance however). Still have to be able to reach vitals not limbs.

    Psionic Meditation: At 4th level the Wandering Mind gains the benefit of the Psionic Meditation feat even if they do not meet the prerequisites. They must only use a move action to become psionically focused instead of the normal full-round action.

    Multitask (Ex): At 5th level the Wandering Mind has become skilled with dividing their focus between splitting their consciousness and viewing present and future at the same time. They have developed the ability to become psionically focused twice. This allows them to create multiple Eyes at the same time, have Visions and an Eye out at the same time, or have Visions running and keeping a focus in reserve for psi-feats or renewing Visions. You cannot have Visions running twice no matter how many psi-focuses you have. Each Eye you have can be moved once per turn. For each dedicated focus you have at the same time beyond the first, increase the DC of any Concentration checks you make by 2 because your attention is split in so many directions. At 10th level and every 5 levels after you gain an additional max psi-focus(3 at 10, 4 at 15, 5 at 20).

    In the Zone (Ex): At 8th level the Wandering Mind becomes a master of concentration. 1/day + an additional times per day equal to their Con mod; a Wandering Mind can use a swift action to regain a psionic focus that was just expended. You must still make the Concentration check. If the psionic focus being regain was dedicated to a class ability, the Wandering Mind can add 10 to the Concentration DC to extend the duration of the ability instead of ending it as part of the same swift action. An Eye extended this way remains where it was when the ability would have ended and Visions continues to give the same bonuses. At 12th level and every 4 levels after In the Zone can be used an additional time per day.

  2. - Top - End - #2
    Halfling in the Playground
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    Jun 2015
    Right behind you.

    Post Re: The Wandering Mind [PEACH]

    As a point of reference for those of you who care this is the original post.

    Major changes are the addition of the Eyes being defined as an object with AC and HP and such, making the upgrades trees instead of fixed at each level, removing a very contrived initiative feature from Visions, and making Visions continuous.

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