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    Orc in the Playground
    Darkcomet's Avatar

    Join Date
    Sep 2007

    Default OOC 49: Titles 49% Off

    Check your sanity at the door, please.

    So, what is Nexus?
    Well, the Nexus itself is like a rift: a single, brilliant point where all the universes in this strange thing we call 'reality' meet. Traveling to, from, and between any world or cosmology is theoretically possible here, and the Nexus itself seems to encourage this happening, often sucking beings and locations out of other universes at random, and dumping them on the world that lies at its center. It was not always like this, however. Once there were two worlds at the Nexus' heart, separate and distinct, though somewhat similar in ways. Similar enough that they slowly and eventually merged, so that only one remained. Here in this world the Nexus' influence reigns supreme, and as such the world has defied almost all attempts at classification. Here, knights of old may engage with Jedi knights. Gleaming spaceships land in Dark Age hamlets. Cowboys and samurai quest together to find holy sandwich boxes. And in the heavens above, Xi Wangmu and the Flying Spaghetti Monster meet every Woden's Day to play bowls with Pelor (it gets pretty epic). Here the possibilities are endless, and the universe without rules (except the Forum Rules, and the general FFRP rules, and the Individual Thread Rules, and oh whatever). Welcome to Nexus. Fun is had here.

    General Nexus FAQs:
    Is there a guide to getting started?
    Besides this post, which you're currently reading, you could also read post 3 of the stickied FFRP Central thread, particularly the section about godmodding. You can also ask any questions you have in the current Nexus OOC thread. If you have no questions, post in the Nexus OOC anyway to introduce yourself. And welcome.

    What kind of character can I make?
    Any. There are no restrictions on genre, alignment, world of origin, etc.

    Will my power work the way it does in the source setting?
    Almost certainly not. In your setting, you may have been the Mighty Zorlox, whose power to control the world's socks was absolute, but in the Nexus, you may run across Madam Bo Peep, who controls the world's wool.

    If my power goes against your power, who wins?
    In combat or any type of adversarial situation, the defender has the final say. So if Zorlox tries to turn Bo Peep's wool socks purple, Peep's player gets to decide if her wool power prevails. But if Bo Peep tries to have a pair of wool socks strangle Zorlox, then his player gets to decide if his sock power wins.

    Oh no! Someone's already using my character concept!
    In the Nexus, all cosmologies are true. Just because someone is playing the incarnation of Death doesn't mean you can't as well. You are very unlikely to come up with a character concept that is wholly unique while remaining playable; there is nothing new under the sun, and so on.

    Sometimes you'll say 'I just came up with a great character idea - they have x race and y abilities and z backstory and I'll call her Linda' and someone will say 'You mean like my character Lynda over there that I introduced last week?' No one really knows why these sort of coincidences occur, but the Nexus seems especially prone to them. When they do, the best thing to do is to look at your character concept and figure out what makes yours unique.

    Where should I start? Theoretically, you can start in any thread that isn't a private thread or a plot thread. More practically: Trog's if you want a chaotic introduction with the possibility of brawls or random encounters. Mallside if you want a peaceful place to interact.

    Do I need to get pre-approval for my character, or fill in a registry form before I start?
    Nope. You can if you like, but it's not required. And sometimes it's better to get a feel for your character first, before deciding all the details about them.

    Threads can be so confusing to read! So many people are doing things! How can I help?
    There are two things that everyone can do that will make threads much easier to read.

    First, please put your character's name in every post, even if it's just <Character's name> said, "<Stuff that was said>". Your characters are your babies and you know them all, but the other players don't. Even the people you roleplay with regularly probably don't know the text colors of all your characters. (The only exception to the 'name in every post' guideline would be if you're in a back and forth dialogue scene with only one other person no one else posting in the same thread at that time. Then I would change it to 'put the name in every third post'.)

    Second, please use [Location Tags] to say where you are, so that people can keep track of events occurring in different places. For a good explanation of how [Location Tags] work, see the first post of the Outside thread.

    I'm not getting any character interaction! What should I do?
    First, try initiating interaction. Sometimes everyone in the Tavern is being mysterious and aloof, and someone has to be the first person to speak up and start talking to the other person. If that doesn't work, try posting in the OOC thread that you want interaction! It's a good idea to say if you're looking for a fight, a plot, a conversation, a romance, or anything else. Most people are friendly and will work with you.

    Using this smiley in your posts can help too:

    What if I disagree with another player about how the scene should go?
    Talk to them, either by PM or in the OOC thread. If you've gotten angry, wait until you cool down to post. Ask non-involved players to act as mediators if needed. If it gets to the point where neither player is having fun, it's probably best to just agree on a way to quickly conclude the encounter and move on.

    But I'm really mad! *ragequits and deletes all posts*
    Well, first off, that's not a question, that's an declaration, Mr. Smartypants. Secondly, no one can really stop you, but it's not very courteous and makes problems for other players. Retconning out a scene can be done, but that's not the right way to do it.

    So what's the best way to handle a retcon, then?
    First of all, retcons should be rare. But if you really think you have a good reason for one, talk to all of the players involved in the scene and make sure they're okay with it. Remember, they all put their time and effort into roleplaying with you. Once everyone involved has agreed how the retcon will go, post a summary of the retconned changes in the thread involved and in the OOC thread so that other players will be aware.

    I think I should win this fight! But the other person thinks they should win too! Should I make up a new power for my PC to win?

    No. Please don't do this.

    If you're planning on having a fight with another player's PC it's sometimes a good idea to work out ahead of time how the conflict is going to end. Especially if both sides go into it wanting to win. Because when that's the case things often spiral out of control and people get mad.

    We aren't here to get mad, we're here to have fun.

    So instead of getting angry, save yourself some trouble and shoot a few PMs back and forth first.

    Your first character (copied from FFRP Central)
    So, you're ready to make your first character. One of the hardest things to get used to in ffrp is that you don't start out in an adventuring party, and there's no DM to push characters together. You'll have to actually find people to interact with on your own. Here are some tips (not requirements!) for making that easier on your first character:
    • Don't be the quiet person in the shadowy corner. If you roleplay as someone who is outgoing and talkative, you'll find it easier to make IC friends. Someone who is curious or greedy will be more open to plot hooks and adventure opportunities. But if you roleplay someone who is shy or quiet or wary of other people, you're likely to be left alone.
    • Don't be openly evil. If you walk into the tavern and start murdering npcs, you are unlikely to make a lot of friends and very likely to get jumped on by a bunch of PCs who were looking for a fight.
    • Consider starting low-powered. It's tempting in a freeform system with no scores or points to decide that your character is the best at everything, but where will they go from there? They can always gain powers or magic items or skills as they go on.
    • Don't be too needy. Remember in ffrp, you are not THE hero of the story. You are A hero, and there are many stories. The characters you meet at first are likely to be involved in their own affairs. Some players start by having their character immediately in need of rescue, healing, training, attention, etc. This can work well, but make sure you have a plan B in case there is no one willing to drop everything to devote themselves to being your rescuer! Can your character make it if they receive only a minimal amount of help, or none at all?
    • Don't be too self-sufficient. Remember in ffrp, you are not THE hero of the story. You are A hero, and there are many stories. If you are a combat powerhouse and a healer and a master of obscure lore and a spellcaster, people are likely to get weary of their characters taking a back seat to yours and decide you can do just fine without them.
    • Be aware of deadtimes and real life. Sometimes, not many people are online and active. Sometimes the people who are may only have a limited time to play and want to use it to progress their favorite storyline instead of meeting new people. Try to be patient and remember that it won't be long before you'll be the one wrapped up in your own favorite storylines. Talk to people in the ooc thread while you wait for your character to get 'stuck in'.
    • Have fun! Remember this is a game, and if it isn't fun, you aren't doing it right.

    Attention Villains and Plot Instigators:
    Conflict is great! It's the heart of any story, and there isn't much to roleplay without it. However, as a player to player courtesy, please check in with the players who are active at any given time before launching an attack. Not everyone wants to roleplay combat scenes, and sometimes there are other things going on that players don't want to interrupt for a random fight. Either a PM/IM to players, a short post in thread to say ((Mind if I introduce a villain here?)) or a longer post in the OOC thread if it's a larger plot is appreciated. However, taverns are usually considered fair game for a Random Encounter or general brawl.

    If you intend to start a large scale plot, such as an invasion or apocalypse or the like, please consider the following guidelines:

    * Don't spring it on players. Characters can be surprised, but players have lives. Make sure they want to play in your event before conscripting them by going "Suddenly, Apocalypse!" in a thread they're using for other things or at a time when the relevant players have exams, family stuff, vacations, etc.

    * Go easy on the Nexus-wide effects. Ominous visual effects like a blood moon or a green sky tend to be accepted. Massive spells that affect everyone in the Nexus or city / org destroying superweapons... expect pages and pages of drama.

    * Avoid apocalypse fatigue. If there's recently been one, there needs to be a cooling off period before the next one. People want to be able to roleplay how the event affected their characters and various locations, and this requires some RL time where they aren't in the middle of combat.

    * Inside is the standard Apocatarget, but if you're attacking Inside, this absolutely requires that the Remnant and Irregulars players are onboard, and have the free time to devote to it. The same principle applies to making any other thread your target - make sure the main players in that thread are willing to play. The other time this isn't required is for the Outside thread, since it's so huge that anyone can say they aren't at the Apocalocation. If you do this, consider simply making a plot thread for the apocalypse. It does lose some of the apocalyptic flavour, but it avoids a lot of headaches for players and the GM.

    * Make sure you as a GM know what you're doing. (1) If you've never GM'd a Nexus plot before, DO NOT start with an Apocaplot. Experience as a GM for tabletop games or other freeform verses is helpful, but the Nexus is different enough to have its own learning curve. Start with a bank robbery, a kidnapping, or some other lower end villainy to get some practice. (2) Make sure you have the free time to respond to many many player posts as well as handling the npc victims if no one else steps up to play them. If you don't already post daily, you should not GM an Apocaplot. Don't say 'I know I only post sporadically, but it'll be different for this plot.' Prove you can post regularly first. (3) Remember that you're going to lose. Your villain may not realize it, but you as a player must absolutely accept this from the start. Even if Team Hero completely and utterly fails, you do not get to say 'haha! Nexus goes boom!'

    * An Apocaplot, by its very nature, is an open plot. Unless you have it in a separate thread, it's no fair to lock players out from participating, or to say you don't want high powered characters joining. If you're throwing around world destroying events, then Exalts, godlings, and other OP beings should be allowed to get involved.

    * FFRP is supposed to be what we do for fun. If we start thinking of it as a chore, then that's a sign that something is going wrong. If any player wants out of the plot, work with them to find an IC way to let their character get out of it without killing them. If everyone is slogging through, forcing themselves to post, and really bored with it, consider wrapping it up in a cut scene. If people are ragequitting your plot, that's a really really bad sign, and requires a timeout for tempers to cool.

    Spoiler: Additional Information (Optional Reading)

    Major Locales
    For an endless world that defies all logic and classification, Nexus can be pretty darn consistent at times. As such, several locations have survived the test of time, remaining (somewhat) constant amidst the chaos of the rest of the world.

    Inside - Inside mostly resembles a modern city, with high-rise buildings and apartments, alleyways and roads, though the odd Demonic Monument can still be seen rising up above the surrounding suburb, teeming with dark cultists. Inside is headed by a Council consisting of representatives from the major ACRONYMS, as well as Magtok and Zee, with law enforcement provided by Remnant, the remains of the once powerful Acronymian Empire.

    Outside - If you ain't Inside, you're OUTSIDE! Simple as that. Outside is a meta-thread for all those wildernessy type areas that don't merit their own threads, be it wood or lake or tiny shack.

    Riverside - This is a completely separate city that has less law enforcement than Inside. Part of it is continually shrouded in darkness.

    Skyside - A floating city with no laws and lots of MAD SCIENCE!!!! Also superheroes/villains.

    Underside - A sprawling network of underground caverns beneath the surface of the Nexus. The Underside is often considered a separate world beneath the feet of the Nexus, operating under strange, foreign rules and keeping its business where it belongs.

    Mallside - It's a shopping mall, with shops run by PCs and NPCs alike. MagMart is the largest store, selling everything you can imagine. There's also a food court and a gorgeous fountain. By OOC consent, this is meant to be a peaceful thread, so starting fights or murdering npc's is not allowed.

    Home - Whether in the suburbs of Inside, a desolate mountain cabin, a dingy flat somewhere... this is where PCs live. This is a meta-location, as the houses themselves may be many miles apart from one another. Or in separate dimensions.

    Plot Threads - Many threads exist to contain plot events, such as a dungeon crawl or a dreamscape. Always check with the GM running a plot before jumping in.

    ACRONYMS - Home to adventurers, these complexes provide headquarters and occasionally living space for like-minded Player Characters. Invariably equipped with cheesy names, these structures provide a place for their various members to fight crime, cause chaos, or anything of the sort. Current Acronyms include:
    • AMEN - Association for the Malicious, Evil and Nefarious. Evil aligned organization, exists to be EVIL! And sometimes Ebil.
    • GLoG - Good League of Good. Good aligned organization, exists to redeem evil-doers.
    • MERC - (formerly NO - Neutralist Organization.) The organization with the highest stake in contract work, be it mercenary, adventuring or anything else. NO both hires itself out and exercises control over a large part of the freelancers by handing out licenses.
    • VIGIL - Merger of HALO and WATCHTOWER - You Know What? Screw It. Exists to smite evil and any other threats to the Nexus.

    The Taverns
    What kind of vaguely DnD-esque adventurer would you be if you didn't visit one of these places at least once? The various Taverns, Grills, Hotels, Cantinas and Restaurant provide meeting places for the Player Characters, areas for quest givers to stand mysteriously in, and also places for people to eat and spend the money they seem to have infinite amounts of. Though there are a vast number of such places in Nexus, some with their own thread and some without, throughout history three major hubs have existed, without which Nexus as we know it wouldn't exist. The Dancing Fox Inn, which is located among some hills in outside. Finally, there is Trog's Tavern, which is located, maddeningly enough, at every corner of the Nexus at the same time. There is also the Black Dragon's Den, it's located roughly between the docks and the slums of Inside, and is the local hive of scum and villainy.

    For more information:
    The first post of every thread is valuable reading. It explains the purpose of the thread, whether it's private or public, and whether there are any additional rules you should follow. It's always a good idea to read it before you post in a new thread.

    Why We Fight: A Proposed Advanced Style And Concept Guide for Individual FFRP Combat By Neon Knight
    This guide is intended as a supplement to currently existing guides and practices relating to the employment of combat in FFRP. The author makes no pretensions that this guide is authoritative or useful until endorsed by the community. The author also makes no pretensions that he has perfectly adhered to the principles in this guide, nor that such a thing is possible. Everyone makes slip up sometimes. The author also makes no pretensions that these materials, observations, and recommendations are wholly original.


    Combat is an interesting subject in FFRP. FFRP is an interactive, cooperative endeavor, but combat serves a different purpose in FFRP than it does in other interactive, cooperative activities that FFRP might be patterned off of, like video games and table top RPGs. FFRP combat, rather, is more akin to a fight scene in a movie, book, or play. Another analogy may be that FFRP combat is not like an MMA match, which is truly competitive, but rather like professional wrestling, which is an arranged, choreographed performance intended to tell a story. FFRP is cooperative storytelling, and it remains so, even during a fight or action scene.

    Why Competitive Combat Doesn't Work in FFRP
    Competitive Combat does not work in FFRP for a variety of reasons, a few that I will outline here. The only method of interaction in FFRP is assertions. You assert some fact is true by the act of declaring it, by writing down that it happens. You can only assert so long as your assertions do not impede on anyone else's right to assert, at least for their own property and characters. In a fight, the only way to compete is to assert, but the effectiveness of your assertions are entirely determined by the recipient. A fight in which both people want to win usually becomes nothing more than an escalating series of assertions of power and lethality, until the knobs snap off at 11, and no one can go higher without being ridiculous. Characters receive power upgrades on the fly, just to keep up, or to try and top the latest assertions. It's a messy and ugly affair that many people have professed a dislike for.

    The Ideal of Cooperative Combat
    Combat in FFRP should be cooperative rather than competitive, which by and large is the same purpose that most posts in FFRP serve. Combat should serve to tell a story and add to storytelling, provide drama and tension through physical peril, and to entertain through description. When your characters get into a fight, the ideal is to make that fight a meaning contribution to the plot, whether that be your character's overall arc, the plot of the other characters in the fight, the specific plot of the fight or place where the fight is taking... you get the idea. You should cooperate and coordinate with other players to make sure that you're all on the same page, fulfilling the proper purposes, and not stepping on anyone else's toes. Sometimes, you might not get to work towards the purpose you necessarily want, but compromise is one of the necessary parts of cooperation. This is the ideal of Cooperative Combat: to have fight scenes serve to support continuing plot lines and interaction, to serve the interests, needs, and stories of as many players as possible as harmoniously as possible, which is the same ideal for normal interaction.

    What those purposes are will vary from fight to fight and plot to plot. Communicating with players in the plot and fight before, during, and after the occasion is ideal.

    Covering Yourself and the Enemy in Glory
    One of the few precepts that should be near universally applied is the idea of covering yourself and the other participants in the combat with glory. By that, I mean you should try to reinforce their assertions with your own descriptions and actions. A player can say that their character is a master marksman, but he really becomes and feels like a master marksman when other players respond to him like he is a master marksman, when their choices, descriptions, and actions reflect this status. When others assert your own assertions, that is when they become real and powerful in FFRP.

    This is why it is important to try and help people assert their characters, whenever you can, and why it is important that they do the same to you. Only together can you realize each character's power level and abilities. This is also why purpose and cooperation are important. Clashing purposes are often what cause inappropriate escalation. If your purpose is to kill a character while their purpose is to survive the encounter, the other player will have a hard time reinforcing your power while fulfilling their purpose.

    Selling the Hits
    "Selling" a hit is wrestling terminology for acting as if a blow really hurt or serious injured/impaired you. A similar concept can be applied to the Nexus; selling is the act of briefly bowing to the assertions, that is, attacks of other players and letting them affect you. Selling is something that requires both people to meet halfway. The attack has to be appropriate in order to get sold; appropriate for the purpose and goal of the fight. The response has to acknowledge and account for the attack.

    Thus, selling is something you need to keep in mind when designing a post, and when designing your character. You need to make sure your attacks and defenses allow both you and the other side to sell the hits, to avoid pointless exchanges were nothing really gets accomplished. A string of misses often adds nothing to the conflict or the plot, and doesn't move the action closer to resolution.

    My suggestion is to try and design graded consequences for your abilities. For example, here is a suggested consequences list for an attack with a gun:

    No Consequence: Total miss.

    Minor Consequence: Grazing hit, or a hit in an armored location with minimum impact, character becomes more cautious/less aggressive, an item of minor importance is hit/lost.

    Moderate Consequence: Flesh wound, character takes cover and doesn't act, character is forced to fall back, an item of importance is hit/lost.

    Major Consequence: A disabling injury/injury requiring medical condition is sustained, character becomes pinned and temporarily unwilling to fight/risk self further, character begins to fallback, an item of major importance is hit/lost.

    Full Consequence: Life threatening injury, death, retreat/rout, surrender, etc.

    In general, you should take the consequences that are appropriate for the fight, and for the goals that the fight is intended to fulfill. But, in general, No Consequence hits should be used sparingly. Consequence lists will differ from fight to fight, situation to situation, character to character, and possibly from attack to attack. You don't have to have a response for every type of consequence. In general:

    A No Consequence Hit does not move the fight closer to resolution. It has no real consequences on the fight or on the character.

    A Minor Consequence Hit does not move the fight closer to resolution, at least not appreciably, but it is intended to have minor consequences for the immediate fight and for the character. These consequences aren't intended to be long term.

    A Moderate Consequence Hit is intended to slightly move the fight closer to resolution, and has some consequences for the character. It is intended to last somewhat longer than a minor consequence.

    A Major Consequence Hit is intended to move the fight rapidly towards a conclusion, and is intended to have consequences that last for some time or require some action to redress.

    A Full Consequence Hit is an attack at maximum effectiveness, intended to move the fight immediately to a resolved state. It is intended to have long term/permanent consequences or to require severe effort to redress.

    Another proposed consequence list, this time for a sleep spell:

    No: The subject is not affected by the magic.

    Minor: The subject feels fatigued or slightly sleepy, but not enough to seriously impair ability, only enough to take the edge off their prowess.

    Moderate: The subject feels fatigued, unable to perform at top condition, and may suffer a temporary lapse in concentration or focus. The subject might fall into a micro sleep for an instant or for a few seconds.

    Major Consequence
    : The subject may lose focus for several seconds, and may become so tired as to need to actively fight to stay awake. They might fall asleep for several seconds.

    Full Consequence
    : The subject falls entirely asleep, or is so disabled as to be helpless.

    These are not the only gradations you can offer. Different scales might work better, either for specific, individual cases, or in general. But having the ability to mitigate an attack to the exact degree of harm and effectiveness to be suitable for the purpose of the fight is an advantage. Avoid all or nothing powers, except if that's supposed to be the point (of the character, the fight, or the plot) and if you do so, be fully prepared and ready to accept a series of No Consequence Hits. When going for all or nothing, make sure that both the all and the nothing are as acceptable and widely applicable as possible.

    Be Open To Other Roles
    In FFRP, your character is not always the protagonist. FFRP is a story composed of many other stories, each with their own characters. Each character might take different roles in different situations, and it is important to recognize this and to be ready to accept the many different roles you might get cast in. Sometimes, you're just a sidekick or ally in a fight. Other times, you'll be the main figure in a fight. And sometimes, you'll be the antagonist, and sometimes you'll get the role in the fight that loses. Being able to reconcile and relate this to your characters is an important skill in FFRP. Now, not every character will necessarily be interesting in every role, and it isn't a bad thing to try and put your character into the roles they are suited for whenever you can. But flexible characters who can relate and work in different roles can be more interesting than less flexible characters, and they may have more opportunities than those less flexible characters.

    Remember the foreword. This is not the gospel truth. There are always exceptions. But I believe that this advice, practices, and conception of FFRP combat might be applicable, interesting, and helpful to the community at large.

    How everyone should feel after a great fight scene.

    On Posting: A Guide to Avoiding the Most Common Mistakes, by Artemis97
    It would be, at the very least, polite to acknowledge the post I've made and spent time and thought putting detail into.

    I know you haven't been on FFRP for too long, but if you've paid attention to the veterans around here, we tend to post quite a lot, not in frequency, but in volume. We average a paragraph or more, and when we really get going, we can go on for a page or more. We love this game, we love writing, and we pour our heart and souls into it. To receive a single sentence in reply is, honestly, downright insulting.

    In addition to that, single sentence replies are really hard to respond to. You give us nothing to react to, nothing to go off of. It is the equivalent of typing "K" in response to a text. You may have noticed that I didn't continue the RP we had going in Outside last night. This is why. I had no idea where to go with the scene. FFRP is a cooperative game. It's a give and take. We need to work with one another to play.

    We also need to be able to communicate clearly. So I will stress here the proper use of punctuation and grammar. Quotation marks set off speech, which is particularly useful when color tags fail. Proper punctuation helps you to get your point across more clearly.

    Now I know, not everything requires you to re-write War and Peace in response, and sometimes it's hard to come up with content (believe me I've been there). But it's good to give some content, else we receive a very flat picture of your characters. Think about how they feel, how they're standing. Are they fidgeting and nervous, or stoic and grim? Do they smell? What's going through their heads?

    I'm sorry for running on so long, and I don't mean to seem like I'm picking on you specifically. This is an issue that pops up with newbies often, and sometimes we need to remind folks. I'm saying this because I want to help you. I want you to enjoy your time here and be a thriving part of our community. I can already see that you're very enthusiastic about this game, and I love that. Please don't let what I've said here lessen that, but I also encourage you to take what I've said to heart.


    When Storylines Stall: Dealing with Deadtime
    I have a suggestion for a new guideline (not a rule!) for roleplay. In group interactions, often the entire thing freezes when one player doesn't post. Then there's the debate about whether or not it's fair to skip that person.

    My suggestion is that the default expectation be set at 24 hours. If you haven't posted in 24 hours without asking for more time, then the interaction is allowed to move on.


    1. This would be 100% negotiable. If Pat Player knows he always needs 3 days to post, then he says so up front, and everyone in the plot knows that. Or Pam Player says she's never around on weekends, or Pav Player has a big homework assignment and needs some time off, or George GM says 'There's one week between turns in my plot' etc. The default is for when no one has said anything, but the post just isn't happening.

    2. If the player is online and posting in other places, poke them first before moving on. They may have just forgotten.

    3. There are no 'sanctions' for missing your turn in a plot or interaction other than cyber poke wounds. If skipping the person would mean something significant occurs to their character, then don't do it, or find a way to shield their character from events or give them multiple options for how they would have been effected (with 'no effect' being an option.)

    OOC Archives:

    OOC 48: Untitled
    OoC 47: Putting the K in Chaos
    OOC 46: Creativity + Possibility = ???
    [Nexus] OOC 45: 0.0000000000000000000042% full
    [Nexus] OOC 44: To be continued...
    [Nexus] OOC 43: Here Comes the Sun
    [Nexus] OOC 42: The thread at the drain of the multiverse
    [Nexus] OOC 41: Look! Up in the sky!
    [Nexus] OOC 40 days and 40 nights
    [Nexus] OoC 39: OoCside
    [Nexus] OOC 38: The Mün Is Not Enough
    [Nexus] OOC 37: What Goes Here Again?
    [Nexus] OOC 36: The Absurd Only Seems To Get More Absurd
    [Nexus] OOC 35: Winter is Coming
    [Nexus] OoC 34: If it exists, we have role-played it. No exceptions.
    [Nexus] OoC 33: The Orgs is all FREEMASONS!
    [Nexus] OoC 32
    [Nexus] OoC XXXI
    [Nexus] OoC 30
    [Nexus] OOC 29: Since When Have Titles Been All That Important, Anyway?
    [Nexus] OOC 28: Something to do with Mayans
    [Nexus] OOC 27: I saw Moffy kissing Wolfy Claws
    [Nexus] OOC 26: Handwavium half off!
    {Nexus} OoC XXV: Where all the Cool Cats are.
    [Nexus] OOC 24: Babysitters Apply Within
    [Nexus] OOC 23: YO MAMA never called me back.
    [Nexus] OOC 21: Blackjack, But No Hookers
    [Nexus] OOC XX: The Land of Pokings
    [NEXUS] OoC 19: Et tu, Ninja-Pirate Zombie?
    [NEXUS] OoC 18: Where the Females are Foxy and the Sirs, Superfluous.
    [NEXUS] OOC 17: This Title For Rent
    [NEXUS] OOC 16: Sweet!
    [NEXUS] OoC 15
    [Nexus] OoC 14
    [NEXUS] Nexus OoC 13: Saturday the Nexteenth
    [Nexus] OoC 12: Out of Cornflakes.
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    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: OOC 49: Titles 49% Off

    Tracking post.

    No clue what to do or where to go next, once my characters intro scene is done.
    I also answer to Bookmark and Shadow Claw.

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    Spoiler: Ode To Meteors, By zimmerwald
    Quote Originally Posted by zimmerwald1915 View Post
    You are a meteor
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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: OOC 49: Titles 49% Off

    Is there any particular goal they want to achieve? That might help to pick a thread/location.
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    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: OOC 49: Titles 49% Off

    Quote Originally Posted by Morty View Post
    Is there any particular goal they want to achieve? That might help to pick a thread/location.
    He wants to ind a purpose, mostly.

    Preferably as a hero or adventurer or something, sue to the influance of the incident that brought him to the Nexus.

    Also I finally got a profile made up

    He hasn't gotten the name yet.
    I also answer to Bookmark and Shadow Claw.

    Read my fanfiction here. Homebrew Material Here Rater Reads the Hobbit and Dracula
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    Spoiler: Ode To Meteors, By zimmerwald
    Quote Originally Posted by zimmerwald1915 View Post
    You are a meteor
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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: OOC 49: Titles 49% Off

    Quote Originally Posted by Flaming Eagle View Post
    ((Should have replied sooner, but I've been busy.))

    The hammer blow hits, but doesn't put him on his back. No, the hammer could have well been made of rubber.

    Thaddeus decides to pacify the fellow knight and chooses a blast of searing heat, numbering a few million degree celsuis, to send at Rhodes' arm, using his free hand. His sword stabs at the growth in his face. "Thou art so consumed with pride that ye refuseth help, or perchance the monster hath sunk its hooks into ye. Is it too late for ye, I wonder?"
    RIP Black Dragon's Den. The location lasted us long, until it, and most of the city block around it went down in flames.

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    Orc in the Playground
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    Default Re: OOC 49: Titles 49% Off

    Oh, Kris. :3

    I should have specified that it was a focused attack. I... should probably reduce the heat. Yeah.

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    Halfling in the Playground
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    Default Re: OOC 49: Titles 49% Off

    To be perfectly honest, Flaming Eagle, if that swing at the back of the 'Flaming Eagle's' leg both did no damage, did not move him, and had simply no effect, your namesake may be a touch outside Rhodes' power level. Even disregarding the, uh, bit Ad pointed out.

    If your character is both that powerful, impervious, and willing to incinerate a few dozen innocent bystanders, it'll make it less of a fight scene and more... Rhodes getting walloped. Your character may be too strong for the scale of the encounter, is all I'm saying.
    My avatar was done by Gullara. Thanks again!

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    Orc in the Playground
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    Default Re: OOC 49: Titles 49% Off

    He's supposed to be that powerful, I assumed Rhodes had some ace up his sleeve... I'll scale his power-level down for the encounter.

    Check back in 5-7 minutes. I'm re-writing the post from scratch.

    - - - Updated - - -

    EDITED. Swapped out the angel Flaming Knight for the supersoldier Holly Dawson. She has telescopic x-ray thermal vision, and is an excellent shot with guns. Now, Flaming Knight is not willing to cause collateral damage (unlike say, Holly), but Holly is less likely to destroy several buildings because she miscalculated her power output, so yay!
    Last edited by Cyber Punk; 2016-01-14 at 06:35 PM.

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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: OOC 49: Titles 49% Off

    Quote Originally Posted by Rater202 View Post
    He wants to ind a purpose, mostly.

    Preferably as a hero or adventurer or something, sue to the influance of the incident that brought him to the Nexus.

    Also I finally got a profile made up

    He hasn't gotten the name yet.
    Sorry for not responding to that earlier. >.< I was distracted.

    There's a couple of locations he could visit. Vigil and HALO are groups that include heroes fighting against threats. MERC is, well, for mercenaries, and that includes adventurers. But they're not terribly heroic. GLoG is a place for redemption and charity. He could seek help there or help out himself.
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    Halfling in the Playground
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    Default Re: OOC 49: Titles 49% Off

    Well thank you Eagle! I can roll with this I think.

    Rhodes is... not on the angelic scale the General seems to be operating on. He's closer to the power level of, say, a superhuman Batman villain? If that makes any sense? Not a world or even city class threat but someone who could tear up a few blocks.
    My avatar was done by Gullara. Thanks again!

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    Orc in the Playground
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    I understand. My main reason for sending him first was because 'fellow knight fight'. I assumed he was some divine being as well, I should have asked. Apologies.

    Also, maybe baby knight fight. It's fun to say. Knight fight!

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    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: OOC 49: Titles 49% Off

    Quote Originally Posted by Morty View Post
    Sorry for not responding to that earlier. >.< I was distracted.

    There's a couple of locations he could visit. Vigil and HALO are groups that include heroes fighting against threats. MERC is, well, for mercenaries, and that includes adventurers. But they're not terribly heroic. GLoG is a place for redemption and charity. He could seek help there or help out himself.
    Which one is most likely to allow him toget a decent fight at a reasonable rate?(Discounting the mercenaries.)

    I figure that's what needs to happen to justify him figuring a bit more about his powers out.
    I also answer to Bookmark and Shadow Claw.

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    Not in a secret base, no!

    Default Re: OOC 49: Titles 49% Off

    So I want to send Fade to mallside to buy a tool to identify arcane objects.
    Erin's Emporium or Azik's Enchantments are option, if unless there is somethign else?
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    Just to let Planeside people know that I've not forgotten about the post. I wanted to do some research, but have been caught up prepping for school or doing various other things. I should post before weekend's end.

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    Ettin in the Playground

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    Gasp! The Eagle has evolved into a KNIGHT!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Rater202 View Post
    Which one is most likely to allow him toget a decent fight at a reasonable rate?(Discounting the mercenaries.)

    I figure that's what needs to happen to justify him figuring a bit more about his powers out.
    Vigil and HALO get into fights sometimes. Vigil is actually in the middle of a big one, but it's already started. If you want your character to get into a fight, someone might provide an encounter without joining a group, if you'd like.
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    Quote Originally Posted by goto124 View Post
    Gasp! The Eagle has evolved into a KNIGHT!
    You have just levelled up.

    What will our goto evolve into? Find out next episode!

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    Default Re: OOC 49: Titles 49% Off

    A quick poke to either Rec or SC for the scene Outside. The order's gotten slightly jumbled. Not sure who normally posted after me, but my post's back on the 43rd page.

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    Default Re: OOC 49: Titles 49% Off

    Quote Originally Posted by Morty View Post
    Vigil and HALO get into fights sometimes. Vigil is actually in the middle of a big one, but it's already started. If you want your character to get into a fight, someone might provide an encounter without joining a group, if you'd like.
    I'm starting to think I jumped the gun with joining...
    I also answer to Bookmark and Shadow Claw.

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    Or be less formal and head out to the Hunting Grounds. I'm sure we can torment your character meet your needs for combat there.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Rater202 View Post
    I'm starting to think I jumped the gun with joining...
    Er, I'm not sure what you mean by that, except that I might be doing a bad job explaining things.

    Also, yeah, the Hunting Grounds is a good location for fights.
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    Well, I've joined the Hunting grounds. I'm trying to be vague about where exactly he is because I'm not familiar with the individual locales.
    I also answer to Bookmark and Shadow Claw.

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    Spoiler: Ode To Meteors, By zimmerwald
    Quote Originally Posted by zimmerwald1915 View Post
    You are a meteor
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    Orc in the Playground
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    Default Re: OOC 49: Titles 49% Off

    Make sure to thoroughly read the first post of each thread, Rater. It usually contains such information. For the bars and taverns, the list of purchasable items will usually be found there, as well.

    For instance, in Huntside, you get to see the different locations, as well as what goes on in each.
    Last edited by Cyber Punk; 2016-01-16 at 03:35 PM.

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    Colossus in the Playground
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    No, I read that: What I mean is I don't know what kind of thing is where in the Hunting Grounds, so I dont' want to be too specific on what part he ended up in in case there's nothing there right now or what.
    I also answer to Bookmark and Shadow Claw.

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    Spoiler: Ode To Meteors, By zimmerwald
    Quote Originally Posted by zimmerwald1915 View Post
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    Orc in the Playground
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    Hmm, perhaps start from [Job Board] and describe your character standing in front of the Job Board. Also, you have to have gotten someone to agree to run a monster for you. I could do it, too, but I'm moving to the hostel on monday and have been very busy these past few weeks... I do have some ideas of monsters your albino char could vanquish, but you have to be willing to accept that there are times I won't post for at least a day or two between posts.

    Like my original manlephants. The ones VIGIL are fighting are now basically just bipedal elephants with guns, and I might drop out of the scene soon (haven't decided yet)
    Last edited by Cyber Punk; 2016-01-16 at 03:43 PM.

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    *pokes people concerned to Hunting Grounds*

    I believe that's Murkus, RyanKoopa and Arkhosia.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Morty View Post
    *pokes people concerned to Hunting Grounds*

    I believe that's Murkus, RyanKoopa and Arkhosia.
    I'll have my post up after I get some sleep. How do you want to do the scene in the VIGIL thread? Should Portal just approach Wenomir after emerging from the house, or did you have something else in mind?

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    He can find Wenomir in the scene I posted before you did.
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    Default Re: OOC 49: Titles 49% Off

    Hey guys, gonna start being more active now cuz school and pressures are less of an issue.
    Gonna get a reply out for HALO in the next day or two. Also: The Alexandrian, mind clearing your inbox?
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    Quote Originally Posted by SliiArhem
    Arkh I may be slightly delirious but I don't think that would make sense even if I was coherent.

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    Default Re: OOC 49: Titles 49% Off

    Morty, there was a scene I'd done with Fade a long while back regarding Foxside, I think. Something about recon for an outpost intent on obtaining important info. Was this ever resolved? I can't remember if Zefir and I actually had our characters come back and report to Dipsnig.

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