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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default [3.5] Warped Druid Handbook - PEACH

    Warped Druid Handbook

    ToDo <Insert Picture>

    Spellwarp Sniper is an interesting class normally applied to Sorcerer type builds. Whilst it doesn't work too well with Cleric, due to the lack of suitable spells, it is interesting when applied to Druids.

    It is weaker than straight Druid since you have to lose 1 caster level. It is also direct damage but there are a number of condition lock riders (no save), some of which are quite bizarre, which is the whole point of this character concept.

    You are a Rogue and a Druid and can take one of two paths. You can either focus on the Rogue side or become a kind of Mailman lite - though not all of those tricks are available so you won't see the damage spikes.

    Spontaneous Druid is preferred, though Spirit Shaman also works especially for the Rogue path since Metamagic is awkward for Spirit Shaman.

    There is a possible rules contention regarding volley spells.
    Complete Arcane p86 states that only the first ray gets to add bonus damage (E.g. Sneak and Point Blank)
    Rules Compendium implies that you can only get the bonus damage for multiple attacks if you take a full round action.
    Since applying metamagic for a spontaneous caster is a full round action, this may work at your table - or it may not.
    See post #7 for a fuller discussion.
    Last edited by nedz; 2016-02-24 at 04:50 PM.
    π = 4
    Consider a 5' radius blast: this affects 4 squares which have a circumference of 40' — Actually it's worse than that.

    Completely Dysfunctional Handbook
    Warped Druid Handbook

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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: [3.5] Warped Druid Handbook - PEACH

    ToDo < Races >
    Last edited by nedz; 2016-02-23 at 05:48 AM.
    π = 4
    Consider a 5' radius blast: this affects 4 squares which have a circumference of 40' — Actually it's worse than that.

    Completely Dysfunctional Handbook
    Warped Druid Handbook

    Avatar by Caravaggio

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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: [3.5] Warped Druid Handbook - PEACH

    Spell analysis

    The spells you can Warp are: Area spell with instantaneous duration and a range greater than touch.
    Spells with Reflex saves are to be preferred because these saves are ignored.
    You can still cast these spells normally of course, but that's not the point of this exercise.

    You can add precision damage to weaponlike spells which do non-lethal damage, just not to ones which do lethal damage which you are using to do non-lethal damage.

    The following spells have Reflex saves: so when Warped have no save against either their damage, or the rider. You can, of course, add sneak damage to all of these - when it applies.
    Level Name Damage Rider Notes
    1 Sandblast 1d6 nonlethal damage Stun 1 round Normally this spell is meh, but Warped it becomes Stun no save with nonlethal damage
    2 Frost Breath 1d4-5d4 Cold Daze 1 round Normally this spell is poor, but Warped it becomes Daze no save with Cold damage
    3 Downdraft Fall up to 100' Probably not worth warping unless you simply must knock down a flying opponent which is flying between 50 and 100 feet
    3 Energize Potion Probably not worth warping, very expensive
    3 Energy Vortex 1d8 + 1-20 Acid, cold, electricity, or fire Meh. It does cover 4 energy types though
    3 Junglerazer 1d10-10d10 Fey, vermin, plants and plant creatures, and animals Situational but high damage
    3 Thunderous Roar 1d6-5d6 Knocked Prone Whilst they still get a Fort save for half damage, they are automatically knocked Prone
    4 Arc of Lightning 1d6-15d6 Electricity
    4 Blast of Sand 1d6-10d6 Untyped
    4 Flame Strike 1d6-15d6 Half fire, half divine
    4 Hurtling Stone 6d6 Untyped
    4 Lava Splash 1d4-15d6 Fire Dysfunction on the max damage
    4 Waterball 1d6-10d6 non lethal
    5 Call Avalanche 8d6 Buried Untyped damage with a bizarre rider
    5 Dancing Web 1d6-10d6 non lethal Evil creatures become entangled
    5 Quill Blast Depends on target size: Damage and Debuff Volley

    If you use Legacy Champion or Uncanny Trickster to advance Spellwarp Sniper then the following spells can be warped, again with no reflex save.
    Level Name Damage Rider Notes
    6 Anger of the Noonday Sun Undead 1d6-10d6, some undead destroyed Blind for 1 minute per level
    6 Cometfall 1d6-15d6 Knocked Prone
    6 Mudslide 8d6 or 8d8 Buried
    6 Snow Wave 1d6 (Cold Fort half)+4d6 Knocked Prone Unclear whether any sneak damage would be Cold or untyped
    6 Tidal Surge 1d6-15d6 Bull rush Bull rush is not a Reflex save
    7 Fire Storm 1d6-20d6
    7 Haze of Smouldering Stone 4d6 Bludgeoning + 8d6 Fire Damage increases if you spam, also Fire Res 3
    7 Wrack Earth 1d6-15d6 Bludgeoning
    8 Bombardment 1d6-20d6 untyped Burial
    8 Deadfall 1d6-20d6 untyped Knocked Prone
    8 Deadly Lahar 10d6 Fire Slow and 5d6 fire for 3 rounds
    8 Sunburst 6d6 Blinded Undead, fungi, mold, oozes, and slimes: 1d6-25d6, some undead destroyed
    9 Thunderswarm (3.0) 16d6 Electrical Stun Quite a complex spell which may not be worth Warping
    9 Transmute Rock to Lava Can only target natural stone

    There are many further spells which can be warped but which have no additonal effect since they don't have reflex saves: these are omitted.

    The following Ray spells are worth noting. They can't be Warped, but you can add sneak. These are probably best used before your main trick comes online, then swap them out.
    Level Name Damage Rider Notes
    2 Saltray 1d6-5d6 Fort save or stun 1 round
    2 Splinterbolt 4d6 (Crit 18-20) piercing Not Ranged Touch, Volley
    3 Icelance 6d6 Half Cold/ half Piercing Fort save or Stunned 1d4 rounds Not Ranged Touch, but +4 to hit

    Reach Spell open up more Ray options. There are many of these, but some of note are.
    Level Name Damage Rider Notes
    2 Healing Sting 1d12+(1-10) Gain damage back as healing Vampiric ray
    2 Wracking Touch 1d6+(1-10) Fort half Can add sneak attack damage even if they are not denied Dex to AC (or flanked)
    2 Blight 1d6-15d6 Fort half) Plants only - meh, just grab Junglerazor and Warp that for more damage and it effects more types
    2 Spark of Life none, Will negates Strips undead of many traits allowing you to sneak attack them in future rounds

    The following spells are also handy
    Level 1
    Magic Stone - for low level use only. Swap it out later.
    Vine Strike - sneak attack Plants - swift action.
    Last edited by nedz; 2016-02-23 at 05:51 AM.
    π = 4
    Consider a 5' radius blast: this affects 4 squares which have a circumference of 40' — Actually it's worse than that.

    Completely Dysfunctional Handbook
    Warped Druid Handbook

    Avatar by Caravaggio

  4. - Top - End - #4
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: [3.5] Warped Druid Handbook - PEACH

    Feat General
    Point Blank Shot Required for Spellwarp Sniper
    Precise Shot Spellwarp Sniper 3 gives you Precise Shot for free, however if you already have this then you get a free choice of feat
    Rogue type feats
    Craven More Sneak damage
    Darkstalker Has to be mentioned
    Dead Eye Requires Dex 17 and Weapon Focus <Ray>. This gives Dex to damage on missile attacks; other options are probably better though
    Deadeye Shot Allows you to sneak attack more often
    Dimensonial Jaunt Tree Stride can be used to power this
    Martial Stance (Assassin's Stance) 2d6 More Sneak damage
    Metamagic feats
    Reach Spell Opens more ray options - see above
    Empower Spell You get this once per day free
    Extend Spell The FAQ says this doesn't work on Lesser Vigor, but that's not RAW
    Maximise Spell
    Practical Metamagic Metamagic reducer - you have to be Dragonborn though
    Silent Spell Useful if you are being stealthy
    Split Ray Has a pre-req of any other metamagic feat. More rays means more targets in lockdown
    Still Spell Still Spell is a Defence against being grappled, and if someone grapples you they lose their Dex bonus to AC
    Twin Spell Split Ray is cheaper - though they do stack
    Last edited by nedz; 2016-02-23 at 05:52 AM.
    π = 4
    Consider a 5' radius blast: this affects 4 squares which have a circumference of 40' — Actually it's worse than that.

    Completely Dysfunctional Handbook
    Warped Druid Handbook

    Avatar by Caravaggio

  5. - Top - End - #5
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: [3.5] Warped Druid Handbook - PEACH


    Many of these Builds come in two parts: the first 11 levels and then the back 9.
    None of these builds assume Flaws are available.

    Lofted Hobbit


    Halfling Wilderness Rogue 1 / Halfling Deadly Hunter Druid 5 / Spellwarp Sniper 5
    Feats: Point Blank Shot [1], Track {2}, <Metamagic feat> [3], Precise Shot [6], Split Ray [9], Deadeye Shot {9}

    Class Features (After ACFs): Trapfinding [1], Ranged Sneak 2d6 [1] FE#1 [2] Wis to AC [2] Elemental Comp [2] Nature Sense[2] Woodland stride [3] +10' move [4] Trackless step [4] Resist nature’s lure [5] Elemental Comp – medium [5] +1 AC [6] FE#2[6] Spellwarp [7] Sudden raystrike +1d6 [8] Sudden raystrike +2d6 [10] Ray mastery [11], ...

    <Metamagic feat> feat options: see above
    Split Ray has a pre-req of any other metamagic feat, also we need to use those high level slots we don 't have spells known for yet.

    Wilderness Rogue (UA, p 56): Modified skill list.
    Halfling Rogue Substitution Levels (RW, p 160)
    1st level: Ranged Sneak Attack +1d6 Ranged sneak, -1d6 Melee sneak

    Deadly Hunter (UA, p 58): Gain bonus to AC when unarmored and fast movement (as monk). Gain favored enemy, track, and swift tracker as a ranger. Lose armor and shield proficiency and wild shape.
    Spontaneous Druid (UA)
    Halfling Druid Substitution Levels (RW, p 157) add climb, jump, move silently, and hide to skill list (6 skills points per level - but only Druid 1, 5 and 11)
    1st level: Spontaneous Casting, Enhanced Link (bonus to ride animal companion)
    1st – Jump, 2nd – Spider Climb, 3rd – Protection from Energy, 4th – Freedom of Movement, 5th – Tree Stride 6th – 9th – Summon Nature’s Ally
    Elemental Companion (CM, p 33) Know (the Planes) 1, speak Auran. No AC, no Wild Empathy.

    Deadly Hunter is optional. Now Wild Shape is good, but it's not our focus - we don't even have Natural Spell.

    Elemental Companion gives us an Air elemental, which can carry a Halfling quite easily from 5th level. Fly 100' (Perfect) = yes please. A medium sized Air Elemental can carry a halfling as a light load.

    Strongheart Halfling is an obvious choice here, but it's not assumed in this build.


    Silverbrow Human Rogue 1 / Druid 5 / Spellwarp Sniper 5
    Feats: Point Blank Shot [1], Reach Spell [1], Split Ray [3], Practical Metamagic: Split Ray [6], Precise Shot {9}, Twin Spell [9], Practical Metamagic: Twin Spell [12], Maximize Spell [15], Practical Metamagic: Maximize Spell [18]
    Metamagic Path: This is good for multiple target condition locking, and damage later.

    Elven Warped Seeker

    Elf Rogue 1 / Spirit Shaman 5 / Spellwarp Sniper 5
    Feats: Point Blank Shot [1], Craven [3], Precise Shot [6], Martial Stance (Assassin's Stance) [9], Deadeye Shot {9}, Darkstalker [12], ...
    Class Features: Spirit guide[2], wild empathy[2], Chastise spirits[3], Detect spirits[4], Blessing of the spirits[5], Follow the guide[6], Spellwarp [7] Sudden raystrike +1d6 [8] Sudden raystrike +2d6 [10] Ray mastery [11], ...
    ACFs :Wilderness Rogue (UA, p 56): Modified skill list.
    Rogue path: 5d6+(1-20) Sneak, good skills.

    Back 9

    Several of these options add domains.
    The rules are silent on how these work with Spontaneous Druid so some kind of house-rule is obligatory.
    With Spirit Shaman you get the Granted power and may retrieve spells from the domain list.

    Legacy Champion 4
    Burn a feat and acquire a legacy item, but would allow you to warp up to 9th level spells (see above).
    I'm not sure this is really worthwhile since you can metamagic up lower level spells for most of the riders.

    Uncanny Trickster (Complete Scoundrel p67)
    You need to have bought 4 skill tricks to enter this one but for the cost of a caster level you can advance your Warping by two levels.
    Again: is the cost worth the benefit ?

    Rogue +1
    For Evasion ? - probably not worth the loss of a caster level.

    Divine Oracle 2
    A 2 level dip can get you evasion without losing any CL, but you need to waste a feat and wrangle Knowledge Religeon 8.
    It's also unclear how extra domains work with Spontaneous Druid.

    Holt Warden (Complete Champion p84)
    Solid choice

    Druid +9

    Solid Choice.
    Unless you entered through Spirit Shaman, in which case this would be rubbish.

    Daggerspell Shaper 9
    At the cost of a Caster Level and two not very useful feats (for our purposes) then this gives good skills and +3d6 sneak.
    The fluff kind of jars, since it's aimed at a different fighting style, but might work.

    Dweomerkeeper 9
    It is possible to do this but it comes online far too late and we never get the capstone.
    Rogue 1 / Druid 5 / Spellwarp Sniper 3 might be an OK entry since that gives you most of the condition locks.
    Spellthief 1 with Precosious Apprentice or the Magical Training feats are the obvious entry tricks for this class.

    Seeker of the Misty Isle 9
    Costs another Caster level, but gives access to more spells. Good skills, with bumps, and you have to be an Elf (or Half elf, but really).
    It's not clear how extra domains work with Spontaneous Druid so a houserule is required: depending on this it might be very good.

    Spirit Shaman +9
    Good Choice, provided you started on this path. This path is not so good for Metamagic tricks.

    Windwalker [3.0 ]
    Costs 2 poor feats - there are likely better options.
    If it was clear how domains interact with Spontaneous Druid then this might be good. So, this depends upon your houserules.
    Last edited by nedz; 2016-02-23 at 05:55 AM.
    π = 4
    Consider a 5' radius blast: this affects 4 squares which have a circumference of 40' — Actually it's worse than that.

    Completely Dysfunctional Handbook
    Warped Druid Handbook

    Avatar by Caravaggio

  6. - Top - End - #6
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: [3.5] Warped Druid Handbook - PEACH

    Reserved - Source list maybe
    Last edited by nedz; 2016-02-23 at 06:07 AM.
    π = 4
    Consider a 5' radius blast: this affects 4 squares which have a circumference of 40' — Actually it's worse than that.

    Completely Dysfunctional Handbook
    Warped Druid Handbook

    Avatar by Caravaggio

  7. - Top - End - #7
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: [3.5] Warped Druid Handbook - PEACH

    Quote Originally Posted by nedz View Post
    There is a rules contention regarding volley spells.
    Complete Arcane p86 states that only the first ray gets to add bonus damage (E.g. Sneak and Point Blank)
    Rules Compendium implies that you can only get the bonus damage for multiple attacks if you take a full round action.
    Since applying metamagic for a spontaneous caster is a full round action, this may work at your table - or it may not.
    There is no contradiction between these rules. They're separate restrictions that merely happen to overlap in many scenarios.

    Here are the rules in question, both from the Rules Compendium:

    Quote Originally Posted by RC 136
    Some weaponlike spells can strike multiple times in the same round. When the caster receives a bonus on damage rolls or some form of extra damage (such as precision damage) with such spells, the extra damage applies only on the first attack, whether that attack hits or not.
    Quote Originally Posted by RC 42
    A form of attack that enables an attacker to make multiple attacks during an action other than a full-round action, such as the Manyshot feat (standard action) or a quickened scorching ray (swift action), allows precision damage to be applied only to the first attack in the group.
    As you can see, the former applies specifically to weaponlike spells that strike multiple times in the same round, whereas the latter applies to any form of attack that strikes multiple times in the same action (if it's not a full-round action). They're not mutually exclusive, and there's no contradiction between them. Sometimes both rules will apply; sometimes one rule will apply and not the other.

    The Wolf Fang Strike maneuver falls afoul of the second restriction, but not the first. A Scorching Ray spell cast as a full-round action falls afoul of the first restriction, but not the second. If you cast it as a standard action, it runs into both restrictions.

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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: [3.5] Warped Druid Handbook - PEACH

    Quote Originally Posted by Troacctid View Post
    There is no contradiction between these rules. They're separate restrictions that merely happen to overlap in many scenarios.
    Well I said contention not contradiction which could imply overlap, though I have seen tables where this sort of thing is contentious as well.

    Thanks for your comment though and I've added a reference to your comments.
    π = 4
    Consider a 5' radius blast: this affects 4 squares which have a circumference of 40' — Actually it's worse than that.

    Completely Dysfunctional Handbook
    Warped Druid Handbook

    Avatar by Caravaggio

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