Snips, Snails, and Dragon Tales: Now available in PDF format from Gumroad
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    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Oct 2015

    Default The Continent of Avitia - A 3.P Setting

    A Continent of Magic

    Avitia means "ancestral land" in the language of the Luxites - the continent's greatest empire. It has been centuries since this empire fell, leaving a legacy of might that is hard to match. The continent is shaped like a long crescent running north to south, and at both 'prongs' of the crescent, it trails into islands that link it to the eastern continent of Cadia (a Luxite adaptation of Qiàdì, the local name for the landmass). To the Cadians, Avitia is known as Xīfāng, meaning simply "the land in the west." Modern Avitia is largely divided into three surface regions and the subterranean lands collectively called the Underdark.


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    The Northlands are a frozen expanse of mountains, forests, and increasingly as one travels further north, flat, frostbitten plains. The inhabitants of this region are tough and hardy. They include various often-scorned "barbarian" tribes, as well as more sophisticated nations and empires. The most famous settlement of the Northlands is Skaldenhall, the City of Bards, home to many of the region's most prestigious universities. The Northlands are also well known as the homeland of the urskans, fearsome armored bears of the far north. Other inhabitants are mainly fey, both wild creatures that threaten travelers and domestic helpers that bring warmth into cold villages. The Luxites, fearing the region's many dangers, made little effort to push into the Northlands. Historians ascribe this to many factors, such as the inhospitability of the region, the corruption that plagued the late Luxite Empire, or just the pure awesome incarnate that is the urskans. Reports vary.


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    The Midlands, sometimes also called the Heartlands, are the central belt of the continent, predominated by temperate climates of varying specifics depending on how close one is to the northern or southern boundaries of the region. To the region's southwest, the rocky coast gave rise to the Luxite civilization, which conquered the entire Midlands and a not insignificant part of the Southlands at the height of its power. Luxite religion, magic, and technology has shaped all modern societies of the Midlands, and caused ripples through the Northlands and Southlands into the bargain. When the Luxite Empire came to an end, the Midlands divided into a myriad of kingdoms, principalities, and city-states - much as they had been prior to conquest. This region is home to most wood elves and woodland fey. Since halflings exist due to Luxite influence, it is also home to most halflings.


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    The Southlands, by contrast, are a sun-drenched region characterized by grasslands and deserts. It is home to many kingdoms, its cities made all the more sweltering by the endless bustle of trade. Like the Northlands, the Southlands were never fully conquered by the Luxite Empire, although some expeditions were embarked during the empire's golden age. However, unlike the "primitives" of the far north, Southlanders have always drawn a grudging respect from Midlander civilizations due to their more "sophisticated" mien. It's true that there are more cities in the Southlands than in the Northlands, but this is more of a necessity (due to their respective climates) than any indication of the inhabitants' higher functions. The most famed culture of the Southlands is that formed by the great desert city-states of the high elves, which probably has something to do with it, but orsinoid, human, and pigmy kingdoms are not uncommon. Other inhabitants include kaftar, the hyena-folk of the high plains, and their beastfolk cousins the catfolk, sabu (jackalfolk), and lizardfolk.


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    The Underdark consists of a series of underground spaces across the continent. It is not one large cavern system; if the whole of Avitia were supported by stone honeycombs, the surface regions would collapse. Rather, the Underdark is made up of nodes - large cave systems, mountains riddled with holes, vast sunken ruins, and other miscellaneous subterranes. Most nodes have a handful of long tunnels connecting them to neighboring nodes; these are known as thruways. Not all neighboring nodes are connected by thruway, however, and to go from one node to another locals must sometimes either take circuitous routes through other nodes or simply cross the surface. The world above is known to Underdark denizens as the Overbright; most Underdark races fare poorly in direct sunlight. Aberrant races rule the Underdark, and it has its own peculiar ecology, which is often hostile to surface natives.
    Last edited by DontEvenAsk; 2019-11-09 at 10:26 PM.
    DontEvenAsk, no apostrophe. I play D&D 3.X/PF, and some 5e. Life has a tendency to spring surprise problems on me, leading to temporary ghosting that I usually can't predict. If I vanish, I'm probably not dropping out if your game, just swamped.

    My campaign setting. Please look, don't touch for now.

  2. - Top - End - #2
    Barbarian in the Playground

    Join Date
    Oct 2015

    Default Re: The Continent of Avitia - A 3.P Setting


    Avitia is home to more races than you can shake a stick at. At least, that's how one passage in the epistolary writings of a particularly eccentric Luxite philosopher is usually translated. Reports vary on the literal accuracy of this statement.

    The major "types" of races are generally considered to be humans, elves, pigmies, orsinoids, beastfolk, planetouched, fey, dragons, and aberrations. Other categorization systems exist, but none are as widely accepted. The system is by no means perfect; several other races exist that don't fit into this framework, and scholars constantly debate the nature and role of these races.
    Last edited by DontEvenAsk; 2018-09-20 at 02:30 PM.
    DontEvenAsk, no apostrophe. I play D&D 3.X/PF, and some 5e. Life has a tendency to spring surprise problems on me, leading to temporary ghosting that I usually can't predict. If I vanish, I'm probably not dropping out if your game, just swamped.

    My campaign setting. Please look, don't touch for now.

  3. - Top - End - #3
    Barbarian in the Playground

    Join Date
    Oct 2015

    Default Re: The Continent of Avitia - A 3.P Setting


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    All images are copyright to the artist, who is when possible credited by hyperlink. Please do not repost the images in this thread without these citations included.
    Spoiler: Races
    Humans are among the most diverse types of mortalkind. Human races are mostly geographic and ethnic distinctions, though some magical variants exist.

    All humans are Medium Humanoids with a BLS of 30ft. All human races have Common (Luxite for native Avitians, Fenghua for Cadians) as an automatic language, unless otherwise specified. All humans also speak their own ethnic group’s racial language. Humans may take any languages as bonus languages. All human races have the human subtype, LA 0, and no RHD.

    Sifjari: A hardy people, native to the mountains and forests of the northwest, Sifjari are known for being powerful warriors, but outsiders often see them as uncouth and barbaric due to their historic independence from southern rule. They are no less cultured for this, however; although Sifjari ways are unfamiliar to more southern peoples, they are in many respects just as sophisticated.
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    Image credits: Male (?), Female.
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    • +2 Constitution, +2 Charisma, -2 Wisdom. Sifjari are a tough and imposing people, but they are prone to recklessness.
    • Northern Winter: Sifjari gain Cold Endurance as a bonus feat at 1st level. They need not qualify for this feat.
    • Skaldic Tradition: Sifjari history and literary culture is traditionally passed down orally in the form of poetry and sagas. Sifjari gain a +2 bonus on Knowledge (history), Knowledge (nobility), and Perform checks, and these skills are always class skills for them.
    • Languages: Common, Sifjari.
    • Favored Class: Skald (Advanced Class Guide pgs 49-52). A Sifjari Skald may choose the half-orc alternate favored class bonus for that class.

    Laakvoda: The Northlands are also home to isolated hunter-gatherer tribes of an older form of humanity. Some Northlander legends speak of an ancient exodus from the ice flats of the north as Joramy's breath heated up the south and made it more hospitable. The legends claim that these "primitives" are those few who remained. "Primitives" is a term applied to them by other humans due to their outmoded lifestyle; they call themselves laakvoda, meaning simply "people."
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    • +2 Strength, +2 Constitution, -2 Intelligence, -2 Charisma. Laakvoda are both stronger and tougher than later strains of humanity, but unfamiliar with outside scholarship and social mores.
    • Northern Winter: Laakvoda gain Cold Endurance as a bonus feat at 1st level. They need not qualify for this feat.
    • Primitive Weapon Mastery: Laakvoda have a +1 racial bonus on attack rolls made with the following weapons: bolas, club, dart, greatclub, longspear, quarterstaff, and sling.
    • Hunter-Gatherer: A Laakvoda gains a +2 racial bonus on Perception, Stealth, and Survival checks.
    • Illiteracy: Laakvoda do not automatically know how to read and write. A Laakvoda must spend 2 skill points to become literate in all languages they are able to speak. They do not automatically gain this skill when taking a nonbarbarian character class unless its class features would require a user to be literate (such as Alchemist, or any class that uses a spellbook).
    • Languages: Laakvoda. Laakvoda do not automatically speak Common.
    • Favored Class: Barbarian. A Laakvoda Barbarian may choose the half-orc alternate favored class bonus for that class.

    Luxite: The Luxites, native to the mountainous western coast of the Midlands, once ruled half the continent. Now they live mainly in small city-states on the coast, presiding over merchant principalities and republics that profit off of the many waterways spanning the Midlands. Certain groups from the southwestern Heartlands are also sometimes treated as Luxites due to physical and cultural similarities. Luxites are often considered the "missing link" between Midlanders and Southlanders.
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    • +2 Charisma, -2 Wisdom. Luxites are commanding and imposing, but proud and ambitious.
    • Imperious: Luxites gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against mind-affecting effects. When a Luxite successfully uses Diplomacy to win over an individual, that creature takes a –2 penalty on attempts to resist any of the Luxite's Charisma-based skills for the next 24 hours.
    • Privileged Education: Luxites gain all Knowledge skills as class skills, and they gain a +1 racial bonus to each Knowledge skill that they gain as a class skill from their class levels.
    • Cosmopolitan: Luxites gain a +2 racial bonus on Diplomacy and Knowledge (local) checks. Whenever a Luxite gains a rank in Linguistics, they learn two languages rather than one.
    • Languages: Common, Elven.
    • Favored Class: Any.

    Baerling: If Luxites are a link between Midlanders and Southlanders, Baerlings are a link between Midlanders and Northlanders. They inhabit the eastern coast of the Midlands, an unforgiving region just as rocky as the west. The Baerlings are a proud and stubborn people, and for centuries remained the most staunchly rebellious citizens of the Luxite Empire. Dalachros, a mighty city-state that controls one of the few safe harbors on the coast, is considered the crown jewel of Baerling culture.
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    • +2 Wisdom. Baerlings are famed for their practical and astute judgement.
    • Honorable Warrior: Baerlings have a +1 racial bonus on attack rolls made with a javelin, shortspear, or shortword. They gain a +2 racial bonus on Diplomacy checks, but a -2 racial penalty on Bluff checks.
    • Heart of the Mountains: Baerlings are skilled at negotiating heights and precipices. They gain a +2 racial bonus on Climb checks and Acrobatics checks to move on narrow surfaces and uneven ground. They are acclimated to the effects of high altitude.
    • Languages: Common, Baerlingeth.
    • Favored Class: Any.

    Heartlander: Although Luxites and Baerlings are also Midlanders, when one speaks of a Midlander they usually mean a native of the central Midland basin, the breadbasket of Avitia. These people are called Heartlanders to distinguish them from Luxites and Baerlings, and the region is often called the Heartland. The Heartland is extremely fertile, a patchwork of rivers, lakes, and farms. Many Heartlanders are uneducated laborers or members of various guilds, including adventuring guilds.
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    Image credits: Male, Female.
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    • +2 Wisdom, -2 Intelligence OR Constitution. Heartlanders are savvy and practical, but many are uneducated, and those who are educated are sheltered from physical strain.
    • Tricks of the Trade: A Heartlander might have any number of trades, but all pick something up from their experience. At 1st level, a Heartlander gains one of the following Rogue talents as a bonus feat: Acrobatic Assist, Black Market Connections, Camouflage, Canny Observer, Charmer, Coax Information, Convincing Lie, Esoteric Scholar, Expert Cypher, Expert Leaper, Face in the Crowd, False Friend, Fast Fingers, Fast Stealth, Fearsome Tattoos, Getaway Artist, Guileful Polyglot, Hard to Fool, Hold Breath, Honeyed Words, Iron Guts, Ledge Walker, Minor Alchemy, Nimble Climber, Peerless Maneuver, Philologist, Quick Disguise, Quick Scrounge, Rope Master, Scavenger, Strong Stroke, Survivalist, Swift Tracker, Terrain Mastery, or Wall Scramble. They must qualify for this Rogue talent.
    • Endurance: Heartlanders gain Endurance as a bonus feat at 1st level. They need not qualify for this feat.
    • Heart of the Fields: Heartlanders are hard workers. They gain a racial bonus equal to half their character level on any one Craft, Knowledge, Perform, or Profession skill, and once per day they may ignore an effect that would cause them to become fatigued or exhausted.
    • Languages: Common and either Calemynic or Denelais.
    • Favored Class: Any.

    Seafolk: Once the island nation of Aventum, whose people worshiped the Deep One Aventernus, ruled the western seas. However, in the early Luxite period, Aventi voyages disturbed other Deep Ones, and the island was destroyed; only some Aventi survivors escaped. They've since become nomads of the western coast, and are known mostly as 'seafolk.' Though widely feared for their link to the Deep Ones, most Aventi seek only free worship and safe harbor.
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    Image credits: Male, Female.
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    • +2 Wisdom. Makhemite culture places great emphasis on critical thinking and analysis, fostering famed wisdom among them.
    • Psionic Boon: Seafolk gain 2 bonus power points at 1st level. This benefit does not grant them the ability to manifest powers unless they gain that ability through another source, such as levels in a psionic class.
    • Heart of the Sea: Makhemites are taught to sail from a young age, in case they must again escape from persecution and calamity. They gain a +2 racial bonus on Profession (sailor) and Swim checks, and these skills are always class skills for them. They can hold their breath twice as long as normal, and Makhemite spellcasters gain a +4 racial bonus on concentration checks when attempting to cast spells underwater.
    • Heretical Reputation: Makhemites take a -2 racial penalty on all Bluff and Diplomacy checks made against creatures who worship an entity that is not a Deep One. They gain a +2 racial bonus on all Intimidate checks made against such creatures.
    • Languages: Common, Makhemer.
    • Favored Class: Ardent (Complete Psionic, pgs 5-8) or Mariner (Age of Mortals, pgs 26-27).

    Badlander: Named for the harsh Southlands areas they call home, badlanders live plainly in a clan structure. Some clans are nomadic, while others live in villages that sometimes accumulate into large, almost urban settlements. Badlander cultures are highly spiritual and often animistic. They have an undeserved reputation in many quarters for being backwards and ignorant due to their simple way of life, particularly in former Luxite territories, but such claims are mere misconceptions.
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    Image credits: Male, Female.
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    • +2 Wisdom, +2 Charisma. Badlanders train their perception and judgement by following traditions that make mundane life an exercise in omens and spiritual devotion, and their usually tribal societal structure forces them to become persuasive and socially savvy to avoid offending their neighbors.
    • Spiritual Experience: A badlander gains a bonus metamagic, item creation, or occult feat at 1st level. They must qualify for this feat.
    • Southern Heat: Badlanders gain Heat Endurance as a bonus feat at 1st level. They need not qualify for this feat.
    • Dialects: Badlanders live in often insular groups that quickly develop their own characteristic dialects. Most badlanders learn several of these dialects in addition to their native one, which gives them an unusual facility for linguistic study. Badlanders gain a +4 racial bonus on Linguistics checks, and they learn one additional language every time they put a rank in the Linguistics skill.
    • Favored Class: Spirit Shaman (Complete Divine, pgs 14-18).

    Emekan: In contrast to the badlanders of the wilds, the emekans, or cityfolk, are highly sophisticated urban peoples who live in kingdoms, oligarchies, and other such "advanced" forms of society. The name "emekan" is derived from the name of the Southlands' mythic first king, Emeka the Shaper, who ruled a unified emekan people prior to their dispersion into separate nations. The word itself means "great deeds," a legacy all emekans strive to be worthy of.
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    Image credits: Male, Female.
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    • +2 Charisma, -2 Wisdom. Emekans are commanding and assertive, but relentlessly seek valor and glory, often to the point of recklessness.
    • Southern Heat: Emekans gain Heat Endurance as a bonus feat at 1st level. They need not qualify for this feat.
    • Jaliya Tradition: Emekan history and literary culture is traditionally passed down orally in the form of stories, songs, and chants. Emekans gain a +2 bonus on Knowledge (history), Knowledge (nobility), and Perform checks, and these skills are always class skills for them.
    • Favored Class: Any.

    Fengmin: The Fengmin, inhabitants of the mighty Empire of Jiefeng, are sometimes enviously called the "Luxites of the East" by Avitian scholars. While the term "Fengmin" originally applied only to natives of the core province of Jiefeng, it is also used to refer to any people under the banner of the empire, most often natives of the provinces of Uwon, Quokhau, and Falurat. It was the Fengmin who named their homeland "Dalu Qia-di," or "the land of high culture," which became the name "Cadia."
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    Image credits: Male, Female.
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    • +2 Charisma, -2 Wisdom. Etiquette and politeness are paramount to the Fengmin, but so is conformity, leading to rigidity of thinking.
    • Pursuit of Enlightenment: Fengmin gain a +1 racial bonus on all saving throws and concentration checks.
    • Cosmopolitan: Fengmin gain a +2 racial bonus on Diplomacy and Knowledge (local) checks. Whenever a Fengmin gains a rank in Linguistics, they learn two languages rather than one.
    • Favored Class: Any.

    Enqastani: Inhabitants of the southernmost parts of Cadia, closest to the Southlands, these willful folk have long resisted the Empire of Jiefeng due to their strong cultural identity and Gruumshar faith. The Enqastani people are hardened, rebellious, and independent. Even gods have little sway over them, though their nation is named for an aspect of Gruumsh. Enqastan has poor relations with most of human Avitia, but orsinoids and drow are its greatest allies.
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    Image credits: Male, Female.
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    • +2 Charisma, -2 Wisdom. Enqastanis are passionate and compelling, but their ancient prejudices often make them irrational.
    • Heathen: Enqastanis gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against divine spells and spell-like abilities, as well as the spells and spell-like abilities of aeons, psychopomps, and outsiders with an alignment subtype.
    • Ruin Dweller: Enqastan was once inhabited by high elves, now extinct in Cadia, and Enqastanis have learned much from their ruins. They gain a +2 racial bonus on Appraise and Use Magic Device checks, and these skills are always class skills for them.
    • Languages: Common, Enqastani.
    • Favored Class: Any.

    Hamashima: The people known in Avitia as the "Hamashima" are in fact politically divided into the Hama-hito (shore people) and Shima-hito (island people), ancient and bitter enemies. The former live on the western coast of Cadia, under Fengmin rule, while the latter remain fiercely independent. Culturally, however, the two nations are nearly identical; they live under the same feudal system and even speak the same language. Avitian nations are generally on good terms with both peoples.
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    Image credits: Male, Female.
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    • +2 Wisdom, -2 Constitution. Hamashima practice impressive restraint, but their constant warfare has resulted in the survivors being mostly too fragile to do battle.
    • Suspicious: Due to their history of conflict, the Hamashima are wary and suspicious. A Hamashima gains a racial bonus equal to half their character level on Sense Motive checks, and Sense Motive is always a class skill for them. They also gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against illusion spells and effects.
    • Experienced Alliance: Hamashima are practiced at making judicious alliances. They gain a +2 racial bonus on Diplomacy checks. In addition, when they acquire an animal companion, bonded mount, cohort, or familiar, it gains a +2 bonus to any one ability score.
    • Languages: Common, Hitobogo.
    • Favored Class: Any.

    Azurin: Also called Incarnumtouched (by very stuffy scholars, mainly), Azurins come to be when a human is born or conceived in an Incarnum-rich environment. For centuries, scholars considered them a type of planetouched, but modern, empirical definitions of the category of planetouched now exclude them. The province of Narsur in the Empire of Jiefeng is home to more Azurins than any other land, and Azurins account for a noteworthy percentage of the Narsuran population.
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    Image credits: Male, Female.
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    • Incarnum Subtype: Azurins have the incarnum subtype, which identifies them as incarnum creatures for the purpose of being affected by relevant effects.
    • Essentia Boon: An azurin gains 1 bonus point of essentia at 1st level, even if they would not otherwise have an essentia pool.
    • Azure Ability: Azurins gain a bonus Incarnum feat at 1st level. They must qualify for this feat.
    • Languages: Common, Narsuran.
    • Favored Class: Incarnate (Magic of Incarnum, pgs 20-22).

    Buomman: Like Azurins, these mysterious humans were once considered planetouched, partly because their vows of silence made it difficult to communicate with them. It's an easy mistake to make; the "moaning monks" live on the Astral Plane, and are well adapted to it after centuries of seclusion there. Their peculiar language, based around wordless melodies, has originated many scholarly debates about the nature of language and speech.
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    Image credits: Male, Female.
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    • +2 Wisdom, -2 Charisma. Buommans are self-aware and reflective, but their vows of silence and ascetic lifestyle hinder them socially.
    • Extraplanar Subtype: Buommans gain the extraplanar subtype when they are not on the Astral Plane.
    • Monastic Tradition: Buommans spend most of their time meditating in pursuit of enlightenment, unlocking their spiritual power. A buomman gains 1 ki point at 1st level, even if they would not otherwise have a ki pool. They also gain one Ninja trick that uses ki points as a bonus feat at 1st level. They must qualify for this Ninja trick.
    • Low-Light Vision: A buomman can see twice as far as a normal human in conditions of dim light.
    • Musical Voice: All buommans have acute hearing and an innate sense of tone and pitch. They gain a +2 racial bonus on Perception and Perform (sing) checks, and these skills are always class skills for them.
    • Vow of Silence: Buommans are sworn to silence at the age of 13. A buomman who breaks this vow takes 1 point of Wisdom damage and takes a -2 penalty on attack rolls, saves, and checks for 24 hours afterward. If the buomman breaks the vow again before 24 hours have passed, they take an additional point of Wisdom damage, and the penalty persists for another 24 hours. A buomman spellcaster who wishes to cast spells with a verbal component must use the Silent Spell feat. Buommans can apply the effects of the Silent Spell feat to Bard spells.
    • Favored Class: Monk.

    Munavri: Dwelling in the lightless reaches of the Underdark, the munavri, busy with fending off the many perils of their cavernous homes, deal little with surface peoples. Munavri ships, sailing on underground rivers, have been known to carry valuable crystals and artifacts to the sea. All munavri are psychic, which unnerves many surface dwellers, but they are enemies of the Deep Ones. Munavri wear special jade armor, which often serves to identify them.
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    Image credits: Male, Female.
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    • +2 Wisdom, -2 Strength. Munavri are observant and judicious, but living without sunlight makes them weak.
    • Limited Telepathy: A munavri is able to mentally communicate with any creature within 30 feet with which they share a language.
    • Darkvision: Munavri can see in the dark up to 60 feet.
    • Advanced Psychometry: A munavri can use the psychometry occult skill unlock a number of times per day equal to their Wisdom modifier. They gain a +4 bonus on Appraise checks to use this ability. Once per day, a munavri can select one weapon, suit of armor, or spell-trigger item on which they have used their psychometry ability. They are considered proficient with that item, or can make use of the spell-trigger device as if they were a spellcaster of the appropriate class, for a number of rounds equal to their character level.
    • Light Sensitivity: Munavri are dazzled in areas of bright sunlight or within the radius of a daylight spell.
    • Favored Class: Occultist (Occult Adventures, pgs 46-59).

    Elan: Psionics and those who wield them are feared and hated on Avitia, due to their origins lying with the Deep Ones, enemies of the gods. Elans, for good or ill, have psionic power instilled in their very bones. The ability to infuse a human (and they are all human) with psychic energy in this way belongs only to elans. No one knows who created the first elan; it may have been a human psion, a mortal aberration, or even a Deep One. Whatever their origin, elans now form a small but not insignificant Avitian population.
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    • -2 Wisdom. Elans are accustomed to being self-sufficient and often overestimate their own abilities.
    • Aberrant Influence: Because they are infused with aberrant power, elans function in some respects as if they were aberrations. They are considered to be both humanoids and aberrations for the purposes of qualifying for character options such as feats, and they are not adversely affected by spells that specifically target humanoids.
    • Psionic Boon: Elans gain 2 bonus power points at 1st level. This benefit does not grant them the ability to manifest powers unless they gain that ability through another source, such as levels in a psionic class.
    • Resistance: Elans can use psionic energy to increase their resistance to adversity. As an immediate action, an elan can spend 1 power point to gain a +4 racial bonus on saving throws until the beginning of their next action.
    • Resilience: Elans can redirect physical blows to their psychic reserves. As an immediate action, an elan can reduce the damage they are about to take by 2 hit points for every 1 power point they spend.
    • Repletion: An elan can sustain their body without need of food or water. If an elan spends 1 power point, they do not need to eat or drink for 24 hours.
    • Favored Class: Wilder (Expanded Psionics Handbook, pgs 30-32).

    Illumian: Illumians, a reclusive and scholarly people, are unique among mortals in that each innately knows their own truename, the singular word embodying an individual in the world's First Language. Although they have long traditionally studied this Language, their magical link to it originates with the mage Tarmuid. Tarmuid, seeking immortality, used his knowledge of the First Language to enact the Ritual of Words Made Flesh, connecting Illumians and Language inextricably.
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    • Luminous Sigils: The sigils that orbit an Illumian's head glow softly, providing illumination equal to that of a candle. Illumians can make their sigils disappear as a standard action, but they don't receive any benefits or abilities from doused sigils. Restoring the sigils is a free action. Luminous sigils (including power sigils) are insubstantial and not solid. An Illumian's sigils remain present and in effect even when the Illumian takes another form, unless they would lose their supernatural abilities as a result of the form change.
    • Power Sigils: In addition to their dimmer sigils, an Illumian has a single brightly glowing sigil that grants them power. A power sigil can be discerned from other an Illumian's other sigils with a DC 10 Perception check, and identified with a DC 15 Knowledge (arcana) check. On attaining 2nd level, an Illumian gains a second, different power sigil, and the bonus granted by each power sigil increases to +2. Depending on the combination of power sigils they choose, an Illumian gains one or more special abilities. A listing of Illumian power sigils can be found on pg 54 of Races of Destiny.
    • Illumian Words: Each combination of two power sigils makes an Illumian word of great power, and grants extra abilities to a character who possesses those two power sigils. A listing of Illumian words of power can be found on pgs 54-55 of Races of Destiny.
    • Superior Literacy: Illumians are always literate, regardless of their character class. Linguistics is always a class skill for Illumians.
    • Favored Class: Truenamer.

    Frostfolk: The frostfolk are the spiritual elite of the laakvoda. Having won magical power from deals with powerful entities like fey or dragons, they are revered as holy persons by their tribes. The rite to become a frostfolk varies, but typically involves surviving in the frozen wilderness for an entire moonless night. Once a laakvoda has become a frostfolk their magical nature is heritable. In some tribes frostfolk are considered too holy to marry or reproduce, while in others the role of shaman is hereditary.
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    Image credits: Male, Female.
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    • +2 Constitution, +2 Wisdom, -2 Charisma. Like mundane laakvoda, frostfolk are tough, but their meditative lifestyle also grants them spiritual understanding. They share the barbaric reputation of other primitives, but not the ignorance.
    • Ice Blast: Frostfolk can produce a ray of icy mist from their left eye. This deals 1d4 + the frostfolk's Constitution modifier cold damage, but otherwise works as the spell ray of frost, with a caster level equal to the frostfolk's character level. Once a frostfolk uses their ice blast, they must wait 1d4 rounds before they can use it again.
    • Snowsight: All frostfolk have innate snowsight, as the spell.
    • Northern Winter: Frostfolk gain Cold Endurance as a bonus feat at 1st level. They need not qualify for this feat.
    • Snowmelt: Frostfolk have vulnerability to fire; they take half again as much (+50%) damage as normal from fire, regardless of whether a saving throw is allowed, or if the save is a success or a failure.
    • Languages: Laakvoda, Sylvan. Frostfolk do not automatically speak Common.
    • Favored Class: Totemist (Magic of Incarnum, pgs 29-32).

    Karsite: The Karsites are the descendants of a single semi-mythic figure, an ambitious mage named Karsus. They are therefore few in number, all the more so due to a tragic persecution of their people enacted during the dying years of the Luxite Empire: put of by their strange appearance, ancestral worship of Karsus, and vacuum of magical power, the Luxites - whose culture many Karsites belonged to - forcibly exiled every Karsite they could find from their borders on charges of heresy.
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    • +2 Charisma, -2 Wisdom. Karsites are regal and commanding, but arrogant and reckless.
    • Magical Vacuum: A Karsite's melee attacks can weaken a foe's magical equipment. If a creature struck in melee by a Karsite fails a Will save (DC 10 + the Karsite's Charisma modifier), one combat magic item (armor, shield, or weapon) in its possession is suppressed for 1 round. If a Karsite knows a particular item in their foe's possession is magical, they can choose to drain that item, provided that they can see it. Otherwise, the item is chosen randomly. Drained items still detect as magical, but the magic appears suppressed.
    • Spell Shield: A Karsite has spell resistance equal to 10 + their character level.
    • Spell Healing: When a Karsite's spell resistance prevents a spell from affecting them, they heal 2 points of damage per spell level of the spell resisted.
    • Spellcasting Inability: Karsites cannot cast arcane or divine spells, even if they take levels in a class that grants spellcasting ability. They can use spell-like abilities, magic items, and other magical abilities such as pact magic normally.
    • Favored Class: Binder (Tome of Magic, pgs 9-16).

    Silverbrows: Silverbrows are the human descendants of silver dragons. Of all true dragons, silver dragons are the most active in humanoid affairs, forming pacts and treaties with many human nations over the ages; humans, in turn, as the humanoid race most prone to exploring and interfering, naturally come into contact with such draconic meddlers often. Silverbrows are highly sociable, even for humans, and tend to be possessive. Many are wanderers.
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    • +2 Charisma. Silverbrows inherit their draconic forebears' imposing presence.
    • Dragonblood Subtype: A silverbrow has the dragonblood subtype, which identifies them as a dragonblooded creature for the purpose of being affected by relevant effects.
    • Draconic Magic: A silverbrow can use feather fall once per day, plus one additional time per day for every 5 Hit Dice they have.
    • Favored Class: Dragon Shaman (Player's Handbook II, pgs 12-14).

    Humans are said to be the most basic version of the mortal form as first posited by the gods. They are known for being impulsive and reckless; even the mercurial fey are rarely as haphazard as humanity. Most see humans as a mere fact of life, if a sometimes annoying one. Many fey and some elven extremists consider them uppity prototype sketches, while orsinoids tend to think of them as stuck-up golden children of unjust gods. Arrogant humans sometimes claim to be the purest expression of divine will.
    Last edited by DontEvenAsk; 2019-04-06 at 03:48 PM.

  4. - Top - End - #4
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Oct 2015

    Default Re: The Continent of Avitia - A 3.P Setting


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    Spoiler: Races
    There are three original elven races: high elves, wood elves, and dark elves. The dark elves are the traditional foes of the influential and more human-friendly high elves, and they have been known to treat with fiends, but they have no unusual tendency towards evil, and are usually afforded some grim respect by other races. Persons of mixed human and elven heritage are also considered elves. For simplicity, any such person is known as a half-elf, no matter how much elven blood they actually have.

    All elves are Medium Humanoids with a base speed of 30ft. All elven races have the elf subtype, LA 0, and no RHD.

    High Elf: The high elves are the most "perfected" of their kind - Corellon's favorites. They are masters of the arcane, and well-versed in obscure knowledge. However, they also tend towards arrogance, as they are fully aware of their status as Corellon's chosen people and have had millenia to come to take it for granted. Their civilization has existed in the deserts of the Southlands for ages, isolated in sealed-off city-states; it's been less than 2,000 years since this seclusion ended.
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    Image credits: Male, Female.
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    • +2 Intelligence, +2 Charisma, -2 Constitution. High elves are studious and imperious, but like most elves they are also physically delicate.
    • Arcane Sight: Every self-respecting high elf knows the arcane when they see it. High elves gain detect magic as a constant spell-like ability, with a caster level equal to their character level.
    • Low-Light Vision: High elves can see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light.
    • Loremasters: High elves are steeped in lore older than most civilizations. They gain a +2 racial bonus on Knowledge (arcana), Knowledge (history), and Spellcraft checks, and all Knowledge skills are class skills for them.
    • Automatic Languages: Common, Elven.
    • Bonus Languages: Aquan, Auran, Celestial, Draconic, Infernal, Ignan, Terran.
    • Favored Class: Magus (Ultimate Magic, pgs 9-13).

    Wood Elf: The wood elves were originally something of a spinoff, made into natural hunters from early proto-high elves by a curious nature deity. In modern times this deity is generally assumed to be Obad-Hai; the deity's true identity is a matter for sages. Today the wood elves inhabit the woods of the Midlands and lower Northlands. They are nominally allied with the high elves against the drow, but in practice they have no allegiance to either party.
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    Image credits: Male, Female.
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    • +2 Dexterity, +2 Wisdom, -2 Constitution. Wood elves are agile and perceptive, but like most elves they are also physically delicate.
    • Woodland Magic: A wood elf is never lost, only temporarily sidetracked. Wood elves gain know direction as a constant spell-like ability, with a caster level equal to their character level.
    • Low-Light Vision: Wood elves can see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light.
    • Forest Dwellers: Wood elves take to forested areas as seamlessly as if they were made for it, because they were. They gain a +2 racial bonus on Knowledge (nature), Perception, and Survival checks, and these skills, as well as Climb, Handle Animal, and Stealth, are always class skills for them.
    • Automatic Languages: Common, Elven.
    • Bonus Languages: Aquan, Auran, Giant, Ignan, Sylvan, Terran, Treant.
    • Favored Class: Hunter (Advanced Class Guide, pgs 26-29).

    Dark Elf: As Corellon built his perfect elves on refined magical power, Lolth built hers on cunning. The result was the drow, or dark elves, and the divine couple's fundamental disagreement on which race was superior has only deepened ever since. While high elven social status rests on credentials, among the drow it runs on concrete achievements. High elven society is patriarchal; drow society is matriarchal. The two races have fought each other off and on with the assistance of various other races for centuries.
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    Image credits: Male, Female.
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    • +2 Intelligence, +2 Charisma, -2 Constitution. Dark elves are shrewd and cunning, but like most elves they are also physically delicate.
    • Fool's Fire: The deceitful drow are known for creating strange lights that lead explorers astray. Dark elves can cast dancing lights at will as a spell-like ability, with a caster level equal to their character level.
    • Darkvision: Dark elves can see in the dark up to 60 feet.
    • Poison Use: Dark elves are skilled in the use of poisons and never risk accidentally poisoning themselves.
    • Social Climbers: Dark elves constantly vie for power, and their settlements are hotbeds of intrigue. They gain a +2 racial bonus on Bluff, Intimidate, and Sense Motive checks, and these skills, as well as Diplomacy, Knowledge (nobility), and Sleight of Hand, are always class skills for them.
    • Light Blindness: Dark elves are unused to the surface world and its bright skies. Abrupt exposure to any bright light blinds a dark elf for 1 round. On subsequent rounds, they are dazzled as long as they remain in the affected area.
    • Automatic Languages: Undercommon, Elven.
    • Bonus Languages: Aklo, Arachne, Common, Drow Sign Language, Dwarven, Gnomish, Infernal.
    • Favored Class: Beguiler (Player's Handbook II, pgs 6-11).

    Half-Elf: When one speaks of a half-elf, they usually mean the most common variety: someone who is of mixed human and high elf blood. Half-elves inherit both high elven magical talent and human resourcefulness; while they lack the raw arcane power of their elven forebears, their mastery of magical energies is intuitive and skillful. They possess a natural (but sometimes misleading) air of refinement and poise, but tend also to be vain and arrogant.
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    Image credits: Male, Female.
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    • +2 Charisma. Half-elves inherit their elven forebears' presence.
    • Human Subtype: Half-elves have the human subtype.
    • Arcane Talent: Half-elves have an innate talent with magic. A half-elf chooses one 0-level spell from the Sorcerer/Wizard list. They gain this spell as an at-will spell-like ability, with a caster level equal to their character level. Save DCs for this spell, if any, are Charisma-based.
    • Low-Light Vision: Half-elves can see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light.
    • Human Heritage: A half-elf gains one racial trait of their choice from the race of their human forebears.
    • Automatic Languages: Common, Elven.
    • Bonus Languages: Any.
    • Favored Class: Spellthief (Complete Adventurer, pgs 13-20).

    Half-Sydha: Persons of mixed human and wood elf blood are rarer than "normal" half-elves, but more common than half-drow. Such persons are usually also called half-elves, but to tell them from other half-elves they are also called half-sydh (rhymes with "teeth"), from the Baerling word for wood elves. Half-sydh lack the ostentatious noble presence one would expect from half-high elves, instead showing understated finesse and laconic practicality.
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    • +2 Wisdom. Half-sydh inherit their elven forebears' perceptiveness.
    • Human Subtype: Half-sydh have the human subtype.
    • Divine Talent: Half-sydh have an innate talent with magic. A half-sydha chooses one 0-level spell from the Druid list. They gain this spell as an at-will spell-like ability, with a caster level equal to their character level. Save DCs for this spell, if any, are Wisdom-based.
    • Low-Light Vision: Half-sydh can see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light.
    • Human Heritage: A half-sydha gains one racial trait of their choice from the race of their human forebears.
    • Automatic Languages: Common, Elven.
    • Bonus Languages: Any.
    • Favored Class: Investigator (Advanced Class Guide, pgs 30-34).

    Half-Drow: Human nations willing to associate closely with drow are rare, but those that do exist are home to the majority of half-drow. Half-drow are usually second-class citizens among either of their parent peoples. This doesn't often take the form of open hatred, but half-drow do face discrimination, all the more so outside of their home communities. However, they possess an innate social talent and ambition due to their heritage, and working to overcome prejudice hones their persuasive skill.
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    Image credits: Male, Female.
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    • +2 Charisma. Half-drow inherit their elven forebears' savvy.
    • Human Subtype: Half-drow have the human subtype.
    • Trickster's Talent: Half-drow have an innate talent with magic. A half-drow chooses one 0-level spell from the Bard list. They gain this spell as an at-will spell-like ability, with a caster level equal to their character level. Save DCs for this spell, if any, are Charisma-based.
    • Darkvision: Half-drow can see in the dark up to 60 feet.
    • Human Heritage: A half-drow gains one racial trait of their choice from the race of their human forebears.
    • Automatic Languages: Common, Elven, Undercommon.
    • Bonus Languages: Any.
    • Favored Class: Ninja (Ultimate Combat, pgs 13-17).

    Ice Elf: Once wood elves, ice elves inhabit the half-frozen Northland coasts left unsettled by other races. Driven north by humans and urskans, these wood elves found that they could not sustain their lifestyle in their new environment without changing themselves - so, as the legend goes, they prayed to Obad-Hai the shapeshifter for a new form, and were granted the ability to transform into otters to survive the icy waters. Today they continue to thrive there as hunter-gatherers and fishermen in houses of snow.
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    • +2 Dexterity, +2 Wisdom, -2 Constitution. Ice elves, like their wood elf ancestors, are frail but otherwise well suited to life in the wilds.
    • Otter Form: An ice elf can use beast shape i three times per day as a spell-like ability. An ice elf can only take on the form of an otter with this ability. The effect lasts for a number of hours equal to the ice elf's character level.
    • Low-Light Vision: Ice elves can see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light.
    • Northern Winter: Ice elves gain Cold Endurance as a bonus feat at 1st level. They need not qualify for this feat.
    • Ice Dwellers: Ice elves are accustomed to living in the harsh, frozen north. They gain a +2 racial bonus on Knowledge (nature), Perception, and Survival checks, and these skills, as well as Handle Animal, Stealth, and Swim, are always class skills for them.
    • Water Dependent: An ice elf must spend at least 1 hour of every 24 hours underwater. If an ice elf has been out of the water for longer than 23 hours, they suffer a -1 circumstance penalty on attack rolls, saving throws, and checks.
    • Automatic Languages: Common, Elven.
    • Bonus Languages: Ahkkutuit, Aquan, Auran, Laakvoda, Sylvan, Tauric, Urskan.
    • Favored Class: Hunter (Advanced Class Guide, pgs 26-29).

    Ghost Elf: As the buommans are to humans, so ghost elves are to elves. They were once high elves who made an ill-advised deal with a powerful devil, whose name they are now loath to pronounce, for an edge against the drow in a vital battle. Due to a loophole in the pact, the fiend was able to enslave them in Hell for centuries. Ultimately they escaped into the Ethereal Plane, and there they have lived ever since, occasionally reestablishing contact with their long-lost elven kin.
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    • +2 Charisma, -2 Strength, -2 Constitution. Ghost elves have a plaintive demeanor and unearthly beauty, but their time in the Ethereal Plane has sapped their physical vigor.
    • Extraplanar Subtype: Ghost elves gain the extraplanar subtype when they are not on the Ethereal Plane.
    • Ghost Step: A ghost elf can cast dimension leap (Eberron Campaign Setting, pg 65) three times per day as a spell-like ability. However, using this ability rips the ghost elf's body and soul away from the Material Plane, dealing 1d4 points of force damage.
    • Otherworldly Touch: A ghost elf confers the ghost touch ability on any melee weapon they wield and any armor they wear, but only so long as they keep the weapon in hand or wear the armor.
    • Ethereal Glow: A ghost elf glows with the brightness of a candle in the dark. They can suppress this glow at will as a free action.
    • Low-Light Vision: Ghost elves can see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light.
    • Spirit Strike: Though weak on the Material Plane, ghost elves are formidable in planar warfare. They gain a racial bonus equal to their Charisma modifier on attack and damage rolls against incorporeal creatures and outsiders with the evil subtype.
    • Planar Refugees: Ghost elves have a long history of planar travel. They gain a +2 racial bonus on Acrobatics, Knowledge (planes), and Knowledge (religion) checks, and these skills, as well as Diplomacy, Linguistics, and Sense Motive, are always class skills for them.
    • Automatic Languages: Common, Elven.
    • Bonus Languages: Aquan, Auran, Celestial, Infernal, Ignan, Necril, Terran.
    • Favored Class: Medium (Occult Adventures, pgs 30-37).

    Forestlord Elf: Forestlord elves - a self-styled title; other elves call them "dragon elves" or, less flatteringly, "traitors" - are wood elves who have made pacts of nonviolence with green dragons lairing deep in traditionally haunted or enchanted forests. The terms of these pacts are largely the same, having been popularized by a specific green dragon, Kadilask, some millenia ago, and are sweetened with certain magical benefits. Forestlord elves otherwise live very similarly to other wood elves.
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    • +2 Wisdom, +2 Charisma, -2 Constitution. Forestlord elves are granted draconic presence by their green dragon patrons, and retain their wood elven ancestors' keen senses and elvish frailty.
    • Dragonblood Subtype: Forestlord elves have the dragonblood subtype.
    • Treewalk: A forestlord elf can use the trees in their native forest to disappear without a trace. Once per day, a forestlord elf can touch a tree adjacent to them as a move action to instantly transport to any other tree within 60 feet. The forestlord elf appears in a square adjacent to the second tree at the beginning of their next turn. A forestlord elf gains one additional use of this ability per day when they reach 5 Hit Dice, and again every 5 HD thereafter.
    • Low-Light Vision: Forestlord elves can see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light.
    • Forest Dwellers: Forestlord elves, like the wood elves from which they descend, are adapted to life in the forest. They gain a +2 racial bonus on Knowledge (nature), Perception, and Survival checks, and these skills, as well as Climb, Handle Animal, and Stealth, are always class skills for them.
    • Forestlord Pact: Any forestlord elf who attacks or otherwise attempts to harm a green dragon loses their treewalk ability for 24 hours. During this time they also suffer a -1 circumstance penalty on all attack rolls, saving throws, and checks.
    • Automatic Languages: Common, Draconic, Elven.
    • Bonus Languages: Aquan, Auran, Giant, Ignan, Sylvan, Terran, Treant.
    • Favored Class: Dragon Shaman (Player's Handbook II, pgs 12-14).

    If humans are the prototype mortal, elves are the final draft - the most refined iteration of the mortal form. First designed by Corellon Larethian, king of the gods, the elven races know their place in the world and revel in it, often to the chagrin of others. Most other races acknowledge the power of the elves and treat them with respect, whether that respect comes from fear or trust. Various peoples have involved themselves in the Corellonite/Lolthar struggle over the ages, allying with one or the other side as it suits them.
    Last edited by DontEvenAsk; 2018-09-28 at 03:09 PM.
    DontEvenAsk, no apostrophe. I play D&D 3.X/PF, and some 5e. Life has a tendency to spring surprise problems on me, leading to temporary ghosting that I usually can't predict. If I vanish, I'm probably not dropping out if your game, just swamped.

    My campaign setting. Please look, don't touch for now.

  5. - Top - End - #5
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Oct 2015

    Default Re: The Continent of Avitia - A 3.P Setting


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    Spoiler: Races
    "Pigmies" is an originally derogatory term for any race that is shorter than a human and not positively identifiable as any other category. This excludes, for instance, tibbits (which are beastfolk) and goblins (which are orsinoids), but includes dwarves, gnomes, and halflings. In the native languages of these races, the collective word for their type is morgrimmar, from the Dwarven morugrim, "brave survivor."

    Prior to the Luxite conquest of their lands, dwarves and gnomes had only the mildest sense of collective identity - often making treaties of alliance in solidarity for other small folk, but rarely identified as one category or one people. However, under the Luxites, that changed; philosophers began to formulate racial theories that classed pigmies together. Following the death of the pigmy god Garl Glittergold, the last years of the Luxite Empire were dark for the pigmy races. Excusing their anti-pigmy bigotry with claims that small folk had natural criminal tendencies and were best employed away from law-abiding human society, the corrupt and dying Luxite administration grouped what pigmies they could capture together into labor camps, overseen by warforged and automata. These camps were not dismantled when the Empire fell, and many of them still remain, maintained by the Luxites' lasting magical and mechanical infrastructure.

    All pigmies are Small Humanoids with a base speed of 20ft. All pigmy races have the pigmy subtype. In addition, all halfling races have the halfling subtype, all dwarven races have the dwarf subtype, and all gnomish races have the gnome subtype.

    Mountain Dwarf: The first dwarves, who became mountain dwarves, were created by the god Volond and his wife Brigantia to alter and elaborate upon the gods' earthly creations and lend them richness and variety. The divine couple made the dwarves brilliant in the way of creating things from the bones of the earth, and taught them the value of cooperation, honor, and loyalty. The mountain dwarves often war with dragons over the treasures of the earth, and have long lived underground to escape the wyrms' watchful eyes.
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    • +2 Wisdom: When he created the mountain dwarves, the god Volond blessed them with the discernment to recognize the beauty of the world and the stubbornness to see it through to the bitter end.
    • Stocky: Mountain dwarves do not gain the usual size bonus on Stealth checks for being Small. However, they may use weapons sized for Medium characters without penalty.
    • Slow and Steady: A mountain dwarf's speed is never decreased by encumbrance due to weight or armor.
    • Stubborn: Mountain dwarves gain a +2 racial bonus on Will saving throws to resist spells and spell-like abilities of the enchantment (charm) and enchantment (compulsion) subschools. This bonus is also applied to the DCs of all Bluff, Diplomacy, and Intimidate checks made against them.
    • Dragonsbane: Mountain dwarves gain a +1 racial bonus on attack rolls against creatures of the dragon type, a +2 dodge bonus to AC and on saving throws against the extraordinary, supernatural, and spell-like abilities of dragons, and a +2 racial bonus on Knowledge (arcana) checks to identify dragons (which they can make untrained).
    • Stonecunning: Mountain dwarves gain a +2 racial bonus on Perception checks to notice unusual stonework, and make a check to notice any such feature that they pass within 10 feet of, even if they are not actively searching. A mountain dwarf can also naturally intuit their approximate depth underground at any time.
    • Darkvision: Mountain dwarves can see in the dark up to 60 feet.
    • Craftsmanship: Mountain dwarves receive a +2 racial bonus on all Appraise, Craft, and Knowledge (engineering) checks. A mountain dwarf is considered to be proficient with any weapon or armor they have personally crafted.
    • Languages: Common, Dwarven (automatic); Draconic, Giant, Gnomish, Halfling, Terran, Undercommon (bonus).
    • Favored Class: Crusader (Tome of Battle, pgs 8-14). Strong belief and disciplined training are fundamental aspects of dwarvish religion and culture, and over the centuries it has been so common as to be entrenched in tradition for mountain dwarves to be forced to defend their homes and families from external threats.

    Iron Dwarf:
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    • +2 Wisdom, +2 Charisma, -2 Strength. Iron dwarves more than make up for being blunt with their stern, powerful presence, and they are perceptive to the point of paranoia, but they lead less strenuous lives than most dwarves and are less physically tough.
    • Stocky: Iron dwarves do not gain the usual size bonus on Stealth checks for being Small. However, they may use weapons sized for Medium characters without penalty.
    • Slow and Steady: An iron dwarf's speed is never decreased by encumbrance due to weight or armor.
    • Sense Heresy: Iron dwarves seek out heresy wherever they go. An iron dwarf chooses one version of the detect alignment spell, which must target an alignment that opposes their own (detect evil or detect chaos for a Lawful Good iron dwarf, for instance). The iron dwarf can use this spell once per day, with a caster level equal to their character level. However, this ability is not magical, and is considered an extraordinary ability.
    • Darkvision: Iron dwarves can see in the dark up to 60 feet.
    • Barrow Warden: Iron dwarves are staunchly religious, and they stand in particular opposition to the undead. An iron dwarf gains a +1 racial bonus on attack rolls and a +1 dodge bonus to their AC against undead.
    • Monster Hunter: Iron dwarves consider themselves the bane of witchcraft, Deep One worship, and cooperation with fiends. An iron dwarf gains a +2 racial bonus on Knowledge (dungeoneering) checks to identify aberrations, Spellcraft and Knowledge (arcana) checks to identify spells and spellcasters, Knowledge (religion) checks to identify undead, and Knowledge (cosmology) checks to identify fiends. They can attempt such checks untrained.
    • Automatic Languages: Common, Dwarven.
    • Bonus Languages: Aklo, Celestial, Draconic, Infernal, Necril, Undercommon.
    • Favored Class: Inquisitor (Advanced Player's Guide, pgs 38-42).

    Badlands Dwarf:
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    Image credits: Male, Female.
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    • +2 Constitution, +2 Wisdom, -2 Strength. Badlands dwarves are hardy and attentive, but their surface lifestyle has made them more gregarious and less burly.
    • Stocky: Badlands dwarves do not gain the usual size bonus on Stealth checks for being Small. However, they may use weapons sized for Medium characters without penalty.
    • Slow and Steady: A badlands dwarf's speed is never decreased by encumbrance due to weight or armor.
    • Southern Heat: Badlands dwarves gain Heat Endurance as a bonus feat at 1st level. They need not qualify for this feat.
    • Dragonsbane: Badlands dwarves gain a +1 racial bonus on attack rolls against creatures of the dragon type, as well as a +2 racial bonus on Knowledge (arcana) checks to identify dragons. Dwarves can make such Knowledge (arcana) checks untrained.
    • Waterwise: Badlands dwarves gain a +2 racial bonus on Survival checks to find water and on Perception checks to notice architectural and natural features that involve water. A badlands dwarf makes a Perception check to notice any unusual water-related construction or hazard that they pass within 10 feet of even if they are not actively searching. A badlands dwarf can go without water for two days (48 hours), plus a number of hours equal to their Constitution score, before beginning to experience the ill effects of thirst.
    • Nomad Secrets: Badlands protect a great deal of information about the desert and what lies beneath. They gain a +2 racial bonus on Knowledge (architecture and engineering), Knowledge (nature), and Survival checks. This bonus stacks with the bonus granted by Waterwise.
    • Automatic Languages: Common, Dwarven.
    • Bonus Languages: Djetu, Draconic, Elven, Irgazen, Kaftari, Zumariya.
    • Favored Class: Hunter (Advanced Class Guide, pgs 26-29).

    Salt Dwarf:
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    Image credits: Male, Female.
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    • +2 Dexterity, +2 Constitution, -2 Wisdom. Salt dwarves, like other dwarves, are tough and resilient, and frequent swimming has made them agile, but as a people they are afflicted with materialistic obsession that hinders their good judgement.
    • Stocky: Salt dwarves do not gain the usual size bonus on Stealth checks for being Small. However, they may use weapons sized for Medium characters without penalty.
    • Slow and Steady: A salt dwarf's speed is never decreased by encumbrance due to weight or armor.
    • Darkvision: Salt dwarves can see in the dark up to 60 feet.
    • Saltbeard: Life on the seas and coasts is challenging and rough. Salt dwarves gain a +2 racial bonus on Profession (sailor) checks and on Survival checks to survive in at sea and on coasts and islands. They also gain a +1 racial bonus on attack rolls and a +2 dodge bonus to AC against creatures with the aquatic or water subtypes.
    • Pearl Diver: Salt dwarves gain a +2 racial bonus on Swim checks and on Appraise checks to estimate the value of nonmagical treasure salvaged from the sea. Additionally, a salt dwarf doubles their Constitution score for the purposes of determining how long they can hold their breath before they must begin making checks against suffocation.
    • Stoic Negotiator: Salt dwarves use their unwavering stubbornness to get what they want in negotiations. They gain a +2 racial bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, and Profession (merchant) checks.
    • Automatic Languages: Common, Dwarven.
    • Bonus Languages: Aklo, Aquan, Avential, Cadian, Naluina, Undercommon.
    • Favored Class: Mariner (Legends of the Twins, pgs 13-16).

    Gray Dwarf:
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    • +2 Constitution, +2 Intelligence, -2 Wisdom, -2 Charisma. Gray dwarves are as hardy as other dwarves, and brilliant planners, but they are paranoid and suspicious of outsiders.
    • Stocky: Gray dwarves do not gain the usual size bonus on Stealth checks for being Small. However, they may use weapons sized for Medium characters without penalty.
    • Slow and Steady: A gray dwarf's speed is never decreased by encumbrance due to weight or armor.
    • Psionic Boon: Gray dwarves gain 2 bonus power points at 1st level. This benefit does not grant them the ability to manifest powers unless they gain that ability through another source, such as levels in a psionic class.
    • Mighty Ego: Once per day, a gray dwarf can manifest expansion as a psi-like ability, with a manifester level equal to their character level.
    • Darkvision: Gray dwarves can see in the dark up to 60 feet.
    • Stonecunning: Gray dwarves gain a +2 racial bonus on Perception checks to notice unusual stonework, and make a check to notice any such feature that they pass within 10 feet of even if they are not actively searching. A gray dwarf can also naturally intuit their approximate depth underground at any time.
    • Lurkers: Gray dwarves gain a +2 racial bonus on Stealth and Perception checks. This bonus increases to +4 in in dark or dimly lit areas.
    • Light Blindness: Gray dwarves are unused to the surface world and its bright skies. Abrupt exposure to any bright light blinds a gray dwarf for 1 round. On subsequent rounds, they are dazzled as long as they remain in the affected area.
    • Automatic Languages: Undercommon, Dwarven.
    • Bonus Languages: Aklo, Common, Elven, Gnomish, Infernal, Terran.
    • Favored Class: Psychic Rogue.

    Dream Dwarf:
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    • +2 Wisdom, +2 Charisma, -2 Constitution. Dream dwarves are astute seers with a mystic mystique, but frail and delicate.
    • Stocky: Dream dwarves do not gain the usual size bonus on Stealth checks for being Small. However, they may use weapons sized for Medium characters without penalty.
    • Slow and Steady: A dream dwarf's speed is never decreased by encumbrance due to weight or armor.
    • Dreamer: Dream dwarves are plagued by prophetic dreams and visions that keep them from restful sleep. A dream dwarf's visions can involve scenes from the past, present, or future, and can provide them with information that would otherwise be impossible to acquire. In order to get a full night of rest, a dream dwarf must succeed at a Fortitude save, with a DC equal to 10 + the dream dwarf's Wisdom modifier. A dream dwarf gains a +2 bonus on their sleep save if they are still fatigued when they try to sleep, and a +4 bonus if they are exhausted. If they fail their Fortitude save, they are fatigued the following day. Once per day when affected by this fatigue, a dream dwarf may make any single Knowledge check at a +10 sacred bonus. This check may be made untrained. A dream dwarf's dreaming fatigue never impairs their ability to regain expended spell slots or prepare spells. Dreaming fatigue may be magically removed using any effect that would normally remove the fatigued condition, but characters attempting this must succeed at a Will save at the same DC as the dream dwarf's sleep save.
    • Earth Allegiance: Dream dwarves are aligned with the element of earth, and oppose air elementals. They gain a +1 racial bonus on attack rolls against creatures of the air subtype, as well as a +2 racial bonus on Knowledge (arcana) checks to identify elementals. Dream dwarves can make such Knowledge (arcana) checks untrained. They also receive a +2 racial bonus on Diplomacy checks made against creatures of the earth subtype.
    • Darkvision: Dream dwarves can see in the dark up to 60 feet.
    • Stonecunning: Dream dwarves gain a +2 racial bonus on Perception checks to notice unusual stonework, and make a check to notice any such feature that they pass within 10 feet of even if they are not actively searching. A dream dwarf can also naturally intuit their approximate depth underground at any time.
    • Book of Records: Dream dwarves are the keepers of dwarven history, tradition, and lore. They receive a +2 racial bonus on Knowledge (geography), Knowledge (history), Knowledge (local), Knowledge (nobility), and Knowledge (religion) checks that pertain to dwarves or their enemies. They can make such skill checks untrained.
    • Automatic Languages: Common, Dwarven.
    • Bonus Languages: Auran, Celestial, Draconic, Elven, Gnomish, Sylvan, Terran.
    • Favored Class: Oracle (Advanced Player's Guide, pgs 42-54).

    Fireblood Dwarf:
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    • +2 Constitution, +2 Charisma, -2 Wisdom. Fireblood dwarves retain their dwarvish resilience, but a vengeful, fiery fury clouds their thoughts, and life as draconic thralls has accustomed them to supplication and flattery.
    • Dragonblood Subtype: Fireblood dwarves have the dragonblood subtype.
    • Low-Light Vision: Fireblood dwarves can see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light.
    • Volcanic Heat: Fireblood dwarves gain Heat Endurance as a bonus feat at 1st level. They need not qualify for this feat.
    • Wyrmscourged: Of all dwarves, fireblood dwarves have suffered most from draconic cruelty and cunning, and they have dedicated their culture and traditions to vengeance. Fireblood dwarves gain a +1 racial bonus on attack rolls against creatures of the dragon type and a +2 dodge bonus to AC and on saving throws against the extraordinary, supernatural, and spell-like abilities of dragons. They also gain a +2 racial bonus on Knowledge (arcana) checks to identify dragons, and can make such checks untrained.
    • Craftsmanship: Fireblood dwarves receive a +2 racial bonus on all Appraise, Craft, and Knowledge (architecture and engineering) checks.
    • Automatic Languages: Common, Draconic, Dwarven.
    • Bonus Languages: Giant, Ignan, Infernal, Terran, Undercommon.
    • Favored Class: Dragon Shaman (Player's Handbook II, pgs 12-14).

    Enslaved Dwarf:
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    • +2 Constitution, +2 Intelligence, -2 Wisdom. Enslaved dwarves are excellent craftsmen and as resilient as their free cousins, but their circumstances have forced them to be more social, and lives of fear and trauma have curtailed their good judgement severely.
    • Stocky: Enslaved dwarves do not gain the usual size bonus on Stealth checks for being Small. However, they may use weapons sized for Medium characters without penalty.
    • Slow and Steady: An enslaved dwarf's speed is never decreased by encumbrance due to weight or armor.
    • Handyman: Generations of near-constant labor have taught enslaved dwarves a few tricks. An enslaved dwarf can use mending at will, with a caster level equal to their character level. However, this ability is not magical, and is considered an extraordinary ability.
    • Master-Slayer: In the camps, enslaved dwarves need not fear dragons, but constructs command just as much fear and hatred among them. Enslaved dwarves gain a +1 racial bonus on attack rolls against creatures of the construct type, as well as a +2 racial bonus on Knowledge (arcana) checks to identify constructs. Enslaved dwarves can make such checks untrained.
    • Survivor: Enslaved dwarves are driven to survive by the harsh realities of the camps. They receive a +2 racial bonus on Perception, Stealth, and Survival checks. Enslaved dwarves may use the Survival skill to forage for food and basic necessities in urban environments.
    • Craftsmanship: Enslaved dwarves receive a +2 racial bonus on all Appraise, Craft, and Knowledge (architecture and engineering) checks.
    • Traumatized: Enslaved dwarves are severely affected by their period of bondage, and fear has a grip on their hearts. The DC to demoralize or coerce an enslaved dwarf using the Intimidate skill is decreased by 4, and enslaved dwarves take a -2 penalty on saving throws against fear effects.
    • Automatic Languages: Common, Dwarven.
    • Bonus Languages: Elven, Gnomish, Goblin, Halfling.
    • Favored Class: Master (War of the Lance, pgs 21-25).

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    • +2 Constitution, +2 Charisma, -2 Strength, -2 Wisdom. Gnomes are charming and surprisingly tough, but slight of build and impulsive.
    • Animal Friend: Gnomes are supernaturally gregarious, bending the ears of even wild beasts. They can cast speak with animals once per day as a spell-like ability, with a caster level equal to their character level.
    • Low-Light Vision: A gnome can see twice as far as a human in conditions of dim light.
    • Illusion Training: Gnomes add 1 to the DC of any saving throws against illusion spells that they cast. They also gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against illusion spells and effects.
    • Inquisitive: A gnome is endlessly curious about the world around them. They gain a +2 racial bonus on Perception, Sense Motive, and one Knowledge skill of their choice. When they make Diplomacy checks to gather information, the amount of time needed to complete the check is halved.
    • Automatic Languages: Common, Gnomish.
    • Bonus Languages: Any.
    • Favored Class: Bard.

    Deep Gnome:
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    • +2 Dexterity, +2 Wisdom, -2 Strength, -2 Charisma. Deep gnomes are nimble and observant, but weak and painfully shy.
    • Earthspeaker: Deep gnomes are much less outgoing than other gnomes, so they turn their supernatural speech to the stone around them. They can cast stone tell once per day as a spell-like ability, with a caster level equal to their character level.
    • Darkvision: Deep gnomes can see in the dark up to 60 feet.
    • Stonecunning: Deep gnomes gain a +2 racial bonus on Perception checks to notice unusual stonework, and make a check to notice any such feature that they pass within 10 feet of even if they are not actively searching. A deep gnome can also naturally intuit their approximate depth underground at any time.
    • Tunnel Crawlers: Deep gnomes dwell in narrow passageways and dark crevices. They gain a +2 racial bonus on Stealth and Perception checks. This bonus increases to +4 in in dark or dimly lit areas. They also gain a +4 racial bonus on Survival checks to navigate.
    • Light Blindness: Deep gnomes are unused to the surface world and its bright skies. Abrupt exposure to any bright light blinds a deep gnome for 1 round. On subsequent rounds, they are dazzled as long as they remain in the affected area.
    • Automatic Languages: Undercommon, Gnomish.
    • Bonus Languages: Any.
    • Favored Class: Slayer (Advanced Class Guide, pgs 53-5). A deep gnome Slayer may choose the dwarf alternate favored class bonus for that class.

    Whisper Gnome:
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    Image credits: Male, Female.
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    • +2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, -2 Strength. Whisper gnomes are agile and cunning, but physically weak.
    • Whispers: Whisper gnomes are secretive about their magic, using it furtively to speak to only their most trusted friends. They can cast message once per day as a spell-like ability, with a caster level equal to their character level.
    • Low-Light Vision: A whisper gnome can see twice as far as a human in conditions of dim light.
    • Suspicious: Whisper gnomes turn the characteristic gnome curiosity into honed suspicion. They gain a +2 racial bonus on Diplomacy, Perception, and Sense Motive checks. When they make Diplomacy checks to gather information, the amount of time needed to complete the check is halved.
    • Deceptive: A whisper gnome knows deflection and obfuscation better than honesty, and likes them better, too. Whisper gnomes gain a +2 racial bonus on Bluff, Disguise, Intimidate, and Stealth checks.
    • Automatic Languages: Common, Gnomish.
    • Bonus Languages: Any.
    • Favored Class: Vigilante (Ultimate Intrigue, pgs 9-17).

    Chaos Gnome:
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    Image credits: Male, Female.
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    • +2 Constitution, +2 Charisma, -2 Strength, -2 Wisdom. Chaos gnomes are charming and surprisingly tough, but slight of build and impulsive.
    • Mayhem: Chaos gnomes delight in setting things on their heads, and their innate speech magic reflects this - rather than facilitating communication with their magic, they impede it. They can cast aphasia once per day as a spell-like ability, with a caster level equal to their character level.
    • Low-Light Vision: A gnome can see twice as far as a human in conditions of dim light.
    • Chaos Theory: Once per day, a chaos gnome can reroll one roll that they have just made before the roll is adjudicated. They must take the result of the reroll, even if it's worse than the original roll. This ability counts as a luck feat for the purposes of qualifying for luck feats.
    • Anarchic Philosophy: Due to their spontaneous nature, chaos gnomes natively find chaotic magic simple and lawful magic confusing. A chaos gnome's effective caster level when casting spells with the chaos descriptor increases by 1, but when casting spells with the law descriptor it decreases by 1.
    • Haphazard Thoughts: A chaos gnome's mind is in such a state of disarray in its normal state that no magic can addle it. Chaos gnomes are immune to confusion effects. However, they take a -1 penalty on all initiative checks due to their poor focus.
    • Automatic Languages: Common, Gnomish.
    • Bonus Languages: Any.
    • Favored Class: Sorcerer.

    Tinker Gnome:
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    Image credits: Male, Female.
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    • +2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, -2 Strength, -2 Wisdom. Tinker gnomes are coordinated, and their intellects are their most treasured possessions, but they are weak and prone to hyperfixation.
    • Test Subject: Tinker gnomes have little reason to communicate with animals, but they often subconsciously use their natural magic to influence people to try their inventions. They can cast beguiling gift once per day as a spell-like ability, with a caster level equal to their character level.
    • Low-Light Vision: A gnome can see twice as far as a human in conditions of dim light.
    • Utility Belt: Every tinker gnome worth their salt carries their tools of the trade with them at all times; such items are highly personal and many tinker gnomes see their signature tools as close friends. At 1st level, a tinker gnome gains a reservoir of 10gp that can only be spent on tools (any item listed under Locks, Keys, Tools, & Kits). At every subsequent level, the tinker gnome gains an additional amount of gp in their utility belt reservoir equal to 10 * their character level. A tinker gnome may cover part of a purchase with their utility belt reservoir and the rest with normally earned wealth, or make purchases entirely with the reservoir.
    • Attentive: Tinker gnomes, like other gnomes, have an endless ability to pay their environment close attention, and it pays off in their work. They gain a +2 racial bonus on Disable Device, Perception, and one Craft skill of their choice. They may make Knowledge (engineering) checks untrained.
    • Automatic Languages: Common, Gnomish.
    • Bonus Languages: Any.
    • Favored Class: Alchemist (Advanced Player's Guide, pgs 26-32).

    Shadow Gnome:
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    Image credits: Male, Female.
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    • +2 Intelligence, +2 Charisma, -2 Strength, -2 Wisdom. Shadow gnomes are suave and shrewd, but slight like other gnomes, and they tend to overestimate the complexity of situations.
    • Voice from the Shadows: Shadow gnomes have honed their natural magic towards the function of misdirecting and disorienting those who stumble across their settlements. They can cast ventriloquism once per day as a spell-like ability, with a caster level equal to their character level.
    • Darkvision: Shadow gnomes can see in the dark up to 60 feet.
    • Shadow Training: Shadow gnomes add 1 to the DC of any saving throws against spells of the shadow subschool that they cast. They also gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against spells of the shadow subschool.
    • Skulker: Shadow gnomes satisfy their curiosity by lurking, spying, and exploring under cover of night. They gain a +2 racial bonus on Disable Device, Perception, Sleight of Hand, and Stealth checks.
    • Automatic Languages: Common, Gnomish.
    • Bonus Languages: Any.
    • Favored Class: Shadowcaster (Tome of Magic, pgs 111-116).

    Enslaved Gnome:
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    Image credits: Male, Female.
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    • +2 Constitution, +2 Intelligence, -2 Strength, -2 Wisdom. Enslaved gnomes are mentally flexible and perennially durable, but slight of build, and lives of fear and trauma have curtailed their good judgement severely.
    • Share Memories: Like all gnomes, enslaved gnomes possess the magic of speech and thought, but their time in the camps has broken their connection to the natural world, leaving them to reach out with their magic to anyone who will listen. They can cast mindlink once per day as a spell-like ability, with a caster level equal to their character level.
    • Low-Light Vision: A gnome can see twice as far as a human in conditions of dim light.
    • Master-Slayer: In the camps, constructs are the masters, and all enslaved pigmies learn to despise them. Enslaved gnomes gain a +1 racial bonus on attack rolls against creatures of the construct type, as well as a +2 racial bonus on Knowledge (arcana) checks to identify constructs. Enslaved gnomes can make such checks untrained.
    • Forsaken: After the death of Garl Glittergold, the gnomes possessed no patron, and enslaved gnomes are still bitter towards the powers that be. They gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against divine spells and spell-like abilities, as well as the spells and spell-like abilities of aeons, psychopomps, and outsiders with an alignment subtype.
    • Survivor: Enslaved gnomes are driven to survive by the harsh realities of the camps. They receive a +2 racial bonus on Perception, Stealth, and Survival checks. Enslaved gnomes may use the Survival skill to forage for food and basic necessities in urban environments.
    • Traumatized: Enslaved gnomes are severely affected by their period of bondage, and fear has a grip on their hearts. The DC to demoralize or coerce an enslaved gnome using the Intimidate skill is decreased by 4, and enslaved gnomes take a -2 penalty on saving throws against fear effects.
    • Automatic Languages: Common, Gnomish.
    • Bonus Languages: Any.
    • Favored Class: Alchemist (Advanced Player's Guide, pgs 26-32).

    Halfling: Halflings have only existed for the last millenium or so, due to the vicious, oppressive policies enacted by the late Luxites. When the Luxite Empire sent out the order to populate its forced labor camps, it interned many of its pigmies and even some goblins and unusually short humans. Over time, interbreeding in the camps produced a new strain of small folk; the first halflings were so called because they were literally half one race and half another. Many halflings have since escaped or even destroyed their camps.
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    Halfling statistics are mostly identical to the core halfling statistics.

    Tallfellow: Although halflings are mainly "mutts" with ancestry from several races, the racial mix making up their heritage is far from uniform. Some halflings are disproportionately descended from the few unusually short humans who were interned alongside pigmies due to their stature. Such halflings are generally taller than others of their kind, though never as tall as humans. In the camps, these halflings, known as tallfellows, acted as scouts and sentries, and the aptitude has not yet died out among them.
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    Tallfellow statistics are based on the Tallfellow (a core racial variant) and Strongheart Halfling (Races of Faerûn, pg 18) statistics. Tallfellow favored class is Scout (Complete Adventurer, pgs 11-13.)

    Deep Halfling: Similar to tallfellows, deep halflings are halflings with more than usual dwarven ancestry. In the camps, they functioned as craftsmen and miners, and served their gangs by producing weapons, tools, and eventually shelters, as the populations of the camps began to overflow. Today, they are the blacksmiths, carpenters, artists, and other skilled laborers that keep a caravan afloat. They can be difficult to tell from other halflings save for their stocky builds.
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    Deep halfling statistics are mostly identical to the core deep halfling statistics. Deep halfling favored class is Master (War of the Lance, pgs 21-25.)

    High Halfling: So called by analogy with high elves due to their characteristic magical aptitude, high halflings are halflings with more than normal gnomish ancestry. Spindly and pale, they tend to be peculiar, enigmatic, waifish sorts, inheriting the instability of gnomish moods and whims. Also like gnomes, their magical talent is focused on communication with others, for better or for worse - making them the go-to diplomats of halfling caravans.
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    High halfling statistics are based on (but not identical to) the Ghostwise Halfling statistics (Races of Faerûn, pgs 74-6.) High halfling favored class is Occultist (Occult Adventures, pgs 46-59.)

    Enslaved Halfling: While many or even most halflings in Avitia have escaped the slavery of the camps, some remain. Luxite infrastructure is strong and lasting, and their labor camps in particular were built to be self-sustaining. In the few camps that remain intact, halflings and other pigmies still toil in misery. The halflings in these camps are very unlike free halflings, who have mended their once-broken wills; with no end in sight, enslaved halflings lack the unshakeable hope and cheer characteristic of their people.
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    Last edited by DontEvenAsk; 2019-11-18 at 02:18 PM.
    DontEvenAsk, no apostrophe. I play D&D 3.X/PF, and some 5e. Life has a tendency to spring surprise problems on me, leading to temporary ghosting that I usually can't predict. If I vanish, I'm probably not dropping out if your game, just swamped.

    My campaign setting. Please look, don't touch for now.

  6. - Top - End - #6
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Oct 2015

    Default Re: The Continent of Avitia - A 3.P Setting


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    The fey were created by Mab, the Queen Mother and original patron goddess of faeriekind, long before the creation of the first mortals. However, in Phasidia's mythic prehistory, the battle between the Lord of Fire and the rest of the gods led to Mab's death, and she was succeeded by her younger daughter Titania. Titania and her followers, called the Seelie, claim that Corellon's designs came from collaboration with Mab and that elves should be considered kin to the fey. However, Mab's elder daughter, Anand, holds that she has been cheated out of her throne as the Faerie Queen by her sister, and that the creation of the mortal races was divine plagiarism and a desecration of Mab's original vision. Anand's followers are known as the Unseelie. This division dominates fey politics, though fey with mortal ties, such as half-fey and changelings, prefer to keep out of it.

    All fey races have the Fey type unless noted otherwise. In addition to the standard traits and features, creatures of the Fey type have several distinctive qualities:

    • All fey are considered to have the Metal Intolerance flaw (Dragon Magazine #324, pg 93). They do not gain an extra feat from this flaw; it is simply a trait of their nature.
    • Linguistics checks made to affect fey with truenaming abilities are made at a DC decreased by an amount equal to the fey's Charisma modifier.
    • A fey's true name is in Sylvan, not the First Language of mortals. Any creature that knows a fey's true name can affect that fey as if with the spell geas/quest a number of times (total, in the creature's entire lifetime) equal to the creature's (not the fey's) Wisdom modifier (minimum 1), at a caster level equal to the fey's Hit Dice.
    • A fey can always tell when and where its true name is uttered, and innately knows the quickest route to the location of any creature that has named it in this way as if using the locate creature spell. However, a fey's ability to locate a creature that has uttered its true name is blocked by iron, not running water. This includes wrought-iron fences or other enclosures made of iron. Wearing or carrying talismans made of iron also counts. However, iron alloys, such as steel, are not considered iron for the purposes of deterring fey; the enclosure or talisman must be of relatively pure iron. (Yes, this means you can deter fey by carrying a cast-iron pan in your backpack, though you may prefer to use something slightly less heavy.)

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    • +2 Wisdom, -2 Constitution. Killoren have an understanding of life's natural patterns that few can match, but they are as fragile as a leaf on the wind.
    • Size: Medium.
    • Base Speed: 30ft.
    • Aspects of Nature: No one creature can contain all the might and majesty of nature. Each killoren instead manifests a single aspect of nature's many splendors. A killoren can only manifest one aspect of nature's might at a time. Each morning as the sun rises, a killoren spends 10 minutes in quiet meditation as they choose their aspect. Once a killoren chooses an aspect, they manifest that aspect until the next morning, when they choose again which aspect to manifest. Some killoren exclusively favor one aspect over the others and rarely stray from their chosen aspect; others shift their aspect with the seasons, changing colors as the leaves do and immersing themselves in the spirit of nature's whims.
      • Aspect of the Creator: While manifesting the aspect of the creator, a killoren exemplifies the boundless fertility of spring and the lush energy nature possesses. Aspect of the Creator killoren gain a +2 bonus to Charisma, inspired by the beauty and passion of nature. Aspect of the Creator killoren with Wisdom scores of 11 or higher can cast dawn and resistance at will and cheetah's sprint once per day as spell-like abilities, with a caster level equal to their character level. The DCs for these spell-like abilities are Wisdom-based. They have a +2 racial bonus on Acrobatics checks, and Acrobatics is always a class skill for them.
      • Aspect of the Destroyer: While manifesting the aspect of the destroyer, killoren channel the indiscriminate destructive power of nature and the stifling ire of the summer sun. Aspect of the Destroyer killoren gain a +2 bonus to Strength as nature's wrath empowers them. Aspect of the Destroyer killoren with Wisdom scores of 11 or higher can cast flare and spark at will and parching touch once per day as spell-like abilities, with a caster level equal to their character level. The DCs for these spell-like abilities are Wisdom-based. They have a +2 racial bonus on Intimidate checks, and Intimidate is always a class skill for them.
      • Aspect of the Hunter: While manifesting the aspect of the hunter, a killoren is an agent of the hunt and the inevitable slow creep of fall's descent on the earth. Aspect of the Hunter killoren gain a +2 bonus to Dexterity, for in nature it is the fleet of foot who survive. Aspect of the Hunter killoren with Wisdom scores of 11 or higher can cast know direction and unwitting ally at will and detect animals or plants once per day as spell-like abilities, with a caster level equal to their character level. The DCs for these spell-like abilities are Wisdom-based. They have a +2 racial bonus on Stealth checks, and Stealth is always a class skill for them.
      • Aspect of the Sage: While manifesting the aspect of the sage, a killoren embodies the intricacy and instinctive understanding found in nature and the patient resilience of winter. Aspect of the Sage killoren gain a +2 bonus to Intelligence as the secrets of nature are revealed to them. Aspect of the Sage killoren with Wisdom scores of 11 or higher can cast lullaby and message at will and omen of peril once per day as spell-like abilities, with a caster level equal to their character level. The DCs for these spell-like abilities are Wisdom-based. They have a +2 racial bonus on Perception checks, and Perception is always a class skill for them.
    • Low-Light Vision: Killoren can see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light.
    • Nature's Child: Killoren gain a +2 racial bonus on Handle Animal, Knowledge (nature), and Survival checks, and these skills are always class skills for them.
    • Automatic Languages: Sylvan.
    • Bonus Languages: Aklo, Aquan, Auran, Common, Ignan, Terran.
    • Favored Class: Hunter (Advanced Class Guide, pgs 26-29).

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    • +2 Charisma, +2 Strength, -2 Wisdom, -2 Constitution. Huldrefolk are attractive and charming, and their slender figures belie unnatural fey strength, but they are delicate and prone to irrational moods.
    • Size: Medium.
    • Base Speed: 30ft.
    • Tail Lash: A huldrefolk can strike a mortal with their tail to render them unconscious or insane. A huldrefolk gains a primary natural attack that deals 1d4 points of nonlethal damage and causes its target to become confused on a critical hit for a number of rounds equal to the huldrefolk's Charisma modifier.
    • Huldra Magic: Huldrefolk have innate fey magic that allows them to charm and beguile mortals. A huldrefolk with a Charisma score of 11 or higher can cast daze and lullaby at will and disguise self once per day as spell-like abilities, with a caster level equal to their character level. The DCs for these spell-like abilities are Charisma-based.
    • Low-Light Vision: Huldrefolk can see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light.
    • Guile: A huldrefolk gains a +2 racial bonus on Bluff and Disguise checks, and these skills, as well as Linguistics, are always class skills for them.
    • Hollow Back: Every huldrefolk has a hollow back, which can give them away to the careful eye. If a creature sees a huldrefolk's hollow back and makes a DC 15 Knowledge (nature) check, that creature is immune to that huldrefolk's spell-like abilities for 24 hours. Most huldrefolk wear clothes that cover their backs when among mortals; noticing a huldrefolk's hollow back when it is hidden is a DC 15 Perception check. If the huldrefolk's back is not covered by clothing (either because they aren't wearing any or because what they are wearing is open at the back), the DC is 10.
    • Automatic Languages: Sylvan, Common.
    • Bonus Languages: Any.
    • Favored Class: Skald (Advanced Class Guide pgs 49-52). A huldrefolk Skald may choose the human alternate favored class bonus for that class.

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    • +2 Intelligence, +2 Wisdom, -2 Strength, -2 Constitution. Domovye are attentive and have long memories, but their small stature makes them weak and frail.
    • Size: Small.
    • Base Speed: 20ft.
    • Creature Form: A domovoi can use beast shape ii once per day as a spell-like ability. A domovoi can only take on one form with this ability, which they choose at character creation: cat, dog, owl, raven, chicken, lizard, or viper. The effect lasts for a number of hours equal to the domovoi's Wisdom modifier.
    • Domovoi Magic: A domovoi's fey magic helps them serve and protect their family - and scare them back into line if they begin to behave badly. Domovye with Wisdom scores of 11 or higher can cast mending and prestidigitation at will and auditory hallucination once per day as spell-like abilities, with a caster level equal to their character level. The DCs for these spell-like abilities are Wisdom-based.
    • Low-Light Vision: Domovye can see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light.
    • Household Helpers: Domovye are house spirits, known for their ability to help out around the house. They gain a +2 racial bonus on Craft, Profession, and Stealth checks, and these skills are always class skills for them.
    • Hearth Bond: A domovoi is bound to a particular home. If the domovoi is outside their home (and without their hearth token; see below) for longer than a number of hours equal to their Wisdom modifier, they take a -1 morale penalty on attack rolls, saving throws, and checks. A domovoi can escape this penalty by carrying a part of their home with them, called a hearth token. A hearth token is generally a piece of the house itself, like a roof tile or a mirror, or else a common household implement or similar object. A domovoi receives such an item for free at character creation; this item may be any nonmagical tool or other item that can be reasonably explained as a memento of the domovoi's household (subject to DM discretion) and costs no more than 60 gp. (For instance, a domovoi could keep a knife from their home kitchen as a token and use it as a dagger, but a longbow would be a stretch.)
    • Distinctive Footprints: A domovoi's footprints are unusual and distinctive - some track soot or melted snow wherever they go, while others leave the footprints of their creature form even when not assuming it - making them easier to track. The DC to track a domovoi with the Survival skill is decreased by an amount equal to the domovoi's Wisdom modifier.
    • Automatic Languages: Pravnukovki, Sylvan.
    • Bonus Languages: Arachne, Common, Dwarven, Gnomish, Ignan, Sifjari, Vaimoni.
    • Favored Class: Occultist (Occult Adventures, pgs 46-59).

    Spoiler: Images
    Spoiler: Statistics
    • +2 Constitution, -2 Wisdom. Dusklings are hearty and seem to embody the spirit of life itself, but they focus more on living life to the fullest than on boring things like safety and caution.
    • Size: Medium.
    • Incarnum Subtype: Dusklings have the incarnum subtype, which identifies them as incarnum creatures for the purpose of being affected by relevant effects.
    • Base Speed: 30ft.
    • Nomad's Vigor: A duskling can invest essentia to improve their base speed. For every point of essentia invested in this racial trait, the duskling gains an enhancement bonus of 5 feet to their base land speed. This bonus does not apply when the duskling is wearing medium or heavy armor, or when they are carrying a medium or heavy load.
    • Essentia Boon: A duskling gains 1 bonus point of essentia at 1st level, even if they would not otherwise have an essentia pool.
    • Low-Light Vision: Dusklings can see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light.
    • Scholars of Life: Dusklings are scholars of the broad spectrum of mortal life, experienced in its color and vibrancy. They gain a +2 racial bonus on Knowledge (local), Knowledge (history), Sense Motive, and Bluff checks, and can make Knowledge (local) and Knowledge (history) checks untrained.
    • Automatic Languages: Sylvan, Common.
    • Bonus Languages: Any mortal.
    • Favored Class: Totemist (Magic of Incarnum, pgs 29-32).

    Spoiler: Images
    Spoiler: Statistics
    • +2 Dexterity, +2 Charisma, -2 Strength, -2 Constitution. Pixies are miniscule and charming, but delicate.
    • Size: Tiny. (The ability score alterations for being of Tiny size are included in, not in addition to, the ones above.)
    • Base Speed: 20ft; fly 50ft (average).
    • Pixy-Led: A pixie's fey magic allows them to lead mortals astray and trick their senses. Pixies with Charisma scores of 11 or higher can cast dancing lights and ghost sound at will and make lost once per day as spell-like abilities, with a caster level equal to their character level. The DCs for these spell-like abilities are Charisma-based.
    • Fey Entertainments: Pixies delight in riding, dancing, and wandering the wilds. They gain a +2 racial bonus on Perform, Ride, and Survival checks.
    • Traveler's Charm: It is customary to turn one's clothes inside out or wear one's shoes backwards to confuse pixies and deter their magic. Any creature wearing attire that is reversed from its normal configuration - inside out, backwards, on the wrong feet or hands, etc - is immune to the once per day fey magic of all pixies. If a creature does not wear clothing or shoes, they cannot gain this immunity. Reversible items of clothing that are designed to be worn in multiple configurations do not count for the purposes of this immunity; the garment must be worn 'incorrectly' in some way. A player may not retroactively state that their character's clothing has been inverted all along to avoid being affected by a pixie's fey magic, but if a character has reason to believe that they are at risk from pixies, they may choose to modify whatever they are wearing as a move action.
    • Bells of Otteri: A pixie is affected by gremlin bells, despite not being a gremlin. Additionally, pixies take a -4 morale penalty on saving throws versus the following spells: archon's trumpet, death knell, distressing tone, magnifying chime, and resounding blow. A pixie also takes this penalty on concentration checks imposed by the distracting cacophony spell, and on saving throws versus the detrimental effects of magical bells. A pixie who hears the sound of bells, including magical bells, the sound of the alarm spell or any spell they take their morale penalty on, and mundane bells, also takes a -2 morale penalty on Will saving throws for as long as the sound persists.
    Last edited by DontEvenAsk; 2018-10-19 at 01:29 PM.
    DontEvenAsk, no apostrophe. I play D&D 3.X/PF, and some 5e. Life has a tendency to spring surprise problems on me, leading to temporary ghosting that I usually can't predict. If I vanish, I'm probably not dropping out if your game, just swamped.

    My campaign setting. Please look, don't touch for now.

  7. - Top - End - #7
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Oct 2015

    Default Re: The Continent of Avitia - A 3.P Setting


    Spoiler: Image
    Spoiler: Races


    Spoiler: Image
    Spoiler: Races
    Last edited by DontEvenAsk; 2018-09-20 at 02:45 PM.
    DontEvenAsk, no apostrophe. I play D&D 3.X/PF, and some 5e. Life has a tendency to spring surprise problems on me, leading to temporary ghosting that I usually can't predict. If I vanish, I'm probably not dropping out if your game, just swamped.

    My campaign setting. Please look, don't touch for now.

  8. - Top - End - #8
    Barbarian in the Playground

    Join Date
    Oct 2015

    Default Re: The Continent of Avitia - A 3.P Setting

    Races unaccounted for by the classical Luxite system. Some scholars argue for a revised system to account for these races.

    Spoiler: Races
    Spoiler: Images

    Image credits: Male, Female.

    Probe: Crafted by aberrant entities of the distant planet Aballon, the probes were originally designed to explore the void of space and seek out new races among the stars. Initially non-sapient, they developed self-awareness after aeons traveling the Material Plane. Occasionally probes land on Phasidia, where their alien nature tends to alarm native races. Aballon's aberrant rulers have since vanished, and the planet is now ruled by their constructs, who sometimes hunt down probes in an effort to "reclaim" them.
    Spoiler: Images

    Note: This image was created by Etsy user AncientArtisans, and it has been hyperlinked to AncientArtisans' Etsy page. This is purely for image crediting purposes, and this link is not intended as an endorsement of, advertisement for, or other commercial promotion of AncientArtisans. I am in no way legally or financially affiliated with AncientArtisans.
    Spoiler: Statistics
    • +2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, -2 Wisdom, -2 Charisma. Probes are nimble by design and have prodigous memory and processing capacity, but their programming has little provision for commonsense judgement or social graces.
    • Size: Small.
    • Type: Construct.
    • Living Construct Subtype: Aballonian probes have the living construct subtype, and as such gain different benefits and penalties from the Construct type than other constructs.
    • Speed: 20ft (but see below).
    • Levitation: A probe always moves as if affected by a levitate spell with a caster level of their character level, except that they can also move horizontally or diagonally by rolling through the air. When moving horizontally or diagonally, a probe can maintain an altitude of up to 25 feet + 5 feet/2 character levels above the surface they were hovering over when they began to move, even if the surface or surfaces they pass over are at a lower elevation than the surface below them when they started. If a probe is at an altitude beyond this height from the most elevated surface directly below them and then descends, the altitude to which they descend becomes the highest altitude they can maintain until they pass over a higher surface or descend again. A probe is not hindered by difficult terrain, is immune to the prone condition, and cannot be tripped, as they have no legs. A probe's propulsion system displaces dust and debris in its wake, so they can still be tracked using the Survival skill. This ability is not magical in nature, and is considered an extraordinary ability.
    • Collision: Probes can cause serious harm by ramming into enemies at speed. A probe has a natural slam attack.
    • Electrical Assault: A probe can use the jolt cantrip at will, with a caster level equal to their character level. However, using this ability requires diverting power from the probe's processing functions, making it difficult for the probe to think and react. A probe is flat-footed the round after they use their electrical assault. This ability is not magical in nature, and is considered an extraordinary ability.
    • Wheel of Fire: Probes contain flames that illuminate their environs. A probe has four flames. With four or three flames lit, a probe sheds light as a torch; with one or two flames lit, they shed light as a candle. A probe gains a racial bonus on Intimidate checks equal to the number of flames they have lit, but takes the same value as a circumstance penalty on Stealth checks. Lighting or extinguishing a flame is a swift action. This ability is not magical in nature, and is considered an extraordinary ability.
    • Low-Light Vision: A probe can see twice as far as a human in conditions of dim light.
    • Metal Body: Probes are made from an extremely durable skymetal alloy, making them difficult to break. A probe has a +4 natural armor bonus.
    • Alien Thoughts: Probes are fundamentally unlike terrestrial creatures in mindset and cognition, making them difficult to manipulate. They receive a +2 racial bonus on saving throws versus illusion and mind-affecting effects, and Bluff, Diplomacy, and Sense Motive checks made against them take a -2 circumstance penalty.
    • Experienced Explorer: Wherever a probe has traveled since its activation, its sensors have catalogued countless experiences. While memory corruption prevents probes from accumulating infinite information, their knowledge isn't completely useless, either. Linguistics and all Knowledge skills are always class skills for a probe. A probe gains a +2 racial bonus on Knowledge (engineering) checks, Knowledge (dungeoneering) checks to identify aberrations, and Knowledge (geography) checks pertaining to astronomy, and they can make such checks untrained.
    • Scouting: Probes are designed to investigate and explore. They gain a +4 racial bonus on Perception checks.
    • Non-Humanoid Design: Probes cannot wear standard armor, clothing, or jewelry, including magic items that take up body slots. Such items must be custom-made or altered to fit, doubling their sale price and increasing the DC to craft them by 10.
    • No Hands: A probe has no hands, and manipulates most objects telekinetically. When a probe wishes to write, it automatically transcribes its message as if using the amanuensis cantrip. In most other situations a probe's telekinesis allows it to function essentially as a human of its Strength score, with some exceptions. The balance, angling, and leverage needed to use certain humanoid weapons is beyond a probe. A probe can use firearms, crossbows, throwing weapons, saps, quarterstaffs, clubs, and spears, but other manufactured weapons are too finicky to handle without limbs. Probes are also unable to operate certain musical instruments. A probe cannot make Perform (wind) or Perform (string) checks and cannot gain ranks in those skills. (Harpsichords are considered percussion instruments for this purpose.) A probe can use shields as normal, despite their difficulties with weapons. A probe's telekinesis is magical and can be suppressed by an antimagic field, or using dispel magic as a magic item with a caster level equal to the probe's character level. Suppressing a probe's telekinesis prevents it from lifting or manipulating items, and any items the probe is carrying that are not fastened to its body fall and are no longer considered to be in the probe's possession.
    • Automatic Languages: Aklo.
    • Bonus Languages: Any.
    • Favored Class: Scout (Complete Adventurer, pgs 10-13).
    Last edited by DontEvenAsk; 2018-09-20 at 02:40 PM.
    DontEvenAsk, no apostrophe. I play D&D 3.X/PF, and some 5e. Life has a tendency to spring surprise problems on me, leading to temporary ghosting that I usually can't predict. If I vanish, I'm probably not dropping out if your game, just swamped.

    My campaign setting. Please look, don't touch for now.

  9. - Top - End - #9
    Barbarian in the Playground

    Join Date
    Oct 2015

    Default Re: The Continent of Avitia - A 3.P Setting


    • Both Pathfinder and 3.5 classes are permitted.
    • Tier 1 is banned. If you want to play a Cleric, go with Inquisitor. If you want to play a Druid, go with Hunter. If you want to play a Wizard, go with Magus, Sorcerer, or similar. Tier 1 is BANNED. (Except for Witch and Artificer; see below.)
    • Barbarian gets bonus feats as per Fighter.
    • Medium has the same spells per day as Mesmerist, even when using spirits other than Archmage and Hierophant. The Archmage Arcana and Divine Surge powers otherwise work as normal, except that for each spell level the Medium knows, they gain a number of spells known equal to their Charisma modifier.
    • Dragon Shaman, and all references to it in race entries et al, will eventually be replaced by an original homebrew fix of the class that combines it with Dragonfire Adept. (Yes, I know other people have done this before. No, I will not use one of theirs.) The fixed class will not depend on Constitution, if anyone was worried about forestlord elves being a bad pick for the class because of that.
    • The casting stat for Beguiler is Charisma, not Intelligence.
    • Witch uses the same Spells Known mechanic as Sorcerer, rather than its usual one, and has spontaneous casting rather than prepared. All of a Witch's spells known are kept with their familiar, and a Witch cannot cast spells if they are not within Empathic Link range of their familiar (1 mile). In addition, while a Witch still needs an Intelligence score equal to at least 10 + a spell's level to learn and cast that spell, their saving throw DCs are based on the Witch's Charisma, not Intelligence. A Witch must spend 1 hour each day communing with their familiar in order to cast spells that day.
    • A fix for Artificer to bring it more in line with the power level of the setting is in the works; each Phasidian Artificer will have a specific list of magic items they can produce, chosen at character creation. It should be a fairly decent-sized list, but not the entire game's worth of magic items.
    Last edited by DontEvenAsk; 2019-01-08 at 10:42 PM.

  10. - Top - End - #10
    Barbarian in the Playground

    Join Date
    Oct 2015

    Default Re: The Continent of Avitia - A 3.P Setting


    Spoiler: The House of Corellon
    Spoiler: Corellon Larethian
    Spoiler: Lolth Sehanine
    Spoiler: Leraje Greenherald
    Spoiler: Yondalla

    Spoiler: The House of Moradin
    Spoiler: Moradin
    Spoiler: Joramy
    Spoiler: Garl Glittergold

    Spoiler: The House of Gruumsh
    Spoiler: Gruumsh One-Eye
    Spoiler: Keethdowmga
    Spoiler: Maglubiyet

    Spoiler: The Hain Cycle
    Spoiler: Nerull
    Spoiler: Wee Jas
    Spoiler: Hextor
    Spoiler: Heironeous
    Spoiler: Obad-Hai

    Spoiler: Other Gods
    Spoiler: Pelor
    Spoiler: Olidammara
    Spoiler: Boccob
    Spoiler: Erythnul

    Spoiler: The Fey Court
    Spoiler: Titania
    Spoiler: Oberon
    Spoiler: Puck

    Note: This image was created by Ian Daniels, and it has been hyperlinked to Ian Daniels' website. This is purely for image crediting purposes, and this link is not intended as an endorsement of, advertisement for, or other commercial promotion of Ian Daniels. I am in no way legally or financially affiliated with Ian Daniels.
    The Jester, Robin Goodfellow
    Theme Song: Play, Minstrel, Play
    Spoiler: Anand

    Spoiler: The Dragonlords
    Spoiler: Io
    Spoiler: Bahamut
    Spoiler: Tiamat

    Spoiler: The Deep Ones
    Last edited by DontEvenAsk; 2018-09-20 at 02:39 PM.
    DontEvenAsk, no apostrophe. I play D&D 3.X/PF, and some 5e. Life has a tendency to spring surprise problems on me, leading to temporary ghosting that I usually can't predict. If I vanish, I'm probably not dropping out if your game, just swamped.

    My campaign setting. Please look, don't touch for now.

  11. - Top - End - #11
    Barbarian in the Playground

    Join Date
    Oct 2015

    Default Re: The Continent of Avitia - A 3.P Setting

    Spoiler: Miscellaneous Nonsense
    Spoiler: The Sublime Way in Avitia
    Spoiler: Martial Disciplines
    Because some homebrew disciplines are just too great to pass up.
    1. Sleeping Goddess - Autohypnosis
    2. Azure Way - Autohypnosis
    3. Stone Elephant - Balance Iaijutsu Focus (This was formerly Stone Dragon and part of the core Nine Swords lineup; however, Stone Dragon has been replaced by Scarlet Bravura and then Broken Blade in the lineup, and the name has been changed to reflect the addition of actual draconic disciplines.)
    4. Electrum Flash - Iaijutsu Focus
    5. Diamond Mind - Concentration
    6. Anima River - Concentration
    7. Setting Sun - Sense Motive
    8. Occult Eclipse - Spellcraft Sense Motive
    9. Devoted Spirit - Intimidate Knowledge (religion)
    10. Scythe's Edge - Knowledge (religion)
    11. White Raven - Diplomacy
    12. Golden Saint - Diplomacy
    13. Scarlet Bravura - Perform (oratory) Gather Information
    14. Amaranth Mantle - Intimidate
    15. Luminous Glare - Intimidate
    16. Iron Heart - Balance Profession (soldier)
    17. Fortunate Gambit - Profession (gambler)
    18. Fated Touch - Bluff Knowledge (history)
    19. Winding Serpent - Use Rope
    20. Broken Blade - Martial Lore
    21. Lone Wolf - Intimidate Martial Lore
    22. Dancing Empress - Perform (dance)
    23. Persic Rose - Perform (dance)
    24. Rainbow Dream - Tumble Perform (weapon drill)
    25. Desert Wind - Tumble Survival
    26. Eternal Glacier - Survival
    27. Transcendent Wheel - Handle Animal Knowledge (nature)
    28. Thundering Hail - Spot Craft (Weaponsmithing)
    29. Falcon's Eye - Search
    30. Steel Rain - Spot Notice (combined Listen and Spot)
    31. Nightingale Feather - Spot Notice (combined Listen and Spot)
    32. Clambering Mink - Climb
    33. Twinned Spirit - Ride
    34. Crashing Wave - Swim
    35. Tempest Force - Swim
    36. Life's Blood - Heal
    37. Merciful Body - Heal
    38. Triumphant Cry - Perform (oratory)
    39. Endless Play - Bluff Knowledge (nobility)
    40. Wandering Gaze - Bluff
    41. Capering Fox - Bluff
    42. Wyrm's Tongue - Spellcraft Knowledge (arcana)
    43. Stalwart Golem - Knowledge (arcana)
    44. Crescent Moon - Spellcraft
    45. Spectral Lantern - Spellcraft
    46. Giant's Grip - Escape Artist
    47. Soaring Leaf - Escape Artist Fly
    48. North Wind - Fly
    49. Falling Mountain - Tumble
    50. Fool's Grip - Tumble
    51. Oncoming Storm - Sleight of Hand
    52. Circling Vulture - Sleight of Hand
    53. Black Lotus - Sleight of Hand Stealth
    54. Shadow Hand - Stealth
    55. Dissonant Harmony - Knowledge (planes) Knowledge (psionics)
    56. Ninefold Damnation - Intimidate Knowledge (planes)
    57. Dread Crown - Intimidate Knowledge (planes)
    58. Iron Tortoise - Balance
    59. Cobra Lance - Balance
    60. Holy Word - Truespeak
    61. Masked Seeming - Disguise
    62. Recondite Infusion - Craft (alchemy)
    63. Open Jaws - Craft (trapmaking)
    64. Haunted Artifice - Appraise
    65. Immutable Brand - Linguistics
    66. Twisted Glyph - Linguistics
    67. Sundered Veil - Disable Device
    68. Feral Guise - Control Shape

    With Stone Dragon no longer a part of the Temple of Nine Swords, the progression of the Nine is thus:
    • The Founding - Originally, the Nine were Desert Wind, Devoted Spirit, Diamond Mind, Iron Heart, Scarlet Bravura, Setting Sun, Shadow Hand, Tiger Claw, and White Raven.
    • The Schism - Scarlet Bravura was annulled due to pressure from White Raven. This led to imbalance - the Nine are three-by-three, with one mediator to every disagreeing pair. With only eight, they are two-by-two-by-two, with no intermediary in the event of conflict.
    • The Rebalancing - Due to this imbalance, the eight-of-Nine fell to infighting over philosophical differences. Tiger Claw was annulled, on the logic that it was the most emotional and unrestrained discipline and therefore the cause of the conflict. This left three-by-two and White Raven, the mediator discipline that bound the seven-of-Nine together.
    • The Fall - Tiger Claw sought revenge, feeling unjustly accused, and secretly allied with Shadow Hand to attack the Temple from within. The Temple fell before their combined forces, and initiates scattered across the land. New disciplines blossomed like wildflowers.
    • The Rebirth - Desert Wind, Devoted Spirit, Diamond Mind, Iron Heart, Setting Sun, Shadow Hand, Tiger Claw, and White Raven recouped several centuries later, in small numbers - only those who still remembered the old tale of schism. It was agreed to reunite and seek the lost Temple of Nine Swords, but without a Ninth the Temple would be incomplete. Broken Blade was formed to fill the void left by Scarlet Bravura. The Nine Swords Reborn now seek after the Temple of Nine Swords and the nine blades it once protected.

    And speaking of those nine blades, I made some changes to them. These aren't technically Weapons of Legacy as per the book - those have feats involved and you have to be level 5 and all that weird nonsense. These are meant to be acquired at around level 3 or 4 and brought to their full potential at around level 6 - hence the decreased costs.

    Spoiler: Desert Wind
    Spoiler: Image

    Common Form: +1 scimitar; cost 2315gp; weight 4lb. On a successful attack, desert wind deals 1 point of fire damage in addition to its normal damage.
    Omen: A soft, warm breeze briefly surrounds the wielder upon drawing desert wind or grasping its hilt while it is unsheathed. The blade grows very hot when wielded in battle, glowing red or even white.

    Spoiler: History
    Martial Lore DC 15:
    The design and form of this sword are Southlands, strongly reminiscent of high elven design. High elven magi are the nobles of the citadels, ruling with magical might and delicate courtly intrigue. This blade could have been designed for no other than a magus; it appears simple, but its clean-line elegance is entirely by design, and its hilt is decorated with finest leather. The pommel, upon close inspection, is of rare and precious black opal. However, the blade's expensive components in no way compromise its effectiveness - it is both beautiful and deadly, a sure sign that although its owner was clearly wealthy and concerned with appearances, they were also a discerning warrior. The design doesn't quite match that of high elven smithies, particularly the pommel's fanged appearance and the shape and detailing of the guard and hilt; it might be a planar commission of some sort, rather than a native elven work, but high elven sensibilities were clearly involved in its construction.

    Martial Lore DC 20:
    The blade is indeed a planar commission, purchased from the efreet Haqim by Desert Wind Master Ruasaranthil lan-Daeleniad. Ruasaranthil hailed from the city-state of Nasrilia, and for much of his life he wandered far from his homeland. As a young man he came across Reshar the Grandmaster, and immediately desired the power of the Sublime Way with which to defend himself from the perils of the world. He became one of Reshar's students, and with influence from the ways of his own people, he developed the Desert Wind discipline - a path of fire and swift, unpredictable movements.

    During this time he delved into the study of the Inner Planes, and came to be acquainted with many spirits of fire. When Reshar called for each Master to find or forge a blade that fulfilled the ideals of their discipline, Ruasaranthil knew exactly whom to call upon. He commissioned his very own blade, desert wind, with which to defend himself and practice his art. He paid handsomely for the finest weapon the efreeti smith Haqim could produce, forged of extraplanar metals in the flames of the Elemental Plane of Fire. To this day if kept long from the fires that birthed it, the power of desert wind ebbs like the fading tide.

    Martial Lore DC 25:
    The power of the efreet is not the only power to suffuse desert wind. When the Temple of Nine Swords fell, Ruasaranthil fled to his homeland, where through his skill and cunning he became a sage and businessman of great renown, one of the lords of the city. He traded not in silks or spices, but arcane materials - the remains of magical creatures, magical items, spell records, and other mystical wares. In building this trade empire Ruasaranthil formed connections all through the Inner and even Outer Planes.

    However, Ruasaranthil had a naturally nervous temperament, and the fall of the Temple had made him especially paranoid. He was at all times concerned that extraplanar competition - devils, efreets, or other evil outsiders - would encroach upon his frail mortal domain. He hired a private army of the region's finest mercenaries, bought traps and defenses both magical and mundane, and carried his precious desert wind with him at all times.

    Yet Ruasaranthil was not satisfied with Haqim's work, though he claimed to be; he suspected the efreet of plotting against him, and therefore planned to obscure from them the true extent of his power. With this intent in mind he took the blade next to the djinni Malaq, and offered him twice the price of the sword itself to make it into the most formidable blade in the Southlands. Malaq could see that the blade had been forged by the efreet, and so he was reluctant, but when Ruasaranthil explained that he sought alterations to the blade because he feared the efreets' wrath, Malaq agreed to perform the rituals. He sent Ruasaranthil forth into the world to acquire a coin made from stone, a song stolen from dirt, and a knife from under the hills.

    With his network of adventurers, Ruasaranthil easily procured these things, for a price, of course. When Malaq had these necessary components, he wove spells into the sword the like of which no djinni had ever bestowed upon a mortal before that day. The steel burned with power, almost unable to contain the energy that sustained it. Ruasaranthil took the sword and felt this power singing in the blade. The many phrases of his thanks to the djinni are now legendary, immortalized in verse and preserved in the greatest libraries of the Southlands.

    Martial Lore DC 30:
    Though Ruasaranthil now possessed the finest sword among all the lords of the desert, this fantastic weapon was also his greatest folly. So much of his fortune had the elven master spent upon desert wind that could no longer afford to maintain the defenses of his estate, or the expenses of his trade. Without the income provided by his traffick in arcane materials, Ruasaranthil's treasury dwindled ever greater until he at last fell from mighty noble to mere pauper, forced to sell his estate and many of his possessions. He never gave up desert wind, however, in a last, vain, desperate hope that the blade would be enough to protect him.

    He was wrong. Though he fought valiantly and well, the devil prince Glornoth captured him, and he was dragged howling into the Hells, his mighty blade claimed as tribute by the devil prince himself. Local tales claim that Ruasaranthil now suffers eternal torment in the form of being roasted and devoured by devils each night, only to be rejuvenated each morning to suffer the same fate again. It is not told where desert wind passed after falling into the hands of Glornoth.
    Spoiler: Rituals
    Rite of Reforging: Since desert wind was forged in the fires of the efreet Haqim's home plane, to restore its full power you must re-temper the metal in flames of equal intensity. Thrust the blade into a source of blistering magical heat, like the flames of a fire elemental or a torrent of dragonfire, and let the metal grow white-hot before removing it. You must then allow the blade to cool, returning it to the flame when the metal dims to its normal color. This cycle must be repeated without deliberate pause or interruption (accidental interruptions do not invalidate the ceremony, but they do increase its length by 1/2 an hour each as you regain your meditative focus) for 24 hours. The scimitar isn't harmed by this treatment.

    After completing this ritual, so long as you carry desert wind, you constantly benefit from the effect of an endure elements spell.
    Cost: 600gp.

    Rite of Consecration: The name desert wind refers to a magic wrought into the blade by the djinni Malaq - a searing wind that burns like the desert sun. Without the blessing of the djinn, this power lies dormant. To reawaken it, you must climb to the peak of a tall mountain (at least 7,000 feet) with the sword, then consecrate it to will of djinnkind by lighting a great fire and burning sacred incense.

    After completing this ritual, desert wind recovers its signature ability. Three times per day, you can cause the blade to spray a fan of flame (like that produced by the burning hands spell) by slashing the blade in a broad arc. The save DC is 11 or 11+your Charisma modifier, whichever is higher, and the caster level is equal to your initiator level.
    Cost: 2000gp.

    Rite of Dedication: Simply carrying and wielding desert wind is enough to reap the benefits of its most famous power when it is properly consecrated, but its lesser-known, more subtle abilities are reserved only for those who serve as its truest custodians. At first, its owner Ruasaranthil held this power, but as his fear deepened and he heaped expense after expense on the blade, its power waned - for the magics wrought by the djinni Malaq served best those who treated the blade with respect and lived their lives in moderation. Currently the right to this power lies instead with Glornoth, a prince of devils, a cruel and pragmatic monster who rules his domain with shrewd, efficient cunning. He held desert wind and cared for it well for many centuries, until it was wrested from him by Desert Wind sages of the Nine Swords Reborn.

    In order to claim the power that Glornoth now possesses, you must live as frugally and resourcefully as possible for at least a month, after declaring your intent to do so before at least two witnesses and dedicating a monetary tithe to a nonevil cause of your choice. During this time you may not purchase any item, service, or other single unit worth more than 1/10 of the standard PC wealth-by-level for your initiator level (not your character level), and must if possible purchase the most standard form of any nonmagical item you buy - for instance, wine or clothing. You may not consistently (for any permanent or indefinite amount of time; transporting currency from a specific point of origin to a specific destination is acceptable provided the journey is less than three weeks' travel) carry or store on your own property any amount of coinage worth more than the standard NPC wealth-by-level for your initiator level; however, you may loan out portions of currency to collect later.

    After completing this ritual, you gain a permanent untyped +2 bonus to Dexterity, and you are treated as having the Quick Draw feat when you draw desert wind, even if you normally do not qualify for the feat.
    Cost: 6000gp.
    Spoiler: Faithful Avenger
    Spoiler: Image

    Note: This image was created by Baltimore Knife and Sword, and it has been hyperlinked to the Baltimore Knife and Sword website. This is purely for image crediting purposes, and this link is not intended as an endorsement of, advertisement for, or other commercial promotion of Baltimore Knife and Sword. I am in no way legally or financially affiliated with Baltimore Knife and Sword.
    Mind over Matter
    Arcane Apprentice, Awakened Talent, Clerical Acolyte, Druidic Acolyte, Shadow Apprentice
    Burrow and Run Skills

    Spoiler: Racial Feats
    Electrical Reservoir
    You set aside a reservoir of energy to use for your electrical assault, avoiding strain on your processors.
    Prerequisites: Intelligence 13, Knowledge (engineering) 1 rank, probe.
    Benefit: You are no longer flat-footed the round after using your electrical assault ability.

    Electrical Surplus
    You expand your electrical assault reservoir, allowing you to devote more power to it.
    Prerequisites: Electrical Reservoir, probe.
    Benefit: You add your Intelligence modifier to the damage dealt by your electrical assault.

    Enhanced Propulsion
    Your propulsion mechanism is more effective than most probes'.
    Prerequisites: Dexterity 13, Knowledge (engineering) 1 rank, probe.
    Benefit: Your maximum levitation altitude is increased by 10 feet.
    Special: You may take this feat multiple times.

    Cultural Adaptation
    By taking time to observe other races, you overcome some of the social limitations in your programming.
    Prerequisites: Sense Motive 1 rank, probe.
    Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, and Sense Motive checks. Choose one race; these bonuses are doubled when making checks against that race.

    Stinging Lash
    Your tail is strong enough to do serious damage.
    Prerequisites: BAB +1, huldrefolk.
    Benefit: You can choose to deal lethal bludgeoning damage with your tail lash.

    Mighty Lash
    You can hit harder with your tail than one would expect.
    Prerequisites: BAB +1, huldrefolk.
    Benefit: Your tail lash deals 1d6 damage, rather than 1d4.

    Confounding Lash
    The madness inflicted by your tail lash is powerful and lasting.
    Prerequisites: Charisma 13, caster level 3, huldrefolk.
    Benefit: When you make a critical hit with your tail lash, the target of the attack is confused for a number of rounds equal to twice your Charisma modifier.

    Potent Lash
    Your tail lash is more effective at delivering insanity to its victims.
    Prerequisites: Charisma 13, caster level 3, huldrefolk.
    Benefit: When using your tail lash, your critical threat range is between 20 and an amount equal to 20 - your Charisma modifier, to a maximum of 15-20.

    Ancestor's Care
    You can peer into your family's fate and warn them of danger.
    Prerequisites: Wisdom 13, domovoi, sufficiently high level (see below).
    Benefit: You gain one additional use per day of your 1st-level fey magic spell-like ability (auditory hallucination or its replacement). Choose one spell from the table below; by expending a use of your 1st-level fey magic, you may use this spell as a spell-like ability. To select a spell, you must meet the minimum character level for its listing in the table. The save DC for this spell is Wisdom-based.

    Spell-Like Ability Minimum Character Level
    omen of peril 1st
    augury 3rd
    status 5th
    divination 7th
    mage's faithful hound 9th

    Special: You may take this feat multiple times. Each time you select it, you gain an additional use of your fey magic and may select another spell from the table.

    Ancestor's Ire
    You can inflict magical retaliation on those who wrong you and yours.
    Prerequisites: Wisdom 13, domovoi, sufficiently high level (see below).
    Benefit: You gain one additional use per day of your 1st-level fey magic spell-like ability (auditory hallucination or its replacement). Choose one spell from the table below; by expending a use of your 1st-level fey magic, you may use this spell as a spell-like ability. To select a spell, you must meet the minimum character level for its listing in the table. The save DC for this spell is Wisdom-based.

    Spell-Like Ability Minimum Character Level
    sleep 1st
    feast of ashes 3rd
    lesser curse terrain 5th
    agonizing rebuke 7th
    nightmare 9th

    Special: You may take this feat multiple times. Each time you select it, you gain an additional use of your fey magic and may select another spell from the table.

    Spoiler: Alternate Racial Traits
    • Courtyard Guardians: The dvorovoi is a variant of the domovoi that watches over the courtyard and livestock. They gain a +2 racial bonus on Handle Animal, Profession, and Stealth checks, and these skills are always class skills for them.
    • Night Wardens: The prigirstitis is a keen listener and watchman of the house. They gain a +2 racial bonus on Perception, Sense Motive, and Stealth checks, and these skills are always class skills for them.
    • Bathhouse Patrons: The bannik is the protector of the baths, and secures the health of the family. They gain a +2 racial bonus on Heal, Stealth, and Swim checks, and these skills are always class skills for them.
    • Harvest Augurs: The ovinnik determines the fortunes of the harvest, and dwells in the threshing house. They gain a +2 racial bonus on Knowledge (nature), Profession, and Stealth checks, and these skills are always class skills for them.
    • Dvorovoi Magic: A dvorovoi's fey magic is a boon in their work tending the household's animals. Banniks can cast scoop and prestidigitation at will and calm animals once per day as spell-like abilities, with a caster level equal to their character level.
    • Prigirstitis Magic: A prigirstitis's fey magic serves to alert the family to intruders. Prigirstitisi can cast dancing lights and prestidigitation at will and alarm once per day as spell-like abilities, with a caster level equal to their character level.
    • Bannik Magic: A bannik's fey magic enables them to heal their wards and ensure that the household's private places are respected - or else. Banniks can cast drench and prestidigitation at will and cure light wounds once per day as spell-like abilities, with a caster level equal to their character level.
    • Ovinnik Magic: An ovinnik's fey magic is less benign than that of its kindred, enabling the ovinnik to burn harvests, but also stretch rations for longer. Ovinniks can cast spark and prestidigitation at will and abstemiousness once per day as spell-like abilities, with a caster level equal to their character level.

    A post to hold everything I'm going to add but haven't properly collated; also a post for mechanics stuff.
    Last edited by DontEvenAsk; 2018-10-03 at 01:47 PM.
    DontEvenAsk, no apostrophe. I play D&D 3.X/PF, and some 5e. Life has a tendency to spring surprise problems on me, leading to temporary ghosting that I usually can't predict. If I vanish, I'm probably not dropping out if your game, just swamped.

    My campaign setting. Please look, don't touch for now.

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