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    Troll in the Playground

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    Post The Library of Knowledge: Getting the most out of your studies

    The Library of Knowledge: Getting the Most out of Your Studies

    Using this guide is easy. Look over the general knowledge skill here in the first post, follow the links to each individual knowledge skill, then appraise the affiliations, feats, items, and library/magical locations to modify the class skill towards its maximum benefit for your character. Task DC's printed in BLUE require an item or magical location to use the relevant knowledge skill.

    Knowledge (Int; Trained Only)
    Like the Craft and Profession skills, Knowledge actually encompasses a number of unrelated skills. Knowledge represents a study of some body of lore, possibly an academic or even scientific discipline. Below are listed typical fields of study.

    Arcana (ancient mysteries, magic traditions, arcane symbols, cryptic phrases, constructs, dragons, magical beasts, incarnum and soulmelds, astrology)
    Architecture and engineering (buildings, aqueducts, bridges, fortifications, naval architecture, ship design, and construction techniques for large vessels)
    Dungeoneering (aberrations, caverns, oozes, spelunking)
    Geography (lands, terrain, climate, people, clans)
    History (royalty, wars, colonies, migrations, founding of cities)
    Local (legends, personalities, inhabitants, laws, customs, traditions, humanoids)
    Nature (animals, fey, giants, monstrous humanoids, plants, seasons and cycles, weather, vermin)
    Nobility and royalty (lineages, heraldry, family trees, mottoes, personalities, laws)
    Religion (gods and goddesses, mythic history, ecclesiastic tradition, holy symbols, undead, ancestors, Shintao, rituals, sacred symbols)
    The planes (the Inner Planes, the Outer Planes, the Astral Plane, the Ethereal Plane, outsiders, elementals, magic related to the planes, incarnum and soulmelds)

    Expanded Psionics Handbook p. 38
    Psionics (ancient mysteries, psionic traditions, psychic symbols, cryptic phrases, astral constructs, and psionic races). You can use this skill to identify psionic monsters and their special powers or vulnerabilities.

    Oriental Adventures p.58: Knowledge (the planes) is replaced by Knowledge(Shadowlands) in the featured campaign setting of Rokugan, and by Knowledge (spirits) in other campaign settings.
    Barbarian lore (lands outside Rokugan, their people and customs)
    Shadowlands (goblins, ogres, nezumi, other Shadowlands creatures and dangers, maho, the Taint)—Rokugan only
    Spirits (spirit creatures, the spirit world) • War (military history, strategy, tactics, war machines)

    Sword and Fist p.10 & Defenders of the Faith p.18, 47
    Hearth wisdom (folklore, myths, origins of place names, folk remedies for common ailments).
    Literature (stories, plays, ballads, epic poetry, legends).
    Mathematics (basic math, geometry, algebra).
    Politics (government bureaucracies, petitions, bribes, subterfuge, art of compromise).
    Streetwise (drinking, flirting, gambling, tailing).
    Undead (involves special familiarity with the nature and tactics of undead creatures)
    War (siege engines, sapping, siege tactics and strategy).
    Astrology (statblock on page 47)

    Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil p.166
    Knowledge (temple history)
    Knowledge (Outer Fane)

    Sword and Fist p.20, 29, 38,
    Knowledge (law)
    Knowledge (code of martial honor)
    knowledge (weaponry)

    Manual of the Planes p.118, 133, 172
    Knowledge (dragonkind) (tiamat/bahamut statblocks) Also on p.93 of deities and demigods
    knowledge (plants or herbs) (umbral banyan)

    Ghostwalk p.27:
    Ghost lore (the paths, weaknesses, ghost powers, the Calling). This category of the Knowledge skill is a class skill for bards, clerics, and wizards.

    Shining South p.40
    Epic level handbook p.161, 254, 294 (statblock):
    knowledge (dreams),

    knowledge (union)
    knowledge (undermountain history)

    Speaker in dreams p.28

    Knowledge (Devils)
    Knowledge (Alienism)

    The fright at Tristor p.31: (statblock):
    Knowledge (local bars and alehouses)

    Tiger palace p.4 (statblock):
    knowledge (geology)

    City of the spiderqueen p.145 (statblock):
    Knowledge: (Underdark History)

    Mind's Eye: Crystal Master WEB

    Knowledge (gemology)

    Realms Personalities WEB, Teliene Coloara
    Knowledge (illithid Lore)

    Dragonshards: What do you know web

    Answering a question within your field of study has a DC of 10 (for really easy questions), 15 (for basic questions), or 20 to 30 (for really tough questions). In many cases, you can use this skill to identify monsters and their special powers or vulnerabilities. In general, the DC of such a check equals 10 + the monster’s HD. A successful check allows you to remember a bit of useful information about that monster. For every 5 points by which your check result exceeds the DC, you recall another piece of useful information.

    Heroes of Battle p.71 & 91: Information can be as important a weapon in battle as the troops themselves.
    Spoiler: Strategic Advantage
    In a military campaign, a character with Knowledge (history) will be well versed in military history and know something of military tactics used in past wars. A DC 20 Knowledge check enables you to provide a strategic advantage to your side in a battle (see Strategic Advantages, page 70). Use the guidelines in that section to determine which situations are appropriate for each area of knowledge. As always, the DM is the final arbiter of this issue. A PC who supplies his side with knowledge relevant to the upcoming battle gains a strategic advantage. This benefit might represent knowledge of a particular choke point in the local terrain, recollection of prior battles fought in the area, or even specific knowledge of enemy commanders. Each category of knowledge applies to different kinds of situations and produces a different sort of information.

    TOM p.197: Discovering a Personal Truename:

    It takes a successful Knowledge check in the relevant subskill to discover a personal truename.
    The DC uses a familiar formula: 15 + (2 × creature’s CR), or 15 + (2 × HD) for creatures such as PCs that don’t have Challenge Ratings. If you have the bardic knowledge class feature, you can substitute bardic knowledge checks for the Knowledge check. Just one success is rarely enough to discover a truename. You need a number of successes equal to 1/2 the creature’s Hit Dice (minimum 1).

    Obscure Creatures: Ironically, it can be somewhat easier to research the personal truename of a powerful dragon than a lowly gnoll hunter. Historical annals will periodically mention a great wyrm’s deeds, and previous truename researchers might have made progress on the truename (and recorded that progress). But it’s likely that no one has ever cared about the gnoll hunter’s personal truename, so mundane texts won’t be much help. Creatures with less than 10 HD are considered obscure unless they have historical or political importance. Unless you’re using magical divinations to aid your research, you can’t even attempt the Knowledge checks.
    The Knowledge check to learn a personal truename is modified by the factors in the table below.

    Personal Truename Research Modifiers Condition Modifier
    Staff of research assistants +2
    Commune spell +2
    You know who the subject’s Parents are +2 Great-grandparents or beyond +4 +1
    You know who the subject’s Grandparents are +2
    You know who the subject’s Great-grandparents or beyond are +4
    Divination spell +4
    Contact other plane spell +2
    Legend Lore spell +6
    You have met the subject +1
    You have spent more than a month in proximity to the subject +2
    You are related to the subject (or you are the subject) +4
    You know the subject’s creature type +1
    You have the Truename Research feat +2
    Subject is considered obscure (see above) -4
    Subject has Obscure Personal Truename feat -4
    Subject has hidden truename effect -8

    Usually none. In most cases, making a Knowledge check doesn’t take an action—you simply know the answer or you don’t. Using Knowledge to gain a strategic advantage for a battle requires 1 hour of planning during the planning stage. Each use of knowledge to discover a personal truename takes one week and costs 1,000 gp (for meditative incense, access to private libraries, and so on). Cut the weekly cost in half if you have unfettered access to a major library, such as one owned by a wizards college, a scribes guild, or the archives in a major temple to a knowledge god. Someone with the Truename Research feat also cuts these costs in half (see the feat description on page 229), or by threequarters if he also has access to a library or other source of truename lore. The research process is interruptible at any time. If you need to go on an adventure, just keep track of how many successful checks you’ve made thus far, then resume your research when your schedule allows.

    Try Again
    No. The check represents what you know, and thinking about a topic a second time doesn’t let you know something that you never learned in the first place.

    If you have 5 or more ranks in Knowledge (arcana), you get a +2 bonus on Spellcraft checks.
    If you have 5 or more ranks in Knowledge (architecture and engineering), you get a +2 bonus on Search checks made to find secret doors or hidden compartments.
    If you have 5 or more ranks in Knowledge (geography), you get a +2 bonus on Survival checks made to keep from getting lost or to avoid natural hazards.
    If you have 5 or more ranks in Knowledge (history), you get a +2 bonus on bardic knowledge checks.
    If you have 5 or more ranks in Knowledge (local), you get a +2 bonus on Gather Information checks.
    If you have 5 or more ranks in Knowledge (nature), you get a +2 bonus on Survival checks made in aboveground natural environments (aquatic, desert, forest, hill, marsh, mountains, or plains).
    If you have 5 or more ranks in Knowledge (nobility and royalty), you get a +2 bonus on Diplomacy checks.
    If you have 5 or more ranks in Knowledge (religion), you get a +2 bonus on turning checks against undead.
    If you have 5 or more ranks in Knowledge (the planes), you get a +2 bonus on Survival checks made while on other planes.
    If you have 5 or more ranks in Knowledge (dungeoneering), you get a +2 bonus on Survival checks made while underground.
    If you have 5 or more ranks in Survival, you get a +2 bonus on Knowledge (nature) checks.
    Expanded Psionics Handbook p. 38 If you have 5 or more ranks in Knowledge (psionics), you get a +2 bonus on Psicraft checks. If you have 5 or more ranks in Autohypnosis, you get a +2 bonus on Knowledge (psionics) checks.
    PGTF p.9: Knowledge Synergy: If you have at least 5 ranks in Knowledge (local) for a particular region, you gain a +2 bonus on all other Knowledge skill checks pertaining to that region. For example, if you have 5 ranks in Knowledge (Cormyr local), you gain a +2 bonus on Knowledge (geography), Knowledge (history), Knowledge (nobility and royalty), and all other Knowledge checks made relating to topics or questions that have to do with Cormyr. This rule supersedes the Regional Focus rule on page 9 of the FORGOTTEN REALMS Campaign Setting.
    Cityscape p.64: Urban Tracking Feat: A character with 5 ranks in Knowledge (local) gains a +2 bonus on the Gather Information check to use this feat.
    ToM p.197: 5 ranks of Truespeak grant a synergy bonus to knowledge checks to discover a personal truename (and the Truename Research feat grants additional benefits).

    An untrained Knowledge check is simply an Intelligence check. Without actual training, you know only common knowledge (DC 10 or lower).

    Special: Holidays
    Explorer’s Handbook p.62:
    Cataclysm mage graduation: At the annual convocations, you can ask up to ten of your fellows for support in research. The other mages use their Knowledge skills and the aid another action to grant you a bonus on your Knowledge check equal to +2 per mage assisting you.
    Races of Stone p.184: Holidays: Learning, scholarship--Summer-- 2 days-- +1 competence bonus on Knowledge checks
    Races of the Wild p.186: Holiday: Exploration, discovery--1 week--Summer-- +1 morale bonus on Knowledge checks

    Special: Item bonding ritual
    DMG2: p.233: item bonding ritual of blood: Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on Knowledge checks related to creatures of the same type as the vanquished foe (see the Knowledge skill description, page 78 of the Player’s Handbook). For example, defeating a wyvern as part of the Ritual of Blood grants you a +2 bonus on Knowledge (arcana) checks regarding dragons.

    Sidebar: Optional Options
    Spoiler: Optional rules
    Underdark p.50: Earth Node Access Variant: If the DM desires, a character with the Node Spellcasting feat may substitute a Knowledge (religion) or a Knowledge (nature) check each time a Spellcraft check is normally called for. This variant allows clerics and druids more access to earth node power.

    Five Nations p.50: Schooling: Regional Education—Breland The Brelish are industrious folk who are a little flighty and easygoing about their faith. Any character with Breland as his or her region of origin gains a +1 bonus on Knowledge (nobility and royalty) and Profession checks, while taking a –1 penalty on Concentration and Knowledge (religion) checks. P. 51: Morgrave: Any character can choose to have received an education at Morgrave University, gaining a +1 bonus on Decipher Script and Knowledge (geography) checks, while taking a –1 penalty on Diplomacy and Knowledge (religion) checks. Further, the character begins play with one lesser underworld contact in Sharn, and has starting gold reduced by 25 (minimum of 0). P.51: Sharn: Any character with Breland as his region of origin may choose to have been raised in the city of Sharn, gaining a +1 bonus on Climb and Knowledge (the planes) checks, while taking a –1 penalty on Handle Animal and Knowledge (geography) checks

    Rules compendium p.144: The Track feat doesn’t cover one of the classic uses of tracking in fiction. That is figuring out what you’re chasing and what the quarry was doing at the spot where you find its tracks. Here’s a house rule for studying tracks for such information. You must have the Track feat to use Survival in this way. Take the DC for finding the tracks, and roll one check to follow them. If your Survival check succeeds, you also receive basic information on what it is you’re tracking, such as size, foot type (boot, hoof, paw), and obvious clues (heavy encumbrance, type of movement, combat). If you exceed the DC by 5, you make out more details, such as creature type, specific kind of creature of the animal type, and subtler clues (whether a creature is fettered or crippled, a long pause or sudden sprint). If you exceed the DC by 10, you can identify any creature known to you and even subtler clues (the pause in movement was for a debate or a rest, the quarry is watching its back trail). You can also identify any specific kind of creature native to the Material Plane as long as you also have the appropriate Knowledge skill to identify that creature. If you exceed the DC by 15 or more, you can reconstruct exact events and identify any specific kind of creature (even an extraplanar creature) that you have the appropriate Knowledge skill to otherwise identify. The DM is the arbiter of what information you can learn in this way.

    Getting other people to use their knowledge for you.
    Cityscape p.10: In game terms, the PCs have to find an NPC sage willing to make a Knowledge check on their behalf. Making such a research effort is a two-step process. First, the PCs must locate someone with the relevant Knowledge skill (often through a Gather Information check, with better results discovering more knowledgeable sages). Then they must pay the price that the sage demands. Make a Knowledge check for the sage as soon as the PCs pose the question they want answered. If the check doesn’t succeed, the sage explains that uncovering the answer will require research (delving into private libraries, consulting with colleagues, and so on) and describes how much time and money such efforts will take. Such research translates into a circumstance bonus: A day spent in research and consultation earns a +2 circumstance bonus, a week increases the bonus to +4, and a month boosts it to +8. Sages charge by the day, so eking out a higher circumstance bonus gets progressively more expensive. To find an appropriate sage, consult the following table. The higher the Gather Information check result, the more sages PCs can locate with appropriate learning in the necessary Knowledge skill.

    Clockwork Wonders Web: The brass book does not know the answer to everything. It answers questions that depend on Knowledge (History), Knowledge (Nature), and Knowledge (Arcana) as if it had a +10 bonus to those skill checks, and the DM must make a skill check for each question to determine the specifics of the book's answer. A questioner with ranks in those Knowledge areas adds a +2 competence bonus to the book's check, as better questions always provide clearer results. The book does not need to make a skill check to give an answer it has already given to a question it has already been asked that day. 43,500 gp

    Special: Items and things to make your knowledge skill shine
    Song and Silence p. 56: Vial of the Last Gasp: A vial of the last gasp allows the user to draw strength and knowledge from the dead creature. Anyone who unstoppers the vial and inhales its vapors gains 1d8 temporary hit points, a +2 enhancement bonus to Strength, and a +4 insight bonus on checks using one Craft, Knowledge, or Profession skill possessed by the deceased. The creator specifies the skill to which the bonus applies upon creating the potion, but it is usually the area of the deceased’s greatest expertise. (This does not allow untrained use of trained-only skills. If the potion enhances a Knowledge or Profession skill that the user does not already have, this benefit is useless.) Furthermore, the fumes increase the user’s effective caster level by +1. All these effects last for 10 minutes Caster Level: 4th; Prerequisites: Brew Potion, death knell; Market Price: 6,200 gp.

    Magic of Eberron p.124: Deathless visage 32,000 gp: The secondary power of the graft allows you to tap into the long memory of the elves. You gain a +2 insight bonus on all Knowledge checks.

    Lost empires of Faerun p.156 Telkiira 100,000 gp: +4 enhancement int bonus, 10 ranks in 4 skills that player can use instead of their own.

    Magic of Faerun p.149: Diviner’s Staff 137375gp: The staff also grants its current owner a +1 competence bonus on all Knowledge skill checks.

    Magic of Faerun p.162: Kiira 7,500 gp: +2 competence bonus on all Knowledge skill checks, though the wearer must spend a full round of contemplation to gain this bonus.

    complete champion p.142: Book of all Knowledge: Price: 3,000 gp. Once per day, you can attempt a single Knowledge check (as if you were trained) with a +10 insight bonus after perusing the book for 2d4 hours. If you’re a worshiper of Boccob (or any deity that offers access to the Knowledge domain), the time required is only 1d4 hours. Cost to Create: 1,500 gp, 120 XP, 3 days. Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, lore of the gods*, worshiper of Boccob.

    EPH p.173: Crystal Mask of Knowledge:Price 2,500 gp; Each of the various crystal masks of knowledge grants the wearer a +5 competence bonus on a specific type of Knowledge check. For instance, one mask might add the bonus on Knowledge (psionics) checks while another might do so for Knowledge (history).

    Lords of Madness p.68
    : Brainmate 10,000gp: A brainmate possesses 10 ranks in two specific Knowledge skills, allowing the wearer to make checks in those specific skills as if he possessed the same number of ranks. The wearer uses his own Intelligence modifier on these checks Besides storing information from the elder brain, a brainmate also records everything its owner imparts to it. If the brainmate is worn or carried by a telepathic user, it records everything the individual sees, hears, or experiences.

    Underdark p.77: Brainmate; Price 10,000 gp: The brainmate contains a subset of an elder brain’s skills and knowledge. A brainmate grants its wearer a +10 circumstance bonus to any two of the following skills: Knowledge (arcana), Knowledge (psionics), Knowledge (local), Knowledge (history), and Knowledge (Underdark local).

    MIC p.114 - Lore Gem Price: 7,500 gp +2 competence bonus on Knowledge checks, though you must spend a full round in contemplation to gain this bonus. This is a continuous effect and requires no activation.

    MIC 183: SCROLLS OF UNCERTAIN PROVENANCE [RELIC] Price: 8,000 gp As long as you possess scrolls of uncertain provenance, you gain a +5 competence bonus on Knowledge checks, provided that you are lawful neutral, lawful evil, lawful good, or neutral.

    MIC p.190: Tome of Worldly Memory; Price: 1,500 gp By studying the book for 1 minute, you gain a +5 competence bonus on a single Knowledge check. The tome functions three times per day. If you have at least 5 ranks in the Knowledge skill in question, you need only peruse the book as a standard action to gain its benefit.

    Lords of Madness: p.214: The Codex Anathema:Price 37,500 gp: If anyone reads this book (a minimum of 48 hours over at least six days), she gains an inherent bonus of +2 to her Intelligence score, but loses 2 points from her Wisdom score. In addition, she gains 5 ranks of Knowledge (dungeoneering), 2 ranks of Knowledge (arcana), and 2 ranks of Knowledge (the planes). Once the book is read, the magic disappears from its pages and it becomes a normal book.

    Far Corners of the World: WEB, Magic Items of the Lost City: Headband of Lore: The
    wearer of a headband of lore gains a +5 competence bonus on all Knowledge checks (including bardic knowledge checks). The wearer must have at least one rank in the Knowledge skill she's using to take advantage of this bonus. 50,000 gp.

    Anauroch empire of shade p.146: Book of the Black: Like the Leaves of One Night, Shar cursed the Book of the Black to be illegible to anyone of her choosing. It cannot by freely translated by any magical means, even wish. A successful DC 45 Decipher Script check (translation magic provides a +1 competence bonus per spell level up to +9 for a wish or miracle) enables the reader to translate a single quatrain of the work. A spell can only be used to assist in the translation of one quatrain at a time. Each time a quatrain is translated, the reader gains disturbing insights into the multiverse. These cannot be copied down or articulated to another. Each time this occurs, the reader gains a +1 insight bonus on attack rolls, damage rolls, skill checks, ability rolls, and saving throws for 24 hours, after which the knowledge fades. The bonus increases to +5 for Knowledge and Gather Information checks and bardic knowledge checks. Also during this time, the reader gains a +5 insight bonus on attack rolls and damage rolls, and +2 to his caster level against shadow adepts and followers of Shar. Such individuals automatically recognize and attack the reader on sight during this time period. The effects from multiple quatrains do not stack, but the effect can be renewed each time another quatrain is translated.

    Ways to get knowledge as a class skill
    Now, Check the races and Critters
    While you're there, peruse the Classes, ACFs, and Prestige Classes
    Then stop and check out the Feats or maybe the spells
    Don't Forget to Choose an organization or Affiliation to make you better at this.
    At your Guild hall you might hear about these libraries or magical locations

    Other Skill Guides
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    Troll in the Playground

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    Aug 2014

    Default Re: The Library of Knowledge: Getting the most out of your studies

    Knowledge (Architecture and Engineering)

    Like the Craft and Profession skills, Knowledge actually encompasses a number of unrelated skills. Knowledge represents a study of some body of lore, possibly an academic or even scientific discipline.

    Architecture and engineering (buildings, aqueducts, bridges, fortifications)

    Check (SRD)
    Generally, answering a question within your field of study has a DC of 10 (for really easy questions), 15 (for basic questions), or 20 to 30 (for really tough questions). In many cases, you can use this skill to identify monsters and their special powers or vulnerabilities. In general, the DC of such a check equals 10 + the monster’s HD. A successful check allows you to remember a bit of useful information about that monster. For every 5 points by which your check result exceeds the DC, you recall another piece of useful information.

    Assaulting a stronghold: Complete Warrior p.122:
    If you have a good vantage point to view an enemy stronghold, a DC 20 Knowledge (architecture and engineering) check reveals a weak aspect of the defense. For every 5 points by which your check results exceeds the DC, the DM can give you another strategy tip for assaulting the fortress. If you have an accurate map of the stronghold, you gain a +5 circumstance bonus on the check.

    Large Vessel Design Stormwrack p.85:
    This skill encompasses the science of naval architecture, ship design, and construction techniques for large vessels. To some extent it overlaps Craft (boatbuilding), but boatbuilding is the skill used to build small craft—vessels of size Huge or smaller. Building ships of Gargantuan or Colossal size requires a shipwright, not a boatbuilder, and Knowledge (architecture and engineering) is the signature skill of a shipwright. Large vessels exceed any normal application of the Craft skill, since they represent the collaboration of dozens or even hundreds of specialists, none of whom possess all the skills necessary to build a ship alone (unlike the boatbuilder, who must know at least a little bit about many related skills such as ropemaking, sailmaking, carpentry, and even ironwork). Instead of having each specialist make separate Craft checks to fabricate individual components of a ship, the chief shipwright simply makes Knowledge (architecture and engineering) skill checks to successfully design and oversee the building of a large vessel. The DC of your shipbuilding check varies with the ship you’re trying to build and the craftsmen and materials you have on hand. The materials required to build a ship are equal to half the ship’s indicated price. In addition, you must pay the shipyard workers an amount equal to one-quarter of the ship’s indicated price.

    Ship DC Yard Size Buildtime Maximum rush DC/Build
    Longship 10 Small 2 months DC 15 : 40 days
    Knorr 10 Small 3 months DC 15 : 2 months
    Cog 12 Small 3 months DC 17 : 2 months
    Junk 12 Small 3 months DC 17 : 2 months
    Caravel 15 Small 3 months DC 20 : 2 months
    Dhow 15 Small 3 months DC 20 : 2 months
    Galley 15 Medium 4 months DC 25 : 80 days
    Trireme 18 Medium 8 months DC 33 : 160 days
    Dromond 20 Medium 6 months DC 40 : 4 months
    Elven wingship 22 Medium 8 months DC 37 : 160 days
    Greatship 22 Large 15 months DC 47 : 10 months
    Ironclad 25 Large 18 months DC 55 : 12 months
    Theurgeme 25 Medium 8 months DC 40 : 160 days

    Check modifiers
    Poor work force –2
    Terrible work force –5
    Poor materials –5
    Rush job –5
    per month Minor magical assistance +5
    Major magical assistance +10

    DC: The DC of the Knowledge (architecture and engineering) check to oversee the successful construction of the ship in the normal build time. You can take 10 on this check. You need not be present every day, but you must spend at least one full work day out of every four to oversee the shipbuilding process.
    Yard Size: The size of the shipyard necessary to build the ship. You are assumed to have a sufficient labor force of skilled craftsmen dedicated to working on the ship. If the workforce is shorthanded or lacking in skill, take a –2 on your check. If the workforce is extremely shorthanded or completely unskilled, take a –5 penalty on your check. If you have to build your ship from substandard materials, take a –5 penalty on your check.
    Build Time: The amount of time it takes to complete your ship. If you choose to take 20 with your skill check, double the build time. If you’re trying to complete the vessel as a rush job, take a –5 penalty on your shipbuilding check per month you attempt to cut off the normal build time (no vessel can be reduced to less than one-third the normal time).
    Magical Assistance: Use of the proper spells or monsters with especially useful characteristics (for example, a giant) adds a significant bonus on your shipbuilding check. The spellcaster or monster helping you must be on hand at least half the time to give you the bonus. In general, spellcasters must have access to spells of 4th level or better (or a monster must be CR 7 or higher) to count as major magical assistance.
    Check: Make a Knowledge (architecture and engineering) check at the end of the specified build time (or sooner, if you’re rushing). On a successful check, the ship is ready in the appropriate time. If you miss your check by 5 or less, you fail to complete the vessel on the anticipated schedule. Add one month to the construction time, and check again at the end of the month; if you fail by 5 or less again, you have hit another delay. If you miss your check by 10 or more, the ship is poorly built, and its inherent modifier to Profession (sailor) checks is 5 points worse than the norm for a ship of that type. Fixing a poorly made ship requires rebuilding it, but the build time is reduced by half. If you fail your shipbuilding check to rebuild a poorly made ship, you can’t fix it; it will always be poorly made.

    In this vein, Below is the master list of vehicles I put together a little while ago. It has vehicles of all sizes, but any that are larger than huge are likely candidates for this particular use of the knowledge(architecture and engineering)

    Spoiler: Vehicles

    Name Source Page
    Carriage PHB 132
    Cart PHB 132
    Galley PHB 132
    Keelboat PHB 132
    Longship PHB 132
    Rowboat PHB 132
    Sailing Ship PHB 132
    Sled PHB 132
    Wagon PHB 132
    Warship PHB 132
    Two Person Chariot S&F 78
    Halfling War Wagon S&F 79
    Astral Skiff PlHB 72
    Ethereal Tunneler PlHB 73
    Gate Zeppelin: PlHB 73
    Living Astral Ship: PlHB 73
    Planar Sailer PlHB 73
    Cargo Kite: RotW 169
    Keelboat A&EG 52
    Launch A&EG 52
    Catamaran A&EG 52
    Sailing Ship A&EG 53
    Longship A&EG 53
    Yacht A&EG 53
    lronclad A&EG 53
    Gnome Submersible A&EG 54
    Barge A&EG 54
    Galley A&EG 54
    warship A&EG 54
    Hang Glider A&EG 54
    Ornithopter A&EG 54
    Zeppelin A&EG 55
    Dirigible A&EG 55
    Carriage A&EG 55
    Cart A&EG 55
    Chariot, Single: A&EG 56
    Chariot, Double: A&EG 56
    Mobile Redoubt: A&EG 56
    Siege Tower, Large A&EG 56
    Siege Tower, Small: A&EG 56
    Sled A&EG 57
    Stagecoach A&EG 57
    Wagon: A&EG 57
    Worg Warsled: A&EG 57
    Halfling War Wagon A&EG 57
    Siege Tower War Wagon A&EG 58
    Dwarven Tunneler A&EG 58
    Forest Crawler: A&EG 58
    Kanto’s Lament: A&EG 59
    Nautilus A&EG
    Shadow Carriage: A&EG 59
    Sled: FB 81
    Worg Warsled: FB 81
    Ice Sled-Wagon: FB 82
    Sailing Ice Ship: FB 82
    Sailing Ice Warship: FB 82
    Iceberg: FB 82
    Skyberg: FB 82
    Coldfire Ship: FB 82
    Cloudskate: SSt 104
    Frame Wheel: SSt 104
    Sand Skiff: SSt 104
    Sand Schooner: SSt 104
    Sand Galley: SSt 104
    Sledge: SSt 104
    Drogue Wing: RoF 159
    Barge StW 98
    Caravel (Sailing Ship) StW 98
    Cog StW 98
    Coracle StW 99
    Dhow StW 99
    Dromond StW 99
    Dugout StW 100
    Elf Wingship StW 100
    Galley StW 100
    Greatship StW 100
    Ironclad StW 100
    Junk StW 100
    Keelboat StW 101
    Launch StW 101
    Longship StW 101
    Pinnace StW 101
    Raft StW 102
    Rowboat StW 102
    Theurgeme StW 102
    Trireme StW 102
    War Canoe StW 103
    Cable Spool, Cable & Harness System SS 46
    WitchBoat/Warboat Unapproachable East 57
    Soarwood ECS 124
    AirShip Explorer's Handbook 30
    Elemental Land Cart Explorer's Handbook 33
    Lightning Rail Explorer's Handbook 33
    StormShip Explorer's Handbook 38
    Undersea Ship Explorer's Handbook 40
    Wind Galleon Explorer's Handbook 40
    Lhazar Sea Galleon Explorer's Handbook 42
    Lyrandar Sailing ship Explorer's Handbook 42
    Orien Coach Explorer's Handbook 42
    Firesled Secrets of Xendric 146
    Halruan Skyship Shining South
    Felucca unapproachable east 132

    Structures that grant spells like a spellbook: Complete Arcane p.186

    Spoiler: Structure Spells
    Structures More impressive than even the most extravagant grimoire, permanent structures (circles of standing stones, pyramids, labyrinths, towers, and the like) can be used to record the workings of arcane spells. At the simplest level, walls can be graven or painted with spell scripts (essentially serving as an oversized spellbook of plaster and stone), while in other cases, a structure’s very form and arrangement can serve to record arcane information. A ring of standing stones each carved with a single glyph, for instance, could provide an arcanist with the information necessary to determine how the spell is to be cast from their physical orientation. Aside from the advantage of its permanence and strength, a structure can record spells that can then be prepared or learned by any number of spellcasters for as long the structure stands. At the same time, that openness means that anyone who visits the site (friend or foe) might be able to comprehend and ultimately use the spell scribed there.
    Structure Spells: Designing an entire building or edifice to preserve arcane knowledge is a challenging proposition, and a structure so designed must generally have an area of at least two 10-foot cubes per spell level to be recorded—passages cut to precise measurements, mosaic paths picked out on a flagstone floor, freestanding monoliths, walls, arches, buttresses, or almost any other type of feature whose design and orientation might convey information. Special materials must be used in the structure’s preparation, costing at least 1,000 gp per 10-foot cube of area over and above the cost of construction. For those who wish it, a comprehensive breakdown of designing and building in a D&D campaign can be found in Stronghold Builder’s Guidebook.
    The structure must be designed by a wizard who knows the spell to be recorded. The wizard must make a successful Knowledge (architecture and engineering) check (DC 20 + the level of the spell to be recorded), then personally oversee construction for at least 4 hours per day. Construction is halted temporarily if the wizard can’t oversee the job for any reason, and though there’s no limit to how long it might take to complete construction, hired workers generally need to be paid their full daily wage while awaiting the wizard’s return.

    Usually none. In most cases, making a Knowledge check doesn’t take an action—you simply know the answer or you don’t. Using Knowledge to gain a strategic advantage for a battle requires 1 hour of planning during the planning stage.(Heroes of Battle p.71)

    Try Again
    No. The check represents what you know, and thinking about a topic a second time doesn’t let you know something that you never learned in the first place.

    If you have 5 or more ranks in Knowledge (architecture and engineering), you get a +2 bonus on Search checks made to find secret doors or hidden compartments.

    An untrained Knowledge check is simply an Intelligence check. Without actual training, you know only common knowledge (DC 10 or lower).

    ToM p.35: A Binder that binds the 8th level vestige Halphax can use Halphax’s Knowledge to Knowledge (architecture and engineering) skills untrained with a +16 competence bonus.
    Planar handbook p.170: A character with the planar touchstone feat keyed to the Metacube gains a +2 bonus on Knowledge (architecture and engineering) checks as a base benefit.

    Occupational Safety Hazard Assessment

    Action DC Source
    Identify collapsing stairs caused by natural causes by inspecting them 10 Dungeonscape p.152
    Determine that a cave was shaped by magic rather than tools (e.g. mainly with disintegrate and stone shape) 10 Expedition to undermountain p.150
    Identify that a catyrid column serves no structural purpose because its not supporting any weight 12
    Repair an effigy creature or eidolon (must have 10 ranks in architecture and engineering and an appropriate workshop). 50gp and 1 hour per HP restored. 15 Complete arcane p.151, Lords of Madness: p.146
    Create an Effigy Creature: The effigy creature’s body must be built from wood, leather, metal, and wire, and requires the craft construct feat. The cost is determined by size: Tiny 500 gp; Small 1,000 gp; Medium 2,000 gp; Large 5,000 gp; Huge 10,000 gp; Gargantuan 25,000 gp; Colossal 50,000 gp. The market price of an effigy creature is equal to the cost of its body plus 2,000 gp per Hit Die. The cost to create is equal to the cost of the body plus 1,000 gp and 80 XP per Hit Die and creating an effigy creature requires a minimum caster level equal to the creature’s Hit Dice. 15 Complete arcane p.151
    Confirm that the fortress exhibits traits of yuan-ti construction. 15 Fortress of the yuan ti p.9
    Reduce the search time during a rescue in a burning building by 1 round by recognizing common building layouts and likely congregation areas (Minimum search time is 5 rounds, DC 15 search check, -4 penalty for smoke, each 5 beyond 15 reduces search time by another round) 20 DMG2 p.49
    Recognize a hollow pedestal. Some pillars are hollow, hiding places for guards that emerge to attack intruders through cleverly hidden doors. Since such doors can be complex, entering or exiting a hollow pillar is a standard action. 20 Dungeonscape p.151
    Spot a Weakened Ceiling 20 DMG p.66
    Strategic Advantage: A PC who supplies his side with knowledge relevant to the upcoming battle (by succeeding on a DC 20 Knowledge check) gains a strategic advantage: e.g. The battle involves attacking, defending, or laying siege to a fortification or other large structure. 20 Heroes of Battle p.71 & 91
    Create an elder eidolon:The eidolon’s body must be built from stone, and requires the craft construct feat. The cost is determined by size: Tiny 500 gp; Small 1,000 gp; Medium 2,000 gp; Large 5,000 gp; Huge 10,000 gp; Gargantuan 25,000 gp; Colossal 50,000 gp. The market price is 6,000 gp per Hit Die of the eidolon, plus the cost of its body. The cost to create is 3,000 gp and 240 XP per Hit Die, plus the cost of the body. The minimum caster level to create an eidolon is equal to its Hit Dice. 25 Lords of Madness: p.146
    Determine the frequency of sound to open a Flesh Door or membrane stye door created to respond to a particular kind of sound 25 Dungeonscape p.146
    Determine architectural characteristics from a painting of a structure: Anyone who looks at this painting and makes a successful Knowledge (architecture and engineering) check notes that the way the castle’s foundation is built in the northeast quadrant seems to be strangely overbuilt, as if the builders were forced to compensate for some deficiency in the ground there. 25 Thunder Below p. 45

    Knowledge Arcana

    Like the Craft and Profession skills, Knowledge actually encompasses a number of unrelated skills. Knowledge represents a study of some body of lore, possibly an academic or even scientific discipline.

    Arcana: (ancient mysteries, magic traditions, arcane symbols, cryptic phrases, constructs, dragons, magical beasts, and incarnum and soulmelds (Magic of Incarnum p.33) and astrology (Oriental Adventures p.58))

    Answering a question within your field of study has a DC of 10 (for really easy questions), 15 (for basic questions), or 20 to 30 (for really tough questions).
    In many cases, you can use this skill to identify monsters and their special powers or vulnerabilities. In general, the DC of such a check equals 10 + the monster’s HD. A successful check allows you to remember a bit of useful information about that monster. For every 5 points by which your check result exceeds the DC, you recall another piece of useful information.

    Action DC Source
    Telling the difference between a golem and an animated object. 10 Tome and Blood p.30
    Recognizing a fiendish or celestial creature. 15 Tome and Blood p.30
    Identify an Illumian’s power Sigil 15 Races of Destiny p.54
    Gleaning the information to become Avatar of the Horde from the obscure and ancient text 15 DMG2 p.114
    The eye of the sun is an ancient device (Price 114,000 gp; Weight 1,200 lb.) built by the lizardfolk shaman Ssh’rik untold eons ago. The eye of the sun is a series of brass tripods, lenses, and crystal orbs that move with the sun, capturing its energy. It continually produces an effect identical to that of the daylight spell, except that it extends to a 600-foot radius. A user who makes a successful Knowledge (arcana) check (DC 15) can gaze through a lens and clearly see objects up to 15 miles away. In addition, such a user can command the eye of the sun to release a ray of sunlight as intense as that of a sunbeam spell, though it does not affect creatures. The ray lasts for 13 rounds and can be targeted on any single Large or larger object within 15 miles that the user specifies, so long as it is visible through the viewing lens at the time. Any unattended object targeted by the beam bursts into flame after 3 rounds of uninterrupted exposure; an attended object (such as an inhabited house) is entitled to a Reflex save at the same bonus as its attendant. In the case of multiple attendants (such as two or more inhabitants of a house), use the highest Reflex save bonus. 15 THE EYE OF THE SUN
    Identify a shadowcaster after witnessing them cast a mystery or identify an object or creature tainted by the plane of shadow 15 ToM p.139
    Examine the grain pattern in a Eldritch Whorlwood wand or staff and determine how many charges the item has left. 15 Explorer’s Handbook p.151
    A PC who supplies his side with knowledge relevant to the upcoming battle (by succeeding on a DC 20 Knowledge check) gains a strategic advantage: e.g. The opposing force is led by a powerful spellcaster or otherwise heavily reliant on magic. 20 Heroes of Battle p.71 & 91
    Recognize a spellcaster’s personal rune 20 Magic of Faerun p.21
    The character performs the ritual of the violated horn properly, and no second tries are possible with that particular horn if the first check fails. Once a violated horn is powered, its possessor can break the horn at any time thereafter and be immediately transported to the site of the ritual as if a word of recall spell had been cast. 20 BOVD p.41
    Recognize an attuned gem 25 Magic of Faerun p.21
    Recognize a material’s affinity or resistance 25 Magic of Faerun p.21
    Recognize an inscribed rune as magical 25 Magic of Faerun p.21
    A clue for the command word for a magic item 25 DMG p.213
    Identify an item as a phylactery, though illusions or other trickery can potentially prevent such identification. 25 Libris Mortis p.151
    Determine whether a caster knows about the hazards of casting a spell in the faerzress 25 Underdark p.48:
    Determine that scorch marks are caused by magical or supernatural fire. 25 Thunder below p. 5
    Identify Landscape Dragonmarks: A mark could be carved into a cavern wall, a coral pattern shaped as a mark could form on the ocean floor, or the path of a twisting river could form a mark. These marks appear only at certain times and become visible only under the light of a certain conjunction of moons; a mark might even appear in a lava flow that lasts for only a few hours. These landmarks are complex patterns that resemble the dragonmarks found on living creatures. Interpreting the general meaning of such a mark requires knowledge of Draconic Language 30 Dragonshards WEB
    Activate a runestone by manipulating the crystal controls. Activating the runestone is a standard action that provokes attacks of opportunity. 30 Expedition to undermountain p.192
    Remembering the password to a Famous magically locked door. 30 Tome and Blood p.30
    Determine hints for a magic item’s function 30 MIC p.217
    Identifying a fiend-blooded person from suspiciously fiendish behavior 30 Heroes of Horror p.106
    Identify the command word for a magic item 30 DMG p.213
    Figure out how to open the Wellspring of Incarnum to introduce incarnum into the world 30 MoI p.200
    Activate a runestone by manipulating the crystal controls and make a successful DC 30 Knowledge (arcana) check. Activating the runestone is a standard action that provokes attacks of opportunity. 30 Expedition to undermountain p.192
    Identify a scale as a chimera’s scale 30 Thunder below p.7
    Determine that a dragon is responsible for producing a batch of rubble 30 Thunder below p.7
    Decipher the insane ramblings of the Zoretha Scrolls, each five hours of which prompt another check at the same DC, to reveal the background and goals of the Zoretha based elder evil. 40 The Elder Evils p.49
    When properly controlled by pressing the series of black dots on the surface of the Husk of Infinite Worlds' in the correct order and cadence, the evolution of probabilities can be partially guided and the results filtered. When improperly activated (either by the unexpected appearance of a seed creature or a failed check), the husk spins rapidly out of control. 45 Magic of Eberron p.124
    Forgotten Orrery Magical Location: Zenobaal’s one-time obsession, now sheathed in five ongoing prismatic spheres and sealed with potent wards preventing any scrying or transportation magic. Breaching the orrery’s seal requires epic-level magic and a DC 80 Knowledge (arcana) check. The secrets within could be nothing more than the mad meanderings of a delusional mind, or they might hold the key to the end of existence. 80 Dragons of Eberron p.74

    Magic Items
    MIC: p.217: When PCs find magic items as treasure, they need to determine what the items do. Knowledge (arcana): A character can attempt a DC 30 Knowledge (arcana) check to determine if she remembers reading of an item at one point during her studies. A successful result might give a hint to the item’s function or reveal every detail about it. This method is most appropriate for legendary items or items that have a traditional shape associated with their function.
    DMG p.213: Command Words for Magic Items: The Knowledge (arcana) and Knowledge (history) skills might be useful in helping to identify command words or deciphering clues regarding them. A successful check against DC 30 is needed to come up with the word itself. If that check is failed, succeeding on a second check (DC 25) might provide some insight into a clue.

    Usually none. In most cases, making a Knowledge check doesn’t take an action—you simply know the answer or you don’t. Using Knowledge to gain a strategic advantage for a battle requires 1 hour of planning during the planning stage.(Heroes of Battle p.71)

    Try Again
    No. The check represents what you know, and thinking about a topic a second time doesn’t let you know something that you never learned in the first place.

    If you have 5 or more ranks in Knowledge (arcana), you get a +2 bonus on Spellcraft checks.
    Dragon Magic p. 87: If they have 5 ranks or more of knowledge arcana: +2 synergy bonus to concentration checks for sorcerers to enter dragon pacts.

    Spoiler: Ranks of Arcana

    Ranks Bonus Source
    5 +1 bonus on heal checks to tend a dragon egg removed from its nest Draconomicon p.11
    5 +2 bonus on diplomacy or intimidate checks to rear a newly hatched wyrmiling Draconomicon p.13
    5 Gain synergy bonus to concentration checks for sorcerers entering dragonpacts Dragon Magic p. 87
    5 ARTIFICER’S MONOCLE Price: 1,500 gp (5th) Putting on a monocle is a standard action. While wearing an artificer’s monocle, whenever you successfully use your artificer knowledge class feature (ECS 31) to detect an item’s magical aura or you cast detect magic and have at least 5 ranks of Knowledge (arcana), you can spend 1 additional minute studying the item. If you do, you can identify the abilities of that item as if you had cast identify upon it. MIC p. 72
    10 Perform the right of Spellscale Assumption; The rite must be performed by a spellscale who can cast the polymorph spell Races of the Dragon p.31
    10 Perform the rite of Draconic Affinity, must be performed by a half-dragons or other character with a defined draconic heritage (such as those who select the Draconic Heritage feat) Races of the Dragon p.59
    multiples of 5 To properly understand and control the Astrolabe of Nimbral, the user must make a DC 30 Intelligence check. A character gains a +2 bonus on this check for every 5 ranks in Spellcraft and Knowledge (arcana) he has. Failure by 4 or less indicates the destination is off by 5d10×10 miles; failure by 5 or more means the destination is randomly determined. Shining South p.58


    Magic of Faerun p.186: A Magister can mentally draw upon a link to an archive of knowledge maintained by the deities of magic, the Magister gets a +10 circumstance bonus on all Knowledge (arcana) and Spellcraft checks.

    Special: Zilargo Darts

    Explorer’s handbook p.91: Zilargo Darts: In this game, two players alternate throwing darts from a 10-foot distance at miniature, illusory monsters leaping and squealing across a magewrightcrafted landscape board. Because the growling and fire-breathing monster figments behave realistically, a knowledgeable player can anticipate the monsters’ moves. A player can add his ranged attack bonus, his Knowledge (nature) modifier, or his Knowledge (arcana) modifier to his d20 roll when determining which monster he skewers. Play is over after three darts each have been tossed; the high score wins. Ties are broken by a single extra throw.

    Result Monster Point Value
    1–10 Worg 1 point
    11–15 Bulette 2 points
    16–19 Gorgon (opponent suffers –10 penalty on next throw) 2 points
    20 Warforged (thrower’s next dart scores double) 2 points
    21–25 Fire giant 3 points
    26+ Green dragon 5 points
    Called Shots: A player can declare a called shot before a throw. If he rolls 10 higher than the minimum for his target, his called shot is a success. For example, a called shot to a gorgon succeeds on a roll of 27 or higher. If a called shot misses, the throw scores zero points.

    Items that grant Bonuses to Knowledge (Arcana)
    Spoiler: items
    Champions of Valor p.67: A Harper token provides a +2 competence bonus on a single skill, such as Climb, Diplomacy, Hide, Knowledge (arcana), or Perform (sing). The particular skill of each Harper token is usually chosen based on the needs of the person wearing it.

    Lost empires of Faerun p.158: crownblade
    : +10 knowledge arcana +5 to all other knowledge checks

    MIC. TOME OF ANCIENT LORE [RELIC] Price (Item Level): 5,500 gp (10th) Activation: 1 hour. This ancient, leather-bound book is a boon to arcane spellcasters of all sorts, containing every conceivable spell. Perusing it for 1 hour gives you a +5 competence bonus on Knowledge (arcana) and Spellcraft checks made that day, provided that you are neutral, neutral good, neutral evil, lawful neutral, or chaotic neutral. The hour spent studying the tome is in addition to any time you spend preparing spells.

    Draconimicon p.122: Draco Mystere: Reading Draco Mystere takes thirty consecutive 8-hour days of study. If the reader misses even a single day during this time, he must start again from the beginning. Completion of the study gives the reader a +5 inherent bonus on Knowledge (arcana) checks regarding dragons. The reader also gains low-light vision (if the character already has lowlight vision, the effect is increased by one multiple, such as from double to triple) and immunity to magic sleep and paralysis effects.

    Libris Mortis p.79: Nycoptic Manuscripts: Price 2,500 gp; These twin papyrus scrolls are inscribed with ancient tales and cryptic prophecies by an anonymous, almost-certainly insane author. Despite their dubious accuracy, the manuscripts contain many useful descriptions of spells from the school of necromancy, and grant the possessor a +5 competence bonus on any Knowledge (arcana) check she makes that deals with necromantic topics as the long as the scrolls are in her possession and the character can take 1d4 rounds to find the proper reference.

    Far Corners of the World, Rainforest: WEB
    : Cloak of the Coutl: When worn by a good creature, the cloak grants a +4 enhancement bonus to the wearer's Wisdom and Charisma. The wearer gains a +4 competence bonus on all Knowledge (arcana), Knowledge (history), and Knowledge (nature) checks and may make these as untrained skill checks.

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    Troll in the Playground

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    Aug 2014

    Default Re: The Library of Knowledge: Getting the most out of your studies

    Knowledge (History)

    Like the Craft and Profession skills, Knowledge actually encompasses a number of unrelated skills. Knowledge represents a study of some body of lore, possibly an academic or even scientific discipline.

    History (royalty, wars, colonies, migrations, founding of cities)

    Answering a question within your field of study has a DC of 10 (for really easy questions), 15 (for basic questions), or 20 to 30 (for really tough questions). In many cases, you can use this skill to identify monsters and their special powers or vulnerabilities. In general, the DC of such a check equals 10 + the monster’s HD. A successful check allows you to remember a bit of useful information about that monster. For every 5 points by which your check result exceeds the DC, you recall another piece of useful information.

    Complete Warrior p.122
    History: With a successful DC 15 Knowledge (history) check, you know the basics of how a particular army organizes itself. For example, a successful check reveals that bugbears include a shaman in every 20-soldier platoon, or that elf generals often ride with the cavalry. If you’re standing on or near a historic battlefield, you can recall the details of the battle fought there with a DC 20 Knowledge (history) check. You know, for example, that the dwarves of the Brass Hills defeated the orc hordes by starting an avalanche on the hills to your left, and that most of the surviving orcs retreated into the lava tubes somewhere ahead.

    Determine things about Magic/Psionic/Legacy Items
    DMG p.213 & EPH p.158: Command Words and Thoughts for Magic Items: The Knowledge (arcana) and Knowledge (history) skills might be useful in helping to identify command words or deciphering clues regarding them. A successful check against DC 30 is needed to come up with the word itself. If that check is failed, succeeding on a second check (DC 25) might provide some insight into a clue. Sometimes the command thought to activate an item is mentally imprinted within it and is whispered into the mind of a creature who picks it up. Other items are silent, but a Knowledge (psionics) or Knowledge (history) check might be useful in helping to identify command thoughts. A successful DC 30 check is needed to come up with the command thought in this case. Like every Legacy item requires history checks as well, typically spanning from DC 10 to DC 35.

    Action DC Source
    Very Basic information, Common Knowledge: (e.g: The Crown wars were wars amongst the Elves; Mulholrand and Unther date back almost 3000 years; Netheril was located in the area that is now the anauroch Desert; Myth Drannor was a legendary city where all races lived together in harmony) 5 LEOF p53, p63, p.100, p.129
    Basic Information, Common Knowledge: (e.g.The Dark Elves were transformed into drow during the crown wars as punishment for their depravity; Narfell and Raumathar were great empires that coexisted with Mulorand and Unther but fell long ago; The creation of Anauroch caused Netheril’s decline and Karsus’s hubris caused the rest of the kingdom to fall; The Coronals of Cormanthyr were rulers chosen by the Crownblade.) 10 LEOF p53, p63, p.100, p.129
    Identify Warforged Military insignia, Which marked warforged post fabrication with symbols indicating the military specialty and national allegiance, so soldiers could identify their allies on the battlefield. 10 Dragonshards, WEB
    Uncommon but Basic Information/knowledge: (e.g. The names of the major elven nations involved in the crown war; The Mulan of Mulhorand and Unther are descended from slaves from a fallen empire that the player also knows some stuff about; The famed Netherese arch wizard, Bob, created the first flying city. Larloch is a Netherese Lich; The Twisted Tower was built by the drow, then taken by the combined forces of Cormanthyr and Rystall Wood and turned into a temple to Eilistraee, then retakent by the drow, then seized by some other dude, then retaken by the drow) 15 LEOF p53, p63, p.100, p.129
    Actively Seek out Patronage to a noble or mercantile House. To determine which house is most likely to offer patronage to someone with her skills, the character must succeed on a DC 15 Knowledge (history) check. 15 Cityscape p.76
    Determine approximate value of a religious/historical item to most likely interested church: e.g. Know gnome clans or churches are willing to pay 1,000 gp or more just for its nonspellbook value, or up to 2,000 gp in magical or crafting services (such as spellcasting, providing masterwork armor or weapons, and so on), plus the value of the spells if they can use them. 15 Magic Books of Faerun, Web
    A PC who supplies his side with knowledge relevant to the upcoming battle (by succeeding on a DC 20 Knowledge check) gains a strategic advantage: e.g. History: The battlefield has been the site of previous battles of note. 20 Heroes of Battle p.71 & 91
    Uncommon, Obscure Knowledge (e.g. important coronals during the Crown Wars included four obscure names that the player knows and I don’t want to bother typing out; Karsus’s avatar failed because Karsus wasn’t prepared to repair and control the weave once he siezed it from Mystryl; The character can identify the tomb of a mid level noble of Myth Drannor) 20 LEOF p53, p63, p.100, p.129
    Remember Ancient Customs that lich rulers still abide: e.g: Trespassing in Cairnheim, or in any place that the Stone Giant Lich King, Dodkong claims, is punishable by death. However, the Dodkong clings to an ancient, little-known giant custom that requires him to give aid for three days to anyone who requests it. He does not advertise his adherence to this custom because he doesn’t actually want to offer hospitality, but a character can recall this piece of information. Those who invoke the ancient custom receive beds, food, water, wine, and minor healing at no cost, instead of instant death. At the end of the third day, wise visitors are at least a stone’s throw away from the Dodkong’s claimed realm. 25 Underdark p.132
    Rare Information (e.g. The Dark Disaster was caused by the machinations of the Arvy high mages;Morasha is a mad necromancer who lives on the lonely Moor; The character knows the location of spceific Nar, Raumathari or Imaskari cities and citadels; The three Nycaloths known as the Trio Nefarious were freed by the summoning of a gnoll shaman after their prison was weakened by the flight of the red dragon) 25 LEOF p53, p63, p.100, p.129
    Extremely Obscure Information: (e.g.: The fallen solar Malkizid was the secret patron of the blippidy lords; In an abandoned illithid city lies the Oracle of Ellyntaal, where knowledge of ancient Netheril can be gained for a terrible price; The character knows the burial places and approximate funeral wealth of one or more major Mulhorandi Pharoahs; Windsong Tower’s Golden Grove of Hidden Knowledge is actually the stolen, transmuted nether scrolls) 30 LEOF p53, p63, p.100, p.129
    Determine that the style of a discovered item belonged to a now extinct race: e.g. the style of fetish is identical to those used over 600 years ago by the now (supposedly) extinct Ironmaw tribe. 30 Thunder below p.7
    The Zoretha Scrolls - The scrolls are written in an archaic dialect of Dwarven that can be read only by a speaker of Dwarven who makes a successful DC 35 Knowledge (history) check. 35 The Elder Evils p.49
    Learning the details of the Killing Frost requires a DC 40 Knowledge (history) check. Some lore is so precise, though, that it causes the image of Ghulurak to fester in the reader’s mind, and drives her to madness. Any creature that rolls a 50 or higher on an attempt to learn of the Killing Frost is exposed to a description so precise that she must succeed on a DC 25 Will save or fall under the effect of a geas spell that directs the reader to create the statue and complete the ritual that brings the Killing Frost into existence. 40 DMG2. p.115

    Usually none. In most cases, making a Knowledge check doesn’t take an action—you simply know the answer or you don’t.

    Try Again
    No. The check represents what you know, and thinking about a topic a second time doesn’t let you know something that you never learned in the first place.

    If you have 5 or more ranks in Knowledge (history), you get a +2 bonus on bardic knowledge checks and most other similar prestige abilities like lore or Celestial Mystic’s "Blessing of the Pearly Heaven".

    An untrained Knowledge check is simply an Intelligence check. Without actual training, you know only common knowledge (DC 10 or lower).

    A dragon descendant has a +2 circumstance bonus on Social interactions & conversations with people that have 4 ranks in knowledge (history) (Dragon Magic p.37)
    Dragon Magic p.85: A dragonblooded character binding the Elder Spirit soulmeld gains a +4 insight bonus on Knowledge (arcana), Knowledge (history), and Use Magic Device checks, and they can make these checks untrained. Every point of essentia you have invested in your elder spirit increases the insight bonus by 2.
    Magic of Incarnum p.87: Soulspark familiars have 7-9 ranks of knowledge: history (Magic of Incarnum p.197) and can be summoned by binding the soulspark familiar soulmeld.
    Secrets of Xendric p.41: Anyone sleeping in the Old Growth Clearing Magical Location for 4 hours or more gains a +1 insight bonus on all Knowledge (history) and bardic knowledge checks for the next 24 hours. Dream and nightmare spells are cast at +1 caster level in this clearing. Elves, kalashtar, warforged, and other creatures that do not sleep or dream are immune to these effects.
    Dragonshards: What do you know
    Spoiler: Guidelines and Era specialization

    With Knowledge (geography) serving your geographical needs, it should come as no surprise that Knowledge (history) is the source for information about the past.
    Knowledge DC Information about...
    5 The last five years
    10 The Current Age
    15 The Age of Monsters
    20 The Age of Giants
    25 The Age of Demons
    30 The Age of Dragons
    At the DM's discretion, a character could pick a specific era (other than the Current Age) as a specialty. The DC for checks relating to the chosen era should begin at 5, but checks concerning other eras should be bumped up by 5. For example, a scholar who specializes in the Age of Monsters needs only a DC 5 check to remember a major event, but it's a DC 10 check for him to recall a major event of the last 5 years. Needless to say, there is very little information available about the Age of Dragons or the Age of Demons; even a specialized scholar won't be able to come up with much of value.
    Knowledge (history) also is useful for recognizing relics of a particular era. If the DM allows a character to specialize in an era and the character has at least 5 ranks in Knowledge (history), he can choose to forego the usual bonus to Bardic Knowledge and instead gain a +2 synergy bonus to Appraise, Forgery, and Decipher Languages checks specifically related to the specialty age.

    Special: History Items
    Lost empires of faerun p.159: First imaskarcana: Artifact: Crown with +20 knowledge history checks about imaskari plus other traits.
    Lost empires of faerun p.159: Fifth imaskarcana: Arcana: Scepter with +20 to knowledge history checks pertaining to imaskari military history plus some other inconsequential abilities unrelated to history.

    Secrets of Xendric p.139: Rubbing Kit: A rubbing kit allows the explorers to bring a copy of the runes and ancient carvings with them for an expert to translate later. This kit consists of a roll of thin paper 20 feet long and 1 foot wide, as well as numerous sticks of fine charcoal. Creating an accurate copy requires 1 minute per foot of the image captured. This process can be reduced to a full-round action, but doing so increases the DC of any checks related to the rubbing (Decipher Script, Knowledge [history], and so on) by 5.

    Far Corners of the World, Rainforest, WEB: Cloak of the Couatl: When worn by a good creature, the cloak grants a +4 enhancement bonus to the wearer's Wisdom and Charisma. The wearer gains a +4 competence bonus on all Knowledge (arcana), Knowledge (history), and Knowledge (nature) checks and may make these as untrained skill checks. 120,000GP

    Explorer’s Handbook p.88: Conquerer
    Spoiler: Rules for a Popular game
    Board games such as Conqueror are popular across Khorvaire; only gambling games (cards and dice) are more broadly familiar to citizens of every nation. Conqueror is one of the oldest boardgames, dating back 3,000 years to the time of Karrn the Conqueror, who reputedly used it to test his subordinates’ strategic thinking. To play the game, the PC will need to make an opposed Knowledge (history) check against the Captain. Characters with 5 ranks in Bluff or 5 ranks in Sense Motive get a +2 bonus on Knowledge (history) checks for this purpose. Characters with 5 ranks in both skills get a +4 bonus. If characters want to play Conqueror but don’t have ranks in Knowledge (history), the Captain will briefly explain the rules of the game, allowing a PC to make a Knowledge (history) check untrained as an exception to the Knowledge rules.

    Knowledge (Dungeoneering)

    Like the Craft and Profession skills, Knowledge actually encompasses a number of unrelated skills. Knowledge represents a study of some body of lore, possibly an academic or even scientific discipline.

    Dungeoneering (aberrations, caverns, oozes, spelunking)

    Answering a question within your field of study has a DC of 10 (for really easy questions), 15 (for basic questions), or 20 to 30 (for really tough questions). In many cases, you can use this skill to identify monsters and their special powers or vulnerabilities. In general, the DC of such a check equals 10 + the monster’s HD. A successful check allows you to remember a bit of useful information about that monster. For every 5 points by which your check result exceeds the DC, you recall another piece of useful information.

    Usually none. In most cases, making a Knowledge check doesn’t take an action—you simply know the answer or you don’t. Using Knowledge to gain a strategic advantage for a battle requires 1 hour of planning during the planning stage.(Heroes of Battle p.71)

    Try Again
    No. The check represents what you know, and thinking about a topic a second time doesn’t let you know something that you never learned in the first place.

    If you have 5 or more ranks in Knowledge (dungeoneering), you get a +2 bonus on Survival checks made while underground.
    Underdark p.112: Getting Lost: A character with at least 5 ranks in Knowledge (dungeoneering) or Knowledge (Underdark local) gains a +2 bonus on this check. A check must be made once for every hour spent in local or overland movement to see if the travelers have become lost.

    An untrained Knowledge check is simply an Intelligence check. Without actual training, you know only common knowledge (DC 10 or lower).

    Action DC Source
    Reveal the house to which a Drow House Insignia is keyed. Drow gain a +4 circumstance bonus on these checks. 20 DotU p.99
    Identify Fool’s Water on sight: This slime looks like a small spring of water. Any creature that touches fool’s water takes 1d6 points of acid damage. Thereafter, the substance clings to the victim like slime, dealing the same amount of acid damage each round for the next 2d6 rounds. On the first round of contact, it can be scraped off easily, but after that it must be frozen, burned, or cut away. (All these processes apply damage to the victim as well.) Against wood or metal, fool’s water deals 1d6 points of acid damage but has no continuing effect. Fool’s water is extremely reactive with regular water. Trying to wash the slime off with water causes an explosion that deals 3d6 points of acid damage to every creature within 10 feet. Extreme cold or heat, sunlight, or a cure disease spell destroys a patch of fool’s water. 20 Underdark p.110
    Strategic Advantage: A PC who supplies his side with knowledge relevant to the upcoming battle (by succeeding on a DC 20 Knowledge check) gains a strategic advantage: e.g. The battlefield is underground or in a dungeonlike environment. 20 Heroes of Battle p.71 & 91
    Knowing of the Thoon as a non-illithid 20 MM5 p.104
    Khyber Shard hunting: Finding a new Khyber shard cavern might require days or weeks of searching. First, an appropriate region must be located in the Dragon Below, usually near lava pools or magma rivers. A DC 30 Knowledge (dungeoneering) check in such a region will discover a Khyber cave. A character gains a +1 bonus on this check for each day spent searching the depths, to a maximum bonus of +10 after ten days of searching (provided the expedition’s members are alive that long). A newly found Khyber shard cave typically has 5–10 (1d6+4) small Khyber shards and 0–2 (1d6–4) greater Khyber shards. Magic of Eberron p.18
    Recognize a Satellite colony of Mindshredders (1 minute of study) 35 MM3 p.105

    A character with Sapphire Dragon Draconic Heritage (Races of the Dragon p.103) who casts the second level sorcerer transmutation spell Magic of the Dragonheart (Dragon magic p.70) gains a competence bonus to Knowledge Dungeoneering checks equal to 1/2 your caster level (maximum +10).

  4. - Top - End - #4
    Troll in the Playground

    Join Date
    Aug 2014

    Default Re: The Library of Knowledge: Getting the most out of your studies

    Knowledge (Religion)

    Like the Craft and Profession skills, Knowledge actually encompasses a number of unrelated skills. Knowledge represents a study of some body of lore, possibly an academic or even scientific discipline.

    Religion (gods and goddesses, mythic history, ecclesiastic tradition, holy symbols, undead)
    Oriental Adventures p.58 (ancestors, Shintao, the Fortunes, rituals, sacred symbols)
    Defenders of the Faith p.18: Knowledge (religion) is the appropriate skill for knowing about lost religions that were practiced by extinct races or cultures. It also covers current religions practiced by monstrous clerics.

    Answering a question within your field of study has a DC of 10 (for really easy questions), 15 (for basic questions), or 20 to 30 (for really tough questions). In many cases, you can use this skill to identify monsters and their special powers or vulnerabilities. In general, the DC of such a check equals 10 + the monster’s HD. A successful check allows you to remember a bit of useful information about that monster. For every 5 points by which your check result exceeds the DC, you recall another piece of useful information.

    Dragonshards: What do you Know

    Can you recognize the symbol of the Emerald Claw? Do you know anything about the Cults of the Dragon Below? Knowledge (religion) is the relevant skill, but each religion has its own difficulty.
    Knowledge DC Information about...
    10 The Church of the Silver Flame, the Sovereign Host
    15 The Blood of Vol, the Dark Six
    20 The Cults of the Dragon Below, the Path of Light, the Undying Court, the Druidic sects
    A character always makes checks about his own religion at a base DC of 5. In addition, a DM could choose to provide a character with a +5 bonus if his region of origin is closely linked to a particular region; someone who grew up in the Eldeen Reaches should know something about the druids even if he doesn't share their beliefs.

    Usually none. In most cases, making a Knowledge check doesn’t take an action—you simply know the answer or you don’t.

    Try Again
    No. The check represents what you know, and thinking about a topic a second time doesn’t let you know something that you never learned in the first place.

    If you have 5 or more ranks in Knowledge (religion), you get a +2 bonus on turning checks against undead.
    PGTF p.9: Knowledge Synergy: If you have at least 5 ranks in Knowledge (local) for a particular region, you gain a +2 bonus on all other Knowledge skill checks pertaining to that region. For example, if you have 5 ranks in Knowledge (Cormyr local), you gain a +2 bonus on Knowledge (geography), Knowledge (history), Knowledge (nobility and royalty), and all other Knowledge checks made relating to topics or questions that have to do with Cormyr. This rule supersedes the Regional Focus rule on page 9 of the FORGOTTEN REALMS Campaign Setting.

    An untrained Knowledge check is simply an Intelligence check. Without actual training, you know only common knowledge (DC 10 or lower).

    Task DC Source
    Wrangle with a religious organization: Understand the structure of authority within a church, cult, or other religious organization. If you make a check (DC 15 + organization size modifier; see below), you gain a +2 bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, and Gather Information checks made during the next week that pertain to that particular organization. Failure by 5 or more means you make a false assessment of the situation, imposing a –2 penalty on the use of those skills for one week instead. The size and complexity of the organization may provide a bonus or a penalty on this check. 15+ modifiers Races of Destiny p.149
    Recognize a drawing as a representation of the Golden Hills, the plane where the gnome pantheon resides. 15 Magic Books of Faerun, WEB: Treasure of the Golden Hills
    Determine approximate value of a religious/historical item to most likely interested church: e.g. Know gnome clans or churches are willing to pay 1,000 gp or more just for its nonspellbook value, or up to 2,000 gp in magical or crafting services (such as spellcasting, providing masterwork armor or weapons, and so on), plus the value of the spells if they can use them. 15 Magic Books of Faerun, WEB: Treasure of the Golden Hills
    If the PCs are able to examine any of the bodies, they find no signs of actual wounds, but a Knowledge (religion) check suggests they might have been slain through some form of ability or energy drain. 15 Heroes of Horror p.36
    Recognize the signs as signifying the presence of a shrine, as a character standing within it 15 Champions of Ruin p.99
    Creating a dose of blasphemix requires a successful Knowledge (religion) check in addition to the DC 15 Craft (poisonmaking) check, 15 Complete Scoundrel p.112
    Gain a shrine’s benefit as a follower. 15 Champions of Ruin p.99
    Sacrifice Rewards and Effects: Aid, Bull’s strength, Cat’s grace or Endurance upon the celebrant for 24 hours. 15 BOVD p.27
    Identify the specific domain with which a given Domain draught is associated with from the markings on the bottle. Upon drinking a domain draught, you gain access to its domain for 24 hours. You can use the domain’s granted power, and if you normally prepare domain spells, you can add those from the draught’s domain to your choices until the effect expires. If you drink a second domain draught before using the first one, the effect of the first one is lost. 15 MIC p.156
    Identify the Unholy symbol of Nerull in a painting. 15 Thunder Below p.41-42
    Identify a hastily assembled Shrine to a major deity: eg Where the seneschal of the castle kept track of schedules, payments to servants, tax payments, shipments, and other paperwork. Lzierabel wasted little time converting it into a small shrine dedicated to Nerull 15 Thunder Below p.41-42
    Gain a strategic Advantage: e.g. The opposing force is led by a high priest, theocrat, or otherwise highly religious individual. Action: takes one hour during the planning stage. 20 Heroes of Battle p.71 & 91
    Identify a patron of a religious magic item 20 Magic of Faerun p.21
    Exorcising Haunting Presences: The haunting presence can be forced to reveal itself through the use of a special ritual, one that is generally known to anyone with ranks in Knowledge (religion). It must be performed by an exorcist who spends ten consecutive fullround actions chanting the exorcising formula, at the end of which time the exorcist must make a DC 20 Knowledge (religion) check. If the exorcist’s concentration is interrupted, the ritual must begin again. If the ritual is successful, the haunting presence becomes physical and must remain so for 1 full round. The exorcist’s next action can be an attempt either to turn the revealed undead or to continue the ritual, with an additional DC 20 Knowledge (religion) check required at the end of each round. Each successful check forces the undead to remain in (corporeal or incorporeal) physical form for 1 additional round. 20 Heroes of Horror p.71
    Exorcising a Haunted Site: Just as in the case of a haunting presence, an exorcist can perform a ritual to cleanse a haunted site. If the exorcist successfully performs the ritual, which requires ten consecutive full-round actions and a DC 20 Knowledge (religion) check, the haunting energies coalesce into a form that renders them vulnerable to traditional methods of removing magical effects, such as dispel magic, remove curse, or break enchantment spells. The effective caster level of a haunted site is the minimum caster level required to cast the highest-level spell duplicated by the haunting. With a successful ritual, the haunting energies remain vulnerable for 1 full round, but the exorcist can continue the ritual, causing the haunting energies to remain vulnerable, by making additional Knowledge (religion) checks each round. See Exorcising a Haunting Presence on page 71 for more details of the exorcism process. 20 Heroes of Horror p.72
    Know to demand adjudication from the barbazu attempting to manhandle them into the waiting vessels of their respective archdevils when a mortal who considers themselves unfairly condemned to Baator. 20 Fiendish Codex 2 p.25
    Sacrifice Rewards and Effects: Divine favor (cast at 20th level) or Protection from elements upon the celebrant for 24 hours. Bless upon those witnessing the ceremony (one individual per HD of the victim) for 24 hours. 20 BOVD p.27
    Identify any relic on sight. A character might be granted a +5 bonus on checks made to identify a relic dedicated to his church. 20 MIC p.222
    Identify spiritual Remnants: Environments inundated with negative energy, as well as unholy emanations from the shrine of Orcus yield strange results: Not true undead, these sensations resemble spectral phenomena, but they're essentially harmless. Spiritual remnants cannot take actions beyond those detailed in their entry, and they cannot be harmed. A cleric who realizes what the remnants are can expend one daily use of turn undead to protect one creature from spiritual remnants for 24 hours. 20 Sinister spire p.23
    Researching the ritual for a particular shrine 25 Champions of Ruin p.99
    Identifies a mystery user for what they are or the item or creature as something tainted by the Plane of Shadow. ToM p.139
    Sacrifice Rewards and Effects:Dive Power upon the celebrant or Magic vestment (cast at 20th level) upon the celebrant’s garb for 24 hours. Evil outsider appears and serves celebrant for 1 hour per HD of the victim, serving as described in the lesser planar ally spell. 25 BOVD p.27
    Sacrifice Rewards and Effects:Greater magic weapon (cast at 20th level) on the celebrant’s weapon for 24 hours; Bull’s strength, Cat’s grace, or Endurance upon those witnessing the ceremony (one individual per HD of the victim) for 24 hours; Evil outsider appears and serves celebrant for 1 hour per HD of the victim, serving as described in the planar ally spell; Spell resistance upon the celebrant for 24 hours (use celebrant’s level to determine SR). 30 BOVD p.27
    Sacrifice Rewards and Effects: Magic vestment (cast at 20th level) upon the garb of those witnessing the ceremony (one individual per HD of the victim) for 24 hours; Divine power upon those witnessing the ceremony (one individual per HD of the victim) for 24 hours; Evil outsider appears and serves celebrant for 1 hour per HD of the victim, serving as described in the greater planar ally spell. 35 BOVD p.27
    Make a Sacrifice to create a blood golem; The creator need not meet the other prerequisites (minimum level, XP cost, and spells known) to create the golem if the check is successful. 40 Fiend Folio p.85
    Sacrifice Rewards and Effects:Limited wish for the celebrant. Greater magic weapon (cast at 20th level) upon weapons involved in the ceremony (one weapon per HD of the victim) for 24 hours. 40 BOVD p.27
    Sacrifice Rewards and Effects:Control weather (cast at 20th level) as directed by the celebrant for 24 hours. 45 BOVD p.27
    Sacrifice Rewards and Effects:Wish for the celebrant (1/per any given individual). 50 BOVD p.27
    Sacrifice Rewards and Effects: Dark craft experience points equal to DC x3 (minimum DC 15) or DC x5 (minimum DC 20) The celebrant determines the number of dark craft experience points (and thus the DC) sought prior to the check. A failed check indicates no dark craft experience points gained. Dark craft experience points have no actual physical manifestation, but they can be used instead of actual gold pieces or experience points when making a magic item. Only a single application of dark craft experience points and dark craft gold pieces can be applied toward a magic item’s creation process. The magic item is detectably evil if any dark craft xp are used on it. Varies BOVD p.27

    (Races of Destiny p.149) Organization DC Modifier
    Spoiler: Organization DC Modifier

    Single parish +0
    Town-sized territory +5
    City-sized territory +10
    Metropolis-sized territory +15
    Chaotic religion +5
    Lawful religion –5
    Member of the church –5

    BOVD p.26 & 27 Sacrifice:
    Spoiler: Sacrifice
    Sacrifice is the offering of the life of a sentient being to an evil deity or powerful fiend. The reward a servant of an evil god gets for making a living sacrifice to the god depends on many factors. The primary factor is the Knowledge (religion) check result of the character performing the sacrifice. Each of the other factors is represented as a modifier to the check.

    Sacrifice Element Modifier Sacrifice Element Modifier
    Conducted in a ceremony lasting at least an hour +1 Sacrifice is good-aligned +1
    Conducted on an altar +2 Sacrifice is pure or virginal +1
    Conducted in a desecrated area +1 Sacrifice has 1–5 HD or levels +1
    Conducted in a unhallowed area +2 Sacrifice has 6–10 HD or levels +2
    Conducted in the presence of a creature important to the deity

    (a demon servant, for example)
    +2 Sacrifice has 11–15 HD or levels +3
    Conducted publicly (in the street or on the steps
    of a public institution)
    +1 Sacrifice has 16+ HD or levels +4
    Conducted before more than 10 followers +1 Sacrifice is a cleric of another god +2
    Conducted before more than 100 followers +1 Sacrifice is a race or character type hated by the deity +1
    Sacrifice is tortured for 1 day prior to death +1 Sacrifice is willing, but duped or controlled +1
    Sacrifice loses extremities to hungry demon prior to death +1 Sacrifice is genuinely willing +3

    Champions of Ruin p.99 Shrines:
    In order to recognize these signs as signifying the presence of a shrine, a character standing within it must make a successful DC 15 Knowledge (religion) check. If the check result exceeds the DC by 5 or more, he can determine the strongest facet of the god’s alignment; for example, a shrine to Mask would radiate chaos, while one dedicated to Loviatar would radiate evil. If the check result exceeds the DC by 10 or more, he can determine which god the shrine is dedicated to. The energy that radiates from a shrine is ambient—it becomes a part of the location itself. It cannot be used for any purpose other than the benefit of a god’s follower, and even then only the most dedicated followers gain the god’s favor. A cleric or paladin of the appropriate deity can gain a shrine’s benefit whenever he wishes—unless the god has decided to punish him for transgressions against the faith. Followers of a deity are not so lucky, and must make either a DC 15 Knowledge (religion) or Charisma check in order to gain the shrine’s benefit. Having a priest lead the ritual invoking the shrine’s power provides a +4 bonus on this check. A follower can only invoke the powers of a shrine once every 24 hours, regardless of the success or failure of the attempt. As stated, every shrine has a ritual or other requirement that a follower must perform or fulfill in order to beseech his god’s favor. These rituals vary from the sacrifice of gold and jewels to blood rites to a prolonged period of prayer or meditation. Priests of a god automatically know the nature of such rituals, but others must research them or learn them from an appropriate cleric. Researching the ritual for a particular shrine requires a DC 25 Knowledge (religion) check or bardic knowledge check.

    Power of Faerun p.52: Religious Interpretations
    Players are encouraged to proclaim their own religious interpretations and edicts in accordance with their understanding of their faith. Alternatively, a mechanical substitute for issuance of an interpretation or edict is a Knowledge religion check. The DC of the check depends on whether it is an interpretation or and edict and, in the case of the latter the importance of the edict. The result indicates whether the interpretation or edict was correct or not. Interpretation are religious rulings based on clear and straightforward scripture. Minor edicts are religious rulings based on ambiguous scripture. Major edicts are religious rulings based on contradictory scripture. Tenets are religious rulings wholly separate from the existing body of religious scripture.

    DC Edict Class Infraction Type
    10 Interpretation Lesser
    20 Minor Edict Moderate
    30 Major Edict Major
    40 Tenet Heresy

    Religious edicts are judged by higher ranking religious leaders. In the case of a supreme leader of the faith, religious edicts are judged by the deity or nondivine entity playing that role. If the edict is judged improper, then certain penalties fall on the edict issuer. The penalties for lesser, moderate, and major infractions are in FRCS p.232.

    Special: Ranks
    Ranks Benefit Source
    2 Demonstrate understanding of the church of Oghma's teachings for admittance to Church of Oghma Waterdeep p.43
    5 Construct undead armor using Craft arms and Armor Feat Libris Mortis p.76
    5 If you have the Blasphemous incantation ACF, the DC of the Fortitude save increases by 2. Exemplars of Evil p. 20
    7 Lesser Bonedrinker: Transforming a goblin corpse into a lesser bonedrinker is a similar but less exacting process than using the ritual that turns a bugbear corpse into a Bonedrinker, requiring create undead cast by a caster of 12th level or higher with 7 or more ranks in Knowledge (religion). These rituals are typically known only to hobgoblin wizards and clerics, though the secret has undoubtedly spread to other races over the years. MM3 p.19
    10 Bonedrinker: The ritual that turns a bugbear corpse into a bonedrinker requires the create undead spell cast by a caster of 15th level or higher with 10 or more ranks in Knowledge (religion). These rituals are typically known only to hobgoblin wizards and clerics, though the secret has undoubtedly spread to other races over the years. MM3 p.19

    Special: Knowledge (Religion) ACFs and spells
    Complete Champion p.51: Antiquarian: In addition, if you examine a magic item created using a spell from the cleric or paladin list, or an item with special religious significance, you can attempt a Knowledge (religion) check (DC 10 + the item’s caster level) to identify it exactly as a spell-like ability. This works like the identify spell (caster level equals your rogue level) but requires no material component. You can use this ability on only one item per day.

    Champions of Valor p.40 Eternal Order Substitution Level: Undead Knowledge (Ex): Each time an Eternal Order substitution level is taken, the character gains a cumulative +2 competence bonus on Knowledge (religion) checks concerning undead.

    Exemplars of Evil p. 20 Blasphemous incantation: All good creatures within 30 feet must succeed on Fortitude saves (DC 10 + 1/2 your caster level + your Cha modifier) or become sickened for a number of rounds equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum 1 round). You can utter a blasphemous incantation a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Cha modifier.

    BOVD p.91. Demoncall, instant, 2nd level, blackguard, demonologist, demonic 2: +10 profane bonus on any one check (made immediately) involving Knowledge (arcana), Knowledge (the planes), or Knowledge (religion).

    BOVD p.103.: Sacrificial Skill Enchantment [Evil] Level: Asn 2, Clr 1, Sor/Wiz 1 1 minute/level The caster gains a +5 bonus on all Knowledge (religion) checks that have to do with sacrifices made to evil gods.

    Complete Mage p.124 Otherwordly Whispers; Least Invocation; 2nd Gain a +6 bonus on Knowledge (arcana), Knowledge (religion), and Knowledge (the planes) checks for 24 hours.

    Special: Items that help with knowledge (religion)

    BOVD p.41. Karras Stone Knife: A quasi-magical item, this simple knife must be carved from a very rare stone procured from the gallbladder of an intelligent creature slain during a special harvesting ritual. When a karras stone knife is used to sacrifice a living creature, the character using the knife gains a +1 profane bonus on the Knowledge (religion) check for the sacrifice.

    BOVD p.113: Sacrificial Knife (Market Price: 3,305 gp): This +1 dagger adds a +3 competence bonus on Knowledge (religion) checks required when a sacrifice is made with the knife.

    Expedition to castle ravenloft p.220: Slab of Sacrifice: Location Activation and Effect: The Slab of Sacrifice grants its special ability to one creature in each 24-hour period. That creature must die upon the altar. Special Ability Activation and Effect (Sp): A creature that dies upon the slab returns to life in the following round with no level loss, no Constitution loss, no loss of spells, and at full hit points. Furthermore, the creature possesses unnatural health, in the form of fast healing 5 for a period of 24 hours. A creature can gain this ability only once. If a creature attempts to activate the effect a second time, it is not returned to life upon the altar, but simply dead. If multiple creatures attempt to gain the effect simultaneously, only one of those on the slab is affected; the rest are simply dead. The slab grants its benefit to a total of three different creatures each year. Aura: Strong necromancy. Ability Value: 4,000 gp.

    Secrets of Xendric p.154: The sanguineous tome: Effect: When a reader finishes studying the tome, he receives a permanent +5 competence bonus on Knowledge (religion) checks pertaining to the Blood of Vol. Clerics with access to the Necromancer domain who study the sanguineous tome cast all Necromancer domain spells at +1 caster level.

    Special: Other Knowledge Religion Specific things
    The Temple of Redcliff p.7 Library of Temple Redcliff:
    This chamber was the repository for all the temple’s books, scrolls, and other documents. A successful Search check (DC 20) reveals several tomes that may prove useful and interesting. Anyone who reads the entire set gains a +2 circumstance bonus on Knowledge (religion) checks pertaining to Heironeous and his dogma.

    City of the SpiderQueen p.113: Irae T'sarans dresser: The books and scrolls in the corner are religious texts relating to the faith of Kiaransalee. A character with ranks in Knowledge (religion) can use the books to make a check at a +2 circumstance bonus to learn specific details about Kiaransalee's faith and doctrine.

    Cormyr the something something weave p.19: Treatise on evil gods found in Lady Arthas's study: Merely a list of well known attributes, not the work of a scholar interested in research and deep knowledge, and certainly not the writing of an evil priest of flattering sycophant. However, if you want to make this book more than simple treasure, you can rule that if a PC takes the time to read the book from cover to cover ( an effort of about 4 hours) he or she learns that a few of the gods in the books are covered in more depth than others, particularly Shar and Cyric. From now on, while the PC who read it keeps the book as a reference, she can make knowledge religion checks on questions related to Shar and Cyric with a +2 circumstance bonus

    Eberron Expanded: Clerics of the Silver flame with access to the Exorcism domain gain +4 on knowledge religion checks to force haunting presences to manifest

    Optional Rules
    Libris Mortis p.19: Know your Foe
    When you view an undead creature, you can identify its kind (ghoul, wraith, mummy, and so on) by making a successful Knowledge (religion) check as a free action. The DC of the check is 10 + the creature’s base HD. Don’t include any extra HD from advancement or class levels in this calculation. For creatures without a base quantity of HD (such as a vampire or lich), set the DC at 20 or 10 + total HD, whichever is lower. If you can hear an undead but not see it (for instance, a mummy shuffling through the darkness), add +5 to the DC when trying to identify it...Normally you can’t retry a Knowledge check—you simply know an answer or you don’t—but the DM may allow you to retry a check to identify a creature or remember some bit of information after you have learned something new about it. For instance, if you fail to identify a ghoul before it attacks, you might receive another chance to identify it after it paralyzes your comrade. The DM can modify the DC by 2 or more for undead deemed particularly rare or common in the campaign. For instance, if ghouls are prevalent in the campaign world, the DM might reduce the DC to identify them from 12 to 10, since most people have seen or at least heard of ghouls. Conversely, when introducing a new undead creature to the campaign, the DM might increase the DC to identify it by 5 to reflect its rarity, at least on the first couple of times characters encounter it.

    Task/Condition DC/ Modifier
    Identify kind 10 + creature’s base HD
    Identify special attack 10 + creature’s base HD
    Identify special quality 10 + creature’s base HD
    Identify vulnerability 10 + creature’s HD
    Character can hear but not see undead + 5
    Creature is particularly rare or unknown +2 or higher
    Creature is particularly common or well known -2 or lower

    Underdark p.50: Earth Node Access Variant: If the DM desires, a character with the Node Spellcasting feat may substitute a Knowledge (religion) or a Knowledge (nature) check each time a Spellcraft check is normally called for. This variant allows clerics and druids more access to earth node power.

    Five Nations p.50: Schooling: Regional Education penalties—Breland: Any character with Breland as his or her region of origin gains a +1 bonus on Knowledge (nobility and royalty) and Profession checks, while taking a –1 penalty on Concentration and Knowledge (religion) checks.
    P. 51: Morgrave: Any character can choose to have received an education at Morgrave University, gaining a +1 bonus on Decipher Script and Knowledge (geography) checks, while taking a –1 penalty on Diplomacy and Knowledge (religion) checks. Further, the character begins play with one lesser underworld contact in Sharn, and has starting gold reduced by 25 (minimum of 0).

  5. - Top - End - #5
    Troll in the Playground

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    Aug 2014

    Default Re: The Library of Knowledge: Getting the most out of your studies

    Knowledge (Nature)

    Like the Craft and Profession skills, Knowledge actually encompasses a number of unrelated skills. Knowledge represents a study of some body of lore, possibly an academic or even scientific discipline.

    Nature (animals, fey, giants, monstrous humanoids, plants, seasons and cycles, weather, vermin)

    PGTF p.9: Knowledge Synergy:
    If you have at least 5 ranks in Knowledge (local) for a particular region, you gain a +2 bonus on all other Knowledge skill checks pertaining to that region. For example, if you have 5 ranks in Knowledge (Cormyr local), you gain a +2 bonus on Knowledge (geography), Knowledge (history), Knowledge (nobility and royalty), and all other Knowledge checks made relating to topics or questions that have to do with Cormyr. This rule supersedes the Regional Focus rule on page 9 of the FORGOTTEN REALMS Campaign Setting.

    Answering a question within your field of study has a DC of 10 (for really easy questions), 15 (for basic questions), or 20 to 30 (for really tough questions). In many cases, you can use this skill to identify monsters and their special powers or vulnerabilities. In general, the DC of such a check equals 10 + the monster’s HD. A successful check allows you to remember a bit of useful information about that monster. For every 5 points by which your check result exceeds the DC, you recall another piece of useful information.

    Usually none. In most cases, making a Knowledge check doesn’t take an action—you simply know the answer or you don’t.

    Try Again
    No. The check represents what you know, and thinking about a topic a second time doesn’t let you know something that you never learned in the first place.

    If you have 5 or more ranks in Knowledge (nature), you get a +2 bonus on Survival checks made in aboveground natural environments (aquatic, desert, forest, hill, marsh, mountains, or plains).
    If you have 5 or more ranks in Survival, you get a +2 bonus on Knowledge (nature) checks.

    An untrained Knowledge check is simply an Intelligence check. Without actual training, you know only common knowledge (DC 10 or lower).

    Task DC Source
    A character with the nature sense ability can identify a fey ring with a Knowledge (nature) or Survival check as if she were a rogue using Search to find traps. Fey rings are chaotic and dangerous, concentrated wells of unpredictable magic found only in areas where fey are commonly encountered appearing as an arrangement of small, pallid mushrooms growing in a 30-foot-radius ring. Varies DMG2 p.42
    Recognize the telltale circle of a porcupine cactus patch and avoid them. However, creatures that are running or charging are not entitled to a check. 10 Sandstorm p.180
    Identify the non-animated Skeletons of Humanoids to subtype, Skulls must be present 10 Adventure Locales: SeaCave: WEB
    Identify non-animated skeletons without skulls as humanoid 15 Adventure Locales: SeaCave: WEB
    The territory of a Fetid Fungus is sometimes marked with partially decomposed animal bones, unique in that they are rubbery and smell especially foul. A successful DC 16 Knowledge (nature) check reveals that these types of skeletal remains are left by fetid fungi. 16 MM5 p. 57
    If retrieved and repacked in moist cloth, jabberweed can be used multiple times while it lives. Jabberweed can survive for 1 week after being removed from its home plane. Attempt a DC 18 Knowledge (nature) check once per week to keep a sprout of jabber weed alive for that week. The plant dies 1 week after a failed check. 18 Complete Scoundrel p.119
    Identify non animated skeletons, without the presence of skulls to commonly occurring subtype (i.e. Dwarf, Human, elf) 20 Adventure Locales: SeaCave: WEB
    Weary grass looks like normal range grass but secretes a debilitating contact poison. When they can, tusk terrors stake their territories in areas where it grows, since it is low-lying and they can easily jump over it. A DC 30 Spot check allows a character to notice weary grass within an area of normal grass. A DC 20 Knowledge (nature) check allows it to be identified. Poison effect: Contact, Fortitude DC 17, fatigued/ fatigued. 20 MM5 p.183
    Gain a Strategic advantage for your side in a battle by making an hour long check during the planning stage: e.g. The weather during the battle is unusual or particularly harsh 20 Heroes of Battle p.71 & 91
    Identify any Extraordinary natural items (Magic of Faerun p.180) and their effects. 20 Magic of Faerun p.185
    Recognize the threat of a Toxic Mushroom Tangle before entering the patch. Those who enter the area are exposed to a cloud of toxic spores. Such characters must make DC 15 Fortitude saves or be exposed to the equivalent of insanity mist (initial damage 1d4 Wis, secondary damage 2d6 Wis). 20 DMG2: p.71
    Spot a Camouflaged Assassin Vine before it attacks. 20 MM1
    Identify clusters of green berries growing around the base of the trees as scumberries, so named for their moist surface. Scumberries are not particularly tasty but neither are they poisonous. A successful DC 25 Survival check reveals that crushed scumberries applied to the skin (a full-round action) negates the phosphorescent effect of the lagoon in area 4 for 1 hour. 20 Secrets of Xendric p.33
    Identify Fool’s Water (CR 3): This slime looks like a small spring of water, but a DC 20 Knowledge (dungeoneering or nature) check can reveal its true nature upon sight. Any creature that touches fool’s water takes 1d6 points of acid damage. Thereafter, the substance clings to the victim like slime, dealing the same amount of acid damage each round for the next 2d6 rounds. On the first round of contact, it can be scraped off easily, but after that it must be frozen, burned, or cut away. (All these processes apply damage to the victim as well.) Against wood or metal, fool’s water deals 1d6 points of acid damage but has no continuing effect. Fool’s water is extremely reactive with regular water. Trying to wash the slime off with water causes an explosion that deals 3d6 points of acid damage to every creature within 10 feet. Extreme cold or heat, sunlight, or a cure disease spell destroys a patch of fool’s water. 20 Underdark p.110
    Assemble the body of a Dragonflesh Golem. A drolem’s body is constructed from either an entire dragon corpse, or enough parts of dragon corpses to assemble a whole dragon. The drolem costs 200,000 gp to create. Assembling the body requires one successful Knowledge (nature) check and one successful Heal check (both DC 25). The creator must be 16th level and able to cast arcane spells. Completing the ritual drains 4,000 XP from the creator and requires the geas/quest, limited wish, and polymorph any object spells. 25 MM2 p.118
    Determine from a scorch mark that the damage was most likely not caused by natural effects. 25 Thunder below p. 5
    Correctly identify a harpy’s feather 25 Thunder below p.7
    Identify Moonwart Fungus and its dangerous properties: This fungus constantly exudes invisible clouds of tasteless spores into the air; anyone breathing in these spores must make a Fortitude save (DC 20) or suffer 1d6 points of temporary Wisdom damage and become overwhelmed with feelings of rapture and pleasure for 1 minute. While so overwhelmed, a new saving throw must be made once every minute. This toxin is a form of poison. 30 Thunder Below p.13

    ToM p.26: A Binder binding the vestige Buer with access to Buer's Knowledge can make Knowledge (nature) checks as if they were trained regardless of the number of ranks in the skill as well as receiving a +4 bonus on Heal, Knowledge (nature), and Survival checks.

    Frostburn p.40, Sandstorm:: An Uldra or a Bhuka has Knowledge (nature) as a class skill and they gain a +2 racial bonus on all Knowledge (nature) checks.

    Races of the Wild p.103: While manifesting the aspect of the ancient, a killoren embodies the deep and ancient secrets of nature itself. With this bond to nature’s secret lore, a killoren gains a racial bonus on Knowledge (nature) checks equal to her Hit Dice

    Dragon Magic p. 65 Special: A character with spells known list who learns the 6th level Druid/wiz/sor/initiate of tamara (feat) spell Call of the twilight defender gains a +1 competence bonus on Knowledge (nature) checks.

    Fey Feature, web Once a character has worn a Laurel Crown (2,500 gp), a circlet of leaves worn in place of a hat, helmet, or other headgear for a full week, it imparts a +5 competence bonus to Knowledge (nature) checks to the wearer. This is a caster level 3 faint transmutation aura having wondrous item that must be created by fey.

    Far Corners of the World, Rainforest, WEB: Cloak of the Couatl: When worn by a good creature, the cloak grants a +4 enhancement bonus to the wearer's Wisdom and Charisma. The wearer gains a +4 competence bonus on all Knowledge (arcana), Knowledge (history), and Knowledge (nature) checks and may make these as untrained skill checks. 120,000GP

    Fane of the Drow p.7: Amandrucul’s drawings and Notes: Includes valuable information about a variety of creatures. Consulting them grants the user a +2 circumstance bonus on Knowledge (nature) checks. The collection can be sold to an interested buyer for 100 gp and weighs a total of 5 pounds.

    Frozen Whispers p.2: Any character with ranks in Knowledge (nature) knows that Timberway lions are endangered creatures.

    Magic Books of Faerun: Web : Master Tactician Spellbook: Someone familiar with the book's contents (after a thorough read) gets a +2 competence bonus on Knowledge (nature) checks to identify animals (and their abilities) commonly used by humanoids as warbeasts.

    Optional Rule
    Underdark p.50: Earth Node Access Variant: If the DM desires, a character with the Node Spellcasting feat may substitute a Knowledge (religion) or a Knowledge (nature) check each time a Spellcraft check is normally called for. This variant allows clerics and druids more access to earth node power.

    Guide to plants:
    Last edited by daremetoidareyo; 2017-05-18 at 05:51 PM.

  6. - Top - End - #6
    Troll in the Playground

    Join Date
    Aug 2014

    Default Re: The Library of Knowledge: Getting the most out of your studies

    Knowledge Local

    Knowledge (Int; Trained Only)
    Like the Craft and Profession skills, Knowledge actually encompasses a number of unrelated skills. Knowledge represents a study of some body of lore, possibly an academic or even scientific discipline.

    Local (legends, personalities, inhabitants, laws, customs, traditions, humanoids)
    Oriental Adventures p.58 Local (legends, personalities, inhabitants, laws, and traditions of one clan or small region)

    Answering a question within your field of study has a DC of 10 (for really easy questions), 15 (for basic questions), or 20 to 30 (for really tough questions). In many cases, you can use this skill to identify monsters and their special powers or vulnerabilities. In general, the DC of such a check equals 10 + the monster’s HD. A successful check allows you to remember a bit of useful information about that monster. For every 5 points by which your check result exceeds the DC, you recall another piece of useful information.
    Tome of Battle p.28:
    You can use the Knowledge (local) skill to answer questions about various martial practitioners and traditions. For example, you can attempt a Knowledge (local) check to identify a monastic order or swordsage school known to practice a particular martial discipline, to recall basic facts about the philosophy or teaching practices of a particular discipline, or to recall the adventures or exploits of famous martial adepts.

    Spoiler: Check DCs
    Action DC Source
    Identify a military unit or noble’s family by its heraldry, if the unit or the family hails from the local area. 10 Complete Warrior p.122
    Finding the guildhouse of a typical particular guild. As with guilds, a successful check reveals additional information about the organization, such as membership requirements, operating procedures, and so on. 10 Cityscape p.84
    Find the offices or temple of a high-ranking member of a public church. 10 Cityscape p.105
    Establish the legal status of a specific action 10 Sharn of Two towers p.127
    Identify non-animated Skeletons of Humanoids to subtype, Skulls must be present 10 Adventure Locales: SeaCave: WEB
    A gnome can recognize the intent of a scent by making a DC 10 Wisdom check and a DC 15 Knowledge (local) check. Other creatures with enhanced senses -- such as a shifter with the Wildhunt ability -- can identify these scents, but unless raised among gnomes they cannot deduce the social meaning of the smell. A social "language of scent" allows a gnome to indicate her current status -- seeking companionship, conversation, solitude, help, and so on. 15 Dragonshards Web
    Finding a point of contact for a particular organization. As with guilds, a successful check reveals additional information about the organization, such as membership requirements, operating procedures, and so on. 15 Cityscape p. 96
    To determine which noble or mercantile house is most likely to offer patronage to someone with her skills 15 Cityscape p.76:
    Reveal the house to which a Drow House insignia is keyed. Drow gain a +4 circumstance bonus on these checks. 15 DotU p.99
    Identify non-animated skeletons without skulls as humanoid 15 Adventure Locales: SeaCave: WEB
    Distinguish explosive torchstalks from regular ones (Underdark Local) 18 Underdark p.108
    Identify non animated skeletons, without the presence of skulls to commonly occurring subtype (i.e. Dwarf, Human, elf) 20 Adventure Locales: SeaCave: WEB
    Pick up the trail of a specific hellreaver that is constantly on the move by following tales of their efforts heard in taverns and pubs across the land. 20 Fiendish Codex 2: p. 95
    Gain a strategic advantage by supplying his side with knowledge relevant to the upcoming battle: e.g. The opposing force is native to the immediate area. 20 Heroes of Battle p.71 & 91
    Locate a sahuagin guide in an appropriate port city. 20 Secrets of Xendric p.12
    Identify the racial manufacture of a cultural item: e.g. revealing that a fetish is of orc manufacture. If this check makes a DC of 30, the character also realizes that the fetish is not crafted in the style of any current orc tribes of the region. 20/30 Thunder below p.7
    Locate a local member of the Covenant of Purifier of the Hallowed Doctrine, should she need to contact one. If the character is actively seeking aid in thwarting a taint-based threat, and makes this fact known, she gains a +5 circumstance bonus to the check. The PC also gains this +5 circumstance bonus if she is herself a purifier or member of the Covenant. If both these things are true, the circumstance bonus is +8. 20 Heroes of Horror p.112
    Finding the Guildhouse of a more covert association, such as a thieves or assassins guild, might require a DC 20 or even a DC 25 check. As with guilds, a successful check reveals additional information about the organization, such as membership requirements, operating procedures, and so on. 20-25 Cityscape p.84.
    Finding a point of contact for a truly secret society, such as a band of revolutionaries: As with guilds, a successful check reveals additional information about the organization, such as membership requirements, operating procedures, and so on. 25 Cityscape p. 96
    Determine the hazards posed by the effects of faerzress on spells, which are not widely known among surface-dwelling characters. Check is made before a spellcaster attempts a spell that would be affected by the Underdark’s magical conditions. 25 Underdark p.48
    Follow a lengthy quest for clues to find and join a secret sect or religious group. 25, 30 or higher Cityscape p.105
    Find the Guildhouse of a Secret Society: Some secret societies are so well hidden that the party must seek out clues through investigation and adventuring before attempting a supremely difficult (DC 30) skill check. This check can also reveal other information about the guild, such as its general membership requirements, operating procedures, and so on. 30 Cityscape p.84.
    Find a point of contact for a super hidden secret society: Some organizations are so well hidden that the seeker must suss out clues through investigation and adventuring before even attempting the check: As with guilds, a successful check reveals additional information about the organization, such as membership requirements, operating procedures, and so on. 30 Cityscape p. 96
    Identify a local noble from a 5 year old painting 30 Thunder Below p. 45

    City of Stormreach p.131: Finding a Fence
    Spoiler: Finding a Fence
    If you wish to avoid official channels, taxes, and letters of marque, you can take advantage of Stormreach’s thriving Night Tide black market (page 74). Finding an appropriate fence for the item you’re selling requires a successful Gather Information or Knowledge (local) check.

    The DC is 15 + 1 for every increment of 1,000 gp in the base market price of the item. (For instance, fencing an item that has a base market price of 10,000 gp would require a DC 25 check.) Dealing with fences has its risks, however. The Hollow Shards (page 114) run elaborate swindles in the city’s black market venues, and the Bilge Rats are always looking to muscle tribute out of anyone exchanging coin on their turf.

    Usually none. In most cases, making a Knowledge check doesn’t take an action—you simply know the answer or you don’t.

    Try Again
    No. The check represents what you know, and thinking about a topic a second time doesn’t let you know something that you never learned in the first place.

    If you have 5 or more ranks in Knowledge (local), you get a +2 bonus on Gather Information checks.
    Underdark p.112: A character with at least 5 ranks in Knowledge (dungeoneering) or Knowledge (Underdark local) gains a +2 bonus on survival checks to avoid getting lost; Checks must be made once for every hour spent in local or overland movement to see if the travelers have become lost.
    DMG p.86: A character with at least 5 ranks in Knowledge (geography) or Knowledge (local) pertaining to the area being traveled through gains a +2 bonus on survival checks to avoid becoming lost
    PGTF p.9: Knowledge Synergy: If you have at least 5 ranks in Knowledge (local) for a particular region, you gain a +2 bonus on all other Knowledge skill checks pertaining to that region. For example, if you have 5 ranks in Knowledge (Cormyr local), you gain a +2 bonus on Knowledge (geography), Knowledge (history), Knowledge (nobility and royalty), and all other Knowledge checks made relating to topics or questions that have to do with Cormyr. This rule supersedes the Regional Focus rule on page 9 of the FORGOTTEN REALMS Campaign Setting.

    An untrained Knowledge check is simply an Intelligence check. Without actual training, you know only common knowledge (DC 10 or lower).

    Sharn of two towers p.16: Becoming a Regular at a Bar
    Spoiler: Becoming a Regular at a Bar

    When a character becomes a regular at a tavern, he makes friends and gets to know the locals. People talk over drinks, and he gets to know how people react to different situations. As a result, he gets a +2 circumstance bonus on all Gather Information or Knowledge (local) checks made in the same ward as the tavern, and he gets a +3 circumstance bonus on Diplomacy and Sense Motive checks made involving other characters or NPCs who are also regulars at the pub.

    Sharn of Two towers p.118: I Spy:
    Certain organizations may ask a character to spy for them. In addition to some other offers, spying may be rewarded with +3 bonus on a single Gather Information or Knowledge (local) skill check.

    Cityscape Web enhancement: Urban Magic

    Characters that bind the Vestige of Desharis and use its City-Dweller granted ability may gain a +6 competence bonus on Gather Information and Knowledge (local) checks (and may use the latter even if you have 0 ranks in it).

    A character with Emerald Dragon Draconic Heritage (Races of the Dragon p.103) who casts the second level sorcerer transmutation spell Magic of the Dragonheart (Dragon magic p.70) gains a competence bonus to Knowledge Local checks equal to 1/2 your caster level (maximum +10).

    Magic Books of Faerun: Web: Master Tactician Spellbook: someone familiar with the book's contents (after a thorough read) gets a +2 competence bonus on Knowledge (local) checks made to identify humanoids and their abilities.

    Dragonshards Web article: What do you Know
    Spoiler: addition options and discussion

    Knowledge (local) is a somewhat mysterious skill. What does it mean to have "local" knowledge about the entire world? The DM can interpret this skill in several different ways, depending on how challenging he wants to make things for a player.

    At the broadest, most generous end of the spectrum, Knowledge (local) can be used in any location. This represents an amazing memory for trivia and a general ability to pick up local customs and gossip subconsciously without the need for a Gather Information check.

    If the DM wants to sacrifice utility in the name of realism, he can make a character choose a country to associate with the skill -- Knowledge (local/Breland).

    As a compromise, the DM could allow a character to choose one country for each rank in the skill. This way, a character with five ranks in Knowledge (local) could be familiar with all of the Five Nations. Whenever she gains a new rank, she can choose a new country. Ideally, it should be a place where she's spent time recently.

    Knowledge (local) is more versatile than its counterparts and may overlap with them. Knowledge (nobility) can provide general information about a dragonmark house and its international alliances but Knowledge (local) can tell you about the size of the local enclave, the name of the local baron, and his personal feud with House Kundarak. Likewise, Knowledge (nobility) or Knowledge (geography) can provide you with the name of a nation's king but Knowledge (local) is more likely to tell you about his rumored taste for virgin blood.

    The DM needs to decide how to limit local knowledge. A simple, straightforward (but more restrictive) approach is to treat it as an extension of the character's other Knowledge skills. Thus, unless the character has at least one rank in Knowledge (nobility), for example, he can't use Knowledge (local) for checks specifically involving aristocrats.

  7. - Top - End - #7
    Troll in the Playground

    Join Date
    Aug 2014

    Default Re: The Library of Knowledge: Getting the most out of your studies

    Knowledge (Nobility and Royalty)

    Knowledge (Int; Trained Only)
    Like the Craft and Profession skills, Knowledge actually encompasses a number of unrelated skills. Knowledge represents a study of some body of lore, possibly an academic or even scientific discipline.

    Nobility and royalty (lineages, heraldry, family trees, mottoes, personalities)

    Answering a question within your field of study has a DC of 10 (for really easy questions), 15 (for basic questions), or 20 to 30 (for really tough questions). In many cases, you can use this skill to identify monsters and their special powers or vulnerabilities. In general, the DC of such a check equals 10 + the monster’s HD. A successful check allows you to remember a bit of useful information about that monster. For every 5 points by which your check result exceeds the DC, you recall another piece of useful information.

    Other Check Examples
    Thunder below p 36: Determine the identity and status of the likeness of a defaced statue: The defaced statue to the south was of Annah and Zebulahr Sarwin, the one-time founders of the castle, as a successful bardic knowledge or Knowledge (nobility and royalty) check (DC 25) can determine.
    Thunder Below p.61: Recognize a signet ring as belonging to a noble and recall data about that noble: A successful bardic knowledge or Knowledge (nobility and royalty) check (DC 35) recognizes the signet ring as that of Maerak Sarwin’s and allows that PC to recall that he supposedly vanished without a trace over 200 years ago.
    Dragonshards Jewelry is very important to the Mror and often carries special significance, indicating rank within a clan, military honor, or civic office. A Mror dwarf can recognize the significance of another dwarf's jewelry by making an Intelligence check (DC 5); any character can recognize the relevance of the jewels with a Knowledge (nobility) check (DC 20).

    Dragonshards Online content: What do you know: Knowledge (nobility) is the default skill for obtaining information about the dragonmark houses (DC10), and it also makes sense for the Aurum(DC15), the royal families (DC15), and other groups that are centered in court.

    Complete Warrior p.122

    Check: In addition to the checks described in the Player’s Handbook, the following aspects of the Knowledge skill may prove useful. A Knowledge (nobility and royalty) check tells you something about the heraldry of far-off lands. A DC 25 check tells you what part of the world (down to the province or city) a heraldic design comes from. A DC 30 check tells you the name of the military unit or the noble family.

    Races of Destiny p.148:

    Spoiler: bypass assistants
    Knowledge about the intricacies of the noble and royal courts also gives insight into the bureaucracy that helps support them. This skill lets you know the easiest ways to bypass the multiple layers of assistants, majordomos, and chamberlains to meet with the person in charge.
    Check: You can use this skill to discover the levels of bureaucracy within a royal household, government, or other large body of authority. If you make a check (DC 15 + organization size modifier; see below), you gain a +2 circumstance bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, and Gather Information checks pertaining to that particular organization for one week. However, failure by 5 or more means you make a false assessment of the situation, imposing a –2 penalty on the use of those skills for one week instead. (The DM should make this check in secret, and apply the appropriate modifier when required.) The size and complexity of the organization may provide a bonus or a penalty on this check; see the table below.

    Organization DC Modifier

    Minor noble house +0
    Average noble house +5
    Major noble house +10
    Empire, vast kingdom +15
    Member of noble house –5

    Cityscape p.76: Patronage to a House

    More proactive characters might actively seek out the patronage of a noble or mercantile house. Start by deciding what skill the PC wishes to offer the house. (Most PCs will likely approach a house as adventurers, but one with high skill ranks might attempt to gain patronage as an artist or performer.) To determine which house is most likely to offer patronage to someone with her skills, the character must succeed on a DC 10 Knowledge (nobility and royalty) check.

    Usually none. In most cases, making a Knowledge check doesn’t take an action—you simply know the answer or you don’t.

    Try Again
    No. The check represents what you know, and thinking about a topic a second time doesn’t let you know something that you never learned in the first place.

    If you have 5 or more ranks in Knowledge (nobility and royalty), you get a +2 bonus on Diplomacy checks.
    PGTF p.9: Knowledge Synergy: If you have at least 5 ranks in Knowledge (local) for a particular region, you gain a +2 bonus on all other Knowledge skill checks pertaining to that region. For example, if you have 5 ranks in Knowledge (Cormyr local), you gain a +2 bonus on Knowledge (geography), Knowledge (history), Knowledge (nobility and royalty), and all other Knowledge checks made relating to topics or questions that have to do with Cormyr. This rule supersedes the Regional Focus rule on page 9 of the FORGOTTEN REALMS Campaign Setting.

    An untrained Knowledge check is simply an Intelligence check. Without actual training, you know only common knowledge (DC 10 or lower).

    Five Nations p.50: Schooling: Regional Education
    Breland The Brelish are industrious folk who are a little flighty and easygoing about their faith. Any character with Breland as his or her region of origin gains a +1 bonus on Knowledge (nobility and royalty) and Profession checks, while taking a –1 penalty on Concentration and Knowledge (religion) checks.

    Special: Items
    Races of Stone p.158: Signature Crest: Armor emblazoned with a signature crest allows others to easily recognize the wearer. Much like a noble’s signet ring, the crest is a customized design unique to an individual or family. Identifying a signature crest correctly requires a DC 20 Knowledge (nobility and royalty) check (although the DM can adjust this DC as needed to reflect the relative fame of the individual or family).

    Knowledge (Geography)

    Like the Craft and Profession skills, Knowledge actually encompasses a number of unrelated skills. Knowledge represents a study of some body of lore, possibly an academic or even scientific discipline.

    Geography (lands, terrain, climate, people)

    Answering a question within your field of study has a DC of 10 (for really easy questions), 15 (for basic questions), or 20 to 30 (for really tough questions). In many cases, you can use this skill to identify monsters and their special powers or vulnerabilities. In general, the DC of such a check equals 10 + the monster’s HD. A successful check allows you to remember a bit of useful information about that monster. For every 5 points by which your check result exceeds the DC, you recall another piece of useful information.

    Dragonshards: What do you know - web

    Chapter Seven of the Eberron Campaign Setting includes details on a variety of important cities and sites. Has your character ever heard of the Torlaac Moor or the Black Pit? For the most part, this falls under -- shocking as this may be -- Knowledge (geography).
    Knowledge DC Information about...
    5 National capital or metropolis (Sharn)
    10 City, major fortress, or environmental feature (The King's Forest, Sterngate)
    15 Village or town, smaller fortress or feature (Black Pit, Argonth)
    20 Hamlet or thorp, obscure fortress or feature (Ringbriar, The Dragon's Crown)

    A successful skill check means that you can point to the location on the map and that you know basic details about it: primary industries, size, most common race among the population, form of law. More detailed information may require a higher difficulty check, as described later in this article -- or it might require Knowledge (local).

    The absolutely crucial tasks of navigation and piloting fall under the description of Knowledge (geography). While Profession (sailor) covers the maneuvering and handling of a ship, the science of navigation requires a distinctly different set of training—mathematics, geometry, optics, and astronomy, among other fields. Navigation revolves around two basic tasks: course setting and piloting.

    Spoiler: Course Setting
    When you set out on a voyage, you need to know how to get where you’re going. The difficulty of setting an accurate course depends on the quality of information you have about where you’re going: The DM makes this check for you, since you don’t know for certain if you have planned an accurate course.

    Destination DC Check modifiers DC Modifier
    Close and very familiar 5 Start point well known +0
    Distant and very familiar 10 Start point uncertain +5
    Close and studied carefully 10 Start point only guessed at +10
    Distant and studied carefully 15 Start point completely unknown +20
    Close and seen once 20 Excellent chart +2
    Distant and seen once 25 Poor chart -2
    Close but uncertain 25 Extremely poor chart -5
    Distant and uncertain 30 False chart -10
    Mythical or legendary 35

    You make a course setting check when you begin a voyage, and anytime you realize that you have gotten lost and need to determine a new course to follow to reach your destination. If you fail your course setting check by 5 or less, you arrive in the vicinity of your destination; for close voyages, you miss by 5d10 miles; for voyages to distant points, you miss by 5d100 miles. If you fail your course setting check by more than 5, you are wildly off course. On a close voyage, you miss by 10d10 miles; on a long voyage, you miss by 10d100 miles.

    Spoiler: Piloting
    Piloting is the art of not getting lost and determining where you are in relation to your intended course, so that you can make corrections as necessary. Piloting actually involves a variety of related techniques: celestial navigation, dead reckoning, and true piloting—using landmarks on shore to establish your position. Each day of your voyage, you make a piloting check to establish your position and make the routine corrections necessary to hold to your intended course. The DC of this check depends on the methods available to you; on open ocean with cloudy skies, you have no landmarks and no celestial bodies to observe.

    Piloting check condition DC
    Very familiar coast in sight 5
    Coast studied carefully in sight 8
    Coast seen once in sight 13
    Unknown coast in sight 15
    Open ocean 17
    Open ocean, poor visibility 25
    Open ocean, stormy weather 30
    Open ocean, gale or hurricane 40
    One previous missed check +2
    Two previous missed checks +5

    Failing your piloting check once is not a problem; you simply failed to establish your location for the day. You can go back to your previous day’s established position and estimate your current position given the course and speed you think you’ve followed since. You do not become lost until you fail your piloting check on three consecutive days. Being lost at sea is much like being lost on land; see page 86 of the Dungeon Master’s Guide for details.

    Usually none. In most cases, making a Knowledge check doesn’t take an action—you simply know the answer or you don’t. Using Knowledge to gain a strategic advantage for a battle requires 1 hour of planning during the planning stage.(Heroes of Battle p.71)

    Try Again
    No. The check represents what you know, and thinking about a topic a second time doesn’t let you know something that you never learned in the first place.

    If you have 5 or more ranks in Knowledge (geography), you get a +2 bonus on Survival checks made to keep from getting lost or to avoid natural hazards.
    Chance to Get Lost: (DMG p.86) If conditions exist that make getting lost a possibility, the character leading the way must succeed on a Survival check or become lost. The difficulty of this check varies based on the terrain, the visibility conditions, and whether or not the character has a map of the area being traveled through. Refer to the table below and use the highest DC that applies.A character with at least 5 ranks in Knowledge (geography) or Knowledge (local) pertaining to the area being traveled through gains a +2 bonus on this check. (Stormwrack p.24) As on land, a ship lost at sea moves randomly. In order to recognize that you’ve become lost, you are entitled to a Knowledge (geography) check once per day (DC 20, – 1 per day of random travel) to recognize that you are no longer certain of your direction of travel. Setting a new course once you’ve recognized that you have become lost requires a new Knowledge (geography) course-setting check, as described in Chapter 4. The DC is determined normally, although you should apply the modifier for guessed at an unknown starting point as appropriate. Generally, a ship has an unknown starting point only if it has been driven by a storm or similarly deprived of any method to gauge its direction and distance of travel.

    An untrained Knowledge check is simply an Intelligence check. Without actual training, you know only common knowledge (DC 10 or lower).

    Action DC Source
    Determining the tribe of a particular Uthgardt barbarian as a non-Uthgardt person 15 Shining South p.96
    Strategic Advantage: A PC who supplies his side with knowledge relevant to the upcoming battle by spending an hour during the planning stage of a battle and succeeding on a DC 20 Knowledge check gains a strategic advantage: e.g. The battlefield contains notable terrain features (such as a marsh or a hill). 20 Heroes of Battle p.71 & 91
    Find a particular point on Nessus’s surface. (A map can grant a +1 to +4 bonus on this check, depending on its accuracy.) 30 Fiendish Codex 2 p.73

    Schooling: Regional Education—Five Nations p.50-51:
    Morgrave: Any character can choose to have received an education at Morgrave University, gaining a +1 bonus on Decipher Script and Knowledge (geography) checks, while taking a –1 penalty on Diplomacy and Knowledge (religion) checks. Further, the character begins play with one lesser underworld contact in Sharn, and has starting gold reduced by 25 (minimum of 0).
    Sharn: Any character with Breland as his region of origin may choose to have been raised in the city of Sharn, gaining a +1 bonus on Climb and Knowledge (the planes) checks, while taking a –1 penalty on Handle Animal and Knowledge (geography) checks.

    Song and Silence p.14: If the character is a Royal Explorer they may make an Explorer Check starting at 2nd level: The royal explorer makes a Knowledge (geography) check (DC 15) once per month or whenever he travels to a new culture. Success means he can use his knowledge of the culture he is visiting to his advantage, gaining a +4 circumstance bonus on certain skill checks: 2nd level - bonus applies only to Diplomacy checks; 4th;sense motive, 6th; gather information, 8th; Disable device, 10th; Use Magic Device. These circumstance bonuses are retained until the next Knowledge (geography) check. For particularly isolated or far-off cultures, the DM can raise the DC of the Knowledge (geography) check to 20 or higher.

    Special: Items
    Explorer’s Handbook p.48: Subscription to the Wayfinder Foundation’s quarterly newsletter, the "Rope and Piton", published by the Korranberg Chronicle. A character who reads the Piton picks up explorer tips and survival techniques, and for each issue that a character reads, he can apply a +1 insight bonus on a single Knowledge (geography) or Survival check.

    Stormwrack p.108: Sextant: A sextant grants a +2 circumstance bonus on Knowledge (geography) checks to set and hold course

    MIC p.164: Map of Unseen Lands Price: Relic: 5,200 gp (10th): While holding the map, you gain a +5 competence bonus on Knowledge (geography) and Survival checks if you are neutral good, lawful good, chaotic good, or neutral.

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    Knowledge (the Planes)

    Like the Craft and Profession skills, Knowledge actually encompasses a number of unrelated skills. Knowledge represents a study of some body of lore, possibly an academic or even scientific discipline.

    The planes (the Inner Planes, the Outer Planes, the Astral Plane, the Ethereal Plane, outsiders, elementals, magic related to the planes, Incarnum and Soulmelds Magic of Incarnum p.33

    Defenders of the Faith p.18 Knowledge (the planes) includes information about infernal beings such as devils, demons, and lower- planar critters, as well as divine beings such as celestials, archons, and denizens of higher planes.

    Oriental Adventures p.58: Knowledge: Knowledge (the planes) is replaced by Knowledge(Shadowlands)

    Answering a question within your field of study has a DC of 10 (for really easy questions), 15 (for basic questions), or 20 to 30 (for really tough questions). In many cases, you can use this skill to identify monsters and their special powers or vulnerabilities. In general, the DC of such a check equals 10 + the monster’s HD. A successful check allows you to remember a bit of useful information about that monster. For every 5 points by which your check result exceeds the DC, you recall another piece of useful information.

    Usually none. In most cases, making a Knowledge check doesn’t take an action—you simply know the answer or you don’t.

    Try Again
    No. The check represents what you know, and thinking about a topic a second time doesn’t let you know something that you never learned in the first place.

    If you have 5 or more ranks in Knowledge (the planes), you get a +2 bonus on Survival checks made while on other planes.
    PGTF p.9: Knowledge Synergy: If you have at least 5 ranks in Knowledge (local) for a particular region, you gain a +2 bonus on all other Knowledge skill checks pertaining to that region. For example, if you have 5 ranks in Knowledge (Cormyr local), you gain a +2 bonus on Knowledge (geography), Knowledge (history), Knowledge (nobility and royalty), and all other Knowledge checks made relating to topics or questions that have to do with Cormyr. This rule supersedes the Regional Focus rule on page 9 of the FORGOTTEN REALMS Campaign Setting.

    An untrained Knowledge check is simply an Intelligence check. Without actual training, you know only common knowledge (DC 10 or lower).

    Task DC Source
    Increase the chance for one’s self to transition through a Planar breech to 100%: A severe breach also represents such a thin boundary between planes that creatures and objects from one plane can slip or squeeze through to the other side. When a creature or object first enters an affected area on either the breaching or destination plane (or if the area comes into effect where a creature or untended object already exists), there is a 20% chance that the creature or object slips through to the other plane. 15 Planar Handbook p.152
    Identify a shadowcaster after witnessing them cast a mystery or identify an object or creature tainted by the plane of shadow 15 ToM p.139
    Recognize a drawing as a representation of the Golden Hills, the plane where the gnome pantheon resides. Magic Books of Faerun, WEB
    In addition to a Craft (poisonmaking) check, creating a dose of elemental rime requires a successful Knowledge (planes) check. 15 Complete Scoundrel p.112
    Use a Dimensional Sextant (21,600gp market price) to lead the bearer to the nearest planar portal (in the case of temporary portals, such as those created by the gate spell, the sextant reveals the temporary nature of that gate). The dimensional sextant is held in both hands, and the shimmering arrows point in the correct direction. It does not react to mere dimension extensions such as a bag of holding or a rope trick spell, or to extrusions from other dimensions such as shadow spells. 15 Manual of the planes p.22
    Use a Dimensional Sextant to determine where a portal leads. 17 Manual of the planes p.22
    Determine which plane or planes a Sextant of the Planes corresponds to, as the sextant does not reveal the name of the plane it is on, but determines what planar traits the plane exhibits. 18 Planar Handbook p.84
    Set Planar Sails (72000 gp market price) to travel to a particular plane. These rainbow-hued sails enable a vehicle to sail to places beyond the Material Plane. It takes 5 minutes. While the planar sails provide a means to reach worlds beyond, they don’t grant the ability to move or survive on the destination plane. 20 A&EG p.50
    Use a Dimensional Sextant to lead the bearer to the nearest portal to a specific plane (in the case of temporary portals, such as those created by the gate spell, the sextant reveals the temporary nature of that gate). The dimensional sextant is held in both hands, and the shimmering arrows point in the correct direction. It does not react to mere dimension extensions such as a bag of holding or a rope trick spell, or to extrusions from other dimensions such as shadow spells.
    20 Manual of the planes p.22
    Provide a strategic advantage to your side in a battle. Using Knowledge to gain a strategic advantage for a battle requires 1 hour of planning during the planning stage; e.g: The battlefield is on a plane other than the Material Plane 20 Heroes of Battle p.71 & 91
    If the target succeeds in his save, target understands that a mountebank tried to use a beguiling stare to affect them. 20 Dragon Compendium p.43
    Protest the terms of their contracts after death, when Mortals who consider themselves unfairly condemned to Baator find their souls arrive on the Shelves of Despond by demanding adjudication from the barbazu attempting to manhandle them into the waiting vessels of their respective archdevils 20 Fiendish Codex 2 p.25
    Assemble the body of a gloom golem, typically crafted from a single 1,000lb block of clay taken from the banks of the River Styx as it flows through the Gray Wastes of Hades (costing 10,000gp) along with a DC 21 craft Sculpting Check 21 MM3 p.68
    Assemble the body of a prismatic golem from 50,000gp worth of gems exposed to the glorious light of Elysium along with a DC 22 Craft (sculpting) check. 22 MM3 p.71
    Anyone who witnesses something fiendish about a character, can attempt discern that a character is more than likely one of the mysterious fiend-blooded. 25 Heroes of Horror p.106
    Knows of at least one portal on his home plane that purportedly leads to Sigil. That’s not saying that the portal won’t be hard to reach or well guarded, but the route can be discovered. 25 Planar Handook p.142
    Correctly operates the viewing chambers in the Observatorium. Failed checks mean the viewing chambers can’t focus on the desired location; checks that fail by 5 or more provide false visions or call a powerful outsider or elemental to the Observatorium. 30 Manual of the planes p.158
    Learn the proper melody to use a Horn of the Planes 1/day ability to open a gate (as per the spell) to a specific plane 30 Dragon Compendium p. 137
    Learn the ritual for creating a shadow bound creature. The day-long ritual requires the casting of the shadow walk spell by an arcane spellcaster of at least 9th level. The ritual requires the caster to expend 100 XP and must be performed in a place with a close natural connection to the Plane of Shadow, such as the Shadow Glade. 35 Random Encounters, WEB: The Shadow Glade
    If allowed 8 hours of uninterrupted concentration while maintaining physical contact with the Breaching Obelisk prior to a breach, choose the destination plane and intraplanar location when it visits one location on each of the planes of the cosmology, which it visits at a rate of one every other day, for a breach duration of 1 day each. 40 Planar handbook P.174

    Fiendish Codex 1 p.118: Everything on the gloomy 45th layer of the Abyss is somehow doused or subdued, taking on an equally gray pallor. All Knowledge (the planes) checks concerning the layer take a –4 penalty.
    Fiendish Codex 1 p.150: Those spending at least an hour in consultation with the lore of the arch of Elluviia Maure, one of Malcanthet’s greatest mortal followers, receive a +8 circumstance bonus on Knowledge (the planes) checks related to Malcanthet’s history, and the secrets inscribed here would be invaluable if transcribed into a book that could be used to unseat powerful political figures on the Material Plane as the Arch’s breathtaking bas-reliefs and lurid inscriptions highlight the legends of Malcanthet’s many sexual conquests and progeny, including the names of important noble families tainted with her influence on several different worlds.

    Fiendish Codex 2 p.25: Defending your immortal soul in court
    Spoiler: Knight of Tyr's Holy Judgement, Attorney at Law
    After demanding adjudication from the barbazu attempting to manhandle them into the waiting vessels of their respective archdevils. The Pact Primeval requires that the soul be granted a fair hearing. In ordinary circumstances, the trial takes place in the Diabolical Courts, which are located in the city of Abriymoch in Phlegethos (see page 52). The soul is entitled to representation by the advocate of its choice. If the desired advocate is not already in Baator, the presiding devil must contact the individual to make the request, though it is under no obligation to provide transport to Baator. A harvester devil or erinyes is appointed the soul’s counsel if it lacks available representation. On the other side is a devil’s advocate, who speaks for the condemnation of the soul. Only the following two defenses against condemnation are considered valid: The mortal was coerced or magically compelled into signing a Faustian pact. The devil offering a Pact Certain did not provide the promised benefits. The judge, usually a pit fiend, listens dispassionately to both sides and rules, as a lawful creature must, according to the law. The prosecutor and defense advocate must each make three skill checks: Diplomacy, Knowledge (the planes), and Perform (acting). The results of all three checks are added together, and the side with the highest total result wins the case.

    Planar MetaMagic Components
    Some metamagic components come from places beyond the Material Plane, especially in games where planar travel is common. The planes have exotic substances as well as purer, enhanced versions of common substances, and it makes sense that (for instance) rare soils from the Elemental Plane of Earth might make your move earth spell more potent.
    Purity is a major consideration for metamagic components of this sort; obtaining one is not simply a matter of going to the appropriate plane and scooping up a handful of stuff. In general, it takes a day of scavenging and a DC 30 Knowledge (the planes) check to find enough of the relevant raw material in its purest form to serve as a metamagic component. Because there’s no raw materials cost, planar metamagic components are a poor choice (from the GM’s point of view) for more expensive metamagic components, although this is ameliorated somewhat by the fact that it takes high-level spells to reach other planes, and those other planes are perilous places.

    Planar Handbook p.34: An 8th level planar ranger becomes an expert at tracking quarry across planes and through various portals and breaches. When examining a portal, the ranger may attempt to determine to which plane the portal leads. To do this, he must succeed on both a DC 20 Survival check and a DC 20 Knowledge (the planes) check.
    PGTE p.124: As a Manifest Spellshaper, you might gain permission to study your own mentor's personal collection of planar lore, which can grant you a +2 circumstance bonus on a Knowledge (the planes) check.
    Player’s Guide to Eberron p.27: A Templars of the Silver Flame receives basic training upon acceptance into the order of knights templar granting a +2 circumstance bonus on Knowledge (the planes) or Knowledge (religion) checks you make to identify monsters and learn their capabilities and weaknesses.
    Planar Handbook: Planar Touchstone Feat: Characters with the planar touchstone feat attuned to the Breaching Obelisk (Planar handbook P.174) gain +3 competence bonus on Knowledge(the planes) checks and those attuned to (P.178) The great Orrery gain a +2 bonus on Knowledge (the planes) checks.

    Special: Ranks
    Secrets of Sarlona p.18: Wild zones often include breaches between the worlds, cracks through which creatures can pass without the use of magic. These breaches take many forms and are rarely obvious; a tranquil pond could be a portal to Lamannia. To recognize a wild zone or a breach, a character must have at least 5 ranks in both Survival and Knowledge (the planes) and make a successful DC 20 Survival check.
    Planar Handbook p.74: Building a living astral ship requires the Craft Construct feat and 10 ranks in Knowledge (the planes).

    Special: Regional Education
    Five Nations p.50: Schooling: Regional Education—P.51: Sharn: Any character with Breland as his region of origin may choose to have been raised in the city of Sharn, gaining a +1 bonus on Climb and Knowledge (the planes) checks, while taking a –1 penalty on Handle Animal and Knowledge (geography) checks

    Special: Rituals
    Faiths of Eberron p.101: Ritual of Watchfulness:
    Spoiler: Ritual of Watchfulness
    You become on guard against unnatural attacks against the world. Your senses are exceptionally heightened. This ritual can only be performed by a druid of the Gatekeeper sect. Prerequisite: 1 rank of Knowledge (the planes), Listen, or Spot.
    Benefit: You gain a +1 bonus on Knowledge (the planes), Listen, and Spot checks. If you voluntarily cast a spell that creates poison, disease, or confusion, this benefit ends immediately.
    Special: If you are an initiate of the Gatekeepers, all divination spells you cast are extended (as the Extend Spell feat). This does not alter the spell slot used to prepare or cast them.

    Special: Spells and Powers
    BOVD p.91. Demoncall, instant, 2nd level, blackguard, demonologist, demonic 2: +10 profane bonus on any one check (made immediately) involving Knowledge (arcana), Knowledge (the planes), or Knowledge (religion).

    Complete Mage p.124 Otherwordly Whispers Least; 2nd You gain a +6 bonus on Knowledge (arcana), Knowledge (religion), and Knowledge (the planes) checks for 24 hours.

    Call to mind: On a failed Knowledge check, you can manifest this power to gain a new check with a +4 competence bonus. If successful, you instantly recall what was previously buried in your subconscious.
    Know direction and location: Using this power prior to making a Knowledge (the planes) check with astral caravan grants a +2 bonus on the check.
    Astral Caravan

    Special: Stuff that grants bonuses
    Eberron Campaign Setting p.272: Siberys Observatory: An individual in a Siberys observatory gets a +5 circumstance bonus on Knowledge (the planes) checks.

    Fiendish Codex 1 p. 102: Abyssal Mundus: Reading the Abyssal Mundus is at best a difficult task, and at worst a mind-threatening one. After studying it at least 8 hours per day for a week, a character must succeed on a DC 26 Will save. If he fails, he becomes extremely paranoid and takes a –2 penalty on attack rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks for the next week. During that time, he does not willingly approach the Abyssal Mundus, and flees from it as if frightened if brought within 10 feet of it. With a successful saving throw, the character gains a +10 circumstance bonus on Knowledge (the planes) checks regarding the Abyss or demons and a +10 circumstance bonus on Survival checks while on the Abyss. These bonuses last for one year after the character reads the Abyssal Mundus.

    Fiendish Codex 1 p.102: Black Writings: Study of the black writings for 8 continuous hours grants the possessor a +2 circumstance bonus on Knowledge (the planes) checks, and a +5 circumstance bonus on Bluff and Sense Motive checks made against creatures native to the Abyss. To retain these bonuses, the reader must spend at least 1 hour per week refreshing that knowledge.

    Fiendish Codex 1 p. 103: Rubric of Tulket nor Ahm: Studying any single rubric page for 10 minutes grants the reader a +1 circumstance bonus on Knowledge (the planes) checks, but he must keep the page on his person to retain the bonus. This bonus increases to +5 for Knowledge (the planes) checks directly related to the kind of demon to which the rubric page is keyed. So if the owner of a hezrou rubric makes a Knowledge (the planes) check regarding hezrou, he gains the larger bonus.

    Fiendish Codex 1 p.104: transcriptions of Ergon: To gain the +3 circumstance bonus on Knowledge (the planes) checks conveyed by the transcriptions of Ergon, a character must spend at least 8 hours reading the scrolls, plus another hour every week refreshing her knowledge. If she ever skips her 1-hour “refresher” with the scrolls (even by as much as a moment), she must study the parchments for the full 8 hours again to reactivate the bonus.

    Planar Handbook p.71: Planar Atlas: Countless versions of these handy tomes exist, each of which is meant to describe the relationships between various planes for the convenience of travelers. They are rarely accurate when it comes to detailing the locations of planar portals (or the instructions for how to activate them), but the information on the planes grants a +2 competence bonus on Knowledge (the planes) checks.

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    The Obscure Knowledges

    EPH p.158: Sometimes the command thought to activate an item is mentally imprinted within it and is whispered into the mind of a creature who picks it up. Other items are silent, but a Knowledge (psionics) or Knowledge (history) check might be useful in helping to identify command thoughts. A successful DC 30 check is needed to come up with the command thought in this case.

    Illithid Mindscorch DOTU p.94
    : It can be created with a DC 27 (poisonmaking) check, though the DC is reduced by 5 if the creator has ranks in Knowledge (psionics) or Psicraft or has levels in a psionic character class.

    OA p.236: Maho Spells A shugenja, sorcerer, or adept who researches maho can learn a spell from the maho-tsukai spell list instead of her normal spell list if she makes a Knowledge (Shadowlands) check against a DC of 15 + the spell’s level. This spell counts against the character’s normal spells known, and if the character is a shugenja, it counts as a spell outside the character’s favored element.

    OA p.242: Aketenshi: Cloaked Taint (Ex): A Kuni witch hunter or other character with the Sense Taint ability must make a Knowledge (Shadowlands) check against a DC equal to 10 + 1/2 the akutenshi’s level + the akutenshi’s Taint score to detect the presence of Taint in the akutenshi.

    Shining South p.40: Locating a particular herb is not as simple as strolling into the woods and plucking flowers. Searching for herbs requires a successful Wilderness Lore or Knowledge (herbalism) check, depending on how common the herb is in the immediate vicinity.

    Common DC 10
    Uncommon DC 20
    Rare DC 30
    Not present Impossible

    Any character may attempt to locate herbs with a Search check, but only if the DC for the particular herb is 10 or lower. Each attempt requires 10 minutes and covers the ground in an area roughly 100 feet square. A character with the nature sense ability (a druid, for example) only requires 1 minute per attempt.

    Shining South p.40: Amaunauth
    An herbalist can concoct amaunauth by crushing the leaves of the plant, boiling whole plants, or even dissolving the leaves in alcohol (Alchemy or Knowledge herbalism check, DC 15, and one day’s work to manufacture). A single plant can produce 1d4+2 doses. Amaunauth: Injury DC 19, initial damage 2d4 hp, secondary damage unconsciousness, price 100 gp.


    The Eberron Campaign Setting provides details on 28 organizations. How much of that information should be available to a player character? What skill should be used to acquire that information?

    This is not an easy question to answer. House Jorasco is a household name, and it hides few secrets. The Dreaming Dark is virtually unknown outside of the kalashtar and the Inspired, and it could be difficult to prove that the organization even exists. Between these is a wide range of groups with multiple levels of secrecy. Most people have heard of House Phiarlan, but far fewer know that it trades in information or how to properly contact a Phiarlan intelligence broker. Many members of the upper crust know about the existence of the four concords of the Aurum but the existence of the Shadow Cabinet is a secret even to members of the concords. Consider the following when determining base difficulty.

    Knowledge DC Level of Secrecy...
    5 Character is a member of the organization
    10 None (most Dragonmark houses, Morgrave University)
    15 Low (The Aurum, the Order of the Emerald Claw)
    20 Medium (The Chamber, the Shadow Cabinet)
    30 High (The Dreaming Dark, the Lords of Dust)
    In this case, even choosing the appropriate skill can be difficult. Knowledge (nobility) is the default skill for obtaining information about the dragonmark houses, and it also makes sense for the Aurum, the royal families, and other groups that are centered in court. The Lords of Dust would typically fall under Knowledge (arcana) while the Dreaming Dark would come under the heading of Knowledge (psionics). If a character is a conspiracy buff, the DM might allow him to take Knowledge (organizations); 5 ranks in such a skill would provide a +2 synergy bonus to Gather Information checks when seeking information about an organization.

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    Troll in the Playground

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    Character Accoutrements

    Transformative Feats
    Spoiler: transformative feats

    Research (Eberron Campaign Setting, p. 59)
    This feat expands the way you can use the Knowledge skills by allowing you to use a Knowledge skill to navigate a library, an office filing system, a chronicler's repository, or a church's records storage cell in order to discover information. You must be able to read the language the texts are written in to research them.
    Research a Topic: Given enough time (usually 1d4 hours) and a successful DC 10 skill check, you gain a general understanding of the topic you're researching. This assumes the information you are seeking exists within the collection of materials you are researching. The higher the check result, the better and more detailed the information (to the extent available within the source material). For specific information on a specific topic, find a library.
    Library Circumstance bonus modifier
    General-purpose libraries (such as those found in some wealthy households, small churches, or towns) +1
    Library devoted to a specific topic (usually owned by churches or organizations devoted to specific pursuits) +2
    Comprehensive collections (large churches, in some larger cities, in some institutions, at Morgrave University, and in major chronicle offices) +4
    Master collections (dragonmarked house enclaves, one or two royal libraries, and in the library at Korranberg) +6

    Examine Records: Examining books or records to get a general sense of what's in them(Alchemist stack of ledgers, Crimelord's records, City taxes) To get a general sense of the information contained therein and whether or not you can use it, you must make a research check using the most appropriate Knowledge skill. The DC depends on the complexity of the code or filing system used.
    complexity of code time (hours) DC
    Basic 1d4 10
    Simple 1d4+1 15
    Moderate 1d4+2 20
    Complex 1d4+4 30
    On any successful check, the higher the result, the better and more complete the information. You can retry a Knowledge check made to perform research, though if the material you are examining doesn't contain the data you seek, you can't find it. You can take 10 or take 20 when making a Knowledge check for this feat.

    Trivial Knowledge (Races of Stone, p. 145) [Racial] Int 13 Gnomes make a Knowledge check or a bardic knowledge checks by rolling twice and using the better of the two results.

    Ancestral Knowledge (Races of Stone, p. 136) [Racial] Wis 15 Dwarfs can make any Knowledge check untrained, even if the DC is higher than 10 and can use Wisdom modifier for any Knowledge check in place of Intelligence modifier.

    Knight of Tyr's Holy Judgment (Champions of Valor, p. 32) [Exalted] INT 13 members of the Knights of Holy Judgment (see page 102), gain a supernatural ability to sense and understand laws, Adding paladin levels to any Knowledge or Intelligence check made regarding laws. You can use this ability even if you are unfamiliar with the local laws or don't even know where you are. You can use this ability to find loopholes in the law.
    Spoiler: example
    If you use this ability upon approaching the city of Blargjarg in the Lost Vale of Burberderber, a Knowledge (arcana) or Knowledge (local Burberderber) check reveals to you that arcane magic is forbidden there. If you later end up in a strange hellscape by way of a portal, and a Knowledge (religion) check reveals that Blibdooploop is the official religion where you are, you realize you are in SkerperNurper

    Knowledge Devotion (Complete Champion, p. 60) [Domain] Add one Knowledge skill to your list of class skills. When fighting, you make a knowledge check based on creature type to receive an insight bonus on attack rolls and damage rolls against that creature type for the remainder of combat. You can make only one Knowledge check per creature type per combat.
    Check Result Bonus Granted
    15 or below +1
    16-25 +2
    26-30 +3
    31-35 +4
    36+ +5

    Magic of the Land (Races of the Wild, p. 152) [General] When in a natural setting, you can succeed on a Knowledge (nature) check (DC 15 + spell level), made as a free action while casting a spell. You can't take 10 on this check. If you succeed, each target of your spell is healed of 2 points of damage per spell level, in addition to the spell's normal effects. If the spell doesn't have a target entry, this feat has no effect.

    Dragon Prophesier (Magic of Eberron, p. 46) [General] With a full-round action, you can place yourself in a state of prophetic favor, and it lasts for a number of rounds equal to 3 + 1/2 the number of Knowledge (arcana) ranks you have. While in prophetic favor, you gain a +1 insight bonus on saves. Dragon Prophesier also enables you to take additional feats that grant you extra benefits while in a state of prophetic favor. You can enter a state of prophetic favor a number of times per day equal to 1/2 your HD (round up) + your Wis bonus (if any)

    Dream of Insight (Secrets of Sarlona, p. 116) [Dreamtouched] Once per day, you can make a single Knowledge check (any field) while you sleep, rest, or meditate with the intent of restoring your ability to enter a dreamtouched state. You gain a +10 insight bonus in addition to your usual modifiers on the check, and can make a check for uncommon knowledge (DC 11 or higher) even if you have no ranks in the appropriate Knowledge skill. Making this Knowledge check expends one use of your dreamtouched state for the following day. Taking this feat increases the duration of your dreamtouched state by 1 round. You can do truename research in your Sleep!!!

    Dreamtelling (Heroes of Horror, p. 122) [General]
    Interpret Dreams: You can use your Knowledge (the planes) skill to interpret your dreams or the dreams of others to figure out what sorts of concerns or fears are likely to have inspired it.
    Dream Being Interpreted DC
    Features obvious symbolism 10
    Involves cultural details or concepts with which you are not very familiar 15
    Represents memories of past events with which you are not familiar 20
    Both the previous conditions are true 25

    Insight into the future: Reading the prophetic images of a dream for insight into future events adds +10 to +20 to the base DC, depending on how obscure the omens are. The DM must decide if a dream contains prophetic imagery; a sufficiently high roll might glean some information even if the dream was not overtly oracular.
    Making the DC required to interpret a dream grants information comparable to an augury spell
    Exceeding the required check by 10 or more offers information comparable to a divination spell
    Exceeding the required check by 20 or more offers information comparable to a commune spell

    You can use this feat to determine what effect injuries received in a dreamscape are likely to have on you once you return (DC 15), or whether an item or location was created by the dreamer or brought in from outside (DC 20). Finally, this feat allows Knowledge (the planes) to function in place of Survival when used within a dreamscape. We're talking about SURVIVAL here people. This skill can be used to retrace your steps and return to a known person's dream, or to attempt to track a creature across the dreamscape.

    To interpret your own dream, you must think it out for (30 - Int modifier) minutes. To analyze someone else's dream, they describe it to you, adding 10+1d10 minutes to the process.

    Try Again: No. The check represents your ability to interpret that particular dream. You can attempt to interpret other dreams the same individual has later, but you get only one attempt per dream. You have only one attempt to determine whether an item is native to a particular dream.

    Favored in Guild (Dungeon Master's Guide II, p. 227) [General] Scholastic Guild: Once per character level, you can take 20 on any Knowledge skill in which you have at least 1 rank. Using this ability takes 1 hour, and you can do so only while you are in your guildhouse, since you must research the desired information in the guild's holdings from other guild members to accomplish the task.

    Gatekeeper initiate (Eberron Campaign Setting, p. 54) [General] Add Knowledge (the planes) to your list of druid class skills. You may use Knowledge (the planes) rather than Knowledge (dungeoneering) when making skill checks to identify aberrations and their special abilities.

    Make your Own Luck (Complete Scoundrel, p. 79) [Luck] one other luck feat prereq: spend luck point to reroll skill check.

    Glyph Scriber Dragon Compendium P. 148: [GENERAL] You learn 2 glyphs and can learn more as described below. You also gain the ability to scribe and empower glyphs. To discover glyphs, you must spend long hours in researching somewhere academic. Each day, you must make a special Knowledge (arcana) check, with your caster level as a competence bonus. The DC of this check depends on the resources available to you. This check represents both your ability to uncover the information you need and your ability to comprehend it.
    Extensive library 15
    Large library 20
    Mid-sized library 25
    Small library 30

    Feats for Skill Bonuses and/or Access to Skills

    Spoiler: Bonuses/Training

    Veteran Knowledge (Heroes of Battle, p. 99) [Fighter Bonus Feat, General] fighter bonus feat for +5 bonus on Knowledge checks made to gain a strategic advantage
    Truename Research (Tome of Magic, p. 229) [General] gain a +2 bonus on Knowledge checks made to discover a creature's personal truename. In addition, the cost to research a personal truename is reduced by half.
    Draconic Knowledge (Dragon Magic, p. 17) [Heritage] Sorcerer gains a bonus on Knowledge checks equal to the number of draconic feats they have. All Knowledge skills are class skills for all your classes.
    Education (Eberron Campaign Setting, p. 52) [General] All Knowledge skills are class skills for you. You get a +1 bonus on all checks with any two Knowledge skills of your choice.
    Galifaran Scholar (Player's Guide to Eberron, p. 77) [General] +4 insight bonus on Knowledge checks pertaining to events associated with the Last War or the royal family of the Kingdom of Galifar, and you treat untrained Knowledge checks related to these topics as trained Knowledge checks.
    Relic Hunter (Races of Eberron, p. 111) [General] +5 bonus on Appraise checks, Knowledge checks, and bardic knowledge checks involving items from the Dhakaani Empire or from ancient Xen'drik.
    Jack of All Trades (Complete Adventurer, p. 110) [General] You can use any skill as if you had 1/2 rank in that skill. This benefit allows you to attempt checks with skills that normally don't allow untrained skill checks (such as Decipher Script and Knowledge). If a skill doesn't allow skill checks (such as Speak Language), this feat has no effect.
    Keen Intellect (Oriental Adventures, p. 64) [Ancestor] +1 bonus on Intelligence checks and a +1 bonus on Knowledge, Scry, and Search checks.
    Lunatic Insight (Heroes of Horror, p. 123) [Tainted] Mildly depraved you are considered trained in all Knowledge skills, even if you have no ranks in them. You also gain a +2 morale bonus on initiative rolls and to resist mind-affecting spells and abilities.
    Master of Knowledge (Heroes of Horror, p. 123) [General] +1 bonus to all Knowledge skill checks.
    Mentor (Dungeon Master's Guide II, p. 176) [General] +2 competence bonus to any of the four associated skills and an apprentice.
    Apprentice (Dungeon Master's Guide II, p. 176) [General] gains two new class skills and two bonus skill points to spend on these class skills. These new class skills are added to the class skill list for any character class or prestige class she gains. The specific skills gained as class skills depend on the type of mentor she selects.A character immediately gains two new class skills and two bonus skill points to spend on these class skills. These new class skills are added to the class skill list for any character class or prestige class she gains. The specific skills gained as class skills depend on the type of mentor she selects.
    Breadth of Knowledge (Unearthed Arcana, p. 92) [Spelltouched] All Knowledge checks you make are treated as trained checks, even if you don't have any ranks in the specific skill. If you have at least one rank in the specific Knowledge skill in question, you gain a +1 bonus on the check.
    Killoren Ancient (Races of the Wild, p. 151) [General] Killorens manifesting the aspect of the ancient, can spend 10 minutes of uninterrupted time communing with nature on a specific question. After this time has passed, you can make a check using any Knowledge skill with a +4 insight bonus on this check; if successful, you learn answers as if you were trained in the skill, even if you have no ranks in the Knowledge skill in questiion
    Skill Focus (SRD) +3 to a skill
    Planar Touchstone ( Planar Handbook, p. 41) Planar Handbook p.159: Library of Ignorance: Base Ability: You gain a +2 bonus on checks involving one Knowledge skill
    Investigate (Eberron Campaign Setting, p. 55) [General] Synergy: If you have 5 or more ranks in an appropriate Knowledge skill, you get a +2 bonus on Search checks to find or analyze clues.
    Draconic aura (Dragon Magic, p. 16): Aura out to 30' that grants +1 to knowledge checks. Dragonblooded character's aura advances by +1 on 7th, 14th and 20th levels.
    Pious Soul (complete Divine p.86): add 1d6 to a skill check
    Skill Trick: Collector of Stories (Complete Scoundrel, p. 85) [Mental, Skill Trick] When you attempt a trained Knowledge check to identify a creature or to learn its special powers or vulnerabilities, you gain a +5 competence bonus on the check.
    Trait: Absent Minded: (SRD) You gain a +1 bonus on Knowledge checks (although this does not let you use a Knowledge skill untrained). You take a -1 penalty on Spot checks and Listen checks.


    Vremyonni Training (Unapproachable East, p. 45) Rashemen spellcasters gain a +2 bonus on Knowledge (arcana) and spellcraft
    Spellwise (Player's Guide to Faerun, p. 44) [Regional] Human or Elf gets a +2 bonus on all Knowledge (arcana) and Spellcraft checks. You also get a +2 bonus on saving throws against illusion spells or effects.
    Aerenal Arcanist (Player's Guide to Eberron, p. 20) [General] Elf gets a +2 bonus on Knowledge (arcana) checks. Wizard elfs henceforth get one additional spell per wizard level.
    Arcane Insight (Races of Destiny, p. 154) [Initiate] 3rd level Boccobian Cleric adds Knowledge (arcana) to your list of cleric class skills, gains +2 insight bonus on Spellcraft checks and some spells on your spell list.
    Collegiate Wizard (Complete Arcane, p. 181) [General] Wizard gets extra spells and +2 bonus on all Knowledge (arcana) checks.

    Sacrificial Mastery (Book of Vile Darkness, p. 50) [Vile] Wis 15 character gets +4 profane bonus on Knowledge (religion) checks made when performing a sacrifice.
    Theocrat (Races of Faerun, p. 170) [General] You get a +2 bonus on all Diplomacy and Knowledge (religion) checks.

    Unnatural Enemy (Player's Guide to Eberron, p. 86) [General] +2 bonus or favored enemy (aberrations) bonus to Knowledge (dungeoneering) checks made in conjunction with aberrations. Also, +2 bonus on weapon damage rolls made against aberrations.

    Illithid Enthusiast (Complete Psionic, p. 61) [Heritage] Illithid heritors game morale bonus equal to onehalf the number of power points spent on a successful compulsion power against a foe on Concentration, Knowledge (Psionics), Psicraft, or Sense Motive check you make before the end of the next round.
    Autonomous (Expanded Psionics Handbook, p. 41) [General] +2 bonus on all Autohypnosis checks and Knowledge (psionics) checks
    Psithief (Complete Scoundrel, p. 80) [General] Knowledge (psionics) and Psicraft are spellthief class skills for you. And other useless fluff.

    Oral History (Races of Faerun, p. 167) [General] Dwarf gets +2 bonus on all Knowledge (history) and Perform checks.
    Ancestral Spirit (Races of Faerun, p. 161) [Racial] Human gets +2 bonus on all Heal and Knowledge (history) checks.
    Magistrate's Mind (Oriental Adventures, p. 64) [Ancestor] +2 bonus on Knowledge (history) and Knowledge (nobility and royalty) checks.
    Aftersight (Races of Faerun, p. 160) [Racial] Human: Make DC 10 wissdom check for +4 bonuses to knowledge history checks made over the next minute.

    Ecclesiarch (Eberron Campaign Setting, p. 52) [General] Add Gather Information and Knowledge (local) to your list of class skills.
    Inside Connection (Races of Destiny, p. 153) [General] +4 circumstance bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Information, Knowledge (local), and Sense Motive checks made in conjunction with a specifically chosen organization.
    City Slicker (Races of Destiny, p. 150) [General]Disguise, Forgery, Gather Information, and Knowledge (local) are always class skills for you. Special This feat may only be taken at 1st level
    Draconic Heritage (Races of the Dragon, p. 102): Emerald dragon (MM2)= gain knowledge (local)

    Keeper of Forbidden Lore (Fiendish Codex I: Hordes of the Abyss, p. 86) [Abyssal Heritor] Person with INT 13 gains a bonus on Knowledge (the planes), Spellcraft, and bardic knowledge checks= #Abyssal heritor feats you possess. In addition, Knowledge (the planes) and Spellcraft are always class skills for you, and you can use them untrained. Also, -2 penalty on Gather Information checks.
    Edgewalker Sentinel (Secrets of Sarlona, p. 117) [General] Those with Favored enemy (any outsider) can add Knowledge (the planes) to your list of ranger or scout class skills. When you select this feat, gain a +1 bonus against one of your preexisting outsider favored enemies.
    Planar Touchstone (Planar Handbook, p. 41) P.178 The great Orrery: Base Ability: +2 bonus on Knowledge (the planes) checks.
    Planar Touchstone (Planar Handbook, p. 41) P.174: The Breaching Obelisk: Base Ability: You gain a +3 competence bonus on Knowledge(the planes) checks.

    Caravanner (Races of Faerun, p. 162) [General] +2 bonus on Handle Animal and Knowledge (geography) checks.

    Dinosaur Hunter (Races of Eberron, p. 108) [General] Halfling gains a +2 bonus on Listen, Spot, and Survival and Knowledge (nature) checks when using these skills involving dinosaurs and +2 bonus on weapon damage rolls against these creatures.
    Green Bond (Ghostwalk, p. 35) [General] +2 bonus on all Knowledge (nature) and Wilderness Lore checks when within the Spirit Wood.
    Favored in Guild (Dungeon Master's Guide II, p. 227) [General] Nature guild: Choose a particular type of creature from the following list: animal, fey, giant, monstrous humanoid, plant, or vermin. You gain a +5 competence bonus on any Knowledge (nature) check you make concerning your chosen creature type.

    Draconic Heritage (Races of the Dragon, p. 102): Sapphire (MM2)= gain knowledge (engineering)
    Planar Touchstone
    ( Planar Handbook, p. 41)The Metacube (Planar handbook p170:): Base Ability: +2 bonus on Knowledge (architecture and engineering) checks.

    Ceremony Feats
    Spoiler: Ceremony Feats

    Ceremony Feats are all based on the number of ranks you have in Knowledge Religion (except ritual of transference, which allows ranks of knowledge (arcana) to suffice). At certain rank threshholds (typically 4, 8, and 12) new ceremonies become unlocked to make you and your crew (typically between 4-8 participants) spend money (25gp-1000gp) on mumbojumbo and spend 5-30 minutes jibberjabberin about the spirit realm for a 24 hour buff that kind of stinks in most situations with the exception of fell conspiracy and ritual of transference.
    Words of Draconic Power (Dragon Magic, p. 22): Speak draconic->power word spell mods.
    Slayer of Dragons (Dragon Magic, p. 22): Weak Dragon slaying Buffs->watch friend die for weak combat bonuses
    Ritual Blood Bonds (Player's Handbook II, p. 86): +4 moral vs. fear ->watch friend die for weak combat bonuses
    Ritual Blessing (Player's Handbook II, p. 86) bonuses to cure spells and saves
    Armor of Scales (Dragon Magic, p. 15): unstackable nat armor bonus from +1 to +3
    Blessing of the Godless (Exemplars of Evil, p. 23) Dark Pact: Pool of immediately available hp for participants. ->save bonuses
    Fell Conspiracy (Exemplars of Evil, p. 24) Free message spells -> team telepathy ->Flatfoot immunity
    Heart of Dragons (Dragon Magic, p. 19) count as having +1 draconic feat or actually get temporary access to a draconic feat
    Ritual of Transference (Web): Pay xp for magic items in the right way.

    Other Feats
    Spoiler: Archivists, Changelings, and 3.0 exalted truename

    Draconic Archivist (Heroes of Horror, p. 122) & Archivist of Nature (Heroes of Horror, p. 119): Add creature types to your reportoire of knowledge based class features.
    Racial emulation (Races of Eberron, p. 110): I forget why. But I had some genius idea.
    Favored in House ( Eberron Campaign Setting, p. 53): Check your house benefit in dragonmarked supplement.
    Words of Creation (BOED p.32) Research a specific creature’s true name if access to legend lore and either contact other plane or commune is available. Researching a true name requires one week per 2 HD of the creature and an expenditure of 1,000 gp per week. The character must have legend lore cast once each week, but the material component cost is included in the research cost. At the end of the research time, the character must have commune or contact other plane cast, paying the XP cost for commune if applicable. Then: Knowledge check, using the specialty appropriate to the target creature’s type. The DC for this check is 10 + the creature’s Hit Dice. If the check succeeds, the character has discovered the creature’s true name. If it fails, the character must go through the research process again if she wants to keep trying

    BOVD p.91. Demoncall, instant, 2nd level, blackguard, demonologist, demonic 2: +10 profane bonus on any one check (made immediately) involving Knowledge (arcana), Knowledge (the planes), or Knowledge (religion).
    BOVD p.103.: Sacrificial Skill Enchantment [Evil] Level: Asn 2, Clr 1, Sor/Wiz 1; 1 minute/level The caster gains a +5 bonus on all Knowledge (religion) checks that have to do with sacrifices made to evil gods.
    Magic of Faerun p. 85 Caccoon Spell: If the victim had any ranks in a Knowledge skill, you gain an enhancement bonus on that skill check equal to the number of ranks possessed by the victim.
    Complete Champion p. 124 Lore of the gods Level: Cleric 2 Duration: 10 minutes/level/until discharged; +5 insight bonus on all Knowledge checks. 1/casting make a check with a Knowledge skill in which you have no ranks, or retry a Knowledge check you have previously failed with the+5 insight bonus still applying. Utilizing this option reduces the spell’s remaining duration to 1 minute/level. If you worship a deity who grants access to the Knowledge domain, the bonus is +10 rather than +5—even if you did not choose that domain.
    Complete champion p.127: Spiritual Sdvisor Cleric 4, Duration: 1 minute/level: +4 insight bonus on all Knowledge checks while the spell is in effect. You can even attempt checks with Knowledge skills in which you have no skill ranks or retry a Knowledge check you failed before casting the spell.
    Magic of Eberron p.94: Ancient Knowledge Level: Bard 1, sorcerer/wizard 1 Casting Time: 1 minute, Duration: 1 hour/level/until discharged; Before making a Knowledge check, you can decide to discharge this spell as an immediate action to give yourself a +5 insight bonus on the check. If you do not have any ranks in the Knowledge skill, it is still treated as an untrained check. Special: A character with any Mark of Finding dragonmark, or with the Favored in House feat (Tharashk), treats any Knowledge check made in conjunction with this spell as a trained check, even if he doesn’t have any ranks in the skill. Focus: A piece of ivory worth at least 100 gp.
    Dragon Magic p. 66: detect dragonblood: sor/wiz 1: 3rd Round: The power and location of each aura. If an aura is outside your line of sight, you learn its direction but not its exact location. If an aura is within your line of sight, you can make a Knowledge (arcana) check (DC 10 + target's HD) to determine whether the aura is of the dragon type or the dragonblood subtype.
    Dragon Magic p. 72: Primal instinct: Rang 2, Druid 3, Sor 3: 24 hour duration. If you are of the dragonblood subtype you also gain a +5 competence bonus on any one kind of Knowledge check, chosen when you cast primal instinct, and you are treated as trained in that skill.
    Player's Guide to Faerun: WieldSkill: Initiate of Gond 1 (archivist;) ): min/level: +5 competence to any skill
    Epic Level Handbook p.55: Epic Spellcasting: lots and lots of skillchecks.

    Dragon Magic p.85: Elder Spirit: Any dragonblooded creature can gain a +4 insight bonus on Knowledge (arcana), Knowledge (history), and Use Magic Device checks, and can make these checks untrained. Essentia: Every point of essentia invested in your elder spirit increases the insight bonus by 2.
    MoI p.110: Binding a magic item to the crown chakra: +2 insight bonus on Appraise, Concentration, Decipher Script, Knowledge (any one), or Spellcraft checks

    Desharis: City-Dweller: +6 competence bonus on Gather Information and Knowledge (local) checks (and may use the latter even if you have 0 ranks in it).
    ToM p.29. Dantallion: Dantalion Knows: While bound to Dantalion, you have a +8 bonus on Knowledge checks. Still can't do Knowledge checks untrained.
    ToM p.35: Halphax: A Binder that binds the 8th level vestige Halphax can use Halphax’s Knowledge to Knowledge (architecture and engineering) skills untrained with a +16 competence bonus.

    Invocations and other things
    Complete Mage p.124 Otherwordly Whispers
    Least; 2nd You gain a +6 bonus on Knowledge (arcana), Knowledge (religion), and Knowledge (the planes) checks for 24 hours.
    Dragon Magic p. 87: Insight Draconic Aura +1 to knowledge checks per aura bonus modifier.
    TOM p. 234: utterances: Hidden Truth: Grant creature +10 bonus on a Knowledge Check
    Fey Feature, WEB: The Rite of Ultimate Passage: Ceremony that takes a week to complete and costs 1,000 gp per participant (including the elder fey). The rite of ultimate passage must be undertaken willingly by a fey with at least 10 Hit Dice or class levels or any combination of the two that totals 10 or more. She declares that upon her death, her chosen heirs will benefit from her knowledge. For every 5 ranks in a Knowledge skill, she can grant an heir a +1 bonus in that Knowledge skill. The bequest functions only if the fey dies of old age. The recipient need not be a fey. No individual may receive or possess bonuses totaling more than +2. If the individual later becomes an heir to another fey, the beneficiary decides which bonuses to keep. Once a recipient refuses or gives up a bonus, it is forever lost.

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    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Library of Knowledge: Getting the most out of your studies

    Affiliations, Organizations, and Guilds

    PHB2: Affiliations: Multiple Affiliations : You can be associated with multiple Affiliations at one time. You can have one affiliation score with no penalty, a second at –10, a third at –15, a fourth at –20, and so on. If you have multiple Affiliations, you can only gain the benefits of one affiliation at a time. If you have a high enough affiliation score to gain benefits from more than one affiliation, choose which set of affiliation benefits affect you at the beginning of each day. You gain all the benefits for which you qualify from the chosen affiliation.

    Below, Affiliations marked BOLD RED are novel game mechanics. Affiliations marked RED are just better than a piddly +2 or access to a knowledge skill/skills.

    Spoiler: Affiliations
    Complete champion p. 9. Assembly of Balance Rank 1 Affiliation Score 5-9: Grove Initiate: Gain a +2 bonus on Knowledge (nature) checks relating to plants or animals.

    PHB2: p.172 Darkspire College of Thaun: 11–20 Adjunct Researcher: +2 competence bonus on Knowledge skills while in the college’s libraries.

    PHB2 p.180: Sun Fane: 11–20 Ordained: +2 competence bonus on Knowledge (religion) checks when consulting the Sun Fane’s library.

    PHB2: p.173: Dragon Island: 11–15 Dragonspeaker: +2 racial bonus on Knowledge (arcana) and Knowledge (history) checks.

    PHB2 p.175: Land of Honor: Fearless One: 11-15: Gain Knowledge (nobility and royalty) as a class skill, regardless of your class.

    Complete Champion p.13: The Eternal Library Rank 1 Score 4-12: Student: Gain a +2 bonus on checks with one Knowledge skill of your choice in which you have at least 1 rank.

    Complete Champion p.20: Ruby Temple, Rank 1 Affiliation Score: 4-14: Crystal Novice: Gain a +2 bonus on Knowledge (religion) checks made regarding undead creatures.

    Complete Champion p. 31, Death Domain Affiliation: rank 1 affiliation score 4-10: Novitiate: Gain a +2 bonus on Knowledge (religion) checks made regarding undead.

    Complete Champion p.36, Knowledge Domain Affiliation
    Rank 1, affiliation Score 4-12: Student: Choose a Knowledge skill in which you have at least 1 rank. Unchangeably and Henceforth Gain a +2 bonus on checks with that skill.
    Rank 5 Affiliation Score 30: Scholar: Once per day, negate a single ability of an enemy creature that you’ve discovered using a successful Knowledge check. This effect lasts for 1 minute and is a supernatural ability. The creature can attempt a Fortitude save (DC 10 + your character level + your Int modifier) to negate this effect.

    Complete Champion p.37, Luck Domain
    : Rank 1, affiliation score 4-13: Blessed: Gain a +2 bonus on Knowledge checks made to prepare for an upcoming challenge or adventure.

    Complete Champion p.39 Plant Domain Affiliation Rank 1 Affiliation Score 4-13: Seed: Gain a +2 bonus on Knowledge (nature) checks relating to plants.

    Complete Champion p.41 Sun Domain Affiliation Rank 1 Affiliation Score 4-11: Ray of Light: Gain a +2 bonus on Knowledge (religion) checks regarding undead.

    Complete Champion p.42 Travel Domain Affiliation Rank 1 Affiliation Score 4-10: Journeyman: Gain a +2 bonus on Knowledge (geography) checks.

    Complete Champion p.65: Disciples of Legend: Rank 2 Affiliation Score 11-20: Scion of Paragons: Accessing the library grants you a +1 circumstance bonus on all Knowledge checks for every hour spent in research (maximum +8 for Knowledge [history] and +3 for all other Knowledge skills).

    Complete Champion p.72 Paragnostic Assembly:
    Rank 1: Scion of Paragons: Accessing the library grants you a +1 circumstance bonus on all Knowledge checks for every hour spent in research (maximum +8 for Knowledge [history] and +3 for all other Knowledge skills).
    Rank 3: Seeker of Unseen Words: At this rank, you can choose any one of the skills on the Paragnostic Scholar list (except Truespeak) that does not appear on your class list. As long as you remain a member in good standing, that skill is treated as a class skill for you, regardless of which class you are advancing in.
    Rank 4: Master of the Unturned Page: Because you now have access to restricted works, the maximum bonus on skill checks that you can obtain on research using skills from the Paragnostic Scholar list increases to +10. You can also use these works to reduce the time and cost involved in researching new spells by 10%.
    Rank 5: Exalted Philosopher of Paragnostic Truths: The breadth of your learning is awe-inspiring. You can take 10 on any Knowledge skill, even if stress or distraction would normally prevent you from doing so.

    Complete Champion p.92 Ordained Champions of Hextor
    Rank 2: Master of War: This benefit manifests as a +4 circumstance bonus on all Gather Information and Knowledge checks made to determine the relative military strength of a faction, group, or nation, as well as its martial interests and any particular weaknesses in its defenses.
    RANK 3: The circumstance bonus on Gather Information and Knowledge checks that you gained at the previous rank increases to +8.
    RANK 4: The circumstance bonus on Gather Information and Knowledge checks that you gained as a master of war increases to +12.

    Dungeonscape p.62: Headhunters Affilitiation
    Rank 3: Claw Hunter: Gain a +2 competence bonus on Knowledge checks to learn about a creature’s abilities and weaknesses.
    Rank 4: Headhunter: Your competence bonus on Knowledge checks to learn about a creature’s abilities and weaknesses increases to +4.

    Five Nations p.107: Order of Rekkenmark Affiliation:
    Standard benefit to member in good standing regardless of Rank. The academy faculty collectively has a +20 modifier on Knowledge (history), Knowledge (local), and Knowledge (nobility and royalty) checks. It takes 4d6 hours at the academy to get an answer to an obscure question; the instructors are busy and the academy’s reference books are spread out over several small libraries. The map room at the academy is particularly good, granting a +4 bonus on Knowledge (geography) checks you make.

    City of Stormreach p.106: Covenant of Light Affiliation rank 2: +2 circumstance bonus on Heal, Knowledge, and Sense Motive checks.

    City of Stormreach p.109: Crimson Codex Sage: 50 gp/month income. If you have access to Codex libraries, research grants a +2 bonus on Knowledge checks.

    Favored in Guild
    Guilds are like associations, but work via the favored in guild feat. Theoretically that means that you can have an affiliation benefit and a Guild benefit simultaneously with no penalty, assuming that you can keep your duties to both of them up to good standing.

    Spoiler: Guilds

    Scholastic Guild:
    Cityscape p.92: Favored Benefits: To its favored members, a scholastic guild offers complete access to its many libraries and troves of research. A favored member who is in the guildhouse and is making use of both the library and other guild members for research purposes can take 20 on any single Knowledge skill in which he has at least 1 rank. Such painstaking research is time consuming, however, requiring 2d4 days (8 hours per day) to complete.

    Arcane Organization
    Cityscape p. 98. Favored Benefits: One Knowledge skill associated with the organization: Any time unrestricted access to organization’s records is received, a +2 insight bonus on checks using that Knowledge skill and a +1 insight bonus on Knowledge checks of any other variety.

    Cityscape p.107: Favored Benefits: Member has access to the church’s library and records. He can take 20 on any Knowledge (history) or Knowledge (religion) check after he has been actively engaged in research in the church library (reading books and speaking to other members), a process that takes 1d4+1 days for each check.

    DMG2 p.228: Choose a particular type of creature from the following list: animal, fey, giant, monstrous humanoid, plant, or vermin. You gain a +5 competence bonus on any Knowledge (nature) check you make concerning your chosen creature type.

    DMG2 p.228: Once per character level, you can take 20 on any Knowledge skill in which you have at least 1 rank. Using this ability takes 1 hour, and you can do so only while you are in your guildhouse, since you must research the desired information in the guild’s holdings from other guild members to accomplish the task.

    Church of Oghma:
    Waterdeep p.43: Favored in Guild Fringe Benefit: Once per character level you can take 20 on a bardic knowledge check or a Knowledge check (you must have at least 1 rank in the Knowledge skill in question to use this ability). You must spend 1 hour in research or prayer in a temple devoted to Oghma to use this ability.

    Sisterhood of Essambra Organization:
    Dragons of faerun p.99 Favored in Guild benefit: +1 on knowledge arcana checks related to dragons plus other goodies.

    Organizations are even more loosely defined groups of likeminded people who offer benefits in return for dues and participation. Theoretically, one can belong to at least one each of affiliations, guilds and organizations with no penalty. Good luck arguing that, though. However, should you decide to argue it, consider using the argument that affiliations have dues and sequential bonuses, guilds require a feat to access the good parts of, and organizations often offer the least benefits.

    Spoiler: Organizations
    Complete adventurer p.174: Grayhaunt Investigators: The guild maintains robust relationships with experts and sages in nearly every field, and guild members often consult these knowledgeable individuals free of the usual charges. For extreme cases or long research projects, investigators must still pay their own fees, but the guild picks up 10% of such costs as long as the character is a member in good standing and has successfully completed at least one investigation in the last year.

    Complete Arcane p.183: Seekers of Song: The order’s libraries are open to all seekers willing to observe its requirements for peaceful use, and characters gain a +4 bonus on all Knowledge and bardic knowledge checks for which they spend at least a day at the library in study and research.

    Complete Scoundrel p.129: Free League: Any member of the Free League a PC encounters has a 25% chance of having heard tidbits of information about local or planar happenings. PCs gain a +5 bonus on Knowledge (geography), Knowledge (local), and Knowledge (the planes) checks made with the help of such knowledgeable Indeps. Being part of an organization that was birthed on the Outer Planes, Indeps know of local planar gates, where they lead, and how to activate them.

    Complete Scoundrel p.134: Blind Tower Agent: Besides the stores in the Blind Tower itself, the organization maintains small troves of gear in other cities. Tower agents who succeed on a DC 20 Knowledge (local) check know the location of the nearest cache. These stores usually hold 5,000 gp worth of equipment. These troves are monitored by their guardians, and anyone who makes use of them is expected to return what they take. Any Blind Tower agent who makes a Knowledge check at the Blind Tower headquarters gains +2 circumstance bonus. This bonus increases to +5 for Knowledge (geography) and Knowledge (local) checks.

    Tome and Blood p.24: Beastchasers
    : Members in good standing are free to using the library granting a +2 competence modifier on any Knowledge check concerning magical beasts and other monstrous creatures.

    Fiendish Codex 1 p.98: Black Cult of Ahm Benefits: As a member of the cult, whenever you make a Gather Information, Knowledge (arcana), or Knowledge (the planes) check regarding demons or the Abyss in a town where the order maintains chapter houses, you gain an automatic +4 circumstance bonus on the check.

    PGTE p.124: Manifest Spellshapers:
    You might gain permission to study your own mentor's personal collection of planar lore granting +2 circumstance bonus on a Knowledge (the planes) check.

    Player’s Guide to Eberron p.27: Templars of the Silver Flame: +2 circumstance bonus on Knowledge (the planes) or Knowledge (religion) checks you make to identify monsters and learn their capabilities and weaknesses.

    Secrets of Sarlona p.68: Edgewalkers affiliation: By consulting at an Edgewalker stronghold, a member can attempt a Knowledge (the planes) check with a bonus of +2 to gain information on any wild zone, or +5 on one of the zones specifically overseen by the fortress.

    TOM p.167: Nightshades Covenant Affiliation: +2 bonus on Gather Information checks and on Knowledge (the planes) checks for information that specifically relates to the Plane of Shadow.

    TOM p.172: Votaries of Vecna Affiliation: Members researching at the Black Spire gain a +4 bonus on Knowledge checks.

    TOM p. 270: Collectors of the Lexicon Affiliation: A character using a Collector library as a resource gains a +1d4 circumstance bonus on associated Knowledge checks.

    TOM p.273: Kingmakers Affiliation: The kingmakers keep extensive records on lineages of the various noble families. Kingmakers who access this information receive a +4 bonus on Knowledge (nobility and royalty) checks. In addition, wizards and clerics in service to the Kingmakers provide free divination spells as long as they relate to the particular noble a character serves. (words of creation???)

    TOM p.94: Theurging Society organization
    : Thus, if you use Theurgian facilities in your research, you gain a +2 circumstance bonus on Gather Information, Knowledge (arcana), Knowledge (religion), and Knowledge (the planes) checks.

    Libris Mortis p. 174: The Eyes of Vecna: As a result of their activities, the organization has a vast storehouse of rare knowledge, which grants a +2 circumstance bonus on Knowledge checks. Members of 5th level or higher can gain access to this resource by making a DC 15 Charisma check and spending a full 8 hours going through the tomes.

    Sharn of Two towers p.145: Clifftop and Deathsgate adventurers guild:
    While at the guildhouse, the character receives a +2 bonus on any Knowledge (dungeoneering) check or Knowledge check concerning Xen’drik.

    Sharn of Two towers p.146: Circle of Song: Bards exchange stories and news, and an outpost usually has a small library tucked away. A bard receives a +2 circumstance bonus on any bardic knowledge, Gather Information, or Knowledge check he makes at the outpost.

    Sharn of two towers p.155: Tyrants A Tyrant gains a +1 bonus on all Gather Information checks made in Sharn. If he expends a favor, the DM may choose to simply provide him with a piece of information; otherwise he receives a +4 bonus on a single Gather Information or Knowledge check.

    Dragonmarked p.97: The Children of Dhurinda are a secret order spread far across Khorvaire. When you are in a city or metropolis, a successful DC 15 Knowledge (local) check reveals the name and location of a local source for poisons, if one exists.

    Dragonmarked Houses
    It appears that being born to the right person can get you membership to a possible 4th organizational type: Dragonmarked Houses. Only one benefit requires the favored in House feat to access (House Sivis) the rest offer information to members of the house in good standing as a perk of noble birth.
    Spoiler: Dragonmarked House
    Dragonmarked p.73: House Sivis: Favored in House Feat
    DC 10: free use of house contacts to gain a +5 circumstance bonus on a Knowledge, bardic knowledge, or lore check
    DC 15: free use of house contacts to gain a +10 circumstance bonus on a Knowledge, bardic knowledge, or lore check
    DC 20: free use of house contacts to gain a +15 circumstance bonus on a Knowledge, bardic knowledge, or lore check
    DC 25: free use of house contacts to gain a +20 circumstance bonus on a Knowledge, bardic knowledge, or lore check

    Dragonmarked p.55: House Medani: Information: While in a house enclave, a member can gain a +5 bonus on a single Knowledge, bardic knowledge, or lore check per day.

    Dragonmarked p.61: House Orien: Information: House Orien members receive a +5 circumstance bonus on a single Knowledge (local) check whenever they enter a new area, due to the wide geographical base of the house.

    Dragonmarked p.65: House Phiarlan: Information: While in a house enclave, a member can gain a +5 bonus on a single Knowledge, bardic knowledge, or lore check per day.

    Dragonmarked p.84: House Thuranni
    Information: While in a house enclave, a member can gain a +5 bonus on a single Knowledge, bardic knowledge, or lore check per day.

    Sharn of Two towers p.155: House Tarkanan: A member of House Tarkanan receives a +3 on any Knowledge or bardic knowledge check concerning aberrant dragonmarks and the War of the Mark as long as he can consult the resources of the house.

    Libraries, laboratories, & magical locations

    Libraries of Note

    Dragons of Eberron p.88: Forgotten Library: Ability Value: 2,000 gp per affected creature: Location Activation: A creature that meets the library’s prerequisites must spend at least 24 hours studying within, over a period of time no longer than a week. A creature can benefit from the library’s gift once for every Knowledge skill in which it has ranks, although, doing so will cause the creature’s will to weaken to the point where it desires to do nothing but study here.
    Spoiler: Forgotten Library
    Special Ability (Ex): A creature that fulfils the library’s requirements gains a special ability based on the Knowledge category studied. Each time a creature receives one of these bonuses, it must make a Will save (DC 10 + the number of times it has received a bonus within the last year). Failure means the creature feels an irresistible urge to remain in the Library. Only brute force or magic can compel it to leave the Library. This is a mind-affecting compulsion effect. Duration: The bonuses, penalties, and the compulsion last for 1 month. A character must spend 1d4 hours searching for the proper materials before she can begin research. With a successful DC 20 Diplomacy check, a character can coax the Librarian into assisting with the search; locating the materials takes half the usual time. Knowledge checks made with access to the appropriate research materials gain a +4 circumstance bonus.
    Arcana: Use read magic at will as a spell-like ability; caster level equals character level.
    Architecture and engineering: Gain an automatic Search check to detect a secret door when passing within 5 feet of it, as if actively searching for one.
    Dungeoneering: Use detect poison at will, as a spell-like ability, on any vermin or plant that naturally lives in an underground environment. Caster level equals character level.
    Geography: When in aboveground, rural areas, gain a +1 circumstance bonus on attack rolls.
    History: Gain a +2 bonus on bardic knowledge checks, lore checks, and other similar abilities.
    Local: Gather Information checks take half the usual time (1d2+1 hours).
    Nature: Use pass without trace once per day as a spell-like ability; caster level equals character level.
    Nobility and royalty: Gain a +2 bonus on Craft or Forgery checks made to duplicate heraldic symbols or family seals, crests, or sigils.
    The Planes: Gain a +1 bonus on Intelligence checks made to avoid the negative effect of casting contact other plane.
    Religion: Use detect chaos/evil/good/law three times per day as a spell-like ability; caster level equals character level.

    Faiths and Pantheons p.3: The Leaves of Learning Characters using the library for its reference books receive a +10 circumstance bonus to any Knowledge checks except Knowledge (arcana).

    Player’s Guide to Eberron p.103: Atur Academy Students have free access to the tomes in the library, which grant a +4 circumstance bonus on Knowledge checks related to necromancy, conjuration, evil magic, and the like.

    Faiths and pantheons p.160: War Library: +10 bonus on knowledge checks related to warfare.

    Serpent Kingdoms p.100: Mierskar (Small Town, 1,617): The library is open to all Scaleless Ones, and anyone perusing the stacks for at least an hour receives a +5 circumstance bonus on all Knowledge and bardic knowledge checks related to the yuan-ti and their history on the Chultan Peninsula.

    Races of Faerun Web enhancement p.5: library of Tiru Tel-Quessir. +4 circumstance bonus to a Knowledge check to find information about elven history or any location within Cormanthor.

    Tom p.100: The Hidden Library: This chamber contains 2d100 books and 4d100 scrolls. Any character who spends a year reading through them gains a permanent +4 bonus on the Knowledge check of her choice from the following list: Knowledge (arcana), Knowledge (religion), or Knowledge (the planes). Transporting these valuable tomes is difficult because of their age.

    Sharn of Two towers p.72: Morgrave University Using Morgrave Library for research into the history of Sharn or Xen’drik gain a +6 circumstance bonus on their Knowledge (history) checks. The Library offers a +4 circumstance bonus on Knowledge (history) checks related to other areas and on Knowledge (arcana), Knowledge (dungeoneering), and Knowledge (geography) checks. For all other Knowledge checks, the Library provides a +2 circumstance bonus.

    Five Nations p.39: The Library of Robideur Using the library to research a specific question gains a +4 circumstance bonus on Knowledge (arcana) checks and a +2 bonus on Knowledge (the planes) checks.

    Five Nations p.30: Royal Collection of Aundair in Fairhold Access to the Royal Collection provides a +4 circumstance bonus on Knowledge (history) checks that involve the history of Galifar or the original Five Nations. Research at the Royal Collection requires permission from First Warlord Adal, Castellan Fulirno, or Queen Aurala herself.

    Rand's Travelogue Bonus Edition, web, Old Night's library Each character that seeks something in the library makes a Search check. If the Character has ranks in a Knowledge appropriate to the topic of his or her inquiry (arcana, history, local, and so on) the DC is 20, minus 1 for every Knowledge rank above 5 (to a maximum of +10). Time required: 5d20 hours -1 hour for every Knowledge rank above 5 (to a maximum of -5). Character has no ranks in an appropriate Knowledge: DC 30 Time required: 10d20 hours. A character who possesses the Bardic Knowledge class feature gains a +2 synergy bonus on his or her Search Check.

    Zilrus's Living Quarters, Into the Frozen Waste p.16: Most of the books concern trivial topics, such as studies of arctic animals. Reading all the books grants a +2 circumstance bonus on Knowledge (nature) checks involving the frozen tundra.

    Lord of the Iron Fortress p.35: Library of the Iron Fortress:
    This library is well stocked with books on arcana, history, and the planes. Anyone using the library to research such topics gains a +2 circumstance bonus on the appropriate Knowledge checks.The total value of the hundred or so books and scrolls in this library is about 3,800 gp, though it would take hours to pack them all, and the volume (over 100 cubic feet) is daunting.

    Shattered gates of slaughterguard p.20: Black Tower of the Ebon Cabal: PCs seeking to delve into the arcane secrets of the universe can learn a great deal from the Black Tower’s main library, which has a number of important texts about cosmology, arcane magic, and ancient history. Ebon cabalists gain +4 circumstance bonuses on Knowledge (arcana), Knowledge (history), or Knowledge (the planes) checks if they spend a few hours researching inside the Black Tower’s main library.

    Thunder below p.52: Library: Any Knowledge checks made in this library with the aid of these books gains a +1 circumstance bonus. Knowledge (nature) checks gain a +2 circumstance bonus, and Knowledge (arcana) checks gain a +4 bonus. Although none of the books are magical, most of them are in excellent condition. The total stock in the library is worth 9,000 gp if it can be transported and sold as a lot.

    Matters of Vengeance p.4: Baron Holden's Library: This library offers a wide range of information on the world as it existed 200 years ago, as well as a few more up-to-date books. A character seeking specific information within these books gains a +2 competence bonus on any related Knowledge check.

    City of the spiderqueen p.37: Library of the Inverted Tower: The archmage's library is quite extensive and fairly valuable. A character using the entire library for reference gains a +2 circumstance bonus on knowledge arcana or knowledge (underdark local) checks, since those are the clear strengths of the collection. Characters hoping to loot the library and sell the books must contend with their bulk and weight. Each of the sixty books weighs 3 pounds and fetches a price of 3d6gp.

    Faiths and Pantheons p.161: War Library of the Abbey of the sword: Characters using this as a reference receive a +10 bonus on knowledge history checks relating to warfare

    Magic Locations (that aren't explicitly libraries)
    Spoiler: Magical Locations
    Frog God’s Fane p.146 Complete Scoundrel: Special Ability (Ex): Upon succeeding on the Intelligence check to understand the frog god’s secrets, the character gains Skill Focus in her choice of Knowledge (history), (nature), or (religion) as a bonus feat. If the character has no ranks in the chosen Knowledge skill, she can make checks with that skill as if she were trained.

    PGTF p.158: House of Knowledge: As a special property of the plane, these petitioners retain all of their Craft, Knowledge, and Perform skills, though they do not retain other memories of their lives. Thus, many of them possess knowledge without context.

    Dragons of Eberron p.90: Mystic Glade: Ability Value: 4,000 gp per affected creature.
    A creature that meets the Mystic Glade’s prerequisites must spend at least 72 hours in the glade, meditating and studying. Each day the creature must make a DC 25 Knowledge (arcana) check to decipher these patterns. If any check fails, the creature misinterprets the Prophecy and leaves the glade with a false understanding of the future. If all three checks succeed, the creature determines it's prophecy, roll on the following table. A prophecy cannot be repeated; if the roll produces a duplicate result on later visits, roll again. DMs can substitute their own ideas for the prophecies noted below as desired.
    1 Pluck the remaining eye from the one-eyed dragon.
    2 Climb a mountain peak and watch the ascent of all twelve moons.
    3 Sing a song of mourning at an enemy’s funeral.
    4 Stand on the shore of Sarlona, where Lhazaar launched her voyage.
    5 Feed a dinosaur from your hand.
    6 Be struck by lightning.
    7 Descend into Khyber and return with a dragonshard.
    8 Compliment a hag to her face.
    9 Weave a vest of nettles and wear it in the presence of a king.
    10 Craft a shield out of a red dragon’s scales.
    11 Pilot an airship during a storm.
    12 Build a monument of pebbles, one pebble for each creature that met death at your hands.

    Once a creature fulfils its prophecy, it gains the ability to influence reality. It can use limited wish as a spell-like ability (caster level 13th) and can use this ability only once per prophecy fulfilled. Duration: A creature cannot gain a new prophecy from the Mystic Glade until it has fulfilled its current prophecy.

    Dragons of Eberron p.123: Chambers of Reflection: A character who can read Draconic receives a +1 bonus on a single Knowledge (history), Knowledge (local [Sarlona]), or bardic knowledge check for every hour spent in study here (maximum +10).

    Dragons of Eberron p.142: Council of Skulls: Ability Value: 2,050 gp per legend lore; 7,680 gp per transformation boon.
    Nondragon creatures must speak draconic and either possess a dragonmark or have at least 15 ranks in a Knowledge skill.
    Location Activation: A creature that wishes the boon of the Council of Skulls must present the dragon spirits with a piece of important information they do not already know, requiring a successful DC 40 Knowledge check.
    Recharge: A creature can seek the location’s boon as many times as it likes, though each time it runs the risk of being utterly destroyed in a deluge of elemental breath.
    Special Ability (Ex): Creature gains benefit of legend lore spell. In addition, if a creature especially pleases one of the council (through roleplaying or with a successful DC 40 Diplomacy check), the skull breathes gently upon the lucky individual, infusing it with draconic power. Once per week for 1 hour, this creature can transform into a half-dragon of the variety whose favor it earned (apply the template to the base creature).
    Duration: The legend lore effect is instantaneous; the half-dragon transformation ability lasts for 1 month.

    Fiendish Codex 2: p.76: Tabjari & the Pact Primeval: The character gains a +4 bonus on any Charisma-based skill checks made in the course of a legal proceeding, or in conjunction with a Knowledge check made to find or interpret a law.
    Duration: These abilities last for 99 days, after which a character can renew them for another 30 days by committing an act of obeisance.
    Ability Value: 10,000 gp.

    Exporers Handbook p.116: Argonnesen Laboratory:
    A DC 25 Knowledge (arcana) check can tell an observer how to set each sphere’s rings in order to add a +2 circumstance bonus to the DC of any scrying spell cast from the observation room (including using the main scrying crystal; see below). Every 10 points by which the check result exceeds the DC increases this bonus by +1, but the rings must be reset each time a different target is scried upon. A DC 30 Knowledge (arcana) check allows the character to determine 2d6 controls that will attune the observatory for scrying on one particular target (roll again for each new target selected). Aligning the crystal then requires the manipulation of these controls, scattered around the edges of the room. Since they were designed for dragon use, each control requires a Strength check to move (DC 3d6+15; roll separately for each control device). Once all the controls have been set, the main crystal can be activated as if it were a crystal ball with both telepathy and true seeing.
    A DC 15 Knowledge (architecture and engineering) check allows a creature to move each ring in order to obtain any particular arrangement of spheres, including moving a given sphere adjacent to the balcony on the western side of the tower.
    By studying the rings in the control room and making a DC 30 Knowledge (the planes) check, a character can learn how to attune the observatory to a specific plane of existence by arranging the spheres’ position. Each plane has a different arrangement, and thus requires a separate check. While the spheres are so arranged, all divination spells cast within the observation room (or using the main scrying crystal) can target creatures and locations on that other plane as if the casters were on that plane themselves.

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    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Library of Knowledge: Getting the most out of your studies

    Creatures and Races

    Synad: Collective (Su): Spend 1 power point as a free action to gain a +2 bonus on any Knowledge or Psicraft check he makes.

    Dragonlance Campaign Setting p.27: Sage Gnomes: +2 racial bonus on all knowledge checks

    Dragonlance Campaign Setting p.20: Silvanesti Elf: +1 racial bonus on knowledge (arcana) checks

    Dragonlance Campaign Setting p.20: Kagonesti Elf: +1 racial bonus on Knowledge (nature) checks

    Fiend Folio p.34: chronotyryn:
    Knowledgeable (Ex): A chronotyryn makes Knowledge checks for any Knowledge skills as if it had a minimum of 10 ranks in that skill. To surpass the 10-rank minimum, the chronotyryn must assign more than 10 ranks to the skill as normal.

    Fiend Folio p.61: xerfilstyxes: Knowledgeable (Ex): makes Knowledge checks for any Knowledge skills as if it had a minimum of 10 ranks in that skill. To surpass the 10-rank minimum, the xerfilstyx must assign more than 10 ranks to the skill as normal.

    Epic Level Handbook p. 206: A neh-thalggu
    is free to draw on all the Knowledge skills of each brain it currently stores, using the base ranks in a skill possessed by each brain, and adjusted by the neh-thalggu’s own skill modifiers for the Knowledge skill in question (or its Intelligence modifier, for a skill it has no ranks in).

    MM5 p.82: Taunting Haunt: Font of Knowledge (Ex) A taunting haunt is considered to be trained in all Knowledge skills and to have maximum ranks in those skills.

    ToM p.82 Death’s Head: Skills: A deathshead has a +10 racial bonus on Knowledge checks.

    Heroes of Horror p.150: Cadaver Golem: look it up it's real weird

    MoI p.12 Racial Knowledge: Rilkan First, all Knowledge checks are treated as trained skill checks for rilkans, regardless of whether they actually have ranks in the skill. Second, rilkans gain a competence bonus on all Knowledge checks and bardic knowledge checks. This bonus is +1, but increases by an additional +1 for every two soulmelds currently shaped by the rilkan, since each soulmeld contains a small portion of the collected souls of the rilkan race.

    Magic of Faerun p.186:Magister Template: Skills: Because she can mentally draw upon a link to an archive of knowledge maintained by the deities of magic, the Magister gets a +10 circumstance bonus on all Knowledge (arcana) and Spellcraft checks.

    Quori When a quori possesses a human host, it combines its skill ranks with those of the host.
    Quori Typical Skills Source
    DU'ULORA 12 ranks in Autohypnosis, Concentration, Intimidate, Move Silently, Search, Sense Motive, Spot, and Survival; 10 ranks in Listen; and 6 ranks in Bluff, Knowledge (psionics), Knowledge (the planes), and Psicraft. Secrets of Sarlona p.153
    hashalaq 10 ranks in Autohypnosis, Bluff, Concen* tration, Diplomacy, Knowledge (arcana), Knowledge (psionics), Knowledge (the planes), Psicraft, Sense Motive, and Spot; 8 ranks in Gather Information; and 5 ranks in Disguise, Knowledge (history), Knowledge (local), Knowledge (nobility and royalty), Listen, Search, and Spellcraft. Secrets of Sarlona P. 155
    kalaraq 20 ranks in Autohypnosis, Bluff, Concentration, Diplomacy, Intimidate, Knowledge (psionics), Knowledge (the planes), Listen, Perform (oratory), Psicraft, Sense Motive, Spot; 10 ranks in Disguise, Hide, Knowledge (arcana), Move Silently, and Search; and 5 ranks in Knowledge (history), Knowledge (local), Knowl* edge (nature), Knowledge (nobility and royalty), and Knowledge (religion). Secrets of Sarlona P. 157
    tsoreva 7 ranks in each of the following skills: Autohypnosis, Bluff, Concentration, Intimidate, Listen, Knowledge (psionics), Knowledge (the planes), Psicraft, Sense Motive, and Spot. Magic of Eberron p.148
    dream master 15 ranks in each of the following skills: Autohypnosis, Bluff, Concentration, Decipher Script, Diplomacy, Intimidate, Listen, Knowledge (psionics), Knowledge (the planes), Move Silently, Psicraft, Search, Sense Motive, and Spot. Magic of Eberron p.148
    tsucora 9 ranks in each of the following skills: Autohypnosis, Bluff, Concentration, Diplomacy, Intimidate, Knowledge (the planes), Knowledge (psionics), Move Silently, Psicraft, Sense Motive, and Spot. Eberron Campaign Setting p.296

    Classes, ACFS, and Prestige Classes


    Heroes of Horror p.82. Archivist: like every class feature.
    com psi p.12: Divine Mind Knowledge Mantle: Knowledge: You and allies within your aura gain a +1 bonus on all Knowledge checks. This bonus increases by 1 for every six class levels you have.
    Com psi p.69: Ardent Mantle: KNOWLEDGE MANTLE: While psionically focused, you can make Knowledge checks as if trained. You can expend your psionic focus to gain a +5 bonus on one Knowledge check.
    Cloistered Cleric:

    Cityscape web: Rival organization, +2 on knowledge local checks pertaining to organization
    Skilled City Dweller: Trade Knowledge nature for knowledge local
    urban sense: Gain a +2 bonus on Knowledge (local) checks and Sense Motive checks.
    Complete Champion p.50: Spiritual Connection: Bonus to knowledge nature checks = 1/4ranger level.
    Complete Champion p.51: Antiquarian: In addition, if you examine a magic item created using a spell from the cleric or paladin list, or an item with special religious significance, you can attempt a Knowledge (religion) check (DC 10 + the item’s caster level) to identify it exactly as a spell-like ability. This works like the identify spell (caster level equals your rogue level) but requires no material component. You can use this ability on only one item per day.
    Champions of Valor p.48: Red Falcon sub level: Military Knowledge (Ex): Each time a Red Falcon substitution level is taken, the character gains a cumulative +2 competence bonus on Knowledge checks concerning military history or strategy.
    PHB2: Bardic knack: When making any skill check, you can use 1/2 your bard level (rounded up) in place of the number of ranks you have in the skill (even if that number is 0). You can’t take 10 on checks when you use bardic knack (to take 10 you have to use your actual ranks). If the skill doesn’t allow untrained checks, you must have at least 1 actual rank to attempt the check.

    Prestige Classes
    Masters of the Wild p.76: Watch Detective: Instant Knowledge (Su): Once per day, make an Intelligence check (DC 20). He may not take 10 or take 20 on this check. If successful, he gains a +10 insight bonus on one Knowledge check of any category. If he has no ranks in that particular Knowledge skill, he may make the check untrained.
    Urban Savant, Cityscape p.100: Urban Savvy:
    Complete Champion p. 95: Paragnostic Apostle
    Complete Champion p. 98: Paragnostic Initiate
    Dragon Magic p. 55 Wyrm wizard:
    Doomlord, Planar Handbook p.48: Destructive Expertise (Ex): As agents of destruction, 2nd-level doomlords learn to promote entropy by the most efficient means. The doomlord may add half his class level as a bonus on Disable Device and Knowledge (architecture and engineering) checks when attempting to take apart or disable traps and other objects.
    Justiciar of Tyr: PGTF p.65: Bureaucratic Knowledge (Ex): 2nd level, the character gains a bonus equal to her justiciar of Tyr level on all Knowledge and Gather Information checks related to laws or legal proceedings (such as recalling whether carrying weapons is illegal in a certain city or researching proper courtroom etiquette). She also gains the same bonus on Charisma-based skill or ability checks made to argue legal matters.
    Magic of Eberron p.64: Dragon Prophesizer: Io: This is the dragon deity of magic and knowledge. If you attune to this constellation, all Knowledge skills become class skills for you. In addition, any Knowledge check you make is treated as a trained check, even if you have no ranks in the skill. While in prophetic favor, you gain an insight bonus on Knowledge checks equal to one-half your class level (minimum +1). Minimum class level 1st.
    Races of the Dragon p.80: Dracolexi: Vor: This Draconic word, which translates as “learn,” grants the target a competence bonus on Knowledge checks and Spellcraft checks equal to your class level for 1 hour.
    Stormwrack p.61: Leviathan Hunter: Hunter’s Insight (Ex): You gain an insight bonus equal to your class level + 5 on all Knowledge checks made to identify aberrations, animals, dragons, or magical beasts or their special powers or vulnerabilities.
    ToB p.110: Eternal Blade: When you attain 4th level, your blade guide can make Knowledge checks with a bonus equal to your eternal blade level + your Int modifier. When you first gain this ability, you can select two areas of knowledge. For each additional two levels you gain in the eternal blade prestige class (at 6th, 8th, and 10th level), your guide gains access to another area of knowledge.
    ToB p.114: Jade Phoenix Mage: You gain a +2 bonus on Knowledge checks, and you can attempt a Knowledge check even if you are untrained in the appropriate Knowledge skill.
    Dragonlance Campaign setting p.62: Knight of the Rose: Wisdom of the measure: At 6th level, the Rose Knight may 2/day make a DC 14 knowledge nobility and royalty check to gain knowledge equivalent to an augury spell cast by a cleric of equivalent level. The knowledge granted is alway in the form of historical anecdote, proverb, or law written in the measure.

  13. - Top - End - #13
    Ettin in the Playground
    Zanos's Avatar

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    Default Re: The Library of Knowledge: Getting the most out of your studies

    Ah, cool. I often player characters with pretty sky high knowledges. Nice to see what they can be used for other than monster lore.
    If any idiot ever tells you that life would be meaningless without death, Hyperion recommends killing them!

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    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Library of Knowledge: Getting the most out of your studies

    Whelp, That monstrosity is done. Now to think about some builds!

  15. - Top - End - #15
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Library of Knowledge: Getting the most out of your studies

    As a fervent Oghma follower, I approve of this thread.
    Extended signature here. Contains: 2 avatars, 3 quotes, a doggo and his friends.

    Kitchen Crashers: an adventure building Iron Chef - First edition running 20/04/18-18/05/18.

  16. - Top - End - #16
    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Library of Knowledge: Getting the most out of your studies

    Cool stuff. Real detailed and such. One half-error I found is your note under knowledge (nature) about call of the twilight defender, about how any class that learns it gets that bonus (which implies that druids, wizards, or any caster that takes that initiate feat would get it). Going by the second paragraph on page 60, only casters with a spells known list get that bonus, which excludes everything from that list but sorcerers. Dunno if that problem shows up elsewhere in the guide, but I think this rule is applicable to any spell that operates in this way.

  17. - Top - End - #17
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Library of Knowledge: Getting the most out of your studies

    Very nice! Thanks for this.

    Quick note: I understand why it's placed there, but Collector Of Stories isn't a feat per se. Skill Tricks are hard to define, though, and it doesn't make much sense to make an entirely new category just for the one. Still, thought I'd mention it. (And speaking of material from Complete Scoundrel, I always love seeing The Frog God's Fane mentioned. ;-) )

  18. - Top - End - #18
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Library of Knowledge: Getting the most out of your studies

    Quote Originally Posted by Afgncaap5 View Post
    Very nice! Thanks for this.

    Quick note: I understand why it's placed there, but Collector Of Stories isn't a feat per se. Skill Tricks are hard to define, though, and it doesn't make much sense to make an entirely new category just for the one. Still, thought I'd mention it. (And speaking of material from Complete Scoundrel, I always love seeing The Frog God's Fane mentioned. ;-) )
    I figured that it's good enough right there, and to be honest, formatting this monstrosity was a huge time sink.

  19. - Top - End - #19
    Ettin in the Playground
    Malimar's Avatar

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    Default Re: The Library of Knowledge: Getting the most out of your studies

    Are the Stronghold Builder's Guidebook p25 rules for having a library of your own (for +1, +2, +4, or +6 to Knowledge checks, depending on which lot of books you get) worth covering, maybe?
    Last edited by Malimar; 2017-02-19 at 09:22 PM.

  20. - Top - End - #20
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Library of Knowledge: Getting the most out of your studies

    Quote Originally Posted by Malimar View Post
    Are the Stronghold Builder's Guidebook p25 rules for having a library of your own (for +1, +2, +4, or +6 to Knowledge checks, depending on which lot of books you get) worth covering, maybe?
    Absolutely. I don't have that book yet, however. So it'll have to wait until payday.

    Lawyer idea
    So, Looking at this, I think it would be fun to design a lawyer character around the various abilities attributed to knowing and understanding law. Bonus points if we can get it on a chaotic individual. This lawyer's specialty could be out lawyering devils, with a maxed out perform (acting) and some bluff optimization.

    There's the faustian bargain part, which, if you're clever enough, you can turn to your advantage (receive faustian benefits, pay none of the costs). Then there is the extraordinary training in law that Tyr grants either through his feat or a 2 level dip in his justiciar prestige class. You can know every law around you at all times, as well as loopholes.

    Other ideas.
    Killoren aspect of the ancient grants a big bonus to ANY knowledge check, and the super obscure ones with no additional support other than the designers naming the skill could pose for a really interesting. Like a white haired fairy goes out to pray to the nature gods and comes back with a Mathematic proof for the existence of a regular 43 sided polygon for him to use on his scorpion whip. Or even weirder, Using his knowledge (Streetwise) (drinking, flirting, gambling, tailing) for a strategic advantage in a battle. e.g.: the commander doesn't know that you can count cards for three dragon ante, or "trolls get drunker on on wine than anything else"

    Words of creation on a noncaster, non truespeaker, who can routinely use the council of skulls for his legend lore spells to learn truenames.

    Using the bluff skill, and the 5th level hollow shards affiliation ability to replace other people's knowledge(history) checks about the killing frost with a bluff check. If they beat your DC, they know too much. If they don't beat your DC, well, then they are about to do anything for you.

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    Thumbs up Re: The Library of Knowledge: Getting the most out of your studies

    I've been looking forward to a Knowledge handbook - well done!

    If I have anything to contribute, I'll post when I'm back at my books.

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    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Library of Knowledge: Getting the most out of your studies

    Masterwork items of that a thing?

  23. - Top - End - #23
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Library of Knowledge: Getting the most out of your studies

    Quote Originally Posted by daremetoidareyo View Post
    Lawyer idea
    So, Looking at this, I think it would be fun to design a lawyer character around the various abilities attributed to knowing and understanding law. Bonus points if we can get it on a chaotic individual. This lawyer's specialty could be out lawyering devils, with a maxed out perform (acting) and some bluff optimization.

    There's the faustian bargain part, which, if you're clever enough, you can turn to your advantage (receive faustian benefits, pay none of the costs). Then there is the extraordinary training in law that Tyr grants either through his feat or a 2 level dip in his justiciar prestige class. You can know every law around you at all times, as well as loopholes.
    Actually, there is a (two, actually) lawyer skill. SaF 10 has K:Politics, and the Birthright Campaign Setting 23 has Administrate.

    "Gentlemen, you can't fight in here. This is the War Room!" – Kubrick, "Dr. Strangelove"
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    Default Re: The Library of Knowledge: Getting the most out of your studies

    Quote Originally Posted by GilesTheCleric View Post
    Actually, there is a (two, actually) lawyer skill. SaF 10 has K:Politics, and the Birthright Campaign Setting 23 has Administrate.
    I Found some other knowledge skills tucked in the class skills sections of sword and fist also. knowledge (law) is on...ghostface killer???

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    Default Re: The Library of Knowledge: Getting the most out of your studies

    Quote Originally Posted by daremetoidareyo View Post
    I Found some other knowledge skills tucked in the class skills sections of sword and fist also. knowledge (law) is on...ghostface killer???
    Yup, there's a whole bunch of really stupid ones in that book. There's actually a section in it that encourages you to invent more, too. Whoever was the designer for that book gets a shaking of my head at them. They even put K: Hearth Wisdom in as a legit skill. Why. Why. Why.

    "Gentlemen, you can't fight in here. This is the War Room!" – Kubrick, "Dr. Strangelove"
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    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Library of Knowledge: Getting the most out of your studies

    Quote Originally Posted by daremetoidareyo View Post
    Masterwork items of that a thing?
    It's called a book? I'm fairly certain one could be made.
    Quote Originally Posted by Red Fel View Post
    Imagine how many problems you can solve, how many ways you can help your friends, when not constrained by paltry morality! Imagine how much good you can achieve when you're willing to go to any length to achieve it! Imagine the monsters you can slay when you are the greatest monster of them all!
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    Default Re: The Library of Knowledge: Getting the most out of your studies

    This is awesome! I don't suppose you could do one for Pathfinder? (puppy dog eyes)

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    Default Re: The Library of Knowledge: Getting the most out of your studies

    Quote Originally Posted by Particle_Man View Post
    This is awesome! I don't suppose you could do one for Pathfinder? (puppy dog eyes)
    Sorry particle_man, No can do. Pathfinder ain't my bag as of yet.

    I'm still working on my lawyer build and I've hit a fork.
    Spoiler: law school

    Paladin2/Marshal3/fortunes friend 5/justiciar of tyr 2
    1 knight of tyr's holy judgement
    3 survivor's luck
    6 Dream Scion
    7 bonus make your own luck
    9 Dream of instinct, unbelievable luck

    motivate intelligence, draconic aura of insight, motivate charisma
    max as best as possible perform acting, knowledge planes, knowledge local, knowledge nobility, knowledge religion, bluff, sense motive and diplomacy. Consider also knowledge law and profession barrister.

    Join covenant of light for a +2 to knowledge checks, Scrolls of uncertain provenance for 8000 gp give you +5 competence, get a brainmate for 10,000 for some more knowledges, check out the pact primeval for even more plusses. Then Hang out in hell for souls to arrive and present yourself as a public defender to souls that are there based on deals with devils.

    The problem here is that you can't enter pact with devils yourself and then beat them at court. Because you're a stupid paladin.


    Warlock 2/marshal 3
    otherworldly whispers, beguiling influence/Motivate intelligence, draconic aura of insight, motivate charisma
    breadth of knowledge, dreamscion, dream of instinct
    You can make sacrifices to get devils to enter into faustian pacts with you. And you can then use your skills to avoid going to hell. Now how do I get into multiple faustian pacts?

    On another note, dream of insight allows you to make a knowledge check, while you sleep ! Truenamers can learn truenames of critters in half of the time. And if you're an elf, it allows you to make a knowledge check while you trance, a minimum of 4 hours. Which is better than many organization's and library circumstance bonuses. What happens if you sleep in that library? Darkspire college of thaun affiliation benefit should work RAW.

    I feel like there could be a way to use dreamtelling, dream scion, (maybe the group trance teamwork benefit) and the lucid dreaming skill to make, find, and prepare any extraordinary natural items for your whole party to take out of the dream and use. Especially if dreams are real places. You can make mud armor out of your dreams! Other knowledge planes uses as survival: You can find your karmic/thundertwin without ever having met them (I guess you enter their dreams?) Leave trail signs for people, which seems like a potent way to subliminally affect folks. You could forage to feed you and your party...dream food...Scrounge parts for booby traps in your dreams... You can use dream of insight to read your dream from the night before using dreamtelling to make a knowledge (planes check) to get a free augury/divination/commune spell for the day. And if that works, you can pair that free nightly commune with words of creation to learn truenames willy nilly, once you figure out a source of free legend lores...

    Which brings us to the inherent question, can you use dreamtelling's knowledge as survival while you are in dream scion's dreamtouched state?

    Can you use lucid dreaming while in a dreamtouched state? It sort of makes you a bit of a reality warper. Time to make a prestige class based on this.

    Another question arrives: can you use dream of insight to get +10 on your knowledge planes check (while sleeping) used to track someone using your dreamtelling feat? What if you have the astral tracking feat? Might be the mundane man's psionics/scrying. You travel the dreamspace, find the person, and if you watch them wake up, it is treated as you having seen where they have gone as if you viewed it once. Which in turn allows you to make a DC 100 survival check to find them in the real world. Does scent add +4 to your knowledge the planes check for this?

    How to weaponize the Killing Frost of Ghulurak (DMG2 p.116) in 6 levels: (See Knowledge History Above)
    Spoiler: Historian of Frosty Doom
    Dragonblood Human (Assumes 18-20 in both charisma and intelligence) Consider Dragon Compendium's Unseelie fey template.
    1: Soulborn: Aftersight, Insane Defiance: Elderspirit, strongheart vest
    2: Marshal: Motivate intelligence
    3: Soulborn: Skill Focus History: Soulspark Familiar
    4: Soulborn:
    5: Ardent: Knowledge mantle: Call to mind
    6: Psion: Psycrystal Affinity (Sage: Knowledge History), Psycarnum crystal (bonus), Sage Psycrystal from psion class feature

    At level 6,
    +10 insight from elderspirit with 3 essencia
    +4 int
    +9 ranks
    +2 eternal library organization Rank 1
    +6 motivate intelligence
    +4 aftersight
    +2 soulspark aid another
    +3 skill focus
    +5 knowledge mantle
    +4 competence call to mind
    +3 Sage psycrystal #1
    +3 Sage psycrystal #2
    +52 to knowledge history. Think about Ghulurak, make your knowledge check on any roll, take one wisdom damage to redirect the DC 25 geas effect to someone else, trigger strongheart vest to reduce that damage to zero. Free Action Repeat. Stay away from things with immunity to mind affecting and start your own Ghulurakalypse.

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    Default Re: The Library of Knowledge: Getting the most out of your studies

    Quote Originally Posted by daremetoidareyo View Post
    I need stronghold builders!!! I have yet to find a satisfactory legal pdf of stronghold builder's guide. So, what is the cheapest possible price point for a library that grants a +2, +4, or +6 or more to a single knowledge skill?
    For a +2, you need a Basic Library (500gp) and a basic book lot (1,000gp). For a +4, you need a Fancy Library (3,000gp) and a comprehensive book lot (5,000gp). For a +6 you need a Luxury Library (15,000gp) and a master book lot (20,000gp). So 1,500gp for +2, 8,000gp for +4, and 35,000gp for +6. Libraries work on a "book lot" system, where Basic, Fancy, and Luxury Libraries have 1, 3, and 6 slots and basic, comprehensive, and master lots take up 1, 3, and 6 slots, so you can have +4 to two Knowledge skills with a Luxury Library instead of +6 to one, or +2 to three skills with a Fancy Library instead of +4 to one, and so on.

    There's a nice secondary benefit to having a Luxury Library, too:

    Quote Originally Posted by SBG, p.25
    A full-time librarian (Exp1, Profession [librarian] +7, Knowledge [any] +5) working near the entrance maintains a card catalog that indexes the entire library. This index cuts any research time here by 50%.
    So even if you can't afford the full 35K for a Luxury Library and master book set, investing in the Luxury Library with lesser book sets might still be worth it.
    Better to DM in Baator than play in Celestia
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    Spoiler: Sig of Holding

    Quote Originally Posted by abadguy View Post
    Darn you PoDL for making me care about a bunch of NPC Commoners!
    Quote Originally Posted by Chambers View Post
    I'm pretty sure turning Waterdeep into a sheet of glass wasn't the best win condition for that fight. We lived though!
    Quote Originally Posted by MaxiDuRaritry View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by PairO'DiceLost View Post
    Where are my Like, Love, and Want to Have Your Manchildren (Totally Homo) buttons for this post?
    Won a cookie for this, won everything for this

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    Default Re: The Library of Knowledge: Getting the most out of your studies

    Also, magic of the dragonheart spell could be used for a draconic feat build/initiate of io Sardior stuff: prestige class that gives +4 to knowledge religion checks. more sardior stuff: Sardior's Scout: When you create the construct, you specify instructions you want it to follow in a command of no more than twenty-five words. Any knowledge you possess is known by the construct as well.

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