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    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Errant Blademaster [PrC]

    Errant Blademaster

    After the fall of the Temple of the Nine Swords, the martial traditions of the Sublime Way were fractured. Some remained pure, in the lines of Crusaders, Swordsages, and Warblades, passed on from master to student. However, not all martial traditions survived so intact. Errant Blademasters are warriors trained in one such bastardized tradition, an eclectic amalgamation of maneuvers from each discipline of the Sublime Way. They use a mish-mash of techniques without regard for their ancient history, rarely using their proper names, or even giving them names at all. Combining martial maneuvers with swashbuckling swordsmanship, they lack the rigid focus of a Swordsage and the devout piety of a Crusader, but make up for it in cunning and skillful swordplay. Most Errant Blademasters are self-trained, possibly having been trained in the fundamentals of the martial traditions by another martial adept.

    d10 HD

    To qualify to become an Errant Blademaster, you must fulfill all the following criteria.
    BAB: +6
    Feats: Combat Expertise, Improved Feint, Weapon Finesse
    Skills: Bluff 9 ranks, Tumble 9 ranks, Martial Lore 4 ranks
    Special: You cannot become an Errant Blademaster if you have levels in another class that allow you to initiate martial maneuvers. Feats that allow you to use martial maneuvers, however, do not prevent you from taking this prestige class.

    Class Skills
    The Errant Blademaster’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Hide (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (Local) (Int), Martial Lore (Int), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Swim (Str), Tumble (Dex), and Use Rope (Dex).

    Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier.

    {table=head]Level|Base Attack[br]Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special|Maneuvers[br]Known|Maneuvers[br]Readied|Stances[br]Known

    |Insightful Strike|3|2|0

    |Battle Ardor|4|2|0

    |Brains Over Brawn|5|3|1

    |Deft Feint|6|3|1

    |Razor's Edge|7|4|1

    |Inspiring Critical|8|4|2

    |Daunting Critical|9|5|2

    |Errant's Grace Stance|10|5|2

    |Sublime Parry|11|6|3

    |Final Strike|12|6|3[/table]

    Class Features
    All the following are class features of the Errant Blademaster prestige class.

    Weapon and Armor Proficiency
    You gain no additional weapon or armor proficiencies.

    At first level, you learn three martial maneuvers. Errant Blademasters do not learn their maneuvers from specific disciplines–rather, they have a class list of maneuvers from all disciplines that they must choose them from. You learn one additional maneuver at each subsequent level. At 1st level, you can only learn maneuvers of 1st level, but at subsequent levels, you use your initiator level to determine the highest level of maneuver you can learn and use, as normal. When determining the DC of a martial maneuver, you use your Intelligence modifier, regardless of what is stated in the maneuver's description. Because of the eclectic nature of their martial tradition, a Errant Blademaster does not need to meet the prerequisites of a maneuver in order to learn it. All of the maneuvers on the Errant Blademaster’s class list are extraordinary abilities. They are not affected by spell resistance, and initiating one does not provoke attacks of opportunity.

    At 2nd level, and at every subsequent even level, you may exchange one of your maneuvers known for a different one. The maneuver known does not have to be the same level as the one exchanged; the only limit on their level is your initiator level. You may only exchange a single maneuver at each even level.

    Once you have learned a maneuver, you must ready it in order to use it. At 1st level, you may ready two maneuvers. At every subsequent odd level, the number of maneuvers you may ready increases by one. You ready your maneuvers by exercising or meditating for 5 minutes. The maneuvers you choose to ready remain readied until you decide to ready new maneuvers. You do not need any sleep or rest to ready new maneuvers. You begin each encounter with all of your readied maneuvers unexpended. Once you use a maneuver, it is expended, and you cannot use it again until you recover. You can recover a single expended maneuver as a full-round action; doing so does not provoke attacks of opportunity.

    At 3rd, 6th, and 9th levels, you learn a martial stance, chosen, like your maneuvers, from the Errant Blademaster class list. Unlike maneuvers, stances are not readied or expended. You can use any stance you know at any time, and can switch from one stance to another as a swift action. All stances from the Errant Blademaster class list are extraordinary abilities. Unlike maneuvers, you cannot exchange stances when you gain levels.

    Insightful Strike (Ex)
    At 1st level, your mastery of deft swordplay and tactical maneuvering allows you to add your Intelligence modifier to all damage rolls, in addition to your Strength modifier, when attacking with light weapons and any other weapons the Weapon Finesse feat applies to. Creatures immune to critical hits and sneak attacks are immune to the extra damage from the insightful strike ability. If you already have an ability that allows you to apply your Intelligence modifier to damage rolls, then you instead add 1.5 times your Intelligence modifier.

    Battle Ardor (Ex)
    At 2nd level, you may add your Intelligence modifier to all attack rolls made to confirm a critical hit.

    Brains Over Brawn (Ex)
    At 3rd level, you gain a bonus equal to your Intelligence modifier on all Strength and Dexterity checks, as well as on all Strength and Dexterity-based skill chcks. When you make a Strength or Dexterity check as part of a special attack made with a weapon, such as a check made to trip a foe, you only gain the bonus if the weapon is one which you can apply the Weapon Finesse feat to.

    Deft Feint (Ex)
    At 4th level, you gain the ability to feint in combat as a swift action. In addition, when feinting with a light weapon or any other weapon the Weapon Finesse applies to, you may add your Intelligence modifier, in addition to your Charisma modifier, to the Bluff check made to feint.

    Razor’s Edge (Ex)
    At 5th level, the critical threat range of any melee weapon to that you can apply the Weapon Finesse feat to is doubled when you wield it. This does not stack with other effects, such as the keen edge spell or the Improved Critical feat, that improve a weapon’s critical threat range.

    Inspiring Critical (Ex)
    At 6th level, you take heart as you strike your foe’s weak points. Whenever you confirm a critical hit, you may immediately recover any expended maneuver.

    Daunting Critical (Ex)
    At 7th level, you can strike fear into the hearts of your enemies with a critical hit. Whenever you confirm a critical hit, the creature you attacked must make a Will save, DC 10 + 1/2 your initiator level + your Intelligence modifier, or be frightened for 1d6 rounds.

    Errant’s Grace Stance (Ex)
    At 8th level, you gain the ability to assume a uniquely fluid stance, allowing you to move like the wind. While you are in a martial stance, you may, as a swift action, forgo its normal benefit to gain the effects of the errant’s grace stance. You can also end the errant’s grace stance and resume the normal benefit of the stance you were in as a swift action. While in the errant’s grace stance, you gain a +30 enhancement bonus to your base land speed, and a +5 enhancement bonus on all Balance, Climb, Jump, and Tumble checks. You may move unimpeded by obstacles, as the freedom of movement spell.

    Finally, while in the errant’s grace stance, you may run on walls. You can take part of one of your move actions to traverse a wall or other relatively smooth vertical surface if you begin and end your move on a horizontal surface. The height you can achieve on the wall is limited only by this movement restriction. If you do not end your move on a horizontal surface, you fall prone, taking falling damage as appropriate for your distance above the ground. Treat the wall as a normal floor for the purpose of measuring your movement. Passing from floor to wall or wall to floor costs no movement; you can change surfaces freely. Opponents on the ground can make attacks of opportunity as you move up the wall.

    Sublime Parry (Ex)
    At 9th level, you can fend off virtually any attack. As long as you are wearing light or no armor, and wielding a weapon you can apply the Weapon Finesse feat to, then you may add your Intelligence modifier to your AC. You do not gain this bonus while flatfooted or helpless.

    Final Strike (Ex)
    At 10th level, you master the final strike, the ultimate technique of the Errant Blademasters. Once per day, you may designate one attack a final strike. If that attack is successful, it deals an additional 10d6 damage. In addition, a creature damaged by a final strike must make a Fortitude save, DC 10 + 1/2 your initiator level + your Intelligence modifier, or take Strength and Constitution damage equal to your Intelligence modifier, and be stunned for 1d6 rounds. Creatures immune to critical hits and sneak attacks are also immune to the final strike ability.
    Last edited by The Demented One; 2007-08-03 at 06:02 PM.
    I no longer actively read the forums, and probably won't respond to any PMs. I'm fine with people using my homebrew in anything, including fan-compilations and wikis, as long as you credit me.

    Homebrew by The Demented One.

  2. - Top - End - #2
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: Errant Blademaster [PrC]


    1st level
    Charging Minotaur: Strike–Charging bull rush deals damage, ignores attacks of opportunity. (Stone Dragon)
    Counter Charge: Counter–Ruin charge attack, force charging foe to move away from you. (Setting Sun)
    Douse the Flames: Strike–Target cannot make attacks of opportunity for 1 round. (White Raven)
    Moment of Perfect Mind: Counter–Use Concentration check in place of Will save. (Diamond Mind)
    Sapphire Nightmare Blade: Strike–Opponent flatfooted, +1d6 damage with Concentration check. (Diamond Mind)
    Steel Wind: Strike–Attack two opponents. (Iron Heart)
    Sudden Leap: Boost–Jump as a swift action. (Tiger Claw)
    Wind Stride: Boost–+10 ft. bonus to speed. (Desert Wind)
    Wolf Fang Strike: Strike–Attack with two weapons. (Tiger Claw)

    2nd level
    Action Before Thought: Counter–Use Concentration check in place of Reflex save. (Diamond Mind)
    Baffling Defense: Use Sense Motive check to dodge attack. (Setting Sun)
    Battle Leader’s Charge: No attacks of opportunity while charging, deal +10 damage. (White Raven)
    Claw at the Moon: Strike–Make Jump check, deal +2d6 damage. (Tiger Claw)
    Clever Positioning: Strike–Swap positions with target of attack. (Setting Sun)
    Disarming Strike: Strike–With successful attack, attempt to disarm foe. (Iron Heart)
    Emerald Razor: Strike–Turn melee attack into touch attack. (Diamond Mind)
    Flashing Sun: Strike–Gain extra attack. (Desert Wind)
    Wall of Blades: Counter–Replace AC with attack roll result. (Iron Heart)

    3rd level
    Defensive Rebuke: Boost–Foes you strike must attack you or provoke attack of opportunity. (Devoted Spirit)
    Exorcism of Steel: Strike–Strike opponent’s weapon, it deals -4 damage. (Iron Heart)
    Feigned Opening: Counter–As an immediate action, provoke an attack, then counter. (Setting Sun)
    Insightful Strike: Strike–Use Concentration check to determine damage. (Diamond Mind)
    Mind Over Body: Counter–Use Concentration check in place of Fortitude save. (Diamond Mind)
    Soaring Raptor Strike: Strike–Attack large foe from above with +4 bonus, deal +6d6 damage. (Tiger Claw)
    Zephyr Dance: Counter–+4 AC against single attack. (Desert Wind)

    4th level
    Bounding Assault: Strike–Double move and attack. (Diamond Mind)
    Covering Strike: Boost–Every opponent you strike cannot make attacks of opportunity for three rounds. (White Raven)
    Death from Above: Strike–Leap into the air, attack foe from above, deal +4d6 damage. (Tiger Claw)
    Fountain of Blood: Boost–Defeat foe, cause fear in enemies. (Tiger Claw)
    Lightning Recovery: Reroll an attack that misses with a +2 bonus. (Iron Heart)
    Mithral Tornado: Strike–Make attacks against adjacent foe, +2 on each attack. (Iron Heart)
    Ruby Nightmare Blade: Strike–Attack deals double damage with successful Concentration check. (Diamond Mind)
    Strike of the Broken Shield: Strike–Attack deals +4d6 damage, makes target flatfooted. (Setting Sun)

    5th level
    Dancing Mongoose: Boost–Make one extra attack with each weapon (max of two extra attacks). (Tiger Claw)
    Daunting Strike: Strike–Target of attack becomes shaken. (Devoted Spirit)
    Dazing Strike: Strike–Melee attack dazes opponent. (Iron Heart)
    Disrupting Blow: Strike–Successful attack causes foe to be unable to act for 1 round. (Diamond Mind)
    Mirrored Pursuit: Counter–You match opponent’s movement. (Setting Sun)
    Pouncing Charge: Strike–When you charge, make multiple attacks. (Tiger Claw)
    Rapid Counter: Counter–Strike foe who provokes attack from you. (Diamond Mind)
    Stalking Shadow: Counter–Move into your foe’s space as he tries to move away from you. (Setting Sun)

    6th level
    Desert Tempest: Strike–Attack foes as you move by them. (Desert Wind)
    Ghost Blade: Strike–Target becomes flatfooted. (Shadow Hand)
    Greater Insightful Strike: Strike–Use double Concentration check to determine damage. (Diamond Mind)
    Manticore Parry: Counter–Deflect attack and redirect it against opponent. (Iron Heart)
    Moment of Alacricity: Boost–Gain +20 bonus on initiative during battle. (Diamond Mind)
    Stalker in the Night: Strike–Move and attack while remaining hidden. (Shadow Hand)
    War Leader’s Charge: No attacks of opportunity while charging, deal +35 damage. (White Raven)
    Wolf Climbs the Mountain: Strike–Enter larger foe’s space, deal +5d6 damage, gain cover from foe.

    7th level
    Avalanche of Blades: Strike–With each attack that hits, make another attack with increasing penalty. (Diamond Mind)
    Death in the Dark: Deal +15d6 damage to surprised target. (Shadow Hand)
    Finishing Move: Strike–Gain extra damage against weakened foe. (Iron Heart)
    Hydra Slaying Strike: Strike–Foe is unable to use full attack action. (Setting Sun)
    Quicksilver Motion: Boost–Use swift action to complete move action. (Diamond Mind)
    Scything Blade: Boost–Strike one foe, free to attack another one.
    Swooping Dragon Strike: Jump over foe, deal +10d6 damage, stun. (Tiger Claw)

    8th level
    Adamantine Hurricane: Strike–Two attacks against each adjacent foe, +4 bonus on each attack. (Iron Heart)
    Diamond Defense: Counter–Gain save bonus equal to level. (Diamond Mind)
    Diamond Nightmare Blade: Strike–Attack deals quadruple damage with successful Concentration check. (Diamond Mind)
    Fool’s Strike: Counter–Reflect foe’s attack. (Setting Sun)
    Raging Mongoose: Boost–Make two extra attacks with each weapon (max of four extra attacks). (Tiger Claw)
    White Raven Hammer: Strike–Deal +6d6 damage, stun opponent. (White Raven)

    9th level
    Feral Death Blow: Strike–Leap upon foe, slay him with a single strike. (Tiger Claw)
    Strike of Perfect Clarity: Strike–Deal +100 damage on a single attack. (Iron Heart)
    Time Stands Still: Strike–Take full attack action two times. (Diamond Mind)


    1st level
    Blood in the Water: Gain +1 bonus on attack and damage for each critical hit. (Tiger Claw)
    Island of Blades: You and allies flank all adjacent foes. (Shadow Heart)
    Stance of Clarity: Gain +2 AC against one foe, -2 AC against others. (Diamond Mind)
    Step of the Wind: Ignore difficult terrain, gain bonuses against foes in such terrain. (Setting Sun)
    Surefoot Stance: +2 bonus on Strength checks, +2 bonus to AC against larger foes.

    3rd level
    Absolute Steel Stance: +10 ft. bonus to speed, +2 AC with movement. (Iron Heart)
    Assassin’s Stance: Gain sneak attack +2d6. (Shadow Hand)
    Giant Killing Style: +2 bonus on attacks and +4 bonus on damage against larger foes. (Setting Sun)
    Leaping Dragon Stance: +10 on Jump checks, always considered running for jumps. (Tiger Claw)
    Pearl of Black Doubt: Gain +2 AC each time foe misses you. (Diamond Mind)
    Thicket of Blades: 5-ft. steps provoke attacks from you. (Devoted Spirit)

    5th level
    Dancing Blade Form: +5 ft. reach during your turn (Iron Heart)
    Hearing the Air: Gain blindsense 30 ft., +5 bonus on Listen checks. (Diamond Mind)
    Press the Advantage: Move +5 ft. with 5-ft. step, move into difficult terrain. (White Raven)
    Shifting Defense: 5-ft. step with each attack that misses you. (Setting Sun)

    8th level
    Ghostly Defense: Enemies hit target of your choice while you have concealment. (Setting Sun)
    Stance of Alacrity: Gain extra counter each round. (Diamond Mind)
    Supreme Blade Parry: Gain DR 5/–. (Iron Heart)
    Wolf Pack Tactics: Free 5-ft. step with each successful attack. (White Raven)
    Last edited by The Demented One; 2009-01-02 at 07:52 PM.
    I no longer actively read the forums, and probably won't respond to any PMs. I'm fine with people using my homebrew in anything, including fan-compilations and wikis, as long as you credit me.

    Homebrew by The Demented One.

  3. - Top - End - #3
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: Errant Blademaster [PrC]


    I have an NPC who was built for this before you built it!

    In addition, it's quite good.
    *Evil grin* "Snip snip."
    Kayru, City of Ancients (OOC)


    Quote Originally Posted by Arbitrarity View Post
    The wizard sleeps the fighter, and/or greases him for sneak attack, and/or uses color spray. And/or makes him too weak to use his armour. And does the laundry.

    Avatar by Starwoof! Thank you kind sir!

  4. - Top - End - #4
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: Errant Blademaster [PrC]

    Quote Originally Posted by The Demented One View Post

    At first level, you learn three martial maneuvers. Errant Blademasters do not learn their maneuvers from specific disciplines–rather, they have a class list of maneuvers from all disciplines that they must choose them from. You learn one additional maneuver at each subsequent level. At 1st level, you can only learn maneuvers of 1st level, but at subsequent levels, you use your initiator level to determine the highest level of maneuver you can learn and use, as normal. Because of the eclectic nature of their martial tradition, a Errant Blademaster does not need to meet the prerequisites of a maneuver in order to learn it. All of the maneuvers on the Errant Blademaster’s class list are extraordinary abilities. They are not affected by spell resistance, and initiating one does not provoke attacks of opportunity.

    At 2nd level, and at every subsequent even level, you may exchange one of your maneuvers known for a different one. The maneuver known does not have to be the same level as the one exchanged; the only limit on their level is your initiator level. You may only exchange a single maneuver at each even level.

    Once you have learned a maneuver, you must ready it in order to use it. At 1st level, you may ready two maneuvers. At every subsequent odd level, the number of maneuvers you may ready increases by one. You ready your maneuvers by exercising or meditating for 5 minutes. The maneuvers you choose to ready remain readied until you decide to ready new maneuvers. You do not need any sleep or rest to ready new maneuvers. You begin each encounter with all of your readied maneuvers unexpended. Once you use a maneuver, it is expended, and you cannot use it again until you recover. You can recover a single expended maneuver as a full-round action; doing so does not provoke attacks of opportunity.

    At 3rd, 6th, and 9th levels, you learn a martial stance, chosen, like your maneuvers, from the Errant Blademaster class list. Unlike maneuvers, stances are not readied or expended. You can use any stance you know at any time, and can switch from one stance to another as a swift action. All stances from the Errant Blademaster class list are extraordinary abilities. Unlike maneuvers, you cannot exchange stances when you gain levels.
    I don't really know much about martial adept classes, but this sounds both unique and balanced (two things a PrC should strive to be).

    Insightful Strike (Ex)
    At 1st level, your mastery of deft swordplay and tactical maneuvering allows you to add your Intelligence modifier to all damage rolls, in addition to your Strength modifier, when attacking with light weapons and any other weapons the Weapon Finesse feat applies to. Creatures immune to critical hits and sneak attacks are immune to the extra damage from the insightful strike ability. If you already have an ability that allows you to apply your Intelligence modifier to damage rolls, then you instead add 1.5 times your Intelligence modifier.

    Battle Ardor (Ex)
    At 2nd level, you may add your Intelligence modifier to all attack rolls made to confirm a critical hit.

    Brains Over Brawn (Ex)
    At 3rd level, you gain a bonus equal to your Intelligence modifier on all Strength and Dexterity checks, as well as on all Strength and Dexterity-based skill chcks.
    I don't know if it seems overpowered, but it seems like this (along with the later ability to use Int to AC) could be abused pretty seriously. I mean, if you build a character at, say, 16th level, you can just ignore every ability score besides Int (and Con, of course). Maybe it's not as bad as I think it could be, but there's a huge reliance on just one ability score here.

    Deft Feint (Ex)
    At 4th level, you gain the ability to feint in combat as a swift action. In addition, when feinting with a light weapon or any other weapon the Weapon Finesse applies to, you may add your Intelligence modifier, in addition to your Charisma modifier, to the Bluff check made to feint.
    This basically gives an ability that's much better than Improved Feint, without even having that feat as a prerequisite. The feat allows feinting as a move action (meaning one attack each round you feint), whereas here you can feint every round and your opponent is flat-footed against your entire full attack. And if you've pumped Int more than anything (see the about comment), then nothing is gonna fail the modified Sense Motive check. I'd suggest that, if you want to keep the ability the same, make Improved Feint a feat prerequisite.

    Daunting Critical (Ex)
    At 6th level, you can strike fear into the hearts of your enemies with a critical hit. Whenever you confirm a critical hit, the creature you attacked must make a Will save, DC 10 + your class level + your Intelligence modifier, or be frightened for 1d10 rounds and shaken for 1d10 minutes thereafter.
    I like this and think I've seen it before, but I'm not sure about the durations (they seem way too long to me). Especially since fear effects stack, and getting two crits (very possible, considering the PrC basically gives the equivalent of both Improved Critical and Power Critical) would mean an opponent that's panicked and runs away in a random direction for 1d10 rounds, and then runs away in a direction it chooses for 1d10 minutes (unless my interpretation of the fear rules is wrong).

    Errant’s Grace Stance (Ex)
    At 7th level, you gain the ability to assume a uniquely fluid stance, allowing you to move like the wind. While you are in a martial stance, you may, as a swift action, forgo its normal benefit to gain the effects of the errant’s grace stance. You can also end the errant’s grace stance and resume the normal benefit of the stance you were in as a swift action. While in the errant’s grace stance, you gain a +30 enhancement bonus to your base land speed, and a +5 enhancement bonus on all Balance, Climb, Jump, and Tumble checks. You may move unimpeded by obstacles, as the freedom of movement spell.

    Finally, while in the errant’s grace stance, you may run on walls. You can take part of one of your move actions to traverse a wall or other relatively smooth vertical surface if you begin and end your move on a horizontal surface. The height you can achieve on the wall is limited only by this movement restriction. If you do not end your move on a horizontal surface, you fall prone, taking falling damage as appropriate for your distance above the ground. Treat the wall as a normal floor for the purpose of measuring your movement. Passing from floor to wall or wall to floor costs no movement; you can change surfaces freely. Opponents on the ground can make attacks of opportunity as you move up the wall.
    This seems fine, but I'm not sure about the continuous freedom of movement effect while you're in the stance. Again, I don't know about stances and maneuvers, but I assume you can stay in one stance all day. I looked at the others, and this one just seems really good (bonus to speed, several skills checks including tumble, freedom of movement, and run up walls).

    Sublime Parry (Ex)
    At 8th level, you can fend off virtually any attack. As long as you are wearing light or no armor, and wielding a weapon you can apply the Weapon Finesse feat to, then you may add your Intelligence modifier to your AC. You do not gain this bonus while flatfooted or helpless.
    Again, this just seems like a lot of reliance on Intelligence.

    Razor’s Edge (Ex)
    At 9th level, the critical threat range of any melee weapon to that you can apply the Weapon Finesse feat to is doubled when you wield it. This does not stack with other effects, such as the keen edge spell or the Improved Critical feat, that improve a weapon’s critical threat range.
    Actually, this one seems a little late in the game to be useful. If you're using a rapier (which I'll assume many will use, since it's a one-handed weapon that can be finessed and has a really good crit range), you're waiting until at least 15th level to get the keen effect. I mean, it'll save you a +1 enhancement or a scabbard of keen edges, but it just seems like waiting so long (or getting a useless, unstacking ability if you've already got one of the other methods) is a little underpowered.

    Final Strike (Ex)
    At 10th level, you master the final strike, the ultimate technique of the Errant Blademasters. Once per day, you may designate one attack a final strike. If that attack is successful, it deals an additional 10d6 damage. In addition, a creature damaged by a final strike must make a Fortitude save, DC 20 + your Intelligence modifier, or take Strength and Constitution damage equal to your Intelligence modifier, and be stunned for 1d6 rounds. Creatures immune to critical hits and sneak attacks are also immune to the final strike ability.
    The DC sounds a little high considering you're basically gonna be pumping your Int the whole time, so much so that most everything is gonna have a hard time beating the DC. For instance, a horned devil has a Fort +16. Assuming a 24 Int (base 16, since it's one of your most important, +4 levels, +4 headband, which is at the low end of the spectrum, really), that's a DC 27. The devil needs an 11 or higher, meaning about a 50% chance that he'll take weapon damage + 10d6 + Int modifier (or Int x1.5) + Str modifier + weapon enhancements + whatever your stances or maneuvers give, gets a -9 to AC and can't take any actions for up to 6 rounds. However, this fits with the standard formula (DC = 10 + class level + ability modifier), and it's limited to once per day, so I guess that balances it out.

    Also, you should specify whether or not a miss counts as your use of the ability for the day.

  5. - Top - End - #5
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: Errant Blademaster [PrC]

    I don't know if it seems overpowered, but it seems like this (along with the later ability to use Int to AC) could be abused pretty seriously. I mean, if you build a character at, say, 16th level, you can just ignore every ability score besides Int (and Con, of course). Maybe it's not as bad as I think it could be, but there's a huge reliance on just one ability score here.
    Well, you still need Constitution for your HP, and Dexterity for attack rolls. I don't think it's too bad.

    This basically gives an ability that's much better than Improved Feint, without even having that feat as a prerequisite. The feat allows feinting as a move action (meaning one attack each round you feint), whereas here you can feint every round and your opponent is flat-footed against your entire full attack. And if you've pumped Int more than anything (see the about comment), then nothing is gonna fail the modified Sense Motive check. I'd suggest that, if you want to keep the ability the same, make Improved Feint a feat prerequisite.
    Yeah, I guess Improved Feint as a prereq makes sense.

    I like this and think I've seen it before, but I'm not sure about the durations (they seem way too long to me). Especially since fear effects stack, and getting two crits (very possible, considering the PrC basically gives the equivalent of both Improved Critical and Power Critical) would mean an opponent that's panicked and runs away in a random direction for 1d10 rounds, and then runs away in a direction it chooses for 1d10 minutes (unless my interpretation of the fear rules is wrong).
    Good point on the stacking...I think I may tone it down a bit.

    This seems fine, but I'm not sure about the continuous freedom of movement effect while you're in the stance. Again, I don't know about stances and maneuvers, but I assume you can stay in one stance all day. I looked at the others, and this one just seems really good (bonus to speed, several skills checks including tumble, freedom of movement, and run up walls).
    Point taken, but I don't think it's too much, compared to the stances that would be available to another martial adept of around the same level.

    Actually, this one seems a little late in the game to be useful. If you're using a rapier (which I'll assume many will use, since it's a one-handed weapon that can be finessed and has a really good crit range), you're waiting until at least 15th level to get the keen effect. I mean, it'll save you a +1 enhancement or a scabbard of keen edges, but it just seems like waiting so long (or getting a useless, unstacking ability if you've already got one of the other methods) is a little underpowered.
    Hmm...I may knock this down a few levels.

    The DC sounds a little high considering you're basically gonna be pumping your Int the whole time, so much so that most everything is gonna have a hard time beating the DC. For instance, a horned devil has a Fort +16. Assuming a 24 Int (base 16, since it's one of your most important, +4 levels, +4 headband, which is at the low end of the spectrum, really), that's a DC 27. The devil needs an 11 or higher, meaning about a 50% chance that he'll take weapon damage + 10d6 + Int modifier (or Int x1.5) + Str modifier + weapon enhancements + whatever your stances or maneuvers give, gets a -9 to AC and can't take any actions for up to 6 rounds. However, this fits with the standard formula (DC = 10 + class level + ability modifier), and it's limited to once per day, so I guess that balances it out.
    I might change the DC to work off of half his initiator level.
    Last edited by The Demented One; 2007-08-03 at 10:38 AM.
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    Default Re: Errant Blademaster [PrC]

    Just a quick sample build:

    Gray Elf Swashbuckler 3/Fighter 4/Errant Swordsman 4/Duelist 1/Monk 1/Champion of Corellon Larethian 2/Errant Swordsman +5

    End result: INT to HP, Damage (x2), AC(x3), and Dex(Damage/Attack).

    [1st]Faerie Mysteries Initiate
    [Bonus]Weapon Finesse
    [3rd]Improved Feint
    [Bonus]Mounted Combat
    [Bonus]Weapon Focus(Longsword)
    [Bonus]Combat Expertise
    [12th]Kung-Fu Genius(Cardamine Monk)
    [Bonus]Stunning Fist
    [15th] (Free)
    [18th] (Free)

    Unfortunately, the character picks up an XP penalty at 12th level. But at that level he could easily have 28 INT, assuming a Base 18.. +2 Racial, +4 Headband, and +4 Levels. Which he gets that INT bonus to AC a grand total of 3 times by level 19. He also gets INT bonus to damage twice ontop of DEX bonus to damage/attack instead of STR. Further, Faerie Mysteries Initiate removes the need for CON by using INT bonus instead.

    Further, by using Gray Elf and removing the need for STR or CON, you effectively remove it's only weaknesses.

    Personally, I like this class.
    Last edited by ZeroNumerous; 2007-08-03 at 11:34 AM.

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    I'm not familiar with the Fairie Mysteries Initiative, although I'd guess that's what you're using to get Int to hp. It's a neat build, although I'm personally not too fond of that degree of multiclassing.
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    Default Re: Errant Blademaster [PrC]

    Quote Originally Posted by The Demented One View Post
    It's a neat build, although I'm personally not too fond of that degree of multiclassing.
    Thats why it's a build and not a character.

    And yes, Faerie Mysteries Initiate removes your CON bonus to HP and replaces it with your INT bonus.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ZeroNumerous View Post
    Thats why it's a build and not a character.

    And yes, Faerie Mysteries Initiate removes your CON bonus to HP and replaces it with your INT bonus.
    Neat-o. What's it from?
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Demented One View Post
    Neat-o. What's it from?
    Dragon Mag. It's a Greyhawk specific feat.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ZeroNumerous View Post
    Dragon Mag. It's a Greyhawk specific feat.
    Ah. I'm guessing there's some limitation that keeps every Wizard ever from taking it?
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    Brain over Brawn is insane, and shouldn't exist. Just my opinion, but I'd like you to consider the ability to trip people with this. Tripping, after the initial touch attack, is a Strength Check. That's pretty much an intsa-trip against most enemies; throw in improved trip, a trip-friendly reach weapon (spiked chain), and you can get the strength check for that to well over +20. Then you get a free attack, and the like. This is just one example of abuse, one I'm using in a game right now.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Deesix View Post
    Brain over Brawn is insane, and shouldn't exist. Just my opinion, but I'd like you to consider the ability to trip people with this. Tripping, after the initial touch attack, is a Strength Check. That's pretty much an intsa-trip against most enemies; throw in improved trip, a trip-friendly reach weapon (spiked chain), and you can get the strength check for that to well over +20. Then you get a free attack, and the like. This is just one example of abuse, one I'm using in a game right now.
    It's actually borrowed from the Factotum base class, which gets it at 3rd level. Bring your balance complaints up with that. Plus, the spiked chain, not Brains over Brawn, is the cheesy bit there.
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Demented One View Post
    Plus, the spiked chain, not Brains over Brawn, is the cheesy bit there.
    Ranseur works fine too. Better yet, pick up a level of Psy Warrior, get Expansion, and walk around with a Small Ranseur to use as a light weapon. When you Expand, it becomes Medium and you become Large. It remains a light weapon, but gains some damage-dice.

    Quote Originally Posted by The Demented One View Post
    Ah. I'm guessing there's some limitation that keeps every Wizard ever from taking it?
    Greyhawk specific + Dragon Magazine.
    Last edited by ZeroNumerous; 2007-08-03 at 03:14 PM.

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    Class looks really good...good job.

    Brains Over Brawn (Ex)
    At 3rd level, you gain a bonus equal to your Intelligence modifier on all Strength and Dexterity checks, as well as on all Strength and Dexterity-based skill chcks.
    Checks not chks

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    Quote Originally Posted by The Demented One View Post
    It's actually borrowed from the Factotum base class, which gets it at 3rd level. Bring your balance complaints up with that. Plus, the spiked chain, not Brains over Brawn, is the cheesy bit there.
    I know it's from Factotum. I made a character using this, and even though the spiked chain makes it harsher, it can be done with any weapon that can trip. It's an absolutely crazy ability. At lower levels, it's awesome (+4 to all skills that use dex or str? Spiffy! And then also the +4 to Trip and other such thing). At higher levels, when you can get +10 or more Intelligence, it just gets more and more absurd.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Deesix View Post
    I know it's from Factotum. I made a character using this, and even though the spiked chain makes it harsher, it can be done with any weapon that can trip. It's an absolutely crazy ability. At lower levels, it's awesome (+4 to all skills that use dex or str? Spiffy! And then also the +4 to Trip and other such thing). At higher levels, when you can get +10 or more Intelligence, it just gets more and more absurd.
    Hmm...making it work only for finessable weapons would take care of most things, but there would still be the issue of that damnable chain...
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZeroNumerous View Post
    Ranseur works fine too. Better yet, pick up a level of Psy Warrior, get Expansion, and walk around with a Small Ranseur to use as a light weapon. When you Expand, it becomes Medium and you become Large. It remains a light weapon, but gains some damage-dice.
    Ooh, look at that. I can finesse it because it's a light weapon.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ZeroNumerous View Post
    Ooh, look at that. I can finesse it because it's a light weapon.
    At this point, they're using enough outside stuff that it doesn't make me fear for the class's balance.
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Demented One View Post
    At this point, they're using enough outside stuff that it doesn't make me fear for the class's balance.
    A one level dip in a class? Thats an odd moment to stop caring.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ZeroNumerous View Post
    A one level dip in a class? Thats an odd moment to stop caring.
    One level dip, tenuous rules on undersized reach weapons, etc.
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    Default Re: Errant Blademaster [PrC]

    You have to use a proper sized reach weapon, as the Q&A recently answered here.

    Furthermore, this class is unable to get IL > 15, unless you start taking another martial PRC.

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    Quote Originally Posted by The Demented One View Post
    One level dip, tenuous rules on undersized reach weapons, etc.
    It's not an undersized reach weapon after Expansion. Either way, it's your choice. I am, however, gonna run this class by the DM of the next game I play in..

    Also: You may wanna clarify that you cannot take levels of a Martial Adept class after progressing in this class. Otherwise, people just take it from 7-17 and then go into their favorite Martial Adept for 3 levels.

    EDIT: Arbituary: Who cares? The PC himself is Large, thus has a 10 foot reach. The reach weapon part is irrelevant, all that matters is that a Ranseur can be used for tripping.
    Last edited by ZeroNumerous; 2007-08-03 at 09:00 PM.

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    It's undersized for your size, making it illegal, as
    A typical Large character wielding a reach weapon of the appropriate size can attack a creature 15 or 20 feet away, but not adjacent creatures or creatures up to 10 feet away.
    Seriously. To have cheesy reach weapons, pull out a 3.5 Kusari-Gama, from your DMG.

    EDIT: True. Expansion is a good thing.

    I see what you mean now (doh!). Of course, unarmed strikes are finessable.
    Last edited by Arbitrarity; 2007-08-03 at 09:03 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Arbitrarity View Post
    I see what you mean now (doh!). Of course, unarmed strikes are finessable.
    None of what you just said addressed the underlying issue. Sure, it's not an appropriately sized reach weapon. But the character has an innate ten foot reach regardless of weapon choice.

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    Default Re: Errant Blademaster [PrC]

    You probably want to specify a type of armor bonus that Sublime Parry grants. Insight perhaps?

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